Mark Bell's Power Project - The 2 Bears 1 Cave Guide to Being LESS FAT! MBPP Ep. 770

Episode Date: July 19, 2022

Today we are recapping Mark's appearance on 2 Bears One Cave Podcast with Tom Segura. We also cover a very important question from our Discord regarding finding a solid starting program to follow in t...he gym. Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off!! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really does work): ➢ Code POWERPROJECT20 for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Our Project Family has a go. And now, as you guys know, we have been talking about cold therapy for a while. Mark, Andrew, and myself, we all use Cold Plunge XLs since we're pretty big. But the Cold Plunge is amazing. And there are a lot of cold therapy tools out there. Obviously, you can use your shower. But the amazing thing about the Cold Plunge is, number one, it doesn't take up much space in your home or your backyard. And number two, you don't need to change your water, unlike other cold therapy devices, for six months to a year.
Starting point is 00:00:25 It filters itself. Let's not even talk about all the benefits of cold plunging, like the dopamine release, how good you feel after doing it. And there's just the cascade of hormones that happens after you get in some really cold water. It's crazy, and we love it. So, Andrew, how can they get it? Absolutely. so andrew how can they get it absolutely you guys got to head over to the and at checkout enter promo code power project to save 150 off your very own cold plunge again the links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes
Starting point is 00:00:55 you guys want to start there what you just get the podcast rolling get it around yeah just Get it? A round. Our disdain for Android PCs, all that. That's a master race, bro. I know, but they would respond, but right now their computer stopped working. Yo. Okay. Let's take a quick half pop. I thought you were going to say poop. Yeah, no, just half pop of the drug.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Yeah, I'm on this table coming oh lord why the oh my god i can stop whenever i want i can stop whenever i want i'm not i don't have a problem no no jesus christ i don't my third potion of the day no no i mean once i get through the case that i have then maybe i can slow down after that i mean there's probably not a reason for me to stop yeah dude whenever i want i've done it before years ago i don't need to do it again look how successful you guys are by taking three four potions a day okay you know what you know how bad it is to joke any of y'all says the guy that jokes too much. Yeah, and I love to joke, but I don't like to joke when it actually could cause bad things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Guys, this potion's good. Drink responsibly. It's very strong. It's strong. So if you do one, do one. Don't do multiple in a day. Don't even do a full one. How about that?
Starting point is 00:02:21 Honestly, we've had so many guests that have come on that we've given potions to and they've been fine you're the only guy that's thrown up after there's somebody else that got sick i don't know anyone listen if i can give a recommendation if you're gonna take some mind bullet make sure you periodically mix in your mushrooms and lsd here and there right that's that way you're not overloaded on any one drug exactly the whole pyramid you know you can't just do like the one thing that you like. You got to be whole. Maybe throwing a little weed every once in a while.
Starting point is 00:02:48 I mean, come on. What would the pyramid of psychedelics be? That's a curiosity. I think weed would probably be at the base since people smoke so much weed.
Starting point is 00:02:56 But should they be? Right? Because the base of the food pyramid maybe shouldn't be bread or whatever the fuck it is. I haven't done enough of them to know.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I hear ecstasy is pretty awesome. Have you ever done that? I need to fuck it is i haven't done enough of them to know like uh i hear ecstasy is like pretty pretty awesome i need to try it i haven't i've heard such good things about it i've heard good things man never tried it either i wish i did ecstasy when i was single i really wish i did i could still do it now you'll still you'll probably have more fun now to be honest crystal meth's supposed to be good like sexual experience as well are you serious yeah what wait what story did you hear about crystal meth what are you talking about it's it's supposed to be great like for sex i don't know why i don't know i've never tried it but wait whoa okay but the person i was like hey mark crystal meth is great for sex what was their reason reason? So, well, first of all, I know that people get naked when they're on crystal meth a lot of times. The crazy fucks.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Yeah. And I don't know. I think maybe like ecstasy. Maybe it makes you want to fuck. I don't know. I'm not sure. There's some really weird shit that happens with crystal meth. I've heard of people trying to, something happens with water and something happens with like a reflection.
Starting point is 00:04:04 People tend to hurt themselves a lot. They break glass a lot because they see their own reflection or something weird. And then somebody tried to crawl themselves through a drain in their shower. I don't mean to laugh about it. It's a horrible addiction to have. But at the same time, it makes you lose your shit pretty bad, it seems like. But it could be good for sex. All these things in moderation.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Not meth, though. I'll never fuck with meth. I'll never fuck with cocaine. That's something I still have never done. I don't plan on it because we talked about it. Feeling like Superman's never good. This shit, you feel a little happy. You feel a little bit more conversational. good this you feel a little happy feel a little
Starting point is 00:04:45 bit more conversational weed gets you a little bit creative i don't really want something that's going to make me like way more confident you know what i mean like maybe just a touch maybe just like a little bit from like a drink or something like that like a shot or something that's a that's plenty like i already have plenty of confidence like i don't need like cocaine make me think i could like beat somebody up or something crazy like i don't need i don't need any more confidence with shit like that i feel like that shit is just gonna break a marriage i feel like you're already where you are right yeah and then you're like when you're on coke make me malfunction i can do everything and then you just you just you just do something out of the clothes
Starting point is 00:05:20 your whole life wolf of wall street yeah You guys still messing with the breath work? I've been doing that shit on a regular basis that we learned from Justin Lovato. I've been digging it. Dude, I've been having some really cool experiences. The most recent one, I was explaining it to Justin. I was like, I was from the perspective of two people looking at a, what the fuck is it called when you look at a baby? What the hell is it? X-ray? Not baby a um oh what the hell is x-ray not x-ray uh ultrasound jesus christ looking at an ultrasound but the ultrasound was me so i was like holy shit dude am i looking at like what my parents saw and he's like yeah you're
Starting point is 00:05:56 probably being reborn right now i was like i don't know what's happening like it was by the way guys none of this that andrew's saying is drug induced we had an episode with this guy justin lovato and he took us through like an hour breath work which is what andrew's doing and then just like the way things go like he was talking about like you manifest you can manifest things in this like spirit realm or whatever normally i'm falling backwards through these pillars or like a spiral it's just kind of like how i get to where the hell i'm at uh this time or not this time but one of the times i was like you know fuck that i'm gonna run through it and i started going through the tunnel instead of it like me falling backwards but i was running through it and then
Starting point is 00:06:35 i realized holy shit i'm running in no pain and i'm like let me see what i could do and i started like doing like agility work like going side to side and like having a blast i imagine that i dunked a basketball but then shortly after that having a blast i imagine that i dunked a basketball but then shortly after that that's when i told mark i was just like dude i think i want to come here and run with you and like what did we do today we ran we went and fucking ran so i'm like holy shit this stuff's working it was fucking awesome we didn't even walk that much we did a walk run and we ran hoping we would walk more yeah we ran we ran i mean we ran good ran well we did you did great like you kept behind at all like you were you were fine the uh the the second to last stretch
Starting point is 00:07:11 where so like the way we did it mark started stopped i started stopped and sema started stopped when you started we can we went for a long time i was like holy shit like i gotta just keep going keep going keep going and then the last stretch was pretty cool because Mark started coaching me up a little bit. But, yeah, it felt good. Like I was telling Mark, like I feel like mechanics or whatever you want to call it, like I'm not too far away from where I should be. I'm like, but my gas tank runs out like instantly. That's just not a lot of practice.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Right. Yeah, absolutely. We need some practice. Talk about practice. Once you get that in there, you'll be good to go. Yeah. We need, we need, uh, we need some practice. Talking about practice. Once you get that in there, you'll, you'll be good to go. Yeah. Well, if you guys are curious, we've been, Mark's been getting into a lot of running. So we've all started just getting into running. I think it's going to be cool in a few months when we're all just running that lap pretty leisurely. I think that's possible for all of
Starting point is 00:07:58 us right now. Like we just run, run, walked it fairly easily, had a decent pace. In a few months, maybe four or five months, I think all of us, you, you, you, and me, we're going to be running that whole thing and talking and being pretty chill about it. Yeah. Graham running next to us was like, he talks throughout this whole thing too. Like he doesn't stop talking, does he? Even when we're running. Yeah. He's in pretty good shape.
Starting point is 00:08:24 What's our question from the discord we got a question discord um because i lost my phone i'll pull it find my phone isn't it crazy that you should check that out happens that i'm not the guy who lost something because you also have the thingy where you push a button and it turns on do you guys have any no you're right i have the apple tags i put that on my wallet on my keys because i lose everything and then this morning i went to the bathroom and under the fucking toilet paper was in sema's keys i would have found it you would have tagged or you wouldn't have or i wouldn't have you're right all right so this question comes from the discord and by the way
Starting point is 00:09:00 guys told y'all go into the link below we have almost about 1700 people in the discord so we'll answer questions here and there. And some people in the Discord get some cool deals from our sponsors. We're helping a lot of people a lot of things, but one of the big ones is we're helping people be less fat. There you go. That's one thing. We'll talk about that soon. Do you guys have any advice for a 21-year-old?
Starting point is 00:09:18 I've been working out for like five months. I lost 22 pounds. Congratulations, Rakim, so far. But I feel like my routine isn't very organized. I was doing one or two body parts a day, then spoke with some friends and they said I should be doing full body three times a week, but I'm not even sure as of late if I've been going and just following that same friend's routine, but he keeps changing it because he doesn't feel like it's his best. So I feel a little lost in terms of making a routine, finding out what works because I would like to add knees over toes stuff to my routine.
Starting point is 00:09:49 But I'm not sure how to fit that into the basic movements like bench, squat, deadlift, et cetera. I think he's in a tough spot. He's got to like tell his friend that he's off the team. I think we've also confused him a lot because of all the things that we are doing and all the people we brought in. So it's like how do I do go to knees over toes, bodybuilding and powerlifting? Yeah. And you can just take small subsets of some of those things that you feel are going to help be helpful to you. Like maybe to warm up, maybe you drag the sled and maybe once you drag the sled forward and backward a bit and you're warm, maybe you do a little bit of the, uh, maybe you
Starting point is 00:10:22 do ATT split squat and you follow that up with some deadlifts. You start to utilize and incorporate a lot of these things and maybe before you got started with any of that, maybe that's where you might do some of the myofascial release and some of that stuff that we've been talking about. building and even powerlifting programming. Um, it, the, the programming aspect of it is so easy to be able to have somebody to progress that there are so many different options for good programs out there that you can follow consistently. They're all a lot of the same shit. Um, stuff from like Jeff Nippard, stuff from, uh, coach Eugene Tao, who we had here, Renaissance periodization, uh, which is Mike Israetel's company. Honestly, you pick your favorite bodybuilding person who's made a program. Their program is going to look similar to a lot of other programs out there because people within that space generally train a lot of the same way.
