Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 141 - Sling Shot Record Breakers 2018 Recap

Episode Date: November 14, 2018

Just had an awesome workout with Julian and Miranda Alcaraz and we said hey, we should keep podcasting! We're jumping back on here to hang out with you guys to recap Sling Shot Record Breakers 2018. �...��SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I want to go over Slingshot Record Breakers recap today. We did an earlier podcast today with Miranda. How do you say her last name? Al. Alcarez. Alcarez. And her hubby. Julian.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Julian. There we go. It was great having both of them here. We went through a workout with them. We podcast with them. Got to share. Got to break some bread with them. Not literally bread.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Because I'm not really eating carbs right now. But we got to hang out with them basically. And they put, you know, I basically had them go through the workout that Andrew and I, uh, have been doing for several weeks now, our back training day. And Andrew and I, uh, did a lot of lat work and a bunch of things like that. And we all went through that together. And then we did some, uh, deadlifts and then proceeded to hit up the back attack and once we got done with the back attack we did uh some t-bar row once the t-bar row was over with once we knocked that shit out then we uh i said hey you guys are in charge pick something for us to do i was really nervous of that happening too. Cause I hate like, I ate really bad last night.
Starting point is 00:01:26 And, uh, we were just, we were just in their hands. What'd you end up eating? So, well, Smokey was pretty stoked about his performance at,
Starting point is 00:01:33 um, at Reebok record, or, whoa, Slingshot Record Breakers. My bad. Um, so out there in Dublin,
Starting point is 00:01:40 there's a Fudd Records pretty close to CSA. Hell yeah. I had never been there. And he's, you know, he's, he's happy. So he's like, Hey guys, Fuddruckers pretty close to CSA. Hell yeah. I had never been there. And he's, you know, he's happy. So he's like, hey, guys, Fuddruckers on me. So no one said no. But I didn't really like that you have to pay to make your own hamburger. But regardless of that, I just got a big old bacon cheeseburger, a bunch of fries.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I didn't have soda or any sweets or anything like that. But just that alone killed me. And then Paul, our sound guy, who's fucking awesome at what he does, he had ordered onion rings and he didn't finish them. I'm like, I'm not going to have an opportunity to have more onion rings ever in my life. So I killed some of those. And it was funny, I woke up and i'm like man why is my stomach hurting it's like oh wait it's it's because i ate a lot of bad food and then i was thinking about today's workout and like man i hope we don't do any kind of crossfitty workout that's gonna kill me and it killed me but it was it was i mean shit dude when are we gonna have an opportunity to work out and
Starting point is 00:02:44 train with some some highlevel athletes like that? Yeah, those are two people that both made the CrossFit Games. And people definitely know Miranda. She's been around a while. She's made it to the CrossFit Games several times. several times so uh they definitely knew how to coach too because like the point that they pushed us to was right about all you and i could really handle i mean yeah i was toast because well for i mean did we have it on your ig story or live or anything uh i think we did a little bit of some of that stuff yeah okay i think we threw it up on I don't know I haven't really seen anything but
Starting point is 00:03:25 I know that we videoed a lot of it we filmed the workout too well so anyway we did burpees and then we pushed and pushed the sled again on my last set of burpees I ended up throwing up on like rep like five or six so I was trying not to spit that up in the middle of each burpee and then i still had to push the sled but by that point you and i had almost caught up or i had almost caught up to you and uh we made the last stretch pretty interesting that was pretty fun yeah i mean we were in a full-on race And you just, you just had an extra gear that I didn't have. It came down, came down to the final lap. We did, uh, like five rounds of these burpees and pushing the sled thing. And which I, which was great because I'm always trying to think of something hard to finish with, but like, I don't know the stuff that they know. So I'm like, oh, let's push the sled. And I never feel like we get enough out of it. Like it does feel good. And gets your heart rate up but you know our lungs were burning today uh and if we were to do one more set like um i don't know like i would have been in some serious trouble i would have had to lay down
Starting point is 00:04:34 the ground and i don't know what would happen from there uh but whatever the case is it's like i don't know it feels good to push yourself to that point. Push yourself above and beyond what you thought you can do. And by racing and competing with somebody else, you know, you guys were like, we got ahead a little bit early on. We kind of just were able to hold on to that the whole time. But you guys were like nipping at our heels. And then even at the end, I think you kind of got ahead of me.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Yeah. I was like, oh, shit. In my head, my competitive spirit was going. I'm like, I know I can get Mark on the burpees. Not that I'm great at burpees, but I just knew that that's where I was going to be able to make up time. There's much different things going on when you're doing a burpee and I'm doing a burpee. Yeah, exactly. So I knew that you guys were going to have us on the sled pushing.
Starting point is 00:05:23 And it was a team competition. And it was a I go, you guys were going to have us on the sled pushing. And it was a team competition. And it was a I go, you go. So person one, 10 burpees, push the sled down and back. By the time you get back, then I can start my 10 burpees. So you guys got a good jump ahead of us. But I knew I was going to catch up on the burpees. I just pushing that sled. I knew I was going to die.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And I was hurting bad by like the third set and we did five i i was i was wearing it way more than you were and i i was hurting and then i look up and i can tell you were tired but i can also tell you were hiding it yeah and so that's when my whole demeanor changed also. And it's not a coincidence. That's when we started picking up ground. Yeah. And Terrell also, uh, he was like really encouraging you. He was like, started kind of rooting for the underdog and he's like, you're making up ground. You're making up ground.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And I was like, screw that. I'm like, he ain't making up no ground. He ain't doing nothing. And, uh, you know, I think if you were able to sprint hard all the way through, I don't know if I'd have been able to hold you off. You know, I was, I was dying too. And I, you know, for me at this stage in my like workout career, I, I do think about tomorrow. I do think about the next day. I do think about what is this going to cost me? You know, I don't know. Like, I don't know if I want it to cost me that much. I'd rather,
Starting point is 00:06:56 I'd rather have this be a progression towards something, but at the same time, there's nothing better than getting in a group and training, uh, as a team and against your team and against your own people. Like that's, uh, that's what super training has been built off of so you can't deny that side of it it's important to get after it's important to throw down every once in a while and just say you know what shit man you know this is what we're doing this is what we're going through it's great to go through through things like that because i don't know about you but we got through that second set and i was like oh you know people always talk about hump day getting past Wednesday. Cause it gets you over the hump to Thursday, Friday, and then the weekends are here. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Well, you know, we, we had our hump set, which was a set, set number three is kind of the hump set. And we were only on two and I was dead and I was like, man, we didn't quite get to that hump set. And I'm like, I'm already dying. I'm like, okay, the next't quite get to that hump set yet. And I'm like, I'm already dying. I'm like, okay, the next one I got to kind of dog it. And then four, I can pick it back up. And then five, if I need to, I can push into five a little bit.
Starting point is 00:07:54 And I was thinking, man, these goddamn food stamps don't help me out here right now. They won't buy diapers. No, they don't. I can't die. My boo-boo is about to have my baby is what's going through my mind. But I think that ridiculous finisher of the workout, because we did a whole workout and then did that last, whatever you want to call it. Yeah, as a polish off. Yeah, I think that is actually responsible for this podcast because we both got out of it on what can only be described
Starting point is 00:08:25 as like a runner's high like i felt amazing that it was over and then you and i were just throwing the cornhole bags and i was like i want to podcast again like the sack bags let's do it oh yeah yeah that's what jessica called them right eggplant bags egg. I don't know. She was gross. She's so gross. Isn't she gross? I think because she is a female, she has to step it up to be like, I can be one of the dudes too. So she's got to be gross on purpose. Yeah, she has to multiply.
Starting point is 00:08:56 And then also it's more effective too. Because if I were to say that, you're just like, but if a chick says it, it's like, whoa. Yeah, that's disgusting. Okay. The sister That's disgusting. Okay. The sister I never wanted. Oh my God. My chest still hurts.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Oh yeah. So I was like, so I learned a long time ago that like when you feel like you have to cough like that, that just the key is just not to allow it to happen more than anything else. Just try to avoid it and you can kind of hang on so i do have that same burn in my lungs but i'm trying to reject the fact that i need to go and then the fire smoke is not helping oh my god yeah we tried to i was like oh we'll pop open the door and i was like oops that was a big mistake i mean there's so much fire out here in California right now that, that, uh, it's very smoggy and foggy outside. And it's, it's, uh, it's terrifying. It's scary. I mean, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:53 I'm glad it's not, it's not near, near my home, but I feel for the people that it is, uh, creeping near their home. And it's, um, it's a terrible thing. And you figure, uh, this day and age with all the technology and different knowledge that we have, that we just figure out a way to be able to shut those down. But I'm like, can't they just put a giant lid on it or something? You know, can't they just smother it? Yeah. Can't throw a giant blanket on or something? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:18 One of those fireproof blankets. Yeah. Something like that. But there's no good solution to it, obviously. Otherwise, I don't think we would have these giant fires. Well, it naturally has to happen, though. I think so. Because if not, then you get trees that grow tall, and then they get old, and they fall over on people.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Shit's getting dry, and I guess it's just kind of a, you know, it just happens. But, I mean, most of these fires start with somebody doing something stupid, throwing a cigarette out or whatever the hell. Whatever the case is, it just sucks. And it's very disgusting outside. And we're not used to that here in California. Luckily for us, though, it's cold out, which kind of makes it a little nicer. The air at least is a little bit crisp. In Davis, it's bad too, but it's not as, you can't really smell it as much where I live right now.
Starting point is 00:11:12 But at night, we've been popping our windows open for the last few weeks, and then we had to keep them shut more recently because the fires are just going, they're going bonkers right now. are just going, they're going bonkers right now. Something I want to share with you guys before we get into, before we get into talking about slingshot record breakers and all the outstanding performances from the men and women and the people of Super Training Gym and the people of Combat Sports Academy. Here we go. There's the cough.
Starting point is 00:11:44 There it is, the trend cough um yeah there goes andrew uh it's that old guy cough like you can't laugh without coughing all over the place yeah i get that if i eat like uh like really salty food like more than like stan efforting salty food but like like a bunch of fries i sound like an old man what is it with old guys uh peeing like they make so much noise you're like like clearing their throat like yeah and you're like what are you doing Can you just pee and shut up? They're like, oh, my prostate. So at the meet, I ran into Jessica's dad in the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:12:31 So naturally, it's like, what's up, dude? How are you? You know, whatever. And he's just getting frustrated because he can't get the sink, the faucet to turn on. Because, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:41 it's like the sensors or whatever. And he's just like, you can just see he's getting old man frustrated. And's a big guy too so he just breaks the whole exactly yeah yeah and then so i go and i wave in front of it it turns on he's like ah it just makes it worse just rips the whole thing right out of the wall yeah yeah you know i don't know what it is with uh old guys and making all those noises but it sounds like it's some sort of great relief going on with them being able to pee. But it also sounds like a very stressful situation. I see a lot of fat guys leaning way down and trying to figure out where their dick is, too.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I notice that happening a lot in the bathroom. I noticed that happening a lot in the bathroom. You know, the urinal is like the weirdest place, and there's like unwritten man law. You know, you don't want to be like chatting it up with somebody while you both have your dicks out, you know. If one person has theirs out and yours is away, I think it's okay. It's okay to shout like over the thing or whatever. Well, and then normally you're not really standing in the same, like,
Starting point is 00:13:45 line up, you know, in the urinal. Because if your D's not out, then you're kind of in the background somewhere, and then you can communicate. Yeah, but there's like, you know, don't be chatting it up too much. Like, it gets to be awkward in there. Yeah, well, and here at the gym it's pretty cool because there's just two stalls, right?
