Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 121 - Mark's 12 Week Diet Plan

Episode Date: October 3, 2018

Today Mark Bell reveals his 12 Week Diet Plan that will help all of us NOT gain weight over the holidays. We also talked about coming back from a set back and what you need to do to get back in the gy...m. Rewatch this episode's live stream: ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello? I can hear me now. I've been watching a lot of football lately. Foosball? And I've been watching a lot of football with my wifey poo lately. And I forgot how long she's been watching football with me, but she understands it pretty damn good nowadays. You know, like a lot of times chicks for some reason have a tough time with the kicking game.
Starting point is 00:00:27 I'm not sure why. Kicking? The kicking game. Yeah. There's like the kicking thing never makes any sense to them. It's fourth down and they kick the ball and they don't understand why the guy like sometimes catches it. Sometimes he doesn't catch it.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Like I'm like a punt, you know, and then like a kickoff has different rules. Like if you don't catch a kickoff and the guy jumps on it and the end zone is touchdown. So it's weird because once a kickoff goes past 10 yards, it's a live ball. But, uh, on a punt, you can kick it as far as you want. As long as it didn't touch anybody, then it's a debt. Then it's a dead ball for the team that kicked it. It's a turnover on downs kind of regardless, right? The team doesn't even have to try to, they don't even have to attempt to catch it if they don't want to ever.
Starting point is 00:01:12 And that part used to confuse her all the time, but now she gets it and she's like kind of cheering at the right times and different things like that. Yeah, you can just bring the phone over here, Joey. It's fine. Thanks, Joe Dog. Say hi to everybody, Joey that was joey popping in dropping off the gym phone i'm gonna go live on ig for a minute on here um but uh anyway i'll get to that in a second but uh yeah it's been cool it's been cool watching football with the wifey and this football season has been amazing i know people are complaining about the rules the uh you know roughing the passer and all this football season has been amazing. I know people are complaining about the rules, the, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:46 roughing the passer and all this different stuff is getting called and the rules have changed, but you know, these players got to be protected. Um, you know, I know, I know a lot of people are, are ill and not doing well, you know, years later from their football career because of the types of hits they've taken. Some people will say, Hey, choose a different profession. You know, um, you know, some people are a little bit, uh, more, you know, heartless about it. And other people say, yeah, you know, I think some of the changes are good. It's just going to take time, you know, for all this to
Starting point is 00:02:18 kind of sink in and for all of it to, uh, kind of make sense. And they, they're definitely going overboard with all the penalties called, but it's been a lot of fun watching with my wife, but just when I think she's kind of turned a corner and that she's really getting it, she's like, um, at Pittsburgh was losing last night and, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:36 they, they lost the ball. Like it, like they went for it on fourth down and it was like, you know, that's the end of the game. They, they went for it.
Starting point is 00:02:43 They didn't get progressed any further. And, uh, Baltimore then had the ball or whatever it was. And, and, and that was like pretty much that was that, you know, Baltimore just had to like kill the ball and or kill the time rather. And so my wife's like, why doesn't Pittsburgh just do an onside kick? I'm like, I was like, well, they don't have possession of the ball anymore for one. Uh, number two, uh, Baltimore didn't score. And number three, it's not like the end of the half, well, you know, or, or the beginning of the game. So those are only the times that you, you have an opportunity to do an onside kick because that's the only time you would do a kickoff. Yeah. So I just, just when I thought she had like a real handle of it, she yells out,
Starting point is 00:03:24 she's like, why did they just do an onside kick? I think at that point she was just pulling straws at that point, trying to figure out how they could come back, I guess. That's definitely a chick thing to say, though. Like, why don't they just kick? That's pretty good. Or what about your grandma when you used to watch football? She'd be like, why don't they just run around the end?
Starting point is 00:03:43 Why do they keep running into each other? They keep running up the middle. It's all clogged don't they just run around the end why they keep keep running into each other they keep running up the they keep running up the middle it's all clogged up they just run around the sides you know yeah the armchair coaches i think that's what they call them yeah the arm yeah armchair quarterback quarterback yeah there you go i remember i used to be so into it and so on point that whenever there'd be a uh like a flag was thrown or whatever my dad would look at me and be like what do they call and i would get it right like a flag was thrown or whatever, my dad would look at me and be like, what did they call?
Starting point is 00:04:03 And I would get it right almost every single time, just based on like seeing where the flag was thrown or like, uh, the motions that the, uh, the ref was doing. I did pretty good, pretty good.
Starting point is 00:04:16 But now watching it just pisses me off. I think I'm on a MB slingshot because I couldn't figure out how to go live on the other one, but that's okay. We'll just rock it right here. What's the difference, right? It's all live. It's all live.
Starting point is 00:04:30 We're live on Facebook. You guys can throw in your questions, but we've got a topic for today that we're going to tackle as well. Whoops, that's the wrong way. That's facing the other direction. There we go. And we're going to tackle some things today. There we go. And we're going to tackle some things today. First thing I want to talk about is we've got this 12-week thing that we're going to go through.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Today was actually starting 12 weeks until Christmas. And I know this time of year what happens. You know, you get the Halloween candy. Well, I'll describe what happens in my house, and you guys tell me if it's different at yours or not. My wife buys a bunch of Halloween candy, like ridiculous amounts of it. No one ever comes to our house, by the way. No one ever comes to our house for candy. It's very rare. I mean, maybe we get 20 kids that come by and we give out some candy, but that's about it. She buys this, you know, a couple enormous bags from costco of candy and uh she like tucks it
Starting point is 00:05:28 away it's pretty hidden for for a while like you can't really see it i know that she probably bought some but i don't know where it is i won't see it until it gets closer to halloween and then all of a sudden i'll a bag will appear i'll reach in the the pantry for some supplements or something and a bag will appear and i'll be like oh there's a bag and i'll be like fuck pantry for some supplements or something and a bag will appear and i'll be like oh there's a bag and i'll be like fuck it's not even open yet i don't want to be the first one to open it and i'll look at it again the next night the next night it's still not open and then finally it's open and the floodgates are open and next thing you know every morning uh when i wake up the next day for some, there's a bunch of wrappers of the candy,
Starting point is 00:06:06 of said candy in the garbage, you know, every morning. And either me or my kids or my wife or a combination of all of us just went to town on it. And that's when the floodgates start to open up. The floodgates start to open up in October and then it goes November. We got Thanksgiving and then December we got Christmas. And we have a lot of holiday. There's like a lot of holiday parties that people go to. There's a lot of family stuff. There's a lot of vacation. Uh, that fourth quarter, the last part of the year seems like a race to the new year to try to see who can gain the most amount of weight. Everyone's, uh, packing on those LBs. And I wanted to, I wanted to do something different this year.
Starting point is 00:06:47 So, um, you'll be seeing a lot of this coming up on my Instagram, on YouTube, on this podcast, we're going to be doing a 12 week. I'm not going to call it a challenge. This is just 12 weeks to Christmas doing something against the grain against the grains. You might even want to say um we just i just recognize a trend a trend that happens uh in the united states every year or maybe not even just the u.s but a trend that happens very often people gain weight going uh through the holiday seasons and guess what they never lose it they never lose it They actually, as one of the studies that I looked
Starting point is 00:07:26 at, it showed, um, or reports, I should say it wasn't a study, uh, showed that the average person gains about four pounds, uh, around the holiday season. Um, and I saw some other statistics that said they gained one pound and two pounds and some other things, but basically, uh, what I saw was a net profit of, uh, about two or three pounds for a lot of people. Um, even when they do lose the weight later on now, the real concerning part is a lot of times these people don't lose the weight. And if they do lose the weight, they don't lose it until about six months later. So I think what I see happening is everyone's always talking about losing weight and people should, when you talk about losing weight and you talk about health and you talk about aesthetics and
Starting point is 00:08:12 you talk about performance, they all start to seem like very different things. But with your average person, with the standard American diet, with what they currently are doing and the current position that a lot of people are in, and even currently for a lot of people that are working out hard, um, but not getting the results that they want, maybe they, uh, are like heavier than they want to be. And it's not real apparent that they even work out. Right. I've seen, there's a lot of people that are like that. A lot of power lifters that are like that. And I'm not trying to knock anybody or make fun of anybody. I'm here to help people get results. But a lot of times people will, they'll lift and lift and lift and lift, but they're not
Starting point is 00:08:54 really paying any attention to their diet. They're not paying any attention to their nutrition. And if you were to sit down and actually ask that person, say, what is your goal in the gym? Cause I know you're going there every day and you're actually very strong, but like, what's, what's the goal? And they say, yeah, I, that's my goal. I just, I don't really care a ton about the looks. I just want to be as strong as I can be. Well, right there, you'd have to stop them and say, your physique is not reflective of that. And here's why, because if, if that's what you cared
Starting point is 00:09:26 about, if you cared about being stronger, you would at least look like you lift, you'd have more muscle mass on you. You would look more like a savage because you would be taking care of yourself better. You'd be sleeping better and you wouldn't be eating a bunch of junk, uh, to try to get, to try to be heavy, to lift heavy weights. Right. And, and so even, even if your objective is performance based, then things like the vertical diet still makes sense. Um, this things like a body, an altered bodybuilding diet still makes sense. Still something like the war on carbs might still make sense. Um, if you want to be in better shape or if you want to be stronger. Now, I'm going to say you can't get stronger on a keto diet, but that's why I said you might have to alter it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:10:11 And a bodybuilding style diet is not always going to be great for powerlifting because there's not enough fat in it, right? But if we're trying to be healthier and we're trying to be stronger, those things actually go together. And those things actually will help your appearance as well. It will help, uh, it will help you to look better as well. So you'll look like you lift when you start to bring these things together. Um, one thing that I'm seeing people talk about a lot, and this happened on Joe Rogan show the last couple of shows where he had opposing opinions. He had a vegan guy on there and he had a guy more like a keto guy on there and then he had lane norton and he had dominic dagostino and everybody
Starting point is 00:10:50 was going off into the weeds with all these studies and different things um but what they lost sight of is that and joe rogan i thought did a great job of bringing everybody back in to what's important and what's important important is people, um, staying motivated and staying hungry, not hungry, like physically, like they want to eat, but staying hungry to be better every single day. And that has to be the driving force that's there. If you're unmotivated, it doesn't matter how much knowledge you have. You're not going to want to do it. And we talked in a previous podcast about believing in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, then things are going to fall apart. I've done this before at seminars before, and I've asked people, you know, just to show me
Starting point is 00:11:36 who in the room feels that they have something original to offer this world. And after a few minutes of kind of asking the question, nudging the crowd a little bit over and over again, most, you know, the majority of the crowd raised their hand, you know, and then the next question I went over was, you know, who truly believes in that? Who really believes that they have something original to offer? And so I said, again, let's do it again. And when I did it the second time, less people put their hands up. The question was the same, but what happened was self-doubt crept in and they didn't even take an opportunity on doing something that was free, just putting up their hand and just believing in themselves and sticking to their guns. They second-guessed
Starting point is 00:12:21 themselves when I asked them a second time. And I made that point and i said you there's no reason for you to second-guess yourself did you second-guess yourself because of me like you don't you don't even we don't even know each other you definitely shouldn't second-guess yourself because of me but i think also too that they think i'm an i'm a big influence on their life so it's even it's even uh like more profound for them so like oh shit well he's actually really asking the question maybe i have no business saying i'm an original because maybe he's going to ask me something and i ain't going to have an answer i better just keep my hand down he's going to call me out on my bullshit yeah yeah and it's kind of again it all comes back and why does
Starting point is 00:13:01 this have anything to do with diet and why have i gone so far away from talking about this 12-week program? It's because this has everything to do with this 12-week program. This has everything to do with the amount of money and time I'm investing in making a movie with my brother on nutrition. This is my passion. This is going to be, ultimately, I think this is going to be my legacy. And I won't be lifting. It won't be bodybuilding. It won't be any of that.
