Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 11 - Jesse Burdick

Episode Date: February 23, 2018

With the Arnold Classic just over the horizon, Mark Bell and Jesse Burdick get together to talk about some of their most memorable moments on the road, including last year's trip to Columbus Ohio. ➢...Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: ➢SHOP NOW: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 damn it d m x x is gonna give it to you x is i don't know x might get it given to him excuse me in the clink in the where you know in the what i don't want to talk about it this is i mean he has this is like going you're going going on vacation for him he's been in jail so much right they're gonna welcome home they're like how you been? I'm looking at this chart that we have, this graph. DMX is not on here. Why are you going off the script? Do you think this is a graph? I think you have the wrong thing.
Starting point is 00:00:34 This is a map of Davis. This is teaching me how to get home. I think we're, you, that, I mean, honestly, how long it take you to to figure out how to get home once you got to the new gym how many times did you miss your exit a bunch of times yeah yeah i ended up at the uh i always love he's like i ended up in the parking lot talking on the phone for like 20 minutes like i'm gonna just come over to my house follow me i'm like fuck that what's your address and just type it into google because he's the worst and he's got all these just like awful shortcuts and i'm like i don't understand where we're going i get on a red light he goes faster it's the worst but i think we can all agree that our driver in ohio oh yeah by far that guy was great the worst driver hey listen we need
Starting point is 00:01:31 we're dying we need coffee oh i got a place for you he's like i got a place for you guys i got a special spot for you guys he's like straight across the street there it's it's home it's hometown for uh columbus ohio and we were like wendy's You never had a cup of coffee until you had Wendy's coffee. Charlie's like, Wendy's coffee's got to taste like shit. He's like, take us somewhere nice. And then he took it. He's like, oh, well, you want to eat? I'll get you a nice steakhouse.
Starting point is 00:01:58 We'll get you a steakhouse. Texas Roadhouse. Texas Roadhouse. That was closed. That was closed and looked like it had been closed for years at that point. I told the guy, I was like, how about you take us somewhere that's fucking open? And he's like, yeah, yeah. He's like, we can do that.
Starting point is 00:02:14 And then he takes us across the street to Outback or something like that. And then do you remember the waiter came over and was like, hey, just to let you know, your driver's at the bar. We're like, okay, cool like he's just having some food he's like well he did have a drink and i know we're looking at him like oh my god it's like you're bad already like i can't imagine and remember he was like uh telling us stories like a former police officer and then as he got to know us more and as he got more and more annoyed with uh charlie trying to show him pictures while he's driving on the freeway 90 miles an hour that was insane he's like oh man i would love to see what it looked like if you guys if you boys got tased right we were like and then
Starting point is 00:02:53 the car got real quiet but then charlie was like can we do that he's like i can take you over we can have hell of a time he was all excited that was so frightening dude what's up with dmx he's in jail what happened i didn't know he was out of jail so this is all really big news to me apparently he's going he failed the drug test that's a shocker that is a shocker i mean i think the last drug test he failed was for meth so what's after he was on probation what's below meth he was on probation? What's below meth? He was on probation for tax evasion. That makes sense too. And all the nasty shit that guy's done. He's just not paying the government enough and that's what they throw him in jail for.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I think it's great. I mean, there's probably a lot of other things he should have been thrown in jail for. So, I mean, to get him on tax evasion is kind of the uh al capone way of doing things right i still don't believe jp price's story that he met him i just well and then he just growled at him and it was a burger king it was a burger king that's what he said and it had to be i mean where's jp jp lives in um uh he's in kansas right yeah so i mean why would dmx be in a Burger King in Kansas? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And I don't think JP lives in a thriving metropolis of a Kansas City. I don't know. I don't know. So, I mean, it's got to be just in the middle of nowhere. He said what's up to him, and he said, grrr, back. It's about as believable. He did warn me, though. He warned me.
Starting point is 00:04:21 He's like, you're not going to believe my story. It's about as believable a story as it can get, I suppose. I mean, just as bad as our 50 Cent wet fish handshake in Gold's Gym. And we were so pumped to meet 50 Cent. And then after that, we were like, we're never going to listen to your shit again. It was at the height of 50. But his shit's so good, we still have to listen to it. But you can't dead fish somebody.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Oh, my God. So for you guys at home,'t dead fish somebody oh so for you guys at home handshake should be like so you kind of get in there you can't do this because that's almost like please kiss my hand or dead fish and it just feels weird especially if you're gonna try and really gonna get in there and thanks so much man i like what you do i hate it the expo when you go to shake someone's hand i didn't know what i was gonna say to him but i couldn't say anything to him when when he did yeah we were like oh yeah i think that was my exact reaction yeah we were like thanks for that i was like no matter what i'm
Starting point is 00:05:18 gonna go over to him just fucking shake his hand tell him he's great because i just have to because he is great he didn't say anything and then then he killed us. It was the worst. Absolutely the worst. But at those trade shows, it's so disgusting because you go to the Arnold and you go to the Olympia and you go to all these things, and everyone's just, it's just a free-for-all, like in terms of people sweating their ass off and people being gross and sweaty and fat and eating protein bars
Starting point is 00:05:44 and having protein samples and just brewing up the worst. And a bunch of pre-workout. Brewing up the worst farts and worst shits ever. I'm sure everyone's hands are not pristine, not clean, right? I know. So you shake a lot of hands, which is just kind of gross anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:58 But we run into a lot of those sweaty palm deals. How do you get your palms to sweat? I don't even know. I have no idea there's vomit on my sweater mom's spaghetti yeah i think your hands are all clammy i don't know what happens i mean you're thinking about rapping in front of everybody yeah yes i mean are we that important that it's going to make someone flustered to shake our hands i guess i don't really i don't know but it is uh but the handshake thing is just, it's like a, it's an awkward thing going on.
Starting point is 00:06:25 And it's like, uh, they come over, they're like, Hey, Jesse Burdick, what's up? And then they shake your hand and then they conversate with you and then they act like they're leaving. And so they'll give you another handshake and they'll say, Oh, this is my buddy, John. He's a big fan too. Then you shake his hand and you shake his buddy's fat, disgusting hand. And it just keeps getting worse and worse. And then they're like, all right, man, see you later.
