Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 137 - Relationship with food

Episode Date: November 7, 2018

Mark Bell is responding to some DM's he received recently. Hopefully everyone had on their Sling Shot DM Sliding Pants on. One of the main topics in this episode is our relationship with food and how has more to do with you and just food. Mark and Andrew also talks about consistency and celebrating small victories and not giving up because of small defeats. ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 yeah you know what uh guys uh that are chiming in over here that are um can you give me a little bit more uh you got any more space to give me any more wire or you know i'll move over i'll move over you can move over or you can just tilt the uh the phone up i just want to make sure make sure i can read a little bit of the words but you can also pull some of the stuff up. Can you pull it up on the big screen, their words or no? I might be able to, yeah. Actually, I don't think so. No, because I don't think Instagram allows me to do that. Andrew, buddy, you can do anything.
Starting point is 00:00:45 I'm working on it. If you put your mind to it. Your mind won't work if your spine don't jerk? Is that... It sounds legit, but I'm going to be messing with Instagram while you're going so I can try to make sure this shit sounds good this time. Yeah. Let us know what you guys are hearing there. Give us some feedback. We're
Starting point is 00:01:08 working on some of the new, some new stuff here. Uh, we're always trying to become more, more betterists and we're always working on being the best that we can be. And you know what? We're firing out a lot of podcasts and people are starting to take notice. I'm starting to get a lot of people, uh, commenting. I'm getting a lot of people, uh, DM and me on Instagram. I'm running into a lot of people that are like, dude, I listened to your power project and, uh, makes me feel great. It's just awesome. So I'm Mark Bell. I'm your host, Mark smelly bell on Instagram, Mark smelly bell on Twitter. I am a retired power lifter. Although you never know, I might dust myself off one day and hit the platform again. I've squatted 1,080, bench pressed 854 pounds, and successfully deadlifted 766 pounds. I have a 2,600 plus pound total, which is still to this day, the biggest total in California history. Uh, I also, um, I also have held,
Starting point is 00:02:09 held some records and shit like that as, uh, along the way, I'm a three-time patent holder, but the most important job that I have, I am a husband to a beautiful woman named Andy Bell. And I'm a dad to two kids, Jake, who is 14 and my daughter Quinn, who is 11. And, uh, they're the coolest thing that ever happened to me. I have to say that they pay me to say that. Um, but all I'm ever trying to do with, with this show, if I ever come off as like cocky, if I ever come off as rude or come off in some weird way, um, all I'm ever trying to do is share my experiences.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I don't know everything. I don't claim to know everything. I heard a really cool quote today that I wanted to share with you guys before we get rolling on today's podcast. Let's see. Now I got to find it. I just lost it.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Oh, God. I just died out there, didn't I? We're good on Instagram. Everything I got to find it. I just lost it. Oh God. I just, I just died out there. Didn't I? We're good on Instagram. Everything sounds good now. Woo. Yeah. I got my singing voice back.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Uh, it's more important to notice that you're wrong than it is to prove that you're right. That's from Jordan Peterson. And I've been, I've been going into the weeds. I've been smoking some weed with Jordan Peterson. Now I've been going into the weeds I've been smoking some weed with jordan peterson. No, i've been going into the weeds. I've been going deep and listening to a lot of jordan peterson stuff lately and so Um every time I say something that comes from him. I will try to credit him
Starting point is 00:03:35 Although some of his some of the things he say may just rub off on me and I might just end up just flat out Stealing them, but i'm not trying to I want to give the guy credit. Jordan Peterson is phenomenal. Um, look him up on YouTube. He's got a lot of great books out. He has one book, uh, called, uh, like he's got these 12 rules for living 12 rules for life.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I think it's called actually now that I think about it. Um, and he just shares some really cool concepts with you and,. And it's having a big impact on me. It's helping kind of open up my eyes to some things. But one thing that I really liked that he was talking about the other day, and we're going to get into some Instagram stuff. There's been a lot of questions asked on Instagram. I'm going to name some people's names that wrote questions into me. And hopefully that's okay with you guys.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I'm going to share some stories with some people because, uh, this podcast and it's something that, uh, Andrew, uh, mentioned to me from the beginning when he offered to help is, is Andrew, you know, put it so plainly, but he's like, I just, I've always wanted to have, I always wanted to try to figure out a way to have an impact on a lot of people have an impact on this world. And I think for all of us, that's all we're ever really trying to do, trying to be like significant, right? We're trying to stand out. And for some of us, it's plenty just to stand out at home. It's plenty just to stand out for your wife, your girlfriend, your husband, your whoever, you know, your significant other, right? And for others, we want to push it beyond that. For some people,
Starting point is 00:05:05 you know, they are pumped to make a certain amount of money and other people want to push it above and beyond. And Andrew and I are people that both want to figure out ways of impacting the world. Together, we work for Slingshot. We work for Slingshot together and we're here to work towards the same goal, which is to make the world a better place to lift. How do we do that? We get more people excited about exercise. We get more people excited about nutrition. We get more people pumped about strength training.
Starting point is 00:05:34 We get more people. We teach people. We show people. We coach people. We tell people. We tell them. We share this message of, look, man, once you get in deep on this stuff, there ain't no turning back. You start to pick up a lot of momentum
Starting point is 00:05:51 and these, and everything becomes very, very, um, everything becomes so powerful that you can't stop. Um, some people get that way with their lifting first, and some people get that way with their food first. And that's why I always will advise you to try to find one thing and try to be able to stick to that. Just try to stick to one thing. If you think about some of the people that we've admired over the years, they haven't ruled and conquered in a million different places. Now, there are some who, when you look at them, like, man, that guy's building up a hell of a resume. He's done an awful lot in an awful lot of different places. Now there are some who, when you look at him like, man, that guy's building up a hell of a resume. He's done an awful lot in an awful lot of different places, but Michael Jordan, Tom Brady, Eli man, or a Peyton Manning, um, Eli Manning too. Right. I mean, he's won some super bowls as well. Um, but these people that we've held in high regard lebron james um i'm naming sports figures but uh
Starting point is 00:06:49 tom cruise um you know we don't love tom cruise because he's crazy about scientology you know i don't there's there might be a couple wackos that love him for that some do yeah there's yeah i'm sure there's a you know a whole clan of people that love him for that. Um, and, and, um, there's, there's, there's so many other people and you can think of, you know, I, I use the example as a very extreme example, but like OJ Simpson, I'm sure there's a lot of people that loved OJ Simpson when he played football and they loved the way that he played football, but they didn't love some of his actions. They didn't love some of the things he's done. And, uh, my point to that is, is like, hold on to, to, to one thing and try to focus in and be good at one thing. It's going to be a lot easier. If, if your goal is to be successful, if you want to be, if you want to make progress over a long period of time, then the only way to be able to fully accomplish that is, is to be able to try to do better, uh, from one day to the next. What ends up being this daunting task is trying to be consistent and trying to figure out what's reasonable for you. And these
Starting point is 00:07:59 end up being tasks that, that sometimes end up being too hard, but something that Jordan Peterson said, and it's something that Jordan Peterson said, and it's something that I have talked about before, but I don't think I've shared it on this podcast. I've mentioned it in passing before, and I think I've mentioned it in some other spots. So Jordan Peterson said, ask yourself what you want. Basically, the idea of aim for it and you'll hit it.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Aim for it and you'll hit it aim for it and you'll hit it ask yourself what you want now you can't have any and everything that you want that's an important thing like um there's there's like laws of the universe that there's certain things that you can't wish for like i can't wish that i'm floating right now right um that would truly be like a wish. And that's not anything you really want. That's something that's kind of out of this realm. Somebody might be like, well, what a ridiculous example. Why would you, you know, why would you even say something like that? Well, it's because there's people that aren't realistic and they're not reasonable sometimes with the goals that they mentioned. Um, now if I was talking about, look, man, you know what? It's a huge passion of mine to be able to dunk a basketball. I'm close to six feet tall.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Uh, I have strong legs and if I, I think if I really wanted to figure it out and got a coach that I could work really hard and potentially dunk a basketball. Now there's another thing that happens along the way, along your journey. basketball. Now there's another thing that happens along the way, along your journey. Sometimes you work really hard towards something and you don't actually even get it. But again, what it does for you is it provides a healthy mindset. It will make you stronger in the long run. You're not always going to reach your goals. You guys followed me on my 600 pound bench goal years ago, sit to bench 600 pounds raw raw and I failed. I didn't make it. Not everything happens. I wanted to squat 1100 pounds too and I was cut off early and I fell
Starting point is 00:09:51 with 1085 and that's the first time I retired from the sport and I Brett farved it. It came back a couple times after that. But ask yourself what you want. aim for it. And in addition to that, know what you want. Now, here's something that I have been saying for a long time that kind of coincides with this statement from Jordan Peterson. And it's the concept of sit down and have an interview with yourself. It sounds ridiculous, but ask yourself a couple of questions. What do I want to do? What do you want to be when you grow up? You might be 30 years old and you might ask yourself that question.
Starting point is 00:10:31 You might be 40 years old and you might ask yourself that question. You might be 50 years old and you might have to ask yourself that question. You might be 20 years old. The age doesn't matter. What would you like to do? Um, I've talked before on this podcast about the potential to, um, expand the brand name of super training gym. I've talked potentially about trying to change the face of power lifting forever. I don't feel I'm ready to do that right now. And so I'm staying in my own lane and I'm focused in
Starting point is 00:11:03 on the things that I want to do right now. But if I ask myself, you know, 10 years from now, could I see myself doing that and kind of venturing out, uh, from what I'm currently doing? Hell yeah, I could see that. That actually would make a lot of sense. That would be highly enjoyable. That'd be a lot of fun to pursue something like that. So, you know, you want to sit down and you want to interview yourself, ask yourself some basic basic questions, ask yourself this question. What the fuck are you doing? What are you doing? You know, what are you doing and why? Cause there's things that you know you should be doing and there's things that you could be doing. And those things are building up tremendous amounts of anxiety for you every single day, but you're not doing them.
Starting point is 00:11:52 And then you're coming to me and you're like, Hey, smelly. Hey, people's coach. How, how can I stay motivated? And it's, it's, it's hard for me to explain, um, that motivation is a fleeting thing. Like I love being motivated. I love being fired up. I love, but the motivation is going to be in the acquirement of knowledge. The more that you can learn and the more that you can know, you will have ample supply to deal with any situation
Starting point is 00:12:20 that happens in your life. When you go to lift weights and you do four sets of five reps with 200 pounds, four sets of five reps with 200 pounds, you clearly have the capability of doing 250 pounds. You are supplied with more reserve than what it is you're lifting. And that's how we get better at lifting. We do not get better at lifting if you're if your max bench press Was 200 pounds We do not get better at at lifting if you came in every single week and tried 225 pounds And you didn't do any other work than that. You would not get any better. You'd miss 225 pounds
Starting point is 00:13:03 Every single time and you would not get any better. You'd miss 225 pounds every single time. And you would potentially get hurt because it doesn't work that way. Life doesn't work that way. You can work hard, but you can also be kind of stupid about it. And you could be wasting your time and you could be wasting some of your energy. And so you want to build up an energy reserve. You want to build up an energy reserve you want to build up what i call and what's been around forever i didn't invent this something called will power it's an actual power that we have it might even be a fucking superpower willpower might be a superpower i mean they've done studies on people that have cancer and the information is overwhelming. When somebody has a positive mindset, they tend to survive more.
