Mark Bell's Power Project - Your Problems AREN'T Unique, How to STOP Making Excuses and START Improving! MBPP EP. 741

Episode Date: May 31, 2022

Stop focusing on all the hurdles and excuses as to why you can't do something. When we recommend mouth tape, all people do is complain and say they can't without even trying. Truth is, your problems't unique, we all face them, we just don't give up. Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really does work): ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% off your first order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok: Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project family, how's it going? I want to talk to you guys about the best gym fits in the game. You need to head over to Viori. People don't know how to spell it, V-U-R-I, but let me tell you something about Viori. They have great clothes that you can wear outside the gym, weddings, lunches, dates. They have great pieces of equipment you can wear in the gym that make you look good while you're lifting. Because I know there's still a lot of y'all who are still rocking and one shorts. And although I have nothing against and one. Gets me every time. I have nothing against and one shorts.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Honestly, it looks horrible. So Andrew, please tell the people how to step up their damn clothing game. For those of you guys who got to step up, head over to slash power project. That's V-U-O-R-I dotcom slash power project to receive 20 off your order uh no code needed you guys will see a discount will be applied at checkout banner across the top uh links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes wait wait wait before we get rolling too late oh man well when the video posted uh with mark and tom segura which was fucking amazing i don't know if you really talk much about your experience with Tom,
Starting point is 00:01:06 but that was pretty cool. Yeah, it was great having him here. It was awesome. It was amazing that he was able to spend so much time with us. Got to show him the whole gym, got to show him the warehouse and what we do here, and then we kind of came over to the podcast table and messed around a little bit. But it was great to be able to share information with him and to talk to him about where he's at with fitness and stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:26 And one of the first places we always start is with trying to encourage movement is one thing. Trying to encourage better food choices is another thing. But movement and food choices are actually really hard if you feel stressed and you feel fatigued. We know that your decision-making skills are going to go way, way down if you're fatigued. So we always talk about sleep. And then so when I was dragging a sled with him, I asked him about his sleep. He's like, my sleep's horrendous. I figured that was the case because he's a high-level performer in a lot of other ways.
Starting point is 00:01:59 One thing that's shocking real quick is how high-level performers have shitty sleep. It makes you wonder. You're already doing so well. What happens if you really optimize that aspect of your life? You're spending one-third of your life in bed. I think it's just like a perpetual loop. Once you say that you're bad at something, it's a belief system, right? Like you said you were bad at something. So now you're bad at something. And then you kind of believe that about yourself and you're like, man, my
Starting point is 00:02:28 spouse sleeps way better than me. And then you're kind of just forever in that loop. I think, but I think it's very common amongst men and women for the female typically to sleep like without any problem at all. They just go to bed and they fucking pass out for eight hours and they might wake up once to use the bathroom. I think that's pretty normal. But from a lot of men, especially guys that are like exercising a lot and or just trying to like get after it every day for whatever reason, it seems like it's a lot harder for men to just turn things off. I almost wonder if some of it has to do with just like body size. You know, sometimes men are bigger
Starting point is 00:03:05 than women not all the time but sometimes i kind of curious if it has something to do with that um i this these are all things i've thought about for a really long time because i'm like why do why do athletes get like sleep apnea why are athletes sleeping with their mouth open and kind of like choking like it doesn't make sense. If you can breathe well, when you're doing an activity, why can't you breathe well at rest? But, uh, when we had Chris, uh, Kodowski here, he was talking about, um, how it's very hard to rest if your body is like tight, you know, if you have, uh, you know, fascial issues and if you, and even just in your own mind, if you have things that you haven't gotten to or gotten past, I don't really know what it's like to be a woman, but
Starting point is 00:03:50 from a guy's perspective, it seems like a lot of us are not what we want to be or where we want to be. And I almost wonder if that haunts us and makes us sleep harder. Sometimes I'm not really sure. I feel pretty good about my life. I feel pretty confident in the things I've done and where I'm heading. I feel really good about a lot of stuff. But I still have trouble sleeping here and there. But although it's gotten so much better, focusing on it over the years and taping my mouth shut has been enormous. It's not something that helped right away, though.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Like I refused it. I didn't like it. It took a while to get used to it. Like I refused it. I didn't like it. It took a while to get used to it. Why didn't you like it? Well, it just would fall off a lot. And I'd have to stay like, I'd have to stay kind of almost clean shaven more for the mouth tape to like stay on better. And it's just a little learning curve, you know, then you learn how to tape it and then it's not as big of a problem. And then you also get into the habit of like, I guess there's a little bit of a boundary behind like not liking something just because you're forced to do it sometimes is annoying. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:04:53 Like, why do I have to do that? Why do I have to wear braces, right? Like you take this thing on of like, fuck me. Why do I have this problem? Why do I have this problem? And maybe it's not even that big of a problem but it's just annoying like with andrew you know getting you know probably wearing glasses from a very young age right you're like fuck man like my buddy that lives down the street you don't need glasses and like maybe it's to your detriment you go to catch a ball and you
Starting point is 00:05:22 you can't see it and you're like oh, oh, well, like I need fucking glasses. I need to just suck it up and go. But why me? Why do I need them? Yeah. Or why is it that my brother who was raised very similar has perfect vision? And it's like, now I got to wear glasses. He's in the same house, the same nutrition, same everything.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Pretty much. Yeah. I got to wear the, so I didn't love it for that piece of it, but I also knew to stick with it because I was like, I think this can help make me better. So when it comes to things that can make me better, I don't mind them taking a while, and I don't mind taking my time with stuff,
Starting point is 00:06:02 because I think powerlifting probably taught me more of that than anything, that you know what's going to happen is like shit's going to take a really long time if you want to be good at any of these things going to take a while you've been working on your sleep for a while and you've been using mouth tape for a few years right and past few days you've been talking about how you've been having eight nine hour bouts of sleep and this is is this new for? Even though you've been doing, you've been having an eight sleep mattress, you've been taping your mouth, you've been taking your phone out of your room. You use red light glasses every now and then. But the thing that allowed you to start getting more consistent sleep, what was it specifically recently for you?
Starting point is 00:06:39 It definitely was a combination of all those things. And then how do you fare? How do you do when you start to check those boxes off? Do I check all those boxes every day? No, unfortunately I don't. And why? But sometimes it's just fatigue. Sometimes I'm like, I just don't feel like doing that. Even though putting on red blocking glasses or red light blocking glasses, blue blocking glasses, it doesn't really cost me any extra energy, but again,
Starting point is 00:07:06 it's an annoyance, right? Like, fuck, I can't see my phone. You know, if I put this on at seven or eight o'clock at night, you're looking at TV, it's just orange. I can't see TV. Like you feel like you feel handcuffed and you're like, other people don't need it. You get in your own head about it and it gets to just be an annoyance. Uh, but what has really changed things for me was to like shut that up and to just say, hey, what happens when you're just all in on this? Like what if, for me personally,
Starting point is 00:07:34 maybe I need to work on my sleep more than the next person to get better sleep. I'm accepting of that. And now I'm just going to work on it. Now I'm going to work on fixing it. The other thing too was just to make time for it, to literally just make time for it. Because I would go to bed.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Make time for what? Make time for sleep. Okay. Just literally make time for it. I would go to bed at like 10 or 11, and then I'd be up at like 5. Stuff like that. Where I knew that wasn't great,
Starting point is 00:08:02 but I got into a rhythm of it, and it didn't feel negative. So that's the other side of the coin for me on this is that I didn't notice anything. I didn't feel like there was a big deficit there. But I also am aware that I don't think it's a great idea to sleep five, six hours every night. Like that doesn't really make sense.
