Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast - Ep 495 - Pod-Cast Away

Episode Date: May 23, 2024

Support the D.A.W.G.Z. @ Go See Matt Live @ Go See Shane Live @ Get Merch @ yo0oo0o0o0o0o0o0o0 Mister Solo ...Dolo. SG's away on Biz. Be cool about it. Matt ripped solo for an hour 30 - nbd. Poured his heart and soul out for you guys. Honestly light work for unc - nbd. Please enjoy. God bless you all. Download the PrizePicks app or visit today and use code Drenched for a first deposit match up to $100 Support the show & get Lucy Breakers for 20% off & free shipping at promo code DRENCHED This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alert! This is gonna be a solo podcast. The most dreaded type of podcasting for both the listener and the podcaster himself. F**k! It's just me. Our ancestors were faced with adversity. Just like I am right now. But we're gonna start for real, alright? It's me, guys. Just little ol' me. Just chill. Take this in. You might at the end of it be like, yo, this fucking sucks. That's fine. In almost a naked state, I feel nude.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Almost as if Shane was my wardrobe and now he's been removed. I'm mommy, I'm at home. Mommy's at home. We're all still here together. Don't spaz, don't fucking turn on me. Just let mommy take care of you. Ireland, Spain, and Norway say they will recognize
Starting point is 00:00:47 a Palestinian state. All right, what's that all about? Uh. All right, starting over again. This is the trick, ready? Wow wow, Wes. Solo podcast, man, this is, wow, what a fucking fucking treat Shane's away on business daddy's gone mommy's here at home Don't be bad if you guys want to be mad I understand your frustration I understand your anger but also that's one way of looking at it
Starting point is 00:01:17 Or it's like wow what a novel situation a man confronting his true limitations, dude. A solo podcast. It's terrifying. Absolutely terrifying, absolutely enlivening as well. So, you know, when life hands you those kind of situations, you either cower and run away, or you fucking face the abyss, which is, you know, a bunch of potentially very nasty things. Very nasty people being nasty. which again, it's like I don't really, it's not that I don't care, I do care, that does bother me, but at the same time it's like, I feel like this is something you just have to deal with and it's like, dude, just get after it, man
Starting point is 00:01:59 say what's in your heart, even if it's the negative most nasty thing, get it off your chest, brother Ben Affleck went and died for all of our sins for all the podcasters sins. He went up there and said hey guys Stop being mean to all the podcasters I'm gonna fucking spaz and he just took all I think he literally just mainlined all of the Internet's hate for like two days and You know he didn't have to do that. I don't know why he did that But I'm glad somebody's sticking up for us while the overpaid podcasters Alright so first order of business solo cast I had to really think about it I
Starting point is 00:02:38 said you know what I want to like take all of the stuff that I've been ruminating on and just kind of that's been floating through my head for the last like five months and I just sat in my office yesterday for like three and a half hours and did an absolutely Just like wildly spurred data dump into my laptop, so I do have a bit of an outline I'm not gonna pretend I can just kind of riff all this stuff in my head and also I did want to kind of I'm 38 now dude, so I kind of like if we're gonna keep meeting like this I do need something of an agenda I don't need it every time but if I'm up if I'm left to my own devices. It's like
Starting point is 00:03:12 I'm not just gonna ramble obviously I'm gonna prepare a brilliant presentation for you guys So yeah, so let's get into the first order of business the first order of business This is something I've been reflecting on a lot. It is leading a family as a father which I'll tell you it's not easy at all, especially if you're kind of like helplessly floating through life alone, and then all of a sudden you have to lead a family. That has been that's been really difficult man because here's the thing, this is kind of my problem with it is that I'm not gay so I have to be with a girl and girls are awesome, totally kick ass, I truly am not being a dick, I really love them to death, I think they are essential for a man's life unless you again unless even if you're a gay man You need girlfriends like they just it's inescapable do whatever you want, but you need to deal with girls
Starting point is 00:04:11 And when you marry a woman You have to then Take these like you're both You don't realize it but two people are moving through life like with all of the force in their mind body and soul Kind of entrenched in the way they're doing things and when you link up It's like it can be like two spaceships just trying to dart in different directions and being just tied together with a fucking chain And it can be a little bumpy and a little wrangly and so I've all I've often consulted the wisdom of the internet for like dude Like what's going on am I doing this right am I fucking this up?
Starting point is 00:04:48 And here. This is the this is the impasse that I'm at right now This is the fork in my mental road and kind of approach and because you need to build a philosophy around these things otherwise You just you know either you're just Automatically repeating whatever you did or your parents did which isn't necessarily a bad thing But I do think it's good to kind of really live as much of an examined life as possible. So I've been consulting, how do you really manage a family? Because it's one of those things like, if you start a business, you would read 45 books on how to start a business or a Sikh mentorship. When you start a family, it's just you as you are guiding the lives of the people you care about the most with zero preparation. At least as far as I'm concerned. I have no idea. It's like I don't hit them, but it's like okay. I totally get why parents do that now. So you have to like come up with this whole kind of like
Starting point is 00:05:41 culture and maybe for some people it happens more automatically where they can kind of be like this is the way the Werther burgers do it and this is the Werther burger way and you know your fucking wife was like your hometown sweetheart who's like fucking your cousin you know your mom's best friend's cousin's daughter so you guys are all in the same kind of wavelength in a way but no now it's like really it's just you fucking open your phone And it's just like a portal to another person's life, and you build a family together, and it's a It's daunting. It's great. I'm not I'm not look don't take this as me complaining or I'm not I'm just saying like holy fuck dude. It is a massively mind-bogglingly
Starting point is 00:06:19 Complex situation where the stakes couldn't be fucking higher and I was not prepared. So, when I consulted the internet, the first thing that I fell into was this guy's name is, and I'm not trying to trash the guy, I think he, obviously some of the points he brings up are certainly valid, but I think it's called like, psych-h something like something of that nature. I don't know but his whole thing and he's like a psychologist So he presents himself very like hey, you know the degree blah blah blah But then you slowly realize this is a dude in the manosphere who went to school for psychology, which is a dangerous man, dude You have to and obviously I'm not bragging. I have my social work degree I could practice the dark arts of the manosphere with everything I've learned from all my readings
Starting point is 00:07:08 But the one thing I'll say because I would like watch this guy's videos and some of it I'm like okay. I kind of agree because this is the This is where I think the manosphere can grab people because when you do have a family And if you know I don't have a family that will fucking listen up dude Because you could get one at any minute just relax You do have to Kind of divvy up like power roles per se and there it's not always like you know This isn't like you know the year negative six thousand dude like women want to be in charge too And I'm again. I'm not getting into the manosphere role of being like those folk and tell them to shut the fuck up
Starting point is 00:07:46 I'm not but Something I've learned is like, you know Babes should be in wheelchairs, dude, like they should be fucking alive They have a free like they're wonderful people who I think complete the our lives in a way that we can never do ourselves but they're being hit with a fundamentally destabilizing amount of hormones once a month, just off the bat. And then like you take pregnancy into account, and it's a beautiful thing. It's that which allows the universe to keep going.
Starting point is 00:08:21 But there's some times where we're trying to make decisions and it's just, and again obviously there's the flip side of this, I get it, I'm not saying you know, girls drool, boys, I please don't think this is what I'm saying. All I'm saying is when you're leading a family, I'm really dancing around this, when you're leading a family there are times as a man and a father, and again I'm not trying to get like pumped up or like rally the troops on this, I'm just saying, I've learned painfully, because I don't like to do this, where you have to just stop and be like, I'm the boss, and it feels terrible, but you do have to do it.
Starting point is 00:08:57 So when I watch these like, which sounds manospheric, and I'm like, yes, obviously the Manosphere has an element of truth to it or maybe like a couple But what they get into is this sick and twisted zero-sum game of like sexual marketplace value Or like if a woman's 30 and not married I see this all the time people go online And they're like yeah, you're nasty bitch. You should have had kids when you were 12 fuck you nobody wants you now and it's like that stuff sick if you're getting into relationships where you're trying to like Put sexual marketplace values on yourself and be like she's 27 years old therefore She's probably had sex with 14 guys
Starting point is 00:09:38 Which it's like you're not going to be able to fucking run a family with thinking like that The real what I found is obviously you get a baby take of her flaws in, she takes all of your flaws in. And at the end of the day, like, you have to be equals, but also you have to be daddy. And it's, dude, it brings me no pleasure, maybe it brings me a little bit of pleasure, but every now and again, you have to be daddy. And it's like the weirdest thing because like you can argue, you can this, you can nitpick this and well I think this, I think that And every now and again you gotta get into daddy mode dude and it's like, it's weirdly erotic, it's deeply uncomfortable for me
Starting point is 00:10:18 But there's, you start to develop kind of a sixth sense as a man and a father, I love, I actually kind of love saying that, as a man and a father to when you go, okay, the wheels are coming off this thing, I see it, they're not off, they're wobbling they've been wobbling for a couple days and you gotta go, never right before bedtime either then you gotta go, hey, let me talk to you real quick, and just go full fucking daddy mode and like, dude, all this stuff, maybe, maybe also, maybe my marriage is wrapped around some weird brat correction kink I don't know god damn it I can't start out like this but that's something I've been learning if you're dating somebody seriously if you're looking to date please for the love of God keep the final objective in mind just really really think that the
Starting point is 00:11:04 every time you have sex with someone I'm not being puritanical I'm not being puritanical but the magnitude of what's happening I know like when you're younger you get pussy it's like an oasis in the desert it just you get a lady is like somehow being inviting towards you physically and you're like it oh oh oh oh oh it's like brother brother and I'm not saying this out of like you know like dude I I don't believe that at all I'm very happy with
Starting point is 00:11:32 my life I'm happy with the way it went did I obviously go the hard route? yeah dude I met my wife when I was 29 she was 24 I had to usher a girl into womanhood dude it my god that's a thing in and of itself not gonna go into details I think sheher a girl into womanhood dude. It, my god, that's a thing in and of itself. Not gonna go into details.
