Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 14 - Chris Bell

Episode Date: March 2, 2018

Mark Bell and big brother Chris Bell dropping nutrition knowledge and talk about The War on Carbs. Where it came from, how long they've been fighting the war and how they've been feeling following a C...arnivore style diet. ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: ➢SHOP NOW: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. Hello, everybody. Today's podcast is brought to you by SpaceX. We're going to give you the most affordable prices on getting to Mars. If you type in Power Project, you get 45% off. And type in This is like total recall or something. We're going to send people to Mars. Why not? We are talking about the future, and the future is a war on carbs.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Jinx, buy me a Coke. Buy you a Coke? No. First thing, oh. Buy you a coffee? Can't even be a diet Pepsi after some of the things, or diet Coke since all the stuff we've been learning. Aspartame and shit.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Yeah, all that stuff. First, let's just tell people, the people that are watching via the YouTubes, let's just show people how they join the War on Carbs. Boom. The most manly way possible. It's the Braveheart forearm handshake. Unite the clans handshake from Braveheart. That's how you join the War on Carbs.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Now, I'm just going to talk a little bit about some stuff that I've been doing. I'll just tell everybody I started a ketogenic style diet in like the mid 90s and got further into it and got more excited about it by reading stuff from Dan Duchesne, by reading stuff from Mauro DiPasquale, who wrote The Anabolic Diet. Lyle McDonald. And then over the years, started to read some stuff on the internet and started to read stuff kind of all over the place. But more modern times, the ketogenic diet has kind of shifted and morphed, but then somehow, oddly enough, came back full circle to where it originally started. Which was, if you remember, um, when you and I were living together, like in Santa Monica, um, when you got, when you and I were living in Santa Monica, I'd cook up massive amounts of beef.
Starting point is 00:01:54 And remember I used to spoon up the fat, like all the fat that was left over. We would go crazy all the time. We would do all kinds of stuff like that. And in some weird way with having like bone broth and using bacon grease and using butter and all these different things that we're doing now, the war on carbs has kind of almost reverted back to some of that. Yeah, absolutely. It's gone back to even just eating meat. Like right now I've been for one month doing what they call the carnivore diet or the keto carnivore diet, which is a high fat, you know, it's pretty high protein as well. A diet, which is mainly all red meat,
Starting point is 00:02:34 mostly red meat. And there's a lot of reasons for that. I have arthritis. And so I'm doing it for a lot of issues like that, but yeah, you're right. It's all kind of come back. It's been very popular. It's been very trendy. There's a lot of mistakes that people are making out there. And, um, but there's also a lot of people losing a lot of weight on it. And there's also a lot of controversy surrounding it. It's, uh, been ranked by the U S news and world report as the absolute worst diet for anybody to be on. Uh,
Starting point is 00:02:57 and it's because magazines like that are going off of the common knowledge that we have, which is based on bad science. It's really, it's extremely frustrating. And it's, you know, I think like something like flexible dieting and some of these other diets, I think they're a great attempt to try to get people healthier. And I think if they do follow, if you follow most diets, I do think they can be beneficial. But I think, you know, through our process and through my experience, I'm not necessarily trying to force anybody to do anything, but this has been
Starting point is 00:03:29 the best experience for me. I'm in the best shape of my life. I have the most energy in my life. I feel better than ever. Uh, now having said all that, uh, my blood work has improved a lot. I haven't gotten my blood work done in the last few months since I switched over to eating, uh, more carnivore style. So I do need to do that so I can give you guys more information. We're going to do that in the next couple of weeks. I feel fucking awesome. Every time I eat, I feel like it's recharging my batteries. Every time I get some rest, I feel that the rest is better than ever before. I feel like the sleep isn't, I feel like everything has improved.
Starting point is 00:04:03 My entire life has gone, you know, completely different direction because of this diet. You know, I started this diet actually in rehab, um, three and a half years ago. Again, like I also, I did it in, uh, 1994. I was in California. My friend, Ron Fedko, my, my trainer basically told me I was too fat. And, uh, I was training with Ron Fedko and Michael Hearn. And they said, you know, you got, you have to lift in a lower weight class because you're going to lift against us and we're going to destroy you. And they're big guys, you know, and they were strong. So I decided to drop down to 198 from like a 242. And I did that basically on red meat and water. That was a diet that Ron prescribed me. He actually said to me, I don't even want you to
Starting point is 00:04:45 chew a piece of gum. You know, I guess that's what he told me. I did that for, you know, uh, for a good month back then. There's something really big though, that happens when you get that strict, you know, like there's a reason why the military doesn't, uh, doesn't allow you to have whatever hair you want.
Starting point is 00:05:01 And then there's a reason why you got to shine your shoes a certain way and fold, fold your, uh, or make your bed a certain way. And all this stuff is that it's very, a very particular reason. And it helps to build up tremendous amounts of willpower. I don't feel a lot of times that the other diets address that and not necessarily that they don't address it for fitness people. Cause I think fitness people are pretty disciplined. They already have some pretty good willpower,
Starting point is 00:05:26 but for somebody like our mother, I don't think you can say, Hey, like just try weight watchers. You're going to lose. She can lose some weight doing it, but she's going to gain it back, which she's done many times.
Starting point is 00:05:35 And I think the best way to, the best way to approach it is to not push anything on anybody and just provide information about like what I'm doing. And you lead by example. And if anybody has a problem with it, they can change the channel, they can turn it off, they can whatever. But it's not even worth your time
Starting point is 00:05:50 to address the negative comments because they've already been addressed by science. Like everything's been addressed by science. We know that red meat, for example, has more nutrients than any vegetables on the planet. We know that beef liver, which we just found out, has way more nutrients than even red meat.
Starting point is 00:06:07 The organ meats of cattle have such high values of nutrients. And what happens is when you're eating a diet, say you're on flexible dieting, right? I think it's something that is lost in nutrition. I think that people aren't thinking about being nutritious. So check this out. You're in flexible dieting, right? We, our bodies need glucose. We have to have glucose and we have to have insulin,
Starting point is 00:06:28 but we will make as much as we need. So when you get rid of those things and you replace it with higher nutrient value foods that have vitamins and minerals and all sorts of other things in them, what you're doing is you're feeding your body. Like you said, you feel plugged in. That's why you feel plugged in.
Starting point is 00:06:46 You're getting the nutrients that you need. You're front-loading the nutrients. Even if you were to have carbs, I would recommend everybody, if you're going to have carbs, eat the foods with the most nutrients first and then have your carbs. Like if you were doing a carnivore diet, say you wanted to throw in some rice, eat your meat first and then eat that because what's going to happen is, um, you want to
Starting point is 00:07:09 fill up on nutrients. You don't want to fill up on calories. And I think that that's something that needs to be addressed as well. Um, calories do matter, you know, on keto. If you want to be lean, if you want to lose weight, calories matter. I haven't really lost weight in probably months, but I feel like I'm getting leaner all the time. So I feel like I'm losing body fat. Here's a couple like, you know, easy things for people to wrap their mind around. Your, your caloric intake matters. The amount of food that you eat matters. You're at some point going to need to find
Starting point is 00:07:39 or start to develop some better discipline towards even just how much food you eat. But utilizing something like intermittent fasting and doing things like a ketogenic style diet, those things are going to teach you about something that you need to be in tune with, which is already programmed into our body after millions of years, is just being hungry. You're going to have to learn what hunger truly is. How hungry are you really? Now, you don't need to ever starve yourself. I got into a habit of doing that a little bit too much, and I quickly pulled myself away from it and moved on. But some intermittent fasting can be fantastic. And in my opinion, it's great to utilize because it teaches you how hungry you truly are.