Starting point is 00:08:24 It sounds like it adds up to be something that could be detrimental later on. And even though I don't feel it now, what do we know about Alzheimer's, dementia and heart disease? Like so many of them are based off of stress. So many of them are based off of how well you do at rest. And so I'm like, this is an area where I believe I need to improve. And so I've been working on it a lot. And so the main thing that's made the biggest difference recently was I was like, you know what? I don't have anywhere to be. And I haven't had anywhere to be for a while. Like I don't have to be anywhere particularly.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I could stop doing a lot of things. And from a financial perspective, that stuff is clear and that stuff is, is good to go. So I, I set my own schedule. And so more recently I was like, why don't you actually set your own schedule? Like take care of yourself better, like sleep a little bit better. And then this experimentation into like running, I think running has helped a lot with me breathing more. And I think the breathing more is helping me to breathe better at rest. But aside from that, when you start to add extra stuff to your life, you're like, okay, well, if I'm going to add things in, maybe I should optimize a little bit more. So even though I'm open to all these ideas, it's not always, it hasn't always been super easy for me to implement all of them all the time to make sure I get to bed on time.
Starting point is 00:09:48 That's probably the hardest discipline for me because I sometimes come home from the gym a little bit later and then I eat dinner. And by the time I eat dinner, I'm like I just want to chill with my family, watch TV, just kind of hang and kick it. But I still have plenty of time to do all that. So it's just a matter of like rearranging, reorganizing, reinterpreting the way that I just kind of talk to myself and the way that I treat myself. Someone's going to listen to part of what you just said because, you know, you've been struggling with sleep for years before this. Part of what you just said, because, you know, you've been struggling with sleep for years before this, but when you were powerlifting, when you were younger, before you made the slingshot, you probably weren't sleeping amazingly well. And you said you managed to get it all handled. Now, you still have a lot of stressors with the business and all the things that you're doing. But you did just mention that you have, you know, you set your own schedule.
Starting point is 00:10:43 You have a level of time freedom. You can come in here when you want, you can leave here when you want. So someone's going to hear that and be like, well, I guess it's going to be easy for you to say since, you know, you, you have that time freedom. And I work a job where I have to wake up at 6am to get ready and get my kids to school, et cetera. And the reason why we're making this episode right here is because when we made that video and post that video with Tom Segura talking about mouth tape, there is a lot of comments, people talking about different issues that they have or different reasons why this is a problem for them. I have, try that if you have allergies, if you have allergies from
Starting point is 00:11:19 or hum from, try that if you have a stuffy nose, every time you go to sleep, people were talking about sleep apnea and deviated septums. and those things are more somewhat difficult situations to have to deal with. But they were consistent putting forward of I have this, I have this, I have this. But to be perfectly honest, all of these issues can be solved because for all of us here, it was a gradual switch to using mouth tape so that we can nasal breathe at night and eat at night and even to do what you're doing now. I don't think that for an individual to be able to get really great sleep, you have to be rich. There's small things that you can start doing. And we'll talk about the whole allergies and all of that. But there's things that you can do to mitigate these problems.
Starting point is 00:12:06 One thing I also want to kind of tag on in terms of what you mentioned, you mentioned women sleeping better in general, or maybe something you've noticed and men sleeping a little bit worse. And that is something that I've noticed too. And I think that could partially be because, you know, we've talked on this podcast about like men holding a lot of things in, you know, when you're holding in a lot of stressors and there's a lack of a way for you to be able to communicate things, you may just be just perpetually in sympathetic mode. You know what I mean? You're, you're breathing through your mouth, you're stressed out, you're keeping it to yourself.
Starting point is 00:12:37 You're not doing things to allow yourself to relax, like body work and stretching. And these are things you can do on your own. But you know, one thing that one comment that I've seen on people that do a lot of stretching before they go to sleep, whether it's like the Smooth Panther stuff I've put on YouTube or the body work that you've been doing. David Goggins talked about it before too. David Goggins said that he stretches hours each day. But people that I see do that before they go to bed as an unwinding ritual, they say, wow, I'm sleeping so much better. Why? Because you're probably looser and you're more relaxed. But if your nighttime ritual is watching some TV, eating, and you're not really allowing yourself to mentally and physically
Starting point is 00:13:18 unwind and you just hop into bed with all the lights in your room and then you're breathing through your mouth that night. And we've had Patrick McEwen on, we've had James Nestor on, and they've both talked about how individuals who breathe through their mouth are perpetually in like tapping into that sympathetic nervous system where it's fight or flight, but just that's their natural state. We've had people on this podcast that breathe through their mouth and i mean i'm i'm gonna be real you see them on the mic they're fucking uptight even though they're smart as hell i'm not trying to diss these people but they're super intelligent but they're here like like labored stressed breathing right we know that you need to be breathing through your nose
Starting point is 00:14:01 during the day so the thing that we're just trying to encourage you guys to do, whether you have allergies or you have the specific issues that we're going to try to help you deal with, is try to get to a point where you can breathe through your nose at night. And naturally, you shouldn't need mouth tape to do this. I use mouth tape just to make sure my mouth is shut. But even when I don't use mouth tape now, it's gotten to a point where my mouth will stay shut during the night. But I use it to make sure, no matter what, my mouth stays shut.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I was talking to a doctor friend years ago and we talked about a sleep apnea mask. And I tried to wear one for a while and I just had a hard time utilizing it. Like I did use it. I messed with it. I didn't notice any improved sleep. It just seemed to be more of a hindrance than anything. So I was like, I don't know what the heck I'm doing with this. So I stopped using it. Then I was like, you know what? Maybe I need to try more because like that doesn't make sense. Like I hear good things. I tried it some more. It didn't
Starting point is 00:15:02 work out very, very well. When I talked to the doctor, he's like, you know, if you have sleep apnea, he's like, that's not always the only place to go is to have a mask. He's like, you might want to just find something that keeps your mouth shut. And I was like, I've never heard of that before. So I didn't even know that there were other options. And I think that's what's important for people to know. Mouth tape is not a cure by any means for sleep apnea and can potentially be actually very dangerous for some people. If you have severe sleep apnea, having your mouth taped shut might not be the best idea. But for me, it was like,
Starting point is 00:15:42 let me just try this. I was thinking like my sleep already kind of sucks. So let me try this other method. And one of the first things I did was when I'd go to sleep is I would just tuck my pillow under my chin. And then I was like, well, my chin can't like open quite as much and I'm on my side. Now, that's not foolproof. We know you're going to move around a ton in the middle of the night. I saw somebody comment that too though. That's a foolproof. We know you're going to move around a ton in the middle of the night. I saw somebody comment that too, though. That's a legitimate thing.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Yeah, it was a place to start. It was a place to start. And I was like, you know what? That did feel a little bit better. And then when the mouth tape thing came around and we started talking to people that know what they're talking about, it wasn't like – we didn't just pull this out of thin air. Ron Penna might have been one of the first people or one of the first guys to really push it forward with us. Ron Penna was the former CEO of Quest Nutrition. Yes. Mind you. Yeah. And he's somebody that is always researching like optimization. He loves all this kind of stuff, but he's not a weird biohacker guy. He's just into like shit that's legit that works. So
Starting point is 00:16:40 I've always found a lot of great information to come from him. And when he said that, I was like, that sounds like something that I could utilize. And then so next thing you know, I'd try it a little bit here and there. And it worked well. And sometimes some of these things, if you're not trying everything all at one time, sometimes the impact of certain things isn't as effective. So an example of that would be if I don't change when I stop eating and I don't change my behavior before I go to bed and I throw mouth tape on and expect mouth tape to do all the work for me, it's not going to have the same – I'm not going to feel as restful when I wake up. It's not going to work as well. Maybe it did help keep my mouth shut, but maybe I didn't fall asleep as easy as I could have. Maybe I didn't stay asleep as easy as I could have because I ate beforehand or I watched something that stressed me out before I went to bed. So there's a lot of different things at play here.
