Mark Bell's Power Project - We All Have Insecurities, This is How We Get Over Them || MBPP Ep. 775

Episode Date: July 27, 2022

In this Podcast Episode, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza share advice on how to handle and overcome insecurities. Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe t...o the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off!! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really does work): ➢ Code POWERPROJECT20 for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How's it going? You guys probably have watched a lot of Mark's lifting videos and some of my lifting videos and you've probably noticed that our shorts never go past our knees. Nope. There's a reason for that. Y'all gotta show those quads off, baby. And the shorts that we're always wearing are from a company called Vior can wear them to dinner parties, dates, gatherings, all that good stuff. But all their clothes fit well, like fit amazing. This is a shirt from Viore, by the way. Look at that shoulder. Just look at this. It fits so well for people in fitness.
Starting point is 00:00:40 And even if you're not, just check them out. Andrew, how did it go? Yeah, clothes that look good inside and outside of the gym and work just as well inside and outside of the gym. Head over to slash PowerProject. That's V-U-O-R-I dot com slash PowerProject to receive 20% off your first order. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. So, yeah, Eric, the trainer, he issued this like 50,000 push-up challenge thing to me. Dude, that's a lot.
Starting point is 00:01:05 I know, and it's an effort to raise some money. I believe he's raising money for a martial arts hall of fame, which is like already exists. It's like down the street from his studio where he trains people out of in Burbank. But it's like 2,000 square feet. It's kind of a smaller spot. And they're looking to like have it's like 2,000 square feet it's kind of a smaller spot and they're looking like have it be like legit you know they want to have like a bigger bigger space to represent martial arts because martial arts means so much to so many people so he's got this whole campaign going with like Chef Rush and a bunch of other people and he's like hey you want to do 50,000
Starting point is 00:01:43 push-ups with me I'm kind of like no it's a lot it just seems like really like brutal but at the same time i'm like i've been implementing more push-ups recently and i would love to have some goals with some push-ups so yeah i guess i'm fucking in you know and so i'm gonna do this 50,000 push-ups i think it's 50,000 pushups in a month. Okay. Something like that. And of course, Chef Rush is going to do it in like 10 days because he does like 2,200 a day or whatever it was. Even with him doing his 2,200, you'll have to do somewhere in the realm of like...
Starting point is 00:02:18 You got to do 1,000 a day, I think it was. I forget what the... Maybe it's for 50 days. That's what it is. I think it's 1,000 it's for 50 days maybe it's that's what it is i think it's a thousand push-ups for 50 days man all right it's a lot of fucking push-ups yeah but i wonder like if you pick it off you know like maybe it's not as bad but like i don't know it's still a lot right like how many sets of 10 10 sets of 10 sets of 100 every day. Okay. Or you could break it into 20 sets of 50 or some shit like that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:02:48 20 sets of 50. Every day. I can't really, like, I don't like the word can't, but, like, it's difficult. Like, 30 is really manageable for me. I could do 60 at a time or something like that. And at one time, I worked my way up to about 80 push-ups before in a row. But I'm just thinking I can manage 25 to 30 pretty easily. So I'll have to stick with something.
Starting point is 00:03:14 You know what I mean? I don't want these to be like odd efforts that kill me. So 20 would be probably a good number to sit at. So I need to do how many sets of 20? Well, it would be 33 sets of 30 for 20. Can you pull the mic closer? Okay. Oh, 33 sets of 30.
Starting point is 00:03:33 It would be 33 sets of 30 a day. That would be probably a little too challenging too, I think. Because after a while, I think I would – you know what I mean? Like at the end of the day. I wonder if like over the course of five days if i get used to it a little bit more do 50 sets of 20 a day yeah 50 sets of 20 i think that would be probably the best way to do it so you have 24 hours so every every well you're not going to be awake for that 24 hours so the hours you're awake okay like yeah how many hours are you awake
Starting point is 00:03:59 a day 16 hours 18 you'll be here podcasting so, what, like 10 hours in the day to do it? You can do it. You can do 50 sets of 20 in 10 hours. 50 sets of 20. I like the idea. You know, when I was down with Liver King, like we just, he actually, like, on day one, he's like, you know, whenever we eat, we usually, like, do push-ups or we do something before we walk or whatever. And so there was a couple times where I just called out push-ups like I did it before we went to shoot
Starting point is 00:04:29 and I did it before we went on his boat like we just did it and it was actually kind of cool it was kind of like we do with our walks like we'll do a podcast and we'll walk a lot of times maybe some of the people things that people don't see from us is that A lot of times maybe some of the things that people don't see from us is that when we meet here every day, we're in the gym. We're doing like myofascial release type stuff, some of the MFR stuff, and some of us are jumping ropes. Some of us are doing whatever. We're getting in some exercise, even if it's only a couple minutes. And we're always getting in some exercise.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Then we podcast, and then I think we feel like cooped up. And we don't really love like, you know, being in here for too long. Like we love being in here. But we don't like being in here and being still for too long. So then usually we're like, hey, let's walk. And then usually sometimes even when we come back from the walk, we're like, let's get a little lift in. Yeah. One thing I'm so grateful for about even the way that we podcast is like, you know, there's going to be more stuff we're going to be adding to the studio. But the element of us standing and us standing with guests isn't going to change.
Starting point is 00:05:32 And no matter in the future, if we do get another studio, things are going to stay standing because it's like having to sit, you know, and talk. But but sitting, I fucking hate it. It may look cool or may may look good but it's just not it's it's not andrew shoals look he's got those legs bending up like fucking behind his head and shit it's all the way behind his knees and shit yeah exactly it's uh but i mean it it's just not it's not good i agree with you i think that uh if we were sitting all the time it would actually be really it'd be really problematic i think for my hips and my back same maybe even my knees i don't know but like i just know that uh sitting for a long time that our guest uh the
Starting point is 00:06:17 other day anya that was her name right anya's reviews yeah yeah? Yeah, Anya, yeah. Yeah, Anya, she was – she mentioned how like your – when you're standing and doing other things during the day, how sitting is still like sitting with you. And I just thought like a really interesting way of wording it. But yeah, if you're sitting in an awkward position – I used to scold Smokey all the time about how he was sitting because he would like wrap his feet around the back of the chair. Oh, yeah, yeah. And then his knees would be like way inward. And I'm like, dude, that's the exact way that you come up out of your squats when you really struggle with your squat. That's the exact way. That's what he's coding.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Part of the reason why it's so hard for the guy to do like some sumo deadlifts and stuff like that. You know, he's fucking incredibly strong power lifter. He does a great job. But I was like, we need to get you out of these positions more and so one way for some people to manage some of that is just to not sit absolutely just to figure out a way to stand maybe get in some squatting positions i didn't realize i was just looking on our youtube channel this morning and i didn't realize that Joel Green taught the ancestral squat when he came here a long time ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:28 That's pretty cool. I get this really neat like how we have these things that kind of keep circulating. We have these things that if you go back far enough, you'll find them. Kelly's been talking about the 10 minute squat. I think the first video I saw him talk about it was in 2013 or 2012. He's been talking about that shit forever Yeah, and when he first told me about like a 10-minute squad. I was like you're out of your mind that kills So bad, what are you talking about? Yeah, and obviously it will hurt if you're not conditioned to it You'll get used to it
Starting point is 00:07:56 But you know the benefit also is like a standing here and people see it Refrigerating all the time like like I'm standing on these weks steps right now and I'm just like fucking scraping the hell out of my ankles. And you think about if you had a computer in front of you, there are things that you could be doing to your body as you're at your computer working, still getting work done. But your body is you're able you're not you're not, you know, making your hips super tight. You're over time. Your back pain isn't going to be nearly as bad. And over time, it's going to go away because you're
Starting point is 00:08:26 using your body. I know we sound kind of crazy with this shit but I mean there's a reason why we're doing this stuff. We like to feel good. Well standing is something that you have to deal with too. So you
Starting point is 00:08:42 can sit in bad positions and end up with some bad results or you can stand in bad positions and end up with some bad results or you can work on trying to figure out a way to optimally stand or to optimally walk and that's where we get into like – Now you're becoming a psychopath. Well, now you're becoming a psychopath and who the fuck knows the answers to this? Like don't we need to go to our good lord over here? Don't we need to ask him? What do we do? How are we supposed
Starting point is 00:09:05 to stand bro apparently like this um and there's a lot of different people have a lot of different statements about how you stand and how you walk but like i i think the truth is that really no one knows i think when it comes to sprinting when it comes to sprinting and jumping there are people that have studied that and there are people that will, this is the way for you to move the fastest. Yeah. And they'll say, like, definitively, that's what they learned. And there could be conjecture towards that, right? There's always going to be somebody to say, well, I think it actually works this way.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Well, I think the strength actually comes from the spinal engine. Or I think the strength is coming from the hands. Or I think the strength is coming from the feet. So, I might say the strength is coming from the hips. So, think the strength is coming from the feet. So I might say the strength is coming from the hips. So there's definitely like things that you can say within all that, but like how we walk. You know, I think that someone could have a general statement about how you walk and they could say, here's what I think.
Starting point is 00:09:58 I don't think your head should be down. I think your spine should be neutral. I think that you should have a gait that's comfortable for you but then like you know if I'm trying to match your gait or Andrew's trying to match mine
Starting point is 00:10:14 that's where we get into stuff that's like well maybe that's not great for you because maybe that hurts or maybe that pulls on something having someone say you should walk like this is like one of the most annoying things you can absolutely hear and I like and i and i get it because you got weak glutes why are you walking like that it's like what the fuck does it weak glutes what are you talking about because it's this thing that you're just doing all the time that you you you work yourself up from a baby to be able to learn to fucking walk and you've been doing that but when it's offensive
Starting point is 00:10:42 in a way it's it's offensive like the way you're walking is wrong like bitch the way i'm living is wrong now get the fuck out of here but it makes there's it makes so much sense because with with modern lifestyle with the way that we do sit way more than we did in the past with our habits of looking down at phones with less activity with sitting for so long and having certain muscle groups just be inactive and tight glutes hip flexors etc the way we walk is affected and it can you know you know that with every single step you take if you're now taking steps duck-footed all those the you know all those forces are being directed to different parts of your body which now can cause pain so you might need to change the way you walk yeah i just i don't know just
Starting point is 00:11:25 for funsies pulled up earliest depictions of jesus and on this left image his knee is definitely pointed in so that looks like that's that's fairly uh go to you know boys don't even don't even try to go back and say jesus was go to his don't offend him but like that his feet look like pointed out on this one in the middle is fairly woda oh so we don't know and then this one's a little bit a mix of the two his hips seem to be forward he seems to be front chain dominant is he though because look at this one his hip is actually out i think he's he's in the back chain on this one it's just they messed up on the inside low he's gonna blow his knee. Oh, fuckers.
Starting point is 00:12:07 So anyway. He also looks quite brown in all three pictures. That's an error. The paper just got really dirty. Clearly that's a mistake. We've got to whitewash that off a little bit. The paper just got dirty. Oh my god. Let's see if we can tamper with history a little bit yeah why is he always so white god that is the roman catholic church blonde-haired blue-eyed
Starting point is 00:12:33 jesus is the way yeah look at him we know that motherfucker we know he was tan he looks like me he was tan this is perfect he was from he was like he was in israel in the middle east he was yeah i guess this you know reddish brownish hair with a very tan hue and brown eyes this is actually a fairly accurate depiction of christ imagine if yeah imagine if he was like super pale with red hair yo i was just gonna say red hair and blue eyes never paid attention but like that figurine right there kind of looks like Chuck Norris. It does. Yeah. It probably is Chuck Norris.