Starting point is 00:13:27 When this movie gets put together and this shit starts to come out and people start to see what people have to say and the opposing views and all the different stuff comes together, it'll be three years down the road, four years down the road, five years down the road. People will be like, man, that fucking movie was crazy. Yeah. And I think that's what my brother and I will end up getting a lot of uh attention for really no even just seeing like a rough cut of like a i don't even know if it's going to be a trailer but it's just kind of like a quick little you know 30 second hit on what we've done so far and it's just like like like chills because i'm just like holy shit this is
Starting point is 00:14:00 going to be as big as mark's been saying you You said it was going to be huge since day one, and it's like, yeah, okay, cool. And then day two, it's like, you're still saying it. And then now, after seeing this little edit, I'm just like, holy shit, he was right. Not that I doubted you, but it's just like, now I see it where you saw it before. Now I can actually look and see all this come together.
Starting point is 00:14:21 It's just a big topic, and I think people probably tune in here, and they probably tune in on Joe Rogan. They probably go, God damn, I can't get away from it. Yeah. This guy's talking about keto. You know, this guy's talking about, you know, carbs. This guy's talking about getting in shape. This guy, there's a reason why everybody's talking about it. It's, it's one of the biggest things that has impacted our country in a negative way. And, you know, I, I, I do think there's a lot of, you know, obviously there's a lot of terrible things that can happen to us. Uh, we're susceptible to different things through terrorism and through other, other types of things. But I think one of
Starting point is 00:14:55 the worst things that's happening is something that we can actually control. Something that we all have control over, um, is the foods that we put in our body and the foods that our children put in our body. Anyway, I'll get back on the topic. So this 12-week program, it's going to be designed for you guys to have an opportunity to try out some different diets. And I'll lay this all out in a chart
Starting point is 00:15:22 so you guys can kind of see what you're getting yourselves into. Now, what I don't want to have people do though, I want to lay it out so that you can really see it, that you can really see and visualize what's going to happen and what's going to transpire. I didn't lay it out there so that you can look at it and go, oh, you know, that middle part of the of the diet is going to be too hard. I'm not going to do it. What I want you to do and what I will share with you over and over again, when you see the weeks of this diet, this 12 week program, it's all going to be free. I'm not trying to, I'm not trying to do anything other than give you information. Um, when you see this laid out, if you feel like you can't switch from one diet to another, then don't just stay where you're at. And I'm going to repeat that over and over again. Um, these are merely suggestions. What we'm going to repeat that over and over again.
Starting point is 00:16:09 These are merely suggestions. What we are trying to do is we're trying to combat what happens at the holiday season. So the first diet that we start out with is the don't be so fat diet, which is actually in my Jack and Tan book, which I'm working on right now. And the don't be so fat diet is like a non-diet diet. It's, it's not real strict. We're going to have additions to your life that I've talked about before, rather than subtractions. I would like you to eat some fruit. I'd like you to eat some vegetables. I'd like you to eat good sources of protein three times a day. You know, preferably in my opinion, you know, I think meat sources are great. If you're vegan or something, you're going to have to figure out other options. I don't know anything about any of that. But eggs, steak, chicken, lean ground beef, bison, elk, all these things are fair, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:55 are up for grabs in terms of what you eat. And in terms of vegetables, have at it, find vegetables that you like and eat them. We don't have to go into, you know, what's a FODMAP and what's a gassy vegetable and all these different things that, um, my boy Stan Efferding talks about because we don't have the same goal as the vertical diet. That's going to be the first block. The second block, we will roll into the vertical diet and things will get a little tougher because we're going to have a little bit narrower path to kind of execute all this on. Once we get it, once we go through some vertical dieting, we're going to move into the ketogenic diet. Once we move through the ketogenic diet, we're going to move into a carnivore style diet.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Now, I'm going to allow for some vegetables just for those people that are concerned that are like, hey, man, I don't know what that does and what that doesn't do. If you're that person and you're concerned. Um, but the difference between the keto diet and the carnivore diet is just on the keto diet. You're gonna have a little bit more freedom. You could have a keto pizza and you can, you can mix in some snacks and some different things. That's going to be a short lived time period because I don't want you guys in that state for too long. It's going to be a short lived time period because I don't want you guys in that state for too long. It's going to, but it will probably be about three or four weeks, which is actually long when you're doing it and you haven't done it before. Once we move through that, then we're going to get back into a bodybuilding diet and we're going to try to replenish those muscles
Starting point is 00:18:18 and bring up the glycogen stores again. But throughout the entire thing, you don't have to ever worry because you need to know that I've been a fat kid my whole life and I still am a fat kid. There'll be some cheat meals throughout this. There'll be some times to, uh, uh, where I say, Hey, you know what, just for today, kind of have at it, you know, eat some ice cream, eat some pizza, get some of these cravings out of your system and, uh, and go for it. So that's what that's about. I just see this happening every year. People gain weight at the holidays and people are like, oh, you know, we celebrated this thing. And, you know, then I ate bad on Thursday and, and then I, and then, you know, Friday came in and Saturday,
Starting point is 00:18:55 and then the football game was on Sunday and then there was Monday night football. And it's like, whoa, like, man, like you, you cannot, you cannot live your life that way. You can't let life just be a giant tidal wave and come crashing down on top of you. You have to, you have to take these things on as they come and you have to make a decision. Do I want to go through with this? And if you do, and it feels comfortable and it feels like the right thing to do to cheat for that day or to have some alcohol or, uh, you know, to go to a party and then end up eating some donuts or whatever it is you end up doing. All these things are fine. It just needs to be accounted for. Um, as, uh, Lane Norton pointed out on Joe Rogan's podcast, Lane Norton's really big on counting calories and factoring everything in and flexible dieting, all these different things. And I agree with that, but I don't, I don't think that you have to necessarily write down the exact caloric amount because I think that
Starting point is 00:19:58 those things vary a lot. What I do think is important is that you keep track of it. You keep track of what you're doing. You keep track of what you're doing. You're mindful of what you're doing. I ate a donut yesterday, so I'm not going to eat one today. You know, I ate this, you know, three days ago. I can go another week without it. You know, let's say you're craving a sandwich, but then you find yourself three days in a row eating a sandwich. Well, it's time to knock that shit off and get back on track.
Starting point is 00:20:25 So you want to track and pay attention to what you're doing. I'll never talk people out of tracking their food. Go ahead and track your macros if you'd like. But I'm not a macros guy. I never counted them. Never been a fan of it. It can be highly effective and it can be great for someone that's never done it before. It can be really beneficial to get a grasp of how many calories you're taking in
Starting point is 00:20:47 because you might be way the hell off. You might think you're getting 2,500 calories in, and you might be getting 3,500 calories in. So you're going to be doing all three of these different types of diets along with everybody, right? Yeah, it's about, it'll probably end up being about four different diets in there. My bad, all four. And do you think that's like adequate time? Yeah, that's really fill the benefits of each one. Yeah. So I wanted to, I wanted to have it be a pretty long block. You know, I wanted to have it be like, if I just did,
Starting point is 00:21:22 if I said, Hey, we're going to do this and we're going to do this we're going to do it you know in a two month block or a one month block um we could get the job done and i could have everybody lose lose some weight um but it wouldn't be you know as they say sustainable you know uh in other words you would lose 10 pounds but you might gain 12 you know and that's that's not what i'm trying to do i want it to be a little bit more long term and so each one of these diets going from the keto diet to the carnivore diet even though those might only be two week slots for each one you're going to be low carb in both cases and when you switch over the carnivore diet you'll probably just be almost more key to more in ketosis than you were before. However, there'll be a little upswing of protein. So that would be the one area where it's like, you may never actually get,
Starting point is 00:22:10 cause it takes people time to get into actual nutritional ketosis. So that first part might be more like what everybody's normally talking about. And they talk about a ketogenic diet. They're really talking about like a low carb diet but the all the rest of the diets that are in there um it's plenty of time for you to feel what it's supposed to feel like as you know from dieting even like four or five days of doing something you're like okay i can kind of i can kind of feel what this feels like yeah four or five days of really low carbs it's like you're like oh man like this is different i don't know what's going on. Some people love it. Some people are like, man, I don't, maybe I'm doing it wrong. Or a lot of times I don't feel great. Yeah. I don't really notice anything until I stop
Starting point is 00:22:53 whatever the diet is. So like, even if it's just four days, low carb, and then that fifth day I have, you know, a double, double or whatever it is. And I'm just like, Ooh, I feel gross right now. What's, what did this diet do to me i love it and now it's and see that and that's and that's why i've been uh a real proponent of and i know joel green came on here and he shared all this stuff about you know these hacks for ice cream these hacks for alcohol uh that guy's got a an understanding of food that is beyond anybody I've ever met. But what I would say is I think that the positive effects of a blueberry or an avocado or whatever magical food you feel is out there, the positive effects of those foods doesn't come close to how, to the impact of how negative some of the foods are.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Yeah. I think the other problem too, with the negative foods and the reason why everything tends to plummet downward even harder with the negative foods, what happens is you're not getting what you need on the positive end. And so your, your net of what you actually need is going down. Like you might need certain B vitamins or you might need certain, uh, D vitamins, or you might need certain this or certain that, and you're not getting it from, uh, eating, uh, French fries all day. You're, you're kind of missing out on, on getting some of the nutrients that you really need. And so I think that like, again, I don't think like if you're, if you're sick or let's, let's just use being fat as an example, right? You're fat. If you eat really
Starting point is 00:24:36 healthy foods for five days, even if you're in a caloric surplus, the fat doesn't come off. Like those foods don't just eat away your fat. You know, they don't, they don't just go inside your body and destroy all the fat, even in a caloric deficit. If you do something for five days, uh, seven days, you might not notice much difference. You know, it's going to take a while. Uh, however, you know, you going down a bunch of donuts, you're going to, you're going to feel really really bad really fast. I mean, it might even just impact your blood sugar so negatively that right away you don't feel very good. I think the negative effects of shitty food are stronger than the positive effects of foods that are really beneficial. In addition to the diet, I'm going to talk about the type of cardio that I'm going to be doing throughout.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I'm going to talk about the type of exercises I'm going to be doing throughout. I'm just going to try to share as much information as I can. And you're going to see it in as many different platforms as you can. And that's what we're going to do. And we're going to kind of roll with it. And I want to see, you know, by December 25th 25th, Christmas day, uh, I want you guys to open up the best present of all, which has been in the best shape of your life. You know, honestly, and truly, I'd like to see that. I'd like to see people say, you know what? Fuck the holidays.
Starting point is 00:25:58 I, uh, you know, I lost 10 pounds and I, I feel great, you know, or they just reached their goal because it's not really about weight loss? And this is not a, this is not a transformation challenge. This is not, I'm not giving my, my car away at the end. I'm not, uh, you know, going to give you a pair of Bose headphones for doing a good job. The gift that you're going to get, the reward that you're going to get is you're going to be rewarding yourself by taking charge of your life and not letting life snowball on top of you, not letting life, uh, take charge of just, you just end up in these situations. And so you're like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:26:34 fuck it. I'm going to eat whatever I want. And we're just not going to do that anymore. We're not going to tolerate that anymore. And I want to see some changes because I don't want to see people, uh, having heart disease. I don't want to see people feeling depressed and upset. And I think that all these things are very manageable, not in all cases, but in most cases. I think many of these things are manageable through food. And the other thing, too, that really has a huge impact on me is just how many people get unmotivated um i have not had many unmotivated moments in my life um that's not that's not any knock on anybody that's unmotivated that's not a knock against someone who's depressed or anything like
Starting point is 00:27:19 that it's just that as i always say on the show, I was born in a household where I had everything I needed. I always felt very secure. I had plenty of love in my family. And I just, I never felt bad about myself. I never felt like, well, every kid feels bad about themselves. But I never had a large degree of that where someone else might have the severe case of it. And maybe mom and dad weren't around to ever pick the kid up. Or maybe mom and dad were the reason why they had low self-esteem. I never had any of those things.