Starting point is 00:08:26 I think it's important to redevelop or reestablish what food is. Food is fuel, right? And for so long, we've made food like fun and we've made food like, you know, all these other things that it's really not, and it's not meant to be. And it's caused a lot of problems. It's caused like a lot of diabetes and cancer and it's caused a lot of heart disease and things like that. And we know that if we plug in the right nutrients at the right times, that we can have a more healthy and productive life
Starting point is 00:08:55 and we can feel better. For me, it's completely changed like my outlook on everything. It's completely changed my willpower on everything. So, you know, being a filmmaker, when you're fueling your mind and your body the right way, I've been able to just work harder. I've been able to do more. And you always say like, do more, become more. Doing this diet has increased my energy, increased my focus and increased just the amount of work I do overall and the output that I have. I think that that's an amazing point.
Starting point is 00:09:27 And that's something that we don't even talk about much. I think if you are, there's so many people that are so fired up about being an entrepreneur and running their own business and doing all these different things. I think that a ketogenic style diet would benefit you greatly. I think you're going to get ahead of the next guy by simply doing a ketogenic style diet, utilizing intermittent fasting, making sure you're hydrated and getting enough sleep every day. And I think people need to know some resources. Like you talked about some simple things people can do.
Starting point is 00:09:54 I can recommend. I've been doing a ton of research for the movie that we're doing, and I can recommend a couple of things. First of all, everybody that's listening to this needs to listen to our boy, Joe Rogan. You need to listen to Joe Rogan's fantastic. Why aren't you listening to Joe Rogan? Yeah. First of all, so Nina Teicholz on Joe Rogan, Dr. Sean Baker, Dr. Dominic D'Agostino, all these people have been on Rogan. There's a lot of diet people. Gary Taubes, he was amazing on Joe Rogan. Even listening to some stuff from Tim Ferriss, who's not necessarily, on Joe Rogan. Even listening to some stuff from Tim Ferriss, who's not necessarily, I mean, not that he's for or against keto in any particular way, but he's talked many times about low carbohydrate living. Yeah. A lot of people do. And, and so there's a lot of books
Starting point is 00:10:34 out there that are great. If you want to know why our food system has been bastardized, there's a book called sugar, fat, salt, which is absolutely mind blowing. That shows you what they do to food to make it addictive. And once you read that, like once you really understand what's in Pop-Tarts and shit like that, like you will not eat it. It's terrible. Like if you're flexible dieting and that's part of your diet, I know most people say, well, that's not part of my flexible dieting or whatever. But if it is, it's awful, right? And there's a lot of these awful carbohydrates, these processed carbs that are really detrimental.
Starting point is 00:11:08 It's just not doing anything towards your goal. Exactly. It's doing things opposite of your goal. And so maybe you start to research and maybe you start to develop some, most of the stuff that you do, maybe most of the behaviors that you do match up with your goals. And that would be a great place to start. It's like, can you find some stuff that has a little bit of junk in it? Like, um, we recognize that sugar in high amounts is, is bad, but what if you had 15 grams of it for the day?
Starting point is 00:11:34 Or what if you had 20 grams of it for the day? And it was a dark piece of chocolate, uh, at the end of the end of the night or something like that. And I want to be very clear and very honest about this. The only way you can, first of all, it's just like AA. It's like sobriety for me. The only way you can get sober is to be honest with yourself. And the only way to get in shape is to be honest with yourself.
Starting point is 00:11:53 And so in the beginning of this diet, I would sneak out of my house because I was with my girlfriend and I would sneak out of the house to go get some candy because I was craving, I was eating so much sugar before I started keto that I started, you know, I started again about a year ago. And when I started, I was craving sugar so bad because I had been coming off of so much sugar that I would sneak out of the house
Starting point is 00:12:18 and go like eat Starburst at the gas station. I did it once actually, but to me that was enough. And slowly, like I was a diet Coke addict and I was still a diet Coke addict up until a couple months ago. So it's a learning process, right? For me, it didn't start out. It's going to take time. You're not going to just dive in.
Starting point is 00:12:35 You're not going to just cut out everything. I don't suggest people just say, okay, tomorrow I'm just going to start eating just meat. What I suggest is. Same thing is if, if you're going to try any diet, don't go jumping into a huge caloric deficit. Don't even have a caloric deficit. Unless you're experienced with dieting, don't even bother to have a caloric deficit. Just get used to your foods.
Starting point is 00:12:56 And in terms of a ketogenic diet, just get used to the feeling of not eating carbohydrates. But if you go in and you're all and you're all in from day one, and you're going to all of a sudden change and you're going to fucking work out at 4am and you're going to work out twice a day and you're gonna do all this shit and you're going to be on keto and you're going to be in a caloric deficit, you are going to feel like shit. And you're going to blame the fact that you're not eating carbohydrates when that's not really the actual problem. That's part of the problem. But the main problem is you're not hydrated and you're, you're not taking care of yourself well enough. You're, you're in a caloric deficit, but you're not nutritionally charged enough to really, uh, match what the exercise that you're trying to do.
Starting point is 00:13:35 The fact of the matter is when you're doing a ketogenic diet, you're going to switch from being a sugar burner to a fat burner. I think a lot of people have heard that terminology. Sometimes you're going to be adapted and stuff. Yeah. Sometimes you're going to be adapted and stuff. Yeah. Sometimes you're going to be on that bubble and it takes like really about three months to completely shift over. You know, you have to not be eating carbs for like about three months to really, really shift over. I personally just think it's people being a bunch of pussies, but we have enough people that have bitched about it over the years where we do have to address it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:02 And so, but here's the real fact of the matter where people are missing the point because they keep talking about, I need carbs, I need carbs, I need carbs. I'm not fat adapted yet. Your body can only store 2000 calories a day, 2000 calories of carbs, right? At one time. It can store 40,000 calories of fat, right? So if you just look at it over time, amount of uh endurance that you can go on 40 you know 40 000 calories is forever right so people don't get as tired they don't wear down as much there's so many great benefits to this years ago there was the caveman diet right that's
Starting point is 00:14:38 what it was called where you just ate once a day right that was was it the warrior diet oh warrior diet yeah and you went like 16 more paleo yeah. You went like 16 hours or something without food or something or 18. And then you just kind of could go haywire. You could actually eat whatever you wanted for six hours. Yeah. But we learned that if you eat whatever you want, even, well, Rob Wolf says, if you just. Well, that was also John Kiefer's diet was a little similar to that. But also Rob Wolf said, if you just- Well, that was also John Kiefer's diet was a little similar to that. But also Rob Wolf said, if you just intermittent fast, if you just did that for 18 hours a day, 18, six, that you'll, he's like, you might not even need to do keto.
Starting point is 00:15:14 And that might be an answer for a lot of people that are listening. What about intermittent fasting and some walking? Yeah. Well, all those things are great. So like if you don't- You walk 10 minutes twice a day. If you don't want to give up your carbs, maybe something like that is a better option. But I guess what I'm saying is like, right.
Starting point is 00:15:30 We're talking about, like you said, with rehab, you mentioned, uh, reducing harm. So maybe you're just reducing harm. Maybe you're having one soda rather than 14. Yeah. And I think that's a big issue is just like reducing the damage. You know, I went to eat with, uh, Jake and you, yes, a couple of days ago and we went to Devere's and, you know, I got some burgers and stuff and Jake always likes to have soda Coke.
