Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 86 - Tait Fletcher

Episode Date: July 24, 2018

Tait Fletcher is an actor, stuntman, businessman, speaker, and former fighter. He is known for his work on Jurassic World (2015), The Last Stand (2013) and 2 Guns (2013). He also records conversations... with influential and driven people for his podcast, Pirate Life Radio. ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The language they gave it to and the kind of ease, because it does, it seems like, do I need to be a chemist to be able to eat right or whatever? I'm not trying to, you know, I'm not trying to get another job just learning how to eat fucking right, you know? And then it becomes a thing that you're like, oh, it's kind of like learning a stretch or like what we're talking about downstairs about the way you're learning. Bodybuilding, yeah. Yeah, about new modes of motion, like you need to be at this depth and it doesn't matter if if this comes up or whatever the thing is but until i feel the thing i don't ever know how to put that into my body and i think the same thing like ketosis is that thing if i'm not 100 disciplined i don't ever really get to feel like what that's like that people are talking about you know you ever check your ketones and stuff i don't man that's another thing i i'd like to get into
Starting point is 00:00:44 but then there's been some well this test is bonk or this test is hard and all that kind of stuff. So I just haven't, I haven't delved into that. But my next phase here, going into ketosis, I want to start to mark that and I want to have a diary of it. It'd be the first time I've endeavored that since like 2008 or something. So yeah, it's kind of cool to, to check them because then it keeps you in check. And then from a perspective of, uh, you know, how many carbs and
Starting point is 00:01:10 stuff, then you start to really learn. You're like, whoops, that kind of bumped me. Right. That kind of bumped me over the edge. And even if it's not that accurate of a count, at least it's a count. I always say that about calories too. Like, I don't think that calories, you know, it is calories in calories out to some extent, but calories are, they're not a great measure, but they're the only measure that we have. And so you got to kind of adhere to them somewhat. You can't just eat as much as you want and lose weight. It doesn't, it doesn't work that way. You're going to have to move around a bunch and you're going to have to figure out a way eventually for people that are bigger and people
Starting point is 00:01:41 that are heavier that have been watching this podcast for a long time.'ve been teaching for a long time is you're gonna have to eventually figure out a way to make some changes to where you just eat less yep what's your less than what you used to do you know what your biggest and heaviest listener is uh you know we got some we got some big boys out there i know that i i've uh have met a lot of people that lost over i mean because i know yeah you're in the world yeah i we i'm you know met a lot of people that lost over i mean because i know yeah you're in the world yeah i we i you know met a lot of people that have lost over 100 pounds uh from listening to this show i myself have lost 100 pounds i was 330 pounds my sister-in-law sent me a picture today of me like munching on some giant chocolate chip cookie and i was about 320 pounds in the picture what year was that uh you know it was probably between 09 and 2012 um the internet
Starting point is 00:02:29 you know the internet knows kind of the fat mark bell what the funny thing about that story is that i wasn't that big for that long you know it was for a few years but it was also a little bit of on and off because i knew that those weren't good places to hang out in. Right. It wasn't a good idea to be over 300 pounds. Well, I remember meeting you and then you were a lot bigger and then you got just shredded and then you got big again,
Starting point is 00:02:55 not as big and then shredded not. And now again, right. And, uh, that kind of thing. Is that a thing that if I want to put size on, is that the thing where it's like, well, calories in is all we're thinking about.
Starting point is 00:03:10 More calories in, get as big as you can. And then, I mean, that's the big thing, right? It's like I want to put on mass, then I'm going to cut. Is that a necessary thing or is there a healthy way to do that where I'm like, no, I'm just working towards lean mass. us working towards lean mass there's when when you're uh you know getting on the edges of some of of anything uh you're riding a fine line and it's not never that like healthy you know and ultimately that's what i started to recognize and ultimately that's why uh i retired from power lifting it was just because like i can't keep doing this i keep going up and down i know that being heavy is not great for me uh so that's why i keep losing weight that part makes sense but then i
Starting point is 00:03:50 keep regaining the weight back because i'm obsessed with powerlifting i want these numbers i want to bench 600 pounds but then i keep tearing shit and it's just not it doesn't seem it doesn't seem to make sense anymore and as i was like learning more i started to poke around investigate more and i got some blood work done and the blood work was bad i'm like none of this makes any sense i'm not any closer to my goal really and i'm big and i'm fat and my blood work is telling me i'm not healthy i don't feel very healthy so these are all really bad signs i was like i need to i need to change i need to really make a big change i need to you know not just drop weight and get in shape for a couple pictures or whatever i need to
Starting point is 00:04:29 actually like kind of kiss the old self goodbye almost and say hey we're gonna do it this way from now on did that was that was that um that shift like how did how'd that land on your family like wife and kid are they're like yeah listen we're not gonna really we're happy how we're eating bro or was there i mean was there a shift in your home yeah you know some that that kind of stuff hasn't really bothered anybody uh that much except for the most current shift which is you know right now i'm actually getting to do getting ready to do a bodybuilding show and it's at the end of august so cool yeah and that was just it kind of came out of nowhere friend suggested it to me so i was like all right here we go let's let's give it a shot because you ever done one before no never even
Starting point is 00:05:15 been to one but as you know that extra pressure right that extra pressure deadline extra pressure makes a huge difference like you said you took up yoga recently right and for you to talk about it for a while is one thing but then for you to actually a friend or a girlfriend or whoever it might be says hey you're going to yoga with me today and you're like oh okay and you go and you do it that extra pressure to actually get you to do it makes a big difference but you know in the household the bodybuilding diet has been different because it's so restrictive. I can't even eat out because I don't really know what they're going to put in the food. You know, on a keto diet, you know, they throw some oils in there. The oils may not be the healthiest thing or whatever it is that they're cooking with,
Starting point is 00:05:59 but you don't really care. You're like, yeah, it's just extra fat. It's not a huge deal. The fat is part of the diet. When you do a body bodybuilding style diet fat is not your main source of fuel carbohydrates are your main source of fuel and you eat a shit ton of protein it's it's weird because it's uh you know a lot of people look at it and say oh it's you know it's bro science right it is it can be considered bro science but it's stuff that has just worked right for that function to it for decades so yeah there's a reason why some efficacy look there's some uh old school things that uh collegiate wrestlers do that people are like that's stupid why they're still doing that hey it's because it works right or even fighters like man they train four times a day that's a
Starting point is 00:06:42 little much well the guy's the ufc champion so yeah you know what do a day. That's a little much. Oh, the guy's the UFC champion. So, you know, what do we do? Yeah, there's a guy I just saw. The message boards are crazy. I never knew how mean people were until message. I think people got meaner with message boards maybe. Hell yeah. God, you see like people, the nicest people in the world,
Starting point is 00:06:59 and you're like, I can't believe that guy just said that about that guy. Like, that guy doesn't show up like that anywhere in life. And somebody's like, here's the worst thing I could think of about you that might be true. I just saw somebody like Francis Ngannou that just lost. Oh, yeah. And they're like, go back to the drawing board, punk, and all that. And I'm like, it's one of the most dangerous, frightening dudes in the world.
Starting point is 00:07:20 And go back to the drawing. That's what we got from people. It's like, no support. That was a crazy fight and i and it seemed like with lewis it seemed like his back i feel like he had hip or back problems i heard him saying something in the corner and that it was great his corner man was like dude i don't give a fuck about your back he's like you're in a fight right now you need to wake up he's out there whipping kicks he's i mean he was trying and he put his whole effort in he knew he was in a lot of pain and i could see that the shadows that the ghosts of uh the guy whose last fight were all on him you could just see how he moved and you're like oh he got
Starting point is 00:07:55 he's shook and he's reticent and he doesn't want to risk you know that there's that point where he doesn't even want to risk to punch because he's afraid that's opening that could be that like and you could just see it and he he made a post to that uh punch because he's afraid that's opening. That could be that. And you could just see it. And he, he made a post to that effect later and you just got to walk through it and live in that stuff and then go, okay, I'm going to adjust now.
Starting point is 00:08:12 It's a good analogy to all the people that are watching all the people that are like overly commenting on it. Obviously the fighters can say whatever they want because they're in there. They do it. They understand it. They understand the hurdles, understand the risk. And so if,
Starting point is 00:08:28 if another fighter's like, Hey man, I thought he was being a coward. That's kind of one thing. But the people that are watching them, they have not even their own life have not even taken risks. They have not even thrown punches back when other people have said mean things to them.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Other people have kept them down. Other people have held them back their whole life life they never stood up for themselves for one thing but the second they get a chance to criticize and they're the first people to recognize it too right oh my god look at him he's being such a bitch yeah i know that's i know that guy in myself it's like well yeah there's a reflection right from the tv it's like when you try to have a standard anywhere right try to change anything in your diet and the people closest to you are going to be like come on just this one time try to quit drinking see what happens to all your friends oh one won't hurt you know there's all that stuff that oh you're being a big pussy now what are you
Starting point is 00:09:17 doing they don't want that reflection they're like oh does that does him having a standard mean my standards low and then maybe i don't like that so maybe I'm going to beat him up for wanting to have a higher standard and go, who do you think you are, dude? You high-flying, you know? Yeah, sorry, I don't do that anymore. I don't cuss anymore either or whatever. Right, and then they're like, oh. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Am I going to burn? They got to really keep everything on. What was your emotional stuff like with the food? Like you go up to 300 pounds or whatever. Because one of the things that i got in like ketosis was interesting to me because it leveled up my emotional ups and downs i just you know i felt like the depressions that i would get into they wouldn't be so deep and so long and it was a more tenable path for me it seemed like you know i would say that i i you know at some point i
Starting point is 00:10:05 lost control of the diet but i never really lost control of myself i've never really been uh someone that has been like had a lot of emotion emotional swings uh however i would yeah definitely like kind of comfort eat you know you feel the stress of the day the stress of whatever's weighing on your mind and and uh and you want to eat my whole thing was like i just wanted to be as big and as strong as possible but i just got carried away with it because i didn't have to eat the way that i was eating and i i think i i think i'd be lying to myself if if i say i said i didn't know better even then like i i knew but i knew that there would be a i knew i could have done it with rice like there's a price to pay and and potatoes and i knew that
Starting point is 00:10:50 i could have done it at a slower rate but i wanted to do it with peanut butter cups and ice cream and stuff like that you know so i i mean i would still i ate i ate good i would say about 70% of the time, you know, but it should have been more like 80 or 90. Cause if you really think about it, when you're really trying to be, when you're not trying to be good at something, you're trying to be great at something.
