Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 81 - Addressing The Haters

Episode Date: July 2, 2018

We're up early, finished our workout and decided to hit up a podcast. Mark Bell addresses the "Make America Great Again" hat from a recent Instagram post and all the hate from former members of ST and... all the comments that have come from working with Hany Rambod. Rewatch and comment on the live stream here: ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's going on, Fatso? Just got done with a great workout. I'm training with my boy, Ryan Spencer, and had a new person that's been joining in on some of the workouts, a man by the name of Andrew Zaragoza. Hey. He's been jumping in, and it's been awesome having you train with me, buddy. It's been fun.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Thanks, dude. Yeah, I appreciate the, you know, I kind of invited myself at first, but then you're like no do this do that and then have this much protein have it's just like yeah you know uh i feel like a like a cross-fitting workout you kind of like uh you gotta almost not i don't want to say cheat your way through it but you're like like fuck okay i just gotta go from a to b and whatever technique it takes to get there i I got to do it. And then with the power lifting type of routine or whatever, it's like, that's a lot of weight, don't die.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Right. With what we're doing right now, it's like we're focusing on, like, growing, you know, and a byproduct of that is like, yeah, I am getting stronger. Trying to grow them muscles. Yeah, so I've been loving it. Yeah, it's been fun. It's been a change of pace and the workouts are a lot faster. And I wanted to address a bunch of stuff today and I'm pretty fucking pissed off about a lot of things. Um, because I don't, I don't like disrespect.
Starting point is 00:01:15 It really bothers me. And I, I, it's annoying that people get away with it. Um, you know, I'm, I'm no tough guy. I'm not confrontational, but the way things used to be handled is a lot different than they're handled today. Um, used to get bitch slapped, you know, when you disrespected somebody and then you thought twice about ever doing it again, you know, and I got people making inflammatory comments. I got people saying shit. That's not true. Got people that have been fired, fired
Starting point is 00:01:46 from this company that have been fired by me, uh, that are saying they left because of certain reasons and this and that and stuff. And it's all bullshit. Anyone who's ever left this company, let me make something perfectly clear. Anyone that's ever left this company or has ever left this gym, it's for one reason. And it's because they can't hang. It's because they can't keep up with what we're doing. They no longer want to be involved with what we're doing because it's not convenient to them. And I'm sorry, but the way that it works is either you're in or you're in the way. And we've been saying that from day one. Nothing here has changed. I saw inflammatory comments on the YouTube channel when all we're trying to do is provide information and I don't mind taking bullets.
Starting point is 00:02:26 I really don't. It can actually fuel me at some times. And I don't mind someone saying, hey, you ain't got to build for bodybuilding. I actually enjoy that. That's actually, that's not even disrespectful. That's a comment and it's an observation. And maybe it's a true, maybe it's a, maybe you're right. Maybe I don't have a build for bodybuilding.
Starting point is 00:02:44 All that kind of stuff is fine. Hey, smelly, you know, the gap in your teeth looks dumb, or I don't like the way you wear your hat, or you got to shave your chest or, you know, all these things. You're too fat. You're, you're too, you're getting too thin. I liked it better when you were fat. Um, I liked it better when you were strong. Remember when you were strong, it was cool when you lifted all those weights and now you're doing these bodies. All those things are just observations. I don't mind taking some bullets, but I don't like when people are disrespectful, especially to my friends. And with no strings attached, unless there's some sort of thing that I don't know about that he's setting me up for, has offered to help me. And I really, I appreciate his help. It's not like he's got all the time in the world.
