Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast - Ep 483 - The Inteligencia (feat. Casey Rocket, Lemaire Lee, & Shawn Gardini)

Episode Date: February 29, 2024

Support the D.A.W.G.Z. @ Support Casey @ Go See Matt Live @ Go See Shane Live @ Go See Lemeezy at Cap City 19 Get Merch @ HELLO. We're here with the weekly podcast. Apologies for the lateness. The Big Kahuna is still in NYC to do Radio City Music Hall. We're so proud of him!!! He'll be back next week. In his absence we gathered with our good brother Rocket aka the crab to make sure we didn't deprive you guys of your weekly podcast. Please enjoy. God Bless you all. Visit and use code DRENCHED for 10% off your order Find your forever cookware @hexclad and get 10% off at! #hexcladpartner

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yay, we started. What's up guys? Yeah, what's up, man? I like guys just let me break the which wall is that the fourth or the third or the fifth? I think it's the fourth fourth wall. Let me break the fourth wall Tell the viewers at home Let's change fly high dude. He's gone one more week. He's got to do Radio City Music Hall Oh, yeah, what a fucking Vic to give him a week off. Yeah. Yeah, that's so stressful dude It was crazy. I went back and I was like just saw the setup and was in like his dressing room
Starting point is 00:00:29 before he did the dress rehearsal and I was like dude, my head would explode. There's fucking 80 people just like moving stuff around. Just injecting Adrena Chrome into Shane. What a nasty little fuck. Why are you insinuating that he's now part of like the you're nasty brother we miss you we miss you we have the nastiest team well mayor absolutely you got your crap absolutely I'm jubilant I'm celebrating
Starting point is 00:00:57 I'm literally speaking in celebration yeah Judas I'm the black Messiah. No way. You're Judas. I'm the black Messiah. Dude, it was, for real, it was nerve-wracking to witness just the sheer amount of people, they're working on it and then it's like, well, I better not fuck this up for everybody. And for myself, that was a lot of pressure. The liberal intelligentsia went nothing more than for him to flounder and fail.
Starting point is 00:01:26 They tried to fucking recreate reality and be like, oh, he failed. No, yeah. It's like, no, he didn't, I was there. I was in the room, they're writing articles. An article came out. Yeah. I swear to God.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Hollywood Reporter. No, Yahoo News. Yahoo News. Fucking AI Indian chatbots over to Yahoo News. Had an astute analysis on the situation No, they came out with an article like right away afterwards. Yeah bombed and then I'm like, all right, Yahoo news I'll get it's all fucking probably I at this point. It's probably not No guys just one lone computer blinking in a dark
Starting point is 00:02:00 Dude, but then NPR NPR came out came out maybe that night or a day later. Are you talking about the national pussy ass radio? Yeah, the national pussy ass radio. It's the official news source for dudes in their 30s who can't achieve erections. That's what NPR is. Not even like you, it's not even about like I'm talking gay guys who can't get hard for gay guys I'm talking about heteros maybe who can't get hard for women it's just it's not even a sexual thing it's just lacking the vital spark in your soul that God gave you because you've been such a pussy he was like yeah I'll take that back yeah that's what NPR's for and they came they came out for real we're like he bummed we they
Starting point is 00:02:39 are like he's not even good and it's like dude I was in the room dude it's if he for real like went up and kind of bombed it like okay. I was in the room Yeah, people were having a great time. He kind of crushed. Yeah, it was perfect exactly cuz I was sitting there going like Okay, awesome great. Yeah, you have to worry about that anymore. They're a guy who wasn't there I'm assuming was just like but he said the crowd wasn't having fun it's like dude To comedic device you fucking idiot Go take this dude. It's like try to get hard And then go back to writing articles. I didn't know when you lose your soul God takes your boners. Oh, he does dude God takes your bonus away from you
Starting point is 00:03:19 The harder you are the more God loves you Liberal intelligence yes such a problem The harder you are, the more God loves you. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Paradoxical way like shut the fuck up Shut the fuck up dude. You guys just fucking give it up. Just be like, yeah, we were kind of pussies for a while. Yeah, no big deal Just give it up. Yeah, just like yeah, the shit was fucking good. It ruled. Maybe we've been kind of Listening to our girlfriends too much in the past four years Maybe you scale back on that a little maybe the bitch isn't always right Casey Rockett, what the fuck? No, man, I mean, this is high-level meta analysis of the news and stuff it's a little above my pay grade. Yeah Somebody sent me an article yesterday, and I'm not even remotely famous and it says is Casey Rockett schizophrenic
Starting point is 00:04:31 You can you can Google it celebrity news site. I don't even I'm a door guy at the mother ship They're asking if you're schizophrenic. Yeah, it's a whole thing. Yeah, there's like that's definitely not it I S-C-H-I-Z-O-P-H-R-E-N-I-C. Sorry not to have a big old spelling bee on you guys. Yeah, there we go. Case your identity. Case your identity. Who said, case your identity? Case your identity.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I know what they keep. They keep referring to it as a disability. Yeah, this is like an A.I. Indian guy website. I thought they were going to say, a sal skits a friend. I thought it was just everybody being a skits a friend. Yeah. Pretty concerning. Oh, they're. Basically, Mormon. Yeah. Pretty concerning. Oh, they're worried about your health. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:05:09 But they give me a clean bill at the end, so. It's good to have that in writing. He came out and had you do a presidential fitness test. Yeah, he was good. His hearing is remarkable. Yeah, it's pretty cool. Yeah, dude, you get these like, my wife will have these like AI blogger articles about her and it's like her husband lives in New Jersey and it's like, dude, you have
Starting point is 00:05:30 totally all the fake. But this is not the liberal intelligence, yeah. No, it's totally AI. It's written really funny. It's like, I like the not even paragraphs just sentences. Yeah, why is unconventional? It's so weird to say I was fueled the curiosity curiosity about Casey Rock. What is so unconventional? What are they saying? Why are they saying? I don't know. I'm not sure, but yeah, they seem pretty shocked about it. What are you talking about? What's up with the crab man, dude? I don't see that in season of schizophrenic off that. No, but again, we can appreciate that. That's weird, man.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Maybe, maybe. That's a good photo. That's a good photo. That's a good photo. I know. And they call me Casey Rocky too. They give me a cute little nickname under the picture. Casey Rocky. Why does AI write sentences like Indian guys learning English? I think those realms combine. I think they're actually using AI right now to replace Indian guys I'm not afraid of AI at all everyone I was talking to Duncan Tressel about it last night He brings up a good point that it's like there's this I forget what it's called. There's this new AI we can be like sure Was it called it's called Sora what the video George Soros? No, yeah, George Soros What I said, he's a nasty little fucking
Starting point is 00:06:45 Right wing troll Just kidding. No, yeah, you can just be like show me La Mer begging for mercy But you can be you can describe it you can like describe a scene and have like a populated with people But dude, everyone's like that's gonna take everything over It's like I really don't think so now it'll like take over like stupid little stuff here and there But if everyone starts using it every it's gonna look the same. Yeah Yeah, don't sleep on human creativity. No dude. It's real. It's like it's not gonna be replaced by a fucking machine No, we're gonna break it to you. I feel like we're gonna start drawing on walls again
Starting point is 00:07:23 Just using that to animate the light, you know, I don't think we'll do that We'll do that but You never seen that dude back in a day cave paintings They used to get back in the day okay, they could animate cave paintings like they just like flash Oh, like the flip flip flip I do I try to do one of those guy doing a somersaults in like the corners of a notebook for my daughter the other day Yeah, totally failed and she's like what what is that? What is that? And I was like he's supposed to do a flip Not even that you got to put pages between the pictures I didn't realize you can't put them on you got to put like a guy Ten pages a guy ten pages. Otherwise. There's no like fanning action it was just like yeah stick man doing a sour salt they
Starting point is 00:08:09 skipped all the middle tweens yeah but either way but they that was my analysis of the entertainment news because I was for real it was it was kind of jarring to be like damn you guys are just like I mean my feelings I hope it wasn't even like a change feelings I mean I'm sure if it wasn't even like a change feelings I mean, I'm sure if you read negative shit about yourself sucks, but the problem was was like Dude it went fantastic, and I'm swear to God. I'm not saying that yeah It's just weird to be like to use that terminology and to back it up with like He didn't he pointed out the fact that people weren't enjoying the show. It's like have you ever seen fucking stand-up?