Starting point is 00:11:19 So even though somebody says, oh, this is the best lower push-pull program you could do, more likely than not, their lower push program looks very similar to another bodybuilder's lower push-pull program. And I'm not saying this to say that that's a bad thing. I'm saying this to say that there's kind of a hard ways to go wrong and that you should just pick somebody you like, do their program, and stick with it. Like do their program and stick with it. Now on the other side of things where you're like, okay, you want to start adding some knees over toes stuff in and you want to start adding some other stuff in from people we talk about. I would say pick your favorite bodybuilders program, the person you like who's made a program. Pick their program and then go and find some of Ben's stuff. You don't have to go buy his ATG thing even though it is pretty inexpensive if you do want to get his resource for his-
Starting point is 00:12:06 He's got a book and stuff too. He's got a book with all of the movements in there explained pretty well. So you can grab the book. And I think that's a great idea if you want to just take some, because what you can do is you can then take some of those movements and add it into any program you're currently doing. And so you can have kind of a hybrid and you can build your own thing out that way. And that's a very simple way to do it. But the first thing is find somebody's program you like and stick with it. Don't change and program hop all the time because to make progress, you got to stick with something for a decent period of time.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And then with this ATG stuff, you can literally go on YouTube and Ben's YouTube channel. He has so many tutorials on so many movements. So you can do that. But if you want it systematized for you, just pay a few extra dollars so that you can see how he does it and then add it into your current program. Yeah. The, uh, mind pump guys, their programs come to mind too. They have a bunch of stuff, but, um, I remember like when I first started and I first started following a program, I remember one day it called for like deadlifts. It called for RDLs. It called for back extensions and it called for like a bunch of shit just killing my back right especially a back that was already in pain back
Starting point is 00:13:09 then but i just remember it destroyed me so and and i've heard you say this mark where like sometimes a coach will program something this is a coach not necessarily a program where that's like almost expected that the person you're doing it's probably not going to follow it to a t but what are some like i don't know uh like pitfalls or something that should maybe be like people should be cautious when it comes to following a plan exactly i would say like you know first of all the guy that uh asked a question in the discord didn't really explain his goal so that that kind of leaves us like a little empty on like how how to steer. You know, we don't, we can't hit a target. It sounds like he's trying to
Starting point is 00:13:48 get bigger. Yeah. Like from what his buddy's doing, like. Yeah. But did he say he lost like a couple pounds already? Yeah. He's losing fat, gaining muscle. Right. So on the other side of this is like, if you're mainly like, if you're lifting to just be jacked and to
Starting point is 00:14:03 like lose some body weight, I don't know how scheduled of a program you really need. Now, I would say that – and I said this many times before that all people respond really well to a schedule. Respond really well to knowing I'm going to lift at 8 a.m. every day. This is the time that I do it and getting into that routine is really, just like it's important to have a routine to go to bed. It's important to know when and where you're going to eat and where your food is going to come from. Like if a lot of people listening right now, especially those that have come over from the Two Bears, One Cave podcast, and they want to hear more about being less fat. If you just simply scheduled your meals, when are you going to eat?
Starting point is 00:14:45 What are you going to eat? What are you going to eat? If you did that every day for a handful of weeks, I think you would have a lot more success than with whatever it is that you have going on currently because you're probably just kind of winging it. Now, fortunately for us, though, when it comes to the gym, if you're newer to the gym, you don't have a lot of gym experience. You haven't been like lifting uh for five years or so now if you have been lifting for five years the cool thing about that is you have the knowledge to continue to make progress anyway but if you're newer to lifting you could literally go in the gym and you can do what i like to call dicking around and you can have a good time with it you can mess around with different exercises now there are certain ways to do certain movements with a squat a bench deadlift to where you can snap your shit up. So you got
Starting point is 00:15:28 to be careful and you have to learn how to lift. And in SEMA mentioned a lot of great programs, and they're going to give you in-depth details on the exercises, how to execute the exercises. Five, three, one comes to mind, but like like we don't really need like a real system. Now, if I'm trying to be faster on the track because I'm a 100-meter sprinter and I want to increase my velocity, I want to be stronger for football or I want to bench press more weight. Well, that's where it's like, all right, dude, well, you already benched 315. Like that's pretty strong. Now you need a really now you need like a system but if you're just going in there trying to make your arms bigger there's
Starting point is 00:16:09 some really simple principles we need like time under tension we need to do uh maybe two to three different exercises per body part um we need approximately nine sets like these are all things that we've heard of these are all things things that have been around for a while. And again, if you're newer, you might not need that much stimulus. So you messing around and doing like one or two sets of lateral raises, it might not matter that much. Like your shoulders might get bigger just because you're kind of haphazardly doing that. And I think that's one of the reasons why for the three of us, even though the show has been really successful, we haven't sold a program.
Starting point is 00:16:48 And it might be the reason why we may never sell one, because I think that we all, we enjoy the gym and we want to keep it that way. I know for myself, if I started to follow something too strictly, there's just too many rules and too much shit going on. And I kind of, I kind of get disinterested.
Starting point is 00:17:07 So have fun in the gym. If you really are lost and don't know what to do or follow, as this guy is kind of mentioning, then maybe it would be good to look at a program. And you know what? There is this, though. When I was focused on bodybuilding, because I competed back in 2015, and that was when I was super focused on primarily just bodybuilding and powerlifting. Um, making my program was very helpful for me because like, even though like I knew, okay, these are the sets and reps that I need.
Starting point is 00:17:36 It was necessary. And I think it's necessary for most people at the beginning because you have structure. Like if I didn't have structure, then it would have been hard for me to make progress because I wouldn't know where to progress from, how things were actually moving. There wouldn't be a actual, like there wouldn't be a structured way I was progressing. I couldn't necessarily see it. So that's where it's super helpful because like for us now, we've been training for so long. You've been training for over two decades, right? Over two decades. I've been training for 16 years. You've been training for over two decades, right? Over two decades. I've been training for 16 years. You might get distracted,
Starting point is 00:18:08 might not get the work in that you actually needed. Exactly. Like, but I look at it like this way. Like when you're in the beginning, you need some structure to teach you how to do certain things and kind of learn the ropes and have some consistency and learn what it's like to make progress. After you've been doing it for a while, it can turn into jazz where now you can just go in
Starting point is 00:18:25 and you have all the tools. We've done so many different types of training. We've done power lifting training, bodybuilding training, calisthenics type stuff, where now we can just go in and be like, I'm going to do this today. And since we know it, we can just mess around. I won't call it mess around. We can train, right? But get the stimulus we need to progress out what we're looking for. But at the beginning, it is helpful to just do something and learn how to do that program. Then go to another program after 12 or so weeks. Have that type of freedom with it. Yeah, I was in Discord talking about this very thing, but explaining that for me, I look at it kind of like tracking macros. In the beginning, right, you're like, okay, I need to track everything down.
Starting point is 00:19:06 So like what I used to do is I would input what I was going to eat tomorrow. So I would have everything so there'd be no guesswork. I wouldn't have to do it as I go because it's kind of a pain in the dick. So I will actually do that with my workouts too. I will program tomorrow's or I will have every rep set and weight already programmed for tomorrow's workout today. So when I go in there, I don't have to question anything and I don't have to stop and write shit down because if I do it that way, you know, especially like with food, it's like, oh, I can, I'll fit this, you know, serving of peanut butter in right now. And then like what happens at the end of the day, run out of calories or whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Right. But if you already have all the food input, you already know what you're you're gonna eat so i kind of do the same thing with lifting for right now i probably won't do this forever but just because i know what i'm gonna lift tomorrow i know what numbers i'm gonna hit like it's easy it's already written down i just have to go do it dude you got to share that with people you got to make a post about that you're writing it down yeah yeah absolutely that's great yeah i was using uh google sheets but the fucking app keeps crashing so i've been like on the hunt for like a decent uh app so there's a couple but they're all kind of dog shit especially the ones you got to pay for but um yeah that's what i've been doing yeah and you know there's there was something we were
Starting point is 00:20:19 talking about because like you know we were talking about how like okay you know all these people sell programs but like it's selling a program wouldn't necessarily be us because we know that there's so many different styles and ways to train. If we do sell a program, we could sell something. It would only be to help y'all. That's all it would be for pretty much just to guide you. Cause you have asked us for one before but um it's hard for me because i don't i never really believed much in programming i always just kind of lifted but i have been doing this for a really long time and i was very fortunate to have really good coaches who may have been like calculating shit in the background that i
Starting point is 00:21:00 just didn't even know about when i was younger that's why we kind of just like we resource it out y'all take a pick of whatever you want. I think one thing that we're going to be like that, that's going to be beneficial for us is like, we talk a lot about habits. So something that can help you guys with more with setting good habits, as far as your training is concerned, as far as nutrition concerned is more helpful in the long run than just like this is your sets and reps or stuff. That stuff is good though.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Don't, don't get me wrong. But the habits that we talked about on the show, nutritionally and training-wise, are the things that are really going to help you have long-term progress as far as all of this is concerned. So still, a direct answer to the homie that was asking about the training thing. Find a program you like and then go to Ben's stuff and add in some of the knees over toes stuff and just stay consistent with that over time. And you do need to mess with it a little bit. And just stay consistent with that over time. And you do need to mess with it a little bit. What Andrew mentioned about writing it down I think can be really important just because it can pull the motivation factor out of it.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I'm tired. I'm this. I'm that. And it's like, well, you wrote down like if you wrote down five things that you wanted to do tomorrow in the gym, which I think would be plenty of exercise. Do you guys agree? Five exercises sounds like a decent workout. It's decent. Yeah. Maybe, maybe eight. Yeah, no, yeah. Five, five, just five day exercises sounds like a decent amount for someone that's new. Right. So you wrote down those exercises the next day. It's a, let's say it's Tuesday morning and you're supposed to go to the gym and you did so on Monday, you had a normal Monday's days worth of work.
Starting point is 00:22:27 And now Tuesday, you're a little bit fatigued. You're a little bit beat up just from that Monday and from the lifting that you did. And you see that you have it scheduled to go do that. How interested are you in your goals? If you're looking at that going, I don't think I'm going to, I think I'm going to do that later today. You already know if you're pushing it. When you start to say maybe, and you start to say, I'm going to do that. You say maybe and later. You're fucked. You're so fucked. It's not going to happen, man. It's
Starting point is 00:22:54 probably, I do understand like there's circumstances, there's things, you know, that your wife says, Hey, can you bring the kid to school or whatever? And there's something shifted your schedule around. Like I get it. It all happens to all of us, but you start shifting stuff around, man, and you're really screwed. So try to be protective of those times. I say protect yourself at all times. Keep your hands up and guard these times that you have. Guard the things that you wrote down. If you wrote that down and you feel like it's in your best interest to do that and it's going to make you feel better, then fucking follow through with it. And so I think that that part of it is more important than having like a specific program. The consistency is always going
Starting point is 00:23:37 to be the thing that rules everything. The habits are going to be the things that are always going to rule everything. So I think I try to keep that in mind because when we talk about like sets and reps and exercises, it's been the same similar things for a really long time. And we've talked about it a ton of times on the show. And I don't think people are that confused about that. When somebody's like, how many sets do I need for my legs to grow? We can get into a giant debate about that.
Starting point is 00:24:09 But we could also just say, hey, man, you know what? I think if you got in, if you're new and you don't have a lot of experience in the gym, you got in like three to four sets of some good leg work, maybe two different exercises. I think you're good. That's legs for the day. And don't have program analysis. Like don't. Because I remember this story from years ago.
Starting point is 00:24:28 I told you guys about this kid who messaged me. He's like, hey, Nsema, I've been looking at this program and this program and this program. He named three different programs. And he's like, you know, but I'm really looking to gain strength here. And I'm also looking to gain muscle here. And this is kind of what's been stopping me from doing this specific program. And I was also looking to gain muscle here. And this is kind of what's been stopping me from doing this specific program. And I was like, oh, wow. It was a lengthy message, a lot. And then I messaged him. I was like, okay, yeah. Which one did you already do, dude?
Starting point is 00:24:53 And he's like, well, I haven't done any yet. And I was like, wait, whoa. You have all these questions about these programs. And I get it. It's good to be curious as a consumer. But at the end of the day, when it comes to your progress in your body, the only way you're going to be making progress is if you just start something. You have to start. You can't wait and try to figure out what the best program is because at the end of the day, if you're starting, any stimulus is going to be good stimulus. You're going to grow no matter what. But it's like some people, because there are so many options. I love this. This is so great.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Like, you know, you're all hyped up. You have a program, like you downloaded it or something. You're super pumped. It's on your phone. You screen captured it.
Starting point is 00:25:36 And then like you're in the parking lot. You're just about to walk into the gym and start this program. And then you see like Chris Bumstead sharing like
Starting point is 00:25:43 some particular exercise like he looks great i'm gonna try this and it's not in my program yeah and the next thing you know you're like off doing something completely different or you get completely paralyzed because you're like wait a second this other guy just said that that's not good for your show i was supposed to do that overhead press that's not even good for your shoulders i shouldn't do that movement you're like fuck listen honestly fuck people that say certain things are bad. Because if there's anything we've learned after almost fucking 800 episodes from so many different people, there's a lot of fucking ways to gain muscle and a lot of different ways to lose fat.