Starting point is 00:03:41 I mean, this guy helps some of the top bodybuilders in the world. He's worked with tremendous athletes over the years. And for him to even think that I'm even in a spot in my life to even step on a bodybuilding stage, that's exciting to me and it's thrilling to me. And I thought that a lot of people were gunning him down on YouTube without justification. And maybe like, maybe I'm unaware of some other YouTube videos he did, or maybe he scorned some people in the past. I don't know. I haven't really seen, I haven't seen that from him. All I can go from is my own experiences with him and they've been great. And he's helped me get in great shape. I mean, I would say already, I would say already in this very short period of time, I think I've lost about five pounds of fat, which is huge. You're able to lose five pounds of fat and hold on to all the muscle.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Uh, that's, that's an amazing thing. And that wouldn't happen. Uh, had I just been going on my normal plan and my normal diet, uh, and my normal lifting protocol, but we shared some information on YouTube. Hanny showed people, you know, what he wanted me to do. And, uh, there's a lot of side stuff that you guys don't know when some of these things are going on. Like I had an injury to my chest and so we couldn't really get after it. We couldn't really go all in on a bodybuilding workout. Otherwise we would have went all in on a full on bodybuilding workout. That's that would have included, uh, intensity, um, along with, uh, doing some of the, some of the movements, but we, uh, instead we had to kind of, he had to just show me, okay, you know, here's some, here's some exercises that I want you to use. And here's
Starting point is 00:05:11 kind of the tempo that I want you to use them at. And, you know, here's how you're going to do them. And then people were jumping in and like, that's bro science. No, it's this, not that. And it's like, what does that even mean? Bro science. People like Jay Cutler's just jacked and he's just on steroids. And same with Phil Heath. Well, of course they're on steroids. I mean, give me a break. Of course they're on steroids.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Of course they eat all day. Of course it's their profession. I mean, there's all these things you can point to. We already know that genetically these guys are gifted. I mean, Phil Heath is called the gift. And we met Phil Heath and we saw what he was about. And he's different right yeah but he also trained like an animal everybody that we've been in contact with has trained like a goddamn beast to the point where it's like embarrassing for us even for me and i've been at a high level in powerlifting for a long time yeah i always just
Starting point is 00:06:02 say oh they oherned you because Mike O'Hearn will go nuts and make you, you know, look like you've never even trained before. Yeah. Mike O'Hearn's a nut job,
Starting point is 00:06:11 right? Like, a lot of these guys are going hard and I think that at the very least, they deserve that amount of respect.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And when Hanny's showing me how to contract my pecs and how to bodybuild, I think that a lot of you guys need to shut your fucking face because you don't know what you're talking about. And he does, he's been around it for a long time. He's a skilled trainer.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Um, he makes his living that way. I know he also has Evogen, which is a supplement company. He does very well with that company as well. He makes really high quality products and stuff but in addition to that he's he's really made his name through coaching people and uh so it's just annoying i understand youtube's gonna have garbage comments i'm not a baby i'm not a pussy i i understand that you guys are gonna voice your opinions which which, which I'm, that's fine. Um, but this bro science stuff has got to stop because you guys think that, you know, science because, uh, Alan Aragon shared some shit or Omar Issa shared some study or whatever that that's all just fucking studies.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Studies aren't going to really show you, um, there there's, these guys are not using tons of research, uh, to get on a bodybuilding stage. Neither of the best power lifters in the world. And that goes for a lot of the guys that are, uh, drug tested and non-drug tested. Of course, there's science behind it. Of course, there's force production and, and there's, you know, there's a lot of different things that people are using to gain hypertrophy, to get stronger, to increase the frequency of their workouts. But really, it's empirical evidence of what has worked for other people in the past. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Just work really hard and work harder every time you go to the gym, have a good positive attitude and develop a ton of consistency. We just see that time and time again. Yeah. I think when people say, oh, that's bro science, that's just, you know, it's kind of the, it's the internet's way of saying, oh, there's a study for this. Like, you know, when you have an argument, oh, well, studies show, but it's like, you're kind of just pulling it out of your ass. But for this level, it's just like a way of discrediting somebody's, you know, theories or whatever. And I got to, I got to admit, I'm guilty of that sometimes.
Starting point is 00:08:25 you know theories or whatever and i gotta i gotta admit i'm guilty of that sometimes i'll say you know hey this stat shows like i i rattled one off yesterday that 70 of the children in certain states in the united states will be obese by like 2030 like who the hell knows how that stat came to be yeah yeah it's weird there's weird there's a lot of weird information out there but all what it's what does that actually tell you? It just tells you that we're getting fatter. So it does give you some information. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:51 It'd be cool if we can somehow make that a rule. If you're going to say a study says or statistics show, like you have to actually cite where it came from. Yeah. Where the fuck did it come from? Statistics show that we're going to be fatter, blah, blah, blah. But then it's like, where'd you get that YouTube comment? Yeah, who said that? Well, it's a good rule of thumb because there was this thing on nuts the other day,
Starting point is 00:09:11 on like macadamia nuts or cashews, can't even remember now. Just saying the positive effects of eating nuts. And it was from like the California Nut Company, you know, or not company, but association. They ran the study that makes sense of course they're gonna make a study that shows and that happens a lot happens a lot in all kinds of agriculture and farming they're gonna show you that eggs are good for your heart um there's there's tons tons and tons of situations like that but you know as i was mentioning too you know a lot of
Starting point is 00:09:46 these people that come on and a lot of people will come on the youtube channel and be like i liked it better when it was power lifting it's still about power lifting there's still power lifting videos uh marcus squatting 725 for a double if it didn't go up already is going up in a day or two there's a lot of power lifting stuff smoky uh doing a double or triple with 525 and a deadlift weighing 180 um you know there's there's a lot of stuff like that uh going up all the time and maybe it's not the same gym as uh when we lifted in geared power lifting and things like that but people don't do that anymore right the game has changed we have adapted and that's what we do if we're if we're going to grow we need to adapt to the things that and things like that, but people don't do that anymore. The game has changed and we have adapted.
Starting point is 00:10:26 And that's what we do. If we're going to grow, we need to adapt to the things that are going on around us. And we need to constantly change. You know, that's what Super Training Gym has been all about from day one. We have been videoing and documenting stuff since about 2006. Right about the time we started, we've been documenting stuff and we've been illustrating what it is we've been doing. And that's all we were doing here as I'm showing people like how I'm trying to get a pump. And then people were like, the pump is only for people on steroids. It's like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:11:00 Come on. What a weird comment. The pump, I mean, it works for everybody. Obviously, things are going to work better. Steroids enhance everything you do. We know all that. We know all these things. They make you stronger.
