Mark Bell's Power Project - The GOAT Father of Dunk Kadour Ziani - Improve Your Jumping, Mobility & Longevity || MBPP Ep. 782

Episode Date: August 10, 2022

In this Podcast Episode Kadour Ziani "The GOAT Father of Dunk", Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about how Kadour has been able to continue to improve his jumping, dunking and mobilit...y at age 48. Kadour first dunked a basketball at 17 and hasn't stopped since. He came back from an Achilles tear two years ago using his own protocols. Follow Kadour on IG: Zianimal Online Training Programs Zianimal X Fit Mint Dojo Pant Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off!! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really does work): ➢ Code POWERPROJECT20 for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And the way that you started talking from the moment that you came in was really amazing to me. When I start to talk, man, I mean, I like, like, it's like organic because it's part of myself. I would be fully happy if I make, I help people, you know, like, I'm like, like this. And I want to be fully happy, I mean, to giving back, to share what I know. So when someone's showing you something and they're demonstrating and they're able to do so with a lot of proficiency, like the way that you jumped up on that box like a cat and he grabbed the other side of it with his foot and he was like. If we want to share something, you need to be the example of what you are sharing. So you need to be the social proof. So me, I'm 48 years old.
Starting point is 00:00:40 I'm still dunking. It works. We are losing mobility by sitting on the chair. We know we escape the floor. The floor is the reality. That's the real reality. You know, you take off from the floor. You don't have chairs, right?
Starting point is 00:00:53 I don't have chairs in my house. What you mentioned about injury was very interesting. Yo, man, if you really want to know about your limits, go further. Be injured. The injury that you had two years ago we kind of said the achilles right but for a lot of basketball players the achilles injury is what people think is like the kiss of death how like we play with the death death only happened to those who have lived where did you learn like how the human body works because you are very knowledgeable you know which
Starting point is 00:01:20 tendons connect to what and which muscles do x y and Y, and Z. I mean, it's like this. The secret is to try. Even if you don't know, you will know. You see the body, it reveals. I mean, the body sweat the knowledge. Talk with your body. Show, not tell. That's my letter S. Show to tell.
Starting point is 00:01:36 So I'm dunking to tell. I'm training to tell. I'm kicking to tell. And that's better than all your scientific explanation on what is good and what is not good. I beat the world record. I'm the first who kicked the rim. More than the dunker, the athlete,
Starting point is 00:01:52 I mean, I'm proud of the journey because I was wild. I was close to die because I was like in a gangbanger or something like this, you know, problem, drugs. And I was like... When you were in your 20s or something like that?
Starting point is 00:02:06 Yes. They want to kill Michael. Michael survived. And Mike, dunk or die, look, he dunk in his face. One step, like, bam, in your face. And he got past Charles Oakley and John Starks first before he got to Patrick Ewing. Exactly, you see?
Starting point is 00:02:20 When you escape from Charles Oakley and all those dogs, I mean, everything is possible after that. Charles Oakley was made out of elbows only. Like, he just would fuck you up every play. He started the MMA, UFC. That's Charles Oakley. Yeah. How about your family?
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Starting point is 00:03:55 Yeah, buddy. Hey, hey. The animal. Yeah, we're rolling, Mark. Hey, man. Thanks for coming out appreciate it uh all that stuff you were showing us yesterday was incredible so thank you for that thank you for for your guys to invite me to guest me and to give me the opportunity to to show my skills and to talk to more than myself but to the world that was amazing the stuff that you were showing us yesterday is really cool and i can't wait to get into that but i'm a big fan of uh the way that people talk
Starting point is 00:04:31 and the way that you started talking from the moment that you came in was really amazing to me because it was uh philosophical and i love when people uh when i get an idea of a person uh being like just full of like heart like I can tell that you're all heart. This is what you love to do. I could tell the passion was there for it. And then on top of that, you said, when we do these drills, you got to look inside your soul and you got to see what you can find. And I just thought that was really cool because a lot of times we try to follow along with what someone's doing, especially someone like you. You're doing some crazy, awesome things.
Starting point is 00:05:08 But then we get excited about it, and then people go out and they hurt themselves. So you can't make something out of nothing. Something's already got to be there. And you said, look, you got everything already inside of you. It's already there. We're just trying to awaken it, right? Exactly. No, it's really important because, I mean the soul the soul have everything you know
Starting point is 00:05:28 ask to your soul talk to your soul and you're gonna see the amazing guy you are and liberate liberate what you already have so it does you need to choose the direction and the direction is here you know you you and you and this is why you know when I'm talking you know I don't look at for the spirit you know I don't look at for reflecting what the best quote I will tell you know let my heart talk so that's
Starting point is 00:05:56 respectful and that's I think the priority the priority is to realize that we don't need nothing except spending the time to find a plan, to follow some routine, to build up some routine, and close your eyes and look, search. That was, you know, when I start to talk, man,
Starting point is 00:06:17 I mean, I like, like, it's like organic because it's part of myself, you know, and I want to share that to the world, not only for me, because I would be fully happy if I help people, you know. I'm like this, and I want to be fully happy, I mean, to giving back, to share what I know, and to make it useful for others. Like this is like a way to achieve posterity, eternity. That's a big dream to be like you die, but you're still here.
Starting point is 00:06:55 That's crazy. A lot of what you were saying I think has a lot to do with like a lot of these things are already within us, but you might need to awaken them because of modern times. We're in chairs. We're in shoes. We're in things that maybe we just shouldn't be doing so much of. And so we got to get into these other positions. We got to get into some of the stuff that you showed us yesterday, which are these positions that I think you named.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I don't know if you named them or someone else named them. Seven postures. Yeah, seven postures. And they were all named after animals, right? Exactly, seven animals. So we had the cat to start, and then we have the cow. We have like plenty, and it's seven doors to open, to unlock, for a lot of possibilities. Each door is like a buffet of something crazy
Starting point is 00:07:46 that you can find inside yourself. Also, it's a door open for understanding. Understanding is the master of emotion, is the key, because you need to know your body, to understand your body, and then you're going to be, it's too much opportunity to be better,
Starting point is 00:08:04 I mean, to know yourself. This is why, you know, those posture is like step by step a way to unlock the brain. Because my philosophy is like no brain, no gain, you know. So start with this, you know, and turn your eyes inside. And you're going to see that all those posture slowly, slowly going to help you to see what the best man you are. So some people, when they hear you mention the seven postures, they're not sure exactly what they are. And for all of you who are curious, we'll have the video of Cador showing us all of the postures up on the YouTube channel. So you'll be able to see what we're talking about
Starting point is 00:08:41 here. But, you know, as we were doing it, you were mentioning that one of some of the two important things with these postures is time and patience because someone is going to try and do the first posture and they won't be able to get into it. Right? But you also mentioned something to me that you do this every day. For you, it's like those postures are like that's your wake up. That's like you breathing. It allows you to just get moving during the day. So how should somebody approach it if they're not at that level to actually even do it yet? You know, the great goals is to unlock the doors.
Starting point is 00:09:17 The posture are a way to unlock those doors, you know, to mobility, longevity. So you have to start. You look at the direction. Seven doors are open. That's the great goals. But to achieve these great goals, you need to start every day with the two tools you have.
Starting point is 00:09:36 It's like the self-discipline and repetition. No matter if you have a lack of flexibility, the first position, if you not master the first position, it doesn't matter. You start. And slowly, slowly, social tissue adaptation. It has to be social every day, self-discipline and repetition. And day by day, you're going to build your fibers, ligament.
Starting point is 00:10:01 That's going to be natural, but start. ligament that's going to be natural but start and then let's be closer closer 1%
Starting point is 00:10:09 at a day and don't don't look at the result it's like when you plant a seed you are not only regarding
Starting point is 00:10:17 looking the seed like is my son is growing no don't worry time provide do what you have to do
Starting point is 00:10:24 first what you what you have to do first. What you want to is to achieve these great goals. But what you have to do, it's all about what you have to, what you must do, what you should do. So start really simple, humbly, but make it like self-discipline repetition every day.
Starting point is 00:10:40 The key is the repetition, you know. And the two soldiers we have, two soldiers is the time and the patience. So And the two soldiers we have, two soldiers is the time and the patience. So by the two soldiers, by the two tools, self-discipline and repetition, you're going to master and you're going to be like, you're going to
Starting point is 00:10:55 dominate and you're going to achieve the mastery. You know? That's this, you know? When I see my methodology, it's like two soldiers two tools two drives domination
Starting point is 00:11:08 and mastery and one direction you so that's the only direction I want to unlock all those seven doors day by day
Starting point is 00:11:17 step by step with humility don't try to oh I want to see no it's invisible inside you will never you will not you are not allowed to see.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Just do what you have to do. And this is why no matter if you start, no matter if you are like luck, you know, go, go and let it go. That's my, you know, I mean, for me, it's like a way to explain that everything starts with the beginning, first step. First step, and then we'll see. Speaking of that first step, your step is unconventional, you know, the way that you're taking your step,
Starting point is 00:11:59 or at least unconventional from some of the things I've seen more recently. And we've had other guests come on the show and people talk about different things. One thing that's really evident with you is that you're doing something at a really high level. And so that reminds me of like when I was a kid, like my football coach would get down to three-point stance and he would be like, no, it's more like this. And he would just smash you and be like, holy shit,
Starting point is 00:12:20 like this fat little football coach can really move. I'm sure you had something similar with soccer or something where somebody snaps into a position or whatever and you're like, holy shit, this fat little football coach can really move. I'm sure you had something similar with soccer or something where somebody snaps into a position or whatever, and you're like, holy shit. So when someone's showing you something and they're demonstrating and they're able to do so with a lot of proficiency, like the way that you jumped up on that box like a cat, and he grabbed the other side of it with his foot,
Starting point is 00:12:39 and he was like, like sticking to the side like a superhero. It's like Spider-Man. Literally, it's like Spider-Man jumped up and just grabbed it with his feet. We were like, what the hell? It's amazing. That's the crab. But it's interesting the way that you were talking about the way that you kind of block energy before you go and do your jump.