Starting point is 00:26:15 So pick a program that you are personally interested in. No matter what any fucking PT says, oh, that's dangerous and that's not good for you. You can gain muscle more optimally this way. Fuck that. Being a pussy is bad. Not going to the gym is bad. Anything else? Honestly, bro. Anything else, fucking go for it.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Just go for what you're interested in. Don't worry about how your foot's turned and how your wrist is and all that stuff. Just go in there. Pick something kind of light to start so you can learn how to do the movement and start doing these movements. Whatever you're interested in is what you're going to stick with. If you're not interested in it, even though it's optimal, you're not going to stick with it. And then like Mark just said, don't, don't, the gym is like, there's a big focus on load that you're moving. Just, just don't worry about loading the bar heavy. Don't worry about that. If something feels too heavy, lower the weight because ego has injured more people than anything when it
Starting point is 00:27:09 comes to this workout shit. And that's another thing that we learned, right? We, we know that we know that we don't, there's not a scenario where I think that any one of the three of us would say you have to go as heavy as possible on anything. I don't like to use absolutes but i would say on anything
Starting point is 00:27:26 ever someone's like well what about if you're a power lifter i know a handful of power lifters that are still able to do the shit that they love to do because they never went to 103 percent they always stayed at like 98 99 and those numbers represent something fucking crazy where the rest were like oh my god that that was insane um but like matt winning comes to mind matt winning just squatted 520 for 24 reps unbelievable he's he hit depth though he didn't go low enough and he weighs a lot more than tom platts i'll have you know oh my god that was crazy though matt congratulations that's fucking wild yeah that was wacky maybe we can watch like a little chunk of it while we're talking about it his Instagram right yeah yeah his IG it's yeah it's on his Instagram I think I posted on mine as
Starting point is 00:28:14 well um but again it's like you're gonna have a capacity to probably do you know do the weight that you're gonna that you want to do and then some. Matt Wenning's a beast. He is. He is. How old is this man now? He's in his 40s, yeah? Yeah, I want to say for some reason I think he's like a little younger than me,
Starting point is 00:28:33 but I don't – it's not much. Oh, man. I need to count them all. Yeah, but did he smile the way Tom Platz did? No. Because then Tom Platz did it better. Yeah. Well, look, we know Platts did it better. Yeah. Well, look, we know
Starting point is 00:28:45 Matt Wenning wore like double ply and all that shit, right? And he did Westside, so he's probably wearing, he's probably wearing some briefs. He's also squatting
Starting point is 00:28:55 low bar. Performance enhancing singlet, the ST. Yep. And he's got the strong knee sleeves on. He also has the
Starting point is 00:29:02 Reebok powerlifting shoe on there. I mean, it's, this is, this is actually now that I lookbok powerlifting shoe on there. I mean, it's... Dude. This is... Actually, now that I look at it, it's pathetic. Is it really breaking the record? I could do this.
Starting point is 00:29:11 I could do this. No, I couldn't do this, actually. You could probably do this with 700 pounds. Oh, easy. With the style that he's using because he's cheating him so bad. I could... You know, with this weight, if I squatted the way Matt was squatting right now, I could do 520 by 40. Yeah, 40 reps. Eas reps easily because i'm cutting depth man but and then also
Starting point is 00:29:28 your legs are shredded so i wouldn't put it past you here two words low bar low bar low bar come on sorry three words obviously cheating yeah so i i texted matt about this because on the 24th rep it gets a little sketchy and i was like did you get the 24th rep and uh gets a little sketchy. And I was like, did you get the 24th rep? And he writes back. He's like, it felt like I got it. He's like, but my knees buckled. He's like, I was dying. And I was like, are you going to try it again?
Starting point is 00:29:54 He's like, fuck no. Did Tom Platz have a spotter like that too? We're just floating out everything. I'm just saying. I don't think so. I don't know if he did. I just don't even know why Matt even bothered. His stance is wide.
Starting point is 00:30:05 The bar is low. Right? I love picking this apart. I don't know if you did. I just don't even know why Matt even bothered. His stance is wide. The bar is low. Right? I mean, this is just. I love picking this apart. It's so funny. You want to know what weight I squatted for 24 reps? I've never squatted anything that many times. Same.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Me neither. I don't even know, like, on a whim if I. I don't. Yeah. Now that I think about it, I don't even recall ever trying anything for, like, 50 reps of a squat or anything like that. I did deadlift. I want to say I deadlifted, 225 for like 50 reps one time, and that nearly killed me. No spotter holding him up.
Starting point is 00:30:31 He's got somebody. No one holding him. Tom Platz is way better. And he has hair. I think that's one big thing that's missing from all of this. Yeah, he's got like golden blonde hair. You know, Tom Platz actually looks like he's cheating though too. He looks like he's wearing a single ply squat suit.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Now that we hold up the video. He might have been wearing a squat suit. Who fucking knows? But when you were talking about like stuff being optimal and this is the only way you can be doing it. So I'm like, yeah, I'm doing Doug Brignoli's program right now. But the thing that like I get fucked with is like I have one machine that I really like in the gym uh-huh and I happen to need a bench and sometimes both of those are occupied and I'm just like fuck what am I gonna do today like well I guess I'll get on
Starting point is 00:31:14 the stair master but that's where some sometimes like pre-writing your shit in like will screw you up because you're just like oh I can't do what I was supposed to do you have different options you can't you don't have a bench press open go dumbbell bench that's that's what i was getting at is like it's not the end of the world but when you write it in it feels that way and yeah that one thing like yeah there's different things that'll hit the same muscles but also like we just mentioned if you have a load that's programmed for something or let's say you decide to work with a coach and many times coaches will like i had loads for clients that they were supposed to do on certain days. Well, if that feels like it could be too heavy, just do a little bit lighter.
Starting point is 00:31:50 You don't have to do what's programmed there because that shit could hurt you. Why does it sound different when you keep saying loads? It sounds different when you say it versus like me or Andrew. It perked my ears. I don't know. It's just like the way you say it, the tone. Yeah, like a certain load that way you say it. Yeah, I said said loads it doesn't sound the same sounds real sexual andrew do you have the video i do mark don't be stingy so so mark how far into this fucker go to go to just like a minute
Starting point is 00:32:16 go to a minute you know to get the to get a good experience go to a minute 15 go to a minute i'm just gonna go right here i'm just gonna no no go back go back go to a minute 15 i'm embarrassed oh sorry my bad i thought it was yeah so this the top comment when you went on two birds uh two birds two birds one stone two birds was hey mark don't be stingy so my girl watched your episode and then sam was like oh this is the video that they were talking about and this is disgusting check this make sure I don't have anything else running this guy's got nice tits he has great tits it's normal size
Starting point is 00:32:52 it's not that big the one thing that I'm going to tell you the first time it's going to be quick with me because it's been a long time I'll tell you Tommy Lasorda's falling apart he look at those tears going to be quick with me because it's been a long time. I'll tell you, Tommy Lasorda is falling apart. Los Doyers don't have baseball.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Okay, you come. Let me see how much you come. Let me see all that come. How big a load I'm going to swallow. What is he doing? I need it right now. Oh, chatting? I need it right now. He's watching a guy. Oh, God. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:33:27 No, no, no. I need it right now. Oh, shit. Okay. Can you see this? Okay, give it to me now. Holy shit. Give it to me.
Starting point is 00:33:36 What the hell? Come on, Mark. What are we watching? Come on, Mark. Don't be stingy. Come on, Mark. Don't be stingy. Why does that have anything to do with me because they commented and it was the top comment and people were going back and forth like oh my god because
Starting point is 00:33:53 he has more to say you didn't you didn't let it continue but he has more to say but we get the gist it's a great video it's a great video mark that guy's really excited by like a large amount of cum. Well. Oh, man. Yeah. Yeah. It's understandable. It makes sense.
Starting point is 00:34:14 I think also he's like, he mentioned something about like, oh, I want to see that inner thigh. Yeah. Because I think he was watching some guy on a cam. So he decided to just, you know, let it loose. That guy would probably really enjoy thigh wars. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. In the shower or locker Yeah, in the shower. Or locker room.
Starting point is 00:34:28 In the shower or locker room? Locker room. Thigh wars was a locker room thing. We never did it in the shower. Yeah, it's dangerous, right? You might slip. Oh, absolutely. That's a hazard. That's why you do it in the locker room.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Still naked. And this is true. We did. But when you shower with other guys in college, you become comfortable with that. To strengthen the internal rotation of the hip, right? Partially and just hip right i mean that's partially in just to see who has a stronger thigh just to see who has a strong adductor or is it abduct i don't know which one's which we're gonna find out who's got the strongest thighs in this room abductor yeah you were probably good at
Starting point is 00:34:58 it i was very good at that one i was very good at that war but i never wanted to thigh war with uh people who just hung too low because that shit can get real uncomfortable if you hang too low and you do that game then you just got dick flopping on your thigh i don't want to touch dick it's just touching thighs that's the main thing you know what a rough battle what was the uh like studio setup that's always always you know i'm always like hmm i wonder what their system looks like you know so like boards and stuff like that like as far as microphones with two bears one cave well how was that dude they had so much shit everywhere it was unbelievable but it's super organized too they had you know i know we got like a fucking couple things here ouija board thing over there
Starting point is 00:35:39 all kinds of buttons on it i don't know anything anything about that. But like, it looked like the Monday night football truck, you know, like the truck that they show when they show inside the truck where they got all the monitors and stuff like that. Why do they need so many buttons and dials? Yeah, it looked like that. Like they were going to launch a fucking rocket into space or something. I don't know what's going on there. How far?
Starting point is 00:36:00 Yeah, a lot of monitors. Really awesome people. Everyone's super happy. The offices were really nice. There was a bunch of different podcasts that get filmed from that same spot, which is really cool. So they had Dr. Drew they have over there. They have a rapper. I forgot his name.
Starting point is 00:36:21 And then they have just like – they have Tom's podcast going on, The Two Bears, One Cave. His wife does a podcast I think by herself and then she also does a podcast with him. Your mom's house. Your mom's house. And then I am not sure if they do – I'm not sure if Bert does another one. But like they got a lot of shit going on over there, man. It was impressive. And I'm just – I'm really grateful.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Like it's interesting when you reach out to people. Like, I think that maybe people don't have any idea how much rejection that I've faced throughout my life, like trying to communicate with some people and trying to, I don't know, try to advance my business and trying to do these different things that I've tried to do over the years. Even something as simple as years ago, getting my slingshot onto It took like four years, like four fucking years. Like there was a lot of reasons for it. There's a lot of turnover at the company to get my patent. It took four years just to get a relationship with some of these people. is very difficult. I was super fortunate that when I reached out to Tom, he was like – he knew who I was already and he was like – he mentioned, yeah, like I am going to Sacramento and my wife already bought tickets to go to the show and all that kind of stuff. And then he had time to come in here and he like actually spent time with us.
Starting point is 00:37:45 time to come in here and he like actually spent time with us and what was really cool is when i got an opportunity to talk to him after his show uh we were just going back and forth and i was like when do you leave he's like well i he's like i probably gonna leave like late afternoon tomorrow i was like all right well i'll see you at the gym tomorrow and he like stopped for a second his trainer was there so i put him on the spot and he's like yeah i'll see you tomorrow he's kind of like fucked you know but he knew it would be a good idea to come in and then you know he did come in he spent some time with us and we got to show him a bunch of exercises and stuff like that and now he's he's feeling great he's participating in you know the sled pushes and stuff i had a tank sent his way he's going to be getting a cold plunge soon. So trying to just set him up with stuff
Starting point is 00:38:28 that just makes his whole thing a little easier because he's traveling so much with all the different comedy tour that he's on. It's also very fortunate that for him, his comedy hasn't always... I've seen some of his earlier shows, like 2010 2010, 2011 where he looked kind of disheveled and kind of like grungy, right? And that look may have been part of it. But like now, 10 years later, he's super cleaned up.
