Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 128 Live - Be Responsible & Don't Cut Corners

Episode Date: October 19, 2018

Fresh off one of the best episodes we've had with Dr. William Davis, we give our takes on what he claimed and get into some motivation and how cutting corners can effect your life. ➢SHOP NOW: https:...// Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bitch, please. Not nice. Not nice at all. We got Jeremy Avila coming in. That would be cool. I think on Tuesday. On Tuesday? Tuesday, yep.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Jeremy Avila. Where does the E come from? Because I've heard it many times before from many different people. It usually comes from being really old. Is that okay? It's like the old lady pants. You see old ladies just in those. They all wear the same pants.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I can't even describe them, but they're just old lady pants, and they all wear them. I don't even know what they're made out of. They're made of maybe like, I don't know, like a polyester or something. They just look like really thick, like a parachute. They're just freaking old lady pants. It's so funny. Anytime we're in like any kind of store
Starting point is 00:00:53 and we make like a wrong turn, we always like, we tease Jasmine about it. We're like, Jazz, what are those to the left? Not granny panties. Like,
Starting point is 00:01:02 you know, we'll walk down like the wrong section of the store. Like where there's just like big old, old lady underwear. That's great. She gets so embarrassed. And we just told her, like,
Starting point is 00:01:10 we just keep harping on it. It's not always weird. Like that's even embarrassing as an adult. Like, especially as a guy, like, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:17 like I, I was like, uh, you know, I'm walking through like the women's section at like target and I'm trying to pick out something for Quinn. And next thing you know, like I'm in the panty section make a wrong turn and i'm like oh great like then you're that guy yeah everyone thinks i'm a big pervert and not only am i in
Starting point is 00:01:33 the panty section but it's like a little kid's panty section like all right worse yeah this just keeps getting i was just really going downhill yeah it's like no no i was looking for uh uh never mind um i need panties i mean um uh i was just looking for pajamas i promise yeah we hear that all the time buddy get out it's not for me it's not for me it's it's uh yeah i mean it's for my daughter um yeah like well how old is she and you're like uh i mean i can genuinely never find anything in a store though. No. It's impossible. You know, I don't know if women have it like pre-programmed in their head where shit is, but they are certainly a lot better at it than we are. I think it's very clear. Like even yesterday, yeah, yesterday we brought home some sushi for Jake.
Starting point is 00:02:21 We brought him home a spicy tuna roll. That's his favorite thing and um he's like i want to throw some soy sauce on it he's like do we have one of those little soy and i don't even know i don't even know he's talking about but quinn right away she's like one of those soy dishes he goes yeah we do she's like it's right above the uh where the cereal bowls are she's like it's above that and it's to the right yeah i was like how do you even know like i've never first of all i've never seen them before right i didn't even know we had them and then she knew exactly where they were the exact coordinates of everything i'm the worst
Starting point is 00:02:53 stephanie will tell me exactly where something is i'll be staring at it but it's not here i don't know where it's at it's like look right there like it's not oh my bad andy's mom uh calls it because she can't she andy's mom can't figure out why her kids could never find stuff, but it was mainly her boys. She had four kids and two of them were boys. And whenever she asked the boys to get something, they can never find it. And she's like, you must just be staring at the ceiling. This doesn't make any sense. It's like, it's right there, you know?
Starting point is 00:03:22 But how bad are, well, hopefully I don't get into too there you know but how bad are well hopefully i don't get into too much trouble but how bad are girls trying to give driving directions yeah i know i know it's weird it's so oh man sorry babe but she'll give directions like okay once once you pass this tree you're gonna you're not gonna want to make that left but then you're gonna want to make the left two lefts before that tree using and then after you go to there then you're going to want to make the left, two lefts before that tree. And then after you go to there, then you're going to make a right and then another left, but make sure you don't make two lefts the first time. Actually, you know what? Let me start over.
Starting point is 00:03:51 April does that too. You don't want to go straight and ignore everything. When you get to the dead end, make a U-turn and then turn right. It's like, wait, hold on. You're like, you're like, remember that building that's on the right? It's on the right. It's like right off that road. I'm forgetting the name of the road,
Starting point is 00:04:06 but it's like Tony Roma's pizza. But anyway, Tony Roma's isn't there anymore. It's now an Applebee's, but I think that might've shut down too. Don't turn there, go straight. And you're like,
Starting point is 00:04:15 what? You just threw me off so much with this back history of the two places that shut down. I don't know what's happening. Yeah. Like I've expended all my energy on trying to remember what store has been shut down there now that I totally forgot
Starting point is 00:04:27 where I was even going. Yeah, I don't know what's, I don't even know why I want to go somewhere now. Forget it. Forget it. Game over. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:34 So I can't find anything, but she can't give directions. So we, uh. You're both lost. Pretty much. Lost in each other's arms and eyes. Aww. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Yesterday was a good time having uh dr william davis in here he was great in the house yeah he was so helpful like we we spoke for i mean i spoke to him for like maybe like an hour afterwards but him and i think we're all killing him yeah i probably spoke to him at least because he was getting killed by everybody else yeah i just was staying back yeah your dad and dad and Chris were just not grilling him, but they were just like 100 miles per hour both ways for like three hours. And then we filmed for the movie. He's one of those people that like, you know, he really has the answers.
Starting point is 00:05:18 It's almost like I don't want to compare him to like Steve Jobs necessarily, I don't want to compare him to like Steve jobs necessarily, but if Steve jobs, you know, or, or, um, or, um, say, you know, Steve jobs passed obviously, but, uh, you know, if you had a, like Elon Musk, you want to ask him tons of questions. Cause you feel like he's got a lot of the answers, right. Whether he does or he just had, uh, he has so much experience that how could you deny that he, you can't really deny that he does have, uh, helpful answers, whether it's like the best, the most optimal. It's like, you know, sometimes these things remain to be seen, but he certainly has a great opinion that has helped thousands and thousands of people. Yeah. Well, I mean, he just, he, he had answers. he certainly has a great opinion that has helped thousands and thousands of people yeah well i mean
Starting point is 00:06:05 he just he he had answers like i'm not saying he had all the answers but he he didn't say like or he just didn't kind of guide you in like a direction where there's kind of an answer he was just like no like carnivore's great but if you stay on it long term it's going to cause this and you know like we don't hear that. Right. So that was just amazing because he gave you the answer, but then told you what will happen eventually. Yeah. And also, too, he was saying that it could cause that.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Like he wasn't saying like. Oh, right, right. You know, he wasn't saying that he knows necessarily for sure that that would happen that way. But in his experience, that's what he's seen. And that's what he knows. And he knows from, I mean, he mentioned all the complications that children have had being on a ketogenic diet for too long. And, uh, so that's where he got some of his information and he wasn't saying that you can't go carbless forever.
Starting point is 00:06:58 You basically can go very low carb, but he, he feels you'll be a lot safer with some of these prebiotic fibers, um, the green banana, the white potato and those kinds of things, uh, he thought would really be helpful. Interesting thing, you know, uh, a green banana, a banana that's just completely green has virtually no carbohydrates in it. It's primarily fiber. Let that bitch turn yellow. And now now you got 45 grams of not only
Starting point is 00:07:27 carbohydrates but pretty much straight up sugar yeah it went from being a fiber to a sugar kind of right before your very eyes weird um that's what quest nutrition experienced years ago when they first put out their they put out the the first, the first additions of Quest bars had something called chicory root in it. And chicory root does the same thing. Once it sits and it sits in something that's, um, uh, like, like kind of water-based basically, it'll turn into a carbohydrate. So this fiber that is, uh, remember he said yesterday, you want it to be, uh, in, to be ingestible, but not necessarily digestible.
Starting point is 00:08:08 I think he said something like that, right? He wants it to kind of be able to pass through, or maybe he said it the other way around. No, ingestible, yeah, you can actually eat it. It's something that you can eat. It's not like you're trying to chew on tree bark, but your body doesn't recognize it as like a sugar or carbohydrate, it's a fiber. And anyway, that's what happened with Quest Nutrition years ago. They would send these bars out.