Starting point is 00:12:58 So if you can explain that a little bit more, how you kind of put your foot out and your foot is outward yeah, it's outward. It's not inward. First of all, I want to say that if we want to share something, you need to be the example of what you are sharing. So you need to be the social proof. So me, I'm 48 years old. I'm still dunking.
Starting point is 00:13:21 It works. And I rebrewed myself after after killing a student two years ago. So it was an opportunity to show to the world that my techniques work. And the way that I restored myself, it was an opportunity to show that, hey, I'm going to be the example of what you have to do. Because 48 years old, 46, I start from zero. And then now, 48, I'm dunking. So it's that, the example that it works. I mean, zero, and then now 48, I'm dunking. So is that the example that it works?
Starting point is 00:13:47 I mean, show, not tell. Show and then tell. I mean, we are here to tell about what we show yesterday. We are here to tell about what we are. I mean, leading by example, that's the best way to share the knowledge. Great way to be a leader, great way to be a parent. Exactly. First you climb, and then you tell about
Starting point is 00:14:06 who climbed, how you climbed. But when you are on the top, it's about, you know. Yeah. You know, you know. You really know. Theory, practices, you know. Theory without practices, useless. You know? Yep. So
Starting point is 00:14:21 you are like a donkey who carry books here. The books because you sweat the books. You sweat the Yep. So you are like a donkey who carry books here. The books because you sweat the books. You sweat the books. That's the real knowledge for me. Theory with practices. And me, I was not, I don't have theory. I don't have words.
Starting point is 00:14:36 I have only my body to tell. The first and only way for me to talk absolute. My dunk is all I have to say to the world, you know. I do all my career and my dunks are talking for me. 360 were my language, double wheel mill, that's my absolute language. And now I'm trying to tell about what I did. So now it's time to reveal how I climbed this mountain, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:04 and how, and how. And now it's hard for me sometimes to find the real words to say, hey, it works like this. You know, like it's like really technique, you know, like he said, Mark, you know, the foot inside the big toes, all those, you know, it's really precise, you know, and we cannot negotiate. We have to be there to touch your body, to explain you. You see, yesterday we were with your guys. I was like pressing the head of Mark like a killer.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Because you have to do like this to unlock the spin that's really precise. So my approach is like this. Leading by example, sharing by example, and also be the example of what you are trying to learn for the people, you know? I think one of the amazing things about how you were showing us things yesterday and even today is it's like, you know, when if I were to watch something that you did just in a video and I were to try it, I'd feel certain things.
Starting point is 00:16:02 I'd be like, OK, I'm doing it the right way. were to try it, I'd feel certain things. I'd be like, okay, I'm doing it the right way. But you, when you touched my foot and put it at a certain angle, I had a totally different sensation. And you're like, that's what you're supposed to feel. And I wouldn't have been able to understand that if you, the person who was the expert, who's, who's put in the work, who has done this year after year after year, where you, you saw the little detail, you're like, shift this way a little bit. And then when I shift, totally different sensation. That's why it's really important that you have your programs on your website, right? But you put out a lot of free information. And I think the free information is good. But if someone wants to speed up their progress and really be able to be like, they want to get from point A to point B a lot faster,
Starting point is 00:16:46 it's necessary that they understand some of the details that you mentioned that can't just be something you see and then do. You have to know those details. And also, I need to touch your body. I mean, you see, yesterday I was on your back, and I was like, it was my own body. I was like pulling your bones like this, you see, yesterday I was on your back and I was like, it was my own body. I was like pulling your bones like this, you know. And I was like, now that's what you need to feel.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah. And then, you know, even if you feel some stress, that's the real position. And it's hard for me sometimes to explain by internet, you know. We are not really connected. I would love to be a personal coach for, I need to live with you. I need to see how you sit on your table,
Starting point is 00:17:30 how you eat, how you sit, the position you sleep and all those stuff, you know, because that's the real way to be effective. You know,
Starting point is 00:17:39 we need to fight against what we are, we are sitting on the chair. Like you say, Mark, we are losing mobility by sitting on the chair. We know we on the chair. Like you say, Mark, we are losing mobility by sitting on the chair. We know we escape the floor. The floor is the reality.
Starting point is 00:17:49 That's the real reality. You know, you take off from the floor. You don't have chairs, right? I don't have chairs in my house. You know, I sleep on the floor. Whatever. You know, in the hotel, it's hard. But sometimes I'm going for a nap.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Because, you know, when you sleep on the floor it's like massage you know you sleep but your body is like automatically taking the control and you know what is good for you
Starting point is 00:18:12 you don't know about your body let your body also do his own position you know you are moving that's good for you you know those new
Starting point is 00:18:19 those new material you know like you know the gun you know the floor is the, you know, like, you know, the gun, blah, blah, blah. You know, the floor is the gun, you know. Use the floor.
Starting point is 00:18:31 And, you know, I think for me, the reality, roots, like be barefoot, you know, this, I mean, nothing between you and the floor, no one. So that's the feeling you need because my methodology is not about to give you the methodology. No, my methodology is to help you to find your own methodology by hearing, by feeling, by listening, by talking to yourself, by building an internal language. Because you have to talk to yourself first. And then you're going to be able to say, talk about your dunks or your, but first, if you need to master this
Starting point is 00:19:11 and then do your stuff and then you see, oh, wow, I'm a master. Master, yes. Now you can tell about how you became master, your journey. Something that's also very interesting. Do you know Ido Portal? Ido, I saw. Okay okay so you mentioned something to us yesterday when you were talking about your achilles and when you were talking
Starting point is 00:19:31 about injury because edo was also on he was on hooverman's podcast and he said that if his if his students don't get injured he's not doing his job yep and you said to me yesterday you said that um you don't mind if somebody gets injured because they're going to be able to learn from that injury. And it's funny because I've seen a lot of coaches take that statement from what he said. And even from what you're saying, they're like, that's stupid. It's not good if a client get injured. That just shows that you're not good at your job. But what you mentioned about injury was very interesting. Yo, man, if you really want to know about your limits, so go further.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Be injured. The school of hard knocks is the school of hard injury also because when you restore from injury like Achilles or ACL, you're going to be a master if you're able to restore it. And for me, if you want to really know your limit, you need to cross the river. Even if you don't know how to swim, you need to cross the river. You need to try.
Starting point is 00:20:33 You will see. You're going to swim like a dog. You're going to be like this. But if you succeed to escape this world and you come back, you're going to be stronger and you're going to know. You're going to really know. You know, because me, I was like, I don't have any teacher or I teach by myself
Starting point is 00:20:52 by experience. The school of experience. That's the best school because maybe it's cruel because you know after. You're injured at all, but you really know. And then you're going to know your step my step i'm gonna be injured here so the next time i'm gonna push it i'm gonna try it and then you're gonna see injury
Starting point is 00:21:13 after injury you're gonna be better so me i'm not like hey you have to be injured no don't be scared to be injured you know don't be scared yeah so that's the particularity the risk because you know we want we are like looking for the some few you know average some few to make us better so if you so play everything on the table all in don't don't play like security play go dunk or die it's like hey you put you put everything on the table you are the player and you are also the money on the table all in that's it so all in means injury be ready yeah some of our best medical practices come from people dying you know people die people get hurt and then they're like that wasn't a good idea we gotta figure out a different way of doing it
Starting point is 00:22:02 and that's how you find good medicine and all kinds of stuff, I mean unfortunately that's kind of what needs to happen and sometimes we need to get hurt I call it the school of accident in philosophy the school of accident, you are like this blind but sometimes you find something oh, what is it that's the solution, but if you are not
Starting point is 00:22:20 able to be ignorant to be proud to be ignorant, I don't know but I will know, I don't know. But I will know. I will search. Because the one who searches will find. The one who doesn't search, never finds. I want to detail, though, the injury that you had two years ago.
Starting point is 00:22:37 We kind of said the Achilles, right? But for a lot of basketball players, the Achilles injury is what people think is like the kiss of death. A lot of basketball players tear their Achilles and they'll do their rehab, but they never come back. They're not jumping the same. They don't come back. But you, you were showing us stuff yesterday. You're stronger than you were before. How?