Starting point is 00:06:47 And then they give you one more handshake. It's like, man, I shook your hand like four times. I shook your buddy's hand. I just fucking made my rounds. That's why we were just trying to, hey, it's so. Your fist pound. Just try and get at least amount of skin contact as possible. Whip out the elbow.
Starting point is 00:07:04 There you go. Good for you. get at least amount of skin contact as possible. Whip out the elbow. There you go. Yeah. Good for you. Um, but what about the guys that go in? Like they're trying to, it's like a test of strength. It's like their chance to show us how strong they are.
Starting point is 00:07:16 And then, and then, you know, this is my fucking opportunity. I have a big hand, but I don't have the biggest hand in the world. So I get a lot where people are just like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:07:24 they grab your fingertips yeah and you're like you're like give me a fucking give me a do-over you bitch get in here and let's let's yeah yeah like let's try aiming for the thumb can we try that again you fucking i know you rip me off it was bad it's bad and then you're just like and it's and then you grab my fingers there's nothing more like, hello, hello there. And they squeeze the fuck out of it. Like it's a competition. Like it's a grip competition.
Starting point is 00:07:49 It is. So now with all that being said, is there anything more gross than hyper overextension pants burping into his shirt while trying to talk to you? Oh yeah. Mr. Hyper overextension pants. Yes. I wish we still, we had a photo of him for a long time. I think I still have that picture somewhere. Oh my God, we're going to have to put that on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Where is that guy today? We'll have to block out his face. Yeah, I think so. Now he's got to be dead. He was really, he really looked unhealthy. He has a 60 inch waist, at least. He can't be alive. Oh my a lot that's the worst thing i think you've ever said he has to be dead right mr hyper overextension pants if you're listening either from the grave or otherwise let us rub them great beyond
Starting point is 00:08:38 please write write us or please let us know if you're still around god but yeah so if you don't know what it's great that we both caught that too because we don't have a chance to like see a lot of that stuff because there's so much shit going on at these shows there is and i mean that was so he's just this like super over arched guy just walking around and it's you know the power lifters with the keg in the front you know they got the they got the belly and then they you know the power lifters with the keg in the front you know they got the they got the belly and then they you know start to develop some lats and stuff and they get some quads and they the gate gets real short and they get that power lifting waddle going back and forth they look like they're holding two giant briefcases and the stomach is just protruding way out and it looks
Starting point is 00:09:19 like it looks like his back is killing him like he looks like he's permanently in a camel clutch or something his stomach sticking way out chest is high and he looks like he's just like leaning back it just looks like he's just kind of yeah he's leaning lean back this way but knees are still kind of bent somehow yeah yeah yeah yeah because he can't straighten to offset your your belly you can't straighten them out anymore then you throw your butt a lot with powerlifters they have the bent knees and bent elbows kind of the whole time he was talking to you and then he was talking to you about his wife or girlfriend and while he's talking to you he goes like this pulls his shirt up does a horrible burp into his shirt pulls it down and then goes about talking as if like nothing had happened
Starting point is 00:10:05 oh it was disgusting and i mean i was watching it because i was just like what is this guy's deal and i was taking a picture because it was because he looked hilarious um which is probably what i'm going to be doing at the arnold most of the time he's wearing a super tight shirt and it was just it was one of the grossest things i've ever seen so that's that's probably two but you could see the burp coming on we could see him pre-burp and not knowing where to put this burp and then he fucking placed it inside of his shirt which i don't i'm not i'm not a scientist here but i don't know how much this much of cotton is gonna block like burp right and i don't think a whole lot it had to be bad though
Starting point is 00:10:45 not good had to be one of those like cheap chicken sandwich burps that you get when you have something that's got like a lot of like salt and nitrates in it and stuff but it's just a it's just a really bad burp that just lingers because sometimes they're disgusting sometimes they're worse than a fart yeah they those like that came for your fucking mouth who was that was your brother that was my brother-in-law i was like holy cow i'm like jesus christ i'm like next time you shit your pants i'm like let me know or something you know lift your leg or fucking roll down the window or in the car and he's like even worse that was a burp that's so horrifying i'm getting out of the car i'm getting out of the fucking car right now so it clears out so hyper overextension pants is number
Starting point is 00:11:22 two for me in the all-time list of lists oh and your wife's boyfriend yeah andy's boyfriend number one that was that in like the first that was the first three arnold's that i think that was just like dripping with testosterone it was amazing i've never he just smelled so terrible he had like three sweatshirts on, just pouring sweat the whole time. He was just one giant pimple. And he was just, it was like literally you're talking to him and like shit's popping on his face. He's probably like 15, something like that. Yeah, 14, 15 and just, oh man, that was one of the, and he kept coming back and be like,
Starting point is 00:12:00 hey, so, you know, can you get me a deal for my son? And you're like, well, know can you get me a deal for my son and you're like well we told you how much it is like well so and so down the way said that they'd be willing to deal with me like this and we're just like yeah no no he kept coming back is that the same arnold yeah that was the same arnold they were both there they're both there the whole time they came back like three or four different times oh my god and finally they they caved into andy not caving in and just paid the money and then got out of there and he'll ever be he'll forever be known to me as andy's boyfriend all of our fans are so fat even that kid was fat too but what i thought his dad was fat oh he was
Starting point is 00:12:36 i'm not fat shaming but i mean all these guys are fat i mean you know that sort of makes you question like ohio wait well ohio but like, where did these people come from? It's like, out of what corner of what trailer home? They either came from like Cleveland or Indiana. That's the consensus I get when I talk to these people. It's fantastic. Sorry, Indiana and Cleveland. Well, I mean, you know, what can he do?
Starting point is 00:13:02 That's what happens. But he'll be, you know, forever known as that. But what I was, what can he do? That's what happens. But he'll be forever known as that. But speaking of the audience, I sent you and Andy that picture of some girl on Tinder has a picture of herself. I don't think my wife was a fan of that picture. With Mark. And that's her cover picture where you swipe right or swipe left. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:21 I thought it was a brilliant move. The audience is like 96% dudes, right? So it's just like, oh, cool. She knows Mark Bell. She's into lifting. You know, you're automatically going to, you know, start to hit that pool. And, you know, you're just going to get hit up by a bunch of, you know, fat power lifters.