Starting point is 00:13:07 It's probably based off of Chuck Norris. Holy fuck. Oh, God. We're so horrible. Sorry. Sorry, Jesus. And Chuck Norris. And Chuck.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Anybody else that was offended? There was a lot of people that were offended by that. Oh, man. It's okay. But this episode, yo, we were having a fun conversation yesterday with our boy Graham. This is actually inspired by the Barefoot Sprinter. He's always trying to fuck somebody in all his conversations. Hey, but you know what?
Starting point is 00:13:39 Like literally. But you know what I think is kind of cool? You know what I think is kind of cool? Because I was talking actually to Sam yesterday about this because she said that she's mentioning some things with we gotta get sam on the show she's saying she's saying that she was saying that she was mentioning some shit with her mom see how he's blowing that off and they were talking about like sex stuff right and i'm like y'all women are just so uh you know you guys just talk about sex stuff just like so you you know, whatever. Like as guys, like we'll talk about that shit here and there.
Starting point is 00:14:07 But it's not, yeah, it's not a common conversation. Y'all be talking about all dick sucking and all this shit. It's like, what? Like that's wild. They get pretty in-depth on it too. They do. Like they're not like, we're just like disgusting. Like we're just dirty usually.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Yeah. And they'll like actually talk about it. Yeah. I don't know, to get better at it, guess oh god you know one thing she told me this thing yesterday i was like jesus christ that's he's right there he's right there oh uh i'm sorry uh no but she was mentioning because like okay there's this weird thing and i know i've been living like this for a while though, but because she sleeps early, we always have sex during the day. It's like it has to happen during the day. Or it doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Or it doesn't happen. And then yesterday I was just talking to her. I was like, you know, it's so abnormal that we don't have sex at night because we're always asleep. It's always during the day. But she said, oh, yeah, I have some girlfriends that talk to me told me like you know they like the lights off so that they don't have to first off they don't have to look at the person they're with but then they also don't have to pay attention the way they look and i was like god damn that's tough that's a bummer that is a bummer like that that's really dark and it's what what also kind of just ping me was like
Starting point is 00:15:24 damn your girlfriends are telling you that they don't like to look at their man. They got to think of somebody else. Like, like God, like they're interrupting my flow here. Like you really, you really, God, that's just, ah, girl. Yeah. Women are a bummer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:38 But they'll talk about anything with each other. I don't know. Yeah. I was really shocked when my wife was telling me like how open she is with her mom like and with her dad too but not in the details but like just explaining like like oh yeah you guys gotta go watch the kids because we gotta go handle business and stuff and i'm just like what the fuck like you can't what like you don't do that with your parent like you don't tell them that it's like oh it's fine it's no big deal but with like her mom like yeah i'm like oh shit so she has an idea of like what happens she's like yeah i'm like oh shit so she has an idea of like what
Starting point is 00:16:06 happens she's like yeah i'm like oh shit well you had aurelius i know right i know what you mean more than that you know obviously he came from religion yeah yeah he was a virgin birth yeah we're mexican so virgin mary and all that shit's legit yeah but no but the thing is it shouldn't necessarily be weird right because Because at that point, you're both adults. Obviously, my single mom, right? I don't talk to my mom about any of that stuff
Starting point is 00:16:34 because it is too... I couldn't imagine. First off, we're Christian, so I'm still a virgin. I'm waiting until I'm married, right? But second i can't even get through it but yeah but that's my mom like no you know what i mean yeah but it is what are you saving for your marriage exactly your butthole yeah i think everything else has probably been pretty
Starting point is 00:17:01 explored well maybe that's been explored too. I don't know. But yeah, like anyway, back to what we were talking about initially. We don't talk about like things like this. And when we were having this run with Graham the other day when we were doing our run walk, he was mentioning some interesting stuff. I won't go. He's different. He's different. different but he was pretty much talking about like what kind of insecurities do we deal with as guys and potentially how have we been able to uh come to terms and get over those insecurities there's a there's a fuck ton there's especially within like the wellness industry with what we do uh products that are marketed like testosterone boosting alpha brain because you want to be a
Starting point is 00:17:42 frank thomas and uh doug flutie on those commercials playing golf who are the i don't know it what is it frank thomas you see the big hurt son yeah thomas can you pull up the massive massive black dude on those commercials for the testosterone boosting stuff and he's on there with the former football player doug flutie yeah there's a couple other guys who like playing golf and like there's a a guy who's kind of just like – he's not really out of shape, but he just looks a little bit more like you're – Oh, this is a new commercial. Anyway, they're like – he's having trouble with his swing type of thing. They're all shooting the shit with him, and he wants to look like them.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Okay, okay, okay, okay. Yeah, that's frank thomas not necessarily look like them but he hears them like talking and you know they're they're they're sharing with him like you know what what they do or what they're on text heft 369 369 they sell the fuck out of this i remember that shit new genix didn't they what wasn't that like a uh no i'm thinking keygenics so this stuff is this stuff is real though like this stuff like it it it's um i don't want to associate i don't want to associate anybody with this so i won't mention a name but a very popular person that came on our show and shared testosterone boosting things a lot of these things are in that supplement right there so you can make your own connections
Starting point is 00:19:05 but i don't want to see um lab coat um yeah uh but no that's it's an i'm not saying there's anything wrong with any of that it actually can help boost your testosterone levels now is boosting your testosterone levels going to help the same way as like, yeah, injecting testosterone or having your natural testosterone raised because you're getting better sleep and those kinds of things, which would probably have, you'd probably have better sexual performance. There'd probably be a lot of things that would go along nicely with having a real increase in testosterone levels. I don't think that those supplements like that, that slightly elevate your testosterone levels, I don't think that those supplements like that, that slightly elevate your testosterone levels via the way that they may elevate your blood work in your
Starting point is 00:19:51 testosterone. I don't think they really do much, but I could be wrong on that. Like if people are, look, if people are finding it to work and to feel, and they feel good and that's, and fuck yeah. Yeah. That's what I was going to say when it comes to like talking about like overcoming uh you know and like having more confidence um if somebody takes a an oral testosterone booster and they believe in it and next thing you know like they're waking up with like really fucking rock hard morning wood and they're just having a little bit extra confidence
Starting point is 00:20:19 i mean dude i don't see the problem with that. I, okay. So you know what? I get what you're saying. I do see some issues, man. There's a lot because first off, it's clutch that you named within you, within you, because the idea of whatever you're looking for is within you, I think is something that is really kind of missed from the wellness industry. I mean, it's not, when you think of wellness or the industry itself, the big thing is selling sups, right? So it's like, you know, we have the answer to whatever you're finding. It's in this pill or it's in this shape. And you find that a
Starting point is 00:20:55 lot of times and I don't want to, I don't want to sell anybody on anything, but you find that sometimes in like a mushroom trip. Oh, it does. Look, bro, you got it all. Like it's all right there already. Yeah. You're doing pretty good. That is the funny thing about mushroom trips. It's weird. Because like it does take you inward. You do start thinking about things.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Holding up a mirror. It's like holding up a mirror. It's like, hey, like you're doing it, man. Right. You're there. It's forcing you to do that work within yourself to figure out the answers to whatever type of problems that you're having. It might highlight the problems.
Starting point is 00:21:25 It might highlight the good things. It might highlight, that's why it's a trip. Yeah. Right? Because like sometimes it's a bitch. Mark, did you know that they made an SNL skit of that Nugenics commercial? Oh, sick. Dude, we can't play the whole thing,
Starting point is 00:21:40 but I have to play this opening part because holy shit, dude. You're going to fucking. I wonder who they have as the black. Oh, Kenan Thompson. Let's go. Oh, that's sick. That is so good. Dude, Frank Thomas is such a fucking stud athlete.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I think he was in the same backfield as bo jackson when they oh shit i think they both played at auburn oh my god at around the same time i think frank thomas a little older but yeah yeah frank thomas is the guy that you see in those commercials he's a former baseball player uh hall of fame baseball player and he still looks like he's fucking yeah still looks like he's being hurt for the white socks he's got to be like 60 something though right dude i can look it up but yeah he's up there yeah he's good yeah look white socks he's gotta be like 60 something though right dude i can look it up but yeah he's up there yeah he's good yeah look him up he's a fucking monster right thomas how tall is he too it's fine i think he's like six four six fifty four he's a big dude oh bo jackson's
Starting point is 00:22:39 59 i just find it that like he is the uh he's the the spokes guy for this test-boosting, dick-enhancing thing. Just like this yak black dude. He's like, want to be like me, slang? It's just so funny. Yeah, and then they picked Doug Flutie to be next to him, who's a small quarterback. Ain't no one looking at Doug Flutie. No, no, no, no. I was just thinking whoever these guys, he's 54, he totally is.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Yeah. I was just thinking like whoever these guys he's 54 he totally is I was thinking like whoever their agents are these guys are like fucking brilliant man like these guys really scored cause when you're watching TV especially like any daytime TV they're all over the fucking place those commercials are everywhere they sell the fuck
Starting point is 00:23:19 out of that product on sports talk radio too that shit's like every other commercial is how to boost your testosterone and it's always like oh uh like not quite like this but they're just like we have so many that you can actually get a free sample right now all you have to do is text you know like some fucking phallic symbol type word to a certain number and then it's like you get a free sample but i have no idea what like you have to pay shipping or some shit like that but it's everywhere i mean you can't sell people on like
Starting point is 00:23:49 the long road of like no how much work and effort this would take to uh like if your testosterone really was plummeting um a lot of times it could go back to how you're dealing with your day-to-day like maybe you're overstressed. Maybe you're not sleeping enough. Maybe there are things. Maybe you are lining things up pretty well and you actually have like a medical condition. Especially for young guys.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Yeah. I don't think that's as many. Like I don't think that's the majority of young guys. It's probably they're probably robbing themselves of sleep. They're probably oversaturating themselves with like porn and inundating themselves with tiktok and instagram and so forth which is like just such an old guy to preach against you know like i i'm a fan of all those things i i think they're great um it's part of our fucking future you know and i think that like i like gary v's way a little bit more of like this is going to be here or even like Elon Musk.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Like Elon Musk is like I accept that there's going to be a lot of fucking distractions while you drive. So we're going to make a car that just drives for you. That way you can fucking answer your emails and text while you're driving and have it be less problematic. I think that trying to figure out a way to like live alongside a lot of these things is important. But then like some of the topics that we're going to be talking about today, like having insecurities, like this can really make you feel super insecure with all the different things that you see coming at you. There's a lot of beautiful images coming your way in the course of a day and you might kind of sometimes feel left out of that like fuck i don't i don't look
Starting point is 00:25:30 like that guy i don't have what that person has like i don't have this i don't have that i think a lot of that's our social angst you know people talk about social anxiety and they talk about like like oh man it really just helps if I unwind and have a couple drinks and it's so much easier for me to talk. I don't want to be like a therapist to people and I don't pretend to have all the answers either. But why do you have a hard time? Like why is it so hard for you? Like I think it's a good thing to like examine. you like it's i think that's a good thing to like examine and maybe if you felt better about the body that you're in like maybe if your performance with your body maybe you could still play
Starting point is 00:26:10 volleyball or tennis or you could still ride your bike or still do some of the shit that you did when you were younger like when you were a kid it probably wasn't hard to talk to the next door neighbor about coming outside and like fucking throwing the ball around with you probably knock on their door and like wait for them to come out and they probably came out and you probably played with them and it probably wasn't just like oh let me make sure i have a drink so i can talk to my friend i need to have my milk with me otherwise i can't i can't fucking go ride my bike with my friend so i think a lot of the angst that people are living with is that they're not they're not they're not where they want to be and they're not someone else.