Starting point is 00:08:45 If you point out the fact that one lady's making a sourpuss it doesn't mean you're buying It's just a funny thing to add on to a thing. Yeah, I'm telling you man if they could only we got to get these guys hard again, man Can't get a specialist No, not see Alice it has to be achieved naturally to stop with these fucking artificial shortcuts, bro I'm so sick of it Casey. How do you feel about that? How hard are you getting? Just thinking about it Just thinking about gets gets me a little bit
Starting point is 00:09:22 Look if you guys want me harder gets me heart The mere thought of y'all thinking about that gets me a little bit hard. That's what I'm talking about That's why you're creative genius. Thank you guys dude. So what is your so what is your deal? I know you are you are a rising star And the Austin comedy scene was like what it take me back to the origins, dude Because I remember on kill Tony. That's when we had I think we talked. Yeah, it was a fun talk Because I was asking about obviously the fucking Crabman's a crab man, and then you your story into it was have you ever talked about that before like no I never talked about that. Yeah, I kind of regretted it. I felt like why
Starting point is 00:09:56 What is the demystify yeah, I feel that was a bit demystifying. Yeah, I don't think so I think it was the funniest explanation for the crab man possibly of robo-tripping and then studying your friend and stealing it from you. I guess that, yeah, for sure. It's hard not to be yourself. So yeah, if it was something else, like, oh, I was sitting in a think tank and I thought of the crab man, that would be a little demystifying. Yeah, me and my friend were tripping on robo-tuss.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Yeah, I think it deepens the mystery. Sure. Because it came from somewhere artificial, yes? DXM? Yeah, me and my friend were tripping on Robotus. Yeah, I think it deepens the mystery Because it came from somewhere artificial. Yes DXM DXM But it opened up. I think it opened you up to another portal I think it did too. My buddy took a well We all drank a bunch of tusks and it turned his skin already had some sort of allergic reaction Was it cherry cuss? Yeah, he got like kind of like Willy Wonka, like you're turning violet, violet. Yeah, Cherry Apple Red Tuss.
Starting point is 00:10:52 You're turning cherry, cramp me. But, yeah. Who? So it turned him all red and we were all like kind of staring at him like, is he red or I just like thinking he's red and we're like Yo Tommy like you look pretty red Something's wrong, and he was like oh red And he started like kind of being like I'm gonna crab hut or something and we really like that so we all That's a good way to handle like a serious potential health problem
Starting point is 00:11:22 Red crab I like my arteries of just fucking potential health problem. Red, cray, blah, blah, blah, blah. I like my arteries of just fucking burst. So how does, I'm always curious about this. I've never personally rubber tripped. Like take me through that. Like how much tusk do you got to drink to start tripping? Beginner's dose, probably just four ounces at the beginning.
Starting point is 00:11:41 But then you quickly get a tusk tolerance. Like a TT tusk tall. And you get up to eight ounces. So eight ounces. How many times have you robo-tripped? Oh yeah, hundreds. What? For sure.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I was really into it for a very brief period, but I was super into it. So like from the age of 14 to 15, I would do it like every other day or something. What? I tripped about it on a tusk like four years ago. Yeah. Why'd you do it? I other day What about a test like four years ago? Why'd you do it? I just wanted to see what it felt like. I just laid on the couch like Yeah, everything goes really slow damn I said it's kind of cool
Starting point is 00:12:18 It's like that drug from Judge Dredd where everyone goes real slow. Yeah It's pretty tight. Did you ever get caught drinking tusks? cuz you were you were a young buck to be sipping toss? So what was your what was your mama? Was it your mom like give me the give me the origin story? I don't want to wrap me mystery. I don't want to wrap mystery, but well get into drinking toss hanging with the wrong crowd Yeah I could have been anything. How'd you fall into the street life? My best friend when we were in like seventh grade, his dad, his name was Gary.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Nice. Shadow Gary. Shadow Gary. He's not alive, but he was in heaven. I don't think he's in heaven either, but... Two noses in a row, but it's actually turned out to be pretty questionable character, believe it or not. Scary, scary. I know the story isn't trending that way, but yeah, he would...
Starting point is 00:13:16 We're like hanging out with him. He would like let us smoke weed and stuff. He was like a cool... Cool dad. Cool dad. And one day we were in the car or something going somewhere some pivotal moment And he was like you boys should try this and he gave us a he let us split an eight ounce of roba tussa What yeah, it's not a great dad move, but he was the coolest
Starting point is 00:13:34 He was from Boston and he would tell us about seeing AC DC. It's like all he would talk about is AC DC He was the coolest I'm kind of jealous of those dudes you hung on a mental loop. How old was this guy like in his 30s 40s? Probably in his 40s. Yeah, all Angus young all the time. I love that boxer shorts and a cool suit There's a lot of dudes who minds just stop at adulthood and they just think of one sweet thing for the rest of their lives Bro fucking you see the LPGA? And it's just every time you see them, it's like. LPGA?
Starting point is 00:14:08 Or whatever, is that the girls' girl? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not bad, not bad. No, it's not. The PGA, yes. It's hilarious to be obsessed with the LGPGA. The LGPTA. The LGPTA.
