Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 18 - Robert Frank 615

Episode Date: March 12, 2018

It's time to get Jacked & Tan and Juicy AF with Mark Bell and Robert Frank. We dig a little deeper into who Robert Frank is, when he started training and why he's so mad all the time. ➢Subscribe Rat...e & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: ➢SHOP NOW: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 yeah no that's good i've never actually spoken into one of these before so how close do i get do i like come on you're not used to a big black stiff thing in front of your face no no no please come on kidding me from jersey i know how it is over there this looks a little different than a bbc i'm from the east coast too i know what's going on i know how we doing we good oh my god all right first question i got for you is what the fuck? Just in general. Like you, why are you so fucking amped up all the time? Why are you so pissed?
Starting point is 00:00:31 Or are you happy? I can't really decide. I'm a little bit of both. Lots of stimulants, lots of pre-workout and lots of aggression. Pre-workout and coffee all day long? All day long. Oh, I drink 10 cups of coffee a day. So I watched, I watched a lot of the videos and I've seen you, you know, getting hyped up about, you know, this and that, but it seemed like to me, uh, what was something that, uh, had you kind of maybe get more into the general public had more and more people put more and more eyes on you all the time was, uh, the CrossFit stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Once you started to let loose on CrossFit, what's the beef you got with these guys? Well, okay. Well, okay. Well, first of all, you're talking about years ago. It is several years ago. Yes. Have they grown on you? Have you softened up in your old age? What is happening here?
Starting point is 00:01:14 Absolutely not. Oh, come on. I thought we were going to have to close the show out. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. To briefly describe the CrossFit thing, the first time I saw it was probably 2013 2014 somewhere and just the shit that they were doing looked ridiculous and at the time i had still does look ridiculous i had about 500 followers on instagram at the time and i made
Starting point is 00:01:38 one video and the response it got was fucking stupid i'm allowed to curse right by the way say whatever you want yeah it was the the response i got was just absolutely ridiculous so every day for a year we made a video well me me and my team yeah made a video bashing crossfit you know there's so many people in the commercial gyms uh that wanted to continue their uh their bro success so to speak yeah and these crossfitters are kind of infiltrating and the crossfitters too the worst part about them and i don't know if you mentioned this in any of your videos but they take up all the hot chicks uh i mean i've never seen a cross i don't know take up a hot chick i mean shit well all the hot chicks are out of crossfit not all of them but
Starting point is 00:02:19 there's a lot of them in there yeah i mean of course i mean at least that came out of crossfit right uh no comment can we give them credit for anything or are we just no i i'm not gonna give them credit for anything no no you're marking up the wrong tree you know what i i give them credit for they take people that probably wouldn't exercise and put them in a gym setting or in some kind of and then you can get a hold of them and then i get all of them and tell them the way that it really should be. And we should be doing, you know. Are you related to power lifter Gary Frank?
Starting point is 00:02:50 No, I'm not. How about Sean Frankel? No, I'm not. Benjamin Franklin? No, I'm not. Frankenstein? Yes. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:57 There we go. I knew I was going to get one of those in there. Hot dogs or hamburgers? Hamburgers. In-N-Out or McDonald's? i was gonna get one of those in there hot dogs or hamburgers hamburgers uh in and out or mcdonald's i've never had in and out so i'm gonna go mcdonald's short girls or tall girls short thick girls or skinny girls how thick are we talking we'll go thick girls there we go there we go yeah well you know we're saying we're saying thick i think yeah we would describe them in well you know we're saying we're saying thick i
Starting point is 00:03:25 think yeah we would describe them in another way if you're talking about job of the hut fuck that yeah you're talking about a little meat on the bone yeah yeah i'm good new school or old school old school that looks apparent iphone or android come on iphone yeah it's got to be that what are these people with trying to hold on to the android for i've made all my friends get iphones like if if i text you and it's green like you're cut off to me yeah yeah i hate that i had to get when i saw that you had blue i was like yes oh it's like little hearts over my head yes yeah i had to do that with my employees we had to like we were gonna light one on fire but we just i don't know we never got around that would be amazing we didn't think it was ethical or something i don't know i don't know i don't know what happened with that
Starting point is 00:04:07 um but the the two things that you care about from the videos that i could gather after going through hundreds and hundreds of videos on youtube which is uh is it uh frank 615 or robert frank 615 on youtube. 615, there we go. You care about the next set and getting your noodle wet. Correct. Is that right? What does that mean? Well, my next set, meaning all I give a fuck about is my next set, whether it's bicep curls
Starting point is 00:04:37 or tricep pushdown, lat pulldown, whatever the fuck, and get my fucking dick wet. Ah, okay. What's your favorite exercise uh i hear you i hear you bring up one of them all the time so it's already in my head on what the favorite exercise is you're probably referring to the incline bench oh there we go yeah yeah you never met an incline bench that you don't like no no never never dumbbell dumbbell only barbell fucked me up years ago but dumb incline dumbbells, I'm all about it.
