Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 100 - Steven Bell

Episode Date: August 24, 2018

Steven Bell, cousin of Mark Bell, joins us today on the 100th Episode of Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast. Steven and Mark grew up together in New York and shared the same interest in fitness and foo...tball. Steven joined Mark in the War on Carbs about a year ago and it transformed his health. Today we will take a stroll down Bell Memory Lane. Rewatch the live stream: ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 how are we doing over there andrew we're good to go um let's get out of my car yesterday and i normally put my bag in my back seat i used to put my bag in the back of my car but because of like where i live my driveway is on like a little bit of a hill. And then my shit always rolls out the back. My like shaker cup always falls out and a bunch of things always come flying out. And so I put in the back seat. But the other day I made the mistake of putting it next to me. And then when I got out,
Starting point is 00:00:41 I did this gay pirouette cause my bag was heavy. And then it was like back here like this. And I was getting out of the car. And right as I was getting out of the car, of course, there's a fan right there. He's like, hey, how's it going? And I was like, oh, my God. He just saw me do like the gayest move ever. Almost almost throughout my back, too.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Like, what am I thinking? I got it. You got to think more about these things as you get older. You can get hurt so easy. That would have been awful to tell everybody about the bodybuilding show. Like, dude, he had to pull out last minute. Oh no, did he pull something? Yeah, he's trying to pull his bag out of his car. Yeah. He almost died. And he blew it out. Speaking of blowing it out, people have been blowing it out big time in this gym. I mean,
Starting point is 00:01:20 it's of no surprise because people eat a lot of protein and stuff, but we got to start making rules around here. People are in the bathroom for hours on end, just scrolling, just looking at their phone. You know, I don't know, like what's an acceptable amount of time to poop? What do you think? I have real issues. I only go when I'm home. So technically I'm on vacation.
Starting point is 00:01:43 So right now I'm suffering from a little vacation ass. You go on vacation, your ass now, suffering from a little vacation ass. You go on vacation, your ass goes on vacation. Oh, vacation ass. Yeah, vacation constipation. By the time your butt's asleep. Yeah. Yeah, it definitely takes a little break. So by the time it comes back around, you're home for a few days.
Starting point is 00:01:59 You think it just clenches up a little bit? You got a real problem. Being on the road, I've definitely, my butt's not shy anymore. Oh, for a couple of reasons, but mainly I can poop anywhere now. Yeah. It's pretty cool. But what's an acceptable amount of time? I guess like at your own house, I guess you can just take your time, but like you shouldn't
Starting point is 00:02:17 be in there until your legs fall asleep. That's too long. And you shouldn't be in there until the light, like sometimes the lights will shut off. We have a guy in here that takes a shit and every time he's in there until the light, like sometimes the lights will shut off. We have a guy in here that takes a shit. And every time he's in there, the lights go off. And it's like, I think the dimmer is like set for like 10 or 12 minutes.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I mean, that's a long, that's excessive. It's happened to me before. Yeah. How, but how long does it take to actually take a shit? It shouldn't be more than a four minute process.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Yeah. I have no, I have, I mean, in the military, what do they do? We've got to look this up. Yeah. I have no, I have, I mean, in the military, what do they do? We've got to look this up. I'll look it up.
Starting point is 00:02:48 But four minutes, that'd be like a world record for me. Cause remember, we had a military guy on the podcast one time. We had this guy, Alan Thrall had him on the podcast and he said he took too long to take a dump. He was just having this like crazy stomach issue and they threw him out of a porta potty
Starting point is 00:03:05 while his pants were still around his ankles while he had poop all over him they grabbed him out of there and chucked him out of there because he was in there for too long i don't know what you know is there some sort of average can we look this up is this a can we google this i mean there's got to be and then plus we we have the squatty potty in there, which is supposed to help push everything out faster. It should be a one, two, three. So coffee. The bottom line is you have two seats. What's the, do you have a line of people waiting to get in?
Starting point is 00:03:35 Or is this something where everybody's looking for their personal space? Yeah, I think. So Google doesn't pull up. There's plenty of room in here. Yeah, it doesn't pop up like the whole time of like pooping, wiping, and then getting all up. But it says that it takes approximately 12 seconds for the poop to come out. Hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I think I can agree with that. I think four minutes is plenty of time. Yeah, a minute to kind of like brew it, I guess, while you're sitting there. A minute, you know, to clean up maybe. A minute to wash your hands if you're into that kind of thing, you know, to clean up, maybe. A minute to wash your hands if you're into that kind of thing. And then that would be it, right? I got a rule, man.
Starting point is 00:04:11 It's hotel rooms in my house. Where I work is disgusting. It's cleaned every day. What about when you worked at the airport? I could wait till I get home. Every day I wait till I get home. And has that ever been a problem on the way home? Oh, sure. Gotta make a pit stop at the airport. I could wait till I get home. Every day I wait till I get home. And has that ever been a problem on the way home? Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Sure. Got to make a pit stop at the Montrose Deli? Nope. Can't go there. Can't go there holding your butt cheeks? My son can go anywhere. Matter of fact, a restaurant we go to probably every Friday night, the door does not lock. It's a urinal and a crapper.
Starting point is 00:04:42 I used to have a fear of going public, but I don't anymore. He goes in there every single time we go out to dinner every friday night he goes in there he blows it up and people walk in to take piss and there he is just sitting there and you'll see these like older men like they're hammered they just slam the door and they're like jesus christ walking away um he's in there just letting loose he could care less me i have issues what is going on with this kid he He's going to college? Is he old enough for that? That's what I hear.
Starting point is 00:05:08 What's today's date? How old is this kid? He's going to be young. He's going to college as a 17-year-old. He was 10. He was 10 not that long ago. Yeah. Just like two years ago, he was 10.
Starting point is 00:05:18 I swear to God. Is my math off? Again? We all admit, except for your father, none of us are good at math. Yeah, he's going in two weeks august 31st we'll be getting rid of him and uh what's that like the process was really cool um you know he's going to play sports yeah so he's a lacrosse player right yeah he's a goalie um he had had a lot of schools interested in him.
Starting point is 00:05:46 He found the one he liked at a young age. So he happened to hit it off really good with the coach. And the coach took a liking to him. He took a liking to them. He did a few sleepovers. Met a bunch of people. As you know, it's your boy's alma mater too. Yeah, John Cena, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Springfield, Massachusetts. He is about as fired up as you can get. He's nervous, but he's fired up at the same time. What's the campus look like? I'd imagine it's amazing. Campus is beautiful. It was built in the 1800s, so it's got a lot of really old, you know, northeast charm to it, I would say. The one nice thing about being in freshman dorm, he's in it.
Starting point is 00:06:26 It's one of the only ones with air conditioning, so he's a little spoiled. Other than that, you know, he's going in as a freshman. He's got to start competing for his job now because through high school, he was the only goalie. So he never really had that somebody on top of him breathing down his neck. He was always the man, which is good and bad. You know, you get, you get all the playing time, but you don't always get that guy coming up behind you.
Starting point is 00:06:51 That's pushing you and driving you. And, you know, now he's going somewhere where he's got to compete. How do you do competition wise? Like when, uh, cause Henry cuts in high school is a fairly small school, right? Very small. But, but lacrosse is, is big on the East coast. How did he do when the competition level uh got tougher did he do did he do pretty well most of the time honestly he plays
Starting point is 00:07:11 better against better competition um when you put him up against it that's when he performs at his best so uh otherwise he's kind of bored yeah and you'll see times where he's not paying attention and uh you know he'll just just let a lob go through. I don't blame him. And I'm not one to judge because I'll be goddamned if I'm standing in front of one of those balls. I mean, they wear, separate from a hockey goalie cup, a chest protector and a helmet. He's broken his wrist. He's broken several thumbs.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Well, two thumbs, but each one a couple times. He's got a set of balls on him. And he was a football player for a few years who's uh more nervous about him going to college you or him her um i'm excited for him i think getting out of out of town moving on starting a new chapter of his life is is a really big thing for him right now so uh i'm excited for him i'm not really nervous right um i agree a hundred percent and like you know who knows how it works out or even if it doesn't work out but you go and you try yep and that's how you learn maybe maybe he loves it maybe he hates it
Starting point is 00:08:17 i have no preconceived notion that he's going there to be the starting this the starting that or that he's even on the team next year right Right. You know, that was the tool that got him to the destination. It certainly wasn't as great. So we're hoping now that, you know, he starts to find his passion and start going towards it. So he's going in for sports management and we'll see where that takes him. What if he does what my brother does and he, you know, a year in, it's like, hey, I don't want to do this anymore. I want to become a professional wrestler. That would be very, I think your father said it the best last night at his, uh, at his party.
