Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 109 - Maintaining Goals

Episode Date: September 10, 2018

Today Mark Bell is talking about maintaining the goals you've accomplished and how to help others reach their goals. Rewatch the live Stream of this episode here: ➢SHOP ...NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, Mark Bell? Hello? Everybody here? Anybody home? Yeah, Smokey just got back, so we're all here. Man, this coffee's hot. Thanks, Josh. He got you hot coffee?
Starting point is 00:00:14 Mm-hmm. Yeah. I didn't get any hot coffee. I don't know, man. I haven't tasted coffee that good from this place before. I don't know what he did, but he did something special for me, I guess. Just something he probably whipped up, you know? He's pretty fast.
Starting point is 00:00:29 I love that we still have Shaw's microphone. It's about your eye level. I know. That's a big son of a bitch. He's not little. We should have interviewed his penis. That would have been interesting. Would it have said, hello?
Starting point is 00:00:45 Or would it have been like, hey, everybody? Yeah. Would it talk like Hanky the Christmas Pooh? Yeah. Or would it talk like Darth Vader? The chat box was going nuts, especially when we were talking about his bench press. For some reason, the argument— People are always asking about his bench.
Starting point is 00:01:03 What do you bench, bro? It was the—I believe you. What do you bench, bro? I believe you guys had said 300 kilos, right? The 661? Oh, yeah. He was talking about that would be something that he would want to shoot for, yeah. So someone's like, there's no way. There's absolutely no way. He doesn't have the build for a 300 kilo
Starting point is 00:01:19 bench. Right. And that someone's like, his cack can bench 300 kilos. That's great. And that could be possible well i don't think people um i think people realize how big karil serkiv is karil serkiv i think is six five or six six so i think that people might think just because brian shaw is tall that he would uh end up having a hard time um but look at brian shaw and hapthor bjornson and some of these guys are six seven six eight six nine um and uh they don't lack pressing power they press um you know 200 kilos 440 you know upwards of 440 pounds uh with the logs and stuff like that and sometimes they were able
Starting point is 00:02:06 to do it for multiple reps so i don't have a lack of pressing power i think in brian's case he would just have to train for it i don't think he's ever really trained for bench pressing yeah i know he uses bench pressing in his training but i don't think he's like really trained for it it'd be sick to see that though yeah i know he's talked about like wanting to do a powerlifting meet and, uh, you know, it'd just be kind of hard, I think, um, for him just to go in and like, it would only make sense if he intentionally lifted a little less than he thought he could do. So he doesn't get hurt. Um, but I don't think the guy operates that way so it'd be kind of it'd be kind of hard you know um i don't know what he would deadlift but like you know it'd be disappointing if he didn't
Starting point is 00:02:52 deadlift 900 pounds because he's deadlifted over a thousand pounds um with straps um and yeah there's just you know a lot of the internet would be watching it and they'd be talking shit and all that kind of stuff. But your 661 bench would be, uh, would be a huge bench. Uh, Bill Kazmaier did that amount. And so that's why Brian was talking about how it'd be fun to be able to pursue something like that. Um, I think Brian could easily bench over 600 pounds, but I also think that that would
Starting point is 00:03:24 probably be around where he tops out. I could be wrong, but it'd be hard for him to progress past that without really, uh, entering in a, in a zone where it would be dangerous. Even a 600 pound bench would be very dangerous for him at this point, blow off a pack and risk,
Starting point is 00:03:41 you know, being out for a year. Um, I think he said his best is 525 for three so uh you know math wise you'd have to do 525 for five or 550 or so for about three or four to equal a 600 pound bench um i've done 525 for three i've done 525 for four reps actually before so and I was at 578 so everybody's a little different when it comes to those curves like that but I would imagine that he wouldn't be too too different than from where I'm at with that you know consideration where is
Starting point is 00:04:22 your bench currently right now after the bodybuilding show and all that? I did 405 the week of the show. And I think right now I could bench probably about 455. It'd probably be a little bit hard. The left side is like not keeping up, not cooperating with the right side. But I think I'll bench over 500 pretty soon. It's just a matter of like what kind of weight I want to put back on. You know, if I if I stay, I weighed 242 this morning.
Starting point is 00:04:57 If I stay under 250 for me anyway, if I stay under 250, it'll be harder for me to bench press over 500 pounds. Um, I I've done it before. I weighed 245 and benched 500 for three. That was also like four or five years ago. And every year that goes by, things get a little, a little different and a little harder. What I don't want to do is I don't want to chase numbers, uh, the way that I used to. So I want to lift and I want to feel good and I want to look good and I'd like to stay in good shape. Um, so like, I think, you know, the Instagram posts I made with the Furby, I think people,
Starting point is 00:05:37 sometimes some, some took it the wrong way, you know, cause they were like, oh, you should do both. You should get, you know, bigger and leaner and stronger to do all three. Cause like, well, it doesn't, first of all, it doesn't work that way. And, uh, secondly, um, when I talked about getting like bigger and stronger, I didn't mean to get like big and fat. Uh, yeah. I, you know, being fat is, is in the past. Um, hopefully I never get fat again. I don't know what's going to happen when I'm 50, 60, 70. Maybe I will be the guy that is still hanging around some of these trade shows
Starting point is 00:06:11 and they'll go, oh my God, did you see Mark Bell? He's so fat again. We'll have a conversation before that happens though. Yeah. I hope so. Smokey will let you go.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I won't though. Smokey loves fat Mark Bell and farty Mark Bell. Yeah. You know, I feel that I've changed a lot of my habits. Even right now, like, I'm eating more of what I want, but what I want is the quality's increased. The quality of what I'm eating is a lot better than it was years ago. Yeah. So it's not like,
Starting point is 00:06:49 um, instead of, uh, instead of wanting pizza, like my kids had pizza the other day and I, and I've been dying for pizza. Yeah. But they had pizza the other day and I was like,
Starting point is 00:07:00 yeah, I got, I got filet mignon in the fridge. I'm going to fucking cook that up that's gonna be awesome and i had it with some potatoes and i ate a lot more than i normally would you know i had two helpings of the filet and some extra helping of the potatoes and threw some ketchup on the potatoes which i normally don't do any a lot of that stuff but um you know for right now that's what i'm trying to do is i'm trying just to kind of relax.
Starting point is 00:07:26 You know, I did that diet so hard for so long and, uh, it, it created the result I wanted. And now it's time to, it's time to move into some different things. What I'd like to do, like kind of the next goal would be, um, increase some strength, put on some size again without getting fat. Um, I feel like I need to do some more work on my arms you know i blew both these suckers out before the biceps and so i'd like to kind of work on the shape of them and and the way they look make them a little stronger and also my shoulders just because i've never really worked on my shoulders in the past and i'd like to uh kind of keep those healthy so that way the bench stays
Starting point is 00:08:08 healthy and the bench stays strong but yeah other than that everything's feeling really good. Cool and what like diet are we gonna be seeing you now with this goal in mind? Fumble. Jesus Christ. A little help? That's only the second time I've ever done that. That was a pretty good one though. I got my paper all wet. Luckily it's Jesus. He can walk on that. Sina.
Starting point is 00:08:32 I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Jesus. He'll, he'll walk right over that water. He won't care. Anyway. Um, yeah, the diet is, uh, is going to pretty much be similar to what I was doing before.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Um, what I was doing kind of in anticipation for the bodybuilding show, keeping the carbs, um, keeping some carbs in there, keeping the fats kind of moderate and keeping the protein high. We're about to drip. The water's about to drip. Get in there, buddy. Clean up on aisle three. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Right here. Well three here we go right here just pause here for a couple seconds but clean up this fucking giant mess this happened uh when i was on rogan he spilled shit all over himself and then he was like obsessed with trying to clean his shirt he had like this bright colored shirt on he was trying to keep the stains out of there no do i still sound the same did i cause any water damage over here no we're good you still sound handsome yeah you don't sound like you're underwater yeah that would be that would be amazing that'd be sick bloop bloop bloop bloop yeah there we go all right
Starting point is 00:09:43 yeah so diet wise uh not too many changes a little bit lower carbs probably on the weekend saturday sunday although this saturday we got our buddy uh damon thurman merman it's his wedding so uh i'll probably just eat whatever they serve there if they have really good sometimes at weddings man they put some really good fucking stuff on the table you know they put some really good treats and little snacks out. I remember as a kid, I hated wedding food. There was always like some kind of like grilled chicken or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:14 At least in my experience. Oh, yeah. It's like dry and cold. A lot of times it's like adult food. Yeah, exactly. Right. Which is like, I don't know. Usually kind of boring for kids. Yeah. Jesse Burdick, you know, he's one of my. Yeah, exactly. Right? Which is like, I don't know, usually kind of boring for kids.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Yeah. Jesse Burdick, you know, he's one of my fattest friends. He had some amazing food at his wedding. But the key is if you're going to have like open bar, you need to realize that people are going to want to go back and forth to eat multiple times. And so Jesse had this shit planned out he had kind of regular serving of food people picked chicken steak or fish or whatever it was normal like starchy carb with it potatoes or whatever i can't even really recall what what the main dish was salad all the normal stuff that you see. Everything was really good. But then out of nowhere, as soon as you got a little drunk and you thought you were hallucinating
Starting point is 00:11:10 at this point, a taco truck appeared. That's the best. You're like, where the hell is the taco truck come from? This is amazing. And everybody at that point is starving, even though we just all ate, but people are like dancing and people are getting hammered. About another two hours go by. Taco truck disappears. And you're like, man, I'm getting hungry.
Starting point is 00:11:30 The night's getting a little later. And all of a sudden, all these desserts come popping out of nowhere. And then there was like an ice cream truck. Dude, that's awesome. My cousin did like the exact same thing. It was insane. There was like candy everywhere too. Like tons of candy.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Like dark chocolate and regular chocolate and peanut butter cups. I was like, where are we? It was insane. There was like candy everywhere too. Tons of candy. Dark chocolate and regular chocolate and peanut butter cups. I was like, where are we? It was amazing. That's. And it was just loaded with athletes too. There was a lot of great athletes at that. Athletes. At that wedding too.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Anyway. Well, good luck at Damon's. We were just chatting about Colin Kaepernick. Why not talk about controversial shit, right? People love chatting about Colin Kaepernick. Why not talk about controversial shit, right? People love talking about Colin Kaepernick and the president and all this shit. I'm enjoying all the memes that people are making. Yeah. I was just kind of saying before we started the podcast, I think all this shit's good.