Starting point is 00:27:54 And I think that a lot of those things, I think self-esteem, how you feel can often lead to being unmotivated. I also think being realistic is a big thing. And so I think sometimes people get unmotivated by being a little bit unrealistic because they're thinking of this mountain that they got to climb. They're, they're, they're sitting at the bottom of this mountain and they're just look it up and they're like, man, you know, I will, they say to themselves, uh, I don't, I don't think I can ever get to the top of that mountain. You know, I don't think there's anything I can do
Starting point is 00:28:28 to ever get to the top of that. And that's not what you should be looking at. What you should be looking at. Let's, let's say that you, let's say that, let's say the mountain represents your fitness career, like your, your fitness life, right? Your, your physique, your overall health, all these things. And let's say that, you know, at 20 years old, you made a decision to get in better shape and shit, you, you kicked ass. You made it halfway up the side of that mountain. And you were like, wow, like, this is, this is awesome. You, you started running, you started to eat better. You started to lift. You got way into it. Maybe you met somebody else that's way into it, too, and you did it together and you're all in good shape.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Well, you break up with that girl. You hurt your knee running. Next thing you know, you're sliding back down that mountain again. Right. But what were the thoughts that you had to get going in the first place? What were the thoughts that had you put one foot in front of the other? You probably were so naive in the beginning that you never even thought to look all the way to the top. You're never like, oh man, like you weren't starting out when you started out in photography. You weren't like, this is going to be so awesome. I'm going to be the best for like, whoever the best photographer is, whoever's known, what is it?
Starting point is 00:29:47 Uh, well, Chase, uh, whatever his name is known. Yeah. He's known as one of the best. Right. So, so you don't go hunting down Chase Jarvis when you just first bought your first camera. Right. It's like this first camera represents, uh, a lot of future hard work and I'm going to bust my ass and I'd love to like eventually you start kind of climbing that mountain.
Starting point is 00:30:10 But what you did is you took steps to get the camera and to get your body in motion towards that goal. This is the same thing. And you can't really look up when you're trying to go after some of these goals, because it's dangerous and you will, it will be, uh, overwhelming. You will think that an avalanche is going to come crashing down on you when things aren't right. And you need to be realistic about it. You need to be calm. You need to be cool. You need to be collected. Maybe you need to take some kratom. You need to kind of relax for a minute and you need to kind of reevaluate what's going on. And maybe need to take some kratom. You need to kind of relax for a minute and you need to kind of reevaluate what's going on. And you need to say to yourself, how bad is this? Now, if you're someone that's like, you know, you're addicted to drugs and you took a turn that way,
Starting point is 00:30:57 well, you got a much bigger problem. And that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about something very small. You packed on 20 pounds when you shouldn't have, or you packed on 10 pounds when you shouldn't have. Um, it's, it's not going to be hard. It's not gonna be a hard problem to solve. So what we got to do is we got to kind of backtrack. What do you like to do? What, what activity do you like to do? And you might say, well, you know, I used to love riding my bike. I used to ride my bike everywhere. All right, well, get back on your damn bike and start getting on your bike. I heard some stuff recently. Anytime you're having trouble being creative or even having trouble relaxing, play some old music.
Starting point is 00:31:45 You know, somebody might say, oh, that would be great to play some music. You can relax. Well, not all music is relaxing for one. And number two, if the music doesn't hit you the right way, if you don't quote unquote feel it, then it won't work. It won't work the right way. You ever try to get like hyped or you try to just get a certain feel? I mean, we do it all the time here in the gym.
Starting point is 00:32:04 You kick in a certain song. Well, there's certain songs that do it for you and there's certain songs that don't, right? Yeah. And I'll get stuck at the iPod in the gym, just hit and skip. Like, nope, that's not it. Skip, skip. And I was like, ah, fuck. Okay, I'll take this one then just because I want to get the lift over with. But no, I know exactly what you mean. But you can utilize that same thing. What is it that you like to do? If you don't like to do anything physically, well, then that's going to be kind of tough.
Starting point is 00:32:33 But try stuff. Try getting on a bike. Try walking. Oh, man, you know, the gym is not for me. That's okay. If that's where we're going to start, that's okay. We do need to get in the gym at some other point, but we don't have to all start out by lifting like a bunch of maniacs.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Find the things that you used to like to do and turns out you probably still like them. And then same thing with your food. Why does food always have to be so hard? Why does it always have to be so difficult? You ask somebody, you just ask somebody on the freaking street ask 10 people on the street hey man do you like fruit they'll probably be like what because they won't know what the hell you're talking about at first they heard you but they're kind of shocked you asked them about fruit they probably think it's some setup question i was
Starting point is 00:33:20 gonna say is this something sexual yeah do you like bananas how about a peach how about that grapefruit or grapefruit yeah eggplant eggplant god way off that's how excited i got i know you got way excited but you know you start by saying hey what you know what kind of fruit do you like and someone will be like oh i like oranges okay chubs start eating some oranges. Then how about you eat two oranges every day? How about vegetables? They're like, Oh man, I hate vegetables.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Um, well, you know, there's a lot of variety of vegetables to choose from. There's peppers, there's onions. I mean, there's a wide array.
Starting point is 00:33:57 So you find a vegetable that you can deal with, that you like, that you can do something with. Right. So you go over that. Boom. Okay. What kind of meat do you like? I you can do something with. Right. So you go over that. Boom. Okay. What kind of meat do you like?
Starting point is 00:34:08 I have. You know. I know there's like vegan people out there and stuff. But I haven't really run into a lot of people that hate all forms of meat. I run into people that don't like chicken. I run into people that don't like steak. I've run into people that don't like fish. But I've never really seen anyone be like.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Any form of meat, disgusting, can't eat it. Obviously you do have people that make the choice to not eat meat, but that's kind of a different story. Find a source of meat that you like. Um, if you like eggs, that can be really convenient because the eggs can kind of play into all kinds of different things. But if you don't, you don't have to eat eggs. And then in terms of carbohydrate sources, if you're on a diet where you're eating some carbohydrates, try some potatoes. If your potatoes are too dry, try a sweet potato.
Starting point is 00:34:53 If you don't like those, try a Japanese sweet potato. There's a huge variety of foods to try. We always talk about when we ate at a Kyle Kingsbury place and how good those carrots were. They just had a blend of these different carrots. I'd never even seen some of those carrots. I didn't know what it was. I thought it was a potato. It was a carrot. Psychedelic carrots. We were high as shit. They might not have tasted good. I don't even know. We were in another universe at that point. But anyway, you catch my drift here.
Starting point is 00:35:25 You see my point. Things don't have to be that hard. What about if you go through dairy? Some people like milk. Some people don't. What about yogurt? Do you like yogurt? The people that usually hate yogurt, they usually like cottage cheese.
Starting point is 00:35:39 We can start to find some ground here. We can start to find some things here to where we can say okay you don't really love vegetables but let's just be honest a piece of celery doesn't really taste like anything how about you throw some cottage cheese on your celery and that's a snack in the middle of the day you ate some vegetables all right you fat bastard we got you to do something right and it's productive because the cottage cheese has uh protein in it and things like that right amino acids and so on yeah i don't really like celery because it gets stuck in my teeth i hate celery well that's one reason why i don't like popcorn so it's stuck in my teeth all the time i got this
Starting point is 00:36:19 one like little spot right here stuff gets stuck in my teeth. I had, a long time ago, I had this dental thing done in the back of my mouth. And when they were like, they did like a crown or something back there. And they're like, do you want to not have to floss back here? Or do you want like a little space there? I was like, freaking close it up, man. I'm like, I don't want to have to worry about that. Can you line me up for all my other teeth too? Yeah, can you just do all of them? I i never really see you eating yogurt i do eat some yogurt
Starting point is 00:36:49 here and there but um it's uh so you didn't see me used to eat yogurt because i wasn't cured of my lactose intolerance until more recently so uh i've been able to eat it i've been able to eat that i've been able to drink milk and it's because of uh joel green having me get infant formula and that reds product has helped a lot i but i take them i take them almost every day i still take them both of them almost every day anyway the point is is like you can find delicious foods and if you look at stan efferding's vertical diet there's there's plenty of food on there to choose from. I don't really, you know, I haven't really run into anyone that, like, hates rice. Like, I've never heard anyone be like, I hate rice.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Yeah. Usually. Sometimes they don't really love it, but they don't, like, hate it. And it's, like, not a hard thing to eat. I don't love brown rice, but just, like, regular white rice that Stan recommends. It's kind of awesome. It's funny when you tell people people like, yeah, that's what's in the vertical diet. Like I thought I wasn't supposed to have any rice period. It's like, no, you can have it. Oh, I got to check this out. So that's, that's pretty cool. I really like that aspect of it. Cause you eat the, uh, the protein first and
Starting point is 00:37:59 then you get your rice as just, well, for me it's dessert. Well, I think, I think rice, uh, rice as just well for me it's dessert well i think i think rice uh as with a lot of starches um rice and like and bread rice is not as good as bread but that's because bread has so much shit done to it it's got salt and sugar and they do lots of things to bread but to me it's almost like bread where it takes on whatever like so with bread, you can make peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Right. And that is amazing. But like, uh,
Starting point is 00:38:33 it, it, it's because the bread will take on the flavor of like whatever you're using it for, you know? And that's why you can have like a meatball sub and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I mean,
Starting point is 00:38:43 they'll both be really good or grilled cheese or like you get into these different things. The bread kind of takes on the flavor that to me, in my opinion, rice does that in a similar way to the different foods that we're allowed to eat. Unfortunately, I never tried it with peanut butter and jelly, but I'll take some sticky rice and put some peanut butter and jelly in between it and try it out. You can cook it to where it almost gets like, like a little, like crunchy. Like, you know how something's like the bottom of the pot, it's like crunchy.
Starting point is 00:39:09 I look forward to that stuff. What kind of rice do you use? I just rate it Calrose rice. I believe that's what Stan recommends. You get a big old sack of it at Costco. We should go over to this. There's a, we're in West Sacramento, California, by the way. And it's, i think it's
Starting point is 00:39:25 like the rice capital of the world there's uh i drive over every single day it's called the causeway and uh it's miles and miles and miles not not even acres it's miles and miles and miles of uh rice you know just rice land i guess you'd say. Really pretty crazy. But then where our warehouse is and stuff, there's a rice factory. And then in Woodland, there's a giant rice mill out there. Yeah, so the bag of rice that we get, it shows that. It was like, I don't know if it says manufactured, but it shows Woodland, California. I'm like, dude, I've lived here for so long, and I never even paid attention to what that fucking building was.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Dude, that's disgusting. You're eating something from Woodland. I know. Well, I didn't know until after we bought it. God damn, dude, I've lived here for so long and I never even paid attention to what that fucking building was. Dude, that's disgusting. You're eating something from woodland. I know. Well, I didn't know until after we bought it. God damn, dude. And it's a gigantic 80-pound bag. Yeah, I have to go through it now. Why is Ezekiel bread okay? I think it's sprouted, you know, so I think that maybe because, maybe because it's, uh, uh, sprout, it's like easier
Starting point is 00:40:25 to digest. Okay. Stan talks a lot about how things are easier to digest. And so with what Stan Efferding does with the vertical diet, it's, it's to get you to eat a meal that's nutritious and has enough nutrients, uh, to give you what you need. And he tries to space it out throughout the day. So Stan's theory is that the fiber that you eat for breakfast isn't going to help you at dinner. Now, kind of technically it sort of would, because the fiber that you eat in the morning, it'd probably take a long time to digest. And you could argue that, you know, the poop that you're making 10 hours later is probably from, you know, breakfast or whatever. Right. But you get his point.