Starting point is 00:15:54 And so he, he ordered a Coke when we sat down and, uh, he knows it kind of drives me crazy if he, if he gets more than one, uh, I'm not, I don't try to be a crazy fit dad. I'm not trying to like have him run around the block and shit and burn a bunch of calories or anything crazy like that. But I do want to see my children be healthy. And I want them to, I don't want them to later on say, hey, how come no one ever taught me about this? Especially when I've been accumulating so much knowledge on these subjects. So I've told him for a while now hey just have one but he'll still order a second one a lot of times he's he's 14 you know so the waitress or somebody comes over and they ask him something he basically just says sure to everything because that's because that's what you do when you're 14 but uh you know the other day i kind
Starting point is 00:16:40 of made fun of him and i was and i i told the waitress no which is kind of made fun of him and I was, and I, I told the waitress, no, which is kind of embarrassing to him because he's his own person. He was about to say yes. Yeah, I know. Yeah. He's old enough to speak for himself, but I don't want him going down that road. I don't, once you're fat, it's, it's, uh, you're, you're fighting a tough battle. So I don't want him or Quinn to have to really go through any of that. The way that, the way that we did, we had to fight.
Starting point is 00:17:03 I struggled with it every single day. We still fight it now. We're still fat fat i struggle with it every day and it bothers me uh emotionally and mentally a lot like a ton and so um i think that like not wanting to put your kids through that is awesome like i think that not having your kids struggle through being fat and getting made fun of for that particular reason is a great reason to limit what they do. But we went out for Jake's birthday and on his birthday, the waitress came over and said, do you want another Coke? And it's his birthday. And you're like thinking, well, it's his birthday.
Starting point is 00:17:33 I was wondering if you were going to shut him down and he shut it. He shut her down. He said, no, I'm good. And I was like, wow. And you're like, that was great. It was your birthday. I was just about to jump in and he, he already kind of, uh, but you look so proud too. You're like, I got him. You know, if you're listening to this right now and you're like, that was great. It was your birthday. I was just about to jump in and he, he already kind of, uh, but you look so proud too. You're like, I got him.
Starting point is 00:17:47 You know, if you're listening to this right now and you got kids and you can't figure out how to get the animal crackers and everything else away from them. Um, you don't have to get it all away from me. You don't have to take everything away. Talk to your children about adding stuff to their life rather than subtracting stuff. Uh, I, I personally don't love to eat a lot of vegetables,
Starting point is 00:18:06 but maybe there's ways that you can introduce things that your children like. Maybe there's some healthy forms of yogurt, some vegetables that they already like and appreciate, and talk to them about adding some of those things. And rather than saying, hey, we're not having Doritos ever again, we're not doing this anymore, encourage them to try to drink, figure out ways of tricking them into drinking more water, having more protein,
Starting point is 00:18:28 going on a walk, all these things. People are out there watching Netflix and stuff. My editor on Bigger, Stronger, Faster, Kurt Engfer, made an excellent movie for parents to watch with their kids. It's called The Kids Menu. And in The Kids Menu, they teach a lot about organic farming. And they talk about how if the kids menu, they teach a lot of it for organic farming. And they talk about like how, if the kids grow their own food, they learn respect for the food and they learn how to take care of it. And, and it helps them to like eat, to make better options. Right. And so like, we're not trying to launch a war on carbs for kids, but we're trying to say like, if you do have kids, like there are other options.
Starting point is 00:19:02 There are ways to get your kids excited about food. And what ends up happening is when they teach kids about food, those kids go home and they tell their parents you're eating bad. Yeah. You can't eat those Doritos. They tell the parents. If you really, if you really love your children, I think it's a good, it's a good thing to try to be involved in their life. And if there's any problem, they're not getting good grades. They're fighting with people in school.
Starting point is 00:19:26 They're getting fat. I mean, these are problems. Like it's not, I know it's a sensitive thing and you don't have to say, hey, you're getting fat and I'm taking away all your food. It doesn't have to be an embarrassing, crazy struggle, but maybe just start to think about your habits and what habits are you doing in front of them? And what are you encouraging? Are you rewarding? Are you doing in front of them? And what are you, are you encouraging? Are you rewarding?
Starting point is 00:19:45 Are you, are you a big part of the problem? Is there, is there just way too much food in your house? I think, you know, we, I mean, I'm, I'm not saying that I'm perfect at any of this. So we have way, way too much. We have way more recently. Somebody was talking about, they come from another country. I forget exactly what it was. And every Christmas they get a piece of of candy like a piece of chocolate and it was like the biggest awesome thing to get like that
Starting point is 00:20:08 chocolate on christmas day or whatever right and i was like well why is that so awesome like that's the only day we're allowed to have it like that's the only day we got it so for us it was like a treat right but for most kids it's every day like every day they have candy and that yeah that's what the problem is the problem isn't candy the problem that's what the problem is. The problem isn't candy. The problem is excess. Right. The problem is, yeah, going overboard with the doses. I think, you know, some things that people need to also really watch out for when they're looking at diet is they need to really be cautious of absolutes. All the people that we're talking to, we're talking to the leading experts in the entire world on ketogenic style diets,
Starting point is 00:20:45 on diet, on nutrition in general. And what do they tell us all the time? What? Not to speak in absolutes? No, they just tell us, they just tell us they don't know. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, when we ask them like a specific question a certain way, we'll say, are carbohydrates bad?
Starting point is 00:21:01 And they'll say something like, oh, well, here's what some of the evidence shows this, or carbohydrates in excess for a long period of time and not exercising can cause diabetes. But do we know the direct cause of this or that? They'll tell you, even though they research it themselves, a lot of times with a lot of questions we've asked, they were like, hmm, yeah, we don't really truly know, but here's where all the information is leaning towards.
Starting point is 00:21:28 But just be careful of those absolutes. You can't say a ketogenic diet is automatically going to. Well, also be careful of saying according to a study, because according to a study, studies are so flawed, it's ridiculous. So when you look into scientific scientific studies they're always sponsored by somebody somebody's always paid for it uh somebody's always paid for the results they call a lot of these places results on whatever study they want too they're not looking at all the studies they pull up the one sure that they can utilize that has their message but look there's a million studies not a million there's a bunch of studies out about um stuff for ketogenic diets
Starting point is 00:22:04 like exogenous ketones, for example. You and I have both used them. I use them extensively. I must have been through 30 bottles of exogenous ketones this year. Yeah, word's still out. We don't really know. They didn't do anything for me. They might have done something for me, but they didn't-
Starting point is 00:22:19 You didn't really notice. No, I didn't notice at all. I didn't notice an increase in energy. I didn't notice an increase in brain function I didn't, I didn't notice an increase in brain function or like all these things that these things claim. Yeah. When I was marketing, when I was utilizing them, um, and I was training, I was training a little bit heavier. The only thing I noticed, but I started to kind of look at the ingredients more. The only thing I noticed was a little bit, a little bit of kickback during the workout. But I think that's only because the product I was using had sodium, calcium, magnesium, it had electrolytes in it. And I think that was helping more so than anything else. And so I just started to dump salt in my water and that's been really effective.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Yeah. What's weird is when I went to- There's one product too that has the MCT in it. And I think that that actually helped a little bit just because it's got a little bit of calorie value. Kegenix. Yeah. That's Kegenix Prime. That's Dominic D'Agostino, right? Well, Dominic D'Agostino invented.