Starting point is 00:14:18 It's about to be the LGPTA. Def, a dude is a common to go dominate. Is there, is there, is there, you've got to go to the TUSP to bed a couple weeks? We did talk about, all talk about my bad. I've been actually leaning on the tusk Yeah, it's like a old guy that has they got boobs and he it hit the ball like 300 yards Is he got fat titties or like little he's got fat titties, but he still kind of looks like a Anywhere's like polo shirts and hits from the closer tease so he's got the puppies in the polo shirt
Starting point is 00:14:49 he got the puppies in the polo I'm picturing who was the guy Doc Holiday from Back to the Future was Trish Bantits just crushing drives Chris Elliott not Chris Elliott necris Elliott Christopher Lloyd we say yeah, yeah That's a fucking babe, dude That is a golf ten that's a women's golf ten Doesn't look that old So Casey forgive me, sir. So that's kind of sweet
Starting point is 00:15:21 Did your standards are way too high Dude, your standards are way too high. It is time golf crushed noisy trans ideology with some common sense. I don't know. I guess he stands on let the natural, the natty ladies golf. Yo, what do you think about that little picture, bro? Which one? I'm not going to get it. I'm not going to do this.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Let's not dig into this. We're better than this. Yeah. What are we liberal intelligentsia? No, the liberal intellig dig into this we're better than this. Yeah, what are we liberal? intelligentsia no the liberal intelligence here been like Never mind next thing Necessarily one is mean what even is golf and it started as a well. Yeah They don't really talk about that's the one thing they really don't talk about a lot We what at least I don't see it like I haven't seen like a hot liberal intelligence
Starting point is 00:16:04 Yeah, op-ed on trans women crushing women sports. I don't see it a lot. That's one they kind of, in my opinion, they kind of sit out or I don't know how they would spin that. How would you spin that as liberal intelligentsia? To say that it's good, right? How would I say that's good? Yeah, yeah, how would you say that's good? I don't know. I don't. Yeah. Yeah. How would you say like, or what would you take? Sometimes they go slightly like, like trans, Dominic sports.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Yeah. It's like trans children, Dominic kids sports. Like you gotta like start real. I would go like sports or just like a reenactment of war. So it's about time. We got the trends in the war. Yeah. Yeah. That's something like that. Either way, I don't want to devolve this with politics I apologize
Starting point is 00:16:50 my fault so Casey you're hanging out with his father oh yeah Gary scary so it's actually it's a pretty he was cool he's super cool how are his nugs was he giving out good nugs it was like I like weed was a yeah Oh, it was yeah, it was probably like dirt we he would tell us that he would bury it for two years and Then he would dig it up and it would I passed this fact along for many years of my life that it that weed is like only really good If you could if you bury it Gary Gary didn't tell you What the fuck are you talking about dude? Oh Gary, Gary didn't tell you no, who's Gary? He buried his weed.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Yeah, he buried it for two years and he would say that they would help the tricomes or some bullshit. They probably converted to CBN maybe. Yeah, it's CBN. It's the stuff that makes you sleepy. I don't know though, usually sunlight. Sunlight makes Delta 9 tricomes into CBN but underground action. I think he was just smoking like exotic fungi He was also huge so I found out as the years went on he was addicted to robot us He would drink like several bottles of robot us and every day
Starting point is 00:17:57 He passed along the cream and he bit me at a young age So a young age. Yeah. So. It sounds like he didn't want to know. No, he didn't. I was wondering. I didn't want to be rude, Lamar. I was wondering if he sucked your penises after. No, but I don't think he did. He's dead, Lamar. Imagine if you were dead and everyone only brought up
Starting point is 00:18:15 was how you fucked me on Monday. No call, no show. But go on. I have a rude. It's crazy. Impossible to have any sort of sexual feeling on Robotussin. So he definitely did not. Oh, that's kind of nice.
Starting point is 00:18:32 But, so it's totally platonic, which is nice. One time he did watch Girls Gone Wild with us and we all watched. We didn't jerk off, we all watched. We just checked it out. We just checked it out. On Tuss or not on Tuss? Not on Tuss and he kept saying He doesn't oh, she's really giving it to like
Starting point is 00:18:53 Like all right, so that's not it boss. That's not it What is Boston sound like again? Dude, he got dope. She's fucking giving it to a dude So like cheering her on we're like yeah, it's fucking giving it to a dude. So like cheering her on, we were like, yeah, it's so cool. So his girl's going wild, robotous, and this might have been like a Tom Hanks big. He could have been a child trapped in it with those guys. It's crazy. So that's how you got into the tuss. Yeah, and I remember a couple years later I was in high school when I went over there
Starting point is 00:19:22 and he was like, sorry boys, I can't party with you guys tonight I gotta get some work done and I go and I walk past his office and he's drinking Robots us and I'm typing on the computer. I was like imagine what he was typing. It's so funny. Is it addictive? Is that really, what is it like dextremorpho, whatever it's called? Is that stuff really addictive like that? I don't know. I'm not sure if it is.
Starting point is 00:19:50 It could just be how anything is psychologically. Yeah. What if he just loved being in slow motion? True. He was just moving too fast all the time. It's stuck in tusk land. Slow the hell down. He was all about it.
Starting point is 00:20:01 That's crazy. So then you, so then your tusk journey continued for like several years? Yeah, I branched off and yeah, I did it to us about it. That's crazy. So then you so then your toss journey continued for like several years Yeah, I branched off and yeah, I did it so I was about 15 and okay, so Gary's Gary this so the story takes a sad turn I could imagine I know it started out pretty cool, but Things are looking up so He alright so my best friend, I won't say his name, but that was his dad.
Starting point is 00:20:27 And he went to go pick my best friend up from, I probably shouldn't even talk about it. I'll talk about it. But he went to go pick him up from school and he was covered in scratches. And he had killed his mother. Whoa. He had choked her.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Gary? He had killed her. And yeah, Gary did. And she woke up, the ambulance was had choked her Gary. He had killed her well and yeah Gary did and Killed his mama. She what she woke up the ambulance was able to revive her So then he did like 20 years in prison. Yeah, it's like you did a little mattress side It took a little dark. It takes a dark turn. Yeah, damn. He was the coolest guy was she didn't Yeah, it was bad. Okay. I mean in terms of demons It's almost like a relief because that's for sure like everyone's mind goes to like yeah
Starting point is 00:21:07 He was a toucher if you're like cool dad and giving people but no he was trying to party away this desire to Yeah commit the you know noble act of matricide If he wasn't on tossing when he was choking his mom he would have for sure did it true He was just fucking When he was choking his mom he would have for sure did it true. He was just fucking Tempting to be put the beast down Damn, he was this that's I'm sorry to hear that that's pretty wild. Yeah, but then he got out and he's out Yeah, shit. He got out there trying to send him back and I think he took his life So a little bit of a dark dark tale not as funny towards the end, but yeah, he cool guy while it lasted
Starting point is 00:21:44 Dark tale, not as funny towards the end, but yeah, he a cool guy while it lasted Damn dude, yeah, it's pretty dark stuff the tusk stay off it. I know listen kids Yes, stay off it for sure. So what did so what did you what happened? You're your young man the tusk how did you have any like, you know, like rock-and-roll moments with your parents? You're like, I'm drinking tusk mom and dad leave me alone Did you get caught sipping tusk at all? Oh, for sure. Yeah, they, they, I got kicked out of the ninth grade because we were on tusk and we were drunk at a football game and we were walking out and we were like
Starting point is 00:22:16 clearly like, yeah, like, something's like wrong. By going really slowly or something. Hit you with a radar gun. They're like, half I going really slowly or something? I get this wrong with these two. They hit you with a radar gun, they're like half a mile an hour. Feed it, yeah. So you got caught on the toss. And, yeah, it would have been hard to run away for sure. But, yeah, so they stopped us and they went through our pockets and it was, we had just made a CVS run.
Starting point is 00:22:45 You always, oh you just linked up a poppy dude. So it's like a clown car. Like, see, oh, Robotuson and wine bottles and all these things in our pockets so they kicked us out. You were sipping the red and the purple. Sipping the red and the purple, okay. Damn. Mix and match.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Yeah, little bluxy handshake. Yeah, it was so good. It was so good. That's a good time. But I gave it up when I got a car. When I got a car, I kind of got over it. Why'd you give it up when you got a car? Wasn't worth it anymore.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Different vices. True. Get some pussy, dude. Yeah, get an ass. Nice. Sorry, dude. I don't know what that's like. He was living girls going wild, dude.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Do you ever think about that man when you're having sex being like, he's really giving it to him. Yeah, he's fucking giving it to a dude. Yeah, think about that. So then what happened? Where did you go from there? You got a car, you started getting some pussy, like started slaying fucking pussy.