Starting point is 00:38:56 He's super well put together. He wears like suits and all this shit. He looks super nice. Him having the funny look isn't necessarily part of his act. Right. So it's actually really beneficial for him because it's, it's interesting as not just as a comedian, but as a person,
Starting point is 00:39:10 when the way you look has been tied into how people view you. So if you're, if you've always been kind of the funny fat guy, right. It's hard. Like when you start actually doing things to work on yourself, people are like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:39:22 that's, that's, I want, I want funny fat guy back, right? They want fat Mark back. They want, you know, the amount of comments, the amount of comments that are people are like, bring fat Mark back. It's just like, yo, like dude wanted to get a little healthier.
Starting point is 00:39:36 A lot healthier. A lot healthier. It's just being stingy. Right? Yeah. I remember this was like long time ago but uh anytime jay moore would substitute for jim rome on the jim rome show so i used to listen to sport stock radio non-stop but he would always bring along this guy that he would make fun of for looking kind of like a bum that guy ended up
Starting point is 00:39:59 being tom segura and it just ended up being fucking hilarious every time but it's funny because you're right he kind of evolved because if you look back at some of his specials you know he's he's a lot thicker uh he kind of has that like messy hair thing where it's like i just cut it and it's just the way it is an old looking polo yeah now he looks fucking cleaned up and when he did get in shape like uh i forgot with what challenge it was but i remember like rogan rogan being like holy shit dude like he's getting jacked like what's going on here and it didn't affect his comedy because he's fucking he's still hilarious he has a skill
Starting point is 00:40:34 yeah yeah yeah yeah he's incredible at comedy but um yeah it was great to to go down to texas and to meet him and to check out the studio and everything and kind of just see how he see how he operates see how he does stuff and he was kind enough to give me and me and Ryan a ride back to our uh our hotel and all that shit so he's just been like he's just been super awesome with his time which has been really really cool but in trying to explain some stuff to him and and having the opportunity to actually work with him and actually meet him in person and to physically go through a workout with him. We were dragging the sled and I just never thought of this. I just never even thought of this before. I was like, oh, that's going to be cool.
Starting point is 00:41:15 I'm going to show him some stuff and like, this would be great. He'll be able to adopt some of these things and he'll be able to incorporate them into his life. But as we were dragging the sled, you know, we were doing, it was like pretty rigorous. We dragged the sled for like 20 minutes straight. And I looked into his eyes because I do that a lot. If I'm training somebody
Starting point is 00:41:32 or working with somebody, I always look into their eyes. I look at their skin color and their tone and just like making sure someone's fucking safe, you know, because I've seen people like fall apart before. And it's like, okay, fuck man, I'm pushing this person way too hard.
Starting point is 00:41:45 But when I looked into his eyes, I saw like drive and determination that Josh Settlegate look. Right. Yeah. I, I, I saw that in his eyes and I was like kind of taken back by it for a second.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Cause I was like, Oh, he's like rising to the challenge. He's like into it. I'm like, fuck. And I didn't think about that previously. Well,
Starting point is 00:42:02 well of course he's that way because how has he been so successful at being a comedian he must have the fucking eye of the tiger he must have the heart he must have the desire right to like want to like do better all the time and stuff right and so then I pushed him a little harder and we did some other exercise it wasn't a crazy workout or anything
Starting point is 00:42:20 but when we got done with the workout I was able to talk to him about that and say like, dude, like you, you're like right there. Like this is not going to be hard. He wants to lose, I think maybe an extra about 15 pounds. I was like, I think this is going to be pretty simple. I think this is going to be pretty easy. You're just going to have to adopt a lot of these principles into your day to day. And the way that you celebrate is going to be kind of changed forever. So when you get done with a show and you go to a restaurant, it's going to be like a little bit more celebrating with the steak, a little bit more celebrating with maybe a different choice of drink so you're not drinking as many calories. Maybe it's not beer.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Maybe it's some vodka. Maybe you don't drink that night. You know, like, do you have to drink every night? Do you have to celebrate every time? Because I do also recognize and realize that it's like a team thing. And then he goes to these events and him and his team killed it. There's a lot of coordination in setting these events up.
Starting point is 00:43:21 And then he goes somewhere and there's 5,000 people there, 10,000 people there. They sold it out. He fucking rocks it. Sometimes he does two shows in a row. He gets done with both those shows. I'm sure he's hungry. Everyone's hungry. Everyone's up. And it's like, let's go celebrate. And it's like, can we manage those a little bit better? And if, and if you can't manage those a little bit better maybe can you manage all the other time a little bit better i love that um you do this a lot to people where you pull their excuses out but then something that i think we all do in like just talking to people is like those kind of like like like when you kind of get them when they're just like oh like
Starting point is 00:44:04 when you're telling him like hey dude like you kind of run them on, they're just like, Oh, like when you're telling him like, Hey dude, like you kind of run the show. Like you set the tone. If you order, you know, like a soda instead of a drink, the rest of the crew is going to do that. If you say we're going to go work out at, you know, super training, you guys are going to do that. And it's so interesting that somebody at such a high level like Tom Segura to be like, to have him open his eyes and be like, oh, shit. Like I've seen you do that to a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:44:30 And I just think for someone like him, like I said, just to be at that level, to still get that like, oh, moment from you, I think it's just like special. I don't think he's got time to think about stuff sometimes, right? Like he's working. He's doing stuff. And this is their routine. Like what you normalize is sometimes, right? Like he's working, he's doing stuff, and this is their routine. Like what you normalize is normal, right? And so it's just kind of what they're used to. I don't think anybody's thinking like,
Starting point is 00:44:54 oh, this is going to be sick. We're going to do a great show, and then we're going to go accumulate a bunch of body fat. You know, like it's not like a plan. It's like bombarded with stress, overcame and stress as we know it and talk about on the show. It's not bad. Overcame a stress, calmed down, did the show, killed the show. Everyone did great and now we're going to go and celebrate.
Starting point is 00:45:20 And this is our – this is one of our mechanisms to deal with maybe things that were more stressful in the day. Like the real bitch of like alcohol and the real bitch of unhealthy food is they do work really well. I mean if you eat a Snickers bar or something like that, really just – if the three of us just ate a Snickers bar right now, like it makes you feel great for a little bit. You're like, fuck man, that tasted really good. But it comes and it goes quick, right?
Starting point is 00:45:49 Yeah. It leaves as quickly as, as quickly as you liked it. It bounces. That fucking feeling is gone pretty quickly. Unless it's a peanut butter cup and it lasts a little bit.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Lasts a little bit longer. But yeah, even like, even something like, even something like a drink might last for a little bit. But then it also might lead to like a kind of downward spiral or take you away from your goals. Then you're not hitting your long-term goals. You only had some instant gratification.
Starting point is 00:46:17 You know, because like again, Tom's super successful with what he does. I think sometimes when it comes to the fitness aspect of things, because there are so many people in the audience that have great jobs or they're taking care of families and they are so high level at doing a certain thing. But when it comes to their health and fitness, there's like a, uh, there's a barrier there where it's like, ah, I don't have the time to take care of that. I don't have, I don't have the ability. I don't have the genetics to do this, this, or this, right? But it literally just does come down to setting up the right habits in your life for that to happen
Starting point is 00:46:51 and giving yourself the years it takes to change your bad habits into good ones. In our YouTube, there is a playlist that we're going to have that it will literally be up when you guys are listening to this episode. But if you're a new listener, we've done quite a few episodes where we've gone directly into just specific habits that we have that are going to be really beneficial. So it would be good to reference back to those. But like we were mentioning earlier, all that matters is like the interest level you have. Are you more interested in taking care of your health than feeling the way you're feeling right now? For a vast majority of people, the answer is yes. And also one thing you got to remember is like you don't have to change a bunch of things at once, right? You need to change a few things.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Let those habits cement in. Maybe don't drink your calories anymore, right? So don't drink juice. Don't drink full sugar sodas. Don't drink as much alcohol. If you can cut that back, try to get to sleep. You mentioned this during that podcast episode, eat whole foods. Like there's, there's a few things that can become habitual that can make a change in
Starting point is 00:47:52 a longer period of time. But the thing that I would say that, that should actually encourage you is that number one, don't expect the change to be fast. Because one thing that discourages people is they start implementing things. 12 12 weeks later they didn't make the amount of progress they expected to maybe they did progress but it's not what they expected and then they stop i think people think that someone who's built like you they think that you don't have to diet anymore i think they think like i'm gonna get in shape i don't think that people think they can get in shape like you but i think a lot of people would think same thing with money, right?
Starting point is 00:48:26 You hear people say it all the time. Why has Tom Segura even bothered to work anymore? Hasn't he made enough money or Joe Rogan? It's like, no, no, no. It doesn't work that way. Yeah, I'm sure they could still be comfortable if they discontinued anything that continues to drive revenue. I'm sure that they would be fine. anything that continues to drive revenue, I'm sure that they would be fine.
Starting point is 00:48:51 But when it comes to your own body, you don't get like, one person might have more wiggle room. They might be able to afford more things than somebody else. They might be able to do things more often than somebody else. But it doesn't give you like reprieve from like having any rules. You still have rules to your diet. I still have rules to my diet. Andrew's still got rules. It doesn't matter who we're talking about. There's some sort of rules or barriers that we have. And there's a lot of habits that we have implemented over a really long period of time. So there's not like a, you don't get to like a thing, you know, it's not,
Starting point is 00:49:20 uh, I'm going to get to this by August 31st because I have a wedding to go to. And then it's just going to be like chill from there. If you do that, you will recognize very quickly that you may have lost the weight. There could be a six-week program that you did do and you may have lost 25 pounds in that time. And that's kind of cool. But if you do that repeatedly, you're going to end up with yo-yo dieting and what happens over a long period of time is and you'll see this as people get older like doesn't work anymore and people have more they have a harder and harder time losing body fat and they start losing muscle mass and it's this weird like thing where you're like man that's
Starting point is 00:50:03 really great that that person lost some weight but but they're not looking. So like, fuck dude. Like they don't, there's no way to like talk to them about it. You don't want to be like, man, I think that's not, that ain't working. You need to like lift. You still need to eat, but people aren't sure how to do it. So they do these crash diets, which can be something that you might be able to maintain for a little bit of time. You might be able to lose the weight, but that's why it's got to be a much, much longer process. And challenges are good and fun because a lot of those things that people end up doing, it's like, oh, I want to do this eight-week challenge with my friends or this 12-week challenge, right? And then you change a bunch of things. You start eating way less food. You
Starting point is 00:50:40 start running. You start going to the gym five days a week. And you do that for a little bit. Maybe you drop some weight quickly, but because you went too far off the deep end, you've gone too far, you may have lost a bit of weight, but you've set up all these things, all these habits that you now cannot sustain, that when you make one mistake or when you start going back, you just totally relapse. You just totally go right back into what you were used to because you set up a bunch of things that you could not sustain for a long period of time. So you go back to what you're used to, you gain weight back and then you feel bad about yourself. So you even just go way deeper
Starting point is 00:51:13 off the deep end and you gain more weight back and now you weigh more than you did when you started. That's why we're all about what are the sustainable habits? Like what are the small things that we can just try to build each, like each week? What are the small things that we can just try to build each week? What are some small things that we can get better at? Can we walk a little bit more each day? Can we try to sit a little bit less? So if you're someone who works a nine to five, can you get a desk riser that you can put your computer on top of so that you're not having to sit for all those hours and you can stand and sit? Can you slowly get used to that? Because when you get to the end, it's like your life and
Starting point is 00:51:45 the way you do things is totally different because you're a person who has totally different habits. It's not just because you started working out a few days a week. It's because there are many things that you've changed over a long period of time. You got to be okay with this taking a while. Yeah. I don't know if you guys have heard this. I've heard it way, like way too many times, but it's like somebody wanting to get like liposuction. They're just like, I just want to drop the fat. And then once I get there, then I'll just maintain it. But like none of the habits have been put in place the entire life. But, um, the thing about, um, I want to, I bring that up because I always referenced
Starting point is 00:52:17 this podcast that we did an episode. Um, it's titled something like, um, your diet didn't fail. Your habits did. And that shit is so it's it's it's i mean it's gonna explain everything i'm trying to explain right now way better because it's the three of us but like even when i have cut down for like a photo shoot or something i didn't even realize i was yo-yo dieting because it was like oh i have x amount of weeks for this shoot okay yeah let me do it and then i remember like the like the most recent one which was still
Starting point is 00:52:44 a while back but i was like oh i'm just to kind of hang out here. And I couldn't hang on. Like I lost way too much weight, way too fast. And then like, versus now I'm like, kind of just like, I'm comfortable where I'm at, but I'm still kind of trending down towards like trying to lose fat or change my body comp, but it's the habits that's keeping me there. It's nothing to do with like, uh, being on a diet or following a specific diet. Pack Project family, how's it going? I want to tell you guys about the legendary tasty pastry. And we've talked about Ben and Jerry's and snacks and stuff on the podcast, but those can go against your goals. They can be too calorically dense and they can really make
Starting point is 00:53:16 you crave more bad foods. But the crazy thing about the legendary tasty pastry is that it's 20 grams of protein and five grams of net carbs and 180 calories. And they taste amazing. You guys need to check them out. They have tons of flavors. Andrew, how can they get it? Yeah, and the other thing, they passed the kid test. Kids love these things as well.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Head over to and at checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT to save 20% off all the tasty pastries, all the nut butters, all the almonds, everything. Again, Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes let's get back to the podcast are you farting i'm like what's going on over there i'm not farting are you sure no dude oh man no i really didn't fart okay all right if i farted i still wouldn't let you know you'd smell that shit every once in a while it gets a little shady over here he thought that i was like kind of moving this way i was adjusting my ass to let it out i'll do that your eyes went to the side you know like like that's kind of seems like you're
Starting point is 00:54:15 squeezing one out i do have some tells my tell is like i really focus on you or i really just that's my like you'll see me like looking intensely at somebody just and the reason I'm looking at them is just so that they don't think I'm doing anything weird. So I'll look into our guest's eyes and I'll just be farting while they're talking. You have no idea I'm farting right now. Yeah. But exactly. It's a good tell because it's not a tell.