Starting point is 00:13:38 But still. She's more fuckable because she knows me. I guess. I mean, maybe it's like she's a little bit cooler. So you have, at least you have something in common i suppose so weird i know i when you said that to me i was like that is really strange and then i showed it to someone and they're like oh yeah i went on a date with her i was like wait you saw the picture of her and mark and you didn't send it you didn't tell me about it he's like it didn't cross my mind that's great that's insane subliminally at
Starting point is 00:14:03 least at least it is. Come on. Yeah, it was amazing. But that was a fantastic picture. So the burp inside the shirt is one thing. And I saw a new one. Oh. And you've probably seen this before, especially like going to all boys school and stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:18 I'm sure you've seen some shit. BFT, Big Fat Tito, as I like to call him. Yep. That's his original name. And for some reason he calls himself emilio i don't know why he does that but he like you think he's just an emilio i don't know mexicans do that a lot they just change their name remember juan like like for some reason he calls himself john like dude what is it you know what's going on what's your fucking name i think he was trying to and then he forever is named wanjong yeah exactly that's son of a bitch so can we talk can we talk about nicknames i don't think people quite understand there's been good ones there
Starting point is 00:14:54 have been some so let's talk this let's do best nickname worst should i talk through amelio first before we get to these nicknames yeah go for it so bft big fat tito was kind of around the time of big fat somebody big fat everybody or anyone or big gay right there's you know big fat this guy big fat that that guy there's a big big gay will there you go big gay will gold's gym he always comes shout out to my big guy well to my boy big gay will we'll see you at the arnold brother and then there was uh and then there was big gay john yep which is this John right here, Big Gay John, because for some reason, he was obsessed with showing us his parts back in the day. There you go.
Starting point is 00:15:33 I don't know why. Did he have some website that you told me that was just horrifying? It was great. And it literally said, a bunch of it just said, don't click here. It was him and Dr. Hyman Bender. No, Von Hyman Bender. Dr. Von Hyman Bender. Dr. Von Hyman Bender. Dr. Von Hyman Bender. Von Hyman Bender.
Starting point is 00:15:46 That's his buddy Spray. And all he'll do, you know, nowadays. Which is another great fucking nickname right there. Nowadays, all he'll do is just deny, you know, he'll just deny, deny, deny. But yeah, there was a picture of John on a toilet, which all this is probably, you can probably still find it all because now he's famous. People got to. He's going to stay around forever.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Stay around forever. Yeah, yeah. He was on, and this is amazing, and I don't know why you and I don't have a photo like this, but he was on a toilet eating pizza with his buddy sitting on his lap, and he was eating pizza too. I'm actually pretty proud that we don't have that picture because if that was ever offered to us, I think we would have already done that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I mean, obviously the guys were offered free pizza. Yeah. With pepperoni. Absolutely. And it was there like done. Dude, I got a new have already done that. Yeah. I mean, obviously the guys were offered free pizza. Yeah. With pepperoni. Absolutely. And they were like, done. Dude, I got a new guy in the gym. He works at Zachary's Pizza. So I had to have a conference with everyone.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Is he hot? No. That's a weird question. Is he strong? He's just kind of starting out. But I was more interested in making sure that he was going to be liked and accepted because I wanted him to start bringing in pizza and it started today oh my god he brought us our first pizza pizza for
Starting point is 00:16:50 breakfast pizza for breakfast so bft he we're doing some like circuit stuff on the turf the other day dragging the sled and doing stuff back and forth and he's doing pretty good with some of it out of nowhere he needs to sneeze oh jesus christ so he fucking sneezes inside his shirt you ever see anybody do that before that's fucking terrible that's that's just as bad but he's like where where should i what like you know do i sneeze on the turf i'm like oh i don't want you sneezing on my fucking turf but yeah like i don't i don't even know what the answer is block it or something something? But then you blow your head off. You kind of got to go into your elbow, I think. That's about it.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Into your shirt just seems like a bad move. But it makes sense kind of because he's working out. He's already gross and sweaty. I've coughed into my shirt a number of times, especially when I was sick the past couple of months. It makes some sense because you're trying to protect everybody else. Right. I guess sneezing maybe made the same thing.
Starting point is 00:17:44 He's like, I don't want my snot to fucking end up all over the place do you have like good lung can you like shoot a snot like real far like if you sneeze you think you could hit like nah you know when we used to do that in football and stuff like the snot rockets not rockets but when you sneeze if you really let it go oh yeah yeah for some reason distance yeah for some reason i have these sneezes that i cracked a rib sneezing before. Yeah. I ended up in the fucking hospital. That was the peak of your athleticism right there when you sneeze and you fracture a rib.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Well, I was fucked up. I was, you know, I like hurt something in the gym and I wasn't paying attention to it. And I went in the gym the next day and did good mornings. And I used to do good, you know, we used to go crazy with good mornings. We'd use like five plates and chains and we'd go nuts and uh something didn't feel right that day and then the next day or two i went in the gym and did some bench press and i think i might have you know fucked something up a little bit there too but when i was home that day i think later in the day i sneezed and the sneeze fucking hurt really bad and like almost brought me
Starting point is 00:18:43 to my knees never went away and yeah it never went away and just uh as the day went on i got worse and worse and i had to call andy andy was at a play with her dad and i was like i don't know what's going on i've taken a lot of shit in my life and maybe i'm paying the price for it now maybe these arteries are all clogged up or something i don't know what's going on because it was it was like it was high and it was yeah it felt like it was much higher yeah it felt like it was like you know it felt like it was my heart or something i mean it was kind of dead center it was a little bit more located dead center but i don't know where the fuck my heart is i don't know i don't have any idea about it yeah i'm not a fucking doctor i don't know what's going on oh i look like a doctor yeah and so uh i went to the emergency room mr
Starting point is 00:19:21 robot pants came over and watched watched the kids and uh yeah i stayed the night and you know i i wanted to be honest i want to be up front with them and and when they uh they took me in and stuff they were like yeah you know everything looks fine and you know every your all your vital signs look good and i was like okay why can't i breathe you know why does my chest hurt and this and that and they're going over stuff they're asking about lifting and stuff and so i tell them i'm like you know i've been on anabolic steroids the last whatever decade or something like that and they just like make like a little note and then somebody comes in and they're like you're gonna have to stay the night i'm like god damn it i guess i shouldn't have told them anything they just pressed a button but i just figured i just figured that it
Starting point is 00:20:04 would be better i'd be better off telling them, but they don't know anything about any of that shit. No, I actually remember that because you sent me just a terrible text message. I think I'm dying. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Tell my kids I love them. I'm in the hospital. I think I'm having something with my heart. I was like, what the fuck is that? And I was at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and I ran outside
Starting point is 00:20:23 and tried to call you and you're like, no, no, no, it's fine. I was's like don't send me a text message that like that that's the that's the worst i'm kind of the king of that huh you are texting and then you someone calls and i don't ever answer that's always the that's the classic bell move where it's like hey or you text hey give me a call and then you don't answer the call, which is even better, which is just now you're confused. You're like, all right, maybe he'll call me back. Should I text him back?