Starting point is 00:22:57 We play with the death. You know, death is the only event in the world. You know, I say in my alphabet, death only happens to those who have lived. There is only death, you know, because so when you need to handle it. I work. I'm training.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I'm not rushing to die. You know, I'm trying to never die, you know, to push it. So I'm ready to restore myself from everything because I'm already done. You know, I'm trying to never die, you know, to push it. So I'm ready to restore myself from everything because I'm already done. You know, it's over for me. It's already too late for me because I know I will die one day. So why be scared about the death? You already died. You're already done.
Starting point is 00:23:39 So I'm working. I'm trying to never give up because I know that there is a solution, you know. So I was working. I'm trying to never give up because I know that there is a solution. So I was working really hard. I know that the protocol I have, the stuff I can do, that's going to help me to recover. And that was a crazy opportunity for the people to say, hey, look, ACL, don't be scared about Kelly's tendon. It's not over.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Come on. And now everything is looking at me like, wow, it's stronger than before. How you do, yo, so maybe be curious and go to visit me and maybe you're going to teach something new,
Starting point is 00:24:14 a new approach. Maybe not the only approach, but that approach works. What were you telling us about LeBron James? Because we've seen people, yeah, he walks with his feet pointed out the duck you have a new new new uh dog walk yeah now is that on instagram mark or who posted that
Starting point is 00:24:34 i think i texted it over to you no but it's funny man it's funny but it's not i mean it's not stupid you know it's really smart because you know people you look at the lebron jones ah like it's not stupid. It's really smart. Because, you know, people who look at Le Bongevier, it's like a clown. Now, he's really smart. The way that he works for me, the hip is open, and he's able to, he knows how to handle longevity. Because the way he trains, I mean, the philosophy he puts on is about stretching, elasticity, ligament stuff, you know.
Starting point is 00:25:06 He got – he's a smart way to work, you know, because he got ability also to move the hip, you know, by doing his foot like this. The hip is open. Man, it's funny, but it works. I like this look. They were showing a video where a guy on Instagram kind of was making making fun of i just noticed the beard too the uh yeah the style of walk yeah but you you know the interesting thing is like some coaches will look at like the way lebron walks and the way lebron dunks where he opens up and they always say oh this is why LeBron gets injured.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Like the reason why he does so well is just because he's a freak, even though that's a bad way to walk. But you're mentioning that the way he actually sets up for that dunk and the way he walks is actually ideal for him. That's his secret, man, and it works. No, me personally, I like experience because a lot of scientists, you know, they're going to tell that, that, that. Man, how they can tell about Lebron James is how they can be sure 100% that it's because of injury, because of his walking like this. Now, for me, I had an opposite way.
Starting point is 00:26:18 For me, it's because he's going to play like 10 years more by walking like this, you know. because he's going to play like 10 years more by walking like this. So, depending on, you know, science, I like to, I mean, like I say, theory and practice, you know, the one who can tell about here is LeBron James only, you know. He's playing, yes or not. He's doing crazy shit, yes or not. He's dunking, yes or not. So, be a duck.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Walk like a duck. It works. Yeah. not he's dunking yes or not so be duck walk like a duck it works yeah you were also saying that like you you kind of jump a little bit that way when you're taking off uh one foot when you're doing like 360 dunks and stuff like that can you explain some of that exactly we know when you put your your i mean your your ankle like this this angle put you in position that you're going to stop the inertia with the bones. Here is like patella. When you put your ankle like this, you're going to put all the pressure on the patella and you're going to not be able to stop.
Starting point is 00:27:16 You're going to have too much to your tendon. So by doing like small angle, you're going to block and you're going to be able to fix it. Do some guys go with their feet more inward if they're doing a two foot takeoff versus a one foot or that's that's for one foot and that's for two so one foot would be one foot takeoff is with the foot pointed outward a little bit and two foot takeoffs probably with both feet kind of turned in a bit exactly mark and that's good because you see michael jordan was like this yeah his feet were in yeah and and when he when he attacked the roof like like this he was able to block like block like
Starting point is 00:27:51 this and jump that's that's i mean logic i mean using the technique the position the posture of the body to generate to block the the the force the run and being generate here not here it's hard to make a one statement about one style because of the the many different differences that the many differences that we have like even just in your ankle like the way that your ankle moves is way different than the way our ankles move and the way my uncle moves way different than his and way different than andrew's so uh the best way for all four of us to dunk would probably be in accordance to what our ankles can handle exactly because even if even if i'm even if i'm just even if i'm just trying to do the same uh amount of jumps as you i'm just trying to do the same amount of jumps not jump as high i'm gonna get hurt if I'm trying to do what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:28:46 But if I stick to doing what I know is good for me for now, then maybe I can work on the technique and the form over a period of time to do something that will look better. I'll be able to jump higher. I'll be able to have better intensity. But I got to stay in my own lane for a while, right? So I'll give you two years to dunk, okay? So you're going to fix on your philosophy.
Starting point is 00:29:06 But I don't believe in we are equal. I don't believe in equality. We are different. I mean, the sums of the reason, your reason, my reason, your truth, your body, that's the truth. We are different, so we need to really different so we need to
Starting point is 00:29:25 to really realize that we need to have like a specific approach to study this is why I say to all people talk to yourself and you're gonna find how you're gonna fix it because it's personal for you
Starting point is 00:29:41 so this is why my methodology is to push you to open your eyes to say no me i prefer to do on my way and develop the technique like mark say that's really better i mean smarter to do like this because we are different not the same story not the same body we are equal behind the death that you know the behind behind the injury not equal I can react differently he can react differently if he has Achilles you know we don't know
Starting point is 00:30:11 you know for me it works I did it in my way to restore myself but maybe he has another way to restore himself and it can work you know
Starting point is 00:30:19 so we need to be really relaxed with this we are different. And find your way. Find your way. Make it yours by trying. I tried this.
Starting point is 00:30:32 It's not for me. So I recommend to be really curious and to test different kind of approach. But also being patient. I know I'm repeating this. But when I see the way your ankles move,, we had these these guys we love and they're they're from this group called Gota, G-O-A-T-A. You may know who they are, but like a lot of their big things is helping people unlock their ankle because, you know, the ankle should be able to move. Right. So my ankles are somewhat locked. Right. are somewhat locked, right? But as I'm seeing you do some of these movements and I see your ankle just moving around, I know it's going to take me months, if potentially a year or a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:31:11 We don't know. But when I was doing the movements you were showing, I was feeling this big stretch near that ankle complex that I haven't felt before doing any of the other things I've been doing, which like that feeling showed me like, wow, this is actually, it's starting to break up. It's starting to be able to move like it should, right? But I have to do that every single day. Like I have to take my time with it. I have to adjust it for my body and I have to make sure to stay patient
Starting point is 00:31:38 so I can somewhat get to some of your level. So this is why you have to decide. It's a choice. You know, it's a choice. When you really know what you have to do, it's your choice, your responsibility. You are important because you are able to really know what you have to do.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Then you have to do it. So now take your responsibility and then you're going to be alone to deserve this result. We are alone. We have to understand that. No one will do it for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:12 So decide or die. Try these steps out. Tell me what you think. Saul, I know. This is from a friend of ours, David Weck. And I think it's kind of interesting because if you have your, what I noticed from some of the stuff you were showing yesterday, that when you,
Starting point is 00:32:27 if you're trying to stretch your calves, if you have your foot pointed out and you drive your knee forward, like you won't feel that much from it. If you point your toe inward and try to stretch, for me anyway, I start to feel a crazy stretch
Starting point is 00:32:41 in the calf almost immediately. So the Weck thing kind of puts you in that kind of stance i don't know it's just interesting david is my bro he's a fucking genius that guy he's a genius you know i think he sometimes has a hard time describing what he's thinking yeah but because he is very smart and it's too he's too smart i mean you know i agree so for me the problem for of him is is no no no one can understand and it's hard it's hard to earth to understand him yes because you know when he has too much you know knowledge for us you know so i mean it's up to us to describe and to this is why you know i was i was like close to visit him and we i'm gonna do it you know because
Starting point is 00:33:26 you know all and also i i love his experience because i would love to also build some equipment to stick on my knowledge we were talking about the you know a kind of table you know the table like we use like you use the box you, something like where I will stick on it and, you know, try to educate people on seven posture or something like this and also add some stuff, you know. But David is, you know, the way also he was like describing me, you know, one day I sent him a video and he was like describing my approach, my technique was a genius way to explain my i was like shocked because you find you're like i didn't know i did that yeah yo he he he described the technique and he was like this man is is i mean he know me better than me i was like shocked so i was like he sent me those i have this salt I tried those. It's crazy, man. I don't know how to say, but David, he has to be respected more.
Starting point is 00:34:32 He deserves to be on the top. He is on the top, not only because of Bussy Ball, but I recognize myself on him. I'm not him, he's too far from me. I noticed a lot of what you were showing yesterday was the heels out quite a bit, especially when you're in that what is called Seiza position, right? Your heels were out, and then you were like, and then you can just kind of go off to this.
