Mark Bell's Power Project - World's STrongest 10 Minute Walk - Brian Shaw

Episode Date: February 28, 2018

During his final heavy week, we got a few minutes to sit down with 4x Worlds STrongest Man Brian Shaw. We got an update on what happened at the previous event, his diet and how he feels going into the... Arnold Classic. ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: ➢SHOP NOW: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, thanks for checking into this 10 minute walk talk the accessory to your 10 minute walk by time this episode is over. So is your 10 minute walk, you're probably wondering who the hell's talking to the microphone right now. It's Andrew, the producer of the show. And I'm pretty excited because we have the biggest guest we've ever had literally the biggest guest no one can, you know, argue that Mark sent me out to Colorado to take some pictures of the world's strongest man, Brian Shaw. Brian, how are you doing today, man? I'm doing great. I'm doing great. Glad to be here. Right on, dude. So I don't want to bring up any negative memories or bring up the past, but your trainer, Andy, told me something pretty spectacular, and I thought it was awesome, and I wanted everyone else to know about it. You got hurt during Worlds in Africa, right? Yeah. I, uh, um,
Starting point is 00:00:56 tore my hamstring on the deadlift. Uh, it was the second, second to last event of the contest. And from what I understand, the, uh, the PA announcer, he found out that you were hurt and what happened after that so when I actually got hurt I just kind of went down on my knees because I knew uh it was pretty bad and I stood up uh and and from a strategy standpoint I was still technically in the competition the deadlift they were going to go up um you know so I didn't want to tell anybody or show weakness in that moment. Uh, I wanted to stay in the competition and see what the next weight they were going to call was whatever. And, um, you know, they, they called the next way it went up. Um, and then at that point I just let him know I wasn't going to lift again. I didn't say I was
Starting point is 00:01:41 hurt. I just said, Hey, I'm not going to take the next lift. Um, and, and bowed out of the competition at that point, I headed back for the, uh, medical tent. I went to the, uh, one, um, uh, physio there, um, who I am closest with. I've, I've known for years there. And I said, look, man, uh, tore my ham hamstring up. I want you to get the hottest cream that you possibly can. And I want you to rub it on there. And then I want you to wrap it as tight as you can. And I said, I'm going to figure out how to go do stones. And he said, okay. Because he knew I was serious about it. But, you know, I didn't want any of the other guys to know in that moment how bad that was. Because technically I was bad that was because technically I was still in
Starting point is 00:02:26 the contest. I was still in the running to win. And, you know, I've kind of had instilled in me that you don't show weakness. You don't give up. You don't quit. So those are all things that in that moment, I was like, look, you know, I don't really care how bad this is. I'm not quitting. You know, I'm just going to, like I said, just wrap it up, go and compete and try my best to win still. So that's what I did. But, you know, it's just, it's more from, you know, at a college coach, this kind of sums it up. He said to us, look, if you're hurt, you either get up and walk off on your own or you get carried off. Right. And so that to me, that, that is exactly what it is. I could still technically take another step. So I got up, I walked off, um,
Starting point is 00:03:13 as well as I could at that moment and, and carried on. Dude, that's fantastic. So out here, um, if you guys remember, uh, it was just before worlds last year, we filmed an entire day of Brian eating. It was 12,000 calories, right? Something close to that. I don't remember exactly. Yeah. So basically, we're kind of out here doing something similar, a little bit different this year. But, you know, it's because your diet's different. You know, what differences are in there now? And like, how much better does that make you feel? Or does it I mean, obviously it's going to make you feel better, but basically how different is your diet this time around? I will after actually after that contest, um, at world's strongest man, you know, I kind of came back and, and, um, I always analyze how
Starting point is 00:04:00 things went and I wasn't happy with, uh, how I kind of peaked for that contest. I wasn't very happy with my body. I wasn't happy with overall how I performed. And, you know, I, I had some different tests done and I kind of discovered that essentially my gut health was not in a good place and I wasn't digesting the foods that I was eating very well at all. And so that's, that's what prompted me really to make a change there. And, and you know, I performed well over the years, but I'm always looking to get better. If I can get better, I'm going to change something up. And so that's what I did. And you know, I had, I've known Stan Efferty for a number of years now and you know he's he's very straightforward very simple with his approach to the diet and it's a lot of easy to digest foods and you just eat a lot of them you know