Starting point is 00:23:40 On the regular. Yeah, that was definitely, yeah, this started my ass era, where. Yeah, life has seasons, you know. So that was definitely what I was getting tons of ass. And yeah, I don't know. Just like making chick squirt and that, you just talking. Yeah, just, yeah, making them burst. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:02 That's pretty cool. Definitely heard that a lot. Yeah. But yeah, then I, yeah, I went to, yeah, just partying in different ways, doing things. And I went to went to college and went to stuff like that. Yeah, I stopped drinking when I was 21.
Starting point is 00:24:19 So it's a nice move. Yeah. Then I picked it back up during the pandemic, but I stopped after that. So that's not bad. Did you? A lot of people killed themselves during the pandemic, but I stopped after that. Why'd you stop at? Did you? A lot of people killed themselves during the pandemic, so that's like picking up a little vice during the pandemic and nothing.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Oh, it wasn't that. Yeah, it was awesome. I just watched Martin Scorsese movies all day and just got re-roated. Oh, it was awesome. So fun. How'd you get off the sauce again? Went to detox. Oh, you were like that fucked up on alcohol?
Starting point is 00:24:42 Yeah, I had a really bad drinking problem. Yeah. So I'd hit the bottle real hard First like when you're 20s Yeah, so I would get the shakes I think only like a certain percentage of alcoholics get the shakes like 20 or 30 percent or something But I would get a bad Reagan Reagan, but you're bragging. I think it's a Reagan I would get a bad. Bregan. Bregan.
Starting point is 00:25:03 You're a Bregan. I think you said Reagan. Bregan would get a... Damn, so you were like a young juvenile alcoholic. Where did all this desire to alter your consciousness come from originally, do you think? I'm kidding, I'm fucking kidding. I think you're mostly born with it. I think it's a gene.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Yeah. You think so? Yeah, well I think it can be learned. I think if you drank for five months in a row You would be physically addicted to it, but I think the compulsion most of it is genetic. Yeah, what's your true melon, Kylie? Well, I'm also yeah pretty dark. I guess everyone has a lot of things they're trying to get away from I guess yeah Inside your soul. The problem is I can't even identify what I'm trying to get away from I'm just constantly dissatisfied And I don't know what it is. I just curse my fausti in nature dude
Starting point is 00:25:49 Tormented I can't relax. I have to tell myself to relax. Yeah, that's the weirdest thing to me Why can't you just relax like you ate you're good? What what's the fucking fuss and I try to think about it? I go? What the damn fucking fuss dude nice are getting weird. I'm like, what even our thoughts and I go Shit fuck I don't know where they come from they come they're in my head all the time Yeah, they never voice some people don't have inner voices did you know? Yeah, that's crazy. I've heard that before that's a good medical condition Who said that was that just my interval? I didn't know No, there's some people that be possible. I don't know they just don't have an inner monologue
Starting point is 00:26:33 I was when I heard that I was like yeah, I could see that I've met people before where I was like I don't think you have an inner There are some people you meet and they're just kind of like, yeah dude. I guess you're right, yeah. You need a lot of people like that too. Yeah, what do you think? Like, I don't know man, fuck it, you know. Work was good. Yeah. T.V. Shill Life. Yeah. It's kind of tight. I'm not even knocking it.
Starting point is 00:26:55 No man, yeah, that'd be beautiful. They're gonna be, it's gonna be a nice future. If the AI dream works out and it's just like, flood it, what you can just be like, not even imagine it, not even like a man getting eaten by a crocodile. You can just be like, a man getting eaten by a crocodile while riding a horse. And it was like, come up on the screen, you'd be like, yep, knew it. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Next one. You can sit there all day long and just make stuff up. Yeah. But you think you lose, you think you... You can get tired of that too though, just like you do the cell phone. Nobody's tired. We're all addicted to our cell phones. I guess but sometimes my eyes start to hurt They are it is gonna be like
Starting point is 00:27:34 How long what's your screen time right now heroin? I have it turned off because I'm too ashamed. What? You got to keep your screen time on I'm at two hours right like two hours and 20 minutes a day And that's I'm trying to get down to an hour. Yeah, I think I'm way Average American six I think six and a half hours. I'll probably I'd probably rock around six and a half I might two hours right now today. Good job. You're forgiven Dude, I am really sorry you know you're fine're fine. You're partying, having a good time, I'm working. I'm just trying to get you.
Starting point is 00:28:07 I am fascinated by your backstory. It's pretty fucking sick. You don't hear a lot of people talking about robo-tripping. No, and even that. Those things usually don't cross into like... Entertainment. Life in general. Usually they're quiet beasts. Robotripping no and those things usually don't cross into like entertainment Beasts usually like people who are robotripping hard like you like yeah, I know dude is rubber dripping pretty sick But they usually don't like fully self-actual actualized. I mean Robo testing guys Dave off to I could be wrong
Starting point is 00:28:39 I don't know maybe I have a what's the Oh air duster. No not air duster or whip it's in robo. Yeah, they're like household Getting high not my that's what I'm gonna ask you did you have a new egg inhalants because that's I feel like they are Piecing a pod. Oh, yeah for sure. Yeah, the air duster the computer cleaner. Yeah, do that all the time You ever ask to people who do it like all the people who really do it all the time their faces like melting Yeah, they like fish out. Yeah Well, also the there's there's a there's a group of dudes There's a group of dudes in the 90s who were huffing gasoline that was a big thing
Starting point is 00:29:18 You would like go to like a truck stop and like all trucks were stopped you obviously every stop But you'd crack the gasoline can and just put your face up there and just go Start off the paper dude. It's like permanent brain damage. You want to talk to the inner monologue you get like vote You get like persistent auditory hallucinations. Yeah eats your brain away. Yeah, it's pretty fucked up We would huff ether starting fluid that you oh brand of cars But either is a little bit different at some sort of psychoactive compound in it or something They do it. Yes, fear and loathing or he's like doing the crazy walk. Yeah How pumps were you on fear and loathing when you first saw it? Oh, I got a tattoo
Starting point is 00:29:57 I was 18 once everybody goes through a huge hunter as time. Oh, yeah, they're young every guy does you're 100% right? And I remember my one of my friends had the book in high school when he would just like walk around every period Everybody goes through a huge Hunter S. Thompson thing when they're young. Every guy does. You're 100% right. I remember one of my friends had the book in high school and he would just walk around every period and he's like, oh, this book's about doing drugs and shit. Dude, it's so fucking cool. I'm like, dude, it's so fucking cool. Let me look at the color. I'm like, damn, that's so fucking trippy, dude.
Starting point is 00:30:16 I was reading it when I worked for the township and I would work on the garbage truck and I would just read it in between two of the fattest people you've ever seen here in Thailand. I'm not like these guys, I'm expanding my mind and I cry. I cry when I was too sleepy in the morning. You had to get fatter. Yeah, I did. You had to get fatter. I didn't smoke so much back then too either.