Starting point is 00:11:13 They make you bigger. We know a lot of these things. But anybody who knows anything about training knows that there's two major ways of trying to increase hypertrophy. One way is through just training heavy. That's one way to do it. that there's two major ways of trying to increase hypertrophy. One way is through just training heavy. That's one way to do it. More than one way to skin a cat, as we already know. And the second way is to just get some time under tension and to get some reps in there and have short rest intervals.
Starting point is 00:11:41 I was going to say, Smokey said when they're talking about skinning a cat, they're talking about removing hair from a certain area on a female. Oh. So that's what he said. That's what that's referring to. Oh. So I guess there is multiple ways to skin a cat. And what study is he citing? A documentary.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Yeah. His own documentary is not, yeah, his own, his own documentary. But, uh, anyway, you know, and also, uh, kudos to those of you that, uh, just said, Hey Mark, you know, good luck. Hope, hope it works out for you. I appreciate, appreciate the support. I appreciate the banter and appreciate the people that are fucking around too and making jokes. Um, cause that's all part of it too. And then that's not really what I'm talking about, but I just, you know, people come on there and they're like, he's short, he's dumb. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Why would you listen to this guy? Mark, you're smarter than this guy. You know, better than this guy. Maybe I do know
Starting point is 00:12:37 better than this guy in certain things, but maybe I don't, maybe I'm not a material expert when it comes to bodybuilding and maybe he is cause he's been around it a long time. And, uh, yeah, of course he got, uh, Jay Cutler later in his career.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Um, he has been with Phil Heath for a long time. Um, I don't think Hanny would, would say that he made those guys. Um, but when you talk to those guys, when we talked to those guys and we interviewed them,
Starting point is 00:13:02 they kept bringing them up. Yeah. We didn't even, we weren't asking anything about them. They went out of their way to bring them up. And how many times, we haven't seen that that many times before. No. With other people that we've gone to and we're like, oh yeah, so-and-so works with this guy. And then you go to that guy and the guy like doesn't care because the coach probably doesn't care that much or it's not that involved.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Or they just don't want to give anyone else credit. Yeah. That happens a lot too you know but with uh hanny he's doing a great job with a lot of different people and uh you know fuck all you guys yeah uh talking a lot of trash eli lips on the youtube comments um wants to know what's the biggest changes you've made since kind of pursuing this bodybuilding stuff um the the biggest change I would have to say, so I've already been adhering to a diet for a while. As you guys have been following along, I've been following the war on carbs and everything like that. So nutritionally,
Starting point is 00:13:55 I already kind of had my shit together, but I haven't had my shit together in this fashion. Um, you know, zero alcohol, zero cheats. Um, there literally hasn't been anything that has been off the diet. Um, one thing I did last night, that's like not necessarily exactly part of the plan, but it was just to get my macronutrients up was I had a protein shake with one scoop of slingshot protein and a little bit of MCT oil because I was short on my fats and my protein. And so that's how strict it is. Like that, that was, I was kind of like, oh, this is kind of, this is kind of questionable. Like, should I, should I be, should I even be doing this right now? And so the diet is really strict, but the major change
Starting point is 00:14:42 is training twice a day and getting that cardio training in. So this morning I had to really try to talk myself out of doing any cardio. And I still woke up early because I had to get my food in. Being consistent with the food, you know, in bodybuilding is not about being spectacular or great. It's about being consistent. And when you're consistent over a long period of time, then you end up being great. And so, uh, there's no tricks. There's no weird things going on. There's no weird adjustments to steroids or, um, there's no clenbuterol. There's no trend. There's no T3 and T4 and all these weird things that you hear about, uh, at least not on my level,
Starting point is 00:15:30 at least that's not been my experience so far. Um, if that does change, I'll, I'll make you guys aware of that as well. Um, just to be transparent, I have used T3 before I have, I have used clenbuterol before I've used all those kinds of things, but, um, that was meant, that was many, many years ago. And I don't mess with a lot of that kind of stuff because, uh, I just don't like to mess with stuff that, um, revs my metabolism up that much. It's a little, it's a little too much too, too involved for me. But the main thing has been the twice a day training and the cardio training. So going on that step mill, um, getting, you know, getting over to the gym, what motivates me is I get to the gym before the lights even get on. And before the guy gets all the lights on and before he gets like the bathrooms
Starting point is 00:16:09 unlocked and all that stuff, um, he pops the door open for me and I'm in there and I'm on, I'm on the step mill at, uh, you know, four 57 before the gyms officially open. I'm the first guy in there. And, uh, it's fun. It's cool. cool you know and i think it was maybe two days ago i went in there a little later um maybe the workout started later with spencer or maybe i didn't work out with him on that day and there was like probably like 30 people in there on the treadmill and i was in there like an hour later i was was like, I don't like this. I don't, I don't like that. There's other motherfuckers in here getting it.