Starting point is 00:12:19 You know, I think Donald Trump is good. I think he gets people in conversation. I don't remember people caring about politics this much. And I don't remember people talking about the president this much. A lot of people didn't like Obama. A lot of people liked Obama, but I didn't hear people talking about what they're talking about nowadays. And they talk constantly and a lot of it's negative, but who cares?
Starting point is 00:12:43 It's still a conversation. Yeah. And with Kaepernick, you know know people have their views and people are disappointed that you know maybe he sent the wrong message towards uh i don't know police officers or military or whatever it is you know people have their different views uh about him kneeling and stuff. But again, the point is, is it strikes up conversation. Are there a lot of problems in this country between black and white? Are there a lot of problems in this country with racism? I think you would be foolish to say no.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Like in my opinion, in my opinion, from what I've seen, based on how many years I've been on this earth and based on the things that i've seen over the years i would say yeah there's still a lot of problems with racism and hopefully people have more conversation about it and hopefully people understand each other's point of view rather than just getting riled up and pissed at each other and and and being angry right right um but a lot of times that's not what happens a lot of times people just get they get so inflamed as you kind of see sometimes on social media that they can't handle it and uh i'm sure there's probably some comments sparking up right now
Starting point is 00:13:57 people just i can't believe you're and i'm not supportive uh of of i'm not for or against Colin Kaepernick. I just, I just think my point is right now, it's just that I think that sometimes when somebody makes a stand like this, I think it's good because it gets other people going and who's had a greater impact in football or not even football. Who's had a greater impact period in all of sports than Colin Kaepernick in the last two years. I mean, even further than that, I can't really think of it. Yeah, it might be longer, right? I mean, would you say Tom Brady's had a bigger impact on society or Colin Kaepernick, right?
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah, when you put it that way, it's fucking crazy to think. It's a weird conversation, right? Because he seems to get a lot of people really angry. People that are for and against whatever he's standing or kneeling for. Right. Because anybody that's on his side, they get really defensive as well.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Right. So when you put it that way, it's like, holy shit, like you're right. Like I can't, I can't think of anybody else that has had an impact in the world in sports, you know what I mean? Like from sports.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Um, he's, he's probably, you know, like, uh, I don't know, a lot of people tune in to see Tom Brady,
Starting point is 00:15:18 right? Yeah. But a lot of people have tuned out from the NFL completely because of a, because some of the rules. People are getting frustrated because you can't kill each other as bad as you used to be able to kill each other. You can't spear, so I ain't watching it anymore. I don't like it. You can't hurt yourself as much as you used to.
Starting point is 00:15:36 You hit the quarterback too hard, you get a flag. Yeah, yeah. And people get all mad about all that stuff. The only thing I know about Thursday night's game was the Julio Jones not catch. That's the only thing I've seen come out from that. I don't even know who won. I don't know anything other than people can't figure out what a catch in the NFL is. Yeah, well, I'm not exactly sure what play because there was a lot of kind of controversial plays, but Julio Jones did catch the ball in the end zone, but he got pushed out, and you can push people out nowadays, and that's kind of part
Starting point is 00:16:12 of the defense. There's a lot of drop passes in that game, but that happens early in the season. The offense always takes a long time to catch up to where the defense is always ahead in the beginning of the year, and there wasn't a touchdown until I think maybe the third quarter or something like that. So it wasn't the end zone one. Here it is. I found it. Oh.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Yeah, so this was the one. Oh, yeah, and they didn't review that one that much, I don't think. Yeah, that was really wild. Julio Jones is a a mutant by the way these guys are these guys are just insane athletes holy shit i mean you know what i don't think when i was watching it they never showed this i don't think they showed this angle like this um unless i wasn't paying attention but i yeah i didn't that's like i saw some like still images of so like right there he does slide out of bounds
Starting point is 00:17:12 but he still has the ball like on the floor and then he slides out so i don't know man i always hate instant replay because i think that even when you like even even if you were to instant replay that and slow that thing down you you still can't tell what happened. Yeah. And the referees, I think they do a good enough job. I don't know. I just want to show you my favorite meme. People take it so serious.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I am Groot. That's great. That is great. Yeah, there's been lots of memes going on lately. That's the best one. I love that movie. That's a great... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:51 That's a fantastic movie. What the hell was I going to say? Sorry, we're talking about Kaepernick. Mm-hmm. Foosball. Yeah. Well, we got other things to talk about here today, too. You know, it's really some sad news.
Starting point is 00:18:10 It really sucks. You know, we had a guy on the podcast a while back who ended up becoming a friend very quickly and ended up becoming somebody that was very open and very forthcoming with business ideas. Normally people in a lot of circumstances won't share information. And I was explaining to this guy, you know, some of the frustrations I had with trying to do certain things that we're trying to do here at Slingshot. And he immediately stepped up to the plate and was like, oh i'll help you out i know this guy i know this guy gave us a bunch of contacts not only that he invited uh me and smoky out to uh colorado to go to a trade show where not only uh did we
Starting point is 00:19:00 meet up with him at the trade show but he took us around to these different relationships he had with other people and took i don't know half hour hour out of his day to introduce smoky and i to some people uh that he thought could help our company and it was for no no no money involved no uh no nothing just to be a friend just to be uh, you know, he, he was like that the second I met him. And I'm talking about Jason Harrison who passed away recently. I'm not going to get into depth about, uh, what all happened. Cause I don't have any understanding of, of what did happen. I'll just say that he's gone. And that's really in the end, all that matters. When my brother passed on, we still don't know exactly what happened. It appears that my brother took his own life.
Starting point is 00:19:51 And we just, to me, to me, all that matters is he's just not here anymore. And it just leaves a big gap. And, you know, we're missing out on a great person. Jason was, in the short time that I knew him, I'm not going to sit here and say that we were like, you know,'re we're missing out on a great person jason was um in the short time that i knew him i'm not going to sit here and say that we were like you know best friends or anything but in the short period of time i knew him probably for about three months he was very kind he was very up front we had a lot of things in common he has two children i have two children uh his wife is from the area and that's why he lives here.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I live in this area because my wife is from here. And he's also a guy that had an NFL football career for years. He suffered a broken neck and came back and played more football after that. So it gives you a sense of, like, this is a tough son of a bitch. Yeah. Came back and stuck it out a tough son of a bitch. Yeah. Came back and, uh, stuck it out and, and tried to play a little bit more and, uh, ultimately couldn't play any further in the NFL and, uh, started a company, uh, called Sitka. I think is how you say the name. Sitka. Sitka. There you go. And, uh, he at the very least helped to create a space that didn't exist
Starting point is 00:21:08 before it was basically uh i guess you'd say performance enhancing hunting gear there wasn't really much of a uh not that there wasn't much of a market for it just no one really created it at that point it's my understanding of it anyway and uh he had to go a separate way from that company and he moved on and started his own company kuyu which is just here in dixon california which is in norcal very cool you know 40 minutes from from where we're at here at super training gym and uh has a very, very successful business. Some of the stuff on the internet, if you read up, says that the company was in the $50 million range. So he knew what he was doing.
Starting point is 00:21:55 He did a great job of building up a company. Early adopter of the direct-to-consumer sales. Right. When everybody else in his market was taking a $150 jacket and then they were turning it around and selling it to the consumer for $300 or $400 because it was getting marked up quite a bit by the retailer. And then the retailer was then marking it up quite a bit to the end consumer. Jason thought that was crap and he was like, I want to create quality stuff that comes in at a better more reasonable price to the customer he did that and he did a great job creating a kuyu and it just sucks you know there's there's no other way to put it you know I'm very sorry you know for his family that they have to go through all go through all this. And, um, it's, uh, it's brutal.
Starting point is 00:22:46 It's brutal to have, um, something like this happen. I know a lot of people that are close to him and a lot of people are, uh, really impacted. Um, you know, I, it's hard to figure out like, what the hell do you do in these situations when somebody like this passes away? Um, I think he was 47 years old uh way too young you know way too young to to pass on um but you know when i thought about like shit what can i do i was like it's not really much help i can be uh but something i thought about doing was just writing a letter and I was just going to write down the different, my, uh, my interaction with him. And I was going to write it down and I was going to give it to one of his close friends
Starting point is 00:23:34 and say, here, you know, get an opportunity. If you can give this to his children, maybe even hold onto it until they're a little older. But I just want to tell them the interaction I had with their dad. Um, just cause like, maybe they'll need that. Maybe they'll want that. Right. Maybe they'll want to know how he was. And I'll say, look, I was a stranger to your dad.
Starting point is 00:23:55 I didn't really know him. I didn't know him, know him. And he came into my, my gym here in West Sacramento, came on my podcast, shared a lot of great stories on the podcast, shared a lot of great stories on the podcast, shared a lot of great information, but right off the bat was so friendly and so nice to everybody. Um, so I just would tell him,
Starting point is 00:24:13 look, you know, from my interactions with him, he was an awesome guy, you know, who seemed like a standup guy. And anyway, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:22 it's like, what the hell, what the hell are you doing situations like that you know i can't even imagine and when you said you guys had some similarities you guys were freakishly similar paths it was pretty wild yeah both uh started your your businesses based out of necessity because nobody else was doing what you wanted to do right and yeah And yeah, it just, it, it, it's a, it's really sad and it's upsetting. Um, and just fucking sucks. Yeah. I know Casey was pretty taken back by it because, uh, he's got a family friend that is, uh, Casey is our, uh, warehouse guy. He's our shipping and
Starting point is 00:24:58 receiving guy or logistics guy. And, um, I know he was really taken back by it. He's got a, you know, a family member that's um or a friend family friend that is uh very close to jason and so uh yeah it nailed the whole gym we were just you know people that come on our podcast they're you know they're they're kind of branded as being part of our podcast forever yeah you know once you're on here you're on here you're on here for good and uh you're you're from that day on you or any buddies or whatever welcome to the gym and so yeah just um we try to make people feel good when they come here and uh jason uh you know he pulled a slingshot on us and he he made all of us feel really good yeah when when he came in here and
Starting point is 00:25:45 gave us a lot of good energy a lot of got a good positive energy shared like i said he shared a lot of stuff that most people uh are not willing to share so anyway you're gonna be miss jason and uh again sorry you know to the family uh they had to go through all this stuff for whatever it's worth. Shifting gears, there's no good segue into trying to move on from something like that. But we're going to do so anyway because this is the power project and we have to just keep rolling on. That's the way it goes. We're going to talk about some goals. And we've talked about this so many different times, but the topic just keeps coming up. People ask over and over again. People ask about achievements, how to obtain achievements,
Starting point is 00:26:33 how to hold on to achievements, where to go from certain achievements. And, you know, in my view of a lot of things, and you guys heard me say this many times before, where I talk about embracing your fears and following through with your dreams. When it comes to things that you're scared to do, and this is not going to include everything that you're scared to do, but usually the things that you really don't want to do, or whenever you say the word can't, I think you should really take a note. I mean, literally take a note, maybe even have a notepad with you and write down why you said that. And is it actually based on something that you can't do? Or is it based on something that you don't want to do?