Starting point is 00:23:11 He actually invented exogenous ketones. And we're going to talk to him in like a week. And I actually have a lot of questions for him because I'm not sure. Like I said, if they're doing something like undercover that I don't know about, then like, yeah, maybe there's a reason to use them. They're expensive. And I didn't feel they uh, they warranted the money that you pay. Yeah. Most of the time they don't taste great. Most of the time they actually taste really bad. Um, but you know, it's interesting, like they were, what they're trying to develop with exogenous ketones really the reason why they exist is for cancer and for people with diseases that, um,
Starting point is 00:23:43 yeah, and maybe it does have a place and maybe it has a place with that. Maybe, um, it's, it's a way better like in severe metabolic conditions. Well, so we, we've known, we know one thing for sure is that, well, we don't know anything for sure really, but we know one thing so far with the ketogenic diet is that, um, we haven't, we haven't seen in any sort of research that high ketones correlate with more fat loss, that high ketones correlate with really anything. They just think that having higher ketones helps in a disease state to fix some things. And that's interesting. Let's crank through a couple frequently asked questions that we hear.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Can a woman do a ketogenic diet? Is it different for chicks? Not really. I mean, a lot of people? Is it different for chicks? Not really. I mean, a lot of people will say so because they don't really know. But when we talked to Dr. Stephen Finney, one of the top experts in the world. That women fucking made shit up so that they don't have to fucking do the diet. Because women like crunchy shit. They love snacks.
Starting point is 00:24:38 You got a mosquito on your face. Yeah, a mosquito. But anyway. Oh, got it. Oh, almost got it. Wow, that thing's going crazy well the thing is that um when they did the giant studies with the ketogenic diet which i'm not talking about a study with like five people i'm talking about a thing came back again i'm talking about studies
Starting point is 00:24:56 with like you know it's like 6 000 people that dr finney's talking about and in those 6 000 people 67 of them are women and everybody in study, they took their carbohydrates away basically. And they're all showing improvements, right? They're all showing certain improvements. And well, 67% of the study is women, right? And so I think that that's really interesting and fascinating that a lot of people will say women need more carbs and blah, blah, blah. really interesting and fascinating that a lot of people will say women need more carbs and blah, blah, blah. When they're pregnant, we're talking about a different story. That may be the case. It may not be a great diet or a great idea to be on any sort of diet, except for something that you're comfortable with. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Well, I think like maybe when you're pregnant, just eating, eating clean, you know, eating, not eating process, a lot of processed foods and things like that is probably a good idea. And, uh, but you know, when you're pregnant, yeah, I can see how like changing your diet, but even, even before then,
Starting point is 00:25:49 like if you're, if you're going to get pregnant and you're doing, I don't have any plans. Yeah. But if you're, if you're a woman and you're going to get pregnant, you're going to do a healthy ketogenic diet. I think that you'll have a,
Starting point is 00:26:01 first of all, much easier time with, with the pregnancy, like before the child's born, I'm saying like, a much easier time with the pregnancy. Like before the child's born, I'm saying like it's what's in the mother's gut microbiome that gets passed along to the child. So if the mother's eating terrible, right, it's going to basically take on a lot of those traits of the mother. And we don't want that. We don't want kids, you know, basically getting basically getting pop tarts in the womb and stuff like that, because
Starting point is 00:26:27 it's, it's not going to be good for them. And there's, there could be disease that results from that or genetic conditions that result from that. You know, it's something else that pops up quite a bit. Um, you know, I, I, my, my personal view of it, like, my household and my in-laws, my brother-in-law has benefited from the diet and he lost a lot of weight. And my sister-in-law has lost weight from the diet as well. I do the diet and I've lost about 50 pounds or actually closer to 60 pounds. And you're killing it as well. And, but, uh,
Starting point is 00:27:06 April and Andy haven't lost that much weight. Like they've lost some weight. They feel better. They feel like they, they, they feel that they look better and they feel more efficient and stuff. But I think the reason why they haven't had nearly as much success as, as some of us is a,
Starting point is 00:27:21 that we had a lot of fat on our bodies. Yeah. Uh, these were not fat women to begin with. And we, we were fucking fat. And so we had a lot of fat on our bodies yeah these were not fat women to begin with and we we were fucking fat and so we had a lot of weight to lose but i think also too what i see from my wife i can only speak for what happens in my house she kind of picks up food a lot you know she'll grab a little pepperoni a little so i think she looks fucking amazing and i i i love the way she looks and everything but i think that if you are a person that
Starting point is 00:27:45 really wants to lose weight, if that's really your goal, you have to kind of force it. Whenever there's a goal, you have to force it. You have to fucking force it. You know, people talk about stuff happening organically. I think that's bullshit. Things don't just happen. You have to really force, you have to make it happen. But the way, you know, my game plan for the diet is actually a long-term game plan.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Like when I got back on it, I wasn't. And that's actually something that April said. She said, I want to lose 10 pounds over the next two, three years. That's kind of how I am. I was like, wow. I was like. Somebody gets it. I was like, I never fucking heard anybody said before.
Starting point is 00:28:17 That's amazing because most people are getting fatter. So if you literally just don't get any fatter from now until the time you're 80, you'll be less fat than everybody else. Something that stuck in my head, it was Matt Vincent. He said something, you know, you asked him a question one time and you said like, what's your goal? He goes, I just want to be one pound less than I was last year. You know? And it was like really weird. You're like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:28:40 He's like, well, most people put on fat every year. They put on like, you know, a couple pounds here, a couple pounds there, and it adds up over a decade and you're 30 pounds heavier, right? So I think that that's really important, just something really simple like that. Like, I want to weigh a pound less than I was this year, you know, and that's amazing really because it is a long-term thing. And if you switch your food choices, it's not just your, you know, your body composition is going to change. So like, even though you're not losing weight, you're going to be building muscle and you're going to be losing fat and sort of trading it in. And that's, that's sort of what I've been doing. And I, all I noticed is that when I get my body fat checked and stuff like that, there, the body fat is going down, but the number on the scale staying right about the same.
Starting point is 00:29:24 How do you control, how do you control cravings? There's so many good foods out there. For myself personally, I get smashed a few times a day from these pulses that just make me want to go in and destroy a fucking burrito or something like that. Or it makes me want to eat candy, especially at night. Nighttime is really hard. How do you, how do you manage cravings? Nighttime is hard. It's difficult, especially like if you're by yourself and stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:51 That's when the freaking me comes out. Well, you know, when, when they say it's what you do when you're by yourself, that like really matters. And those are the moments, those are the championship rounds right there that where you have to like. I actually had a friend tell me to whack off. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Well, I just said you should whack off, but it actually, it is satisfying and it totally works. And then you have to actually had a friend tell me to whack off yeah yeah well i just said you should whack off but actually it is satisfying and it totally works and you go to sleep well it's it is that does work and there is other what you do instead of eating a candy bar whacked off and there was a there are some uh things that you can do like bone broth is a great example protein is the most satiating fat people listening right now are like dude come on bone broth they're not even fat people people that now are like dude come on bone broth they're not even fat people people that have taste buds that okay well look some taco bell yeah but that's the thing is like well so make something that tastes like taco bell go get some ground beef get some taco seasoning get some cheese get some sour cream get some guacamole mix that shit up in
Starting point is 00:30:39 a pan and just don't eat a shell and you'll be fine like you can make almost anything keto there's also there's ways there's some flexibility within the diet itself you can have days where you are intentionally trying to eat less you can have days where you utilize intermittent fasting you have days where you're like you know what just shit is not going the way i want it to go and i but i don't want to be off my diet i set a fucking fucking goal for myself. I made a commitment. I'm going to stick to this, but you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to eat as much as I fucking want today. And I really like cheese,
Starting point is 00:31:11 and I like red hot sauce, and I like this, I like that. Go ahead and fucking pile it on. Eat as much bacon as you want. Benjamin Franklin said it best. There is no better cure for disease than fasting. That's a line from Benjamin Franklin. God, Kim.
Starting point is 00:31:24 How did he know? I don't know. He must have known something. I don't know. But, you know, it's like weird how these quotes come out. But I actually saw that like yesterday in a book. And I was like, that's really weird. You sure that wasn't a Burdick quote?