Starting point is 00:11:47 I think she's a lovely lady, a beautiful woman. But again, 24, I'm 29, brother. The bridge from a woman, from 24 to 30 is. It's like being, it's like watching somebody's business fail and you take them into your... God damn it, that's not nice. But there's an element of truth to that because a young woman at 23, 22 is literally in just... It's like the Fogo de Chao green card. Everyone is going, yup, and flipping the green card up to them and
Starting point is 00:12:25 Then what happens is a woman has to confront her finitude This is all like the Manasphere stuff like oh once women turn 30 the roles reverse men become more whatever dude if you're thinking about How sexually attractive you are as a man don't that's a weird thing to do but Women have you know what I'm thinking out loud to a point ignore the thing I said, family business isn't quite a good analogy, that was just sounding funny to me. But women have to, when they get older, confront the fact that they're aging and it hits women way harder than it does dudes. That's all I'm trying to say. I can't ask you Josh. This is a solo podcast, but I think that makes sense so Everyone talks about men's midlife crises which men do have men absolutely have them I Would venture to guess that men's midlife crises are more about
Starting point is 00:13:17 circumstance obviously if you know if you're like Physically dudes kind of freak out about that stuff on no level not like women though I feel like women's midlife crises are more Rooted if I have to be honest in their physical appearance or men's are more kind of circumstantial What have I done with my life blah blah blah, and then you can toss in like you know women will family spaz you I mean dude women turn 30 it's like Man they it's it's sad. It's a really is shitty because women do freak out and It's like they go from zero to sixty wanting to be married, and I'm not relishing in this
Starting point is 00:13:51 I'm not being like yeah, you nasty fucking bitch You should have fucking suck somebody's dick and other kids when you're 24 instead you fucked around your whole fucking life You fucking nasty bitch, which I don't know where there's all these guys that are mad at women For like not having kids super you I see it on Twitter all the time where like a lady will go on and be like I have a nice house. I can cook. I'm 30. Why won't anyone date me? And it's just 55 guys come out like because you're as disgusting whore and you failed in life. Good luck dying It's like dude relax dude Somebody will fucking wife this lady up. She's 30 chill
Starting point is 00:14:26 My whole point is when you're trying to lead a family There's all these dynamics most people don't really talk about and I get it because it's wildly uncomfortable but my whole point is you have to Like just like a woman's hopefully I don't know ushering you through life and whatever she's seeing as like Being wildly kind of fucked up and weird even if they do I don't know ushering you through life and whatever she's seeing as like being wildly kind of fucked up weird even if they do I don't know but a woman is genuinely a very delicate thing and you have to like You have to strike this balance of being like in some regards brutally honest with them While also trying to nurture them because you really should be dude you like you can't hit we all agree
Starting point is 00:15:01 You can't hit girls right? It's mean you shouldn't hit girls. It's kind of fucked up I'm not gonna speak on the diddy shit. I watched a video of Cameron They're asking questions about Diddy and I am so I feel like such a bitch for just relishing and Diddy gossip for as long as I did although some of the gossip was like Epstein level so you gotta fucking obviously kick around in it, but Cameron went on the CNN I think and they're asking questions about Diddy and he basically held it down like bro it's none of my fucking
Starting point is 00:15:29 business I was like damn obviously he goes do I support him beating the fuck out of Cameron I love when dudes say that do I support him beating the fuck out of his ex-wife of course not I don't think that's like okay thank you for the disclaimer but yeah I just feel like I don't know I've lost the thread I've lost the fucking thread
Starting point is 00:15:53 That's all I'm thinking out loud of how do you Navigate a life a family when you know the two linchpins of a family are a man which is just a the two linchpins of a family are a man which is just a disgusting pig of a person just you know trying to come all the time and then a lady who I Don't know what ladies are up to I really don't I I know they're trying to like you know build a comfortable place to live and I don't know what the fuck eat new shit. I don't I don't know what organizes a woman's mind I do think I at the root of it all
Starting point is 00:16:27 So if you take the male ego female ego male ego, I believe is phallic It's it wants to kind of like pierce the universe pierce society and make sort of an impression kind of like clear room for itself and kind of expand into the kind of like Whatever kind of abscess it created or abyss it creates a kind of like puncture society and be like check this out. I Do feel like at the root of it. This is just a theory I feel like at the root of it the female ego is designed for not for like Puncturing and leaving a mark but for just kind of viewing society at a bird's eye view and kind of learning and like just a separating the female ego revolves around kind of learning and like just a separating the female ego
Starting point is 00:17:06 revolves around kind of like Exclusion I should say sorry not separation as much as just exclusion They're kind of like the orderers of kind of everything if that makes sense like a girl won't punch a girl in the face nine times out of ten But they'll have a party and then like take pictures and then put it on Instagram so that other girl sees it and like, oh sorry, you didn't get to come. That shit fucks women up. So again, I'm not trying to get manospheric. I'm just saying it's like, women are, men are wild animals, so are women, but nobody explores the dark side of women, the,
Starting point is 00:17:40 not even dark side, the more chaotic side, like, like dudes spaz and get drunk and punch the wise we know the archetypal tale of the like bad guy But it's like what is the female shadow side and you know it's just verbal aggression and all that shit And you know I don't know fuck I might have to start over Josh. This is too bad Goddamnit time out Is that sound insane no This is too bad, I can't start with this stuff. God damn it! Time out. Does that sound insane? No. All right. People want to hear this stuff from you. True, you're right.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Time back in. You know what dude? I'm sticking with it. I might, this is obviously rambling. It's not perfect, but it, God, just, all I'm saying is, obviously I love my family. I don't want you guys thinking I'm being negative or like, just spewing stuff out, but it's like, this is the stuff that I swear to God nobody talked to me about ever, and it's like one of the most important things in the world. And that my problem is, is that if you start to encounter the, My problem is, is that if you start to encounter the natural friction of an honest attempt of being in a long term committed relationship, something's going to buck its head within that. It could just be your own issues you're projecting, it could be genuinely bad stuff coming in from the other party. It's hard to tell, and if you assume you're automatically right, it's like you know good luck. It's not gonna really work but the problem is people go to
Starting point is 00:19:13 the sources they get online I think are very bad and like borderline satanic of like trying to like use numbers to assess The set I get it dude younger chicks have an easier time You know getting on yachts than 35 year old chicks. You don't have to say sexual marketplace value, dude. That's a weird thing to do, and it's also, in my opinion, it's weird, and it's going to be a hard take. It's weird to be obsessed with maintaining frame, and I know some of you, if you don't know what frame is, frame is you being in total control of the relationship total control of yourself You do have to maintain frame again. I'm walking a delicate tightrope
Starting point is 00:19:56 But if you are constantly thinking about maintaining frame do you really have frame bro or is frame something? I don't know, but it goes so in depth where and I if this is a joke It's the funniest thing in the world. There's a thing called the blue line test that was brought to my attention It's the funniest thing in the world. There's a thing called the blue line test that was brought to my attention By my friend Pedro Salinas who actually him and Pedro and Charles Blisnick have a podcast called hello dear. It's actually very good But Pedro was telling me about what's called the blue line test and what they do is they take pictures of like couples basically some of them are celebrity couples some of them them are, you know, people's friends, whatever. I don't know where they're actually getting the photos. But what they do is they put a blue line down the middle exactly where the dude should be standing.
Starting point is 00:20:32 And if the dude is like leaning in towards his wife or girlfriend, Ehhh Excuse me. That means he's in violation of the blue line principle, and that's visual proof that he doesn't have frame. Which again, if that's, which is I think it's very very funny and that's a it's a funny thing to bust somebody on if you see somebody's like I mean engagement photos obviously or just nobody I mean I guess if you've done engagement photos you've at least given up frame you have to give up frame but to be like if you're leaned in at Giving up frame you have to give up frame, but to be like if you're leaned in at all towards your loved one You're somehow a beta pussy. That's a bad way to be I'll be honest
Starting point is 00:21:12 There's nothing wrong with leaning in towards your babe dude fuck the blue line And I will say as soon as I heard about that I had like a mini Quiet panic where I was like dude. I better be fucking standing up straight dude if I fucking fell the blue Quiet panic where I was like dude. I better be fucking standing up straight dude if I fucking fell the blue But anyway, so so I was talking about um that's that I just look all I'm saying is If you enter into a marriage you don't don't do what I did don't sit there and go well time to get married We'll see how this goes like Really think about it man. I'm not saying I'm saying do it for sure
Starting point is 00:21:46 But like try to be as I mean maybe you'll never be conscious until that kind of jolts you out of just like Bam there's new creatures that love you, and they're looking for you to be like You know you got a baby or you have your wife And she's fucking busting open and kids are popping out of her and you're like oh shit I got to pay all the bills have a it really does kind of force of force, it is a reckoning within you that I think is ultimately great. I'm not trying, don't take this as me being negative, I'm not being negative at all, I'm obviously, I'm just going into the Hades, the underworld, the underpinnings of human relationships and you know, you know, I guess we're animals, I call the, fuck bitch, I call it the the fly. It's gone. I did have it in my hand you got to delve into these things and they're uncomfortable and
Starting point is 00:22:30 What I'm saying is you got to come back up to the surface You can't if you do what like just just relish in like kind of the underworld of things like yeah these motherfuckers Even as I get older even with politics like they're all fucking bought off, and it's like yeah, I get it There's obviously tons and tons and tons of corruption, but it's like don't relish in the underworld of relationships don't let relish in the underworld of the political stuff that's what I'm learning man, but you do have to you know submerge yourself in it to kind of Just try to get a handle on things man because otherwise you just kind of float through life And you just try to like ignore it all and block it all out And then you eventually die and it's like that's that's kind of a waste of an existence but
Starting point is 00:23:04 So moving on to my next topic I was talking about Pedro Salinas is in Charles Blisnick podcast. Hello dear two of my good friends and I Charles Blisnick brought up something that I had been you know actually Charles Blisnick introduced me I will say full credit introducing me to the no jumper podcast which has been I Don't know what function me watching no jumper this closely has what like what you know kind of value is in it Because it's it's nothing. I don't think anybody I know wants to hear about like young people addicted to Promethazine becoming famous for rapping on the internet and like kind of like just The details of their lives, but there has been something
Starting point is 00:23:46 That I confronted that Charles Spoke on which you know obviously a brave man to talk about this because I didn't know I didn't know you could talk about this to anybody else But he was talking about the no jumper podcast if you don't know no jumper Adam 22 I honestly the more I watch him. I think he's actually a fantastic interviewer No jumper Adam 22. I honestly the more I watch him. I think he's actually a fantastic interviewer He all he branched off and like I mean this weird mutation in terms of like Diversifying his enterprise Where he's already a podcaster a famous public figure and then he just like started nakedly fucking his wife on camera
Starting point is 00:24:23 I think which is like you hear about it and you go, okay yeah. But then when you watch a lot of his content, and this is what Charles brought up which I totally agree with, and it's something, it's a, it might be the deepest issue I'm struggling with right now in life. Where it's like, you watch his entertainment, and then you know obviously I've been clean off the porn for a long time, but do forgive me, I got out of Texas a couple times on the road and I was able to view without showing my identification. So I did view. I did view. And obviously, he's a... They have like a major show.