Starting point is 00:27:28 Or is it based on something you don't want to make a priority? I don't have time for that. Really? You don't have time for that? I think you probably do. Maybe you should rephrase that again and kind of say, I don't want to do that, which is a different conversation altogether. Can'ts, you know, saying can't is not, it's not a great thing.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And I'm guilty of it. We're all guilty of it. But as Mickey says in Rocky, he says, there ain't no can'ts. And it's, it can become a very dangerous thing to say that over and over again, because you are teaching yourself that you can't do it when you probably can. There's, or maybe you can, maybe you cannot do it at that time. Let's say, let's say we're talking about jogging and you just sprained your ankle. And I say, Andrew, let's go for, before we train, let's go for a run. I can't run my ankle swollen. Well, you know, that just means that you can't run for the moment. Oh shit, man. I'm sorry. I forgot that
Starting point is 00:28:33 you're, I forgot that you hurt your ankle. Well, shit. Um, well, you know what, Andrew, I'm going to go on a 10 minute walk. Maybe you hit up the bike, the, uh the stationary bike in the gym for 10 minutes while I go on a 10-minute walk. Or maybe I'll be next to you doing the arm thing. You do the stationary bike. We'll switch back and forth, get a good warm-up anyway, and we'll start our workout. So now you're taking yourself out of the position of the, instead of even bothering to say I can't run, oh, you know what, I'm going to have to do the bike instead today. I'm going to have to do something different today.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Cause remember I sprained my ankle and you never even said can't. Yeah. You never even entertained that there's something that you can't do. Um, so sometimes it's just for the moment, but it, you know, when I think back to some of the things that I was scared of and some of the things that were hard for me, just, I mean, learning in general was always hard for me. And I feel like I learn a lot of things every single day and I go out of my way to try to learn to become better and to grow and expand every single day. And I think at some point, because I thought that I couldn't learn very well, that I avoided it. And then I was just like, ah, I can't do it. I can't do it like the other
Starting point is 00:29:50 kids. So I'm not going to bother. And, um, that ended up being, you know, such a huge hindrance that at some point, you know, if it wasn't for the lifting, um, I wouldn't have stood a shot at all, but it was through the lifting that I was able to gain enough confidence in myself to be like, oh yeah, I can, okay, I can do this. I can do that. I'm not that good at that, but I can do this. And over time, the conversation started to become more like, oh, okay. if I can do all this, I learned a lot doing this. I learned a lot through lifting. I learned a lot about powerlifting. I learned a lot about bodybuilding. I learned a lot about nutrition. And I made a lot of progress with that. And I read a lot of magazines and I read a lot of articles and I retained a lot of information. If I can do that, I can probably do those other things too. It's just, I haven't really tried or maybe, maybe it'll look different when I do it. Um, when I go to do a set of shoulder presses
Starting point is 00:30:56 and you did it, do a set of shoulder presses, we're both doing shoulder presses, but it might look different. Why does it look different? Well, I'm bigger than you and I've been doing it a lot longer, right? So when I go to do a set of shoulder presses and you do a set of shoulder presses, and if your wife came in and my wife came in and they did all the same exercises, they're all going to look different too, because however long they've been lifting for, whatever their training age is, whatever their strength is, however their nervous system is tuned up with whatever it is we're doing, we're all going to look different. And if you kind of think of those things as being learned, which they are, those are acquired assets that over a period of time you learn and ingrain in your body, then you start to
Starting point is 00:31:40 recognize, yeah, okay, I can, I can learn different things. Another thing that was a huge, uh, thing for me to, uh, overcome and a huge thing for me to work on, which, uh, I, I guess I gotta be on tomorrow for Damon's wedding. So I have no idea what I'll say there. I'll have to just get really hammered and make some stuff up. Maybe talk about divorce rate. Just get really hammered and make some stuff up. Maybe talk about divorce rate. That was super high, especially here in the state of California. I think it's a big mistake. Just public speaking, you know, getting up in front of people and communicating was something I was really fearful of.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Talk in front of a camera just any any of it I just was unfamiliar to me and it just wasn't some people kind of have it in them naturally to be like entertaining and exciting or to get in front of a camera and I definitely that definitely wasn't the case with me it's something I had to work on but I recognized at some point like look if I'm ever going to do some of the things that I want to do, I'm going to need to get in front of a camera. I'm going to need to get in front of people and talk. Yeah. Like I've heard of, uh, like if there's something that you really don't want to do, cause you're really uncomfortable with it, that's the one thing you need to do to keep moving forward. But, um, with everything you've been able to accomplish,
Starting point is 00:33:03 the bodybuilding show, you know, heavy-ass weights, the business, is there anything that you wish you could go back and tell 18-year-old Mark Bell? You know, I've been asked that question before, and the answer initially right off the bat would be no because i um everything unfolded the way it needed to unfold um i was telling a story today that was chronological about kind of the history of power magazine, the history of slingshots, history of super training gym. And if super training gym was handed to me in the form that it is right now, and if slingshot was handed to me in the form that it is right now, let's say, let's just say I was a good athlete and somebody came to me and
Starting point is 00:34:06 they said, you know what? I want you to, all I want you to do is show up this gym and lift like a savage four days a week. Um, you'll go in the office like two hours a week. And then you're also going to own, you're going to own this company because I want you to be the face of it. So same scenario as the way it is today. Just, I didn't put in any of the work to actually get here. You guys would all be unemployed very quickly because I didn't deserve to get here. I didn't deserve to get to this spot. I didn't work for it. And therefore i wouldn't have acquired the attributes that are necessary today to be a leader of this company you know i don't view myself as a boss i view myself more as like a leader um and i hope that a lot of the people in here view themselves that way rather than
Starting point is 00:34:59 like necessarily like podcast engineer or whatever the fuck Smokey calls himself, um, you know, people just view themselves more as like more as, uh, leaders. And, um, they,
Starting point is 00:35:13 uh, take initiative to, to do things. And you want to be known for, um, you don't want to be known for a job. You want to be known for your work ethic. Oh, that's, oh, that's a podcast engineer.
Starting point is 00:35:28 No, no, no. That's not the podcast engineer. That's Andrew. He's a badass. I know that guy. He works his ass off. Isn't that Mark's training partner? But yeah, he also runs the podcast.
Starting point is 00:35:37 That guy's a savage. Doesn't he do photos too? That guy is, yeah, man. Does that guy ever get any sleep? That's what you want people to say. You want people to know you for your work ethic, not for necessarily for your job. And so I think that it's, if I was, you know, go back in time and, and, and be able to tell myself, you know, when I was younger, I mean, I might've said, Hey, you know, if you keep doing what you're
Starting point is 00:35:59 doing, you're going to go blind because you know, you're going to set a world record by jerking off 11 times a day that might have been something i warned myself about because i do have some trouble with my eyesight nowadays but uh other than that there wouldn't have been anything else i would have changed i think uh that uh you know everything i have everything i have today had to be earned the way that it was earned and i had to to eat a lot of, you know, as I say, shit sandwiches without the bread to, uh, to get here. And, um, that's the way it had to all unfold. The things that I've done in the past, um, will never, I mean, you have no idea what's
Starting point is 00:36:41 going to happen in your life. I mean, there's a lot of tragedies and things that can happen. Aside from tragedies, there is nothing that I'll ever go through that will be harder than the front half of getting this bitch off the ground. I don't think people really understand. They don't need to understand. They don't need to know. But it didn't happen overnight. And, you know, my kids were between the ages of, shit, like, I don't know, one and like four.