Starting point is 00:08:29 They put them on the market and they were spiking people's insulin levels. Not drastically because it was still a modest amount of carbohydrates. But they were like, this doesn't make any sense. We tested them here. It's totally fine. Then they had a food chemist a guy like joel green come in and say okay well here's why because that product's been sitting for 40 days and it only takes five days for that to turn into sugar and you're like what it turns into sugar the fuck
Starting point is 00:08:55 yeah unbelievable that's crazy when he says a white potato is that just a regular he's just talking about a regular white potato but he wanted to be raw yeah and then his suggestion was that you just you know blend it up with something which i don't know how that works your blender probably takes a beating probably trying to blend up a goddamn white potato but i was thinking about making some shakes that way or something you know yeah because he said it had it was just like 100 fiber that way which i think so i think that's crazy yeah i think that's what he was saying. There was that there was there's a few other things he mentioned being like a
Starting point is 00:09:29 Being that type of fiber, but I don't know interesting conversations with him and and it made everything else make a lot of sense when we started talking to him about lifting and bodybuilding and Those kinds of things. I like the fact that he's still stuck to his guns and he's still stuck to what he knows. And he's like, you know what could potentially help with muscle mass, but still, still not, it's still not great for the heart. And then you kind of had the question, which is a great question, which is probably true, but we don't really know if you're moving around a lot, you're exercising a lot, you got a lot of muscle.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Are you kind of chewing up those carbohydrates? Is, is it the great equalizer? Right. And I don't think anybody really knows that. I think that we can, we can assume that, um,
Starting point is 00:10:16 from how healthy like Jay Cutler, you know, Jay Cutler was consuming a thousand carbs a day and Jay Cutler, uh, today is very healthy i don't know what his blood work would have looked like when he was a pro bodybuilder yeah but um i would imagine it was still probably pretty good i'm sure that he had uh his moments where maybe it wasn't great but uh anyway you know his his whole thing was look you know it's not it's still not great for
Starting point is 00:10:42 your heart like i don't care i don't care i don't care what you're training for um it's still not great for your heart like i don't care i don't care i don't care what you're training for um it's still not might be a great the best idea for your heart and so i thought that you know in bringing it back to that made a lot of sense even in talking about something like the vertical diet where by the way you know people are confused about stan efferning's recommendations with the vertical diet stan doesn't say that you need to have X amount of carbs, protein, or fat. When you get into his book and when you start to really read into it and you start to break it down for yourself, yes, he might give you percentages. He might give you some opinions of what he thinks that you should do. But the vertical diet has a lot of different things you can do with the vertical diet. The vertical diet can be a pretty low carb, uh, diet and Stan himself will tell you that he
Starting point is 00:11:31 doesn't eat a lot of carbs. Um, Stan, you know, stays lean and stays in good shape. Um, Stan's also, you know, he's over 50 years old and, uh, I don't think he tolerates a ton of carbohydrates all that well. I think he just doesn't like them either because they make them groggy. Now, if we're talking about performance and trying to run this big-ass engine and be able to dominate the way Brian Shaw does and the way some of these other guys do, then, yeah, you probably do need quick, cheap energy sources. Often, otherwise, you might lose some weight. Are you going to really be able to have enough fuel and you're going to be able to eat enough amount of like
Starting point is 00:12:09 eating that amount of fat and protein after a while it just starts to be kind of gross and i think it wouldn't feel very good it might not even digest very well yeah it really threw me when he was like you know well carbs are just cheap fillers. I was like, oh man, like when you, when he said it that way, I was just like, damn, rice is kind of cheap and it doesn't just fill me. But listen, I mean, this is, and this is why I said these things aren't, excuse me. These things aren't innocent. They're, they're worse than we think. You know, we think we're out to eat and you know, they're putting bread on the table.
Starting point is 00:12:41 It's like, it's okay for my kid to have bread. It's, it's almost, it's like, you don't want to say it's not okay for them to eat bread because you and your kids and everyone, uh, we should be able to make our own decisions. Like we live in America, it's free country, do whatever the fuck we want. Right. That's kind of, kind of the bonus of living here. Kind of the bonus of, uh, making money and kicking ass at work is yeah, you do get to go out and treat yourself
Starting point is 00:13:05 but what is that piece of bread with the butter doing it's it's really it's really fucking you over like tenfold if you really think about it because it's not that the bread is that bad and not that the butter is bad it's not anything about how bad that is it's taking up room and real estate from otherwise really great nutrients. And so what happens to your kid a lot of times when you go out to these restaurants? I know, like I've seen this with my own children. They put bread and butter on the table and boom, my kids will consume the hell out of it. A lot of times these restaurants take forever to serve you food.
Starting point is 00:13:39 My son ate three or four pieces of bread. My daughter had two. My daughter is a much healthier eater than my son, but my son, he'll eat his French fries. He took two bites of his burger and that's his meal. It's like you had three giant slices of bread with a bunch of butter on it and you had, you know, a thing of fries and then you had two bites of a burger. Protein content, super, super low fat content and carbs, super high.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And so that's where people start to get confused because the person that eats like that, that person could actually use some egg whites in their diet. Somebody that, somebody that doesn't have somebody that's not really paying attention to what they're eating and they're eating these weird things where their fat and their carbohydrates are through the roof. Yeah. They need to figure out how to get some protein sources in there. And so leaner protein sources might not be a bad idea for somebody like that. Somebody who maybe wants to eat the French fries.
Starting point is 00:14:46 wants to eat the french fries maybe they get a um maybe they get a chicken sandwich instead of a uh you know instead of a regular hamburger because they want some reduction in cat and overall does that make sense like yeah there was some reduction in overall calories and so that's where shit gets to be really confusing and somebody's like it's the fat somebody else like it no it's a carb well it's it's all these things combined and it's the fact that we're robbing ourselves of the opportunity to eat the most nutrient-dense stuff first the healthiest things first and if we can get those things in it's it almost would be better if everything was just in reverse like okay can can we have the bread at the table we probably can't because someone's going to
Starting point is 00:15:20 consume it but almost can you ask the guy hey can you actually bring that like, you know, with our meal? Yeah. And then they come back and they bring it with the meal. Maybe your kid gets a couple shots, a couple bites, a couple, they get into whatever it is they ate.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Even if they didn't eat something that great, even if it's a chicken Parmesan, which is like fried and breaded and stuff. So at least there's protein in there. There's some value to what they're eating. There's mozzarella cheese on it. It had something. It's some nutrition.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Okay, yeah, now have a piece of bread. Yeah. Not a big deal. When it's just my girl and I, I'll have to tell the waiter, waitress, whatever. They're like to be called these days. I don't want to offend anybody. Like, hey, can you just not bring the bread though?
Starting point is 00:16:02 Because if I'm staring at it, I'm just like, oh, I'm just going to pick at it. And then you pick at it. It's like, ah, take another little slice here and there. And then before I know it, the whole football size piece of bread is gone. And I haven't even gotten my plate yet. Well, usually when you go out to eat, you're usually fairly hungry. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:17 You know, a lot of times you don't go out to eat, especially like with the family. It's kind of a thing. It takes a while to actually get there. Yeah. Who knows why? Like you got to wait for, you know, your girlfriend to get home from work or you got to wait from Jasmine to get home from her friend's house or like what, something's going on.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Right. And then you, you figure it all out and then you, you go on your way. And yeah, like by the time you get there, you're like, man, I just want to, what I don't even care what they have at this point. I'm going to eat everything. Right. Yeah. They make you wait forever.
Starting point is 00:16:49 But I think, uh uh i don't know i might i might do it next time where i'm just like hey can you bring the bread after that's actually dessert because if anybody's still hungry then you can go ahead and have at it right right but no my daughter she'll kill the butter and slices of bread and all kinds of good stuff but uh lately man so like today i packed a bunch of chicken to eat and i'm craving it right now whereas the steak's been rough trying to eat go and have a seat buddy good to see you man um so it's kind of weird but the steak i'm actually having a hard time still eating but i like i said i packed chicken today and i'm pretty excited to get get after it after we leave this i don't know what that's all about you're excited about eating chicken yeah which was not the case like a long time ago yeah and that's i mean that's another thing is you got to find you know
Starting point is 00:17:34 something that you can stick with something you can stick to but i think you know again uh having william davis here was great and i think you know, it just brings up a lot of different scenarios with diet. When you think about the carnivore diet, it's great because I eat meat. I don't have to think about much else. Yeah. And you might want to think about, you know, some of the things that Dr. Davis said yesterday about, you know, some of these fibers and how potentially if you do a keto diet for really long periods of time, it can impact the gut flora, which can potentially hurt your heart in the long run. And also could potentially, uh, some of these diets that don't have any fibers in them at
Starting point is 00:18:14 all and have no carbohydrates in them at all. Maybe they could potentially cause colon cancer. I mean, just think like, you know, what if some of the information we have is wrong? You know? Yeah. It's almost like some people are like we have is wrong, you know? Yeah. It's almost like some people are like halfway religious because they don't know what happens at the end of their life, right? Yeah. And so like, yeah, I believe in God because they don't want to take a risk of like, what if he really exists, right?