Starting point is 00:05:05 So I know you're having a lot of fun yelling and screaming and getting people fired up, but there is a message behind a lot of the stuff that you do. You know, when I saw, you know, the one that really captured my, captured me into watching more of your stuff was the one about racism. Right. I thought that one was, was awesome because I think a lot of people need to hear stuff like that. And it's interesting, you know, um, going through a lot of the videos and looking at some of the stuff that you said, there is an underlying message, even though it is yelling and screaming, and even though you are taking words and rhyming them together and having a
Starting point is 00:05:39 ton of fun with it. Uh, I thought that that message was really powerful. Yeah. Um, definitely all the videos that I bring, we try to bring a little bit of comedy, a little bit of controversy, a little bit of motivation, but at the end of the day for the majority of the videos, 99.9% of the videos, it's just about building your confidence. And the racism one was a little bit different just, but we've done two races of videos. And,. And the one thing that I was just trying to get across to people is when you're in a gym, it doesn't matter what kind of gym, even a fucking CrossFit gym. It doesn't matter what color you are, like your brothers, your sisters. Like, so it doesn't, and people, that video did very, very well. It's got, God, like 30 million views or so on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Right. So it reached the right places, the right people, all your biggest multimedia platforms are sharing it because it's an important message coming from a douchebag meathead that yells in his car with his shirt off. You know, it's like. Yeah. How do you get so sweaty? Or is that oil?
Starting point is 00:06:43 Are one of these guys oiling you up, your entourage? Lots of stimulants and heated seats, man. Oh, my God. Yeah. How long have you been training for? Well, what do you consider training? I've been going to the gym since. People always have two stories.
Starting point is 00:07:01 You know, they got, hey, I started when I was 14, and then they got some other things. I got serious where I haven't taken any more than a couple days off because of illness or something like that probably since 2002, I'd say. Just straight, plowing straight through. Yeah, plowing straight through. But I take care of my body, and I do bro workouts, so it's easy on the joints. I can tell with the amount of imaginary lat syndrome you have going on. Exactly. You really take care of that body.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Yeah. Hey, I don't deny that. How much hair is underneath that hooded sweatshirt right now? Is that a Reebok pump, Jack? I just trolled my ass. Fuck. Well, hey, you know, somebody's got to, right? No.
Starting point is 00:07:42 There's no air. Oh, that's the real deal deal i can see the pecs in there yeah yeah you know you got that swollen pecs lead to sex you got that smoky uh upper pec bicep development yes yes our boy our boy smoky here at super training loves the bodybuilding stuff okay is that what you've been doing for a long time bodybuilding or more powerlifting or no no no not definitely not powerlifting which is why i was afraid to come on this show but um no definitely uh bodybuilding like bro workouts your chest day monday through thursday biceps and triceps on friday and saturday and then if i'm not too hung over on sunday morning we'll do shoulders and back biceps and triceps why are
Starting point is 00:08:22 they on the weekend because that's the guido pump that's what we call before you go before you go out you got to get the vein going about an hour before you go out you got to get that sick fucking pumps and then you go to the bar and juicy as fuck man how did some of this get started because again i've seen some of the videos where you're um you know you're you're given information like you're talking about like diet and stuff but they're old videos right Right, right, right. So how did it morph into a, this macho man,
Starting point is 00:08:47 Robert Frank thing we got going on nowadays? I was doing the cat. I was slowly introducing the character, um, of the Robert Frank. And as you probably know, I'm a huge wrestling fan from back in the eighties and nineties and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:09:03 So, um, that had a lot of influence. You know, everybody should be. They should be. If they haven't seen that era, they need to go back and watch it. Absolutely. Part of American history.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Absolutely. And not just WWF. I'm talking NWA, World Class Championship Wrestling, NWA, all that shit, for sure. But I was slowly introducing that character on YouTube and it really wasn't getting that much of a response. People were just like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:09:28 this guy's an asshole. This guy's a douchebag. Who the fuck is this guy? And then the one video that just blew everything up was the Pokemon. Go fuck yourself. And that's the video that took me from zero to hero. And people just can't get enough of that guy. Now,
Starting point is 00:09:43 I think it's by accident. Yeah. i think when people uh start to recognize that that's just part of your personality that's part of who you are then i think they start to appreciate it right and they start to get into it and they start to hear some of the catchphrases that you got and then they're at that point they're kind of waiting for them right yeah i mean when people meet me out and they come up they they're always like timid and they always have to check their phone they're like are you robert frank because like you're not in a bandana you're not screaming at me like who are you yeah and even when we go to expos and
Starting point is 00:10:13 personal appearances people like they're so surprised that i'm not like in their face yelling at them because that's not if i was that guy all the time i'd be fucking dead i'd have a heart attack you know what i mean so you got to find that happy medium you'd be too fired up right exactly you're pretty uh opinionated what would you do do you own a gym no i do not own a gym what would you do if you owned your own gym what would it what would that look like walk us through that walk us through the front doors of uh robert frank's well freak show the name of the gym would be the glorious house of gains and it would be red and black themed and it would have nothing but upper body equipment. And, um, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:56 What if somebody was caught trying to perform some sort of lower body activity on the upper body stuff? Oh boy. Um, get kicked out of the gym you first get a warning don't do that shit around me and then uh it's tough when you get a little top heavy though you know if you if you build up the upper body so big then you're just walking around those stilts i know all about it man you've been uh you've been living that life i've been i've been living the gimmick man it's like robert frank's gimmick is don't train no fucking legs don't do any of that shit and so i i make all that come true i saw
Starting point is 00:11:32 because if i start training legs somewhere and then people are like oh people take pictures now camera phones cell phones are like this motherfucker really trains legs social media there's fucking paparazzi yeah fuck social media man damn you don't know who's gonna catch you right exactly you started your instagram really early like uh your instagram seems like it dates back oh yeah 2013 i want to say is when we first started making the late 2013 almost 2014 yeah is there a desire to be known is there a desire to kind of leave some sort of mark behind other than just uh you know having fun with it and getting people excited about training? Is there something, something a little deeper there? You're trying to share some sort of message or.