Starting point is 00:11:13 It takes that much more effort. You got to really be laser focused in the details. And you know, you know this with, uh, with fighters and some of your friends and some of your friends that want to be actors and different things like that. It's great to attack every day with everything that you got but if you're only sleeping four hours a day that's not really a good strategy yeah after a
Starting point is 00:11:34 while you're like well dude that's not you know or drinking or not it's just not sustainable it doesn't make any sense you're like well how are you going to get after your goal because you have to be in this for the long haul how you know i've been watching you for for years you know in all these different movies that pop up and we've been friends for a long time now how do we prevent tate fletcher from dying i mean you die all the time and just about everything i mean you got again shortly i know you're a big strong guy you got good defense i think i'd be able to last you're knowledgeable i'm kind of immortal i mean i think in that way too you know is that's the one thing is they keep really trying but here i stand oh and you just keep you keep you keep a real life zombie what uh what are some movies that you have uh that that are
Starting point is 00:12:24 more recent that you've been doing that you've been working on uh recently coming up man it when it rains it pours kind of i got four different offers for shows after i just got a job on on a show for the next month you know um god what's coming out right now the last couple ncis has been been on in a couple little television shows and looking for some stuff coming up that'll be exciting this uh this fall uh you know jurassic world we just keith and i were in the first one and then uh the the second one that just came out um lacy our third partner in caveman she trains bryce howard and so bryce is familiar with our brand and all that and then she says hey the
Starting point is 00:13:05 first time i walked in i'm uh i got starbucks and i'm kind of this corporate dogged real rigid woman that doesn't have many friends and i come in with my own starbucks and so this time we're going in and we wanted to use like a smaller craft coffee and we thought caveman would be perfect and so they come in and they've got that she distributes caveman to all her friends after she's woke kind of in the second yeah uh showing of it which is which was cool you know and and it's just uh for me as far as the films go i've been practice i've been just in uh practicums lately a lot of classes and just getting into the art of that a little bit gotten up on stage a couple times for stand-up and and just trying like i just what was that like if i'm not working i try to push the the the edges of my comfort yeah and it it is it is it's one of the things that i've admired the most
Starting point is 00:13:54 is stand-up comedians is especially the beginners i mean and then to see guys like to watch rogan is like you know it doesn't dawn on me i get get muted a lot because we've lived together. We travel together a lot. Like I see I'm immersed in that. And it's hard to be an on wonder if you're around somebody a lot. But fuck, man, I watch him perform and I go, man, like I like I'm like my friend. I just remember seeing him at the ice house. I was like, my friend's a genius. Like he's a he's a that's a real genius that's happening.
Starting point is 00:14:23 And and you look at the comics that have made a difference, the George Carlin's and the priors and, and all that, that have really pushed society in different ways that have broken the rigidity off of it and kind of brought people together more. And I think that it's a, it's one of the most useful art forms as far as forming a healthy society that there is because there's nothing taboo and the things that are taboo, they grow into cancers for us either on, on the the the micrometric of our own bodies or the macro of the whole society and and they expose those dark corners which i'm super appreciative of and the ones that do it really well you watch chapelle do it those guys can talk about anything and it's not offensive it's thought-provoking yeah even these even in these uh delicate times
Starting point is 00:15:06 and even uh you know watching uh someone like someone like joey diaz who just i mean he just destroys he's a juggernaut holy crap man he just destroys you with jokes and when i went to go see him and and rogan with joey diaz i't, I couldn't breathe when I was watching him. It's making me, he's making me laugh so much. And the funny thing is, is like, it's all very borderline.
Starting point is 00:15:33 You're like, should I even be laughing about this? But it makes you laugh harder. It reminds me when you're a kid, right? Here's some, you know, one of your friends used the F word or whatever.
Starting point is 00:15:40 And you're laughing. Yeah. You're laughing about something so silly and random. And you kind of know that you shouldn't be uh even sharing that and you shouldn't be talking about any of that he's not even sure what those words mean he goes down that uh rabbit hole hard and i never thought about the way that you said how they're kind of they're breaking a lot of barriers down religious racist who got who got racists laughing about how stupid it is the way that black people are treated more than richard
Starting point is 00:16:06 prior right like that's a dude that i mean he used that position in a way that was so fucking artful that even idiots that are racist pigs are going are giggling about it until it can dawn on i'm like this is ridiculous that i have these views that's ridiculous yeah you know it's like they don't even get the joke until later i think it's it's an amazing the layering that can happen you ever watch neil brennan no dude he's got a thing called three mics that's out changes i mean the whole face of stand-up comedy changed for me with that and you look he goes into a d you would love it because he goes into a deep uh exposure of his emotional maladies of depression and things like that and the ways that he looked through that. Here's a dude that he co-wrote,
Starting point is 00:16:47 he co-created the Chappelle Show with Dave. And so he's one of his day one dudes. And man, it's phenomenal. But yeah, to watch what people can do with art, man, it's been great to behold, man. How did you get into acting in the first place? I was working in a nightclub. All my stories start like that. I was working on the nightclub all my stories start
Starting point is 00:17:05 like that i was working at this nightclub and this guy came in and he goes we need uh some big white boys for this film we're doing out at the old prison i was in santa fe new mexico and it was master p and all his guys that were at my door wow so me and a few friends went out and and try and that was where i first got into it and then i never did anything again for i did a couple commercials but i didn't do anything for years after that was that uh 2000 kind of regular acting or is that it was an acting job okay but it was real low budget as a master p film you know and so uh master p made up for quality by quantity and he just he pushed out i don't know five movies a year for a few years and and was really putting all that out and so i had this acting role that uh you know all the contracts were funny and then i did a fall off a three-story tier prison like like where i died or maybe i got
Starting point is 00:17:57 put in the infirmary forever but that was the first start of it yeah i died from the beginning now that i think about it but then my friend keith willard was the he was a stunt coordinator never met him before and he goes hey dude come on out to my, I got a spare bedroom in my back house and come out to LA and stay there. And this was back in Santa Fe, New Mexico. And I was like, that just seems so unrealistic to me that I'm going to go and be in movies, man. But thanks a lot. I got this one job working the door at this nightclub. And, uh, I I've got this amateur, uh uh wrestling stuff that i'm doing i really like that and so see you later and then i never really looked at it again i had this whole other career
Starting point is 00:18:30 that happened and then around 2009 darren prescott walked into my gym he was just looking for a place to work out and train while he was working on a movie called paul and after i don't know we roll for 10 15 days and then he goes oh i heard that you got a sag card and i go oh yeah yeah and he goes hey man you want to do something in this movie and how'd you get this and that turns out he and keith are really tight buddies the guy that i'd met 10 years ago on the show and uh my world keith jardine uh no keith willard the original stunt coordinator on the master p flick and so uh got pulled in there and then got onto red dawn and then after red dawn i was like man i might this might really be something that i could do and
Starting point is 00:19:11 so i i kind of started following that vein you know i was through fighting at the time i was just doing bodyguard work which got you know paid well but i wasn't super excited about you know and uh and so that that became the next thing and i started hustling after that kind of learn learn how to act uh afterwards i got like on the job i got suggested to you know i wish i would have gone to juilliard or done some kind of um proper schooling as you were doing it did you think that you needed uh to to go to school for or do you think like i'm pretty i'm pretty natural at this uh nothing feels natural it always feels like a fight when they go ready and action that feels like are you ready are you
Starting point is 00:19:50 ready and fight it feels like that because it feels like now it's yours to lose you're a green guy here and if you fuck this up you're gonna and so do you want to be the guy that the failure was hinged on or you know what i mean and so I was like I just always I crave you know whatever I get asked to do I crave to do a good job at that thing and so I didn't want to have a guy ask me to do something and then I know he has a boss and then I make this guy look like shit for choosing I'm like fuck no man I need the best guy to be in that job and if it's not me I'd rather have somebody else do it and and so then I my whole next course was how do I endeavor to become, you know, the, the guy that's the best guy to do the job. And so that's, that's what I set out to do since then.