Starting point is 00:37:21 In the beginning of my powerlifting career as an adult. So two kids, a wife, no money, going to potentially lose our house. Things are wavering, not sure what I'm going to do. He's trying to figure shit out. We start Power Magazine. Power Magazine doesn't really make money, but it is kind of a start of some other ideas. Super Training Gym already existed at that time, but kind of barely. Super Training
Starting point is 00:37:52 Gym wasn't free at that time, but it barely stayed above water. It was $125 a month. We had 10 members, but the gym cost $900. You start to add up that math and didn't really cost 900 bucks by like 11 or 1200 bucks uh so that money was consumed um i didn't really work i trained people here and there but i didn't love it it wasn't what i was passionate about and so i put time into my gym i put time into the people that were around me try to make the gym better because i felt that the gym was the answer and i felt that making people stronger was going to be where the magic was it ended up working out the way that it worked out because i kept learning so much information i had what i call accelerated learning i've heard tim ferris talk about this before
Starting point is 00:38:43 and i just, I didn't understand that that's what I was doing, but through having Power Magazine and through the interviews that I set up through Power Magazine by talking to the best people in the world, I was able to have accelerated learning. Therefore, my earning dollars were going through the roof, and I had no no idea and it was because i was rubbing elbows with people that were the best in the world at certain things and i you know when you look back at it and you're thinking about oh how does that equate you're talking to a guy who's good at deadlifting well because it's all the same formula it's a lot
Starting point is 00:39:21 of hard work it takes time you're going to get hurt you're going to get hurt like mentally physically emotionally uh you're going to get damaged over the years you're going to get damaged how are you going to come back from that you know overcoming adversity um none of these things um no one is free of of these things all these things happen michael phelps probably the greatest athlete of all time i mean i don't even know i don't Um, no one is free of, of these things. All these things happen. Michael Phelps, probably the greatest athlete of all time. I mean, I don't even know. I don't even know if you can debate that.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I mean, you know, swimming is a unique thing because of how many gold medals you can earn because of the different events or whatever. But for all, you know, for argument's sake, let's just say he's the best of all. Guy overcame tons of adversity, many different times in his life. Any of these athletes that you see that are up on a pedestal, look, LeBron James, probably LeBron James, probably the greatest athlete that we will ever see. Probably the greatest athlete of our time. And I mean, forget about Bo Jackson. I love Bo Jackson. I'm a huge Bo Jackson fan, but LeBon james is six foot eight yeah lebron james runs like a four four four five forty lebron james is a monster that guy is a freak that guy is a force
Starting point is 00:40:33 to be reckoned with man and uh i mean one of the anyway he's he has to overcome adversity he's got a lot of work to do he's got a lot of things he's got to do to continue to win to continue to put points up on the scoreboard and he's got to continue to have hard work ethic because if his work ethic falls off then he's no longer a leader right as soon as as soon as somebody comes into camp they're all excited oh shit i'm with lebron james they get on the squad and they're like oh he he left 15 oh maybe he has a different schedule and he left 15 minutes early oh he came in half hour late um hmm oh he's not gonna come around for free throws or work on plays or talking about practice yeah he keeps leaving early he keeps you know he's showing up late and leaving early every day and uh that's not gonna work that's not gonna work at a certain
Starting point is 00:41:32 point so you know i continued to learn and continue to grow and expand from there and it's something i talk about all the time you guys heard me talk about jim rohn quite a bit um there's other people that have talked about it before him. Zig Ziglar, if you can stomach listening to him, he's a nut. But personal development, you know, building up that personal development, not just like getting smarter, but having the development necessary to be able to hold on to the things that you have. It's really important. You know's it's really important you know it's really an important thing um do you want someone just to come along and just give you like a ferrari it would be kind of cool but you know what like if you don't have money
Starting point is 00:42:19 even having the insurance for that thing's gonna be hard impossible what what what if you know just two weeks down the road you pop the tire you're like oh my god i don't even know where do i even go to get a tire for a freaking ferrari i don't even have any idea and not only did you did you uh smash the tire but you bent the whole like frame because the things are sensitive and you didn't know how to drive it or whatever you know now you're like i don't even where do these rich people go to like get this shit done i don't even know cool ornament in the driveway now right and there's that saying i've mentioned it before that if you were to divide the world's uh money up equally amongst everybody you just were to hand out 100k to Uh, it would eventually
Starting point is 00:43:05 end up back in the hands of the people that are wealthy, the people that understood how to, how to make moves with that money. People that understood how to earn that money. And the first, it's all about being earned, right? What's your earning. If you have good earning potential, then you are limitless with the things that you can do. And I think that's really important for people to know. And what do you need to have good earning potential? You need to have a good heart. You need to be a nice person. You need to be willing to work.
Starting point is 00:43:34 You need to show up on time. And that's about it. You don't need to be smart. You can actually be dumb if you want. Look at us. Yeah. Yeah. Look at us. You can actually be dumb if you want. Look at us. Yeah. Yeah. Look at us.
Starting point is 00:43:47 You can be distracted. You can be all kinds of things. You can have hobbies on the side. I mean, you can have a fun life. You don't have to be like militant and all crazy and like, you know, all gun ho about everything all the time and super organized or any of that. I think it's good to know that you can get there, though. Because I've had friends tell me, like, you need to chill out. Like, it's not photography 24-7. But it was dope knowing that I could be there if I needed to.
Starting point is 00:44:18 So, like, whenever we had crazy projects here, you know, it was like, oh, yeah, it's go time. Let's do this. I don't know why this just popped up in my head but uh we had to get a slideshow for my grandmother's funeral we had like a couple hours to do it everyone's panicking we're all freaking out and they they finally come to me way later than i expected and i was like oh yeah cool let's get this done and they're just everyone's faces were just like uh what know, we have, I'm like, yeah, we're going to do it. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Don't worry about it. And it was just really cool knowing that I could get to that place. But now I'm understanding, like, trying to finish all my work before I go home now and, you know, chilling out playing Street Fighter or something. How are you playing Street Fighter? What do we got? Nintendo Switch.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I've got to get me one of those. I've been talking about that forever. That thing looks pretty sick. Dude, there's this other game I just started called Hollow Knight. So hold on a second before we get on to Hollow Knight. The Nintendo Switch, can you play it on a regular size TV too? Absolutely. But you have like a handheld thing,
Starting point is 00:45:25 right? So you, the, the console itself. I'm so old. I don't know what's going on. The console itself is, uh,
Starting point is 00:45:31 it's got the, it's got, they're called joy cons on the side. You clip them into the, it looks like a, like a Kindle, you know, e-reader or whatever.
Starting point is 00:45:39 You play that, whatever. You can take it and put it on its dock. And then you can either take those Joy-Cons out and make them one controller, or you can just get another controller and just play on the screen. Dude, it's so good.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Playing on the screen, does it have to be hooked in through wires and shit? Just through HDMI just like anything else. Gotcha. Yeah, but just being able to be on the go or when we're on planes and stuff, it's so good. love it i love video games and then the nintendo switch it has old shit too right so they're they're gonna do even more old shit but yeah there's like old games that are available on the e-shop but they're uh their online uh service is about to come out and they have old
Starting point is 00:46:21 nes games that are going to be available. That's pretty cool. I was thinking about getting a TV in here and just getting like, even like an old Nintendo. I saw like you can get like just a regular old Nintendo for like 60 bucks. Yeah. I was like, that's pretty sweet. Yeah. They have like the retro ones where it's like a mini one and there's like 600 games or something crazy like that in there.
Starting point is 00:46:44 That'd be pretty sick. That's awesome. Yeah. That would be a lot of fun. Yeah, that kind of stuff. So what's up with Hollow Knight? It's just a, well, here we go. It's a Metroidvania game, so it's just like a platformer.
Starting point is 00:46:57 You're just jumping on shit everywhere, but you're like. I love Metroid. That was a great game. So that's its whole genre now. It's its own thing. You have to discover shit and get abilities. And it's really intense for just a 2D platforming game where you're jumping back and forth.
Starting point is 00:47:16 But it's so in-depth and complex. I'm barely scratching the surface. There's video games that are ingrained in my head that I think that like one day I'll have like dementia. And the only thing I'm going to remember are some of those video games. Yeah. Like there's, there's weird games that are ingrained in my head to the point where I almost think that they are, uh, I almost think that they're like a dream. I'm like, was that actually a game? But I remember me and my brothers would play this game. Like I think it was called caveman games and you could like start a fire i don't remember
Starting point is 00:47:49 the other things that you would do but like you would start a fire and you would like you know tapping the buttons one of those button mashing games and you would be like starting this fire and you get it smoking and stuff but you could look over at the other guy and see what he was doing and you could just smash him so you could could beat him over the head and mess up his fire. What the heck? I don't know this game. It was amazing. And there was another game that we used to play called Jerry Glanville's
Starting point is 00:48:14 Pigskin Football. And it was like this football game with these mutants and stuff. And oh, there's also Mutant League. Mutant League football was pretty sick. I remember that. With Bones Jackson. Yeah. But Bones Jackson. Yeah, but Bones Justice,
Starting point is 00:48:28 not Jackson. Yeah, something like that, right? What was the other game called? It was Jerry Glanville's Pigskin Football. And in that game,
Starting point is 00:48:38 like if you were losing by a lot, you know how like in Madden people call it getting skunked if you are losing by like 21 points or whatever. And like to shut the game down or whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Yeah, here it is. So in this game. The range quit. When you're getting your ass kicked really bad, they give the team that's losing, they give them a troll. And the troll comes in and whoops everybody's ass. And then it's like game over from there. Dude, that looks sick. But you're so pissed when your team, when the other team gets the troll in there
Starting point is 00:49:12 because the troll whoops everybody's ass. Dude, that looks dope. There's just stuff in the field. If you run into, well, there you go. Never mind. Just answered it. Jerry Glanville was a formidable coach. He was a real coach.
Starting point is 00:49:24 I've never heard of that name and and yeah and right but who like who was the person like that attached him to this game like who was the agent he probably had no clue either yeah he's like what's a video game dude we need to get john madden on this podcast that would be epic right yeah where's john i mean joe rogan that son of a bitch gets elon musk and i gotta sit here and do this podcast pretty much just with andrew you get me it's disappointing he gets elon you get me yeah that podcast anybody uh listen to this podcast should listen to that podcast when you get a chance when we're done with this one of course but uh the podcast with joe rogan elon musk is is absolutely mind-boggling i um it's it doesn't even make any sense to me that i was on a show that now elon musk was on like to
Starting point is 00:50:17 me like that makes me really proud that's really cool and i joe rogan's show you know with or without elon musk has been amazing anyway yeah but I mean, that really puts some icing on the cake. Like Elon Musk is next level. He's, and I think you saw that with Joe Rogan where he was like, you know what? Like most of the people that are like on Elon Musk's level are dead. They're gone. Like people don't usually realize how important somebody like that is until they're gone. But Elon Musk has done so much shit in such a short period of time that people already understand like no no this guy's
Starting point is 00:50:48 like this guy's really different and we should pay attention to what he's doing yeah now when you were talking earlier about like how joe was like all giddy almost and he's like hey check out my sword yeah check out my sword isn't it cool and elon that's all right. I'm not a flamethrower. Yeah, you have a company that sells flamethrowers, and I got a sword. But I barely started the podcast. I was trying to catch up and listen at like 1.5 speed to catch up with everybody. And I just lost my mind. Is that why you are the way you are? It might be.