Starting point is 00:31:35 No. Because he quotes the wrong people. What about, so, okay. I thought you meant because he looks like Benjamin Franklin. So with cravings, like what I've personally done, especially when I first started the ketogenic diet more recently, is I used a website called And I learned about fathead pizza.
Starting point is 00:31:52 And I learned about fat bombs and some of these different recipes. I have a YouTube channel called Keto Strong where I make some recipes. Keto ice cream. Yeah, keto ice cream. I also make this cheesecake that rivals any i remember cheesecake bars and they they taste just as good as anything now like i'm so deep into the diet that that stuff is such a distant memory to me deep purple yeah uh back when we used to pee on sticks pee on keto sticks but i that stuff is such a distant memory to me because I've completely gotten out of cravings. So like even with the carnivore diet, when I first started it, I think like the second day in, I smashed a bunch of keto cookies because I was like, oh, I'm like, you know, I couldn't take it, you know, whatever. And then I finished those off. And after I finished those off, I'm like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:32:40 I'm like, you know what? You think of like willpower as being something related to wisdom. Like you don't have wisdom when you're 20. You know, people admire the guy that's 70 that kind of always says the right thing all the time. And I think your willpower, if you don't have any willpower right now, don't worry because it can be built. You got to build it every day. I don't think people understand that it can be built. Yeah, I don't give a fuck what someone's eating. Brick by brick.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Actually, I mean, each person should do it their own way, whatever way they feel comfortable. But for me, I watch somebody else eat and I'm almost in disgust. I'm like, this motherfucker's getting behind
Starting point is 00:33:15 and I'm getting ahead. I'm getting towards my goal more. Yeah, I don't get judgmental towards people, but what I will do is say, like when people say, well, keto doesn't work my line, like then I will be judgmental. And I'll say, you don't have the, you're not doing,
Starting point is 00:33:32 you have not. You haven't really tried it. A lot of people haven't tried it. Yeah, you haven't done it the right way in order for it to work for you. So like, it'll work. I'm not gonna say it'll work for everyone because there's not absolutes.
Starting point is 00:33:46 It'll work for a lot of people. There's a lot of people that have problems. Not a lot of people. There's actually very few people that have problems digesting fat. I think it's kind of safe to say that it would work for everybody. I think. It's a cop out to say stuff like these things don't work. And I would also, I would back that up by saying, I think nearly, I'd say the majority of the diets that have worked well for most people will probably work for everyone. Sure.
Starting point is 00:34:11 If you fucking follow it, you know, there's gotta be, they usually work. I mean, cause they're all, they all have a similar base. And there is an issue. Like I don't have an issue if like, if somebody wants to be vegan, I totally accept that. That's fine. You're not going to get the nutrients that you get from meat out of vegetables you just can't no it doesn't work that way no one can argue that really you just can't until they come up with a vegetable that has all those nutrients in it and so that's the problem right that's you're not getting all the vitamins minerals uh protein all
Starting point is 00:34:41 these different things you're we're only about tissue. We're only excited about vegetables because society has gotten us excited about them. There's, there's, there's nothing inherently terrible about all of them. No. But they, they just don't need to put up, be put up on a pedestal. People think that things are so natural, but broccoli is manmade and cauliflower is manmade and broccolini is manmade and cabbage is manmade and all this stuff is, it man-made and cabbage is man-made and all this
Starting point is 00:35:05 stuff is, it's actually made out of kale. Like go back to kale, right? So weird. Yeah. And, um, and they've been bred from kale like a long time ago, even cattle aren't really organic. Like the 10,000 years ago, we started eating, we started domesticating cattle. So it's not something like, oh, the cavemen, they ate cows. It's like, no, they really didn't. And we don't really, I mean, I don't even know how we know how the cavemen ate. But if you ever saw a strawberry or a stalk of corn, do you know corn is grass? And so if you see corn like from back in the day, it looks like wheat. Like it looks exactly like wheat.
Starting point is 00:35:41 And if you see a strawberry, a wild strawberry, they're about the size of the tip of your pinky. They're so small. And we were in the store yesterday. I'm like these strawberries, it's almost disgusting to see how big they've grown them and how big they've made them. But we talk about all these things like GMOs. I don't eat GMOs. It's like, yes, you do. That's the problem.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Yes, you do. Everything kind of is that way. Yeah, exactly. And so that's an issue, right? So I think that we have to just start communicating more with each other about like what food really is and how food really works. You just stop getting mad. Everyone gets so mad. Yeah, I'm not mad.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I ain't mad at you, bro. Yeah. That's the thing is like when I talk about nutrition or whatever, I'll say what I want to say. And people can tell me that I'm wrong. And I might be wrong a lot, but the thing is I have an opinion. I'm going to say it, but I'm not going to get mad for you sharing your opinion. And I'm not going to just say you're wrong either. I'm going to let you voice your opinion and let other people decide.
Starting point is 00:36:38 But if you want to lose weight and this is a diet that you should give a try because we've had success with it. And there's been thousands of other people that have joined in on the war on carbs that are losing weight too. I have, I can, you know, show people, I can post these online. I have hundreds of emails, hundreds. I have hundreds of comments on Instagram. I have hundreds of people contacting me saying that you changed my life. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:03 And I had that before with prescription prescription thugs with sobriety. When I got sober, I had hundreds of people saying I got sober when we did bigger, stronger, faster. We had hundreds of people that started lifting. Some of the top power lifters in the world started lifting because they saw bigger,
Starting point is 00:37:17 stronger, faster. All I'm saying is that there wasn't meant to be some like motivational speech that got everybody all fired up and everyone got all fired up. Yeah. And that's people loved it. The thing. and that's what I'm trying to communicate is like, I'm just trying to provide information, things that I know about things that like have helped me and they may help you. You might think I'm an asshole and I'm full of shit, but they helped me. Right. And so all I'm trying to do is reach out and, uh, and grab a hand and say like, I can help you. That's all I'm ever trying to do is reach out and grab a hand and say, like, I can help you.
Starting point is 00:37:45 That's all I'm ever trying to do, too. And so, like, you know, on YouTube and stuff like that, people will make a comment and say I'm arrogant or whatever. I'm just trying to share my experiences with you. And I'm trying to share information that comes at me. People have told me they feel that I'm successful. People have told me they feel that I'm great. And so I am, therefore, relaying a message back to you on how I got there. I don't think that I'm great. People have told me they feel that I'm great. And so I am therefore relaying a message back to you on how I got there. I don't think that I'm great.
Starting point is 00:38:09 I feel fucking great because I have a great family and because I have great friends and I have great people here at super training gym. And I love the business and I love the work and I love my kids and all that stuff. But I don't think that I'm great. You know, it's a different thing. What did I just read you before? When you get mad, it's a different thing. what did I just read you before? When you get mad, it's not manly. No.
Starting point is 00:38:28 When you get upset and you get fired up and you argue with people online and it's not manly. It's the furthest thing from strength. It shows such weakness because you're not intelligent enough to just-
Starting point is 00:38:39 Not smart enough to internalize it the right way. Internalize it, be calm and respond and not react to things. And that's- Words are, I mean, literally, they're just that. Yeah. You know, it's just whatever way. Internalize it, be calm and respond and not react to things. And that's. Words are, I mean, literally they're just, they're just that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:48 It's just whatever way you're processing. What does Rogan always say? They're just sounds that come out of our mouth, bro. He always says that, you know, because people get so mad about words or specific things. A few other things I think that are important with some of these diets is the word need. You know, people always say they need this. I need, I need carbs. I can't, I can't do that. I can't, people always say they need this. I need carbs. I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:39:07 I can't. Can't fucking ditch that word. Yeah. And the word need. I can't ditch that word because I need it. I know. I know. It's terrible.