Starting point is 00:16:48 You know, I don't like, I don't like that. And I, I am a person that believes like you got your own shit to get. And that, you know, um,
Starting point is 00:16:56 it kind of like in that less Brown speech. And we'll talk about that more in a minute, but, um, you know, less Brown, you know, for those that don't know as a motivational speaker.
Starting point is 00:17:04 And if you never listened to him on YouTube, you have i mean you absolutely it's an absolute must anybody that's looking for some personal development and some motivation uh you got to listen to les brown he's the man and we will have him on this podcast at some point because we just have to but that guy's a ball of fire and he basically says there's a lot of getting out there there's a lot of good out there and it has your name on it and it's meant for you like the it the universe is set up that way the world is set up that way and for the most part we're all born and you hear this time and time again you're like blah blah blah fuck i can't hear it again we we're all born or we all end up with however you want to look it, we'll end up with a skill set
Starting point is 00:17:47 of some sort. Something special happens in our lives at some point, somewhere there's turning points in people's lives. There's turning points that are very, very bad. And there's turning points that are very, very good. Sometimes those bad turning points turn into good turning points and sometimes vice versa, right? We see that happen often. But the point is, is that there's a lot of good to be gotten and you can get it if you put your work in for it. And you don't need to worry and be scared and be stalled and be paralyzed by your thoughts, by your weak minded thoughts. You know, I heard another quote the other day that I really like scare away the weak. And that's not like you scare away people that don't bench 500. That's not what it's talking about. It's like scare away, scare away the weak minded
Starting point is 00:18:35 thoughts that are in your own body. Scare, shake it out, shake out those scared thoughts. You don't need them. They're not positive. They're not helping you. Um, and whenever you think about those things, think about the opposite of that. What's, what's the opposite of not doing cardio? The opposite of not doing cardio is waking up at four, 4am and getting to the gym before the lights are even on. Right. And those are the kinds of things that can really build you. And so as I'm going through this journey, I'm just getting harder and harder and harder. Can I get a, Hey now, um, in my mindset. And I, I thought to begin with, I thought I had a pretty, pretty good mindset, but now it's like when somebody says, Hey, you know, let's get another rep.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I'm doing five more reps rather than one more rep because I have that inside me. Now it's getting burned into me. rather than one more rep because I have that inside me now it's getting burned into me. It's, uh, there's like positive talk going on within every single set that I do. And, uh, the cardiovascular training and I'm going to show, I can't wait to share this with other people and other coaches, because I don't think people even know about this, but when you, when you get on something like the stair master, the, the, the, the step mill stair master, not the one where you shuffle your feet back and forth, the one that actually has like a, like a treadmill of stairs, a treadmill of stairs on this. Yeah. An endless treadmill of stairs. When you get on that bitch, it, it burns
Starting point is 00:20:00 your legs right away, but it really does test your will. And it's kind of funny because it doesn't look that intimidating. You know, it's not, it's not the same as going to a track and doing, you know, 10, 400 meter sprints, right? I mean, it's, it's not that daunting of a thing. It doesn't look that way, but man, that thing will kick your ass. That thing can really build a lot of character. And what's happening to me, I'll get on there and I keep telling, I keep talking to myself about all these things that I deserve or earned, right? I'll get on there and I'm on there for five minutes. I'm like, okay,
Starting point is 00:20:33 cool. I'm gonna stay on there for another five and I'm gonna switch to the treadmill because yesterday I squatted the day before I benched. I've been going at it really hard. I've been strict on my diet. I deserve it. I'm going to switch over to something different. This, this is killing me. Like I don't have anything left. And there I go. Step by step by step by step. Five minutes goes by.
Starting point is 00:20:54 I'm like, okay, I'm gonna stand there five. The other five minutes goes by. I'm gonna stand there five. And I'm listening to, you know, a motivational video or I'm listening to, uh, something that helps with personal development or I'm, I'm listening to music and what I'll do on there, I will close my eyes. I'll close my eyes for five minutes at a time and just zone the fuck out, which is kind of hard. It's hard to keep track of your steps. My whole goal on there is to see like beads of sweat dripping from my body landing on all over this
Starting point is 00:21:27 fucking step mill so i have to clean it up every time i whenever i get off this machine that's the goal that's what i'm obsessed with that's what i'm into that's what i'm doing right now and the the reason why i think that's important is because it it will it will really build upon itself when you keep talking yourself out of it, when you keep telling yourself, I don't have anything left, you're something else in your body will kick in. You'll go, fuck. No, I got more left. So today when I was doing some deadlifts with the trap bar, we got like four 25 on there
Starting point is 00:21:59 and I wanted to go for like a set of 10. I did a set of 12. Um, the other day, uh, when I was doing some squats, kind of the same thing happened. You know, you're digging deep. I actually went so far on the squats that I missed a rep. And I haven't missed a rep on a squat. It was only 225 pounds, but I haven't missed a rep on a squat since it was 1,085. I haven't taken myself to that same limit in a long time.