Starting point is 00:08:54 You know, you never know what roads your kids are going to take you down. And, uh, you cannot prepare yourself for what life's going to throw at you from everything that happened with your brother michael um you know your father was not prepared for that he was not prepared for where chris has taken him and he's certainly you know loving it but the journey you've gone on is uh three totally different directions right so uh it'll be interesting because he's a he's a good kid he means well and i think when he finds what that is that that turns him on he's going to be very successful at it right uh my daughter on the other hand is a she's she's hell-bent on being a surgeon she performs surgeries if she would take john cena right now and she'd start working on him as we're
Starting point is 00:09:46 sitting here. Um, matter of fact, my wife just ordered her, uh, on Amazon, ordered her an entire knife, scrubs, hat, mask. Can you imagine if that's what she does? Yeah. Yeah. She's on a, how cool is that? She just did a procedure on a bear. A teddy bear. It's about yo big. And she performed a C-section on it. Oh, my God. And the C-section turned out to be our new pet dog that popped out of this bear's stomach. Oh, my God. And it was on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:10:16 It was actually pretty creative for, you know, two 14-year-olds fucking around in a room. I'm going to track down that video. What would I even search for? You would actually do a 14 year old aspiring surgeon and you'll see i think there's a picture of an american flag in the back and a girl and uh it's it's about a two minute video it's it's it's pretty funny that's amazing she's a she's a creative little shit another one great kid great. She's always been that way. She's always been really funny, right? Oh, my God. It's, you know, she got the best of, she's just like my wife.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Oh, my God. What does she have, like an ultrasound going? You have to listen to the video. It's that funny. Holy cow. So there's an ultrasound. There's heartbeats. Incredible. What?
Starting point is 00:11:03 So there's an ultrasound, there's heartbeats. This is incredible. What? Yeah. And how can you not, you know, just want to amplify that? Like whatever the hell she has going on in her head, how do you just not support that? Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:11:16 Like just, hey, that's amazing. Rather than being like, hey, knock it off. What are you doing? Right? Her creativity and, you know, where my son always had his friends and they're always out in the yard and there's balls flying all over the place and holes in my siding because they're hitting the house with balls. You know, I loved it.
Starting point is 00:11:33 I loved having the kids over. You know, his grade in particular happens to be, you know, just my favorite. They're just a great group of kids. This one comes up with this shit. It's amazing. And she's in different costumes all the time here comes the birth oh my god a teddy bear giving birth to a actual live puppy yeah first time it's ever happened in the united states happened a bunch of times in germany i believe but
Starting point is 00:11:58 wow what a cute dog it's amazing yeah you Yeah, you want it? It's up for adoption. I have too many already from having this exact same conversation. Oh, what a cute dog. Do you want it? No. Then the girlfriend. Yeah, we do. Like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:12:16 So, you know, we talked a bunch this weekend about how we all used to hang out and we all used to, you know, kick it on the weekends and our parents were great at making sure we all got together and everything. And then we've had long periods of time where we haven't seen each other, but I think you said it best yesterday at my dad's party when you kind of pointed out, like, for some reason, it doesn't matter that we haven't seen each other, haven't talked, or I barely have a second to even text anybody.
Starting point is 00:12:40 As I was eating my sushi today, I looked at my phone and I was like, I don't have time for any of that. There's 37 text messages on there. There's no way of getting to it. I, I can't look at Facebook. I don't have time for, uh, any of those things. And a lot of us literally don't have the time to pour into, uh, if we had to, if somebody had an emergency, we all would. Um, but you got your kids, you got your life going. I got my life going and it's, it's hard to always connect.
Starting point is 00:13:09 But when we do connect, it's like nothing. We never left. Yeah. No, I, and I think as the, that's the best part.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I mean, this is my third trip out here now. Um, first trip you were in your old gym. Yeah. Um, I was probably stuck in that parental trap of, of, of, you know, having two kids that do travel sports year-round, whether it's volleyball, boys and girls lacrosse.
Starting point is 00:13:33 My daughter also played football for a year. That was a lot of fun. Oh, yeah. I remember seeing videos of her destroying kids or boys. That's another one. It's not on YouTube, but it's a good one. of her destroying kids and boys that's another one it's not on youtube but it's it's a good one but she um you know if i'm not going from volleyball lacrosse to field to field to practice to practice probably the best thing that ever happened was my son got his driver's license
Starting point is 00:13:53 um we were able to set him free um but each time i come out here it's been like a different adventure each adventure has been you know you kind of lose yourself a little bit along the way because you're providing and you're doing the right things for the people around you um but i can pick up the phone and talk to you and it's right like nothing ever changed nothing ever happened i feel terrible i didn't get to say goodbye to chris today but uh you know we went out to breakfast this morning everything's fine and you know the next time i pick up the phone and talk to him or the next time we text each other, it's like nothing ever happened. He's not going to be like, you dick. You never said bye.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Where were you? That's the best part of the relationship between all of us. And it was very apparent yesterday at his party that we had a really great day. It was a great time. Yeah, the whole weekend's been amazing. We've had a guy on this show many times. He's a legend in the fitness industry, and his name is C.T. Fletcher.
Starting point is 00:14:52 And C.T. Fletcher is an older guy. He's, you know, now in his 60s or late 50s. Sorry, C.T., if I'm getting your age wrong, buddy, don't kill me. C.T. has had, CT, if I'm getting your age wrong, buddy, don't kill me. CT has had a heart transplant. Really tough guy, but he motivates a lot of people, gets people really excited, and gets people fired up. Anyway, we had him on the show before, and he talked about how as a kid he was abused, and he had all these rotten things happen to him. We're so lucky to have such good parents, you know, you can't, you can't pick your parents.
Starting point is 00:15:35 And we end up with these fortunate situations of having great people around us. But one thing that he said that I really loved was, I said, you know, your dad was really cruel to you, but it hardened you and it turned you into the man that you are today. And then with his kids, like he's got children that he has them like on payroll and like, he's, you know, he's just doing all kinds of stuff, uh, for them above and beyond, uh, that maybe is like too caring, you know? And I said, do you see that as a problem? And he said, Hey, I'd rather give him ice cream than a punch in the face you know what i mean like if that's my fault that i give him too much ice cream
Starting point is 00:16:11 then i'll take that all day long do you kind of feel similar with your kids like if you smothered them too much or if you were around them too much or hugged them too much you're just like hey you know what that is you know so what i didn't you know, kick their ass enough and teach them the value of a dollar or whatever you may have missed out on by, by hugging them a little extra. Well, I think that there's not a kid around that has a clue of the value of a dollar that is, that is lost upon this, this younger generation. Um, my son has a job in the summer. He knocks it dead at a job in the summer. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:16:45 He knocks it dead at a golf course with tips. Yeah. Just kissing people's asses, and they take care of him. That's great. So all of a sudden, he's got a lot of cash. Right. Boom. And that's to save for school.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Right. But I actually see him throwing it around a little bit. So he's starting to school. Right. But I actually am throwing it around a little bit. So he's starting to understand. Right. The approach that your parents and my parents took, a little bit different. My father had the ability to just give you a look. And if that look didn't stop you in your tracks,
Starting point is 00:17:20 he hit me three times in my life. I remember them vividly. he hit me three times in my life I remember them vividly from I could have
Starting point is 00:17:30 flashbacks about right and it was all stupid shit but I think one was farting in a car so
Starting point is 00:17:36 I was told must have been a bad one I was told I was told to stop we were driving home from a movie I had one of my friends my sister
Starting point is 00:17:42 everybody was in a car we were driving home and I movie. I had one of my friends, my sister, everybody was in the car. We were driving home, and I was just lighting the car up. It was bad. It was bad for me. It was killing everybody. I could imagine what it did for everybody else, and it was younger. So it was stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Kept dropping the rest of the way home. We finally get to this light where he could stop the car. He turned around and gave me the look, and I was like, oh, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Kept dropping the rest of the way home. We finally get to this light where he could stop the car. He turned around and gave me the look. And I was like, oh, shit. Keep driving. All of a sudden, I'm like, just a little, just enough. And he had a brand new car. It was that little station wagon that you were driving back in the day, that little Subaru wagon.
Starting point is 00:18:23 It probably had 2,000 miles on it. I get out of the car. I was across the hood in two seconds with him on top of me. I didn't have a car anymore. So a couple other times, just stupid shit. Matter of fact, the other time, he hit me with a shovel. I was getting in his way while he was working. He turns around with a shovel.
Starting point is 00:18:42 He's almost hitting me. He's almost hitting me. Finally, he turns around. He connects. Not by accident. Right's almost hitting me finally he turns around he connects not by accident right it gets pissed at me throws me in the house it comes inside and i got it after that so it's like you're gonna hit me with a shovel what else what else you got to do that for um so so that happened too yeah and then there was one more it was pretty good but um he had the ability to have my full attention and I, my sister pushed him a little bit too much. Like he'd have to really get into her, but, um, you just knew.
Starting point is 00:19:10 And I kind of take that with, with both of my kids, you know, and I'm getting better as I get older, I think, because, you know, they say when they're, when they're small, the problems are small and they get bigger. That that's a true frigging statement, man. And now that he's getting older and she's getting older you know with my son that they the eye works with my daughter you gotta push it a little bit you have to repeat yourself once or twice she's not as not as scared you don't have to take that same you know i've tried to mimic what they've done right and my wife and i are both on the same page when it comes to stuff. There's nothing we do to either child that we haven't at least discussed first.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Right. Unless it happens on a, on a whim, you know, but we kind of got each other's back in that regard. Yeah. Um, and we were very lucky.
Starting point is 00:19:57 We're, we're, we're probably the most spoiled kids of all because we had that growing up. Right. You know, parents that would do anything for you whenever you asked, um, and, and would do that extra and go the extra mile.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Yeah. So. Yeah. Well, my brother started getting into lifting weights and we had a whole garage full of weights. You know, a lot of us love playing basketball. So wherever they could put a basketball hoop in, they put a basketball hoop in, right?