Starting point is 00:26:46 But again, if you trace things back, you already have a lot of these things within you. And if you challenge some of these things on a daily basis, it should help and it should make things a little bit easier being in social settings and not being so concerned about – I just think it's in the background. I don't think it's in the front for everybody. Obviously if someone's obese, it might be more, uh, more obvious, but I think some people don't want to get in conversations with certain people because I think they, um, I just don't think they're very confident in themselves. You know, it's with what you're what you're saying, it is interesting kind of how you grew up because, you know, you had two other brothers.
Starting point is 00:27:31 So there's an inherent, like, how am I doing versus my brothers? And then obviously you have classmates and you were wrestling when you were younger. So you were comparing yourself to all those guys there. But at the end of the day, and maybe you'd watch sports and watch TV, right? And you'd be like, God, that athlete's jacked. That athlete's strong. I want to be like that athlete, right? Even myself, growing up, social media didn't exist until like at least Instagram
Starting point is 00:27:55 and that type of shit didn't really exist until 2012, 2011. It's pretty fucking new, especially the way it is right now. It's very new, right? Yeah, I was already 18. I i was already 18 19 at that point so i mean even though i had porn for a long ass time social media wasn't a thing but now i think it is really unique because we've talked about this in the past how uh comparing yourself to other people can actually be really beneficial i think that's something as i've thought about it it's, that is actually something that's very easy for me to say and us to say, because we haven't always been comparing ourselves to the world because we didn't always have the ability to compare
Starting point is 00:28:37 ourselves to the world. We had the ability to compare ourselves to our classmates, maybe athletes that we played sports with, people that we had direct contact with. One step at a time. But now if you're on Instagram or you're on TikTok and you follow a lot of people and you have a feed and you're a teenager who has a feed, we never experienced being a teenager comparing yourself to the rest of humanity and constantly being bombarded with
Starting point is 00:29:06 other teenagers or other young guys who have hundreds of thousands or millions of followers with crazy physiques. And you're here at step one, trying to figure shit out. That is actually a very unique thing to teenagers now that we did not experience. And it's like, it's, it's easy to say, like, I think that it's great, to be perfectly honest, that I can see so many people that are doing such things at such a high level and doing things so much better than me because I can actually directly see how they're doing it
Starting point is 00:29:38 and I can learn faster. That's why I think it's so dope. But when you're younger and it's hard for you to figure that out, you haven't gotten anything started yet, and the immediate thing that you see is everything that you're not good at. It's a new type of challenge that it's not just easy. It's not just saying, hey, don't compare yourself to other people. That's what I used to say, but now I realize it's not that easy. It's an interesting topic, and there's a lot of different ways you can go with it.
Starting point is 00:30:10 But if I think about the way I felt in high school, you could feel in high school, you can feel, I mean, I'm sure people feel all kinds of different things, but you could feel unique in a sense of like, I don't really know if there's anybody else that's like similar to me. Like you might be part of a group, you might be part of, you might be on your football team, your soccer team, whatever. But for some reason, when you're locked into that high school, you don't really realize, oh, there's probably like, there's probably like 20 of me like in this just area, you know, there's probably like 20 dudes that love lifting that are part of a football team that have a pretty similar mindset to me that are focused on some of their goals. And you think about these different friends that you had when you were in high school,
Starting point is 00:31:02 people have these different nicknames. I mean, I remember one of my brother's friends name was moose right like you start to think about some of these things i wasn't moose though moose cock no he's just a just a huge just a huge white boy you know yeah he's just a moose so but like other high schools have that guy right like other places have um any of the things that you think are unique to your situation. They're really not. Yeah, they're there's multipliers of this. There's there's kids that like I didn't go to the prom. I didn't like to hang out with popular people.
Starting point is 00:31:36 My brothers were both popular. My oldest brother was very popular. And like I just didn't I didn't care about that that much. And I saw the way some of the popular people treated, uh, some of the people that I was close with and I just always thought it was gross and I didn't like these, like these like factions and shit and the clicks that fucking made me just sick. And there's a lot of racism and shit in my school and I fucking hated all that stuff. And so I was, I just didn't really want to hang out with a lot of people, especially as I got to be like a junior and a senior and there was like parties and shit. Like I just didn't really want to hang out with a lot of people, especially as I got to be like a junior and a senior and there was like parties and shit.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Like I just didn't go to them anymore. I don't want any part of any of this. There's always like fights and just bullshit going on it seemed like to me. But while I may have felt unique with my decisions back then, it's also interesting that there's probably at other schools, there's probably people thinking in very similar ways. Yeah, no, absolutely. But like, even though that's the thing you, at the time you were in your microcosm of like, this is high school. Like it's, but if you were a teenager now, that's not it. Like you're going home or you're in school and you're on TikTok and you see the world, you see what other people at your age are doing and and i felt really good about like my strengths like i did really well in power lifting and stuff so like the weight that i lifted which i don't
Starting point is 00:32:54 really remember the exact numbers but like they were they were decent but they wouldn't be anything anymore yeah you know in comparison because all i had to compare myself to was just a couple knucklehead friends that i had that just weren't that dedicated. So it's like, who was I beating up on? You know what I mean? Like it wasn't anything to really write home about. Once you start to get outside of just your high school and you start to talk about like New York State as a whole, well, if you're a good athlete and you're starting to beat up on all of those athletes, well, now that's something. Now you're talking to like the University of Miami and getting a scholarship or something, right?
Starting point is 00:33:31 Yeah. That's where like other people would notice. But I was in my own bubble. And so I felt really good about the things I was doing, but I didn't really recognize or notice that. I felt it was special. And I think that that is a good thing for me because it helped build confidence absolutely but had i seen and poked around and been like larry wheels who's this guy i'm like what he's younger than me what he lives more
Starting point is 00:33:56 well at least he's not more oh oh shit he's more jack oh shit like he's like he has a deeper voice he's more handsome voice he's more handsome he has has a deeper voice. He's more handsome. He has more followers. I'm going to kill my – KMS, real quick. Yeah, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, seriously. But the thing is though, you did have something you were good at.
Starting point is 00:34:14 I think that's the basis of a lot of it. Like you had something you were interested in when you were younger and you were smart enough to develop a skill at that, right? Whereas then you become an adult and you developed a lot of skills and a lot of other things, but you still had this thing that like, that's my fucking thing. And I might not be the absolute best, but I'm pretty fucking good at it.
Starting point is 00:34:35 And that's one thing that I think would be beneficial for not just men, but any person to figure out, like develop an actual skill that you're truly interested in and that you can get pretty decent at. It doesn't have to be lifting. It can be anything, but like develop something because that can be something that you feel good about and you fall back on. It would be, I would say it would be tough to feel confident if you weren't good at anything. Yeah. And if you're not good at anything, I'm not telling you that you shouldn't be,
Starting point is 00:35:03 you shouldn't go around not being confident in yourself. But it's going to be hard to because you're going to have this dissonance within your mind that's like I want to be more confident. But there's nothing that I'm actually good at or nothing that I've built at. Nothing that I've built proficiency at. I think there's a lot of things that you can probably choose and there are certain things like that just might be more valuable to certain people. Like, I know there are some people who are just like, I just won't fucking quit. That's the only thing that's the, I'm not saying that's for me, but I'm just saying, I know some people that that's the thing that they'll say about themselves. They're like, I don't really know if I'm smart.
Starting point is 00:35:39 I don't know if I'm this, I don't know if I'm that, but I know that I won't quit. So maybe for that person, maybe, you know, uh, signing up for a half marathon or maybe, uh, joining your cross country team or doing some track or doing some sort of event where that's going to actually show that that's actually going to test that. Now, when you do compare yourself to other people, which can sometimes be a trap, you might actually do pretty good. And you're like, you know what? I, not only did I, did I do, not only did I, did I do, not only did I do pretty well in comparison to some of those other people, I did better than I thought I was going to do. And I did better than I did last time.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Yeah. That's how you build that shit up. That's how you build that confidence up is, is you, you have something clear that you showed yourself that you could actually do. Now, some people don't always need the physical side of things. That's just where my brain goes to, but you can do this through other means. But I would say as a man, if you're insecure, I would say there's probably, there's, there's two main places that my brain goes to. One would be learn how to fight. And number two, and not even necessarily in this order would be like build build a body that's like a little more durable in whatever way you can
Starting point is 00:36:51 but if you know how to defend yourself people's jokes and people's this and that it's like it's just kind of different when you know how to defend yourself you're like yeah that's okay you know you make fun of me all you want. Are you aware that I could fucking kill you? Are you aware I could take your ass out? You know what I mean? Yeah. That capacity, not to actually act on it,
Starting point is 00:37:17 not to actually, but to feel comfortable. Like if you're making fun of me and we're teasing, that's fine. But like there's another couple of steps to this if you want to be disrespectful. Like you said the other day, you're like that's what somebody chooses and it's not going to make you like hyped up or anything. You're like, okay, well, I'll just take you down and I'll just choke you out. Interesting thing. The true interesting thing is there is a stereotype amongst people, people who look at people who like do boxing or jujitsu or whatever. I think people on the outside think that those people are actually
Starting point is 00:37:50 just general, like violent people. And it's actually like being within it and seeing the people in it. Like those aren't the people that are going to be quick to actually hurt somebody. If something happened, the people I think that are quick to turn to violence are individuals who actually truly cannot defend themselves or truly they don't know how to handle situations. I think that's one thing that you see with domestic violence, men who actually do feel the need to beat on women or potentially beat on other men, those guys typically aren't guys who can actually fight. I think that's one thing that's very beneficial about picking up a martial art is number one, inherently, and it depends on the martial art. If you, I don't want
Starting point is 00:38:37 to, let's see, who can I not offend? If you pick up, okay, you know what, whatever, Aikido, right? And Aikido is a cool art form. But if somebody who did Aikido were to actually fight somebody who knows how to fight, they'd get wrecked. It's not necessarily something you can do in public. But if you pick up a martial art like boxing or wrestling or jujitsu and you learn it, you will inherently become more confident in yourself as just going through life. Because not that you're now looking for fights. Bless you. Not that you're now looking for fights because I never look for fights.
