Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Bite 7: Dr. Gabrielle Lyon - Strategies for Hunger and Parasites

Episode Date: December 19, 2019

Today's Power Bite comes from Dr. Gabrielle Lyon in Episode 122. Gabriella gives us some strategies for dealing with hunger, talks about digestive issues and unfortunately, gut parasites! Listen to th...e entire episode on all platforms here: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: for 25% off your order plus FREE Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 15% off your order! ➢Quest Nutrition: Use code "MARKSQUEST" at checkout for 20% of your order! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody, it's Andrew, producer and co-host of Mark Bell's Power Project podcast here with a Power Byte. A Power Byte is a highlight clip from a previous podcast that you might have missed and we wanted to remind you that it does exist and we're actually going back to episode 122 with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon where she's going to lay out some strategies for dealing with hunger, digestive health, and unfortunately parasites in the gut. This Power Byte is brought to you by Quest Nutrition. Head over to at checkout.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Enter promo code MARKSQUEST for 20% off your order. And again, if you guys are digging this Power Bite, make sure you click into the show notes and find the link to listen and watch this episode on all platforms. Peace. What are some strategies to help people with hunger? Stimulants. It's true, but also water and making sure that your macronutrient balance is- People don't really drink water.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Correct. Right. I mean, they really don't. They're drinking coffee or like Crystal Light or something, this and that, but they're not really drinking water, right? Yep. And also getting your macronutrient ratio correct. High protein for your first meal of the day, whenever that is, is wonderful for hunger, for satiation. People talk a lot about fat being satiating, but actually protein has been shown to be really satiating.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Heather Leidy has done studies, shows breakfast skipping, looks at fMRI, shows what parts of the brain light up right in terms of cravings and happens to me quite a bit like i'm eating eggs and i just can't eat them anymore i'm like shit man i'm i can't take one more bite of this so that's a and also having hunger is not a bad thing right people think you shouldn't be hunger hungry and that it's an emergency oh my gosh i gosh, I'm hungry. I have to eat. So I think that changing the mind frame, hunger is not an emergency. In fact, good. Be hungry.
Starting point is 00:01:50 You deserve it for a little bit. It's OK. And that's where like something like intermittent fasting comes into play. And I think everyone should at least try it, you know, whether you agree with the research or you're on the fence or whatever. I think everyone should at least play around with it. you're on the fence or whatever, I think everyone should at least play around with it. I'm not really a person, me personally, I'm not a big fan of somebody trying to fast every day for extended periods of time, especially if you're new to it.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Like you might want to just try it out here and there. But I like doing it when I was doing it. I did about every other day. How long did you fast for? I felt really good. I had some really good results. Some days it wasn't very long. Some days it was only like 10 or 12 hours, which is like, you know, really easy because you sleep for seven, eight hours. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:30 And in other days I'd extend it a little bit longer and I'd try like 16 and 18. Some of the recommendations from like Dominic D'Agostino and stuff. And I liked it. The problem that I found was it didn't seem like I was able to like hammer enough food to fuel what I was doing you know so it's like I needed a little bit bigger window and then also when you fast that long and you go dive right back into eating when you're not really used to it when you want to just like eat everything right and then you kind of eat too fast and that's not great for you either. So I was trying to find a happy medium between everything.
Starting point is 00:03:09 And it seemed like if I just did 12 to 14 hours, it just, it made the eating window longer and it made reintroducing that food a little easier. And I did a 24 hour fast and a 48 hour fast and all that stuff felt fine. I was, you know, nothing, you know, still alive.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Still there. Still alive. Still here. But yeah, I didn't, I didn't love the effects of it, but I think everyone should try it so that they can really learn about, you know, what true hunger is. Yeah. Because you'll, you'll get hit by like a wave of hunger and then two hours later, it's gone and then it comes back and you're like,
Starting point is 00:03:48 oh, okay, now I'm starting to actually get really hungry. I utilize intermittent fasting as a strategy for my patients all the time, especially if they've yo-yo dieted and tried everything to lose weight. There is something called leptin resistance and one of the strategies for dealing with leptin resistance is fasting. of the strategies for dealing with leptin resistance is
Starting point is 00:04:05 fasting. Right. I think that fasting is great and I think it works really well with a keto diet. I'm sure you can utilize fasting on any diet. But for me personally, I used it on a ketogenic style diet and the keto diet in combination with intermittent fasting helped me a lot with hunger and helped me a lot with cravings. And so I think that that's where those diets, and I'm definitely guilty of misrepresenting the word keto, as I think everybody else is too, most of the time, because I don't normally follow a true ketogenic diet. Although I have before, but I'm not a fan of low protein. I think that's...