Starting point is 00:18:36 Yeah. I had a cousin who was like, I believe in all religions. So that way, once I pass, someone will accept me. Yeah. So yeah, someone will take you in, right? Yeah. So yeah, someone, someone will take in, right? Yeah. What I, what I, what I dug about, uh, Dr. William Davis was it, it almost seemed like he wasn't necessarily against wheat or against
Starting point is 00:18:52 grain. He was more upset at what we did to it. Right. You know, and then he's like, you know, at one point it was this, but after cross pollinating and doing this and that, it's now something totally different that we can't digest. Right. So I was like, okay, well, once I understood once i understood that i was like okay you're like a sane person you're not just somebody yelling at people don't eat wheat you know to try to sell books or whatever well and
Starting point is 00:19:13 also too like he also mentions that you know even at the time of when they didn't do as much stuff to it still wasn't great for us yeah um but it's like you know uh eat eat or die right so like maybe back then maybe uh whoever started eating at first maybe they just didn't have a lot of options and maybe you know the survival of uh humanity relied on some of that nowadays some of the some uh people rely on like gmo they make like rice and they make different things out of stuff that, um, otherwise wouldn't grow in those areas. Like it doesn't grow without water. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:49 And they make these genetically modified, uh, foods that, that people can eat and it helps feed people all over the world. What are you going to give? You know, you're going to drop off, uh,
Starting point is 00:20:00 tons of Doritos and Cheez-Its and shit like that, uh, into, uh, you know, a country that's, uh, poor and, uh, tons of Doritos and Cheez-Its and shit like that, uh, into, uh, you know, a country that's, uh, poor and has poor nutrition already. All you're going to do is take them from being very thin and, uh, and deprived of the nutrients that they need to making them fat and still deprived of the nutrients that you need.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Cause you don't get any nutrients that you need from eating shitty food. Get fat or die trying. Get fat or die trying you'll be more fatterist than you were before how's the uh get less fatterist facebook group going it's going good people are cranking in there um i'm trying to give out information almost daily uh i've been i've been doing pretty good with that been pretty consistent with that giving people information. The diet is still the same. We haven't changed anything quite a bit, quite yet. But next week we're going to roll into doing the vertical diet. And I've been mentioning to people, you know, try to follow along with some of the stuff that Stan's shared here on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:20:58 He's talked about the vertical diet many times. If you go on my YouTube channel, Stan and Stan and I do a 10 minute walk where he talks about the vertical diet. Um, there's just, it's kind of plastered all over the place. You can also just type in on YouTube, Stan Efferding vertical diet, and you'll find the information that you need, or you can just buy his book. His book's like a hundred bucks. And I realized not everybody has a hundred bucks. So I'm trying to give you some, uh, free options. And then also Stan will give us the information anyway, and I'll be able just to kind of post that and everybody will be able to get to kind of see that. But what I gave people
Starting point is 00:21:29 in the first place anyway, is very similar to the vertical diet. Um, it's just that there's, um, I didn't take into account a lot of the things Stan did with the, uh, like low gas foods and different things. Cause I was just like, you know what vegetables eat them fruit, just eat it. Just want people, I want people just kind of getting used to eating these foods. I want people to get used to shopping. You know, people just, they don't shop, they don't plan ahead. Yeah. They don't meal prep. And there's all things that you, uh, you need to get used to. If you want to be big and you want to have muscle and you want to be strong, you have to continuously figure out a way to feed those muscles. You have to
Starting point is 00:22:05 continuously send the correct signals to your body. If you do cardio, uh, three times a week and you don't meal prep and you're not sleeping very well, you're going to have a body that shows all that your body's going to look like that. Your body's not going to look, you're not going to look like you're sending a signal to your body to be muscular or to have a good body fat percentage. You're going to have a body fat percentage. That's probably not great. You're probably going to be kind of skinny fat. You have to kind of get out in front of it. You got to figure out a way to try to balance, you know, that you got a lot of spinning plates when you're doing a diet and when you're doing hard training, there's a lot of things to kind of think about.
Starting point is 00:22:47 And I wanted this diet to start out very, very easy, but you guys will see as we move along and there's been people that are kind of like begging for the diet to get harder. You won't be begging for that when we get down towards the end because it will, it will get more and more difficult as we move forward. And son. Something I want to talk about today. Guys, make sure you go back and listen to that podcast. It was William Davis. It was spectacular.
Starting point is 00:23:15 It's one of my favorite ones. And then also don't forget all of our stuff here at slingshot is IPF approved. So make sure you check out and make sure you get yourself some knee sleeves and make sure you get yourself some wrist wraps and get protect yourself before you wreck yourself but i want to talk about something so i've been listening to jordan peterson a lot and i'm excited to get him on the podcast i know that we'll get him on here soon enough but um i was listening to some of the stuff that he's been saying and i know some people flip out because Jordan Peterson shares, uh, some political views and Jordan Peterson talked a lot about how he feels that responsibility is like the meaning of life. And, uh, I think that's a really like the really powerful statement, you know, to kind of say like, I know what the meaning of life is. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Um, but if you kind of think about it, the things that you're responsible for, and when you are responsible and when you do follow through with what it is that you are responsible for, or the things that you're supposed to be doing, it makes you feel really good. So if even just something as simple as you made a goal to, um, deadlift, you know, 300 pounds, right? Goals to deadlift 300 pounds. Well, you deadlifted for today. Uh, you trained your back today. You worked really hard or what it was yesterday or two days ago, you did all the things and
Starting point is 00:24:43 you actually ended up picking up 300 pounds for the first time it's with the trap bar we elevated the bar a little bit we're getting there we're working towards it right yeah we're chit we're chipping away no but uh only uh you would have known to to one have used the uh the top handles on the trap bar and then still give me a little like what like a one and a half inch boost or two something yeah right this is small enough to just have me successfully deadlift that right because it fills a straight bar from the ground or whatever and i didn't do it you've seen my reaction when i miss a lift right so not your reaction everybody's like
Starting point is 00:25:15 everyone everyone's upset right yeah but you know that as small as that is on your list of responsibilities what's your responsibility is uh, what's your responsibility is your fiance, your responsibility is your daughter, your responsibilities, your house. I mean, they've got these tremendous responsibilities as small as the, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:35 responsible for, I have this goal in the gym. You took care of that responsibility and it makes you feel good. Yeah. And not only makes you feel good, it makes you feel great. Yeah. For some reason reason that side thing because what's the reward for like taking care of your house there's not one really you know like it's it's rewarding to go home every day to a home that you love and to have things set up and to have people inside of it that you love of course
Starting point is 00:26:02 that's amazing but like those things are like taken for granted because those are things that have um they take a lot it takes a long time to figure out who you're going to be with like all these things they take fucking forever to uh to figure out but it's such a slow progression into all that that you kind of forget about how amazing it truly is so it's not like you go home every day and you're like, Oh, this is fucking awesome. Right. Stephanie, I'm so glad to see you. You jump on her, right?
Starting point is 00:26:30 Yeah. Some days are like that, but for the most part, you know, it doesn't really feel that way. But when you pick up 300 pounds for the first time and you've been working towards it, it does feel that way. You're like, fuck yeah, that was awesome. Yeah. Even if you're not a guy that who celebrates after, not everyone's that way. You're like, fuck yeah, that was awesome. Yeah. Even if you're not a guy that who celebrates
Starting point is 00:26:45 after, not everyone's that guy who wants to fucking, you know, scream or kiss the plates. I've seen people do stuff like that before. Everybody's different with the reactions. You know, some people just, you know, kind of walk away from the weights or, you know, I, I've never really been huge into like, you know, celebrate.
Starting point is 00:27:03 I like to get fired up for the lift and then, you know, usually I, I kind of go up for the lift and then, you know, usually I kind of go on and do my own thing, but the things that you're responsible for, maybe that really is the meaning of life. And maybe that is something that's really, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:16 of, of tremendous value. And when you, you can also kind of look at it this way too. Like, I think a lot of people have felt like useless before in their lives or worthless. Yeah. Um, even some of the most savage people you've ever met have, have felt that way.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Like you just, I don't know. You just feel like a bitch some days. You don't feel like getting off, off the couch. You know, people talk about like depression and these different things. I think everyone has suffered from some form or some slight degree of depression where you just don't feel great about yourself. These things that we're doing in the gym, you can kind of say, you know what? Maybe I'm not the man that my wife wants me to be, or maybe I'm not, you know, the student that my teacher wants me to be. And maybe I'm not the son that my parents
Starting point is 00:28:05 want or whatever, but you know what? I went, I went into the gym and I picked the fucking weight up and I picked it up from the ground and I moved it over to here and I'm, I'm worth something like, and you proved it to yourself. That kind of stuff is like, um, it's hard to put a value on that. It's hard. It's hard for other people to understand it. They don't get it. Yeah. Um, some people don't understand, uh, when somebody won't cheat on their diet. Hey man, you want a piece of cake? It's your birthday.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Nope. Oh, come on. It's not going to kill you. Yeah. Come on. You know, it's not a big deal, but it goes back to the responsibility. Maybe that person in their head, they got this responsibility. They got this goal.
Starting point is 00:28:43 They have this thing that they want to meet. And the satisfaction of not eating the cake is way better than the guilt of eating it. The loss of eating it, you know, it's like a loss. It's like, it's like you put an L up on the scoreboard. You lost that day. You lost that moment. You, you know, you didn't, you didn't win. In order to, in order to really truly win at life at every turn,
Starting point is 00:29:06 you have to be able to try to pick up these victories, um, as much as you possibly can. And at the end of the day, hopefully like 80% of your day looks like a win or a victory, or even sometimes it might only be 60%. Um, but it can't look like 30% and it can't look like 40%. But it can't look like 30% and it can't look like 40%. A loss is waking up late. You lost. Like you lost, not only did you lose, but you lost a chunk of time. So for every day that that happens and by late, I don't mean that you woke up at 10 o'clock. By late, I just simply mean you woke up later than you wanted to wake up.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Um, by late, I just simply mean you woke up later than you wanted to wake up. I think everybody has the discussion or the voice in their head that says, okay, tomorrow morning, I'm waking up at this time. And you kind of plan out your day. I've said before on this podcast, I don't think it's a wise idea to start your day until your day is finished. And that means that you plan ahead. You plan your day, plan your day, the day before, plan your day, the week before, plan your day as far in advance as you can have the day somewhat planned. So you don't lose for
Starting point is 00:30:10 that day. Because if you start to get behind in your day, then you're behind the next day and you're behind the next day and behind the next day. If I get out of here too late, it's going to be hard to get my ass in here tomorrow morning for our squat session. So it's my responsibility going back to the word responsibility to make sure that this day is planned out well enough to where I eat at certain times. I lift at certain times. I set myself up the best possible way to lift at a certain time so I can get out of here at a certain time so I can get back home, at a certain time so i can get back home be with my family get my ass in bed and be ready here at the gym hopefully by like 5 30 or 5 45 to get a little warm-up in and have an awesome squat session yeah so otherwise you know
Starting point is 00:31:00 otherwise you're running around like a chicken with your head cut off and you can't figure out you can't make heads or tails of uh of what you're supposed to be doing. Yeah, because not only are you behind, but you're trying to catch up. So you're kind of letting other things fall apart, too, by trying to make up for what you've lost. It goes back to the piece of bread, doesn't it? Like you ate the piece of bread, but the piece of bread wasn't just a piece of bread. It's a piece of bread in replacement for the steak. You know, it's that 20 minute conversation that you had with somebody that maybe wasn't as meaningful as you getting through your workout.