Starting point is 00:20:50 Or he just said to call, but is he going to call me back? And I'm just like, all right, you know what? John Anderson used to call me just to tell me to call him on another line. That's good. Call me on another line, bro. All right. I'm like, what? I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:21:10 How do I even dial this other number? I don't know how to dial anything. What filter? What the hell is John Anderson doing to himself? He looks more and more like a cartoon character. He's got like midgets in his, for traps. For traps. They're huge. It's insane. Yeah, I think there's got like midgets in his for for traps they're huge it's insane
Starting point is 00:21:26 yeah i think i think i think there's got to be some synthol in there he looks so he's a friend of ours but i i think he's fucking cheating the system somehow he looks i've never seen him look that big now on the my brother asked me my brother's like well what changed about him like well nothing really he's just he's just doing more stuff with his shirt off. And he's always been huge. Yeah. Maybe that's my brother's like, well,
Starting point is 00:21:48 maybe he's just, you know, but he looks like, uh, from Bugs Bunny. He looks like the crusher. I remember the crusher came out and he fucking flex and he was jacked and he made a, he turned Bugs Bunny into like a hat or something.
Starting point is 00:22:02 He wrapped them all around and fucking threw them out. Yeah. He looks enormous. The traps are going insane. They're crazy. Is he still wrestling or anything anymore? I think he's just doing the bodybuilding stuff as far as I know. Our boy John Anderson back in the day was a strongman athlete. He also had a powerlifting background.
Starting point is 00:22:22 He used to do some insane stuff. He was like all conditioning type stuff. I mean, I had him on the podcast before deep water. A lot of you guys know, you know who I'm talking about, but it's been a little while since we've, since we've talked about it. I got to, for about almost two years, I got to train with him pretty fairly, uh, uh, routinely on, on the weekends doing strongman stuff. And he would do stuff that just didn't make any sense whatsoever yeah and i what i loved about him is remember he would say like like you would flip the tire five times i would flip the tire five times and the next guy and so on and he was he
Starting point is 00:22:56 would say like this tire is moving this distance and if and if you're fucking out someone else is going to move it because for us to be great this tire has to go this far on this day this is going to get flipped 20 times before you know and he was super strict like he was he wouldn't even uh he wouldn't even let you train in the group he was no he was really like meticulous about it i i helped him uh get over to uh wrestle in japan and stuff like that and then we had a a mutual person that we knew that we sent to him a dane kelly a former strongman and powerlifter kid and dane was crazy and dane worked really hard and john called me and he was like hey he's like who's this dane kid and i was like well i just wanted to see if you can like you know take him in take him under your wing he's a
Starting point is 00:23:41 young kid he really loves strongman i think at Dane, I think squatted 800 pounds or something like that as a teenager or something. The kid was insanely strong. And I was like, yeah, I think he, I think he has what it takes. And John's like, that's not good enough. I was like, what do you mean you think he has what it takes? He's like, he either does or he doesn't. And I was like, I don't know. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal.
Starting point is 00:24:01 I helped put a couple thousand dollars in your pocket by getting you over to Japan. Right. He's like, no brother. He's like, this is everything to me. He's like, it doesn't be a big deal. I helped put a couple thousand dollars in your pocket by getting you over to Japan. Right. He's like, no, brother. He's like, this is everything to me. He's like, it doesn't work that way. He's like, this is exclusive group. He's like, I can't just let anybody come down here. And I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Anyway, Dane went down there and Dane got killed and Dane was not invited back. Yep. Yeah. I wasn't there that weekend, but I was told, but John was just a, just a psychopath. And then a lot of times with those people who are, you know, kind of leading everything and it's theirs. If you question it or if you say, well, I'm not going to do this or what, it didn't matter.
Starting point is 00:24:35 You know, I was, I was powerlifting. I was just doing strongman for fun. He's like, okay, we're going to deadlift, you know, you know, the car deadlift 700 pounds for, for as many reps as you can for five sets. It's like, whoa, I got a deadlift you know you know the car deadlift 700 pounds for for as many reps as you can for five sets it's like whoa i got a deadlift on tuesday he's like no you got a deadlift right now john had like world records didn't care he had like world records when he came to like deadlifts for reps in the shortest period of time he's amazing there's like 21 reps with 500 pounds in like 60
Starting point is 00:24:59 seconds or something weird he did and then i saw him do 1100 i saw larry wheels do 500 for 17 recently he looks yeah his bench is just nuts right now too i mean i was on deadlift oh deadlift oh he was flying yeah flying he was flying with it but anyway 400 for what no no i saw john do 1100 reps on a rear dealt machine in a row he stopped like why would. Why would anybody do that? I don't know. It took him 20 minutes. What's a rear delt machine? It's just like the fly thing where you do the, this thing is the opposite of the peck deck.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Oh yeah, when you go on there backwards? Yeah, exactly. But he did it for 20 minutes straight. And he did 1,100 because he lost count. I love that that's her. He didn't want to have a, you know, he didn't want to make sure, he wanted to make sure he did 1,000, at least 1,000. I love shit like that. He didn't want, he didn't want to have a, you know, he didn't want to make sure he wanted to make sure he did a thousand,
Starting point is 00:25:45 at least a thousand. I love shit like that. I love, I love the fact that that's like a thing, like the rear Dell, like we need to, we need to fucking, we need to devote an entire machine.