Starting point is 00:39:14 But if something did go down, my first thing would be like, OK, you're a wild one for trying to step to me. I'm just going to go the other way. And if it really actually happened, I'm probably going to wreck you. I probably can do it without hurting you because i could choke you but the the big thing here is it's like you will be in the past for me personally i was big right so no one typically wanted to fuck with me because they'd be like that's a big black guy i'm just not gonna bother so i'll be super strong there's one deterrent but
Starting point is 00:39:45 the thing is is like even though i was big if somebody who knew how to fight wanted to actually really fight me i probably would have got my ass beat right now i i there's another level of confidence for myself because i know that most people who do actually try to fight me aren't going to be able to so it's a good thing if you're younger, if you're older to pick up a martial art, cause you will feel, you will become more confident in yourself just walking through life. It's helpful. I think that's a lot of reasons why people started lifting, you know, years and years ago. I think, I think it's more well known now that, you know, jujitsu and like there's ways to protect yourself. But I think a lot of times years ago,
Starting point is 00:40:25 um, someone had an insecurity, they would like go and train and they would work out. And that was like, kind of like a tough guy thing. Like, Oh, I know how to,
Starting point is 00:40:35 I know how to lift some weights and I hit the heavy bag every so long while. So I can wreck somebody if some shit goes down. But we didn't really know, like, you know, the UFC came along and Brazilian jujitsu and the Gracie's and like, they showed us like, what the ufc came along and brazilian jiu-jitsu and the gracies and like they showed us like what the fuck is this like the guy this a guy who weighs 180 pounds
Starting point is 00:40:51 can just wrap himself around these bigger guys and like then the guy's tapping for some reason like what's he tapping about what's what's happening yeah like it didn't even i i remember i didn't even know i was like what the only guy that knew was like one of the announcers. When I remember watching the UFC, like one of the guys was like – he immediately was like, ahoy, it's Gracie. He's going to completely dominate. Like he just – he's like this is going to be kind of a – this is going to be like an exhibition of Gracie jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 00:41:22 And I remember being like, no, it's not. Like this guy is going to get's not like this guy's gonna get killed like this guy's 6'1 or 6'2 he's 180 pounds he doesn't have any muscle he's like this guy doesn't even look like he works out and it was hoist and he had that weird stance his like arms were way out like he was and he didn't know how to punch like it didn't seem like he knew how to punch he would just and then he would just like pitter-patter on people's heads on the side of their heads and then he would just like pitter patter on people's heads, on the side of their heads. And then he would take his feet and he would do the same things like the side of your body
Starting point is 00:41:49 just to like, I think just to be annoying. And then he would fucking put you in a jujitsu hold and you were fucking done. Yeah. It was really interesting to see. But I think whenever we're talking to people and they're like, oh, I want to start running and you're like, well, that's cool. That's a great exercise. What are you running for? Well, I want to lose weight. It's like, okay, well want to start running. And you're like, well, that's cool. That's a great exercise. What are you running for?
Starting point is 00:42:06 Well, I want to lose weight. It's like, okay, well, let's back up a second. Who told you that running is great for losing weight? Because running wouldn't be my first place for you to start. I would want you to start with your diet, and I'd want you to start with some walking. Because I don't think we have to run in order to do that. And then the same thing kind of reminds me of like, if you want to feel better about yourself, you want to feel more secure about yourself. Well, wouldn't being able to dismantle somebody like, wouldn't that be a great, I think that would be a great place to
Starting point is 00:42:38 start. You're an insecure kid. You're 13 years old. You get picked on here and there. Now someone picks on you and they're 17 and it doesn't make any difference. When you're 13, you don't care. You're like, Hey man, if you want to go with me, I know how to take people down. It doesn't matter that your age is not going to matter. The fact that you're bigger and stronger, uh, is going to be mitigated because I have a skillset. Absolutely. For me personally, it was the physique, you know, once I started lifting and stuff because and this might be just me, I don't know, paying too much attention to it. But like I remember walking through like big crowds and like nobody got out of my way. It seemed like people made it like a point to like walk in my direction to bump into me.
Starting point is 00:43:23 It could be just my like insecurities taking over. But I remember. It doesn't matter. It's your, it's real for you, right? Yeah. But I remember when I went from like 165 to like 175, all of a sudden lanes started opening up for me. You're watch out, bitches.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Yeah. I had that confidence. So it could be the way I was walking, the way I was moving. I wasn't like, you know, hiding down here and shit you know I was more like upright you know proud to have like you know my girl at my side and then like things started just like I said they literally started opening up where I'm like man I remember if someone like that would just totally ignore the fuck me and just walk straight into me so that so that was for me personally but I wish I could go back and tell you know myself in like junior high which is something I tell my daughter now is just like, you need the experiences.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Like I tell her like, hey, like I'm not going to force you to do anything, but I will probably force you to have experiences. So like whether it be sports or like whatever the after school program might be, because you don't know what it's going to lead to. whatever the after school program might might be because you don't know what it's going to lead to and then so like for me personally like it was always like you know there's people there like i'm gonna go home instead where there's just video games you know and i'm by myself so you're kind of doing the opposite of what you feel maybe your parents maybe missed out on where they maybe uh it's cool that they afforded you a position to be able to like choose video games. That's dope. But they should have like maybe said, hey, I know you want to play video games.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Get the fuck out of your room. Let's go do this. Yeah. Kind of thing. And I would, I mean, and again, like I remember my childhood my way. They probably remembered a different way. Like I was in sports and then one day I just wasn't. And for them, they're probably, I don't want to say they were in cruise control because that sounds like I'm being mean.
Starting point is 00:45:06 But like they had two other, I had two siblings, right? They're busy. They got other shit going on. They have a lot of shit going on. They had two good examples like that turned out pretty damn good. It's like, oh, we did a good job with them. He's probably fine. And I was fine.
Starting point is 00:45:21 I didn't say I have a bad childhood or anything like that, but I do wish my dad came in and was just like, bro, you're way too fucking skinny. Like you eat like shit. You need to go to the gym with me or something. Cause he, who he, we went to, like, we were talking about cross courts the other day in Woodland, you know, he would go there all the time. And it's like, we would play like a racquetball and shit like that. But I wish he would have just been like, you are a lot skinnier than all the kids your age. Like, let's go do this instead for today. Like maybe once or twice a week. That would have been fucking huge.
Starting point is 00:45:52 What do you think, what kind of wording or what kind of encouragement, like could he have said something at that time? Like, hey, your cousin's going to go with us. Or like, could he pull in like another family example or someone that you guys knew i would have i would have ran away quickly because what what i would have seen is like maybe that's why he didn't do it sometimes right i don't know could be yeah but what i would have seen is like oh shit there's going to be two of us there's going to be competition there he's
Starting point is 00:46:18 going to be stronger than me what would have totally worked for me would be like hey it's just going to be me and you, nobody else. Literally nobody else is going to be there. And we're just going to go move some weight around. Not even sure what we're going to do. We're not going to test anything. You know, just like kind of like how you get people to just like, you know, trick people into lifting and stuff. That would have been huge for me. That's a great dad fucking hack right there that you just shared with everybody.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Because he didn't know. You know what I i mean and you're not going to tell him hey dad it'd be cool if we can get some alone time you know just me and you like palling around like i don't know no one ever says that um but it's like a it's an important thing but i don't know how sometimes a parent's like toughest thing is like they got to kind of play this guessing game and they have to really try to almost manage your feelings and i think as a parent we probably too often play out in our heads how our kids going to react to something yeah when we should just try to i tell both of my kids every night i tell them i love them if they would let me hug them and kiss them i I would, but they won't. I go in their room every night and I act weird and I say weird shit and I tell them I love them and I say goodnight every night, fucking no matter what.
Starting point is 00:47:32 But it's like, I don't want to do it a lot of times because I'm like, they don't even fucking care. But I'm like, you know what? I don't care if they don't, I don't care if they care or not. I'm going to fucking go do it. And they're going to like, when I die or when I'm not around, they care or not. I'm going to fucking go do it. Yeah. And they're going to like, when I die or when I'm not around, they're going to be like,
Starting point is 00:47:48 I know that he fucking loved me. He told me, he fucking told me every night. Yeah. He told me every day. Yeah. That's what like, um,
Starting point is 00:47:55 you know, my in-laws will say, they're just be like, Hey, like, you know, Jasmine doesn't ignore everything you guys do. She might not like acknowledge it on the spot.
Starting point is 00:48:04 It's like, but she knows who's, who loves her, you know? So it's like, you know, like you going like acknowledge it on the spot like but she knows who's who loves her you know so it's like you know like you going in every night it's like no that's um you know that's putting up points on the scoreboard for sure every i mean they're usually kind of like half annoyed it seems yeah i'm just gonna keep doing it yeah i like that a lot yeah yeah no like in terms of kids we've mentioned that at least i've mentioned the the book mindset by carol dweck if kids can like learn to that it's an effort is the thing that's important the effort that they put into things not how talented they are at something because
Starting point is 00:48:37 you become an adult you're going to be bad at everything that you try that's new you're not i mean they're going to be some people that are a little bit better than others at picking something up and starting something but they're still going to be some people that are a little bit better than others at picking something up and starting something. But they're still going to be a beginner. They're still going to suck. But if you're someone who has been told you've been talented or whatever as a kid, you're not going to do anything new as an adult because you're just too afraid of being bad. Right. You're going to see too many people that are good and then you're just going to think it's not for you.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Yeah. Both of my kids know that like they didn't just like inherit some genetic thing. Like Andy's really talented. She's a great swimmer. I was a good lifter. The kids, they probably inherited something, but they're both in here training. They're both in here working out. Gwen came in again today. She was asking last night, what about the gym? She's like, we went in too late yesterday. It was too hot in there. Let's go in a little, let's get in a little early. And she's not normally like a morning person. So, and this is nothing like at home.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I mean, I haven't been like, hey, you guys need to get into the gym four days a week, you know, and you need to get on this program. There's been no conversation about it really whatsoever other than like, occasionally they just mentioned like, oh, i'll be at the gym at this time tomorrow and and what have you seen in just going to the gym the way like they carry themselves yeah so far with you know quinn's only been here like a handful of times so she's 14 and it's still new to her um but jake you know jake just looks different like he just all of a sudden not like to me anyway just all of a sudden not like to me
Starting point is 00:50:05 anyway just all of a sudden started looking completely different i'm like what the fuck uh kind of like owen too you know owen lost uh some weight jake lost some weight i think jake lost like 15 pounds and owen i think lost like 20 pounds but with jake uh you know i think he was getting to a point too where like he wasn't eating enough. And I was like, you doing okay? Like, what are you doing? He's like, ah, my workouts can kind of like shitty. And like, I was like, yeah, dude, I'm like, you need to like, need to fuel yourself. You know, it's cool that you don't have any body fat anymore, but like you need to fucking eat, you know? So, uh, he, he brought that side back up a little bit more,
Starting point is 00:50:44 but I'm really fortunate that both of them are into fitness. They're both into working out. And, yeah, Jake's confidence has just changed so much. I think that the pivot point for him was going to Matt's school. I think that was a big thing for him to go to that. Acting Academy I think was a big thing for him to go to that. Acton Academy, I think, was a huge deal. But then when he started coming into the gym, it's not coincidental that he like came home and he was like, I applied for a job at McDonald's. And then like two weeks later, he applied for a job at In-N-Out.
Starting point is 00:51:18 And then he didn't get the job at In-N-Out. And then I didn't hear much about it. And he's like, yeah, I think my friend got picked for the job and he was like half bummed and then two weeks later he came home and he's like I got a I got a job in and out I was like oh I thought you said it didn't work out he goes no I I just drove to the one in Woodland and applied there like when did you do that he's like a couple weeks ago yeah yeah I know for sure i i noticed a difference in jake like pretty like drastic difference um not saying that he was like
Starting point is 00:51:50 like not a like an awesome kid before but like i would try to like say what's up and it was like a quick like oh what's up and then kind of like i'm gonna keep moving about my what my day you know yeah last thing i want to do is talk to any adults yes yes you're a teenager you're like yeah but then you know more recently in the gym it's like oh what's up jake and he's just like oh hey what's going on you know i was like whoa like sick this is awesome like you're present you're like you're actually like want to like communicate with me you know right and it was fun it was cool and so i was just like he's understanding he's seeing like oh these people like they care about me right yeah yeah so yeah no dude i think's, it's pretty freaking cool to see that change. Pat Project family, how's it going?