Starting point is 00:17:37 And there's so many different things that you could do that could be very, very inexpensive, one of them being taping the mouth shut. But another one is to figure out a way to decompress from the day. And when I kept hearing this over and over again, I was annoyed by it. Because I'm like, I don't feel like I need to decompress from the day, god damn it! I don't feel uptight!
Starting point is 00:17:58 But obviously... Yeah, you're walking around. I'm not uptight! But obviously like the body the body keeps score right we know that i was watching tv last night and and we've been messing around with our feet and our hands and shit lately so i was actually i got some of those stretcher things from amazon oh nice yeah the extensors right extensors yeah you're to have the most beautiful hand extensors anybody's ever seen. Those wrists are going to get thick. Oh, yeah, that's what I'm trying to do, man. But I was watching TV, and I'm watching a show called Dope Sick.
Starting point is 00:18:34 It's like, you know, the people are hooked on Oxycontin. Fucking amazing show. Everyone should watch it. It's unbelievable. But I'm sitting there, and my hand is like partially like almost paralyzed. Like I kind of almost am making like almost like a gun shape with my hand. And I'm just looking at it. I'm like, why don't I just, why don't I just fucking, I just relax. So I just spread my hands apart. And I'm like, I wonder how often I do that. So a lot of times we're, we're more stressed and we're more
Starting point is 00:19:01 than we can ever really possibly imagine. So this decompression at night thing is a real thing. You have to take it with some sort of seriousness. And I've gone as far as to be just totally hippie about it and try to introduce a bunch of protocols. Cold plunge is a great option. I usually utilize my cold plunge at night. At about 6 p.m. or so, I hop into there. Then I eat dinner and it's just like man i just i can't be any more relaxed and that that feels so good i guess maybe after a blow job
Starting point is 00:19:34 but anyway does it compare though no no no no not quite yeah blow jobs don't compare to cold plunges. No. Cold plunges are better. They are better. Sorry, mouths. Kapink! Oh, another rim job. So I've gone outside at night and walked around on the grass. Another hippie practice. Being outside, being in nature. Yeah. All these things are supposed to
Starting point is 00:20:06 help set our circadian rhythm i know people talk about doing that in the morning but i think it's effective to do it at night i think just as much power comes from the moon as it does from the sun you'll probably hear more and more people talking about that coming up soon but anyway i just after practicing some of these things and implementing them, I can't help but be a believer in them because it is assisting me. What do I have time to get to every single day? What's simple? What's easy? Well, putting on glasses is pretty easy.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Like that's not hard. That's not expensive. Mouth tape is pretty easy. Cold plunging, that might be more difficult for people to figure out. A contrast shower, though, you could probably figure that one out. How good does a shower feel? Shower feels great. Maybe doing a little hot, cold, just try it.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Like, what's it hurt? You know, I know that's been the thing that if I don't get, like, easily offended by much, but where I do get offended sometimes is when people try to tell me what they can't do. I get frustrated because I'm like, no, man, you can do it. You can do this. Literally a YouTube search away.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Yeah, right. I can't do it because I have a deviated septum. I got really bad allergies. My one nostril gets so clogged you don't even understand. Thinking that their issue is like this unique thing that no one's ever had. It's a YouTube search away. You'll find it pretty quickly. For specifically, check out Boutekyo Breathing, How to Clear Up
Starting point is 00:21:45 Your Nose. Quite literally, there have been multiple nights in the past where I was like, can't breathe through my nose. I looked at that video, I went through the head tilts and the breathing, and five minutes later, my nose is clear, I put on my mouth tip, and I go to sleep. And did you know that if I blow into your left ear, that it will blow out your
Starting point is 00:22:02 right nose, right nostril? Yeah. Yeah, so that will be good. That's something you could do to your partner if you have a super friend mark are you guys are you guys joking i'm no we're we're serious we need to take the joke back now because someone's below a fucking eardrum they do that shit you have to do it like really softly. It's not like. Just enough to get the hairs on the back of the neck to stand up. Even if there is no hair back there. Hopefully this episode gets out to most of our audience because some of them still think I sleep two hours a night, which is true. People are starting to think you're gay too.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I know. Which I don't know why they didn't pick up on a lot earlier. Dog, you know what, man? Hey, I'm going to let them think what they want to think. That shit. Hey, do you think I'm whatever you want me to be, baby? There you go. Whatever you want me to be.
Starting point is 00:22:59 It would finish like the multicultural circle of the podcast. Right? We got Andrew Zaragoza. We got Mark Bell and the podcast. Right. We got Andrew Zaragoza. We got Mark Bell. And the questionable black guy. The questionable black guy. Let's just put a question mark over my head. We had Rob Kearney on the podcast
Starting point is 00:23:20 and his husband Joey. And I think people are like, oh man, I knew this was coming. Now they're starting to have gays on that show jesus christ on a cross there was a great comment that podcast man some of y'all are real toxic some of y'all are people are being mean yeah some people were being mean man somebody left a really really good positive comment, though. Yeah, there were quite a few good positive comments. Rob's such an incredible person. Yeah, he is. I don't know how, I don't know, like, yeah, I just don't get it.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Super cool dude. Yeah, and he's not, like, I mean, I don't know. He's not all angry and, like, trying to like fight for, for people to believe, you know, a particular thing. He's just like, Hey, this is my life.
Starting point is 00:24:10 This is the way I live it. That's it. He's not like trying to argue with people. Product of good parents. Yeah. Yeah. I forgot the comment, but someone was like,
Starting point is 00:24:18 damn, I, at first I was thinking you guys might be gay, but now I definitely know. The comment that I was referring to was somebody was like, dude, like 99.99% of the content on this channel is not about LGBTQ plus. And the one time they bring it up, you guys are all freaking out. For reals, y'all gay people exist.
Starting point is 00:24:44 And it's okay. Keep that out of my media not my podcast it's not coming to africa that's for sure the poopoo i want to learn more about stuff that i'm like stupid about yeah i really do i don't want to walk around naive to everything all the time, the way that I pretty much am. I think I am pretty naive to a lot of stuff. Um, when I've traveled many times, I've just flat out to other countries. I tell people, I'm like, I'm American. I don't know what the fuck's going on. So can you, can you share with me, like,
Starting point is 00:25:22 you know, what this culture is like, or like, you? Or just try to get into it with them and try to understand what's going to be different about this country that I'm going into since I don't pretend to have any idea of what it's like. It is an important thing, I think, to understand different people's lived experiences, different how they go through the world with their specific religion. That's why I'm interested in learning different religions because it's like that informs the way you think about things. I wonder why you think about this a certain way. Oh, now I understand. It can help you relate to other people. But when you're so potentially closed off because somebody lives a different lifestyle or believes something different, you don't open yourself up to being able to actually understand that individual. You immediately block it off and put yourself in your specific echo chamber because this is what's right to me and this is what's comfortable. I'm going to stay away. Why, dude?