Starting point is 00:04:49 Some people do really well on it, shockingly. I never felt for me that it was a great idea. I don't mind doing stuff for periods of time. I think that it kind of makes sense. I think that your body was probably faced with a lot of these scenarios your body was probably faced with a lot of these scenarios just throughout the, you know, years that we've been on this planet. Your body's probably dealt with every, every form of hunger you can think of. And so I think that sometimes not having the protein in there,
Starting point is 00:05:19 you could maybe make the argument that when you reintroduce it, maybe it would have, you know, more of an impact. I don't know. But the interesting thing that I think is that you get all these experts together a lot of times. They really don't. They know, but they really don't know. A lot of times all that you hear people recite is research. And in hearing a bunch of different people be on Joe Rogan recently, you heard the debates go back and
Starting point is 00:05:45 forth and this guy would whip out this research paper and this guy would whip out this one and then this one was more credible than this one because it was done this way yeah you're just like oh my god this is really uh it gets to be kind of overwhelming all the information and that's where practical experience is priceless i think being able to experiment on yourself, being a physician that sees many patients. I've been experimenting with myself since 13, maybe 12. That you can help, you get with a good physician or you get with a good coach, and they've heard the story so many times that there are patterns that happen. I typically can know how someone's going to do on a certain kind of nutrition plan. You get a sense of where they're
Starting point is 00:06:32 at. Right. You can kind of tell because you just worked with so many people. Yeah. You definitely get a sense of what their preferences are, where they came from, when they felt the best. But it is interesting. You get a bunch of experts in the room and everyone has a different opinion, even though all the science, they're all facts. Right. So that's interesting. The stuff about fiber, I kind of find that that's the most interesting part because you'll have some people say that we're supposed to have some foods
Starting point is 00:07:01 that are going to ferment in our stomach. You can make the argument of that human beings are made to eat meat, but we're not a hundred percent carnivore. I mean, it seems obvious to me that an apple and an orange and some of these things that are, are super bright and come off these trees that it seems like thousands like uh thousands of years ago when you would discover a thing of berries it makes sense that you would eat them just because they look so they look so
Starting point is 00:07:30 damn good right um and people kind of argue back and forth but what really interests me is the fiber side of things with the carnivore diet taking off and people getting so excited about that um i kind of hear these doctors say oh yeah yeah, you got to have fiber. But then when you really dig and you really ask them why you need fiber, it seems like they don't really know for sure on whether you need or not. I would say that that is probably true because the body is very flexible. I haven't looked at any of the fiber studies recently, but from thinking about it, there's large populations, say the Eskimos, or there's multiple populations that have lived on just either meat and fat and done well. Right. Again, I think that the body is incredibly adaptable.
Starting point is 00:08:30 What about some people kind of making the comment of like if you're going to eat meat that you should have vegetables with it in order to maybe fight off? Some people will say that meat is a carcinogenic, maybe the way that you prepared it or whatever. So don't burn it. What's that? So don't burn it. Don't burn it. What if like can vegetables help detoxify your body in a certain way because they pull fiber from your body? What do you kind of think about some of that? I think when I think about the word detoxify, I'd have to really think about what we mean because we know that protein is necessary for glutathione production in the liver.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Right. And that is what we use for detoxifying. for glutathione production in the liver. Right. And that is what we use for detoxifying. So a higher protein diet naturally would be if we use that definition detoxifying. In terms of greens, fiber is great for elimination, right? And also has nutrients in it
Starting point is 00:09:18 that they're not going to get in the meat. So do I think that we need it? I think, you know, I don't know that answer. Yeah. It just seems very debatable, right? I think I don't know. Yeah. And I think that we just need more researchers and more scientists kind of saying that. And I think that it ends up being personalized. So I have a really good friend. She's an orthopedic surgeon and she's a type one diabetic. She is a vegan keto. I think I saw you make a YouTube video with her.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Yes. Yeah. Carrie Dwellis. She was at Cleveland Clinic. She's now in Cleveland. She has her own practice. She's amazing. We have totally separate views on nutrition. But what's amazing is she's been able to maintain her muscle mass as a vegan keto. What we believe has happened is that there's some emerging science that says that the gut bacteria actually break down to provide those amino acids. Actually, Dr. Donna Lehman is one of the people that are – who trained me. He's one of the people that is part of this study. And that's amazing. So how is it that she's eating almost no protein? I would wither away to nothing. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:29 I'd be starving and I probably gain a million pounds. But she is able to function as a vegan keto. Right. There's some people that compete in bodybuilding that are vegan. Is that true? Yeah. There's a guy that has one, um, uh, like classic physique. Okay. Um, I mean, he's really high level. He's super shredded. I cannot
Starting point is 00:10:53 remember his name off the top of my head, but you know, you don't want to ever just take like one person. Right. But, uh, the guy has a lot, a huge following and there's other people that kind of follow, follow along with some of this stuff. And some of those people are pretty jacked too. It's amazing. It is amazing. I think we had George Lockhart on the podcast a long time ago. And George Lockhart is interesting because, sorry, George. George is like almost a little punch drunk. He used to be a fighter. You know, he sounds, he's just like, he just has this kind of real world uh gritty information and uh when you ask him about certain things he's like you know what i think when the body wants to it just does what it needs to do it's like oh my god it's so simple but you know some people that have a
Starting point is 00:11:38 practice or some people that uh are maybe maybe trying to monetize what they do yeah maybe they would say, hey, well, it's way more complicated than that. But maybe it's not more complicated than that. I agree. I think we make things way more complicated. I think everyone wants to go into the weeds and into the deep science when...