Starting point is 00:41:07 The vitamins and the minerals that you take today are not going to help you tomorrow. Right. The vitamins and minerals that you take today aren't going to help you this Friday or Sunday or whatever. Right. You have to do it all the time. And so he tries to, uh, implement small amounts of potassium, small amounts of fiber, small amounts of kind of whatever you can get away with. Now you can't really, because of the mission that most of us are on, you can't really get around, get around having like really small amounts of protein or really small amounts of carbohydrates. And that's where the meal will
Starting point is 00:41:43 sometimes get like bigger and bigger. And due to the fact the meal has a certain size to it. Um, if you try to eat 50 grams of protein, let's say in 50 grams of carbohydrates, uh, by having like a cheeseburger or something like that, you would probably start to be over the limit of fat that you can have.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Or even if you did it with like a turkey sandwich, uh, you would probably be like taken taking in just a lot of junk from the processed turkey and everything. And then that food would probably take such a long time to kind of break down and break up that you might not be ready for your next meal, two and a half, three hours. So that's Rhino's goal. And that's what he's trying to do is to keep your body uh digesting everything and keep everything rolling um he sometimes will say certain words and then people get all pissy because he'll say you know that meat breaks down you know uh fairly easily what what he means is
Starting point is 00:42:39 the digestion process isn't isn't uh hard on your Um, that meat doesn't like cause like a lot of gas meat typically, unless you eat like a really large amount of it doesn't cause a lot of bloating. Um, and then, so people get all pissed cause we're like meat takes forever to digest. And he doesn't mean that it doesn't take time to digest, but anyway, I'm, I'm excited to get people to try some of these different diets and to get people to, you know, you know, again, our buddy, uh, out there, DJ Webb was, uh, has been saying he's been kind of unmotivated. Um, he, uh, you know, unfortunately he was here in Sacramento with us for a long time and we loved having him here. And then he got re, uh, stationed in, uh, Texas. And so we're without him.
Starting point is 00:43:26 He's without us. We're both heartbroken. You know, we lost a guy that had a lot of great motivation. He brought everybody up when he was in here. Always smiling. He was super strong. He was super jacked. And then, you know, now he's like, you know, he's not all situated out there in Texas yet.
Starting point is 00:43:45 And so it's hard, you know, and that's what happens when our life starts to get in our way, when our life starts to kind of take over. That's when you have a tendency to break down. And your mood is a big deal. You know, the way that you feel is a huge factor in the whole thing. way that you feel is a huge factor in the whole thing if you're not happy and you're not excited it's gonna be that much easier to just be like oh man screw it oh man screw it i'm gonna you know i'm gonna try something different you know i'm gonna um i'm gonna eat whatever i want today right right it gets easier to to do that kind of stuff yeah i, I think for him, and I do this all the time, and most people, like once they're, you know, like you said,
Starting point is 00:44:29 climbing that mountain and they're halfway there and they start to slide or whatever, they really focus on the negatives. And in his case, it was, you know, the gains that he had. He might not have them anymore. He might be a little bit softer than he was. For me, I'll gain some weight and feel good. And then I'll jump on the scale and like after being sick this weekend, I know I lost weight and I'm going to be focused on that the entire time. Um, that's crazy. You think you lost
Starting point is 00:44:58 a couple of LBs? Yeah, I definitely have just because I'm not eating as frequently as I was. Yeah, I definitely have just because I'm not eating as frequently as I was. But I mean, what can we focus on? Obviously, if I just say like, oh, we're focused on the negatives, we'll focus on the positives. But like, how can we like easier forget, you know, almost like that didn't happen. I just told him a couple of things that I felt were good moves to make. a couple of things that like I felt were like a good moves to make. But for myself, like all I'm going to be thinking about is like, fuck dude, I just spent four months trying to gain that weight and one weekend it's gone.
Starting point is 00:45:38 You know, again, I got to go back to like, you know, um, when you're a kid, you know, you almost need to think about, uh, when you fell and scraped your knee and your, your mom or your aunt or somebody uh got close to you and what they do like a lot of teachers do this this is like uh this is a tactic that some people just do instinctually and just um but it's it's uh been like scientifically proven that when you get down on a child's level it's less overbearing right and so a lot of people will bend down with the kid and they'll say, oh, you know, I'm sorry you scraped your knee. But like what does mom do? Mom immediately like rubs it and she'll kiss it, right?
Starting point is 00:46:15 She'll say all this stuff to you. But really they just tell you to calm down. You know, they just basically, oh, calm down, honey. It's going to be okay. It's just a small boo- okay it just it's just a small boo-boo like it's not a big deal right and i think that you need to have this conversation with yourself and this is what about this is and i talk about these things all the time i think sometimes people think i'm a little crazy but this is this is when like self-love comes into
Starting point is 00:46:40 into play like how much do you care about yourself and what are you going to do about it? And so, um, it's okay to be negative. Um, but I think another, another tactic that you can do is you can kind of think first of all, okay, I need to calm myself down from the situation. This situation isn't that bad. Um, start to look at the situation and start to think to yourself, what are the things that I can control? What are the things that I can, maybe some things are out of control, but maybe I should, maybe I should figure out a way for those things to not be out of control.
Starting point is 00:47:17 And this is where you can go to a partner or you can go to your boyfriend, girlfriend, whoever you have in your life, and you can ask them for help. I'm a big, I believe in people you know maybe i shouldn't but i believe in people and i think that if you go to somebody and you say you know what man like if if you went out in the gym and you told everybody in the gym you said i i want to have a stronger bench like Like that's, you know, that's what I want. When you see me training, like if you want to like yell for me or like punch me or whatever, like whatever gets you fired up.
Starting point is 00:47:51 If you want to help me get fired up then, or even just like, uh, you're hanging in here one day after training and stuff. Be like, Mark helps me at my bench all the time and it's great, but I wanted to learn a little bit more. Marcus,
Starting point is 00:48:03 what do you do for like your triceps? You know, I want to build them up a little bit more. You know, my shoulder's been acting weird. Like, do you got anything, you know, what should I do? And that's where, and that's where a lot of this stuff will really reverse itself. And you'll really get off the negative is when you kind of reload and focus in on how do I take care of these problems? Because anybody can point out a problem, but to try to figure out how to solve it is difficult. And it's really frustrating. Um, something stupid that frustrates me, like I, I have too much stuff just period, you know, and, and here I am, you know, I worked my whole life to obtain and acquire stuff. And now I have way too much of it. Right. I got too many shirts. I got too many shorts. I got too many pairs of socks.
Starting point is 00:48:50 I got too much food in my fridge. I got too much food in my pantry. Right. And, but like what, so if I'm going to complain about it and I'm going to be like, man, this shit's unorganized. First of all, it's a hundred percent my fault. It's nobody else's fault. So I'd have to kind of, this is where you have to have a little time to yourself. This is why you make time for yourself. Now, sometimes when you get in a situation, you're changing jobs, you change a lifestyle, you change locations and things like that. You don't have a lot of time for yourself, but you're going to need to figure out how do I block off a little bit of time for myself so I can reorganize my thoughts because what's going on right now is not working. It's not making me happy. You need to realize that these negative thoughts that are coming into play are there to
Starting point is 00:49:37 kind of keep you addicted to what it is that you're doing because addiction and by definition in some ways is you're trying to end up with a result that you're never really going to get like you keep trying and trying and trying and like nothing it's like you're masturbating and there's no end to it like you just keep getting close to it but it's never it's never like it was the first time right sounds awful i know i know i know but you never really get the reward. You never really get the thing at the end that you need, right. Or need to release rather. And, um, I think that's what happens with people a lot. I mean, I've had this, this kind of thing happens, not,
Starting point is 00:50:17 not the whacking off part, but this kind of thing happens to me, uh, you know, all the time. And it's where you have to kind of sit down and say, okay, you know, here's the things I need to do. So this stops happening. Um, as you know, I end up late to stuff a lot, you know? And so over the last couple of weeks, I've been trying to clean that up and I've been a little bit better with it. Um, and now I try to manage it through other means too. Like I try not to really say like, Hey, I'll meet you there at 10. Um, because I know that that's not going to work. So I'll say like, Hey, we're going to probably work out between like 12 and one. And then it's, you know, it's a little easier for me to make those things work, but that's, what's important. You need to break it down and figure out how do
Starting point is 00:51:00 I make this work? If you legitimately don't have any time for the gym for a little while, then you might just have to let that play out and let that be that way and realize that when you do have the opportunity to come back to the gym, that you're going to be that much hungrier and you're going to be that much more fulfilled when you get back to it. Is there any form of exercise that you can do? Can you walk? Can you clean up the diet? I wouldn't even bother with some things like push-ups and sit-ups and stuff and the reason why i say that is because that'll probably be unmotivating in and of itself you'll be like this sucks you're gonna do it and you'll be like this sucks or work out in some like cheap hotel now if you work out at a hotel that has like some shitty
Starting point is 00:51:43 equipment and you do it one time, it's not a big deal. Or you're away for two or three days and you get in there twice. That's actually great. But when you're trying to get back into a routine, things like that sometimes aren't a great option. Sometimes it's actually better just to wait. I'm going to wait until the situation is a little bit better, a little bit more stable. situation is a little bit better a little bit more stable and uh i gotta just realize on the weekends when i do have free time where i want to go to the gym i can't go to the gym because it's the only free time i have to myself it's only free time i have with my family those kinds of things
Starting point is 00:52:16 you have to kind of talk yourself off the ledge think about when you were a kid and you wiped out you fell off your bike or whatever and you were crying hysterically and someone grabbed you and you had that feeling of security and you remember that like you couldn't breathe you're like oh yeah and you see your own kid do it at some point you're like why are they freaking out man what's wrong with these things it's all with you yeah what's wrong with these damn kids it's like reverse hiccups yeah it's it's crazy sometimes they choke they like crying so much that they choke oh my god it gets to be really uh really crazy but i think that as adults that we actually kind of get to those spots but we just don't do it in the same right uh dramatic not as not as animated anymore yeah not near yeah not nearly as, uh, as animated. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:06 as I was talking earlier about, um, you know, being, um, you know, whether people feel that they have something original to offer and about how they, how they truly feel about themselves and how you can't let, uh, self-doubt creep in. The self-doubt is going to drive that negativity. Um, and that's where, again, you're going to have to take a step forward without really thinking about it. You can't look at that mountain and think about how damn hard it's going to be to climb because if you do that, you're going to be in a lot of trouble and you're not going to ever take that first step.
Starting point is 00:53:43 So I think what you're saying is just like almost just pretend you're like hey no i'm just uh resting right now i'm recovering so that way you can kind of take that serious because people don't really do that anymore right can you grab this uh phone for me and then we'll switch it over to the other ig so you stick it on the live one no i mean you know that that is a big uh that is a big part of it you know you need to it's it's um yeah put it on stick it on my ig you know we all get into these ruts and we all get unmotivated but just take your time if you're off your diet right now and you're off your plan
Starting point is 00:54:22 um you know follow along on my Instagram because I, I'm going to be, you know, taking people through this whole 12 week process and you can jump in at any time. This is not like you have to jump in at some specific time or whatever. And I'm live on Instagram now too. Wabam. There we go. But you know, you need breaks from stuff. It doesn't make any sense to diet all the time. It doesn't make any sense to work on increasing your bench all the time.