Starting point is 00:14:03 And whenever I go in there and Smokey goes in, there's like, Oh, cool. Someone to talk to or both taking a dump. I was like, we don't have to talk. He's like, no, no, no, it's fine. I'm like, all right, cool. Smokey's definitely strange. Yeah. He's right. We also have, you know, we had the slingshot record breakers meet and that, that went off amazing. also have you know we had the slingshot record breakers meet and that that went off uh amazing a lot of great lifting going on there and uh outstanding performance from a lot of our lifters obviously and then slingshot media killed it as always you got a lot of great pictures we got a
Starting point is 00:14:36 lot of great video um and just just a tremendous weekend all around but we also have the uh super training classic coming up so be looking out be on the lookout for that the super training classic um will be in um february i believe yeah i think last year it might have been in january but anyway it'll be in february and uh be on the lookout for that we'll start making some announcements about that and we'll start uh posting you know where to sign up for it and all that good stuff. And that'll be here in Sacramento. And then Kara Weston is holding a powerlifting meet in March, which a lot of the Super
Starting point is 00:15:15 Training members are excited to do. Our boy Pig Pekulski, he's getting fired up to compete there and he's been ripping up some big weights. So I always try to encourage people like support local powerlifting because a lot of times you hear people complain that, that, oh, this isn't happening, you know, in my area. And so therefore they think that, um, they get frustrated and like, oh, there's no power through my area. And it's like, well, when there was meets in your area, you never showed up, you dingbat. So make sure you get out to some of these contests and make sure that you share some of that information.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Or make sure you share, you know, just make sure you share with other lifters to get their asses to powerlifting meets. Another thing I wanted to share before we dive into some of this, too, is I learned something from watching a lot of these athletes, um, prepare for this meet. Uh, I learned a lot from watching these athletes compete. Um, and it was this kind of attitude of like, you know what, you're never really out of it. You know, um, I saw some lifters that were frustrated. They didn't quite get some of the lifts that they wanted throughout the day. But they hung in there the entire time and they stayed with it. Maybe they didn't get the squat that they wanted. Maybe they didn't get the bench that they wanted.
Starting point is 00:16:36 But they hung around, they hung around, they hung around. And they did the best they could. And they still ended up with a really good total. So don't let yourself get too frustrated with, uh, with what's happening. And, you know, sometimes these power thing meets can be really, uh, frustrating cause you want to lift more. You always want to lift more weight, but it's hard to be able to lift more weight when you, um, when you're just not ready for it.
Starting point is 00:17:02 You haven't, you haven't, uh, you're not trained up for it quite enough. Um, the mental side plays into it, but what I try to share with the athletes here at super training is the training's already done and you're already where you are. Like there's not really, there's not a hype. There's not, um, there's not a pre-workout that you can take. There's, there's really nothing that can be be done now that's going to help you to be any stronger. There's really nothing we can do now to make you any weaker. You just are the strength that you are. The mental side of it can play into it a little bit. Like if you're just like
Starting point is 00:17:40 I don't know, if you're like fatigued or just kind of like not there where your mind is drifting elsewhere uh those can all be things that could that could throw you out of your game but those those are things that are just not normal they're not most lifters that have performed not only in meets but just have trained for a contest usually on game day they're going to show up enough to be there to be an able-bodied person to hit the lift that they need to hit but don't think that you need all this external stuff to get you to be like stronger it really um if you're able to hit a 600 pound
Starting point is 00:18:20 deadlift it's because of the way you trained it's not because someone slapped you on the back that little rev up could be kind of normal for your ritual but you should also understand like that that that doesn't make your lift and if it's not there on game day you shouldn't freak out about it shouldn't freak out about anything you should be comfortable you should understand that you have the strength to lift the numbers that you're going to lift for the day because of your training and not really because of a specific song they play or specific thing they do. In training, I've always liked to choose a specific song because I get the opportunity to. You can just go to the thing and just change the music on the, on the phone. And it's real simple. And you get to listen to whatever song you want and you get to get hyped up. But in a contest, you can't like stop what everybody's doing and get the music that you want. And so, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:14 just realize that on game day, some of these external things that you might be used to may not be available. And also pre-workout and some of these things that these strategies that you use in training, how much pre-workout are you going to take during the course of a contest? Um, I mean, that's not great. That's not a great idea to have coffee in the morning and then pre-workout
Starting point is 00:19:38 before squats. And then you, you know, eat like a hog after you squat and then you have another pre-workout cause it's time to bench, you know, and then you bench and then you eat like squat and then you have another pre-workout cause it's time to bench, you know, and then you bench and then you eat like shit and you have another pre pre-workout cause it's time to deadlift. Um, only use what you really need, which would be maybe a pre-workout or some caffeine or something, uh, to get you hyped for the deadlift, like use it more for the
Starting point is 00:20:02 end of the day rather than from the very beginning of the day, it's a contest, it's a competition. And you're probably most likely pretty stirred up about it anyway, probably pretty fired up as it is. So, um, for myself, I utilize that technique for my career. I didn't take a lot of caffeine and things like that in the morning, but as the meat progressed, if I felt like I needed a little kick, then I would utilize something. But, you know, I saw a lot of lifters, a lot of seasoned lifters that did a great job of not allowing anything to prevent them from lifting the weights that they knew that they could lift.
Starting point is 00:20:44 And they knew they could lift them because they've done them in training. Yeah, I was just thinking, if you take all that caffeine, your, like, CNS or whatever, just your body's fried by the time you actually go to get the, you know, pick up the bar or whatever. And I heard Josh right here, how many milligrams of caffeine do you think you had? Like, a thousand? Oh yeah. He said he had whatever smoke he had. So yeah, he probably had like 1500 milligrams of caffeine. Yeah. And you might need that because like in training, maybe you're having quite a bit too, or you're
Starting point is 00:21:16 having quite a bit throughout the day. Um, but again, like those, those things, you know, you do it once, do it twice. I mean, it's not not a huge deal but you don't really want to make that like a habit um you don't want to rely on anything external um like that because just on game day when you when you come down to that last deadlift whether you took caffeine or not it's not going to be uh the major reason on why you're able to perform the lift. Um, if you're tired, caffeine's not going to do a lot for you anyway. Um, if you're tired, you probably needed more sleep or more rest somewhere along the way. But what, what's important for people to recognize that when you're in these tight spots and in these situations, you really want to try to work on figuring out how do you get the
Starting point is 00:22:05 most from your day and that's what i kind of saw like that was kind of a reflective theme of this power lifting meet that we're at i was watching the way everybody was lifting and the way everybody was handling themselves and rather than just you hear a lot of people you say hey man how's it going like oh man i'm getting by it's like man that's a shit attitude to have um you know making it through or whatever they'll say you know and some people joke about i'm living the dream or whatever but you want to try to get like from your day and you don't want to try to just get through your day and a lot of the men and women that competed at slingshot record breakers i saw them really extracting a lot from the day they were getting a lot from the day because they trained for it because they prepared for that day and i i got it
Starting point is 00:22:50 i i can't think back i tried to think back on the way home to a contest that i've been to where i've seen so many personal records um there's a lot of you know all-time records and things like that broken as well um but i i you know it seemed like almost every things like that broken as well. Um, but I, you know, it's, it seemed like almost every lifter that competed, um, did a little bit better than they did last time. There were some first time people like Josh, uh, obviously that's the best they've done since it's the only meet they've ever done. Um, I saw a lot of people like really squeezing the juice out of the day rather than like, um, just falling apart here, falling apart there. Smokey ended up doing an amazing job. He ended up getting a PR squat. He ended up getting
Starting point is 00:23:31 a PR in the deadlift. He ended up with a PR total. Um, but I think sometimes when you're, when you're unpacking, like what you're going, what your day is going to look like and what the meat's going to look like. I think that you think that you need to have personal bests in the squat, bench, and deadlift in order to get a better total. And that's not necessarily true, especially the longer that you do this for. For example, you might do a meet where you mainly only hit your, uh, you know, your, your opening attempts and the next, the next meet that you do, or I'm sorry, your second attempts, the next meet that you do, you might hit your second attempt, your first attempt and your second attempt on your
Starting point is 00:24:16 deadlift. And you still might improve even without any PRS, but because the weights were still close enough to your previous PRs, you end up with a PR total. So I think Smokey, when he was prepping for this contest, he was not lifting as well as he wanted to. He thought he should have been a little bit stronger for the amount of work that he was putting in. And he was getting pretty frustrated there for a little while and he had some off weeks his bench wasn't as strong as as he thought it was was going to be um his squat was
Starting point is 00:24:52 coming around really well his shoulder was kind of banged up his elbow was bothering him but you got to kind of hang in there and you got to trust you got to trust this process and the process is i'm going to beat the crap out of myself for 12 weeks and in the end at the end of all this the last um the last four weeks of hard training is going to be brutal and i might end up being weaker than i've ever been before not necessarily stronger but when i stop training when i start to deload, when I start to back off and the contest is getting closer, the strength is going to start to come back and you're just going to start to accumulate. All of a sudden you can start to feel it like through your fingertips. You can start to feel like, oh shit, like I'm, I feel like I'm going to be really
Starting point is 00:25:40 strong, uh, on contest day. And then you go and lift and a lot of the weights end up feeling much lighter than they did in training. So if you're going through this process and you're, strong on contest day and then you go and lift and a lot of the weights end up feeling much lighter than they did in training so if you're going through this process and you're you're training like oh my god everything feels heavy that's very normal very normal to be three or four weeks out from a competition and just feel like you're gonna die yeah one thing that i i when you're on the outside looking in as far as like powerlifting or just fitness in general, you don't really realize how much emotion is actually involved in the sport. Um, it was a little different this time around. Cause the first time I went to record breakers, which was two
Starting point is 00:26:17 years ago, which was the first thing you ever asked me to like really, um, take photos at, I wasn't, I didn't have any skin in the game. I didn't know anybody, period. And I seen how fired up people got. And I was like, damn, this is crazy. And then this time around, all the lifters that we had, I was screaming my face off. And then anytime somebody hit a big lift, I was like, holy shit, this is amazing. And then you hear stories about Ed Cohn always crying when somebody hits a big lift or something. When I seen Marcus so happy to, whether it was the bench or the squat, and he came up and gave you a big old hug, it felt really cool. And I never felt anything like that from just watching somebody.