Starting point is 00:31:37 So like as bad as it sucks that you might not have been able to have that conversation with somebody that conversation can wait for another day because the most important thing is that you get through this workout you kick ass in that workout you get yourself through you get yourself to eat you get yourself to bed you do all the things you need to do and boom your next day is lined up the way that it should be but a lot of times it's not and a lot of times we're we unorganized. A lot of times we're slobs. Everything's fucking all over the place all the time. And we don't take the time to think about it. We don't take the time to really take care of ourselves. Taking care of yourself and being respectful of yourself and respectful of the things around you is a lifelong lesson.
Starting point is 00:32:24 It's something that can constantly evolve. Like for me, like I still have a tendency to like leave my socks all over the place. Like, I don't know. I just, I just like, I get tired of just having my socks on them. I'm taking them off and I take them off and I just leave them wherever they are. There's so much work to bend down to get them though. It's stupid, right? Like just throw, just, you know, chuck it, chuck it away.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Right. So it's little things like that that end up kind of shaping you and they end up making you. And, um, like even here in, in, in the office, you know, you walk by something and it's somebody, uh, somebody, you know, went to throw a can out or something and they missed the garbage. And maybe they didn't recognize they missed the garbage or maybe they did, whatever. There's something on the ground. You bend boom you pick it up it's not yours but it's kind of everybody's responsibility to make the place nice we all work here let's keep it and we don't want uh we don't want stuff to be disgusting we don't want stuff to be all over the place right we want the fridge to be like well kept and otherwise you know you don't you don't want
Starting point is 00:33:22 to put your own food in there this is gross i'm not putting my food in here yeah it's like uh you know your your um i guess i'll say your speech about cutting corners right it's one of my favorite things that you've ever said i love that thing where uh if you can can you re re say that for me real quick i can that'd be great i think people need to hear it we have some new subscribers it's one of the like for me's one of the most motivating things that I've heard you say because it makes the most sense. Yeah, you know, each and every day we have these corners and, you know, a lot of times in seminars and stuff, I'll do like a demonstration. I'll kind of walk it. I'll walk around in basically a circle. But, you know, each and every day we have these corners, um, that we kind of need that we need
Starting point is 00:34:05 to get around. And a lot of times people want to try to take the shortcut. So what happens is you're a smart, rational person. Most of us are, are, are rational people. Maybe we're not that smart, but most of us are kind of rational people. So, you know, we don't want to get to work late because we know our, that'll piss off our boss. So we have every intention of getting to work on time. Uh, something happens in the morning. Let's say, let's say for example, actually usually, usually things start to cascade like beforehand, way before that. So maybe, uh, you're trying to catch up on it on the season of walking dead and you watched the show
Starting point is 00:34:46 before you went to bed, you went to bed a little bit later than you wanted to. And, uh, turns out you don't remember your alarm clock going off in the morning, but it did at some point. And you woke up 20 minutes past when you thought it was going to go off. Well, now you got to rush your kids to school and, uh, you know, they, uh, they woke up later because you woke up later and now you have a whole nother stress going on. They're trying to eat. You're trying to get them out the door. Uh, maybe because, uh, because they're later than normal, maybe they can't ride their bike to school. Now you got to drop them off. Well, now here you go. Boom. You're late to work. So there's corner number one that you're cutting, right?
Starting point is 00:35:26 You had every intention that day of training, but because you got late to work, now you're working your ass off all day at work. You're trying to kind of make up time. You forgot to bring your food with you that you wanted to bring. So now you go to Chipotle and you have a burrito. Boom. You just, you just cut another corner because you wanted to eat better that day. You wanted to win the day.
Starting point is 00:35:48 You wanted to try to make some changes in your diet and you can't, right? You ate Chipotle, you ate something you didn't want. Now you're feeling guilt from that. Now you're also starting to feel exhausted because you had a bunch of junk that you didn't want to have in the first place. So you're, uh, you're uh you're you're on your way home and you have every intention of working out but you're like you know what this just doesn't make any sense for me to lift today i am so damn tired shoot you cut that corner and
Starting point is 00:36:16 you keep cutting corners and cutting corners and cutting corners until finally you are just spiraling you're just going in a circle and you are having a lot of movement and a lot of activity without moving forward at all and you're like man i'm really working my ass off and like fuck my boss and screw this and screw that like i'm working so hard and i'm no one even cares no one i'm not getting a raise i'm not getting any recognition and it's like yeah well you're you're working, but you're not working very efficiently. You're not more productive.
Starting point is 00:36:48 You're not more valuable than you were last year, last week. So you, you're, therefore you're not going to get a raise. It doesn't make any sense. That's the only way. That's the only way, uh, to get more money is to be worth more, right? You have to figure out a way to become more valuable. And I see people cutting corners and I, you know, I'm not just saying people, I'm, I would lump myself in there as well.
Starting point is 00:37:14 We all cut corners. And when you think about each part of the day, actually being really important, um, everything, everything is significant. Everything has a value to it and when you start to recognize that when you start to really recognize this factor which is the fuck your elbow factor you know i i made that video a long time ago that's a video that stuck with a lot of people it's a video that that helped change a lot of people's lives when they heard me they heard me say it and um i'll read it right here and it's basically just you know it was in response to um it was in response to uh you know somebody kind of making fun of the fact that um i if i lift uh regardless of how i feel and And I said, you know what, like if, if your elbow hurts,
Starting point is 00:38:06 just say, fuck your elbow and get in there and train anyway. It was basically the gist of it. And I, at that time I was really frustrated because people kept talking about the central nervous system and they kept talking about how, you know, they feel fried for their workouts and stuff. And I just thought it was stupid. Cause I'm like, you you know what your central nervous system from lifting should be should be somewhat fine because you lift every day you work out every day you lifting is what you do so if we all of a sudden just played basketball out of nowhere or if we all of a sudden out of nowhere um uh did some like uh navy seal training yeah, of course we would be wrecked. That would kill us. Or if we did a CrossFit workout, that would make sense. Okay. Yeah. Your nervous system's fried, your muscular system, like everything, all your systems are fried,
Starting point is 00:38:53 everything's shot. That would make sense. But if you power lift or you bodybuild consistently, you shouldn't need, you shouldn't need a lot of days off. Um, obviously you're going to need some rest here and there, but, um, anyone who's been doing it for a long of days off. Um, obviously you're going to need some rest here and there, but, um, anyone who's been doing it for a long period of time knows that, you know, having a little bit of rest is not going to save your shoulder,
Starting point is 00:39:12 your elbow, uh, taking one training session off is not going to do shit. It just won't, it won't be enough. You'd have to take like months off and who wants to do that? Cause you're, you want to keep training.
Starting point is 00:39:23 And so, yeah, I was just really frustrated. And I, I was just kind of basically saying like, people are using these excuses or using the excuse of the central nervous system to skip out on workouts. Um, and then I made this statement here, which is, you know, we're all hit, we're all head towards pain. We were all going to die. Um, we'll all be in a lot of pain. It's all coming our way. It's inevitable. It's part of life. But in the meantime, you might as well live your life like a fucking savage and live your life the way that you want to live. And that's a statement that
Starting point is 00:39:57 I made. And that's something that I live by. And it goes back to all the stuff that I was saying earlier about the importance of your day-to-day if you understand that life is going to be fucking miserable and you're going to deal with a lot of pain and that you're going to fucking die in the end you're going to do all this shit in your life and then you're going to your payment at the end is that you fucking die that's what happens so you're no longer here and usually for most of us before we're no longer here we go through a lot of pain end up in a hospital or some shit and like you know if we're lucky enough we can just die in our sleep or die die at home or die and i mean i'd rather die in some fucking
Starting point is 00:40:36 crazy accident than to die um you know than to die in some stupid ass hospital you know like that just seems that just seems awful but with that, uh, suffering is coming our way, maybe it will force you to take your days more seriously. And maybe it would force you to kind of structure your days a little bit more. I'm not saying you gotta be like really insanely organized or, or, um, that you have to change who you are because I'm not organized myself. I don't, you know, I don't really like, I don't write a lot of stuff down myself i don't you know i don't really like i don't write a lot of stuff down i don't keep track of a lot of things i i try to keep track of in my head maybe i'll write something down on my phone here and there i do a lot of like voice
Starting point is 00:41:13 notes and stuff but um i still stay on top of shit and i still figure out a way to try to get out in front of things and when it comes, when it comes to this philosophy of recognizing that there's just going to be a lot of bullshit in your life, it'll, it'll force you, it'll force you to recognize that there's no reason for you to sit around and say that you can't do this. You can't do that. You possess the ability to get better. You possess the ability to almost do anything within reason. You know, some people say, I do anything for your mind to, well, not, not really. It can't really do anything if you put your mind to it. Cause you have a, um, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:57 You have like a predisposition towards certain things. Like I, I couldn't be in the NBA. Like it's not going to happen. Like not now. Right. Like how would I, how would that, I can't figure out a feasible way that that would make any sense to be able to do that there's certain going to be certain limitations that you have at certain at certain points but when it you know when it comes to understanding that there there are going to be days uh that
Starting point is 00:42:24 are going to be tough there's going to be things, uh, that are going to be tough. There's going to be things that happen in your life that suck. People are going to die. Um, you're going to get sick. I mean, all these things are, are, are coming our way at some point. And then it, it can make you realize, look, you know what? Maybe I should like acquire more skill. Maybe I should learn more shit. Um, most people don't learn anything until something really bad happens. And, and that's, I mean, that's, that's kind of like a fact of life. Like that just happens. You're, you're forced up against a wall and then you learn something. Uh, my brother died and then I created the slingshot.