Starting point is 00:20:31 And what they'd said, cause in the stunt world, there's like ND stunts, they call it like, which is nondescript stunts where, you know, you're in a, we're all on a SWAT team and we all have hoods on, we can go in, but then later you're also the guy that's the florist that takes a bullet when the robber comes in. And then also you're the robber that's up on top of the roof and that falls off you can be all these different guys and nobody sees that that's the same fella right unless you're six foot four 240 pounds and then you go that guy looks different than the other guys and especially if there's something without a mask on it's like i'm very distinctive looking and so everybody said you're never going to double a guy there's only like two guys that you can double and uh because you're not you know 5 10 and 170
Starting point is 00:21:09 pounds there's like a and so you're gonna be a character so you're gonna need to be good at performing at acting at that not just physical performance but all of it so then i started just taking classes and getting coaching towards that just like i would would as a BJJ athlete or an MMA athlete, something like that. Have you done some theater stuff too? I have, and that was terrifying. It is terrifying. That's what I'm in right now.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Oh, okay. And it's scary. When you said, like, oh, what do you, like, my whole life is typified by do the next scary thing in front of you. The easy shit is of no consequence. That's common, and i'm not looking to be a common dude you know and so and and keith had always had that kind of jardine that mind frame for fights and everything else he's like yeah it's fucking it's easy if you're already down
Starting point is 00:21:55 and a dude's smashing you with elbows man the ref's gonna stop this in a moment and that's an easy way to go or you can fight to your elbow and you can push up and that's the right way to go you know and you're going to take a couple shots but you're going to live and and that's the thing is like i'm going to walk into the jaws of death kind of thing is the idea and those things can look different i mean that could be being on stage that can be learning knitting that could be fucking going into learning how to surf or whatever and so that that was the thing for me with this acting class and i i go in and it was different than one-on-one coaching different even than a class in that there's eight or ten of us and there's a stage and it's a little fucking stage in front of us i mean it's maybe twice as big as this room maybe three times but it's like that's not
Starting point is 00:22:42 there's and there's and it's just light there's nowhere to hide and so i'm looking at it and so it's the second the first class they go hey we need a monologue for you to do and i go okay cool and he goes do you have one i go no and he says okay i'll assign one so he signs me a monologue from this musical and uh it's a character sam bick out of a play called assassins by sam shepherd that was about guys that tried to kill the president or girls, squeaky froms in the play, all that. So I do this one monologue.
Starting point is 00:23:09 And so we prepare it for the next week. I go in and there's like, like I said, like eight other guys, there's a guy that, that looks like Odin or something, this older fellow that's there. And,
Starting point is 00:23:17 and I go, oh shit, am I going to go first? Or do I go, when do I go? And maybe I get it done with, I go first. Cause I'm nervous as
Starting point is 00:23:25 fuck by the time i don't really have it all memorized 100 it's 15 minutes of dialogue for me and and it's like so it's a big undertaking oh fuck and then uh right when i'm debating about shooting my hand up first this guy john in front of me the older guy he does boom and he goes up and he's played this part that he presents, which he does beautifully. He's been paid for it twice in full theater productions. And I was like, oh, he is really good, and I'm not like that. And then the next person goes, and I think, well, we'll see. And then they're really good.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Everybody, and I go, well, I'll just go last, and maybe they'll run out of time. My mind is always looking for a way out, man. Like, I got this critic inside me that I've been trying to quell since I'm little for a long time. And then they go up and I'm like, I'm for sure in the wrong class. These guys are all excellent. Like, I don't know what to do here.
Starting point is 00:24:12 And then I was like, I'm looking, I'm like, maybe I could fake an injury on the way down. Like I'll just trip over the step or something. And I was like, and I'm watching my mind and I'm going, you are fucking insane. What is wrong with you? You're the only guy that will sign up for all the goods and then be like i don't want any of the goods though i don't want to participate it's like it's like you're retarded a little bit and then i go and and i just you know you walk through that and and do it and then i did it again and again and when i left that day i was like a different guy and that's
Starting point is 00:24:40 the thing of walking through stuff like that i just learned years ago that you walk through that stuff that feels that way. That's exactly the stuff you need to be doing. All the shit that your brain is fucking locking into going, no, let's avoid this. Let's go that way. There's going to, you're going to look bad if you do that. And so it's like, what face do you want to sell? You want to save your ass or your face?
Starting point is 00:24:57 You can't do both, you know? And so you got to put yourself in this position to dig in the deep spots that are for everybody. You know, for some people, that's not a fear uh fearful kind of endeavor for me i was like i'm gonna be on that whole stage by myself and they're all gonna be looking at me like i don't i'm not comfortable with that i want to disappear you know like and so that whole thing i think that those are the things that um keep me alive and those are the next things that i look to do i'm always looking to enlarge uh my capacity for discomfort and the more discomfort that i go oh now this discomfort is just my living room i get to live in that place man and other people then i mean in a competition world if
Starting point is 00:25:36 they're uncomfortable where i'm comfortable fucking i've already won and and so that became kind of the deal for me is how do I find that authenticity and comfort in places that are despicable to sit in where I can just find my breath in and it's all right. The things you can't do are oftentimes the things that you should be doing. Right. Well, like you were talking about downstairs. You want the heaviest deadlift possible. Awesome. But if you don't work on these other things, you're not going to grow.
Starting point is 00:26:02 If you work on these other things that don't seem connected, everything will enhance. And if you only work on the thing that you're good at, it's only going to get better a little bit. And so you're going to be mediocre. Right. You're only going to be able to drive that up so much. You got to be really open-minded.
Starting point is 00:26:16 What has it been like to be on the set? I mean, you've been on the set with some, you know, some of the, yeah, some of the best people in the world. I mean, what's it like to see a Denzel Washington act? I i mean you're in a full-on fight scene with him yeah a great fight scene by the way really great it was awesome yeah big props i was super pumped when i when i saw that movie and i saw you guys going back and forth because i was like oh he's gonna square off against denzel and then that's gonna be it you guys actually went at it. It was pretty cool. Really grateful. I mean, Keith Willard, again, he coordinated that show. And Lynn Oding put a lot into that fight.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And Steve O. Young, another dude, a lot of people made that fight happen. And I was fortunate enough to be the guy. They're like, you're in the spot, though. And it's got its challenges, but challenges but it was all to me it was all to the good and the guy that doubled denzel also is just maybe one of the best movers in the world just fantastic so like i i get to work with these guys that are like the real captain america like the real super like i get to work with these guys that are i'm just humbled to be in the room with. So, uh, that's always my endeavor is go. I want to make those guys proud that they're happy that I'm here in that way.
Starting point is 00:27:30 And, and like what it was like with them is, is like anything else I go to be helpful and I go, where can I be the most help here? And that's ears wide open, mouth shut and just paying attention, you know? And, uh, and there's,'s there's a risk you know without without the consequence there is no real reward that matters right so yeah there's a risk that maybe d gets mad at me or that or whatever there's a thousand things that could happen um but it was it was a fantastic thing to be able to be a part of and then you know all these all these fights like i the first time i ever got nervous i just quelled that because i took other spiritual lessons that i knew from other parts of my life and i just implemented
Starting point is 00:28:07 them on the work scene and i remember being on avengers and i'm looking at guys i'm looking like um like ton of where reed doubles the rock and and uh you know you're looking at like guys that are heroes of yours that are there and they're in the circle heidi moneymaker you know she is black widow and all this kind of stuff and i was like god i'd love to be over there talking with those guys and they're in a circle talking they're old friends and i'm a new guy and i'm and i'm like i wonder how i could like and i felt like a little kid you know like when you're a little kid and you switch schools and you're like man i wish those boys would talk to me i'd like to play kickball too or whatever and then you're like what kind of shoes they got on maybe it's if i had better shoes maybe you're like fuck and then you're like what kind of shoes they got on maybe it's if i had better shoes maybe and you're like fuck and then you go over there find something all you know is that you're bullshit
Starting point is 00:28:49 by the time you walk up i'm thinking what do they want me to be that i think that i could be for you're in this fucking mind screw right and it ain't about the shoes and all they know is you look you're acting funny you know and then i've done the thing that is working against me kickball they'd be like sure so the same thing i go up to these guys then i'm like hey you guys need anything from craft services can i get you some water and like just go to be helpful and so everywhere in my life where i look and i get uncomfortable i get questioning i go where can i be helpful and then that's always the right answer you know do the hard thing and always be helpful who is uh hard to beat up or hard to fight the rock beat
Starting point is 00:29:26 up who'd i beat up on who was hard to fight the rock or uh denzel denzel we we filmed that i think over three days you know with the prep and everything that went in and and uh with with duane it was it was easy we had great rigors great guys that set it up um you know and which is a lot of my friends you know you feel like you have a huge support team there and everybody's helping each other and i'm just the cog in the wheel that is in this spot through that and the thing is is as everybody asks about how those guys are you know you get stories hollywood stories about what this guy's character is like and all that and i just two things i don't know what it's like to have that like i don't know what it's like to not be able to go to whole foods right like it's got
Starting point is 00:30:09 to be a tremendous adjustment for people yeah and then also everybody having a hand like tugging your sleeve and i don't know man everybody wants in my own little ways it seems hard let alone to be on that kind of a yeah a. And those guys are, by and large, always the bigger the star, they're more gracious and more kind and generous and thoughtful than almost anybody else that I've met in the world. Like I see, I worked on a little tiny nothing show
Starting point is 00:30:38 with Bryan Cranston called Get a Job. One day, I'm there. We didn't even high five i don't think might have said hello and then two years later i'm on breaking bad and the first day that i see mr cranston comes hey tate how are you doing and he welcomes me to set like i'm i'm not anything in that right and fucking he goes dude the thing we did in sherman oaks man now i hope that thing comes out and he's remembering and i'm like this is that's crazy to me and the same thing happened with hemsworth and i worked with him on red dawn met him one time in passing
Starting point is 00:31:16 and then three years two or three years later that i'm on thor and doing a safety thing and i'm just getting coffee he just sees me from the back hey tate i'm like like i want i don't know that i would be able to pick him out that easily and it's like and and of course he probably looks at the call sheet he and he's right he's paying attention yeah but that's awareness that's caring that's a that's a character that he's developed he's like this is part of this matters and i and i remember the first time i ever met a guy um i was looking for some help and i and i go in and i'm talking this group and i and i remember the first time i ever met a guy um i was looking for some help and i and i go in and i'm talking to this group of guys and they met every monday then i went back the next monday and a dude that i'd met the previous monday goes hey tate how
Starting point is 00:31:55 you doing man and i was like how and i thought what a fucking gift man just remembering my name was was everything and like you know i think that's the way like ram das has this thing about we're all just walking each other home you know and to the degree that that we all curate each other's wellness and kindness is like it's a huge benefit and it seems to be where the universe operates at the highest degree you know the best results yeah you think about like when is there anybody ever given you any sort of money that made you feel as good as that guy saying, Hey Tate, what's up?