Starting point is 00:22:25 And even though it was 225, uh, it was after I went heavy, it was short rest intervals and it was higher reps. And I just, I went until there was, you know, they say go to failure. Like that was, that was it. I failed. Yeah. I couldn't make it. I almost fucking died.
Starting point is 00:22:40 And something I want to share is a, is a quote that I heard and I wrote it on the board here at the gym. I just think this is so powerful. It says that luck is the last dying wish for those that believe winning can still happen by accident. I'm going to read that again because that's fucking crazy if you think about it. Luck is the last dying wish for those who believe that winning can still happen by accident. There's a lot of people out there that when you win, when you have victory or when you do something, they make every excuse in the book on why you did it. And it's like, man, you need to reflect inwardly and not throw stones outwardly.
Starting point is 00:23:24 You need to think about yourself more and not worry about what this guy is getting has nothing to do with you. Phil Heath winning his ninth, uh, Mr. Olympia contest or whatever it is that's coming up for him. You know, you can hope that he gets it or hope he doesn't get it. It doesn't really matter. It doesn't have shit to do with you. He's not taking away your spot.
Starting point is 00:23:45 He's not taking away. You're not part of that. You're not involved in that. Think about, think about yourself. When you look at, when you look at someone like that, when you look at Michael Hearn and you think, oh my God, like what a, what a great, uh, build, blah, blah, blah, whatever it is you thinking. I don't like that guy.
Starting point is 00:24:02 He's fake. There's no way he's, uh, there's no way he's clean. You're thinking all these negative thoughts. Why don't you think this way instead? Okay. All right, here we go. Michael Hearn wakes up at 4 AM. He's meticulous every single day with his training and with his nutrition. I bet that I could do a better job working on myself. I may not be able to be Michael Hearn. I may not be able to be a professional lifter. I may not be able to devote that many hours because maybe I go to church and maybe I have a family and maybe I have a nine to five job. But you don't say, oh, I, you know, if I did that, I'd look the same. Don't make those conclusions. Or if I looked like that, if I, if I had that life,
Starting point is 00:24:51 it'd be so much easier, so much easier for him. It's not easier for, it's not easier for him. It's not easier for somebody like me. It's fucking harder because we keep loading up our plate. Our plate has been getting more and more full. How different is your job since you started here, Andrew? It's insane. Yeah, like you almost laughed about it because you're like, what the fuck? Yeah. And has your skill set gotten worse?
Starting point is 00:25:18 No. It's gotten a million times better. Yeah. You're faster. You're more efficient. million times better yeah you're faster you're more efficient i mean it's safe to say that like on the uh the photography side because i've been uh i've been putting so much uh emphasis emphasis on the podcast yeah that like let's say i was progressing at a level like you know whatever 10 for a year now that i'm doing this it's you know probably closer to a five just because
Starting point is 00:25:42 you know i'm still progressing but it's not as fast as i was right just because i'm i know i got one one you know one one place i can be at at a time because you're working you're working on you're working on multiple you're working on multiple things so your mind can't like constantly think about photography correct but in general you know you you have taken on a lot more yeah Yeah. Your skillset has risen. Um, but then look at what's happening in the gym. You're taking on more in the gym. Yeah. So things like, um, you know, you just bought, you just bought a new car, which congratulations.
Starting point is 00:26:16 It's awesome. Like that makes me feel amazing when I see employees, that's like the third or fourth time that's happened here. And, uh, you know, fuck everybody else that's ever been with the company. company that's got negative shit to say because there's a lot of people flourishing in this company it's the people that get their shit done like i said earlier you're either in or you're in the way um chris lewis who used to work out here at super training gym fuck that guy fuck him and his whole family i saw his wife uh make a derogatory post at me and i saw him make a derogatory post at me because i posted him make a derogatory post at me because I posted a silly picture wearing a Donald Trump hat. Fuck all those people. People want to
Starting point is 00:26:51 just, they want to immediately find something to hate and they want to latch onto it and they want to grab onto it and they want to try to drag you down. I took that picture by my pool. I was fucking around and I am a Donald Trump supporter. I'm not going to hide behind that because, and then, you know, another thing that pissed me off too, is people like, you're not even political. You're not a political person. Why would you post that? Hey, I'm as political as the next guy.
Starting point is 00:27:17 And I'll tell you what, I pay the government a lot more money than the average person does. I probably pay the government a lot more money than the average of 10 people combined. I'm as political as the next person. I vote every year. Now, one thing that I wish that I did that I need to do is I do wish that I got involved in local government. I do wish that I took the time to get involved in things that are happening locally because I think that can make a big impact.
Starting point is 00:27:43 That's been advised to me by my sister-in-law. That's been advised to me by Ryan Spencer. And that is something that I need to do. I need to suck it up and I need to take time. But man, people are a bunch of fucking bitches. The second that they can, you know, throw fire on top of your flames, they're going to. People don't give a fuck about each other. They really don't.