Starting point is 00:30:43 I was really out of the cool guy club Really smoked new ports with the windows up and just ate sausage and cheese every morning It's kind of tight. I like that. I want to read books and eat fruit. They'd be like alright, dude Oh, yeah, you get caught fucking with like fruit or vegetables Bananas for some reason are acceptable. Like a construction site, I mean obviously people will break your balls and be like, oh you're loving that, but like I would bring like rice chicken and broccoli and a Tupperware and people would act like I was like just like going back and forth between like multiple penis and stuff. Like
Starting point is 00:31:16 what the fuck is that dude? Eat a cheese steak every day for 40 years and it's like you're gonna die man. Like this just happens, you get fat when you get older like well, yeah sort of yeah your blood turns to cheese whiz True it does dude it for real as you get older it you it's like I If I like I'll gain two pounds a day if I eat the way I want to eat I swear it's insane Yeah, it's insane. You guys have no idea dude. I know what it's like. Well, there you have no idea I'm insane. It's insane. You guys have no idea, dude. I know what it's like.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Well man, you have no idea. I don't. Let's talk about this the other day. I used to be plus, 400 plus pounds. You used to be big. How'd you whittle it down? I was watching My 600 Pound Life a lot. And I was like, they're doing a lot of things
Starting point is 00:31:57 that I'm doing and I don't like that. Oh, that's gotta be crazy when you're watching that show being like, I'm on the fast track. Yeah. To the crane, the fireman pulling me out of my bedroom like a fairy tale So they cut out my wall So they have to make a ramp big enough for me There is something kind of beautiful about that though what just like indulging so hard until you're like a physical structural burden
Starting point is 00:32:20 What? Just like indulging so hard until you're like a physical structural burden. Like making yourself bigger. It is a weird philosophical. I'm going to, I'm going to be large. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to expand. I'm going to expand.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Yeah. There was a, there was a book. I think, I think it was David Foster Wallace had it. One of his original novels is Broom of the System. Yeah. There's a character who's just the whole book is getting fatter and fatter. He's always in restaurants and that's his whole thing. He's like, I want to occupy as much of the universe as possible.
Starting point is 00:32:51 He just keeps getting larger and larger. That's pretty cool. I'm trying to turn into a planet. That's pretty cool. I want to be a gravitational burden. It would be nice to like figure out the medical technology so that we all could get a lot fatter safer You know what I mean? Yeah
Starting point is 00:33:09 Like get on like to get like TRT going where we're like strong or still kind of fast Bones the what? Yeah, exactly like in forcements nano implants on the bones. I we should like recreate ourselves into dinosaurs Powerful We create ourselves into dinosaurs. We try to get humans huge and powerful. I would love that. I would love that. What were you noticing about 600 pound life that you were doing as well? Good question.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Well, they would eat like two pizzas. I was like, that's nothing, dude. At first I was like I'm a two slice kind of would be a pizza and then like a The stuff bread stuff cheesy bread because I know I could eat a whole pizza and I because I know I can eat two pizzas I'm gonna get the cheesy bread instead of just like two pizzas self-sacrifice You know, you slice the pizza. Well, you know I eat for fuel not for pleasure
Starting point is 00:34:17 Four slices I can put that four if I'm hungry four is the minimum Minimal if I if you're in a pizza and you just kind of like half the circle. It's like that's good once you start to like Turn that into a triangle It's impossible to stop the momentum It's so hard Yeah, yeah, once you have for you like I might as well keep going Oh, yeah, I get it. Well, then what I do is when I want to pig I go, yeah I could save this for later,
Starting point is 00:34:49 or I could get all of this junk food out of the way and then really get after it tomorrow. Yeah. I'll let my body, I'll like shock my body and let it process all this I want so I'll probably just shit it out real quick. Whereas if I slowly assimilate all these slices into me, they're gonna stay there forever.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Dude, I agree. You don't want it to take up actual physical space? Hmm. Yeah, that's a good question Casey now we're interviewing you. You want to know what I was there was like They're in a car like sometimes they'd be in the car They'd hit McDonald's and then they'd go home and eat more food They're like, oh, yeah, I do that all the time. Sometimes you hit a double McDonald's, you know, you get, you hit one place with it for a Mcdouble and then you're like, that wasn't enough. So you drive down two miles, go to another place. Do you like cover your head too? Like a scandalous mistress?
Starting point is 00:35:37 Eventually you start to like the shame. Oh my God, you pig. Oh, you pull up. You like hit me again. Oh my god, you pig. Oh, you pull up and you're like, hit me again. You just go backwards through the drive-thru and reverse right back to the thing. Run that back, Claire. That is a scary thing though when you find yourself like, you're like, dude, I'm full and you're like, I don't fucking care. I'm eating more. And then you can't stop yourself.
Starting point is 00:36:05 That's the scary part. No. There's an animal that lives inside of all of us. Did you know that, Sean? I've heard about it, but I don't know. I think mine comes out in different ways, like my cigarette smoking and my- Oral fixation, yes.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Chill. It's true, that's what it is. Yeah, I guess so, yeah. As babies, I'm reading a book right now They talk about that how as babies were just like these like Little fucking pleasure. We're just like a big multi organ pleasure system where we're like sucking shit We're like oh, we're fucking shitting. We're like, oh, yeah, fuck and then we eat and we're like, oh shit Fucking pee and push our dick in his stuff
Starting point is 00:36:43 It was fucking pee and push our dick into stuff That's you as the organism and then you obviously you know you get a culturated into kind of like you know System ethics cool in all that stuff and it creates tension in the human being for the rest of their life Yeah, all you want to do is just fucking shit so hard and Have you ever said I've ever thought about this for like, because you're clearly early fixated, have you ever thought about just getting like a personal piece to suck it on? That's so mean.
Starting point is 00:37:12 You need to suck it on. Have you ever just like personal piece? You know, personal piece, dude. No, I don't know what you mean. You don't know what he means, personal piece? I guess, but I don't appreciate that. Like a small glass dildo. Just a suckle pot?
Starting point is 00:37:30 That would be nice instead of a vape instead of dildo. Or a tinny. Or like a tinny. A tinny would be nice. I ever tell you how my dad got the joke gift once? No. He got a joke gift from his buddies. He got a joke gift from his buddies. Or yeah, I could get a big. A tinny would be pretty cool. A tinny would be nice, dude. Have I ever tell you how my dad got the joke gift once?
Starting point is 00:37:47 No. He got a joke gift from his buddies at work, where it was like just two boobs, like boob balls. Nothing funny about boobs. That's what I was saying. I was sneaking, he'd keep them like in his closet, just like with all the other junk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:01 And I would sneak in there all the time and just fucking... Hold on. That was it? Really? Oh my God, this is so... Wait, so they were toy? junk yeah and I would sneak in there all the time and just fucking wait so they were toy I thought I would have put it in my shirt and dominated women's golf damn see what would you do you would you like squeeze and, man, this is probably just what it feels like. And it wasn't even close. They were kind of just like... Stressed balls?