Starting point is 00:52:28 I want to talk to you guys about Within You Supplements, which is developed by Mark Bell. The cool thing about Within You is that it's not a crazy supplement line, just has a crazy amount of unnecessary supplements. They stick to what is necessary. Whey protein, electrolytes, and the electrolytes are dope because they have amino acids and they have zinc. Then there's fasting gum. So we talk a lot about intermittent fasting on the podcast and this fasting gum has apigenin, electrolytes, and the electrolytes are dope because they have amino acids and they have zinc. Then there's fasting gum. So we talk a lot about intermittent fasting on the podcast, and this fasting gum has apigenin, rudin, and caffeine, which can actually help you prolong a fast. It's really freaking cool. It was developed by Mark and Joel Green, who we've had on the podcast multiple times.
Starting point is 00:52:59 So you guys got to check it out. Andrew, how can they get it? Yes, that's over at And at checkout, enter promo code POWERPRO powerproject10 to save 10 off your entire order links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes and there's you know when it comes to the gym there's just the consistent aspect of i don't like to say that the gym is hard necessarily but you are working against some type of resistance in there and you do something that feels kind of difficult and you improve. You do it again and again and again, right? That's where it's like you're getting repetitions in of doing something that, number one, most people in the population don't do.
Starting point is 00:53:36 But you're going there. You're doing it. You're getting stronger. You're getting better. And that in and of itself, that's why people that lift, that's why it can boost their confidence and that's why they like it so much. But honestly, anything within that, whether it be that a martial art because now you're going against somebody else and you come out of it, whether you won or lost or whatever, you put yourself in a situation that most people don't put themselves in. Cold plunge, even though it's fucking cold water or taking a cold shower if you don't have a cold plunge, right? After you take a cold shower and you come out of it, first off, you go in, you're like, I don't want to do it. I don't
Starting point is 00:54:08 want to do it. You do it. You come out the other side of a cold shower like, fuck, I feel fucking good. Like not just because the dopamine release, but because you did something that you knew was going to be uncomfortable. You did it. You overcame it. Now you feel better about yourself because of it. So if you can figure out a way of continuing to put yourself in front of things that maybe you don't know, so that's picking up a new skill, learning a new something that you're actually interested in learning, doing it, learning it, getting better at it, and then becoming proficient, that will absolutely increase how confident you feel as an individual because you're continuing to challenge yourself.
Starting point is 00:54:45 You don't want to get out of the habit of not putting challenge in front of yourself. And you want to think about like if there are insecurities around certain things, like why? Like a lot of times there's not that much preparation into something. You know, would you be would you kind of be insecure or shy for someone to like, maybe not shy is not maybe the right word, maybe slightly embarrassed if somebody saw like your car because you have like shit everywhere in your car or if someone saw your like bedroom or your, you know, like is it, or are you kind of cool with it because you got it organized?
Starting point is 00:55:21 I mean, maybe you don't care. Like I'm a little bit more like I don't care. Like in my car, I just, I throw shit and there's like, Quinn's like, you got these beautiful car. I'm like, I'll clean it out. She's like, more like mom will clean it out. And I'm like, probably, but I don't really care. You know, I just, that's sort of, sort of my thing. But I think that a lot of times, uh, there's things that we do push off and that we're not taking care of and then we're not cleaning up. And then it gets to be where there's things that we do push off and that we're not taking care of and we're not cleaning up and then it gets to be where there's like little bombs of that all over and i have a
Starting point is 00:55:51 tough time managing it i'm not afraid to talk about it or admit it like my office gets bombarded with a lot of stuff i could probably keep it better organized myself um but just like somebody else maybe with their diet or with their training, I don't feel like I got the time to fucking worry about organizing it. And you can see I'm getting defensive because I'm swearing. I'm like trying to plead my case over here to myself. No one's dissing you here, Mark. This is the circle of trust.
Starting point is 00:56:20 That's right. It's all on me. It's like I'm not organized in that way. But it's a tough thing. Like the more things that you're unorganized with, it can be harder for you to be able to put this effort forward because you have to. There's a lot of work that needs to be done if you want to feel secure about yourself. You want to feel good about yourself. There's a big effort that you have to put in every single day.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I just look at it as like the best bang for your buck. And this is how I justify being a piece of shit. But it's like, am I going to really change the world by washing the dishes? Like probably not. Could change the world of your wife. But in my household, it will make a huge difference, right? So like you have to look at it both ways. But the reason why I think that way or i have that if you get
Starting point is 00:57:05 more pussy you might be able to change the world easier because you're in a better mood wow so therefore doing the dishes yes i think actually yeah so that's why i started using the dishwasher but you're like dishes equal blow job equal like me ruling the world okay fucking noted that's the cascade of disciplines. Hey, you know what? That's true. Pussy does make the world go around. It's undefeated.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Undefeated. Stay away from that devil pussy, though. Oh, you got to be careful. Yeah, you got to be careful. One thing that came to mind. Here you go, training those fingers again. One thing that came to mind. Here you go training those fingers again. One thing that came to mind. Now your delts are just popping out.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Well, yeah, they are. One thing that came to mind, Mark, you were talking about how your kids don't give a fuck. You don't give a fuck that they don't give a fuck about what you're talking about, right? Right. about right right um there is there there's an aspect of uh not putting too much weight on what people think of you like it because number one it it doesn't matter to an extent if you're doing some fucked up shit like you know like but at the end of the day you have to focus on things that you're interested in and getting good at those things. And the thing is, is like, there will always be people that are super critical of you. There are always going to be people who their only thoughts are of trying to take down
Starting point is 00:58:36 or shit talk on other people. Um, and if you continue, if, if like the first step actually is not being the person who always talks about other people. One thing that I think is really cool is like I can say this for myself and I'm pretty certain it is for both of you guys. The people that I hang around aren't people who are constantly shit talking to other people. I know people like that who was like the first thing is like, have you heard what she did? Have you heard of what he did? Have you heard of what he did? Have you heard of this? That bitch. I got a couple of go-to friends where like,
Starting point is 00:59:08 I know that that's what's going to happen when I get around them. But I actually like enjoy it. Cause it's very, very rare that I'm even around them. And you can just listen. You're just like, yeah, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:59:18 I knew this was coming. But, but number one, I've never heard you. You have never, I've never heard you take the time out of your day to be like this motherfucker, like fuck him. And he's doing this, this, or you don't do that. And Andrew, neither heard you. You have never, I've never heard you take the time out of your day to be like this motherfucker, like fuck him.
Starting point is 00:59:25 And he's doing this and this or, or you don't do that. And Andrew, neither do you. You don't spend your time talking and thinking about other people. Why? Because y'all got better shit to do than talk and think about other people. And you'll notice if you,
Starting point is 00:59:39 if I am thinking about other people, I'm actually thinking about what did I do wrong? I did something wrong. I could wrong this person. Why are they so upset? Why are they thinking about what did I do wrong? I did something wrong. I could wrong this person. Why are they so upset? Why are they mad? What did I – how did I miscommunicate? Is there something – like I'll go through like a checklist and that's when sometimes I might bring it up to other friends and say, hey, like I want to make sure like I'm still like not going crazy because like here's what happened.
Starting point is 01:00:00 And I'll tell people and then they might say yeah you you you did fuck up right there or they'll say you know no no you're you're doing okay yeah but i check myself i guess exactly but that's very different than just shit talking people to shit talk because there's a lot of people who like that's they wake up and that's like they're they're they're remote they're like they're immediately texting someone about somebody else and they're just like trying to they're kind of being a bully they're just trying to bring some motherfucker down in their life right people love the uh the drama they do and i think one thing about us is like we don't fuck with drama right like i like there's no time to spend time thinking about the drama of another person or bringing down another person like that focusing on trying
Starting point is 01:00:42 we're susceptible to it but yeah we're not to hang out there for very long. And if we do, we're probably going to... Hopefully we'll start to recognize it's our own fault. Yeah, but even, like, anybody can be susceptible to it, but if that's something that you're constantly doing, you're always trying to think of... Like, you're going through social media, you see someone
Starting point is 01:01:00 who might be doing something pretty cool, but immediately you're like, nah, you ain't shit. Right? Instead of... That's not good. Yeah,'t shit. Right? Instead of being someone who's like, oh, what that guy's doing is really cool. What that girl's doing is really cool. She's super strong. She's fucking killing it. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:01:13 She's a millionaire at 20? Good for her. But instead... I think the go-to is, what about me? You know, how did I not... I mean, you see that in the comments sometimes. Somebody's like, send me a slingshot.
Starting point is 01:01:28 You're like, whoa. I don't know. Where did that come from? And I think that's a tough thing to get yourself out of. But a way to get out of it is if you are a person that is – if you're producing something, if you're making something, creating something, whether it be just your own workouts or whether it be music or whether it be a podcast, photographs, fucking journaling. Like, I mean, you could get into like cheating the system and have it be anything, but you got to make stuff. And if you don't make stuff, you're, I think it registers in your body. And I think your body and your brain, like we know the book, The Body Keeps Score, I think it's like that is so literal to every extent of human life that you can possibly think of that your brain and body does keep score. And it knows when you're lying to yourself.
Starting point is 01:02:21 And it knows when you're lying to yourself. That's why you have such these profound trips when you do something like mushrooms or people have these profound things that happen when they go on like a run. Or I'm sure it happens even jujitsu. When you're really fucking tested, you can't breathe anymore. And you're like, I don't even I can't really move my arms or legs hardly. But I still got to figure out a way to compete to get out of this next hold or to get into this next thing. When you're that compromised, when your back is up against the wall that much, that's where you start to really see like kind of what you're made out of. And when you're backed up against the wall like that, I think it opens up your brain to being really humble and recognizing like, I don't know, just humbling you to the point
Starting point is 01:03:07 where you realize that you're going to probably need other people to kind of help you out of these particular situations a lot of times. And that's the big, one of those big things is, again, just focusing on yourself. Because at the end of the day, if you're trying to be more confident, if you're trying to enter rooms being a confident individual, then how about you focus on things that are going to allow you to do that? How about you focus on things that are going to allow you to improve, right? Learn more shit. I know that when I was younger and, you know, when I was getting into learning about training and starting to actually
Starting point is 01:03:41 train people, I had a lack of confidence because I had a, I knew that I had a lot to learn. That hasn't changed by the way. I know that I have a lot to fucking learn and that's going to be the theme until the day that I die. But especially when I was much younger, I was like, there was a big understanding of, wow, there's for me to become proficient at this. I need to learn a lot. I became proficient, but you may have had them work out or do things that, uh, you thought they had to do more things in line with what you were doing. Maybe. Kind of, kind of. It wasn't necessarily like that. I just knew that there was just so many things within fitness that I, and there's still so many
Starting point is 01:04:22 things within fitness that I, that I'm excited about learning. But when I was first starting to do that with people, because I was just starting, there was an insecurity in my, the lack of knowledge. But the theme that I think we all have here is we're always learning more. When we have new guests that come onto the podcast, we're genuinely curious about the knowledge that they have about what they're doing. We're not trying to prove a point to them or anything. We're actually curious about learning what they know. And through that, we become more knowledgeable. Now, I don't go into situations trying to prove what I know when I'm in public with people, but I know that I do feel confident because I'm like, even though I don't know everything and there's a lot to learn, there's an infinite amount of shit that I can learn, I know that I know quite a bit about some shit.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Right? And if I'm asked questions about things, I feel confident enough to answer those questions about things. That in and of itself, because we're always learning more, that brings us, at least I know that brings me confidence. How do you feel about that? Yeah. that at least I know that brings me confidence. Yeah. How do you feel about that? Yeah. And then what I was going to point out though, is if you did get a question that you couldn't answer all the confidence that you've accrued, you're okay with saying, I don't know exactly the way you just mouthed it. Um, so yeah, no, I'm in 100% full agreement. And then, but just back to like
Starting point is 01:05:39 what Mark was saying with like some of the comments where, I don't know, it's like you're posting something about a slingshot, your Tesla or whatever and someone's just like hey mark can i have 100 bucks or you know whatever it is like they're like i'm not saying that that person might just be joking but like looking for like the handout or something or we see it all the time with like i wish i had an st near me or i wish i was closer or whatever the reason why i'm bringing this up is because um steven pressfield just published his newest book. So far, it's fucking incredible. What's it called?