Starting point is 00:28:06 They think they do, but they don't. If you saw a burning car on the side of the road with people standing by it, you probably wouldn't even fucking stop because you got somewhere else to go. That's the society that we're in today. And I make this post, you're scrolling through and you just wanna get all pissy.
Starting point is 00:28:26 The post wasn't even about the Donald Trump hat or anything like that. It was just, I was by my pool. I was oiled up. And so I've actually, um, and I I'm not afraid to be totally transparent on everything. I don't even post on my own social media. I got rid of social media. It was, it was costing me too much. And, uh, I don't, I threw it over to, uh, the person that does post it and they posted it. And, uh, that's that, you know, and then, and it causes a stir, but Chris Lewis is somebody that used to train in this gym. He used to train at super training gym. And, uh, he had no problem with me before when he trained at my free gym, but because I make a post like this, he's like, I'm going to buy Titan. Well, good. Fuck you. Go ahead. Go buy some fucking gear from Titan.
Starting point is 00:29:10 You have no idea of their antics. You have no idea of the, of the way they are. At least my life is out in front of people. And at least I share myself with other people. And at least I put out 3000 videos on how to power lift over the last 10 years, my free gym, my free seminars. I've given so much to power lifting. And this is the motherfucking thanks I get for some of this shit. It's unbelievable how quickly some people forget. And this is not me being a fucking baby. This is me just being real. This frustrated me. This took, this took a time out of my fucking day. You know, my wife was really stressed about it. She's like, Oh my God, what's going on? I don't really care that much because I just think, look, man, the bottom line is the way that this country works.
Starting point is 00:29:59 When you go to vote, there's two people to vote for. I had a choice. You had a choice. Uh, I made my choice. I made my decision. Um, and the person that got the majority votes, and I understand it's a little bit more complicated than just that, that person won. So I'm not alone. I'm not like the only guy that voted for him. Um, and I, I do admire Donald Trump. I do stand behind Donald Trump. Is he racist? Is he sexist? Yeah, he probably is. A lot of people are.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Was Michael Jordan sexist or Kobe Bryant? I mean, it's like, I don't know. They still get my vote. I still buy their jersey. I'm still watching old Jordan clips. Mike Tyson raped people. Mike Tyson was a convicted felon i love mike tyson right yeah um oj simpson i love watching oj simpson run the football love it if there's an old clip oj simpson on i'm fucking watching it did he do horrific things i'm sure he did right a lot of people do horrific things and I wish that they didn't.
Starting point is 00:31:05 And I, but my point is, is I wore that motherfucking hat, but I ain't doing horrific shit. I'm a good person with a good, strong heart that has obviously my own interest at heart always just like anybody else. But I'll be honest with you on that. And I have a lot of other people's interests at heart as well. Just because I wear a hat or just because I make a certain vote doesn't make me a fucking prick. But, you know, when it comes to those athletes or even Trump, you're not celebrating the shitty things. You're not a fan of whoever they are because they raped somebody or whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Right. Murdered, allegedly murdered somebody. Right. You're not fans of them because of that. No, no. I'm fans of, because of that no no i'm i'm fans of you know i'm admiring some of the good things yeah is arnold schwarzenegger a good person when it comes down to it i i i'm sorry but i doubt it right like i just i i don't know i got a suspicion right like uh a lot of a lot of people that have uh have really risen to the top back in
Starting point is 00:32:04 the day um have probably done some things that uh, they wish they wish they didn't do. And, and with people like Arnold, some of these things have come out and, uh, with people like Arnold, sometimes a baby pops out of the situation. Right. Um, but, but anyway, I, I just wanted to address that because I just, I find it, uh, I find it interesting. address that because I just, I find it, uh, I find it interesting, uh, the, the way that people want to hop on this train and they want to try to make it about like my products or something, uh, regardless of my post and regardless of whether I said something inflammatory, derogatory, or something that, uh, hurt somebody's feelings or whatever. And that wasn't even, I've had way more hurtful posts than that.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Of course. Um, it doesn't change the fact that we make the best products in the world. And then I will not stop and I will make the best products in the world day in and day out. And I'll continue to be innovative and creative and continue to deliver the best products that we can. That's what this company is about.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Motherfuckers. Hmmers what else get you fired up well you know the other thing i wanted to talk about and it's it's like uh it's in conjunction with this a little bit but it's a little offshoot of this is is being able to being able to sift through stuff you know being able to um you know and by you know, being able to, um, you know, and by the way, also to a lot of those comments, there wasn't, there wasn't any comments on there that were worth reading, you know, um, I didn't read a lot of them, but I, I read some of them. Um, so I didn't, I didn't read all of them them but i did sift through some of them and uh you know my wife kind of informed me of some of them that were on there and there wasn't a lot that
Starting point is 00:33:49 were like educated like hey you know what i i really i'm really upset by this post and here's why i feel the timing is poor because of what's going on with the border or however you want to say it right and you have a good you have a good reason on why I shouldn't have posted it. It's like those kinds of things are actually helpful. And then maybe I'll go, you know, maybe, you know, maybe, maybe that's a too much of a hot button thing, but a lot of this stuff wasn't very useful. But as you're sifting through the bullshit on social media, it can be really hard to figure out, um, what's,
Starting point is 00:34:26 you know, what's good and what's not. It's hard. It's hard to find stuff. Um, and I, and I do think that lifting, I think that lifting exercise sports, you and I were chatting before we hopped on here. Um, as we'll see when we're going to do a photo shoot with Par Burnell down in Los Angeles, when you deal with somebody that's on a really high level for something like that, like he's a high level photographer, he's done a lot of shoots for muscle and fitness, he shot The Rock and Triple H and you name it, he shot all these different people. When you're dealing with people that are on a really high level, people that are on the next level, and these people know how to sift through bullshit. And they also don't get caught up in bullshit.