Starting point is 00:34:56 It was funny because you were doing certain things, and we were like, yeah, yeah, okay. And then you were showing us like the next thing, and we were like, no, no, no, no, wait a second. Yeah, we're out, we're out. We're out. Like you showed us the stretch on the box, which is something that Kelly Sturette's been showing for quite some time. You had your foot up onto a fairly high box.
Starting point is 00:35:15 That would be a hard thing to do like a step up onto. And you were moving your hip around and I was like, I could do some of that. I'm like, that's kind of a stretch, but I could do some of that. And then you kind of shifted your weight forward a little bit and then you just squatted right up on it. And I was like, holy shit. And then you did the same thing on the floor when you're in that SESA position. You kind of leaned to, like, a side, and then you got up. But it was also off the back of your foot. And I was thinking, the back of my foot is so sensitive.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Like, I'm such a baby with that. It kind of hurts to feel that pressure. And you're, like, hitting the ground with your foot. Kicking hard objects. And I was like hitting the ground with your foot and kicking the ground. Kicking hard objects. And I was like, man, I'm a pussy. Like I need to toughen all this up. But then you were doing the same thing with your hands and stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:52 The gorilla. You just have toughened up your ligaments and gotten your body used to a lot of these things, right? Yeah, because this is why the pain is like you feel like a baby when you start. And then day by day, you're going to be like, oh, man, I become a man. I start to become a man, no feeling. And because it's not natural at the beginning, you know. He'd be a deadly guy in some jiu-jitsu, wouldn't he? Yeah, he'd wreck me.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Like he would not want to tap, right? Which might not be a great thing all the time. No, it's amazing because, you know, it's hard for me because, you know, I have like achieved a certain level. So I need to get down from the mountain, you know, stay small stuff, you know. And then yesterday I was like, you know, my body want to show off, you know. And because also because I want to be also the social proof but sometime also i need to go slowly step by step because it's scary because when you feel pain
Starting point is 00:36:52 and when the movement is not natural you can scare people so you know in instagram i'm like doing like stuff like wow that's there people are like it's not for us you know it's too far but this is why i want to break that you know hey step by step that's the big direction you know that's the the the black belt you know of this technique you know this or you're gonna that's the finality but if you start like by day by day slow slow slow process you're gonna unlock it you're gonna use to feel this pain this pain gonna be the real communication system of communication you need to have with your body. That is not wicked. That is strong, really strong, you know.
Starting point is 00:37:30 So if you're doing a push-up like that, you know, with your hands this way and this kind of stuff, you're not just – your hands aren't just sitting there. You're like flexing, right? Exactly. You're flexing muscles. And also I'm sitting on my bones, you know. This is why I call it camel sit. The camel sit is – I mean you sit on my bones you know this is why i call it camel camel sit the camel sit is i mean you you sit on all your bones like this you deactivate the the triceps you deactivate muscle
Starting point is 00:37:52 so for me you look i was like this oh yeah and i was not using energy i was like i can stay like this oh you weren't like flexing your triceps you were like in a static in static in my bones so i was sitting like on my toes big toes you see yesterday i do the the calf raise the foot raise yeah that cost me nothing you know that because i i am sitting on the bones and it's like illusion of oh wow it's strong oh it's good but it's not you know but by but first of all you need to work on the plantar fascia. You need to be flexible. And then you're going to be able to use all your bones and your tendon and your ligament. That's really interesting because, yeah, you're right. When you're not mobile, it'll hurt.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Like even just to crawl on your knees. Exactly. Someone that's in their 40s, they're like, I'm not getting down on my knees. That's just going to hurt. you know someone that's in their 40s they're like i'm not getting down on my knees that's just gonna hurt but a baby or someone that's or even a developed kid that's seven eight nine ten years old they can crawl across the ground or people that are not in pain can crawl across the ground very easily exactly you were doing it all day yeah this is why now i feel like a baby but the baby who like play with your body and you you look at your on the floor. He's doing like the position I show you, the camo position, each position, dorsiflexion
Starting point is 00:39:09 of toes. He's not allowed to have a baby. Andrew has a baby. Yeah. I have a one and a half year old. Yeah. We got to see him doing experiments with dogs first. Seeing how he handles that and then parlaying.
Starting point is 00:39:22 You got to pass that test first. Yeah. But no, like this morning when you're showing me some stuff like mark you know this when i do a lat pull down like my triceps will activate but so i'm trying to hold myself up i'm getting real shaky you know he's teaching me some of these movements and i'm like fucking he's like no no no and he showed me you know uh knuckles down like not making a fist though like just kind of being a little bit loose with it but just allowing you to stack yourself. And yeah, I could hold myself up pretty good and it felt great. But my, my question is like, even with like my lower back stuff, when you were telling me to like, you know, pull my head, my, my chin down to my chest, where did you learn like how
Starting point is 00:39:59 the human body works? Because you are very knowledgeable, you know, which tendons connect to what and which muscles do x y and z and then also like the flip side you can uh mimic you know your knee with like your your hands and like you know what i mean like how did you learn all that stuff by experience you know by experience like i say i will not absorb the knowledge the knowledge is already here so i need to liberate the knowledge so So by asking, by testing, by trying, die trying. In my philosophy, it's like train or die trying. And I mean, it's like this.
Starting point is 00:40:33 The secret is to try. Even if you don't know, you will know. You will know maybe before to be injured, but also by look. You see the body, it reveals. I mean, the body sweat the knowledge. If you don't sweat, I mean, you don't have it. You have the knowledge, but it's up to you to, hey, let's make it outside, you know.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Let's try. And you're going to know. Surely, you already know, but you need to reveal what you already know. And then I like some of the, like Ben Patrick will call them, regressions. You know, like you showed jumping right to the floor, getting in that gorilla position. And then you're like, no, no, no. Like you're going to start on this box and then you're going to go to the bench. And then when you're ready, go to the floor.
Starting point is 00:41:14 I think that's great because like you said, like when people or Nsema said, like when people see this, they might get wrecked. They might get hurt. But you're like, don't even start there. I love that. We have steps. Also, the posture, they are like this digression. Like you're going to achieve the gorilla. The gorilla is the last movement.
Starting point is 00:41:31 And you did the gorilla. It was fun. You see? But the gorilla is like the great goals. Because when you do the gorilla, you do all the seven positions in one. You have like dorsiflexion. You have everything, you know? So you unlock
Starting point is 00:41:45 the piri form everything so uh my my philosophy is like to everything is like kinetic chain so my first animal gonna allow you to adore to to the second animal the third animal but in fact each door is a door open to all animals the cat cat, by the cat, you're going to find the cow, the camel, etc., etc. It's like this. Everything is related because that's adaptation. I mean, when I do one exercise, you know the gorilla, you got like push-up. You got core. I mean, in five minutes, I want to burn myself.
Starting point is 00:42:24 I don't have time. I love that, yeah. I need to burn myself I don't have time I love that I need to survive you know it's cold outside it's minus 20 I need to work like bam bam bam
Starting point is 00:42:30 and then okay I'm good you know everywhere like in the plane I was in the plane I was like doing the cut and the guys were like
Starting point is 00:42:39 what is doing man I don't care about you man I have a time provider so the true talent cannot waste time so the plane is a weight is a gym everything is a gym everywhere is a gym you are a gym power project family i hope you guys are enjoying this episode now mark andrew and myself have been cold plunging for a while now we actually use the cold plunge xl but the reason why this has become
Starting point is 00:43:02 part of our daily routine every single day is because of honestly how good it makes us feel coming out of that water. Now, if you want to take a cold shower, that is beneficial and you need to be doing that if you don't have a cold plunge. But if you do get a cold plunge that goes all the way down to 39 degrees, it's crazy because Andrew Hurman actually talked about the benefits of dopamine post-cold plunging. Now, cocaine gives you a 2.5 rise in your dopamine release. Cold plunging gives you that also, but it also gives you a sustained higher level of dopamine throughout your day.
Starting point is 00:43:33 That's just one of the benefits, as there are many. So if you guys want to get on it, Andrew, how can they? Oh, yes, you guys got to head over to and check out Andrew Promo Code Power Project to save $150 off. And before we drop off here, I do have to say that this has been the absolute best thing I have ever done for my mental health. Every single day I get in this cold plunge and I come out a happier, more positive and more vibrant human. I can't recommend this enough. Again, the promo code power
Starting point is 00:44:00 project to save $150 off links to them down in the description, as well as the podcast show notes. It's such a different thing to like max out with your own body, you know, like even just to hit the ground and do some pushups. Like you don't, you don't even have to necessarily do reps. I mean, you could hold yourself in a position and you could start to just kind of flex and try to dig your toes in more or like you could shift your balance one way or the other or you could put your hands a different way and you could have a crazy workout that way exactly and it's open i mean the imagination is unlimited you know the gift of imagination when you when you start to do the the cat i mean it's up to you to be intuitive and to like your friend with the kettle belt dre yeah i like this guy this guy man he was like unbelievable
Starting point is 00:44:47 he was he this approach is crazy that's the real approach for me to be intuitive and to play by accident you know you are injured try to fix it and look let the body decide you know the body will tell you i like this you know and you're going to create something and that's going to be the tips you know this is my philosophy. Stay open but we have like seven doors and it's like the buffet, alpha and omega. All you can do, all possibilities
Starting point is 00:45:13 are open to you. And man, no repetition because I'm like overcoming isometry or static. I'm not doing like full during all the day like training like crazy. No.
