Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 171 Live - Control Your Thoughts

Episode Date: January 23, 2019

Today Mark Bell talks about controlling your thoughts by controlling your environment. How do you control your environment? By putting a system in place that keeps you on task and helps alleviate dail...y stressors that cause you to make bad decisions. Link to sign up for the ST Classic: ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Find the Podcast on all platforms: ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes: ➢Listen on Spotify: ➢Listen on Stitcher: ➢Listen on Google Play: ➢Listen on SoundCloud:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 was that you doing cardio this morning or was that stunt double that was a stunt dubby confirmed yeah i've got an imposter running around i've been uh jumping on that peloton treadmill i like it a lot i um have probably run that's probably like my sixth or seventh workout on there and um you know my adult life i haven't really run much at all i used to play football and used to box and stuff and so like in off season i would prepare for that stuff um but i would never really like run run i never like run for like miles i would just sprint and do um you know hit training type stuff run run hills. And even, even I, I even did track for a long time. And even while doing like the a hundred meter, I, we just really didn't run a lot.
Starting point is 00:00:51 And, um, you know, we'd run to warm up, the whole team would run to warm up and stuff, but again, it wasn't like far. And now, you know, I think this morning I ran, uh, I think about two and a half miles. And then each time I've been running about two miles, which is not far, but it's far for me. Cause I've never, I think about two and a half miles. And then each time I've been running about two miles, which is not far, but it's far for me. Cause I've never, I don't normally run. That'd be far for me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:10 That would be, that'd be tough. Uh, Lauren, he's, he goes for like two miles. Like it's, he, he says it's, it's hard for him, but he, you know, does it super fast. And I'm just like, dude, I would not be able to keep up with you. Yeah. He's in, he's in pretty good shape. Um, what I like about the peloton is because you got you know someone kind of encouraging you the whole time you know you can right you can kind
Starting point is 00:01:29 of set it up and you can do like scenic stuff and you can just you know you can be on like the golden gate bridge or whatever or in new york city or however you want to do it but i like the um you know you get you're basically in a class it's like you're in a spin class you know except for in this case it's on a treadmill and they encourage you. And they'll say, you know, a lot of the classes I do, it's just like,
Starting point is 00:01:49 um, we're just running for short periods of time. So it's like a 30 second run or something like that. And, um, you start running. Once you get the treadmill up to speed, they're like,
Starting point is 00:01:59 Hey, you only got 15 more seconds. And you're like, all right, well, that's not that bad. Yeah. And so that's what I've been,
Starting point is 00:02:04 I've been messing with that a lot and, uh, still going strong on the carnivore diet. Um, my stomach was bothering me for a little bit on it and I didn't know if it was cause I had a cold or what was going on, but I think I was just maybe overdoing the bone broth a little bit. And so I, uh, just reduced that down a little bit and stomach's been fine and everything's been good. And then I started messing around with more fasting. Like today, I haven't had anything today. And that extended from yesterday. I ate breakfast and then I just had a post-workout shake after I benched and then that was it.
Starting point is 00:02:41 So it's been, you know, 25 hours or I don't know, maybe close to 30 hours or so. And, uh, I'll eat when I get home from here, which I don't know, be like three or four, something like that. Cool. And, uh, you know, reload. And I, I like it so far. I like doing the fasting and, uh, on the days that I'm lifting or days I'm trying to lift heavy, I'm actually
Starting point is 00:03:05 incorporating a little bit of carbs. First time I tried it, I had some potatoes the night before. Um, and then, uh, I think I had a breakfast with, uh, some like rice oatmeal type thing. And then I did the same thing this time around or the last bench session I had. And it's, uh, it's been working well. so I think I'm just going to kind of continue to do that my body weight is still I'm still thick as a brick though I can't it's hard to really drop weight so I'm still about 235 pounds and uh I I kind of think I'm like almost as lean as I was uh at the bodybuilding show so I don't know what the hell where the rest of the weights come from but we'll'll see. Well, I was going to ask you like, where's the running coming from?
Starting point is 00:03:46 Like why, um, why'd you all of a sudden, not all of a sudden, but why did you want to get the Peloton and where's the, uh, the inspiration? Yeah. So I started running like a while back before we went up and saw Cameron Haynes, I was messing around with some running and, uh, I really just kind of found out quickly that running is a little too much for me. I'm like too big. I'm too like not conditioned for it. And, and, um, that's the main thing. Not that I'm too big. I'm just not conditioned for it. And, um, I like running Hills and there's no Hills around here. So my only opportunity to run Hills is when I go to Bodega, there's a lot of Hills there. And I was like, well, maybe I should look into getting
Starting point is 00:04:24 a treadmill. And I kind of was popping around, a lot of Hills there. And I was like, well, maybe I should look into getting a treadmill. And I kind of was popping around looking at some different things. And I was looking at some of these treadmills that you self propel. But then I was also thinking like, I don't know, I've had treadmills before and I have one in my basement and are not in my basement, my garage. And, um, you know, I don't use it very often. I used it for the bodybuilding show and that was about it. And i was like you know i i probably need something like if i'm going to buy something i i need to uh want to use it you know and then um i kind of heard about the peloton treadmill and i was like let me try that because like sounds pretty cool and even if the instructor is going faster than me at least like something i
Starting point is 00:05:00 can kind of follow along with and they got classes that you can do live and they got classes that are pre-recorded. And, um, it's just awesome. I mean, they tell you the entire time they're encouraging you and they tell you like, Hey, if you need to walk right now, go for it. Don't worry about it. You know, get your heart rate down. And I got a heart rate monitor on and, um, it's, it's feeling good. And so I just, the main reason why I wanted to start running was just to kind of improve
Starting point is 00:05:24 my health. It's not really necessarily to try to get leaner. And I want to have a better understanding of running because I know a lot of people that run and they run, they run for health purposes, but they're also running for like aesthetics. And from what I've seen, running typically isn't great for aesthetics unless you sprint uh people that run they don't have a build that i certainly desire you know and maybe other people feel differently but i i wouldn't want to be built like zach bitter right yeah he's he's very he has to be that small in order to run as far as he runs um even like david goggins he looks emaciated you know he looks uh or emaciated as i say the word um which some people might think that that's a good look and, and
Starting point is 00:06:09 I'm sure that he's plenty happy with it. He's got some muscle on him. He's pretty jacked. Um, but to me, that's still too, uh, that's still too small. So I don't have any desire to like really run, run like that, but, uh, I would like to utilize some like hit training and some sprints and and things of that nature yeah i feel like you're uh you're hiding behind the uh the 220 or the 500 bench at 220 and you're really just prepping to get back on the stage again you just don't want to tell anybody that's right you know as a who has a a good physique is uh ross edgley have you seen that guy before he's been on uh joe rogan show before. He has a book out. I actually just, I got his book the other day. Cause I, I have a lot of, I have a pretty good understanding of conditioning just from the people I've rubbed elbows with in
Starting point is 00:06:53 the past, but I don't really know it, know it. And let me just look this up real quick and see what that book was that he had. I know I got it. I just put it on my phone. Uh, it's called the world's fittest book by Ross Edgley. And I got the audio version of it and he, yeah, there he's fucking, he's absolutely shredded, but he does a lot of cool stuff. I mean, this guy is doing these crazy swims in the ocean and, uh, he's lifting. And of course he's a, he's using a slingshot. He's a slingshot proponent. Um, and he's using some of the other products as well
Starting point is 00:07:25 but yeah the guy's a beast i reached out to him we'll have him on the podcast um as soon as possible he's he's out there in the uk so it might be a little difficult to uh meet up with him we'll get it we'll get it sorted out um the cool thing for me is in reaching out to him you know i'm trying to explain who i am and stuff he's like you don't need to explain nothing to me. I know exactly who you are. And he, he started asking me questions was, I was like, I was excited to ask him questions. I got lots of questions for this guy. So, uh, that kind of stuff is really cool, but, um, I I've only, I'm only a little bit into the, into the audio book, but, um, it's more than just a fitness book. He, he really explains kind of the psychology, uh, behind things. And he has a lot of good, um, if's more than just a fitness book. He, he really explains kind of the psychology,
Starting point is 00:08:05 uh, behind things. And he has a lot of good, um, if you're somebody that's into like quotes and getting fired up and stuff, it's a, it's a really good, uh, book from that perspective. Like I said, I'm only a little bit into it. So I got, I got a long way to go on that thing, but I got a long way to go with my, you know, learning more about running. And, um, this just gives me more perspective to help people. And same thing with, I've been doing yoga for the last three weeks. Um, not really seeing any progress, but three weeks is not very long, you know? And so what I'm hoping will happen with the yoga and, and starting to happen a little bit is that I'm starting to stretch on my own a little bit. And that's going to have to be something that, you know, in order for me to like, not be as tight as I was a, I have to stop doing a lot of the things that
Starting point is 00:08:49 made me tight in the first place. And B I'll have to start stretching kind of throughout the day, every day, all day, every day, I'll have to just kind of unwind, uh, my body. And I know people that are pretty flexible and they, they kind of always moving around. Have you noticed that before people that are like real flexible, they're kind of always twisting their body around and shit. Yeah. They have a hard time just staying still. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:10 And you know, you look at them, you're just like, um, you have like ADD or like, what's going on? Like you're so fidgety, but no, it's cause that's what you have to do. You have to keep moving. Yeah. They'll like fold their body down, like, like their head towards their feet and like put their arms back behind them and, and reach over their head or something like what the hell like is that yeah what i don't understand about yoga so far is i don't understand if the people in the class are feeling anything because they're
Starting point is 00:09:36 like in these crazy positions but it just looks like their body's kind of stacked on top of itself at a certain point so i'm kind of it's it doesn't it doesn't look like it's uh challenging for them it looks like they're just kind of like resting so i'm like kind of trying to figure some of that out and i don't really understand yoga very well because i don't know if i'm supposed to be like relaxing or if i'm supposed to stretch or if it's a combo of the two uh and the type of yoga that i'm doing is primarily on the floor which is a good place for me to start because if i was standing up trying to hold positions i'd kill myself all over yeah it's almost like they've reached maximum like yoganess like you know their elasticities yeah it tapped
Starting point is 00:10:14 out well even my wife was like why do they even come to the class they're done yeah i said i said well it's the same reason why i lift and the same reason why you swim yeah it's like hey this is what we're good at hey check me out over here right you just it's a way to get uh it's the same reason why I lift and the same reason why you swim. Yeah. It's like, Hey, this is what we're good at. Hey, check me out over here. Right. You just, it's a way to get, uh, it's a way to get exercise in. Yeah. It's a way to feel good about yourself is to do things that you're already good at. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Yeah. This is a pretty good idea. Uh, BMOC says we should, uh, throw Richard Simmons on the Peloton, uh, the screen. So that we can get you really pumped up to go. Richard Simmons or Louie Simmons? Hmm. A little combo. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:45 A little mixed track of both. Are they related? That'd be awesome. So we're going to dive into some stuff that Andrew and I were talking about a little bit before the show. And first of all, you know, Dan Severin, how awesome was that having him on the show? That was amazing. That was great. And secondly, don't forget everybody
Starting point is 00:11:05 february 9th and 10th we need you guys to be there we need your support over at cal expo you can still sign up for the contest you can still participate i believe i don't think we shut anybody out yet but we have like about 50 60 competitors and uh we got uh charity wit is going to be there she's actually competing we got jay cutler is going to be there. She's actually competing. We got Jay Cutler is going to be there. We have My Chubby Little Self will be hitting the platform again. I'm making Andrew do the contest. We got a bunch of people coming. My brother's coming.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Dr. Baker is coming. Oh, cool. So that'll be how cool it'll be to see dr baker hit up a big deadlift that'd be sick got uh our boy matt vincent is going to be coming out for that as well um jason kalipa is going to be lifting and he's been prepping for it and everything i'm super excited to see him lift uh my buddy ben alderman's gonna be lifting just knowing uh kalipa he's probably training to win oh yeah he. He wants to beat everybody. He took some old Russian program or something and he's probably been deadlifting every day. And like, he's probably like taking it super serious.