Starting point is 00:26:16 You know, I mean, I get why, but like, that's why on this podcast, we're trying to talk to so many different people. What about when it comes to somebody just adopting new ideas or principles in general that seem like they're in the person's best interest, like fitness, like taping your mouth shut perhaps, like eating a couple pieces of fruit every day, eating a couple pieces of meat every day, like just things that it feels like we have explored that we feel good about. I tend to get frustrated at that. And that should be another thing that I don't get frustrated about because I get frustrated that when we share some information sometimes that people are like, I can't, I don't have the money to do that. I don't have, they just immediately point out all the hurdles. Now I am understanding of it. I'm compassionate towards it. I, um, I'm empathetic of the situation that they may be in. I've been in various situations in my life where I didn't have money for certain things.
Starting point is 00:27:11 But I also – I'm sure at times – I mean everyone uses excuses. I'm sure there's a lot of things that I use excuses for, maybe like my mobility, my – why I wasn't sleeping great. I started to finally break through on that. But I think I'm fairly open. I do try stuff a lot. I'm like open to messing with some new stuff. So I sometimes will get frustrated when you tell somebody about a 10-minute walk and you're like, bro, like this – like it kind of like breaks my heart in a way. I'm like I just – I want you just to like, can you just meet me halfway? Like if you try some of this stuff,
Starting point is 00:27:49 it will be really useful to you. So I get, can get frustrated with that. And I understand that frustration. Uh, I get it. But you know, the interesting thing about all the things that we do and all the things that we talk about, as far as it comes to mouth taping at night, currently we're on level 99 for mouth tape. We're there. But a few years ago, there were hurdles that we both had or we all had. Nose getting stuff up at night. Fasting.
Starting point is 00:28:15 We both thought fasting was really stupid. We had hurdles there. And now we're at level 99 in terms of fasting where it's a very easy thing. But when we put these things forward, everybody should understand and we understand that it is a gradual change you're making to here. You know what I mean? Fasting wasn't easy when we started. It wasn't easy for months, for years, but now got a handle on it.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Breathing is something that initially when we were changing the way we breathed during sports and sleep, it wasn't easy, but we slowly, gradually got there. So when we were changing the way we breathed during sports and sleep, it wasn't easy, but we slowly, gradually got there. So when we put things forward, we may be putting forward the end goal. The end goal here being breathe through your nose at night. Right now, you're congested. There's been a lot to show that when people don't breathe through their nose, mostly, literally, their nasal airways, certain places in their nasal airwaysways atrophy with lack of use. We just made an episode about use or lose it.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And if you're not using your nose as much as you used to, your nose is going to be impinged over time. When you use your nose more during sport, when you use your nose more, when, cause a few years ago, I've mentioned this, but I'd be sitting down on my phone with my headphones on my ex would say, and Simo, why are you breathing so loud? I'd take my headphones and be like, what? And she'd say, you're going like this, you're breathing through your mouth. That was something that I used to do without realizing it. So I had to focus in on whether I'm relaxing, whether I have headphones on, shit has to go through here. shit has to go through here. Over time, I got better. And now I breathe through my nose at night. But so many things are easier now because I have control over my breath. So understand guys, no matter where you are on the scale, right? It is a gradual change. This isn't something that happens overnight. You don't just stick mouth tape on and everything's magically changed. It's a bunch of different habits that change over months and years. And then you're
Starting point is 00:30:05 going to get to where we currently are with this. Yeah. And there's a lot of, I should say, a lot of trial and error in between all of that. Yeah. So when I first started trying to figure out snoring, which has been quite the journey for me, started out with breathe right strips. It didn't work out. Things that kind of pinch your nose up to help you breathe a little bit better through your nose. Yeah, they're supposed to kind of lift your nasal passages away and help you breathe better. All it did was really, really irritate my skin, and I kept snoring like crazy. So I'm like, well, these don't work. Threw them out.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Then I tried mouth tape, which helped. It definitely helped keep the noise down but i still snored like crazy which is when i would tell people this they'd be like really like yeah i fight right through it 300 pounds yeah exactly and then it's funny to be like every morning it was like well where's the mouth tape gonna end up to like tomorrow because or today because i would wake up and it'd be on my pillow. It'd be on the wall. It'd be on the nightstand.
Starting point is 00:31:08 It'd be on Stephanie's butt. It'd just be all over the place. There you go. So mouth tape kind of worked. Can we back up for a second? It's like, wait, how did the mouth tape get on your wife's butt? It just showed up, I promise. Andrew.
Starting point is 00:31:24 He wakes up. No, I'm done. He wakes up. Everyone's just in a really good mood, but the mouth tape is just, that's weird. Stephanie's like, this again? She's like, it ends up there all the time. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:40 But again, mouth tape didn't quite really work as well as advertised. I'll say, but I still kept with it. Um, just was still very frustrated. I wanted to get sleep studies done, which I still kind of want to do, but I just haven't done it. Um, so the next step in the progression for me was like, dude, whenever I get into my bed, I can't breathe like period, like my nose gets stuffed up. It's like, it's hard for me to like literally take a deep breath. I'm like, okay, the, the room that I sleep in our bedroom, you know, is connected to the, to the backyard. And so like maybe like allergens are coming in. Like, I don't know what's going on, but like, I can't fucking breathe in this room.
Starting point is 00:32:20 So I got an air purifier, air purifier and mouth tape helped significantly yeah i did a lot too it was awesome like dude i think we're getting somewhere i'm like i'm still snoring but it's nowhere near as bad i brought back in the breathe right strips this time i got just like a the extra strength green box not irritating my skin and i'm not snoring and i'm like whoa we finally got here after like five years of trying random little things here and there. It took me way too long. People are going to think it was five years though. How long was it actually? No, literally like five years. Yeah. Like, Oh shit. Okay. I mean, I've been snoring forever,
Starting point is 00:32:57 but like, you know, when I started like discovering and trying different things for sleep, yeah, it was like, Oh, it's not that bad because as soon as I look at a pillow, I pass out. Like I fall asleep quick, but I don't stay asleep because I'm snoring the whole night or at least I don't think I am. Uh, now fast forward to trying all three at the same time. It's just like, Whoa, like I'm sleeping. Like this is crazy. And it did take me, so it took me a long time, but I had to take things out, bring them back in and not write everything off and kind of bring the whole like, uh, you know, all-star team together to help me fall asleep, stay asleep,
Starting point is 00:33:37 and keep everyone else asleep too, because my snoring was bad. I want to say I'm really fucking happy with what you shared there and how you shared it. Because when we talk about, you know, body transformations, we always talk about this is not going to be something that happens in 12 weeks. There's so many habit changes that are going to go on because you've been living a certain way for a long time and you can't expect to change 10 years of bad habits in one year. But you were snoring for so many years before you started this. And it took you five years to get to a point where you're now breathing the way you need to at night. But now the rest of your life is going to be so much better because this five years of looking for solutions, bro,
Starting point is 00:34:26 this is the thing. People mention all these excuses in the comments. Okay, let's find a solution. Let's not just list your excuses. Let's figure out what do we need to do with where you are right now to get from point A to point B. Could take a few fucking years. Going to be a lot of adjustment. But at the end of the day if you get to point b you will feel so much better yeah and it doesn't have to i mean the things that i try like i don't know if i would have done all three at the exact same time if i would have got there quicker but what i just it doesn't matter now because it's all done but like it wouldn't have to it shouldn't have taken me this long but it just it did and the the
Starting point is 00:35:06 like i said bringing them all back together but like that last like little boost was that air purifier because like now i was like oh i can humidifier or purifier purifier oh yeah i've never had a hair purifier it's it's nice at least for me in my experience is it one of those round ones that's like no no no it's um we got one it's called the experience. Is it one of those round ones that's like? No, no, no, no. We got one. It's called the Air Doctor. It looks like a mini fridge, and it just filters out whatever, 99.99% of everything out of the air.