Starting point is 00:54:37 That's so funny. That's sick, man. You got something wrong with your brain, I think. I do. No, I really do. I really fucking do. something ain't right up there yeah you gotta be more sensitive yeah but um on the diet front you know we we've okay this is not an original but like we've said this quote so many times that like people underestimate what
Starting point is 00:55:00 they can do in whatever five years and overestimate what they can do in one, whatever. Right. The thing is, is like you, you want to make all this change in such a short amount of time, even though it's taking you, first off, it's taking you a long time to get to where you are now. So if you're 25 years old, let's say you're overweight, you spent your life getting here. Why do you think it's going to take you just a little bit of time to get to your fitness goal? It's going to take a while. And that may be hard to hear, but at the end of the day, like five years is not a long time. If you really think about it, like that shit goes by fast. I can remember five years ago. Yeah. All of us were in different places, but shit goes by fast. And then if you're a totally different person a year
Starting point is 00:55:39 from now, three years from now, five years from now, because you've changed your habits. Oh, like that's, that's amazing. And that's not that long of a time. It might be really hard for somebody to, uh, follow any sort of, um, even if it's like their own advice that they, uh, hold onto, it might be hard for people to follow things that aren't challenging enough. So that's an important thing to learn about yourself. Like what kind of person are you, you know? Um, can you just cut back on, can you just cut back on soda or are you more of the person that like needs to cut out that entire category? Like you need to just say, like, don't eat any sugar. Each person is going to be a little different. Like one person might be like, yeah, I can – that would be totally reasonable for me to go from having five Cokes a day to having like two.
Starting point is 00:56:33 But for someone else, just to have any influence of that in there might trigger them to make up calories somewhere else. somewhere else. For some people, I've even heard some people, and I think this came from some studies where there wasn't a difference in weight loss when someone switched to a diet drink. Now, it still had to do with calories because the person that had the diet drink was like making up for it somewhere else. So you got to pay attention. You got to really pay attention. Like you got to really know and you have to learn who you are. And if you are the kind of person that can't purchase certain foods and have them in the house, you have to probably have conversation with whomever else is in your house. You've got family member, girlfriend, wife, whatever it may be. And you may have to say like we need to put these foods in like a different spot if we're going to have them for another family member or we need like let's – can we make a commitment just to not buy some of these things?
Starting point is 00:57:42 So you have to know who you are and there's – like my wife doesn't care about – she just doesn't care about food the way that i do and uh i mean she she like wouldn't even she just like wouldn't even eat like a donut i don't know why a donut came to mind but like she could probably if she wanted to she could probably cut a donut in half psychopath i know right the fuck cuts a donut in half that's what i'm talking about. I got to move out. Yo, what? Damn. Well, maybe. Yeah, maybe not. That just shows she's a true adult, bro.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Because like a donut? I have a hard time with, yeah, that control. But that's like the snacks. You know what I mean? I can't fucking have snacks in the house. I will kill all of it. You know, that's why I don't have it there. If I really want a snack, that's going to be true.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Snacks are funny, too, because like a lot of times things come in like individually wrapped things and you're like who are they kidding with this legendary yeah i'm gonna eat the whole thing yeah dude those legendary pop tarts even though they are great on the macros like they're 20 grams of protein each i'll kill the i'll kill the fucking i i ate four the other day the blueberry is really good and the fudge is really good. So I had two of each with the protein shake. Have you had the hot fudge sundae out of the microwave? I haven't done the hot fudge sundae.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Oh my shit, dude. You have to try that. You have to, again, be a little bit of an adult and like wait 15 seconds, put it in the microwave and then have it. I think he's going to get some now. What the fuck? He just left. He walked off the show just maybe he was too offended but when i said being an adult i think he's hungry i'm actually pretty hungry too but what you're talking about is and then well i guess we can weigh but i fuck it is being less fat right can you explain that because a lot of people from the uh the episode with tom segura um they were really harping and laughing because they were just like, yeah, Burt Kreischer, be less fat.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Like, that's a shirt. I want to buy it right now. But what does it mean when you're telling people to be less fat? You know, this is something I've thought of just from like, yeah, here's Nsema with tons of legendary Pop-Tarts. Legendary tasty pastries, ladies and gentlemen. These are so good. But yeah, the idea of being less fat, it's like, it should be self-explanatory. Like, you know what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:59:55 You know what you did to gain a lot of weight. what some of the, like, people, that was a great throw and a great catch. That was a really good catch. That was impressive. Athletes. Fucking athletes.
Starting point is 01:00:10 But real talk, though, if that was a football, that would have been nowhere near the same thing. The catch was so. We really care about. Yeah, the catch was super cash. He was just like, hey, sheesh. Switching cameras. It's like fucking Odell Beckham. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Yeah, he just randomly put up his hand. Anyway, as we talk about being less fat, these guys are chowing off. These things are amazing. The legendary Tasty Pastries, 20 grams of protein. I think under 200 calories per. 180. 180. It's amazing 180 calories you can't find a protein bar with that good of macros great 20 grams of protein five net carbs
Starting point is 01:00:51 and delicious so good so it helps microwave so this is this is a great example of being less fat right it really is like can you is there like a better option? Is there something else you can do? We just talked a moment ago about not snacking. We talk often about like meals at meals. But I think that if we're being reasonable and we're being understanding of people, like people are still going to snack. We're still going to snack. We're still going to want to have something sweet. We have to kind of figure out a way to hit some of these pleasure sensors in our brain.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Oh, yeah. And one way to... Hit those sensors. You're eating and breathing at the same time. One reason to do that is just so that you don't go haywire on your diet. You're going to tend to want to – I've always said that if you are dieting and you end up binging, that your diet didn't work. That's a good sign that it didn't work. So if your diet is too rigid, if you have too many rules, there could be a possibility that you're going to go and end up eating like a fucking entire pizza
Starting point is 01:02:05 so i think you know in trying to select which way to eat there's many many different ways to eat but regardless of like the exact style that you selected whether you decided to do a carnivore diet or whether you decided to go vegan or wherever you end up on that map, we need you to move. I personally think the place to start and the place to kind of finish on all this when you come full circle with it all is your output. And I don't think that you need to really measure your energy output, but do you feel good throughout the day? When it's time to exercise, are you motivated?
Starting point is 01:02:44 Like if you're not motivated, then you might not have the juice underneath you. You might not have the calories that your body needs in order to put forth a great effort. I know from doing a bodybuilding show that like that got to be more and more difficult as like the bodybuilding show came closer and closer. It was harder to expend more and more energy. You feel lethargic. If you go on a keto diet and you restrict calories at the same time, you might ditch like 1,000 calories out of your diet and not eat any carbs.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Then people are like, I felt like shit on that diet. Well, of course you did. You're asking yourself to do a little bit too much. you're asking yourself to do a little bit too much. And so again, I really like to focus on how much energy output can you have in a given day. And one of the reasons why I like to start there. And one of the reasons why I like to think about that is I want you to be able to perform well in the gym. I want you to be, I want you to be invigorated. I want you to feel good. And the only way you're going to feel good is if you have nutrients. And one of the biggest differences between your average person that's not obese and the person that is obese is the person that is obese has a giant surplus of macronutrients.
Starting point is 01:04:00 But they're still very deficient in some particular macronutrients, usually protein. And they're definitely deficient in micronutrients because they're not eating the foods. They're not eating a well-balanced plethora of foods. When I say well-balanced, I don't mean like to eat pasta. My version of well-balanced is natural foods like fruit, vegetables, meat, eggs. And that's kind of about it, maybe a little bit of dairy. When somebody eats a well-balanced version of that, you get your micros, you get your macros. It's much harder to overeat when you get to those foods. And for somebody that really struggles with
Starting point is 01:04:37 diet, they may have to stick with lean sources of meat as well to keep those calories down they might have to have leaner sources of uh of dairy even the no no uh fat-free cheese they might have to go like that deep into it but again if if you're eating something that you don't like you might end up binging on food in other places yeah what what i like about the like about the whole concept of being less fat, it's like, yeah, you can take it on the surface level. It's like you have a Coke or a Coke Zero. Be less fat. Get the Coke Zero.
Starting point is 01:05:14 It's very obvious. But the other part is if you're running late every morning, you can be less fat by getting your clothes the night before, meal prepping the night before, whatever it may be. You can be less fat by getting your clothes the night before, meal prepping the night before, whatever it may be. You can be less fat that way so that way you're not running around trying to catch up. That's what I like about it. It implies in everything else, not just food. And the big thing, one big thing that you were mentioning is like if you're someone who's been eating like a lot of just low quality processed food
Starting point is 01:05:45 processed snacks doritos etc although those things are really good there are a lot of calories they're not very nutrient dense all the foods that you've mentioned are very nutrient dense in terms of different vitamins etc and because they're nutrient dense you're gonna feel fuller one big thing with all the foods that you're talking about and all the foods that we talk about is like, we love to feel fucking full. Like eating and feeling like I want to eat more after my meal. I don't feel that way. I don't, I eat to fill. Right. But I also choose foods, real foods that are going to make me feel full after I eat them. So things like steak, eggs, I'll eat rice every now and then too with my food. But, um, you know, the foods I eat when I'm done eating, I'm done eating cause I have eaten till like, I'm satisfied. But you know,
Starting point is 01:06:34 another thing is I just don't eat all day long. I told you guys, I went to Korean barbecue yesterday and this isn't something I do all the time, but, um, I went to the only thing I had yesterday was Korean barbecue with a few homies. I weighed 245 the day before. 245 was my wake up weight. And my wake up weight today was 255. Damn, bro. I'm going to get myself like I will literally my weight's going to be back at 245 in about two days. But I have so much sodium.
