Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Bite 1: Stan Efferding - Shakes are for Fakes

Episode Date: September 14, 2019

Power Bites are highlights from full Power Project Podcast episodes Today's Power Bite takes back to EP. 38 where one of the most influential and knowledgeable minds in the fitness industry, Stan Effe...rding, called all of us out in saying, "shakes are for fakes, just eat stakes"! Listen to the full episode here: Subscribe to the Podcast on all platforms: ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 15% off your order! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I know like, you know, when you were doing like bodybuilding stuff, do you ever have a problem with peanut butter? Oh yeah. Yeah, I binged on a whole tub of peanut butter. It was pretty bad. I cried a little bit. I'm having some problems over here too. With some of the stuff that Perfect Keto is sending me,
Starting point is 00:00:14 the nut butter that they have is unbelievable. It's basically just macadamia nuts, cashews, and MCT oil with some salt in there. All squashed up, all crushed up in a jar. And you can't stop eating it. You got to be careful with that kind of stuff, man. Like you really, really like, it's calorically dense, you know? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:31 I can't have more than one of those at home. I'll go through all of them. Yeah. You got to be careful. They made a good product though. And you know, it's really nice to have like some sort of treat. You know, it's nice to, it's great to be on a diet. It's great to have that discipline, but a ketogenic diet sometimes can really be tough. And then to try to find any sort of snacks
Starting point is 00:00:50 on a ketogenic diet, you really don't have a lot of options. And so this nut butter gives you a great option. I think everybody should try it. Andrew, where can people find out more about it? Yes. All you guys got to do is head over to slash power project and use code power project and get 15% off all keto products, including these amazing nut butters. You want to know something, Nsema? Yeah, what's up? You want to know what I hate? What do you hate? I hate going to the grocery store. Well, why? I don't like shopping for one. And number two, there's way too much temptation in there. Okay. So then like, how are you supposed to get your groceries? What do you do?
Starting point is 00:01:26 Well, for me, I use Piedmontese beef and there's nothing better than coming home and just seeing all that meat sitting there right at my door, right at my front door. And then I don't have to worry about trying to go to like some fancy butcher and try to find high quality meat. I mean, it's not easy. You know, for me, I live in Davis and I'd have to drive about 30 minutes to Sacramento just to go see a valuable butcher that has good quality meat. That's pretty awesome that it's just literally right there. And it takes time to get good meat, so you don't know how long it's been there. It's pretty awesome. Yeah, these are high-quality meats that are tender and lean.
Starting point is 00:02:00 They taste good. And Piedmontese also gives you a cooking reference guide, which I think is really important because a lot of us just aren't that good at cooking, let's face it. Yeah, I suck. Well, if you don't want temptations, if you don't want to be swayed by the Snickers bar on your way out to the grocery store, then check out Piedmontese Beef. They'll deliver it right to your door.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Andrew, where can they find out more about Piedmontese Beef? All right, guys, you can go ahead and just avoid the lame butcher because by the time you get there, he's all upset that you're making him do his job. Just head straight to That's Enter the promo code POWERPROJECT. That'll give you 25% off your order along with free two-day shipping on all orders of $99 and above. I can't even claim to be in the ballpark of understanding that stuff we're many many years or decades away from from having any usable information some people are having some
Starting point is 00:02:54 benefit but it's in you know the problem with that kind of thing is um you know with a lot of things that are going wrong uh you know even know, even in terms of, um, like injuries and stuff like that is a spontaneous recovery that sometimes people just get better because they just got better and whatever they were taking or doing at the time becomes, uh, the reason for it. And so it's really hard to look at testimonials from individuals or a group of individuals. You have to have some decent studies, some, you know, placebo controlled double blind studies to be able to see, uh, if there's any real usable benefit out of it. I've just noticed that, that when I probably more so than anything is when I eliminate the things that aggravate my, my stomach, then I digest food