Starting point is 00:35:36 My son, same thing. We used to be able to hear him breathing at night just very softly. That's gone away too, and so it's like we should have done this a long time ago and the reason why i was actually against it was because i'm like if it is allergens i don't want to take everything out of the house so that way the second he does get introduced to something he's like all stuffy and he can't breathe and stuff yeah but like i don't know man you don't really become you know um immune to like dust and, you know, certain other allergens that you're just never going to get rid of.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Yeah. So I'm happy that I did it because like we're all sleeping a lot better now. Takes a long ass time, you know, to get rid of some of this stuff. You've had a back thing you've been dealing with for a really long time. My hip has bugged me since like 2008. But I'm going to get it better. It's going to get better. When? I don't know. It's definitely, I've had it get better over the years in terms of like making progress with it. But after all the years of working on it and messing with it, I don't think I ever noticed before that when I smash
Starting point is 00:36:46 my adductors, that all of a sudden the pain of internal rotation on that knee is gone. So if I simultaneously am like on an object that's pushing on the adductor, I can point my knee in just fine, just like i can on the other side so i'm like okay well this at least gives me hope if i can get this fucking giant knot out of here um i think we might be home free and then maybe after i do get that giant knot in there i learn about something else that i need to probably work on maybe i'll need to work on the front of my hip so there's a lot of things to explore and you just can't, you can't give up and you have to kind of continually have a white belt
Starting point is 00:37:31 mentality. It is annoying. It is frustrating. But like what, what else are you going to do? You just like hide in the corner and cry about it. Like that's your, that's your other option or to get really mad about it,
Starting point is 00:37:43 be really frustrated. None of that seems very helpful. that's your, that's your other option or to get really mad about it, be really frustrated. None of that seems very helpful. It's like, what are the things you can do? And most of the time, all I'm asking people for is to ask yourself the question, can you be better? Can you, can you be better? Can you do better? Can you at least try better?
Starting point is 00:38:02 I understand it might seem overwhelming because you might feel like you're already working very hard but if you are to think about it you probably work a lot harder now than you did 10 years ago so over the next 3-4 years are you going to be able to do a little bit more are you going to be able to just not even do more necessarily
Starting point is 00:38:20 but just be more efficient I would hope that you would want to be absolutely one thing that I more necessary, but just be more efficient. I would hope that you would want to be. Absolutely. One thing that I honestly, I just kind of realized that I dig so much is when we all look at ourselves a year ago, three years ago, five years ago, we all have, even 10 years ago, there's always problems that we've been trying to solve. And we've been lucky enough to have so many awesome people that have come in that have shown us things. Some things we discarded because we were like, eh, this is cool, but it's not helping our issues.
Starting point is 00:38:51 And some of the things that we kept because we're like, ooh, this has, there's something here. This is working somehow. And when we figure out something that works, we're then able to share how well it works to help fast track all of you guys to fix your specific problems we're lucky enough to try so many things and to you're like you know you were doing a lateral lunge the other day with minimal impingement and that's something that you don't do
Starting point is 00:39:17 you know what i mean but that smashing of the adductor right that deep smashing of the adductor, right? The deep smashing of the adductor that we got from Chris Kandowski, right? Is a solid solution, right? For that issue. And he showed, you guys probably already listened to that podcast, but I got an injury and he showed me some ways of working on myself. And I'm doing that every day because I can feel the difference it's making in my body. And now we're relaying that to you guys. So you can just have that solution right then and there, and there's less trial and error. But just because there's less trial and error, don't think that there's still an absolute shortcut.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Truly, we are giving you guys shortcuts because we've tried a lot of shit that doesn't work too well and things that do. But just because we're giving you shortcuts doesn't mean that it's not gonna take time and it's not gonna be a gradual adjustment and gradual change, again, you've been doing something for so long, you've got to understand that it takes time to change. Allergies is something that I used to deal with pretty bad. But I did something called gradual hormesis.
Starting point is 00:40:19 At least I think that's what it's called. that's what it's called. But all I did was when I start sneezing during allergy season, I take a day and I go out and I fucking sit in a park and read and work. And I literally do that for a few days. And a few days later, my allergies are gone. That's what I do every allergy season. I used to have to take Flonase and all this shit to deal with my allergies. But now I just go sit in it. My body gets used to it and then it goes away. So that might not work for everybody, but it could be something that you try and it actually ends up working for you. And you don't have to deal with a stuffy nose all for multiple months because of your allergies. It's a really interesting thing. Our boy, Chad Wesley Smith, years ago said,
Starting point is 00:41:01 find a position that you're weak in and spend a lot of time there. You'll be stronger. You're alluding to the exact same thing. Like, oh, I'm weak in this area. Like, I'm not used to this pollen. I'm not used to all this stuff circulating in the air. I'm going to go out and be in the air, breathe it in, get used to it, and you'll get over it. When it comes to like your squat, your bench, your deadlift, find the spots where you're weak, hang out there a lot, find out the spots of your week and your day-to-day, and spend time on it. Otherwise, it just means you don't care.
Starting point is 00:41:32 You're not that interested, which is fine, because maybe just at the moment, maybe you're not ready to make the change. But if the hole in your game is your sleep, start to look into it. There's a lot of different options. And then when someone says hey have you ever tried taping your mouth shut you're like i have never heard of that i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:41:50 look into it more rather than going oh dude that's crazy like why like just that's not a grave first you sound like patrick star you know like someone commented mark smelly bell trying to sell something else to us like bitch are bitch, are we selling tape? We're telling you to go buy the tape. They're not sponsoring our shit. Right? Trying to sell some shit. I am always trying to sell people on ideas, you know?
Starting point is 00:42:19 Ideas, concepts, like, yeah, maybe there's some products bundled up in there, here and there. But, like, it's just, I just want to see people do better. A lot of it's steeped in just that. Like I have found stuff over the years that has helped me. And sometimes conveniently, sometimes it is a product. Sometimes it is. Like you can buy mouth tape, but there's a bunch of different tape you can look at on Amazon. It's all very inexpensive. I don't have anything to do with it.
Starting point is 00:42:43 I didn't create that space. I remember when Charles Poliquin was really talking a lot about fish oil and people were like, well, he must have like – it's like he owns fish oil? He's like he's telling people to take six grams of it a day or whatever it was. I was like, I think he's just trying to like encourage people to do something that I think that he thinks is a healthy endeavor that could help them. So anytime somebody gets frustrated about somebody trying to sell something, I hear that about the liver king too. And the liver king, I believe he owns ancestral supplements, but so what? How many posts has Liver King made? How many millions of views have those things gotten?