Starting point is 00:13:53 I mean, what the hell? You know, like two people, both with this terrible life-threatening disease that has killed millions of people that we love and care about. And one survives just because they, what does that mean? Is that magic? You know, is that, is that like a thing from God or like, it's, it's unbelievable is what it is. And you have a tremendous amount of willpower, but that willpower has to be built. You have to try to build yourself into being tougher. You have to try to build yourself into being stronger. You have to try to build yourself into being stronger. You can't make yourself taller. You can't make yourself shorter. There's certain limitations of the things that you can do, but you can certainly build up an intensity. You can build
Starting point is 00:14:37 up a work ethic. It's not going to be built overnight, and it's very, very difficult. built overnight and it's very, very difficult. You can also work towards building a code, building an ethical and moral backbone that you rely on, that you have, that you don't stray away from. You have these principles, these ideas, this code that you live up to, and you don't entertain or tolerate other things. Where this is going to play into what i'm about to transition into next is going to be huge because when you don't tolerate bullshit there there's less decisions to be made in a day everything that you do i'm not it's hard for me to explain this because i think that people look at me now uh and they might think that my days are like buttoned up but man i'm the last person in the world that's got
Starting point is 00:15:31 shit planned out i don't i really very rarely have stuff planned out to even talk about on this podcast i actually just wrote a couple things down with andrew a few minutes beforehand don't give away all our secrets dude and uh when i do those those power project or when I do some of the videos for YouTube, the ones from Mark Bell's iPhone, those are all just off the cuff. There's not one thing written down for any of that. I don't rehearse anything. I just start chatting and I just start talking. And it's because I have a reserve of knowledge in the space that I'm talking about. And so some people get on there and they're like, man, I'm sick of you trying to motivate people.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I'm sick of these motivational speeches. And I'm like, I'm not even trying to be motivational. I'm trying to share a message with you that I think could really help, could really make a big difference. And if you're not a fan of it and it doesn't vibe with you, that's fine. That's not a big deal. Just go listen to somebody else. Yeah. Like there's Gary Vee who's saying something all day, every day. And I genuinely, I'm kind of burnt out on him. The last thing that I saw that he did cool, which was like, he was just like flipping stuff at yard sales but before that like I hadn't seen anything that he's done where I'm like Mark you got to check this shit out dude he killed it on
Starting point is 00:16:49 this post or right this has got me really fired up but there's millions of people that go to Gary V for motivation yeah and I'm just not one of them yeah well and there's a lot of people that need motivation and so part of what I'm supplying with to people, just like we do with our products that we make, we sometimes make products out of the necessity that came from our, our clients. Our customers will say, Hey, you ever thought about making a fatter knee sleeve? And we're like, yep, here we go. So we made the gangster knee sleeves, which won't be available until 2019. So you got to wait, you got to wait for those. Um, there's a process to making all these things and we have to test stuff here and we, we have to, uh, put things through the meat grinder, make sure they're,
Starting point is 00:17:36 uh, they're going to last long and make sure they're going to be a product that you guys really, truly enjoy. Um, but a lot of things happen, uh, from that and what I supply to the YouTube channel, it has nothing to do with the amount of likes. Um, if I wanted, if I wanted the YouTube channel to strictly be based off of likes, uh, I would just get a pump and I would just have my shirt off and every single workout. And I'd say, Hey, you know, let's, uh, on Instagram, let's take a 15, 20 second clip of me with my shirt off, uh, pumping some big weights. And, uh, you know, that'll, that'll be the clip that, you know, pulls people into the YouTube channel. We've done a lot of stuff like that before. And it, every time it has, or I'd have other people
Starting point is 00:18:20 that have great bodies in the YouTube videos more often, but that's not what I'm, that's not why I'm making these videos. I'm making these videos to help. I'm making these videos to have an impact. And these videos are based off of a lot of the messages that I get on Instagram, a lot of the messages that I get on YouTube. And so people will send these messages in and I'm going to read some of this stuff to you guys. And, uh, hopefully you guys can relate to a lot of what these guys are saying. The last thing I'm going to say before I move on, because I think it's important. It's just something that was, it's something that came to me the other day. Um, we had the owner of Zevia here and, uh, I thought there was a really good connection between him
Starting point is 00:19:02 and another person and from a business perspective. And so I put these two in contact with each other. And the first thing, um, Patty Spence, the owner of, uh, Zevia, and he, he's, he's going to laugh, uh, because he knows, he knows this is true. He knows I'm calling him out. Um, and, uh, Tate Fletcher, I was putting these two together, right? Tate Fletcher is the owner of caveman coffee. Never tried caveman coffee. That shit's dope.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Thanks. Uh, thanks Tate for, uh, always sending some out to me and I purchased some off of Amazon too. I'm a customer. I love that stuff. Anyway, they make a good cold brew coffee, but I figured it'd be great to put these two together. Maybe they could do business together.
Starting point is 00:19:43 And, uh, so Tate Fletcher was like, Hey man, you know, happy to meet you via, uh, via this text thread. And, uh, Patty replied and they went back and forth. And then Tate said, Hey man, you got, uh, uh, maybe an opportunity, uh, sometime Monday to talk and, uh, or sometime later this week to talk. And Patty's response back was, I'm swamped. There's no way. How about Monday? That is a weak thing to say to yourself. That is not okay.
Starting point is 00:20:17 That is not okay. That does not follow with the smelly coat of honor over here. We're trying to be made out of something different over here. You know, I teach you guys do more, be more, right? The more that you do, the more that you can handle. The more that you do, the more that you can do. You also don't want to be saying weak ass shit to yourself because you want to be a savage. You want to train yourself to be strong. You want to train yourself to be strong. You want to train yourself out of having bad body language.
Starting point is 00:20:53 You want to train yourself out of having a piss poor perspective on life. You want to train yourself out of only recognizing the bad. You want to train yourself out of all these deep, dark positions that you put yourself in to where you're always just feeling sorry for yourself. And you're always just feeling sorry for yourself and you're always just down or maybe you're not even always down but you let the day kick your ass you let the day beat you what i'm about to transition to next is going to save you a lot of time and energy towards you should not be falling behind you should not be falling behind your day is too important to fall behind. It's too important. You can't fall behind and there's, there's no time and there's no room to fall behind anywhere because things are only fun when you're kicking ass, when you're doing good.
Starting point is 00:21:37 If you're, if you're working your ass off and you have no upward mobility in your job and you make $25,000 a year, that is not ever going to be satisfying enough to truly work for you to live the life that you really want to live and live the life that you were designed to live. You can't tell me that that's what you were designed to do. Somebody might say, oh yeah, you know, I'm just made to probably procreate and that's it. Well, that, that seems, uh, that seems kind of shitty. Uh, in my opinion, it doesn't seem like, uh, there's any, that, that seems, uh, that seems kind of shitty. Uh, in my opinion,
Starting point is 00:22:05 it doesn't seem like, uh, there's any, there's any effort, any challenge to that. And, and how are you going to feel worth anything? Um, I know from experience, I know from just being around for a long time that everyone is striving towards being worth something. Everyone's trying to be worthy. Everyone's trying to strive for these things. So you can't say I'm swamped. You're not allowed to say that. You can think it in your head for 10 seconds, but your thoughts become your actions too. So you can barely think it. You're skating on some thin ice by even thinking it. So stop saying weak stuff to yourself because it promotes weakness and it allows you to it allows you to feel like it's okay When you wake up in the morning if you're going to exercise for the day
Starting point is 00:22:52 You should already know approximately what time you're going to lift That will help set everything else into place because let's face it. These workouts are tough They take a long time. They take a it's a time commitment Um a lot of times it's a time commitment. Um, a lot of times it's 20, 30 minutes to whatever location you're going to, to work out. You have another 20 minutes and sometimes 40 minutes of just kind of dicking around and trying to get the vibe of the day and trying to feel it. And you're waiting for things to kick in so that you can kick ass in your workout. And sometimes it barely ever shows up. And you got to muster up everything you got to have a good workout.
Starting point is 00:23:30 The workout itself could take an hour. By the time you drive back home, we just, we burned two and a half, three hours easy. It flies by very quickly. But in anticipation for the workout, by the way, you should know at least in part what you're going to do for the day. So that way your brain is already on board with what the hell is about to go on for that day. And you need to start to talk to yourself about what the hell is going to happen tomorrow. What's it going to look like when I get in there tomorrow? Am I going to mope around and be like, oh, man, it's deadlift day.
Starting point is 00:24:03 You know, or, oh, man, I can't bench my shoulder. I can't do this because it's like, oh man, it's deadlift day. Or, oh man, I can't bench my shoulder. I can't do this. It's like, come on, man. We have an opportunity to lift. No one's forcing any of this. If anything hurts too bad, certainly by no means do not try to lift and continue to tear down that muscle that hurts or that tendon or ligament that is inflamed. that muscle that hurts or that tendon or ligament that is inflamed. Stop the madness and start looking into doing movements that don't hurt so bad. There's plenty of options when we get to the gym. And so don't allow yourself to say weak stuff. I want you guys to really, I want that
Starting point is 00:24:38 to be your homework. I want you to really truly focus in on that. I can't unacceptable, a hundred percent unacceptable. Yeah. I don't think people understand how detrimental that is to, to your, um, just overall performance. You know, if I say, Oh Mark, you loaded up 275 today. I don't, I don't think I can do that. And then, you know, I, I kind of bitch out and I, I taught, I psyched myself out of the lift and then I go home and then my fiance is like, hey, do you think you can, I don't know, clean the backyard? Like, man, I had a bad day at the gym. Yeah, right. I don't know. My back's kind of hurting.
Starting point is 00:25:13 I don't think I'm going to be able to get to that. And then it's like a cascade or like a domino effect. All because I tricked my brain into thinking I couldn't deadlift that weight. When I could and i did and the next thing you know it's like dude i'm feeling great fuck yeah where's that backyard at there's certain things that we get locked into when we're lifting like um we can't punish ourselves and beat the shit out of ourselves all the time on everything but like um like today andrew and i did some rack deadlifts and uh we're doing these rack deadlifts and we were doing these rack deadlifts
Starting point is 00:25:46 and you don't really get that locked into that kind of lift because you either kind of like can make it or miss it. Yeah. There's going to be some strain and some pull and one lift might be slower than the other, but there's some situations where you're like, you know what? Like I'm locked in here and I can't go anywhere until this gets done.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And you know, it's going to kill. And we did that the other day on the preacher crawl. Yeah. We're just killing each other. And it's like, I went, you went, Lauren went. And it's like, you're watching the other guy go
Starting point is 00:26:13 and you're kind of pumped for him, but you're like, oh man, I got to go again. This sucks. Yeah. It sucks, but it's good, you know? And it's, it's, it's rewarding to be able to make it through it, but it's almost like there's no seatbelt on the machine, but it feels like it, you to make it through it, but it's almost like there's no seatbelt on
Starting point is 00:26:25 the machine, but it feels like it, you know, it feels like, like life's seatbelting you into that bitch and that you have to figure out, okay, we're just going to go until your arms give out. Yeah. And then some, you know, I always say like, oh, get me off this roller coaster because I genuinely feel like, cause I, I don't like roller coasters, but like, I feel like, oh shit, I'm locked in here and I can't get out ofasters, but like, I feel like, oh shit, I'm locked in here and I can't get out of this damn thing until this ride is over. So unfortunately I got to keep going even though it sucks. But then I wouldn't, when it's over, how good does it feel when you like, fuck, get me out of here. And then you look over and it's like, you know, your, your training
Starting point is 00:26:59 partner just gives you a fist bump and then you're like, okay, cool. Your turn. That's all you get for it. Right. That's all you get for it. You know? And, and six months from now then you're like okay cool your turn that's all you get for it right that's all you get for it you know and and six months from now you're gonna be like oh wow my legs are a little bigger my oh my arms a little bit like you know you don't that's what makes it all so hard that's what makes it all so hard is you don't get a lot from it however you're getting a lot more from it than you could possibly ever truly understand. Because where else do you have the opportunity to train your willpower like that? Where else do you have the ability to test out your fortitude and what you're made out of?