Starting point is 00:11:57 It's important to have a foundation of knowledge on some of that stuff. But when it comes to practical application, it's not so super complicated. Like within 15 minutes of your workout being over, you have to have carbohydrates right away. It has to be a cyclic dextrin and you need 30 grams of branched chain amino acids. Like the body's probably not that, the body's probably not like, your body's probably not sitting there going, hey bro, like where's the carbs? Where's bcaa we're waiting right i mean yeah i would
Starting point is 00:12:25 agree with that and there's research that shows that it could possibly help but i'm sure that you could uh but a lot of times people are forming these studies to show that it helps what if you formed a study that shows that it doesn't do anything you'd probably get the same result i still want to believe though oh yeah yeah you want to throw down as many supplements exactly so at the end of the day it ends up being what works for you and also identifying in order of priority what you need so
Starting point is 00:12:53 for me I'd love to start with digestive health with patients especially if they're high level athletes then typically they have a pretty messed up GI system because of elevated cortisol. You know, again, this is just from my experience. They really had impaired gut. Cortisol and stubborn belly fat. That's always the commercial we see.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Yeah. You know, I mean, it's just, you know, you think in terms of stress, stress really affects the GI system. So it doesn't even have to be high level athletics or deployments or things like that, but really high levels of stress seem to really affect the GI system. So it doesn't even have to be high level athletics or deployments or things like that. But really, high levels of stress seem to really affect the GI system. Your stomach, it can really affect everything, right? Your immune system. Oh, yeah. And some people are saying now even like your central nervous system.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Yeah. So, I mean, if all this is like screwed up because you're not digesting your foods very well. Yeah. You're in a lot of trouble, right? Yeah. You know, of course elimination.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I see a ton of people with parasites. I send them to an old school parasitologist. That's gross. Oh, when you go see him, it is, you have to get a rectal swab. Damn.
Starting point is 00:13:56 I know. I think I got something going on with my stomach. Rectal swab. You know, I'm sure you'll find something. Those send away stool tests. You need a little bit more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Yeah. I mean, I'm joking, but I,, but if Mark and I eat the same piece of steak, his body's going to be able to digest and utilize way more of the protein than my body will. I'm assuming because I've been skinny my whole life. And the second I eat something, it's like, okay, where's the next bathroom? Because it's going to be an emergency. That's not normal. Right. Obviously, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:21 bathroom because it's going to be an emergency. That's not normal. Right. Obviously, yeah. So what can someone like me do to kind of get the ball rolling on keeping their digestive system on point? You got to figure out what the problem is. First step in my practice is I usually send them to the parasitologist. I think he has overproduction of estrogen.
Starting point is 00:14:38 If I would just by looking at him, that would be my guess. You wouldn't be too far off. I mean, of course, you know, you can take things to slow that motility down, but. Like probiotics or something? Yeah. Saccharomyces boulardii. But would you want to do that if you don't know what it is? No, it's actually in my like Amazon cart right now, that exact probiotic. There you go. That's crazy. It's a good job. So, so, so if you are having stomach issues, yeah. Where do you start? Like what's the first test that you might go and try to get? I mean, the first test that I do, like I said, the first thing that I do is I send them to a parasitologist. I mean, listen, this is where the art of medicine comes in. You do an exam,
Starting point is 00:15:14 you look at their tongue, you look at your tongue and it is a complete wreck, right? You know, there's something going on. Either I send them to a parasitologist, I do a SIBO testing, you do a couple digestive tests. Parasite is crazy. A lot of them come back negative, but typically if someone has been having issues for a long period of time, they almost always have a parasite.
Starting point is 00:15:36 That's at least what I found. My stomach's going to be like a New York rat, just all kinds of shit floating around. Yeah, like how long are these parasites with with us for i mean they're just can be there for a long period of time people get it from eating a lot of sushi yeah um you get it from going out of the country whether it's africa does everybody have parasites and then you're some people are able to eliminate them and some people aren't possibly possibly um but if you are symptomatic and you are having gi issues right then chances are, you know, it doesn't mean it's a parasite, but just from my clinical experience, the body can really regulate a lot of things, but it tends to have a really hard time getting rid of pathogens like that.
Starting point is 00:16:19 It's just so terrifying. Yeah. No, it's treatable. I think there's like a living thing in there just chomping on your food. Well, it doesn't wanna kill you. It wants to just feed off you. Yeah. No, mine's just grabbing all the food
Starting point is 00:16:29 and throwing it out the back. We don't need this. I mean, of course you can see, you know. Shouldn't it help make you leaner because it's eating some of your food? You know, you might have food, you might have issues with gluten or certain kinds of sugars, those kinds of things,
Starting point is 00:16:44 like the FODMAP diet thing of that nature.

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