Starting point is 00:24:58 And I like, I saw it, you know, you're in like a porn hole and you're just, bleh, just scrolling around, you go, holy shit. I could see Adam 22 naked having sex right now, and I didn't do it. I didn't do it I'm not bragging about that, but I was like I don't think I was like that would be the start of it This is what Charles Blisnick was talking about by the way full credit to the Blizz God how it's like how just Upsetting it would be to see somebody you know and seen that much content on just all of a sudden seeing them naked and orgasming would be upsetting. I agree with Charles. I, uh, because there's part of you that's just like, who cares, man? It's all, you know, it's just the internet. It's like, yeah, the guy does the thing. And then it's like, you know, and I don't want to see the guy naked per se, but there's like weird curiosity to be like well I've seen him interview people I can just watch this guy have sex now and I oh again ultimately
Starting point is 00:25:50 I said I don't need that I just I feel like that would be Maybe the start of a personal unraveling that I don't want to explore myself and I again I didn't do it But man that was a to hear Charles Blisnick talking about literally struggling with the same issue Was for me deeply kind of like okay cool. I'm not the only person who had just the Bizarre inclination the the the voyeuristic urge to go hmm I've seen him interview rappers. Let me see him have sex with his wife now. It's like Yeah, no, thanks. I was proud of myself actually because honestly before I probably would have been like just you know
Starting point is 00:26:34 Grossly just like a fucking disgusting slug just inserted myself into that experience like Just watched it and just jerked off. It's disgusting. It's gross. I mean it's not shout out to him obviously get in the bag but There's something inherently bizarre About like because I'm not obviously me and Adam 22 aren't boys But it's the same thing like I get people all the time after you know after shows like dude I've listened to so much of your content. I feel like I know you It's the same thing now imagine if you saw my naked
Starting point is 00:27:05 sweaty ass pounding away That is I believe I mean again if you want to if there's a demand for it. Let me know but I could see someone being like that personally would be me crossing a line Which I was just stoked on the fact that I have lines inside of myself I was a lineless human being and slowly a limit emerged on me where I said you know what like before there was no limits no lines I was just out here doing my motherfucking thing. Oh that's what I'm gonna say I was proud to see wow I'm like a real person now with like and again if you want to watch I totally get it bro like the interviews are fire
Starting point is 00:27:41 if you want to watch him slamming babes and having threesomes with his wife, I'm not judging you. I never would. I'm just saying I saw that and I said, Not today, brother. We don't- this is- look, we got enough stuff on our plates. Again, we're trying to lead a family. We don't need to watch Adam Toneat to have sex. This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. We all carry around different stressors, and small when we keep them bottled up It can start to affect us negatively Therapy is a safe space to get things off your chest and to figure out how to work through whatever is weighing you down
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Starting point is 00:31:51 count that as a loss. That's pretty fair man I gotta say to you know some guy gets hurt that's pretty forgiving for them to let you do that. The more or less is an easy way to get in on the action on the basketball and sports action to select more or less. It's a fun way to do it. It's a gentlemanly way to do it. To do you know what, get in on the action. Download the app today and use code drenched for a first deposit match up to $100. Again, download the prize picks app and use the code drenched for a first deposit match up to $100 pick more pick less It's that easy and also I forgot I have to say I have a show in Denver this weekend. I just added a late Thursday show I get it. It's late Thursday, but I figured I'd add something because all the dates were the shows are sold out
Starting point is 00:32:42 So late Thursday show Denver comedy works this Thursday, this is very Thursday of Fuck that's tomorrow. Maybe you'll see it before they maybe won't I don't care back to the show Shut up Liz shut up Pedro, so that is the second order of business. That's something I Discovered about myself. I was pleased and also dude Regarding pornography I will say I was off it for a while. I was off, everything was cool, and I was- and I don't want to get into this weird, like, it's like when people quit drugs and then they don't shut the fuck up about quitting drugs, if that makes sense. It's like, yeah, you don't really care about it. Whatever And it was like months man, maybe five six seven months It was a while now not seven I'm bragging, but it was probably more like realistically five felt like probably seven or eight off the stuff off the crap
Starting point is 00:33:36 But then you travel you're by yourself. You're alone in the hotel room and you say I can't sleep I can't it's not even say it. I can't sleep. I'm you get jacked up from doing a show you can't fall asleep say man I know what would put me to bed it's for real like it is the it's like if a baby needs a pacifier it's an absolute pacifier and it's like and then the nights that I do ward it off and I feel bad if you're like somebody sobers this is the exact thinking of like trying to not do drugs. Although it's like, you know, the the cost the cost associated with doing drugs is like you could die. I'm not gonna die from watching porn. It's one of those things where it's just like I just I just don't want to do it. It's like I don't even feel gross about it. I don't feel like it's the worst thing in the world.
Starting point is 00:34:20 It's just like after I'm done, they're for real as a thing where I just kind of go like look And is it like I don't know I'm trying to think about like where does that feeling come from and why do you feel so? like grossed out and sad Specifically after watching porn it's not like like I don't I'll have sex with my wife, and I roll off, and I'm like hell. Yeah, dude like there's no part of me That's like oh, man like that does happen like if you're out having sex with like strangers online I've heard of guys like I've never done it obviously, but I've heard of guys being like afterwards like what have I done?
Starting point is 00:34:52 I mean obviously I've been there before but it's like You get into this thing of like I don't know what that is. It's like Your body instinctively is kind of like there's like this regret or sadness after ejaculation Which again I only get After I watch pornography and I and I and it's not like that deep. I'm not like oh beating myself up But I just finish and I go That's not it brother. That's not the way to be and it's not like again It's not like a you know fire and brimstone kind of thing
Starting point is 00:35:20 I just go did I really have to do that or am I just following some weird hamster wheel that I could totally break out of and the nights that I would do shows, cause for real I do shows and like I just go back to my room and just sit there like a psycho like I don't, you know sometimes I'll go out for a little bit but it's rare it's like 10% of the time I go out and do something afterwards 90% of the time I hit hit the room obviously put on the fucking blockers Blue light blockers, and I read ones for at nighttime these are daytime use, but yeah, I'll just like lay in my bed and watch YouTube
Starting point is 00:35:56 And then sit there for two and a half hours until I feel like I have like the Just I just I can't sleep and then at three o'clock in the morning I go well now. I'm just doing myself a disservice. I got to go to bed But I the jury's out on porn. I forget my exact point, but my idea is I will one day quit But I'm trying to figure out a way. I don't know it's one of those things where it's like Is do you even have to like is it that big of a deal? And it's like no not really it really you even have to? Like is it that big of a deal?
Starting point is 00:36:25 And it's like, no, not really. It really isn't. I don't think it's that big of a deal. I mean, here's the thing, it's gross for everyone else. This is probably why people don't talk about this, but it is kind of gross as you get older for people to have to think about you masturbating to pornography. It's really upsetting. I would say fuck man like 50 and over just hearing about or interacting with maybe like you come upon a 50 year old man masturbating. It's really Tough stuff, so if you could do your small part and just kind of like Prevent that as an eventuality for anyone to ever have to digest or see what you get I could just not talk about it, but then it's like do I really want to do that do I want to you know I don't know maybe I could maybe I could get into just harboring deep personal secrets
Starting point is 00:37:09 But I don't feel like that's healthy. I really don't So my point is I'm gonna attempt again not not in a manic way. I've kind of like Been moving back and forth from this porn thing or it certainly has gotten way more vanilla like dude you know it's I can pretty much I can pretty much hit thumbnails now not bragging bikini pics even if I really want to but it's one of those things where like and again you can do a memory beat but it's like you know you could also give yourself a visual still I whatever anyway so there's that there's my view on porn. It's still an ongoing thing It's not as it's not as charged as it was before
Starting point is 00:37:48 But if I'm asking myself, you know, what is genuinely the best version of yourself? Does that person watch porn the answer is clearly and resoundingly no ma'am. No, sir. He does not But so I'll get there one day what I have been doing is you know, and again, this is This is something that's been taking over my YouTube algorithm where instead of point again I don't want to get weird or like Super drastic about this, but I will say I mean porn of masturbation rules And it's a weird thing to compare but like there's a lot of audio renditions of like the book of Psalms Hey, man, give it a try you could do you can fall asleep to that pretty good, too
Starting point is 00:38:26 It's I don't want to juxtapose them as equals. I mean obviously you know there's two opposing forces, but Yeah, man, I don't know that rules to check that out if you you know just give it a try I did it the one night successfully, and I dude I've really felt really good when I woke up it wasn't like your mind's not just laden with just like Like a 50 year old gangbang in Florida like you don't need to see that man You know like that like that's the last thing you see before you go to bed your whole body's going what the fuck? Where were we what is going on here? That's why I think you get so sad when porn goes away all your girlfriends disappear
Starting point is 00:38:58 And you go oh shit fuck because you have literally tricked your biology into thinking that you are at a 50 a gangbang which for some reason you didn't think there would be a bunch of 50 year olds there, but it's all 50 year olds. And you go, eh, oh that lady looks like she might have a drug problem. You go, that's not my, I shouldn't be judging. And then you go, ah, Jesus man, what the fuck. So, anyway, so on to the presidential election. So on to the presidential election. I don't know who I'm gonna vote for. I'm being honest. And it's like, I'm trying to separate myself from... Where are we at time-wise, by the way? I've entered an absolutely timeless vortex.