Starting point is 00:12:12 He's probably just, he probably is like in a bunker somewhere with a deadlift bar. I'd imagine. Yeah. I can't see it going any other way. I just like the second he signed up for the meet, he was like, just kissed his wife and kids goodbye. And he's like, I'm gonna be gone for a couple of weeks. Everybody, but I'll be back.
Starting point is 00:12:27 And when I come back, I'll have a much stronger. Yeah. So a link to sign up is in the description of this episode right now. Right now. Right now. Yeah. Yeah. So that's exciting.
Starting point is 00:12:36 I'm fired up, you know, for people to come out to that and for people to get the opportunity to meet Charity Witt. You know, she's, she's doing some great stuff. She's a former strongman competitor, competes in powerlifting as well. And it's, you know, a good opportunity for people on the West Coast to get to meet her because she's on the East Coast. And so you always get an opportunity
Starting point is 00:12:58 to meet people like that. And Jay Cutler. How great is Jay Cutler? He's the best. He's been amazing. Yeah, he's one of my favorites, man. He's so, he's fucking best he's been amazing yeah he's one of my favorites man he's he's so he's he's fucking he's jay cutler he's jay cutler yeah you know there's certain people he's got that ability you know they got that ability and jay cutler is definitely
Starting point is 00:13:14 definitely one of them he's just real uh to say that he's raw is like an understatement he's just like he's like overwhelmingly uh like honest and you're just like, whoa, like I didn't almost kind of thinking like, I didn't think you can make it to the top in that sport being that way, but he's just like wide open with everything kind of tells you how it is. And he's there, he's not hiding anything. He's just, he's just upfront and he's super kind. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:41 And, and I think just like, yeah, exactly. Upfront. Like when we kind of decide or well not like it was up to us but when he was like hey yeah let's work on doing more you know something else and it's like hey we have this thing coming up it was yeah like but it's a no yeah let's do it like all right cool man we'll we'll set it up then he's like yeah do it before i book something else right it's like oh shit like he's in yeah. He's like, yeah, do it before I book something else. Right. It's like, oh shit. Like he's in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:06 And he's like, what else could I be involved in? Yeah. Yeah. That kind of stuff makes you feel good. You know, it makes, it makes you think you're on the, uh, whether we are or not, makes you feel like, makes you feel like we're on the, uh, on the right, right path. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Anywho, um, I got in some conversation the other day with one of our employees here, Rosemary, and we kind of had this discussion about doing the things that you're supposed to do when you don't normally want to do them. There's these things that we have to do, that we have to get done, and it's really easy to sit here and kind of say, you know, you got to follow your passion and you got to find, you know, what's your purpose and what makes you happy. And, uh, we talk from this real positive perspective and I have a little bit, I got a couple of different views on this.
Starting point is 00:14:54 I do agree 100% that you do need to see the positives. You do need to see the kind of silver lining in everything in life. And it's important that you understand, uh, how beautiful it is that you just have some of these things in your life. That it's, it's a wonderful thing to do that. Uh, however, I don't think that that's a good place to always be because that's not reality. It's reality is not always sunshine and rainbows. Some days you just want to be mad. Some days you just want to be negative. Some days you're just chewing up negativity and digesting it and taking it all in and just being a negative bastard for whatever reason. And the
Starting point is 00:15:31 world is out to get you and everything's wrong. No one else can have one solution that would, you know, no one else can give you a recommendation on anything that would even help you. Forget that you're that's out the window. You're going to shrug that off because you, you are negative for the day and you have a dark cloud over your head, but negative stuff can oftentimes be positive too. And I think, I think that a lot of negativity that we've received over the years can be turned into fuel for your body and you can kind of run your body off of negativity. So it's, it's hard to, what's tough to do is tough to figure out the difference between a good negative energy and a, and a, and a positive one. I actually had this kind of flashback,
Starting point is 00:16:16 uh, to when I was hanging out with one of my friends in high school. And this is the entire reason why I stopped hanging out with him. And I don't know why it hit me recently, but we were in the car. We both played football. He's driving somewhere and we knew each other really well. We were, we were best buds. We hung out all the time. And, uh, he, he actually was making some money doing some, doing some work. I think he did some construction or something like that at the time.
Starting point is 00:16:44 And, um And we just got talking about like money. And we had a couple other friends in the car too. And he's like, yeah, you know, it feels good to make money. And at the time I, you know, I just, I was kind of a bum. I just lived off my parents, like normal teenager. And I wasn't out there busting my butt. And I said, yeah, I'm not really that worried about making money. I said, you know, when the time's right, I'll, you know, I'll, I'll make some money. And he was like, how are you going to do that? And this is the way he said it, you know, the way he said it, like kind of pissed me
Starting point is 00:17:15 off. And I was like, I was like, well, I'm not really sure how I'm going to do it, but I'm going to make more money than everybody in this car combined. I know that, you know know drop the mic kind of thing and he's like he's like i don't think you're gonna do that he's like you're not smart enough and from that day on i kind of laughed and shrugged it off but later on i was upset about it and i was pretty pissed i never hung out with him again i fucking left him in the dust i was like that's it we're done yeah you know and and uh maybe i shouldn't have said those things to him but i was
Starting point is 00:17:44 just like that's this is not someone I want to hang around with. And it kind of gave me a, um, an idea early on that sometimes, uh, when you're pursuing what you want to pursue, it's going to mean that you're going to have to kind of do it by yourself. People that are doing nothing, they want you to do it with them. They really do. And sometimes it's your spouse. Sometimes it's a significant other. They want you to just kind of Netflix and chill. And that's fine because there has to be time for that.
Starting point is 00:18:12 There has to be, I'm not saying that you don't have time as a couple. I'm just saying that maybe like your Netflix and chill is one show rather than four. You know, maybe your, maybe your idea of, uh, you know, spending some time together, uh, doesn't drain out everything that, that you, uh, that you also have to get done. There's things that you have to get done to, to kind of advance yourself. And so I think we run into these areas where we think that we think that these thoughts come into our head and that we don't have a lot of control over them. But I disagree with that 100%. I think that we have a ton of control over them.
Starting point is 00:18:52 The anxiety that a lot of people are suffering from nowadays, I think you have a lot of control over that. There's a lot of different things you can do. you can do. And, and I'm also not going to, um, discredit the fact that people can be born differently and people have different coping skills. And, um, I'm empathetic towards that. I, I understand that, but I also think that everything can be better for everybody. If they do the things that they're supposed to do when they don't normally want to do them, it's not an easy thing to get done, but you can control the thoughts that come into your head. And I'm not just saying like, just try to always walk around being positive.
Starting point is 00:19:32 But what I'm saying is maybe if you took care of your responsibilities when you were supposed to, maybe you would feel a little bit better. And maybe that negativity that comes in wouldn't cause anxiety. Maybe you would just, maybe you'd be able to cope with it a lot better. Maybe you'd be able to kind of internalize it better. Maybe you'd be able to just rationalize it a little bit better and say, you know what, that's, well, that's kind of shitty, but I'm not too worried about that. Cause I'm, you know, I'm already way ahead on this project over here. I can't care about negative comment on Instagram, or I don't care about that bullshit. I'm just going to care about negative comment on Instagram or I don't care about that bullshit.