Starting point is 00:43:30 How much dialogue has been directed at him trying to sell anything? Like, go check out his stuff. There's really not a lot of sales in there that I see. There might be a couple. If he's trying to sell you on anything it's a concept he wants you to eat some fucking liver yes again he does own a supplement so he could direct things back to that company um but people get so frustrated with that one thing and they allow it to be a hurdle so they don't they're not they're no longer responsible for even attempting
Starting point is 00:44:00 now now they don't have to try liver because they made an excuse that this guy's he's on drugs and he's selling me something he's trying to swindle me yeah yeah it's like okay he they'll say yeah he's he's on the juice and he's lying about that and he's trying to sell me on his his supplements but it's like i don't even know if you heard what he said because you're focused on stuff that he's not even talking about. He's not talking about PEDs. He's not talking about supplements necessarily. He's asking you to try something slightly different, to engage in eating some meat and eating some organs because they're bioavailable.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Just give it a shot. But then we have a tendency to just focus on the negative. I think this person is trying to swindle me. I think what they're saying is bullshit. And you don't hear anything positive. Does Liver King have a positive message? Is it more positive than it is negative? I think it is.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Can I do things literally that he's talking about for free? This is one thing. I'm not the biggest Liver king fan in any sense, but what I can see from what he's putting forward is he has these nine tenets, these nine things that he shares with people that literally you can do without giving him any of your money. And he puts a lot of it forward for free. He talks about getting sunlight. You can put a lot of the things that he talks about for his health, you can do all of it without giving him a dime.
Starting point is 00:45:26 All of it. He just shares that. Now, if you do want to buy some of those supplements, you can buy them from his company. But there are also other companies that sell these types of supplements, too. There are other companies that do the same thing. So if you're so anti that, just buy from another company. But he's putting this forward pretty much much free does he make a profit if people choose to go towards his route yeah but at the end of the day it's not like he's saying these vague esoteric
Starting point is 00:45:56 things but if you want to find out more go to my website behind my 50 paywall or my thousand dollar paywall to learn more about what I do with this system. He's not doing that shit. Do you have a system like that? Because I want to buy it. Andrew, tell them where they can get into the program. Break the bar coaching? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:46:17 But that's the thing. It's like you can apply all those things. He puts forward all that information. So, I mean. That's that. One thing I do want to mention real quick, since we've been talking about mouth tape, a few different options and none of these companies
Starting point is 00:46:33 sponsor us, but there's actually one company I'm actually interested in trying their tape since they just went deep on our comments. The first thing is 3M MicroPore Tape from Amazon. You can get a pack of 12 for $12. Now, that's the ghetto shit. That's the shit I use. That's what I use.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Right? I have a beard. So what I do is I tape mouth, tape top of mouth, tape bottom. So it stays on. You got to get a lot of coverage to your skin, right? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Andrew, the picture's on my IG.
Starting point is 00:47:00 And I like, I think it's like Somnifix. I like that one. But if you have furry face at all, like it doesn't work well. It doesn't. When I had a beard, like, or yeah, when I was beardless, Somnifix was cool. And it's also cool because it has that slit. So for those of you who are, you know, you're apprehensive about putting tape on your mouth to cover your whole mouth, Somnifix has that slit. You use a lot of tape, huh?
Starting point is 00:47:24 Yeah, I use three strips, bro. Like, I use three strips. That's a lot. Yeah, and it covers my beard too. And then another option is in that first video right there that you see that I'm taping my mouth vertically. And I'm using the Ghetto 3M micropore tape, but if you want to just encourage your mouth to stay shut, it's kind of similar to what mark was talking about with putting the pillow
Starting point is 00:47:48 underneath yeah it encourages your mouth to stay right here well put it vertically the sides of your mouth are open and it could take it could take like a softball like underneath your chin around your head or just wear a chindo and then you could also buy yourself a chindo buy yourself a chindo that's a great it's for my sleep i promise doesn't a chindo close the mouth i don't know does it no hey i i mean maybe if you put it on too tight yeah there goes that questionable black guy okay so sorry hold on i thought it was because you're able to use the the the protruding part while using your mouth still on another part i don't know i'm pretty sure so if you had like a pretty big dildo in your mouth
Starting point is 00:48:35 then like your your mouth would be open but you wouldn't be able to breathe but you wouldn't be able to breathe very good it would be sealed right i got this for my sleep here put this giant dick in here in your mouth that's what yeah well but it is so ghosts can't fuck your mouth right isn't that what happens you guys ever heard of that no if you fall asleep with your mouth open ghost fucks your mouth yeah hey go to uh greg doucette's page and let's watch him snoring it out big time is it on ig it's on his ig i think his uh after this we'll also have more tape solutions for you but this is fun this is very fun you know man when you mentioned that greg doucette thing to me the other day like this is why i was telling man when you mentioned that greg you said thing to me the other day like this is why i was telling you i think it's really cool how we've been kind of like
Starting point is 00:49:30 trying things outside of the power lifting and bodybuilding realm because you still got people who are athletes snoring and being like it scared me that's not so real. But I think we all understand how much that can affect your sleep and your athletic performance, right? Here's our boy, Greg Doucette, just on a Sunday afternoon chilling. I love being in college, and if a teammate would fall asleep, yo, we'd wreck their face with markers. Oh. With markers. Wow. Oh. With markers. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Craig's out cold. He's got like a dog and a cat. It's because he's finished like video six of the day. This man is making so much content. It's wild. He's a savage. But that's what it looks like, right? And if we could keep the mouth shut, maybe we can breathe a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:50:24 And maybe we can get more out of our sleep. And there's something else that you guys can try i just saw it um they've been commenting but what's the have you ever seen like there's like a strap that you can put on your head and it keeps your jaw shut like i wonder what it's basically the chin though without the dough yeah giant hog on your chin put this dick on your chin it's gonna work great okay oh my god real quick um hostage tape okay i just texted you about them this morning yeah they dn'd us okay they dn'd me but hostage tape is something you can uh try ben greenfield loves it and it's apparently a non-hyperallergenic, right? But it does cover your mouth.
Starting point is 00:51:09 You may also want to look into trying to get a mouthpiece. I was just pulling that up. So I went to a dentist to get a very specific type of mouthpiece. But, like, if your sleep is really fucked, I mean, why not keep investigating it? And, you know, a sleep apnea machine is not inexpensive. Insurance can pay for it sometimes. I don't know about insurance paying for your mouthpiece from your dentist or whatever, but like you may as well look at all this stuff. And for me, what the mouthpiece did, it actually kept some really interesting like suction going on and it kept my tongue at the roof of my mouth. And so that was really important.
Starting point is 00:51:45 And I don't know for sure, but sometimes with just a mouthpiece in, even without the mouth tape, it feels like it works good enough because my tongue will just stay at the roof of my mouth the whole night. And I believe that the tongue is a big part, a big problem in having an obstructed airway when you're sleeping. Yeah, it is. I tried. It's not so much the mouth being open.
Starting point is 00:52:08 It's your tongue relaxing and kind of falling back. That makes sense. So I tried like a cheap mouthpiece and it didn't work very well. All it did was like really dry out my mouth because I couldn't keep my mouth closed. And then I was like, okay, let's try like a more expensive one. I don't remember what brand it was, but it was close to $100, and it also didn't work. I was really frustrated because the same thing.