Starting point is 00:43:00 The slingshot invention was already in my head though. It was already there. slingshot the slingshot invention was already in my head though it was already there but when he passed it made me recognize look yeah there is a lot of suffering in life there's a lot of shit that's going to happen in this world that i'm having control over and i might as well get off my ass and start moving i might as well start i might as well start my life the way that i want my life to be i might as well just do it right now. It makes no sense to wait around. It makes no sense to, I mean, part of the whole way everything got, everything took off in the first place was because when my brother passed,
Starting point is 00:43:35 I had no control over what happened. I always knew that he was going to die young. I always knew that that was going to be the case just because of the way he lived his life and i said to myself you know whenever he does die i'm going to try to carry on some of the characteristics that he had that's all you can do when someone dies you know when someone dies it's a way that you can kind of pay back uh to them or a way that they can kind of live on through your spirit or however you want to put it but when he passed i was like you know what that motherfucker he took he didn't take shit from anybody he never let anybody tell him what he could and couldn't do even my own dad uh you know my brother came home from uh uh college football and he came home and he told my dad he's like i'm
Starting point is 00:44:20 gonna quit school and i'm gonna become a professional wrestler and my dad's like not in my house you're not he's like you know you need to go do and I'm going to become a professional wrestler. And my dad's like, not in my house. You're not. He's like, you know, you need to go do that kind of shit on your own. I don't, you know, I don't agree with that. I don't know why my dad said that, but my dad did. I think my dad just wanted him to get a job. Basically. My dad's like, look, you're not going to school anymore.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Why don't you get a job? That's the way my dad was to him. That's the way his dad was to him. And so I think that that's what he thought was the right thing to do. My brother moved out and three weeks later, he was on TV wrestling for WWF. And so, uh, you know, that was a lesson that I learned. And I'm like, you know what, you know, when he passed, I was like, you know, these, all these people that have already told me that the slingshot thing's not going to work and
Starting point is 00:45:01 that it doesn't make any sense. Um, there's no reason to listen to that that doesn't there's no reason for me to um for me to adhere to what they're saying they don't know me they don't know uh they don't know how hard i'm willing to work to make this thing happen and at the time i would just kind of like went to people kind of hoping and praying that they would help me almost you know like i got this idea i don't know what to do with it. What do you think? And I thought I would just kind of turn the idea over to somebody and they'd say, okay, well, you know, we're going to make it and do this. And then you get like 50%, but like nothing will ever work out that way. Uh, that would never make any sense.
Starting point is 00:45:39 And I'm glad it didn't. No, I know. I know. I'm glad, glad it didn't either. You know, um, it didn't no i know i know i know i'm glad i'm glad it didn't either you know um that would have been that would have been horrible right yeah how before you go how much of your uh like your your life at that point was consumed by trying to get the slingshot off the ground um meaning like uh because you didn't have like a real job at that time, right? No, no. So it was just lifting family stuff. And then how much of the rest of the day was slingshot, like pushing basically? Yeah. You know, it was, it was a lot. It consumed a lot of me.
Starting point is 00:46:16 It was something I thought about constantly and it was, it consumed me. I was really frustrated. I mean, I was really, really pissed about it for a while because I was trying to figure out how to get it made and then I got it made and then, um, it wasn't the way that I wanted it to be made. So I had it, I had a prototype of exactly what I wanted. And then when I took the prototype to try to get it made, um, it was a disaster. Um, and I, I don't know. I just didn't really realize that thing things i didn't know how anything worked so you know i was uh the first order that i did was like 500 worth or something um they kind of sell you on the fact that you need to get a certain amount
Starting point is 00:46:58 of them and i was like fuck man i don't have 500 bucks and so i got them made and they were terrible they were terrible. They were like, it was almost like an ace bandage material. Like it wasn't much stronger than that, but it still worked. Um, it still did the job in some way. And so it still, uh, allowed me to kind of keep going forward. But the other thing was too, is they smelled really bad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Cause they were, yeah. Cause they were dyed this weird, like they smelled really bad. Yeah. That's what I've heard. Yeah. Cause they were dyed this weird, like they were dyed red and then it would make your body red too. They'd make your skin all red. Like Burdick, when he was talking to the, the, to the whole team without you guys, he was, he said how bad they smelled. Oh, they reeked. He said they were awful.
Starting point is 00:47:40 It just smelled. So I don't, I can't even even describe i can't even describe what they smelled like but it's reeked yeah and then andy and i tried to wash them because we're like oh maybe we can get the color out of them so we washed them and uh and we dried them and we did a bunch of shit to them but then it broke our washer oh no you know it was just like kind of one blunder after another and i was just like um i't have, I didn't have anybody that could help me at the time. You know, now I have a whole team of people and I can say, Hey, Joey, I need you to, you know, reach out to this person and get them for the podcast. And she can,
Starting point is 00:48:14 you know, contact them and we could have them here in a month, you know? Um, and so at that time I didn't, I didn't have anything like that. I didn't know where to go. My wife didn't really know how to help me. Um, I talked to my dad a lot about it and stuff, but he, he didn't know. He didn't have any idea what I was talking, like no one knew what I was talking about. Like, cause it's new, it's different. It's an invention. I created a product that didn't exist before. So it's like, you know, where do you go with it?
Starting point is 00:48:38 So yeah, it consumed a lot of my time. It consumed a lot of my, a lot of my hours. a lot of my time. It consumed a lot of my, a lot of my hours. I actually, um, had a whole nother room in my, uh, when I lit with my wife and I lived in Woodland. And, uh, when we first moved to Woodland, we lived at my brother-in-law cause we couldn't afford to get a house on our own. So we, my brother-in-law and my wife, uh, signed, signed for the house. And, uh, my brother-in-law moved out um you know he lived with us for like a year and then he got a different job and he moved out and when he moved out that was like my r&d room that was like it had uh knee wraps and wrist wraps and bench shirts and squat
Starting point is 00:49:18 suits in there and i used to go in there all the time and just mess around with these wraps and stretch them and i mean there's all kinds of weird stuff. I'd like mummify myself. I just take a, uh, a wrap and I would, um, like rather than like wrapping my knee, I would just like wrap my whole leg just to kind of see what it would do. I, I took wraps and then I would wrap it like in, in like a, almost like a, uh, like, like a underwear type of thing. Like I'd wrap it all like around both legs and then like, like kind, almost like a, uh, like, like an underwear type of thing, like I'd wrap it all like around both legs and then like, like kind of around my butt and stuff to see if it would
Starting point is 00:49:50 like be something for squatting. You definitely have pictures of this, right? No pants on or anything. Yeah. Yeah. Wrapping it around my neck and whacking off and everything else. There you go. Now, the reason why I had asked about like how much of your time did it consume or time and energy is because you hear, well, I've heard of people like, oh, I want to be a, I don't know, I'll just say professional wrestler or I want to be a photographer or whatever it is. They say this and then they go play video games or they just kind of dick around. They don't like spend like nowhere near enough time and energy or focus on the, their set goal. Yeah. So like by you saying like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:50:27 it consumed like everything. Like, cause I know that's what it is for me with photography. Like every waking hour that I had was free. It was consumed by trying to be a, you know, a full-time photographer. It was,
Starting point is 00:50:39 uh, yeah, it was constant. It was day and night. I mean, I remember coming, even coming home from the gym and then messing around with the wrap some more. And it wasn't always slingshot driven. It was just and night. I mean, I remember coming, even coming home from the gym and then messing around with the rap some more.
Starting point is 00:50:45 And it wasn't always slingshot driven. It was just like more like just messing around with stuff. And that's why, you know, here at work, I mean, I said it, I think last week in a, uh, during, uh, our, one of our, uh, meetings, you know, I said, I don't, I don't like everyone to just work all the time, you know, and Smokey kind of laughed. Cause I know that we create a lot of work here and there's a lot of responsibilities, a lot of things to do, but you need to do other stuff. That's when you get, you know, some people are like, oh man, I think of the best stuff when I'm taking a dump. Right. Because, because now, I mean, you had five seconds to yourself, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:51:21 And now is when you think of something, or when you go to Bodega bay and you look at the ocean you start thinking of weird stuff maybe something hits you from uh you think about some thing that you liked when you were seven years old some toy that you liked that you got at christmas or something you think of something crazy yeah something crazy hits you but maybe that sparks something reminds you of something something else, and you're like, oh, man, like, it would be cool if I could capture this in a photo, or it'd be cool, like, it might make me think of a new invention, or, you know, who the hell knows what it does, but it does weird shit to you. Yeah, no, it was funny. You can't get that from working.