Starting point is 00:39:34 I don't wanna stop. I'm just curious. Cause I... From the third time you started, you're 32. Alright, alright, alright. Very good, very good. From the third start, you should have seen the first two my god What a meltdown? So I feel like all right here we go, so Thank you, Josh so for the Josh composite motherfucking beast so from the
Starting point is 00:39:58 so I've been trying to look at the election in a Kind of like really being like, okay, to my own devices, not trying to pretend, like, when you hear about like, yeah, but his policy sucks, it's like, dude, you read the policy? Come on, man. I don't know shit about policy. I don't really have that strong of an opinion about political parties. I genuinely don't. So it's like, how can I pick a president and pick one honestly and authentically to myself? And I've just been going by kind of cool points. So if I had to break it down, Trump and Biden both stand accused. I'm not saying they did it. It's a horrible thing to accuse somebody of.
Starting point is 00:40:39 But they both do stand accused of rape, which minus one. I mean, I'm not saying they did it. I mean, that'd be obviously minus a million. But if you get accused of it, I'm sorry. Minus one, you know? And here's the thing, you can take those accusations away, and it's like I definitely saw Biden sniff a little girl's hair on camera, multiple little girls, I believe.
Starting point is 00:41:01 So minus one, obviously. Trump was on the Epstein flight logs, And, you know, we thought he just chilled with his staff. Apparently, we learned from Nick Bryant that, like, I don't even remember what he said, but he's like, he didn't chill with his staff. And we're like, alright, fuck. Minus one Trump. RFK can do a backflip. Plus one. RFK's wife required vaccination at their party. I know it's not his fault.
Starting point is 00:41:24 But that's plus negative five points not his fault, but that's plus negative five points, or that's, no, it's plus point five, sorry, my bad, plus point five, or negative point five for his wife doing that. And again, not his fault, I've never related to something more when they're like, and his wife actually, it's like, dude, that's just babes being babes. So we're standing at negative one, oh then Trump just had a rally with 100,000 people that showed up in Jersey Shore. Plus one. I mean, dude, if you're doing numbers like that, that's plus one. Biden forgave student loans, I gotta say.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Look, I paid my loans off. I'm happy I did that. But I'm still, I can get stoked for people. I can easily imagine a scenario where I Couldn't pay my loans off and a dude for real just wiped that debt Plus one and if you say well, it's gonna increase inflation, bro. I don't know about that stuff I'm telling you I don't care about it if it inflate if eggs cost 55 fucking dollars that would certainly suck But I genuinely don't think we'll run into that problem. I don't. I really don't. So yeah, I don't care about that but my ultimate point is, so I went through this thought exercise,
Starting point is 00:42:33 I mean I tallied up hundreds and thousands, I'm not going to bore you guys with my political analysis but I ultimately decided I think I'm a single issue voter and RFK lifts so that's all I care about. RFK lifts so I'm a single issue voter my president has to lift has to be getting swole. Biden's not getting swole. Trump's not getting swole. I mean if I find out that those guys you know start doing something some sort of strength regimen then I'll consider voting for them but right now RFK has snagged my vote due to the fact that he is getting swole so there you have it um and also too i'm getting actually i don't know if you guys have noticed uh i don't if there's one thing more embarrassing than doing this solo cast for i don't i mean
Starting point is 00:43:16 viewership will probably dip for this episode sorry sponsors but i'm getting pretty swole and i don't want to embarrass myself by asking you guys but like have you guys noticed at all have you noticed at all Josh? I'm actually getting like Pretty fucking swole dude. I mean I'm again. It's not a vanity project. This is no vanity project. I'm not bragging I'm not trying to like you know stun on anybody Now from the stuff that I've taken in online Dr.. Pia Attia, I believe is one of them, you have to maintain muscle mass into old age. It's a sign of health. I didn't know that. I thought the healthiest people were like
Starting point is 00:43:53 skinny and frail. I thought old Asian dudes had the market cornered on like being old as hell. I thought you had to get like skinny and frail, then you can kind of just like time capsule your body into kind of like, and you know, it's nothing, that's no disrespect on Asian dudes. I honestly look at them as like my whole life I've looked at them as like the pinnacle of fucking health I've always been like you know what the fuck are those guys up to because I think they do have some like Not to exoticize them, but I think they do have ancient secrets that I would love to know all of them, but Yeah, man. I have to get swole because uh You know Peter Peter Tia. There's all these longevity experts now. He's all of them. But yeah man, I have to get swole because you know, Peter
Starting point is 00:44:26 Attia, there's all these longevity experts now. He's one of them. There's also that guy from Instagram, Brian Johnson I believe his name is. He's the guy, Peter Attia is like chill, I guess. He's just kind of like, you know, like lift some weights, hang from the bar, eat vegetables, and like these are the ways you can live. Brian Johnson is that guy from Instagram who is like like they said he was like taking his son's blood, which is true, and he says that he did this. He is like, well first of all yes, he injected himself with his son's blood, but he also injected his blood into his father. And Brian Johnson claims that his, I guess his platelets or whatever they were they like helped his dad I think his dad couldn't get hard so I think he
Starting point is 00:45:08 gave I think he gave his father the blood that filled his father's penis which is like that's kind of noble dude you can like so the guys drinking his sons come it's like dude all right maybe he does I don't know I don't know you know I don't know what the guy's regimen is I mean you know if you're injecting blood Why not dude just fucking put one of your son's loads on a fucking oyster and is it open? I'm saying this is about living forever. This is about life and death guys. Don't be immature about this This is about life and death. I don't know the man's regimen. I don't think I don't think I don't think he does consume Load but he seems like the guy in a good way
Starting point is 00:45:48 Who is just like doing whatever it takes and here's the one thing I'll say about Brian Johnson There is something you watch him. I'm sure he's aware of this We just go I want to fucking hate this guy because it's like fuck him man Oh, what do you eat for breakfast for Brussels sprouts a piece of dark chocolate and a thimble full of wine and berries and nuts? Fuck you, dude. There's something about that you see you go fuck you, dude You almost just want to die as fast as you can to spite him somehow But then here's the one thing I'll give to the man in that I'm saying that's a nerd That's that's like an initial reaction you might see I'm not saying that's like a blanket value judgment of the man's work
Starting point is 00:46:22 And I'm being honest I mean that the one thing he's doing that is kind of cool is he's opened up his project to be totally open source So that anybody because the whole thing is like oh nice for you. You're a millionaire Must be nice and Yeah, obviously that isn't true, and he's deading he spends millions of dollars a year like doing like intensive testing But he does unleash or unleash he releases all of his information To anybody who might be interested and it's like that's kind of cool. You know because here's why I think that's cool I've been beefing with Just standard health care pretty much forever like I just there's something about it. I don't like I feel like it's off
Starting point is 00:47:02 It's just kind of clunky. They could go into way more- we have so much technology where we could be going like way more into depth and detail about like how your body works, what's actually going on, what are the foods that actually agree with you. There's just so much more we can get into to where we'd be feeling better and you know not like constantly, you know, all these kids having autism, also shout out to the fuck I think autism is a Noble mutation that Earth's actually doing to kind of save itself, but that's a different thing, but you get my point It's like we have all these autoimmune reactions all these fucked up health things going on and our health care system just chugs along Like oh your cholesterol is two points high if you consider blood pressure It's like man get the fuck out of my face with that.