Starting point is 01:06:09 It's called Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants to Be. So basically what he's saying is if you want to be one of the world's best power lifters in the world, you just happen to move to Sacramento because that's where your heart wants to be. So instead of like, you know, complaining like I don't have this, I don't have that. Just put your ass where your heart wants to be uh so instead of like you know complaining like i don't have this i don't have that uh just put your ass where your heart wants to be and stop asking for the handouts and start you know just putting in the work another fucking awesome steven pressfield book oh it's two hours it's a shorty it's a shorty dude and it moves fast i love it it is perfect for me because my adhd ass cannot handle like a long form book right now. But this one, like each chapter is like two minutes long and like, oh, this is great. But yeah, I highly recommend it because it will put your ass where your heart wants to be and stop like complaining and shit.
Starting point is 01:06:56 I was just thinking as we were having some of these conversations and thinking about, you know, people looking for like handouts and things like that. I think something has been really helpful for me and I'm still working on it. I still have to get a lot better at this is when somebody is talking, I have a tendency to think I or me or like I need to – you just said something and now I have to follow it up with like I or me. You just said something and now I have to follow it up with like I or me. And I've actually been working on not doing that because somebody is like they're trying to fucking tell you something. And then you're just going to switch it over to you?
Starting point is 01:07:37 Like why are you switching it over to you? You know, if Encima says, oh, I went to Starbucks and like I went to order this coffee and they gave me something different. I could just say, oh, oh man that's screwed up like you went to order this you know and they gave you a just a they gave you a giant fucking frappuccino and you just ordered like espresso that's weird yeah instead I'm going to turn it into like being about me and like oh I you know this happened to me you know so the other day like and so I was worse man yeah like that kind of stuff and and i think about like uh that's really important with kids is to like fucking listen to them like they're not crazy the stuff they say i know you think it's fun and silly and cute or whatever but fucking
Starting point is 01:08:20 like trump that stuff up man like make that stuff more like it's fucking cool when they have these ideas and they have these like different things. I'm going to send you a video right now, Andrew. It happens all the time. People get us confused. Pretty much the same person. It's so dark. Yeah. I have a couple that you sent me already.
Starting point is 01:08:43 You sent me. Yeah. I sent you some like and you some good mornings and stuff. You got another one? Yeah, you can actually roll those other ones for a second if you want. You got audio on this one too? Yeah, I think there's a little audio to it. It's just me using the Pro Pulsers or whatever, the David Weck thingies.
Starting point is 01:09:09 I was messing around with them today. Let's see here. How do I roll? Oh, you just start it over. There you go. Messing around with the Pro Pulsers, trying to get in the shake and shimmy the right way. Messing around at Davis. I did a lot of barefoot stuff today, and this is just kind of at the end of the workout.
Starting point is 01:09:29 What size are your shorts? Just cruising around. Those are ultra mediums. Yeah. I'm going to run straight at you, too, okay? Your booty meat really seems to be popping out of that one. Booty meat. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:09:41 But this is just part of the reason why I sent, I sent Andrew two videos. Cause this is, uh, this is 2022. This is, this, this is this morning. And then I'm going to show you a good morning. I see where you went there.
Starting point is 01:09:56 But like, that's what I, that's what I'm doing now. And I'm working on shit with stuff like that and, uh, working on just being able to run better and move better. And so sometimes when someone asked about like, I don't know, they ask about, I don't know, how to get better or how do you advance or like, so what I'm doing now is not necessarily
Starting point is 01:10:16 like what got me to where I'm at. This is the shit that got me to where I'm at. This is the stuff that nobody wants to ever do or try. I might turn it down a pinch if you can do that. How much weight is that? 600 pounds. With chains on there, too.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Is that Smokey in the background? Sounded like it. I'm not sure who's yelling. I actually think I'm working out with Brian McKenzie in this video. How do you feel? I feel amazing. That is a very lean face, right?
Starting point is 01:11:08 I just kind of show that just for like, you know, like I'm willing to shift gears i'm willing to like try different stuff i'm willing to it's going to be awkward for me for running for a while it's going to take some time and uh you know transitioning into that from doing those like heavy ass lifts from back in the day it's uh shit's just different but i'm still trying to improve i'm still trying to get better oh that's there we go that's good here's uh here's my nephew hamish and this is like just fucking dope like uh how a kid's mind works and this like i i send him a uh a voice note back about like how just i was impressed with these ideas and i want to like sit with them and talk to them more about it we'll just play like just a little bit of it
Starting point is 01:11:48 so one is like you know a blowpipe what if there was like you know how there's a pinball where you pull back the thing that shoots the ball? What if, like, a spring, you have a spring right in the side, you pull back the thing, and like a blow dart gun, it shoots it out of a tube, and you can, like, get a target. This is our R&D here at slingshot land on the target and it needs to be like a sticky consistency that it doesn't stick to the walls of the barrel but it also sticks to the target and you need a target we don don't need one, but still. You can just pause it. He was driving his parents crazy because he kept telling them all these ideas
Starting point is 01:12:50 and they're like, we know exactly who will care about this. Send this to your uncle. So I was like, all right, me and you are going to team up. We're going to try to make these projects actually happen. But a situation like that, like if you want a kid to have insecurities, then that's great to just crush those ideas and say, oh, you know,
Starting point is 01:13:11 you're talking crazy talk. Like you can't make stuff like that. Like there's nowhere to get that. Like, where do you get that stuff? Like that's going to cost too much money. Um, try to like, uh, just throw at a kid, you know, all these different, uh, things to actually make this happen. And you can really rain on their parade. Or you can say, you know what? I don't, maybe like maybe trying to figure out how to manufacture that might be a little bit difficult. Maybe we can go to a hardware store and get some like parts and like fuck with it. And maybe we can figure out a way to make something. You know, that's another, there's, there's that, that aspect, you want to crush a kid's dreams.
Starting point is 01:13:45 And if, you know. It'd be real easy to crush his dreams, right? To promote it would be so much better. Yeah. But if you have a partner, whether it's a husband or a wife or a boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever it is, a quick way to crush the way they feel about themselves and their dreams is they come with you with something and just you immediately just like shit on it. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:03 And a lot of people do that. The problem with is exactly that's what everybody says right yeah because and sometimes certain sometimes people are like doing that out of like they just don't want somebody to like actually do something stupid it's not always malicious and it's not always a manipulation but if that's your immediate mode right to immediately and i want to also say there's aspects of criticism that are good. Like there's times you need to criticize people, but if that's the consistent thing, right? Where somebody comes to you with something and you're just immediately criticizing, immediately shitting on it. Um, that's another way to make somebody feel kind of shitty about
Starting point is 01:14:37 themselves. I think that's, I find it cool that a lot of people that I have around and you know, a lot of people that you guys have around, not everyone's like, I have people that will criticize certain things that I do, which is great. They're close friends. But we also – we give each other tools to become better. Those are my friendships. My friendships are people that we're sending each other videos. We're sending each other books. We're always trying to help each other get better and we're calling each other out, right?
Starting point is 01:15:02 And that – you want to audit those people that are close to you and if you're gonna have a criticism then i think it's a good idea to also if you're gonna have a criticism i think you shouldn't go to someone with a criticism without some sort of solution like maybe you don't have it all solved or maybe don't have it all figured out but like if you're gonna point something out to somebody that you don't like that they're doing or even if somebody comes to you with an idea from a business perspective, for you to immediately point out the problem, like anybody can do that. You can go to just any random person at a coffee shop and you can say, hey, I got this idea. And right away they could shoot it down. Like anyone possesses the ability to do that. If you're going to go that route, if you're going to
Starting point is 01:15:49 even be negative at all, then it would be a good idea to have a solution as well. Like, oh, you know what? Have you, hey, have you considered this? Because like this might happen when you try to make, when you try to make that into a business, this could potentially happen. You might want to actually, there's a book about that, or I know this guy who does taxes, or I know this like way that you could do this slightly differently, you know, trying to give somebody like an alternative, but there's still a lot of encouragement in there. that were making way more money than you or doing things at a way higher level than you. Did you, do you, or have you ever pedestalized them and you've put them up on another level than you?