Starting point is 00:27:40 Where else can you show, where else can you show people what you're made out of? You can't really, I mean, I don't know. You might be in a meeting one day and you might come up with some revolutionary thing and, you know, it'd be like a good example of, oh, wow. Can't believe so-and-so figured out the database to do that or whatever. But it's like, what are they really going to show you? Right. And you're definitely not going to get the instant feedback the way you do in the gym. Yeah. It's not going to like blow your, it's not going to blow your socks off.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Right. It's not going to be this crazy, this, this crazy thing. And so the gym is, is an opportunity to show people like, yeah, man, I've been working on this for a long time and I'm a, I'm a bad motherfucker. Like, it doesn't matter if I'm 150 or 250 or 350, um, or if you're five, five, or if you're six, five, you know, fat Dan's in there training right now. And, and when you see Dan come in and you see him squatting and you see him deadlifting and you see Marcus squatting and you see Marcus deadlifting and
Starting point is 00:28:34 you see all these big sons of bitches that are in here, there's young guys in here that are, that are working just as hard. There's young guys in here that are, that are trying just as hard. There's a lot of big, strong people that train here. Um, fat Dan sometimes struggles with being consistent. That's what we're going to roll over to here in a minute. Um, but you know, when he's here,
Starting point is 00:28:56 he's putting into work, he's doing it. And once you get kind of locked into these situations, that's an opportunity to show where you're at. That's an opportunity to show, uh, what you're made out of. And what we're always trying to promote here is to be made out of something different. What does that mean? It means don't walk like them. Don't talk like them. Don't be like them. There's no reason to be like a lot of other people. A lot of other people, um, kind of live a crap life. They're not living a fulfilled life. And you want to try to work towards, um, you know, living the most fulfilled thing that you can. You don't have to look down on other people. You don't have to think that you're
Starting point is 00:29:34 better, that you're, you're more important than anybody else. There's no reason to, uh, even go that route. I'm going to transition into some of this stuff here. So these are some questions that popped up on the DMS. And I actually got into some conversations, uh, uh, with, uh, I got in conversation with a guy on the phone yesterday, um, on Instagram too. And if you look back at the message that I put up with fat Dan and myself, um, there's a lot of great comments on there, but, um, you know, one guy commented and he was like, man, I'm just really having a hard time getting back in the gym. Uh, I used to run, I used to do this. I used to do that. And I said, you know what? Um, screw it, man. Let me just, let's just,
Starting point is 00:30:16 let's just hop on the phone. Let's just, let's just communicate. And so I gave him a call and I do that. I do that pretty often. I don't talk about it a lot, but I do it pretty often. And I got on the phone with this guy. He's 24 years old, a young guy. And we got into some conversation and we started talking about consistency. Now, I think there's, there's some things about consistency that people are really, really missing. Now, I just mentioned that Fat Dan has trouble with being consistent.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Now, we've talked to Fat Dan about this in a different way. We've approached it in a different way because now he actually is consistent. And let me explain what that means. So Marcus, who's been good friends with Fat Dan for a long time, is very close to him,
Starting point is 00:31:03 but they kind of have like a love-hate relationship and uh marcus is a straight shooter he's pretty intense and so marcus went up to him and said dude stop talking about coming back and you're you're back again and then and then you miss and then he's like just just show up when you can show up. So consistency, yes, it would be great if he was here constantly, right? Constantly and consistently are different things. And consistency is consistent for you. Just like when you go to a doctor and they ask you, are you regular? Being regular is regular for you. Irregular is irregular for you. Do you normally shit four times a day? Well, that's regular. Being regular is regular for you. Irregular is irregular for you. Do you normally shit four times a day? Well, that's regular. That's regular for you. If all of a sudden out of nowhere, you normally poop once a day and now you're pooping four times a day, that's irregular.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Consistency. Consistent for you by your standards, by what you're able to actually do. What are things that you can do? Things that you can do are things that are fairly easy, things that are fairly simple, low-hanging fruit. How do we gain momentum? We put one foot in front of the other foot. We show up places. When we say that we're going to show up places. That's how we're able to make momentum. But we don't talk about things that we're not going to do because that's what cowards do. That's not what we're here to do. We're not here to live that kind of life. We're here to live a more fulfilled life. And so you have to be able to back up the things that you say. If you can't back up the things that you say if you can't back up the things that you say then just
Starting point is 00:32:45 shut your fucking face just don't say anything there's no reason to talk about something that you're not going to do i want people to stop i want people to put the brakes on and say you know what i'm not going to talk about owning a lamborghini because I'm not in any sort of particular, uh, spot for that right now, rather than talking about it and sounding like an idiot. I am going to keep that as a goal. That's a healthy goal to have. And I'm going to work towards figuring out ways of, of getting that car. And that's going to be a, uh, that's, that's, that's my, that's my dream car. And you can kind of put that on, on your tab for your, your, your dream car, but you have to have actions that are actually matching up towards that goal.
Starting point is 00:33:33 You want to be kind of heading towards that goal. And if you are currently in school and your idea of success is to own a mansion or own a beautiful car or, or, or these different things, then we're going to have to develop some form of consistency. But whatever your consistency is, maybe that's all that you can handle for the time. And we know from past podcasts, I've talked about this as well, all you can do is all that you can do. That's why I talk so much about do more, be more. It's a way out of being stuck with only the things that you can currently handle.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Because the more that you do, the more that you can handle. So if you just, getting up off the couch promotes getting up off the couch. Sitting on the couch promotes sitting on the couch. And so when it comes to being consistent, what we're looking for is we're not looking for you to string together three days, five days, seven days, 10 days. Yeah. All those things would be magnificent. That would be wonderful. It'd be great. If we looked back over the year and we said, you lost 50 pounds because you, uh, look at it out of the 365 days shit man he did unbelievably trained over
Starting point is 00:34:48 300 days you're a savage like that's some real consistency right that would be wonderful if that happened but it's too hard that's that's too hard to make happen that's too hard maybe for you for now because we have to build stuff remember Remember I just said earlier, you can build willpower. You can build strength. You can build your consistency. You're not going to be great at anything right off the bat. You have to practice consistency. You have to practice greatness. If you want to be great, then you have to practice being great. You have to be made out of something different. You cannot adhere to a weak mindset. You cannot allow yourself to fall into the trap of doing what everybody else is always
Starting point is 00:35:36 doing. There's going to be some sacrifices that you're going to have to make. Consistency is strongly, strongly tied into handling the shit that you don't always want to do when you don't always want to do it because that can break up your consistency. There's a word called responsibility. The responsibilities that you have towards some of the things that you're trying to do or towards some of your goals is huge. You have this huge responsibility. So let's just say, you know, most of the people that listen to this podcast, they're working out and they want to be in better shape. If you want to be in better shape,
Starting point is 00:36:16 how in the world are you going to be consistent? If at 10 o'clock in the morning, I ask you, hey, what'd you eat for breakfast? And you go, nothing. Oh, are you fasting? Like you use an intermittent fasting, use an IF? No, I don't know. I just don't really like to eat breakfast that much. Okay. Do you have lunch with you?
Starting point is 00:36:39 No. What are you doing for lunch? I'm not sure. I think I was going to get a burrito from Chipotle. And if not, I'll swing by In-N-Out. Hmm. Okay. Sounds like we're not doing so good right here.
Starting point is 00:36:55 This says, oh. I was just letting people know on Instagram that they can hop over to if they want to capture, or if they want to see a better experience and also probably better audio and better angles. they want to see a better experience and also probably better audio and better angles we get to see a different yeah the angle of the dangle so you know as i was going through this this stuff with uh this this kid on the phone yesterday he
Starting point is 00:37:19 was telling me he kind of has a nine to five we started breaking things down and what did we end up with we ended up with finding out how goddamn easy this truly will be so of course he's all hyped up because i called him and he's a fan and everything so that's gonna last for you know i don't know two weeks maybe um but here's the good news so the good the good news about failing and the good news about sucking at something is that you can get better at it quite easy. So if you weigh 350 pounds, losing five pounds can be very simple. If you have been dumb all your life and you don't feel like you've been able to acquire a lot of knowledge, being smarter than you were yesterday is going to be simple. If you have this crazy high IQ, it might be hard to continue to get smarter. If you're insanely strong, it might be tough to figure out a way to get stronger.
Starting point is 00:38:12 If you're shredded, if you're 5% body fat, what else can you do from there? But if you're 25% body fat, being 22% body fat is going to be fairly easy. It's going to be hard to make some changes, but it's going to be fairly easy it's going to be hard to make some changes but it's going to be fairly simple on what to do so this guy who who's had a hard time with motivation because he can't be consistent so he said that he works monday through friday kind of has an 8 30 to 5 ish job um eight o'clock to five o'clock, nine o'clock to five, something like that. So he said, sometimes he'll wake up before, uh, sometimes he'll wake up before and hit the gym and wake up before work and hit the gym. And, uh, so I started kind of going over some of this stuff. I'm like, okay, well you work Monday through Friday. And, uh, that's, that's quite
Starting point is 00:39:00 a bit of work. That's a full-time job. And that's, that's a lot for like a young guy who probably, you know, has other desires, wants to do other things. So I said, okay, Saturday, Sunday, every Saturday, Sunday, you're working out. No question. So that, that part's already taken care of. We already have two days out of the week that you're automatically lifting. And I even gave him a time. I gave him a time. I said, 7.00 AM. Why did I say 7.00 AM? I said, save it. I said 7 a.m. Why did I say 7 a.m.? I said 7 a.m. to make him responsible because in order to lift at 7 a.m., you can't be dicking around Friday night. You can't be dicking around Saturday night in order to get to the gym at 7 a.m. the morning. This is how you start to line up your life and this is how you start to structure stuff and this is how you start to have isolated victories. When you're thinking about consistency, don't think about consistency being
Starting point is 00:39:51 this long-term thing. Think about it being an isolated victory. Build up a bunch of isolated victories. If you go to the gym on a Monday and you don't show up again till Friday, those are still isolated victories. If you go to the gym again until Friday, those are still isolated victories. We go to the gym Monday, Friday, and then you miss a whole week and then you miss two weeks and then you're all over the place, right? I fell off the wagon. So I'm, I'm just, you didn't, didn't do nothing. You didn't fall off any wagon. You're fine. You're totally fine. Just get back in the gym. I lost all my gains, all my progress. It's all gone now.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I used to be shredded, bro. I swear to God. Dude, I was like 12%. Dude, I know it's hard for you to believe, but I used to look so different. I know what you see right now, I look like a lump of shit, but I used to be jacked. But then one week turned into two, and I couldn't go back because I lost all my progress. And my dog died. He had it coming, though. And right before because I lost all my progress. And my dog died. He had it coming though.
Starting point is 00:40:46 And right before that, he ate my homework. So you have to, you got to figure this shit out and you have to stop being so goddamn pathetic. So I gave him two weekend workouts to do, Saturday, Sunday, boom, done. Now let's pick off one day during the week or two days if you want to go four day schedule. But how hard would it be to wake up Monday morning? You had the whole weekend, hopefully Sunday, you know, you just sat around and watch football. So
Starting point is 00:41:16 you're not really doing much. So Saturday, Sunday, Monday, now all we got to do is get in there on freaking wednesday and we're good monday wednesday bam and i said those workouts are done before they're done before your work because you know that kid is going to be cruising home on wednesday or thursday he's like i just feel like getting some pizza it's gonna roll into like a you're not gonna lift after after you eat damn pizza right no this guy was from jersey he's from the east coast he knows about good pizza and so these are things that you have to break these things down into smaller parts smaller components so that they're not hard they're not decisions oh man i can't find time to work Well, you find time by writing it down.
Starting point is 00:42:06 You don't have to look for it. It's already there. Where, where's my workout time? It's Monday at five o'clock. It's Wednesday at five o'clock. It's Saturday and Sunday at 7am. I can't find time. Well, I just found it for you.
Starting point is 00:42:20 That's where it is. It's before you go to work and it's on the two days that you don't have work. Oh man, I don't know. I don't know. I can't figure out how to meal prep. Can't figure out or find time how to meal prep, write it down. So you know what? I'm going to meal prep a little bit on Saturday and a little bit on Sunday. I'm going to cook up a bunch of meals both days. I'm going to have food for the week. Simple. It doesn't have to be hard. When you break these things down into smaller chunks, it's easy. The other thing that I said to him is I said, you know what? I said, get yourself a lifting partner. And a lot of people will say, oh man, you know, no one does this shit around me because you're an asshole and you don't talk to anybody.