Starting point is 00:52:33 It was really uncomfortable. You have to go to a dentist. They will fit you for it, and again, it might not be great. It might not work amazing for you, but it has helped me. The thing that it does is it sets your teeth to be a little bit more in line with each other, which can have its own problems. Like you've got to chew your way out of that or put another mouthpiece in to get yourself away from that. Otherwise, it will change your bite a little bit and you'll bite your cheeks and your tongue a lot, which I did for a while, which is fucking annoying. It sounds like a lot of work, but again, if you're really struggling with your sleep, like it might be something that you want to look into,
Starting point is 00:53:14 but it takes the bottom, your bottom jaw, and it puts your chin forward a little bit on the bottom. I also want to add in for those of you who have CPAPs or sleep apnea machines. Wow, that looks dope. And the covers on your mouth, there's nasal covers for the CPAP machines. So for those of you who want to try taping your mouth, you can ask your doctor if they can, instead of having you put a CPAP machine over your mouth, you can put a CPAP machine over your nose and then you could tape your mouth and breathe. It'll do the same thing through your nose. So that's an option for you. A lot of people that use a CPAP, they still will open their mouth.
Starting point is 00:53:55 So it's like, yeah, you might want to try to tape the mouth shut in addition to that. We should lift in these. Dude, that shrap is so dope. That honestly looks like some weird BDSM thing. It really does. I really want to get one. Of course you do. CPAP strap.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Of course you do. That's how you can always tell when someone's a little bit off is when they have a, like that to me looks like a neck harness for training, like a lifting neck harness. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When they've gone too far. If somebody whips one of those out of like their gym bag, you're like, whoa. You're deep.
Starting point is 00:54:29 You're deep in this game. That dude fucking jumped the shark a long time ago. Salute, brother. You know that he's gas station ready too, that he can like fuck somebody up probably. Oh my God. Man, I'm having fun looking at all these random anti-snoring devices on Amazon.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Look at this. This is weird. I've always wondered like. Like what is that? all these random anti-snoring devices on Amazon. Look at this. This is weird. I've always wondered like, like what is that? So would it be helpful to be face down on like a massage table? Like for me, yes.
Starting point is 00:54:53 And have, cause like, wouldn't that get rid of your tongue falling back or does your, would your tongue still somehow? No, I think I, yes. Because when,
Starting point is 00:55:02 when I'm, when I used to snore really, really bad, I had to basically like face my pillow in order to get myself to stop. Right, but I'm saying if you're on a massage table and your face is in that little hole there, I wonder, you're like, uh-huh, it's in that hole. If your face is in that hole, like, you know. What are your sleeping positions?
Starting point is 00:55:21 I'm pretty sure I would not snore in that position, but I would wake up feeling like hell. What are your sleeping positions? You guys. I sleep on my side a lot. Your side? What does your hand do? Bottom hand.
Starting point is 00:55:32 What's it doing? Both of my hands usually on my junk. No. I'm usually just on my side and my hands are kind of next to me. I usually get a pillow. I have a fuck ton of pillows. I have a lot of pillows i like hug a pillow and then i because like if my arms are just i don't know i'll fall asleep and feel weird
Starting point is 00:55:49 so yeah yeah i have a pillow between my legs a pillow here and a pillow on my head okay and he's like why do you have so many fucking pillows all right yeah yeah okay my son has taken over all the pillows but yeah no i have uh so pillow on my head pillow for my arm because it goes under the pillow so if i'm asleep this is right here so i put my hand under the pillow and then i go like this and so there's another pillow right here so my arm doesn't fall asleep whoa you're on your side i'm on my side right here okay okay here's the pillow that i'm on my hand i'm like this right yeah and then i put a pillow under here so it raises that so there's a bend in the arm so that way this doesn't fall asleep i don't usually put my arms up too much because like they'll just kill you live like me keep going yeah and then uh there's a pillow right
Starting point is 00:56:33 here for this arm and then the pillow between the legs okay i'll lay face down sometimes with like two pillows underneath me that feels really good face down with two pillows underneath you yeah they're like underneath like my sternum like my stomach and sternum yeah and my ass is way up in the air probably probably looks kind of funny but i can just like think about that yeah i know yeah the ghost is like going to town on my butthole probably yeah that's some hairy ass to get in they can't get through that bush you got covering i hope not yeah yeah no my girl big spoons me nice um no no i like but but she like this is the cool thing about the eight sleep now i do sleep like you so i have one pillow my hands over let's say my head's right here my hands over they have another pillow that's underneath
Starting point is 00:57:18 my head so my hands here and then like my hand is over my lady and she just like she's a big spooner so but the cool thing is that the eight sleep mattress if if it didn't have that mattress to keep me cool during night we'd wake up in a puddle but we can we can spoon and sleep and uh wake up not being sweaty yes stephanie doesn't really like to come over to my side because I have it way too cold. You know what? You're kind of, you're lucky. You're lucky because every time I wake up in the morning,
Starting point is 00:57:50 I'm at the edge of the bed and she's right in front of me. We have all of this bed that's left. This is all a complicated topic. And I'm like, I'm over here at the edge. Like I can't get over any further. But also because, because the,
Starting point is 00:58:03 the eight sleep, like it gets warmer throughout the night yeah so my son his like literally his whole foot is in between one of my ribs like as he's kicking me and i'm falling off the bed so i'll be pushing off like the floor being like babe babe and she'll wake up like oh shit and you know she'll pick him up and move him over but yeah he takes over the whole bed. All foot and a half. I don't know how tall he is.
Starting point is 00:58:29 I don't know how tall he is. Well, they turn sideways. You got to start him sideways, I think. He'll straighten out. Yeah, rotate the other way. I can't wake up and say anything because my mouth tape is on. So I'm like, mm-hmm. I peel it off and I'm like, you know, it's not going to be as sticky.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Yeah. Oh, well. Yeah, so I get the bed's gone. I mean, mean we're gonna go deeper on all the things we do for sleep because we kind of mentioned all of it but for some of you honestly the temperature of your mattress does make a difference we know that that's why we've dug eight sleeps for so many years uh actually for probably a bit more than a year we've been sleeping on these so that is another option get a comfortable bed i know a lot of people who haven't had a different mattress in like the past 10 or 15 years like your mattress could be something that you want to shift when i traveled overseas it was
Starting point is 00:59:13 mind-boggling they had two separate sheets and two separate blankets like vertical size beds what do you mean so like each side got their own setup wow solves a lot of problems honestly i was like oh my god my fucking brain exploded i was like this is this is how come somebody didn't think of this before like this is so good america you know i love america but sometimes we're behind on some shit yeah you know oh yeah so anyway Andrew how can they get some fucking eight sleep mattresses and pillows and shit absolutely you guys gotta head over to eight slash power project but that's eight all the way spelled out sometimes it's hard for me so e-i-g-h-t slash power project you guys see a pretty cool uh
Starting point is 01:00:02 little like rundown on why we like it but also it's going to save you a shit ton of money and pretty soon guys uh we will make an episode where we go through all of our individual sleep habits because there's a lot of things that we each do that allows us to get to bed and stay asleep like mouth tape is a good part of it for breathing through our nose but there's a lot of things that we do during the day, during the night that allow us to optimize our sleep. And it's really fucking important. Even first thing in the morning, going and just seeing the sun. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Just trying to see the sun. It doesn't have to be rising, but it helps if it's the morning sun because it's just going to be like less. You can kind of look at the morning sun. I don't think you maybe need to stare at it necessarily, but in the morning, it's not going to be, you know, killing your eyes as it would be at like 3 PM or some shit like that.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Get outside. Cause it'll reset your circadian rhythm and get all of those things ready for the day and getting ready for the night. It literally starts with that, but we'll go more in that soon. We need to have a whole thing on actually sleeping and fighting with your spouse over the blankets and stuff. Comes a whole thing. And then do you sleep wrapped up with your lady?