Starting point is 01:07:05 This isn't something that happens often. Oh, that's so good. And this doesn't feed into – I don't eat whatever I want either because I know when I say that, people eat whatever they want. So I don't eat whatever I want. But I eat until I'm full. And it is one meal. So like even though it was a lot of food, there was a lot of sodium, et cetera, I am holding in quite a bit of extra water. The amount of calories I probably had was maybe a cool 3,500 in a single sitting.
Starting point is 01:07:27 I would also say that like the three of us, I think we do eat what we want. We just don't eat it. We don't always eat it right then. You know, for me, I'll just, if something keeps kind of circulate, you know, circulating, you know, it keeps, you know, getting into my, uh, yeah. Like it's just in my head for whatever reason. And it keeps coming back like pizza or something or ice cream. I'll eat it eventually. But like if I wake up or just have a particular day where something hits me, most likely I'm not going to act on it right then. So I do eat what I want.
Starting point is 01:07:57 It's just not when I want because I know that it's not a great idea. And that's the clip where Tom Segura mentioned mentioned uh you know hey you can't you can indulge you can you you absolutely can i don't even know if there's a person on the planet that would say like you can't indulge you can't ever oh right like i think it's we would like for people not to i i would love to have the ability not to do that. But we do it. And why do we do it? We do it because it feels good. It feels like fun. You know, like if I'm hanging out with my nephews, like my kids are getting older, so they don't care about anything anymore. But if I'm hanging out with my nephews or something, I'm like, hey, guys, let's go get pizza. Like they're pumped. You know, they like to go to like Makuni and shit like that. They like sushi and things like that too, but it's different, right? Like let's go get ice cream. Like it gets everyone all pumped up, all fired up. And it's kind of nice to be able to enjoy some of those moments with people. But if I restrict here and there and I have some
Starting point is 01:08:59 good discipline and I'm training and I'm walking and doing all these other things, then periodically when that moment comes, I can go and have ice cream. I can go and do whatever else someone else is doing if I feel like I even need to. Now here's the cool thing, that over a period of time, when you start to engage in these disciplines, you don't care as much anymore. You're not like, your interpretation of everything changes. And that doesn't mean that you're the guy whip it out to tupperware and like you know you're fasting while everyone's uh you know eating this like famous soup from this particular restaurant or whatever the fuck it is
Starting point is 01:09:35 i don't know depends on where you go right i'm gonna go to ireland uh later this summer and i'm gonna enjoy like i don't know irish shit i don't know what's there beer that's a unique choice by the way why ireland it's just like that's that seems gonna go hang out with conor mcgregor just say yeah yeah exactly yeah i'm gonna go get my ass kicked by conor mcgregor no i just uh i don't know i think we've always wanted to visit like ireland and scotland and a bunch of other places too, New Zealand and Australia. Cool. So we got – we're not getting to all those spots at one time, but picking them off here and there.
Starting point is 01:10:12 So yeah. But anyway, like I want to be able to enjoy like what's the tradition? What do they eat here? What do they do here? And I don't want to be like, well, that doesn't really fit my macros and I'm going to whip out a scale. And I don't want to be like, well, you know, that doesn't really fit my macros and I'm going to whip out a scale or have a meal prep company, you know, send me food while I'm out there that I'm microwaving. You just don't want it bad enough. That's all.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Yeah, exactly. Exactly. You know, one interesting thing is that over time, like this is another thing that happens over time. As you start to change the way you eat, things that you used to crave hardcore, you don't crave as much of. And then things like this actually become a good substitute andrew you were mentioning something pretty interesting about how you get like okay first off these taste really fucking good in my opinion i could go i could go just crazy with these but you said that you gave this to one of your nieces or something and she yeah no it was one of our cousins cousins i was super fired up because she had been um fairly like health conscious in the past and she still is because she's still in
Starting point is 01:11:09 great shape but i'll just like oh you got to try these like these are amazing like it's they're in the shape of a pop tart but they're they don't they're not really a pop tart anymore initially they used to be but so i'm just like oh check out this like it's like a prop tart like just give it a go and she took a bite and she was actually like having a hard time like even like swallowing it because she was just like whoa like this is not good and i'm like no like like maybe take a bite of the filling and she dug that but it was just really like it caught me way off guard because when i eat one of those things like i just inhaled one it's like like exactly like your look on your face right now is just like dude these are it's not fair that these are they have such amazing macros yeah like
Starting point is 01:11:53 i should not be able to enjoy food like this while maintaining like a healthy diet or whatever yeah like it is not fair you know i'm just thinking back like delicious like bodybuild past, like, oh my God, like how did they do with chicken, broccoli and rice all day? Ew. It's like now it's like, holy shit. Like what if you had this instead of a protein shake, which a certain mac, like if you have two scoops of protein, it's basically the same thing. Well, maybe it's way more protein on the powder.
Starting point is 01:12:18 I'm talking about overall calories is going to be similar. So for us, that does taste like a freaking party like it is insane how good those are but if you are not used to eating you know for taste like you know it's it's it's gonna be it's gonna be a change it's just like our vivo shoes right like if you're used to soft squishy shoes and you put on some vivos you're gonna like these are not comfortable but we still do eat for taste that's the thing that's like that's true yeah it's just like we aren't exactly good yes yeah i guess i worded out loud yeah i worded that wrong but you you know what i mean like some people will cook and it's just like uh what do these mashed potatoes need another stick of butter it's just like, what do these mashed potatoes need? Another stick of butter.
Starting point is 01:13:06 It's like, whoa, maybe you could have tried something different. But you know what I mean? Yeah, I know what you mean. But you know, the interesting thing is people still think that to eat like a healthy person, that your food tastes bad or that you don't use salt. They still think of chicken broccoli and rice. And dog, no. Or like fat-free mayonnaise and shit like that.
Starting point is 01:13:25 Yeah, that's fucking nasty. I don't fuck with fat-free mayonnaise. Hell no. Because I don't fuck with mayonnaise. I don't really get it. I don't know the point of it. Mark. I like how we both looked at it.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Do white people eat mayonnaise? That's like, apparently, I think that's like the food of your people. So I'm just wondering, can you tell us why you guys like it so much? What people? Are you asking me if I said you people? I view all of us as one. We're all just the same. I don't see color.
Starting point is 01:13:58 You have eyes and a nose and a mouth. I got all those things. Ears, right? A head, arms, hands. What do you mean by you people? I'm so confused right now. Do white people do different stuff? I think it was like cold food, right?
Starting point is 01:14:17 Like you understand cold food. I don't know why you're asking me. I never understood cold sandwiches, cold cuts. All my white friends would have cold sandwiches with mayonnaise. I'd be like, warm it up. Yeah, you warm up your hard-boiled eggs. Yeah. And since that time, I started doing that because I'm like, they're actually way better warmed up.
Starting point is 01:14:39 You just got to be careful because they explode. Wait, I know they explode. Yeah, guys, be careful. I'm turning black. You weren't warming up your hard-boiled eggs no i just eat them because they're in the fridge yeah you know what but it does it does make a lot i mean it's way better when they're done like when they're done and they're warm oh absolutely i love you stink at the house yeah but you would totally just eat cold eggs yeah well especially like, especially like I like the airport or something. I would buy hard-boiled eggs.
Starting point is 01:15:06 It's like one of the healthier things that they have. So I'd buy them there and chuck some salt on them and just eat them the way they were. I think there could be a genetic enjoyable aspect to it because when I think about like when I see shows like Vikings and Europeans, like they're always eating these cold meat and shit. So maybe that's just something that you people have been used to doing for a long time. White people are weird. That's what it is. Everybody's weird. Black people are weird. Mexican people are weird. That's what it is. Hey, everybody's weird. Black people are weird.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Mexican people are weird. We're all weird. We all have our levels of weirdness. But, you know. Normalize weird. Cold meat. Normalize weird. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:15:34 But what we were saying was like the food that we taste. The food that we eat. Fat frame meal. Like first, go check out Smelly's Kitchen. Like if you go to that channel you'll see some stuff that you've been cooking up in that kitchen all of that food tastes good it's fat approved
Starting point is 01:15:52 you know what I mean we made up some meat last night with some marinara sauce, some pork panko just some Piedmontese ground beef we used some 96 and some 85 so that way it's just not like all super lean meat. It's fucking amazing. My mother-in-law ate it. Her sister ate it. I mean,
Starting point is 01:16:13 my kids ate it. Like we all like it. And some people chucked some Parmesan cheese in there. Some of us didn't like, just kind of depends on like what, you know, what you're going for. But like, I look forward to every meal I have. Same. And one of the things that I use as leverage as well is just protein powder. The steak shake or this is the whey protein or the Keto Pro. And I've been doing that for years, even before I ever had a supplement company. I've been having protein shakes since I started lifting.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Probably not when I started lifting, but when I was like about 15. Since that time, even when the protein shakes didn't taste good, I would make them taste good because I would put like milk in there or banana. I'd add some other stuff in there, peanut butter. Make it taste ridiculous. So there's, I know Andrew likes the PB2. Like, throw PB2 into some vanilla protein powder and you're having a fucking party. Maybe, you know, mix in your kind of milk. I know some people like almond milk and whatever milk, whatever fancy milk you like. Throw that in there.
Starting point is 01:17:19 Yeah, I've been mixing the PB Fit, the Within You, This Is The Way chocolate. And then because my son, he loves bananas. It's just super easy. Like it's super easy to feed him. But what happens is we buy so many and then it's like, fuck, those are starting to like get a little bit too brown. So like I would throw an entire banana in there. Dude, it is amazing. i'll use like cashew milk because it's super thick it's so like it makes no sense how good this shit is again ninja blender
Starting point is 01:17:52 yeah and sema has a problem blender yeah sema has a problem with cashews right i remember that like you like cashews you can't be around them yeah yeah i can't i will never purchase cashews to keep in the house oh yeah no the actual nuts like there's no way fuck no dude just gobble gobble gobble i'm done you'd eat probably like 8 000 calories in just cashews yeah that's easily that's one of the habits man don't fucking snack i don't keep snack foods in my house because i have a lack of self-control with snack foods have you done one of the 10 000 calorie challenges i could kill it that's what I'm saying. I think you should. I won't.
Starting point is 01:18:25 No, no, no. I think you should. That would, nah. You see, I'd have to. He could do 100,000 calories in a day. No, listen. You could prep for it, dude. Think about it.
Starting point is 01:18:34 You fast the day before and then you ease your way in. What's the most amount of calories someone ate in a day? Let's Google it. Guys, you don't understand. It's like, number one, it would be a great video. I know I could easily eat more than 10,000 calories in a day. I don't even want to feel it i just want to see it yeah but the way that i would personally feel like the next few days i would just not i would i won't i don't like the way i'd feel so as much as we could do it like nah i can just picture your mom when you
Starting point is 01:19:01 were a kid she must have been like what's been so frustrated you just wolfing down food left and right she thought it was me and my sister that were eating a lot of food my sister would always be i didn't touch that didn't but it's just because i was eating all of the fucking food this is cool i i googled it and the uh the top like entry that came in was a video that i actually helped put together was b Shaw eating 12,000 calories in a day. And that was his normal diet. Yeah. He did that every day. If you're going to be WSM, man, you got to fucking eat. But yeah, this was what, this was the last thing I was going to mention. As you change the way you eat, you're going to find that the things that you find tasty because you're not eating all this like processed garbage all the time.
Starting point is 01:19:48 And some people like to fit Doritos and stuff into their macros. But as you stop doing that, you're going to find, number one, that stuff like this and even the stuff we're talking about because people have probably heard you say, oh, protein shakes. Some people are like, protein shakes are disgusting. You're going to find that this stuff actually tastes really good because you're not bathing your palate in foods that have been made for you to eat more and more and more of. Designed for you to overeat. Doritos and Oreos are designed so that you can't just have a few. Like they're designed so that they melt in your mouth just the right way. Doritos have a little umami flavor.