Starting point is 00:43:01 And you go to the gym with your headphones on and you're all amped up from your pre-workout and you're dropping weights on the ground you're acting like a dick open up a little bit talk to people communicate with people if you see somebody else deadlifting in the gym be like dude do you power lift that's awesome man hey you know what so what even if it's someone that even if your strength levels are not even close to each other, who cares? It's one, it's one person to lift with. A lot of times, a lot of times the guys and girls and stuff that, that are throwing down, that are moving around big stuff, they don't want to be slowed down. They don't want to kind of like hang out and they're not, they're not that fun anyway.
Starting point is 00:43:39 A lot of times find someone that wants to lift more so than just obsessed with lifting find someone who really wants it because those people are going to be able to push you encourage you and um you don't have to find this like perfect training partner i mean we're great examples i can't lift nowhere near as much as you but we make it work and it we have a shit ton of fun doing it yeah and like it's it's really never limiting. I mean, sometimes we're just like, oh, we'll just get a different bar. Yeah. If we're both deadlifting or whatever.
Starting point is 00:44:11 But even today, like, you know, we did a rack deadlift, which makes it very simple to train together because we just take the weight on and off the rack. And, but even if we're benching, like sometimes I'm benching four plates or something and you might be benching, uh, I'm benching four plates or something and you might be benching, uh, one and a half plates. It doesn't, it's not that hard. It's not hard to take the weight off the bench. Uh, it's actually fairly easy. We squat together. We do almost all the lifts. I think other than the deadlift is probably the only time we sometimes just have to completely, uh, use a different bar just because of the nature of trying to pick those weights up.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Yeah. I think people need to, whatever gym they're rolling into, I think, like, they kind of have to follow some of the rules that we have here. And one of them being don't wear headphones. Right. Because how hard is it to try to communicate with somebody with, you know, obviously they have headphones on. But if you don't and somebody comes up to talk to you, then you're responsive and you might meet a friend or you might meet a training partner. The really bad thing about having headphones on,
Starting point is 00:45:10 too, is that you automatically have your phone. You automatically have your phone. You have your phone too much with you and you keep looking for these songs and these powerful things to get you amped up for a lift. You're dicking around too much and a lot of the headphones are going to be falling off your head and shit.
Starting point is 00:45:27 It's just a pain in the ass. Yeah, just listen to the shitty 24-hour gym music. It shouldn't make any difference, especially if you have a lifting partner. So as I broke stuff down with this kid yesterday, he goes, actually, you know what? I don't really have an excuse. He's like, my brother
Starting point is 00:45:45 loves lifting and he hits the gym in the morning. I was like, dude, done deal. I said, but talk to your brother. You know, I know it's weird to like all of a sudden have these conversations out of nowhere, but talk to your brother, tell him what's up, tell him what you want to do. Be like, dude, I've, I've kind of fallen off over here. I haven't been to the gym in a while and um you know i'd love to start to uh work towards being more consistent and so uh i'm gonna be there tomorrow at five o'clock and uh i'll see you there boom done you told of course your brother's gonna give you shit of course he's gonna make fun of you that's what best friends that's what brothers do they're gonna they're gonna be like yeah sure you're gonna be consistent that's great you're
Starting point is 00:46:24 not even saying that you're gonna be consistent you're just saying that you're going to be like, yeah, sure, you're going to be consistent. That's great. You're not even saying that you're going to be consistent. You're just saying that you would like to be consistent and you would like to be in better shape. Yeah, and if you do miss that next training session, it doesn't mean that it's over. It just means you pick it up again and you just start whatever the next day is. It's very insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It really doesn't matter. Yeah. And I used to think that way all the time, too, just because it's like, OK, I got to get in, you know, at least two days this week and then hopefully the weekends I can make it. And if I missed a day, I'm just like, well, do I skip upper body? Do I not? Like, you know, I'm just going to start next week.
Starting point is 00:47:03 You know, the typical i'll start on monday which is stupid but it's a really it's really actually an interesting thing because uh if i said are you a photographer you'd say yes right but even even before we did this even if you didn't do photography for two weeks you wouldn't say no yeah there's a lot of that you know know what I mean? You wouldn't be like, no, because I'm not consistent with it, so I'm not even going to really say it. No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:47:30 It's like, well, no, that's still something that you do. That's still something that you love doing. And so I think, and obviously lifting, it's clearly like you have to, in order to be in better shape, you have to lift often, right? And, you have to, in order to be in better shape, you have to, uh, lift often,
Starting point is 00:47:46 right? And, and then you have to do, you have to lift often for X amount of years. But when you look back at your, the way that you gained progress and the different things that happened over a period of time, if you missed, uh, you know, some workouts over the years, it doesn't, it's not going to really matter that much. What matters is, is that you stick, uh, you know, some workouts over the years, it doesn't, it's not going to really matter that much. What matters is, is that you stick with something. Right. You try to, try to grab a hold of this shit and, you know, think like, look, if you're 20, this guy was 24 years old. Uh, thanks for the eggplants, by the way.
Starting point is 00:48:19 If you're in, if you're in, if you're in your twenties, think about where are you going to be when you're 29? Where are you going to be when you're 40? Hopefully you'll still be lifting. And so the fact that, you know, when you were 24 to 30, um, you didn't lift every damn day. Isn't going to matter. It's going to be a small piece of the puzzle in the long run. So don't, don't get caught up with this consistency thing and say, oh, the hell with it. If I'm not, if I'm not in there, you know, five times a week, then it's nothing.
Starting point is 00:48:51 It's zero. It's not zero. Um, also be reasonable with the things that you're setting up for yourself. I mentioned earlier, interview yourself, have a conversation with yourself. Okay. Fat. So how many times a week do you want to lift? Uh, I would like to lift seven days a week.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Okay. You dumb ass. You know that that's not possible because you work five days a week and you know that Saturday, Sunday, you like kind of hang out with your friends. So we need some social time. We need some work time. These are just realistic things that happen in our lives. So how are you going to get your ass to the gym?
Starting point is 00:49:25 How many times? And then you can say, okay, well, it'd be good to make it to the gym more often than not. More often than not would be there's seven days in the week. So let's go four times. That would be more often than not. Right? That would be a higher percentage of you going to the gym versus you not going to the gym for the week. All right. We won.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Yeah. I mean, when you think of it that way, four days, that doesn't sound too bad. It ain't bad. And I like what Megatams.journey on Instagram. What's up? Megatams is all over our shit. Yeah. She just said that Monday never comes around. You know, like when somebody says, I'll do it on Monday and it never comes around. And then all of a sudden, yeah, you are two months without touching the gym and looking at that monthly payment, unless you come to super training.
Starting point is 00:50:12 How many times have you been somewhere like you go to like a coffee shop or a retail store or something and you're like, Hey, how's it going? You know, you're saying this to the person that works there and they're like, I'm doing okay, I guess for a monday and you're like well what in the how could monday be any worse than any other day and also monday should be better because it's the start of the week you should be pumped for one secondly like did you do anything yesterday like most people don't really do a whole lot i don't i don't really know hardly anybody that like works their face off on sunday i mean we come in here and we train usually or we'll podcast, but like it's pretty lax compared to, you know, some of the other days of the week.
Starting point is 00:50:52 And so you should be pretty rested from Sunday going into Monday. Like, are you doing something crazy on Sunday that I'm unaware of that makes Monday so damn tough? You don't know the secret about just giving your all on Sunday and that way that you have nothing the rest of the week. Yeah, nothing left. You just blow your load on Sunday. Blow your load. You know, with kids, it makes more sense. Like if you don't love school, I can see like, oh shit, it's Monday.
Starting point is 00:51:18 That I totally understand because I hated school. So I can get that. Yeah. And I do know some people don't like their job. Um, but that's still, that's still too much negative reinforcement. That's still too much weak stuff that you're passing on to yourself and that you're putting into your head. Even this thing of like, oh man, just, just bear with me, man.
Starting point is 00:51:39 I haven't had my cup of coffee yet. Come on. You're that weak. I mean, that is just absolutely pathetic like that's the worst yeah yeah you were a real you were a real fucking blaze when when you did have your coffee yeah sure you were a fucking piece of shit so you know just it's too much that's's too much. You can't do that. And that's how we end up in these positions where we're wondering why we can't get motivated.
Starting point is 00:52:11 It's because you're dragging yourself down all the time. Other people are going to drag you down plenty. You don't have to ever do it one time to yourself. There's absolutely no reason to do it. If you miss a workout, no reason to beat yourself up. If you're on a diet and you go off the diet, no reason to beat yourself up. The good news about going off the diet is that the very next meal you could be back on the diet. You mean if you have one bad thing, you don't just, ah, I messed up my diet for the day, so I'm going all in now.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Right. No. Yeah. You're right. Yeah. It doesn't make any sense. Yeah. Celebrate that one little cheat, I guess you want to call it, and get back on it.
Starting point is 00:52:49 And that's kind of the theory behind the, like, if it fits your macros type of stuff, is that you're never off the diet. And so from a mindset standpoint, you're like, oh, that's kind of cool. Now, for some people, it doesn't work great because it's like, okay, I'm never off the diet. I can have at it. I can eat whatever I want. So this other guy, so that's that with that kid. We handled him and we figured him out.
Starting point is 00:53:13 We got him a lifting partner. We got him a schedule. I talked to him. Now, here's something else important before I move on and something I kind of the, at the moment when I was talking to this kid. So every day there's these choices that we have to make. Uh, there's these decisions that go on now. Uh, some decisions we don't have control over, like when they're going to happen. They're like audibles that we have to make during the day.
Starting point is 00:53:42 But for the most part, we know how most of the day is going to go. We know what our boss expects of us. We know how work's going to go, kind of. We kind of know what's going on in each day for the most part. And there's also a lot of things we can control. We've talked plenty about like laying your clothes out the night before. President Obama used to have his clothes. This is not a political thing so please bear with me here president obama used to have his clothes picked out for the entire week it's because he didn't want to think about what he's wearing that's great dr dre wears the same thing he's been wearing the same shit for like 20 years 30 years or whatever and it's because he doesn't
Starting point is 00:54:22 want to think about what what he has to wear steve jobs kind of did the same thing you know steve jobs funky uh outfit of the new balance shoes and the old school uh jeans and the turtleneck thing is something he picked up from a professor but he but he wanted us he wanted a wanted like a style and b he thought it was dope to have a uniform he's like that's my work uniform right there. That's perfect. And it also sent a message too. It was like, okay, this guy's going to conquer the world in a pair of blue jeans. Like he's super casual, right? He's not like all, all, uh, all dressed up, all buttoned up.
Starting point is 00:54:57 The point is, is that takes away, um, that takes away a lot of stress and a lot of anxiety, which sounds foolish to say, but I know that when I, when I leave the house, I always try to look the best that I, that I think that I can look, uh, I'm, I'm not a model. I, I, I don't have a real fashion sense, but I, I try to have a good presentation of myself. I think that I care about it. Um, I, if I pick something up and it's extremely wrinkled, I'm not going to wear it. Just little stuff like that. Like I, I'm not crazy picky about it. Uh, but most of the time when I'm here at the gym, I try to dress, um, like a business casual,
Starting point is 00:55:38 I guess you'd say. I almost always have a polo on and, uh, I try not to wear basketball shorts, you know, stuff, stuff like that. When I, when I'm lifting, of course I wear lifting attire, but when I'm, uh, podcasting and doing other things, I like to try to look a little bit more professional. And so I kind of have like a uniform. I got two uniforms. I got like my gym stuff that might be like cut off or ripped up or might be a tank top or whatever. And then I got my business stuff. So when it's time to do like business stuff, it's time to work and it's time to hop into a meeting. There's no decision to be made.
Starting point is 00:56:15 There's no choice to be made on on what I'm going to wear. Even though I have different polos and different styles of shirts and shorts and shorts and stuff. Uh, the general principle is still the same. You know, I, I still know where to go and what to get. Uh, and then same thing goes for the workout stuff. And then, you know, throughout the week, I may lay stuff out the night before, or sometimes even, uh, I might, I might lay out my clothes and I might also pack my clothes for the day. And I do that the night before because I'm prepping myself to have a good day. Some people will might say, oh man, I can't remember the last time I had a good day. I can't remember the last time I had a good workout.