Starting point is 00:20:22 My dog shit on your weight. Oh yeah. I don't even like dogs. Well, it was dog basketball hoop in, right? My dog shit on your weight. Oh yeah. I don't even like dogs. I was dog talking. Um, how'd that go? You remember better than me. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I mean, you know, um, I just, I just find it, you know, fascinating, you know, the way that, the way that you, you try to parent and it's, there's no wrong or right way, but it's, it's no matter what, it's, it's always difficult. It's difficult it's always a hard uh you know it's always a hard formula to figure out and it does seem that like just leading by example seems to be you know one of the most beneficial things i just learned a lot from just watching my dad i mean i remember being a certain age and just you know it just sinks in you like, that's my dad here. Um, you know, I remember going to work with him and he just showed me like we, what he did at IBM. And I was like, this is the worst job ever. I never wanted to, whatever he does or whatever this is going on that, that he's got to wear a suit and tie for every day. I'm not going to do
Starting point is 00:21:19 anything like this. This looks like torture. Absolutely. But, uh, he would go to like from office to office and he just showed me like some things. And then he showed me like he juggled at his desk and just, I don't know. He just, he showed me around a little bit, but I was like, this just seems like he's just trapped. You know, he's just trapped in this big cage and he's got to come and work for somebody else. I was like, this isn't my idea of fun, but I learned how to work for myself through him because he lost his job there and ended up working for himself and then our grandfather worked for himself and he was you know an early uh entrepreneur before people use the term you know and he was out figuring
Starting point is 00:21:58 out a way to have like a side hustle if you want to call it that yeah he was doing it way before it was cool yeah that was a yeah and any like marketing skills or any of those things i mentioned before on the podcast i i think i just picked up from watching them you know uh make hats and t-shirts and signs and different things to try to get attention for their the businesses that they had um so i definitely just you know learned a lot from watching him and i was babied the most out of anybody, uh, by far, but I just saw my brothers get in trouble all the time. So I, there was, I, I didn't get in trouble. I, I didn't even, I normally just didn't even go that route. Cause there was just not a, it just didn't make any sense for me.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I was like, we just get the hell beat out of you. Doesn't seem great. You know, it doesn't seem great to get, uh, spanked and stuff after church every week just because you uh laughed or whatever and how do you not laugh in church you know it's like there's always somebody especially the church i went to i mean two hours yeah two two hours too long and uh plus the wednesday there's that wednesday night yeah and then just people, I don't know, singing and crying and dancing in the aisles and stuff. I was like, I'm nine years old. How do I not laugh at this?
Starting point is 00:23:12 This is amazing. I don't know what these people are doing, but this is hilarious to me. I'd always catch an elbow to the rib for falling asleep. Yeah. It was too much. Sunday mornings. This is supposed to be exciting. You know,
Starting point is 00:23:25 I want to watch cartoons and eat cereal. You want to just chill. So what inspires you? What gets you fired up when you come out here to California? Because I know you like
Starting point is 00:23:35 coming out here. What gets you excited? When I come, I'll be honest with you. I mean, I haven't found a place and if anybody in New York has a place
Starting point is 00:23:44 that can replicate the vibe of this gym, I mean, you can come in here right now and obviously there's nobody working out. There's nobody really doing anything. It's just a feeling when you walk in this place, you know, uh, it kicks things up another notch. I've had the privilege of meeting a few people here who've totally changed my life or my approach to life, my approach to nutrition. You know, having some health problems, having a lot of health issues, you know, actually being fat and lazy the last time I was out here and choosing breakfast over working out got me to meet Dr. Sean Baker. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Probably the turning point of my nutrition in my life. Interesting thing though, is that you're not lazy. Like maybe you decide to make other choices that aren't healthy, uh, but you're not lazy. My dad, my dad's not lazy. Correct. Like he, he has made choices in the past and not exercise. And so maybe he's like lackadaisical in that area. Maybe, I guess maybe you can say he's a little lazy when it comes to that.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Um, but you know him, he's, he's a hard nose bastard and he doesn't give up on anything. And that's, that's where I scratch my head because I'm like, you know, you're supposed to be a man and you're, and part of being a man is like being in control, right? Be having control over your, over your, over your body, over your mindset, over your, uh, relationship, over your loyalty, over all these things, right? And having a lot of respect for yourself, male or female. But then you walk by a bowl of potato chips and the very conversation that you had with yourself 15 seconds ago about not eating some some of those potato chips you're right there in that same pit eating those potato chips dipping them in god knows what and you're and you're just
Starting point is 00:25:31 there doing that again and the conversation you have with yourself the night before you're like i'm gonna wake up tomorrow i'm gonna go for a walk that's gonna be do me some good that's what i need to get done and then you don't do it. Sunday, Sunday nights, Sunday nights are where I come up with my best ideas. How am I going to change this? How am I going to change that? It's almost like how grandma had her, I'm going to start my diet on Monday morning.
Starting point is 00:25:54 You know, every, every, you know, she's cooking for a thousand people. Starting on Monday. It all started on Monday. Everything started on Monday. So every Sunday night I lay down and just fucking brilliant plan of how we're just
Starting point is 00:26:05 going to flip everything the next day. I'm not going to get too into my job. I'm not going to get too into this. I'm going to focus on myself and my own health. And I find a great way not to do it over and over again. Um, and I think as we're meeting, Dr. Baker was so huge thing. It's like for me, Just comfort and convenience. I do what's easier. You know, I'm sitting in an office all day. It's a. But you've done a lot of hard things. Like you played football.
Starting point is 00:26:32 You used to bike really far. Like you used to bike like 50 miles, 100 miles a week or something like that. Something crazy, right? I used to do one trip a week home from Manhattan. It was a 63 mile ride. Every, you know, take your bike to work in the morning and pedal home. So you have, there's something in your brain that at least likes some of that yeah i but i've found pain i've found things that you know and unfortunately
Starting point is 00:26:53 it's nice that i'm built like this because people think like i can pick up all kinds of shit when i really can't so it's kind of like this this illusion that walks through the door um you know especially when i come out here i'm not about to touch a weight because you know it's kind of like this illusion that walks through the door. Especially when I come out here, I'm not about to touch a weight because it's a little embarrassing. So I've had that kind of just the physical size, the physical mass was always there, but I never had a discipline. Once I get focused on work, I'm all about that. Once I get focused on getting to one of my children's games, I'm all about that. Spending time with them is more important to me than anything with me right so and that's why i'll always go back to dr baker and you know you got me started on the keto the the second time i came out keto did great until my stomach started just oh my god i almost had
Starting point is 00:27:39 shit at work a few times and that's no good i can stay at home. So it's a, once I got past that, you know, met Dr. Baker and he said one of those things. It's like a fat guy's dream. You either love the concept of the carnivore or it makes you sick to your stomach. Right. And the first date I ever went on with my wife, one of the things I was so attracted to besides her
Starting point is 00:28:03 was she ordered a steak for dinner. So that was 1996. So like I'll have the 32 ounce porterhouse, medium rare. Yeah. And, uh, Peter was, my uncle Peter was there with a bunch of us went out and she had no trouble whacking a steak in front of me back then. I was like, this is cool. It's not, you're going out with that girl.
Starting point is 00:28:20 It's just sitting there nibbling on things and, you know, being all meek and feeble about it. She was attacking something. How do you feel about my brother drinking your wife's breast milk? That was pretty funny. That was. Your son's eyebrows just went, whoa. I think that was your food, buddy. That was most definitely meant for you.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Your brother was over. It was a sleepover. It wasn't a sleepover. I think we were at some sort of family gathering or something because I remember it being a big deal. And he was just, you know, just in his typical form. He was like fucking around with her about something.
Starting point is 00:28:59 I think he was trying to encourage him to eat it. I think that's what he was trying to do. He was trying to encourage Vin to drink it. No, no, no. that's what he was trying to do. He was trying to encourage Vin to drink it. No, no, no. He says, what's this? And she says, it's breast milk. He's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. She's like, I had to have some.
Starting point is 00:29:12 And he just went like this, and he just started going at it. And he's like, it didn't taste right to him. She's like, I told you. He just had this horrified look. And you could tell he was about to kill it. That didn't stop him. But, yeah, that was intended for you, Vin. Everyone was just horrified.
Starting point is 00:29:30 I remember that. Everyone was like, what the hell? Because like, I think he just thought that she was, because your wife loves to mess with people. But she also loves to give it to you straight. And that's what she was doing. Oh yeah. That wasn't even a mess around type thing.
Starting point is 00:29:43 It was, no, no, no, it's breast milk. You want a drink of your dick? Go ahead. And he went right for it. Your uncle ate your food, man. You should have been three inches taller. A few more pounds. So the carnivore diet is a little easier.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Like a lot of times, do you look forward to eating that kind of food, even though it's kind of a, you know, it gets to be a routine of eating the same thing over and over again. It can get a little, a little played out from time to time, but you know, coming out here was nice with the In-N-Out burger.