Starting point is 00:51:24 But I'm going to check it out after. Yeah, it was. I lost my mind. Is that why you are the way you are? It might be, but I can't, I'm going to check it out after. Yeah. It was, it was, uh, it was really good. You know,
Starting point is 00:51:32 and you know, um, I think kind of along these same lines with these goals and these different things, you know, I think that when, when people give you information, I do think it's important to pay attention to it.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Um, when somebody says, Hey man, I think you should check out this podcast. Now, you know, it might be an idiot friend who doesn't know like what it is you're trying to do or whatever, but I think it's a good idea to investigate. It's a good idea to write it down and to like, look into it or like you're reading that sleep book you know we've heard so many people come on here talking about sleep and it's just wise like what like and you listen to rogan and you listen to the guy what was the guy's name michael or matthew walker matthew walker um and you listen to matthew walker and you listen to him talking about sleep and the importance of it it makes sense to seek out more information obviously you were like hey i think i can improve my sleep and then what's the follow-through on
Starting point is 00:52:31 that the follow-through is oh you know what i'm gonna try a couple things i heard a couple people people mention these two or three different things you went to look for the nose strips couldn't find them or whatever it just that's the follow-through but you got to complete the follow-through yeah you got the book that's part of it well now you're reading it that's a huge that's a lot of people will get the book and getting the book and having the book on your shelf like on display and people like oh you read that book you're like yep and you didn't yeah because you're dumb ass that's what most people are missing they're just they're missing that little extra piece yeah they're missing that little follow-through and i think a lot of times
Starting point is 00:53:16 it happens because we paralyze ourselves you know it's called analysis paralysis where you overanalyze the reasons on why and why you shouldn't why you shouldn't shouldn't do stuff um when i was uh when i was doing the really early morning workouts something i really enjoyed about doing some of those really early morning workouts and doing like fasted cardio and stuff was if i actually woke up at the right time, I could do a half an hour of cardio, quote unquote, in my sleep. Like I was like a zombie. Like I, I just, I barely knew what happened.
Starting point is 00:53:54 And if I, if I moved, you know, I put like a towel or something over the clock. Cause who wants to look at that when you're trying to do an hour of that shit. But if I did that midday, it was a horrible task to try to do it midday or after a lifting session. I was like, I'm not doing that. But when I did it super early in the morning, I was able to get into a peak state. But, you know, before, before my body was even really normally ready to do any of that. So a half an hour would eclipse and I'd look at it and I'd be like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:54:27 I'm already 40 minutes in. I got 20 more minutes. This is going to be easy rather than like dragging ass and showing up at like eight or whatever and showing up like right when the gym opens up, getting in there right as they open the doors, cranking through a bunch of it, uh, before I was even awake.
Starting point is 00:54:43 And now I got my dad doing the same thing he's not waking up that early but because he and i talked about how important it is for him to sleep as well he's been training for 25 days in a row and he's lost he's lost about 15 pounds you know and he's he's feeling a lot better he's getting in there like right around seven o'clock every day my wife actually told me this morning she like, I'm at swim practice and your dad's over here training. Nice. Dad's over here lifting because she goes to, uh, Davis Swim and Fitness.
Starting point is 00:55:12 It's her, is our friend's, uh, gym out there. And so I, I, you know, the follow through is really important. I've been telling my dad about lifting forever. My dad came to me like, you know, a few weeks ago and he's like man my blood pressure's high and you know he's all concerned about i said dad all you gotta do is this is this is very simple let's not let's not think that this is a mountain to climb this is a this is like stepping up onto a curb that's how hard this is that's how hard it's gonna be yeah it's not gonna be any harder than that all you have to to do is recognize, oh, there's a curb there.
Starting point is 00:55:45 I don't want to trip over it. And all you do is pick up your foot a little higher than, than you normally would to take a step forward. And that's it. And it's a matter of just getting started. And once you get started to have that follow through, he could have said, oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:56:00 my son said to go to the gym. So I'm going to go get a membership. Right. You can't go get him. He was like, oh, I think I'm going to go over there one day and get a membership. I said, no. I said, no, you're not doing that. I said, you and I are going to go tomorrow. We're going to go, you're going to do cardio, and you're going to lift. He's like, but I'm not signed up. I'm like, it won't matter. Let's just go. Because he's thinking about the barriers,
Starting point is 00:56:24 right? And don't think about any of that. You know, don't the old, uh, and this is from John Madden. Don't worry about the horse being blind. Just load the wagon. He'd say that before every football game. And that's a philosophy that I strongly believe in. Like who cares about the details? I don't care how we're going to get there. We're going to get, we're going to figure out how to get there. Let's figure it out together. And so I just went to the gym that one day with my dad and I said, you're going to do this every day. And you know, what's, I talked to him too.
Starting point is 00:56:52 I was like, dad, you overcame cancer. You've overcome diabetes in the past. You've overcome all these things, all these obstacles. You overcame being with my crazy mom for however many years. Sorry, mom. For however long you guys have been together for. And you've overcome all these things. You have a lot of strength in you. You're a lot stronger than you understand.
Starting point is 00:57:18 But meanwhile, you don't have the strength to walk by a bowl of potato chips without eating a bunch of them. Because you're like, ah, screw it. Like, I'll just have. But why? What's the point in that? Like, what's it for? Is it, is it a reward if it's a reward because you're working hard and it's your birthday or it's, you know, we don't want to get into celebrating too many things, but celebrations are okay. And if you want to have a beer or a glass of wine or a burrito or whatever it is you want to have,
Starting point is 00:57:45 want to have a beer or a glass of wine or a burrito or whatever it is you want to have and just just make sure there's a conscious decision that that's not what you do most of the time i mean people people have a hard time with this follow-through concept and it's mainly just because people are really weak i mean they just they just really are. And we all have our strengths. We all have our weaknesses. We're all weak in different areas. No one can be perfect all the way through on everything that we do. There's going to be temptations. There's going to be things that pull us away from stuff all the time. And that's what makes it so difficult is it's constant. You're constantly being pulled off target. You're consistently being pulled off target. But if you really pay attention, there's nobody pulling you off target more so than
Starting point is 00:58:32 yourself. It's almost always you. And a way to combat that is to talk to other people around you. I didn't start Power Magazine by myself. I didn't invent the slingshot by myself. Power Magazine was an idea that I had together with my wife. And my wife happened to know how to make magazines because she was already in advertising for magazines. And so I said, this magazine sucks that i'm reading i was reading power of the usa i'm very thankful that power of the usa existed because it got me excited about power of thing but i was like this is a shit magazine because why is it reporting on all these
Starting point is 00:59:16 people that are really weak i don't care about what somebody did um in uh, in Alaska in the one, one in the one 65 weight class in the squad or whatever, you know, this guy that's 60 years old or whatever. I want to know what are the best guys in the world doing? What are the strongest guys in the world doing? What are the, what are their workouts look like? Like when you read flex magazine or muscle and fitness and some of these other magazines, that's what it showed you 10, 15 years ago, showed you the best. And I'm like, this is crap. She said, well, uh, let's just make our own magazine. And so we did. And we started, we had follow through on that. We, and we worked on it together when I had the idea of the slingshot. I don't know how to sew stuff. I don't know how to actually like make or create the material that slingshot is made out of.
Starting point is 01:00:07 I took a bunch of material that I had that I would pull on and stretch on and mess with all the time. And I took it to a family friend and said, Hey, here's the shape I want this sewed up in. She did that. And I took it and I used it and the damn thing worked. And I was fired up and I took it and I used it and the damn thing worked and I was fired up and I was like this is great make more of these she made more of them and my wife and I together tried to figure out different ways of getting these masks reduced none of those ideas worked I used my phone and I googled uh I used google and typed in a very complicated search that said knee wrap manufacturers and boom, rest is history. The point is, is I let other people around me know. And the point is you gotta be resourceful. You gotta let other people know you can't give up.
Starting point is 01:01:00 If you're going to have follow through on something, it has to be seen all the way to the end. You have to actually follow through with it. Uh, what's the point in doing 40% of it? It's just another thing that's not done. It's another thing to give you anxiety. It's another thing to get you upset and to make you, um, nervous and worried about it all the time. Those are going to be the things you worry about the most are going to be these things that you had some half-hearted effort put into. You didn't, um, you took some time to go for it. You know, you took, you took time to recognize, you know what? I'm fatter than I want to be. I'm going to order that, uh, bike that I saw, you know, that stationary bike that i saw on the internet or whatever and
Starting point is 01:01:47 you order it and then and then what and it just sits there you don't ever use it it gets used as a coat hanger it's used as a coat hanger there's a lot of things there's you have a we have a lot of great resources around us um and you know again i i know these things because i do all these things too i fall short on stuff all the time it's just human nature um but i've gotten better over the years i've improved at these things over the years. I have worked on following through. On a lot of these things. And I think that it's just a huge. It's a huge gap.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Between the people that get what they want. Out of life. And the people that don't. It's a very very simple concept. To understand that. There's two types of people in the world. There's people that get what they want. And they do it when they want. How they want. And there's people that do not.
Starting point is 01:02:50 And it's just as simple as figuring out a way to follow through on what it is that you're trying to do. Part of being focused, we mentioned it when Brian Shaw was on the podcast, a very big part of being focused is blocking out all the noise blocking out all the extracurricular activities that are happening all the things that are going on having blinders on you know when a horse is in a horse race if they don't have blinders on what do they do go all over the place they not only go all over the place. They not only go all over the place, they fall, they hurt themselves, they hurt the other horses around them, and they die. They get executed because it's a racehorse, and that's what they do. They put them down a lot of times.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Fucking things running so hard and so fast, but because it's going so hard and so fast and it's not paying attention to exactly what it needs to do, it falls. So it has blinders on to help prevent some of that. I mean, sometimes, unfortunately, they fall anyway, but the blinders help prevent that. And that's what happens with people. They're not focusing in and not honing in on that thing that they said they were going to do. And you have to remember who, who said that you were going to do it in the first place. It probably came from you. Where does lifting start? Lifting doesn't start in your stomach. You know, lifting doesn't start in your biceps. Lifting doesn't start in your stomach you know lifting doesn't start in your biceps lifting doesn't start in your ass lifting starts between your ears it starts in your brain you had a conscious decision i don't look
Starting point is 01:04:32 the way i want to look i don't want other kids to freaking push me around on the playground i want that to be the end of that and i want to be bigger and i want them to to look at me and go man i i ain't pushing that guy yeah i don't that probably would not be a good idea that guy looks a lot bigger than me i ain't pushing him or you want to have the ability to defend yourself if you need to or at least look like you can or the other conversation is man i just want to i want to look better I want to be able to like my friends are starting to get chicks and I can't figure
Starting point is 01:05:07 this thing out I'm going to go do some curls I'm going to show these chicks what's up straight to the curls straight I feel this in my
Starting point is 01:05:14 triceps that's a famous quote from Andrew he feels everything in his triceps today's leg workout was really tough on my triceps
Starting point is 01:05:23 well they're growing I mean loading up the plates for you it's was really tough on my triceps. Well, they're growing. I mean, loading up the plates for you. It's just really bad on the triceps. Today was a monstrous squat workout. Today was great. I'm not going to recover from that. And then yesterday's boobie workout. Chesticles.