Starting point is 00:56:58 When was the last time that you prepped yourself to have a good day? Because if you prepare for a good day, you're going to have an awesome day and actually it'll be a breeze and it'll actually be a lot of fun. And at the end of the day, you're going to go, holy shit, I got a lot done today. Yeah. It was crazy. I was over here. I was over there and I was over here. Yeah. And a lot of that, well, it's a good portion of that, especially when you talk about like Steve jobs and Dr. Dre and these high level guys, um, like just as humans, we only have the ability to make certain decisions at our fullest potential. So let's say it's like 10 decision things
Starting point is 00:57:32 that we have to do, we can answer it 100%. And then after that, it starts to diminish. So if you have a good amount of shit already planned out, then whatever audibles do come your way, you're ready for them. Instead of like, what are we going to podcast about today? You're set and you're ready to go because you haven't really exerted too much energy anywhere else. Yeah, that's 100% right. That's freaking dead on accurate.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Yeah, that's a hundred percent right. That's a, that's, you know, that's, that's freaking dead on accurate. And what, what I, what I also would like to point out is like, there's, you can, you can pre-plan a lot of these things. And if you're going to be, if you have a lot of decisions to make in a day, um, and you know that you have a big day, get some damn rest, get some damn sleep. rest, get some damn sleep. Because we already know, we've talked about it endlessly on this podcast before, when you're tired, you're not going to make great decisions. We already know too that when you're tired, it affects your insulin sensitivity. We know that when your insulin sensitivity is affected negatively, it makes you hungry. So hunger, cravings, all these things are going to start to happen to you why would you allow these things to happen when you know they can happen and why would you
Starting point is 00:58:50 allow them to happen in the face of knowing that the next day is a long day why wouldn't you work on you already know that friday is a rough day for whatever reason there's a lot of shit going on that friday you already have the information. Are you going to wake up Friday at eight o'clock and you have to be out the door? Uh, you have to be at your office at eight 30 and you're going to be like, Oh man, I still got to take a shower. And like, you're going to just be so far behind. You didn't bring any food with you. You didn't, are you a, are you a baby? Are you a little kid? Like, um, you know, if you send a kid off to school, like they might just go without lunch, right?
Starting point is 00:59:28 But it's because they're a fucking little kid. They're not an adult. So you're gonna leave the house without any prep for anything? You're not prepared for anything? There's so many things that happen in a day that we can't control. How in the world are you gonna face the world
Starting point is 00:59:44 every single day without being prepared? It's idiotic. It doesn't make any sense. It is flat out stupid to do that. It's dumb. You have to stop. You have to stop doing it. And you have to trust me when I tell you that it affects your hunger.
Starting point is 00:59:59 It affects your cravings. It affects the foods that you eat. It affects all these things. It affects your cravings. It affects the foods that you eat. It affects all these things. It has a very, very negative impact on, on your life. That's good.
Starting point is 01:00:10 On the things that are going to happen. Now you can, one thing about working out and one thing about the foods that you're eating and, you know, being responsible and eating, eating the foods. I'm going to go back live here on IG because it cuts off at a certain time. Here we go. You know, something that's really important for everybody listening to understand is like your workout happens when it happens, right? You can write down the time that it happens. And I told you that it's great to write down the time because then you no longer have to look for it. I can't find the time. Well, you wrote it down. Seven o'clock is seven o'clock AM. That's when you train.
Starting point is 01:00:47 You can't pre-lift your lifting. You can't pre-lift your workout, but you can pre-cook your meals. You can pre-cook, you can pre-pair. You can be ready for each day. You can meal prep. You can meal prep your food. You can't pre-pre prep your lifting, right?
Starting point is 01:01:10 And so because of that, there are other things in a day that you could be prepared for. Let's say you know you have a meeting with your boss. And, you know, by the way, it's always a decent idea to ask your boss or whoever it is that you're employed by or upper management or whoever, when they say, Hey, we're going to have a meeting on Wednesday. When I ask you that you're having a meeting, your follow-up question should be, Hey, I'd love to know what the meeting's about because I'd like to be prepared. because I'd like to be prepared. That is so valuable because your boss may just want to shoot the shit with you,
Starting point is 01:01:57 which is fine, but he or she may not get to the bottom of what they're looking for because you didn't know that they were going to ask you all these questions. How great would it be to think of, to, they said, actually, we're going to talk, I want to talk to you a lot about your job position and I want to better understand, uh, the different things that you like to do, the different things that you don't like to do. Uh, is there anything holding you back from getting certain tasks done? Um, how, you know, just kind of how's everything going type of thing. Right. So let's say I, let's say I say that to Andrew on Monday and he says back, he's, you know, ask a couple of questions. I give him some information. Wednesday, we sit down and I start going over
Starting point is 01:02:35 stuff with Andrew. Andrew, how's everything with the podcast going? You got some, uh, um, you know, how are the numbers trending and stuff like like does it look like we're heading in the right direction look like everything's going uh the right way um you can be like yep yeah actually i kind of thought you were going to ask that because we talked about the job position and some of these things and i got some information right here or if you want i can email it to you i don't have it with me right this moment didn't know you're going to ask that exact specific question but no problem i'll make a note right now and I can fire that over to you. But as we start to talk more, Andrew can say, you know, um, you know, Mark, I didn't know if you,
Starting point is 01:03:16 I don't know if you were aware of this, but on top of, uh, you know, running the power project Instagram, I also been helping with this other instagram page and i've also been uh teaching cheryl how to do hustlemania and i've been you know helping a couple other people do all these other things or whatever whatever these things are as i start to dig deeper i'm like holy shit you know i i'm finding out more and more i already know andrew's valuable but i'm like holy shit he's even way more valuable than i even thought. And all that comes from is being prepared. And maybe that lines them up for a raise, or maybe it lines them up for a bonus. Maybe it lines you up for something big. Like maybe it lines you up for the day to hit a big
Starting point is 01:03:56 lift because you're prepared because you brought your food because you were ready. Maybe it just prepares you to have a good day. Maybe it prepares you to have more time with your family when you get home because you already worked out all these things in your head about what the day was gonna look like and how the hell you were gonna transition from going to work to getting your ass back home. You already worked all these things out.
Starting point is 01:04:18 They're already done. What if you have the realization that when you come home from work, that you eat everything in the goddamn house and you smash through the pantry and you, you, you eat a bunch of food while, uh, your wife's preparing food, or maybe you guys ordered food out together or whatever, whatever the case is, you're smashing all this food. You're eating, you know, 500, 600, 800 calories before the actual meal ever even comes. And then you crush the meal and then you're still so hungry, you eat more food.
Starting point is 01:04:51 How many people have that happen to them? How many people do that every day? Are you stupid? Because it sounds to me like you are because you should be prepared for that moment. of me like you are because you should be prepared for that moment. If you know that your, your work is done for the day at five o'clock and five o'clock rolls around and you're hungry and you don't have any food with you and you're driving home and you know, you're not going to eat until more like seven. That is, that is just, there's no other way to explain it. That is just plain stupid. It doesn't make any sense. Why not know, okay, well, work's wrapping up.
Starting point is 01:05:27 I'm going to eat an apple and some cheese or whatever it is that you brought with yourself. Hard-boiled eggs. Just anything. Six ounces of steak and a little bit of sweet potato. Something. Eat something before you head home so that when you go home you don't make the same mistake again because that mistake that you're going to make when you get home it's going to feel like you're a food addict or even before you get home you stop
Starting point is 01:05:57 it in and out yeah yeah you stop you stop it in and out you made a bad choice your wife cooked a good meal now you're in trouble with her you're in a dog house because you're not eating that and then on top of that you end up splurging and like eating ice cream or eating some other junk because you were hungry all day and then you ate and you went off your plan already and you got a case of the fuck it's and you just kind of keep hitting that button and you just keep letting it happen so So this one guy wrote in Edgar nine to five popped in on my DM and Instagram and said he had a bad relationship with food. Um, and he, he mentioned cravings and hunger and weight gain. And, um, he just really, uh, he really struggled to be able to stick to the plan, but everything
Starting point is 01:06:43 that I just said previously, if you weren't paying attention, Edgar, everything I just said previously lines up with how you can kick the shit out of all this. Your cravings and your hunger. First of all, I'd say if you have cravings and hunger, the first thing that I would look into is I would try a ketogenic diet and I would try some intermittent fasting.
Starting point is 01:07:08 The reason why I suggest those two things is because you can go longer without some of the foods that you love than you think. And you're also not as hungry as you think you are. And so when you work on some intermittent fasting, you could build up your body's ability to be hungry and you can teach yourself that you ain't really that hungry anyway. It's not that bad. You just went four hours without food. You ain't going to die. And you probably have plenty of body fat to run off of, right? So you don't need to, um, you don't need to let all these, you don't need to let food rule you. You can be in control of your food. You
Starting point is 01:07:46 can be in control of these things and you can prepare and you can prep your foods. Staying on a diet is as simple as doing a diet. It's simple as taking it one meal at a time. If you go off your diet, you're only one meal away from being back on your diet. You're one meal away from being off your plan. You're one meal away from being back on it. It doesn't have to be complicated. It doesn't have to be hard. Now in a ketogenic diet, you're kind of either ketogenic or you're not right. But following some of the low carb principles, so what you ate 50 carbs for the day or 75 carbs per day. It's not a huge deal. It's not a huge problem. Uh, think about the fight that you're in. The
Starting point is 01:08:32 fight that you're in is to be less fat. The fight that you're in is to be in better shape. The fight that you're in is to be better than you were yesterday. And so in order to be better than you were yesterday, it doesn't mean that we have to sleep eight hours a day. It doesn't mean that we have to be picture perfect on our diet every day. It doesn't mean that we have to be picture perfect with our training. It doesn't mean everything has to be perfect. It just means that it has to be a little bit better. And if we were to give ourselves points for the day and we were to add things up and we said, okay, sleep. All right. Out of 10 sleep gets
Starting point is 01:09:05 six training gets a six. Um, uh, let's see, did I, did I, did I learn anything today? Like where, you know, where's my learning? Where's my education for the day? Does anybody even do that? Or, or are you just going to work and you don't, you don't have quote unquote, don't have time to learn. Cause that would be a big mistake. In my opinion, you're not going to be able to elevate. You're not going to be able to expand beyond where you currently are, unless you continue to figure out a way to have some form of continued education. And you should be doing that minimum once a week. You're not going to always learn new and fresh things just from work by itself. So if we're to grade ourselves at the end of each day, and let's just say, hypothetically, let's just say that you got a score of 60 points, you know, and the next day
Starting point is 01:09:53 you got 50 points. And the next day after that, you got 60 points. And the next day after that, you got 70 and so on, right? As long as over a period of time it's trending upward then we're heading in the right direction so Not everything has to line up perfectly all the time every single day But you do have to try to do better. You do have to try to be better You do have to try to do more. You do have to try to be more you're working on trying to become Stronger and better than you were yesterday. I don't know one person I've never know one person,
Starting point is 01:10:29 I've never met one person that doesn't possess the ability to get better. So be careful what you say. I have a bad relationship with food. I'd say you have a bad relationship with life. Your relationship with your life sucks. Your relationship with your food is a byproduct of not being in control of your life you're not in control of your sleep you're not in control of the way that your room looks you're not in control of making your bed you're not in control of keeping your kitchen clean you're not in control of keeping your car clean you're kind of has spun out of control everywhere and then you're like man i got a bad relationship with food and you probably maybe you maybe you have developed a bad relationship with food but it's because your day is not set up correctly if your day is set up correctly and you have good
Starting point is 01:11:17 choices uh at some point at some point common sense is going to start to override everything that you do. And you'll be in a position to where you say, you know what? Eating those bad foods just makes me feel like shit. I really do want to eat pizza, but right now in my bag, I have chicken breast, rice, and vegetables, and that tastes pretty good. So I'm just going to eat that it's more economical it's more towards my goals i don't really got money to go spend on a 12 sandwich or whatever right so as these things start to play out you're going to recognize it's not necessarily just the food that's a problem. Of course, food can be the problem and it can be a huge problem, but there's little things that you can do with food that help get rid of this
Starting point is 01:12:11 quote unquote bad relationship with food. You can simply replace the bad food with better food. You can start to make better options. You can get rid of soda, exchange it for water, exchange it for zevia, exchange it for sparkling water, throw some lime, throw some lemon in there. There's tons of options as you start to as you start to explore. And as you start to look at that to where that whole thing of this bad relationship with food and having cravings and hunger actually starts to become kind of a joke. Yeah. And just in my experience, being more prepared with food, like bringing food in. Um, cause I, as I've said on the podcast, like I've never really had a problem with at least weight, obviously I've been skinny my whole life. So I just ate whatever the hell I wanted, which was mainly in and out pizza, whatever, you know, fast food was
Starting point is 01:13:00 available. So the thought of eating like chicken breasts and rice was like, oh, that's gross. Like that's not going to be okay. But the more I brought food in, the so much more easier, that's a horrible put together sentence, the much easier it was to say no to going out to get food. And every single day I did it, it easier you know right you know the more consistency i put behind it the easier it got and i just think somebody on the outside looking in that hasn't experienced that for like you know three months straight they can't even fathom the idea of not wanting to go get fast food right you know but again like i, in my experience where I was eating like shit nonstop, now eating cleaner and every day it gets easier and easier. But it's because I'm prepared the day before.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Each person has their own interpretation too of what they want to do. Like maybe somebody just doesn't want an extra roll of fat. So it's like when your goal is lower and your goal isn't to like look jacked necessarily. Um, and you just want to shed 10 pounds, 15, 20 pounds, you have more leeway with your food and you can still have some of these delicious foods that you like. Um, it's just that you have to pay attention to how often you're doing this. And as somebody just pointed out on Instagram, they said you shouldn't have a relationship with food. And I, I a hundred percent agree.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Um, you know, a lot of situations that happen, there's too much emotion behind them. And, uh, even when somebody is inflammatory towards you and when somebody's angry towards you,
Starting point is 01:14:43 the worst thing that you can do is fight fire with fire. And the best thing that you could do is say, okay, uh, what, what has set this person off? Why are they upset? And, uh, let's figure out a way to cool them off. So rather than fight fire with fire, fight fire with something that will put out the fire, which would be water or baking soda, right? You know, try to find something that will cool the situation off. Somebody wants to be inflammatory and somebody wants you to put up your dukes. Uh, I would say try to figure out a way to, to cool and calm the situation down. It's, it's a much, it's going to be a much, uh, smoother route. You can, you can, you're going to be able to help, uh, change and convince that person's mindset of
Starting point is 01:15:31 the way that they're thinking, uh, by, by doing that. And, you know, a lot of people, a lot of people will, will, will talk about, oh man, I don't know how I'm going to be on this diet without pasta or, or, you know, I've had pasta my whole life, I don't know how I'm going to be on this diet without pasta or, you know, I've had pasta my whole life. I don't know. You don't have to do any diet where you're without anything. You can still eat these things. It's just that you can't eat them all the time. You can't. But also how often do you really eat those things anyway? And how often do you want to? And then start to have a conversation with yourself about what's reasonable. Man, I really love this, you know, thing at In-N-Out.