Starting point is 00:20:05 I'm just going to keep, uh, forging forward. But I think a lot of the anxiety comes from, there's these things that we're not doing that we know that we should. And there's a quote that says, if you don't master the, if you don't master something, then that thing is going to master you. And I think that, I think that internally, I think a lot of us understand that. And so if I have a struggle, uh, if I have a struggle, but I always sweep that struggle under the rug and I never really do anything about it, or I like to use the refrigerator
Starting point is 00:20:41 as an example, like one day someone's going to move that damn refrigerator and there's gonna be a lot of crap underneath there. Right. Um, yeah, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be, it's going to be a disgusting mess. But you know, just because something's out of sight, it's not out of mind. Sometimes that happens with people. Sometimes you forget somebody cause you haven't seen them in a little bit, but in reality and in real life with these things that we just think that we can kind of these weaknesses, we think we can kind of sweep to the side. They're still always there and they're still always going to rear their ugly head. I learned this from lifting
Starting point is 00:21:14 when I used to squat every time I'd squat, didn't matter what weight it was from 500 pounds to over a thousand pounds. Every single time I'd squat my heaviest weight and it still happens to this day. I look like I'm throwing up in a toilet. My background's over my shoulders roll forward and you could just stick a toilet in front of me and it looked like I'm barfing right in that damn toilet. And so the point there is that that weakness never really gets corrected. I did get stronger. I brought up a lot of other things, but whatever that is, that folding over with my back, I was never able to
Starting point is 00:21:51 really truly solve. Who knows what would happen if I did, if I took the time out and if I carved the time out to not sweep that, that under the rug. And I did at some points, some points I got a little bit better with it than others. And it did lead to huge reward on the platform but i think a lot of times we're just making a mistake of taking this thing that we're supposed to be doing we don't want to do it at that moment and so we push it off to the side and then we end up with these negative thoughts in our head so you can control you can kind of control your thoughts you have more control of your day than you think yeah and i think a lot of people would just say uh that like oh i just i have so much stress right now well well it's because you know like uh
Starting point is 00:22:34 imagine a parent or whatever that's always running around you know they got you know the baby's uh bottle whatever is on their shirt they're supposed to clean that up but they can't because they got to run here. They got to run there. And it's like, well, they're, they're playing catch up this whole time. Um, and while they're playing catch up, they're like, Oh my God, I'm so stressed. But it's really, it's cause you have so much stuff on your mind. You can't get ahead and you can't like rationally make a good decision. You know what I mean? So it's like, okay, maybe if you were to try to prioritize or plan things out a little bit better you know you would change your shirt and that that stress of having to walk outside with your shirt all dirty with the stain is now gone so now that that pressure is
Starting point is 00:23:17 off and you can now kind of focus somewhere else so you know you've said it before about playing catch-up or people falling behind and i think it's it's a huge part of what you're saying right now yeah it um these kind of things can can make a huge difference i and i i'm speaking from you know firsthand experience like i i've i still do this i mean i want to you know make that perfectly clear i mess up all the time you know i i try to have a 10 out of 10 day, but those are really rare, you know, to be really precise and be really good and on time and make the right food choices and get to bed on time.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Like to do all these things right every single day is really hard. But what I've been trying to share, the major message of this podcast is that when you start to make better choices with your food and you start to make better choices with your sleep and you start to make better, I mean, these are all choices. You make better choices to hydrate yourself. You make better choices to have systems in place that help you manage your time better. It makes everything easier. It makes everything easier. So the guy who says, uh, the guy who's behind on his bills, who says, and I'll have time to listen to that Andy for seller podcast about making money. And I don't have time to listen to a Tim Ferriss is, you know, some of his stuff where he talks, you know, I don't have time to listen to uh tim ferris's you know some of his stuff where he talks you know i don't have time to read the four-hour work week or because you know when i
Starting point is 00:24:50 get home at the end of the day like sometimes it's eight or nine o'clock at night it's like well tough shit these books and there's information out there about how to make money and how and we've talked about this on our podcast we've talked about how you are doing a lot of stuff for free for a while you started a website and you were just you're just trying to figure stuff out and i had to figure a bunch of stuff out and you just keep working and keep working keep working but also it's in it's in concert with a lot of other things that are going on in your life it's not i'm gonna you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna build that website like in a. Like in a couple of weeks, I'm going to, I'm going to work on that. And you keep, you keep piling up these photos. No one even knows you're a photographer because you don't have a website.
Starting point is 00:25:32 You don't have a card. You got nothing. And you're like, I, you know, I'm going to, yeah, when I get a chance, but I have this job, this nine to five. And when I get home, I'm, I'm dead tired. It's like, okay, you don't have any time on the weekend. You don't have any time. You know, can you wake up at, do you have to be to work at four o'clock in the morning if
Starting point is 00:25:48 you don't then get your ass up and i personally think that it's important to you can do stuff whenever you want really that's the truth of it but i personally think that there's a huge advantage to waking up early because the the advantage and the glory of waking up early and the magic of it is going to bed early. And I don't think you'll, I don't think you'll even figure that out until you start to do it yourself. You start to get your ass in bed by eight o'clock at night. And first of all, when you wake up and pee at 12 or one, you're like, Oh my God, I got so much more sleep to go. This is awesome. You're totally pumped. And you, you thought, you thought your alarm was about to go off.
Starting point is 00:26:26 It's the equivalent of accidentally finding like a $20 bill in your jacket. You're just like, whoa, this is sick. That's the greatest thing you've ever said in this podcast. That is actually really true. Yeah. You found something that like wasn't there.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Like, like you somehow bought time. Yeah. Something happened. We should make a clock we should make an alarm clock that just does that for you it just wakes you up everybody's late all the time it's like dude my alarm clock like you can't fix it keeps going off at 1 a.m like why is that i don't know but it's pretty awesome because now i start my day way early yeah it'd
Starting point is 00:27:00 be great if it was just if it was just set up so that when you woke up, it was a couple hours beforehand so that you thought you had all this extra sleep. Or just every 24 hours, it gets an hour fast. Right. So you get to work at 6 a.m. on accident. It's like, oh, I don't start until 8. What happened? But yeah. Last night, I was up at around midnight midnight my stomach started cramping of course i
Starting point is 00:27:28 had to poop oh my god so i got up like oh my stomach's cramping ended up just going pee and then i went back in bed and then like five minutes later i'm like nope that was not a false alarm i'll be back just blew it up it was bad oh man i don't know what happened a lot of these things too they have to align you know i like to use that word a lot your your thoughts have to align with your goals um your belief system and the way that you think is very important to your actions the things that you're going to do every day. And it's, it, it might be easy for me to sit here from where I'm at now with this perspective of, um, and I've actually done this at seminars before I've, I've gone and talked to, you
Starting point is 00:28:18 know, some high level power lifters and football teams and stuff like that. And today we have, um, we've got some guys coming in, uh, from the NFL combined that are, that are going to be future NFL prospects. And we've been doing that for the last three or four years with Cal strength and Dave spits. Uh, it's really awesome, but I've, I've done some stuff where I've talked to some high level people and I've kind of started out seminar by saying, you know, I'd like to get a feel of the room here and, and kind of see, you know, what kind of mistakes you've guys made over the years. And this is actually kind of consistent with what we said on the, about the podcast yesterday about the length of it and how it's important that the podcast is actually really long. Um, but in, in bringing this up and even
Starting point is 00:29:02 kind of bringing it up to some friends, um friends that I know that executed a high level. So what mistakes did you make early on? They'll go, yeah, I don't know. I didn't make any. I don't think they're like, I'm not there. I'm not sure. And so why is that? And so why is that?
Starting point is 00:29:33 The reason for that is that their story, their internal dialogue, their belief system, their belief system of themselves has forever changed. They changed their story. If they were trying to bring that to court and say that they, you know, the judge would say, your ass is going to jail because you lying. You made a lot of mistakes. You messed up a lot of times in your life. You messed up a lot of times in your business, but you forgot about them. You know why you forgot about them is because you Tom Brady'd it. You threw an interception and shrugged it off and said, Hey, I got a lot more for you.
Starting point is 00:29:58 This game ain't over yet. And when the clock, when the clock strikes zero, we're still going to be victorious. We're still going to put up more points on the scoreboard than you. And that's what this game is all about. You've got to figure out ways of kind of hanging in there. You've got to figure out ways of hanging tough and being there at the right moment, at the right time, to execute what you need to execute on. Yeah, buddy.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Speaking of Tom Brady. I know. What's going on with that guy so i've only watched the highlights of the game but what did you think of it did you watch it i did watch it and um yeah he's he's is he the greatest oh i think yeah he just i mean yeah i think he's uh what five time super bowl winner and i i don't even i lost track is this eight or nine Super Bowls that he's been in? I don't know. And as a longtime Niner fan, I was born into Joe Montana and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:54 It pains me to say it, but I have no choice. Yeah. Tom Brady is still not as good as Joe Montana. We hate you, Tom Brady. Yeah. not as good as Joe Montana. We hate you, Tom Brady. You know, whether they're, whether they're, uh, you know, it's hard to say who's better than the other, right?