Starting point is 00:26:57 I mean, it's exercise, but I know it's a competition. Andrew, are you trying to tell me that you're gay? Yes. Okay, perfect. Yeah. What a way to come out a competition, but. Andrew, are you trying to tell me that you're gay? Yes. Okay, perfect. Yeah. What a way to come out. Hi, Stephanie. Andy.
Starting point is 00:27:12 It's all right. I mean, it's okay. I'm pretty sure they knew by now. They knew. We did CrossFit today. Yeah. Yeah. What's next, right?
Starting point is 00:27:20 What could be worse than that? I mean, I don't think any. That's it. We're gay crossfitters we we definitely are now yeah after that um no it's a big deal to be there for people and something i learned in professional wrestling i mean i learned a lot of amazing things from from being a pro wrestler uh other than like wrapping a steel chair around somebody's head um and learning how to you to have the gift of gab
Starting point is 00:27:47 and go in front of people and cut promos and things like that. I also learned respect. You go into a wrestling locker room. You're supposed to shake hands with everybody, but one of the best things you can do is find the biggest, baddest dude with the ugliest, nastiest look on his face and go up to him and say, hey, man, how's it going?
Starting point is 00:28:08 And just shake their hand. And that's something I do at Powerlifting Meets. I try to go around to as many people as I can and just, you know, say hi, shake their hand, especially people like in a warm-up room because it's quite obvious that they're competing. Talk to them for 10 seconds. But when I was competing, before people wanted to take selfies with me and stuff, back when nobody cared who I was,
Starting point is 00:28:34 when I would go through the warm-up room, you would just see all these guys mean-mugging each other and just giving these tough guy looks. And I always just thought like you know what this is so much easier for me go over there and just say what's up hey man you competing today like i hope you do really well oh yeah what are some of your numbers oh it's fucking sick all right cool you know hope to see on the platform i'm excited to be lifting against you today it's gonna be awesome um Just little things like that make a big difference. In pro wrestling, if you didn't do that, you would get, they call it potatoed, which is just getting the ever-living shit kicked out of you in the ring. Somebody would whoop your ass
Starting point is 00:29:15 if you didn't go around and shake people's hands, especially if you're a new guy. But every single time you went into those locker rooms and those environments you had you were supposed to go around and say hi to everybody every every single time even if you were from stone cold steve austin to vince mcmahon to everybody everybody in the whole company everybody in the wwe does that they you know you even have to say hi to the undertaker as scary as that is to do you know that's just kind of it's part of it but i think of it, but I think it's important. And I think it's important that these power thing meets, if you're a young lifter, that's
Starting point is 00:29:52 up and coming. I think you should especially be paying attention to think little things like that. Cause it's those details that are, that are hugely important. The other thing I learned, uh, the other thing i learned in pro wrestling other than just uh whoops hey now that's a great picture of uh filipino thunder right there that was his third set or his third uh attempt yeah what did he end up hitting it at 870 right 870 pounds squat yeah he's you know he was just an absolute he was just an absolute monster on that day the other thing i learned from professional wrestling
Starting point is 00:30:34 though is that like you need to you can't do these things on your own you got to like be there for people and so in pro wrestling you weren't allowed to leave until the event was over it was highly frowned upon if you did again's going to beat your ass and they're going to do so in the ring. People are just going to not think that you're committed 100% to the process. They're going to be like, oh, well, he left. It didn't matter who you were in the pecking order. You didn't leave. You stayed all the time.
Starting point is 00:31:01 It didn't matter who you were in the pecking order. You didn't leave. You stayed all the time. And, you know, some of our people, they got other places to be. But really what should happen on game day, whether the contest is one day or two days, people should mark off on their calendar, like, I'm screwed on those two days. And, you know what? Like, I don't want to be there the whole day.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I'm sure not everybody else wants to be there the entire day. But I'm going to be because that's what you're supposed to do. I noticed too, just being there for everybody. It had a huge influence on some of the numbers that were hit that day. Marcus was right there on the spot for everybody. And, and it had a huge influence on some of the numbers that were, that were hit that day. Um, Marcus was right there on the spot for everybody. Jessica was there helping a lot of people. Um, our media team was in great communication with each other about trying to get the best picture or the best video or follow this person or that person. And there was just a lot of great communication going on, but you know, watching Marcus go through those lifts, even though I just kind of preached about how you shouldn't need anything external.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Sometimes you do, you do need something and that something would probably be someone to support you and to have your back because you need someone to watch your lifts. You need someone to, that's going to be honest with you. you need someone to that's going to be honest with you when you do a lift you you lift 500 pounds on something and you think you have the strength to do 550 and the person that watched you lift is like i really think 530 is more reasonable you got to kind of let the meat go and allow the person that's helping you to help you and allow them to kind of call the shots and say, you know what, it's actually a great option. Let me try that. And then maybe I can go heavier on the next attempt.
Starting point is 00:32:54 There's a lot of strategy that goes into these meets. There's a lot of things that happen that you just aren't prepared, just not ready for. And as Marcus was building his total, he squatted eight 70 and then he benched five 40. And then when it came to deadlifting, he, he's been struggling in a deadlift because he's had this kind of nagging hamstring, uh, injury going on. He's had, uh, he's had this groin thing going on and he really wanted badly to get a 2 000 pound total and so he did like a you know just a cheap opener he's like 570 or 580 or whatever it was
Starting point is 00:33:34 and it was really easy and uh he came over to me he's like oh i did it i did 2 000 i was like yeah that's great and then uh you can kind of see me like when we were going back and forth with this conversation i'd kind of like look off into the distance and he'd kind of look at me and i was like yeah you know uh yeah you know i i really think you like what do you got to do to like knock dave ziske off the board because dave ziske used to train here and dave ziske was a dick he probably still is a dick and I'm like you know I want you to knock that guy off the board he was a really strong lifter but it'd be great if uh you know the lifters that are on that board are the lifters that are training here currently and you know he told me he's like I
Starting point is 00:34:19 think I need to do like 639 or something like that I'm like oh man I'm like you can easily do that he's like yeah he's like I just you know he's like i don't want to get i don't you know i don't want to like you know this this groin thing this hamstring thing it's like i might you know tear something and i said well you know the good news is is that it's a deadlift and you can always just drop it if it hurts really bad i said the second thing that's good is that this is a powerlifting meet and if we're going to tear shit off the bone this is where we do it we don't do it we don't do it in practice we do it we do it here this is the game this is the this is this isn't in practice you know this is this is game time and if something is going to happen like this is the spot for that to happen and it it's unfortunate
Starting point is 00:35:05 that it happens and people get hurt um last thing i i want to see is him is him get hurt and he knows that and so we talked about it more i'm like i'm like dude you have to put the attempt in i said put the attempt in sit around for three minutes and think about it because you should by the way any lifter out there and any coach always put your attempt in even if you fucking fell even if you fell and got wiped out and you thought you were gonna die put in your attempt someone can always scratch it for you later just because you don't know you know how you feel at the moment you might be terrified and you might have like smashed your finger or something weird might have happened you might tweaked your knee but two minutes rolls by and all of a sudden you're like oh my god that's that's not that bad. I'm I'm okay. I can. Okay. I thought
Starting point is 00:35:48 I really tweaked something, but I'm not that bad. It was just, it was more of an emotional and like a hormonal response to what happened than anything else. So you always put your attempt in. So he put the attempt in at six 39. I think it was. Um, he went out there and he got fired up and he smashed it. And it was easy. He didn't get hurt. He gets to knock Dave Ziske off the board. And, you know, mission accomplished. But that's what a coach is for.
Starting point is 00:36:17 And that's what that relationship can do. Marcus does his own programming. I keep an eye on some of his bigger lifts. He'll watch me. He'll ask me. He'll he'll say hey can you be there for my bench because i need you to watch and uh kind of you know give me some advice on on uh you know what attempts to take and some of these different things but he's a smart guy and he's figured out a lot and he's figured out a lot a lot for the members of super training gym and that's why people were so successful at slingshot record breakers that's why nearly every person that lifted uh ended up getting big prs but it was great to kind of talk him through that process
Starting point is 00:36:57 and to go back and forth and and to kind of figure out a way like how do i explain to him that he's wrong and he has to put in this attempt uh how do i explain to him that he's wrong and he has to put in this attempt uh how do i explain to him that like he's going to be driving home and he's going to be kicking himself in the ass that he didn't take this attempt i'm like how do i you know how do i convey that message without like blowing up at him and then you have him not you know do what you kind of wished he would have done um and then also training in here every day he's got to look at that board and then he gets to wipe the name off the squat and off the bench but not off the total it just doesn't make any sense the same thing happened as we were started
Starting point is 00:37:35 kind of opening we started started uh figuring out smoky's numbers for the day as we started to kind of boil down towards the end he squatted 5 540, he benched 407, and then he deadlifted 556. Smokey, Smokey is a little bitch. I hope he's watching right now. Smokey's like, I only wanted, I'd be happy if I did 539. I'm like, it's like 539. Just, it doesn't make any sense you know again we're out of power lifting me like uh he's lifted more than that his best is 551 so 551 would have given him a pr total
Starting point is 00:38:19 but it would have tied his pr deadlift and so i sat there and i thought about it for a while and they kept bugging me to put the weight in. But you don't have to put the weight in until the next round starts again. And so I had time. And I was like, no, no, I got time. I know the rules around here. So I was able to wait and wait and wait. And I'm sitting there doing the math.
Starting point is 00:38:38 I keep thinking it and rethinking it. And I'm like, this gives them, you know, with some change on it, it just gives them 1504 puts them over 1500 i know that that's a goal and and like this is where we roll the dice this is this is the show this is game it's game time um and i was thinking like you know that's not great for him to put all this work in and then only end up with like a four pound PR total anyway. And that's like not even acceptable. So him getting like a more like a 12 or 15 pound total PR, that's,
Starting point is 00:39:10 that's actually pretty good. Um, and so that, that's what we did. We put in that five 56 and he actually ended up doing really well with it. He, he lifted it. Um,
Starting point is 00:39:22 he didn't lift it with the greatest of ease, but it did look like he could do more. It looked like he could do another 12 pounds more, 14 pounds more, something like that. Yeah, he was surprised himself. He's just like, I didn't see that coming. Well, that's what the deload does. That's what the backing off does.