Starting point is 00:12:13 It's again, I'll, I'll say it again. It all boils down to confidence. I want people to have like that guy that I just, I can't put it into words but i just every video needs you need to know that no matter who you are whether you're 110 pounds whether you're 210 pounds whether you're black white whatever you are going to the gym is going to give you confidence and everybody needs to do it and where does that come from did Did you lack confidence as a kid? Yeah, because I was a skinny fuck growing up. I was a buck 20. When I first started working out, I was 126 pounds. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:12:53 I'm 131 today, so I put on four pounds in 20 years. How old were you when you weighed 126 pounds? I've never met anybody that light. I was probably 21, 22 years old. Wow. Yeah. You were skinny. I was skinny as, 22 years old. Wow. Yeah. Shit. You were skinny.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I was skinny as fuck, bro. And were you attracted to training at that age, but just didn't get into it because you were too maybe intimidated by it, or you just weren't exposed to it quite yet? Yeah. I really didn't know. I mean, I started, I don't even really remember the reason why I started going to the gym other than, uh, there was this, I mean, this is a very boring story, so I'll keep it as short as possible. There was a supervisor at my job who was fucking jacked out of his mind. And here I am, 126 pound kid, uh, 120, I think I said that right. 126 pound kid.
Starting point is 00:13:41 And he was probably six foot two, about 260 pounds. And he wanted to take me under his wing. He was like, you're, you, you're going to blow away in the wind, man. So he took me under his wing and we trained together for about three months. And then I kind of went off on my own and never looked back. So. Yeah. That's how you got started. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. You know, I think like when I'm watching the videos, you're super passionate and fired up about it how long has it taken you to make a video like this because it seems like a quite a bit of work's going into it um you're talking about like the car videos yeah even though like some of the videos are only like a minute long yeah well i try to keep them i i i speed them up a little bit for
Starting point is 00:14:19 instagram just so they'll fit that minute but um no, the videos take me maybe five, 10 minutes to make. You've gotten used to it. Yeah, yeah. Have you ever thought about getting into pro wrestling? You said you're a fan. I've thought about it, and I've been contacted by every single wrestling promotion that there is known to man that's out there right now,
Starting point is 00:14:41 independent, federation, overseas, whoever, except WWE, that want to bring me in for something or other. man that's out there right now independent federation overseas whoever except wwe um that want to bring me in for something or other right they want me to come in and pump up the crowd before the event or something like that but i just don't know how i would do live um that's my only thing but i'll eventually i'll get over that and i'm going to take someone up on their offer and i'm going to stand in the middle of the ring and scream at people yeah it would be it would be good to try i think uh the only thing is that i'll tell you is that they're gonna they're gonna try to tell you that you don't have to do anything and you will have to do something like they're because you can't go in and yell and scream and then not you know
Starting point is 00:15:16 not back it up unless you're just uh amping the crowd up or something but they'll right they'll try to make it seem like it's gonna want me to take a chair shot or something like that or give a chair shot which yeah i mean which means that exactly. Or give a chair shot, which, yeah. Which means that you're going to end up getting one at some point. Exactly. It means something's going to happen to you. What's your favorite wrestler of all time? That is a really good question.
Starting point is 00:15:37 There's some good ones out there. Yeah. I would say probably when I was a kid, the wrestler that I was the most afraid of, who still sticks out to this day, is Bruiser Brody. Oh, my God. Bruiser Brody was. I think that's way back.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Yeah. I mean, and even the early Macho Man. I'm not talking about the Macho Man that was in WWF, Macho King, and the NWO Macho Man. I'm talking about the Macho Man before he even got to WWF. Like the old school Mid-South. Oh, scary motherfucker. What was he on? I don't know. I need some of that shit yeah i've heard he's like notorious for drinking just pots of coffee oh just just and
Starting point is 00:16:12 i'm sure a lot of other things but yeah that he was like notorious for that yeah bruiser brody um he ended up like getting stabbed in a locker room or something crazy right jose gonzalez yeah in puerto rico uh god probably early mid 80s something like that um i just remember him dude with the furry boots and the long hair and fucking it's like yeah it was a scary motherfucker when you're a little kid man he was a savage and he was always in character he's always doing that husk husk screaming and like doing some weird shit with his hand i don't even know what he was doing but there's a lot of those wrestlers from back in the day were scary. There was Abdul the Butcher who had battle after battle.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Big feuds with Brody, yeah, for sure. And Abdul the Butcher was fat, and he had all those big fucking things dug out of his head because he would bleed so much. He had the fork. He would pull the fork out and start stabbing people in the head with it. Yep, I remember that. Did you get a chance to see Ric Flair's documentary?
Starting point is 00:17:03 I did not but i'm and i'm ashamed to say that because i'm a big rick flair thing yeah it was it was really cool yeah i'm the ultimate warrior fan or um when the ultimate warrior got big that's kind of when i fell out of wrestling for a while and i didn't get back into it until like the nwo thing right like a buddy of mine was like yo you gotta start watching wrestling again there's like some fucked up shit going on wrestling it keeps going in waves you know yeah it at at this stage right now it's back to kind of somewhat of being you know pg-ish pg-13-ish oh for sure and uh when we were kids when hogan got popular and some of those things started to happen um that's when you saw it kind of go pg again
Starting point is 00:17:45 macho man and ultimate warrior and everybody kind of like fell in line you know and then there was the attitude error and then there was once that happened then there was the wcw split up and yeah you know then it was the two two different promotions going on at different times you have uh you have your own supplement company i do not have my own supplement company but i work with steel supplements and jason so jason's a big fan by the way yeah yeah that guy's huge yeah yeah jason yeah jesus christ definitely a household name and body i don't want to take a picture of that guy that guy's got huge arms yeah well i don't want to take a picture next to you man so that's why that's why i'm wearing a hoodie today i appreciate i tried to keep it baggy you know no i i see what's going
Starting point is 00:18:23 on the war on carbs man I see what's happening here. It's an all out assault, man. Yeah. You got to watch out for those sneaky bastards. I see that. Well, thank you. Maybe we can both end up in the car later. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Maybe we can both end up in the car sweaty later. You never know. What was up with you getting held up at customs? What happened there? What was up with you getting held up at customs? What happened there? Well, do you want the real story behind that, or do you want me to make something up? Too many boner pills?