Starting point is 00:31:13 But like, um, that Niner team was like on fire. I mean, they were not like the Patriots aren't, but the Patriots are maybe like a little grittier in some way. They maybe like don't always have as many. I mean, I don't know. The Patriots have had seasons where they only had like one loss and stuff too. But that team was so clean, that Niner team. But it was also for a little shorter period of time.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Yeah. It was during a different time. It was during a way different time. And I think that maybe that is maybe the question mark of like, you know rathman craig and well not really i guess rathman's rathman's a hall of fame uh fullback uh i mean that team was really loaded really really loaded and and it's not like the patriots don't have good players i think a lot of times people just think oh my god it's brady but it's like no you start to look around they got some other good players the thing that's cool about the patriots and this is this is what i do love about the team and i'm a diehard jets fan so i fucking
Starting point is 00:32:09 hate the patriots with every ounce of my being but true leaders true people that truly lead people they make other people leaders and that's that's what they're doing that's what they do they they have these people on the team that you, maybe they wouldn't even make another team. You know, they got, um, they're wide receivers. They got, uh, I mean, they've had these white, these little white wide receivers running over the middle, catching, uh, catching passes all over the place for years. And they're, it's not that they're not good. They've always been good, but Bill Belichick brings out the best in them, and so does Tom Brady. And, like, you know, I love football.
Starting point is 00:32:50 I've been watching it for a long time. I've played football for a long time. I don't know high-level football, but I can see, I know enough to know that Tom Brady, like, doesn't just, he's not just accurate. Like, it's way beyond that like where he puts the ball sets up his guys i was watching a game with uh my wife and with my son and i was like um every time they would do like a screen or every time they would throw over the middle i was like do you see how he's setting it up so that it's like, and I, and you know, the defense that, that the chiefs were playing or, or whatever was the chiefs. Uh, no, it was the, um, uh, yeah, it was the chiefs.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Yeah. Uh, my bad. Yeah. And, uh, so the defense of the chiefs were playing, they might've been like, it might've been a one-on-one defense. It might not have been his own defense, but it was like, every time they got the ball to somebody, it was like this one-on-one situation. It's like, you better tackle me or you're toast, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:48 and I'm going to pick up another five, six, seven yards. And all the players are so gritty and all the players are so damn tough. They just keep moving their legs and moving their legs, not doing anything fancy. They just keep going forward and like Gronkowski. And they're just like, they're just killing them, man. It's like lighting them up every time. Yeah. And watching that as a fan of the opposition and they're just like, they're just killing them, man. It's like lighting them up every time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:05 And watching that as a fan of the opposition, you're just like, how the heck do we keep leaving that one guy open? Oh my gosh. How did you miss that guy? It's like, well, no,
Starting point is 00:34:14 it's, that's Tom Brady just picking you apart. You know, there's literally nothing you can do. It's, it's hard. And then, uh,
Starting point is 00:34:21 you know, the chiefs, I mean, they, look, they played a great game. The game could have went either way. Um, the Chiefs, I mean, they played a great game. The game could have went either way. But if you don't hit Tom Brady, if you don't get anywhere near him, you're done.
Starting point is 00:34:33 You know, he's proved that, you know, nine million times over, right? That team is always so well prepared. And I see other teams. I know enough about football and coach football. I know enough to see where the other teams are missing out. I know enough to see like, ah, they really screwed.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Like they call the timeout right there and they're going to need that later. You know, there's, there's these little tiny things that happen in the course of the game. And it's not about, you know, whether they call pass interference on this play or whether Brady got hit in the the head or like that's where people think the the game shifts and it's like no the game is shifting on these errors that the team is literally making not just on a bad
Starting point is 00:35:14 call yeah like a chess match it's you know it's a chess match and and they and they're picking up points on every corner instead of cutting them yeah all the stuff we talk about here on the podcast they execute really really well on yeah and i always say like if i if i catch something like if i catch a mistake that a team made it's like oh man they're in big trouble because i don't know anything about football but if i could see that good luck yeah if you if you know if you know what's going on yeah you know the other thing too with um, uh, being anxious about some of the things that you're not doing or, or not being in a good mood. Cause I think that your mood is a big thing.
Starting point is 00:35:51 And I think that trying to figure out ways to be positive is, is really, really important. I did mention earlier, you can use negativity to kind of drive you. You guys know my story. Uh, Andrew's told some of his story on this podcast before we've used negative situations in our lives to to help push us forward and it still helps push me forward every day it's still like stuff that helps wake me up at four o'clock and and and want to kick everybody in the ass um uh but you're gonna have to figure out you can't go around grumpy and with a chip on your shoulder all the time. That's no way to lead people. And that's no way to get the best out of other people.
Starting point is 00:36:28 And that's no way to help enhance other people's lives is to always be all grumpy and just, just always about being, always trying to figure out these ways of being better. That's a good, healthy position to be in. It's a good thing to think about, but you can't be so into it that you're a dick to everybody. And a lot of, a lot in it's a good thing to think about but you can't be so into it that you're a dick to everybody and a lot of a lot of it's going to come down to again you doing the things that you're supposed to be doing when you don't normally want to do them and then also not forgetting those things you might have to write stuff down or andrew and i had a conversation before the podcast and i talked about like i leave my shaker cup at home a lot which is who cares right it's who knows if the if these supplements do anything anyway right
Starting point is 00:37:09 might have some essential amino acids or i might have mixed up a electrolyte thing or something like that and um i'll shake it up and i'll plop it down on the counter and before i let go of it i'm like you need to bring it to the gym and i'll look at it then i actually usually stop myself now this is if i'm being good i'm being good then i'll stop myself and i'll go i'll go you know what just put this out in the car right now or put it on the side of my uh my backpack you know like one or the other like just that way it's coming with me no matter what. That sounds so minor. That sounds like such a little thing to do, but that's part of preparation. That's part of being prepared. If you're not prepared, you know, if you're not preparing yourself for success, then what are you preparing yourself for? You're preparing yourself for
Starting point is 00:38:00 disaster. You're preparing yourself to fall short of what it is that you want to do. It goes back to the meal prep and all that other stuff. Like, yeah, I don't, I don't want to cook up all these meals right now. This sucks. But once it's all put together and I go to reach in the fridge and everything's all prepped, it's already seasoned. All I gotta do is heat it up. That is golden right there.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Yeah. It's just, you can kind of exhale. And like I said, it relieves a lot of the pressure of you know the following day and then you can use that energy towards somewhere else like getting to bed earlier or waking up earlier right absolutely what are some things that you do so you don't forget stuff because like you and i end up talking about a lot of stuff and yeah we get in conversation oh we should do this with this guy and then like we might be like oh what was that what we want to do something what was it yeah well like i was just showing you my so i got this really cool smart notebook um i'll write notes
Starting point is 00:38:53 down and then actually it has a phone app and i can take a picture of it and it'll send me a text message or an email with whatever i wrote transcribed in the email so i can actually look down at my phone and read whatever it is I said. But another huge thing for me is like, we'll just use a shaker cup analogy. I'll do the same thing. I'll be like, don't forget this.
Starting point is 00:39:15 And what happens? I always forget it. So I'll have to put my keys under it or, you know, I'll have to put my keys in the fridge if I put it in the fridge. Because what ends up happening is I end up beating myself up. I end up, I'll leave the house without my backpack. Like, you're such an idiot.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Why would you forget your backpack? You only need it for everything. So then I'll run home, I'll go to the bathroom, and I'll leave again without my backpack. You know, I'll do stupid things like that, and then I'm just a big grumpy gills the rest of the day, because now I'm like, you're so stupid. You did it not once, but twice. So, uh, what's been huge for me lately is I'll tell Stephanie, my fiance, whatever it is that I need to do. Um, you know, we were talking earlier about putting
Starting point is 00:40:00 stuff off for later. If I have work to do, the cool thing about being here is I can take some of my work home. The bad thing is I can take some of it home and then end up getting stuck working at home. But if I tell Stephanie right away, like, hey, I'm on my way home, but I have to get this, that, and that done, but I'm going to do it at home, which means I'll be there. I won't necessarily be present for everything, but if something comes up, I will be home. And what that does is it puts me in check because if I don't tell her, I could easily get home and be like, yeah, maybe I don't need to do that after all. And then what ends up happening is I put it off to the side. I get stressed about
Starting point is 00:40:41 it. And then I have more stuff on my plate the next day. So when I tell her, it's like, okay, she knows she's on board. I have to follow through with what I said. So that's just some of the things, um, as more stuff comes to me, I'll, I'll, uh, I'll chime in. But, um, yeah, I think, uh, writing stuff down is huge. I think it's, it's huge. And then for me, what I ended up actually doing and why I got this notebook is all right. I'll write something down. I'll close my notebook and that's it. It's gone. Now when I take a picture of it, I get a text message.
Starting point is 00:41:13 I'm like, oh, that's right. I have to do this. Right. And that to me is like, it's so big because my phone's always on me. You know, we talk about getting away from the phone. I actually got a guitar to try to put the phone down so I can just like do something away from screens and whatnot. But, you know, due to our job, you know, trying to plan training sessions and really just trying to plan the day. My phone is always within arm's reach. my to-do list kind of forwarded to me through a text message. It's like, whoa, when you get a text message, you kind of, you stop and you're like, oh, I got a text.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Like, what's happening here? Whereas if you get a notification, you kind of just swipe it over. But an actual text message, because you got the big red dot, you know, on your phone or whatever, that's been huge for me. It's been very helpful this um you know this idea of of just you know trying to create some systems you're trying to get some systems in place and um you know for me you know i'm fortunate i you know i have a wife and she's very supportive and so her and i you know will communicate and um i'll let her know, I'm on my way home.