Starting point is 00:39:40 The tapering, as it's called in swimming. You swim and swim and swim and swim, and you feel like your arms are going to fall off and then you pull way back from it um sprinters do the same thing um sprinting and and power lifting are probably um they're insanely uh related they run parallel to each other in a lot of ways because you can only be so powerful you can only be so powerful. You can only be so fast. You can't. Usain Bolt doesn't run his best times on a track somewhere randomly. You know, he runs his best times in the Olympics. And if he's going to pull a hamstring or tweak something, he's going to do it in the Olympics.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Because that's the show. That's where you're doing. That's where you want to try to like really push yourself. Jessica Smith also did outstanding. She ended up with a 430, 30 pound deadlift and a 220 pound bench. I think we had her try about 230 on the bench and she missed it. But she did, she did awesome. And unfortunately it looks like she may have torn her meniscus in her training. And that's been banged up. And, you know, she's been trying to figure out what to do with that.
Starting point is 00:40:50 She got really, really extremely upset in her training for this contest because she really was hoping to get a nice big fat PR squat, which she was definitely destined for because she was smashing some big weights. And then she was also really excited to get a pr total but that just wasn't in the cards um you got to keep your mind in it and and so we did you know i kept talking to her about i'm like i've experienced almost everything you could experience in powerlifting i've torn a bunch of muscles you know i was asked today like hey have you ever injured everything anything and i i didn't even think about those as injuries.
Starting point is 00:41:25 I'm like, no, I'm fine. You got any injuries? No, I'm good. And I was like, well, I did tear a bunch of muscles. It's like, that's the price of admission into powerlifting. Like you're going to tear some shit up. Uh, when you really try to push to the extremes, it's just, it's unfortunate, but it happens to a lot of lifters and not everybody, but it happened to me, uh, a bunch of times. And it's just, it's kind of, it's kind of par, it's kind of par for the
Starting point is 00:41:49 course and empower thing in some ways, but you have to keep your mind in it the whole time. And so in talking to Jessica, I'm like, Jessica, I'm like, you, like, I can't even explain to you like how many times I've cried, you know, on my way home from the gym, uh, because i've missed a lift or because something hurt so bad i couldn't train the way i wanted i'd be so frustrated that it just brought me to damn tears because i love the sport and i want to try to do the best i can and i said it's okay to be frustrated with it it's okay to be sad about it let all that happen let it all blow over you going to be able to either bench or deadlift or maybe do both, uh, you know, come game time. Let's just, you know, let's just pretend and keep training as if everything's normal and not even worry about, let's not sit around and think
Starting point is 00:42:37 about the things you can't do. Let's focus in on the things you can do and let's still go out and have a very productive contest. So she did great. The other thing that's great about Jessica is like probably in the last two years or so, we had her on the podcast recently. You guys should go back and listen to that podcast because it was freaking outstanding. She really had a great message and she's got a great story. But she's lost about 30 pounds over the last year and a half, two years. It's not very normal for someone to lose 30 pounds and still be strong and still end up with some really great PRs. We actually kind of had to like, me and Marcus kept to honor about like eating.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Like, yeah, you can't really like, it's great that you lost all this weight, but like, you know, let's not lose another five or 10 going into the meat. Let's just, you know, eat a freaking pizza or eat a sandwich or something. Like let's hold on to something because everything's starting to change as you get closer to the meat. Yeah. Dinner Saturday night, he made her order two plates, like one for now and then one to go. He's like, eat this in your hotel room.
Starting point is 00:43:40 He's like, and go to bed before midnight. Like you got a big day tomorrow. She's like a grandma. She's got instructions yeah i just thought it was hilarious because yeah he would weigh her like almost every day before going into the gym he had a certain number and i was like you can't go into the gym unless you weigh this much that that's the way you got to do it i mean that's that's what uh that's what coaches do you want to try to squeeze the most out of every single person that they can squeeze something from. The meet was really exciting. It was crazy to see the amount of big lifts that happened.
Starting point is 00:44:12 It was crazy to see, like, where these big lifts came from. Because it's like, I didn't know all these people that were smashing all these big weights. There was, like, I don't know, there was a kid there that was from reno um and he was squatting like i don't know 800 something pounds um and then he ended up dead lifting 800 something pounds he benched high fours um there was tons of strong people there yeah uh was it chrisford? He went off, he was going crazy the whole day, lifting huge weights. He almost deadlifted 900 pounds. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Um, we saw, you know, a thousand pound squat attempt and we saw some wild stuff going on. Yeah, it was, it was really eyeopening. And I just looked over at you as we're watching the, uh, the chicks lift and I was like, dude, I got to get stronger. Like, this is some bullshit. in the chicks lift. And I was like, dude, I got to get stronger. Like, this is some bullshit. Because the lightweight female division, I don't know whatever it's called, but, I mean, their openers are just killing my PRs.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Oh, the girls are like Tiny Tiff, you know? She doesn't count. Yeah, she's ridiculous. I mean, I don't know. Would she weigh 120 pounds or something? Or 98 pounds? I don't even know what she weighs yeah she's tiny she's tiny tiff yeah she's strong as shit she's squatting over 300 pounds deadlifting over 300 pounds um there's a girl that deadlifted over 600 pounds uh you know it's just it was just wild it was was crazy. The guy from Reno is only like 22 years old.
Starting point is 00:45:47 There was just this one giant lift after another. It was really fun for me to be a part of that competition and to be part of something that my friend Jesse Burdick has been putting on for a long time. It felt good to, uh, put some money into the sport, um, both in just prepping for the contest itself and organizing the contest. And then in addition to that, uh, putting up some prize money, um, we ended up giving
Starting point is 00:46:17 out $8,000. Um, uh, what was her name? Christy. Um, help me out with the last name hawkins she ended up uh earning four thousand dollars because she just was just crushing all kinds of uh ridiculous weights but like some of these guys didn't really look like a whole lot you know they didn't really look and even some of the girls that were hitting big weights, you're like, I'm not sure where all
Starting point is 00:46:46 the strength is coming from because not everybody was crazy jacked. Yeah. And somebody had just that guy just squatted 688 like it was
Starting point is 00:46:52 nothing. He doesn't really look like anything. I look way more jacked than that guy. I should be able to do something. Hey, I like it too.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Hey. It was really cool also seeing the kids in the meet. Yeah, there's like a 10-year-old kid. A boy old girl right right yeah tyler was his name smashing weights i think he went nine for nine look at stan efforting was there ed cone was there just a good support system um you know thank you to everybody that helped out with the actual contest itself in prepping for it and all the spotters and loaders. No one got hurt that I saw.
Starting point is 00:47:29 The spotters were on top of everything. The barbell never touched the floor one time, even though we had multiple 900-pound squats and also a few people going for 1,000 pounds. But, yeah, it's like one guy after another was squatting 600, 700, 800. And it was just crazy. it was crazy to see and then there were so many different body types too like some of the some of the guys are small uh some of the girls are tiny some of the guys are freaking big and fat a lot of beards a lot of beards and a lot of big guts you can blame smoky for that one he made it poplar pop popular yeah i think it might i don't know if it's the same youngster that from reno or not but i just remember there was like a tall
Starting point is 00:48:13 lengthy kid and i just remember thinking like whoa he's gonna squat that and then he just smoked it and he was he wasn't even like uh one of the the um i don't want to say weaker, but less strongerest in the flight. He was mid or even further. And I was like, dude, he's tall, he's lengthy, and he's just really strong. But he didn't look like he had a crazy build for it. But he got into position and he smoked every single weight that they put on the bar. Yeah, Jesse Anderson, who's from Reno as well, they got into position and he smoked every single weight that they put on the bar. Yeah. Jesse Anderson, who's from Reno as well.
Starting point is 00:48:50 They got a really strong group out there. Um, he was squatting like mid eights, but he, I've seen him squat 900 pounds. He's 19 years old. Kids of damn bull, you know, he's so strong. And here's another guy going like, we're, we're watching some of this video back. You can watch this on my, uh, my YouTube channel, watching some of this video back you can watch this on my uh my youtube channel watching some of these videos they're watching this guy evan sin man cindy man a 722 squad i mean it's just like one like i said one person after another just crushing just crushing weights just crushing weights just crushing weights what was really cool for me is it's always great to see the products out there it's always great
Starting point is 00:49:29 to see uh a lot of the people wearing the knee wraps and a lot of people wearing the knee sleeves um but like what i like more about just than just seeing that was like how routine it was for people just to pick up a hip circle they just picked up hip circles and they started walking around all over the warm-up room, all over the parking lot. There was a guy who was on his cell phone just texting, who was doing some hips out, knees out type of movements, while he was just sitting down texting. But he's like texting and warming up at the same time.
Starting point is 00:50:02 It's great to see that, um, that it's, that we built it into the culture. You know, and I hope that one day that I do the same thing with food, you know, I hope that, um, and you're starting to see it more in, in powerlifting and Stan Efferding has been a big part of that. Um, but I hope it's just so common for people to prep their meals. Um, as we were talking to Miranda today, I was, you know, we asked her about a diet and she kind of said, oh, you know, eat some rice and potatoes. And, and then when she really thought about it, she's like, I guess we kind of just meal prep and, uh, we always have, you know, good amounts of protein and, and we cook a lot
Starting point is 00:50:41 of our foods at home. And, um, I think that that side of things, that side of the strength community and that side of, uh, fitness in general is, uh, is just really important. Uh, Jimbo Cooper lived there. He's from, uh, great Britain and he ended up, I mean, this guy, you know, this guy's a four by four. He's four feet tall and four feet wide. Yeah. It was, uh, me and Ed were down there cause I was taking pictures and Ed was, uh, head judge right there.
Starting point is 00:51:13 And I was like, he's built like an H and he thought that was so funny. He couldn't stop laughing cause he's so wide. Yeah. He's, you know, he's thick as a brick, man. He's, he's a powerful guy's thick as a brick man he's he's a powerful guy he had a great day here he is crushing a 793 pound squat he stays very very upright you know it's when i see some of these techniques and stuff i'm like oh man i wish you know i wish i could work with that guy because i do think that you know even though he squats way more weight than
Starting point is 00:51:44 i do i think i still think i could help him and coach him uh to even a much bigger squat because he just he was forcing the weight so much into his knees and certain lifters can do that but he also had a wide stance so it's like the two things don't really go together uh shove the knees forward having a wide stance usually the knees go out more when you have that wide of a stance uh somebody just said thanks for making superior products they ordered the uh slingshot sport sleeves and uh they they really love them they've just appreciated them and you know thank you we have a lot of products here and it gets confusing sometimes on but but everything that we make is for a purpose most of the things that have been made here have
Starting point is 00:52:25 been made, um, by myself for me. Um, and so a lot of the things that you'll see, like the sports sleeve was made just for convenience purposes. You know, I was like, man, just putting these strong sleeves on all the time. It's kind of a pain in the ass. And even though it's a pain in the ass, it's worth it because of the protection it gives you and because of the spring it gives you. Um, but there's other workouts that I do that I don't use as much weight. There's other workouts that I do that, that are mainly like kind of bodybuilding style workouts where it's more assistance movements. And I don't want to spend a bunch of time trying to wiggle into sleeves. Um, for myself personally, I don't like anything that slows me down, that's going to pull me away from my workout. I like to, you know, get into the workout and
Starting point is 00:53:11 have a good, strong, hard workout and get the hell out of there. And so the sports sleeves work great for that purpose. They keep the area warm. They give you some light compression. They definitely do the job. So I appreciate you chiming in over here. What do you think about Emilio? Our boy Emilio did great. You know, he, um, I think he was frustrated with his performance, but really looking at it, he had a very staggered, uh, he very staggered, um, training cycle going into this because I think he got hurt like three times. So when you get hurt, it doesn't really give you a good barometer for, uh, what's going to happen. I tried to encourage him to train, to do another meet in March.