Starting point is 00:55:02 It doesn't make any sense to work on increasing your squat all the time. It doesn't make sense to try to always gain weight all the time. You want to do things for a period of time, get a nice spike out of it, get something from it, get a nice reward from it, have it actually happen. And then you want to try to move into something else. And the key to life, in my opinion, is not to get stuck. You want to stick and move. You want to be like Muhammad Ali. You want to get in stuff and you want to get out of stuff. And you want to always try to keep moving. Once you start to stop and once you start to feel overwhelmed, that's when you get crushed. That's when this world will crush you is when you're sitting there and you're like, oh, man, like there's so much stuff going on. And I mean, you guys would be, uh, shocked if you, if you stayed here for a week at super training and worked out with us and worked with us, you know, work out with us and
Starting point is 00:55:51 work with us, you'd go, Oh my God, the hell's going on in that place. I mean, there's, there's, there's not a, there's not a week where there's not a guest. There's always guests coming in. There's always a photo shoot plan. There's always a podcast going on. Each person in here handles a tremendous amount of work. You know, there's not a lot of us, but there's, but we're all very feisty and we all work really hard, but the amount of work that happens inside this building is pretty crazy. But one of the things that keeps the lights on and keeps everything driving forward is it's kind of rare for us to do the same thing. Like we're not really,
Starting point is 00:56:30 I think Andrew's old job was like, I think he literally did the same thing every day, every day, every day, every single day. He's still alive, which is shocking, but he did the same thing every day.
Starting point is 00:56:41 It was so bad. That was the worst thing was when I realized that if I disappeared, nobody would have noticed anything. Yeah. And that's a shitty feeling to have. Oh, it's awful. It's awful. And it's unmotivating, right? And you don't want to be doing the same things all the time. at uh someone like michael hearn you know michael hearn has been lifting weights for like 40 years he's 50 years old i
Starting point is 00:57:13 think uh he's been crushing it for a really long time but he's always sticking and moving yes he's always lifting but sometimes he's power lifting and sometimes he's bodybuilding sometimes he's lifting, but sometimes he's power lifting and sometimes he's bodybuilding. Sometimes he's doing both. Sometimes he's cutting because he's got an appearance and sometimes he's in bulk mode, right? He, he switches it up a lot. It's all lifting. It's all the same thing. He is a meathead, right? And so am I, but he consistently and constantly is, is changing things up. And what I've found for myself and, you know, training with Andrew and stuff, what I'm starting to see is I'm getting really strong and I'm not hurt. I did the other day doing some shoulder stuff. I actually, uh, tweaked my back a tiny
Starting point is 00:57:58 bit and felt like two inches shorter the next day. Oh no. And then I was totally fine. So, uh, did that. and that's why today when we do some back stuff but again i'm going to switch it up i'm not going to do the same thing you tweak your back in a workout and then you're just going to okay time to deadlift like you know that's just not it's irresponsible uh of yourself to do something like that you want to try to keep changing things and you want to always, um, that's a way that you're going to stay. You're going to avoid being unmotivated.
Starting point is 00:58:29 A lot of times when you're unmotivated, you're gonna be looking at the negative. When you're looking at the negative, try something different. Try something fun. Think about something old or something new to try. Something old would be going for a bike ride uh or hopping on a motorcycle could be anything do something that makes do something that makes you happy do something that's fun but don't do anything that's damaging don't do anything that's damaging don't go out and drink don't go out and and eat a bunch of crap because you got to remember your goal um if you're currently like not on a
Starting point is 00:59:04 diet because you've been dieting and you've been doing all these other things, that's like right about where I'm at right now. I'm still not eating a bunch of junk. I have a little bit of freedom with my diet. On the way out of here today, I had. Well, when we were here for some meetings and stuff this morning, I ended up being here a lot longer than I anticipated. I did bring a meal with me, but I crushed that meal. And then two hours later, I was hungry. Didn't realize we're going to be here that long. I ate a quest cookie, you know, right before I left here, got home and I threw down some more food. A big deal. The quest cookie
Starting point is 00:59:39 in the grand scheme of things is, is not going to be, uh, so detrimental to me. Right. Um, and it's, it's like a diet cookie basically, right. In a lot of ways. So normally a quest cookie is not on my diet. Normally somebody who's really trying to take their training seriously, um, is not going to allow anything else to, uh, take up space in their stomach other than things that are going to continue to move them forward and that's how dedicated like someone like stan efforting is and that's kind of the end goal is how do you become a maniac like that and stay that motivated but for most of us we got to figure out different things to do and even someone like stan who's as regimented as could be
Starting point is 01:00:20 he's changing things up all the time. The science is changing. Everything's changing. Now, different people have different mentality. They're able to handle different things at different in different ways. But all of us are unique. All of us are different. We're all, in my opinion, each person does have something to offer this world. In my opinion, each person's, have something to offer this world in my opinion each person's uh each person's digestive system each person's brain each person's fingerprints there's like seven billion people on this planet um why aren't we all exactly the same you know why can one person eat a peanut and another person eat a peanut and die right like what's why does that why does that exist why would one person uh you know watch a baseball game and think about physics when somebody else is thinking about
Starting point is 01:01:13 wow that guy is really powerful look at his stance somebody else is thinking about just baseball in general or somebody's thinking about a technique or whatever it's just because we're all so vastly different and when you start to think about these things, then that would lend itself to the understanding of maybe we are all here to provide something a little different for each other. And maybe we're here to kind of like learn from each other and expand and grow. And if you believe in that process, life will really, a lot of avenues will open up for you. A lot of things will actually make more sense. Now, if you were to say to somebody, I'm a genius, they're going
Starting point is 01:01:53 to think you're an asshole. But some of the truth of that is, is being a genius is actually, it's like a manifestation of, of your body, mind, and soul towards being original. That's all being a genius really is. That's what the definition of being a genius. I'm sure you can look it up. You'll probably find some different definitions, but that's kind of what it means to me. It's just you trying to figure out a way to express yourself as being original and coming up. It doesn't really necessarily mean that you need a new concept because new and original can be a little bit different from each other um but if i ask you
Starting point is 01:02:29 guys that question do you believe that you're a genius a lot of you would probably say no because you would think that you start to think about albert einstein but there's different levels of genius and there's different levels of being different not everybody is going to be like elon musk and why isn't everybody going to be like Elon Musk? It's because of what I just said earlier. Everybody's different. We're going to sometimes, uh, the one thing that remains the same about human beings is that we love variety.
Starting point is 01:02:58 It seems like, right. It seems like, um, when it comes to food, the second that I say, all right, Andrew, Andrew, you know, you said you like apples, so you get to eat apples. As soon as I say that to Andrew, the next question is going to be, well, what else do I get to eat? Right? Because he might like apples, but he's like, shit, man, like I need something else. I can't just eat apples. But no, Andrew, you said you love apples. So have at it.
Starting point is 01:03:24 You can have apples. I said apples with peanut butter. Yeah. That's what I meant. can't just eat apples but no andrew you said you love apples so have at it you can have apples i said apples with peanut butter yeah that's what i meant yeah human beings love variety they say variety is the spice of life right and we we all just are are so vastly different and that's why when uh these people that's actually really funny some A guest that's going to be on the podcast is trying to FaceTime me right now. That's pretty funny. Gabrielle Lyon.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Can't wait to have her on the podcast. She's going to be amazing. We got some, we are loaded up. We are a loaded diaper right now. In the front and the back. Yeah. And I'm really excited.
Starting point is 01:04:04 Eggplant, eggplant. All day. We got my boy Wheat Belly coming and the back. Yeah. And I'm really excited. Eggplant, eggplant. All day. We got my boy Wheat Belly coming on the show. It's Dr. William Davis. And I talked to him last night. And I told, I just, I set him off. I didn't mean to. I was like, hey, you know, I was going to get some tests done.
Starting point is 01:04:20 But I figured I'd check in with you before I get any of his work done. He's a, let me back up a little bit. William Davis, a.k.a. the guy who wrote a book called Wheat Belly, is a cardiologist. And so I sent him some information and said, hey, you know what? I was going to get some of these tests done. I'd love to do it before you get here, and maybe you can check some of it out. I'll get some blood work done, and could talk about it like on the podcast. And he was like, okay, great.
Starting point is 01:04:49 But why the F are you getting this test done? And what is this about? And why, why would someone do that? And he's like, this is all a scam. And then he's, then he called me. Wow. And I answered the phone. He was going nuts.
Starting point is 01:04:59 He was like, don't do this. He's like, this is what's going to happen. He goes, you go in there and get an, it was like an angiocardiogram or I can't even remember what it was. I'm sorry. I wish I could remember exact details. Um, but he said, um, he said, don't do it. He goes, here's what's going to happen when you go get that test done. He goes, they're going to look at your arteries and they're going to be like, you know, we can't really a hundred percent sure tell but it doesn't look good we know that it doesn't look good mark and we you know um i'd love to send you home but i don't feel confident doing that you know this is unsafe you need to get another test done and he's
Starting point is 01:05:39 like boom then you'll send you somebody else he goes when they do that he's like they just made twenty five thousand dollars damn he's like holy shit what the hell is he even talking about so and was that the test where like they inject you with like the lead stuff and then they so that would be the so that would be the second test yeah the first test was let me let me actually look it up because it won't take me long but um he was he was on fire it was great So speaking of my last job, I used to actually format and file all of those once you get the
Starting point is 01:06:11 test done, all the results. Make sure you have that in your file in the right spot all day long. And you know what's even worse about that? Whenever I go, they don't have any of my information. Yeah, it's because they have people like me fucking it all up oh my god they never have my information and then to make matters even worse i'll actually go to these guys and i'll say listen i don't even
Starting point is 01:06:34 want to use insurance they're like well why would you do that that's asinine like it's going to cost you an arm and a leg like you can probably get some of it insured at least i'm like i don't care i just don't i don't want paperwork and I don't want this guy and that guy making money off all this shit. I just want to pay. Can I just pay for it? What does it cost? When I go to In-N-Out Burger and I get a double double, it costs X amount of dollars.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Doesn't this x-ray or this machine or this MRI or this piece of shit over here, doesn't that just have a certain cost to it? Like, can I just. Or do I put the quarter in to get the thing? They're like, you won't want to do that. It's really expensive. And I'm like, yeah, it's not as expensive as the route that you want to go. Cause in the end, that's going to cost everybody a lot more money.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Yeah. Even with insurance, like I, I'll tell them like, Hey, can you charge me everything right now? Whatever my copay payment is. Can you please just let's take care of that right now. You want some giant bill two months from now. Whatever the end result is going to be, can I please do that right now? Oh, yeah, yeah, sure, sure, sure.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Pay the $20 or whatever it is. And I always, always, always get a bill, like, three months later for X amount of services. I'm just like, dude, I fucking told you guys. And it's not because it comes out to being a lot of money. It's just like, I don't know how to pay you guys now because I'm not there. I'm not going to mail something out because I don't even know how to mail something out.
Starting point is 01:07:57 No one uses the mailbox anymore. You don't have a website that I can use my PayPal account on. So next time, just give me everything up front. And it never worked. It's so annoying. So I was telling him that I was going to get a coronary angiography. And this is all kind of due to, you know, due to, like, I had some chest shit going on a while back.
Starting point is 01:08:21 And I had EKG, an EKG stress test. He actually said those were, you know, that's pretty good. Everything checked out to be totally fine, but I didn't want to like, I never really found out like, is there some issue? Do I have like an irregular heartbeat or like what the hell it was? No one was really able to give me any sort of answer. And so I was like, well, I don't want to just leave that for chance. I'd rather learn more about it. Like maybe there is a blockage somewhere or maybe, you know, maybe I was actually feeling something that is related to, you know, heart disease or something. And so anyway, I was trying to figure it out.