Starting point is 00:30:14 We don't have that in the East Coast. So to be able to go to In-N-Out and try something a little different was cool. And they all have bacon. I don't know why they don't have bacon at In-N-Out burger. That's bullshit. I'm telling you next, when we leave here, we can go get one mustard fried. So a Flying Dutchman, which is what you got, which is good. But you got to get it mustard fried with grilled onions.
Starting point is 00:30:36 It'll melt your face off. It's good. Nice. I could use a little more melting in the face. What about Chick-fil-A? He went to Chick-fil-A the other day. Andrew loves Chick-fil-A. Or used to. Or used to.
Starting point is 00:30:45 I used to, yeah. Once I realized there's no getting around eating anything good there. I mean, you only can eat bad things there. You can't dress it up
Starting point is 00:30:55 in any way. It's always going to be bad for you. It was a family compromise after three days of straight out In-N-Out Burger. Day four, my brother-in-law was.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Day four is when the magic happens, though. You go four days in a row, that's when it changes. It gets better. Well, and Jake has never been to Chick-fil-A, and he talks about it all the time. That's funny. And I was like, there's not really a scenario where I'm going to take you to Chick-fil-A, just so you know. They're totally tricky because they have this superfood side salad. It's fucking delicious. It has just like broccolinis it has kale and it's like dude this has to be healthy
Starting point is 00:31:29 but it's the dressing that you love oh yeah and then when you look at the actual calorie content you're like holy shit i just ate a snickers it's like it's ridiculous yeah broccoli snickers yeah and then you get the spicy chicken sandwich and the fries. The next thing you know. Yeah. Yeah. And that's a salad is like a funneling system for junk. Cause it's just a, the dressing kills you every single time.
Starting point is 00:31:52 It's the calories are too crazy. And then the fats that are in there are just awful. It's a, it's a real shit show. I think we all, we all have the same genetic makeup. I mean, we eat the wrong food.
Starting point is 00:32:05 We put weight on, you kind of are the, well, yeah, you are disciplined enough to overcome that. Um, and what you're doing now is just to me, I'll call it close to impossible.
Starting point is 00:32:19 And that's where carnivore was cool because you either, you're either all in at the idea of chewing on a steak or you're all out. Right. And for me, I'm usually home before my wife's home from work. So I'm cooking dinner, um, probably three nights a week. And whether, whether I make it right for everybody or not, it's a different story, but it used to be, I'd go outside, fire up the grill, get everything ready. And then I walk inside the house
Starting point is 00:32:45 i'm like oh shit i didn't do anything with any salads any this any that and now i'm like whipping stuff up last minute boiling a bag of rice and throwing it down the kids throats and moving on now it's like all i gotta do is go outside throw a steak on it i'm done right now we can just eat and that's dinner goodbye it's awesome so when i first started, the last time I was out here, I was 261 on your little scale you got outside. I was 237 yesterday. But I'd actually originally lost 50 pounds when I went straight carnivore after surgery without working out.
Starting point is 00:33:19 So I tore my bicep preparing for the super training classic. That's right. It wasn't a weightlifting-related injury, but I fell down a flight of stairs, tore my bicep preparing for the Super Training Classic. That's right. It wasn't a weightlifting-related injury, but I fell down a flight of stairs, tore my bicep, decided to come out anyway before my surgery. And you weighed what, 220 then or something? No, I was 261 when I was there. So in January, I was 261. Yeah, what did you get down to? I got down to 223.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Oh, okay. I got down to 223. Oh, okay. And I'm not going to say I got lazy with carnivore. I probably went from doing it 100% to doing it 60%. But I started letting other things in because my son's in season, my daughter's in season, and Monday through Thursday, you're at games. You're at games on Saturday, and all of a sudden it wasn't as easy. As soon as I hit the 240 mark again, I said, Holy shit, that's never supposed to
Starting point is 00:34:08 happen again. And I actually ended up like 244. That's a really good way of doing it. And that's, that's something that I've done, you know, coming all the way down from 330 pounds, uh, every 20 pounds or so that I go down, I say, okay, that next, uh, you know, that 10, 10 or that 20 pounds up, I'm never going above that again. You know, and every time I kept coming down, I would just say, you know, goodbye to two 70 and, and so on down, down the line. And I try to make it reasonable because it's going to be a 10 pound swing here and there, maybe even 15 pounds, you know, for, for a guy that's above 220 pounds.
Starting point is 00:34:43 It's going to happen here and there. or a guy that's above 220 pounds, it's going to happen here and there. But, you know, it's a thing. Here's the problem. The problem is that being in shape is a full-time job. And being in shape, like a shape that you want to actually have, is a full-time job. And that's why nobody has one.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Because it takes so long. It takes so much time. Here's another thing that people don't realize people that work out aren't in shape, aren't in the shape that they want to be in. Um, a lot of people will say, oh, I'm not going to go to the gym. Cause I'm, you know, I'm self-conscious like I, you know, everyone there is in shape. That's actually not true. A lot of the people in the gym are not, not only are they heavy, but they're flat out obese. They are carrying a lot of excess body weight and they're there to try to fight it off. You know, they're, they're making some of the right steps, some of the right moves towards it.
Starting point is 00:35:33 And so it's a really difficult thing to try to figure out. And to, you know, when you watch a show like Biggest Loser and you see people crying about it it you see people having like depression about it and stuff and it's hard to wrap your brain around or even if you see somebody doing something similar with drugs you watch some of these shows these recovery shows and they have these interventions and everyone's crying you're like why are you crying you asshole you you got yourself hooked on heroin you got yourself in this position horrible position to be in i kind of feel for you. It's half, half your fault and maybe half not some bad circumstances came your way. Um, and the same thing happens with food and it's like, but not being compassionate towards it doesn't help. The only thing that will
Starting point is 00:36:20 help is for people to lend a hand to people. And that's what I'm trying to do. And that's why I spend all this money having this podcast, putting out the videos that I have, having a free gym, trying to lend people a hand, having people here that will help people that come into the gym. You know, Smokey was working with Vincent when he came in, but we work with, it doesn't have to be a relative of mine. We work with everybody that comes in here and we try to make a lasting impact. You know, Dr. Baker sharing information with you. Those kinds of things are really common. They're commonplace here, but it's not common around the globe, around the country.
Starting point is 00:36:57 And there's not enough people willing to just lend a hand to somebody. So if you're listening to this right now and you know someone that's not working out, that should be working out, just encourage them. Say, hey, why don't you roll with me for a day? Just come with me. It's not hard. Just come with me.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Exercise and your diet doesn't have to always be hard to end up having some goal that's on the next level, that could take a lifetime. But to lose a little weight and be healthier, it can happen in days. It can literally happen in days. And that's what you saw. You lost 50 pounds in like three months, right? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Yeah, it was. You texted me every other day. Like it seemed like every other day you're losing two pounds. Yeah. No, it went at a rapid pace um and it was phenomenal but but to the point of of everybody here at this gym and what goes on what i'll call the real world i mean in the real world you have your friends you work out with you have your people that are in shape that are in shape that work out around you i can't think of a gym i've gone to where somebody comes out of their way to spend 15
Starting point is 00:38:08 minutes with my son yesterday, just getting him in a proper position, getting his shoulders squeezed to do a bench. I've never seen anybody squeeze their shoulders to do a bench prior to coming here. You know, it was always keep everything as flat as you can do this, do that. So to have somebody spend time in the technique, the whole concept of everything you guys have done out here is so over the top that when I go home, you know, you kind of go to a couple of gyms and, you know, it does not exist. You walk in and again, being built like me,
Starting point is 00:38:37 I walk in somewhere and I see some of those 20 year old kid pick something up. My thing is always, okay, I got to go two pounds heavier than that. He picks up something this big. I got to go that much bigger and i'll kill myself trying to prove a point and at 46 that that shit ain't working no more it hurts so it's kind of making that decision now that you know if carnivore is going to be the way or if just being more conscious of conscious of what i eat is going to be a different way of doing things. And being aware that you're going to fuck up. You're going to go to your father's birthday yesterday and see a few things and mess around a little bit.
Starting point is 00:39:12 But then today, you're back and on and moving forward. That's huge. So I always leave here supercharged to take over the world. But you go back to gyms that are just you got to make up your own shit every day and it's like uh and it's demotivating because you see people you keep looking around you see people doing stuff the wrong way yeah and uh you see you see and hear people say you hear people say the wrong thing all the time and um you're like gee that's not right that's like the exact opposite of what i
Starting point is 00:39:45 learned you know somebody would say oh meat's bad weird beats bad for you your salt's bad for you i can't like man i'm learning all these things that are complete opposite of all that i have two major health issues that i've had for blood pressure i've had for over i'm 20 i'm 46 for 26 years i've been dealing with high blood pressure for the past 28. So for the past 15 years, I've been dealing with, um, a liver issue that had actually turned into stage two fibrosis. Um, and those two things are connected. Nothing, nothing I did ever. I could lose weight. I could be pedaling that bike halfway around the country. It didn't matter. I had actually gotten down to about 216 pounds. That's when bigger,
Starting point is 00:40:31 stronger, faster came out. I came out here at 217. Um, that's the lightest I had ever been since I was an adult. And when we came out for that trip, I was the lightest. I was the most in shape I ever been. My blood pressure was always even medicated 150 over a hundred minimum. Um, I've seen it go as high as one 90 over one 26. Um, my liver enzyme count, no matter what I do, I gave up drinking for three and a half years before it started to change. Now I'll have a drink every once in a while. I'm not as crazy about it as I was back then, but as soon as carnivore started, everything these doctors have been telling me not to do all my life, I'm now doing.