Starting point is 00:53:59 And he was kind of like, eh, you know, and you'll see that a lot from lifters, especially cause they just did a meet. Um, it's like a huge relief to have that monkey off your back that you just did a contest, but he really should turn it around and he should compete again. There's no question he should compete again. And I think he benched like four 15 or something or four 20. That's an unacceptable bench for how strong of a guy that is and i know he's had some injuries and stuff but if if i was in his shoes i would do i would compete in march and i would perhaps only just do a bench only so i i put myself out there i put myself on the line and say you know what i'm going to improve my bench by minimum 20 pounds like there's just it's not acceptable for
Starting point is 00:54:43 me to do any less and kind of force yourself into that position. And it's, um, it's November, you know, so he can go, he can have all of December to train for all of January, all of February. And, uh, he could probably put together some, uh, there's Chad Wesley. He could probably put together some, uh, some pretty good numbers. Steve Gentile was there as well. He ended up crushing a huge squat. He squatted 804 pounds and then ended up tearing his pec on a third attempt bench press of 600 pounds. Steve has successfully benched over 600 pounds in training multiple times. He did it here and he made it look so easy with it.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Barr moved so fast, it was scary. Everybody looked around, and we're just like, whoa, what was that? Yeah, I mean, he is a monster, and it's just a shame he hasn't been able to kind of put it all together. Hopefully what he did is just a strain and not a real uh colossal tear that's gonna uh really slow him down it was great to see how far his squat has come though because um like two years ago he's not a very good squatter and now he's been really crushing some big weights um something that that's really cool that happened steve never uh never competed in
Starting point is 00:56:08 powerlifting until until he met me we he i did a seminar at uh at barbell brigade and he happened to be there and he was wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt i was like who the hell is this guy this guy's huge i was like big man what do you lift? And he's like, oh, I don't know. I can bench over. I can do over 500. I was like, you could do over 500.
Starting point is 00:56:29 I was like, like any day of the week. He's like, yeah, pretty much. It's like, shit, you mind doing it in front of everybody?
Starting point is 00:56:36 I think I would hype everybody up. And he was like, sure. And so he benched in front of everybody. And I think he tried like five 50 that day and missed it, but he ended up hitting five 25 and everybody got hyped as hell. So it was, it was just really cool.
Starting point is 00:56:48 He was at the seminar. He happened to just, he happened to just to show up there with, uh, Adam Rodriguez, our, our, our buddy Hulk smash. And, um, you know, it's like, it's stories like that. It's like things like that that keep me so connected to the sport. And it's, it's awesome. Andrew Herbert, like what. It's like things like that that keep me so connected to the sport. And it's, it's awesome. Andrew Herbert. Like what, what's going on with that guy?
Starting point is 00:57:09 That guy's huge. He's so freakish. He's so jacked. Yeah. You can't really tell how jacked he is. He wears a lot of like kind of bigger stuff, but when he's getting ready for the deadlift, you're like, oh my God, that guy's huge. Cause he just has a singlet on and he's got it like the straps down.
Starting point is 00:57:25 His back is enormous. His lats are just huge. I think he has like a collegiate wrestling background or something. He's got kind of the gnarly ears. Yeah. Kind of like a stocky, like upper body build almost. Yeah. He kind of has a short, kind of has a short torso.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Right. But I was disappointed because it uh, it looked like he was going to hit an 837 pound squat and, uh, he just couldn't quite pull it out. I would have loved to see him get that. Cause I would have been an all time world record and I would have been able to stick a thousand pounds in his pocket. Yeah. Tony Montgomery was another lifter that was there. Who's a coach as well. Tony has his own gym up in Washington or in Oregon, I think. And Tony has lifted with Jesse Burdick. He's lifted here at Super Training Gym.
Starting point is 00:58:14 He's lifted under the tutelage of Chris Duffin. So he's somebody that knows what's up. And he was doing really well. He benched over five and squatted high sevens. I don't remember the deadlift, but I'm sure he deadlifted around 700 pounds as well. How cool was it when Marcus's opener, I don't know what it was, but he went down and up so fast, the whole crowd, whoa. That was great.
Starting point is 00:58:44 The crowd, man, think about how impressive that is. There's a lot of great lifters there. And I don't recall them doing that, you know, except for, uh, when, uh, uh, when we got to the deadlift and Jeremy smashed that 804 deadlift. Right. But up until that point, the first time they did that was when Marcus hit a squat. People were like, that was different. It just set the tone. You can see it in his demeanor. He's like, this shit's mine. That was really cool.
Starting point is 00:59:16 It's great to see stuff like that. It almost looks like somebody's like just doing a different sport. You know, when you watch somebody who, who's really like magical at what they do, they're really gifted at what they do and they have it. They just have it down to a science. It's really fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:59:37 It's almost like an art form in a way, but yeah, he was on point with everything. He crushed all his squats. He crushed all his benches and, uh, he ended up going he ended up making both of his deadlifts he just passed on his third attempt deadlift um who the hell else was lifting at this feet yeah jeremy avila lifted
Starting point is 00:59:56 and jeremy uh had a great performance um but he ended up uh he was a little banged up going into the meet so he couldn't do some of the lifts that he wanted to do. And does he normally lift at 198? He does both. He lifts at 198 and 220. Um, but he was going into the meet with an injury, hamstring, groin kind of thing. A lot of lifters get that. And it's a tough one.
Starting point is 01:00:21 It sometimes takes a year to get rid of that thing. It'd just be a nasty sucker in there and you just can't figure out uh what to do with the only thing the only thing you can do for it is a stretch and have people work on it and then in addition to that you have to uh and there's that big old squat i mean he just that's ridiculous um in addition to that you have to lay off you know the heavy lifting which is the hardest thing for all of us to do. Nobody wants to do that. We want to lift heavy all the time, and we want to kick some ass.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Yeah, but if anybody wants to watch the entire Slingshot Record Breakers meet, it's on Mark Bell's Slingshot YouTube. It's still SuperTraining06. You can probably get to it both ways. Both ways, My bad. I should know that. I think it's just, if you just type in Mark Bell Slingshot on YouTube, it'll all pop up. Or type in Mark Bell. All these things will pop up, and you'll see my channel there, and you can watch all this stuff.
Starting point is 01:01:18 So we got both days one and two already up there from the live stream over the weekend. This is the big boy up there, Jesse Anderson, the guy that I told you squatted over 900 pounds at 19. He was doing okay. He didn't have a stellar meet, but he's gone through a lot of different things. He's been some different sizes. He's gained some weight. He's lost some weight, gained some weight back again.
Starting point is 01:01:43 It's kind of hard to like reestablish your strength when you start to mess around with your body size. It takes some time. But one of the reasons why power lifters are so big, some of these guys are so large, is kind of it takes mass to move mass in a lot of cases. in a lot of cases, some of the other smaller lifters, um, they end up with good leverages because of good practices in the squat, good practices in the dent bench or deadlift. And they end up with, uh, you know, good leverage in lift, uh, that they kind of become an expert in, but it takes decades to build up this kind of strength. These, these were, it was just, you know, all in all, it was a great weekend and it was something i was excited to um be a part of and i was just thoroughly shocked with how strong everybody was even
Starting point is 01:02:31 though i've been to meets before i've seen people lift heavy stuff before but it never ceases to amaze me how strong people are yeah someone on instagram was just saying how it was really cool that we streamed the entire thing and they they say that that's how you're gonna you know uh make the world a better place to lift basically because we're putting it out there and showing how cool this shit is and it was funny marcus uh dinner saturday night he had mentioned he's like man if we had social media back when i started like i would have been way stronger he's like it's the only method to like really like okay what's the benchmark he's like, it was the only method to like, really like, okay, what's the benchmark? He's like, I just had to look up world records and then looked at my lifting and I figured, oh, I'm not too far away from that.
Starting point is 01:03:12 It's like, and then all of a sudden everyone gets on social media and now it's like, oh my gosh, like, yeah, these kids are going crazy. So I think doing stuff like this, like having the, the meat streamed and having people watch it, it's going to make the sport just blow up. It gets out to more people and it causes more competition, more people watch it and they go, Oh, maybe I can do that. Maybe I don't think they can lift the same weights as some of the big boys on here, but they quickly start to realize that they can kind of be part of this community because they saw a smaller girl lift or a smaller guy lift or an older guy or older girl.
Starting point is 01:03:46 That's what was great about this event is it's a good mix of professional lifters that have been doing it for 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, and also people that have never competed before. They all get to share the platform. And then on top of that, you got legends like Ed Cohn walking around supporting people. The guy's name, who's the young kid that was going absolutely bonkers with the big weights, his name was Jeremy Olson. He's from Nevada.
Starting point is 01:04:13 He trains with the guys over there in Reno. And they've been utilizing this weird machine that hopefully we'll get here at super training. It allows you to handle more weight on the eccentric portion of the lift. And here goes Marcus with the 848-pound squat that he absolutely murdered, too. I mean, he just smashed that. It looked so easy. But, yeah, this guy came up to me, and he has a gymnastic background. He was telling me about this machine.
Starting point is 01:04:38 And I get this stuff all the time. People always come up to me with these dumb inventions. But this guy was it was pretty intriguing he basically said that a lot of the guys out in reno are using this machine right now it's something that you can hook to weights i didn't really understand what he's talking about um i haven't had a chance to really look into it yet but he's going to come out here and show us how to use this machine but he said in training a lot of these guys were squatting and they were handling you know 1050 or like 1100 pounds at the top of the lift then they would go down very slowly
Starting point is 01:05:10 and then when they explode up it would register as like 900 pounds so almost like the weight releasers that we have yeah but like a uh an electric way of doing that probably a much smoother way of kind of kind of, uh, almost performing, uh, the same thing. And it sounded crazy, but I was like,
Starting point is 01:05:30 wow, that, I mean, shit, if, if, if it works the way you're saying it works, then it would definitely work.
Starting point is 01:05:37 And, uh, maybe that's part of the reason why some of those guys in Reno are so strong. I'm sure there's a bunch of other reasons too. It's kind of, but the same principles as a slingshot. Well, a slingshot will allow you to overload. A slingshot will allow you to handle more weight.