Starting point is 01:20:22 Can't it be a little bit more like cumming? I know. Like it takes you a little bit more like coming right no like it takes you a while to build that back up again like you eat one oreo yeah and then you take a nap i guess you'd just be like maybe going at it again 15 minutes later that would be but it would help a packet of oreos last at least a day nah this wouldn't work the way we want it to work because i'm just thinking that would be a great invention if there was like a food that you could eat and it just hit the receptor to make you nut no that's not because then people would just be they'd be sitting at home just we would have been nutting this whole time we wouldn't have this podcast i do remember a bodybuilder
Starting point is 01:21:00 telling me that like if they had like cravings, they would just whack off. Whoa. Like a food craving. I was like, not bad. Really? You substitute the satisfaction from eating that food with just nothing. We've got to ask Andrew Huberman about this one. You're fucking up a lot of wiring there, buddy.
Starting point is 01:21:19 Ooh, I want sushi. I'm good. No, you're fucking up a lot of wiring. Chicken broccoli and rice is okay. It's not healthy. Trying to get circled back to another topic that we started with. Oh, God. You guys talked a lot about Burt Kreischer the whole time.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Well, not the whole time, but a lot, right? Mm-hmm. But he wasn't there. What was that like trying to- Throw somebody that wasn't there. How do you feel about yourself? Yeah, Mark. You feel like a big man, huh?
Starting point is 01:21:47 Well, I never had the pleasure of meeting Pert Kreischer. But Tom was kind of leading the charge on that. And without ever meeting him, I can only speculate on how he eats or what his habits are or whatever. But he does talk about it often.
Starting point is 01:22:03 You do hear him talking about how much he likes to drink and how his day starts. And he's got like that speech where he's just going off about like him drinking. I will not stop drinking. Yeah, I will not stop drinking. And I think like just to be a little bit more serious on that topic, I don't think he has to stop drinking necessarily. Maybe for some people, maybe they would have to. Maybe they would need like an intervention and they would need to stop. And I don't believe that everybody has to stop drinking. I don't
Starting point is 01:22:35 believe that everybody has to be on like a real strict particular diet. However, I think that he must know and people around him probably are generally concerned about like how long can you do that for before the consequences show up more than just body weight. Right now it appears like he's healthy. He's had some blood work done. And when I say healthy, I mean by way of him getting blood work done and doctor visits and stuff. I've heard them talk about that kind of stuff on the show before. And it appears that he's pretty healthy by those accounts. And when you see the guy move around, he looks like he's an athlete.
Starting point is 01:23:16 Great genetics. Yeah, he moves around really well. I saw him like throwing a baseball or something and doing a couple other things where I was like – they say he really good at like tennis he's really good at golf and like shit i ain't good at those things so from that perspective he's got me beat on those things um but i have heard him talking about and expressing like wanting to be in better shape um i know his trainer a little bit i know that he has mentioned on many podcasts before that he wants to get in better shape, lose some weight, be jacked, those kinds of things. And so what I would say is like, take that perspective of be less fat and can you cut back on some drinking or are there days of
Starting point is 01:23:58 the week that you can designate to where you don't drink? I was out with some friends a while back and I haven't seen them in a really long time. And it was a Friday night that we went out and my friend had some drinks and stuff like that. And we were talking and he was like, yeah, you know, it's great to be out and it's great to have some drinks. He's like, I don't drink that much anymore. And I was like, oh, wow. I said, I remember like the last time I talked to you, I talked to this guy at a party. And he started getting pretty deep into like how he felt he was actually kind of in trouble with alcohol. I was like, oh, man, I'm sorry to hear that. It's really unfortunate.
Starting point is 01:24:35 And he's telling me why he's drunk, you know. And so we're just going back and forth a little bit. And I said, you know, I said, you know, maybe it's a bigger problem. Maybe you need to get help or something like that. I said, but maybe like what if you just set some rules for yourself? Maybe if you just – can you figure out a couple days a week to not drink? And he was like, yeah, I think so. I can maybe just not drink.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Maybe I don't drink during the week. He's like, because I work anyway. And, you know, he's like, I end up drinking a bunch of beer when I get home from work. And he's like, I probably just don't really need that. And so it was amazing going out with him and talking with him and him having alcohol in a responsible way and then him saying, yeah, man, I don't really – because of our conversation, I don't really do that anymore. I was like, fuck, dude. That's amazing. And he's in his 50s.
Starting point is 01:25:27 He lost about 20 pounds, and he said it was primarily just from that. He didn't even really make other changes. But that was also, I mean, this is like probably two and a half years ago. So there was a pretty big time lapse. It probably took him a while to be able to get to that point to where he could say, hey, look, if you're going to drink, only do so. And it's with your wife and it's on the weekends because they both like to have some drinks. And I'm like, that just sounds reasonable. So like, what are some things that you can adopt into your life? What are some things that Bert Kreischer can
Starting point is 01:25:58 maybe adopt into his life that are reasonable? Like, is it reasonable for him to spend four hours in the gym every day and for him to have a trainer and for him to, you know, have this kind of rocky montage of him just training all the time and eating, you know, really strict and eating like a bodybuilder? Probably not. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:26:16 But he doesn't need to do that. I think with some good effort and some consistency, I don't think it would be that hard and I don't think it would be that hard. And I don't think it would take that long to lose about 40 pounds. Now the hard part would be to start to eliminate some of those other habits that you've had that you're so used to just sporadically hitting. Cause he sounds like he's the fucking life of the party. That guy.
Starting point is 01:26:42 Yeah. He sounds like an incredible human being to be around. And so I did feel bad when we started talking about him. He's not there. I'm like, I just want to meet this guy. I just want to give this guy a hug because he's so fired up and he's so excited about life. I don't want to sit here and try to bash anything that he's doing. You know, that must be a very – that's a very unique vantage point actually.
Starting point is 01:27:02 His vantage point in life because when you are known to be the life of the party, whenever you go to the party, people are expecting you to perform. Like you're not just performing on stage. It's like you're at a party. Hey, hey. He takes his shirt off at a baseball game and the entire crowd goes fucking crazy. Like that is you. Like you are expected to show up all the time. So it's like it's a different type of performance. Like I don't know what you are expected to show up all the time. So it's like,
Starting point is 01:27:29 it's a different type of performance. Like, I don't know what that's like to be like that, right? I can go to a party. I'm like, people know I'm chill. So I'm just like, I don't need to talk. Cause like, you know what I mean? But, um, yeah, that's, that's wild. But like, I think, you know, for anyone who's listening, we just literally did an episode on alcohol and maybe ways to navigate that. I think one of the biggest things for me, like I was never a huge drinker, but I did have a phase where I started just drinking a glass of wine every night. But as I learned more about how alcohol affects your sleep and we already know, all three of us, how important sleep is for recovery and performance and all of these different things, the way you are with other people. and performance and all of these different things, the way you are with other people, seeing how, okay, yeah, you can fall asleep after you drink and you might feel tired, but it'll mess with how you recovery actually is you won't recover as well as you could.
Starting point is 01:28:14 That was kind of encouragement for me to be like, okay, let me just keep this first off a few hours away from sleep, or let me just not fuck with this at all anymore. So I don't really drink anymore unless I'm out with some people or whatever. But I'll know what it's doing to me. I think with a lot of these things for many, it just comes down to understanding how it actually does affect you. And when you can see how truly negative it is, it's not like that's the answer, but you know what damage you're causing now. Like you're not, you're not oblivious to it. You know, you're not oblivious to the fact that you're not getting as much potentially REM sleep when you're sleeping because of the alcohol in your system. And that's going to mess with you.
Starting point is 01:28:52 And when you don't have that, when you are getting better rested and you feel better, you know why you're feeling better. And it's because you didn't drink as much. So, you know, maybe smoke. Or maybe don't smoke so close to bed. But if you're going out to party, try some kratom because it has you feel good. You're not drunk or whatever, but you feel good. Maybe try some weed, try something else that may not be as potentially addictive because we know
Starting point is 01:29:17 weed can be addictive, all these things. But these might be other options that might not be as rough as potentially going down the alcohol rabbit hole. And alcohol is one of those things, to be honest, man, where like they're just – even a lot of people that are in the research space just tend to see that there is really not a big benefit. Like you can see all these benefits from psilocybin, from marijuana potentially, from all these drugs when they're used in the right ways. But alcohol isn't one of those things where there's a real therapeutic use. And I'm not trying to be the downer or anything, but it's fun. But that really is all it is. It doesn't seem to be – and people can argue, OK, how about getting you lubed up for social settings?
Starting point is 01:30:04 doesn't seem to be and people can argue okay how about getting you lubed up for social settings okay cool but outside of that for your health or for your mental health doesn't really seem to be a big upside what an interesting challenge right like you know maybe i realize like what a huge leap it is for you to maybe not drink anymore i get it but just imagine challenging yourself be like come on bro like you can't fucking entertain people without a drink like go read a book about it like there's you know what i mean like there's books that teach you how to fucking communicate with people um how to start a conversation you could listen to a podcast on it you could there's all kinds of things that you can do uh to set yourself into slightly different mood and i think one of the things that we talk about
Starting point is 01:30:46 a lot on this show is what are you, how are you interpreting your stress? First of all, it is huge because is it like, is your stress a negative thing or is it a positive thing? And if it's a negative thing, then why are you interpreting it that way? And, and maybe why do these things keep happening to you why is there so much negativity what is the root cause of this negativity why or how is it in your life and and why do you have to continue to deal with it can you figure out uh are you just kind of sweeping your bills under the rug and you're not doing anything to you continually spend money on stuff that you might not actually really need. Like you're, you're compounding. I see people do this all the time. They're compounding their stress
Starting point is 01:31:30 and making it, making everything way harder. And I get it because there's like the instant gratification. It's easy train to just hop on. It feels good to go do those things. But I think if you're to really think about it and you really be truly honest with yourself, you're acting like a little kid that hasn't really fully developed your mind yet. How do you not have enough control over your mind to understand that what you're doing is detrimental to yourself and you continually do it day in and day out? I know that for myself, like I know this because I live in this space all the time. I got a good guy and a bad guy on my shoulder going back and forth all the time.
Starting point is 01:32:10 Hey, you shouldn't do that. Hey, you sure about that? Hey, you know, back and forth all fucking day. And it's not always easy for the good guy to win. But over a long period of time, after training this for many, many years, the good guy starts to win a little bit more. The momentum starts to happen. Things didn't happen with my career or nothing has happened in my life or whether it be lifting or whether it be success with business, none of it happened overnight. And so it's been encouraging for me because I'm like, I have done some things
Starting point is 01:32:41 that have made me proud, that have led to some successes. And I'm like, this is the way. This is the right path. You've got to stay on it. You've got to stay on it. And there's temptation and there's all kinds of bullshit that's in the way or in the surrounding areas, the noise that's all around you all the time. It's always going to be there. around you all the time, it's always going to be there.
Starting point is 01:33:08 And the more successful that I get or the more that I start to reach towards my goals, the more that shit will be there. And I have to still see that this is the correct path. Fucking stay on it. Keep going. And that's why I end up admiring some people that we see that are making big successes themselves, Tom Segura, Joe Rogan, some of these people. I don't know what they do privately, but it appears by most accounts that they are making big successes of themselves. Tom Segura, Joe Rogan, some of these people. I don't know what they do privately, but it appears by most accounts that they have their shit together. And it's really awesome to see and it's encouraging.
Starting point is 01:33:34 It's like these people seem to live a fun life. They seem to live a good, well-balanced life. How can we get other people on the same path? I think one of the big ways to get there is to figure out how can you mitigate your stress in your day and how are you taking that stress? Is your defense mechanism for your stress is to go home and drink? It's like I don't want to place a lot of judgment on anybody,
Starting point is 01:33:59 but I don't think that's very powerful. I don't think that's strong enough. How about you go fucking hit a heavy bag for a little while or you go jump some rope or run some sprints or pour some love into somebody else, you know, go take your kid to the park or something, like to go do something cool, go do something. Like, does everything always have to be like
Starting point is 01:34:23 just food related, instant gratification-related? Oh, man, my day was so stressful. Oh, my God, I need a cigarette. I need a fucking beer. I need a—that's the last thing that you need. Somebody else would be able to see that very easily. Yeah. And you would be able to see that for somebody else very easily if you were observing someone else.