Starting point is 00:41:18 And I watched my blood pressure go to a point where it's almost low. I'm hitting like the 117 over 71 mark on a regular day. I've gone from three pills to one. Um, my liver enzyme count is within range. Now it's the high end of within range, but it's never been within range before. So the results I'm seeing that way, and that's not, that's, that's without working out, you know, just being a guy that goes to work, comes home and is around his family. Um, this way of eating has completely changed. Well, and not even dialed in 110% to the diet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Like you were, you did it for, you did it for, uh, a good period of time and did it very strict. And then you've been off of it and now you're kicking back into it. And you hit that number and then say, oh shit. Yeah. But you know exactly what to do. And you just start the next day back at the grill and everything just works out so yeah so much of that is knowledge because somebody's going to tell you you're going to go to a doctor and they're going to say oh you know it's hereditary you know it's um and and this hereditary stuff is is a joke it really is it's it's a disaster um to even arm somebody with
Starting point is 00:42:27 that information is like oh you might as well just give up you know it's you just you're just gonna always suck at that like that's always gonna be a problem um there there obviously are things that are hereditary there are things that are hereditary but things are also environmental and things are also learned um you ever watch uh watch, uh, you know, a pair of ducks, you know, walking across the street, all walk the same way. You ever, you ever look at a family walking, uh, uh, at a local fairground and you're like, wow, dad's walk that dad's walking really weird. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:43:02 What kind of walk is that? And then you see the mom, you're like, whoa. And then the kids, you're like, oh my God what kind of walk is that and then you see the mom you're like whoa and then the kids you're like oh my god they all walk the same is that hereditary is that like the shape of their hips and the shape of their thighs and the shape of their calves and stuff could be or is that just what they learned from watching their parents walk like a bunch of retards you know it's it's it's a it's a combination you know it like a bunch of retards, you know, it's, it's, it's a, it's a combination, you know, it's a combination of things going on. Mainly a lot of these things are, are environmental and, uh, somebody is going to say, well, yeah,
Starting point is 00:43:35 because, uh, you know, because of your heritage, uh, you're going to have problems regulating your glucose. Uh, well, uh, let me inform you that any family is going to have a hard time regulating their glucose if they continue to eat cupcakes all the time. The human body is not designed to eat cupcakes. And that's why I threw away over 20 cupcakes, because I cannot look at my nieces and nephews and kids walking by those goddamn cupcakes all day. Everybody already had some.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Everybody already ate plenty of food. Everybody had plenty of snacks. I'm all for it. Eat your ice cream, have fun. But when it's time, there's absolutely no reason for that to be around anymore. There's no reason for it to be shared. I'm not bringing it to the gym.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I used to do stuff like that. I'm like, you know what? No one needs this. It's going in the garbage. And, you know, sometimes you feel like a maniac about it. Like, am I being a maniac or is this like, or should this just be done? If everybody already had some, everybody already had taste for it. It's not like you don't know what a cupcake tastes like. Everybody already has some. And by the way, a cupcake is not even that good. And cake for that matter is not even that good. And we need to put a stop to some of these things.
Starting point is 00:44:51 People are having stuff. They're wasting calories on shit that's not that good. And I got a major problem with that. You know, if you're going to, if you're going to throw away your diet, then have it be with food that tastes really good. What would you throw it away over? Separate from this week? then have it be with food that tastes really good. What would you throw it away over?
Starting point is 00:45:04 Separate from this week? Yeah. Well, I think everybody could agree like pizza, you know, ice cream, a good cheeseburger, good bacon cheeseburger. With fries. It's got to have fries. All of these things make sense. French fries, I've never, I've never been a French fry person. Like I got a, I got a problem with food.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Same, same reason why I got problem with banana. Right. And the same reason why I got problem with banana. Right. And the same reason why monkeys scratch their head over banana, because a banana changes form in 10 seconds. And so do French fries. And so do nachos. Nachos are a ridiculous thing. If you leave nachos on it, like even the very, the very act of ordering some nachos for a table. And it's like five people are all in on those nachos.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Those nachos will be horrible within about 30 seconds. They're great. A couple of chips are great, but then it gets soggy. It turns into this big mess. You're not sure whether to eat it with a fork or whatever. French fries, you got like, I don't know, you got about a minute and a half to eat those things. And they're pretty good when they're hot. I'll admit to that.
Starting point is 00:46:03 They're pretty good when they're hot. But, um, I, I just, I don't know. People are, coffee, coffee does not taste good. Alcohol, alcohol does not taste good. Coffee and alcohol, they do not taste good. Feed it to your children and watch them. They will show you that it tastes like shit. And I think that a lot of people, they're into like these weird frappuccinos and stuff.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And that's different. That's not coffee. Yeah. And then, you know, if you ask somebody, you know, people are not even into real food. And then they'll glance at the stuff I'm eating. They're like, what are you eating? I'm eating food, you asshole. What the fuck are you eating? I'm eating food, you asshole. What the fuck are you eating?
Starting point is 00:46:45 That's the real question. You're eating this weird processed stuff that's made in some factory. I'm eating a cow. And you're eating. Or a chicken or a fish or whatever it is, you know? And you're eating that cow and everybody's telling you how you're going to die from a massive heart attack. And you're going to, this is going to happen to you. And that's going to happen to you.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Well, they're sitting there smoking a cigarette. You're drinking away. And I'll have a drink from time to time. I'm not going to bash any of this stuff because I do do it. I like having a drink. But it's, uh, it's funny to have people tell you what's going to happen to you while they're doing really stupid shit at the same time. Um, isn't that bad for you? And who said it this week about, um, about dying was, um, if you had your choice. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:28 So that was said by Dr. Baker, Dr. Baker. Uh, a lot of people tell him, uh, yeah, eating all that meat, you're going to die of a heart attack. He's like, what a great way to go. You know, what are my other options? You know, you don't have a lot of other options.
Starting point is 00:47:42 You got cancer. Um, you got other illnesses that just wear you down until your other organs don't have a lot of other options. You got cancer. Um, you got other illnesses that just wear you down until your other organs don't work anymore. And you're in the hospital for days on end, uh, going out with a bang. Something to be said for it, man. Sounds like a pretty good way to go. Yeah. I thought that was an interesting argument for, you know, for it, but, um, you know, seeing the results, seeing the blood work, my wife wasn't going to go near the diet until she saw my blood work. And when she saw my liver numbers come down, saw my blood pressure on the, on the cuff,
Starting point is 00:48:13 I've carried a cuff with me for years. See, this is, this is also interesting to me though, too, because your, your wife saw the blood work and then she was intrigued by it. But meanwhile, I'm sure she wasn't making healthy choices beforehand anyway. Right. Right. She has a personal trainer that she sees. Like if you're eating, if you're eating like cereal, you're eating chips, you're eating all these different things.
Starting point is 00:48:34 That's, that's where I got the problem. People are like, ah, that diet's not healthy. Well, who are you to tell me it's not healthy when you, you don't make all that good of healthy choices yourself, you know? Yeah. I find that to be fascinating on, on what people think is a healthy, um, you know, there's a good saying, you know, that nothing is neither good nor bad. It's just your perception of it. And I think that's very true with food. Um, we don't really need to look at all food as being good or bad necessarily. Um, and there's a huge problem with trying to figure out what's healthy
Starting point is 00:49:06 because you got vegans who will go nuts. You got bodybuilders and CrossFitters and all these different people that'll freak out about these different foods. You got the carnivore people who are like, just eat meat, vegetables are bad. And it's asinine to say that vegetables are bad. It's asinine to say that potatoes aren't good for you and rice isn't good. It's asinine to say that potatoes aren't good for you and rice isn't good.
Starting point is 00:49:26 It's asinine to say that carbs aren't good for you. All these things, they don't actually make any sense. But what we can agree upon is we can find common ground in understanding what's bad. Somebody rapes somebody, that's bad. Somebody kills somebody, that's bad. Somebody cheats on their wife, that's bad. Somebody kills somebody. That's bad. Somebody cheats on their wife. That's bad. Somebody, uh, you know, is, uh, somebody eats a donut. That's not a great health choice. Like we know that you eat a donut repeatedly. It's not a great health choice. You have a donut on
Starting point is 00:49:57 one given day and you normally don't eat donuts. Not a huge problem, but it's very easy to pick out what's bad, but whether like red meat is perfect for you or chicken breast is perfect for you, or this is good for you or whatever. Some of those things are kind of hard to really narrow down, but I think it's pretty easy to have a conversation of saying, you know what? A lot of these foods aren't great for us and they should just be limited. You know, just try to keep it simple. Absolutely. Something that my brother and I are trying to work on with this nutrition movie that we're working on is we're trying to figure out a way to communicate to people. How do we, you know, how do we just add to people's lives rather than subtract or rather than yell at you and say, you can't eat that.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Uh, what if we just add and say, here's what I need you to do. I need you to sleep more because you're not, you're not sleeping well, which is usually connected to just not eating well and connected to people's, uh, cell phones being connected to their asses. Um, uh, people need to, uh, need to sleep more. People need to hydrate and you drink. Did you literally just drink more water, not more stuff. They need to drink more water. not more stuff. They need to drink more water. Let's just say, drink three glasses of water a day. People need to eat more
Starting point is 00:51:10 protein, have two or three servings of, of animal protein per day. If you're, if you have a moral issue with that, find some other source, have some sort of protein every day. Have some sort of protein every day. And go on some walks every day. You know? And there's got to be somewhere. You have to strength train. I used to not believe that.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Even though I've been in this world for so long, I used to think, oh, you know, any form of exercise will work. It's not true. It doesn't work. It does not work. You need to have muscle mass and you need to have strength. Strength is never a weakness. I say it all the time. It's part of the moniker here of super training gym, because the more muscle mass that you have, the better your body works for you. Your body works for you. You're not a slave to your body. You don't have to, um, you don't have to always account for every calorie that goes in your body when your body is a machine at burning off calories.
