Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast - Ep 543 - Spyder's Web
Episode Date: January 30, 2025Support the D.A.W.G.Z. @ Go See Matt Live @ Go See Shane Live @ Wuz gud. Hope you're all having a good day and week. Here's our weekly... broadcast. Fambly ep fre$h off Matt's bday. Hot cast. What else is new. Please enjoy. God Bless. Download the PrizePicks app or visit today and use code Drenched to get $50 instantly after you play your first $5 lineup
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Obviously, we're ready Sean. Yo, I was ready this morning man. You should call me at 630
I woke up being like I'm ready to fucking podcast all I thought about today was podcasting
Can't get enough soon as that red light comes on we're on and we're here to talk cancel culture
I mean, I'm active right now. I'm ready to punch over. Are you ready to do it? Yeah
I'm ready to throw the water. I'm ready to throw the ones I'll throw I'll throw one done
I can't stop watching videos about that white rapper who keeps saying the n-word. He's like I'm ready to throw the wands. I'll punch it fucking. I'm ready to throw the wands. I'll throw a wand on too. I can't stop watching videos about that white rapper who keeps saying the N-word.
He's like, I'm ready to punch on it.
He's ready to punch over it.
If he even thinks someone's looking at him sideways, he's like, I'm ready to punch about
I think that's the only way you can-
He's giant, dude.
He's a giant man.
That's how people seem to get away with saying the N-word.
There's certain guys out there, like the Puerto Ricans.
Yeah. There's dirty white- They might like the Puerto Ricans. Yeah, there's dirty white boys.
They might punch over this.
They could punch over it, but there are some,
I've met a couple dirty white boys
who were just casually, not like,
like they were just casually drop the N word
in conversation, I'd just be kinda like.
Yeah, it kinda takes you out of the conversation a little.
A little bit, it's a real delineator
where you're like, yeah, shit, they're like sussing me out.
They're like, I think I could, yeah,
it was kind of like one of those things where you're like, yeah,. They're like sussing me out. They're like, I think I could, yeah, it was kind of like one of those things where like,
yeah, I'm not really about this life.
You guys are living.
Typically any non-African-American saying the N-word
is sussing you out when they say it.
I think so.
I mean, they say it could be your uncle in the car
and he says it and you go.
Could be your lawyer.
So you get skull and bones.
Uncle, I'm not very comfortable with this.
He should record him.
Yeah, it's a tough spot when someone else says the N-word.
But yeah, I mean, he, I mean, the rapper,
his name's Gene Lee, by the way, that's his rapper.
That's his rapper, Gene Lee.
And he's just like, the problem was he stopped saying it
because he like started getting some success
and he had like people people, managers being like,
you gotta stop saying the N word.
Yeah, that'll happen.
He had managers like, yeah, you gotta stop.
But he said his music was, it was ass
because he was like, I just, it threw off my whole thing.
Especially if you're rapping using the N word
and you take it away.
It's important.
It's tough.
It's a key component to hip hop.
I mean, it's definitely useful.
Yeah, it's the bedrock
But yeah, so then he came back after the shit wasn't working goes. I'm gonna do it. They're like no
He's back on his board John's will follow the same route go back on their bullshit
He's just like we're not pizza sales are down there. It ain't right. I gotta go back to how I used to talk
Yeah, John just has to be genuine. John is pretty genuine.
He is.
Doesn't he still live in a castle in Kentucky, dude?
Obviously, he's in the N-word.
He lives in a castle.
I mean, that's gotta be crazy in a castle in Kentucky
with a goblet just thinking about the time
he said the N-word.
I mean, imagine though,
because a lot of business heads
are really stoked on cursing.
That's like a high level CEO thing.
Because they're bad at it.
I don't give a fuck, guys.
Everyone's like, oh shit.
He was probably like, I'm about to take this shit
to the next level.
It works though.
If you curse, yeah.
If your boss swears, everyone's like,
dude, my boss is so cool.
Oh yeah.
He says like shit and fuck in the meetings in the morning.
He says fuck at work, dude.
It's so badass.
It's like Wolf of Wall Street in there. It's so cool
We were at a happy hour when he called her one co-worker
That happens we're in an office you're like in school forever essentially, yeah, you can't say bad words no bad words
You can't say anything suggestive.
It's like you're in school forever.