Starting point is 00:45:27 I'm doing like four minutes, two minutes, you know, and because, but all the day. We call it microdosing. Microdosing your fitness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Okay. This is how I'm training, you know. Also, I ask to my body. My body sometimes want to rest. It don't want to be active.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Sometimes I'm like, I'm on a rest mode. Sometimes I am on the, on the jump mode. has to my body my body sometimes want to rest you don't want to be active sometimes i'm like i'm on a restore mode sometime i am on the on the jump mode sometime i'm everything so it depends on my body depends on the time and the the the feedback of yesterday yesterday i was jumping so today gonna i'm gonna pay the price of yesterday so everything is like you know perpetual period. So I need to calculate. Does your body still get pretty stiff and pretty sore?
Starting point is 00:46:15 I was asking this morning, you know, he saw me like asking on the bench. I was like, hey, what do we got today? What do we got today? Do I hurt you or not? Taking diagnostics. So at the end of the stretching, you see, I was jumping like crazy. I was in a jump mode. When I am in a jump mode, it means I'm in good shape. Once you start to move, you're probably pretty motivated, right?
Starting point is 00:46:39 Yeah. You know, day by day, you know, so you allow, you have the permission of your body. The permission allowed you to say, hey, go to jump. Or say, oh, wow, okay, and go. Can you explain, because again, kind of going back to the people that might see this and then they get hurt and they're like, oh, I guess it's not for me or I'm not there yet. But like, how do you start each day? Like, you know, when you're saying you kind of get out of bed and then you start moving around.
Starting point is 00:47:01 When I start, I wake up immediately. I am touching my body, I mean my bones, my parts. Okay, check up, you know, and then I start to feel, I start to know what I'm going to, I have my answers, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:17 what's going to be the day, you know, by asking my body. Those are protocol to not only self-diagnostic but to know the content of the day how this day gonna be i'm gonna walk and i'm not gonna run or this day i'm gonna jump or this day i'm gonna do stretching or mobility or something like this you know though i mean all those those protocol all those seven posture is also a way to question, you know, to question and to anticipate the injury. Because when you don't ask permission, you're going to pay the price.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Yeah. So what I loved is you were saying that, you know, you'll start some of the stretches or the protocol, right? Like literally in bed and start moving because what you said in the gym was super powerful that you might wake up and you'll feel fine but you know you might not actually be fine or you know the way you put it was like you might feel like oh today's not going to be a good day but then you start stretching you start moving it's like oh my body lied but your body lies the other way too when you don't think anything's wrong but then you actually do have some issues going on so if you don't have a protocol to because the body you know we call it in french duplicity duplicity is mean your body is like
Starting point is 00:48:30 talking to you but in fact is the opposite you know so if you don't have this protocol to has to your body if he really good or not good so you're gonna be mess up you know because it's a lot of illusions sometimes. By hearing the body, it means sometimes don't hear it. You know, the signs are, I feel pain, but you are good. And sometimes you are good, but you are not good. So watch out. So this is why, you know, when I body awakening, it's also a neuronal awakening and also a way for me to really know what I'm able to do.
Starting point is 00:49:10 You know what I think is so great about guys like you? And then you mentioned LeBron James. There are so many people within strength and fitness who say, oh, if you stretch or if you do any of these things, it's going to make you not explosive. It's going to mess with your athleticism. You are somebody who does this every single day. And at 48 years old, you are explosive. You're extremely strong. You can move like an animal, but you're doing it. There are people here talking shit, talking shit on it, but you're the one who's doing it and reaping the
Starting point is 00:49:43 results. And I think that's what I pay attention to. Don't pay attention to the people just yap, yap, yapping about studies. Pay attention to the person who's doing the fucking thing. This is why, you know, I want to be the example and leading by example.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Be, I mean, the contradiction, you know, because people are talking words, words, okay. Words is done, for me, words. Words, okay. Words is done. For me, words is nothing, you know. But act, fact. That's the truth. Only truth.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Talk with your body. Show, not tell. That's my letter S. Show to tell. So I'm dunking to tell. I'm training to tell. I'm kicking to tell. And that's better than all your scientific explanation on what is good and what is not good.
Starting point is 00:50:26 I respect those. But sometimes, you know, stay humble because what you say, you are not 100% because I can be here to show you the opposite of what you say. So the body is like extraordinary, complex, and everything can be, you know, overrated, you know? Yeah. Yeah. And how do you know, over, I mean, overrated, you know? Yeah. Yeah, and how do you know, like, how a study was done? I mean, when I was talking with you and you were, when you did your kind of hamstring thing where you tucked your head between your legs like an ostrich,
Starting point is 00:50:57 you were saying that you flex your stomach, you know? So it's like, well, that's different than someone that's just hanging their arms down trying to touch their toes. And then you were pulling yourself through and then you like grabbed your own hat and pulled your hat through and pulled your head through. It's like it's just that's just way different than the way that most people stretch. So how do we quantify that versus like somebody putting their foot up on a box, stretching their hamstring? What I want to say is like, we have standards.
Starting point is 00:51:28 I mean, the past, all the standards. I mean, we need to study the standards. We need to extract what's good in the standards. And we need to make it yours. I mean, so I'm going to respect the science.
Starting point is 00:51:43 I'm going to respect all the schools. But I'm going to extract the best from the schools, so I'm going to respect the science. I'm going to respect all the schools. But I'm going to extract the best from the schools. And I'm going to also don't forget to explore. Invisible. Invisible. That's the doctor. I'm curious. Do you, when you do some of these stretches, do you do them outside at all?
Starting point is 00:52:01 What? Do you do them outside? Or do you usually do them inside, like your house and stuff like like that like you did say you stretch in bed and things like that but um when you are normally practicing these things and stretching do you go outside like in the sunlight or yeah outside inside everywhere on the plane hey look i'm gonna tell you even on the toilet i'm like just wherever you know i'm a deep squat you know know, I don't sit on the stuff. Another guy that stands on the toilet. That's number two.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Yeah. No, I'm like, you see the movie Bruce Lee? Yeah. When he was like on the airport, he was sitting on the toilet like this, like on deep squat. This is what he's doing on the toilet. Yeah. Imagine walking in on that by accident. You know, in Turkish toilet, we call it the position to poo.
Starting point is 00:52:50 You know, that deep squat. You know, it's social, you know, different culture. You know, they don't sit on the toilet. They don't have to. They call it Turkish toilet. I mean, nothing. It's just a hole, yeah. And that's the best position to let it all go out.
Starting point is 00:53:07 In Nigeria, there's the same thing. There's outhouses. So like you go out, there's literally a slab, a hole, you do your thing, you know?
Starting point is 00:53:14 If you want to have like a real result, don't be shy. Don't be scared. It's ridiculous. Like LeBron James, like the duck, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:25 they're going to laugh at you. I don't care, man. I'm an explorer., like the duck, you know? They're going to laugh at you. I don't care, man. I'm an explorateur, you know? I'm ready to laugh at me. But look, I'm kicking the rim, you know, at the end of the day. So it works. You told us a little bit in the gym about some of this,
Starting point is 00:53:37 but how'd you get into all this in the first place? How'd you get into all this jumping in the first place? I don't know, man. I don't want to be the best I mean I don't want to achieve the the first place you know the time will put you in the first place if you are in the first place but
Starting point is 00:53:58 what I want is to to don't fix any limits and to work harder as possible and to I have some goals and I'm like kicking the rim with my foot, you know that was like for me, I put it not like a dream, I put it like a finality, I mean, because it was
Starting point is 00:54:15 a big message for me, it was the first foot on the rim, I mean I call it kick the dream, you know, I mean the first foot on the moon, it's like this, you know the first step for a man, a big kick in the ass for house for humanity wake up everything is possible i was like this i did the record in usa in la i was so proud so for me it was a also a confirmation that i can be the the human uh the one i mean number one i mean i beat i beat some records and i can also, I'm allowed to talk for the world. I mean, hey,
Starting point is 00:54:48 I beat the world record. I'm the first who kicked the rim. So I can tell for your guys, I need to build this credibility. I mean, like I talk, it's strong talk, you know, because like we say, we need to lead by example. So
Starting point is 00:55:03 a world record for me was like a good way strong way to say hey trust me trust me it works everything is possible look i'm a i'm not i don't have genetic or i'm not i'm skinny like crazy like bruce lee man you know i want to be like i want to be like bruce lee i want to be like michael jordan i want to be like Bruce Lee. I want to be like Michael Jordan. I want to be like, and also respect them, extract the best from them, and do my own, you know? This is why, you know, I was like, it was really important to be, I mean, the number one in some thing, you know?