Starting point is 00:52:10 And some women or some people might say, I don't want to. You're not going to get big. It's not about getting big. If you're eating properly, you're going to stay lean and you'll have the look that you want. But you got to, you know, it's addition by subtraction. And hopefully over a period of time, people start to get rid of some of the junk that's in their diet. When you were doing a, well, when you first started a carnivore diet and your blood pressure was looking better, were you salting your food quite a bit? I was a little hesitant at first, just because of everything you've been told over the years.
Starting point is 00:52:54 So, you know, when it was, matter of fact, the Himalayan sea salt was just like this pretty thing that sat literally in a cabinet for years. Yeah. I don't recall ever twisting the damn thing. Now we go through them like one every two weeks. We're buying another bottle. So it's, the concept was very difficult when it's been beaten in your head for so long. Correct. That it's wrong. Don't, I never put salt.
Starting point is 00:53:11 I came from a house that never used salt. Um, so that's what I was used to. If you wanted heat, you threw some pepper, threw some hot sauce and something to get some, to get some taste out of it. Um, now we're salting every single thing we do. Um, and it's incredible. Like I said, I'm still, you know, it's funny cause I'm still like the fat guy talking here, but coming down from 270 to where I am now, you know, I know how I feel. I know I'm awake all day.
Starting point is 00:53:41 I know I'm not at work doing this behind a, behind a computer. I can function through a day, which is something I was really struggling with. It's that heavier weight. Yeah. Forget walking up a flight of stairs and feeling good or feeling like shit. I mean, just staying awake through a day was, was hard. Yeah. So it's, uh, the, the benefits have been unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Yeah. Cause, uh, a fan watching right now was asking because his parents both have high blood pressure so he's a little, you know, he's nervous just the way you were because he's afraid that he's going to have
Starting point is 00:54:10 high blood pressure especially adding salt all over the place. My senior year of college, I did my physical and was told I couldn't play because my blood,
Starting point is 00:54:19 I had to go see a doctor to get cleared to play. My senior year of college, I did not even drink at that stage of my life. Not to a point where it meant anything. You were probably like 200 pounds? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Probably 205 tops. Yeah. Um, I was a punter. I wasn't, you know, I wasn't, wasn't doing anything dramatic. Swinging those calves around to kick anything. Yeah. Still, still can. Um.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I used to get bruises from catching punts from him. Oh shit. He could kick the crap out of the ball. It's remarkable. So, you know, and now you're told that at 19, 20 years old that you can't do something because you have high blood pressure. And nobody knows why. So it's been, you know, I would say to him, you know, just put that aside for, give it a few weeks. You know, I think everybody says give that carnivore 30 days.
Starting point is 00:55:01 or give it a few weeks. You know, I think everybody says, give that carnivore 30 days. Whatever change it is you decide to make where you say, I'm getting away from processed carbs or I'm getting away from sugar, give it 30 days. Yeah. And adding that salt to a diet was,
Starting point is 00:55:17 to me, it was a game changer. I even find when I get a little tired, I saw you throw salt in your water this afternoon when you were having lunch. I'll do the same thing at work. Tastes like shit. But if you feel that. It's like you're drinking the ocean.
Starting point is 00:55:32 It helps. It definitely helps. And the hard part is raising kids. You know how we grew up. You know what we ate when we were kids. You know what your average person in our family looked like back in the 80s. ate when we were kids. You know what your average person in our family looked like back in the 80s.
Starting point is 00:55:46 And how they all look today in that family photo we took just not too long ago. You know, you have uncles that are half the size they used to be. My father, when I was in high school, is half the size he was when I was a senior in high school. Everybody, my mother is smaller your mother your father across the board
Starting point is 00:56:07 my sister's in much better shape than she was years dad's been exercising i mean kind of on and off i guess for a really long time but on for what the last 25 years 20 years when i remember like you know even when i i think even when i still lived in the area i remember him talking about going to the gym so he's been he was he was a jogger so he would still lived in the area, I remember him talking about going to the gym. So he's been. He was a jogger. So he would come home in the wintertime with icicles hanging off his ears, you know, sitting down right at the breakfast table, watching ice melt off his ears onto a table. That's how we grew up.
Starting point is 00:56:38 We grew up with active people. We just ate like shit. And going to the bell house. But look how you keep moving though. And you can still persevere even through some bad eating habits. Yeah. You know, he just, over a long period of time, he just kept moving. And if you look at the family events back in those days, there was never alcohol. There was never anything.
Starting point is 00:56:57 No, no one really had. It was just, nobody drank. I don't remember drinking, yeah. It was just, it was food. Yeah. And just shit tons of it over and over and over. Well, and this is where salt, you know, gets a bad reputation. It's not necessarily the salt and it's also not necessarily the carbs that are problem.
Starting point is 00:57:12 It's also not necessarily the saturated fats problem. It's the combination of everything in such high abundance that ends up being the issue. Um, I don't know about you, but if I, if I drink, you know, get me around some, get me around some beer, get me off my diet, um, and, uh, and get me some salty stuff and my ankles will swell up. I mean, I'll have all kinds of, I, I don't know if that's, uh, you know, partly genetic or if that's from having bad habits as a kid. And just, you know, we always, we had an abundance of, uh, cookies and chips and you name it. It was, it was there, you know, we always, we had an abundance of, uh, cookies and chips and you name it. It was, it was there, you know, we, we had all kinds of different access to all kinds
Starting point is 00:57:51 of different things, but I think that's where those things get the bad reputation from. Um, well, of course, you know, it's going to be bad when there's grams and grams of salt, uh, when you, when you roll through a McDonald's. That's not going to be a great choice. But when you're an athlete, which, by the way, everyone should consider themselves an athlete, anyone that participates in any form of exercise should consider themselves an athlete, and then therefore you should treat yourself like an athlete. Think about what that means. You see an NFL player get hurt during during the game and they go on the
Starting point is 00:58:26 sidelines and they immediately see they consult with somebody right now we don't always have access to somebody right away but we usually know somebody that knows somebody uh you tweaked your back while you're out here and right away you were like i'm gonna go get a massage i need to see you acupuncturist you contact you to contact somebody right away. Try to do something about it right away. Sometimes you'll see the NFL football player get on a bike and he'll get them moving because the guy, they're like, oh, he tweaked his hamstring. And there he is pedaling the bike. Get yourself moving. You know, you think you hurt something. You think you tweaked your ankle. You think you did something. You might need to give
Starting point is 00:59:03 it a day or two to relax. You might want to try to consult with somebody, but get moving, get walking. The second that you slow down is the second that you're going to die. The second that you slow down, the second that you stop eating, people are like, oh, I don't really need to eat anymore. It's like, no, that's not actually great. You should have an appetite. You should be hungry. You should be hungry and passionate about the things you're doing. That's a good sign that, uh, death is probably creeping around the corner too, but you, you should have an appetite, not, not a ferocious appetite. You want to kill off some of those hunger hormones and some of those cravings, uh, that gave you the bad habits in the first place. And then that helps you to sort out the different issues that you have. Um, but I just hear these people kind of saying these
Starting point is 00:59:50 different things about, oh man, you know, I was doing good. And then I, you know, hurt my, my elbow, my elbow, or I hurt my ankle. I twisted my ankle. And it's like, man, those are the, and you said you tore your bicep, but you lost more weight. That's exactly what people should be doing. When something happens, give yourself some more tender love and care. Give yourself, put some more time in yourself at that time. Well, that was the, as I was getting ready to come out here was for the, the super training classic, right? You were going to shake up the world.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Oh, I was going to move big things. So you were benching like 365 or something. Was it? 365 on a bar. I had literally made up my mind. Very, not similar to what you're doing because it's totally different but i was benching zero to saying okay i'm gonna go out there and i'm at least gonna do 315 with or without a slingshot i'm getting 315 off the ground
Starting point is 01:00:37 and that's what's gonna happen so i was training i had a trainer. He was doing great by me. He was pushing me. And next thing you know, with a torn bicep backstage, I was just fucking around. I put 365 at a bar and I moved it with a slingshot. But so that 315, I remember Stacy was like, you got to do something. He's like, what is he doing? I'm like, I'm trying to prepare myself. I don't know what he's doing.