You came in and dumped for too long
and they come looking for you.
Oh yeah true.
You gotta sign out for the bathroom.
I was taking liberties with those dumps.
I was taking hour long dumps.
Oh yeah.
I mean I've totally faked them.
Oh yeah I would just go read my Kindle.
I would just sit read my Kindle
Taking a fake dump at work and just knowing you've like crushed clipped off if they now it's yeah, you were now hours hours I was hit now. I was when I was working at that fucking factory. I would just sleep. Yeah, that's kind of nice
I would just go hide in the locker room and sleep. It's the best. They hated me for it
I always get so scared to sleep at work. I've tried it
I did it in an office
There was one guy who wouldn't come in on a certain day and I'll go to his like office
It was all like dark. There's no lights on I would just lay in the corner and try to see that fucking rules
But I'd be so fucking like oh, yeah, so do you get caught? Yeah, I was worried about getting caught
Sleeping at work if you can somehow pull it off
I mean, it's the old factory was easy to sleep at Because it was the hours were yeah, I was literally falling asleep night shift is like people
It's kind of accepted. I like yeah, it's kind of acceptable to be like dude
I'm gonna go fucking take an hour long. Yeah when I worked at an auto auction
I could I could pull off a nap in a car
Is that my job would be to go clean the cars?
I would just find one far as fuck turn it on get the AC gun
Not clean a single car I actually slept at every job I've ever had I slept at uh, I used to have to build furniture
I worked at a
Outdoor place. I was my job was they just put me in a warehouse and like assemble some furniture build one bed one bench
Wake up five hours later be like oh shit Give it the homeless guy Build one bed one bench
Yeah, that is the ultimate I mean that's like the click remote of being able to just be like I'm gonna accelerate time Let me just lose consciousness for a while
This is I've never slept in an office. It's tough as a tough one
Yeah, it's tough to lay on the floor and business casual and take a nap
Here's like a sweater vest like I
Would have my friends come test drive cars, that's cool. That's a nice move. I'll just leave for an hour go get lunch
Chill I didn't think about that. Yeah, but y'all had him. He was right. He was right. I was fucking tricky
You just fucking left. I don't know Yeah, but y'all had him he was right. He was right. I was fucking tricky. You just fucking laughs. I don't know
Yeah, dude, I
Possibly so I went to laser tag for my birthday. I didn't want to do anything Bernie
I said what do you want to do? I was like dude
I just want to like eat like dinner and just go to sleep on my kind of you know
She's like we're gonna do we're gonna do laser tag. I was like alright actually might be kind of sick dude
Then I made I I wouldn't I don't know if I'd call it a mistake
But I was like I'm gonna get like really stoned and just go to laser tag
That'll be kind of fun dude
So I'd like I sit in I ate a little edible and they in on before I went in there
I was like smoke to joint my car. I was a guy's Vietnam. Did you're smoking it out of the barrel?
I was dude. I told you a lightening. I told Brittany. I want to be there
I can see it now. That is being like what the fuck what are we even doing here?
Dude, I got but I but the but I what the battle was great
What really rocked me was pre battle administrative stuff with the laser tag employees because I thought Brittany was gonna handle all that
We forgot the cake
So I was like off fuck so she was like on the phone trying to get someone to bring the cake to laser the laser tag
Place which I had like a kids party room, which was the fuck it was so funny
Yeah, said a little sequestered room with like purple chairs. It's just you and your family. Did you invite?
It's bros. It was like Lamar Sean. Oh, you guys won't play laser. Yeah
It was dude. It was also smoked weed before him. Yeah, it was not dude
It was totally not enough, but I when I walked in there. I'm a go first like they did in Vietnam
They go you clear out the time
You're black
You scout
So it was like the bros some of the bros from the neighborhood and like so we all go
But I was me and Brittany were like there first and she was like you talked to like set it all up
I got to figure out this to cake, and I'm like pretty fucking high and it like I don't have a cake
Well, I'm trying to figure out rules
Battle she's a teenager was a teenager instructor. It was like a maybe in their mid
This is what bugged me out. So I'm like very high Bernie's handling obviously the fucking the food
Yeah, she's like that's like, you know slop just rations for the soldiers And then it's like I gotta figure out logistics so I go in and I'm talking to this
I mean maybe in her mid 20s or 30 there's like just lady too old to be instructing laser tech
Well, that's what I don't I didn't want to like sound shitty, but I was so high just the lady was talking to me
I couldn't hear a word. She was saying cuz I was like damn you work it laser
Like try now not like in a condense anyway, because I was like, damn, you work at laser.