Starting point is 01:08:56 This doctor will help me figure it out. I have a calcium, it's called a calcium score. And when I get all this stuff done and I'll share all this stuff with you guys so you guys can be strong and healthy too the test is only like 100 bucks 200 bucks something like that it's not crazy but basically it just gives you a baseline and he said okay this number you know this number will be he's like whatever it is let's say it's 200 he's like as long as the next time you go which might be two three, three years from now, he's like, it's at 200 or it's lower. He's like, then we're golden. He goes, but if it goes from 200 to 400, we have a problem.
Starting point is 01:09:31 You know, it doesn't make that doesn't make sense. He's like, naturally, it will go up about 20 percent nearly every year. But, you know, with exercise and other things, it could go up a little slower. And he pointed out to a bunch of different cases. He's like, Oh, do you know this guy? And that guy,
Starting point is 01:09:48 he was naming all these famous people that dropped dead at really young ages of, uh, of a heart attack. And it was because, um, they just got shit information. They,
Starting point is 01:09:59 they were given statin drugs and they were, uh, putting these like stints and these different things in her hearts and doing all kinds of crazy shit that these people just, it was unnecessary. The people didn't need them. Um, he said the people were told to go exercise and they were told to, uh, you know, kind of continue on with whatever diet they were on. And they just gave him these statin drugs. And they thought that between the exercise and those drugs and some of these different
Starting point is 01:10:25 operations that it would help people and it didn't people fucking drop dead from it so uh it's going to be amazing having him on the podcast and then also gabrielle lion is a you know she's basically like a muscle doctor i would call her she knows a lot about muscle a little bit like andy galpin i would say um i think her background might be quite a bit different than that but um that's some of my understanding. We'll have Andy Galpin on the podcast. Let's see if he can send you the picture of your muscle thing. Oh, I got to show it to you.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Yeah, he sent me a thingy for it. I'll show you. But, yeah, he's going to come in with a giant poster of the muscle biopsy that he did. We got to show that to Gabrielle. Maybe we'll get her going too. Oh, yeah. All right, you guys got a couple questions.
Starting point is 01:11:10 I'm seeing some questions popping up here, and I'll answer a few of them before we hop on out of here. Yeah, somebody was actually on the, I think on the YouTube side, the podcast side, they were saying for you to get your calcium test done or something like that. They were really adamant about it. Calcium score? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:29 They were freaking out. They're like, you got to do it. It's so important. Blah, blah, blah. Like, hey, shut up. You don't know what you're talking about. And you were right. Or he was right.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Yeah. Well, what's a great thing about some of that is that, and I have other, I've had other people tell me some of this, but it's taken me this long to like actually, uh, be headed in the right direction, which is just ridiculous. Cause I, I don't even know. I still don't know whether you can go and get a calcium score done. Um, but what I would say is like, Hey, if it's this important, then, uh, you should be able to get it done without a script, you know, without a prescription. And also, like, I don't know, like, it's hard for these people to ever agree on anything. And I don't know. I guess I believe too much that people want to help
Starting point is 01:12:16 rather than continue to leave shit the way it is and just watch their pockets get... I know a lot of doctors, and a lot of them are great people. So it's hard for me to just be like, oh, yeah, they want to, you know, pad their pockets, but I guess it's not them. It's the pharmaceutical companies and it's, you know, it's just of attention paid to technology. There's a lot of attention paid to, uh, becoming a doctor in the United States. We have some of the best doctors in the world. There's other countries that have good doctors too, but we got some great ones here. Um, when you actually need medical care, a lot of times you can get some pretty good things done.
Starting point is 01:13:04 There's advanced surgeries and all kinds of things going on but the actual doctors even though they do make money um i don't think people really give a fuck about them and i think that that's where and that's where things kind of fall apart i think the doctor may not give a shit too much about the hospital he's in the people that they they work they work they all work together but there's a lot of turnover they probably don't know each other that well um i heard something the other day that there's like 250 000 people die um to like preventable from preventable causes where it was just like you know i'm the doctor in the morning you're
Starting point is 01:13:41 the doctor at night but i didn't relay something to you and so the guy dies yeah or the doctor in the morning and you're the doctor at night, but I didn't relay something to you. And so the guy dies. Yeah. Or the doctor in the morning is still the doctor at night. And this dude's working, he or she is working a 30 hour shift and they're sleep deprived. They can't diagnose patients correctly. And that's when huge mistakes were made. Yeah. It's pretty wild.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Yeah. Cause I guess the, the doctor that like, you know, when someone's doing their residency and it's basically like a doctor boot camp for them uh the doctor that that like whole program was modeled after turned out to be like a huge cocaine addict oh so that's how he was getting by you know these like was that what did they talk about that on rogan uh they might have but i i just it was in that book that I,
Starting point is 01:14:25 well, I finally finished it, but, um, yeah, it turns out he's like, well, if I can,
Starting point is 01:14:30 you know, stay up for three days straight, so can you. And come to find out he had a little bit of assistance from some, some drugs. So a lot of those, uh, you know,
Starting point is 01:14:41 misdiagnosis or just people screwing stuff up in surgery is because they're not letting these doctors sleep. This guy here, so it was brought up on Rogan when they had the sleep guy on there. This person here said, I like natural stuff like fish oil, niacin, garlic, CoQ10. Yeah, I think that stuff can be really beneficial. Well, we'll ask when we have our heart doctor on, we'll ask him and we'll try to figure out what the deal is. Somebody said, what's your favorite Olympic lift? Man, Olympic lifting is hard. You know, I don't know how to do either lift.
Starting point is 01:15:30 uh you know i i don't know how to do either lift i got to admit um i used to do some cleans when i was like in in high school because they we did them for football but my coach was always like you can clean or you can deadlift and so i always i always i always did a i always did a deadlift um but i was made fun of one time uh because i don't know how to do a power clean in front of some crossfitters and then i did a power i did a clean with 365 and they were like oh uh okay yeah i was like how much weight is this right here they're like i think it's 365 i was like i'll give that a try yeah somebody was asking diet soda while on a diet. I think that to start a diet, you have to be able to just start. And I think that a diet soda or, you know, whatever snack or just anything to keep you on the diet, I think you kind of need that in the beginning.
Starting point is 01:16:25 You can get more strict later on. If you're somebody that's been in fitness for a little while and you've been, you should have the strength to kind of just go. It shouldn't be a big thing. But if you're new and you want to kind of do things with as many small changes as possible, with as little change as possible. It's like one change at a time. When I think back to that, the bodybuilding stuff that I did, the cardio twice a day and stuff, it all started from 20 minutes of cardio three times a week and then it changed into you know 45 minutes of cardio every day and it turned into 90 minutes of cardio you know towards the end which was just yeah nutty but do you think that like uh allowing diet soda in the diet is just going to make you fall back into bad habits i think that you should work on getting rid of it you know i think you should
Starting point is 01:17:22 so you should definitely work on getting rid of it because um it's a crutch and you just don't need it i i don't really um you know i guess i mean some people really i think some people really enjoy the shit out of that stuff some people really have a hard time with water but i i don't have any problem drinking water so i don't know it's never bothered i've never i've never been like a big soda person um if i could pick any drink to drink like all day it would be like a chocolate shake yeah i would just i would like i i enjoy the flavor of that a lot milkshakes are really good i do like orange juice a lot um but i don I don't know. I mean, I, I have protein shakes, you know, um, quite a bit, but, um, yeah, I've never been like a big, uh, big diet soda person, but I just think
Starting point is 01:18:13 whatever you need to, to get you going is fine. Um, but I think that once you get going, I think that you should work on, because you don't want to work on just the aesthetic side of it. You want to work on, um on your overall health too. And it's just like a code that you're trying to live up to. It doesn't even necessarily have to have anything to do with actual health. But just because other people drink diet soda, I mean, most of the people that drink diet soda are fat. And it's like, to me, I like the message of i'm not doing that like i see you doing
Starting point is 01:18:46 it i ain't doing it how about like crystal light crystal light again i'm it's kind of same thing with me i i don't uh i don't mess with crystal light but yeah i mean if someone's got to do it and they got to do it i do think that it is important to you know watch out with for your kids um i don't think a lot of these fruity drinks and then also crystal light even though there's no sugar in it i think it could just be overdone so just you know someone said crystal meth i think just um just try to be rational about it you know how much is too much we talk about that with the phone you know um for our kids you know uh an hour on the phone a day two hours on the
Starting point is 01:19:27 phone a day like just what's the number like is there a number is there it doesn't it doesn't matter what my number is versus what your number is different parents do things different ways right but there should be a number there should be some sort of guideline involved um it shouldn't just be like hey just go do whatever you want i mean you can kind of look at the phone as like your kid comes down you know or your kid comes to to eat and they grab some ice cream and then 20 minutes later they grab ice cream and then 20 minutes later they grab ice cream 20 minutes later it's like there should be some sort of rational thought into okay what's this kid eating why did they rifle through a giant thing of ice cream?
Starting point is 01:20:07 Same thing with the phone. It's like, we probably don't need to be on there four hours every day. Something like that. On the Facebook side, our man Elliot, don't know who he is, but it seems like he'd be our man. He had a son five years ago and he's kind of struggling
Starting point is 01:20:23 getting back into the routine of training. So how about for people who have kids, um, as far as like, you know, life takes them all over the place, especially with kids, people seem to never have time or whatever. Um, you have two kids and you've never not had time for the gym. What are some tips you can give to some parents? Um, you know, hopefully you have a significant other that you can share some stuff with and, um, hopefully you can help each other to accomplish some goals. So, um, you know, for me, my wife likes to swim. So there were points in my life where I had to make sure I was home with the kids while she
Starting point is 01:21:07 was swimming. Now my kids are older, so I can get out of the house. It doesn't really matter. But I am there in the morning cooking for them while she's at swimming. If you have a significant other, you can make them aware of your goals and say, you know what? I mean, I would be, I'm going to be a lot more efficient as a dad. I'm going to be, it'd be a lot easier for me to help with everything. And I'll be a lot happier if I can get some training in. Um, and even if, even if the, even if your significant other, uh, uh, is, um, even if they're for you, you exercising, even if they're, um, even if they encourage it, you could still go to them and say, Hey, you know, I've, I've, I've really kind of have
Starting point is 01:21:50 fallen off here and I'd love to get back into a routine. I'm going to be a little bitch about it, but I need you to kind of, you know, uh, you know, nudge me to go to the gym. I need you to motivate me to go to the gym. And, you know, there's things like that that you can do, uh, that could be really helpful, but you know, look at your schedule and, you know, again, I think being rational is, is always the way to go. How, how can you rationalize the situation? How can you turn the situation that seems chaotic where it's go, go, go all the time. You got your, your work, you got your kids, you got your wife, get all these different things going on. And at the end of the day, like, shit, I didn't go to the time you got your your work you got your kids you got your wife get all these different things going on and at the end of the day like shit i didn't go to the gym again today um maybe you get off of work at like six o'clock and six six o'clock quickly turns into seven o'clock
Starting point is 01:22:35 and then you're hungry and then it's like i need to eat and then now it's nine o'clock you're like i need sleep because i gotta tomorrow. And it gets to be very stressful. It gets to be very frustrating, but you need to kind of pump the brakes. You need to be rational and talk to yourself and say, you know, here's what I want to do. If you actually think about it, most people, you know, everyone has different jobs, but most people have some days off somewhere. You work Monday through Friday or whatever the situation is. So if you have Saturday
Starting point is 01:23:05 and Sunday off, that's two days a week that you can go train. And on Wednesday in the middle of the week, if you need to wake up at 4am to go get training done, I say, go ahead and wake up at 4am. If you have to do it once or twice a week, wake up super early and get some training done. It's the best thing you can do for yourself is there's nothing better than waking up and doing stuff for yourself right away. nothing better than waking up and doing stuff for yourself right away. And I love doing stuff for myself when everybody else is sleeping, because I don't have to worry about what's on their agenda or what they need or anything. They're out cold. They're not part of, they're, they're basically not part of my life for that
Starting point is 01:23:38 moment, you know, that hour or two that I get, uh, by myself. So I'd recommend, you know, trying to wake up early, which could throw a monkey wrench in your plans for everything else. You can also try to train late. I'm not, I don't like that because it, it really has messed up my sleep over the years, training too late. Um, but again, tell other people around you, tell them your goals, make sure they're aware of it. And, uh, hopefully they'll, uh, they'll help you having kids. Um, you know, having kids and being in the middle of my powerlifting career is like right when all this stuff started, the slingshot started as I was breaking world records
Starting point is 01:24:16 and raising my kids, and it all happened simultaneously. So I didn't explode and die from it, and neither will you. Nice. That's a pretty interesting question from Jeremy. He's 16 years old, and his parents don't want him taking the gym too serious. How the hell can we get his parents to go let him lift some heavy-ass weights? Heavy-ass weight. How old did he say he is?