Starting point is 00:39:16 And I'm probably guilty of this as well. I probably use those words all the time. And I feel. I do. I feel that I say I can't do stuff. But here's what's great is we're hanging out with you. I'm like, I can't. I can't. And you feel, I do. I feel that I say I can't do stuff. But here's what's great is we're hanging out with you. I'm like, I can't,
Starting point is 00:39:26 I can't, and you're like, you're complaining. Like even, even if I start to say it, you're like, you know, and you know.
Starting point is 00:39:35 I think, I think the truth is, is that it's only, it's only kind of true. Like you said this morning that you can't. And I had you, I had a bunch of you guys doing the belt squat and stuff. I was like, I can't do't. And I had you, uh, I had a bunch of you guys doing
Starting point is 00:39:45 the belt squat and stuff. And I was like, I can't do that. And, uh, I was just like, oh man, I wish you didn't say that because I know that you can do it. And I know that if I'm watching somebody, I've been training people for the last 15 years and I know that I'm not going to allow someone to get hurt under my supervision. So like I'm watching, I'm like, it probably hurts. It probably sucks. It hurts for me too. Probably hurts him a lot worse. I'm not, I'm like, it probably hurts. It probably sucks. It hurts for me too. Probably hurts him a lot worse. I'm not going to question any of that. If he doesn't want to do it and he won't do it, but I'm going to make him do the other stuff. And once I made you do the other stuff, you're like, ah, I'm warm enough. I'm going to do it anyway. Well, what happens with me
Starting point is 00:40:17 is I, I challenged myself. I get mad at my own head at myself. And I say like, you know, it's funny because when you have a fake hips or you have any sort of obstacle, say, like, you know, it's funny because when you have fake hips or you have any sort of obstacle, you're like, I can't because I have fake hips. It's like, you've just been told that maybe you're not supposed to, you know, maybe it's not a good idea. If it really wasn't a good idea, then the doctors wouldn't have put them in the first place. Like if they weren't functional and if they didn't work better than the hips that I had
Starting point is 00:40:43 before, the doctor would never put them in the first place. So, I mean, similar to my situation in school, you know, learning disability or however you want to label it. The truth was when it came to school and when it came to certain ways of learning, I had to work a little bit harder. I had to spend more time trying to learn and trying to figure things out. And maybe for somebody else who somebody else needs to follow a diet real specifically just to lose five pounds or somebody else doesn't need to fucking diet at all. The other thing is that once you get involved in this, you become part of this community of people that are helping each other. I feel like in this keto community, there's a lot of fighting, a lot of dumb stuff like that. But I also feel there's a lot of awesome people like Tyler
Starting point is 00:41:23 Cartwright from KetoGains. I love KetoGains. I mean, what a great heart that guy has. And he's often frustrated because a lot of people argue with him about stuff. And he's not somebody to argue with. He lost 300 pounds on keto. He's amazing. And if people out there listen to this and want to go to KetoGain's Facebook page, I would highly recommend a lot
Starting point is 00:41:45 of great information on there. A lot of great forums. Just don't go on there and talk shit because we'll pummel you. A lot of people aren't sleeping well. And I think that a few things about sleep is I think everyone needs to work on not necessarily waking up early. You wake up when you want to wake up and you should have about eight hours of sleep. So depending on when you go to bed, but I think the real trick is to work on your ritual at night and you should have a ritual. In my opinion, you should have something that kind of sets you up that you know that you're going to go to bed, whether that's taking a shower, kissing your kids goodnight, whacking off, beating the meat, whatever, whatever it is you're going to do.
Starting point is 00:42:25 whacking off beat beating the meat whatever whatever it is you're gonna do uh you should have a little bit of a routine or ritual i put my i take my phone and i put it on airplane mode so i'm not looking at instagram i kind of set some rules and boundaries for myself i try not to and i usually don't i try not to even look at my phone at all while i'm laying down because i know that i'm just gonna sit there and scroll and what do you want people to fucking say about you when you die? You want to be like, oh man, remember Chris Bell? He was fucking, he was awesome. Remember he used to sit on the couch and he would scroll. He would just scroll all day. And he would scroll and he'd like everybody's fucking picture and he'd comment. He made fucking cool comments. Is that like your life? No one's going to
Starting point is 00:43:03 fucking remember any of that. No one's going to give a shit about any of that. It's not going to impact anybody. But you're taking away time from your family and you're taking away time from your friends and all that stuff. You don't need to spend that much time. You should spend time there because it is fun.
Starting point is 00:43:16 It is entertaining, but you don't need to spend all your time. Well, and also for you, it's business, right? But there's a certain point to it, right? Like there's certain time that that happens and then there's times when you do other things, right? But there's a certain point to it, right? Like there's certain time that that happens. And then there's times when you do other things, right? And so.
Starting point is 00:43:30 There's been greater accomplishments without it. Yeah. You know, so. Absolutely. You know, so. We don't necessarily need it. Just going to get through a couple more questions because I think we just need to close some of this off. How do you poop?
Starting point is 00:43:44 I poop great. You know what's funny is that on my Instagram, when I did the carnivore diet, which I switched over, it's just all me, mostly red meat. Poop your pants on Instagram live? No, everybody's like, how's your shits? I have people, my friends texting me. My shits are tapered. It's great.
Starting point is 00:43:58 They're totally tapered. So you can tell Josh Dunn, my shits are tapered. Shits are tapered. Yeah. So basically. I'll say this about the day. Every day I have one bowel movement. Oh, my.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Like usually one. And every day it's a normal one. Actually. The size of the iPhone X. What are we talking about? Yeah, about iPhone X size. But it's maybe a little bit bigger. Like the shaker cup?
Starting point is 00:44:22 Yeah. I mean, how big is it? Football? That would be huge. Some people have problems. Some people claim that we need fiber, but we only need fiber when we're eating carbohydrates and stuff like that that was stripped of the fiber. And then they need to sell us the fiber back again. So we take it as Metamucil and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Right? So those are really weird things about needing fiber. If you look at. I don't like fiber at all. It just kind of hurts my stomach. Well, if you look at a human's gut, there's a little pouch in your gut, in your intestine, called the cecum.
Starting point is 00:44:52 And the cecum is where... Is that where we hold our babies? No, it's where we... Like a marsupial pouch? It's where we ferment vegetables and stuff like that, right? And so, to digest them. And so, on a panda, the cecum's huge. It's like a big, big thing because they eat vegetables all day and they need to digest those vegetables. And so on a Panda, uh, the seacombs huge. It's like a big, big thing because they eat vegetables all day and they need to digest those
Starting point is 00:45:08 vegetables. And they ferment it. Ours is very small. So, uh, what happens is it doesn't mean that we're not supposed to eat vegetables and all that stuff like that. Oh,
Starting point is 00:45:15 I've been fermenting. I've fermented some vegetables. Yeah. As a carnivore, as a, uh, well, as an omnivore,
Starting point is 00:45:22 I should say we, uh, we can eat both and we, but we just have a small capacity for vegetables. So like to really stuff yourself with vegetables all day, isn't good either, you know? So there, there's definitely like good and bad to both things. You know, we have to be, we have to be aware of those things. Yeah. I mean, and another thing to realize is that if you're consuming more foods that are nutritious and you're supplying your body with the nutrients that it needs, maybe that means that you're not going to shit your
Starting point is 00:45:50 pants all day. Maybe that means you're not going to end up on the toilet all day. For me, eating a lot of carbohydrates and going from moments where I'll say, I'm just going to take two weeks off a diet or just kind of hang out here and do this. The second I do that, I am shitting three or four times a day. Yeah. You know, I guinea pig myself a lot on a lot of things, like with Kratom, with all sorts of different things. And in the beginning of this diet, I guinea pigged a lot of things. I actually did a lot of stupid things where I was just adding so much fat on top of it. I was telling everybody else, like, yeah, add fat to this, add fat to that.