Starting point is 00:04:53 I mean really it's it's what his term is is you know a horizontal diet would be more of a like a dirty kind of bulk you basically eat whatever you see and just try to get as many calories down as you can. And more of a vertical approach is what we're doing. You know, it's very similar foods again and again and again, but it's easy to digest. And, you know, overall, I think, you know, I've been working with him now basically since December coming into this Arnold. This will be the first contest we've done together. And overall, I feel great. I've, you know, in a way transformed my body. But, you know, my strength is still great. You know, I feel like my stamina overall is great. I feel like, you know, everything is clicking right now. It has not been easy. You know, it's, it's there. I've been very dedicated. I mean, I've, I've been, you know, I think I've taken six different airplane trips already in 2018 here. And every single one of
Starting point is 00:05:50 them, I've got every meal packed up, ready to go. Uh, you know, every, everything's planned out in, in advance. So I, I have not skipped a beat. I've not missed any meals, uh, you know, and, and ate something instead of what I should have eaten, you know, so I've always had what I needed. And overall, like I said, I feel really good. Um, you know, the proof is in the contest performance for me, uh, you know, but feeling healthier, feeling better. Um, even though I'm, I'm basically just as heavy as I was, I actually feel lighter. I feel, uh, you know, like, like, uh, overall, I'm not carrying that same amount of weight, even though I am. So body's on point diets on point. I mean, I went with you an hour drive to pick up a certain cranberry juice. That was crazy. Uh, so I, I've been watching you train
Starting point is 00:06:38 for the past couple of days. Your training seems to be quite on point as well. How do you feel going into the Arnold? I, right now, you know, it's, I feel good. To sum it up, I feel good. You know, I think with training for something so big in the sport of strongman, the top level contest, you always have a couple hurdles. You always have a couple things that get a little banged up. Like, you know, this training cycle, I've had my left forearms kind of been aggravated. I kind of strained something in there early on, and I've kind of been, it's been a little bit of a nagging injury that I've been getting some treatment on. You know, I've had some, you know, other issues that are kind of ongoing,
Starting point is 00:07:19 you know, that you have to train around. So not every training session did I push. Sometimes I've got to back off, take my foot off the gas a little bit, things like that. But, you know, I've been through this. It's not my first rodeo and that stuff has, has come up before. And I know that if I just trust the process, I'm confident in myself. I know that, that coming into the contest, I'm going to be able to perform when it matters. And, you know, I've got all the treatment, I've got everything I've, I've needed to do covered. And now it's coming together. Like at the end, it's, it's, it's like, everything is, everything is clicking the way that I wanted it to click at this point. So I can't really ask for much more out of my training. I mean, I am, I'm in a good spot mentally. I think I'm in a good spot physically. And, um, you know, I'm,
Starting point is 00:08:03 I'm very confident in my abilities and you can't me saying that as a big thing, um, you know, I'm, I'm very confident in my abilities and you can't me saying that as a big thing, because, you know, I'm, I'm, uh, normally I don't necessarily say that as much. I kind of, I kind of back off and especially if I'm not confident, I'm not going to blow smoke and say that, that I I'm very confident and yeah, I'm going to be great or whatever. You know, I think that, you know, going into the contest, I won last year by maybe the biggest points margin. Essentially, I didn't have to do the last event last year in the Arnold. And in a five event contest with 10 competitors, that's ridiculous. So, you know, I'm coming off that type of win. So I'm, I'm coming back to defend my title there. And I want to put an exclamation point on it even more, but you know, I'll take it an
Starting point is 00:08:53 event at a time. And I'll, as long as I bring what I've trained for to the stage, that's all that really matters. I mean, I'm, I'm, I need to beat myself. I need to beat myself from 2017. That's what I have to do. And if I do that, I'm going to be pretty need to beat myself. I need to beat myself from 2017. That's what I have to do. And if I do that, I'm going to be pretty hard to beat. That's awesome. Brian, thanks for your time. Thanks for the hospitality over this past couple of days. And dude, I'll see you at the Arnold, buddy.
Starting point is 00:09:15 I love it. I really appreciate it. Thank you guys for listening.

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