Starting point is 00:32:27 Yeah. The guy that you barely know. Yeah. It just doesn't. Isn't that crazy? It just doesn't like the best things in life. They really are free. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Somebody giving you a compliment, somebody picking you up when you need it. Somebody remembering your name. Uh, somebody sending you a text. Hey man, I saw you got hurt on the set today. Like how's your knee or whatever
Starting point is 00:32:45 right yeah it's great it's crazy like what guy's thinking that's fucking cool like it's so beneficial and and for you this guy told me one time he goes he goes leave everybody with a gift and i i go okay he goes even people you walk by on the street think give them a gift in your mind and watch you know this the whole thing about being the watcher your mind it's like it becomes a whole nother exercise that you can do where it's like i can see somebody i really like a lot and and but maybe they're a little extra in certain ways and i'm like oh fuck this guy walking up right but also hey what's up bro how you doing happy to see him too in that way and i'm like that first part of the conversation does that need
Starting point is 00:33:23 to be there is it helpful to me is it hurting me like those are fucking important questions to ask and so like the way my mom always used to say you know you tarnish your soul when you swear tate you're only hurting yourself whatever and it wasn't until years later that i go there's real truth in those lessons it's kind of like i don't i don't find yoga i don't find any other kind of thing except for the thing i'm doing because jujitsu is the best and fuck you it's kind of like I don't find yoga. I don't find any other kind of thing except for the thing I'm doing because jujitsu is the best and fuck you. It's kind of like when you fall in love with something, you're like, this is the flag I'm carrying. But until you're broken up and you go, oh, no,
Starting point is 00:33:54 this yoga is really restorative and curative for me and I need this. Or your mind gets open. The universe will allow your mind to get open. It'll give you little nudges here and there, and they get more and more fierce, the universe will allow your mind to get open. It'll hurt you. It'll, it'll give you a little nudges here and there. And they get more and more fierce. The nudges do as you ignore the signs that you should be taking care of some things. Yeah. We're just, I mean, sometimes you walk around and you're like, I'm just making a fucking
Starting point is 00:34:16 grumpy face all day. I got a resting bitch face. Right. And sometimes you notice, like I noticed it a lot, especially like going through the airport, you know, that so many people are just- I try to smile at everybody. They're just wearing it. And I try too.
Starting point is 00:34:29 But every once in a while, you kind of realize that the day's wearing on you too. And you got that, you're mad dogging everybody. I know. And you're just like, what am I doing? And we're big guys. Yeah. It doesn't help. Well, so I get people, they'll come up and they'll say, man, I was going to say hi, but
Starting point is 00:34:44 I saw you in a gym and like, I was terrified.'m like i don't think i'm intimidating but then i'm like well yeah i'm probably acting like a dick right you know and you got veins coming out of your whole body yeah and i'm lifting or whatever it might be but even just walking through gold's gym where most of the people are pretty positive but i see a lot of the guys and girls there they got their head down and they're kind of focused in on what they're doing a lot of times i'm walking through and i'm pretty i feel pretty happy and i'm like man i wish i wish more people would feel the way that i feel inside but maybe they maybe they are feeling that way but maybe they're just in a certain mode right that particular day you know yeah i like it when somebody can shake me
Starting point is 00:35:21 out of it and go like i walk in and i see your face and I'm like, oh, your face is broken, Tate. You better chip up. You know what I mean? And it's like, yeah, that whole thing of being conscious about all I'm presenting. I like what you said, too, about, oh, shit, here comes this person again. I use that analogy often. Oh, yeah? Because you don't want to be that person.
Starting point is 00:35:39 No. Like you're kind of like a burden on everybody. Oh, man, is the conversation going to get negative? This is going to kind of suck. Like, I. Oh man, conversation's going to get negative. This is going to kind of like, I got to be with this guy for three hours or whatever. You're like, oh man. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:50 That's the thing about. It just drags everything down. You're like, fuck. That's the thing about being on set too. Like unless you're. Oh yeah. I can imagine. If you're, you better, you're like one of the highest, if you're a twat to be around,
Starting point is 00:36:01 you're one of the highest paid people there because nobody will put up with, like you got to be with these people 16 hours a day everybody's pretty cool like there's not a lot of twats walking around like everybody's pretty fucking cool yeah because it's it like it's a society that necessitates that like you're traveling circus basically you know we'll pull up stakes and go anywhere and make a fucking movie it doesn't matter what state or country or anywhere that we're in um and that being the case the only kind of tonifying thing is that everybody's cool because we all got to get along for this common
Starting point is 00:36:30 purpose you do a lot of stunts in the movies and stuff how do you protect yourself how do you keep your body healthy um i've gotten more and more into the longevity of my body in the last 10 years than i ever had been previously because i always figured i'd expire before i wore out the parts you know what i mean yeah and then here i am alive much to my chagrin some days and uh so how to then curate myself into longevity is kind of the thing that i start maldehyde well i preserve you i i remember a friend of mine he was uh they would embalm people his dad was a whatever they call that undertaker and he uh got ditch weed once from indiana or somewhere around that that whole michigan area at no thc in that weed and so he'd soak it in formaldehyde he called it the love boat and you would you would get off it, almost like PCP a little bit.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Anyway, that's not for kids so much. I just heard, I read a story. Never mind. But to take care of myself, I'd go, it's the same thing. I've gotten to see a lot of lessons. I've gotten to see guys that they get a little ding and then they go, hey man man get some oxys that's the old that's the 80s way right the guys would do that and curate pain and then they
Starting point is 00:37:49 end up junkies and they and and uh there's a lot of dark roads that happen people die and for me i've just i've been i've been uh i've been sober for like 24 years now because i've tried that road for a long time you know and and so i go okay so i've had three surgeries since then and the way i've dealt with pain was uh extra strength tylenol and ice because i just i would think about it and i go well it's not curing me these these uh narcotics they just distract me they make my endorphins high enough that they're bigger than my pain receptors are giving me messages and i I thought, so that's not helpful. And it's probably damaging and ice just takes it away and can take the whole problem away if I numb it out. And so I would just
Starting point is 00:38:34 do that. And I, I just got more disciplined in myself in that way. And so then what do I do to stay away from the surgeries? Cause I'm really against getting cut open um is I just start like I started yoga I start what like why do any of us work out I would hang out with this dude Harrison Harrison's 93 Harrison is begging to be done he's he's done he's tired you know but it wasn't until like last year that he got tired I only met him last year and I go hey when's the you know he's a world war ii blown up on the shores of italy he's uh smuggled hash through syria been arrested put in a syrian prison uh accidentally killed a guy running like um running over him been like was a professor at nyu he got uh after the war with germany he went to i think brown
Starting point is 00:39:22 university and he ended up uh with a like a phd in german studies and and and i said why'd you do that he said i wanted to find out more about these people that had gone to war with the world and unless i could read their history in their tongue i didn't think i'd be like so he's he's a trip man this guy and i go hey you know that thing when guys are like hey uh well when i was younger i used to do that like when i was fighting i'd meet guys that were 25 years old and they'd be like oh when i was younger i used to do that like when i was fighting i'd meet guys that were 25 years old and they'd be like oh when i was younger i used to do that but i got this knee from high school any fucking pussy yeah you know i mean it's like they're cowards everywhere just dying to fucking retire at 18 like like bitches and uh i go when's
Starting point is 00:39:59 the first time you got like that feeling like oh well when i was younger like when you started making excuses for your behavior because of your maladies or whatever he goes i never felt diminished until this latest debacle and he's fucking 92 years old he can't piss anymore he's got to wear a catheter for the rest of his days and it's not until then that he ever felt like oh fuck i'm not really quite up to speed anymore and i thought man that's just a positive mindset to carry your mind in you know like i need that what a tough bastard i take him to work out and we do these we do a bunch of different workouts it's not whatever but they're foundational movements and i find that when i'm able to take him step by step in four motions
Starting point is 00:40:40 to go from a lying position to a standing position that his speech improves, that his gait improves, that his proprioception, he's more aware, he's grounded. It's a trip. And so little bits go a long way. Well, he's also a fall risk. Whenever he goes to the hospital, he's never fallen, but they're just scared about these things. And so they don't let him get up. They'll keep him in bed. They'll keep him in a wheelchair. All that shit. So they're robbing him of motion. And what I think about the same reason you work out or I work out or Harrison works out is all the same. John Jones works out, whatever athlete, anybody works. It's all the same reason. It's to continue doing the things that we enjoy doing in daily life in
Starting point is 00:41:22 perpetuity, right? So the thing that we want to do today, that's what we're working out for. And him is just getting up and down off the ground or the toilet or whatever, and be able to move around without pain. And so for me, like, uh, my workouts change to do that after I stopped fighting and I would go into film, you know, my thing becomes, uh, more longevity based, you know, and more, how do I stay ready and prepared in, uh, in that kind of way all throughout the day, rather than a big amp up, warm up, uh, endeavor to do the thing. And then a culmination of that. And so I've just been trying to do little things all day long and just keep in motion. And right now I'm just looking into, uh, you know, like what we were
Starting point is 00:42:03 talking about downstairs of mixing in like some bodybuilding stuff with strongman stuff right now what i do is i do heavy strongman movements a couple of times a week and then i'll do those are fun aren't they dude it's it's the best and it's short and it's hard you go i mean where do you train at a deuce at deuce gym right right on lincoln um yeah you gave a seminar there a couple years back uh so my friend logan gelbridge has started this magical place down there it's just At Deuce, at Deuce Gym right on Lincoln. Yeah, you gave a seminar there a couple years back. So my friend Logan Gelbridge has started this magical place down there. It's just, you know, he's the holder of the vibe there. Like it's really, it's a dope spot in Venice. And so I go down there and like, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:37 when you start accessing weight that's your body weight, that you're like, we're going to carry this across this odd object. And you go from zero to 100 of intensity really quickly. And so you're only keeping that up 60 seconds or something like that. And, and that's great. But I find out that I start to wear down and I can't recover the way I did. And so doing bodybuilding exercise really helps my recovery because this blood volumization that I experienced, I think is super curative. And so then I do that and then I layer that on yoga and I feel fucking better than I've, I mean, I wish I were doing all the things that I was doing now to take care of my body when I was using my body in a different way for my, my livelihood.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Not that I'm not now, but like at those kinds of consequential stakes where it's a one-on-one thing, however, it's where we are, know and so that's that's what i do lately when you know you were years years ago you mentioned you were messing with some drugs that were you know really messing with your lifestyle and stuff have you found anything like because i know you asked me some questions about kratom a while back yeah yeah um like have you found anything recently that's uh uh that you feel is is helpful uh that's not uh you know that that's not necessarily uh as down that road as negative as a painkiller well what i found is i found i i got turned on to it through a friend of mine who i met through joe uh gino he owns a company called
Starting point is 00:44:01 speed weed and so speed weed is Speedweed is a marijuana delivery system, not into the body, but into your home or whatever. They'll deliver whatever to you. They have a menu and all that. Amazon weed, basically. Yeah, he's given me, turned me on to CBD and taught me a lot about the different terpenes and how these are associated with depression or this is more associated with nurturing your health back or like,
Starting point is 00:44:30 and so I've been messing with CBDs a lot in the last year and that's been super helpful to me, but also like the biggest number one thing is foundational movements and getting back into movement and being intentional in my movements has been more helpful than almost everything i i'd look to create them for uh like everything that i just made me sick i didn't get any relief from it which um i was i was really looking to and uh but i think my body is just not that's not a ally of mine in my body you know and and maybe a good thing and people yeah who knows who knows yeah and people have talked about all these different things that and and i'll try stuff if it's inside of the structure of what i think is safe for myself but the number one thing is
Starting point is 00:45:16 movement is like when i force myself and when i just face up to the bear and i go okay we're gonna have to fucking hold this pose for two minutes now in yoga. I mean, those are the battles that if, you know, you, I can, I can retreat, retreat to comfort in that, or I can get into the discomfort and the pain of it that is going to be potent and, and extreme for a short time that I get to choose. But if I don't go into that, I never get relief. If I stay in comfort, I never get relief. When I go into that and it's uncomfortable for these potent small sessions, I get huge relief for the rest of my life.