Like, not like in a condense anyway, but I was like, fully the reality of working at laser tag as an adult.
I was just being like completely untethered by being like, what
the fuck, dude?
And then in there, it was a slow night.
It was Monday night.
So in that there's like laser tag and then like slash arcade, I
was just like, take it in the whole ecosystem of being like who owns this place you two fucking work here
and laser tag damn this is crazy and then there was like like a couple of
homes that then there were these like you know a casino you'll have like the
real card sharks and like yeah card counters They were like weird like cat like nerds walking around just quietly by themselves
Just pulling tickets out of machines. That's where I saw that video. Yeah, dude
It was there got lost in our the king of the games. We couldn't find
First battle he almost deserted he was searched all over
You know level of nerds like you'll just see him somewhere and they're just sitting like this
Just sharkin yeah like fucking arcade games like devastating this fucking business
You'd fucking sit like that you jack off like that
You really do this fucking business. Why would they sit like that? I don't know. I bet you'd fucking sit like that. You jack off like that. I don't know. I bet you'd fucking sit like that.
You jack off like that.
You really do.
You said you did.
Yeah, back in the day, dude.
That was the old me.
You might have sized out of your dorksitting.
Nah, I could do it if I needed to.
You might have sized out of your dorksitting.
I could do a throwback dorksitting.
I could do a throwback dorksitting.
I could do a throwback dorksitting.
I could do a throwback dorksitting.
I could do a throwback dorksitting.
I could do a throwback dorksitting. I could do a throwback dorksitting. Of course, he's the king of the games. They could
probably feel it. Disturbance in the laser tag. The king of the
games is here. The prophecy is fulfilled. I didn't get a lot
of tickets. I also stole a lot of tickets. It was a good
time. How do you steal tickets? You know, Me? I left them there. Nevermind.
I was crushing basketball
and I got like a gazillion tickets and I left them down
and I was like there was a couple kids in there and I'm like yeah maybe the kids
will take these tickets. Nope.
It was a 38 year old man.
He got a sword.
He got a foam sword.
Weird driving home. Add it to the collection. Yeah, he got a foam sword. Oh yeah, he got a foam sword. We're driving home.
Add it to the collection.
Yeah, I got three swords now.
LaMare and Nate were in one car,
and Gardini was in his,
and me and Brittany were behind them,
and we just see them, those two pull up at a light,
and I just see fucking,
or it was like getting on a highway,
and I just see LaMare's sword come out of the window.
It was so funny as fuck.
It was so funny.
Dude, the game play, and're going to go back too.
I'm going, I gotta play again.
Lasertag rules.
Dude, this is the biggest indoor lasertag place I've ever played in Texas.
Is it the one right, what's it called?
Down south, Lasertag.
Dude, I'm not, it was...
Is it the one with the aliens on the...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I drive past it all the time and I'm like, oh, I need to get, that is the mothership. Bro, I'm telling you, it's ten times more fun than you, I, like, that was the thing, I was like, I got in there, I'm like, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna yeah, I drive past it all the time and I'm like, oh I need to get that is the mothership bro
It's ten times more fun than you. I like that was a thing. I was like I got in there I'm like just standing there all high being like what the fuck dude. This is like embarrassing
Everyone's gonna play laser tag for me
And then I got in there and I'm like, this is maybe the most fun I've had
It's so fun, but the fucking the action of those things was good some laser
Bullshit these things were kind of precise bro. Is it a two stories two stories bro two levels three Yeah, could you where is it open on the third? Could you shoot down? Oh, yeah, bro?
That's the bro. There's little cutouts you can kind of hide and snipe
That's the best you could storm it like and there was three colored coded teams
It was like red blue green and then like you would have to run around, see someone's vest,
you'd see your fucking, your allies.
Then you'd end up taking over a chunk of a base
and just battling across,
and I would try to storm the castle.
Dude, it was...
Were you running?
Yes, I broke the rules.
I was running.
I knew you were running.
My name...
I'm gonna have a word, I'm gonna talk to that woman.
Sliding, I was sliding.