Starting point is 00:03:40 better. And so whether I'm on the chicken stock bandwagon or not, I'm eliminating wheat, spaghetti, pasta, you know, breads, vegetable oils. Rob Wolf preaches that, too, and that's kind of how he came along with the paleo solution. It was just he just started eliminating food until he kind of almost stopped eating just about everything, and he started reintroducing stuff back in. And he was very sick, too. That's important to note. Yeah. I think people are like, oh, the the paleo diet you don't need any carbs or you it's like you got to keep in mind he had an autoimmune disorder and he was very sick and a lot of people that contact me want to know if it's going to help with with uh gird or uh you know any any leaky gut or any of these other digestive issues and you know again i'm not prescribing
Starting point is 00:04:22 to to fix these things but i know that it worked for me. I know that certain things aggravate these problems. So I am cautious about over-restriction, like we kind of talked about earlier, things like the FODMAP diet or the GAPS diet. They're criticized because of too much restriction, in which case you might become micronutrient deficient. So I'm trying to find a good middle ground here is what I'm trying to do. You mentioned you don't think there's much going on with supplements. I haven't seen a lot. Here's the problem. You take something like arginine, you know, to sort of vasodilation. Well, salt does the same thing. You take something like creatine for intracellular water retention. Salt does the same thing. So they become less effective.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And I've said this before, is that if you have a deficiency and you remedy it, you get a significant result. Well, whether you remedy that deficiency with a supplement or you remedy it with food, you're going to get the same result. And I just choose not to jump on the supplement. That's what Sean Baker said when he was on the podcast. Why are you asking me? Every time I answer a question, he's like, you know, so-and-so already said that. I'm like, there you have it. Oh, I'm just saying people are agreeing with you. Yeah, Dr. Sean Baker.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I'm agreeing with them. I didn't invent any of this stuff. I told you this is things that Flex told me 10 years ago, Lee Haney told him 20 years prior. And it goes back far beyond that. I didn't invent any of this stuff. I'm not a guru. I'm not the smartest guy on the block. I've just tried to boil it all down into a, you know, a recognizable form. And sometimes,
Starting point is 00:05:49 you know, at least in this country, when I was in Kuwait last week, you know, if you're a PhD, people will listen to you. You know, if you're a meat neck bodybuilder, probably not. But here in this country, being a meat neck bodybuilder has its advantages. People tend to listen to you. If you're the most jacked guy in the room, they'll listen to you. No matter how stupid you are, it doesn't matter. I want to do what that guy's doing, you know? So, uh, you know, just to make sure with full disclosure that I've tried not to make it bro science and I certainly didn't invent any of it and, you know, I didn't, uh, but it's a, it's a really, really effective, easy to follow, sustainable plan that, that I've been fortunate to have so many people, uh, you know, grab hold of and also realize the same results that I did in my
Starting point is 00:06:32 athletes have over the last few years. You don't really supplement with, uh, any sort of vitamins. The only, the only thing you mentioned was a vitamin D3, which you feel is a hormone, uh, and vitamin, vitamin K and all these other things you get pretty much through food. Yeah, I think the K you can get from the yolks is pretty good. There's a few other sources, not off the top of my head right now, but spinach has K1, which is very different. It doesn't convert to K2 very efficiently, but it has benefits of its own in terms of, I think it's coagulation, blood clotting. So I can't remember it all. Whey protein probably doesn't matter a lot.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Protein is protein. I just said if you get protein from chicken or you get protein from beef or you get protein from whey protein, that satisfies your macronutrient requirement. I'm focused on the micronutrient requirement. Whey protein doesn't provide me the iron or the B12 or the zinc that I need. And I'd just as soon eat my food because I think that when you drink a whey protein, how does that affect your digestive enzymes? Does your HCL increase?
Starting point is 00:07:30 Does the pH decrease? That doesn't do that. When you eat meat, it does. And so I think you improve absorption as a result of those nutrients that are in there. We're kind of designed to do that. And I've said before in one of my rants is that, you know, they're convenient and they taste good. And in so much as that's the case, and you have some extra cash, supplement here and there.
Starting point is 00:07:48 But I can't disclose the athlete, and many of them are this way, and sponsored by supplement companies. But when I get hold of an athlete, I tell them shakes are for fakes. Eat steaks. And when they do, their performance improves every single time. And their gut health, because I don't know how I can't take in a whey protein. I don't even care if it's a whey isolate. I can't take in a whey protein powder. It irritates my stomach.