Starting point is 00:25:56 And I know the machine has more versatility because you can turn the other way and hit up that pack deck. But somebody's like, Hey, you know, that little, that little round circle that you have that's behind like up above your tricep you know kind of on the outside of
Starting point is 00:26:11 your shoulder an orange slice right here yeah it's like we need to figure out we need to tap into that it's true it's like only if we had a machine where you can just i mean what kind of world do we live in that's our problem i think it's i think it's a great world you got to get the teardrop in the quad you have to you know there's you know if you're gonna step on stage get the horseshoe and the tricep that was hilarious did you were you there when brian was like hey guys shaw i got kicked by a horse i was like what oh where he's like no no no no do you see i was like no he's like you're the worst never mind he went over to i think he went over to like vincent and tried it out on him and vincent was like oh yeah cool it's like you sucker
Starting point is 00:26:50 like come on man you gotta you can't let him win at that game yeah you're 445 pounds like you're gonna expect to be like striated through your arm somehow brian love it was just a it was like it was it was this big but he did a he did a bodybuilding workout with me and O'Hearn and he was so confused. He's like, this workout is terrible. He's like, I'm already tired. I'm like, nah, so that's how it works is like you, you get like a pump. He's like, I can't move. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:18 We're like, yeah, no, that's the way, that's the way you do it. Yeah. He's like, he wants me to keep going up in weight. He's like, I don't know what to do. I was like, just lift whatever you, just lift whatever you want, you know? And he's like this, and he just shakes his head. He's like, this isn't going to look good. Oh, for the video?
Starting point is 00:27:36 Yeah. Yeah. He's like, I got to use 80 pound dumbbells. I'm like, Brian, it's a, it's a chess fly. I mean a fly, a fly with 80 pounds it's a lot of weight like i'm gonna use like 20s yeah like don't worry about it yeah that's amazing he was just looking at o'hearn so confused but o'hearn did show up really late and and he killed us because me and brian already were like i don't know about 15 sets into some bench press and then he started
Starting point is 00:28:03 all over again. And then, yeah, O'Hearn, he's got the same routine. He always shows up late. He's always late enough to where you don't know if he's going to show up at all. Right. And then he does show up, which is like 45 minutes. That's like a sweet spot. That's a long time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:17 That's kind of. That's past fashionably late. And that's past like, oh, you're a bro all the way. Fuck. Oh, man. He's being a prima donna he's not coming at all and then and then because at that time uh you know 20 minutes goes by and you're like he's not showing up we need to just move on chip get out of here because otherwise
Starting point is 00:28:35 if he if he was 20 minutes late then we all would have started at the same time right and he already knows that principle so if he's 45 minutes late, that's perfect. Cause he knows you're going to be about 15 minutes into your routine. And then he can smash all over you. And he can smash everybody. He comes in, he's all fresh and jumps right on the incline bench. And there you go. But he's, he's strong.
Starting point is 00:28:58 We were talking about, uh, speaking of Michael Hearn, his, his Nick, he's got several nicknames. Michael Tran being one of them. That's a pretty good one. And his other name is Titan. That's the name he got from the TV show he was on. He loves calling himself Titan. Yeah, that's kind of the name that you give yourself, though, too. You can't give yourself a nickname.
Starting point is 00:29:18 It seems like that would be one that he chose for himself. Yeah, like Jesse Big Dick Burdick. Right. Yeah, like that one never stuck. That one really never took off like I himself. Yeah. Like Jesse, big Dick Burdick. Right. Yeah. Like that one never, that one never, that one really never took off. Like I thought it would. I was hopeful,
Starting point is 00:29:30 but I have my best and worst from just like the ones that you and I know. Well, first of all, I think people need to understand. He's real. Nickname is mega mind. Right. And there's obvious reasons for that,
Starting point is 00:29:41 but I think everyone needs to know nicknames. So nicknames are something that you just identify someone as, and you probably will never know their first name, maybe even their last name. Yeah, you might not ever remember it. There was Lurch. So Lurch was trying to get some security clearance. I think Lurch is probably the worst one.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Lurch is not the worst nickname, but it was a nickname where nobody knew his name. It's like an al one. It's not the worst nickname, but it was a nickname where nobody knew his name. It's like an alias. It was amazing. And it was so bad that the government came. I was listed as a reference. Government came to my house. I was like, hello, we'd like to talk to you about so-and-so.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I don't know if I should mention his name or not. Like, we want to talk to you about this person. And I was like, and they said the name, like John Smith. I was like, who is John Smith? john smith i was like who is john smith they're like uh you're jesse burdick and this is you know the address and i'm like yeah i'm like wait who are you talking about like uh he listed you as a reference this is for like a security clearance for the army and i'm like oh god yeah yeah john john okay hold on a second hold on a second let me i have I had to explain to that person.
Starting point is 00:30:47 You have to put the phone down for a second and be like, oh my God, I'm talking about Lurch. They were, they were, they were at my door. So this is lady with a, with a clipboard, like, you know, super official and everything. And I was like, all right, please come in. I need to tell you, I need to talk to you about nicknames. It's like, I have never called this part this person john in since i met him he's like oh hey i'm john no his name is lurch i'm like all right lurch like that's it and i don't know if i ever heard his name mentioned again so nicknames really kind of if it's a good
Starting point is 00:31:14 one it sticks and it stays there for forever yeah we didn't know with lurch we just we we didn't know his name for a really long time and once we heard it we were like huh and so that that should have been that guy he should have got the name silent he should have because nobody well that's why we got lurch because no one even he just we just go hmm yeah and he wouldn't actually talk he wouldn't say anything no and said nothing at all but he's he's actually a cop now and i recommended him to a friend of mine at the gym to help get him through things. And I was like, Hey, I got this buddy Lurch, I think it'd be great for you.
Starting point is 00:31:47 And so now he, so now he's known as Lurch by like only a few people over there. And he's like, this nickname will never die. He's like out of power of things. He's not lifting much. He's kind of gone a different way, but he's like, this nickname is going to follow me forever. How about how great the nickname was that Stan gave to people, and people didn't really realize he gave it to everybody, and they were so excited.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Bigs. People would come up to me, and they'd be like, Stan called me Bigs. I'm like Ed Cohn and stuff, too, even. And he's like, I can't believe he thinks I'm Big. And I'm just like, I don't know how to tell all these people. He doesn't really remember their name. That's why he's calling them that.