Starting point is 00:45:51 I get openings. I get the space where the pain's not there. Because I think most of my pain is due to inflammation and things like that. Yeah, I always tell people, too, what you do for yourself is always going to be more beneficial than what you do to yourself. To yourself would be more beneficial than what you do to yourself. You know, to yourself would be a pre-workout, you know, you get hyped up for your workout. But something for yourself would be to go on a 10-minute walk before you start your workout. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:15 In the long run, the 10-minute walk is going to be more productive. It's going to be something that's going to get your body ready. Even just, I mean, there's little things you can do in the morning. You could have some water with some salt. Uh, you can get out in the sun, you know, you get some of the sun rays, your body starts to kind of learn, okay, now it's time to be awake and you listen to some good music on your way to the gym. That could be your pre-workout. But I think everyone's always kind of looking like it's gotta be, I'm looking for a pill. It's gotta be this way or that way. And I'm totally guilty of it too. I got to be i'm looking for a pill it's got to be this way or that way and i'm totally guilty of it too i got hundreds of supplements i take all the time because i'm
Starting point is 00:46:49 always trying to ride everything cover all my cover all my bases you know the number one thing i've been turned on by a lot lately and i'd love to hear your opinions on it is creatine and it's the one thing i was just talking with uh kyle kingsbury about it and and he was like it's a it's a nootropic to my understanding in a way because of the way that it benefits atp and all these kinds of things and i started i i thought yeah what like of course it is in that way and so i take creatine every day i take fish oil every day for the joints and then really it's like it's like what you and chris talk about so much i try to i try to eat my way into right health as opposed to trying to do these other things to cover up for my poor behavior which was all my past was like
Starting point is 00:47:30 you know people that go and beat themselves up the gym oh well i've got to pay the price for the weekend that i had or whatever and i think how broken's your fucking life that your weekend is where you degrade yourself to the point where you have to pay penance the rest of the week right well and that's and that's where and that's where supplements can be used kind of in the wrong way. You know, somebody could think, oh, I need all these antioxidants. It's like, well, you, if you just, if you eat properly and you're taking care of yourself, you don't need a lot of extra stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:58 You just need the stuff that you need. And if you're eating a good diet and good diet could be so many different things for so many different people. But if you're not extremely overweight and you're not abusing yourself, you're not taking in drugs or alcohol and things are probably pretty good. You probably don't need 4,000 milligrams of vitamin C every day. I mean, look at Dr. Baker, some of the stuff that he's doing with the carnivore diet. He's got hundreds and hundreds of people that are having more and more success with it all the time. It doesn't mean that diet is for everybody. It doesn't mean that everyone should only eat meat. But what it does show you is that in the
Starting point is 00:48:33 absence of eating things that are bad for you, we don't even need excess vitamin C. We don't even need excess amounts of calcium. You're like, where do I even get the calcium from? Or where do I get, you know, this from or that from? It's like, well, actually, maybe you don't even need it. Have we ever even thought of that? Like the, the, uh, food and drug administration, the list that they put out of your, uh, recommended daily allowance of what you need. Maybe that's just totally inaccurate because who's that a measure off of? Well, and also we see how
Starting point is 00:49:05 compromised the fda and government watchdog agencies are like that we well even now google google's a piece of shit now you can barely even use it of course i mean we have it's really frustrating we have speaking of google we have these corporations ever since that we're both going to be shot after this podcast by the way by some snipers i'm release me please alexis um like listening around or whatever but you know you look at you look at all that shit and they don't there's there's not a there's not this uh there's not people looking out for us there is none of that and now we have corporations that are bigger than the gnp of most countries. It's like, that is moving legislation. So you've got people that are complicit
Starting point is 00:49:48 and you having cancer that are now calling the shots for healthcare also, or whatever, you know, it behooves them that you're sick. And so like in that kind of world, I mean, that's where like pirate life and this whole idea about caveman coffee and all that kind of came up was, was please quit begging for a fucking pill
Starting point is 00:50:04 or just do, just tell me what to eat it's like i need an educational system where you understand the components of just simple macronutrients what you're doing and how they how they affect your body and without that you're then a victim of listening to whoever has the loudest voice telling you what to do or has the right badge on and and those people are all complicit in your death i mean to a large degree you can't trust that and so this whole kind of educational awareness is coming up like you know like you guys doing the war on carbs and and things like the ketogenic when has that ever come up before like we're in this new space where it's like no no these people are going hey this has function and performance for me because i was dying so i'm not looking at it as like
Starting point is 00:50:45 to get a test study at the university done or I don't give a shit about that. This saved my fucking life. That's the only kind of stuff that I look at anymore, man. It's like, man, if it doesn't have legs that's walking and it's an idea that came out of a laboratory, it's nice to have that to compound it or to give warning signs or things to look out for,
Starting point is 00:51:05 but for real efficacy, I need to see function and performance in your life, you know, and then I need to adopt and go, well, maybe me too. And if I don't do this a hundred percent, there's no chance that I'm going to be able to look at that and go, yeah, that worked for me too. Cause I'm going to have done it so muddily. So this whole thing about, um, a pill or whatever, it's like, fuck, no, man, I I'd much rather teach the animal to have discipline have consistency and if you do certain things you'll get certain results and that's just the facts of it but this whole thing where we're so compromised is just it's it's weird it's a weird time where we have the internet we have the most information ever yeah but we have the most
Starting point is 00:51:39 questions about is that true is that fake news what What's real? We don't know. You know, it's, uh, interesting with, with yourself, you know, being on a keto style diet and, uh, living the life that you live now versus the life you lived before. What a lot of people see, you know, a lot of people that are heavy and that, uh, enjoy foods that are fucking delicious donuts and these different things. They think that their their life runs out right they think like man you're gonna take those foods away my life that's gonna suck how has it changed your life because i would imagine through the partying years and through some of those years probably have some cool stories you probably have some stories where
Starting point is 00:52:22 you were led down a really shitty path as well but i would imagine your life's a lot better now if my life were better the other way i would be living that life right if my life were better with booze in it i would for sure have booze in it but for me there's not one like when i look at stuff and it goes this is going to enhance me financially emotionally spiritually physically is it gonna is it gonna tip any of the metrics that that are my life that in a positive way and it comes up as no's on everything i'm like well what's the point of that you know and and then what i find you know in a lot of drug use and it's like people can't curate their own emotions they have their own emotion and they're like i need a zanny or or whatever and there's there's there's that and that's like a trap and it's and it's for me like
Starting point is 00:53:09 i don't give a fuck what it jump in front of a bus i don't care like whatever you do you do that's i understand everybody got to make their choices i'm the fish i got to catch and so i got to know for me uh in in this biological mechanism it just it works contrary to my best interests, you know? And yeah, there's a critic inside me that, that, that craves different shit. But my job is, is to hire my consciousness to the highest elevation possible. So I can be the most used to my community as possible. And if I listen to that critic in there, he's working against those goals. So I just have to really watch my head more, I guess, with that, You know, and a lot of times too, you think, you know, was something really that hard? Like, is it really that hard to abstain from eating pizza? Is it really that hard? Once you work it
Starting point is 00:53:55 out and once you work through it and understand it better and you feel how good these new foods can make you feel, you kind of forget about some of those some of those cravings and of course those things will come back and there's gonna be times where you just need to enjoy it because the cravings end up being too great every once in a while but i think a lot of times people are always just looking at okay well he said no carbs so i can't eat these certain things what i always try to tell people is you can you can still eat those things those things are fine you just got to eat them a lot less so there's still room there's still room for you to occasionally say you know what i am gonna on this particular day i'm gonna hang
Starting point is 00:54:34 out with my family i am gonna just we're gonna order pizza from our favorite pizza place and i'm gonna eat pizza with my kids and we're gonna laugh and we're gonna tell jokes and we're gonna just chill yeah why not right every every once in a while it's like those things i do it a couple times a year yeah those things need those things need to happen and you said a couple times a year which is which is great because it shows how deep into it you are but i even get i even get pleasure out of it uh with masturbatory thought about it like i'll think about that fucking pizza and i'll think about what it looks like i'll think about the smell of it and all that and like i like that crust crispy and the crunch and then i'll put that thought away and it's not a big deal that the and and i can get satisfied
Starting point is 00:55:14 from that in a way which is is demented maybe uh but but uh a lot of times that thought's more satisfying than the heaviness i feel after I eat it. I've learned that. And so I go, you know, what self am I presenting here to curate my, the, the, the little hungry fucking needy never is more is never enough. Like type of guy inside me or somebody that wants to create a vessel that's larger than that. And, and my thing with the pizza or with whatever, only a couple i i i don't fuck with sugar uh except on real special okay like you know if i go with harrison we'll have dessert or whatever
Starting point is 00:55:51 he'll have dessert every time but um when you're 93 you have all the desserts you want uh but uh like that like if i don't what i learned a great point is either from sisson or rob wolf i don't know which but how i begin my day dictates my day to such a huge degree nutritionally and so if i begin eating you know i don't eat any glutens at all but except maybe twice a year i'll go gluten-free pizza they've cracked the code on some of those crusts but i'll fuck with a regular thin crust too a couple times a year but i'll get there'll be a price to pay i'll get i'll get acid reflux really bad so i can't sleep and things like that's why i'm gluten-free is because i found i took gluten note and i don't have to take nexium anymore but um the the thing with with feeding myself and with like what what part of my nourishing, if I start eating, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:45 before I was gluten-free, I started eating a bagel in the morning. I need sugar every two hours. Like if I eat sugar, it begets more sugar. And so the more carbohydrates that I start with, I literally cannot say no. I don't have a mechanism. But if I can fight, how do I fight that?