Starting point is 01:16:13 I really love this thing at Jack in the Box. Well, how, like, okay, well, let's, okay, well, what's the goal? What are you trying to do? I want to lose 20 pounds. Okay, let's just say you go to the Jack in the box and you, you do it. Can you, can you do it every other week?
Starting point is 01:16:29 Would that work? Somebody might be like, yeah, I think I, yeah, you know what? I can, I can,
Starting point is 01:16:35 I can figure that out. Okay. Can you make some changes in some other spots? Okay. You're going to, you're going to lose the weight. It's not going to be any problem. Not to totally derail everything,
Starting point is 01:16:44 but I seen a meme and someone was like, when I was in high school 20 years ago, two tacos from Jack in the Box was 99 cents. I go to Jack in the Box today and two tacos are still 99 cents. So either inflammation is bullshit or they've been overcharging me
Starting point is 01:17:00 for the last 20 years. That's great. Those tacos are pretty good. Oh my God. I love, I love that kind of shit. I mean, who,
Starting point is 01:17:09 who doesn't, right? I mean, we all love these fast, convenient, easy foods. I mean, even right now,
Starting point is 01:17:14 as we're talking about food, I'm starting to get starving. I'm starting to get really hungry. Same. And it's, uh, it's three o'clock. And when we're done here,
Starting point is 01:17:23 I'm probably going to go almost straight home. I'll probably be home around four 30. And I know that we don't like, I, I'm just sick and tired of seeing people do the same shit over and over again and thinking something different is going to happen. Now that's the definition of insanity. When I go home, I almost know for a fact that like dinner's not going to be cooked because it's never cooked at that time. That would be rare for it to be.
Starting point is 01:17:46 That would be like out of nowhere. It'd be cooked at two hours earlier than normal. Right. My wife cooks dinner. You know, she's amazing. She's amazing with the food and stuff. And she cooks dinner kind of around the same time. You know, give or take 20, 30 minutes every day.
Starting point is 01:18:02 But I see a lot of people just kind of like walking into shit. You just like, you just walk it into stuff as if you're expecting something different to happen and there's nothing different going on. It's the same shit as it was yesterday. So this idea of having a bad relationship with food, I think you have a bad relationship with your life and you got to clean your shit up. You got to clean your act up. You have to figure out a way to be, be more prepared. You have to start preparing some of your foods. You have to figure out a way to get out in front of your day. Start going to bed earlier. Start waking up earlier. We talked about this a ton about you. Um, you're not going to function properly if you don't get the right amount of sleep. So you got to make sure you get the correct amount of sleep. What's the correct amount of sleep? Do better than you
Starting point is 01:18:48 did yesterday. If you only sleep five hours every night, work on sleeping five and a half, just work on it and just try. And this idea of trying, you know, I feel this needs to be explained. Just because you try something once and fail doesn't mean that you don't try again. explained just because you try something once and fail doesn't mean that you don't try again you try and you try again you try try try again right you keep trying you try something you get some pushback you try something it doesn't work you try something and you fail how many times have you heard um you know about uh athletes like uh reggie jackson reggie jackson used to drop drop bombs left and right he used to just nail home runs for the yankees all the time but he also struck out more than anybody
Starting point is 01:19:31 else in the history right uh look people don't talk about how many interceptions brett farve's had in his career well brett farve you know went he went brett farve would drop back and he would just sling that ball everywhere. He took a lot of chances with it, right? The old gunslinger. Yeah, the old gunslinger. He'd be slanging out those slangers, right? Yeah, he would just fucking chuck that ball.
Starting point is 01:19:58 Yeah, he was a freaking nutcase. And so sometimes he threw a freaking interception, but he took a risk, right? He threw the punch. He, he went for it. And just because you try like, just cause you try a diet and it doesn't, first of all, if you try a diet and doesn't work, then maybe you didn't do the diet correctly. And, or maybe it didn't do the diet long enough. Also try another diet. Yeah. I tried that and it didn't like, that's kind of the worst. I think when you say you tried that and it didn't work, I think it's like, I think it's like, uh, you're just looking for confirmation from someone else be like, yeah, bro, I totally agree. But you know, I don't think you really believe that I tried that. It didn't work.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Yeah. Every diet I do, it do it's uh i plateau after three weeks nothing nothing changes yeah yeah right i i i can't lose weight yeah i got a weird metabolism or um you know i tried that program uh squat every day and uh it it didn't work it didn't change anything with my legs it's like really, really? Try to squat every day. And it did nothing. Like, I'm not buying that. You went from not squatting,
Starting point is 01:21:10 you know, you went from only squatting once a week to squatting four or five times a week or seven times a week. And there was, and there was no change. Like, you know, either you got better or you got worse,
Starting point is 01:21:20 but you're just did the same exact. That doesn't make any sense. Like it's such a radical change. It doesn't make sense that it didn't do anything. Yeah, I always want to be like, really, it didn't work for you? Like, did we stop everything? Science needs to experiment with you because it works for literally everybody that actually does it. Right.
Starting point is 01:21:38 But you're the one exception, so we need to figure out what's going on in your body. Almost everything. So we need to figure out what's going on in your body. Almost everything. Almost everything that you adhere to for a period of time will, will yield some kind of results. Um, obviously there's right and wrong ways to do things, but what I also found fascinating about this Instagram post from Edgar nine to five is that King Swole came in and came to the rescue and offered help. And he was so kind to say, dude, DM me.
Starting point is 01:22:08 I'll help you anytime you want. And he started talking about flexible dieting and started talking about the program he uses. And he was like, I went, you know, lost 30 pounds. And I just thought that was amazing. And I appreciate you guys. I appreciate the fans that we have are so passionate. Sometimes you guys get crazy fired up and start yelling at each other. Sometimes you guys get crazy fired up and start yelling at me.
Starting point is 01:22:33 And, uh, but you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. You guys are awesome. And I appreciate when you guys help each other out and the way that the guy did it was cool too. Cause he was like, you know what? I'm a, I'm a beer drinking rum drinking son of a bitch and i don't i don't like to follow a diet either i always feel like i'm falling out of favor with the diet i'm always feeling i'm having trouble by the way
Starting point is 01:22:55 there's a book called the war on carbs and you guys should get it because it can really wait what what go it out. The book's like $25 or something. You get it on Amazon. I think it's a little cheaper on Amazon. But that would be something worthwhile. Look, it's right here. I got it right here. Beep.
Starting point is 01:23:15 I got it right here. It's small. I made it small. It's like a manual. It's a field guide. Mm-hmm. Manual, if you will. Anyway.
Starting point is 01:23:25 Some great pictures in there. Guys handsome and a great photographer, right? Who could have took those? When you're talking about communities and stuff, like the YouTube livestream community that we have over here is amazing. YouTube. Yeah, these guys are like we had some of the regulars here. They help each other out.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Nothing but positive. And then one cool saying from David B. He says it's the old saying, the early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Say that again. Say that again. It's worth saying again. Yeah, I told him I'd never heard of him. Then he called me a millennial.
Starting point is 01:24:01 So that's actually the meanest thing anyone's ever said on this chat room. Early to bed, early to rise, to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise it's been around forever i've heard it before too i never heard it it's awesome yeah it's i told him like that's amazing and it's just it's just uh like why do we hear information and then dismiss it? Like, that's a great chunk of information. Like, the fact that you never heard it is a shame. You know, like, you should have heard it because someone should have said it to you.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Right. Or should have been taught to you, right? Absolutely. That's actually a thing to, like, teach to somebody. That's so valuable. That's something to teach to your children. I mean, that is some really wise words now there's different people have different things going on in their life they're gonna wake up and go to bed and do things at different hours the point is when you do something early it just means that you're ready for it
Starting point is 01:24:59 you're prepared for it so um you can kind of take that and put it into its own context. If you are a cop and you work nights, it doesn't mean that you can't ever have the things that you want. You know, it's just, it just means do the stuff when you're supposed to do it, when you're supposed to go to bed, you know, get to bed on time. So you have the seven to eight hours of sleep that's required of the human body, uh, that's, that you actually need. Yeah. We got a pretty cool question from Instagram from, uh, Jerry dot merit. How do you manage anxiety from a business decision and the toll that it takes on the body? Uh, you can't, you can't manage everything, you know? Um, and there's certain things that when, when certain things are put into action, uh, there's not a whole
Starting point is 01:25:45 lot you can do to kind of unring that bell. Uh, there's many things that we've had here that have happened that, uh, you can't do shit about. Um, we, we, we talked about it the other day in, in, uh, uh, in a meeting where we had, you know, this problem with PayPal, where it was just, it was like, it would, uh, uh, in a meeting where we had, you know, this problem with PayPal, where it was just, it was like, it would, uh, it would just charge people when they ordered, but it wouldn't show that somebody ordered. So they didn't know that they ordered. And so each customer came in there and ordered and ordered and ordered and ordered. And it was like,
Starting point is 01:26:20 one guy did it like 50 times. Cause he was like a kid. He was like 15 years old or something or 16 years old or wherever he was. But uh yeah there's things that happen in business that that uh will give you a damn heart attack um but you're gonna have to figure out um i mean there's been people that have been way more successful than me so how are they still alive right um try to figure that out try to figure to figure that out, try to figure out what that looks like, try to figure out, um, and how far, you know, how far and how hard are you going to push yourself every single day? Um, you ha it has to be, has to be reasonable. Um, I have to understand that if I, if I, if I push myself an extra hour every day,
Starting point is 01:27:04 that could be detrimental to the entire process. And it's probably totally and completely unnecessary. I already work very hard. I can probably do more, but I'm not ready for that yet. Like as I grow older and as I mature more, I'll be probably ready to kind of handle more and more. I mature more, uh, I'll be probably ready to kind of handle more and more. And at some point, uh, that more and more will probably be like, Hmm, okay. I'm going to kind of settle down now. Um, or I'll start to have different goals.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Maybe some of the lifting will be cut back. Maybe I'll be doing jujitsu or yoga or some other shit, uh, in collaboration with the lifting. In collaboration with the lifting, you don't really say, you know, this thing happened, this particular thing happened, it's a shame, but did I really do the best I could to communicate everything I needed to communicate to make sure that this happened to the best of my ability, the best of my wife's ability?