Starting point is 01:01:18 I mean, we can fall asleep that way, but it's really, really rare. We will end up sometimes that way or certain situations things will happen but it's not like our go-to like i don't think she sleeps well wrapped up with me and i don't sleep great with her wrapped up i don't think it works it's new for me it wasn't something that happened with my other exes like uh you know you found a cuddle buddy she loves to cuddle like deep cuddle like deep cuddle deep cuddle yeah no for us no she uh stephanie moves way too much because like i will like i said i still like out and she's still trying to get i'm like do it again and then i'll pass out and then or she'll start talking and i'm like i'm sorry i've been asleep for the past like
Starting point is 01:02:02 hour i don't know what time it is she's like what, no, we, and then one of us will get hot. Like, it's just like a race to see who can like. Somebody starts sweating. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, oh, who's going to be the first one to be like, I got to move. And then wherever, if she moves, I'm like, hell yeah, I can get comfortable. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:18 And then if I move, I'm sure she's thinking the same thing. Yeah. Andy will spoon me probably more often. Oh shit. Really? Yeah. Cause if I, if I go over to her, like, then she's like laying same thing yeah andy will spoon me probably more often oh shit really yeah because if i if i go over to her like then she's like laying on my arm wait wait i was like a brick you know i think i i misconstrued what you said she will spoon you meaning she is she's a small
Starting point is 01:02:35 spoon or she's a small spoon yeah you're the small spoon that's cute. She cuddles me. Yeah. I feel... That's cute. Well, I guess if I'm on my back, she'll sneak in and then lay right here on the shoulder. Okay. But then that's like not for very long. And this is also...
Starting point is 01:02:58 All of this will go to shit if my son's in the bed. We've been putting him in his crib, and he'll hang out there, but then eventually he'll make his way back. So wait, he'll climb out? No, no, no. Like he'll wake up and then it's like instead of holding him and waiting for him to fall back asleep and then hoping that he doesn't wake up as he's getting put back down.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Yeah. I just bring him in the bed and he'll fall asleep with us. There needs to be an invention for like a bed crib. Like a crib that you can put on like either attached to your bed there is there is yeah i think they have some stuff it's like a like almost like an end table like it's just on the side but it's really not supposed to put your you're not supposed to bring your kid in the bed at all but like none of it none of it fucking matters no you know it's just however if your marriage is like not awesome then it's probably like one more you know uh one
Starting point is 01:03:48 more kink in everything that you probably don't need but if everything's pretty good it's like i don't know you figure out times to fuck each other and it's not so bad yeah stick the kid in the closet for a minute you know that that's something that i've thought about man like it's not something i have to deal with right now but i'm like damn if your dogs ever jump in your bed and stuff hell no well that's good hell no that's good good i'm so surprised when people let their dogs sleep well i mean it's especially no for me since i have huskies we have three huskies big ass not just because they're big they also like shed like demons you know so there's no way in hell i'd allow them in the bed but yeah no way yeah you get creative with uh finding where to have sex that's for sure
Starting point is 01:04:36 yeah because we have so we have jasmine every other week yeah so every other week there's one kid in the house that has no clue what's really going on. So it's like, all right, well we'll, we'll borrow the living room today. Little things like that,
Starting point is 01:04:51 but it can be a pain sometimes. Yo, there's certain things about parenthood that I'm so curious about. Like, um, I like, okay. So I was told by Fred, like she mentioned how her parents like and her parents like she had
Starting point is 01:05:11 a boyfriend and her parents knew that like they were active in the home and i was just like wait wait whoa pause pause pause pause pause that's weird you you're home your boyfriend came over and y'all went to he's like yeah and your parents knew he's like yeah they knew but it's like they they didn't want us to do it anywhere else and i'm like you know that makes a lot of sense but it's also not like beer like you gotta do it here like right it's like I'm just imagining if I have a daughter or a son, they're just banging under my roof. Like, my daughter's getting smashed out in the other room. Like, goddamn, how do you deal? Yeah, when I went to Andy's house, I mean, I think we were, yeah, we we were like I was like visiting her
Starting point is 01:06:05 because we were like setting up stuff to like get married but you were adults right yeah we were together for a long time but we I didn't even sleep
Starting point is 01:06:12 in the same room as her yeah yeah yeah and when I went over to their parents house their mom was like we just don't do that here you know so I was like
Starting point is 01:06:19 okay yeah but this is an interesting thing because like there are a lot of parents who are like I don't want my kids going and doing that shit out in public, so might as well just get it on.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Like I said, it's not like they're going to smoke pot. They're not going to smoke pot. They're just laying pipe or getting piped, one of the two. Smoking poles. Yeah, figuring it out in a car or truck or something. Is that old school or what? I don't know, man man because my mom would never and i wouldn't have expected her to let me bring a girl home and uh smash it out upstairs or some shit
Starting point is 01:06:50 right hell no this is so interesting it's like how do you what what's the answer there audience parents do you know don't have sex till you're married yeah i think every dude starts laughing when they try to say that. And it's okay. You know what? This podcast is going somewhere, but it's another thing because like I was thinking in my head, like,
Starting point is 01:07:14 Hmm, God, I definitely have some weird thought process. Cause if like, let's say if I did let my child do that, if it was a boy, I would have less qualms as if it were my daughter like but they're both right you know but it's just like oh how does one reconcile this hypothetical situation
Starting point is 01:07:33 i don't have children anyway you just tell your kids do hood rat shit when i'm not around that's pretty much it just hide it and, take us on out of here, buddy. Absolutely. Thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode. Please drop us your comments down below. Maybe let us know if you guys have tried mouth tape or not, and maybe we can help you guys out with that.
Starting point is 01:07:56 And like today's video and subscribe if you guys are not subscribed already. Follow the podcast at MBPowerProject on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. My Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter is at IamAndrewZ in SEMA, where you at? Yo, guys. the podcast at mb power project on instagram tiktok and twitter my instagram tiktok and twitter is at i am andrew z and sema where you at yo guys come to the discord because it's a lot of fun in there we are we are at where we at where we at let's see discord we're at 1200 members yeah people are super active in there people are giving each other's tips um and it's it's a great community building over there so click the link in the description join the power project discord at and see my ending on instagram youtube at and see my union on tiktok and twitter mark
Starting point is 01:08:32 do me a favor everybody go and check out renegade scoob on youtube giving a shout out to my my uh buddy's son what the hell is this i've already lost his name already. Ben's son? I don't know his name, though. God damn it. Ben's going to give me shit. Anyway, his name is Renegade Scuba. That's all you need to know. Yeah, there's Corbin.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Isn't that his name? Yeah, there's two... I think it's probably Corbin. It might be the other kid's name. It doesn't matter. He's got a lot of kids, so he won't get too mad, I don't think.
Starting point is 01:09:02 He's probably had the same thing. You know, like, ah, that one. But he was all pumped. He got to see our play button that we have over there that has 100,000 plus subscribers. And his sister, who's probably maybe like eight, she goes, what does it do?
Starting point is 01:09:19 That was so funny. And he goes, it's a trophy. She goes, oh. She was like, what a shame. It doesn't do shit. And then she came and raided our Pop-Tarts. Yeah, she was not impressed. And then she wanted to go in the music room where Encima was playing some music.
Starting point is 01:09:35 And then she's like, oh, Pop-Tarts. And she ate our tasty pastries. Ate them all. Anyway, strength is never weak. This weakness is never strength. I'm Matt Marks, Millie Bell. Catch you guys later. Oh, off track.

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