Starting point is 00:38:30 Stressed balls. Were they on his chest? No, there were just two individual ones that you can just kind of... Did you ever go in there to squeeze them and felt they were like warm? No. Or someone had pressed them together or just fucking... No. You put your ear to the fucking... They were like warm Put your ear to me you just like faintly you like faintly here just like fucking someone complaining Yeah, my parents didn't do that kind of stuff, but that's crazy
Starting point is 00:39:08 We did find my friends Parents just like they had a treasure chest of just nasty stuff. Wait, but it was both of theirs It was like cockerels and dildos They're freaky types There's sweet people in the world, so I won't divulge who they were but we really should yeah You shouldn't we really tease my friend about it though And I feel guilty about it like in a nasty way the children do he probably was like all right guys That's enough and he probably went through it alone. Yeah, like fully explored the depths and was like whoa He should put it on when his father you know know, unfortunately as everybody passes when his father passes He should probably wear it like it's like
Starting point is 00:39:49 My father's cockering my old man What is the point of a cop was like a vibrating cocking vibrating one? So we like we were like touching them to as this Stimulation do we were like throwing them at each other like a monocle Stimulation dude, we were like throwing them at each other on like a monocle Why you guys are just boys yeah boys will be boys I guess we boys if it boys find it boys will be boys And when they find the toys exactly They gonna play Yeah Vibrating cock rings are just like an economical to you can just like lay on the lady
Starting point is 00:40:24 Vibrating cock rings are just like an economical too. You can just like lay on a lady. Yeah, they're just fucking lay there. Or just fucking put it on and just walk around. Get that extra pep in your step. That's good shade dude was funny. Oh, the B plug. The B plug. I didn't get the Packers until I was like why don't why wasn't it the birds? And I was like open fudge package. I didn't realize that you said that yeah, you guys think they were going full double on time today They went wait. Why do you think that fudge packer? Cuz you had a butt plug is but I don't think they were going fudge packer. They were totally Intelligentsia going fudge packer they were totally going fudge packer I don't think you live with intelligence yet you might just be connecting dots you might have schizophrenia lemur being accused of having schizophrenia kind of rules by
Starting point is 00:41:17 the way I think it's good press but it kind of concerned because I was like reading it I was like what if they know something? Like, I don't know. Like Casey's family died in an accident when he was five. What? Like it's something I've been blocking out or something. Tony just found you walking along the side of a highway. Get in. Yeah, rescued by Tony Hinchcliffe at age three. I'm going to make you a star.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Yeah, man. That's fucking sick. Yeah, I'm really pumped on you. Same for you. Thank you guys. Can you interview Sean for a little bit? You for a while and I feel like you've divulged a lot. Thank you. You've shared a lot. Yeah. I'm not saying I'm looking I truly feel guilty about saying Shane did adrenachromes in the SNL You're fucking around you having a good time. I know but I know he'd never do that. He would never do that He's gonna fucking I'm gonna I'm gonna send it to him. I have
Starting point is 00:42:19 Hey Shane, I don't want to know I got a lot of new playing all but a cardini absolutely betrayed you You have enough on your plate with like the liberal intelligence here trying to fucking convince everyone he stinks. I don't wanna pile on. Now they're coming around, they're going like, he did. What was me? He said, he's just a paradox. Yeah. We don't really understand where he comes from politically. Maybe we never will.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Yeah. That is nice. Maybe he doesn't give a fuck. Ever experienced the agony of harsh smoke, throat burning, or coughing attacks when smoking cannabis? The struggle is real, but the solution is chilly. That's right. I'm talking about the smoothest way to light up, and that's with Freeze Pipe.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Freeze Pipe makes a unique line of freezable pipes, bubbleers, and bonks that are 80% colder than using ice cubes to chill smoke. The magic is freezable glycerin chambers that come on every piece. Alright? Simply pop the chamber in the freezer for one hour and as smoke passes through, it's instantly chilled by over 300 degrees so every puff arrives ice cold and coughery. And yes, I can personally endorse this product, I have used it and it does make smoke very chilly I like to think about the good scientists over there. We're like goddamn that fucking puff was so smooth
Starting point is 00:43:31 Goddamn that fucking hit was so chilly and smooth American owned and with over 100,000 happy customers freeze pipe uses the thickest glass Sean knows about that and market leading glycerin chambers for a smoother experience You have to feel to believe Ditch, harsh smoke forever by visiting and use code Drenched for 10% off your order. That's and code Drenched for 10% off. Shop today for free shipping and smoke like royalty without paying a king's ransom. Now that it's February, New Year's resolutions might have come and gone, but it's never too late to invest in yourself and your kitchen. Today's sponsor, Hexclad, has revolutionized the cookware industry with an all-in-one hybrid
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Starting point is 00:45:04 For a limited time, Hexclad is giving all of both his home and all of his Michelin star restaurants for a limited time Hexclad is giving all of our listeners 10% off with your order With our exclusive link just go to Slash drenched support our show and check them out at It's H E X C L A D dot com forward slash drenched Bon appetit. Let's eat with Hicks clad's revolutionary cookware Also, I'll be in Pittsburgh next weekend. I believe March 7th. I believe I think I got Pittsburgh coming up
Starting point is 00:45:33 And then motherfucking Chicago and a bunch of other places that do stand up Please go to Matt Slash dates or just go to Matt Thank you. What do you got Sean? Slash dates or just go to Matt McCusker comm. Thank you. What do you got Sean? My April 10th and helium Philly, please come to that if you can I'd really appreciate it It's in my Instagram which is showing our Dini. Thank you and Obstacle Mnacht is with my early March 5th this upcoming Tuesday That's our new show at the creek in the caves and then the mayor's at shame city do it and then we have a really great
Starting point is 00:46:23 Yeah, okay cap city comedy club March 19th, please come out. That's you That's not optimum not this up knock. This is March 5th. Please come out. That's you. That's not prominent. That's not optimum. Not this is March 5th. That'll be fun. And you at cap city. Yeah. Working people get tickets for that. Cap please. Nice. All right. Back to the show, everybody. Thank you. What are you? Are you activated on anything politically right now? What are your politics? We have to start stating our politics now. So liberal intelligentsia. I don't have any politics, I don't think about anything. I don't have... I just think about cool issues and stand up comments. I know what you think about. I just think about suckling on the teeth. The next time you suckle
Starting point is 00:46:57 on that cigarette. Dude, I actually secretly, in secret, I've taken up a... Since I'm off the coffee, I might start taking up a small tobacco practice. Whoa No, I wouldn't recommend that. I'm not addicted to I can't get addicted to tobacco What are you gonna do you start smoking cigarettes or you're gonna cigarette? I don't smoke cigarettes I don't smoke. Oh, you're gonna smoke cigars little cigarette is a little mini one So used to writing on coffee like drinking coffee and writing, but I will I'll say this I feel like so I've been off the coffee again off the coffee for lent, you know, I'm not on coffee, like drinking coffee and writing, but I will, I'll say this, I feel like, so I've been off the coffee, I get off the coffee for lent,
Starting point is 00:47:27 you know, I'm not bragging, whatever. And it's just, it's interesting to me because I was, I swore I needed it. When I was in the throes of my caffeine addiction, I was like, no, I just need this stuff to function. I went off of it and I was, dude, I was dizzy for like four days. Like I was getting lightheaded, it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:47:43 And then, yeah dude I don't need it at all like you don't I honestly feel more energized not being on caffeine because then like with caffeine there's the peaks and the valleys and you kind of crash now if I don't get like you know like last night I didn't get a ton of sleep but it's like kind of just you know just rocking on my natural energy so you're just you're not on the matches or anything nothing no caffeine what's what I was you So you're just you're not on the matches or anything nothing no caffeine What's what I was you know, you know how you are like how I do it of like I'm giving up coffee day one
Starting point is 00:48:09 I was like well have matcha and I'm like dude here. You're giving up the sauce give up the sauce give up the sauce dude I'm telling you like Everyone's different. I'm super sensitive to caffeine, but I didn't realize I mean it is my favorite thing the world and come Easter I'm gonna pound so much coffee. I can't wait I didn't realize I mean it is my favorite thing the world and come Easter. I'm gonna pound so much coffee I can't wait to help a Joe, but dude. It's for real like it's pretty fucked up how many people are running on caffeine rather than like their body in a state of like restful You know, it can't be good for you It drives you out as worse for me like if I don't have a soda by the end of the day
Starting point is 00:48:40 I start getting you drink soda every day? Yeah, pretty much, yeah. At least a little bit. What? A caffeinated soda or like a Sprite? Yeah, caffeinated soda. It'd be crazy if it was just like a Sprite. Well, I think it's the sugar mix. I gotta have my Sprite.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Me, my dude. I think I'm a brotherly. So wait, how many sodas you've been putting down? Like one with supper usually. You have a soda with supper? I don't have the soda with supper. I need the sugar. True.