Starting point is 00:32:30 You're like, hey, big. Yes. I mean, I know him very well. He still calls me big. No, it's great. When you send Stan stuff, like, you know, you just text him or whatever. He always writes back, like how how would that help me right or how is this or he'll send back like i don't know you say you send him something uh
Starting point is 00:32:51 you you hit a pretty good lift in the gym you're excited you send it over to him he's just gonna send you him squat 900 pounds yeah yeah it's not even he's like hey remember this remember when i did this he just sends me that plate on top of you he just sends me that randomly every once in a while i'll just send me like hey remember this fucking stud came in your gym and squatted 900 pounds i'm like it's just like you sending me the picture of me missing eight uh missing deadlifting 856 it's just the same thing so what comes around goes around i think the worst nickname i've ever heard at it from you jessica hunt not for our current jessica not no no oh yeah shit no no no not for current jessica i thought that was a good name and i thought it was appropriate i think it was
Starting point is 00:33:31 completely appropriate but that was like the the probably the most offensive the most foul i got to cover jesus's ears oh yeah he said his ears are bleeding i I thought that was a very, it was a pinpoint nickname, but I still think it was probably one of the worst there was. Yeah. She lost a lot of weight, Jessica Brown. That's awesome. Yeah. She, she lost quite a bit of weight and we had, you know, we've had a lot of, uh, a lot of just kind of stupid nicknames too. Yeah. nicknames too yeah just because like you know like juan john like it's not a not a great nickname but it's just he he called us or he would always say his name was john to us and then he would tell
Starting point is 00:34:09 other people his name was juan and then he just got the name uh juan john but yeah we had some uh we've had some good ones over the years and some people don't ever get one that's true like uh tristan shull like he just he's just tristan and he's just disgusting. Yep. He was T-Bear for a while there. Oh, yeah. But I mean, that kind of goes in and out. Not necessarily something completely standard. There was a lot of bears. There was a lot of bears.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Because of the power bear movement. Correct. Power bottoms. That was one of the most saddest days when you left that gym and you didn't bring the gift I got you. The welcome with the three bears. Oh, yeah. That wooden thing. The little happy bears. Yeah, the gift i got you the welcome with the three with the three bears that wooden thing a little happy bears yeah three happy bears that said welcome i don't even know what happened to those bears no you just left that at the other gym power bears i know we got to get more power bears going again uh what the fuck else is going on we were talking about um
Starting point is 00:35:01 a little bit with uh that card that's coming up with Daniel Cormier's fighting. Oh, yeah. He looked awesome at that last fight. And I love the fact that both he and Stipe took very little damage and are ready, willing, and want to fight all the time. I think that's a mark of a real champion one way or the other. Because if you're going to run or wait for a matchup or anything along those lines, which unfortunately happens all the time. So we didn't necessarily get to see. I mean, you got to think about it.
Starting point is 00:35:32 If we go way back into boxing, the Tyson Holyfield fight, which is now infamous because he bit his ear. It took them almost like six years, I think, to try and get that fight because so-and-so is ducking so-and-so or the WBC wanted him to fight these people. They were scheduled to fight once before. And then I think Tyson ended up going to jail. Right. There's so much around all that. I was watching some old video of Tyson, and he's in the ring, and it's at the Trump Plaza.
Starting point is 00:36:04 And so he's already Mike Tyson. He's already the bad, and it's at the Trump Plaza. And so he's already Mike Tyson. He's already the baddest man on the planet. And he's in the ring with Kevin Rooney, and they're working on combinations and stuff. And he's just throwing the sickest fucking combinations. And he's so fast. He's so explosive. And I know people listening to this are going to say, no way.
Starting point is 00:36:20 But I think he's faster than Mayweather. Like this fucking guy could move. In his prime, yeah. He can move in some way. Maybe Mayweather is faster in his own way. But I think he's fucking, I think he's faster than Mayweather. Like this fucking guy could move. In his prime. He can move in some way. Maybe Mayweather is faster in his own way. Maybe his hand speed was faster or something, but Tyson can move more explosively than any athlete that I've ever seen. It was just, it was incredible.
Starting point is 00:36:37 It's a different movement though, where Mayweather is kind of like, you know, kind of here, here, back and forth where his is just huge movements too. They're covering a lot more ground. Tyson's movements were stiffer and they were like more deliberate. Whereas I guess you would say Mayweather moves around a little bit more like a chicken. You know, like he's like, you know, trying to have his head moving around a lot. Yeah. And Tyson was more like, no, I'm moving left.
Starting point is 00:37:02 I'm moving right. Like he would kind of move in a pattern. But he would get there so fast. He would throw punches off all that. Yeah. And his footwork was insane too. But what I thought was amazing, and this is something that I think gets lost in the shuffle, is what an amazing athlete Tyson was.
Starting point is 00:37:17 He was so explosive and he was so fast and so powerful, but he's also performing a combination of things all at one time with tremendous coordination and what i thought was the coolest thing is that he was getting coached on every single punch he threw so he would throw like two or three punches and kevin rooney would stand him up and he would explain like no no like this and then he would do it again and he's firing off some crazy shots i'm like as i'm watching i like, what are they trying to perfect or whatever? He looks like he's perfect already, you know? And, and, and moving at such force and such violence to be able to hold somebody's pads and be like, oh, hey, you're, you know, you're this way a little bit.
Starting point is 00:37:56 You're like, how do you, I don't even know how he held the pads at all. Oh my God. Without dying. He had to break that guy's hands or, or just injure him repeatedly. But I think, I honestly think we kind of came that that's one of the best nicknames I've ever heard. Iron Mike Tyson walking out with a towel with a hole in it. I mean, that is just the hardest motherfucker there was and probably ever will be and is at that time of Tyson. It was just, it was insane.