You're not sliding, dude. Yes, I did is it called duty there is a ramp there
There's there's like down ramps and shit first of all my name was butt stuff cuz that you bet to make your own name
You're describing exactly just a classic laser
It doesn't change your funny name you get a little high
You got this is gonna suck. It's the best
The lady had to read the name. She'd be like, uh, Thick Daddy, uh, Butt Stuff.
Who was Thick Daddy?
James tried to be 69 and she's like, you can't be that. So he's like, I'll be Thick Daddy.
And I was like, I'll take B-U-T-T-S-T-U-F-F. And they just walked away real quick.
Like, Butt Stuff.
Yeah. Spider. Spider spider. There's this whole group is probably like 18 people. But Mayor, well, like Lamar, you got to give the lady a name. He just goes, is spider taken
yet? She's like, no, you're good. He's yes. I can't believe Spider was available. I know, right? That's where you go. Spider's a classic.
When did you go with the guard dog?
Nate was naughty and I was nicey.
That's not bad.
There was one point where I'm like, ducking.
You can duck and come up these things.
And I'd see people over there.
And I knew someone was right around the corner.
So I crawl up a ramp.
And then I jump, slid out sideways, tag.
You're not explaining them? It was just was just Lily on the fuck are you doing?
Yeah, dude, I was belly crawl cuz you crawl in your belly
You're blocking the whole front crawl my belly pop up and then I hit my cousin was up high hit me in the back
I'm Paul's I was like dude what the fuck damn. Yeah, it was it was we have to go back and do that again, dude
It is I mean, I couldn't believe I couldn't get over how fun was we have to go back and do that again dude it is I
Mean I couldn't believe I couldn't get over how fun that was play two games. Yeah, be awesome so sick
Yeah, you get sweaty
Friends weren't as way
Yeah in there the pizza room was so much working out in there James is sweaty
Yeah, we want James fired like yeah, probably I can see he's got dorking out in there. James is sweaty. Yeah, we were all sweaty. It'd be fun to watch James fired.
He's probably, I can see he's got dork feet.
He hit up and goes, ah, ah, ah, ah, you got me.
Yeah, he was Australian Special Forces in there, dude.
He was, he was.
That's exciting stuff, man.
Yeah, it was pretty nasty.
It was, Nate was unking around.
It was pretty funny. He's unked up, dude. It was a Nate was getting Nate was honking around. He was pretty. It was pretty funny.
He's honked up. He was.
We're full of burritos, too. We just ate burritos
who was farting in there.
That could have been anyone. But Spider has my.
Brittany was complaining about it. She was like an
otherworldly stench. She's like, I don't know who was farting in there.
It was a spider dude.
I had to fumigate that fucking room dude. I had to get the cobwebs out.
Fucking disgusting.
She ran right into a spider web dude.
She kept being like, did you smell it?
I'm like, no.
She goes, dude, it was the worst smell.
It was the worst fart I've ever smelled.
And I said, I had literally told her, I was like, I have a suspect, but I don't want to
be on there.
I have Blazer tags most wanted, dude.
I think it was Nate too.
We had the same food.
We had the same food. We had the same food.
I can see the other T.O. getting involved.
You guys are doing bio-epics too.
Oh fuck.
This dude fucking guys farting.
He has laser tag. Fuck
It was fucking it was what a better way to ring in your I
Like I got back that night I was just reflecting on my 39th
That's fucking crazy
I was kind of kids were there right no
My god my kids could it do I would never put them in battle like that I thought for sure this was a family affair no this was an adult just adults adults only was it
There was definitely just little kids in there with you guys. It was no it was private. Oh it was private
We didn't rent the whole thing out
But it was our group and then there was another group between ours
We got like a 15 minute break and then our group went back in. Oh, that's awesome
Yeah, no little kid. I mean I wouldn't mind some little I didn't like it
the cannon fodder bothered me especially those little fuckers run around and they'll just walk up to you and just
Ball keep shooting you go fucking
The cool thing is so you get hit you go out you can't be here for six seconds until you come back to like your your
God makes noise
So that was like if you got hit you got hit, you're out.
You couldn't get hit again.
But there was also these big power up detonators
that like, it would be like three, two,
if you hit it in time, you get like,
your gun would get like contra like super ammo
or do you have like an ammo count?
It's kind of nuts.
But yeah, there was a lot.