Starting point is 00:47:46 So they're not gonna be able to do their business as usual, like once you have cancer now we'll like get into the nitty gritty of like how your body works and you know once we can kind of just suck hundreds of thousands of dollars out of you to do chemo and all this other shit for the rest of your life. Peter Attia, one of his points is like Dude, we should get on the case like by the time you're 35 Let the doctor finger your butt, get a colonoscopy, get a nutritional panel We like we get blood work done and all you have to do on blood work is just elect for more testing and have a guy Give you a more kind of comprehensive thing rather than like blood sugar cholesterol
Starting point is 00:48:24 Blah blah vitamin D blah blah blah It's like dude they could check for 50 million more things and that's Peter atia's point is like yeah We should be doing this like we're letting people die Kind of pointlessly and stupidly just to like you know just doing some outdated models my whole point is like Brian Johnson's efforts. You know it's like As weird as it is to see him getting kind of like naked with his son on his screen I get it's disturbing I get it But what at least if he's putting all this information out in this open source kind of decentralized way which honestly I truly do Hope is the future of kind of everything
Starting point is 00:48:56 These like giant health care conglomerates are going to have to adapt and I think as a result of all these kind of like to have to adapt and I think as a result of all these kind of like You know like tech health at health hacky type ways of being an apps I do think that those guys are going to kind of permeate the You know modern shitty standard health care thing that we have that makes sense sorry to use permeate some people Hey, you know use words like that, but it's like sorry dude dude I can't think of another word for the infiltrate. They'll um They'll take us all to the next level Which is why I am since I read two chapters of Peter Tia's book and did see Brian Johnson swallow his son's love No, I didn't see that
Starting point is 00:49:38 I'm getting jacked, so I'm trying to get jacked so that because here's the thing dude. I'm gonna be fucking 48. I did the math my Oldest daughter's four so when she's 14. I'm going to be 48 dude. I thought about that I said what the fuck man. I mean that's I thought I guess that's kind of normal to be kind of like older as a parent now, but Something about that bothered me, and it's like well Peter Tia said I got to get jacked which I don't know the exact mechanism behind like I don't know why if you have more muscles is better for you I I Guess like I don't know. I think if you lose all your muscles, I guess you just kind of like fall or it's like I Don't know what the health risk is by not having enough muscles when you get older. I also wonder if it's, um, if your wife, like, if she sees, like, are women like cats to where, like,
Starting point is 00:50:31 if they finally feel like they could physically defeat you, they just, like, beat you up and murder you? I don't know. Like, I know if you die, like, a cat eats your body in, like, two days. Maybe women are like that. But I'm gonna have, me and my wife, two daughters for a pretty long time. So I do have to make sure that I can physically best them, you know, as long as I can, otherwise they'll murder me and I'll die from lack of muscle and old age. So there's that. So I am getting jacked.
Starting point is 00:50:55 And here's another thing about Peter Atiyah that's kind of nice, is I don't know if you guys know this, Peter Atiyah, I think he wrote the book called, I don't remember, it's not How to Live Forever, that's, maybe it is How to Live Forever, I don't know. Bunch of guys out here writing books about eating vegetables, making millions of dollars. But Peter Atiyah, his origin story about how he became like a bio health hacker is actually kind of sick.
Starting point is 00:51:18 And I might have talked about this before, but it is kind of interesting to think about, that he was just like a I believe like a Silicon Valley Valley kind of like you know like business mogul II kind of hot shot II type guy and And he was like he did this like Swimming race where he swam in the Bay Area I don't know the body of water But he swam across like a fucking Bay or some kind it was like an impressive feat for him to like you know swim To this island, and then I think him and his wife all got lunch to celebrate
Starting point is 00:51:49 Excuse me But he said the beginning of his health hacker journey was he's eating a burger after he swayed Swam his fucking ass off the guy swam probably like five fucking miles. He's eating a burger drinking a coke celebration and He I don't know what he said exactly But I kind of you know did what we all would do is like look at your wife and be like pretty fucking good Right and his wife goes You could still like basically was kind of like you're fat his wife after the dude swam five miles The dude was having a burger and she goes burger. You sure you want that you're
Starting point is 00:52:23 You're getting a little fat, so then the guy peter ritea You know he obviously internalized that as we all would just deeply into his organs and just was like this fucking bitch How dare she so he got so mad that he then dedicated his entire life to? What I presume outliving his own life so that when she dies he can drop a black rose on her casket And go who's fucking fat now you dead fucking bitch But it's like man All I know is I'm gonna be as jacked as fucking possible, and I'm not on gear right now full disclosure I'm fucking that I'm totally natty
Starting point is 00:52:59 but best believe when the day arises if my muscle mass strengths to the point where I think my two daughters and my wife could physically best me and just murder me in cold blood and take what's theirs in terms of their inheritances, I'd have to go on gear to prevent them. It would just collapse into a fallen state. My house would just become like the fucking Middle East. So yeah, so I'll probably go on gear. I'm gonna try to go on gear when I'm like almost dead and see if I can kind of like revive myself like I want to wait till I have cancer and Then I'll go on gear and if the tumors grow faster so be it dude. I will look crazy Dude, just like one of those ten year old dogs with like fucking shit bulging out of it's just tumors and delts dude I'd look I would try to enter a contest actually maybe go for mr.. Universe
Starting point is 00:53:47 Also, okay, so we're in a fucking role now guys the solo podcast It's probably not your favorite thing in the world, but we're moving along dude. It started out a little clunky. You gotta you know look You got to get this bird into the fucking air man And that's that's all I want to do my whole life my whole life life, my new main goal is to eventually, obviously I haven't done it yet, but I want to eventually create a work of art that is so stunning and so breathtaking that I want to leave this world physically and leave behind almost a thing people encounter and go, I just want to leave something behind that can just give living human beings the The chills in a sense where they go and it just has like a it spins cells in their body where it has like a Positively orienting effect while also going. Oh god. So that's my goal. It's a create an absolutely breathtaking
Starting point is 00:54:39 spellbinding Life-giving work of art and You know so that's also why I'm trying to stay jacked and stay alive as long as possible because you know if I figure I can maybe do it by the time I'm 80. We'll see so in order to kind of keep myself jacked strong alive, I had to go to the chiropractor recently and a Lot of people are like chiropractors are bullshit. It doesn't work And a lot of people are like chiropractors are bullshit, it doesn't work Dude, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart if you think that it's because you are dumb and I'm kidding it's I get why people think that but if the problem is is like
Starting point is 00:55:17 Like chiropractors like anything if you get a bad one You're gonna go I it's the same thing like therapists, therapy's bullshit because you had like a fucking court-appointed therapist one time who didn't exactly cut the mustard for you, and then you go, you know what this whole field of practice and Thousands of people and thousands of hours of their life they dedicated it to you know To which I've read none of this stuff on I've just decided in my head that it's total bullshit Okay, fair enough. That's one way to be but I will say the I'll say this about chiropractors and pretty much everything else if you try and again if you're like look I'm fundamentally opposed to it. I get it. I'm just obviously fucking around messing around but
Starting point is 00:56:02 Sometimes you get one bad one and that doesn't mean it's all bad like I've gotten good chiropractors and bad chiropractors but it's something that people just every time a lot of times I talk to people they go that's all fucking quack science right it's like no and it's not like I've read the literature no I've physically experienced the benefits of it it's like you know and like I've been to bad ones the bad ones rule of thumb if you want to like Especially if you have fucking back and neck pain you're like chiropractors bullshit It's like dude lay down on the fucking table Please for the love of God if you want your back and neck pain to go away they can now if you said I did it
Starting point is 00:56:35 Before didn't work for me, okay fair enough fair enough, but okay, so I'll get into I have a whole spiel about chiropractic But or chiropractic I should say The bad ones in my opinion or the ones you know, that I've been not impressed by, tend to be those agencies or practices, I should say, that are chasing lawsuit money. So if you get into an accident, what happens is if you get into an accident, there's a police report, you'll start getting hit up by a bunch of lawyers and an injury lawyer will be like hey I got a guy you can work with he's gonna make sure you're all right
Starting point is 00:57:09 And I'll hook you up with a chiropractor who's just like Just billing you into oblivion because the lawyers like you're getting this guy like fifty thousand dollars charge him three hundred per session That they're you know the other person's insurance gonna pay it's like this big fucking you know my opinion a bit of a scheme just because And I'm not saying if a chiropractor does help people who got an accident, I'm not saying they're inherently evil or like they're bullshit but in my experience I've been to a couple of them that were just like they didn't really do anything because I've been to some that are like counting up your vertebrae, popping them over, asking you like about the shit you eat, how you sleep, like a real chiropractor Gets into like the nitty gritty of like, what are you eating?
Starting point is 00:57:49 What kind of foods fuck with you? Is one of your legs longer than the other? Like, I went to this lady yesterday And I'll say, I've had two great chiropractors in my life The one was this guy in New Jersey, I can't remember his name, but he was also a medical doctor And he was phenomenal, and I've been to a couple others that were good don't get me wrong a couple ones that I want I'll never come back here again only because I literally I was in a cab that got an accident a lawyer called me I thought he was my friend. He was like literally worried about me, but all he did was one
Starting point is 00:58:15 He just wanted me to make money for him So that chiropractor I didn't really like that much because I felt like it wasn't as in-depth of what I was used to but I go to this lady yesterday down here in Austin, Texas way and Dude first of all I go in and and my uncle and my aunt were the ones they live down here They're like, you know, you got to try this lady out. She's phenomenal. And I you know, I again I'm a fan of chiropractic work. So I said, you know, I'll check her out I was like I don't really have much going on right now my neck I feel you know, my neck's a little stiff every now and again
Starting point is 00:58:44 And you know, I fucking back cracks every time I move fucking 60 degrees, but like I'm fine. That's what you do I'm fine I'll let her go check me out cuz I want to also want to have a run some tests see like where my blood's at I've been to a doctor in forever. I just you know after I think during kovat. I just gave up I was like dude. They kept you know they kept trying to Give me certain injectables, and I said guys I'm good on this how about you guys run my blood for maybe blood sugar because my dad has type 2 diabetes And I'd like to get on that you know whatever anyway
Starting point is 00:59:12 so I've been to the doctor forever said it's time. I you know I check up on how the you know the earth suits doing Let me see what's up with this. I'll get some blood work done all that stuff, so I go to the lady I don't know what to expect and I Walk in and it's like the the lady, she, dude, when I say thin, bro, like, she's like, you can see, there's like that kind of like, I don't know if sinewy is the right word, but like, she's kind of ripped in a way,
Starting point is 00:59:38 but again, she's like, she was no spring chicken, and I'm not saying that in a bad way, she was a really nice lady, you can tell, she's like, you know, in good health and everything. But my problem was that, and I'm not being a dick, it's just a genuine experience, I've had a couple, maybe one actually, female chiropractor, definitely one, maybe two, but I think definitely one female chiropractor who couldn't summon the strength to kind of like crack me in the way that I, you know, I wanted to get like, like they had to use like various tools and like hammers to try to do it and in my
Starting point is 01:00:08 Opinion I was like not the same and you know it's also like I mean Talk about the wickedest delight to be like yeah this lady can't fucking manipulate me. I'm so fucking jacked and strong girls So I'm like you know I was like and I saw her and I was like man. I hope this lady can really you know She's not yet. I mean here's the thing she was taller than me. I'll give her that she was definitely taller than me So you know that's just the day in a life of a jacked man like myself, but like she was taller than me Which you know I obviously like puffed up a little bit to show her that you know I was obviously bigger than her, but She like went through it was the most thorough Investigation you know
Starting point is 01:00:44 Heteropause of my body. It was like, it was crazy. Like she did this shit, I don't know if you've ever heard of it, well first of all, I should say this. So before I get into the muscle testing thing she did, I was wondering like, can this lady crack me? Like does she have what it takes? Does she have the grit?