Starting point is 00:49:07 The sugar, like if I don't have the sugar, it's something that happens to me where... You get cranky. Well there's a, you have a billion little, little guys in your belly. You have a bunch of little like microbiomes that are pretty much probably controlling your brain right, they control all of our brains. They control my brain right now. Dude, they can do a thing where there's, I've, at least I've read about this, where different like microbiome, whatever that is, like little like bacteria guys,
Starting point is 00:49:30 they can create a like a hormone that will give you a false hunger signal. So you're not really hungry, but those little guys are gonna put off like hunger, they're gonna put out a hormone that mimics the hormone in you that creates that like hungry feeling, like the rumbly and your tumbling for what for sugar To what end they need sugar to survive and then when you kind of like starve them out
Starting point is 00:49:50 You start getting all these fucked up symptoms. Are they bad guys though bad guys. Yeah. No, you should starve them to death They're bad. This Jones. You're seeing osmosis. I love that Fucking love that shit Murray eats an egg That was my take away You know what's fucked up though we for real can see we're the only animal that can even vaguely imagine the inside of our bodies Pretty nuts to think about it, dude Like we have like a pretty accurate image We can imagine like blood cells floating around our arms and like think about like what's going on inside of our bodies and we can like we have like vague knowledge of like outer space our range of
Starting point is 00:50:30 Awareness is unbelievable Yeah, it is unbelievable, but then I wonder if the others are evolving. I've been worrying about that recently animals I've been worrying about the sea creatures the orcas attacking the humans. I'm wondering if they're evolving slowly Probably I mean if we are otters attack the humans sometimes too now They're figuring out that we can be prey under the right circumstances and that makes me nervous Really? Mm-hmm the orcas they're like other than boats. No, they like body slam boats now to get the people off so they can munch We freed that one And this is just stuff I heard on the internet and from other
Starting point is 00:51:09 People that are my friends. I don't know if it's true, but I was scared about it I don't think they're eating Telecom never telecom no, San Diego. He killed a couple trainers. He was a seaworld a big old whale Black whale is the name of the documentary and he killed a couple trainers They just fuck them up. Yeah, they just like wreck their shit Damn that would hurt so bad getting just fucked up by a whale. Yeah, they're getting hit by a car. Yeah It's getting exploded Under you though. Yeah It's getting exploded.
Starting point is 00:51:45 I'm under you though. Yeah, damn. It's a shame thinking about all that good. He's just bright on the bones. Troy, do the wave. It just sucks thinking about all that good whale lady pussy going to waste. Oh true, the wet seat pussy. Good pussy dude.
Starting point is 00:52:03 The whale ladies, the whale feeders. Yeah They're not eating the people I was so scared about this yesterday after I watched X files and smoke too much fucking Yes, you you got a little you got scared for the files paranoid on the X files. I love X files. I love Fox Mulder We're just asking questions, but so you're the truth is out So there's nights where you like sit down and have like a dinner or soda then you quietly watch the X files Yeah, you're longing for the past What he might be at 90s head?
Starting point is 00:52:39 That was the 1990s programming you like crush a soda with dinner then you'd watch the X file I never understood a single thing about it. I don't hear the music and big nice. Yeah Yeah, I gotta rewatch I gotta rewatch I feel like it's overrated dude. No, it's not There's some good ones. Yeah, ones. I'm not I don't believe in aliens though, so I'm not looking to be very interesting Stuff about the attack on our twin towers that happened in the lone gunman spin-off series You think the x-Files is breaking 9-11 news? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Is it Chris Carter, right? That's the guy? The white receiver? Chris Kyle? The American Cyper. I can't remember. I don't know about that. I don't know too much about that.
Starting point is 00:53:19 The aliens are Chris Kyle. Any of it. The James and James made a cool video on it once. Shout out, James. On what? on that 9-11 X file stuff We're all them like yeah calling it out weird. Yeah. Yeah, there was a couple people who were talking about because they got attacked before too Right. Yeah, I was a tag X files. Oh, no The world train center sorry the world train center got a tag Previously that's why people are always say like blowing up like the World Trade and whatever yeah, but
Starting point is 00:53:50 It was yeah already people would claim like the prophecy. Yeah, I don't know what happened those towers Do you have any prophecies Matt? Could you create one right now? Mmm, I wouldn't be creating it because just because I steal it from that book I read about like what the world's gonna be like in a hundred years But I've already talked about it too before yeah, but no, I don't have any my only my prophecies are I think in I Would say by the next generation like when our kids Like my kids are
Starting point is 00:54:22 Adults their kids are gonna like I truly think the sexuality stuff's gonna be like an afterthought all Yeah, I think I'll just be like whatever. Yeah, but it's gonna be Sodom and Gomorrah. Yeah, but we'll also have a long We don't we don't really have I don't think too much like a Long longitudinal data on like the trans stuff. That's that that'll be just like not even on like a oh Just see like sure like real life satisfaction on like giving kids hormones as nobody knows maybe people like well look Maybe they're happier that was well. There's no scientific numbers exactly They'll have like more kind of a scientific study on that and then I also don't think I yeah, I think the
Starting point is 00:55:02 That won't be a thing really at all and And race, I think will settle down a lot. I think that'll kind of like chill. White people and black people are gonna be cool. We're gonna be always cool forever. Yeah, dude. We have no choice, dude. We gotta be cool. It's like, let me get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:55:18 This is probably, I don't know. Well, no, you know what my one prediction is with that? And I've said this before, dude, what I think people, the black Americans are gonna face is we're gonna, and it has to do with that book I'm reading, we have an aging baby boomer population. They're gonna die out. And then we're gonna need, even while they're still alive,
Starting point is 00:55:35 we're gonna keep needing to incentivize labor to come into this country. So we're gonna start being like, we're gonna switch from build the wall to like, no guys, please come here and help us do X, Y, and Z. But what I think is gonna happen, we're gonna get all build the wall to like no guys, please come here and help us do x y and z but what I think is gonna happen we're gonna get all of these immigrants flood into here and They're not gonna be very tolerant of the black American situation and they're gonna go Okay, like we just came from war torn x y and z
Starting point is 00:56:02 What the fuck's the fuss so I think there is a ticking clock You know a lot of that stuff, but that's a not very popular take my wife I like when I talk about it damn it's going to happen you guys from even from Africa being like yoga I mean that our day already did that the daredevil guys are very stern with black Americans yeah they're just 3D printing black Republicans in Africa. They come over it. I don't understand. What is the fuss? But I think that's going to be...