Starting point is 00:57:02 I stay nourished with fats. And so the first thing that was my ally going into ketosis was coconut butter. And anytime I had a, it was fucking Mark Sisson and he dared me, he goes, go ahead and have yourself two tablespoons of coconut butter and, and see if you're still hungry later. And I was, I'd get completely sated with these two. I was like, that's fantastic. And so i started doing that that kind of cracked the code for me like if i nourish myself correctly it makes a ketogenic diet easy i don't even care if i eat again like it's fine i have to force myself to my next next meal a lot
Starting point is 00:57:36 of the time but that's if i do it appropriately and properly and so you know that i can't just fall into it i have to be intentional, I guess is my. Right. I heard, uh, Mark Sisson also say, um, you know, he was like, if you really are just craving something like crazy and you're, you're just dying for something, he goes, go get some, uh, you know, go get some expensive dark chocolate. He's like, the more expensive, the better. Cause you're, you're going to value it more because it costs more and you only want to shell out so much dough for it. He he goes go get yourself some nice expensive almond butter he's like take that chocolate dip that in that almond butter so great and he said just eat as much as you want
Starting point is 00:58:15 he's like the he's like it'll go away you know he's like you'll eat you know maybe i don't know 10 scoops of it or so and and that'll be that. And you won't have to do it again for a few months. It's over with. Yeah, and I love that thing, and that's what got me through, because I travel a lot. And I can take these jars. They're not perishable.
Starting point is 00:58:36 You can take almond butter. You can take coconut butter. You can do that. Those are things you've got to prepare for, because you know that sometimes in your hotel room, especially if the set or whatever sets you up with a nice hotel room especially if uh the set or whatever sets you up with a nice hotel room and you're going to have all these amenities all these nice
Starting point is 00:58:49 some peanut m&ms maybe yeah and you're maybe a bag of pringles yeah and you're just left with your own thoughts right yep or you're on set for all day and all there is is snacks you know i mean even the sets you're seeing healthier choices come up which is cool depends who number one and two on the call sheet are but there's some pretty fucking great healthy sets but also like always be prepared like i've and so that was the thing too is like it it's like it caused me to live my life have having my diet in place allowed me to live my whole life more intentionally it bled into my whole life because i i had to you know i had to it. And like, and I'd always kind of thought, I don't want the responsibility for my life. And if I planned for it, then the onus would be on me.
Starting point is 00:59:31 If it didn't work, I had some broken thinking about it, you know? And then when I just go, man, I just, I must, I cannot live this way anymore. So I must plan. So that would be the littlest bit I would do. And I would got these, I yielded these great results and I was like, fuck this. I could do this with the rest of my life. The one thing is, is when you're in hotels and you're eating chocolate and almond butter, it's fucking good. But like, I usually that's before I go to bed, I'm watching, you know, NCIS on TV or law and order and I'm eating it. And then I kind of go to sleep or whatever. And you wake up and you go and you're like, fuck. And you got almond butter and chocolate melted into your sheets. and then you sit there and you're at the horns of a dilemma where you're like
Starting point is 01:00:07 am i late for the bus to go to work and i try to clean the or it's just the maids are gonna think whatever they think when they look at this mess on the and i'm and you just leave 10 bucks on it and walk off i guess you know i don't know not what you think it is you know you want to be sure like you're not it's not feces there it's just i didn't yeah i didn't know not what you think it is you know you want to be sure like you're not it's not feces there it's just i didn't yeah i didn't i didn't have here's the chocolate wrapper and the almond butter next to it i didn't have a accident in the middle of the night right which i've done before when's the last time you had an accident like that oh uh in your pants oh oh man um well in well in bed you know uh so i was i was really really sick this was this was like a thanksgiving to remember for for our whole family everybody got really really sick but i was
Starting point is 01:00:56 the first one to get sick i got sick um i have a lot of uh nieces and nephews and stuff and you know they you know how kids are they they're little little bundles of germs right uh they came over a few days before we went on this trip and i was just thinking and i and i wished it upon myself you know i had the negative thoughts it was probably my own fault but uh i was like man these little bastards they're gonna get me sick i think and i'm always playing with them i love i love them i have so much fun with them but uh i was like man they're gonna get me sick anyway sure enough you know a day or two goes by and i my stomach just starts rumbling and i start getting i start getting like deathly ill and we're like leaving that day so i'm like throwing up and shitting like just it's just
Starting point is 01:01:42 awful i didn't know which end it was going to come out of it's the worst so i'm i just like annihilated our toilet like it just sprayed all over the back of it and it was like a lot of cleaning and i just didn't even know where to begin it was so bad right so i get done with that business and i go and sit on the couch and my stomach's just rumbling again i'm like oh my god i gotta go again i can't even get up off the couch i shit our couch what kind of pants you got on i i had i had shorts on like basketball yeah well it's even worse than that because i had shorts on and i took my underwear off because i those were already like toast you know so i threw those not to be revisited i threw those away because i was like they can't even not even salvageable so i like actually shit like threw my shorts on the couch anyway that couch was done like i told my wife was like i can't explain what happened but i was like i threw out the cushion to the couch
Starting point is 01:02:37 i was like it's just we probably can't replace one cushion so i was like we need i was like we need to get another couch you know uh then i went to the bathroom again and then i came out and i shit in our recliner and i'm like this is just gonna be so i'm dying right i finally feel better and we and we drive out to like bodega bay or wherever we're going for that thanksgiving and uh you know i'm feeling you know crappy again and i'm just like laying in bed and i'm shivering and i'm sick for the whole time that we're there worst man and my uh my wife and my uh sister-in-law and everyone's having a great time everyone's drinking everyone's laughing and they're also cooking up like a lot of seafood so like i'm barfy and pooping and everything else and i'm i like
Starting point is 01:03:24 seafood but like that's the last thing you want. Under normal conditions. Yeah. They got crabs and oysters and all these different things out there. And I'm smelling that. And I just keep running to the bathroom. And at this point, it's all vomit, right? Well, I get everybody in the house sick over those few days.