You could get like, there was like land mines around you.
Like if they went off near you, you were just,
it was pretty sick.
Laser tag, man. It, even better than I remembered and I played I mean I gave it literally my all like I was
Yeah, first game was learning curve. I had to figure out a couple things about gameplay second game. I was ripping dude. It was fun
You have like rank you come out you see like your stats. I mean, it's literally call who's who's number one
You have a grant you come out you see like your stats. I mean, it's literally call who's who's number one
Guard dog you're claiming you were number one number two, but tootsie roll was number one and he was on my team It's your role was red
What I believe you number one of the first game was red. No, that was mystique mystique. Yes
I took six in the first game second in the second game
You got nice. It's pretty game. You got ninth? Yeah.
That's pretty good.
I got like 11th and then eighth.
So, but here's the thing, I got hit a lot.
So, your guard dog was the best?
I'm pretty good at laser too.
Well, the thing is, they kind of,
the one thing I don't like, they do kind of reward
cowardice in battle.
So, I-
I wasn't being cowardly.
You took the higher ground immediately.
Yeah, I was-
I was moving.
That's just the right thing.
I mean, that was good, but I was storming castles, I was going in, but I was getting hit a lot.
And I'm just kidding, I'm not fucking with you. I'm not messing with your game.
He had some cowardice, but that's fine. No, I wasn't cowardice.
You were a tactician. I was, you know, I was...
I have a question for Spider. When were these farts happening?
Was it during the game or where was this? The farts? Was it in the cake room?
Yeah. Every time I... Noarts was it in the cake room? Yeah every time I
Know as a cake room that was after I got killed every time I got killed. I was like, okay
Yeah, six people are gonna go away, you know, it was like the death rattle. Yeah
Yeah, I was going to quarter so is in the game. Yeah, it was definitely so like during the game players walking around
Your fart and be like oh
Yeah, dude, and this is a big place
Like dude, I mean there was literally a three level walk-up ramp
Yeah, I mean if he's hitting farts, that's basically an outside fart. Yeah, yeah
Although I'm sure laser tag fog doesn't help
That's probably traps the farts by carrying the fog and guardianini. I'm just kidding. You didn't you were in play
Like you fought bravely and you thought well, I'm just being jealous. We didn't know you take it so fucking serious
Man would you guys have been experiencing fifth sixth grade level fun wrestling was fun. Yeah. Oh shit. Yeah, how was that?
It was awesome. Fuck. I got a compliment from a diva.
Yeah, you did get a compliment from a diva.
And I didn't like that.
She said she liked my glasses.
She liked your glasses?
But I wish she looked at the eyes behind the glasses.
What was her name?
Liv Morgan.
Liv Morgan.
That was a tough one.
Liv Morgan was just.
Yeah, the only thing.
She just came by, said hi for a second.
She was like, I like your glasses to him.
And I was just, I wish Liv Morgan said something nice to me. She just stuttered her. I should
Shane Gillis just smacking a diva. Oh my god. I could have smacked the diva
They're like are you getting in the ring? I was like no
Fuck my knee
Yeah I'm like, no, I'll fuck my knee off. Pull a fucking knee out and smack them. Yeah.
Yeah, that's gotta be the height of it. Met McConaughey, that was intense.
What was he there to?
Yeah, he was.
And he, like, right when we got there,
he got there at the same time,
and we were backstage, and he was like,
stop, man, just got like directly in my face.
He was like, how you doing?
Yeah, man.
I was like, holy shit.
He was awesome, though.
He's huge, I heard he's the man.
Yeah, he was as cool as it gets.
Got to hang out with him during the fights.
It was awesome.
That's awesome.
That'd be tight.
I would love, I mean, everyone wants to have
McConaughey energy, just rub off on them.
It was awesome.
It's just like looking people in the eye,
I'm like, ah.
It's just like, fuck, dude.
You fucking old dude.
How you doing, man?
You're so fucking cool.
His cowboy hat kept bumping into me.
He was that close.
He's a close guy.
That's so sick.
He's an intense guy.
Yeah, it was so sick.
What was your favorite part of the wrestling?
You guys got on the socket cam.
That was awesome.
We did get on the socket cam, socket cam ruled.
I thought McConnay would be shorter.
He was like, wait, Shawn had a fucking big.
No, he's a big guy, yeah.