Starting point is 00:35:10 They don't get stuck with it. People like that, he's not going to, that guy wouldn't go on your Instagram and make a negative comment about a photo that you took. Right. Hey, dude, this would be way better if you did. You know what he would say on your Instagram? He'd say, that's a fucking great shot. Congratulations. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Because he knows that that kind of shit doesn't, it doesn't make any sense for him to tear you down. Yeah. It only slows him down. The only thing he might do is like, hey man, that was really cool. Can't wait to see it. And then when he sees it, maybe he's got advice. Hey got advice hey like you know you could have maybe done this a tiny
Starting point is 00:35:48 bit different it might look cooler did you ever try this and that'll be the end of it yeah what i usually tell like uh some of my friends in the past like they'll get caught up in like message boards and forums from like oh this professional said this and dah, dah, dah. I'm like, trust me, no actual professional photographer has enough time to jump into a message forum and start leaving comments here and there trying to critique your work. Like those are just assholes behind a computer no matter what they say, no matter what they show.
Starting point is 00:36:18 If they have time to get on a forum and talk shit, they're not a professional. And I think that sometimes when people see, they'll see a collaboration between like myself and Michael Hearn or, um, uh, they see these different fitness collaborations. It's like,
Starting point is 00:36:34 Oh man, I'm so, so sick of these guys. They're all full of shit, man. They're all so positive and they're all like shaking each other hand and like all happy and shit. Well,
Starting point is 00:36:46 well, of course they are because there's's there's not another way to be like it does not going to serve them very well to just be negative amongst each other they're recognizing each other as professionals now when the other guy leaves they might be like oh man you know i i was expecting that guy have a little bit more you know i was expecting that guy to have a little more uh you know a little bit more fire when he trained and things like that but for the most part um there's going to be a lot of respect that happens and a lot of these guys o'hearn and these guys you're going to see that they make positive comments on people's pages they maybe maybe, maybe they joke around, right. Uh, maybe they'll make a comment that's kind of funny or lewd or whatever, just, just to like, just cause that's
Starting point is 00:37:30 the way that we do things, right. It's a little bit of locker room talk, but it's not going to be anything, uh, too inflammatory, you know? So I just think that, uh, you know, people need to continue to focus in on the things that will make them better and that's where your time should be spent and i don't think you should be spending time in too many other spots than that i think it's solid i think it's pretty simple yeah i i think uh like scrolling through instagram it it i want to say it does have its uh you know positive effects but I think for the most part they're all negative at this point I think I think it's I think it's predominantly all negative yeah I've gotten rid of Facebook and IG I have Twitter so that way I'm
Starting point is 00:38:17 not like so far out of the loop yeah um I can still see stuff and I kind of like the Twitter updates and stuff, but, um, it's been nice. And like, uh, for, for a day, for half a day, I've like lost my phone. Like, cause like, you know me, I can't keep track of anything. And, uh, I lose track of it and I'm like, where am I? I don't really need it for anything. So who cares? And then a few hours go by and I'm like, oh yeah, I need my phone.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Yeah. It's, it's so silly. Cause like my family and I, we love going camping. Because one of the main things we say is like, oh, it's so cool. We don't have any cell phone signal out here. It's like, well, we can still do that at home. We just choose not to. Yeah, somebody could just go into one of the rooms and you just shut off the Wi-Fi. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:02 And it's done. No one's got shit right yeah i mean with my job i do need yeah i need uh access to it but on my free time yeah i i'm trying to spend less and less looking at my phone one because it fucks up my eyes but two because yeah you know i'd rather uh pay attention to stuff around me i think it's really fucked up my eyes i can't see for shit and i'm awful yesterday i forgot my glasses i had my eyes. I can't see for shit anymore. Awful. Yesterday, I forgot my glasses. I had the worst headache. I couldn't see shit.