Starting point is 00:18:56 Yeah. No, it was actually a well-thought-out ad by Steel Supplements, and we were supposed to let this. I thought it was real. A lot of people did. A lot of people did a lot of people sniffed it out i would say probably 80 20 80 thought it was real 20 sniffed it out like oh this is bullshit how is he getting the surveillance tape the day that he got a red like
Starting point is 00:19:16 all that shit yeah did you make up a reason why you got the surveillance tape like did you well the director of the the director of the film told me that he made up some bullshit that when you're a public figure and you make your money on social media your lawyer can subpoena the film and because that's your livelihood and whatever but it was you know obviously all bullshit but uh no we really we got the internet going and it was it was pretty cool and i had no i but for the record i had no idea that there was going to be a black dildo in that book bag. They told me to stay in character. They said, whatever comes out of this book bag, whatever he says, whatever he does, stay in character like you're scared to death.
Starting point is 00:19:56 And then that black dildo smacked on the table. And he was like, Robert, what the fuck is this? And I'm like, black dildo, sir. And I broke and you broke character yeah he's horrible he just fucking died right there i did i couldn't i couldn't hold it anymore um you know you're you're you're going around now and uh just getting out there a little bit more you're coming here to super training and i think you're also going down to bradley martin's gym right yep yep we're going to Bradley Martin on Friday.
Starting point is 00:20:25 We got a couple other stops that we're making in LA. We're just trying. Yeah. We're going to make the most of this trip. You got a skit planned out with that guy? Because he's always got something up his sleeve. Not really, but I have something in mind. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:39 So, yeah. But I'll save that for that day. We'll see if he wants to do it or not. But I think it'll be fun. He's got a pretty awesome gym. Tell me about some of the gyms that you grew up training in because, like, the East Coast just has a different vibe. You know, like, when I first started training, I trained in a, just a dingy, just disgusting, like, I would say, Rocky III looking type gym. You know, just fucking smelled, know and uh vip health and
Starting point is 00:21:06 fitness a lot of a lot of just steel and just you know there wasn't a lot of machines there was definitely no cardio equipment right to be found anywhere and it was uh dudes working out in uh work boots and jeans and coming in from the cold and squatting 600 pounds and deadlifting and shit your environment similar yeah uh definitely the first gym that i ever joined um other than getting like a summer membership when i was like a really little kid uh at like a lifestyle fitness or something um was a gym in new jersey central jersey north brunswick uh still there to this still there today um under a different name and it was your stereotypical hardcore gym like your spit on the floor needles in the toilet like just all kind of yeah yeah exactly um dirty uh but it
Starting point is 00:21:58 was a place that you trained and you learned and there was actually a sign above the scale that says if you're not 200 pounds keep your shirt on like you could not wear a tank tie they didn't care how ripped you were they didn't care how diced you were you could have been 185 pounds sliced if you had a tank top on they'd put you on a scale and these big motherfuckers that were like three we're talking about days of like the yeah um marcus rule when he ruled the world like these were big motherfuckers that were like three we're talking about days of like the yeah um marcus rule when he ruled the world like these were big motherfuckers giants yeah yeah yeah don't don't wear a tank top so i mean obviously back then i was like 150 pounds so i had like three hoodies on and shit so do you follow bodybuilding a lot uh not as much as i did i used to uh i used to buy all the
Starting point is 00:22:42 the magazines and shit like that at the deli or the Krauser's. Right, right. But no, not any. I don't follow it really anymore. I saw the garbage bag video. You have a video where you're talking about losing weight and you're like wearing a garbage bag for your training or something. It's old. Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:57 It's old. But what are like an old school archaic method to lose weight? Yeah. school archaic method to lose weight yeah i mean you sweat like a motherfucker but i always felt like i was gonna pass out because i feel like all the water was just drained from my body and like sitting around my midsection i would take that thing off and literally pools of water would come out but i don't know how healthy that was uh you know supplements have come a long way over the years like uh when i was, uh, you know, just kind of getting my feet wet with training,
Starting point is 00:23:26 there was all the EAS stuff. There was met metrics in the beginning. Sure. There's fucking steel bars, which is steel bar had, I think like 60 grams of sugar in it. Tiger's milk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Oh my God. Yeah. I remember all that shit. There was a phosphagen and phosphagems and creatine came out for the first time. And there was just all kinds of weird stuff. Have you tried like just about everything under the sun? For sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Everything that you could think of, especially when you're first starting out and you're 126 pounds and you hear the guy at GNC or wherever like, oh, you got to take this. You got to take this. And you're spending all this fucking money. When I used to go to GNC in Poughkeepsie new york in the mall my brother would always warn me he's like the guy that my brother always thought everybody was a scumbag because it takes one to know one you know okay and so my brother he would say you say hey the guy that works the counter there he's a fucking
Starting point is 00:24:19 scumbag he's gonna try to rip you off he's gonna try to sell you something he's like i don't know what the guy's doing over there but he's always doing some weird shit you know and so i go in my brother gives me instructions on what to get okay and my brother always seemed crazy but he was always right you know so i went in there the guy seemed really nice i was like oh my brother's full of shit he's an idiot you know and i'm buying this stuff and the guy goes hey you know what he's like i don't know if you got the extra cash for it, but I got some stuff in the back. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:24:49 That's really. That's really. We got the shit in the back. Yeah, yeah. He's like, I got some shit in the back that I'm going to go get. I'll just show it to you, and then you can decide. Comes out with Twin Lab Amino Fuel. Twin Lab Amino Fuel.