Starting point is 01:05:37 That was really good. Just another day for Smokey, though. Yep. Yeah, Smokey probably just brushed it off. Probably doesn't even feel it anymore. Nope. All those years of training yeah um when you were talking about like looking online getting the exercise bike have you seen this mirror that you can it's on wheels so yes there's a stand for it so i know we're getting excited but you can can turn it on, and you have an online coach to go through certain movements,
Starting point is 01:06:09 but you see yourself in the mirror while the coach is doing it as well. I don't know if it's a virtual coach or if there's actually somebody on the other end, but you work out in a room, right? And you can post selfies, and you see everybody else in your group. I'll tell you where there needs to be a mirror.
Starting point is 01:06:28 There needs to be a mirror in front of the bowl that you're eating. Right? When you sit down and you eat and you're like, man, I'm starving. You got a big thing of ice cream? And a freaking mirror pops up right in front of your fat face. You'd be like, oh my God, I need to put this ice cream away. Yeah. Or this bowl of Cocoa Puffs in the middle of the night.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Cocoa Puffs. Cocoa Puffs. this ice cream away. Yeah. Or this bowl of Cocoa Puffs in the middle of the night. Cocoa Puffs. Cocoa Puffs, not a bad choice. Yeah. Yeah, we've been talking about having a mirror in the gym, a mirror with wheels. That'd be so dope. Oh, man, we need that. Right in front of the preacher curl.
Starting point is 01:06:59 I think Smokey and Shaw came up with this concept. Yeah, they said it was a 60-40 effort, though. Both wanted to take credit. Shaw, they said it was a 60-40 effort, though. Both wanted to take credit. Shaw said he said it was half his, then Smokey being the businessman, I'll say. Shrewd, very shrewd businessman. He would only give them 60-40. But I was just telling him it'd be sick to roll the mirror in front of the other mirrors so you can get front and back yeah well part of being you know uh part of being you know part of ownership
Starting point is 01:07:31 you take ownership of all the things involved with this mirror and the mirror is 349 bucks so i'm glad to hear that smoky and brian shaw are gonna pay for it that's tight yeah way to step up why was it so expensive? $149. We try to look for, like, I try to look on other, it's hard to find. Dude, my dad could probably make something for us from Ikea. It'd be sick. That would be funny. Your dad's like, yeah, I'll make this for you.
Starting point is 01:07:57 And then he buys it from Ikea. Yeah. Well, he'd have to, like, modify it and customize. Soup it up. Yeah, exactly. He's a master fabricator oh well there you go he's yeah oh yeah but yeah we have some machines that don't have mirrors in front of it and we could really use that what about a mirror over top of the bench press you'd be able
Starting point is 01:08:18 to see like how crooked you are every time you bench i know i'm'm really crooked. Not as bad as Big Roy used to be. Nobody's ever seen themselves bench before, have they? Not from that angle. Bathroom stalls? Oh, we just wheel it in there? No, no, no. Like a mirror up top. Oh, above? Yeah, and then you can
Starting point is 01:08:39 peek over into the other. I've been in some hotels. I've been in some hotels before that have some pretty wild mirrors. Some of those reflective things on the urinals, you ever hear what those are called? Reflective things? What do you mean? Well, it's like a little metal plate
Starting point is 01:08:55 that's on like the urinal. It's called a pecker checker. Oh, really? Yeah. So next time you see your dick in a mirror, you're going to be like, oh, that's the pecker checker. There you go. Tight move.
Starting point is 01:09:08 I have a sick setup at my house where I have this light that comes in from the side. And when I'm taking a leak, my dick looks enormous because you can see the shadow. Yeah. And I asked Jake about it. I was like, Jake, you ever seen that shadow? And he's like, what are you talking about? I was like, well, I was like, next time you go to the bathroom like you need to look at the shadow that's on the wall he came out of there one day it's like oh my god he's like that shadow's great i was like yeah
Starting point is 01:09:37 and a little terrifying as well but that's okay and but no uh photo photo proof of this to post on their IG story? I can try. I think people won't know what it is. They'll be like, wow, what is that? Yeah, that's why people got to listen to the podcast so they get the inside joke. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 01:09:54 You know? Yeah, I know. Yeah, it's going to get sent to Jeff and she'll be like, what's happening here? Why me? One thing I was going to ask you about. Axe. I was was gonna axe you um this is really the first time i ever like had like a training partner where like it was gonna happen no matter what okay it's gonna fucking propose to me no dude i guess you have someone else um
Starting point is 01:10:18 have you ever experienced this is what like i kind of felt, especially because you were in powerlifting. If you see somebody go for a huge PR and they hit it and you're not there yet. In this case, it was your bodybuilding show and I'm definitely not there. But I was looking at you eat your food. I was like, fuck, what am I going to do now? I kind of lost some momentum. Oh, yeah. That happens a lot.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Sometimes people do a powerlifting meet or sometimes people compete for something and it gets to be, you get to be motivated by the different things that they're doing and all the things that they have going on. But then you get to be distracted because you're kind of like no longer kind of
Starting point is 01:11:07 hunting down the same goal it's actually a lot easier to like try to get leaner with somebody or or try to get stronger with somebody i think some of the people here we're talking about maybe after the november meet trying to get in better shape and diet together and stuff uh yeah it's definitely easier to try to do stuff that's why super training is this in the first place yeah smokey just volunteered it's easier to get uh it's easier to get uh momentum uh towards the things that you're trying to do with other people and again that's why you know going back to some of these goals and some of these achievements and some of these things that people are striving to do you need to let people know what it is that
Starting point is 01:11:44 you're doing. There's going to be a lot of people that are going to be like, oh, that's fucking dumb. There's going to be a lot of people that are going to shoot down stuff or a lot of people are going to just immediately start talking about themselves or whatever it is. They're going to shoot down your hopes and dreams a lot of times, but there's going to be a lot of people that will want to help you.
Starting point is 01:12:06 When I told Stan Efferding about wanting to start a magazine um he was like oh that'd be great he's like why don't we go to the olympia and i was like well i haven't really thought about going to the olympia and i was like the magazine you know we we haven't even really started it yet so there's not really any finances coming off the magazine I was like I think I think that would be a big expense and so I don't know how that would work and he was like well he's like I'll pay for it and you know he just became an IFBB the BB IFBB pro bodybuilder at the time and so not only did he pay for the booth but he also paid for the initial run of the magazine and he also ended up getting like a discount with the booth because he was a pro bodybuilder and so again but just by sharing information with people
Starting point is 01:13:02 just by telling somebody what it was I wanted to do, they helped. And some people might be like, oh, man, I'm so lucky. But it's not luck. It's a skill set. It's communicating with people. It's telling people what it is that you want to do. I told Ed Koo about the slingshot, and he thought it was stupid, right? So you're going to have, and he thought it was stupid right so you're gonna have and he now is
Starting point is 01:13:25 he now owns iron rebel um and you're gonna tell different people different things and some people are gonna be like hey oh yeah that's cool other people are gonna say what if you were to tell someone that you were gonna start a diet and they're like holy shit my friend just started a meal prep company we can help you out i mean this doesn't always work out that way but maybe somebody's just like shit man that's great i'll support you any way i can maybe they just are nice to you about it whatever every little bit helps you know you need to tell people about about your goals and probably more importantly than just telling random people is to tell people that are close to you somebody that lives with you somebody that sees you often.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Like if you went up to somebody and said, you know what, man, I'm sick and tired of this. I want to be stronger. The next time you see me, you know, goofing off on squat day, come over and just slap me upside the head. I want to get better. Or the next time you see me going too heavy on squats, you know, you know, that's not good for me and I'm going to hurt myself. And you can tell people these things and what are they going to say?
Starting point is 01:14:32 They're not going to, again, you're going to run into some people that are going to shoot you down here and there. But for the most part, people are going to be pretty good. You're going to say, Oh shit,
Starting point is 01:14:41 that's what you want to do. Oh, you want to squat 300 pounds? All right. Well, you squat about 245 right now it's not going to be that hard that's going to be great we'll take three months two three months you know like you just set a goal let other people know tell people what's up and they're going to want to support you rather than drag your ass down it's going to make following through with your dreams and and all these things going to make it a lot easier um again people just set up barriers and barricades on everything they um
Starting point is 01:15:17 people always have their foot you know halfway out the door again like using my dad's example a lot of people will have that mindset to go to the gym and to sign up. But when they sign up, they're not going to be in their gym clothes because they're, they're not going to even bring their gym clothes with them already setting themselves up to miss that day. I'm going to start Monday. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to go sign up. All I'm doing today is signing up, which is stupid. The step in the right direction though. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Well, it's because it makes you feel better. And so you see a lot of people investing in their health, but they're not following through with what they need to do to actually become healthy. Oh, I'm going to buy this, these fish oil capsules and I'm going to use them for a week. And it's like, man, that sucks. You just, you just wasted a bunch of, and you're not using the product, and then you're not doing anything else with the diet, which dieting is really hard.
Starting point is 01:16:14 It's not easy. I mean, you know, people try to think about a diet in terms of, let's just take anybody who's listening to this podcast right now who doesn't currently diet or take just about anybody's mom dad aunt or uncle that has never really messed with it before what if those people were to diet once a week what if they were to be conscious of their food for a 24-hour period one time a week. I think it's possible to actually make progress off of doing that. By numbers, they have to. It's an improvement. It's better than what they were doing before.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Take the same concept and say, okay, well you ate a little bit better every Monday. That's good on you. How about we try every Monday, that's good on you. How about we try every, every Monday and Wednesday, or how about we try just the weekend because you don't work at all on the weekend. Or if it's easier to eat good when you're busy, how about eat good Monday through Friday, Saturday, Sunday, you don't go haywire, but you enjoy some of the things that you like. You enjoy some wine. You enjoy some beer.