Starting point is 00:42:29 And then she kind of knows, like, if I've, if I've been fasting or if I've been doing, you know, A, B or C, then she might, you know, prep food for me, you know? So I might have, uh, when I get home, I might have food, or if I still have more work to do, I need to work on, uh, my jacked and tan book that I've been working on for the past five years. Uh, if I need to do something like that, then she, you know, she knows that I'll be doing that and she might, uh, you know, help with something or help me remember something or the staff here, you know, you have these systems in place and I'll say, just, so just please put it in my car. Cause I'm going to, I'm going to take off without the damn thing, you know, and even if it goes in my car, it might end up in someone else's car somehow, or who knows what the hell will happen. But, um, you do need to have systems in place.
Starting point is 00:43:10 And these, these, uh, systems, uh, that you have in place, they help to decrease the chaos that you have in your life and they help save time. So you're not spending a bunch of time. I spent a lot of time looking for shit, I feel like. And so even with, even with like my clothes in the morning yeah so i'm like i'm like okay i'm kind of done with this i'm just gonna get my clothes together the night before and i've been doing i've done that ever since uh maybe late late december or so and it's been it's been so much better it's been making it easier it's really
Starting point is 00:43:42 helpful yeah and well i can't see you. It's fucking four in the morning, and I don't want to pop on a bunch of lights, and so I actually put my clothes outside the room, and I change out there, and it just has made every, just those little tiny things, right, end up making a huge difference. Yeah, and also it takes away one of the decisions
Starting point is 00:44:03 making things that you have for the day because we're only like we have so many decisions that we can make at 100% per day. Right. So each time you decide
Starting point is 00:44:12 to do something it's like you kind of get the law of diminishing returns. You know, you answer one question or one decision at 100%
Starting point is 00:44:19 the next one's going to be at 90% and so on and so forth. So if you take out as many of those as possible the day before then by the time you get to work and you got to hang out with Smokey, you're going to be on point. Nobody wants to do that. So you were saying you were, uh, you had to upload, re-upload the podcast, uh, last night. It was something was.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Yeah. Well, you know, we had, uh, Dan Severn on yesterday and the live stream, it just cut out a couple of times. And one of those times I can't remember at this moment. We got to start paying our live stream bills. Man. Maybe people can start donating some money to the podcast. Yeah. Can you guys help out?
Starting point is 00:44:55 Please. Struggling over here. Somebody that works at the internet, if you guys can come help us out. Well, when we brought that tower over from the other gym, it hasn't been the same since then. Well, when we brought that tower over from the other gym, it hasn't been, it just hasn't been the same. No, no. I think the,
Starting point is 00:45:07 uh, the, the, the wires are, they, they couldn't extend as far. So I think there's some latency in there. Uh,
Starting point is 00:45:15 so anyways, the, uh, I don't know what latency actually means, but the great word. Yeah. The, uh,
Starting point is 00:45:21 the podcast didn't upload in its entirety when we went live. So after the show, I had to take the entire file, which is gigantic. It's like over 100 gigs. It's ridiculous. It's huge. Take that, export it, and then re-upload it. Now, it's not a crazy, you know, taxing task to do, but it is very time consuming. So I could have done it right after the show, but I would have been here till like 5.30. So instead of doing that, I text Stephanie. I'm like, hey, I have to
Starting point is 00:45:58 get this thing done. I could do it here and I'll be done when I get home, but that just means I won't get home till like 6. So I'm going to I get home, but that just means I won't get home till like six. So I'm going to leave right now. But that just means that when I get home, I have stuff to do. And once that's done, then we can do whatever. But just know that while I'm home,
Starting point is 00:46:15 I'm doing this and you know, whatever you need me for, I'm there, I'm whatever, I can do it. But this is priority right now because I'm still technically working. Right. And she was like, cool, I'll see you in a little bit. And so she was right now because I'm still technically working. And she was like, cool, I'll see you in a little bit.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And so she was stoked because obviously I get to be home. But at the same time, she understood. You got to let her know you're off limits because she's going to be chasing you around the house. Yeah. Right. Trying to rip your clothes off. I know. Some days it's bad.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Yeah. I know. Terrible. Your life sounds horrible. It's a lot of work. Somebody's got to do it though. Did you get another dog? Was I seeing that right? So we have two dogs. Uh-oh. At the time we were- They're multiplying.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Yeah. At the time we were renting a place and they only knew of one. So when the idea of a third dog came up, I was like, no, there's no way we cannot have another dog. Stephanie's aunt was like, she, she had this puppy. It turns out she wasn't able to keep him. She's like, oh my God, you guys are so, you guys are so good with dogs. You're dog people. I would love for you guys to adopt Chip is his name. And I'm like, oh, that's cool. But no, there's no way, like we can't, we're not even supposed to have two dogs. We cannot have three dogs. We just know, especially a puppy. We're up and down, left and right. We cannot have a puppy.
Starting point is 00:47:31 No, no, no, no, no. Stephanie's like, oh, but he's so cute. That's cool. Puppies are cute. They're the best. I love dogs. We cannot have a dog. Fast forward to her aunt dropping off the dog with jasmine game over she fell in love with
Starting point is 00:47:47 it so we have the dog uh no dog's a pain in the butt i mean puppies are work and you know he he barks at at the air he he bites he goes to the bathroom inside the house he'll scratch the door go outside bark at the neighbors come inside go to the bathroom choose everything up hyper and of course yeah and then that's the other thing you know that's another reason why i said like no we can't have another dog like we don't have time to get all this energy out uh i got sick over the weekend and i mean i was done right like i i was out i down. He didn't leave my side the entire time. I was like, oh, that's cool. Like good on you, dog. Like you did it once. Um, I got up, started making dinner. I'm like, dude, I'm just, I can't, I can't hang. I went
Starting point is 00:48:39 back to bed. And normally when there's food in the house, he will not like, he's just, he's a puppy. So he's trying to scratch and claw and get any type of scraps that he can off the floor he hung out with me again time to eat dinner i tried to eat dinner i couldn't eat dinner i went back to bed he followed me again and it wasn't until i said dude go get there it's okay go ahead and go and he got up and he ran to the kitchen to try to get some food. So I'm like, all right, man, like you proved your loyalty to me. So I told Stephanie, I'm like, all right, we can keep him. Now keep in mind, it's been over a year since we've had him now. But I just recently now said like, all right, I like you dog.
Starting point is 00:49:19 So now he's not threatened to be booted out anytime soon. Yeah, yeah. I kept saying I was going to punt him over the fence. If he wasn't such a cute dog, he would have been gone a long time ago. He's been a pain in the ass. There's no other way to say it. What a jerk. But he had my back this weekend.
Starting point is 00:49:38 How's your carnivore-ness going? Terrible. I started having monster mash. Oh, there you are. Yeah. So I haven't had anything bad per se. I had vegetables and I felt way better. It solidified things. Nice. Yeah. And then I had monster mash over the weekend and I think I was like, oh's pretty good um so i just i i meal prep that it's a lot easier to eat you know when you have meat with something else um that's one of the
Starting point is 00:50:11 kind of downsides to the carnivore diet um i i really i like meat a lot i really i enjoy it and i can i can eat it kind of all the time but it's a lot more pleasurable when you have some rice with it or you have something else with it, even, even some, uh, like spinach or, um, asparagus or any of these kinds of things. I don't really like love vegetables, but, uh, just having a little extra filler on the plate and having something that's a little bit different is kind of nice. Um, and so, yeah, it feels, it feels good and it kind of depends on, you know, the goals, but I think that it's a wise idea for people to try the carnivore diet.
Starting point is 00:50:54 It's a wise idea for people to try to cut things out of their diet and kind of see how they react to it. And if you try, you know, if you try for 10 days, two weeks, that's a pretty good indicator of how, of how things are working. You know, I've been doing the carnivore diet for, you know, a little, a little bit, uh, probably about a month cause I started it in December. Um, and there was, there was a couple of days there where, where it fell off and I was trying to analyze what was going on. I was like, maybe I should add in some vegetables. Maybe I should try this or that. And so I didn't do any of that. I just, I got, I got cut out the bone broth and I was just having too much of that and probably, you know, maybe putting in too much butter or something like that. And it was giving me the shits. So I was like, well, this ain't fun running around like this.
Starting point is 00:51:33 And so, yeah, I was, I've been fine ever since that point. But, uh, you do have to kind of figure it out on your own. But the nice thing is, is that once you pull everything out of your diet, it's so much easier to figure out how to fix it from there. Yeah, and that's the thing, too, because I'm looking at this steak, and it's like, oh, man, at one point, that was the greatest thing I could eat. And then eventually over time, it's like, man, it would be great if I could have that with just a couple of vegetables, nothing crazy. And then now having rice, rice is like cake to me right now. So it's, it's just weird how it changes your palate completely and makes you really appreciate
Starting point is 00:52:13 just like some simple things like, like some rice and some Brussels sprouts. Uh, did you see the A-Rod jumped in? No. A-Rod jumped in. Carnivore. Oh, wow. Yeah. He posted a picture of him with a big ass ribeye and he's
Starting point is 00:52:25 with his two kids uh tomahawk ribeye and uh he said me and jennifer are in on this um all meat diet uh no uh no sugar no this no that and um we're doing it for 10 days and it's and it said like uh join us or something and then it said uh you know do we think you can, do we, do you guys think that we can make it? And then just thousands and thousands of responses. That's crazy. Yeah. Pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Pretty cool. And you know, I, I actually never, I never followed him, but I, I, I saw that post and I followed him and I
Starting point is 00:52:59 started looking at some of the stuff they post and they post some pretty good stuff. They post a lot of fitness stuff too. I just, to me, that's, that's awesome. I, I, whether you're a fan of some of these stuff they post and they post some pretty good stuff. They post a lot of fitness stuff too. I just, I, to me, that's, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:53:06 I, I, whether you're a fan of some of these celebrities or not, it doesn't matter. But when someone's promoting a good message, I can get behind that. And, and I don't really care about, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:17 what diet it is. Somebody is promoting health and somebody is promoting, um, and somebody is promoting like exercise. It's like, fuck yeah, man, this is like a rod it's
Starting point is 00:53:27 one of the greatest baseball players of all time you know and and that's that's huge and like maybe that influences some people to try the diet and um who's really going to get harmed from it a couple cows maybe but but who's really gonna um you don't know no one's gonna to have any like, you know, crazy side effects to anything. They're just going to, they're going to try the diet and they're either going to be able to follow it or not. And if they're able to follow it, they're going to drop some weight, which is awesome. Yeah. I think he was the first one to have a hundred million dollar contract, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:57 He, he, yeah, he might've been, I mean, he was, he was a bad mofo for a long time. And yeah, I think that happened when I was in high school, and I was like, what? Like, is that even possible? Like, it was just so mind-boggling. Yeah. Yeah. Those of you that are following the carnivore diet,
Starting point is 00:54:13 those of you guys and girls that have jumped in on it, you know, you can have different meat, you know. I think that's probably a mistake, is when people first jump on the diet, they don't think they have any other options. Now steak does have more nutrients in it and steak, um, uh, you know, has more calories in it than like chicken, but you can still have chicken. You can still have Turkey.