Starting point is 00:39:27 It was bad. All right, man. We're going to bring this one in because we got a meeting to go to, and we got some top golf to go to. That's just some of the shit that's been on my mind. Bodybuilding stuff's going really good. The show is August 25th, I believe, here in Sacramento, and I'm excited about it. Uh, it'd be interesting to see, you know, I'm leaving for a month going down to Malibu and, uh,
Starting point is 00:39:51 bringing some of the crew from super training with me. We're going to be filming a podcast down there with a lot of, uh, a lot of top people in the fitness industry and some people that are out of the fitness industry as well, but it's going to be be a great experience i'm really looking forward to doing that photo shoot as well i can't wait i'm so excited i think that's going to be awesome um and just being down on the beach and just kind of kicking it and just uh you know getting some time with the family and and getting to hang out my brother uh there's still a lot more to get done with the keto movie. We're still working on trying to figure all that out. It's a real bear.
Starting point is 00:40:31 You know, it's a real tough thing to tackle. Power bear. It's a power bottom. Power bear, yeah. Yeah, man. It's a real, it'll be a real crazy thing. But, you know, I've set up my environment here to work really well with the diet and the training. I got two different gyms. I train, I train here and I train at a, uh, a gym in Davis called get fit. And, uh, I've been bouncing back and forth between the two and I
Starting point is 00:40:55 got everything all set here and I I'm dialed in. Well, now I'm moving, you know, for a whole month and I got to kind of reset. And, uh, you know, when I think about LA and I think about travel, it's like, you know, a lot of times I travel, not, not like I go nuts with my food, but you've been around me before. Um, maybe I'll eat a little bit more or go out to eat more. Um, and maybe I'll have a few drinks. I was going to say, yeah, successful day, have a drink. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I, you know, I, I, there's no room for any of that. There's no room to even go out to eat at all. So, um, I will be going out to eat with my kids and stuff like that, but I'll be like sipping on iced tea.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I'll be, I'll be eating before we go there and maybe after we go there or whatever, but, uh, I can't participate in the actual meal because there's not one healthy fucking thing. What if it's bacon steak though? Ooh, you know. I know. Yeah. Yeah. That thing is really good at, uh,
Starting point is 00:41:48 Morton's. Yeah. Oh no. It's like, Mark, what, what made you decide not to do the show anymore? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:54 A lot of people do that, you know, and, and that's been a change too, is the body weight has been moving down slower. Um, I've been like two 30 ish for the last several days. And, um, but it is, you know, they say trust the process and, uh, the body weight's supposed to go down slow. So I'm not
Starting point is 00:42:12 supposed to lose a bunch of muscles. So, uh, it is the way it be. We got any questions that popped up on there? Yeah. Uh, someone had asked, like, if you had thought about train, um, getting coached by like someone like Stan Efferding. Who? The Rhino? Yeah. Yeah, actually, the Rhino talked to me about helping me with some posing and stuff. And so that would be really cool. You know, when this show is over, I don't have an exact plan yet.
Starting point is 00:42:38 I've been putting my faith and trust into Hanny for now. And Stan has coached me for years. That's, I guess what people don't really know. Stan coaches me, Stan helps me with my blood work. Uh, Stan has been a huge help for a long time. Um, I've used the vertical diet kind of intermittently, um, but haven't fully, uh, committed to it for long periods of time. I'd like to, I'd like to commit to it more because I'd like to just really focus in on just health. And I'd also like to consume a little bit more fat, you know, and that diet has, I'd probably be eating about double the amount of fat that I'm eating right now. But even when I talked to Stan about the vertical diet for bodybuilding, he goes,
Starting point is 00:43:19 yeah, we put people at about 70 grams of fat a day, depending on their size. And that's where I'm at right now with mine. 350 in protein, 150 in carbs, 65 fat. I have egg whites once a day with oats. I have chicken breast about twice a day with some rice. I have salmon about once a day and have steak about once a day. And just kind of depending on where I'm at carb wise, those things are mixed and matched with vegetables and or rice. Nice. But it's very simple. There's nothing hard about it. It just is a pain in the ass because you got to do it. I got to eat six or seven meals a day.
Starting point is 00:43:58 And then I think it's pronounced Ryan. It's spelled weird, but he just wanted to thank you for being an awesome inspiration to him. And then Kirstie, I think, has the best views about the Make America Great Again hat. She just said she doesn't support any—well, I don't want to put words in her mouth, but she doesn't support Trump. But she doesn't follow you for your political views. Right. She follows you because you're the people's coach. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:26 And she said, you're a good person. So I think that's. Yeah. And that's. That's the best way to put it. And that's, see, that's, that's actually really good information. And maybe that's something I should keep in mind. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:35 If I want to say anything politically, maybe it should be done differently. Maybe it shouldn't be done on my Instagram. Maybe it should only be occasionally here on the podcast or, uh, when voting comes around or what, you know, like, so it, that's actually helpful feedback. Maybe that stays on my Twitter or maybe that stays on my, maybe it's not for IG, right? So that information is actually useful and you can actually do something with it. So I appreciate it. Yeah. That's all I got over here, buddy. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. We out.

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