Starting point is 01:28:21 Did my team handle this situation the best they could? Is there something that we're missing i need to look at that in a reasonable and honest fashion and maybe say to myself you know what no absolutely not i was wrong i i messed up i made a mistake uh that didn't work um and how do we make it work next time so uh I always look at everything as an opportunity To get better I always look at everything as an opportunity period So how do I manage
Starting point is 01:28:53 Anxiety that happens in business Everything that happens is an opportunity Every single thing that happens Good bad or otherwise Every single thing that happens is an opportunity It's a chance at something What happened with the X-Sleeves is an opportunity. It's a wonderful opportunity to show people what the hell this business is all about and what we're here for.
Starting point is 01:29:14 We are truly dedicated to making the world a better place to live. We're truly dedicated to making the best products. We're truly dedicated to making products to where the IPF and maybe some other federations are looking at our products going, I don't know if these could be legal. Like these are pretty damn good. These are too good. Like, I don't know, like, you know, these are too stiff. These are too strong. These are, these are too powerful. I mean, isn't that what all knee sleeves do? They all give you compression. They all help you rebound out of the bottom of the lift. Uh, they all help you do the same thing that, you know, every knee sleeve is, uh, has a
Starting point is 01:29:52 similar, similar properties to it. And the fact that it's going to keep the knee warm, it's going to give the knee a certain amount of compression. And, uh, there, you know, you're trying just to make the best product you can. And we happen to make things in my opinion, better than anybody else. And so when these, uh, when these products kind of come to be and we, we make them, uh, I don't have any control over, uh, what other people do with them or how they sanction them or how they rule, whether they're going to be legal in their federation. But I have control over my communication
Starting point is 01:30:25 level. I have control over who communicates with them. You know, as we went through this misunderstanding, I finally got on the phone with one of the guys from the IPF with my wife and, um, you know, the, the conversation was adult. It wasn't like, uh, well, no one was really fighting, but, uh, it was tense a little bit, especially between my wife and this guy, they're going back and forth a little bit. And, um, I got on the phone and say, Hey, you know what? Uh, we've been looking forward to this opportunity for the last four years. And we are super excited. Like we were just so happy that we just can't wait until, uh, we can't wait till 2019. Like we're pumped.
Starting point is 01:31:07 But I will say this. I know that we didn't make any mistakes. I know that we crossed every T and dotted every I that we possibly could. We were meticulous. We didn't jump the gun. And I know that my level of communication was good. So what anxiety do I have towards that situation? None.
Starting point is 01:31:23 I don't have any. What do we do at the x sleeves uh okay they we people bought them and i thought they were approved and now you know they're not approved and we got to make a new one that is approved okay uh my level of anxiety goes up a point goes from zero goes to one and i go okay let's make a knee sleeve and then let's send it out to everybody okay what do you mean send it out to everybody send it out to everybody that bought an x sleeve my wife's like well why would it go out to everybody how about just people that you know that uh know that's ipf approved or bought it because it's ipf approved they bought it after the fact it got ipf approved after they had it on their ipf approval
Starting point is 01:32:05 list and i said no because this is an opportunity it's opportunity to show people what we're about so people recognize people are smart and they recognize real recognize real right they recognize when you do something like that. They recognize when you're compassionate. They recognize when you're empathetic towards them. And so I said, no, we're going to send out the ex-sleep to everybody. And so that's what we did. And my level of anxiety, you know, is not like there's, there, you know, it's just, it's not, it doesn't go up and down from stuff like that. I, I do the best I can with something.
Starting point is 01:32:49 I've been in business long enough to understand that there's only so much I can do with that. Um, and how did you learn that though? Cause I can imagine that's what it was in the very beginning, or if it was, maybe you learned it somewhere else. or if it was maybe you learned it somewhere else um i so i used to not care even more but i you know as i've gotten older unfortunately you start to care about things a little bit more i've softened up quite a bit i used to not really give a flying fuck i used to just really like i just embrace the fact that uh i guess maybe part of it is uh I mentioned on previous podcasts, kind of leaning into this meathead idea, you know, okay, I'm dumb. So because of that, I never knew any details about anything. And, you know, still this day, I don't look at anything like that.
Starting point is 01:33:41 I don't pay attention to our numbers business-wise. don't, I don't look at anything like that. I don't pay attention to our numbers business wise. Um, and I think that's a huge blessing and I think that helps me, uh, deal with the anxiety. So I pretty much have been the same way for a long time. Once we started the business though, and once things started to get underway and we're like, Oh, we doubled, we tripled, we so on. I told my wife at a certain point, I was like like that's not because i know that things that go up come down um i don't even like the word launch you know we've talked about this before like let's not launch a product because then launching it means it's going to come down probably twice as fast as it went up you know so let's not launch a product let's just put a
Starting point is 01:34:20 product out there and make people aware of it you you know, so we don't have, uh, the same launch party that somebody else might have, but, uh, just the, the kind of theory of just staying even keel and, uh, the understanding that, uh, sticking to the facts and understanding that, that things don't have to get emotional and they don't have to get, um, have to get emotional and they don't have to get, um, psychological. They can just be the way that they are. Um, they don't have to turn into and manifest in anything else. Your, um, your interpretation, like words only are certain words, but there's certain words that are racist or certain words that mean certain dirty nasty things right that uh like the word rape for example see the word rape you're like whoa like just no like just nobody likes that like it's disgusting like just there's nothing there's not one good thing about it right
Starting point is 01:35:18 but you could say grape that's fine right but it's just because of of what has happened over history that's associated with the word the word is really a combination of letters put together that we made up it's it's just made up so whether it's a racist word or whether it's you can let that affect you as much as you want or like you know you can let that affect you and hurt you as much as you want or you can just kind of move on i'm the kind of person that's going to move on because i'm not i don't let things i don't let things dwell i don't let i try not to let things build up um and i try to communicate and i think that's one thing that's so important about our education is that you know when you start when you, that's what you're learning.
Starting point is 01:36:06 You're learning the ability to try to communicate with other people. That's the whole point of going to school in the first place is to interact and to try to learn from, from each other. So that, I mean, that's a, that guy asked a great question. Um, the other way that I deal with anxiety from work is just to go lift, you know, I just, you know i just you know a big part of uh and i can't ever forget that i cannot forget that the lifting and the food and the sleep i'm training for this business for this job right and it's not to be like oh like he's the owner and he's ripped really that's not that's not really why um the the main reason why is to try to live up to a strong standard and then have other people that are excited to do the same thing and go wow like
Starting point is 01:36:53 this is fucking cool like getting into like fight club like shit man i don't want to fight other people but man i really do learn a lot about myself when I draw hands with another person and I go, you know, go mano a mano with somebody, right? But, I mean, you said it yourself. It's like lifting is the cheat code. Yeah. And I don't know if you were paying attention, but Rogan and his boys were doing Sober October. Uh-huh. not necessarily just a runner's high, but he just was saying how as soon as he was done working or working out, he had zero
Starting point is 01:37:28 negative thoughts in his head. He had no anxiety. He had nothing but positive thoughts and he was just happy. All because he had these crazy workouts where he's working out for like six hours a day or some shit. But you're right. It's like the cheat code. All this training is getting rid of all that anxiety.
Starting point is 01:37:46 No, that's you know, I love, I love, uh, Rogan, you know, I love listening to some of the stuff that he has and the sober October thing is pretty funny and it's cool to see like how serious they're, they're all, uh, they're all taking it. And that's, it's a perfect time to give people a kick in the pants, you know, because this time of year is when everybody starts to get fat. So I'm going to go over this kind of last question here that somebody asked, and this was from Katie Kye. Katie Kye.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Oh, boy. Katie Killier, or Killwer. Anyway, I just totally butchered her name because i don't even i don't even write i didn't write it down the right way i don't think but kyle were i don't know anyway from katie right katie k we'll call her uh so she said that she has a problem with when she puts attention towards one thing, something else will fall off. And she'll start to do better with her food. And then her sleep gets compromised.
Starting point is 01:38:52 And then she'll start to do better with her sleep. And her training will get compromised. And she'll start to do better with her training and then her food and so on. Right. She tries to focus in on one thing. Um, I don't know if she mentioned she was a mom or whatever, but like, you know, if you have kids, I mean, they're going to factor into it. There's just a lot of things that factor into all these things.
Starting point is 01:39:14 And, uh, it's very hard to spin, uh, a lot of plates at one time and try not to have any of them fall. Right. That's a real trick. It's a really, uh, it's a really uh it's a tough it's a tough thing to do um but the good news is is that you don't have to be perfect on everything all the time you don't have like all the plates don't have to be spinning there's not even a point to spin them sometimes not everything has to be dead on
Starting point is 01:39:45 every single time. It's just not realistic for you to have, to have that happen in that way all the time. And so you might want to try to have a perspective of, um, training's not going to be perfect today because there's too many things going on. And then also, if that's the case, maybe you move your training day. Andrew and I just talked about this today. Slingshot Record Breakers. Is this weekend. At CSA Combat Sports Academy.
Starting point is 01:40:15 In Dublin California. And. We're going to be gone for two days. Those are both days that we lift. And we're trying to get good momentum. With our new lifting buddy our new lifting partner our boy lauren and um and we can't because we're going to be out of town so so it kind of it kind of sucks in some ways um but what can we do about it you know um we we know
Starting point is 01:40:40 that we're going to miss we know that the training is going to suffer a little bit. Well, we could train, we could, instead of having a day off, we could, you know, stick an extra training session in before we leave town. And that will suffice. That will work pretty good. But, you know, this idea of trying to, let's say you push one thing to a nine, okay, out of 10, and you push another thing to a nine, and you push another thing to a nine and you push another thing to a nine and then you go to push on the other thing and the other thing slides back down to an eight right well that's going to happen over a long period of time like those things will happen they're going to there's there's uh it's too hard it's too hard to have your work your life your lifting your nutrition your sleep it's too hard to have all these things elevated all the time.
Starting point is 01:41:25 That's why people say all the time, well, nobody's perfect. However, go back to some of the other things I shared during this podcast, the level of consistency. And also let's talk about what's reasonable. So you can't fail at something that you did not say that you were going to do. If, if you, if you said that you're going to train four days a week and you only showed up twice, that would be a failure. But from the onset, if you said, I'm going to show up twice a week, then you'd be fine. Cause you then followed through with it. Or maybe you don't even say anything. Maybe you just show up, right?
Starting point is 01:42:07 But it is good to have, like, it's good to have goals. It's good to have kind of set things. And so in these individual areas where you feel like you're falling off when you're pushing towards one thing and pushing towards another, I would really suggest that you write these things down and analyze them. And what does it mean to you to be a 10 out of 10 on some of these different things? Is it reasonable? Is it anything that you even actually want?