Starting point is 00:55:36 Yeah. When did you first start dunking? Like, how young were you? 17. 17? Yeah, yeah. It was late because before that, I was already like a stuntman.
Starting point is 00:55:44 I was like, you know, that I was already like a stuntman. I was like, you know, my body was already like doing crazy stuff because I start with soccer. I have like crazy trainer. He was like 50. He was like kicking the bar. I was like, who is this? And we were running. We were training like six hours on Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:56:03 It was like I was like jumping over the this man you're a goalkeeper yeah yeah I was a goalkeeper and this trainer was like
Starting point is 00:56:12 was like wild and they pushed me I mean I was nine I was training like crazy I say hey coach I'm nine you know
Starting point is 00:56:19 I'm nine like dog like relax I'm nine Coach come on Like relax I was like He said You need to jump over this Jump over this I said
Starting point is 00:56:32 Coach Coach I'm nine Come on He said No no You're gonna be a cat You're gonna be like
Starting point is 00:56:40 This this this I was like Oh it's this guy man I was like crying When I was trying to go to each wednesday i was like mom are you sure i have to go to train because i don't know if i'm gonna survive yeah today now it was wild and and for me it was the door open for the craziness not the stupidness because you know as i finally succeed because you know stupidness when you don't have
Starting point is 00:57:03 limit craziness is you are crazy to be injured. You are crazy to look at something invisible, to search. But, I mean, at the end of the day, you're going to back home, you know. So it teach me how to be crazy. I mean, in philosophy, crazy is the passion. No passion. When you love, no no money no i mean everything is easy like he say uh yesterday we we have a talk about this you know when you really love what you
Starting point is 00:57:33 do nothing can stop you because you got no limit you not care about the injury you not care about the time i mean you calculate nothing and you're going to achieve the best of yourself. I mean, the excellence, you know, that's the best way. When you love, the problem is, you know, it's really, you're going to develop a subjective instinct to achieve your great goals when you love. Because you know the direction, you love the direction, and you are walking subjectively to your direction, you know. Everything is going to be easy for you. But it's like, hey, we need to push you every day, motivate you.
Starting point is 00:58:08 I mean, you don't want it. If you don't want it, man, I will not be the guys who wake up you and knock at your door, hey, your goals. It's not your goals, you know? Andrew, see if we can pull up that clip of MJ dunking from the free throw line so we can bring up the first dunk. This is one of the first ones that you remember seeing that got you fired up and inspired, right?
Starting point is 00:58:27 This dunk opened my mind. I was like, it was like the day I was born was this day. That's sick. You know, I was one years old when I see this. I know exactly what he's feeling like right now. I remember taking off from the free throw line myself a couple times. Look at that. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Fucking amazing. Wow, wow, wow. It's just so cool the way he, like, it wasn't just that he jumped from the free throw line, you know? The way he moves his body, the way he spread his legs wide, the way he, like, just the whole thing is sick. Hey, Mark, you are a dunker. You are like David, you know?
Starting point is 00:59:09 He was, like, talking about Mike like crazy, about me like crazy. I love basketball. Man. I'm a huge basketball fan. No, I can see because, you know, the way you describe his position, you look at that. You see? Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop.
Starting point is 00:59:24 That's a bird, man. That's a bird. What are some of your top dunks? Like what dunks? When you think of like this is history, which other dunks come to mind? There's got to be a Vince Carter dunk. No, the dunk. I mean, yes, the Vince Carter dunk of Vase.
Starting point is 00:59:40 That's crazy. But Michael Jordan of Ewing. That's the dunk, you know.'s crazy but michael jordan over ewing that was that's the dunk you know because now you know when you know the story i think you told me that you were there on the and that's a crazy dunk because when you see michael jordan they they beat michael jordan from you know they they they give him hard time and he was like pissed off all and that was his answer you know he killed the gym the madison square garden was he shut it down and you know he was like defense they they block him
Starting point is 01:00:13 on the side look look three guys on him look at that no damn that's a dope. God, I love that NBA. I want that shit back. Play that again. Oh my gosh. I wonder if they have a slow-mo. That is slow-mo. There it is. They want to kill Michael. Michael survive. Dunk or die. Look, he dunk in his face. One step, like, bam, in your face. And he got past
Starting point is 01:00:39 Charles Oakley and John Starks first before he got to Patrick Ewing. Exactly. You see? I didn't even think about that. I wonder if you can see your face in the crowd. John Mark like... Freaking out. He's on their season... Probably in a hot dog.
Starting point is 01:00:52 You're in their season highlight reel. That's right. You see? Yeah. When you escape from Charles Oakley and all those dogs, I mean, everything is possible after that. Charles Oakley was made out of
Starting point is 01:01:05 elbows only like he just would fuck you up every play he started the MMA UFC yeah yeah yeah oak tree he would fuck people up and starts was I mean John Starks in the league would just they would smash each other back then that's super physical that was the league the real league for me that was you know it was like fight real fight they were like put it everything on it man that was real battle you know now you're like they protect the nb they have contract injury blah blah now yeah it was before it was like ufc man yeah where'd you grow up where were you born where'd you grow up oh i'm born in france no my parents i'm from algeria i'm the nine from the 12 uh brothers and sisters six brothers six sisters big family my parents are algeria immigrant they come in fr France in 1963 and I was born in France. Most of my
Starting point is 01:02:06 brothers and sisters were born in Algeria. So my father was working on a factory. He paid the price of his life to work for us. Like he said on the documentary that we did
Starting point is 01:02:23 about my movie by my story he put me like he put he put his sons and like a hat you know on his head you know like he want he want to be he want to be he want to give us food good education and in france he was like sacrifice himself you know he was like working all the day he went home sleep three hours and back to the i got so much respect so i do all all my career i'm dedicated to him and to my mom you know is he still or are the ones still alive no they passed away or my mom and my father so now it's time for me to honor them with the movie don't call die now is like available in our platform in usa so i'm really proud in google apple itunes blah blah blah and uh i try to promote by my story that everything
Starting point is 01:03:12 is possible you know you come from nothing misery it's not a problem that's going to prepare you for heroism you know injury heroism problem heroism you know you don't have the choice i mean dunk or die i prefer to dunk than to die so i need to find a way to so i build my legs like wings to travel all around the world have you lived in uh many different countries yo i i did like wow this is the dunk or die trailer she just makes you shiver bro you look at that you can find
Starting point is 01:03:48 the version UMW UMW in in USA the that's you know
Starting point is 01:03:56 more than the dunker the athlete I mean I'm proud of the journey because I was wild
Starting point is 01:04:03 I was close to die because I was like in a gangbanger or something like this, you know, problem, drugs. And I was like- When you were in your 20s or something like that? Yes, more than before that. So I was like, you know, the code was the violence over there. So if you are not violent, they're going to kill you, you know?
Starting point is 01:04:21 So if you need to play with distraction, I mean, show off and show your show your your your teeth if you don't show your teeth they're going to kill you you know so i was like pushed to develop this surviving instinct so and then i figured out that i have this quality of sport you know and then i was like i saw people of brothers die. I was like, okay, I'm going to be the next. So I prefer to die by dunking. So I lived and I developed more of this and I be able to travel. And I figured out that I was really good on what I'm doing.
Starting point is 01:04:59 So I put my life on it. I say, okay, now I'm going to be a guru. I'm going to be crazy. I'm going to a guru. I'm going to be like crazy. I'm going to be like everything. I'm going to burn car to have light on the night and to dunk, you know. I was like this crazy. And that makes me like achieve the monster. The monster I have inside of me, I drive him to dunk.
Starting point is 01:05:20 I say, hey, stay the monster. Stay violent. Stay crazy, but dunk. And I was like, stay violent stay crazy but dunk and i was like okay i was like dunk or die at 360 over people dunk from the 312 over the car i was like crazy i was ready to die i'm say okay i'm gonna sacrifice myself i was like doing 360 jesus christ like bang i was like okay now you know i was like terrifying when i was dunking i was like my face was like, bang. I was like, okay. Now you know I was like terrifying when I was dunking. I was like, my face was like, wow, this guy is like in drug or what? You know, what?
Starting point is 01:05:51 They can feel the anger I have, you know, the frustration because I want to talk to the world, you know. I want to talk about my people, you know, my people, you know. And I want to be like proud. They're proud of me. I want to be like, they're proud of me. I want to honor them. This is why when I was going to the dunk, I was like crazy mad, you know, like boom, and that helped me to provide some crazy energy that I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:19 It's not me. It's like all the anger, frustration, where like boom and bam. What country or what area gets the most excited to see you do your thing, to see you dunk? Manila, Manila, Philippines. Philippines because I recognize myself, the poor people. I was like, wow. I was like pretending I am poor.
Starting point is 01:06:40 When I saw those guys like a rat living on the i was like no i'm i'm crazy rich yeah so i need to dedicate him that's the real poor for me i need to show them that they can be like me so you have a body we you are free we are equal you know behind the success you can succeed like i succeed you know go with your body like me. I breathe my body. So I was like showing them like, look, we can do that. You can do that. You can do that. Wow.