Starting point is 01:03:43 I kept telling everybody, i don't think people should come over the house i'm you know shitting and puking all over the shit all the furniture yeah we gotta throw everything we gotta throw everything out and so my uh nieces and nephews got sick my sister-in-law got sick i don't think my wife got sick but i just remember the ride home my we were following my uh my brother-in-law home and he pulls off and i was like oh man what happened to him and he's just barfing on the side of the road i was like man we just got just blasted this vacation it was it was brutal but it makes for a good story i guess i feel like that's the last time i shit myself
Starting point is 01:04:22 in your adult life how many times do you think it's happened probably about three times really yeah that's three times too many i feel like my asshole's broken i feel like i do it way more oh like i mean you know i got maybe shit in my pants maybe twice a year well i say i got you know i got deep cheeks i learned that from uh john anderson a bodybuilder yeah john was exploring the cheek region or how did he know how deep your cheeks were well no he his own cheeks are deep oh okay so he said that uh he said he was uh just sitting there eating one day and this guy eats like 400 grams of protein every day or whatever john just rips this just nasty brutal fart at the dinner table and his
Starting point is 01:05:03 daughter who's like 11 she's like dad she's like there's just no way that you didn't ruin your shorts on that like there's just like that was really bad he's like ah he's like i'll go check and he goes and he checks and he comes back and he tells her he's like honey i got under control shorts are fine he goes i did need to wipe though he goes but luckily i got really deep cheeks enough surface area so i think yeah the wear didn't it didn't really cause a problem so i think i fall into that category as well deep cheeks i'm blessed i guess hashtag blessed and guys really gotta earn it if they want to get in there they there's a lot to fight through yeah that's right you're not really built for that no i'm not built for that no that's fortunate it works out mine i had i had peg leg jean like
Starting point is 01:05:51 jeans that were tighter at my calves oh no not good and then they were baggy at the top though all the farts trapped which seems good but i was just driving across town in la not sick or nothing you didn't even have an excuse i got three stories i got to get up even have an elevator wait for that's brutal it's one of those things i was on the road for too long and a lot of people won't let you use the restroom in la because it's just like there's homeless like people just they're not doing that well they know guys like you that shit their pants i guess i'm going in i got up and it's just like i don't know they're not deep enough for sure because it feels like they just poke out and then it goes and then it's like i have a key pad on my door like a real poop like a full-on poop dude keypad on my door four numbers that's
Starting point is 01:06:35 it and you always see those people in the horror movies with the keys and they're like fucking michael's coming and then they drop you're like who drops the keys nobody drops keys but when you're all fucked up in your head and scared maybe your keys drop i guess because i'm punching those four numbers in that i punched in a thousand times before and you're way they're not coming fast enough and then i and then it red acts meh and i'm like and and and a little boom and like that you feel it you know it opens and then there's, and everything's right at the door and it opens stuff runs through the door, you know, like whatever.
Starting point is 01:07:08 And then I go through again and I, I get it and I open the door and there's like a, it's like, it's like being fatigued if you're working out and then you're like, I don't have one left for this tricep press. I don't have one left. Like there's no muscle to resist even 10 pounds of weight coming out and it just and so that's what happened in my um rectum and uh and just filled those baggy pants up down to my calf where it caught and now i have to walk across to my bathroom and then i'm at the dilemma of do i sit or do i so i just went into the shower and took the pants off and i just let only option but it was goddamn horrific that was still have the pants i do i was gonna say i'm frugal i'm
Starting point is 01:07:52 frugal i you know i don't i don't have all that slingshot money yet i gotta wait till mine comes through and then i'll maybe just i'll be able to throw couches away maybe those uh those pants are cleaner than ever now you never know well they did get cleaned up yeah they're white pants i just bleach them you know you know uh switching gears here for a second thank god you know you got like uh you we almost couldn't get away couldn't get out of that uh you got guys like josh brolin you know who has has had this uh long acting career right but later on in life uh you know now he's you know one of the one of the top guys i mean his movies are really are really hitting right getting better and better and you would have called him a superstar 20 years ago
Starting point is 01:08:37 and now better it's amazing it's beautiful and a beautiful guy it's it's amazing to watch right and the rock's not young either like the rock's gonna be yeah what is he 52 or something yeah he's like he's like 50 years old or something like that and how old are you uh 47 is that is that something that you're you're striving to do or do you uh like the roles that you're in are you trying to oh of course i'm always wanting to get better reach higher you know you know, and everything. I don't, you know, the one thing that is characteristic that's similar through everybody that I know and that I hang out with a lot is that there's never this sense of I'm done.
Starting point is 01:09:18 I'm complete, you know, and whatever it is that someone's doing, they're trying to, you know, they're doing the next thing. And people that are worried about doing the next thing of how to grow their capacity to be larger are not so, uh, whether it's gossipy or so much worried about what you're doing there, they're really focused on what they're doing. And it's really hard when you start to get into that kind of growth mindset, it's hard to live in your rear view mirror about like, oh, that thing that I did, it kind of becomes unimportant. I mean, of course it's formed you to who you are and it's nice for reflection in some ways,
Starting point is 01:09:53 but a lot of times reflection becomes a maudlin reminiscence that can rob you of your future. And so to stay growing and all that, yeah, man, that's what I'm endeavoring to do now. I just got this like a full acting part on NCIS, which is dope. But I'm looking for more and more of that for sure, and I'm looking into creation of film and art and painting. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Like all that stuff to me is just how do you enhance your growth more and more and more, and then how do you use that is just how do you enhance your growth more and more and more? And then how do you use that stuff to be able to help your community more and more and more? Because the more vibrant my community, the more I can stay. Like I'm not a font of inspiration. It's something that you need to nurture. And you can't leave yourself without that. nurture and and you can't leave yourself without that and so if i'm not continually trying to rip off the old kind of carcass of who i was and become who i'm going to be i get stagnant and
Starting point is 01:10:52 and for me it's like you know why look towards spiritual things or why look towards uh growth in that aggressive kind of way that i do or anything like that is not to have a higher consciousness for the sake of talking or to not like it's to not kill myself it's because i get so dissatisfied that uh i get this nihilistic view towards life and like what's the point of it all anyway and if i'm not that still happens if i'm not looking oh if i'm not looking to suffer to grow uh and, and I, I, I sink into my comforts. I'd rather kill myself. I'd rather like it, it becomes untenable to me. And I, when I say I'd rather, it's not like a thought, like an intellectual thought, it's like, I cannot fucking bear life anymore. And, and so
Starting point is 01:11:37 I've been pushed into this growth for a long time of, of going, I need it to have function and performance, man. And whatever it looks good or whatever the marketing is i don't give a shit i just need something that's going to fucking work and and that's what guys told me early on too they go with spirituality man they're like it seemed like this ephemeral thing that was just like at the wisps of your fingertips at best that they'd speak of and this guy i said man i need something i can grab hey like i'm gonna go chanting on top of a mountain with the wind blowing or something? What's going on? Then a dude laid on me. He goes, 90% of a spiritual life, Tate,
Starting point is 01:12:10 is having manners when you don't feel like it. Do the right thing regardless of how you feel about it. Get into contrary action and just doing those simple things of get out of bed when the alarm goes off. Don't hit snooze. Those are ways to get up ahead of myself you know because there's that critic in me that i have to i have to push the voice so it's really hard for you to deal with uh like not doing anything so like you get the high of
Starting point is 01:12:36 uh the movies you get the high of getting a tv deal or but those in between spots have got to be a little hard for you right yeah and i can't live on the high of the movies or any, like, I can't believe that. I can't believe the bad press. None of that shit matters to me. You know, Jumanji comes out.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Shit. That's my history. That happened a year ago. So my history is everybody else's present. You know, my mom is like, looks at it when she's watching it with me. And it's as if it happened today.
Starting point is 01:13:02 And it's like, it's already like, so the shines often to some degree, still proud and it's as if it happened today. And it's like, it's already like, so the shine's off to some degree. Still proud of it, fortunate to be there, all that kind of stuff. But yesterday's sandwich doesn't feed me today. You know, yesterday's prayers aren't going to get me by into tomorrow type of thing. And so I have to pay attention to these things, these little ticks, every single day. And if I don't, and if I don't stay in motion of trying to better myself and that can look a lot a variant of ways i get into a
Starting point is 01:13:29 darkness where i can't leave the house i don't want to get out of bed and i'm not going to answer my phone you know and and and those kinds of things you know a lot of people deal with that yeah and and the social media in some ways make that better or worse i don't i don't know i i think it makes it worse overall because people people that don't deserve a voice and you could cry and say everybody deserves a voice yeah but that's fucking gay uh they don't you know people don't merit a voice there's a lot of negative reinforcement i feel from so here's a bunch of dudes that ain't done it they're gonna tell their opinion on people doing it eat dicks man fucking you got zero to say you know and and and that whole kind of thing i don't know all the guys ever trained in my gym
Starting point is 01:14:13 or anywhere i go hey uh they all clamor after money i need to make some money everybody go and make some money you know you know guys that got 50 million dollars and they're fucking bummed out that they don't have 60 million dollars you know what i mean got $50 million and they're fucking bummed out that they don't have $60 million. You know what I mean? It's like, what if you're in this, uh, this, this addict kind of mindset, more is never enough. There's just not going to be enough. So I hope you get all the pussy, all the money, all the cars, all the jobs in spades. So you can find out that ain't what you lack. And that, that becomes a thing. And the whole thing is your twenties,
Starting point is 01:14:46 early thirties. That's to sharpen the sword, man. You just sharpen in the sword. You're building character, building skill sets. That's what that's for. Your money will come later.
Starting point is 01:14:56 If you've done good repetitions of, of building your character correctly, but you act shady, you got no integrity. Your fucking system breaks down all the time. Cause you're following the next shiny fucking thing. You're going to be a scrub your whole life. You got no integrity. Your fucking system breaks down all the time because you're following the next shiny fucking thing. You're going to be a scrub your whole life. You know, you got to stay true to something.
Starting point is 01:15:11 And once you stay true to something and you can get excellent at that thing, that fucking shit bleeds into your whole life. And that will serve you. Then you'll know what other people did to get that excellence. And you'll be able to see that. And then you'll start to tonify yourself
Starting point is 01:15:23 to where you vibrate and those things are attracted to you because you're all speaking a common language of the heart. You never let your guard down. And those other people don't ever know because they're just following. Oh, what did social media tell me is cool? Oh, is that cool now?