Starting point is 01:16:51 Or just a second, I'm just curious about that. How do you look at that? Because there's something here real quick. Are you talking about like in the past or now? Now and in the past, if anything's changed for you. Oh dude, a fuck ton has changed. Now it's like kind of like what you preach is like what can i learn from that person you know it's like whether it's you
Starting point is 01:17:10 mark or any of our guests you know especially when when they're when they're parents um because like i just i want to be i feel like if i'm gonna like really make a difference is like my two kids are gonna be fucking amazing people if i can do that then i've done my job so when i look at someone like todd abrams from icon meals you know it's like dude how the fuck is this guy so jacked and he has a like crazy work ethic and his kids seem fucking awesome his wife is super happy like all these things right like how can i be more like that whereas in the past um kind of a shame to admit it i would be like super jealous of that person be like this motherfucker's in shape he's probably on so much gear
Starting point is 01:17:48 somebody handed him this icon you know company whatever but then I would also turn around and be like I wonder if I could like work with him somehow you know like probably got an inheritance but then still be that person to be like oh shit maybe I can get some free food
Starting point is 01:18:04 from him. You know, like try to still like get something out of him, but not the way I do today. Like get something like very like quick and instant and like tangible that I can get from him right now versus now. It's like, fuck, dude, can I just like go hang out with you for a day and just try to absorb something of what you have? That's the way i look at it these days because before it was not like that at all because i used to think it was like people got lucky versus now where it's like no dude he's he's put a lifetime of hard work into what he does it didn't just happen overnight yeah i don't know i in terms of money um
Starting point is 01:18:49 In terms of money, when I was really young, I would be more impressionable about money. I remember my wife's boss, he had a pretty good amount of money. And I remember the guy that ran Mass Movement was the company that I worked for moving around fitness equipment. I remember he had some money and I admired that and I thought that was cool. But I kind of looked at it more like a convenience. I was like, if I ever get to that stage, that would be a nice convenience to have. It will just, I think it will make a lot of my life easier, make a lot of the things easier but like i already had some stuff intact like i had habits with working out i had habits with uh eating properly and i had a lot of that going on so i didn't i don't know i don't think i really put people up on a pedestal for making
Starting point is 01:19:38 money and never i cared about it enough to make it happen because i always felt that that i always felt like it will just lead to a better life and that's what i always felt and that's what i still believe like more money i think uh absolutely i think it can solve you know people say that money doesn't solve anything or but like it can like money can literally solve like world hunger i mean it could solve all kinds of crazy things it can make people more aware of uh acts that go on that aren't you know that are wrong or however you want to say i mean it can just do a lot of things so i never really put people up on a pedestal necessarily that made money but uh i did admire when somebody had their shit together and when somebody had uh it's when they appeared to have an alignment of things uh lined up in
Starting point is 01:20:34 terms of their habits yeah no that that's that's one thing i really dig because i mean when it comes to money like people look at people that are wealthy or have money that that does give you a level of status but someone can still be an asshole and just be a rich asshole um and i never had that perspective which might just be because i'm fucking white what do you mean but what do you mean what perspective i've never had the perspective of rich people are in some other category and that they're assholes i never had that. Oh, that. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. What else? Never been in my, like, yeah. I mean, I know people are like, ah, people that drive a BMW are like, uh, I don't just, I just never cared about any of that stuff. Never thought about it.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Some people do have the outlook that, that rich people are assholes. What I was saying though, it was like, uh, having money doesn't make some, but like if you're an asshole, but now you just make some money, you're just a rich asshole. That's what I meant by that. But yeah, there is that divide where some people think wealthy people are inherently, they're just not inherently good. But what I was trying to think about was like, you know, we all have people that we admire for doing things, whether it be like The Rock or whether it be different people who've done a lot of different things in business. different people who've done a lot of different things in business and or Jordan Peterson for example with like all he's done for people men women you know what I mean but what happens is like when when when you do that or when you have a level of admiration for somebody there's a
Starting point is 01:21:59 tendency to also like put that person on a pedestal like they're they're different from you and I guess it's it's good to understand that that if somebody has different traits from you or different habits from you, but those habits are things that you can do yourself. What I'm thinking about is just how can you, how can you shorten the divide you place between yourself and somebody else that you admire, right? Because they're a human being, they have two hands. They have a phone. They have all these things that have allowed them to, number one, learn cool things. Number one, do cool things to get to where they are. So they're actually not that different from you. Like they're not.
Starting point is 01:22:35 What they're doing, you know, if you don't put them up as like something greater than you and you bring them to the place of also being a human being like yourself, then you open yourself up to the mindset of, well, they are much more, they are richer than me and they're doing a lot more than me, but they're still human. And there's a, there's a, there's somehow that they did this, that I can do the same shit and I can do potentially things at a better level than they are. If I put in the work to do it, that's kind of the way that over time that I've, I've, I've thought of things because there was a time when I see people, I'd be like, Oh damn, they like, wow, they had all these advantages, blah, blah, blah. But that then puts a limit on
Starting point is 01:23:19 what I look at myself being able to do because inherently they're just a different type of human. There's no way I can do what the hell they're doing. But if you can just if we can help ourselves understand that everybody is still fucking human and they are no better. They might be doing some cooler shit because they've put in some more time. They've they've they've learned something really well. But you have the ability to learn it. That in and of itself can give you the confidence to know that I can do that. And that in and of itself can give you the confidence to know that I can do that.
Starting point is 01:23:52 I think the harder thing sometimes would just be like the more narrow you get with a specific thing. Sometimes the harder it might be to try to match what someone's doing. So physically there can be massive differences between us. This is true. You know, there's me and then there's like Shaquille O'Neal, right? Like there's like, there's some real monsters out there of people that have different configured bodies and different capabilities. And I still don't think you should put any limiting beliefs on anything that you're trying to do. But it just is interesting when you start to get into like the physicality of something.
Starting point is 01:24:21 But you're 100% right. Like if we're talking about like life and we're talking about this kind of like this race of life or like winning life or, you know, if you're trying to, if you, if you think that, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:35 what I said is like, I think that money can make things more convenient for you. And I think it can solve some problems. But if you're looking for money to solve like mental health issues or something like that, it doesn't work. Like if you're bipolar or you have real crazy ups and not crazy. I'm sorry. I apologize. If you have, you know, highs and lows that are just different than other people, money's not going to necessarily solve that. You know, if what's going to solve that is for you to read a book. What's going to solve that is for you to read a book.
Starting point is 01:25:06 What's going to solve that is for you to have experiences that put you through the paces and for you to learn and to maybe start to recognize like, oh, having a balanced mind and going through this, I can traverse these obstacles without really getting super sad, without really getting super sad or without really getting super mad. In the documentary on Netflix about psychedelics, one of the guys was talking about how he took mushrooms and he's like, I experienced sadness without being sad. And I thought that was really interesting, but I was like, I've had similar experiences, but it wasn't on mushrooms. Like I have gone through what this guy is talking about.
Starting point is 01:25:51 I don't know if everyone possesses that ability, but I think we all do. It's like you have to kind of walk yourself through these scenarios. I, in my life, I've had things that have happened. I've had family members die. I've had friends die. I've had all kinds have happened. I've had family members die. I've had friends die. I've had all kinds of unexpected things happen. And those things have kind of like trained me to be able to go through those things and to recognize that being exponentially more emotional about it wasn't necessarily of benefit. necessarily of benefit. Uh, you could still grieve and, and do things particular ways,
Starting point is 01:26:32 but I didn't have to like associate anything really particularly strongly to, to just because someone dies doesn't mean that it has to be sad. Like my mom, my mom's death, if there's anything sad about it, it's more like when I think about it, it's like, uh, how, how do we prevent someone to get, getting into that position in the first place? She was abused when she was young. It was really hard for her to get out of the shadow of her own life. And that, that is the tragic part. Her dying is a by-product of the fact that she had such a tough time getting herself moving and getting herself to, uh, be on any particular diet regimen for long enough to yield better results for her health and stuff like that. But there's millions of people that end up kind of going down that road. But in talking about like these insecurities and stuff, it's a really interesting thing because my mom like couldn't be any more insecure.
Starting point is 01:27:24 It's a really interesting thing because my mom couldn't be any more insecure. But she had enough in her to help instill into her children less insecurities. She helped make us confident. And I think my oldest brother had some insecurities. I think Chris has some insecurities. I think I have potentially – maybe I have tons of them. I don't know. I think potentially I have the least amount of them. Maybe I have tons of them.
Starting point is 01:27:41 I don't know. I think potentially I have the least amount of them. And I think that's because my parents had an opportunity to parent Mike. He conditioned them and taught them how to be a parent. And he made them better and he challenged the fuck out of them. Chris did a little bit of that. And then they were all – it wasn't because I was a good kid. did a little bit of that and then they were all it wasn't because i was a good kid they already knew how to handle kids better by the time they got to me because they had x amount of years of being parents and so it was easier and then the whole family was around kids more so then it made
Starting point is 01:28:17 everything easier for everybody uh in like learning how to manage kids how to deal with kids and and all that kind of stuff. So, you know, that's some of my, some of my things, when I think about like insecurity, I think about there's so many people that are hurting and the insecurities, I think they can often come from, they can come from traumas and they could, and if you have trauma, just like we've talked about with the myofascial stuff, if you don't work that shit that's sitting in your shoulder from you messing up or you taking a real heavy bench press one day, if you don't work that shit out and you don't use a lacrosse ball in there, you can stretch and you can do all these things,
Starting point is 01:29:02 and it most likely won't really get better. That'll be sitting there forever. If you have these traumas from when you're young and you never dealt with them before, every time you go out, every time you go to a party, you're going to be like, I need a drink because I have social anxiety. You might not have social anxiety. You might have traumas from when you're young that you just never fucking talked about. That show on HBO, A Couple a couple's therapy was real good it i mean it was this therapist and she was dealing with different couples but she was really delving into a lot of their issues and there was a few of them that when she got to the root of like what was causing someone issues it's
Starting point is 01:29:39 just like fuck i didn't realize how that happened when i was 12 years old actually is playing a part in the way i treat other people or the person that I'm with. People probably start bawling, right? Oh, fuck. It's a good show. I watched it with my girl. I was like, God. I think an interesting thing about that show is like the questions –
Starting point is 01:29:54 I think some people think that shit's really weird. But I think it's – What do you mean? I think it's helpful to examine that stuff. I think some people think that kind of stuff is like kind of woo-woo, you know? No, dog. I mean, yeah. It's not at the base of everything.
Starting point is 01:30:06 We should point that out as well. But it can be at the base for a lot of things for a lot of people, I think. Absolutely. No, it can be. We can't act like certain things, even maybe the way that you dealt with your parents or whatever as you were a kid. Because there are all good things about how we were raised and there are potentially bad things about how we were raised and we can't think that the bad aspects don't show itself in some roundabout way in terms of the way that we go through life as adults you know because you know i think we have a tendency of thinking oh we got everything
Starting point is 01:30:36 handled and figured out we don't we don't shit figured out ain't got shit ain't got shit figured out and if you look at other people that they also don't have shit figured out ain't got ain't got shit figured out and if you look at other people that they also don't have shit figured out it's gonna be it's gonna be easier to deal with them especially women i spend them i spend my the most amount of my time nowadays just trying to uh reserve judgment that's that's where i'm hanging out because i'm like okay why the fuck are you even judging this person what are you doing'm like, okay, why the fuck are you even judging this person? What are you doing? Like who are you?
Starting point is 01:31:07 Who the fuck are you to like judge anybody on anything? Yeah. Stop. You know, just fucking stop. Don't say anything or don't overthink it, you know. It's a tough thing because like you live your life particular ways and then we get all hyped up, of course, about like fitness and our diets and these things. And so we therefore think that we got to grab a hold of everybody. Burt Kreischer has got to do this fucking diet.
Starting point is 01:31:33 Everyone's got to do this style of eating. Everyone's got to do this style of lifting. We're going to change the world. And it's like, well, I don't know if people are fucking having a good time. As long as people aren't – if you're complaining, then we might have some stuff that may be able to help you. Maybe the three of us have come up with a couple of things that might be able to help you. Because we've seen it help other people, right? So we do – we have at least some evidence that some of these things can kind of pull you out of some of those situations. can kind of pull you out of some of those situations.
Starting point is 01:32:06 But to try to just judge it and just to try to push it out, ideas and beliefs on everybody, it's where you get into, I think, overexpending energy on shit that you probably shouldn't be. I think everybody, we all want to find some universal truth or something. And it's tough because especially with health, everybody can go through life the way they want to. If you want to drink all the time and you're happy and even though certain things are being – even though certain aspects of your health are being compromised, if that's what you want to do, that's what you want to do. There could be other aspects where you're checking the box, you know, like you could be, okay, social, you're, you're community based, you know, like there's, there could be,
Starting point is 01:32:54 so like, are there people that, that do both? Are there people that incorporate, uh, having a good time partying, um, being loyal to their family, being loyal to the business that they work at. Are there people that, yeah, they fucking – and it's interesting because those people that really balance it, that do the best, those people usually aren't famous. They're usually not people that are going to get – the people that are famous are really uh
Starting point is 01:33:25 like off balance a lot of times yeah i'm going to sink everything i got in the fucking basketball like kobe or michael you know i'm going to sink everything i got michael jackson i'm going to sink everything i got into music you know his whole entire life from the time he's like a little kid you know there's so many different like versions of this in our culture in our society You know, there's so many different like versions of this in our culture, in our society. Did you see the Andrew Schultz special? I haven't seen it yet. Yo, y'all go buy that fucking special.