Starting point is 01:07:10 He's skinny like us. He's not. Oh, the identification, you know, they do like. And that was so crazy for me to be able to show this message of everything is possible in the Philippines. You know, the people are like, thank you. We understand. Thank you. We understand. We got you now.
Starting point is 01:07:29 So let's go. Get out of this city. Get out. I'm like you. That was really, really, you know, impact. You know, the impact I did was crazy. Philippines, that I was like reborn. I mean, I have the real relation with the world because
Starting point is 01:07:50 before I was like, it was fake. I mean, I was pretending myself I'm this type of guy, poor victim. You know, I'm not anymore a victim when I saw Philippines. No more. You know, a really cool thing about you is that number one, like you're six feet, 5'11", six feet maybe, right?
Starting point is 01:08:11 And when a lot of people look at dunks and look at people doing that, the immediate thing is like, well, they're gifted. They're genetically gifted to be able to do that. be able to do that. But then when you see the way you train, the way you handle your body every single day, and then what you're able to do when you dunk, you can tell that like, okay, everyone wants to say you're genetically, you're a genetic freak, but the work you put in to be able to move the way you move, that's, that's like, that's not just talent. That's not just genetics. That's a lot of, that's a lot of detail put into the the what you do to be able to do what you do. Exactly. It's a mix of everything, a part of genetic, a part of amazing talent, a part of work, a lot of part of work, time.
Starting point is 01:08:58 You know, it's, I mean, in my philosophy, I say true talent cannot waste time, you know. And if you want to achieve great goals, you need to start and never give up. I know everybody is telling the same, you know, like this. But it's real, man. The work you have to put on is amazing. And that's the talent for me. The talent is to spend the time, you know. To be ordinary is to don't use the time.
Starting point is 01:09:23 That you're going to be ordinary. And when you want to be talented, to don't use the time that you're going to be ordinary and when you want to be talented you need to spend the time and if you want to be a genius you need to spend the time and do the good choice you're going to be a genius but you have three choice ordinary talented and genius so choose decide you are the responsible the responsible of what you decide to be. So me, I was not sure that I want to be a genius, but start to be talented, spend the time. That's better than to be an ordinary spectator. You are commenting what's happened in the world,
Starting point is 01:10:01 but you are not in the world. You are just commenting. Be talented, participate, you know. Be talented. Participate. Be active. Where can people go to find like some of the movements that you're talking about, the postures?
Starting point is 01:10:16 I know we recorded them, but maybe Andrew can bring a couple up as we're kind of talking about it. And I was also curious if you could put your foot up on the table and you could give us a little demo of what you're able to do with like your foot. I don't – because I think, yeah a little demo of what you're able to do with your foot. I don't, because I think, yeah, like the way that you're able to move your foot back that way. Put it on this side. Like this.
Starting point is 01:10:34 Yeah, the way that you're able to flex your toes is like, even that part is just different from what we see most people be able to do. And if you're, so if you're listening to it on audio, it basically looks like his foot is up completely against a wall and his toes are just pointed straight up, well, in this case, to the side. A lot of flexibility in the big toe.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Like the big toe drives back. It's actually shocking that he tore his Achilles with that much mobility through the foot, but that's produces lots of force. This part is like a weapon. Yeah. So he'll kick with his, like the ball of his feet and it's fucking loud. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:14 He was kicking the, he was kicking like the, the metal part of the rack. Yeah. For pull ups and shit. Yeah. And he kicked the box. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Came in here and intimidated the fuck out of us yeah because you said that's like another knee right exactly you got another joint another joint okay it's good because when you when you you you are like this you have like extra boost you know it's like you have two legs inside your foot you know you know you know know? You got the first knee is here and then you have here and then you have another knee here and then another to push, you know? And when you jump, are you thinking about kind of pushing all the way
Starting point is 01:11:54 through your toes? Yeah, I put first here. Pressure on the outside of the heel? Yeah, when I attack the floor, it's like this and then by the big toes, I'm like, boom! You know, this middle part, that's another knee and then a way to push. I'm not pushing only like this and then by the big toes and they're like boom you know this middle part that's another name and then way to push i'm not pushing only like this i'm pushing like this so i like and it's like that in and of itself is like a super cool thing to understand and a very
Starting point is 01:12:19 inspiring thing for anyone who's trying to be able to jump high right because you know that is all technique like you you built your body up to be able to jump high right because you know that is all technique like you you built your body up to be able to handle those forces but all it's not just that you can just jump it's that there's a specific way that you're jumping to propel yourself through the air so it's it's not it's not it's technique it's not pure talent it's pure technique exactly this is why you know it's really complex you know, and one foot jumper is really technique. If you really want to jump, jump higher, you know, and most of the time the people, they are thinking that it's about the muscle. It's about, yes, you can jump with the muscle, but not only it's all about the, I mean, the biomechanics also,
Starting point is 01:13:01 the way you move your body, the way you activate the kinetic chain. That's, that's the world, man. Everything is like a mix of everything, you know, power, precision, smart, you know, the brain first, the brain. No brain, no gain, no, I mean, the understanding is the master of everything, you know. The brain drives everything. is the master of everything you know the brain drive everything yeah and we we will smart smart means the way you're going to activate all your body for one movement i want to dunk talk to your body you're gonna have to all the part of your body to be like this to go that's i mean you have a lot of meeting to do with all part of your body. I say, hey, you, you're going to play this whole. You, you're going to play this note.
Starting point is 01:13:47 You, you're going to play like piano, like with all the fingers to achieve one finality. That's really deep. But it's, it's the, the, the union, unification you need to find. I mean, like to be like, to be like one. I mean, yesterday I was like telling that the mobility is the capacity to close, to open like quickly, you know. That's the mobility. But the mobility is going to allow you to reveal your body to the world.
Starting point is 01:14:17 I mean, to play like crazy, you know. So it's a lot of brain, a lot of research, a lot of – and the feeling is the way to unlock the brain you know feeling trust your feeling
Starting point is 01:14:29 you know go intuitive play like your brother with a kettlebell you know he's like
Starting point is 01:14:35 crazy smart you know because smart means let the body he's smart the body is smart listen your body that's the smart way
Starting point is 01:14:43 stay in bold don't decide instead of your body that's the smart way. Stay in bold. Don't decide the state of your body. That's the smart guy. You know? So priority. Let the body decide. What about like if you gain weight?
Starting point is 01:14:54 Does it make it a lot harder or does it not matter too much? In Algeria, when I was in Algeria, I was like five pounds more. I was like able to get up in Algeria. It was like two months ago. I was like, wow, I feel like heavy, you know. And I feel like my body was moving. So this is what I was like happy. I'm saying now.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Maybe you were a little stronger at that point. Exactly, exactly. I was like. That's pretty impressive what you're doing with the kettlebells right there. Yo, this is really, really. That's pretty impressive what you're doing with the kettlebells right there. Yo, this is really, really. That's the reload position. That you're going to win so much strength on your legs, quad, glute, ankle. You see the baby so fast here?
Starting point is 01:15:39 That's another way to push. Yeah, like unlocking the ankle in the back right there. Like mine, my right one, which is the more stuck one, is pretty sore today. And I've been doing a lot of the go-to stuff for months now. And so, like, it's definitely, like, a level up from, like, this simple, like, Seiza child rockers. That shit's really hard. Oh, fuck. That's really hard.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Your son moves around like that probably all day long, right? That first one, yeah. When he gets up, he just does that. Always pushes off that foot, right? Yeah, it's interesting. And so we stopped doing it as we get older. We're going to do that after we podcast. Dude, that looks comfortable.
Starting point is 01:16:12 That's a good way to use the kettlebell. I mean, you lift your body, I mean, to change the position. The kettlebells are really good for that. I love it. It's not important that they are heavy. You know, just it was for the equilibrium, you know, the balance. You want to play. And that's going to allow you to put more pressure on the floor.
Starting point is 01:16:34 Like this, you're going to, you know, manage the landing. What were you doing in L.A.? I was, like, invited to prom to to organize the dunk dunk competition dunk competition uh for jordan brown uh it was like uh in the famous jordan store you know in downtown so we have like chris paul over there uh trevor ariza some and also we have like tournament three and three the jordan league so they they like tournament 3-on-3, the Jordan League. So they launched a 3-on-3 league, and we were like supposed to, you know, put the vibe with the dunk, and we shut it down, you know.
Starting point is 01:17:21 And also I was in Venice Beach with my brother Nick. Nick is like doing, running the VBL. This is Nick. And he honored me like crazy, you know. He gets me, gives me so much respect. Oh, that's cool. We put the movie on the wall over there. Oh, that's great. And I dunk on the bus, you know, the bus, the hoop bus.
Starting point is 01:17:40 That was so crazy, man. And this VBL, you knowBL is like growing up and growing up and it's for Nick a good way to promote all the new kids all the people they have skills they can go play we have NBA guys they come there
Starting point is 01:17:58 and I was like I had to dunk and you know what was cool? I was in America 2007 for Slam Magazine. I did like a big interview and I dunked on this playground. And that's now the jacket of the movie, you know. And I have to be back over there 15 years ago.