Starting point is 00:46:22 You don't really, you shouldn't have to add. Yeah. In the beginning, it really, really worked for me up until the point where I had to go to the hospital because I had too much MCT oil and it worked. I was blowing out my O-ring. I mean, it's terrible. So like I would just caution against these things like MCT oil and brain octane oil and all these things that like bulletproof coffee. That's another thing. Like you can have 400 calories. Just 400 calories and what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Yeah. So you can have like 400 calories in a bulletproof coffee, right? Or you can have 400 calories in, you know, 10, like five, five or six eggs. Right. Yeah. And the eggs are just providing you with so much more nutrient value. You're not going to get skinny from drinking a coffee with a bunch of fat in it. But if you eat a bunch of eggs, you're getting a lot of great nutrients going to get jacked.
Starting point is 00:47:08 And you're, you know, and keep in mind, you know, people get things twisted up a little bit. The part of the reason for the bulletproof coffee is to utilize it a little bit as a form of intermittent fasting. And I know it's not fasting because you're, you're disrupting the fast with the coffee and disrupting the fast with the fat and everything, but that is what you're disrupting the fast with the coffee and disrupting the fast with the fat and everything. But that is what you're trying to do. And so in that case, if you're literally just trying to have energy so you don't feel like you're going to bonk,
Starting point is 00:47:32 the caffeine can supply that to you. It can give you a little bump. It can help your central nervous system a little bit. It can wake you up. And then also the fat that you put in there can give you a little bit of energy for the day. So for myself, I'll still use a little bit of MCT. I put a little bit in my coffee in the morning.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Sometimes I mix it with Keto Pro or something like that, but just a little shot of calories because I'm just thinking like, okay, here's what I'm going to do over the next couple hours. It would be nice to have a little supply of energy to get through that. I don't necessarily need it, but I just like it. I would also recommend if somebody wants that to like, so caffeine also raises your cortisol levels, cortisol peaks in the morning, right? So if somebody wanted to lose weight, weight loss is their goal and they wanted to have something in the morning to keep them full, that's going to
Starting point is 00:48:18 keep them full through lunchtime. So they're not eating. I would actually recommend something like keto pro, you know, uh, or, or a scoop of protein and a scoop of MCT oil or MCT powder. That way you're having some protein. Or even just like one egg. Also has, yeah, one egg, whatever. It has nutrients in it. And you get in the fat, right? And the fat has, the fat's going to supply you with the energy.
Starting point is 00:48:40 And the protein's going to supply you with some nutrients as well as some muscle building protein, which is good. What about like, you know, you got, you know, these trace carbs. Do you count anything? Do you count your fat? You count your protein? You count the trace carbs? Well, on the particular, like, so on the ketogenic diet, yes. My ketogenic diet, I track all carbs, but I don't, I try to write it down.
Starting point is 00:49:03 No, I don't. I never write. I haven't written one thing down. Oh, you mean just keep tracking your head from the diet, but like I keep tracking my head. So what I, what I do though, is I look at the carbs and I say like, oh, you know, I can keep, if I eat three times a day, it's not hard to like. So ketogenic diet, how many carbs do you try to keep it? Under 30. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:20 So if you're going under, under 30. So you'll count vegetables and stuff if you were eating them. Okay. That's a good question because no. So what you. Because of fiber? What we're counting is carbs. Are you lying to me right now about 30 grams?
Starting point is 00:49:36 No, no, no. Here's what I'm saying is like. We got to do a lot of math. They tell you that you can eat certain vegetables like leafy greens and certain things. You can eat them like as much as you want. They say, I don't really believe in that. I think that you should count all your carbohydrates. But I don't count the vegetables because I don't really eat that many.
Starting point is 00:49:56 So that's the reason why. You eat a very small amount. Yeah, it's not even worth. And also, if I eat vegetables, it's just like lettuce. I don't really eat anything else. Because I'm also allergic to a lot of lectins, like lectins do stuff to me too. So 30, so like if you're 30 grams of carbs, right, you have a bulletproof protein bar, which are really good. They taste great, right?
Starting point is 00:50:17 Bulletproof protein bar has like 15 grams of carbs. But it has like sugar alcohol. It has sugar alcohol. Well, it has like, yeah, some erythritol, not sugar, alcohol, erythritol. Um,
Starting point is 00:50:28 maybe is it, I think it's a sugar, alcohol, any of the talls. I think you're all, it has a erythritol and it has, um, some carbohydrates in it,
Starting point is 00:50:36 but, um, it has 15 grams of carbs. Just count the 15. You know what I mean? Don't count the eight because you subtracted this from that. Because when you start getting into doing that, it gets messy and you don't lose any weight. You know?
Starting point is 00:50:48 So there's things like keto cookies. Keto cookies are excellent. Right. And by the way, if people want to try keto cookies, they can go to ketocookie with a K, And they can use bigger, stronger, faster 10. They get a discount on those suckers. Oh my God. Those are great.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Those guys are cool guys. They're great guys. And they're really nice. What I would recommend, though, with keto cookies is for, like, you use them once in a while. They're, like, a great, you know, like, these keto treats. They're not everyday treats. Like, you have to. Like a fathead pizza.
Starting point is 00:51:17 You got to suffer once in a while. You have to go, like, days where it's all keto. Like, you got to go, like, four or five days where it's all keto. And then, like, the other three days, like, maybe you can have a little bit of here and there. It's a more's all keto. Like you got to go like four or five days where it's all keto. And then like the other three days, like maybe you can have a little bit of here and there. It's a more, it's a more natty keto. Yeah. Let's not like,
Starting point is 00:51:30 well, let's try to do one of my major recommendations. The biggest change that I made was after we saw Rob Wolf, we're making a movie. I wanted to talk to Rob Wolf because he's awesome. And his books are great. Paleo solution. And why are you to eat?
Starting point is 00:51:44 Why are you to eat? It's a great book. And if you're into eating carbs To Eat? Why Are You To Eat's a great book. And if you're into eating carbs, Why Are You To Eat's a great book because it really shows you how to handle all your carbs and how to count them. But Rob Wolf told me, he said something to us that was really weird.
Starting point is 00:51:55 He's like, the problem with most people is they eat, they look on a package and they look how many carbs something has. They look how much fat someone has. And that's how they judge, that's how they build their diet. And he's how they judge. That's how they build their diet. And he's like, they're reading nutrition labels to build their diet. And then he just kind of stopped right there.
Starting point is 00:52:10 And I'm like, well, what do you mean they're reading nutrition labels? He's like, that's the problem. Real food doesn't have labels. Like when you buy something in the store, you buy like, you know, whatever in the store. It doesn't come with a label. Yeah, it's a brand name or something. A lot of times it doesn't say anything on it other than that it's 80, 20 or whatever. And the price, you know, whatever in the store, it doesn't, it doesn't come with a label or something. A lot of times it doesn't say anything on it other than that it's 80, 20 or whatever. And the price, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:52:29 And, and it's interesting because you want to eat foods that are as natural as possible. Like we just talked about, like nothing's really natural. Nothing's really natty. Everything's on the juice. But that's the thing is we want to be as close to eating these natural foods as possible. We want to stop counting things that are like on a label. We want to stop counting net carbs. Like, no, just figure out how many carbs things have.