Starting point is 01:01:01 Does she have the determination? And dude, yes. This, like, she, so she laid me on my back. Does she have the grit does she have the determination and dude yes this like she so? She laid me on my back so what happened was I think my I could be wrong c9. It's it's uh It's called the upper thoracic. It's like my mid to upper back one of the vertebrae was Poke it fucking fruit flies down here brutal one of the vertebrae Was kind of like sticking out just a little bit a couple millimeters on that kind Of stuff dude, and you're fucked so she gives me this like really thorough examination. I had this
Starting point is 01:01:30 Giant knot I thought I was fine for real. I was like yeah. I was like there's not much going on She pushed right here in the back of my neck, and I was just like oh Jesus, and then she's like I'm I have knots all this twisted shit in my back And I'll be honest this is a perverse pleasure of mine But I anytime I've gotten like a massage or like some sort of chiropractic thing if there's ever a woman Telling me I'm tense. This is something. I'm starting to shed personally, but I always took a very perverse pleasure and being like Yeah, I am like it makes me feel like when a woman's dabbing like a cool cloth and a battle wound I've always been very like pleased to be like yeah, my back's fucked up. Yeah
Starting point is 01:02:11 Probably is fucking tense all the time and stress I'm so cuz I don't watch like sports and shit, so I don't get to kind of like I don't get to experience like Super manly pleasures, so that's like one of the few very manly pleasures I get of like a a woman of some Practice going like man your backs a fucking nightmare. Are you stressed and I go It's a day in the life of the head of the fucking household. So that's that was something I was kind of relishing in That I was like that's just kind of sick and twisted you should probably like get your back situated So you're not all hobbled over and fucked up when you're you know jacked and defending yourself against her wife, so So you're not all hobbled over and fucked up when you're you know jacked and defending yourself against her wife, so
Starting point is 01:02:50 She like she goes through this thing she finds this huge knot in the back of my neck There's knots elsewhere. She feels the vertebrae that's kind of seed I think the c9 poking out like sticking out basically which should be kind of pushed back in She goes alright. We're gonna like see what's going on here She starts doing this thing called muscle testing which is highly controversial a. A lot of people are like, it's bullshit, it doesn't work. It's like, okay, you can read whatever you want. The lady fucking did it to me, and it wasn't like, muscle testing, they get into stuff where it's like, they can tell if you're lying versus, I don't know, maybe that works, maybe it doesn't, I can't tell. But this lady had me like, hold my arms like, hold my arms like this way, and she would just kind of like, push down here, and then like,
Starting point is 01:03:29 she's like, don't let me move you. I'm like yeah go ahead lady try and she's And I wasn't giving her all the business, but I was letting her know like you know bros You're dealing with an age sequoia broke. You're not fucking moving me I was like this lady's not budging me fuck. It's not happening So I was giving enough resistance to be like uh you're gonna. I was fishing for her being like, very strong boy, that's all. I just wanted a little bit of that. Your back's all knotted up and you're a pretty strong boy. I wanted to be like, yeah, dude, you know it is what it is. So she's like, you know, my arms are this way.
Starting point is 01:03:54 I'm obviously not going to do the full Roman salute, but she had me do the double Roman salute, you know, just to test my arms, to put my arms that way, this way. And then like, so she gets to one thing, she's like, uh-huh, and she touched the back of my head, she goes, okay. and then she goes, and she can't budge my arm again, she goes, stick your tongue out to the left, I go like that, and she, my arm just drops, I'm like, what the fuck? She goes, yup, just as I thought, hold on, counts up, my back is like, my verte on like a, not a yoga block, but something like a foamy block thing And then she goes, I'm gonna crack your back, and I go, alright, moment of truth, can this lady crack my vertebrae?
Starting point is 01:04:32 Or like align my spine, you know, am I too jacked for this lady, yet again, which happened before And, um, dude, I lay on this table, there's a block behind my back, and again, this lady is like she's thin bro like she's not she's like she's not she doesn't look bad she doesn't look unhealthy but it was like I'm going where's she gonna summon the strength to do this dude she just clutched a pillow and like for real frog splashed me and I was like oh dude my back was like cracked my back takes my neck dude the best neck cracking I've ever had I mean I could have filmed it went fucking viral on sdram Dude cracks my neck unbelievably, and then we go back up to all the fucking muscle testing and shit Talking out to the left arm doesn't budge, and I wasn't like oh you just that's like all mental dude
Starting point is 01:05:19 I'm telling you I was fucking fighting this lady as hard as I can I was deeply agendized to be like You're not stopping me. And dude, she just fucking, my, my, as soon as she cracked and pushed my vertebrae back in, the arm went down. And then she explained to me, she was like, the C, wherever that was, again, I could be wrong, but let's call it the C9, that's where your trapezius attaches to. So the muscles of my traps were tight around this one vertebrae, and I think it's from like leaning over too much or slouching or obviously You know phone in the face with time
Starting point is 01:05:51 That muscles not strong enough the kind of something happens like the spine bows out I don't know whatever the fuck the lady explained to me basically She's like you got to keep getting jacked and I was like yes, ma'am So she also called me a gym rat which I was like fuck Yeah, I'll take that So yeah, so the lady for real like I didn't I went in there thinking I was fine and the moral of the story was I was my level of okay what I assume is health and wellness of my back and probably my body if I had to like investigate into that is
Starting point is 01:06:23 Terrible like the lady I left there and was just kind of like I felt fucking awesome I could there's another thing too. I couldn't move my shoulders all the way back I've been trying to do this and if they were like clicking and they felt tight dude I felt like loose as a goose when I left and here's the thing with chiropractors So like you'll go you'll have a severe back pain. They'll crack you and you think like okay. I'm done and the problem with chiropractors It's not like medical science where you have to like like you know standard medical science where it's like yeah, take a pill What's the easiest thing for all of us you take a pill? You'll be all good when you go to a chiropractor
Starting point is 01:06:56 It's almost like physical therapy where like you know they're not physical therapists obvious physical therapists spaz about chiropractors Which is like bro come on now Physical therapist spaz about chiropractors, which is like bro come on now They get you have to do homework so it's like when they adjust you if you have back problems and they adjust your back and You just think you can just go back to business as usual your back will get hurt again You'll go that fucking chiropractors bullshit But what you really need to do is once you align your spine in the proper way It needs to be I mean your spine your hips can be off
Starting point is 01:07:24 She was like yanking my fucking feet out of it. It was crazy Then you have to like do those exercises to strengthen those muscle groups to keep your spine in alignment And if you don't do that All it takes is your spine to move like two millimeters to trigger a nerve and you know the pains right back So I'm telling you man If you have back pain neck pain Even persistent like heel pain hit the fucking chiropractor find a good one That shit was fucking awesome and also she crushed me on veggie intake
Starting point is 01:07:56 She's how many veggies to eat I say if I'm being honest man I get a lot of fruit because it's more delicious And she goes you can't eat like 40 servings of fruit a day, and I was like yeah You're right, so she's got me back on my green drink bullshit, which uh oh this is something She told me to which I didn't know this dude Did you ever hear the oxygen paradox so the dude I was like cuz I again I'm not I am just half fucking around to talk about how jacked I am but I for real like I've been really dialing it in dude. I've been hitting the gym. I've been trying not to eat a lot
Starting point is 01:08:26 I'm finally like measuring how much I'm eating to see like you know I'm just not trying to fucking die when my kids are super young so I'm trying to like really step it up right now I was like all pump lazy how often you work out I was like having clock in three days a week feeling pretty good about that She goes well you're not eating vegetables right and I was like yeah, no not really like I'll eat them every now and again I'll eat like two pieces of broccoli and be like counts And she was like have you ever heard of the oxygen paradox, and I said no ma'am. What's that? And she goes so whenever you work out or you're doing like a any sort of stressful physical activity where you're kind of
Starting point is 01:08:59 Taking in lots of oxygen The more oxygen you take in the more free radicals you create in your body. And free radicals, I don't know exactly what they are, but they're like, they're just the things that kind of inflame you. Like if you eat, like if they say, oh, there's lots of antioxidants in kiwis, antioxidants are the things that go into your body
Starting point is 01:09:17 and neutralize free radicals, where free radicals left to their own devices are kind of inflaming you and irritating your body. Antioxidants go and kind of counter those things and she was saying the thing about working out It's obviously good for you need to do it But if you're not eating vegetables or taking in antioxidants those free radicals as you're working out and thinking you're doing something good for yourself You get a ton of free radicals in your body. You can actually make yourself sick by working out too much and not eating vegetables So yeah, I know not the most exciting fair of pod comedy podcasting, but you gotta eat your fucking vegetables alright
Starting point is 01:09:49 I'm on a this lady told me I need to eat ten servings a day, and I was like huh I was like I eat fruits and vegetables She's like dude because I was like I eat mostly fruits And she's like you got to do it the upset away opposite way around it's got to be like eight servings of vegetables two Servings of fruit and I was like God damn apparently you don't got, I've talked to people too, and like you don't need ten, but they say five. That was my whole thing. I'm like, I'm like vegetables with, I was like even with breakfast, and she goes, dude, who made up breakfast? And I was like, fuck, you're right lady. Breakfast is bull- She was like, you mean to tell me we're supposed to just wake up in the morning and slather butter on toast?