Starting point is 00:51:58 No, and when we got to the beach house, I actually, I looked out, and I'm like, oh, wait, I'm trying to, I want to capture this photo right here. And I delivered them to everybody on the team for one of the new jackets that we're coming out with pretty soon. But you're right, I couldn't have thought of that photo unless I was away from work. I ended up turning it into a little bit of work, but that's just so we can all write off the beach house because we got some photos done there. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Yeah. And speaking of things that hit you out of nowhere, when I was watching A Leaf of Faith, there's a scene where you're squatting and I can see my flashes going off. So technically my camera was in the movie, but I wasn't. But I had met Chris and I didn't even know it because it was like the second time i shot for the gym and so i'm like meeting everybody for the first time or whatever that's cool and like i didn't even recognize him and like i was telling him about it yesterday and he was getting a kick out of it he's like oh well like and i was like it hit me all at once all of a sudden when i seen your movie that i had met you already without even knowing it you just saw it the other day i saw a couple weeks back or months
Starting point is 00:53:10 back i should say um but it was funny because i was just telling him yesterday when he was here but when you just said something hits you all of a sudden that's what i was thinking of because i'm like dude out of nowhere like it just like the whole like lost memory came back when I seen that scene in the movie. Yeah. Isn't that, it's weird when that happens. Yeah, man. You know, yeah, it did consume every day. It took a lot of time and it, it took a lot of like, I mean, I remember going to, I used to go to Starbucks every day.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I'd go to Starbucks and then my wife would work out at the gym that was right down the street from there. I wasn't really down the street. It was like next to Starbucks and then my wife would work out at the gym that was right down the street from there. I wasn't really down the street. It was like next to Starbucks basically. And she would work out with her friends and I would sit there and I'd just, I don't know, write stuff down. I'd look at videos on YouTube and I would just like think it's now what I kind of just call my personal development time where I just sit there and work on stuff. I work on trying to make myself yeah uh more betterest more smarterest i know you said you you'd get kind of frustrated or pissed off but in the moment did you appreciate this like the the journey the struggle no no i was just frustrated frustrated yeah there was times
Starting point is 00:54:15 when like i was taking like any photography job and i'm working on shit or going to like kind of like uh personal development just to watch like youtube where I'm like, I know someday this is going to pay off. I don't know how I knew it, but I knew it was. Right. So in that moment, I was like, this kind of sucks. But at the same time, this is kind of cool because one day I'll look back and be like, damn, I took any amount of money to shoot like a kid's birthday party just so I can keep working. Right. But that's cool, man.
Starting point is 00:54:46 I just kind of kept chasing it. Yeah. I just kind of kept chasing it. And like, um, you know, every, every day I would just kind of tell myself that I could, that I'm going to figure out a way to do it. And, uh, I just remember, you know, I was really frustrated and I actually just told my wife, I was like, you know, I, i guess i need to stop being frustrated and just understand that like you can't help me with it my dad can't help me with it my brother can't help me with it
Starting point is 00:55:09 i just need to help myself and kind of when i said that out loud i was like yeah that's that's it that's like the right thing to do that's what i need to do because she was like how do i help you seem so frustrated about it you know and i was like i don't i just kind of told her i don't think you can you know i think that's just something because it's my idea, it's my creation and I need to, I need to communicate it better with what I'm looking for. And then, so it actually, in all, in all reality, none of it took very long, you know, looking back at it. Um, but the entire like process from start to finish probably did take like four years because i had the idea for a long time but i sat on it for i you know i had was told it was a bad idea many times
Starting point is 00:55:51 and so i was like okay well maybe it is a bad idea and then my brother passed and then it took a little bit while after that uh that you know the idea started i i think i've told this story before but i had a dream um and my my brother was in the dream, but I don't know, it was weird. I woke up, and it seemed like he whispered in my ear, and I just heard the word think. I still don't even know. I don't know what happened on that day, and I've had other people tell me they've had similar experiences when they've had people die, that they had just these weird things that they can't explain. die uh that they had just these weird like things that they can't explain whether it was you're visited by a fucking ghost or whether it was just a dream or a nightmare or whatever you want to call it um it was like from that moment on that all that kind of got kick-started and uh i just
Starting point is 00:56:37 i woke up with chills i didn't know what was going on i was like in a panic like my heart was racing and i was like what the fuck i mean it seemed like he was there, you know, and I know you, I don't think he was there, but, uh, it really did seem like he was there. And, um, I don't know what think meant. I didn't, you know, I didn't know what it meant, but if you're, if you're in my house and you're sitting down and watching, watching TV, if you just look to the left, there's a, there's a, uh, like a plaque there. It just says think on it.
Starting point is 00:57:05 So next time you see that. I haven't recognized it, or maybe I saw it and didn't realize. Yeah, next time you see it, you'll kind of know what it's there for. Dang. That's dope. Yeah. Yep. You know, a lot of these things, you're going to have people that tell you that you can't do it.
Starting point is 00:57:23 And you hear people all the time saying that you've got you gotta like fight through it and all this stuff but i mean you really do and it has to be something that you have to um it has to be part of your everyday process that you are not allowing what other people say to bother you or to slow you down if you know something's right you know i i try to tell people you know follow that gut feeling follow your heart and don't always follow your head um even with something as simple as uh what we have coming up in a few days a sale that we're running you know um and he's like i don't know if we can do that sale and i'm like well we can do whatever we want you know of course of course we can do it she's like well i don't know if it worked out like
Starting point is 00:58:08 logistically and i'm like you know what that's not a that's not a good way to think like that's people that have uh and obviously a sale from slingshot is not going to change the world but uh people that have changed the world are people that have weird thoughts you know like uh elon musk wants to colonize mars right like what like how many people have talked about that in the history of the world before you know or how many people have maybe there's been maybe there's been like a hundred people that have talked about it maybe there's been scientists that have talked about it over the years but who's set forth any action towards it he's probably like pretty much the only guy maybe him and maybe jeff bezos like there's anyway it's a short list right but these people say stuff
Starting point is 00:58:55 that's off the wall right and then they go out and they go out and they figure out a way to do it do you think like like heads of other companies who are equally crazy or kind of like a silenced by like, uh, the, like the board or whatever that they work for or that they basically built? Cause you don't, I mean, there's other big companies, but you don't really hear anybody saying some crazy shit like that. Yeah, I think so. I think, um, you know, people, uh, you have to, you have to have to drown out you know i've said this in the
Starting point is 00:59:27 seminar that we did the other day you got to drown out the noise of drown out the noise of basically all the kind of haters all the people that are going to tell you that you can't do it all the bitchers and whiners and all those people and you have to listen to the sound of your own voice the sound of your own voice usually leads sound of your own voice usually leads you. Usually like the first instinct that you have to do something, usually it's right. And then what do you end up doing later on? You're so mad at yourself. You're like, why did I let that happen?
Starting point is 00:59:54 I know, like, I know better than that. Like you're like, you're pissed at yourself. Like, why did I listen to anybody else? I should have just done that my way. Yeah. I knew that would have worked out better. It's like you set yourself up for some reason you, you're thinking like something's going to be better if you do it this
Starting point is 01:00:09 different way. And you're always pissed about it. Yeah. Call them the dream killers. Remember? But, uh, I was,
Starting point is 01:00:16 I think it was Tate Fletcher when he was talking about taking acting classes, how he was willing to go as far as like exit, like purposely falling to like twist an ankle. So he couldn't go up on stage to like uh whatever do like a improv or whatever it was but he's like man i can't believe i'm willing to go through all that just to get out of something that i want to do like you know to talk himself out of it and just that's actually really it's actually crazy i know it does
Starting point is 01:00:40 sound crazy but it's actually really normal like you, you want to fail to justify the fact that you're not trying, you know, right. You want to, you want to like, um, and I think that's like, that's really common of like, and Tate Fletcher is like an older, he's an older guy, but like, it's a, um, really common trait of like an immature soul of someone that's a little bit like immature or or they're immature or new to like what they're doing you know and it's scary yeah acting or that kind of stuff is like that's scary I used to kind of I didn't feel the same way I wasn't as powerful but I used to feel that way about wrestling sometimes um a lot of times when
Starting point is 01:01:25 we would do like our promos and stuff and they would say you know uh they'd be like you know they'd point to like Cena or something they say you got three minutes and you're gonna wrestle smelly and get up there and talk and then he'd go up and talk and he would do really well and then maybe the guy after him would do really well and the guy after him and I'd start thinking oh like like I wish I was like first or second or like i halfway wanted to be first but then i'm like ah being first kind of sucks like like whatever position you're in is not good enough right because you're just thinking and then you're thinking oh if i'm last it's really gonna suck but it really doesn't matter
Starting point is 01:01:57 you know no matter when you go you're still gonna suck probably either way i always felt going second was best because you let the first guy whether whether he does good or not, you can at least see like the tone and how it's accepted. Like if he's way off and people laugh at him, you can be like, okay, I can't do what that guy did. Yeah. At least he, at least he kind of broke the ice a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. Cause if, but if you wait too long, then you let the anxiety build up, you get nervous and then you end up pooping your pants. I used to feel that way sometimes about even football practice. I remember in my entire football career, I played football from the time I was probably like 10
Starting point is 01:02:32 until I was probably like 20, so a decade. I never missed one practice ever for any reason. I went to practice sick. I went to practice hurt. I went to practice her. I went to pride, you know, just a lot of, a lot of other people do it too.