Starting point is 01:42:33 Figure out what you want and try to figure out how to aim for it is what I said in the very beginning of the podcast. That's from Jordan Peterson. That's really crucial. And that really plays into this question a lot. You're not going to be able to have everything in a heightened state all the time, physically, mentally, it's, it's, it's impossible, but you can be better than you were yesterday. So you can take those fives and turn them into sevens.
Starting point is 01:43:00 You can have them beat seven, eight, eight nine seven eight nine but you're not gonna have tens all the way across it's just not gonna ever happen in my opinion yeah i can really relate to her question uh katie was her name um because before i started working with super training um as as my photography business went up my training went down now my training was never really out of 10 but you you know, it was somewhere in the middle. But then as soon as training or as a photography went up, training went down, training would go up. Photography would drop way down. It was just, I couldn't balance it out. And then one day or one moment, I'm like, you know what? I'm going to work both of them as hard as I
Starting point is 01:43:40 can. So it was, there was a meteor shower the next night that was going to happen. So I'm like, you know what? I'm not going to be a bitch. I just said I'm going to do both 100%. So I'm going to go in the morning. I'm going to train at like 5 a.m. And then that night I'm going to go out
Starting point is 01:43:57 and shoot the meteor shower that's coming. So I stayed up for a really, really long time. And this was about a month or so before I ever met you. I ended up staying up all night. I, you know, trained in the morning, went to work, shot photos at night. And on the way home, I remember getting off the freeway and then waking up next to a pole because I actually crashed because I fell asleep. Oh, shit. Because I was trying to do a little bit too much. It's kind of weird because then shortly after I met you and I'm like, shit, did I not make it out of that car?
Starting point is 01:44:32 Like, you know, this is all like so crazy. But back then it's because I couldn't handle it. Right. I could probably do that today because what does Mark say? Do more, be more. Right. You know, if back then you said, hey, you're going to do, you're going to train every day with Mark. You're going to do photos
Starting point is 01:44:50 every single day. You're going to do a podcast every day and you're going to have enough energy to go to Jasmine's dance class at the end of the night. I'd be like, no way. Right. But in time, you develop, you know, the willpowerpower the capacity to handle all this so yeah right now you might be able to train at a 6 and then everything else is at a 5 but then eventually you get more points on the scoreboard and you can do
Starting point is 01:45:15 train at a 6, everything else is at a 6 you build up attributes like if it was NBA 2K or something so do more be more, it might not be It kind of like you build up attributes like if it was like NBA 2K or something. So, you know, do more, be more. It might not be what you want right now, but in time you will get there. What stupid things were you doing in your life at that time that may have, you know,
Starting point is 01:45:40 that may have led to you like falling asleep? I know that you said you kind of tried to prep for a little bit but like uh what was in your way of like not being able to complete that day all the way you think i just got gassed i just you know because i was training i was trying to train monday through friday in the mornings and then just work my regular like uh at that time i think i was working seven to four, I think. And then every minute after I clocked out of work, I was working on my photography. So I never really took a break. And then that night just happened to be a really, really long day. And I just, I just, that's like I said, like I just passed out.
Starting point is 01:46:18 And next thing I know, all the airbags are deployed and my card automatically starts calling 911, which I thought was crazy. But, I mean, just a consistent not sleeping eight hours a night. Right. Consistently just pushing too much. Like, I mean, you can ask Stephanie. There'd be nights where I'd be up like 4 or 5 in the morning trying to work on my website that drove zero traffic to it. But, you know, trying to make it look legit. And it's just because I kept trying to just push my website that drove zero traffic to it but you know trying to make it look legit and it's just because i kept trying to just push more and more and more
Starting point is 01:46:49 but like i said that situation was kind of uh a little bit out of the norm because i'm like okay i'm gonna stay up all night taking pictures of the you know this this meteor shower and that's you know it's just a little bit too much right so it kind of goes to show you that like um there's these kind of fundamental things that everything else starts with and i i would say that um it's very clear without sleep we don't have much you know without sleep you could end up dead you can end up smashing into a tree you know um sleep is going to be a fundamental piece of this puzzle and sleep sleep is going to be a huge part of you being able to figure out how to eat correctly it's a huge part of you figuring out how to make strong decisions in your life every single day the food is going to be very important as well because if you're an asshole with your food
Starting point is 01:47:50 and you're insulting your metabolism all the time with junk it's going to be hard to sleep properly yeah the two things kind of go together um for example i'll show you how sensitive this is. I cut out food about two to three hours before bed every night, and I've been sleeping like a damn rock. It's been really the only change. Now, I have been trying to work on my sleep for a while, and not a lot of things have been that effective. I still tape my mouth shut, and I still use the nose strip. I use both those things and those seem to help as well. They kind of maybe help get a deeper sleep. I take magnesium. I take zinc before I go to bed, but I've been doing that for a long time and I cut out, um, I cut out the last
Starting point is 01:48:38 meal. So I, cause I usually just snack anyway. My wife cooks at like six, we're done eating at seven or whatever it is. And, uh, I'm usually kind of done for the day, but I get these stupid cravings again. And I just want to eat like a quest cookie or make a protein shake, or just pick something in the fridge. It's not anything that I actually need. It's just that I want it, you know? So I got rid of that habit. And, uh, as a result, been sleeping a lot better. And then I wake up and I continue the fast and I fast through our workouts now. And, you know, I'm not shitting as much, you know, I still take a shit in the morning. It's kind of like just my, that's my time, I guess.
Starting point is 01:49:17 But, uh, you know, before I would like, I would wake up and I would eat and I ate before I went to bed and then I'd have to take a dump and then I'd be out trying to go out the door again and have to take another dump. And it's just like dump after dump after dump. And it just got to be it got to be too much. But to get back to this question, to get back on track here. When you pay attention to one thing, other things will fall. pay attention to one thing, other things will fall. Well, whenever you try to work in strength training or in training in general,
Starting point is 01:49:51 when you talk about trying to have like a strength block, there's some coaches that have pointed out that the best program that you can do is the one that you're currently not doing. So you're like, wait, well, that sucks. Well, what that means is that when you're doing sets of three for long periods of time, that your sets of 10 will suffer. Understand what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:50:17 When you, when you start, when you're doing sets of 10, your sets of three will start to suffer. Andrew and I have been doing higher reps. And so we've noticed that while doing higher reps is great, when we go to handle the heavier weights, they still feel kind of heavy, right? And so if you could get stronger only lifting light weights, then everybody would be very, very strong. And not everybody is very strong. You have to be able to handle, you have to figure out ways of handling enough weight
Starting point is 01:50:44 so your body is prepared for it. You have to be prepared for all these situations that you have in life. And if you can't keep all the plates spinning, then maybe you're spinning too many at one time for now. And you need to look at, and you need to have a conversation about what it is that you want where do you want to be why are you even spinning all these plates what is it for where do you want to see where do you want to be in three years you can have just about anything that you want within the next three years it's just that you have to figure out like what like what is it you know and why what is it and why like do you want do you want to make 70 grand do you want to make like is what is it, you know? And why, what is it and why? Like, do you want, do you want to make 70 grand?
Starting point is 01:51:26 Do you want to make, like, is there, is there a number that in your head with finances? Is there a job title that you want? Is there, do you want to move up to management? Do you want to be in sales? Do you want to, um, a new car? Do you just, whatever, you know, whatever these things are that you're looking for, new car do you just whatever you know whatever these things are that you're looking for uh start to really kind of focus in and hone in on what they are i never had to actually do that because i've always been a dreamer i've always been someone who just i and i don't know i don't
Starting point is 01:51:59 know if i was born with that or what that came from i think it's just probably a byproduct of having um loving parents and not ever feeling like i ever had to really think about like getting a real job and so i just dreamed about shit and thought about like i'm gonna own a big castle one day i always want i always wanted to be rich and i always kind of like knew i was going to be rich i knew it happened at some point i don't know why but i was just so casual about it i was like yeah it'll happen at some point i don't know and i, but I was just so casual about it. I was like, yeah, it'll happen at some point. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:52:26 And I think people would look at me like, what the fuck? Like, you ain't going to be rich, you dummy. I remember having conversations with my friend and he and I actually like gotten like, uh, like kind of a long argument over it. Like we pretty much stopped talking after that, but he was like, I don't know. He said something about, cause he, he was in construction. Uh, even when we were kids, like he was in construction from the time he was 12 and then i think as soon as we got out of school he started running his like uncle's construction company and then he went to college and got a degree and then from there he
Starting point is 01:52:59 became a foreman and he was just kicking ass i I mean, he was, he was really, uh, doing great, but he and I got in a conversation one day before, before all that happened. And, um, I said something about, uh, like I said, I don't care. He was rubbing it in my face that I never had any money. And I said, Oh, I don't really care about like, you know, I'm fricking we're in high school, dude. I'm like, I don't really care that much about having money. Not that big of a deal to me. And, uh, he's like, yeah, you're saying that cause he ain't gotten any. I was like, yeah, you're right. You kind of got me. I said, you know what though? When, uh, when I'm, when I'm older, I'm going to have more money than you. And he's like, he's like, how the
Starting point is 01:53:39 hell are you going to do that? I was like, I don't know. I don't know, but I'm gonna have more money than you and everybody else in this room there's like 10 other people in there and uh i just i i remember that and he got he was pissed he was like he was truly offended because he was he was like that competitive i didn't really care what he said i was just like whatever uh he was my friend and we were dicks to each other because that's what that's what you do as guys. You talk trash to each other, right? But I just kind of have always been a dreamer. So I never really had to, you know, I guess maybe like goal set as much as maybe somebody else. Or I didn't have to have as much internal dialogue to figure out what it was I wanted. It was already like dreamt in my head i was already like stuck in there uh that i wanted and maybe it's because maybe it's because i loved
Starting point is 01:54:32 uh professional wrestling growing up and i love that like kind of a little bit of that rock star uh lifestyle i love that they you know the rick flair type stuff he's got the money he's got the ladies type of thing like maybe there's part of me that Likes some of that side of things so I don't know what it is Anyway Thank you guys so much for listening I appreciate it the best way you can
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Starting point is 01:55:11 Blah-blah-blah. Show your love, and then tell other people about the show. That's important. That's huge. Yeah. So for everyone on Instagram, there is a Mark Bell's Power Project Instagram
Starting point is 01:55:22 that you guys can go follow. All the links are in the bio. So whatever the hell device you have, iPhone, Android, PC, Mac, whatever, there's ways that you guys can find us. You can instantly just go to That's where all the live streams are going to be put up. We're easy to find. We're accessible. um, we're, we're, we're easy to find. We're accessible. The last thing I'm going to say before we sign off here is, um, I hear a lot of people and Andrew kind of mentioned this about,
Starting point is 01:55:50 about working when he started to work more, this, this, uh, idea of fitness, uh, fell off. And so you want to try to, you want to still try to hold onto things that are directly for you. And you could think like the camera stuff, uh, being that are directly for you. And you could think like the camera stuff, uh, being a photographer is for you and you could think that it's like for your family. But I think that you need like just flat out, there has to be some sort of alone time where you work on purely and strictly
Starting point is 01:56:19 the development of yourself. And yeah, you can kind of do some of that through photography, but that's just you learning more about a camera. Yeah. That's you learning a skill and acquiring a skill. And that's very, very positive. That's a great thing. But I think in addition to that, you have to figure out how do I, like, you might have to go do something weird, like listen to music, play music, write music. Uh, if you like to write, you like to read, you like to draw, like maybe you love art and you love to draw. Like you're, you might, and that if that's not your profession, you still
Starting point is 01:56:53 might need to set time aside for you just to do that thing. My wife's thing is swimming. My thing is to lift weights. And so we still have a thing and those things are important because that helps me improve every day On top of the lifting i'm educating myself every day on new material. I'm trying to absorb new stuff I take notes and in it in this book every day Like i'm going to school It says meathead billionaire on there and i'm gonna give a rat's ass if I ever become a billionaire or not I could care less. I just wrote it on there because i'm putting it out there in the universe and we will see what happens We won't know that story until
Starting point is 01:57:32 The story ends I guess Strength is never a weakness weakness is never a strength catch you guys later

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