Starting point is 01:17:27 You enjoy some food here and there. But you're not eating in some crazy excess amount of food. One thing that I see it a lot, and it's, luckily, I've never been fat, so I don't really know what it feels like to not be able to eat this or that. But it drives me nuts. I'll see somebody. She's probably not listening, so if she is, I apologize in advance. Every time I see this person, she wants to lose weight.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Like, ah, I fell off the wagon. I got to do this. I got to do that. I know, I know, I know, I know. But every time I see her, she's drinking soda. And I was like, have you tried cutting that out? It's like, no, I gotta have it. Like, well, fuck.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Like, come on, man, start somewhere. But every single time, it's the same conversation. I know I gotta, it's almost like they think I'm judging them. It's like, no, I'm not, even though I kind of am right now. But in person, I'm like, no, I'm here to help you. I've given out War on Carbs, the book, sorry. I haven't just handed somebody a war. But where does that come from?
Starting point is 01:18:39 Where it's just they kind of almost accept it, but they know they shouldn't do it. Do you know what I'm getting at? Yeah, 100%. Everyone's guilty of that in some degree towards anything that you want to improve. You're probably still going to have some habits that aren't great. It's not easy to break these cycles. Um, but I think, again, I think that people, a lot of times are a little bit all or nothing with things. And they think that if you,
Starting point is 01:19:14 if you say that they have to cut out soda, they're like fearful that you just took something away from them. It's almost like a little kid that's like five years old. There's a five-year-old and there's a three-year-old. And the three-year-old takes the old toy of the five-year-old. And the five-year-old flips out. And they haven't even touched that toy in the last two years. They do not care about that toy. They think it's a baby toy. They don't mess with it anymore at all.
Starting point is 01:19:43 But the three-year-old took it and now they want it back and i think people are that fearful of you taking stuff away from them and then there's a parent yelling you have to share yeah and they're like fuck that i know sharing is bullshit sharing is a stupid concept i don't know where that came from think about that like if you knocked on your neighbor's door and were like, hey man, I need to use your car, they'd be like, get lost. No,
Starting point is 01:20:07 but we got to share, right? Yeah, I've been telling you since you were a kid. Yeah, the teacher taught me in kindergarten.
Starting point is 01:20:14 I didn't mean to cut you off. It's just, that's what I see in my head because I've seen it too many times where it's like, fuck that toy and then all of a sudden,
Starting point is 01:20:21 wait, no, that's my favorite toy. But, when you put it that way, about toy. But, uh, when you put it that way about taking something away, I hadn't even, even thought of that. Well, it gives people anxiety. Okay. It gives people anxiety. So people get used to having ice cream at the end of the night. Um, they used to having something sweet at the end of the night. They're used to drinking
Starting point is 01:20:40 their soda. They used to drinking their beer when they get home. Um, they're used to drinking their soda they're used to drinking their beer when they get home um they're used to um you know when it's hot out and uh they want to have a barbecue they got to drink every time like they they say these things they say that they have to do it right oh man i i can't i can't have uh barbecue ribs without drinking or i can't uh i can't wake up without coffee i can't do this without that it's like you know that's that's unfortunate that like you you you actually need that you need coffee after you slept for eight hours i don't i'm confused you don't you want coffee makes a lot of sense uh you need coffee to function like how i mean that, that's a really, you, you just, you say these things to yourself and you make yourself really weak is what happens.
Starting point is 01:21:29 So I think when it comes to this, uh, soda thing, I think probably our safest bet and probably our only hope with any of this stuff is to use addition as a form of subtraction. is to use addition as a form of subtraction. So if I add so much to your day, if I make your day so rich, you will have no choice but to take out some of those poor choices over a period of time. And your day will become richer and richer and richer over a period of time. So if you're, let's take the soda as an example. And you say, I want you to drink three glasses.
Starting point is 01:22:18 I want you to drink three cups of water throughout the day that are 12 to 16 ounces minimum. Well, now I just added a lot more liquid to your day, right? I want you to eat four or five meals for the day. Split up whatever it is you're normally doing. I'm not even going to change the style of food that you eat. I just want you to spread it out throughout the day a little bit more and eat a little bit less with each meal. If you're going to go to Chipotle and have a burrito for lunch,
Starting point is 01:22:46 just eat half of it. Eat half the amount of chips. Two hours later, eat the other half. Give it some time to digest and eat the rest two hours, three hours later. Do the same thing with your other meals. You come home from work and it's 5.30, 6 o'clock. Eat about half your dinner. If you're still hungry, two hours later, eat it again.
Starting point is 01:23:08 You just add to people's day. So I, I, I told you to eat more often. I told you to drink more. Um, I need you to sleep eight hours every night. I need you to sleep more. You need to pay attention more to your sleep. I don't want you to wake up from an alarm. I want you to go to bed to an alarm.
Starting point is 01:23:26 Have the alarm set you in motion to go to sleep. You go to sleep at the right time and you will automatically wake up and you won't really need the alarm clock. A lot of times you'll wake up quite a bit earlier than is even necessary. When you start to add to people's day and you say, I want you to have one apple every day. I want you to have a serving of berries every day. I want you to have, I'd like you to have four ounces of orange juice every day. I'd like to see you add in some oatmeal once a day.
Starting point is 01:24:02 I'd like to see you add in more protein. How much protein are you taking in? You once a day. I'd like to see you add in more protein. How much protein are you taking in? You know, it'd be great. Okay. You're not really taking in that much protein and, uh, you just started an exercise routine. You're not, you have to, you're going to have to have more protein. So maybe they increase their protein by a hundred grams, which is a lot for somebody. So now you're like, okay, you need to have one protein shake a day. So now I just told somebody to eat four or five times a day. I just told them to have a protein shake every day. Um, on top of all this, you don't want to have somebody have a serving of vegetables every day at one, uh, at, at minimum, if not two.
Starting point is 01:24:42 And I want you to walk twice a day for 10 minutes well fuck man now my whole day is full and if you have that coke the coke is a drop in the bucket if you have if you have one can of coke maybe two cans of coke look for for you and i we look at that thing and we almost have a heart attack because we look at it like 33 grams of sugar they're used to it their bodies are used to they're they're they're not even they're not feeling it it's not registering the same way um they're not realizing all the artificial weird shit in there that's um and you know what to be honest they're better off they're better off not knowing some of the shit that we know because uh it can be paralyzing at
Starting point is 01:25:24 times and it can be it can give you anxiety because you don't know what to fucking eat sometimes like i don't even know what's healthy anymore but when you keep adding and adding and adding at some point when you're putting in more effort and you're being more consistent with everything that you need to do hopefully at some point you will subtract it out by yourself. And when you do it by yourself, that's when it's going to be a permanent change that you do forever. I think that's the most effective way. And I think that's what we're trying to communicate in this movie that my brother and I are working on with nutrition is that I can't take stuff away from you. I can't
Starting point is 01:26:03 go into your house and throw out all your stuff. It's not going to work. People need strategy. People need strategy, and they need people to actually care. They need people to give them... People need to arm other people with the information necessary so they can make better choices, but they don't need to beat the shit out of them about it. To arm other people. With the information necessary. So they can make better choices.
Starting point is 01:26:27 But they don't need to beat the shit out of them about it. You know. I've racked my brain on this for a long time. I've helped. People that are overweight. For decades. I've. I've done it both ways.
Starting point is 01:26:41 You know I've done it a bunch of different. I've told people look you're fat. People that have been friends of mine, people have been close to me. You are fucking fat. You need to work out. You need to exercise. You need to go to the gym. Please go to the gym.
Starting point is 01:26:54 You are out of shape. And what I learned is that doesn't really work. It'll work here and there with certain people. It'll work here and there with certain people sometimes to just get them head in the right direction. But for the most part, it's not going to work. It's going to be discouraging. They're already discouraged. People are already upset.
Starting point is 01:27:14 People are already depressed. People are already sad that they're heavy. They know that they're heavier than they want to be. They see themselves. They know. Every once in a while, you hear somebody say, oh man, I, you know, somebody took a photo of me and I, I didn't realize I was that big. Sometimes when I hear stuff like that, I'm like, wow, that's,
Starting point is 01:27:34 that's a little weird because you're, you're, you're doing everything to insult your metabolism and to insult the way that your body is set up every single day. And you're totally ignoring exercise and totally ignoring the things that you're supposed to do to be healthier. But at the same time, there's a lot of these people, they just don't know. And there's going to have to be a time where they like hit rock bottom or time where they just go, you know what? I am just, I'm so fed up with myself. I've already been disappointed with myself. I've already been sad. I've already been depressed. I've already been mad. I've already caused others heartache, pain. I've already wasted my time. And you know what? I'm just done with all of it i'm not going to feel any certain way about it i'm just going to do something about it and that's what we need people to do and the only way that i see it happening is to try to
Starting point is 01:28:34 be encouraging i don't think jack elaine tried to do it um he i O'Lane was like mean about it. You know, he was kind of a dick about it. Um, but yeah, people have to be encouraging. They have to give people, um, I personally think that everybody needs to lift weights. I think that lifting weights is really effective, um, at burning up glucose. People eat too much sugar. People will always have bad eating habits. To get everyone to actually lift, probably not going to happen. To get more people to lift, I think can happen. But lifting is really, really important because it can increase your metabolism. It can increase you burning calories. It can make your body work for you rather than you always having to work so hard for everything. If you just have more
Starting point is 01:29:31 muscle mass, which you do have to work for, um, you get to just burn more calories, period. That's why it's easier in most cases for men to lose weight than women. Men typically have a lower percentage of body fat. They typically carry more muscle, a little easier for men to build muscle. And so we're at an advantage and the women are at a disadvantage, but the women need to be training as well for their bone density. A lot of women have osteoporosis. as well for their bone density. A lot of women have osteoporosis. A lot of older people break their hip and their bones get brittle and they run into all kinds of problems. And weight training, doing cardiovascular training is great. Going for a walk is great. All these things, all these forms of exercise, they are all good. And anytime you can add any sort of resistance to them, they usually get even better.