Starting point is 01:05:52 So yeah, in a lot of ways it is. Back this squat up again. This is actually a really interesting squat. I'm going to try to. This is such a big... Yeah, big old file. I should analyze this in its own separate video because if you look at
Starting point is 01:06:05 his first squat and his last squat they're identical the second squat he did something different um maybe he thought he was on the board already he really needed that squat so maybe he's actually a little more anxious for it and this one he had to kind of rev up ed cone and i talked about this lift and a lot of strategy went into this number two ed said if you give mate 65 or anything lower than that he's not gonna he might not push into it the way he needs to. He's like, give him, give him a heavier weight. Give him the 870. Make him, make him like really push into it hard.
Starting point is 01:06:33 He's like, he'll probably do it easy. And that's exactly what happened. Ed's really good at calling numbers. You see Ed's the head judge and he's there yelling and cheering for him. But watch how Marcus goes forward and dips on his knees a little bit at the very bottom, which that's the exact same thing he did on the first lift. And for some reason it didn't happen quite as much on the second, but he got the perfect rebound out of that.
Starting point is 01:06:54 And that's really hard to do, especially with that amount of weight. That's just, that's an insane, that's an insane amount of weight. And he just, he just nailed it just it just perfectly. I like how he's smiling halfway through the lift because he knew he just knew that he he just knew that he smashed the weight. Yeah, I was able to get some really cool pictures of that.
Starting point is 01:07:16 But I'd never, I mean obviously I'm not going to pay attention to anything like that that you're going to see but I never actually noticed him swaying like that forward and then whoop. Yeah, the knees are traveling forward quite a bit. And what you're doing is you're pushing into the knee wrap. And when the knee wraps are on tight and when you have good, strong,
Starting point is 01:07:41 durable knee wraps from, those are the gangster wraps um you're able to spring out of the bottom that's why people like using knee wraps so much there's a lot of chalk on his back every time i'd walk by the chalkboard i'd inhale so much chalk and then my lenses would get all filthy yeah can you imagine how much of that shit is like inside of our lungs all the time? Can't be any worse than the fires, though. Or the farts. Those bathrooms. Oh, I know.
Starting point is 01:08:11 They just smell like test and shit. Yep. Yeah, it smells like balls and poop. Yeah. We got some bad news, and you probably already heard of this, stan lee has passed stan lee has died and uh some people messaged me over here um on uh instagram and like just uh it sucks that he's gone but you know one thing i would say uh is that like man that guy really poured a lot and really shared a lot of himself so it's not like uh it's not like he won't it's not like he'll be erased from the planet you know he all of his work is still here um and who doesn't
Starting point is 01:08:50 admire stan lee i mean and how many times did you laugh and get excited when you saw him in his own film you're like oh there he was your elbow your buddy in the chest you know because you're pumped yeah i remember the first time telling stephanie like hey that's stan lee she's like oh who's that like he's the reason this all exists. Yeah, and it's weird because you're like, wait, what? One guy did this? Yeah. You know, and you're like, yeah, like one guy.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Yeah. And I mean, and I told, like, you know, when we first started hanging out, like, that's what I want. Once I'm off this planet, I want my work to keep going. Yeah. And that's what he's doing. He wants to exist in some way, right keep going. Yeah. And that's what he's doing. You want it to exist in some way, right? Yeah, yeah. And that's what's going to happen with his work.
Starting point is 01:09:30 But that sucks. I didn't know that that happened. I didn't know that it passed. My brother had an opportunity to interview him for Bigger, Stronger, Faster, and he just said he was so much fun. He just said he was super cool. And my brother asked him, he's like, were you inspired by those old ads where the guy got sand kicked in his face and that kind of stuff?
Starting point is 01:09:52 You know, the Muscle Beach ads. And he goes, who wasn't inspired by that? He's like, I always wanted bigger, stronger muscles. And he talks about that a lot in Bigger, Stronger, Faster. He's a pretty quick segment in the movie. But yeah, my brother's just like, he's, stronger, faster. He's a pretty quick segment in the movie, but, um, yeah, my brother's just like, he's,
Starting point is 01:10:06 he's what you'd expect. He's like, he's full of like bunch. He was full of a bunch of jokes and stuff like that. And I was like, that's, that's super cool. I'm sure like the guys had a,
Starting point is 01:10:15 you know, like I said, it always sucks when people die, but I think it was very old. Yeah. He was 95. I didn't know that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:21 He was 95. Yeah. Whoa. Yeah. It's like, what more can, could a person do in their life? I hope I lived in 95. That'd be that. Yeah, he was 95. Whoa. Yeah, it's like, what more could a person do in their life? I hope I lived to 95. That'd be great.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Yeah. That'd be a great time to check out. Dang. Yeah, I had no clue. I have no idea that he was that old. Yeah, he was old. He was an oldie but a goodie. I had a question on the YouTubes.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Do you think one or two weeks for deload? Depends on the size of the athlete and the strength of the athlete. If you are a kind of a pro, you're a seasoned veteran, and you're extremely strong, and you're a bigger guy, you're 240 plus, then you might need a pretty long time. know, two 40 plus, then you might need a pretty long time, but it's my understanding that, uh, a lot of the deloading principles have been kind of wrong for a while. You're, you're actually supposed to take some of your heavier lifts a little bit closer to the contest. And, uh, you're, you're also supposed to deload, like like let's say that a meet is three weeks away uh the the first the the the first week one uh let's say the third week is the actual contest
Starting point is 01:11:37 and so uh two weeks two weeks away from game day you would hit like uh 95 or maybe 100 almost of your max you would hit a real big squat right there and then the next week uh you would taper back down and then some people are suggesting now that you kind of you kind of ramp it back up so it would look like uh 95 and then it'd be like 85 and then it would be like 98 or something like that. So you would go, you'd go hard one week, the next week you would back off a little bit. And that, and that last week before you have almost an entire week off, you would really, really push the envelope and really push really hard. Um, there's a lot of different thought processes in all this, but there's, you have a certain, and it sounds weird, but this is what it's called. You have a certain just fitness level,
Starting point is 01:12:32 and you can lose your fitness level, which in this case is your strength. You can lose it very quickly. And so you have to be kind of cautious. If you kind of meander around as the meat gets closer, you'll find yourself oftentimes getting a lot weaker. It depends on the style of training that you do too. So some people will have an extremely high frequency in their training. And if you're somebody that's used to high frequency, which is just the amount of times that you work out, the amount of times that you squat per week and things like that. Well, then there's so many other things to alter. So if you train, let's say you squat three times a week and there's some monsters out there that do things like this, like Chad Wesley Smith and other guys. But if you squat three times a week, well, now you have a lot more variables to change rather than just the weight.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Whereas somebody who squats once a week, the only variable they're really going to change rather than just the weight. Uh, whereas somebody who squats once a week, the only variable they're really going to change is the weight. So, uh, the week, uh, before the contest, they may have, they may back off the amount of weight that they lifted. Whereas somebody who squats very often, they're actually just going to, they're going to keep lifting heavy all the way through because they do what is called spreading out fatigue. They spread out their volume. They spread out their intensity because the frequency is high. So they because they train three times a week, everything might be like 80 percent across the board.
Starting point is 01:13:57 It might squat 80 percent three times a week or it might be like 80 75 82 like it might kind of wave around but because they do that they'll just train right through to the contest maybe take like a week off at most maybe four days three days and they they they lift like animals and like uh lane norton does that lane norton would travel to like ireland and compete and he would set it up that he would get there on a certain day because he would still do like his last heavy squat he's about like six uh he's got like 600 or 630 or something for a few sets of singles and then there he was three days later on the platform he'll squat 670 or whatever the number was that he did so it's just different for different people but based the basics of it are if you're in good shape, you don't need as much of a taper.
Starting point is 01:14:49 If you need any taper at all. And if you are in shitty shape and you're big and fat, you need a longer time to rest. You always had a plan going in though, right? Like you weren't trying to wing it or did you do that early on? I always had a plan, you know, in terms of like the weights that i wanted to lift um i always had a plan in terms of uh in terms of like scheduling of workouts and things but i always just i did a lot of stuff by feel you know i just like would feel it out like it's not that much different than the way we're working out now like i just kind of i just have been somebody who just always kind of did and um it's
Starting point is 01:15:26 not because i'm a a uh it's not because i'm like a lifting savant or anything like that it's just because i've been lifting for a long time so i know the feel you know i remember like i would do a squat and then i would just like start to take everything off and everybody like oh shit like are you pissed and i was like nah just there's i'm like i don't know like there's just something something's just off like the timing's off something something's wrong you know something's you know and so then i would kind of analyze and say okay well you know the sensation that i have is really important i can't unrack the weight and doubt myself like that's not going to work and but i also knew that that wasn't a good idea to keep training that way so i would sometimes just call it which was the hardest thing ever to do and then those were the days where i'd kind of
Starting point is 01:16:09 be upset because i was frustrated on this doesn't make any sense like i'm getting stronger every week but this this kind of thing happens but these things happen because your body just starts to get worn down so much from the big lifts that you're lifting and there's nothing that you can do except for just relax and not train but you don't want to relax and not train because you have a contest in three weeks so you're like i just want to keep lifting and you go to on rack you know 500 pounds and it feels like 900 pounds and you're like oh my god i'm really in a lot of trouble right here so uh i i'd always kind of like analyze where i was at and for me most of the time when it came to like prepping for a contest i i would back off for like a week a lot a lot of times you know and
Starting point is 01:16:52 that that would be it but i would i almost trained like through it i didn't really worry about um any of the science of it i just wanted to i wanted to feel a certain way and i wanted to have good timing with everything. Those of you guys that are following along with Operation Get Less Fatterist, I am, I need to put a video out for you guys. Been tied up with a few things. I will get a video out hopefully tomorrow. I will get a video out tomorrow. How about I don't say hopefully, how about I just shut up and do it, right? And I'm moving over to a keto diet. So you guys saw me in Operation Get Less Fatterish move through a few different forms of dieting.
Starting point is 01:17:38 The first diet was just kind of teaching you not how to get any fatter, and it was teaching you about healthy food choices. The second portion of the diet was the vertical diet. We went through that together where we were eating rice and bison and red meats and potatoes and eggs and things like that. And now I'm shifting into a ketogenic diet and I'll probably ride this ketogenic diet through Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving itself will probably be a cheat day. Um, I'll make a post about this, uh, tomorrow, as I said, so, uh, kind of bear with me, follow along at Operation Get Less Fatter, so you can get all your information there and stay up to date. It's on Facebook. Um, and you know, part of the reason why I decided to do this in the first place was because I didn't want to let myself slip. And I don't want to see you guys slipping. I really and truly, you guys may think this and that about different posts I make
Starting point is 01:18:32 and different things that I say. But I honestly and truly in my heart, I want to make the world a better place to lift. I want people, I want it to be so common about lifting and food that it's just a very normal thing for people to do. And it's no longer this, it's no longer like this heartache. It's no longer this strong mental block. I want to make such an impact on people to where there's just, you see more people walking around with their food. You see, you hear more people talking about, I just, I would like for people to be empowered with knowledge. And it's the knowledge to say, I'm not going to do this anymore. I'm not going to take it anymore. I'm not going to be a loser
Starting point is 01:19:14 anymore. I'm not going to be the person I was yesterday. Being a loser has nothing to do with your finances. Being a loser has to do with you talking about that you're not ever going to actually follow through with embrace your dreams embrace embrace the dreams that you have embrace the things that are going on in your life and just you are you are where you are because that's where you got to you you are where you are because you're a byproduct of all the things that have kind of happened to you when i say uh embrace your fears and follow through with your dreams embrace your fears and follow through with your dreams that means just that what are the things you're scared to do and why are you scared to do them why are you scared to make a change um less brown is the one who said this one, and I really love it.