Starting point is 00:25:02 He's like, we got to keep this in the back. We can't have it up front here he's like i had to you know how to get it out of the back again with the key i remember i remember that yeah and a lot of the places had the glass cases that you couldn't even touch the shit until you had three employees standing there yeah i didn't buy it because i didn't want to get my ass beat by my brother but it's probably a good thing you didn't but yeah there's i mean you know it's it's evolved so much and then now you know now there's tons of pre-workout you mentioned you you take a lot of pre-workout get yourself fired up for sure drinking coffee and shit and monster energy
Starting point is 00:25:31 drinks oh yeah yeah i'm stimulants uh that's how i run man so that's how you do it that's how i do it that's how i stay awake yeah um you train with these guys you train with your buddies that you brought in today yeah we have a good crew man um not only training buddies but they're like a part of the team i mean we do everything together in terms of uh training together coming up with video ideas together travel together we're like we're like a traveling circus man so you guys train at different gyms and stuff well we all train at uh one of the Retro Fitness which is big on the east coast um and once you're a member of One Retro you can go to any of them and we all live like probably within 30 minutes of each other so we take turns
Starting point is 00:26:15 going to each other's gyms you guys go to tanning beds together um not at the same time Jimmy has actually asked me to go tanning with him in the same bed, but I turned him down. Hey, you got to have some sort of line, right? You can't cross that line. Yeah. I know like, you know, I'm from New York, but when I, you know, lived in Ohio and stuff for a while when I was older, I kind of recognized, I was like, why the fuck is everybody here so tan? You know, and people on the East coast a lot of times are more tan than a lot of people on the west coast especially people that train fake and bake baby because
Starting point is 00:26:48 they fucking hit up the old the old tanning bed right exactly you do anything in particular with your diet um it all depends on like what i'm trying to get ready for but as of the war on carbs man yeah i try mond, at least Monday through Friday, try to really limit the carbs. Saturday and Sunday, I kind of fall off. I'm not going to, I'm not going to lie, but I'm doing really well midweek and it's just high protein, moderate fats and carbs. I try to keep, you know, just like vegetables
Starting point is 00:27:20 and stuff like that, a little bit that you get from that. Sounds like you're on a little bit of the John Cena plan because John Cena, who's standing right here, by the way. Yeah, buddy. Um, John Cena,
Starting point is 00:27:29 uh, goes, goes low carb and then his only carbs are alcohol. Wow. I know. Okay. Shit. I'm down with that.
Starting point is 00:27:37 But see the common denominator here, here is that he's East coast too. Right. So that's, that's what's going on. That's what's up. Yeah. John Cena. I just, I watched him on Monday night. Guys, here is that he's east coast too right so that's that's what's going on that's right yeah john cena i just i watched him on monday night guys how old is john cena john cena is 40 years old
Starting point is 00:27:52 40 even okay probably yeah yeah right around 40 i thought he might have been a little bit older he's a little bit younger he's a little bit taller he's more jacked the whole thing his fucking you know what i mean like what are you gonna do yeah i i don't know some people just fucking they just have it all who knows what he's he's still got it man who knows why i saw a couple videos where he was lifting those uh those fake crossfit plates though yeah yeah he's not afraid of him oh okay he's not he's he's not afraid to get out angled either i'm definitely afraid of that are you going to the arnold this year uh we want to stop by on one of the days i believe uh saturday we're just gonna take a ride
Starting point is 00:28:32 it's about eight hours from us so we're gonna take a bro trip yeah load up the bros and a truck and just head down and walk around for a couple hours and then head back but but we're not gonna, you know, go all three days. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's, it's, uh, it's a lot of fun, you know, but, uh, it is a lot of where a lot of, you know, you meet a lot of people and I'm sure with you in particular, they probably want you to do a specific speech. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Well, I mean, we weren't going to do a booth or anything like that, but that was my biggest fear is once one person recognizes that I'm there, everybody's gonna say this you know hey on the phone swole's the goal size of the price and all that stuff which i don't mind doing um but you know after you do it over and over again you're just trying to chill with the bros and walk around and like this is my opportunity to meet people you know that i've never met before go i'll fucking stand online to meet mark Bell for 45 minutes you know what I mean but um yeah so we're we're it's still up in the air but it's it looks like we're gonna make the trip who are some of the people in the fitness industry that you look up to
Starting point is 00:29:33 um that's a good question you're putting me on the spot here um you don't have to name everybody well Mark Bell um definitely number one um right now you know who it is it's the people who uh the late rich piano um i'm not going to mention jason hubb because then that would just be favoritism because he's like my boss but um like your rich piano name him because he's jacked right um so you knew fletcher you knew Rich? C.T. Fletcher. You knew Rich really well? I did not know Rich, no. But the reason why they're important to me is because they're people who I feel like put
Starting point is 00:30:12 social media personalities like on the map. Yeah. Like C.T. Fletcher, your Rich Pianas, your people like Simeon Panda. That's what I admired about your videos. I'm like, this guy, you know, you're just all in. You know, I'm like, he doesn't mind just, you know, you're rhyming and fucking around and you do have a message and you are, you know, yelling and you are fired up. But it's very clear that you're not, you know, you're not, you're just free.