Starting point is 01:02:49 But, um, my point is, is like, I always wanted to like, I like halfway through, I was always like, man,
Starting point is 01:02:57 I can't believe we're doing this again today. Or this is going to suck when we do these running drills, or this is going to suck when we go and do this. And I was always like, man, I just want to like have an ankle injury. Like just to sideline you yeah so i don't need to do these sprints or like i'd rather you know even just fake something but i never did i just always it was always in my head because like you'd see other people do it you know so-and-so's knees
Starting point is 01:03:20 bother like you always have the guy on the team like something's bothering him every time you're like well fuck and you're like i just want to i just want to be like that guy for a minute right i want to just not do all these exercises right now yeah i played baseball and like soccer and basketball and whatever uh i never played football but it was always awesome when like uh it was an outdoor sport when it got rained out like ah there's no practice today like fuck yeah because i don't want to go today you know i mean it was every day but sport when it got rained out like ah there's no practice today like fuck yeah because i didn't want to go today yeah i mean it was every day but yeah when something got canceled it was like oh this is awesome and that led to you know being an adult when like plans fall through and
Starting point is 01:03:54 nobody can come over or whatever and like okay cool i get to be home alone again i don't know why that is just want to sit home and play video games. Super Mario Brothers 3 with my fiance. Some of my point of all this with the, you know, fuck your elbow speech and some of the other stuff I shared today is I think, you know, we should all be desperate to learn. And whenever you have the time, you ever have the opportunity to learn something that could advance your life, then you should really just try to grab a hold of it and fucking run for the hills. Cause there's a lot of great people to learn from. There's a lot of great information out there. There's a lot of great things that we can acquire and they, just the simple act of learning can help change your life. And I never understood any of those lessons when I was in school. You know, maybe I would have liked learning better if I understood some of that, but I didn't, I didn't know anything. I didn't really understand any of that. And the things that you learn in school, a lot of things, you know, obviously weren't,
Starting point is 01:04:52 weren't of, weren't of interest to me. Um, but you almost need, um, you almost need some desperation to learn. And in my opinion, a great way to have the desperation is to know that pain and suffering is coming our way. So you might as well learn and grow and do stuff. Now do the things that you want to do now. Stop talking about having a better body and start working on it. Uh, stop talking about being stronger and start working on it. Stop talking about, uh, this class or the seminar or this thing that you want to go do. And just, you want to come to super training gym, fucking come to super training gym. Um, you know, and I, I, I say the same thing
Starting point is 01:05:31 all the time. I want to make sure people understand I'm guilty of all these things too. That's how I'm able to speak upon them, you know, and I used to be worse, but I continue to get better. You know, if I had to give myself a grade, I would say 10 years ago, I was like a four, you know, and now I'm maybe like a six and I'm hoping that someday in my life, I get to be like an eight, you know, I'll never be perfect, but hopefully at some point, you know, I'm trying to get better at kind of everything, uh, as, as best as I possibly can. Um, but you know, a really good way to kind of see where you are is to kind of look around and not really see what other people are doing, but it's important to observe
Starting point is 01:06:13 what other people are doing, but don't let that put you in the wrong spot because that's not your place. Your place is not to compare yourself to others the most important person to compare yourself to is yourself it's like my dad the other day he was talking about how he lost i think 25 or 30 pounds and he's like you know he's like i've lost some weight but you know there's these other guys that lost you know people go on the keto diet and they lose 50 pounds or whatever i'm like dad people that lose 50 pounds are normally 300 pounds. Like, you're not a big guy. You know, he started out weighing like 230. Now he weighs like 198.
Starting point is 01:06:50 I'm like, you're not a big guy. And I, you know, he's a numbers guy too. Yeah. I'm like. Well, that makes sense. I'm like, you dumbass. I'm like, you realize you lost 15% of your body weight. And that if you lose like 10 or 12 more pounds, it'll be 20% of your body weight.
Starting point is 01:07:03 That's fucking crazy. That's a lot. Yeah. That's fucking crazy. That's a lot. Yeah. That's a, that's a huge amount. 20% of your body weight is huge. And most people, uh, a lot of their results, a lot of their, not results, but a lot of their markers for health improve. Even people that are really heavy, a lot of their markers for health improve with the
Starting point is 01:07:21 first 10% of body weight that they lose. for health improve with the first 10% of body weight that they lose. So if you're 300 pounds and you were able to lose, uh, 30 pounds, which unfortunately some people may not even notice on somebody that big, you know, not trying to chop people down here, but that's kind of the truth. You go from 300 to 270. Some people might notice, some people may not, but your markers for health would improve a lot. That's what makes this game so hard though.
Starting point is 01:07:48 And that's what makes training so hard. It's like, these things do take time. And I told my dad, I'm like, well, what do you want to weigh? And he's like, I'd love to weigh 185. I'm like, that's, that's so, you're so close. He was like, yeah, the other day I was thinking about giving it all up. I'm like, for what? Oh no.
Starting point is 01:08:09 It doesn't make any sense. He goes, no, no. He's like, it's the other day i was thinking about giving it all up like for what oh no it doesn't make any sense he goes no no he's like i'm not gonna give up but he's like i was like why am i even bothering he's like i he goes i don't know i'm not i'm not getting gaining any more muscle and i said well i said you know first of all i said you're 70 so gaining muscle is going to be hard not that it can't happen but it's going to be tough and i said you know building muscle is going to be hard. Not that it can't happen, but it's going to be tough. And I said, you know, building muscle is very specific. Um, you and I have been working on specific muscle groups to try to bring up, but like how specific has it been and how hard have we been working? Hard. We've been working hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:40 We've been like really, really getting after it. And I can say that, you know, during that contest prep that I did, I think my arms got better. Um, your arms certainly have gotten a lot better. And I noticed actually in both of us, our backs are getting bigger. I've never really had like a lot of, especially strong benchers have these fucking really wide, thick backs. And I was just looking the other day, I'm checking myself out in the mirror and I'm like oh shit like the back's coming in i've always had you know big traps and some things like that like so some people listening are like jesus christ like mark's pretty jacked what's he bitching about it's it's uh it's just in comparison to like you know uh probably people that i shouldn't be
Starting point is 01:09:20 comparing myself to but you know when i when you look at your physique it's pretty easy to point out where you think you're weak you were saying you you want your stomach to be better right yeah you look at these different areas i want my dick to be bigger you look at these different wait what how can it get any how can it get any larger than this hey you were naked in malibu in the same room as me wait what, what? Yep. Oh yeah. Multiple times. I was, that was weird. It was all right. It was for a shoot that we were doing.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Yeah, exactly. I don't think he needed any help. I mean, I was not staring. It was directly. Warm that day? It was warm and wet that day. It was. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:04 You could smell the ocean in the background. Or was it the foreground? Yeah. You know, I just said earlier, a guy was making fun of Jessica. I was walking by her office. She was chomping down on a burrito. And it's great because we've fat shamed Jessica to the point where she's gotten fit and gotten in good shape. And now we're like, we're fit shaming her. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:25 We're like, what are you doing being so skinny? You have a powerlifting meet coming up. I'm like, you got to fatten up. And Marcus is like, what's going on over there? He's like, he's because Marcus is her coach. And he's like, she needs to fatten up. And I'm like, that's what I'm trying to tell her. She needs to fatten up.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Yeah. If, if, uh, he weighs her every time she walks into the gym and if she weighs under a certain weight, she's not allowed to lift. That's great. That's amazing. Well, we stuffed her with a burrito today. And she's eating this burrito as I'm walking by her office. And she has a mouthful of burrito.
Starting point is 01:10:55 And she's like, Marcus made me eat it. Whatever. And I'm just looking at her. And I'm like, I don't know. I said something about her. I said something because her nickname is the fertile female, which I think she might've gave herself, but I don't, I don't remember how it happened, but I think it might've just been a YouTube comment.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Uh, there you go. Yeah. I think you're right. I think it was a YouTube comment. And then she put it like as her like phone thing. So like, if I go to like, um, airdrop, airdrop something to her, it pops up for a female and, uh, airdrop, airdrop something to her, it pops up for a female. And, uh, oh, and then, uh, her headphones were sank to my phone too.
Starting point is 01:11:33 And so Andy's looking at my phone one day on the, on the airplane. She's like, who is the fertile female? I'm like, I don't, I'm like, I don't know. I'm like, oh shit. I'm like, that's Jessica. I don't know how they got there. I promise. She's like, what?
Starting point is 01:11:45 I was like, ah, it's a long story. But anyway, I was, you know, messing with Jessica and I said, oh, I said, you know, there's a lot of fertile female fans or something. She goes, the fertile female smell is in the air. And I was like, oh. I was like, that's disgusting. What are you doing? I was like, what do you mean the smell is in the air? Like, you can't say that. It's so funny. She'll say stuff'll say stuff and then be like oh nope i'm about to get roasted for that one
Starting point is 01:12:09 like she'll catch herself sometimes she says some really uh really funny stuff it's funny too because she's not she's definitely not like ditzy it's not like a ditzy comment it's not like she says the wrong thing she just sometimes says something and it you know, we're all a bunch of perverts in here and stuff too. So that doesn't help. It happens. It does. It happens. We were talking about your back.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Building up those lats. I was just saying how specific it is to, you know, and, and my dad, you know, talking about how, you know, he's comparing himself to other people and I'm kind of trying to get him to hone in and compare himself to the most important part person which is himself and his the only other time he's been under like uh well i think when he i think when he got married to my mother i think he weighed like 210 so that was a long ass time ago he now weighs 198 pounds and then the next thing that he says he's like i feel better now at 70 than i did when i was 30 and i'm like well what are you complaining about you know i'm like that that that's a huge statement because that's a uh a lifetime ago and then some you know that's that's uh 40 years ago i mean that's crazy, I'm, you know, I'm in my 40s. So it's like, that's a me ago, right?