Starting point is 00:54:37 You can still have some of these things. What I would advise you to do is I advise you to probably still try to eat the skin, maybe try to eat some of the dark meat. You just want to make sure that, not that there'll be a lack of fat because you're probably eating bacon and cheese and eggs and things like that here and there, but you want to make sure that on a daily basis
Starting point is 00:54:58 or a weekly basis, I should say, that the fat's not really dwindling down because you might feel like shit from that. And also realize too that if you tried the carnivore diet, it's not feeling great for you. It's highly possible that at the moment, it's not the right thing for you. So it's fine to do what Andrew did go ahead and incorporate some carbohydrates, but also too, it doesn't mean that you have to completely abandon ship. Maybe you have two meals out of the day that have some carbohydrates in it, and maybe the rest of them are still meat and vegetables. That's still be a carnivore diet. In my opinion, it's just because remember, you know, what Dr. Baker tries
Starting point is 00:55:33 to share is that the meat is just providing your body with a lot of the things that you need. So that doesn't change. And if you can eat two pounds of meat in a day, as opposed to one, it might be, you might be a little bit better off you might be getting a little bit more protein you might be getting a little bit more of the vitamins and minerals that you need so there's there's a just because you you got to change things up a little bit doesn't mean that you lost it's fine it's just that maybe for you for now the diet's not great because i did the carnivore diet last year around this time and i did it for about two weeks and it kind of made me crazy i was like oh man all i can eat is meat and
Starting point is 00:56:09 it was like making me kind of just i don't know i just i wasn't i didn't love it so i stopped it and then i a couple weeks later i went back to it and tried it again but it's okay it's okay to try you just keep trying that's the main point is you just keep you just keep trying stuff and you'll know you know if your body does if nothing really happens in like two weeks like your stomach doesn't get better or something's not something just if it just doesn't feel right for two weeks that's a pretty long time to try to gut it out so that's usually a good indicator a 10-day challenge like a rod did i think is smart yeah and i definitely don't want to discourage or make people think that you know oh maybe it's not working for me because it's not working for him it's like no my stomach is it's a whole mess of issues but
Starting point is 00:56:56 a whole ball of wax yeah and i'm sorry about my cold but this will be a pretty good segue to go back to kind of like controlling your thoughts and whatnot. But I don't want to put out the thought that a carnivore diet doesn't work for you. You know, it's not working for me right now, but at the same time, it actually did work really well. You know, I feel, I do feel better. My back feels awesome. Sorry about the sniffles. But, um, sorry about the sniffles but um what i wanted to say was you know i do have this cold um i try to convince myself to get over it within like four days uh when i got sick mark was like yeah that's what i had it's gonna take you like two weeks to get over it i was like no it's not like watch this and so my uh my thought process was i'm like i going to get over this cold by this weekend so I can bench press. And I got well enough to at least hit, you know, a good solid bench session.
Starting point is 00:57:52 And, you know, I had told myself like, hey, I'm going to get 80% better by this weekend. Right now I just have like the lingering phlegm stuck in my snot nose and all that good stuff. You're so gross i know man it's terrible it probably sounds awesome i apologize to everybody but uh what we were saying is about controlling your thoughts and kind of you know you you what's the word uh i can't think of it but basically like if you walk into a room and you think people are going to think that you're an idiot, you're opening yourself up to people thinking you're an idiot. Whether or not they do think that, you think that,
Starting point is 00:58:34 and next thing you know, you're going to wear it on your face. Right. So what ends up happening? People look at you like, oh, who's this fucking idiot? Right? So by controlling my thoughts, I was able to kind of get over. Look at that, buddy. Hey, look at that.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Thank you. That bad, huh? I got a tissue right here. Anyway, so by me thinking that I was going to get over my cold, I was going to be well enough to bench press, that actually happened. So I think that goes positive and negative.
Starting point is 00:59:03 If you think something bad's going to happen, it's going to happen. If I thought, oh's going to happen, it's going to happen. If I thought, oh, there's no way I'm going to bench, I'm going to be so sick that, you know, I'm going to,
Starting point is 00:59:11 I'm going to be a bad session, then that would have happened. You know, so I think people need to understand that they can control a lot more by just, you know, uh, I can't think of the dang word right now, but I'm imagining it's going to happen,
Starting point is 00:59:23 uh, willing it to happen, I guess I'll say. right. Well, you know right right well you know there's um so if if uh let's just use it let's just use a let's let's use this as an example uh that you're um you're going on a job interview you know you're going on a job interview and let's say the the last job interview you had was bad. And, um, maybe they even kind of shared that with you on your way out the door. And, uh, you know, maybe you were just like, man, I'm, I'm, now you got the thought process that you're not very good at this. Well, maybe you go again and you give another kind of poor representation of yourself.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Or also, you know, maybe, you know, maybe there's a test that you have coming up, or maybe there's this thing that you have to prepare for like a job interview. And maybe you're like, you know what? I'm kind of always bad at job interviews. So it doesn't really matter. My buddy's invited me out tonight. I'm going to go out and have a couple of beers and no big deal. You wake up late. You don't prep for the job interview the way that you wanted to and, and so on. Right. And, and this leads to this cascade of issues. Now you leave the job interview and you feel like shit. So it's a good example of you really can control your thoughts. It's the same thing as when you cheat on your diet. You had this plan
Starting point is 01:00:38 to follow something specifically. You developed, you read a book or you are adhering to somebody's advice. This is what I'm doing. I got advice from Steph Cohen and Hayden Bowe. I'm doing hybrid nutrition or I'm doing the war on carbs from Mark Bell. You made this decision and now you're going back against it and that messes up everything. Your thoughts and habits are intertwined with each other. When you start to let some bad thoughts creep in is when you might start to develop some bad habits. That is why some of the people that we know are savages 24 seven, 365 days out of the
Starting point is 01:01:22 year because they have a zero tolerance policy for letting up or letting go of anything ever. Uh, these guys like Michael Hearn and, um, these guys like Ron Penna and some of these people that we, that we look up to, uh, Jake Cutler, um, Stan Efferding, like, you know, Stan Efferding, when's the last time you had a brownie? When's the last time you had some fucking pizza? You know, it'd be like, well, probably 1980. You know, he's going to say something.
Starting point is 01:01:49 He has it in his journal and why he felt bad the next day. He looked back, oh, it's because I had pizza. Yeah, right. And he's going to be like really meticulous about it. But that's because those guys learned a long time ago. It's not a good idea to let these thoughts creep into our head because those thoughts can end up being part of our habits, the habits and the actions. They all start to intertwine with each other and they all start to be, start to get messy and it makes you feel like
Starting point is 01:02:15 shit about yourself. For myself more recently, so I've been really working on my sleep a lot lately and I really wanted to commit to it. So I got a Fitbit. I've been tracking his sleep. I've been paying attention to it. The Fitbit is making me, is, is giving me bad thoughts about how I sleep. So now my conversation, my conversation outwardly and inwardly is that I suck at sleep. It's not positive. Now the positive news is, is, is that I have recognized it. I have identified it. And also I'm not going to put too much stake in the Fitbit. Who knows how accurate it is with tracking your sleep? I don't know. I don't know what the research says on, on this product versus that one. I know there's different rings and different things that you can use to track your
Starting point is 01:02:59 sleep, but this is what I chose to track my sleep. And because this is is what i chose i'm going to pay attention to it but i'm also not going to put all my value in that this thing is controlling everything that i do because if i just allow this product to control my thoughts then i'm ignoring how i actually feel which is the whole point that's the whole point the whole point is how do you actually feel so if i'm sharing diet information with you and i'm saying, Hey, this carnivore diet's making me feel like a tank. And, uh, you guys have seen, like, I've been improving on my bench press and, uh, strength has been coming up and I'm feeling good.