Starting point is 01:24:38 16. He's 16. Some people's parents are pretty rigid. You know, they're pretty stiff. And so each parent's going to be a little different. But, you know, I think parents, they're always going to fear, like, the unknown. They always think you're going to get hurt. And they also don't think their kids are, are like advanced enough or smart enough to kind of
Starting point is 01:25:05 handle what they're doing. You know, like, uh, even this morning, like I was just walking outside and like, I watched Quinn on her bike and she crossed the street and stuff. And Quinn will like laugh at me or she'll laugh at Andy. Cause she's like, you don't need to watch me go on my bike every day. And we're like, yeah, we, yeah, we, uh, we, we know, but we want to, you know, because the street that she crosses is kind of busy, you know. But she knows to look both ways. I mean, you can't ride your bike without looking around and making sure you're not going to get hit, right? And I think that we don't give our kids enough credit. Now, this kid, in my opinion, should go to his parents and have a conversation
Starting point is 01:25:47 with them. I think a lot of times, uh, we get into like these shouting matches in the, in the household and, um, somebody's frustrated because somebody else did this or whatever. Maybe in this kid's case, maybe he's lifting and not doing his homework or something like that. Um, and that could be problematic. You know, you're gonna have to pick up the slack and get that shit done. So your parents aren't, you know, yelling at you about that, but you need to actually have a time where you actually talk to your parents, where it's like a meeting rather than like this moment of frustration. Where were you?
Starting point is 01:26:20 You never told us when you were coming home and, you know, it's 630 and school ends at 330. And where were you? I was us when you were coming home and you know it's 6 30 and school ends at 3 30 and where were you i was working out with my buddies i didn't you know well of course they're gonna be pissed um and they're gonna want it they're gonna want to say stuff like hey don't get too attached to the gym because you know it's not good for you or whatever they you know and they might not know what they're talking about at all but you need to sit down with them and say, this is what I love to do. I listen to a lot of podcasts. I research a lot of this stuff. I'm learning more about it every day. I love doing this and say, mom, just like you love to whatever, make brownies or whatever. Dad, just the way you like to whack off to Pornhub. This is what I love.
Starting point is 01:27:03 Just call them right out on everything yeah yeah exactly this is this is what i love to do and um i want it to be like part of my life i mean if you have parents that are gonna you know take a mature kid to do something like that but if you have parents that are gonna shoot down that kind of thing then um that's just a shitty household to be in in in the first place. You know, that's what, that'd be a tough, a tough place to live. But, you know, um, I think that kids, when it comes to something, uh, that they feel strongly about, I think they do need to challenge their parents.
Starting point is 01:27:39 I remember when I was a kid, you know, I used to have friends who were like, I can't watch Rambo. My mom said, I'm like, fuck your mom. Give me a break. I was like, that would, that rule would not last in my house. Me and my brothers would, would destroy my mom. We wouldn't let that shit, that shit wouldn't fly in our house. Overruled mom.
Starting point is 01:27:59 Yeah. Kind of stupid ass. You're going to listen to your mom. Jesus Christ. kind of stupid ass you're gonna listen to your mom jesus christ you know a lot of times uh you know moms are are full of uh bad advice because they they care about you so much they don't want you to get hurt so like i don't want you to play football or any you've heard these stories over the years about uh these guys that now play in the nfl and make millions of dollars yeah yeah about some of these or or um not wanting them to do mma or or whatever
Starting point is 01:28:26 they're gonna always be like overly cautious and that's just that's not even just moms but it's just parents in general yeah i don't remember how old i was i was i was out of high school but i was still living at home and uh i wanted my dad to like support me drifting so motorsports because he can work on anything like car related or whatever. And he just thought it was stupid and he didn't want me doing it. And so I was like, dad, just come out with me to one event and you can ride along with me in the car. And it just took one ride along and then he was fully on board. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:28:58 It was sick. And then we just like, some of my best memories are working in the garage with him. So maybe this kid can, I don't know, take his dad to go work out one day and he can see that like oh he does know what he's doing he's not gonna hurt himself yeah and you know he's not in here like i don't know doing steroids or something right not yet right and and you know that might be something too like where you you know you uh you know ask the parents say okay well if you don't think I know much about it, then maybe, you know, maybe we look into getting a coach or a trainer that can show me and you guys can come and meet the person.
Starting point is 01:29:31 And I'm not with some weird creepo and that kind of stuff. I mean, there's a lot of ways to handle things. I think, you know, communicating is, is a big, is a big deal.
Starting point is 01:29:39 I'm getting a lot of hearts over here for some reason. I think that's a good thing. This guy says, how does he get back in the gym he feels so unmotivated yeah that's what this entire podcast has been about so if you can go back and watch a lot of this but we you know basically talked about you know how difficult things can be uh when you're at the bottom of that mountain and you don't know how to put that first foot forward you know even if you slid halfway down the mountain somewhere in your life
Starting point is 01:30:04 you still have to figure out a way to get back up that mountain and you need to figure out a way to just put one foot in front of the other. Don't, don't overlook, uh, you know, the things that are in front of you, just get started, just get moving. And again, something old or something new, um, try to, you know, talk to people around you, talk to a friend. I mean, you know, there's, there's no shortage of, of people nowadays because you've got so much access to the internet, um, that you can even, you know, try to find someone in your area that lifts, you know, even just through the internet. If you don't really know anybody that's in the same kind of lifting, uh, that you're into, but communicate with people.
Starting point is 01:30:46 And maybe even go to a powerlifting meet. Go to a bodybuilding show. Go to an Olympic lifting contest. Find an expo or something. Yeah, find something to spark you. Find something to give you a little something. And if you're really unmotivated and you just want to get in shape, it's never a bad idea to look into finding a personal trainer or going into like a CrossFit gym. I know these ideas, they sound weird and corny sometimes, but.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Fuck, what if it works? Yeah. Yeah. What if it works, right? And that's what you always want to be, um, looking at. And, you know, I can sit here and give you this speech about, you know, this Rocky speech or Braveheart speech rather, and, uh, or tell you to watch Rocky a bunch of times, getting you all fired up to, uh, hit the gym.
Starting point is 01:31:34 But, um, it's really not the motivation. That's going to be the key factor. It's really going to be, um, you kind of setting your heart on what you want to do and, and going and getting it done. Sometimes you got to kind of setting your heart on what you want to do and, and going and getting it done. Sometimes you got to kind of force yourself to do these things too. So the feeling might not feel great inside to go do it. Uh, but once you go and do it, uh, that'll change everything. And then furthermore, being educated, education is going to really be a driver. Um, I can kind of try to make sure this is really an honest statement.
Starting point is 01:32:11 I'm not going to say never, but it would be extremely, extremely rare for me to not want to work out. It would be extremely rare. Now, I might waver just the way anybody else might waiver at like 10 o'clock. I might be like, holy shit, man, I can't wait to get to the gym and train today. And then at 1230, I'm like, ah, yeah, at two o'clock I got a lift, you know? But once I, once I get going, I always, I always love it. I always, you know, um, I've had bad workouts and stuff like that. I've had frustrating workouts before. Um, I I've been in some spots here and there where because I've been injured or something, I, you know, we'll get a little unmotivated from time
Starting point is 01:32:56 to time. Um, but it's almost like I'm either more motivated or just like less. It's like, I don't usually get like completely unmotivated to, to go and get it done but in my opinion if you know a lot you will you will just be in love with this shit because there's so much to do there's so much to get done um the arm workout that i did yesterday that andrew had to miss because he was he wasn't feeling well um was amazing i did um uh i used the bamboo bar for try for tricep stuff um we started out with uh like pin presses uh for triceps and arms just got like pumped arms got swole and crazy but it's all exercises that we really really haven't done except for just the standing uh uh regular curl that we were doing in between some of our sets but uh it was fun
Starting point is 01:33:52 and using the bamboo bar is a new challenge now you're probably thinking oh i don't have that at my gym don't use excuses find find some different things to do remember go back to that kind of thing that i've been talking about. Find something new. Find something old. Right? And try to use that as a form of motivation. Maybe you don't want to go to the gym. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:34:15 Let that feeling sit there for a while. That's all right. It's not a huge deal. Let it ride out. Let it be there. I don't want to do this right now. Then don't do it. Figure out something else to do though.
Starting point is 01:34:29 That's productive. So that way you're not getting out of shape. Yeah. I was feeling like crap and I was so upset that I wasn't here to train yesterday. And that's a new feeling for me. Not like, you know, missing out. You sound good today though. So that's good.
Starting point is 01:34:44 I mean, you, you, you, it was like a day and a half where you're a little little funky right yeah yeah and then i did what you said i just took a long ass nap and i do feel way better today i was trying to like uh trick you into thinking that i felt better than i actually did yesterday and so this guy that that i was commenting back and forth with he said i've definitely thought about you know crossfit well stop thinking about it and get in there and do it um just don't even think just just go just just go and do i know you're gonna sit in the parking lot and you'd be like oh they're not gonna understand you know i don't really want to do the full just go in there give yourself to to them, say, look, you know,
Starting point is 01:35:26 I've been training for a while. I'm, I love training normally been unmotivated lately. I'm looking for something new and something different. And, uh, I'm not trying to like, you know, win some trophy or whatever. I just want to be in better shape. Uh, so if someone can take me through some workouts and stuff, then I'd love to see what this place is all about. Yeah, because CrossFitters are so negative and they're not going to welcome him with open arms and help him out and be super positive and pumped that he's there. And it's not based on competition either. That's what it's all about. It ends up being about competition.