Starting point is 00:08:15 And I guess some people somewhere along the way decided the more gas they had, the more effective it was. And I don't know when or where that happened. I mean, this goes back for me 30 years. Well, we know that from going to the Arnold Classic. Oh, my God. It's horrific. And, you know, it goes back a long time for me. Decades ago, 30 years ago, I was distributing supplements and I was selling an egg white powder.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And the wives of the people that I was selling it to would tell me to quit selling it to them because they would clear out the house. Yeah. So, I mean, that stuff, I just can't believe that if your body responds to something that way, that you would keep eating it. Yeah. So, I mean, that stuff, I just, I just can't believe that if your body responds to something that way, that you would keep eating it, you know, unless it's kind of fun, you know? So yeah, I think you just probably were thinking, oh, this is, uh, this is what I should be doing. This is how it should be convenient. It tastes good. Uh, beyond that, I take it out of diets. I take coffee out. I take protein powders out and people respond. What are some other things people should be looking out for in terms of things they should probably take out of their diet? Well, I mentioned most of the
Starting point is 00:09:11 anti-nutrient things, the phytic acid and the lectins and beans, the enzyme inhibitors, oxalates, all those things kind of go into this general anti-nutrient kind of pile. I've talked about garlic being difficult to digest for a lot of people. And then too much of something, dose dependency, too many eggs. Eggs are high allergen. Things like peanuts and too many peanuts. I'm not a big fan of peanut butter. I just don't think it's a good protein source or a good fat source necessarily.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I'd rather eat steak than have peanut butter. It's just so much more beneficial. I'd rather eat steak than than have peanut butter it's just so much more beneficial right i'd rather squat than leg extension i've said before there's just a good better best scenario and i'm trying to to have people select you know optimally um so i pull all those things out obviously i said vegetable oils um those are the main things that i pull out of diets you don't cook with like olive oil or or anything like that? You cook with beef tallow you mentioned? Yeah, I cook with beef tallow. You know, there's some benefits to getting some omega-3s in,
Starting point is 00:10:09 but there's also greater benefit from reducing omega-6s because you can't really take in more than 2 grams of omega-3s a day because that's dose-dependent as well. You take in too much, you start to have adverse effects as well. What's going on with your cooler? Cooler's still going well. The big thing is that the cooler sport is finally getting ready to be manufactured. That's a half-gallon version.
Starting point is 00:10:31 That's a smaller version, right? It's about half the size. It has a side handle that's rubber. It's a beautiful-looking product, but it also has a removable shaker bottle. But it's about half the size. It holds half a gallon. A little more convenient for people to carry around. So I'm excited that's coming about.
Starting point is 00:10:48 We've also been developing an app that should be out shortly. We've used some very good programmers from Silicon Valley who've worked on some very big app programs. Cool. I guess you know the Fitbit was originally created, as my understanding, in Japan by a guy who was just trying to track his own fitness. Right. And then it was Under Arm to track his own fitness. Right. And then Under Armour bought it for $400 million. That's a pretty good turn, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Well, then I think Fitbit recently purchased an app that's a compliance software. It's an app that helps you stay on target. And it's used mostly for doctors. And I don't remember the name of the app that they purchased, but Fitbit purchased this app. And so doctors could track things like high blood pressure, things like compliance for high blood sugars, et cetera. And it apparently is very effective. They have very good retention rates. And I've talked before about the number one thing you can do is compliance.
Starting point is 00:11:42 What's the best diet? And that's the one you'll follow. What's the best exercise? The one you'll do is compliance. That what's the best diet and that's the one you'll follow. What's the best exercise, the one you'll do. And so they created an app that had some artificial intelligence type of responses. So if people weren't complying, it would tell them, hey, and they could track that. I used that same information, the same programmers that worked on some of that same, those same apps to put together an artificial intelligent app for me or for my company i'm partnered with uh um derek molesworth who's a phd in biological sciences and he and i've been working on this for some time now and we have a great development group and they're putting
Starting point is 00:12:16 together an app that's mostly for compliance so i give somebody a diet and then i give them a checklist like i've talked about before that every single day this is what you need to do. The three 10-minute walks are tracked, and whether or not you do them is compliant. It's almost like you're picking up some points. Yep. Every single time you eat a meal, you can just take a picture of the meal. Now your coach can see it.

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