Starting point is 01:18:21 And to dunk, I mean, it was like so much symbolic for me I had to dunk on the same basket you know yeah that was crazy you know and I I I pumped the ball I pumped it I I smacked it like wow I was like whoa I still got it that's crazy when you first started like because like people see you as like the goat father of professional dunking right when you first started, because people see you as the goat father of professional dunking, right? When you first started, what was it like trying to make money as a professional dunker? Like a pioneer, it was a way also for us to escape the poor background, to be like a rock star with a show to travel, to let the travel open your eyes to the world. And for us, it was not winning money a bit, you know.
Starting point is 01:19:08 But for us, you know, it was new. So all the sponsors were not giving us like crazy money. So it was hard. But we were happy, even if we were not, we are angry. But we were happy because, like, we were treated like a we were not we are angry angry but we are we were happy because like we were treated like a rock star you know and me i was especially really affected because i want this microphone to talk to the world i was like wow crazy opportunity to to meet people to see different things you know to go to china we were in all Europe. I traveled in America, Madison Square Garden.
Starting point is 01:19:45 We do the show. You know, I have like opportunities. Spike Lee saw me dunk. Lennox Lewis saw me dunk. You know, they were like shocked. Vince Carter saw me dunk. So I was like, whoa. So it was not for the money.
Starting point is 01:19:59 But after by doing all those shows, I figured out that it's time to make it like a sport because it's more than only entertainment. Because it's really, I mean, dunking is like everywhere now. With internet, you know, every kid in the world, in Brazil, in Ukraine, everywhere, they are like dunking, you know, they are like dunking. They are like hooping. And now I want to use this way to make it like a sport and to like the real opportunity to make it like a business. They're going to be professional like the tree on tree,
Starting point is 01:20:36 like the breaking, like the skate. Why not the dunk? Dunk has this power to electrify all the the crowd you know so it's time for us i mean we have this legacy the story and this is why i mean to be a godfather is not a responsible it's not the praises it's responsibility you know i want to be like the the responsible of this activism so this is why i build World Dunk Association. The World Dunk Association. That's an international league that all the community
Starting point is 01:21:10 will be unified. We are working on a scoring system. A real way to tell about who is the best. I mean, real ranking, world ranking. It has to be fair, fast, and precise, you know,
Starting point is 01:21:28 to tell who win, who lost, who, you see. And then we're going to be ready with good judge, professional judge. And we are on the way. We have all the best dunkers, all the amateurs in USA. They are like talking and trying to fix it. We're going to be ready soon. And why not one day in Olympics?
Starting point is 01:21:49 And man, it's crazy, you know. When you see I start from nothing and now maybe we have like NBA of dunk. That's insane, you know. It's crazy. And some of the new dunkers, because you mentioned one name, but who do you think are like and some of the new dunkers because you mentioned you mentioned one name but who who do you think are like some of the best new dunkers that people need to pay attention to oh for now is azaya azaya rivera because for me it's like what is i mean if i imagine someone who is able to carry this responsibility i i can see he's able to with
Starting point is 01:22:26 his brain with his level of competition with uh i mean this uh this intention for others uh not caring about the money you know try to also think about the future azaya is uh close to be the man this man i'm i'm 100 is this 100% he's the man, you know. You know, for the story, he have like tattoo, dunk or die on his stomach. Yeah. He's dedicated, man. This man is not scared about nothing. We have like a lot of also ambassador like Jordan Kilgannon, you know.
Starting point is 01:23:02 He's crazy also ambassador of WGA. But, you know, this is just comical. Those guys are crazy, so. Behind the back 360. What the fuck? Through the legs. Isaiah is
Starting point is 01:23:19 a monster. And he's walking. He's a beast. That's not he's really he's a he's a beast that's not fair and i think you said that he lifts right he lived he's he's he have his own way th thp you know his own way to his own program that's i'm proud of those guys because they they build up their own methodology cool they they have like fans They have followers, subscribers. They have also proved all those kids who follow them, they have success.
Starting point is 01:23:54 So that's crazy, you know? You said he lifts heavy. He looks, yeah. He's just repeatedly touching his head on the rim. Actually going over. His head is going over the rim. It's like his shoulder is hitting the rim. It's above the rim actually going over this head is going over his shoulders hitting the rim it's above the rim hey straight up this guy he he's latino he ain't black yeah like most guys are like awesome yeah this is this latino kid puerto rico puerto rican launched out of the ground
Starting point is 01:24:21 oh my god look at that i want to beat my chest right now for that shit. Jesus. He got his chest on the rim, man. And you know, he's like improving. He's like improving. But what I like with him is his intention for others. I mean, he really want to help the discipline to be respect because that's going to allow us to money,
Starting point is 01:24:44 but good respect. mean work job i mean like nba you know they're going to have sponsor they're going to have audience everything's going to be more crazy you know look he hit his head on the rim like bang oh he actually hit his head crazy the last you see the last dunk he did on the Jordan court? The one that you had posted? Yes. In Dunk or Die, you have the website Dunk or Die. I posted those two dunks.
Starting point is 01:25:15 He shut it down. Man, that was crazy. I'm curious. Is it on his maybe? Is Dunk or Die? Maybe, yes. Let's see. Did it take a long time for you to...
Starting point is 01:25:26 I'll find it. Did it take a long time for you to be able to dunk? Or were you pretty good at jumping? I was already pretty good because I was a soccer trainer. And I was... When you went to jump, you did well. I grabbed the rim straightly. Like, oh, and my brother said, hey, you can dunk.
Starting point is 01:25:44 I was not able... was I was I was ignorant I don't know about dunks so when I saw Michael Jordan and come fly with me the tape wow that was the first day I live you know so I start to to copy and I start to dunk straightly you know I was like I got already the the body to to to to jump and then I figured out that I was like I got already the body to jump and then I figured out that I say okay I'm gonna be specific now that's gonna be the rim me against the rim and I attack the rim every day every night
Starting point is 01:26:14 also sometimes it was complicated for all the people because I was like burning some stuff to have light to dunk man they were like who is this guy man I burn a car to have light to dunk man they were like who is this guy man burning the i burn a car to have light to dunk yeah and the police were after me i was like i have a gun i did some man i was like on the whistle you know this yeah on the on the on the on the board uh say oh no we're gonna let you dunk go I was
Starting point is 01:26:47 wild I'm not so happy to tell that but we can be a monster a bad monster you know this is why when I figure out that I say wow I'm gonna die they're gonna kill me or something like this you know so I need to find a way to
Starting point is 01:27:03 to positive this you know so i say okay now i'm gonna be the the best ever in dunking i'm gonna try and i'm gonna escape this uh you know because that was rude situation you know and state by state the evolution of my character, my personality changed. When I first traveled, I was like, whoa, okay. Now I can see the big picture. That helped me to realize who am I and I am not a victim anymore. I have to, hey, calm down. You cannot sacrifice all the gift I have. I mean, the potential I have, the power I have, not the gift,
Starting point is 01:27:46 the power I have to affect other people positively to something, I mean, to play like, okay, I say, okay,
Starting point is 01:27:52 it's important to travel to see the big picture. If not, you're going to be, I mean, waste. Andrew, you want to take a sign
Starting point is 01:28:02 out of here, buddy? Sure thing. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. Down in the comments, let me know if you guys can dunk a ball maybe a uh like what like what the different sizes you have volleyball softball baseball ping pong ball
Starting point is 01:28:12 whatever it is let me know if you guys can and uh please uh like today's episode and subscribe if you guys are not subscribed already uh please follow the podcast at mb power project on instagram tiktok and twitter my instagram tiktok and Twitter is at IamAndrewZNSima. Where you at? Yo, guys, share this episode. This is fucking dope. I mean, and thanks for the shirt. Can people buy this?
Starting point is 01:28:33 That one's dope. The animal is good. Oh, yeah, this one's fucking sick, dude. Oh, yeah. These pants are fucking... I'm wearing them the way you are, but they come down. He got it in dunk mode. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:46 That's my brother. My brother Fit Mintus is here. Okay. That product is crazy good because he's following me. Not so much people are able to follow me. So this is following me everywhere because my training, you know about my training now, is everywhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:04 Even on the toilet. Yeah. If you guys want to check this out, it's a what? Fitment US. Fitment, Fit, Fit,
Starting point is 01:29:11 Mintus. Fitment, Fitmentus. You can pull it up. Yeah, I got it. Uh, but check out the discord guys.
Starting point is 01:29:18 Cause we're at almost at 2000. So join over there. Link in the description. At Ntima Indian on Instagram and YouTube. At Ntima Indian on TikTok and Twitter. Kador, where can people find you? Oh, where can people find you oh where can people find you okay well the animal academy my uh program over there or kadu or ziani official yeah instagram we'll link everything down
Starting point is 01:29:37 in the description podcast show notes all that cool thank you everybody thank you for having me it's a big honor I feel like appreciate it thank you so much thank you I'm at Mark Smelly Bell strength is never weakness weakness is never strength catch you guys later
Starting point is 01:29:53 bye

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