Starting point is 01:01:13 So it was, you know, that was my big plan was to come out here and do that. And all of a sudden, now you're faced with going home. And this is a place I go home very charged from every time to saying, okay, what the fuck am I going to do now? Because I can't lift and all I've been doing is lifting and getting ready. I had the fortune of meeting Dr. Baker because I couldn't come here and work out. I'm going to try this diet. And now I'm going to say, okay, since I can't put on muscle mass, it's there's things I can't do because I'm jammed up in his sling. I'm going to lose weight. And it turned into this massive, you know, and, and I work for a utility. So as soon as I got back, we had some nasty storms hit the Northeast, and we've been working around the clock.
Starting point is 01:01:50 I was doing 12-hour shifts, seven days a week, on and off, all through the month of March for sure. Part of April, we've had some crap this summer. It was just terrible weather. And I just go to work with my stakes. And people look at you fucking bizarre you know in bigger stronger faster you had you had greg valentino right doing doing that i i do that now i don't think twice about sitting at my desk with a strip steak in my hand yeah and just
Starting point is 01:02:15 knowing away at until it's done right down to the fat i mean it sometimes i'll take a shot at that too it's um so you know we watched him all these years ago. I'm like, wow, you know, he really is crazy. And I had the pleasure of knowing him when I was younger. I used to go to his gym in Peekskill when I was in high school. I'm a lunatic. He was, he was the real deal, man. Um, and so long story short, you know, being able to go through that experience, have something bad happen, say, screw it. I could have easily canceled my flight and not come out here.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Right. Come out, schedule the surgery, enjoy my trip here, learn a lot, go back and apply it. And now apply it to a point where my blood pressure is normal and my liver cancer in check. Right. Is bizarre. It's absolutely bizarre to me, but I know, you know, now that I've put some weight back on going off of it, that you hit that number and you go, oh shit,
Starting point is 01:03:10 time to turn this around and let's get moving back in the other direction. How many people have asked you about the diet? Would you say like different people at work and different people around you? I got more professionals around me than I could imagine. I can honestly say right now. You say like 100 people, 200 people, 50 people? I can say right now 200 people no i can people i can say right now it's every bit of 50 60 people and i can tell you four people i work with who did it i can tell you my family did it for a period of time um it was just so easy yeah and now it's just me
Starting point is 01:03:39 um i'm trying to but most people most people ask a question and then as soon as you start saying what it is they just kind of tune you out, right? Like, they're not really. I think it's that fat guy reaction, right? You're either, you hear it and you're drooling, or you hear it and you're sick to your stomach. Right. And for me, I was drooling. And like I said, my first date with my wife, she was a steak girl.
Starting point is 01:03:59 So it was easy for us. I think my daughter gets to a point where, like, if you put another steak on a table, it's like, it's like you're feeding a rat food, you know, rat poison. Like, don't, how could you do that to me again? I'm sorry. I'm buying you nice stuff and getting something nice to eat for dinner. Right. Uh, she, she'd get sick of it, but everybody else really adapted to it well.
Starting point is 01:04:18 And, um, you know, they, they kind of have their own pick of what they want to do now. But, and I think that's the biggest thing moving forward is, is really limiting the sugar. I think what you said about throwing those cupcakes out, um, I didn't see them get thrown out, but I walked by him a few times. Um,
Starting point is 01:04:36 there's just no, it's just, I just look at stuff like that. And it's like, I just, I'm just thinking like in terms of like, what's, what's reasonable,
Starting point is 01:04:47 you know, like, like, is this, is this reasonable for this to be sitting here any longer and uh you know what else should we do with it like if there's no one else coming over and everybody's already been fed i already saw the kids eat cupcakes i think a few of them had more than one which all that I'm totally, whatever. Enjoy yourself. Have a little, have fun. Yeah. Your little kid go nuts. And they had, um, uh, you know, some of those, uh, ice things or whatever. They're dumping all that weird stuff on it.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Um, you know, they had, they had a lot of their stuff already. So I'm just like, Hmm, I'm also just, I'm also just chuck it out. And I, I think more people just need to try to make choices like that. Try to make, uh, maybe you're not going to always make the best choice, but try to make a better choice. Try to just figure out, you know, what's, how do I, how do I just make this a little bit better? How do I not be lazy and just, you know, pack Doritos for my kids? How do I, you know, maybe, maybe I just get some fruit or something. It's not hard. I know everybody wants to make it out to be, uh, like it's this impossible thing, but food is,
Starting point is 01:05:50 is a convenience and it's around us and it's around us in abundance. And the convenience factor is not really as much of an excuse as it used to be because you can go to almost any grocery store nowadays and things are already chopped up and cooked. There's a lot, there's a lot of great options. I mean, you said that you go to the deli sometimes and just get roast beef, right? Roast beef is my go-to. You get like a boar's head roast beef thing.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Yep. I keep a half a pound on me or three quarters of a pound sitting at my desk in a refrigerator. And if I have to go to something real quick during the day, I can't get out. That's what I go for. I've done quick during the day, I can't get out. Uh, that's what I go for. I've done stuff like that and had slices of cheese with it. That's a weird looking thing too. People going by your desk and you're sitting there dangling this thing over your head.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Rolling it up. But, uh, in terms of like carnivore, in terms of keto, you got, you know, pepperoni and salami and you got,
Starting point is 01:06:41 you have, there's some options there, you know? Yeah. And it doesn't always have to be, uh, you know, just the same old thing every single time you mentioned how it, how it has also, you know, you mentioned kind of the health, uh, changes and, uh, you mentioned being 260 and now you're still down over, over 20 pounds. Um, but you also kind of mentioned just how it changed your life. How did it, how did it kind of make some other impacts and make you feel better about yourself?
Starting point is 01:07:07 Did it improve things at home or anything like that? Definitely improved. You guys have confidence issues, but you, you definitely fall into ruts. And when you fall into a rut, what's the easiest thing to go for is the refrigerator. Right. Um, I'm not the kind of guy to be sitting in a bar every night of the week. Also not the kind of guy to be sitting in a gym every night of the week. I'm also not the kind of guy to be sitting in a gym every night of the week. So what rut do you fall into?
Starting point is 01:07:29 You're sitting home watching TV and you go to the refrigerator and you just, there's days you can tear the cover off of a house, you know, and I'll go through everything I can. Why do we do that? Just keep looking in the refrigerator as if something new is going to pop up. Because every time you go back, your standards get a little bit lower. A little bit lower and that's okay. Yeah, fine.
Starting point is 01:07:49 I'll eat that old ass Oreo cookie. No, it's definitely a thing. And it's something that I, when you have a liver problem and you can't drink, when you have this and you can't do that and you're trying to be conscious of this, trying to be conscious of that, you fall into that rut where you're not working out, what are you can't do that and you're trying to be conscious of this, trying to be conscious of that, you fall into that rut where you're not working out. What are you going to do? Everybody has to have some kind of vice, no matter what it may be.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Find a hobby, find something to do. I have several hobbies I do with my friends. Other ones that, you know, I had to get stricter with myself. It was creating my own hobbies. So this learning how to cook steaks, I've actually become very picky. Right. I used to just be able to cook meat.
Starting point is 01:08:34 It's actually kind of hard to go out to eat sometimes. Yeah. Because you're like, they messed up my steak. Yeah. Son of a bitch. I'm starting to become a little bit of a snob. And I think I'm cooking them perfect. I know there's times I set them on a table for everybody and some people look at me like, Oh man, that thing still got a pulse.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Yeah. But, um, you know, it is what it is. Yeah. You, you like it that way. Yeah. Um, well that's, that's awesome. And I think it, you know, the key, the key factor there is that you, you've kept, you know, you kept the weight off.
Starting point is 01:08:58 And, and part of the reason why I wanted to have you on the podcast is because I think what I, what I'm always trying to show people is that you can make changes and that they, it doesn't have to be, um, you know, for me, I think some people might sit back and say, Oh, you know, it's easier for them to make changes. He's got all day to, um, kind of pick or choose and do whatever he wants, which is somewhat true. Uh, I do have the luxury of, of doing that on occasion, but, um, you know, you have basically a nine to five, right. Yeah. And you, you've had a, you've had a job like that for a really long time. You got obligations with your kids and you're off doing this and you're
Starting point is 01:09:37 off doing that and you're still making time, uh, you know, for yourself. Um, what do you think, you know, after, after spending some time working on yourself over the last maybe two years or so, um, how, how does that make you feel versus, um, you know, before it seemed like you were pouring so much time into everybody else that it was almost to your own detriment health wise. Oh, it was totally, totally to my own detriment. Um, own detriment health-wise? Oh, it was totally, totally to my own detriment. Um, what I've noticed the last six months, um, has just been that refocusing on taking care of myself. And, um, since I've been doing that, like I said, confidence has definitely improved. I feel better about myself. I feel better about what I'm doing, where I'm heading and how I'm getting there. You get
Starting point is 01:10:22 clearer on things where I think when I was eating shitty and not feeling well, you had a tendency to kind of let situations dictate how you respond to them, how you feel about them. Right. Tend to act a little more emotional towards them. Right. Where now you can kind of just step back and take that rational look.