Starting point is 01:10:23 Like, who made it a rule that breakfast has to be this like carby greasy thing She was like yeah, you can eat fucking vegetables at breakfast and for me I was always like that was an invaluable rule where it was kind of like you can't have soda before noon And you fucking cannot have vegetables with breakfast, but now I did it today first day at vegetables of breakfast and luckily I have I'm a highly placebo type guy, which is nice I kind of relish it we're like dude I had I had a bunch of vegetables at breakfast today and like I instantly like a kindergarten or I was like yeah It's fucking working. It has nothing to do with all this coffee. I drank. I'm fucking zipped up on these antioxidants
Starting point is 01:11:01 So okay We talked about that. Yeah, I talked about how old I'm gonna be when my kids get old. Which here, this is another thing. This is a, this is kind of a heavy topic. And again, I apologize for the beginning. The opening of this was slightly unhinged, but it's like, I had to go through almost like the sub not the substrat like the shit That's orbiting my mind so I can kind of like Descend into the mill I mean if this if you'll allow me to call this the milk and honey of the solo podcast It's like you kind of like when you're doing a solo podcast I've learned you just kind of like burn through the stratosphere of his nonsense
Starting point is 01:11:38 And maybe maybe land on something of use or of value of you know whatever so I started thinking about you know being super old sorry I'm rubbing the grime off my coffee cup I'm thinking about the like everyone's having kids older now for the most part not everybody but you know it's a trend that I got caught up in where I'm like yeah I didn't have kids till I was like 34 and there's part of me that's like kind of glad because you know if I had kids in my 20s at any point there's a huge chance that the state would have taken them from me.
Starting point is 01:12:11 But I'm like what, you know they say like you know people have to wait longer to have kids it's like because of the economics and you know you need to, both parties need a job and everything's more expensive. And I'm going okay, I can see that. But I honestly, I'm convinced that there's something else to why we're waiting to have kids and I don't think, I mean economics obviously play a role, but I think that the reason we're having kids later is because we're, and again this is a, maybe a stretch, but I do believe we are unconsciously enacting
Starting point is 01:12:50 Of national religion, which is some variant of grind culture Yeah, my bad. You're going what the fuck look I get it, but you have to think about this Exactly what is Animating and organizing the efforts of your day you know, it's like are you trying to seek union with like, you know, your beneficent, mystical creator? No.
Starting point is 01:13:14 You're waking up every day, slamming Instagram running to your job, you know and the thing that I say, and maybe I'm just speaking for myself, I get it, but I do get the sense that this kind of has a wider effect. The thing that I say, and maybe I'm just speaking for myself, I get it, but I do get the sense that this kind of has a wider effect. The thing that, let's kind of, when I say religion, what do I mean? Because I'm not using it as like a pejorative way, like when they say like, you know, like, wokeism, that's a religion.
Starting point is 01:13:37 Or like, if you follow Trump, you're just in a religion, Trump is a cult, or, no, I don't mean it like that. I mean it by like What is your reality organ? What is the thing that your reality and your efforts are organized around and kind of like what really defines the goal of your life? and you know what what is the underpinnings or like you know philosophy of The the thing you're trying to do and I do think unconsciously I would say this in my own life for sure You get caught up in and this is my answer to why I think we have kids later now, you get caught up in grind culture, which isn't like, you know, and it's like a kind of a hokey term, but it's like the idea that you're going to somehow enter into an elevated state through the practices of the tenets of like,
Starting point is 01:14:22 go to this job, get this, get a better salary, get a better thing, I'll get a nicer house, blah blah blah. And again, it's like, kind of a tale as old as time, but like, I don't think that was pursued, like it wasn't necessarily pursued in ancient Greece. I think there was a point where like, like money's not that old. So to be like, oh we've always been like that It's like yeah, not not really man not at all because it was like you know we were hunting and gathering Then we were farming then the cities money's invented and then it became like a I don't know like a fucking real-life video game of like making money and how that affects everything and how You know your self-worth and your status is tied to like a your financial position
Starting point is 01:15:07 Which again money is important. I'm not trying to be like you know utopianistic or like who cares about money But I think it affects people more than they care to admit to think about or just you know admit in general and My point is I think people are having kids later because on And I'm not saying this in like a shitty way or like you just but I think we Genuinely and like an earnest way I think we all worship money You know and it's like out of necessity obviously because we need money But then there's this stuff like you know once you pay your bills. It's not like people stop They just they just want more and more stuff
Starting point is 01:15:43 It's not like people stop. They just they just want more and more stuff So I my theory is that we wait to have kids very long so we can have cooler stuff and you know I I Get it because it's like when you when you hear about somebody like having a kid in college you go Oh, that's a shame. They had their whole life ahead of them, and it's like What working in a fucking office? That's their whole life. What the fuck are you talking about? Having a kid I think we should all have kids way earlier and the grandparents should be way more involved in like the raising of the kids and then like like like when I've like how like 29 year olds just live with their parents forever
Starting point is 01:16:19 They should be living with their parent with a fucking kid too Not like I'm gonna work here and say what bank up so much fucking bread and then when I'm 39 years old, I'll have a child really quickly. It's like, I'm not knocking it. I almost pretty much did it myself. But it's one of those things where it's like, you hear about it, had a kid in college. High school is like, yeah, obviously that's a man. That's kind of a, that's a tough one. But again, it's like, if, I I don't know this might be weird to say but it's like if it wasn't viewed negatively it'd be kind of a sick thing it's like you're in school learning calculus you're like your fucking mom's at home like raising the
Starting point is 01:16:58 kids you get home tap her out like I mean obviously I'm not promoting having kids in high school try you should probably try to avoid it. But like once you're in college, it's like where's the tragedy? I understand the tragedy because this is the way I thought as well. It's like oh that my life would be over. I have to give up pursuing my hopes and my dreams and now you know God forbid think about something else other than myself, and that's my whole point of like think about something else other than myself and that's my whole point of like We're geared to really not think of others. I feel like we're primed and trained to kind of like You know put the blinders on and run a million miles an hour towards you know I think poor some poorly defined goal. We have in our head. That's also somehow shared by the rest of society
Starting point is 01:17:42 also somehow shared by the rest of society. What was I trying to say? I don't fucking know, man. Oh, here's, this is my whole point. And again, this is just a thought experiment. Don't freak out, don't freak out. But I feel like, you know, not even just having kids earlier. Look, wait if you want to have, if you want to wait to have kids, wait to have kids. My point's not so much the age we have kids. I think that is definitely a symptom of, you know, of subconscious money worship, which again, I'm not saying I don't, I do it too. I'm not saying I'm different than anybody else. But I think a way, here's my problem, the, a religious system, which again, I think money worship is actually the true national religion.
Starting point is 01:18:25 That's why that says in God we trust on the bills if but the but What am I what am I let me let me think about this carefully I want to I want to really think about this Because I'm tackling a huge issue that I could totally be wrong on Do a shot to the back of my head we got to add it right now fuck hold on give me a second Let me let me let me regroup B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b- based around the tenets of money worship and That religious system any religious system has an end goal in mind whether you think about it or not like You know if you're let's take standard Christianity The end goal is to get the heaven. I guess I don't know I think that's the end goal That's the that's the promised transform state
Starting point is 01:19:24 That's the point of every religion if and this is a I talked about this a little bit on Theo Vaughn's podcast Recently which shout out to the Avon for having me on it was very fun to talk to him But he asked me the question about like religion and spirituality and all this stuff, and I completely spurred. I was like Fucking Ken Wilbur and like you know I and it was it was very funny about it And it was cool, but then I was like damn it dude I have been secretly been waiting for somebody to ask me about this stuff forever which nobody does but like I was like dude I could have really given a better answer to that question So this is good that kind of prompted an elaboration on the whole subject which I'm not even I'm not even at that part yet
Starting point is 01:20:02 But here and like you know what are the organizing principles of our society? What are the effects of that? How does everyone feel because of that? Do people even examine this and you know, blah blah blah blah? So if, let's just say, let's just pretend, alright? Money worship is the national religion whether we realize it or not. That's the thing we're practicing. That's the thing we're giving our lives to, you know. At least to, you know, if you want to do, whatever. Let's just say yes. That's the thing we're practicing. That's the thing we're giving our lives to. You know, at least to, you know, if you want to do whatever. Let's just say yes, that's the case. That religion, so to speak, is supposed to offer us a transformative experience. Otherwise, why would we do it? We're not, there's nothing in store for us. We're not going to do a thing that offers no transformative experience, which is why I think
Starting point is 01:20:43 Christianity's declined big time in the West, because it's like, the transformative experience is going to be given to me after I'm dead? No thanks, I'm not going to do that. Which again, you could, whatever, I'm not going to get into that, but if you have like religions in the East, they do have a transformative aspect that is apparent or can become apparent while living. This is the Ken Wilber stuff where there's like translative religions which is again if you take like basic Catholic Christianity it would be like it's not going to transform
Starting point is 01:21:13 you per se but it's going to give you a sense of orientation in the universe and explain enough of it to translate the reality you experience into something you can recognize and I guess, you know, understand, you know, within that frame and then give you a path towards kind of like survival within that reality. How do you best navigate that reality? That's like a translative religion. Transformative religion is not so much of an explanation of reality per se. They'll explain little things, but more so is like here's where you're at.