Starting point is 01:20:07 Ducking is going to hurt, too. Think about that. Like, ducking is going to hurt, too. Like, he's right. Ducking is going to hurt. And, you know, if you duck against something that's ferocious and tenacious, guess what happens when you just ducked? When you stand back up, you're gonna get punched in the face again.
Starting point is 01:20:29 And the answer isn't to put your hands and your knee up and ball in the corner. The answer is to make a fist. And the answer is to have the confidence to fight back, throw those punches back. Don't be afraid of that. Don't be afraid. And don't be afraid to fail either. Don't, don't be afraid of that. Don't, don't be afraid and don't be afraid to fail either. Don't be afraid to try and mess up and, you know, and just
Starting point is 01:20:52 give yourself a slap on the wrist. Um, you know, give yourself a slap on the wrist, but don't slice your wrists. You know, don't beat yourself up so bad about these situations where oh man i was on a diet and then i just i can't do it man like i i don't know i i tried it for like three days and then it was too hard and and then i stopped and then i'm just gonna stop talking about it so nobody asks me about it anymore i'm just gonna sweep under the rug and i have to ever worry about it again and no one will ever bring it up and we don't have to go through that again. You know, stop doing that to yourself. Start making better decisions.
Starting point is 01:21:29 Start making better choices. Don't be paralyzed by the word consistency because it can be scary when somebody's like, oh man, well, you can't do anything unless you're consistent. Well, that puts you right out of the race right away because you already know that you're not consistent. Something we just talked about on the last podcast with Miranda,
Starting point is 01:21:48 and this was amazing, and I actually wrote it down. So she, this is an amazing observation. This is outstanding. She kind of has observed that people don't mind being stuck in something so that they can say they can use that. Let's let's say, Andrew, that you had three kids, right? You got your daughter, Jasmine, now doing dance. And let's say you had two other kids playing softball, right? Well, it's very easy for Andrew to come in and, hey, Andrew, like how, you know, how's the diet going, bud? Like things going good. Well, you know, uh, it took Jasmine to dance and then, you know,
Starting point is 01:22:31 we ended up going to those softball, you know, games. And I was there and, you know, had a, had a hot dog and, and, uh, Oh, that's okay. Andrew, like, you know what, well, you know, I could get back on track today, you know? And while there's another game and then it's, it's her birthday and then it's her birthday and it's her friends, her friends having a party at our house because their family doesn't have that much money and we invited them over. And so I'm probably gonna have some cake. And it's like all these crazy things. It's like, whoa, like, why did you throw up such a roadblock on yourself? Why did you just do that? But it's easier for you to be stuck. You're the
Starting point is 01:23:03 dad. You're the guy that's, uh, man, I'm going to be shuttling these kids all that but it's easier for you to be stuck you're the dad you're the guy that's man i'm going to be shuttling these kids all around it's easier for you to stay stuck there than it is for you to take some giant leap towards anything else and the reason why people stay stuck is because they know that if they stay stuck there they don't have to do other shit if i'm a bodybuilder i'm i'm the guy walking around with a big giant bag. That's got all my gym stuff in it. It's got all my food. I got the gallon of water. I have the, uh, the baggy, uh, the baggy bodybuilding pants, the stringer tank top, the gallon of water. And I'm, I'm that guy. Everything's all shaved up all the time, right? I'm always tan if not red, right? Well, I can stay stuck there and it's okay because everybody else will just let me,
Starting point is 01:23:52 it'll just be okay. I'll be accepted by everybody else. Um, I don't have to ever make any progress in my life anywhere. All I gotta do, all I'm responsible for, cause I'm the bodybuilder guy is being jacked. That's all I gotta do do all i gotta do is show up to the gym have some consistency at the gym have some pretty big biceps some good shoulders take some take some shit look the part and i'll just you know i'll do i'm just gonna be a trainer i'm just gonna train people you know there's nothing wrong with training people but to just leave it at that and to not expand, that is a problem. Yeah, but I was going to say, you don't even have to have big calves. You don't even need to have big calves.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Ask Larry Wheels. Oh, roasted. Shots fired. As Larry Wheels comes here, rips my arms off my body and beats me over my head with my own arms. This is now called Larry wheels, power project. Welcome everybody. He just comes in here and eats all the slingshots and shits them out. But you know, it's very common for people to kind of get stuck in these different patterns.
Starting point is 01:24:56 And it's part of the reason why I'm so excited to share about strength, share about fitness, share anything that I can diet wise or freaking go on a walk you know there's people that this is the coolest thing that's ever happened i mean i never i never expected any of this i i knew lifting wise that by me lifting heavy stuff that it would excite other people that lift but i never knew that through this process of lifting and, and, and I guess sharing this message of like, Hey, if you can lift this heavy stuff, there's other heavy things you can lift in your life and you can lift a lot of people. I never expected to get a lot of messages from people that don't even work out.
Starting point is 01:25:37 You know, I never, I never really saw that one coming. I was, that was kind of different. And I think it's great. It's great that people are getting the message, but if I could share, you know, something with, with somebody, it's like, just try to get going on one thing, you know, I know what it will do for you. And that's why I get so excited about, like, I, I just want everybody else to feel the way that we're feeling. Like the energy that you felt at, at at this meet you wouldn't have felt that
Starting point is 01:26:05 that energy if you if you were just a photographer from a different facility or a different gym or just a freelance photographer you felt that because you're connected to the people here you're like this is my like shit this is my team like you get like teary-eyed oh absolutely these are my you know i got totally teary-eyed when Marcus hit his squat and when Smokey hit his deadlift. Like, yeah, it's super, it's super emotional and it feels good. But you're like, this is what I'm part of. Like, this is, this is why, this is why we're here at whatever the hell time it is right now. Doing a podcast.
Starting point is 01:26:36 We should have went the hell home a long time ago. We should have. Well, it's funny because I was going to work on a bunch of photos from the meet to try to get those out as soon as possible. And we were just joking around like, hey, let's we should podcast some more and I was just so excited to yeah hop on here and talk about the meet because yeah even seeing Josh you know he it was his first meet I don't remember exactly the numbers he hit he had some big numbers but I just I I kind of lost my voice screaming for him and it was cool because he he was like, because they were, we were, you know, chatting at dinner. And he was like, yeah, I heard Andrew. He's like, I heard it.
Starting point is 01:27:09 I couldn't really hear anybody else but him. And I was like, fuck, yeah. Like, that's what I was. I didn't want that to just happen. But, like, I'm glad he, you know, he felt that because, granted, I was the closest person to everybody because I was taking pictures. And I was, man. Yeah. Well, you want everybody to, like I just said said you want everybody to feel the same yeah and so it's kind
Starting point is 01:27:30 of hard because you know oh we got some monsters in here so it's really easy for all of us to get hyped up for when the monsters live yeah but when for someone newer lifts like maybe they're not getting as much cheering maybe they're not maybe the music's not getting turned up. Like maybe, maybe all these other things aren't happening. And it's kind of like, eh, that's kind of a, there's kind of a hierarchy to everything, right? There's a ranking system to everything. And that's just the way life is. But at the same time, if you can just invest something in somebody and just scream for them, uh, that that that ain't so hard to do that doesn't really cost doesn't really cost you anything so you know having an environment
Starting point is 01:28:10 like this like super training gym or combat sports academy there's plenty of powerlifting gyms for you guys to choose from throughout the country and i know a lot of people will try to say oh there's no powerlifting in my area well i don't know if you look that hard you know um There's no power to thing in my area. Well, I don't know if you look that hard, you know, um, stop driving by that gym that you know, that you want to go to. Um, I I've done all these things. The reason why I know about it, the reason why I know about, you know, trying to hide in a corner and not be, you know, not be noticed, not be recognized.
Starting point is 01:28:37 I know about all these things cause I've done all these things that, that gym that you keep driving past where you're like, Oh, I think they have power thing, but I'm not sure. And you just get out of your car and you kind of peek and you're like, oh, looks like no one's here. And you get back in your car and you leave. So you can go tell your girlfriend that you did check it out, but there was nobody there. It didn't look like. Yeah, you build the obstacles so high that you just, you kind of set yourself up for failure. And it's like what you didn't, what you didn't tell her is that you showed up there when you knew they were closed.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Like, oh, no one there. Ain't got to train. Whoops. Oh, man. I still remember the first time I went to an actual commercial gym. I was super nervous. I look over at Stephanie. I'm like, what are we doing here?
Starting point is 01:29:17 Let's go home. Luckily, she's more badass than me, and we went inside and started training. Somebody had a question about getting a little bit less fatterist. Oh, shit, where'd it go? He's actually doing his first bodybuilding show. Has a cool name, No Neck Gang, on
Starting point is 01:29:36 YouTube. Went from 290 to 240 in about six months. His show is in March 2019. At what point should he start cutting weight? Or just keep going? He wants to cut weight to do a... Bodybuilding show.
Starting point is 01:29:52 Bodybuilding show. Well, you know, so normal prep for a bodybuilding show is usually like 12 weeks. So you got about three months. It depends on how lean he is right now. Um, you know, uh, being two 90 is, is, is pretty big. And, uh, normally people aren't that lean at two 90. So, uh, what my suggestion would be, uh, you may need to lose weight first. Um, you know, did he say he signed up for a bodybuilding show already? Yeah. He said he has it in March. Oh, he has it in March. Okay. So he,
Starting point is 01:30:32 yeah, he did now. Yeah. Well, he definitely wants to start dieting through the holidays because that can be the one factor that can really throw everything, throw everything off. He can use the holidays as like half, half day cheats where he, you know, eats really well in the beginning of the day, get some of his cardio done. And then, uh, you know, at, uh, 4 PM or something, he just kind of allows himself to eat whatever he'd like. Uh, there's going to be some of that that I'm going to be doing for the holidays myself. I'll be probably utilizing some intermittent fasting. You know, might have a day where I just say, okay, well, you know, 4 p.m. rolls around. I'm just going to kind of eat whatever.
Starting point is 01:31:13 And that way I get to enjoy whatever foods are there. And, you know, I'm going to Bodega Bay. So maybe I can run some hills or walk some hills or move around a bunch to where I burn up a bench of extra sugar and extra calories and then i can kind of earn it uh my wife and i already talked about look there we're not going to even talk about uh training we're just we're just going to do it every day 8 a.m we're just going to figure out some sort of workout for the day not going to overthink it just going to make sure it happens And hopefully the rest of the family joins in too. And let's not even say, oh, when are we going to work out today? Because then it's going to get pushed and pushed.