Starting point is 01:34:43 You'd be like, motherfucker, that's the last thing that you need you did that yesterday and you sucked yesterday and you suck today and you're going to continue to fucking suck because you keep doing the same thing it's hard to pull yourself out of it but we need people to pull themselves out of it i think the only way to do it is through having some sort of uh physicality that allows you to express yourself to mitigate a lot of these stresses that we feel every day. That's so funny because I was just thinking like, oh my gosh, what crazy historic, heroic journey did you go on where you need to celebrate all this food, all this alcohol? What did you do? I went to work on a Monday and it was stressful. Oh, all right. So that, that's where, that's where
Starting point is 01:35:28 we're going to set the bar. Like what happens when you actually do some good shit? Yeah. Was it more stressful than last Monday? Right. That's what you see what I mean? So it's like, um, uh, I forgot who it was, which comedian, but when, when you say like something was like hysterical, it's like when you laugh so hard that you like lose your mind. It's like, well, what happens when something actually funny happens? You know, you kind of don't have a word for it anymore. So when something really good happens, you just get you eat more and you get more drunk. Like, how about we save some of these like things if you are going to indulge for like some really cool shit?
Starting point is 01:36:01 You know, I don't know. I just I have a hard time with like a lot of the like, you know we've talked about this in like off air on air about like going on vacation and stuff i'm just like what the fuck are we celebrating like we're still we still have a lot of work ahead of us like i'm not ready to stop like i need to keep this momentum going so when i see that like i had a long day i need a beer like bruh like tomorrow's gonna be just as long or longer. Are you going to do it again? I was like, and guess what?
Starting point is 01:36:28 That beer that's going to turn into two, three, like that's just going to make the day even worse. Like the reward you get from that is just not worth it in my opinion. I know the way that I celebrate stuff with my wife. It's probably the same as you guys did on your 10th wedding anniversary, right? Yeah, yeah. Our 10th year as a couple. Yeah, yeah. Fuck it. your 10th wedding anniversary right yeah yeah so our our 10th year as a couple yeah yeah yeah um
Starting point is 01:36:46 fuck it uh so we went back to like what we did 10 years ago which was like these days it's like one maybe two times uh that first night oh so we're talking about sex yeah yeah okay i was like we're talking about something else that's how we celebrate. So I was like, uh, and if you're single, just buy a flashlight, but keep on. No, just, we went back to,
Starting point is 01:37:08 uh, but don't do it to porn. No, it was just fucking around. We went back and just like did it like four times. So yeah, good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:21 But it's like, uh, it's your birthday. It's her birthday. It's Christmas. It's whatever. Like that's the, I mean, that's for men. That's what we want, it's your birthday, it's her birthday, it's Christmas, it's whatever. I mean, for men, that's what we want, right? I don't know about women. Throughout the trash.
Starting point is 01:37:31 That's all I need is just make it happen. You don't need to celebrate with a bunch of bullshit. No, fuck that. Just a little bit of that and you're good to go. Just a little bit. Hey, on a side note, that celebration aspect is built into fasting i'm not telling everybody to fast we talked about fasting so much okay we're gonna talk about a
Starting point is 01:37:50 lot more but straight up like yeah you want to blow it out and then you can do it that way like we work then i had like i'm i'm tired and i'm kind of hungry i go home i have that big meal that's my celebration but it's a But it's a big healthy meal. So anyway, it's built into the habit. Is there a rule within that too or not really? For you, you try to just eat enough protein, right? If I do one meal, I eat a lot of protein. I won't really worry.
Starting point is 01:38:18 The big thing is just keeping it at whole food. If I do have anything that's not whole food, it will be like a protein shake along with that. But I'll usually have milk. I'll blend in some ice. I'll maybe put a little bit of this carnation malted milk in it a little bit. And that really actually just tastes like a fucking milkshake. What about like eating like ice cream or something like that with that?
Starting point is 01:38:38 Nah, there's no need. Because like the food, if I do the one meal, when we've both all done one meal a day, like if I eat that one meal, the meat, anything that I have with it, it's good and it makes me feel full. I don't need ice cream. And oddly enough, like don't get me wrong, I love my Ben and Jerry's and I'll have that every now and then. But what I've been doing with the Ninja Blender in terms of like two scoops of This Is The Way um i do whole milk you know because i don't i don't fucking worry about the calories i do whole milk i add in some carnation malted milks and some ice i blend that shit up and i also put some of that yogurt in that uh that oh yeah yeah the saint benoit saint benoit yes yeah saint benoit whole yogurt there. I'll put a few spoonfuls. And it tastes like a fucking shake.
Starting point is 01:39:26 So I don't like – it tastes really good. Dude, I got – There's no need. So my Ninja Blender, those fucking things are so loud. Yeah, so loud when you have ice. And mine started making like more noise. And I was like, something's wrong with this. And then Andy went to make a shake one day.
Starting point is 01:39:42 Oh, I forgot to mention earlier. Andy is a total madman she she takes off the sides of the tasty pastry and throws it away and then eats the middle of the middle the middle is really good i know i know she's a crazy person anyway she went to make a shake the other day and the thing was like smoking dude yes and she went to like taste it and like something weird happened i don't know She like burnt the protein or something. It tasted weird. And so I was like, I think that thing's just shot. We've had it for three or four years.
Starting point is 01:40:12 I use it twice a day, almost every day. I was like, I think that thing's done. And I went to use it later. It was like making all crazy noises. So we bought a new one. This new one has a setting on it that says spoonful so you hit you you hit that setting what and with ice and even like it works best with milk but even with like water if you just don't use that much liquid it will turn your fucking shake into something that you get to spoon
Starting point is 01:40:41 out hold on it is so fucking good what is this one yeah because the one that i might even bring it up okay it has six different buttons on it the one yeah the one i had previously had like one or two buttons on it just went crazy it's the loudest fucking thing ever how much would this one cost this is like a ninja elite like which ninja is this white white people thing oh it's not a ninja. No, it is a ninja. Oh, it is a ninja. It's a ninja.
Starting point is 01:41:07 This one has a bunch of buttons on it, so let me just see if it's... We bought one, and one was weird, and one was good. Does it look like that, maybe? No, not quite. Not quite like that. It comes with this giant spinner thing. It's like to blend food and stuff, too, but I don't really use it for that. But Andy makes like bowls and stuff for Quinn
Starting point is 01:41:28 because Quinn's all obsessed with these like kind of yogurt thing bowls. Like acai? Yeah. Acai, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not real expensive, I don't think. I think it's like a normal Ninja blend is like about a hundred bucks.
Starting point is 01:41:42 Yeah. So this one, that kind of looks a little bit like it. It's an ice cream setting. Yeah, yeah. It doesn't have spoon. They make an actual ice cream one. It has a funny name though. It's called like a creamy.
Starting point is 01:41:53 Yeah, right. I could have went with a different name. That one looks about right. When you start to search around, you'll find. Yeah, the one that, so same thing. Ours, so my wife would, she'll blend oatmeal for my son to like thicken up his like breakfast like bowls and it started smoking out of nowhere. Same thing.
Starting point is 01:42:12 I'm like, I use that fucking thing a lot and I use like xanthan gum. So like they're thick, like all the way to the top shakes. So that shit's putting in work. It started smoking. So I'm like, well, fuck it. Like we got a new one from Costco. The new one's bullshit uh the one that we used to have had like a timer on it to where like you would see how long you've been blending for yeah it had multiple settings this new one it just has like a dial and it just it fucking sucks return that shit it's costco so i'm going to but i have
Starting point is 01:42:40 a more i have a less expensive one too where you can just – you take the shaker thing and you just put it on there. And as soon as you push down, it just goes. That's cool. That one is like simple, but the one I got recently has those different settings. Like I said, it has some sort of like spinner thing, which I don't even know what it's for. These are ways that you can make shit taste real good because like seriously when people say like when people think that eating healthy tastes bad no not the way we not the way we i i can't stand healthy food as when i say this when i say healthy food i can't send healthy people healthy food right you know the shit you see that kale shakes and shit nah bro and you cook for yourself too
Starting point is 01:43:21 right like i think all three of us cook for ourselves yeah i cook for myself my girl eats my girl eats like me she eats great like she eats like uh more strict than me especially since that might be it right there that's it oh that's the guy oh you got a vitamix this is a vitamix oh is it no oh yeah it's a vitamix is it really yeah this one is yeah yeah that's vitamix they they're they're they an amazing brand, but they are much fancier than Ninja. I don't know. But, no. How much is this one? It says Ninja right here.
Starting point is 01:43:51 Yeah, yeah. What? So why does it say Vitamix right there? There's some fuckery going on. Look, Ninja. Oh, maybe Vitamix did it. Okay, wait. Take it off.
Starting point is 01:43:57 Take it off the screen real quick. It's a Ninja, dude. But press X. You press X. Why do we see Vitamix? Is that an ad? It's an ad. It's an ad.
Starting point is 01:44:04 Okay. Yeah. Okay. Okay. But they probably did that shit on purpose to make people think they make good blenders because I know Vitamix cannot handle these fucking ice cream shakes that I make. It like burns them out. So the cool thing about this one, if you use that blender, the one with the handle, is you can dump more shit in there as it's blending as well, which is pretty cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:23 I'm going to buy this one. Fuck that. Oh my God. I think I'm going to buy this one. Fuck that. Oh my god, I think I'm going to buy it too. This one's only $109. They're giving them away. This is the one you have? That's the one I have, yeah. Dog, I might have to buy this.
Starting point is 01:44:33 It won't work every time. You've got to get the consistency down just right for it to work, but it works pretty goddamn good. What do we do with the one we already have, though? I don't know. Bring yours here here and then i'll return mine but the thing about like these ice cream shakes and stuff that we're talking about like this isn't one of those things where it's like you have to like oh you got to be into a diet already like you give this to anybody this shit's gonna be
Starting point is 01:44:58 delicious oh yeah it's really good it's it's like um i'll say a lighter ice cream but like not like fucking like the the uh i forgot the name of the brand. Not Halo Top, but there's another one where it's just like tasting flavored ice. It's like, that's not that good. This shit's really good. I put some, I think it's called Catalina Crunch. Is that the name of the company? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:17 Oh, yeah. I put some Catalina Crunch cookies in, like, so I put the bowl in the freezer for a little bit and I put the cookies in there and it was stupid how good it was. My wife's always looking at me like, what are you doing? You know what I do? Oh yeah, breaking this up and throwing that in there would be great too. That's what I'm curious about because what I do is I'll have the shake and I'll eat like, then i'll take a bite of this then eat more but i wonder if i blended this into it how that would taste it would probably taste fucking good it would taste amazing oh man god less fat but yeah so like the the filling on the uh the hot fudge sundae flavor one is different than the others
Starting point is 01:46:02 but once you get that one hot you'll be able to spread it on the top of the ice cream and oh man that'll be really good andrew take us on out of here buddy all right please in the comment section let us know if you guys checked out the uh tom segura's episode with mark um two bears one cave featuring mark bell and let us know your guys favorite part of that episode and drop any more questions in regards to diet and all that good shit down below in our comment section. We would sincerely appreciate that. And subscribe if you guys are not subscribed. And please like this episode if you guys haven't already. And please follow the podcast at MBPowerProject
Starting point is 01:46:36 on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. My Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter is at IamAndrewZ. And Seema, where you at? I'm in Discord. It's a party. More than 1,700 people in there just killing it. I'm Seema ending on Instagram and YouTube. I'm Seema Yin Yang on TikTok and Twitter.
Starting point is 01:46:50 Mark? I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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