Starting point is 01:21:47 There's some other transformative state you could reach where you could take the self that you are now and fundamentally from within yourself kind of deconstruct and rebuild a more sophisticated inner witness or consciousness or whatever and You'll be you know you'll be delivered to some sort of like you know promised land per se to some degree It's not like you know it's like everything's gonna be better forever, but there there are some sort of
Starting point is 01:22:17 Transformation promised within you know the otherwise nobody would fucking meditate if it wasn't like You know if you didn't get something out of it you're not gonna there's a reason for it so with my my hypothesis is with you know quote-unquote grind culture the instead of like Nirvana with Buddhism you there's the idea of success so it's like you're you know you're unsuccessful you know unenlightened and then if you get to you know X Y & Z there's supposed to be this state Where you hit success and then your inner self and I've talked about this before obviously But I'm just elaborating on the point where you're then your former self kind of falls away and you kind of enter this like
Starting point is 01:22:56 promised new land of everything and you know and it's like And there's a degree of truth to that too. It's like it's not not saying it's all bullshit or it's all fake My problem with with grind culture and how it relates to like having kids You know what our money worship or whatever and how it relates to having kids longer Is that the the problem with if you're wholly oriented towards? That of like I'm gonna boss up. I'm gonna snatch the bag You know I'm gonna have a hot-ass wife in a sick-ass crib in a nasty car if That is if that's truly
Starting point is 01:23:31 What you're doing My problem is is the practice of money worship itself, which you can I'm not trying to sound like you know I just I don't have another word for it if you're like Single-mindedly focused on advancing yourself materially based whatever you want to call that the process that process itself in my opinion Like slowly guts you internally because in order to like do that you have to become almost like an unfeeling Type of a person you have to like you know absorb failure suck it up fuck that keep moving on and in my this is my experience What happens is is by the time it you know if by the way you get to some?
Starting point is 01:24:14 widely perceived elevated state of success in any capacity in order to get there the amount of like self negation and kind of like to get there the amount of like self-negation and kind of like the lack of focus on like others and then like developing relationships in my opinion again this could just be me I don't know that it takes to do that renders you like internally defunct to the point where once you actually get to like you know what let's call it the promised land of success you've got it yourself internally to the point where you can't even feel what are supposed to be the benefits because you've numbed yourself so hard just to like be able to kind of like keep your head down and plow through all that stuff if that makes sense.
Starting point is 01:24:54 That's my that's my only you know and that's kind of like I don't know I feel like that's sad right? I don't know if I feel like that's sad, right? I don't know if um... I feel like it's like... That is, I'm not knocking it, I'm not being like, like you should, that should be a dimension of your life, not the entire focus. That's all, that's all I've learned or you know, maybe what occurred to me. It's like, if you wholeheartedly and self-absorbedly just want to promote yourself as like an object among other human objects. My thinking is that, you know, you're just like, eventually what happens is you just get to a bigger house
Starting point is 01:25:38 with all of the crap you wanted, but then you're just looking out of just now a larger window at the same kind of disconnected, desolate world that you tried so badly to escape from via, you know You're an official religion of money worship. That's my only That's my I guess my overarching point and I think We should all you know, we I love I also love that I love the idea of like going and advancing yourself there. I'm not saying don't think I'm saying it's wrong. It's not What I'm saying is I think it would behoove everybody to diversify within that space of like Yeah, obviously get your professional stuff also maybe aim to like
Starting point is 01:26:16 Build relationships around where you live try to create or invent something cool You know and it's it's not immediately obvious to me that like you're not taught to prioritize relationships or like even really instructed in how to like go about like doing those things which sounds like very deeply autistic, but like I don't know I just worry that an overemphasis on like Commercial you know XYZ which again. I'm not knocking knocking dude. I come from a family of entrepreneurs So I think there's something really cool about that. It's not all bad. I'm not trying to say like that's bad
Starting point is 01:26:53 This is good what I'm saying is I think hopefully We can as a society start to swing to more of a holistic approach to kind of life and living and what it means to like You know where does happiness really come from? How do you best get it? While also being realistic about it and not being like, well, none of it matters. Money fucking matters a lot. But so do all these other things. And if you ignore all those other things, you know, it's like, yeah, money's cool. But if it's like, if everything else, if you have a bunch of money and like, your relationships aren't that tight or feel all that authentic It's like man. I'm telling you it's
Starting point is 01:27:26 There's babies don't come out into this world Instinctively seeking money they come out seeking Nurturance and care and love and all that other stuff my point is you know you got to nurture that stuff just as much I'm sorry. I'm getting preachy. I'm not trying to get preachy. That's just something I It's just something I've been thinking about, guys. Anyway, here's the thing. This is all I'm trying to say. It gets weird after a while, the older you get being like, alright, I'm in charge of making myself happy. And once you become almost 40 and you're like,
Starting point is 01:28:03 self-happy and once you become almost 40 and you're like Fuck I haven't done it yet. You start going. Oh shit, dude. That's so sad to spend like Damn near a half of century pleasing yourself, I mean obviously I please myself a lot, but it's like Getting to a point where like yeah, I'm good, and you're like fuck I've failed then you can be 60 and be like I've spent my whole life And I it's like I am supposedly in control of this ship You're like, fuck, I've failed. You can be 60 and be like, I've spent my whole life. And it's like, I am supposedly in control of this ship. I should be thinking about these things
Starting point is 01:28:30 and organizing myself in a way where stuff feels at least more often good than bad. And they go, damn, I see so many people that just accept it. They go like, yeah, man, you know, you work, you have kids. And then, yeah, man, that know your work you have kids and then Yeah, man, that's it your life's over and it kind of sucks dude. It's like that's a popular opinion if I if you were to be at a party and start doing that vein of talk of like Yeah, man, you know, yeah, we used to get after it used to be pretty wild now, you know, we just got it's like dude
Starting point is 01:29:01 Shut up, man. I hate hearing that shit. It's like Dude, you should be full Buzz Lightyear mode at all times be like yeah Hey kids now I'm trying to work a beautiful. I'm trying to make a beautiful and enduring work of art now I'm trying like I don't I don't get that man I hate that when people sit there, and they just go like yeah college rule now You know now there's nothing left for me to do just become a shell of myself and slowly die off It's like what I hate that talk man I absolutely dislike that talk, but either way. Yeah, I just I don't want to hear that stuff So
Starting point is 01:29:34 Yeah, man, that's that's Slightly disorganized slightly weird might sound kind of preachy I promise you please understand me that I'm not coming from a preachy place at least I think I'm not I hope I'm not Maybe it's maybe I'm saying that and while doing it I don't fucking know but all I'm saying is like dude you can deeply enrich your life Along so many other metrics while simultaneously like you know obviously fucking grinding and getting the bag, dude That's all I'm trying to say and it becomes apparent once you have kids and this fucking it murdered me, dude I was talking to my daughter and you know we're like talking about our favorite stuff what we like
Starting point is 01:30:11 She's like I like purple. I like green. This is my favorite thing to do and Then I told you know I told my daughter I was like my favorite thing to do is to hang out with you guys and my daughter She was three at the time she goes nah your favorite thing to do is work And I went oh, and I for I Oh, and I like, I was like, No it's not, don't say that again. It fucking hurt my feelings, I was like, No, no, no, actually,
Starting point is 01:30:32 and she was like, yeah dude, it's your favorite, she was like, kind of like, It's okay dad, that's your favorite thing and I was like, just made me fucking sad, because I was like, fuck. Maybe, and that's more so where I'm coming from, where it's like, I have to constantly reel myself out of all this fucking bullshit that I'm in and be like
Starting point is 01:30:50 Yeah, man, I got to take a day off and just like when you watch the movie hook it's like dude, you got to toss the cell phone and just like Stand in your life and look around at the people around you and just fucking just you know try to love on them, you know as much as possible and like Create real fucking lasting moments rather than just sleepwalk through it under some spell of like this is what I have to do It's like no you don't but anyway Sorry, so We were we had time wise Josh. I want to be to be conscious of the time
Starting point is 01:31:23 You're an hour 25 What? Yeah Shut the fuck up, no, really? Yeah Alright, oh I'm gonna go to the Patreon cause I gotta talk about some other stuff I gotta, people ask me about the Terrence Howard thing which I'll be honest I'm not trying to like lure you into the Patreon about it
Starting point is 01:31:37 I don't understand anything he's talking about but I do have thoughts about it and it's uh I have some other stuff to talk about um, yeah So anyway, thank you guys so much, I didn't realize I talked for an hour and a half I thought I was only 40 minutes you guys rule I get it if you hate that totally skip it if you want, but Hey, man, maybe just tune in chill out for a minute Do just give me your brain for a little bit see what's good And if you decide you hate it at least that's one thing you decide you don't like
Starting point is 01:32:00 Also, please for the love of God come to My shows Matt McCusker, go to Shane M. Gillis. I always forget because Dan Soder has one of his sites. I think it's Shane M. No, it's Shane Let me just double check that because I don't want to fuck him up. Oh boy, don't catch the private browsing on the motherfucking cell phone. Yeah, Shane No, no, no, I take that back. It's That's his official website. I believe Daniel Soder. Go to that one too. Check out Soder's dates too. He's a fucking man.
Starting point is 01:32:33 slash dates. And then to get Soder's dates. I'll be all over the place, man. Houston... Fuck yeah, Houston's like the most recent one. And then I'll be on tour, I'll be doing some of the dates with Burt, the fully loaded tour, they're on my website as well, the ones I'll be at, um, but yeah, dudes, thank you so much, I'm gonna slide into the page,
Starting point is 01:32:54 I do have, I got some more notes, man, this is uh, this is pretty sick, dude, thank you guys for letting me do this, bye bye.

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