Starting point is 00:56:35 Well, because like being like international and black, you get different things you do than being American and black. Like you get more shit. I'm not even talking about that. I'm talking about like... I'm talking about like, I'm talking about like a dude coming from, like I used to work with like Libyan dudes who would get like,
Starting point is 00:56:50 like their neighbors lit on fire and tires and like fucked up stuff. Yeah. So that's the whole, that's the thing. Yeah. It's not like international schools, that's a whole different thing.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Yeah. But like dudes who like, for real. No, oh, you're talking about like, life wise. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I meant like, oh, I thought it's about like a social
Starting point is 00:57:08 Kinamikuli. Oh, yeah, I'm talking about countries that are crushed I'm all saying it and dude I saw it with I can't I cannot remember the guy's name. Who was the the guy Indian guy who ran for president I the guy, the Indian guy who ran for president. I was, I was, I was freaking out. I couldn't remember his name, but he was on Charlemagne. He started being like, you guys want to fully go into it? Yeah. He was, you know, it was like stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:57:33 And that's going to be, he's like, you know, imagine a dude straight from India. Yeah. He's going to come back. No, thank you, sir. No, thank you to God. Oh, no, thank you. No, thank you to God.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Oh, no, thank you to God Oh, no thank you Oh, no thank you to God I'm putting disagree Work hard, huh? I think that might happen and that's gonna be a sad day I think I really think we're up it is we're upwardly trending we all because we were in I gotta go to Chicago soon Yeah, you gotta go to Chicago. Yeah, it's gonna be fucking sick But hey, Brits family's like dude Chicago like it's just people are hopping out of cars robin people at gunpoint like crazy Yeah, and I got kind of activated on a conversation because now they're well She was like they're attacking like white people
Starting point is 00:58:19 The figuring out like instead of like robbing each other in the hood They can go to like rich white neighborhoods and just hold people at gunpoint and And I think someone in her family's like well, they're knowing like black people are about that life and I was kind of like alright, bro Enough of that. That's when I started spazzing like there's only a couple more years before these fucking guys come over from Indian one It's Indian guys that are coming. Yo, you guys It's Indian guys that are coming. Yo, you guys. I gotta kinda spun out.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Either way, we're spinning out. We got an hour correctly. Jesus fucking Christ. 55. 55. Pretty loose. Let's keep dancing. Casey Rocket.
Starting point is 00:58:58 So, when did your drug addiction subside? I'm so much more than that. Oh, I know. I'm going to Chicago tomorrow. Are you really? Yeah, doing Zanies. Two shows. There you go. Yeah. Gonna go to Wrigley Field, walk around.
Starting point is 00:59:14 What? To the old stomping grounds. Yeah. Are you from Chicago? I was born in Bloomington, Illinois. Okay. But I grew up in Georgia. But yeah, my whole family's from there.
Starting point is 00:59:24 That's what's up, man. Yeah, I grew up in Georgia, but yeah, my whole family's from there So that's what's up. Yeah. Yeah, I love Illinois. It's beautiful. My mom lives in Carvindale, Southern Illinois type St. Louis, but yeah, Chicago pretty scary one time. I took the L the L runs calm and yeah, I called that too went to That's true. Oh, okay. I didn't know oh that makes sense. Yeah. That's what it's about. I took it too long after a Cubs game maybe three years ago and I wasn't paying attention and I got off at like, like O Block or something. I got off in some really, really bad area and I was walking around. Everyone was just staring at me and yeah, I was just like wandering around like all scared. I called an Uber and the Uber guy was like,
Starting point is 01:00:06 What do you do? Chicago's like segregated like it's like 1920 like the South Side of Chicago is just black. It's black. It's pretty wild If you're a white dude walking around there, it's for real like in oddity people go like whoa, what the fuck? Everyone was staring at me. Yeah It's crazy Chicago is so wildly segregated you look like a damn mill dude. You're looking like a snack out there You can go white boy crazy you can go white boy crazy. Yeah. Nah, you can go white boy crazy. You can go white boy crazy. Yeah. Yeah, you can go white boy crazy. That's the only move. You're screaming and crying. You had to know the choice and to fucking chug the tuss. You had to chug the tuss. Let him go.
Starting point is 01:01:04 See the black people be like, I need to get some rope tussing quick. Let him go. Yeah, oh man got tussled this crab me That was the worst in my Right he was living in Philly before I moved to Fairmount was like when I was living with Brittany And it was like it wasn't North Philly, but it was like Gerard Yeah, like brought like around that area and there was like there was like outside like drug market stuff out there So I was like selling weed and stuff So I was like selling vape cartridges to like something I wanted my friends. I was like standing outside I didn't realize I was in like an active like drug area
Starting point is 01:01:39 So I'm standing outside like selling drugs myself and then just vape cartridges and like this dude's also standing outside of his like a Chinese restaurant he's like yo what's up dude and I was like oh shit he thought I was down there to like buy drugs and I was like oh no no I'm good then I had a like he was like looking at me like what the fuck are you doing standing out here and I like that I like I took the current like went around the corner call my friend like dude come around here dude I get my fucking ass kicked fucking selling drugs in his guest territory I have three indica vape cartridges like dude they're about to take me out Call my friend like to come around here. You don't get my fucking ass kicked
Starting point is 01:02:09 I three indica vape cartridges like dude, they're about to take me out Let's be like walked over to start talking to me and I was like no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no, no, they're Chinese, La Mer. Look, bro, kickflip. No, they're right. That Chinese restaurant is, I've seen that too before in the hood, where Chinese restaurants will just completely be like, yeah, man. And it'll just be dudes actively selling drugs out of the restaurant. Right in front of me, yeah. Yeah, look at like, Commandeered. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Yeah, I've seen that in Atlanta. Yeah. They have like poppy stores like that and Philly now too. Yeah. Pretty tight. I went in the one time in my old neighborhood to like grab a bottle of water. And usually like when I was on, I used to live on 37th and Mellon Street. And it was like, it was really, that was like a nuts area. But like 37th was a family block. If you went on 30th street, it was like an open air drug market. And the one time I was like riding my bike and I was like, I just need a pole in spring. So I went to grab some water and I walked in, there's just four young gentlemen standing there. And I was like, Hey bike and I was like, I just need a pole and spring I want to grab some water and I walked in there's just four young gentlemen standing there. I was like, hey
Starting point is 01:03:07 What's up guys? Like they weren't like by orders just frozen in like a meeting or something. Yeah, they're done I was like just gonna grab this water carry on gents I remember thinking like damn dude, you just I guess there is like yeah, I don't know you guys can just chill in here and do your thing Yeah There's like yeah, like I don't know you guys can just chill in here and do your thing. Yeah merchants You gotta imagine they're putting they gotta be putting a lot of money in that store in that story owners pocket, you know
Starting point is 01:03:34 buying all those sodas sodas and blunts. Yeah So does what's chips dude. That's the that's the motto soda blood chips. Yeah, true That is a heavy soda blunts chips diet. Yeah, yeah. Hot Cheetos are funnions. Well, I think you're done. Well, you guys are fantastic. After like this three months, we're married. It's almost over.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Get that leap here. You get the leap day. Next day. Ooh, I can't wait. Just slam dunk and jump really nice. Jesus, Sean. How's making me laugh this morning? Who said that?
Starting point is 01:04:11 Myself. You think I'm on a 29th? That's the thing about it's mean that they only give them a leap day every four years because they're so good at jumping. We don't riff like that. What the fuck? We're not getting in on that riff. We're not getting in on your toxic fucking riff.
Starting point is 01:04:28 We don't riff like that. Yeah, we don't fucking do that crap, dude. Giving the liberal intelligence you have this fucking fodder. Yeah, I'll cut that out. No, you can't cut that out. You gotta live in that crap. Can we get one more Gary impression, Casey? Dude, he's fucking giving it to What did you say about Angus young he would say a fucking Angus stood he'd make it talk to you, bro
Starting point is 01:04:57 He'd make it fucking talk to you But thank you so much Casey Rocket working ever find you plug all your stuff The best dude I know it's hard not to like it. Yeah But thank you so much Casey Rocket working ever find you plug all your stuff Yeah, just Casey Rocket on Instagram and YouTube. I have a special coming out soon It's on my patreon Casey Rocket and I'm the co-host of the William Montgomery show. Yeah, dude. Yeah, come see me I'm here. Yeah, where you guys have any shows coming up I guess we'll do them an ad so put that shit in there. All right. Thank you guys. Bye so long

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