Starting point is 01:35:59 And that's actually something that we didn't even talk about on this podcast. But how motivating is it to be out there with everybody else? And then something I've harped on for a long time is even without a gym full of, uh, a bunch of, a bunch of guys that want and girls that want to get stronger. Um, you could always just use the internet to use YouTube, look at different people, check out what they're doing. Um, um you know there's a lot of like motivational people that you can follow but don't just follow motivational people find somebody that is a similar size to you find someone that looks similar has a similar physique similar build um that's lifting that when you watch them lift you're like holy shit man i need to step my shit
Starting point is 01:36:43 up like when we had gavin here you're watching him lift and you're like holy shit man i need to step my shit up like when we had gavin here you're watching him lift and you're like holy crap he's really strong yeah just when i think i'm doing good someone like that or ryan spencer i mean ryan spencer's an animal yeah ryan spencer is so strong like it's kind of funny actually because sometimes some days i'm lifting with him and and every once in a while i'll be able to like beat him on something here and there and i'm like oh cool i beat him then i'm like i forgot he only weighs like 105 pounds yeah but ryan doesn't care he doesn't even i don't think that's ever thought for him that he's a natural athlete and that he weighs 100 pounds less than i don't think he ever crossed his mind i doubt it that's crazy i didn't even think about that
Starting point is 01:37:24 no it's ridiculous i see the size difference but you're right yeah there's yeah he's so he's he's he's incredibly he's he's incredibly he's incredibly strong it's humbling to work out with him but i don't i never feel like for me if i don't lift as much as him it doesn't make me ever feel bad because i just know how hungry he is to like to to do this stuff you know he he's not an easy guy to uh he's not an easy guy to beat you know he's a tough like if you beat him you've done something like so it's uh it was actually like even back in the days when i was wearing the wearing powerlifting gear um even though the weights that i was moving were, were, were creeping
Starting point is 01:38:05 up there. Um, he was still a motivating factor cause he and I would like box squat together. Um, and, uh, he was always moving around some huge ass weights. I'm always like looking at him, like, what the hell? How's he able, how's he able to do all this stuff? But, you know, uh, competition can really spark up your motivation a lot cool uh aaron asks uh when you cut a significant amount of weight how do you get out of your own head with you know dropping strength levels as well yeah that's just because you're doing something different so um you know i've mentioned this on this podcast before but like um you know you're you're playing a game of madden and uh you're kicking ass in the a game of Madden and, uh, you're
Starting point is 01:38:45 kicking ass in the beginning. And then all of a sudden you start getting your ass kicked and then you tell your friend, you're like, well, I'm not even trying anymore. So that's kind of the same, it's kind of the same attitude you need to take towards, uh, towards strength. You need to just like pretend that you're not even trying anymore. If somebody asks you about it, be like, Oh dude, I'm not even trying. Like all oh, I was trying different stuff. Like, I would never normally run a reverse on the 50-yard line, you idiot. So, of course, I'm not trying.
Starting point is 01:39:11 And then you just throw out bad passes. That's such a kid move to do also. Yeah, oh, it's great. Just, oh, I'm going to kick your butt. And I don't even care. Dude, I stopped playing the third quarter. That's why you came back. And the guy's like, what?
Starting point is 01:39:24 No, you didn't. Like, I quit a long time ago. Te's why you came back. And the guy's like, what? No, you didn't. Like, I quit a long time ago. Tecmo Bowl has been a heck of fun lately. I've been playing it. That's awesome. You have it on Switch? Yeah. It was really hard at first to just even get the hang of, like,
Starting point is 01:39:39 you know, having two buttons to do everything. How much does damn Switch cost? I don't know. I'll check for you. It's not that much. But dude, it's been fun. Just because
Starting point is 01:39:50 the graphics are so... You remember... The same exact game? Yeah. So you know when the cartridges would get dirty and pixels would come up out of nowhere?
Starting point is 01:39:58 It does that too. That's great. It's fucking sick. But yeah, I was playing the Broncos and I was killing them. And then they came back, and they destroyed me. So do they have every game?
Starting point is 01:40:10 Not every game, not yet. They have Punch-Out!!? See, that's a problem. That's why it's failing, because they don't have Punch-Out!!. They don't have Contra. And there's a couple other games where it's like, how do you not have these games on here right now? So it's a bit of a mess, like the Nintendo Switch Online thing.
Starting point is 01:40:29 That's where it all comes from. But, I mean, they got Super Mario. They got the original Mario. Does it sometimes not work because it's online? No, no. It all works all the time pretty much. But, yeah, totally sidetracked. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:40:45 Yeah. I need to get me some of that. I hope they do Super Tech Mobile, because that one was even better. That one was pretty legit. Yeah, because you can customize your plays, too. Yeah, it wasn't as – yeah, when the other guy picked your play on the first one, you just get blitzed, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:02 So it was kind of like that, but this one, there's nothing you can do. You're either going to run on one play or you're going to pass. The odds of you guessing the other player's play is pretty easy. All right. We're going to answer just a few more questions before we jump on out of here. One guy here is asking about Kratom. He's asking about like what brand and all that stuff uh the branded kratom that i use is called from a company called urban ice
Starting point is 01:41:30 and i'm working on uh putting out a product myself soon but i'm working on uh testing it and doing some different things kind of find out the dosage of kratom and uh i'm going to be doing a lot of testing on it uh beyond just just that but i want to check out a lot of testing on it beyond just that. But I want to check out the safety of it and all these different things. People have these different hypotheses about, you know, what it does and what it doesn't do and all this stuff. Somebody says, what is punch out? We need to punch that guy out. I'm going to start something like the conjugate method for west side barbell doing uh hypertrophic work uh for years any tips for recovery
Starting point is 01:42:13 oh this is sick the guy just put up a mike tyson code 0073736963 go straight to tyson yeah that kind of stuff's the best yeah um you know one thing that i'll mention and and this is uh you know uh michael hearn has talked about uh power bodybuilding and um it's it's an interesting term um a lot of powerlifters have done bodybuilding in the past. A lot of old school powerlifters used to utilize a lot of bodybuilding techniques. They used to do set after set after set after set for their legs on a quote unquote squat day. You've seen powerlifters start to kind of change and shift and they would exercise the movement and not exercise the muscle. And this is exercise. That's a really important thing to understand that a certain amount of exercise needs to be done in order for you to get the fruits of your labor.
Starting point is 01:43:20 You have to do a certain amount of exercise. So you can't just bench press to bring up your bench press. You have to look at the bench press in a more rational way. And you got to understand that if I'm going to build up the bench press, it's not really that effective of a training session to bench press and then to try to work on all the muscles that are involved in bench pressing afterwards. You'd be better off with a well-planned attack of I'm going to bench press today and the rest of the day you can only work about two different muscle groups in a given workout, in my opinion, effectively. So for any of you doing west side style stuff on your upper body day which as pointed out by louis simmons it's called an upper body day because he wants you to pick two or three possibly you can have a smaller muscle group in there he wants you to pick a muscle group and he wants you to thrash it because louis would implement
Starting point is 01:44:22 you either do the max effort method or you do the dynamic effort method so you're either lifting very very heavy or you're lifting very very fast once that work is done once that work is completed it all moves into what is called the repetition effort the repetition method which is simply bodybuilding that That's all it is. It's bodybuilding. And whether you decide to put tempo in there and go bodybuilding, bodybuilding, like superset and all that stuff, you can do all that within the confines of the Westside Barbell Program. And that's what actually makes the Westside Barbell Program so great. And that's why so many of their lifters over the years have been so dominant. And it's why so many of their lifters over the years have been so dominant. And it's why so many of their lifters over the years have looked like they lifted is because they implement. Now things have changed though.
Starting point is 01:45:10 Think people don't do that as much when Louie Simmons was coming up with these concepts. Um, the power lifting gear was coming on stronger and stronger. People were lifting more and more. So that what happened was the workouts would start to look much different it wasn't like a leg day it was more like a lower body day and a dynamic effort squat day would turn into this like three hour long thing of box squats a max effort squat would turn into a three hour long session of someone using the safety squat bar and then it would be okay, I'm going to do a GHR reverse hyper. I'm out the door. That is not an effective way to build muscle. It's not an effective way to build up big squats. In my opinion, it's not an effective way to hang in there for a long period of time.
Starting point is 01:45:57 And so what I would like to see people do is I'd like to see people say on this particular day, I'm working my back and my hamstring on this particular day, even if it's a deadlift day or on a deadlift day, just think about, I'm going to work a lot of the muscles that are in the back of my body, uh, back of my lower body in particular, glutes, hams, glutes, hams, lower back, basically. And you can get to all of those in one session, but what you can't do is you can't do a bench press workout and then try to get your front delt and then try to get your rear delt and try to get your side delt and try to get your triceps, try to get your
Starting point is 01:46:34 biceps. That's not going to result in the gains that I think that you really need. And I think you'd be more effective to push a little bit more bodybuilding, insert, inject, if you want to, if you will, uh, more bodybuilding into powerlifting. Uh, and, uh, I think it would be, it would be way more effective because a lot of bodybuilders are very, very strong. And what I see lacking from a lot of powerlifters is just being more jacked. And so it's, it's not that hard to, not that hard of a thing to understand. Um, but I don't think you can go into the gym and just deadlift and bounce your way on out of there. Uh, the second part of his question was kind of about recovery. How do you
Starting point is 01:47:16 recover from your workouts? Um, well, the way that you're going to recover from your workouts is, uh, to be nutritionally charged, you know, make sure you have proper nutrition, make sure you have proper rest. So that's a story that no one ever wants to hear, but you need hydration. Um, you need to get in proper amount of sleep. How much sleep do you need? I don't really know, but you need a lot, right? Um, you know, the recommended amount of hours is eight, but if you only get five, why bother trying for eight? Why not just try for six or seven, you know, take a small step and, uh, you can turn that
Starting point is 01:47:51 into a bigger step at some other time. Um, and, uh, the other thing would just for recovery is to, uh, is to eat. You gotta eat. You gotta eat. Well, gotta make sure you're eating good. Recovery is to eat. You got to eat. You got to eat well. Got to make sure you're eating good. What muscles are good to mix with chest day? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:17 So kind of following up that question, I guess I can answer this last one before we're on our way out the door here. What muscles are good to work on a chest day? Well, it's, you're mainly going to be working your chest. Like for me, when I work a bigger muscle group, I only work one muscle. So on a squat day, let's say I, I pretty much just attack the, uh, the quads. I don't even really bother working the hamstrings much on that day. Um, I might do some leg curls kind of at the end of the workout, but that's not a main, a main focus of the day. Um, when you're doing something like your back, there's not really time to do a lot of other exercises except for just training the shit of your back. Um, so you kind of just, if you pick one muscle group, you can maybe, uh, maybe even get in a second muscle group. Like I'll do biceps, triceps together.
Starting point is 01:49:10 I might do shoulders and I'll get the front delt and the rear delt and all the different muscles of the shoulder. But if you're going to blend two things together on your bench day, on your chest day, then I would say that, in my opinion, you'd be better off focusing in on just your chest and maybe even polishing off the workout with some tricep work. Um, but I think that you would be better off having a separate day that's for your triceps, um, rather than just, uh, trying to smack just the day it gets to be too long. And I do think you need, if you want to build up a big chest and you want to build up a big bench i think you need in excess of 15 sets every single workout in order to make that hypertrophy happen and to make that strength gain that you really need so anyway i think we're out of here andrew you got anything else to add? That's it for me. We're going to train some back. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:10 For the 12-week kind of not diet plan. Yeah. Well, that's the start of it, yeah. Yeah. So how are people going to find out more information about it? Like are we going to do an email blast or something like that? It might be on my Instagram right now. I don't know uh jessica's okay quite yet but uh we are about 12 weeks out from christmas right now so we're going to be doing an email format it's going to
Starting point is 01:50:32 be on this podcast uh we're going to talk about it on youtube we're going to talk about it on instagram we're going to talk about it in every spot possible. I think we are going to even start a Facebook fan page for it or something. Facebook group. There we go. Facebook group for it. Cool. Yeah, and I want to, so the people that do check in and they'll talk on the chat box, I want to give, I want updates from them too so we can talk about it here live on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:51:01 Right. And, you know, I'll just be updating people. I'm going to trickle out small amounts of information because I don't, I don't want everybody to just all of a sudden think they're on some hardcore diet. It's not going to really, uh, work that way.
Starting point is 01:51:14 Um, tomorrow, I hope tomorrow, uh, tomorrow I'll release, uh, information on the foods that I want you guys to eat. And,
Starting point is 01:51:24 uh, the first three or four weeks of this is going to be really slow because I don't want to, you know, start out with a, with a ton of changes right away. We're going to take it, take her nice and easy. And, uh, once I get you guys, um, to a point where you start to kind of understand the shopping side of things, which is a big part of it, you start to understand the meal prep side of things, which is a huge part of it. Probably the biggest part of it is shopping and meal prep. That's probably two biggest things.
Starting point is 01:51:52 If you're not shopping and you don't prep your meals, then you're kind of screwed. Unless you just use a meal prep company, then that eliminates a lot of that, which is nice. Anyway, strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later.

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