Starting point is 00:30:41 You're not, you're not worried about being like judged. Right, right, right. And you're having you're just free you're not oh you're not worried about being like judged you know right right right yeah you're having fun with it i think once people realize that once people say say to themselves okay guy's just like letting down his guard he's just fucking going for it it's it's like if somebody dances really poorly you know and you're like don't give a fuck they don't care and then you laugh and you're like that's fucking cool like that's fun like exactly the secret is and i've said this in plenty of interviews in the past i never expected that And then you laugh and you're like, that's fucking cool. Like, that's fun. Exactly. Puts you in a better mood. The secret is, and I've said this in plenty of interviews in the past, I never expected that guy to be like motivating and help people.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I wanted him to be like hated, like, because who else is going to sit there shirtless in a car screaming about shit with a bandana on? Like, this is 1980. I wanted him to be like someone that was hated but it just it was the exact opposite so you gotta be careful that the comments don't steer you too far away because you you created the persona your own and then people people took the persona and they made it into an interpretation for themselves they judged where it goes you if you ping pong around and you listen to the comments and you allow that to affect you,
Starting point is 00:31:49 your trajectory might go in a different direction. Right. You know what I mean? So it's like, on one hand, you want to take what they're saying into consideration. On the other hand, you want to be like, fuck that. I'm going to do it my way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:59 And it's really come, where we really get the most influence and the feedback is from the DMs that we get. People will leave anything in the comment. People slide in. Slide in a DM and they want the sausage. But what people will leave in the comment section is more so they get noticed by other people that are commenting. But the people that will leave you a DM and say that you're changing their life or I'm in the gym because of you or I've got this going on in my life, but I watch your videos and they pump me up.
Starting point is 00:32:30 They motivate me. That's like a private thing. And that's what fuels me and keeps me motivated to keep doing these kind of videos. You can't spell DM without the. I don't know. D. Without the D. You are correct. That's right. One way or another, they're going to get't know. D. Without the D. You are correct.
Starting point is 00:32:45 That's right. One way or another, they're going to get the D. Yes. And by the way, motherfucker, stop sending me dick pics, man. I don't want to see them anymore. Oh, now you're going to get 10 times more. No. That's great.
Starting point is 00:32:57 You know, people are just like Googling. I had to turn off my Snapchat notifications because I get just random dicks. I'm like, dude, I don't want to see your dick. Any of them impressive at least? No. Oh, that's even worse. At least work on the angle or fluff yourself up or something. Exactly, exactly.
Starting point is 00:33:11 There's got to be something you can do. Yes. Have any messages been real personal, like where somebody's had something kind of tragic happen and some of your videos have helped type of deal? Yeah, we get people, uh, any, everything. I mean, people like suicidal thoughts. We get messages like my videos have helped. Like someone told me one time and correct me if I'm wrong, that they like had like a knife to their throat or something. And my video was the one that stopped them from doing that.
Starting point is 00:33:40 So, um, but we, we get so many, it's overwhelming. Um, but for for sure for sure definitely we get a lot of uh you read a lot of the comments that pop up like on the youtube videos and on instagram um not as much as i should um i try to i try to go through them and sift through them and and see what people are saying but it's just it's so the, the videos that I get, they're in the thousands of comments. So if you're posting on all three platforms, your YouTube, your Facebook, yeah. People start having conversations. Right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Um, are, do you, uh, tend to kind of, you know, notice, uh, the negative ones, you know, that, that seems to be a, like, do you get negative comments? Well, the way that I have my YouTube structure set up, and I don't know if you have this as well, but I have like the YouTube manager app where you could see the comments that come through, but you can only see the top three. And sometimes I'll check up on it just to see what's going on YouTube. And if I catch one, that's good. I'll screenshot it. And then I do these every couple months i'll do these hater dance videos where i feature the dickhead comments that people leave
Starting point is 00:34:50 me and i just dance in my kitchen to all the shitty things that people people want me to die people want me to just it's horrible the things that people say about me man so i just what are they so upset about don't know man, man. They just, you know, like, why are you alive type shit? Are you, uh, when you train in the gym,
Starting point is 00:35:11 are you pretty serious? Are you headphones on kind of mad dog and everybody, or are you having fun? Um, when I'm by myself, definitely with the headphones, but obviously when you're training with the bros, you,
Starting point is 00:35:19 you know, it's kind of kicking it. Yeah. You kind of kick it. And we're, we're always, we're always good for like the first 30 minutes where we're serious and intense,
Starting point is 00:35:26 but then conversation takes over. And then shit just goes haywire. Once you get the pump. Exactly, yeah. Once the pump is there, man, it's achieved, then you just go home. What about CT Fletcher? Love him.
Starting point is 00:35:38 He's amazing. Motivating as fuck. Have you had a chance to meet him? Absolutely. Me and actually CT Fletcher, the first time I met him was in London. And we were at the FitCon UK and our booths were right next to meet him. Absolutely. Me and, uh, actually CT for the first time I met him was in London and we were at the fit con UK and our booths were right next to each other. So we, uh, we spent some time together there and, uh, yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Awesome dude. Awesome. Yeah. He's, he's, uh, he's one of my favorites too. And hopefully he's able to, uh, you know, get past this next. Of course. You know, he's got to get a heart transplant or something fucking crazy like that. But he just goes to show that,
Starting point is 00:36:08 I mean, he really didn't get popular. And until like his forties. Yeah. And all the videos, he's like, Hey, I'm CT Fletcher.