Starting point is 01:30:31 But people need to weight train because the weight training is going to be something that is actually going to change the hormones in your body to be more favorable towards you getting the body that you want. It's going to change your growth hormone. It's going to change your insulin. It's going to change your glucose levels. It's going to change your blood pressure. It's going to change so many different things. Whereas the cardiovascular training, it's really just burning up some sugar, burning up maybe even some fat, but it's just burning up some calories for that moment. Whereas the weight training is burning calories for that moment, but it's also building towards burning calories in the future. So you really end up with a really awesome result. Uh, how much training do people
Starting point is 01:31:20 need to do? My dad has been going to the gym every day for the last 25 days. Uh, and I think that he's there for like 40 minutes and he's 70 years old. He's not retired. He'll probably never stop working. He loves to work. Um, is that an unreasonable amount of time for everybody to work out? Maybe. Is half of that an unreasonable amount of time to exercise? I don't think so. I think everyone can make time to get in 30 to 40 minutes multiple times a week.
Starting point is 01:32:06 I don't actually know anybody on the planet that can't afford to work out three times a week. Um, I don't, I don't actually know anybody on the planet that can't afford to work out three times a week. I mean, it's just, you're just making excuses. I think at that point, if you're not, um, if you're not training, I, I think it's a huge mistake to not try to take care of yourself and to not, uh, do things for yourself. Most of the successful people I know, they wake up every morning and before they go diving into their phone, they usually do some things for themselves. Whether it's listen to music, listen to a podcast,
Starting point is 01:32:38 go for a walk, weight train. Just imagine if you had the habit of every day when you woke up, the first thing you did is like, whatever it is that you feel that you need to do the most of, you know, whatever that, however that positions you for the day. Um, I know for me, like, I mean, I'm obsessed with exercise, so I love to wake up and go for a walk. And every time I get back from the walk, I feel better.
Starting point is 01:33:07 I feel ready for the day. I feel good. I feel strong. I feel, I mean, I did a walk today, even though we trained early, still got up and I walked for half an hour. It just makes you feel good. So also people need to know too, people that exercise, people that exercise aren't in the shape that they want to be
Starting point is 01:33:25 in either people that are at the gym are fat there's many people at the gym that are fatter than they want to be so i think that this notion of ah man i can't i can't i can't do i can't go to the gym people are going to make fun of me there i'm too fat i'm not in good enough shape you know they got mirrors there and there's gonna be other people there you'll be laughing at me no there's people at the gym that are really out of shape but they're making the effort they're there and they're already making that effort there's you're gonna see other people there that are similar to whatever shape you're in whether you're 50 years old and you're not overweight or you're 50 years old and you're 200 pounds overweight, you're going to see other people at the commercial
Starting point is 01:34:09 gym that are in the same shoes as you are. Same chubby little shoes. And same experience too. You're going to see people at the gym that are too skinny, that are skinnier than they want to be. Whatever body frame you have, if you go to a local gym, you're going to see people in a similar situation. They're too short. They're too fat.
Starting point is 01:34:27 They're too tall. They're too skinny. They're too this or too that. You'll see it all. And there's people there that have dealt with it before. If you have no clue what to do, if you really don't understand, get a trainer. But again, this goes back to following through. Don't just get one trainer one time and put your hands up and be like i can't believe it that trainer you know they they made a racist
Starting point is 01:34:52 comment and i'm never you know or they made a sexual comment or that's one trainer in one circumstance maybe they maybe they pushed you too hard you got too sore that's one trainer one circumstance find another gym. People look for excuses everywhere, right? So yeah, there's tons of options. There's tons of people out there. Yeah. You know, and, um, that's, that's, what's comfortable. I've talked to my dad about some of these things before about, you know, I, I, I, I asked him kind of about a year ago, I was like, you know, why is it that guys your age and girls your age? Why, why, why do they just, why, why do they give up on exercise and nutrition? I don't,
Starting point is 01:35:44 I know it wasn't part of your life when you were young, but you know better now. And he just said it's just easier. It's just easier to not do it. easier it's just easier to not do it um and and you know what's strange about it too is like with medications and the way that things are going people still a lot of times live into their until However, depression, anxiety, depression, suicide rate, diabetes, Alzheimer's. Like, they didn't used to think that Alzheimer's and dementia, they didn't used to think that they were all that related to nutrition. They just thought it just happened. Well, now there's a lot of compelling evidence that shows us otherwise. It doesn't show us definitively that you can escape it just because you do keto or whatever.
Starting point is 01:37:00 But what it does show us is that there's been a link between diabetes and dementia. And look, most of the people being being fat, you know, has to be like redefined. I was going to take a picture. I went to Target yesterday. I was going to take a picture of this mannequin because they had a regular mannequin. Then they had a big old lady mannequin and they had a pregnant mannequin i was gonna take a picture of it i was like you know what i'm not gonna bother it's gonna be so controversial people aren't gonna understand what i'm trying to say but i was basically gonna say something effective like let's not lower our standards. And I'm not trying to say that everyone has to have this little tiny waist and big old titties and whatever for women.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Right. Yeah. Like what guy wouldn't want every woman to look like that. I mean, that'd be fantastic. Right. And I'm sure the ladies want to look that way too. But man, people are so much fatter than we even understand and those of you that have lost weight before those of you that have been like you know what man i would look awesome if i just lost about 15 pounds you know what happens
Starting point is 01:38:20 when you lose 15 pounds you go wow i would look really great if i lost another 15 pounds or maybe even a little bit more um you have a lot more weight to lose a lot of times than you than you think um and a lot of these older people that have dementia and have some of these things they may they kind of look small they look fra, but they still have excessive amounts of body fat on them that are not necessary. I'm not saying that everyone needs to be sculpted, so please don't misunderstand what I'm trying to convey here, but let's not lower our standards and think, oh, well, this is just the times and there's more convenient foods out there. So no, we can't bypass more convenient foods out there. So no, we can't bypass, uh, the way our bodies are supposed to be.
Starting point is 01:39:11 Um, and you know, bypass is a funny word to use for it because that's what we're all going to need if we try to just, you know, live, live our lives, uh, being, uh, too much on the thick side. And you know what? I'm all for this movement of you should love yourself and you should feel good about yourself i'm i'm supportive of that i'm behind that you should but you should also be transparent with yourself and you should also be real with yourself and say i'm happy with myself i feel good about myself i'm smart i'm strong i can be empowered and i can improve. I can be better tomorrow and the next day than I was today. Yeah. I think a huge part of that, you know,
Starting point is 01:39:51 love yourself that's missed is like love yourself enough to want to get healthier. Yeah. You know, I think that gets missed completely. It's not love yourself, love your size and go get bigger. Like it's,
Starting point is 01:40:04 it's not that. Yeah. And you know what? Different people are going to be different shapes. Different people are going to be different sizes. And are there people that are just big? Look, Brian Shaw's a big guy, right? He's a big, he's a, I know he's a different, you know, he's a really different thing, but there's guys that are kind of, I don't want to say like Brian Shaw, that's a big he's a i know he's a different you know he's a really different thing but there's guys that are kind of i don't want to say like brian shaw that's a disservice to him there's guys that are big that are six five six six six seven and you know they're wearing the big dog clothing and they're you know at the local county fair and they're you know 400 pounds they're just bit who knows why big old hands big
Starting point is 01:40:47 old feet giant wrists big giant kneecaps giant forehead you're like i don't know what this guy you know this guy looks like a goddamn polar bear checking out dude's kneecaps yeah nice kneecaps well uh what i was gonna say about shaw is when we took him to Lululemon and he had to try on all those clothes that obviously did not fit him. But when he said he's different, yeah, he's different because he's huge. But when he put on those tight shirts, you can see he was actually jacked. It was really eye-opening because he's always wearing big shirts. They're loose, but he put on a... Yeah, he's wearing a big shirt and the shirt tends to kind of puff away from him because he does you know he does have a stomach yeah and the stomach
Starting point is 01:41:29 is is you know kind of yields a lot of that power a lot of that horsepower that he's got you know um but you're right brian shaw has tremendous amounts of muscle and you know what i mean shit it would take it would take all of about three months to get him. I mean, the transformation I made, Brian Shaw can probably take a massive dump on that because that guy has got elite level amounts of muscle on his body. I feel pretty good about the jackness level that I got, I, you know, I feel pretty good about the jackness level that I got, but like, I don't, I don't have like that next level of, of the amount of muscle mass. Some of these bodybuilders have, uh, I don't certainly, I certainly don't have that amount.
Starting point is 01:42:14 Those guys have a good 20 extra 30 pounds on me and they got some really good density. Um, branch Warren, I mean, it's a lot shorter, but weighs about the same. Um, Branch Warren, I mean, is a lot shorter, but weighs about the same. Um, me and Jay Cutler were probably similar height to give you an idea. And Jay Cutler was probably 265 on stage or 260 on stage. And I, I was 235 on stage, which is good. Uh, but certainly, anyway, my point is, is that Shaw, if he was to cut up, you would see that he has substantial amounts of muscle on him i mean would he be the first to win the arnold strongman and arnold
Starting point is 01:42:52 bodybuilding show yeah no one's ever done anything like that um but yeah brian i don't you know i mean look i've never you're never gonna put anything. Obviously, I'm joking. Yeah, I'm never going to say that Brian couldn't do something. But being a pro bodybuilder is a real big animal. It's a real tough thing to do. We got anything else? There's been a lot of steroid talk and whatnot. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:43:20 I know. And you've answered this many, many times before. But it's what's hot right now in the streets or the chat box. What's the heaviest bench that we know from a natural athlete? Well, I mean, just from the drug tested guys, you know, that's all you can kind of go off of. I think some of the bigger benches are in the 620 pound range about 100 pound difference from where caril circa is and non-tested athletes those are yeah those guys are non-tested yeah they're in the 620 pound range probably gotcha so then tested athletes where are they at the best
Starting point is 01:43:58 is caril circa with like a 722 so it's about 100 pounds got about a hundred pound difference so there you go guys but i don't really know you know yeah i know we don't know but that's the only way and like it was such a uh hard question to even ask that's why i had to break it down that way which was how much right can a can you lift naturally versus how much you can live i would have uh benched 500 um probably more like touch and go rather than paused, um, naturally. And then with, with, with stuff I did 578. Um, in addition to that, um, I actually did perform my floor press at Westside Barbell where I did a 500 pound floor press. So, um, and that was before I touched anything.
Starting point is 01:44:46 Anyway, I got a piece, so. Yeah so yeah that's that's all i got i just wanted to get that one out there but yeah that's it dude all right strength is never a weakness weakness never strength peace

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