Starting point is 01:15:36 Okay, cool, fit tea. I'll get some of that. Okay, cool. Oh, are you my online coach? How fucking gay is that? What are we doing here, people? That is ridiculous. I mean, goddamn, I love a lot of the people that i know on social media that slang some bullshit like you're like
Starting point is 01:15:51 they're there's crazy i mean it's like here here's uh you know candy and clouds for everybody and it's like fuck wait all of a sudden we're saying candy is the best thing for it like halloween's our favorite thing not just because they dress like sluts but because we can eat fucking candy all day long and and everybody's dying of diabetes now because these are the thought leaders of the world are you fucking kidding me it's ridiculous yeah so you get into that and go i need to have somebody that's got merit that's walked the road that i can replicate and they speak simple language man that this other shit like if it fits my man i don't even know what all that shit means i'm like that sounds so gay great you got did you get a marketing word for it great i'm glad your macros are fitting in your levi's or whatever the fuck you know i mean like
Starting point is 01:16:33 what are we talking about there's so much of that there's so much of that going around and it's just you know people are people are trying to promote you know a cause or promote you know their their own their own kind of agenda that's going on. But what I see with a lot of social media. I see a lot of bosses. I see a lot of hashtag bosses. Ain't nobody put their name on the bottom of nobody's check. You ain't signed anybody's checks.
Starting point is 01:16:55 You ain't no boss, kid. Sorry. You know, that becomes the deal. That's very true. I see just a kind of a negative feedback loop, you know, because people they want to keep checking and seeing how many likes they got how many comments they got and then what do you actually do when you look at it you always look at it you're always dissatisfied and and and you search for the one negative comment out of the 15 those are the ones we answer tate you look great you know uh can't wait to see you next week and there's a bunch of those
Starting point is 01:17:23 right but it's the one guy who's like, man, you can't act for shit. That's the one you're hung up on. You don't even know who the guy is. I formulate a really good response for him about how worthless his whole life is. You check him out and you click on his post. And it can lead you down a negative path a lot of times. It's not an easy thing to do. None of it feels good.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Right. It just doesn't that stuff too but i think addiction falls into that same realm where it's feedback loop you're you're you're searching for results that you don't even ever actually want how wild is that interesting because you never get you never get that result you're not looking for all the complimentary results you're looking for the result that's one twat that's saying what, yeah. But I think the same thing happens through addiction. A lot of times it's, it's a result that you, you know, that you don't want that result.
Starting point is 01:18:12 You know, that that result is not good for you. Maybe I've heard, you know, I haven't really been high a lot of my life and stuff. So I don't have as much, that much experience with some of that stuff. But, you know, from what I hear is like you know nothing compares the first or second time that you kind of go down that road and you never get back to there again anyway and then disastrous shit's not i never tried any of this stuff that's the worst out of all that out of all those because it's like that takes you you do your one bump and then you're here but then it plateaus you can do a fucking pile after that you never go it's just like you stay painfully at the same rate which is just it's the worst dick tease ever but i think that happens a
Starting point is 01:18:52 lot in life of course i think it happens a lot in life and you keep you keep bringing that bell over and over again you're like why am i doing that yeah the fuck am i doing yeah i don't want that result there's a there's a thing that does you got to make a change it doesn, it just doesn't make sense, but it's the same thing everywhere, right? Like how do we curate our lives? How do we watch ourselves? And how do we say, Hey, I'm a hundred percent responsible for my life. It's like, uh, you know, the first thing that is the answer is you got to get out of the victim mindset. There's no victim ever grows. And if you're looking for, you know, I used to be a guy that was like, all I need is a scapegoatgoat and i'm fine you know what i mean i need somebody to point the finger at and i'm okay but like when you get into real self-improvement and you go okay i want self-consciousness and
Starting point is 01:19:32 awareness uh to be rising at a different vibration than me playing the blame game then my life gets to get better because if the responsibility is yours to give me a nice chest what what time do i get a nice chest? The time I decided to do the work, like you can never build my chest for me, you know? And it's the same thing with my emotional health. Like you're never, you're never hurting nor helping my chest development as it were, you know, it's like you're either an example or not or whatever, but you're outside of the frame of that. And so to point and assign responsibility, it doesn't make any sense. There's no function or performance there.
Starting point is 01:20:10 And when I worry about the things that don't make me better, when I worry about the things that I have no control of, which is your behavior regarding me, if I spend all my time worrying about your behavior or worrying about the negative comment or worrying whatever, those are things that I cannot change. They have nothing to do with me, except what it does is it makes me avoid me. It's the same problem we have of looking and going, ah, the president's this way or, or France acts that way. Or anytime I'm pointing something outside of me, I am now ignoring what I need to do to help me. And so I'm only in my own way, I guess is my point. So that becomes the whole thing is how do I get out of my own way? Maybe that's why you think some of the life coach stuff is kind of bullshit, right? Not life coach, but internet coaching, I think, is a little.
Starting point is 01:20:58 It just seems like it's silly. You're talking about like programming, like people programming workouts? No, there's programming. I think that's great. But yeah, there's that life coach aspect. Because I've seen more people promote that. Everybody gets to be an expert, right? Right. Without any veracity.
Starting point is 01:21:13 I see what you're saying. Everybody gets to say, I am this. And you don't have any history of that, bro. Yeah, somebody's explaining this long thing of how they got somewhere. And you're like, where are you? I don't even know where you've been. I've seen people write books on power lifting right that are completely stolen right from russian masters and reiterated here and then called but i'm an expert or whatever or or put name a subject you know whatever it is and then somebody is that i'm a social media
Starting point is 01:21:45 marketing guru and i could really help your company and i go to their thing and they've got 23 followers and i think maybe you're not that did you ever consider that you know like all that thing is like again how do you separate the bullshit from the truth you're like i want to find something but i need it to be nourishing well that's where this stuff isn't that's where your background comes into play so much because you've been around some real killers before you gotta walk a road yeah i mean you you've uh you know nowadays you're involved more in in fitness you're involved in the ketogenic diet you are you are friends with people that are in high places so it makes it easier for you to see like these people are full of shit and
Starting point is 01:22:25 doing all the jujitsu and fighting and all the different things that you've been doing that are so physical. You can just tell when someone's full of shit right away. It might not matter if you're training my mom in Krav Maga, whether your shit is bunk or not. Right. But it sure fucking matters if you're a fighter, that's going to put your safety on the line,
Starting point is 01:22:42 right? Whether or not you're being sold a fraudulent bag of goods goods which you may be you know and sometimes just flat out annoying right right because you're just like it's like get on the road just get on the road man because you know we choose to be spectators when we're afraid to bleed a little bit you know and then and and then it's yeah that spectator job man that's just there's not that's not a good look you know it's not something i'd enjoy to be the sandwich you ate yesterday is not gonna feed you today uh where can people find a tate fletcher tate fletcher is easy to find just find me on uh instagram or uh caveman coffee is there you can uh tell me more about caveman coffee
Starting point is 01:23:24 and we've talked about a little bit before on the podcast but things seem to be rolling rolling along really well with it company that we uh started a few years back and um we just were coffee lovers and wanted there there wasn't any uh nitro cold brew coffee on the market and so we came up with this fancy little can and there was none put it nothing no no. I remember when you guys got it going, I was like, this is fucking great because there's nothing like it right now. And then we just started curating beans
Starting point is 01:23:52 from farms that we liked. We started relationships with different places, first in Colombia, and then we've got some out of Africa and Brazil. And we're real careful with the roasts and the notes that we are are putting out and we started basically as as the ketogenic diet started to take root in my life and uh that that whole kind of top-end nutrition thinking um we just thought well let's put something out that we hadn't seen
Starting point is 01:24:20 before really in the market and uh and that we use all the time and so it's something that we hadn't seen before really in the market and uh and that we use all the time and so it's something that we really believed in and that other people like hey because i kind of had like a twitter um coffee club where i would send coffee to guys and they would say just because i talk a lot about coffee and about single origin coffee and all that and then keith met um some roasters and these guys from columbia and then we kind of started talking them and then we just started a page and started selling stuff and uh and then it kind of grew and it was i was a a reluctant entrepreneur i guess i was or i was unintentional in the way that it began and now that we've had to gain intention with it we've uh you know turned up the steam on that a little bit
Starting point is 01:25:04 what he's trying to say is he tried to make a really cheap product because the margins were great that could be further from the truth right that's the craziest right yeah this is a hard product to make i mean it's a hard product to ship it's got it you mentioned it's got to be cold yeah and it's uh it's a nitro cold brew and it's the only which is different i think it's the only single origin cold brew that there is. Most people use blends because it's cheaper. You can get a bunch of beans. You can hide the profile of it a little bit.
Starting point is 01:25:30 So we just only wanted the highest quality of stuff to use and all that. It was impossible to ship at room temperature because you'd run into problems with botulism or staph. There's all kinds of things that can happen. So any time you found a coffee like this like they'd have sugar or milk in it. Generally it wasn't just coffee and water. And now things are changing a little bit. Now we've just found a, a new way to produce it,
Starting point is 01:25:53 which will be unleashing in a month or so here, which we'll, we'll send you some new stuff and we'll be doing a bunch of different flavors and all that with it, which would be kind of a new kind of deal too. And a little bit of nootropic stuff with things oh nice working in some mct and cbd uh within the k-cups that we're we're putting out right now we you know that was another thing k-cups were a big market item for us but there wasn't a way that they were biodegradable and they even the guy
Starting point is 01:26:22 that made k-cups is like he sounded like oppenheimer after he made the bomb he's like i'm so fucking sorry that i created all this waste everywhere yeah he's like i just had no idea i was just making this thing and and so now they've got biodegradable k-cups so we're using those and yeah and all that shit's more you know it is it's all more expensive you know it's like uh but i was never excused i was never really into having the cheapest widget on the block either i want you know i want to be able to stand by what we put out and so the minute we can't do that is the minute we won't do that anymore but um thank you so much for your time and i appreciate having you again strength is never a weakness weakness never strength see you guys later

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