Starting point is 00:52:52 If you actually want to know how much carbs something has, all you have to do is say, hey, Siri, how many carbs in a cucumber? And it'll tell you those things. You know, like these things come right up on Google all the time. Like if you type in carbs in tomatoes, right, it'll just come right up. It'll tell you those things, you know, like these things come right up on Google all the time. Like if you type in carbs in, in tomatoes, right. It'll just come right up. It'll tell you. I mean, it's the easiest information to find yet on Instagram, everybody hits us up and says like, how do you find out how much, you know, like.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Yeah. I've never, I've never bothered to count the carbohydrates. I, and then I personally am not a huge fan of sugar alcohol. I just think that if you need to go that route, it can be a nice route to go if you're trying to stay as low of carb as possible. And you're trying to like, I guess, quote unquote, stay on the diet. But it's still pulling you away a little bit from even like the almond flour and all these different things. In my opinion, it's still pulling you away. It's still distracting you from your main goal. And you can incorporate some of it just to keep you happy,
Starting point is 00:53:50 just to get something sweet. You have something small before you go to bed or whatever. But I think in general terms, you'll be best off being as strict as you can. And when you get into that mode, like we are right now with the carn um, the carnivore diet, we feel really good. And we don't feel like we really need to rely on,
Starting point is 00:54:09 uh, cheating or doing anything else. Our cheat the other day was, uh, was fucking short ribs. You know, like how, how much better can you get than short ribs?
Starting point is 00:54:19 It was the best thing I ever had. It was amazing. I posted today. It was the best. We, we crowned it the best breakfast we ever had. Short ribs and eggs. Sausage, eggs.
Starting point is 00:54:27 And salt. And short ribs. And salt and bullshit. What is that stuff called? Yeah, it had bullshit on there. Which is a spice. So if weight loss is the goal, right? There's a couple things that we can avoid if weight loss are the goal.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Weight loss is almost always the goal. Yeah, it's the main goal. So things that might the weight loss is almost always the goal yeah it's the main goal so things that might accelerate weight loss they're not gonna like totally stop you from losing weight but like nuts and seeds they're high in calories they're very dense peanut butter they have a lot of fiber yeah things like that so those things might slow down your weight loss a little bit also dairy might slow down your weight loss and especially heavy cream it's just so dense in calories yeah and so those things may slow down though yeah loss. And especially heavy cream. It's just so dense in calories. Yeah. And so those things may slow down.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Yeah. But, and those things are fine though. Like the thing is that like when we were talking before about your sister-in-law, April, I want to lose 10 pounds over the next three years. Yeah. Heavy cream also. That'll all work on that kind of plan. If that's what your expectation is. But if you want to lose 10 pounds in, you know, the next three weeks, then you need to, you need to be as strict as possible. That's just the way it goes.
Starting point is 00:55:28 It's all there is. It's like, if you're going to do a bodybuilding diet and do a show, you got to do this and you got to do your, you know, you have to eat this at this time. You got to eat six times a day. You got to do your cardio. Like there are very simple things that you have to do. And those bodybuilding diets work excellent, but they're really hard to follow because you're always hungry because you're a sugar burner. And it's really weird to think about it in that fact that bodybuilders are sugar burners. It doesn't seem to make sense, but every single gram of carbohydrates, well, for every four grams of carbs, I think it is, that you ingest, no matter what carb it is, no matter where it comes from, it turns into sugar in your body. So it equals like a teaspoon of sugar for every like four grams of carbs or something.
Starting point is 00:56:08 And it doesn't matter if it's like, you know, cornflakes or anything else. It doesn't matter really what it is. It just matters that it's carbohydrate. And so I think that's something, and I'm not saying that it's dangerous and blah, blah, whatever. Our bodies make glucose. It's not dangerous, not something foreign to our bodies. However, if we're trying to cut fat, we have to consider those things. And, you know, after we got through all this and stuff, you know, people
Starting point is 00:56:32 ask about, you know, what about keto for powerlifting and stuff? It's not something I utilized when I was at my strongest. It's not going to, it's not going to kill your strength the way everybody tries to make it out to kill your strength. However, weight loss will certainly affect your strength, and it can affect your strength negatively for sure. So you're going to have to realize if you're going to lose 20 pounds, there's going to be a little bit of give and take. You can regain some of your strength back. pounds. There's going to be a little bit of give and take. You can regain some of your strength back. But if your main goal is to lose weight, then just get on a diet, be all in, and get into it. Also, people need to know about things like I know there's things that are like N equals 1 experiments
Starting point is 00:57:16 and one-offs and stuff, but things like Dominic D'Agostino deadlifting 500 pounds for 10 reps after fasting for 7 days, it's just really incredible. It's like, incredible. Like it's like, well, I'm not going to, I'm not going to argue with anybody that ketogenic style diet is, is great for, uh,
Starting point is 00:57:32 maximum performance. So Brian Shaw, Brian Shaw on a ketogenic diet probably wouldn't work. Like it's just, I mean, we also don't know. Yeah. It's probably,
Starting point is 00:57:41 it's more than likely. The thing is, the thing is this on a ketogenic diet or on some sort of carnivore diet, Brian, it'd be really hard for him to maintain what he weighs right now. Right. And he'd have to eat like 17 pounds of steak a day, like that Flintstones where. And specifically for bodybuilding. I don't think you're going to really build that amount of muscle that way.
Starting point is 00:58:01 I just don't think you're going to. You know what? Also, it just hasn't happened yet. Right? Like we haven't seen it yet. Well, there's been bodybuilders that used keto diets over the years, but they usually use a cyclical and they're getting more carbs.
Starting point is 00:58:13 And I think eventually we're going to see it. I think we're going to start seeing guys that say, Hey, I think it's still be cyclical. I think you need carbohydrates. You know, I think anyway, the main point is,
Starting point is 00:58:22 is like, find your goal, find what it is that you want to do, and then have lot of your actions a lot of the things that you're doing start to match up with heading in that direction most important thing is have fun like you're on a you're on a journey right and that's what you just gotta look at it as like i'm on a journey i need to learn every day don't expect like somebody to just like throw a diet together for you and and go like this is what i'm gonna do read the books like somebody to just like throw a diet together for you and go like, this is what I'm going to do. Read the books, like get those books, like Maria Emmerich's book called Keto.
Starting point is 00:58:50 There's just a ton of books out there. Mark Sisson's Primal Blue or Mark Sisson's 21 Day Keto Reset is probably the best book for men that I've read. Also, there's a book called Starting Keto by Leanne Vogel. Great book for women starting keto or men starting keto. It doesn't matter if you want a softer, like, like if you want an approach that I wouldn't say softer, but like an easier,
Starting point is 00:59:14 simple approach, this is laid out for you. That's a great book. And they're out there. You know, my book is being printed as we speak. The war on carbs. And it should be,
Starting point is 00:59:23 you know, it's January 31st is the timing of this podcast and it should be ready in just a couple of days. So we'll have it up on the site as soon as possible. It's got a lot of the information we discussed here. Just a real quick rundown of some foods, red meat, eggs, cheese, cured meats, heavy cream, eggs, cheese, cured meats, heavy cream, butter, protein powders are acceptable as long as the carbohydrates are very low.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Some nut butters here and there. And I think that starts to be about. Yeah. And then like a lot of people worry about like, should I have grass fed? Should I have this? Don't worry about that too much. I don't think you should worry about any of that yet. Like I think everybody should start like really basic.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Yeah, just start basic. Don't worry about if everything's organic. You can't like nobody who can afford that. It's like, you know, well you probably, but it's like a million dollars to eat everything organic and grass fed. So. I don't think it makes that big a difference. It doesn't make that much of a difference.
Starting point is 01:00:20 We've seen people get in great shape without it and great health. It's all the time we got strength is never weakness. Weakness never strength. Peace. Keep it cheap.

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