Starting point is 01:13:27 Like he was, he had, I was probably around when he was when, or being born ish or somewhere around there when he was 30. And he's saying he feels better now than he did then. Damn. Mainly just from like three months of diet and exercise. It's fucking crazy. It's i mean how quickly you think he like downplays it to just try to um i don't know what would be the word here but uh to try not to make it a big deal so that way he doesn't like um i don't feel too vulnerable if somebody else were to be like oh that's not that much yeah i don't i don't know
Starting point is 01:14:02 you know kind of like worried about what people are gonna say even though they're not saying it type of thing yeah i don't know i don't know like i don't know um i don't have a good idea on like how competitive my dad is in like that sense you know i don't know like but he obviously he must be he must be aware of it otherwise yeah yeah yeah i know people say that stuff all the time i don't know why um i did it yesterday or was it yesterday when i i posted my uh my 300 pound deadlift but i was like i know it's off of a trap bar and i know it's off of blocks but it still felt incredible but like looking back at it i don't really have to like admit that i don't know i guess i was just worried about people saying like, oh, well next time try a straight bar off the ground.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Right. Like, Hey, leave me alone. Imaginary person. Yeah. It's just like, uh, yeah, it just feels great to, uh, feels great to pick up those big weights and you just want to like kind of leave it at that, but it's hard. Right. It's hard to leave it at that. Cause you, you are kind of concerned about, um, what people, what people are going to say. Yeah. Anyway, you know, I think if you can,
Starting point is 01:15:10 you want to try to find, uh, you know, to kind of wrap all this up, you want to try to find, unless there's some questions over there, but you want to try to find some meaning in what you're doing, you know, what's, what's the meaning of it? What, like, why, you know, why are you doing, you know, what's, what's the meaning of it? What, like, why, you know, why are you doing, why are you doing what you're doing? And, you know, those people that, uh, those people that can figure out, you know, why they're doing something, um, not, it doesn't even have to be that specific on why they're doing, but if you can figure out why you're doing something, a lot of times you can go at it a lot harder. Um, maybe you, maybe you don't know why you're doing something cause you haven't learned
Starting point is 01:15:46 it yet. And maybe, you know, going back to the whole learning thing, maybe you have to ask somebody, you know, maybe you have to kind of, maybe you have to ask around and try to figure out how can I, you know, like Marcus does a lot of the programming for the people in here. And so maybe you would have to say, Hey man, you know what? I'm not really sure why, why am I doing bent over rows? And, and, and why are they, I got a question. Why are they placed after deadlifts?
Starting point is 01:16:09 Well, then you could say, well, having a big back and a strong grip and, uh, and a strong upper back and mid back is going to help you deadlift more. Well, now you just acquired more knowledge that you can apply to something else. And you can take that knowledge and maybe, you know, maybe it will help. Maybe it will help your deadlift. Maybe it will help, uh, turn things around for you. So it, things don't always have to be, um, things don't always have to be so complicated. And, you know, another, another quote I heard the other day, which I think is, is outstanding. This goes about, you know, you hear people saying this all the time, find your why, find your why, find your why, or find with your,
Starting point is 01:16:44 what your passion is what are you passionate about and they hear all these people kind of saying these things but it's the person uh that has a why that can bear anything when it comes to how are they going to get it done so if you if you um if you have a strong enough reason why you want to do something like a, and I know this is, is maybe too stereotypical, but you have, you have somebody that wants,
Starting point is 01:17:15 you got a football player. You have like someone like Marshall Falk, you know, Marshall Falk played for the St. Louis Rams for a long time. He was a hall of Fame running back. One of the greatest of all time. One of the greatest multi-purpose receiving backs and running backs in the history of football.
Starting point is 01:17:33 His why was, I want to get the fuck out of the ghetto. I want to get away from all this bullshit that I'm surrounded by. And he did that by playing football like a son of a bitch. And getting a scholarship to san diego state university and then getting drafted in the first round and kicking the crap out of people day in day out and making millions of dollars and then falked people up he falked people up yeah he was a part of the greatest show on turf they were unbelievable they were dope but there's so many examples of that where people are you know people are they're hungry they have this this kind of this
Starting point is 01:18:06 burning desire and you don't have to come from a you don't have to have a tragic story just to have a strong reason why you want to do something uh aubrey marcus calls it smiling through the suck yeah because uh i don't remember exactly what he was doing, but he hated his job. But he had the idea to like eventually create Onnit. I don't think the idea was quite Onnit at that point yet. But he was like, I was willing to work a shitty job just so that way I can have enough money to start my own company at the end of it all. Like, so I had to smile through the suck. He's like, I didn't love my job, but I loved the fact that it was going to
Starting point is 01:18:46 eventually turn into my own thing. So his, he had enough passion and enough why to work like in a bad situation just to get through to, you know, to the other side. And I thought that was pretty dope, smiling through the suck. I mean, you have to always understand that,
Starting point is 01:19:03 you know, the thing the things that are bad that happen uh there's so much good that can come from them later on the uh the job that you had before this job it made you hungry to no longer work there anymore yep that's a positive thing and my girlfriend well fiance still working there makes me hungrier to do better here even still it still pushes me because i look at the shit that she has to deal with right now right and i was like fuck like it's it's so dumb it drives me nuts but everything it depends on your vantage point but everything is a positive in some way it'll always lead to better things will always lead to bigger
Starting point is 01:19:43 things yeah sometimes i mean there's there's certain things in life. Like when somebody dies, it's, it's hard to try to figure out the silver lining in that. But like, you know, when my brother passed, like it, it, it helped me a lot. Um, obviously like it sucks not having him here anymore, but there's, as I said, there's always, there's a positive and negative to most things. But the important thing is to try to squeeze out what's the positive, like what's the benefit of this? And I think I just, it's a huge mistake for me or for anybody else to really try to compare yourself too much to other people. You want to compare yourself to yourself.
Starting point is 01:20:23 Where were you yesterday? Where were you six months ago? Where were you you what did things look like for you then and if you're if you're doing better now then you should fucking celebrate that you don't have to celebrate it like an asshole and and do things that throw you off of the momentum that you have towards the things that you want to do i'm just saying you should be really happy. Right. There's nothing, you should be really proud. You know, people don't take the time to be proud of themselves.
Starting point is 01:20:50 I've mentioned this a million times on this podcast and people aren't nice enough to each other. Somebody tells you something, Hey man, how's it going? And somebody says, uh, you know what? Actually it's going really good. I, you know, I went into work the other day and I got a huge bonus because I did this thing for them and they, they gave me, they fucking gave me five grand. Like somebody can't just say, holy shit.
Starting point is 01:21:12 What? No way. That's awesome. What does somebody do instead? They're like, oh, okay. Yeah. You know what? Actually, same thing happened to me.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Um, but, uh, they let me go to their beach house and, uh, my boss, uh, you know, then he gave me eight grand and then it's like jesus christ can you goddamn give somebody a pat on the back one up yeah yeah one up guy yeah you gotta one up them or or they're not even listening to you and they're just going through their phone you're like all right well i guess uh i guess you don't really care yeah maybe yeah just saying it almost get almost get nervous, not nervous, but like, I almost kind of don't like talking to people about what my job is really. Because one, they don't get it right off the bat. But when I tell them like how like excited I am every single day or like, you know, yeah, I did go to the beach house, you know, and it's like, it's almost like, I'm not trying to brag,
Starting point is 01:22:05 obviously, but you did ask how's things going. So this is how they're going. I know. I mean, for me at this point, I can't really, I can't really say anything. Yeah. I can't even imagine. I can't really, I can't like, I just, I, you know, I bought a new truck. Like I just don't, I don't mention it to any, you know, I don't really say a whole lot about it. Cause it just, I don't know. It's just, who can I celebrate it with? I could celebrate it with a couple of you guys in here that are close to me. But other than that, you know, other people are like, you fucking asshole.
Starting point is 01:22:38 You know? Yeah. I don't know. I was pretty stoked when we got a couch. I couldn't wait to tell people. Yeah. Cause like we lived in the house for, I don't know how many months now. And it was just, living we got a couch. I couldn't wait to tell people. Yeah. Cause like we lived in the house for, I don't know how many months now and it was just living room was completely empty and we got a couch.
Starting point is 01:22:50 I was like, dude, we're so stoked. We got a couch, but you're right. Yeah. If you're like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:22:56 we got a new house. What's up? Yeah. Yeah. It was kind of, yeah, it was a scent when I, when we got the,
Starting point is 01:23:02 when we got the new house, when we got the beach house, it was like, there was a lot of things that have been like that, that have happened where it's like, ah, I don't want to really say that, you know, all this different stuff. And, um, you know, I learned that quickly, you know, early on in this business, like the first, maybe like in the first two years that we were doing this, um, you know, we got to year number two where we started doubling what we're doing in year number one.
Starting point is 01:23:25 And I was like, okay, I can't, you know, I would like tell my brother and I would tell like, you know, some of my close friends and I was like, that's not going over so well. I need to stop doing that. Wow. I mean, I just excited. Right. And, uh, you know, if, if either one of them were here, they're like, you could tell me anything, but kind of can't.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Yeah. Doesn't really work well yeah and uh as far as like questions in the chat room like do the people that that um that follow us like they'll just like answer questions among themselves that's great but they did a great job today so i got nothing as far as over here but um and then facebook kind of the same deal uh well, Mama Belle asked. Oh, hi, Mama Belle. Yeah, she had asked if somebody's not on Facebook, if they can join Operation Fatterist. I just said I think she can still link people to the Facebook page or follow here. That's about it.
Starting point is 01:24:17 That's a good question. We should probably hit people up with an email blast on it if we haven't done that quite yet. Yeah. But other than that, man, that's all I got i got all right strength is never a weakness weakness is never strength trying time to go train some bench press some pecs

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