Starting point is 01:33:52 I think it's still for sale. It's on Netflix, right? It's not on Netflix. No, no, no. Yeah, what happened? Or he like bought it from Netflix or something, didn't he? He bought it. I don't know what service he purchased his special back from, but he purchased his special special he put it out on his website uh it's
Starting point is 01:34:06 a fucking good special it's like i was telling my girl this yesterday out you know when okay so when i when i like a comedian as like because i listen to their podcast flagrant right and they're funny on their podcast but since i already dig the dude and like the podcast i didn't want to i want like in my back my head i'm like okay be a little critical don't laugh at everything if it's funny it's funny but i was like in my mind i was like okay is this funny and i couldn't stop laughing bro like i i've seen him live too but i literally couldn't stop laughing during the special the whole fucking time. I was like, God damn. It was dark. And I bring this up because you mentioned Michael Jackson.
Starting point is 01:34:52 I'm not even going to butcher any of the joke. But he has this thing on Michael Jackson there where you're just like, shit. It's just, it's dark. So, yeah. Y'all got to check out that special. But those are our most famous people. Just it's dark. So yeah, I got to check out that special. But those are our most famous people. The people that really tow that line of like, I don't know what the fuck Michael Jackson did and didn't do.
Starting point is 01:35:12 I don't know anything about how they get about the situation. I need to watch the documentary. Yeah, I've seen that before. I've seen it. I've seen some of the documentary and know like, I don't know, the peripheral of like what a lot of other people know. But I think that a lot of those people are people that are people that are famous here in the United States. A lot of times there's a lot of stuff surrounding them. And I think that Michael Jackson's thing might have been more public. Maybe Michael Jordan stuff is like maybe there's maybe not as much of it circulates, you know? And like, I don't, I don't know. There's, there's a, there's a lot, right? There's a lot that, that goes with, I think people being celebrities. I remember Mike Tyson talking about, you know, his rise to fame. And he actually asked Cus D'Amato at one point,
Starting point is 01:36:01 because Cus was like, kind of literally like brainwashing him and and just having him have really really strong beliefs and convictions that he was going to be champ he said it from like the first day that he met him and he kept telling him you're going to be champ one day you're gonna be champ one day other people around them like didn't really know why he said that all the time but it's like really pretty obvious when you watch mike tyson uh punch a punching bag it's like it's disgusting it's insane like i've never seen anybody like i've seen people punch a punching bag but he's in like a fight with it you're like you kind of feel bad for the punching bag you're like this guy's like just completely demolishing this thing but
Starting point is 01:36:43 anyway tyson asked him one time. He's like, well, what happens when I am champ? And Customato was like, what do you mean? He's like, well, what happens when I'm famous and I'm – what if I do become the youngest heavyweight champion of all time? He's like, no one can teach you about that. And I think that's the thing about like celebrity status. Like as you climb that ladder, like no one can prepare you for that. Like what's that like?
Starting point is 01:37:11 What's it like to turn into Joe Rogan? What's it like to be The Rock? What's it like to be The Rock? Who else? Who can inform The Rock on what it's like to be The Rock? Madonna? Oprah? Like I don't know.
Starting point is 01:37:23 Oh, Jesus. My God. We're watching Mike Tyson punch a punching bag and it's just, it's a bit ridiculous. But I want to give you all a tool that I used when I was younger. I think for, you know, for whatever you're trying to do as a man or a woman,
Starting point is 01:37:40 it helps to be able to map things out for some people. For some people, it helps them to just do shit. But I, Jordan Peterson has this thing called self-authoring, and I've talked about it on the podcast. I've mentioned it before, but I think it's worth re-mentioning because it's called self-authoring. I think you can go to It's a cheap purchase, but it takes you through like –
Starting point is 01:38:00 You said it's kind of hard. It's hard, yeah. It's a lot of analysis of yourself, what you're trying to do, your flaws. There's a past authoring, future, and present. And the reason why it's called self-authoring is because you spend a lot of time writing and thinking about different aspects of like who you are right now, who you were in the past, and then who the person you want to become in the future. And some people don't need this shit. Some people, they're just doing their thing. They're good. But I found it very beneficial because I, it, it takes hours to do for me. It took me, I think maybe 20 hours to go through the whole type of program. But, um, you will do a deep dive on your
Starting point is 01:38:41 flaws currently and the things that you're pretty good at, the things that you want to get better at, how you want your life to be, who you want around you in your future. Like you go very deep. It's like you're doing – you're literally doing therapy on yourself. I have a friend of mine and even myself, like when he was going through the past authoring, when he was writing certain things down, he cried a few times. Same with me because you really think of a lot of shit and uh you're therapizing yourself and i think it's a very it takes time and it's hard and that's one of the deterrents but if you can go through that then it'll you're pretty much setting a road map up for yourself of where you'd like to be and how you're going to get there and And I think that's one thing.
Starting point is 01:39:25 So you end up with some actionable stuff when you walk away from there. You end up- Because you went through the past, you're going through the present, and then you're thinking about your, what is that word, like actualizing, right? Like you're actualizing like what's actually going to happen in the future. And how you're going to do it because you can map these things out. And for me, things were pretty accurate for me. I think I did it like five or six years ago.
Starting point is 01:39:55 And when I went back and looked at it last – I think a year and a half ago, I looked at it and I'm like, god damn, like this stuff, a lot of this stuff actualized. I'm in the process of a lot of those things and I haven't looked at it in a long time. I mean if you were just to think, if you were just to write something down, like let's just, let's just say that you wrote it down on a piece of paper, you just wrote down $500,000 and you looked at it every day and then you had some actionable things that actually were head, you assisting you to head towards being able to make that kind of money in a year. You would be able to, you would be able able to i don't know if you'd get there to that exact amount but fuck you'll probably make more money than you're currently making now
Starting point is 01:40:32 like if you thought about it every day you look at it you're like oh yeah fucking fucking five hundred thousand dollars you look at it at night and you go oh fuck it's 12 i should have been in bed already and then you start to like what what are the disciplines that would surround that $500,000? Or you want to be 10% body fat. You write that 9% body fat. You write that down. You fucking circle it. You look at it every day.
Starting point is 01:40:57 And then you're like thinking about like what you just ate today. And you're like 9%. I'm like, I didn't act like I want that 9%. I didn't act like I didn't act like I want that 9% I didn't act like I wanted that $500,000 again it doesn't mean that that's going to actually happen but it can I have a lot of shit that I wrote down a long time
Starting point is 01:41:16 ago is happening right now you'd probably whether you got to $500,000 or not you would probably get to the end of whatever like the time frame that you put on it and be like fuck i should have put a million yeah right because i have been doing that way too much like i haven't been giving myself enough of um like a big enough dream yes yeah it's always been like oh that's actually fairly obtainable let me do that and now i'm
Starting point is 01:41:40 just like nope we gotta double everything that everything that I set out to do easily. Inflation. That too. Inflation. Yeah. But it's real, man. When you set something up for yourself or set up a goal, like you will start the things that you pay attention to, the things that you pay attention to every day, that's where you're going to orient your actions, right?
Starting point is 01:42:01 So if you're paying attention to a lot of things on your feed, your actions are going to be based off of the things on your feed. But if you pay attention to the things you really are trying to be able to learn, achieve, do, all your actions are going to be oriented around that one single or multiple focuses. And if there's anything that's, I mean, even myself, like if there's anything that gets fucked up nowadays, it's attention. What do you mean? Well, I mean, even myself, like if there's anything that gets fucked up nowadays, it's attention. What do you mean? Well, I mean, social media age.
Starting point is 01:42:29 It's very easy to get trapped in your feeds, to get trapped in like. I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, you don't know what I'm talking about. You don't have that downloaded on your phone. But it's a very easy thing. And if there's a skill that you want to be able to have. Why do you mention zooming in? I'm not zooming in on anything.
Starting point is 01:42:44 What do I zoom in on? Everybody likes a good man butt. Zoom in, screen capture? My bad, woman butt. That was a slip. Double zoom, triple zoom. Screen capture. What?
Starting point is 01:42:54 I don't know what you're talking about, bro. You guys are disgusting. Screen record. You're the nasty one. You guys are really filthy. You're the one who talked about zooming in. You're the one with the porn stash. Who the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:43:04 Not yet. It's not a porn stash yet. What about when Ryan Fisher was on the show and I commented on his mustache? He's like, do I have a mustache? It reminded me of... That was great. He had a little mustache.
Starting point is 01:43:16 It was hilarious when he talked about the women at the grocery store. He's like, I said, yeah, it's really pervy to have a mustache. He goes, yeah, and the women are down with it. I was like, that's fucking funny it's unique it reminded me of that spoof movie where the
Starting point is 01:43:30 I think it was a Robin Hood spoof movie where the king didn't know he had a mole he's like what I have a mole that might be Austin Powers right no that's guacamole fuck me fuck you
Starting point is 01:43:46 Robin Hood Men in Tights I didn't see it it's an old terrible movie I remember that movie yeah the king has a mole and it moves and so this whole time he didn't know he had a mole so just like Ryan he's like what I have a mustache
Starting point is 01:44:01 he did have a mustache he did have a mustache he kind have a mustache it's just like it was kind of a beard that went into it too but it was like more mustache oh it didn't it didn't connect a lot that's what it was yeah lack of connection but he's still he's still rocking pretty well well it's the connection yeah take us on out of here andrew all right thank you everybody for checking out today's episode please drop us some comments down below we want to hear what you guys have to say about our conversation. And we would sincerely appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:44:28 And we don't have insecurities. No. No. That's why we're able to convey our message. Pussies? Only pussies have insecurities. Oh, gosh. Don't believe everything you hear, though.
Starting point is 01:44:40 Please like today's episode and subscribe if you guys are not subscribed. And please follow the podcast at MBPowerPro Project on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. My Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter is at IamAndrewZNCima. Where are you at? Just do what we do. You know, bottle in all your feelings. Keep it close. Don't share it with anybody.
Starting point is 01:44:59 Don't do that. Don't share it with anybody. I did that for like 30 years. No, exactly. It works. It works. Look where you are right now. It works. You know, just like keep it all in. Don't share share with anybody i did that for like 30 years no exactly it works it works look where you are right now it works you know just like keep it all in don't share with anybody and you're good to go follow the discord all i said was bullshit right there by the way except for
Starting point is 01:45:15 the discord part you should follow the discord cry in private cry yourself to sleep work on that it's tough not to cry when doing breath work because wherever the fuck I go it shows me some shit and I'm just like oh shit here we go hopefully nobody walks in yeah
Starting point is 01:45:29 check out the discord guys lots of cool people in there doing cool shit at ncmeing on his show on youtube at ncmeing on tiktok on twitter mark
Starting point is 01:45:37 I'm at marksmellybell strength is never weakness weakness is never strength catch you guys later bye

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