Starting point is 00:38:20 When my wife, he took me to see him in Vegas. He does like a stand-up comedy type thing. Yeah. It was cool. I mean, it was a when my wife he uh took me to see him in vegas he you know does like a stand-up comedy type thing and yeah um it was cool i mean it was a little weird it's a little like almost sad in some way because you're like oh man this is the this is the guy you know he's the shit but uh he's got this kind of gig where he's got to make money right like his life is happening and it's like somebody's like hey mike you got to make money and he's like okay uh the thing that he was doing though was cool i mean he did a good job he did a good uh presentation and everything but he got up there in front of everybody and he's explaining you know kind of his life story and he's like at a very young age i became very determined he's like at
Starting point is 00:38:58 first i had no confidence he gives you a little bit of that background tells you how he had a shitty upbringing and everything but he's like then custom auto he uh he he woke me up he got me motivated he got me fired up got me excited and we both had the mission and both had the goal to become the youngest heavyweight champion in the world and that pops up pops up on the screen behind him and then there's a little like box next to it and it just gets checked off and it goes bing. And he goes, that was 1983. Almost as if to say like, oh shit, you know, there ain't, there ain't much left to do because that was the main goal that we set out to do to become youngest heavyweight champion of all time. And he fucking accomplished that, you know, he was 22, 24.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah. I think, I think he was like, I think he was like 21. Really? Yeah. He was, he was super young. Cause when he was going through. Oh, he's still a junior on most of those early fights. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:53 And he, he was a teenager a lot of times in, in some of those, uh, not as championship fights, but some of his fights earlier on, he was like 18, 19 years old, but he was, uh, I w I mean, that was a good nickname. Mighty Mouse Johnson's a good nickname. It is. It goes along with how small and how fucking fast that guy is. That guy's awesome. I don't know if I've seen, again, talk about speed.
Starting point is 00:40:17 That guy is, just the last couple of his fights, he's just so far outclassed everyone in that weight class he's defended his title like 11 times 10 or 11 times which no one's ever done on the ufc and um i'm really pumped up to see dana and the ufc start to be able to push him and try and get him some super fights because yeah you know the guy's kind of wallowing in obscurity to a point you know he doesn't even get to headline sometimes some of his title fights because there are people who are less talented but more popular. He's in that Roy Jones Jr. category.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Roy Jones was just kind of sitting there for a little while where he was just completely untouchable. Just annihilated everybody at that point. And then it's, again, one of those things where who's going to fight him, you know, everyone wants to fight him, but you know, he's just going to like, well, I already, I already fought you. He's literally cleaned that, that weight class
Starting point is 00:41:11 out. He's fought everyone at least twice. I mean, sometimes, you know, I mean, he hasn't lost and I have no idea. He's fighting a TJ Dillashaw coming out. Which should be awesome. But I mean, TJ looked great in his last fight to get that belt back.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Not so great at the, you know, the past two fights or the fights prior to that, but who knows what that was, whether it was a game plan or got, you know, hurt going in. You never know with these guys. I mean, they. Cause they're all hurt going in. Cracked ribs or broken hand or. Yeah. They just, they have opportunity and they got to kind of take it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:41 I mean, they, they do the best they can. Right. They, they're, uh, no one's, uh, no one's going through those eight or 12-week fight camps unscathed. Correct. You know, and they're probably holding something from a previous fight. Yeah. And somebody calls them up six weeks out, eight weeks out and says, hey, you know, you're fighting. And what do you do?
Starting point is 00:41:59 You're like, oh, no, you know, my pinky's broken. Right. And they're like, fuck you. Go on to the next fight. Yeah. I mean, it's one of those things where, again, fuck you, go on to the next one. Yeah, I mean, it's one of those things where, again,
Starting point is 00:42:07 him too, because Dillashaw's been around for a long time, so it's good to get them, to get some of the older fighters, you know, a lot of publicity, and hopefully, maybe they don't have to say yes to every fight after this,
Starting point is 00:42:18 you know, maybe they can have something to kind of retire. That would be a really good card though, because then you got Nunez and Cyborg going at it too right it should be awesome i think this nunez is actually is big she's she's a big girl so this will be the first time that um cyborg's gonna really have someone who's about as physically you know but not dominated really good strikers they're just really bigger bigger chicks and they're both they put they both kind of have that mean thing where like when they hurt somebody they like it makes them feel good about themselves and they kind of smile about it so it's uh it'll be it'll be really interesting to see um but i
Starting point is 00:42:57 you know with the mighty mouse thing i don't see you know always got to pick mighty mouse and then you know it's very hard to pick against Cyborg. And then, so, I mean, she's just so physically dominating that it's hard, it's really hard to pick against her unless the line was, you know, completely upside down. Then you'd look at the betting line and try and take a chance on, you know, Nunez. What about Ronda Rousey being in fucking WWE? This is like eight years in the making, right?
Starting point is 00:43:23 Yeah. So I think it's, I think it's great years in the making right yeah so I think it's I think it's great and what's even cooler is I think Dana's cool with it at this point Dana White is cool with it and I think it'll I think it'll explode and you know hopefully it gives she's somebody that deserves to be looked up to she deserves she doesn't deserve you know I know that maybe when she was fighting she wasn't the most sportsmanlike person, but I think she's just like insanely competitive. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:43:48 And so, uh, you know, everyone, just the second that she lost, everyone just took a shit on her and like, see, she's not indestructible. Right. You know, and people get to be kind of mean, like they want to, they want to see your demise. They want to see you. They want to see you fall apart. You know, the, the, the best example of that is that you've seen that 30 for 30, I hate Christian Laettner. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:08 That is so good. It's so good. It's still tweeted like 30 times a day or something about how much people hate him. I don't know if everyone's truly been as hated as Christian Laettner. And if you guys haven't seen that 30 for 30, I hate Christian Laettner, it is fantastic. if you guys haven't seen that 30 for 30, I hate Christian later is fantastic.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Um, and, both he and her to a point just really kind of owned it and just kind of went forward with it. They, they took it that people didn't like them and they didn't care cause they're going to go out there and do what they want to do. But I can't wait to see what the McMahons have in mind and, uh,
Starting point is 00:44:44 getting ready for Rhonda because I think it's going to be, it's going to be a lot. I wonder if she's, I wonder if she's going to be there for a while. I saw triple H wrote on Twitter that, uh, that she, he basically said something like she's one of us.