Starting point is 01:03:34 I got good energy. Like things are going good, but that's my experience. And so, you know, you don't want my, you don't want just my experience or just someone else's experience to end up becoming your own because somebody planted the seed in your head. Do a lot of the thinking on your own. And, and back to the book I recommended earlier from Ross Edgley, he talks a lot about that in his book. You should be your best personal trainer. And Andrew, you'll know some of this now that you've been doing some workouts on your own, you're starting to really learn, okay, this is kind of where I should go with this. Okay. That was, that was a mistake. That was pretty good.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Well, now you're, now you're in like, this is the best part of your training, like career, because now you kind of have an idea of what to do. Maybe you don't always know exactly what to do, but if you're in the gym, you're going to just do something and you're going to, then you're going to learn from it. Like, okay, that wasn't, that wasn't, you know, great to do that, but it's a, it's a good, it's a good spot to be in. And, um, you're going to have to have room in your life, you know, to be able to audible and to not always be a maniac about everything all the time. And not everyone's going to turn out to be as disciplined as as a stan or as a professional bodybuilder but you want to start to develop some rules you want to start
Starting point is 01:04:54 to develop a system because when you follow those things they make you feel better they make you think better it makes everything a little bit better I actually don't think that there's many people that can really truly be happy unless they're doing the things that they're setting out to be doing. If they are constantly and consistently always, they're just, they're not following a nutrition plan. They just keep giving up on it. The good news about someone who keeps giving up on something means that they keep trying it. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:26 So that's that's positive. That's really good. But it's not going to change the fact that you don't feel comfortable when you go out. It does not does not going to change the fact you don't feel comfortable in a tighter T-shirt. You don't feel comfortable in that dress or whatever it is for you. And you're going to have to figure out if you don't care about that kind of thing, then that's kind of a different topic. That's kind of a different thing.
Starting point is 01:05:50 But I believe that most people, I believe that everyone cares about that. I think everybody cares about, uh, their appearance and how they appear in other people's eyes in more ways than one, other than just the looks. You know, I, I don't think, um, like anybody would love for someone to say, oh yeah, that guy's a dick, you know, or, oh, that guy's fat or that guy's ugly or, you know, it just doesn't, doesn't feel great. Right. Right. And it's worse when they do it to themselves. Like, uh, I think it's super important. You know, you said use negativity as like a positive sometimes, or, you know, it's okay to beat yourself up if, as long as you're going to use it to motivate you to be better. But, you know, I hear people say like,
Starting point is 01:06:29 oh, I can't, I can't follow a diet because I'm too picky of an eater or, uh, you know, I'm just, I have too much fat around my waist or I'm too lazy. I'm too this or I'm too that. What ends up happening is you start believing it. then if you have kids that then that's kind of how they see you as well you know they start saying it themselves right you know it's like oh yeah my mom tries to do this or that but that's actually a great example bringing up a kid that is a really really awesome example i've seen this at parks and stuff before where somebody's like saying something so negative about their kid like i was at the park one time and this kid was like walking and kind of running and the dad was
Starting point is 01:07:12 real worried and he's like oh my son he's like he can't walk for shit he's like you know they look at him and the kid was very common in children where they're kind of like pigeon-toed you know the toes are pointing toward each other and he's running and he's not picking his feet up very good. So he falls a couple of times, but I'm thinking like, how much did this guy impose on his son that he can't walk well? Like,
Starting point is 01:07:37 and, and, and also I'm thinking like, and, and maybe the guys just have him like a shit day or maybe he's just, maybe he's flat out joking. Maybe he doesn't normally say that. Um, but I was thinking like, I bet this guy does that with a lot of stuff you know i bet that
Starting point is 01:07:50 this guy just kind of does i bet he just kind of has only met him for 10 seconds and that's all i heard pretty much and i was like i bet this guy does that a lot with a lot of things so if you if you think that your kid is not capable of you know a lot of parents do that a lot of parents think their their son or their daughter is not capable of something. And then they're like, oh, wow, you did such a good job on that. Like they're shocked. And if you were raising your kid the way that you should be, you shouldn't be shocked. You should actually be like, that's perfect.
Starting point is 01:08:20 That's exactly what we've been working towards. Congratulations. Did a great job. It should be more like that rather than like, oh my God, I thought you were such a retard. Where did this come from? Yeah. Wow. Wait, hold on. You didn't take someone else's paper from school? No. This can't come from you. Yeah. When I got my diploma, my dad was like, did you really? Like, yeah. I was like, huh? Like, shit. I guess I was that kid. Son, who'd you steal that from? Yeah. Well, when my dad was in the hospital and he was sick and he was, you know, my dad years ago, he went to the hospital. He was there for 70
Starting point is 01:08:59 days. My dad's had cancer and diabetes and heart disease and everything else. And somehow the guy's still here. I don't know what happened. We tried to kill him. The doctors tried to kill him and he's still around. Nothing, nothing's, uh, nothing can wipe him out. And, um, you know, he was in the hospital and he was, uh, I mean, he was very, very, very, very sick. He just had this kind of complicated thing going on with his duodenum, some sort of digestive
Starting point is 01:09:23 thing way down deep. Uh, we'll just say it's near his butthole. I don't sort of digestive thing way down deep uh we'll just say it's near his butthole i don't know it's way down there somewhere and um he's in the hospital for 70 days my dad's always been pretty heavy i think at the time he went in the hospital he's probably like 250 and uh you know at one point in the hospital he's probably like 130 like it was bad whoa yeah it was crazy to see what was really crazy to see was so i went and visited him visit visited him twice easy for me to say and uh my brother chris uh went on one of these trips too um i went kind of immediately maybe i went three times i can't remember but uh i met went immediately um and he was just in really bad shape and he was really really sick and um and that was when uh that was kind of yeah when it
Starting point is 01:10:12 first happened i think it went three times the second time i went um he was just really really gaunt he just really really thin he got really skinny and i was like, Oh my God. You know, I mean, my cousins and my mom were like, yeah, like, I like think this might be, this kind of might be it, you know? And so I thought to myself then I was like, if I get the opportunity to tell him that I'm going to, I'm going to tell him. Cause when I first went, I didn't know what was going on. And the second time I went, cause this is spaced out over X amount of days, you know, 15, 20 days or so.
Starting point is 01:10:49 He was, like I said, he was there for like 70 days. And, um, you know, I'm going back and forth from California to New York. And, um, when I saw him really, really sick, the next time I came out was with my brother and my dad was a lot better. And my brother was kind of like, oh, he looks like he's fine. Cause that was my brother's first time seeing him. And I'm like, oh, I forget it, dude. You don't understand. But anyway, what's the big, or what's the big deal guys?
Starting point is 01:11:19 He looks fine. Yeah. He's totally fine. He looks better than when he came in. Yeah. He's in there doing squats. He's like, yeah, it's a big deal. Dad lost 20 pounds. It looks great.
Starting point is 01:11:28 But so I went to my dad and, you know, he wasn't like in a coma, but like he couldn't talk because he had things breathing for him and things like that. And he was very, very like sedated. You know, he was just on tons of drugs. And he was very, very like sedated, you know, he was just on tons of drugs. He ended up having a lot of complications and a lot of pain. And so I told him, you know, I said, you know, dad, I was like, if you, at some point, this is when he was, when he was really, really thin. And he just wasn't looking great and he could still understand everything you're saying, but he just wasn't doing good. I said, Hey, look, you know what?
Starting point is 01:12:11 Like, if you need to, if you need to leave, need to go, I'm good. Like you did everything you could. And, uh, I, I said, you raised me well, and I'm fine. Like, I, like, if you have to go, don't, don't try to stick around for me. I'm good. Me and my family are good. You taught me how to be a man and I'm, I'm good to go. I love you.
Starting point is 01:12:31 And he was just, he like squeezed my hand, which was crazy because, uh, at the time he didn't have any like strength. And then he said later on when he, uh, was, was getting better and he started to kind of gain some weight back again. Uh, he told me what a big deal that was. He was like, he's like, it's hard to put into words, but to have your child tell you that they're kind of like, they're, they're good. Like you gave them all the information that you need. He's like, that was, he goes, it's weird.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Cause it was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. But at the same time you were telling me to die. I was like, yeah, I, well, I didn't mean like, I didn't mean I wanted you to die. I just meant that you could. Everyone's always living their life for other people. I thought this is probably not a great time for you to try to live for everybody else. If you're going to live and stick around, just do it for yourself. Man, that's huge.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Yeah, it was pretty crazy. Holy shit, man. Pretty wild. My dad's nuts. Yeah. My dad, he gave me a trophy yesterday. He gave me a, um, he, he, so he wore out the bottom of his, uh, walking stick. It has, it has like a hole in it. And, uh, cause he's been walking so much and I've been encouraging him to do these 10 minute walks for a long time.
Starting point is 01:13:38 And so he took the end of the walking stick that's worn out and he put it on this like little piece of like molding like for for like the bottom of a room or something you know like a plastic thing and uh and then he just like he uh he uh like typed out like some words underneath it like thanks for all the inspiration thanks for getting me to walk and so he and i brought it in here today. I put it on my desk in my office. That's tight. He's weird like that.
Starting point is 01:14:09 He does weird shit like that all the time. Yeah, he made me a walking stick. I know. We got, we got, we got a bunch of walking sticks
Starting point is 01:14:15 around here. We could have a big fight with them. Yeah, I don't mind walking around South Sac anymore because I have a big old cane I can just beat people with. Who wants a piece?
Starting point is 01:14:22 Yeah, come get some. I heard a really cool quote today, and it says, this is a Twitter post, setbacks are a large part of life. People often say, what a bad time this was to get hurt, or what a bad time this was to happen to me right now. Why does this have to happen to me? Sometimes people ask themselves, yeah, why is to happen to me right now why does this have to happen to me sometimes people ask themselves yeah why is this happening to me right now is there a good and then the question is is there a good time for hurt to happen is there a good time for these setbacks to
Starting point is 01:14:55 happen and then also setbacks are just another chance to find triumph never give up and that was said by our boy john cena Cena. And the reason why I think that that's such a great quote is that we've talked about that on this podcast many times, and it had a specific podcast that was all about your setbacks, uh, setting you up for something better. And I text that over to John. I said, Hey, we did this podcast a while back talking about setbacks and how it's really just, it's's a it's a setup in disguise for something great. So for those of you, you know, listening to the show and those of you guys and girls have been paying attention. That's you know, that's what this message is all about.