Starting point is 00:36:16 I'm going to show you how to bench and no one cared. Yeah, exactly. But then he starts screaming at his biceps. I command you to grow motherfucker at like 45 years old. However old he was. People were like, this guy's a legend. I can't believe I never heard of him he told me he's like i made a fortune out of
Starting point is 00:36:28 saying the word fuck a whole fuck series it is true and now he has like fuck friday or whatever i love it i love he's got like 20 off his shirt or something like that yeah i mean he's pointing at the camera it's fuck friday motherfucker 20 off all my shit that says fuck on it and like every shirt has fuck on it i think people would would be surprised to know if you've ever, or they'd be surprised to understand that you've never been kicked out of a gym. Have you ever been kicked out of a gym? I've been asked to leave a Planet Fitness before. Oh, there we go.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Planet Fitness, the old lunk alarm. Yeah, the lunk alarm got me. What was it, the bandana? No, I didn't have the bandana on then um this was back when instagram my instagram started to gain followers we'd say i did this thing where once we hit 10 000 followers on instagram i said i would go to planet fitness and try to get kicked out and it worked so we hit 10 000 we drove to a planet just use some chalk no i just i grabbed the heaviest dumbbells that they had which were like 45s by the way a lot of noise and i just
Starting point is 00:37:31 started screaming gains at the top of my lungs and then the lunk alarm went off and then it went off and then we i played it off i was like no we're gonna be good we're gonna be good the kid was okay and then i started screaming again and he was like dude you gotta leave so we grabbed the tootsie roll on the way out and and bounced that's great they have tootsie rolls over there yeah right at the front desk bro smoky we gotta get over there we gotta we gotta check that gym out what's next for you what do you got coming up oh we have so much uh going on right we we have our hands like in everything right now. Obviously, to keep what we're doing with the videos, obviously, because that's where I have the most fun. We just filmed for a TV pilot in September. So we're just waiting to hear the feedback from that.
Starting point is 00:38:16 So many things. I can't even. I mean, obviously, I have my own merch line and everything like that. I don't want to do a shameless plug right now. Oh, I don't care if you do. It's no matter to me. You can get all your Robert Frank 615 merch at Might as well plug it.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I did that when I was on, I was fortunate enough to be on Joe Rogan and he was like, plug something. And I didn't the first time. And the second time when he said it, I was like, bet your ass I'm going to do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Let me plug some shit, man. Yeah. I think people don't mind. I mean, you're giving up your time. Right. Right. You know, how long have think people don't mind. I mean, you're giving up your time. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:38:45 You know? How long have you been training for? Like I said, since early 20s. Serious, like, you know, seriously going to the gym and not taking, you know, breaks other than being sick for a weekend or something like that. So you were like 100 and, you said 140 pounds, 120 pounds. Buck 26 was the first day on the scale, yeah. How were you able to to like a lot of people that are listening to this that are thinner they want to gain weight they want to get bigger
Starting point is 00:39:09 um other than taking tons of trend yeah right trend baloney sandwiches right yeah um trend baloney sandwiches trend baloney sandwiches yeah they're good as fuck um be like a drive-through business um it's i mean it took me forever because obviously the name of this podcast by the way trend baloney sandwiches tremble this this podcast was brought to you by tremble only sandwiches see um no it it took me a very long time to gain weight because i don't have the normal like uh split that people do like i train a lot differently and you're really not going to grow that much just training chest and arms every day you know what i mean so smoky you writing this down yeah it's uh chest and arms every day chest and arms
Starting point is 00:39:59 every day man yeah it's an upper body rick roots that you're a wrestling fan rick roots said back in the day steve austin asked him how come you don't train legs he goes it's an upper body rick rude say you're a wrestling fan rick rude said back in the day steve austin asked him how come you don't train legs he goes it's an upper body business nobody gives a fuck about legs man i've heard i've heard you say that before yeah upper body it kind of is kind of is an upper body business i mean just think about it picture picture you're out at the bar picture you're not married i'm engaged i'm engaged i have a fiancee so but just picture the normal dude so you can only have a few side chicks. Exactly, like four. She's not listening to this, is she? I hope not, right?
Starting point is 00:40:32 You're at the bar. You got a sick pump. The bar's crowded. What are the girls going to see? They're going to see you from the waist up. That's right. And by the time you get them home, they ain't going to give a fuck about your legs anyway.
Starting point is 00:40:42 You're in there like swimwear. They just care about the biceps and the pecscs bicep peaks get the freaks in the sheets baby damn he's got he's he's got he's got all the rhymes going uh have you ever been injured training uh yes uh actually i just found out about an injury that i had not too long ago i have a um torn rotator cuff and torn biceps tendon in my right shoulder bicep yeah and i've been training with it since 2014 and just altering how i work out yeah it just it sucks you have to give this guy a slingshot or two yeah i mean i've i've yeah maybe What's your favorite food?
Starting point is 00:41:26 Favorite steak. Favorite TV show. Why am I drawing a blank here? Walking Dead. Oh yeah, I like Walking Dead. Walking Dead. Before Walking Dead was Jersey Shore, but yeah, Walking Dead. Yeah, Walking Dead, you know, I've been following along since the first season and it kind of just seems like it's i don't know it's sometimes these shows it seems like they're just uh making up shit as they go along you know i'm sure they are i'm sure they literally well it
Starting point is 00:41:54 supposedly follows the comics loosely so they but you know obviously they got to switch it up but it kind of drags on and you're like you know some episodes are fucking terrible you could always bank on the first episode of a season the last episode of the season like you're they always split it up in mid-season three good episodes you're gonna get you're gonna get three or four good episodes out of 16 so what about gotta find them what about movies uh movies movies movies um i really don't watch any new movies, but I'm a big Star Wars. You're just sitting there with 80s movies on all day long. Star Wars trilogy.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yeah, Lost Boys, Godfather, shit like that. What'd you think of the newest Star Wars? I was not a fan of the newest one that came out. I didn't watch the video, but I saw you put out a video about it. You were just pissed about it or yeah they pulled some shit that just didn't fly with you just didn't fly man there's some just some bullshit man no was not a fan of the new one it's it's hard to get used to the newer stuff you
Starting point is 00:42:56 know the older the older ones that's like ingrained in your head forever and they can't really change they can't really change too much on it because it fucks with you. Exactly, exactly. What are we doing? Seeing the people that you remember from when you were a little kid looking so young and healthy and now they just look old as fuck, man. I'm like, God damn, I'm old.