Starting point is 00:44:56 And that, that was kind of cool. Cause I, you know, being behind the scenes a little bit that I was, I, I kind of know what that means. And,
Starting point is 00:45:02 uh, it'd be cool if she found a second career like that'd be so so she was a judo artist and I mean she was you know a good athlete before she moved into kind of MMA um how much how long best coach best case scenario is it going to take for her to kind of get her chops underneath her to be someone who is going to just be really good in the ring and you don't have to really kind of baby her through things because i think she's physical and she knows how to fall already from judo what do you think a couple i mean we haven't heard anything from her in i don't even know how long
Starting point is 00:45:36 so maybe she was maybe she was getting herself ready yeah i mean i would imagine that wwe had her working with somebody for a minimum of probably the last month or so, if not a little bit more than that, she was probably working on her physique and stuff like that too, to stay in shape and everything like that. But I would also imagine that she has done some stuff with WWE before. She did.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Yeah. So they definitely worked on some form and technique there. And I've seen people learn it, um, pretty well to where you can't tell that they're green. You can't really tell that they're new in like about an eight month period. It, it still takes some time regardless of how much experience you have. But if you watched wrestling and you don't have any reservations about acting
Starting point is 00:46:18 like a fucking idiot, uh, which she may, like she may not want to like, uh, overplay things. Like maybe she's not the kind of person that can get up and just fucking break dance in front of people randomly or something
Starting point is 00:46:29 like you if you have yeah i'm yeah so wrestling took me a long time to learn because of that because i'm not that person right uh i'm not you know i'm a lot more shy than than people would ever ever understand no one ever believes me when i tell them that. But anyway, with her, I think she can learn it pretty quickly. Yeah. That'd be interesting. So building on that, building on that nickname, Smelly, you took that and then you did, you were able to kind of create a whole different kind of character. And with Smelly and Jackass kind of almost on the same time, you know, you create these
Starting point is 00:47:03 characters to be something somewhat different than who mark is right how how did that process come about and how did you just kind of say i'm gonna go out as smelly and then i'm gonna be this obnoxious guy who just this heel yeah and i always think it's great when a real heel uh you know who really owns it and just loves the loves that part of things i mean how did you get to that point you know where was the turning point for that when i was wrestling smelly was uh kind of the kid that snapped that couldn't take it and made fun of anymore and he was going to do any and everything to get you back times 100 you know so just basically just being a dick yeah you know trying to trying to piss people off and trying to you know, so just basically just being a dick, you know, trying to piss people off and trying to, you know, talk shit and that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Um, so you're an original troll. Original troll. Yeah. And when it comes to, yeah, when it comes to, when I worked with elite, uh, in their kind of infancy with Dave Tate, uh, he wanted me to like fuck with everybody. And I was like, oh shit. I was like, are you sure? Cause like, I can can do this pretty good i was doing this for a while already i'm a professional yeah i went to school for this crack the knuckles and uh here we go and and got in
Starting point is 00:48:15 there and i really started to like actually irritate people and really actually uh cause some like legitimate problems you know yes and people were people were fucking frustrated but basically he just had me uh go on uh elite and i was under the name jackass and nobody knew who i was and i would just fuck with people i would you know just uh put i would like comment on something they had back then it was like more like threads from what i can remember yeah um there was a q a and somebody would answer a question and i would just shit on it or i would do whatever i could you know back then it was things were set up differently but i do whatever i could to be like a nuisance or because you couldn't really respond to a lot of the other stuff other people wrote i would just write something on mine right but that
Starting point is 00:49:00 kept attracting people to read mine because i'd always have some dirt or i always say like something about somebody. And then people started recognizing, like, holy shit, this guy's at Westside. This guy's actually in our gym. Who is this fucking guy? And they kept thinking it was Dave Tate forever. And it was Dave to start, right? And then it transitioned over to you because he couldn't handle it.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Because people were starting to get pissed. Well, so he told me one day, he was starting people were starting to get pissed well he so he told me one day he was like don't worry he's like you could say whatever you want so i'm not going to tell anybody who you are i said you're not going to tell anybody who i am and he's like right and i said you're not going to tell anybody who i am and he's like right i said okay good and so like i just started fucking with people worse and then the second he got fucking cornered right he's like it's mark it's mark i was like oh my god and that was like chuck too wasn't it yeah yeah yeah you irritated chuck somehow who would have guessed well no i i always got along good with chuck chuck chuck was chuck was always yeah
Starting point is 00:49:56 luckily it wasn't him oh okay that would have sucked that would have been bad i walked in a gym one day and i had um my knee i don, I don't know why, but like for the first two or three years of, of my, uh, powerlifting career as an adult, my, my knee was just killing me. I just had like, uh, remember I had those, I was, uh, back in the day, I had those Inzer, uh, knee sleeves with a Velcro thing on them. Right. And I used to wear those, but before I got those, uh, I would just wear a knee wrap all
Starting point is 00:50:24 the time. Like I would just wear a knee wrap all the time. Like I would just wrap up the one knee and I had this knee wrap. And while I was at Westside, I was having a lot of this pain, a lot of this like tendonitis. And, uh, I walk in the gym one day and I show up at like, a lot of times guys would show up around 8 30 lifting would start around 9 um i show up at like 8 15 in the morning on a saturday there's like eight plates on each side music is fucking cranked and chuck vogelpool's in there squatting with like a blue and green band on the bar like he's just going going fucking crazy and i like he's like uh preparing for the next lift and he's just kind of sitting there. He's kind of resting and he's getting, he's starting to get amped up and then he stands
Starting point is 00:51:09 up and I look and I'm like, he's wearing my fucking wrap on his like, on his quad. And so like, I'm not even thinking, I'm like, I, I'm going to like, I need to like start warming up. So I'm, and so I walk over towards him and I just see the look in his eye and I was like, you need a spot. I was like, we need me to run the monolith. I was like totally ready to, I was like, oh yeah, might as well just tell me. Probably doesn't know.
Starting point is 00:51:38 I just saw it in here and just thought it doesn't belong to anybody or whatever. And I never got it back. I was like, it's probably not a good idea to even ask. You just leave that alone and hope to find your own new, another new. guy that doesn't need a you know he doesn't need a nickname he's just chuck yeah he's just chuck no nickname needed for that anyway that's all the time we got for today you got anything else burdick we're all good man you just want to tell everybody why you're so fat too fat it's you know it's a personal thing but gland glandular strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Catch you guys later. Oh,

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