Starting point is 01:15:37 Every time it's all about. We're going to mess up and we're going to have things that we don't even mess up just that are just messed up in life. We're going to have things that like my dad, you know, be in the hospital for 70 days. We're going to have things that we don't even mess up just that are just messed up in life. We're going to have things that like my dad, you know, being in the hospital for 70 days, we're going to have these things happen. And, uh, who knows what, there's not always an explanation. That's an important thing to understand about life is there's not always, it's not always a rational reason behind every single thing. And people do say everything happens for a reason. Um, maybe, you know, like a lot of things happen for, for a reason. And I kind of believe in, in fate and I believe in like being able to see things that aren't
Starting point is 01:16:15 there. And I believe in a lot of these things, but man, I don't, I, it's hard for me to think that when I, like a four-year-old kid dies from cancer, that that happened for a particular, like, man, that just sucks. I can't think of, and maybe it start, maybe, maybe it started more funding towards, uh, pediatric cancer or something, but man, that's, that's a tough one to swallow. Uh, everything happens for a reason. Um, the, uh, you're, you're on your way to work and, uh, someone cuts you off and it may, and it scares you and it makes you slow down. Yeah. I can get behind that. Okay. Yeah. Now you're paying attention more. Maybe you were kind of on your phone when you shouldn't have been.
Starting point is 01:16:55 And like, I can kind of see that. Yeah, I can get behind that. But, uh, some of these other things that happen and some of the setbacks that you're going to run into in life, you're going to run into death and all kinds of crazy stupid shit that's going to happen that unfortunately we don't have control over all those things but as we've been talking about through this entire podcast you can control a lot more things than you think you can control your feelings which goes beyond your thoughts right your your feelings end up becoming part of your thoughts. If Andrew says something to me that makes me feel bad, well, now I got bad thoughts in my head.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Thanks a lot, Andrew. I'm sorry. God, you're such a jerk. I didn't mean it. You're such a bully. Yeah. Pushing me around. But we can control these feelings by controlling our environment
Starting point is 01:17:41 and trying to get around like-minded people and trying to have people understand the kind of support and the kind of things that we need. Can I get an amen? Amen. Oh, there he is. Yeah, a little smoky running around. Why does he keep popping in?
Starting point is 01:18:00 I don't know. I think that's, are you trying to warn us or like clock us or something like that? No. Nah, he's, are you trying to warn us or clock us or something like that? No. No, he's just hanging out. He's a fan of the show. Oh, fan of the show. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:18:14 So who we got coming in today? We got some Cal Strength peeps coming in. Dave Spitz and his team. And we're going to learn them up on, uh, some powerlifting, probably some benching. They usually want to bench because they, these, these people that are coming in today, they're, they're getting ready for the NFL combine. They're trying to do that two 25 for as many reps as possible. And, uh, you know, these guys, if they can shave a half second off their 40 yard dash,
Starting point is 01:18:41 if they can, uh, get an extra rep or two um on their 225 bench it makes a big difference and last year it was really really cool going up there and we've been doing this for the last few years but uh both with the not only the nfl prospects but some of the guys that are already playing and um i forget some of the names of the different people that we've that we've worked with but it's been awesome. I know Kiko Alonso is one of them. That guy is a savage. He played for the Bears for a little while,
Starting point is 01:19:11 and I forget where else he's been playing at. Maybe Miami. These guys, they move around a lot, but, man, that guy knocks the shit out of people. He's a linebacker. And then we had a guy who caught the game-winning touchdown in the Super Bowl last year, the tight end for the Philadelphia Eagles. I can't remember his name if it's hurts or hurts,
Starting point is 01:19:29 but it's like whatever the opposite of the quarterback, the quarterback is like a similar last name, I think. But yeah, it's been awesome having those guys come in and Dave Spitz is a good friend. He runs a Cal strength. They do weightlifting,
Starting point is 01:19:44 you know, they put the weight up over their head and they use a lot less weight than us. I don't hold all that against him. I don't understand it. I don't know what they're trying to do. They move around too fast and they move around too much. I think to be honest, it looks complicated.
Starting point is 01:19:57 I mean, I just want to train my arms. Yeah. And then they like, they get like below parallel. They're way down there. Yeah. What's that all about
Starting point is 01:20:05 i don't know it's a good way to blow out a hip though right i'm sure i i don't know yet i've never been down that low before get it on the flow you ever tried any olympic lifting you did some crossfit didn't you crossfit yeah but i mean even that was like you know just kind of introduction to just moving around so i but no Olympic lifts, no, God, no. I don't even think I can really, I don't think I can even do most of the lifts. I mean, I can't do a clean because I don't have the ability to get my fingers to my shoulders like that. And then a snatch, I just don't understand how I, I don't even know if I can do an overhead squat. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:46 Just like all of the movements. I, I, I just know the, I end up losing teeth because the bar will just come straight down on my face. Yeah. And the cleaning.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Yeah. No, I, we hire people to clean, right? And we hire people to jerk. February 9th and 10th ST classic. Make sure you guys are there.
Starting point is 01:21:10 Make sure you guys and girls are there. We want it. We want to see out there. Um, as I mentioned earlier, we got, uh, charity wit. We've got Matt Vincent. We have my brother got Dr. Sean Baker, Dr. Sean Baker.
Starting point is 01:21:26 I'm excited to see him deadlift. And he's, he's been trying to say that he's not going to lift that much, but I think he's lying. He's pretty damn strong. He's just setting it up. So that way when he pulls 600, it's like, Whoa,
Starting point is 01:21:34 where'd that come from? Yeah. Kind of just like, you know, the whole kid thing. Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:21:40 Yeah. He did four Oh five for like 20 something reps the other day. Yeah. He's, he's an animal. That'd be really cool to see him going on that. Yeah, but it'll be cool if you guys hear about the expo through the podcast. Let us know the day of.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Come up to one of us and be like, hey, fan of the show. We'd love that. Also, we've only done this one other time but we're gonna do this coming up and uh you know maybe you guys can let us know your thoughts on this but i want to do a live podcast you know i want to do a podcast that's in the gym invite a bunch of you guys uh and girls in to check it out um we'll we'll make sure that we have a good guest or two uh that these people can see but that would be a lot of fun two, uh, that these people can see, but that would be a lot of fun. Yeah. It just popped up on my phone the other day. We did one
Starting point is 01:22:29 with Omar Esaf a few years ago and, uh, we had a great turnout. We had like, I don't know, maybe a hundred people in the gym or something like that. So it was, it was, uh, it was really cool. So maybe we can, you know, maybe, maybe it might be during like one of those podcasts that we were, we got some specialty podcasts coming up. Uh, we won't talk about it just yet, but, um, maybe it might be during like one of those podcasts that we got some specialty podcasts coming up uh we won't talk about it just yet but um maybe it would be during one of those because that would be kind of fun yeah and then get like actual fan interaction like on the spot like ask how people come in or come up to a microphone and ask questions yeah it could be like a seminar podcast type thing yeah it could get get pretty crazy. That'll be nuts.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Uh, what else we got this week? We have, uh, the, uh, are those guys coming in this week? Is it the, uh,
Starting point is 01:23:11 yeah. Uh, mind pump. That's mind pump tomorrow. I think. Yeah. We, we got shit going on here every day.
Starting point is 01:23:18 It's pretty crazy all the time. And then we, I got the LA fit expo. I forgot to plug that. We're there, uh, 26 and 27. I'm not sure of the booth, but you'll find us there. We're, we're going LA Fit Expo. I forgot to plug that. We're there, uh, 26 and 27. I'm not sure of the booth, but you'll find us there.
Starting point is 01:23:27 We're, we're going to be going nuts. We're going to have a bench in there. So anybody that's listening to this podcast, you know, please come over and not only just get information on the slingshot and the products that we have, but learn how to bench, you know, come on over and get a bench check. Nothing wrong with that. I, I've always, uh, we've always welcomed people into the booth and I always show people how to bench um i'm not there just to slang out products we're there to make a difference in people's lives and we're there to help so if you got questions on the bench and
Starting point is 01:23:53 you're not sure how to set up i will not be there all the time and i most likely will not be able to help out uh with your bench press uh it might be luck of the draw. A few of you might, might, uh, get my eyes on you, but I'll probably be slammed with a bunch of fans and I'm super excited, man. I love going to LA fit expo. I'm spending some time, uh, with my buddy Bart and, uh, we're going to do kind of a YouTube profile on, uh, Mr. Bakwan. He's going to take us through his studio down there in Los Angeles, uh, JK films. And he's also, uh, uh, Mr. Bakwan. He's going to take us through his studio down there in Los Angeles, uh, JK films. And he's also, uh, uh, also going to lift with him, which will, that'll be a lot of fun. Hopefully I'm hoping that I'll get in some time to sneak it, sneak over to gold's gym and, and bang out some training over there. And then, uh, when I land, I'm doing a podcast with Dr. Baker and Zach Bitter.
Starting point is 01:24:45 So I'm really excited about all that stuff. And so that's, I think that's pretty much it. Yeah. So it'll be booth 1429. 1429. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch you guys later.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Bye.

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