Starting point is 00:43:15 But yeah, no, I was not a fan of the new Star Wars, for sure. What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you in the gym? Aside from training with these guys. Aside from Joey playing on his phone all the time. Let's see. You gym aside from training with these guys um aside from joey playing on his phone all the time uh let's see you gotta yell at these guys a lot kind of sometimes um damn i can't think the last probably the most embarrassing thing if you want to talk about that i'm i was doing uh yeah embarrassing slash worse yeah embarrassing, embarrassing worse. Yeah, as I was doing, when I was first working out, doing tricep pushdown with a lat pull-down bar
Starting point is 00:43:50 on one of the pulleys where if you take the pin out, that lat pull-down bar is going to swing. And I pulled the pin out, and that bar cracked me in the head. And that was the hottest fucking chick with the biggest ass that was like staring at me as it happened. Or maybe you saw what you wanted to see after you were knocked out. No, no, no. I saw that ass.
Starting point is 00:44:11 It was big, man. It was coming for you. Yeah. There's a lot of big asses on Instagram. Yeah. They're everywhere. It's glorious. How do you hold down a fiance with all that going on?
Starting point is 00:44:20 Well, she's got a big ass too. Oh, there you go. We call her Miss Booty Jiggles. MBJ for short. Is she part of some of your stuff i think for sure yeah i think i've maybe seen her in uh some of the youtube videos yeah yeah no she um she's definitely part of the program um we kind of faded her out a little bit or is she training lower body uh well it's kind of a conflict chicks can chicks can do lower body because they got to work on the booty but um you know she's got like a real job now so she can't be what's that about yeah it's kind of a conflict. Chicks can do lower body because they got to work on the booty. But, you know, she's got like a real job now.
Starting point is 00:44:46 So she can't be. What's that about? Yeah, it's bullshit. We got to get her out of that. Have you ever had a real job? Yeah, I used to sell insurance, man, for five years. Well, I was a teamster. I worked for a union for 15 years and we all got laid off.
Starting point is 00:44:59 I managed a gym for like a year and a half. And then I sold insurance for five years. And now I just do like. Now you're Robert Frank frank i'm robert frank 24 7 that's great do you love doing that love it i love it do you uh just kind of do stuff whenever or do you are you real driven to like you know schedule stuff out or you just oh no we have yeah no they these guys keep me on track man we uh cool we have monthly meetings where we plan out skits and write out meetings yeah oh no we do yeah we do meetings man it's getting ratings and um no we write out for the next couple of weeks or months of where what we're gonna do skits what day we're gonna
Starting point is 00:45:36 release and a good thing with my channel is i don't post a lot i post maybe two times a week so it kind of you could stretch it out a little bit there's motherfuckers out there that post like every day i'm like i don't know how you guys keep coming up with this content but we're more about quality over quantity so i've seen you doing some uh you know some uh posts about donald trump and some things like that what would what would you do if you were president if you could checkmate donald trump and robert was in charge, will we have an inclined bench on every street? I would think so, yeah. Well, first of all, everybody would have to have a gym membership.
Starting point is 00:46:11 We ain't going to have no fat motherfuckers walking around. But no, yeah, if I was president, it would be mandatory that everyone be jacked tan juicy as fuck. And yeah, that's- Everyone's just got to train upper body. For sure. But, well, it's, wait, it's chest. Is it chest and back? No, chest is Monday through Thursday.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Biceps, triceps, Friday and Saturday. And if you're not too hungover or whatever on Sunday morning, you do some back and shoulders. I would say that triceps almost makes you too balanced even. I would just go chest and biceps. Chest and bicep. Okay. Just keep it all in front.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Well, we can't say that in front of Jimmy Triceps. He'll have a heart attack if we tell him. So you keep the triceps in there. Right. We keep them in there for him. It's more for him. Right. It's more for him.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Yes. You know, with all this pre-workout and coffee and caffeine and everything, there's some blowouts that happen sometimes you know your stomach gets rumbling you got any poop stories for us uh i don't have any poop stories oh man no to believe it or not and even back in the day when like your super pump 250 came out from who i've what is that gasparity that made that back in the day some people went online you'd read on the forums on like three, four minutes after I'm taking a shit. I never had that. Never bothered me.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Panda Express is a diuretic though, right? Yes. Oh, for sure. Yeah. Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:47:36 Panda Express will clean you out in a matter of minutes. All right. I think that's all the time we got. Where can people find you? You can find me on Robert Frank. I'm pretty easy to find everywhere. Robert Frank, 615 on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, my store. And then obviously I have the relationship with Steel Supplements and you can go to
Starting point is 00:47:57 Sounds good. Close us out, buddy. Well, this is Robert Frank, 615. and you're here with myself and Mark Bell, the two most jacked and tan motherfuckers on the goddamn internet. Sounds good to me. Catch you guys later. All right. Thank you. Yeah, that was fun. Thanks, bro.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Thank you very much.

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