Starting point is 01:31:54 And we're going to eat a bunch of food. And no one's going to want to train. So 8 o'clock is reasonable time. We always wake up much earlier than that anyway. Whether we're on vacation or not. And just keep moving. That's's gonna be great yeah i saw her in the gym today oh yeah she's out there yeah we're getting ready for those hills prepping yeah um what do you think i should do should i join you on your keto journey i think i think that
Starting point is 01:32:17 you should i think that you should join in and um uh you know that you don't have to go out of your way to like eat weird crazy foods but i but I, I think that you should, uh, uh, yeah, drop, drop the carbs out a little bit. Try to go after a little bit higher, uh, higher fat foods. Um, you got like eggs and cheese and bacon and you've done some keto before you've done some keto stuff before. And anybody that's, you know, looking to join in on this, if they're looking for a book just so happens, I have one, it's called the war on carbs. I've also done a war on carbs podcast before where I really walked you through, uh, the entire, the entire process.
Starting point is 01:32:56 So, uh, you can go on and you can check out the war on carbs. I think it's like 25 bucks. You can also buy it on Amazon. I think it's only 20 bucks. They're kind of it on Amazon. I think it's only 20 bucks there. Kind of an easier decision. But if you're already picking up stuff from Slingshot, you might as well pick up the War on Carbs book. We sell Keto Pro. We have Slingshot Protein.
Starting point is 01:33:15 Slingshot Protein is a hydrolyzed whey that mixes up really thin. Easy to digest. It's lactose free. And then in addition to that, we also have Keto Pro, which is also made with the same hydrolyzed protein, but it has a good amount of fat in it. It has some MCT in it. And that's a great product. It's the first product to market that is a ketogenic style protein powder.
Starting point is 01:33:43 So it tastes really good. You know, you throw some damn a little bit of heavy cream in there. Um, so good with that. Yeah. Blend it up with some ice or what, you know, just, you kind of need these tricks when you're on these diets. Um, the only sugar that I have only carbs I really have, uh, is occasionally just from some yogurt. I have some full fat yogurt, but it's just a plain plain yogurt not everyone likes plain yogurt because it has a real tart uh flavor to it um but that's right for right now and then you know we nearly died in our workout today so i ate half of a one of those little rice rolls and i had a little thing of gatorade because i was like i'm like this is not going well for me i'm like i can't see and we're in a meeting right now and i can't hear
Starting point is 01:34:25 either and i need to be coherent because smoky's saying a bunch of shit to me that's important and so uh yeah i thought that was just me i was talking to terrell for a while and i couldn't hear out of my left ear the entire time i'm a little worried though because i just like right now like uh just doing vertical diet i can get pretty full off of meat and rice i don't know what i'm gonna i'm just thinking in my head you know uh what i'm gonna be eating now like meal prep wise meat just more meat you can have meat and you can have some you can you know get some uh vegetables and things like that uh Uh, Andy Bell is, uh, telling me to get my butt home and don't worry, Andy Bell, I will get my butt home just a couple of minutes. Um, but, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 01:35:11 just, you know, um, if you feel like you need some substance with it, I know you said, yeah, uh, you kind of liked, uh, peppers. So maybe like you can eat the peppers raw, but you can also just, you can cook them into the meal. It gives it a lot more flavor. Another option too is like, like a lot of times, a lot of us eat like ground, ground beef and things like that. Bring some cheese here and melt a little bit of cheese over top of it. Can you handle cheese pretty decently? Yeah, I can. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:38 Just, I mean, shit, it adds a lot of flavor to it. It adds calcium to it. So it's, it's not like it's, uh, it's unhealthy for us and stuff. So, you know, those things like that are, um, are good options, but really you don't have a lot of options other than, uh, other than, um, just mainly meat and vegetables. And then there's, there's some room for fruit. So like if you wanted to have some blueberries or blackberries um or an apple um all those things are excellent options uh uh to have like a banana now you know gonna be people that are in an uproar and like oh you'll never you know you won't be ketogenic or whatever
Starting point is 01:36:19 um i i don't you know i'm just saying keto but it's not really necessarily a full fledged ketogenic diet. There's just no, like, there's no, um, you're not going out of your way to eat carbohydrates except for in the case of maybe having a little bit of fruit and also through some of the vegetables. But the fruit is more like, yeah, you know what? I want to kind of end a day with something a little bit sweet. Um, and, uh, an apple is just super convenient to eat. So a lot of eggs.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Any form of meat is fair game. Although anything from salmon to any forms of steak. Rib-eyes are really good. They have just a ton of fat on them. They're amazing. And you can also, if you if you, if you cook your ribeyes, you gotta get them, you gotta get them like kind of like a medium because they're, because they have fat on them. They just, if they're medium rare, unless somebody really knows what they're doing,
Starting point is 01:37:18 they're going to be, they're not going to taste great. But, uh, bone broth is a good option. Um, even just like soup. Like, uh, I have, I have, I have some keto books too. I can bring you from the Emmerichs. They, uh, they, uh, you know, pop back on A lot of great information over there. That guy's got a lot of great info and don't be afraid to cook up a keto bomb or something like that, or make some of these different things just to, just to you excited about it yeah i was just my first thought was the quest pizza
Starting point is 01:37:48 yeah but the problem is i'll eat the whole thing not just one serving yeah i don't think the quest pizza fits into the ketogenic pizza but i had one the other day that had a sausage crust and it was actually really good i don't remember what company that was my brother had those uh crust. It was actually really good. I don't remember what company that was. My brother had those sent over to me. Fathead Pizza. Yeah, I can make that. That's pretty good. Fathead Pizza is a decent... It's a good... I didn't really use it as a meal. I would use it like I'd eat something with it.
Starting point is 01:38:23 I'm smart enough now to understand that, like, that's not like, okay. Like I can't like, oh, it's okay. Cause I'm keto. Yeah. It's just not, it's, it's like, uh, it's just not a great practice because it's just not great for like your stomach and stuff. Not that it's bad. It's, uh, you know, it doesn't really matter a ton. Um, but you know, everything matters at least a little bit. So you want to try to, uh, just, you know, hit yourself with some nutritious foods. The other thing I've been doing, and I don't know if you want to mess around with this at all, but I've been also, you know, during our workouts, I've been fasted for, for, uh, today I didn't fast because, because things got screwed up this
Starting point is 01:39:02 morning. So I ended up having breakfast, but, uh, for most of the other workouts I've been, I've been, uh, kind of in a fasted state. And that was really to try to reduce the amount of times I was eating per day. Cause I was probably eating five, six, seven times a day. And I was like, you know what? Probably only need to eat like four or five times a day. So that was kind of the goal there. But I, I try to eat every day at like four, I'm sorry, there, but I, I try to eat every day at like four, I'm sorry, at eight, 12, uh, four and seven, eight, 12, four and seven, eight, 12, four and seven, just like clockwork every day. I try to at least get close to that, uh, pattern. And then lastly, um, you know, not eating too close to bed has been something that's helped me a lot. Although I haven't been doing that great of a job
Starting point is 01:39:44 of it. So I have to really stay on point. there's been a few days where I've nailed it just right and I'm like boom I'm out and then I'm like oh it doesn't matter that much I'll just I'll just have some food and screws me up so that's made a big difference cool cheat code that I have is I can tell Stephanie like hey we're gonna start doing a little keto-ish diet and she'll be all, she's super down for it. That's awesome. I know it's huge. And then obviously having you, but yeah, it's, it's such a, um, I don't know, man, there's like zero excuse for me to not be able to follow it. Yeah. You know what? Like I said, have fun with it. Like maybe even join one of these like keto box things. Like I just saw that on it has one. Yeah, it looks good. You know, these things are, they're expensive,
Starting point is 01:40:26 but like it's, it's just a little side perk. It's a little thing to get you pumped, you know, it's like. And especially for like a short time that we're going to be doing it. Yeah. Yeah. It's just, yeah. As for a month, like I went online and bought some different bars and stuff that have the keto products and stuff, but like,
Starting point is 01:40:42 I don't know how much of that I'm going to eat. I'm not going to be like shoveling that down all day. That's not my main source of food. Um, but it's just like, yeah, I want something that excites me. I want something that kind of tricks me into, uh, you know, thinking that it's not, it's not as, not as hard as, uh, it's not as hard as it really is, I guess is the main thing. Yep. All right.
Starting point is 01:41:02 We're going to hop on out of here. I'm getting, I'm getting hungry. I'm sure Andrew's getting hungry, but we love doing this. We love doing the show. We appreciate our listeners. We appreciate our fans. Keep spreading the word.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Keep telling people. If you're enjoying the show, keep telling people over and over again about it. Tell them about Mark Bell's power project. Send them over here to us. We'll straighten them out. We'll kick their ass and we'll get them in line. Um, leave us some reviews on iTunes itunes as well we're on itunes we're on uh we're on youtube we're normally live on youtube and we normally play from 11 to 3 or so in that range yeah
Starting point is 01:41:39 somewhere just in the middle of your work day we're gonna be on yeah yeah we're gonna be we're gonna be on here a lot. Andrew and I are kicking around some ideas of, of doing something kind of event based with the power project, possibly coming up. So, oh, there we go. It looks like we have, is that, oh, is that him? Oh, I thought it was.
Starting point is 01:42:01 Oh yeah. It's a, there we go. Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. Hey, what's up? What's up? She said, we're the best. She knows, I mean, she knows there we go. Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. Hey, what's up? What's up? She said we're the best. I mean, she knows what's up.
Starting point is 01:42:09 She knows we're the best. She's a doctor. She's smart. Yeah. How are you not going to listen to a doctor? Mm-hmm. Yeah, I would take her word for it. We're the best.
Starting point is 01:42:19 We're every place that you can kind of find podcasts, right? Yeah, and I mean, we're interactive with the people that check into the live streams. We're every place that you can find podcasts. We're interactive with the people that check into the live streams. We'll take questions on Instagram and stuff, but sometimes they get lost. When you're in the live chat, I'll see your question, I'll ask Mark, or he'll see it on Instagram. There's people that line up at the Arnold for hours to come say what's up to you. You can do it right here, right now. Like almost every single day you can interact with Mark Bell.
Starting point is 01:42:48 That's right. Yeah. You might as well come over and say what's up and let us know your experiences with the products. Let us know your experiences with your workouts. Let us know where you're at. Let us know your goals. Like come over here and just.
Starting point is 01:43:00 Yeah. And it's just the cost of just hanging out with us. That's it. That's it. That ain't, that's not a it. That's not a big deal. Anyway, we appreciate you guys. And keep spreading the word. Strength is never weak.
Starting point is 01:43:12 This weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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