Starting point is 01:10:41 And like I said, it's been a game changer no question about it now i know when i go home this time it's back to the gym again it's back to you know to to moving to to being more active um and and making the time for that to happen so yeah i think people just they got to try to pick a lane you know pick pick one thing the other. You either try to stay on your diet or try to keep moving. If you can't do both because you don't feel you have the discipline, you got the strength or whatever, and you fall off on one, you got to try to keep something in there. Every single year when Thanksgiving comes around, it usually starts around, uh, around Halloween. When I start to put out candy, every single person gains like five pounds every year. Um, a lot of people talk a lot about losing weight and losing weight in this country actually is not a problem. Uh, many people have lost, have,
Starting point is 01:11:36 have lost a lot of weight in their, in their lifetime, but they have a hard time keeping it off. What I advise everybody to do is try to bulletproof yourself for those situations. When it starts to be September, when it starts to be October, start to really focus in on creating some new habits towards those holidays, because you know that when your aunt makes meatballs, that you're going to eat them. You know that when your aunt makes meatballs that you're going to eat them you know that when these certain things come across the table that you're going to eat them and and you should you should enjoy i mean look these things pop out once a year why not why not have an opportunity to enjoy them if you can um but would it be that hard for you to, during those months to try to, uh, ward off two,
Starting point is 01:12:26 three pounds, um, maybe not even actually lose weight, but just exercise enough, uh, to where you're, uh, neutralizing the calculation of whatever excess stuff that you eat would be.
Starting point is 01:12:38 And it doesn't have to be hard. I told you some of the things you can do. You can work on getting more sleep. You can drink more water, uh, try to add to your life rather than just subtract everything out. You can just start to walk more. I know uncle peter walks all the time i'm, just Walking is not hard throwing a pair of socks throwing a pair of shoes and get your ass outside and just start to move and just move and uh
Starting point is 01:13:00 You know, obviously the diet's going to play into it and stuff, but you can kind of take it one step at a time. Super proud of my dad. He's been, uh, working out about 15, 16 days in a row. And, uh, he's been making some improvements. Proud of my mom. My mom's lost almost 40 pounds. Hopefully she can kind of continue on that route and hopefully we can, uh, get, get her moving more.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Is that, that'd be the next step is to get her moving around a little bit more so she can even feel more betterest. Anything else, Andrew? I can't validate it, but it looks like your daughter Katie just said hi. Just because it's from someone else's screen name and whatnot. But no, that's all I got. It was really cool having you on, Stephen, especially for our 100th episode. That's what we're kind of celebrating today. The glitter and the balloons and the dancers, they're on back order right now, so they didn't make it in time. I'll come back. Okay, cool. The dancers right there, Terrell.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Oh, uh-oh. He does a light giggle. I got to say hi to Katie then because we're jumping on a plane shortly heading back to New York. I love this full sweat that you broke out into. Well, what's up with the air in here? You said you were going to make it cool.
Starting point is 01:14:17 It was cold. Everyone was freezing and then I have to click it back on. I don't know what happened. I don't know why it shut off. Because I what happened. I don't know why it shut off. Because I'm here. I don't know why. Did he just overheat the room?
Starting point is 01:14:28 He might have broke it, yeah. He broke the air conditioning. Yeah, now I can feel it. What was your favorite part of this weekend, if there's a highlight? Oh, my God. We were talking about this yesterday, and my nephew was probably, he had two things picked out. He couldn't pick out three.
Starting point is 01:14:47 So if I'm going to go with three, and I'm going to need a little help here. The first, the very first. You have to say it out loud. Go ahead. A little help. Dirt. Oh, my son. Okay, so your father bought tickets to go to the Yolo County Fair.
Starting point is 01:15:07 And you were kind of hesitant to go to this derby. You didn't realize what time you were going to have. Well, at one point it was like, you know, you go to California. I visited you guys when you were in L.A. And now you're at the Yolo County Fair. And you're like, this ain't like L.A. This is a little different. A lot different.
Starting point is 01:15:24 And all of a sudden, you know, you're sitting in this stadium and these cars are, what an experience. The derby to me. So you've never been to a demolition derby? No. No, no, no. Never seen, never heard of. Have you been to it before, Andrew? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:39 I grew up in Woodland, so I've been to those things. It's a must. Yeah. I love the demolition derby. I sent you text messages with pictures of cars. I grew up in Woodland, so I've been to those things. It's a must. Yeah. I love the Dunwoosh Derby. I've been there a bunch. I sent you text messages with pictures of cars. I want to see an ST car there next year.
Starting point is 01:15:52 I don't have to drive it. I'd love to drive it. But anybody. We'll just put Marcus out there by himself just running into people. Yeah, he'd love that. So that would be, no, the Derby, obviously getting together with family is, is, is first and foremost with me and it always will be. So catching up with you guys is, you know, as scattered as your schedule is right now with all you got going on.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Um, that was huge. Uh, San Francisco, taking my son and my family and your son to the Golden Gate Bridge. We had a blast. We had a great day in San Francisco. We got to go to the Exploratorium in San Francisco. Saw a kid I graduated from high school with who's the director of the Exploratorium. Oh, there it goes. Airs on.
Starting point is 01:16:34 You know, I haven't seen him since the day we got our diplomas. You got an electrician in here? I haven't seen him since we got our diplomas in 1990. So it was really cool catching up with him for a few minutes. since we got our diplomas in 1990. So it was really cool catching up with him for a few minutes and obviously spending time with my family and getting my son out here to see a different side of the world. And Katie's probably really pissed off right now because she's home
Starting point is 01:16:54 and she probably doesn't know we put her video on before. Vincent's never been out to the West Coast at all, probably, right? He's never been anything. Florida? Florida a couple times, just East Coast. First trip to the west coast at all probably right he's never been anything florida florida a couple times just east coast first trip to the west coast and um he's having a blast i mean he's seen seeing what's going on around him you know i i tried to explain to him when you're in a different part of the country absorb it right see what goes on see what other people do for a living
Starting point is 01:17:20 you know you don't have to do i i came up through a basically a family of nine to five seven to threes and uh not everybody's life like works like that out here and it's it's a lot a lot of people here have different lifestyles um different schedules and it's kind of a neat thing to watch you're gonna have to hang in there then dad because it took me a long time. And you know what? And that's fine. You know, Chris and I have always shared stories for years over how he wished he had,
Starting point is 01:17:55 blah, blah, blah, blah, what I had going on in my life. And I always look at him like, wow, you know, he's going to leave behind movies. He's going to leave behind things. You're going to leave behind things. Your brother left behind things that we all learn from. You know, I'm going to leave a couple bucks in a, you know. Fishing pole. Oh, he was a good worker. You know, that's how I always see it.
Starting point is 01:18:14 So it's, you know, people have different things. To me, instead of having that thing to leave behind, I try and be the person that's there for everything they do. Yeah. having that thing to leave behind. I try and be the person that's there for everything they do. Yeah. Um, well,
Starting point is 01:18:26 something I always stood out in my mind is, uh, you know, uh, you don't need to be rich or famous to make a huge impact. You know, um, look at the people.
Starting point is 01:18:34 I mean, look at how much people care about my dad, you know, look how much people care about your dad and your mom. I mean, you know, these are people that are having a, a really huge impact, a personal impact on people's lives. A celebrity or somebody like that or somebody who's obtaining some of these things, they really don't have the time to, even though they are affecting thousands and sometimes affecting millions and have charities and they do all these great things.
Starting point is 01:19:01 All those things are cool, but they don't have the direct impact. And I'll never forget how many people, uh, came to our grandfather's funeral. You know, I, I remember that. I was like, um, I knew that people loved him and I knew that people cared about him, but there was a shitload of people there. And I was like, he's like a rock star. I'm like, this is amazing. And so many people had, you know, so many great things to say about him.
Starting point is 01:19:27 And, and, and when Mad Dog passed too, it was the same thing. It's like literally hundreds of people showed up. And so, uh, I don't think that you don't have to be in search of anything greater. I think what you're doing is great. And then the impact that you're having is on the most important people anyway. You know, I, I've learned the lesson, uh, many times over of, you know, we got this, this circle and everybody else needs to be blocked out. There's this, uh, you know, at night doors are locked for a reason.
Starting point is 01:19:57 You know, people are welcome into my house during the day and we hang out and, but the doors are locked at the end of the day for a reason that I need to impact the people that are inside my home. And, uh, anything more than that, uh, is a little extra, but anything more than that is taking chunks. Uh, it's eating chunks away, away, away from me. So, um, you know, it's, it's fun and it's cool. And it's, uh, it's great to get out there and have people recognize you and things like that. But, uh, you're doing, you're doing great things. You're, you're a great dad. I admire, you know, the, the, the time that you pour into your, into your kids. And I've always admired you and you have a great work ethic. And, and that's part of the reason why I wanted to have you on this show is because
Starting point is 01:20:45 you're not a fitness celebrity. I've had a lot of those on the show and Andrew will back me up on this. A lot of times they suck. A lot of times your story's boring because they have got nothing going on. Yeah. It's like, okay, tell me more about this 900 pound deadlift.
Starting point is 01:20:59 And they're like, um, so I started lifting when I was 15 and then I got stronger. And, um, and you're like, so I started lifting when I was 15, and then I got stronger. And you're like, okay, you don't have a girlfriend. You don't have a wife. You don't have kids. No life experience. Just nothing.
Starting point is 01:21:17 You're like, there's nothing going on. You're dead behind the eyes. All the shit you're doing is having an impact on the people that you're supposed to have an impact on. You're not supposed to be doing anything else. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. I'm out of here.

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