And then Shawn gave me fucking bunny ears on my big moment. Yeah
What the fuck?
Damn after the diva fucking was that after the diva told you I could get him
I spent the rest of the night pretending to be angry
He didn't fall for it once
I spent the rest of the night going like, dude, that's actually kind of like fucked up.
And he didn't fall for my trick.
Usually you fall for those.
Usually I can get you.
Well, I overheard you talking to somebody else.
Oh, you heard me reveal my plan?
He thinks I'm actually mad at him,
so I'm gonna pretend like I'm mad at him.
I probably wasn't too secretive.
I had a couple drinks.
I was probably like, you fucking think I'm mad.
I'm gonna keep doing it.
It's a loud drunk wasn't there.
It was the best night of my life.
That was a really fucking great night.
Fluffy was there, it was pretty nice.
Yo, how about that Fluffy pop?
That was a homily experience.
Who's Fluffy?
Yeah, Gabriel Gleisler, the comedian.
Oh, okay.
I was thinking Fluffy the wrestler.
Who the fuck is that?
Me on the Jumbotron, I was like, yeah, they put Fluffy on, it was like, ah.
It was like, hey, hey.
That is a heavy lad activity, though.
It is a heavy lad activity.
Not taken away.
No, especially in Austin, Texas.
That was mostly lads.
There were a ton of fucking lads there.
Yeah, dude, they fucking invented fake wrestling.
It's Lucha Dora.
Yeah, Lucha Dora is, dude. I mean, yeah, that is the best. They invented fake wrestling. It's Lucha Dor. Yeah, Lucha Dor is, dude.
I mean, yeah, that is the best.
Wrestling does have the best fan base.
I do like that.
Everyone's just having fun.
White, black, downs.
Oh, yeah.
Dude, that kid was up front, bro.
He was having a time of his life.
Oh, he was.
He got a turnbuckle.
He did get Matthew McConnally threw him a turnbuckle.
That's as cool as it gets, yeah.
That should be, the WWE should change their slogan to
let's get retarded in here.
Like for real, just like.
It's awesome.
Just throw off the weights of the world.
Let's just all.
Everyone is literally being a child in there.
Like a wrestler would walk by,
I kept watching this like adult black dude.
Like he would like step up to wrestlers he didn't like.
He'd be like, yeah fuck you.
It was awesome.
That is awesome man.
It was great. It was awesome. That is awesome, man. It was great.
It was exciting stuff.
The lady match.
The lady match was actually good.
Maybe the best match of the night.
That was a wild match.
I loved it that they were like,
do you guys wanna see,
they all started fighting and they were like,
do you guys wanna see this at a later date?
And everyone was like, no.
They were like, how about right now?
And they were like, all right, we'll do it right now. It was like, no way, they're doing it right now. They're gonna do it right now it was like no way they're doing it right now right now
that's crazy really yeah actually I'd like to see this like you like to
prepare mentally I'd like to look into the storylines a little everyone was
awesome is Rhodes strum, they were all holding the belt dude. We got to hold the real belt dude.
Yeah dude. That was one uh that was one reality show when I used to watch reality shows with my
ex. That was when I liked the divas show. Yeah they were like I kind of liked it. Usually you watch
kind of reality shows like Vanderpump Rules. I'd watch the divas and be like these seem like good
down there. These are good divas. These are good divas These are good divas the bro's good pro wrestler boyfriends is being like kind of supportive. Yeah, I totally support you, babe
Who's the big diva that shook my hand?
Naya Jax she she did great. I was cheering for her
It's the rocks cousin. Yeah. Yeah, she was awesome. Yeah
She's probably the one line. Yeah, but the ones out for the bloodline
Awesome. Yeah, bloodline. She's probably the bloodline. Yeah, but the ones out for the bloodline
Rock does the rock ever go back to anything like that? He's like the bees the ball. He's the final boss now Is he really? Yeah
What's up with Vince McMahon's freaky ass? What's he up?
He uh, he settled out of court. Oh, so he's just chilling out. Yeah, he's just chillin
Yeah, he's just chillin
Put him in the undertaker casket for like a weekend see if he comes out and just kind of like the rad straightens out his weird sexual things
They did it the ultimate worked on the ultimate warrior
What they did just put him in the casket and he chilled you remember they put him in the casket
They put the undertaker put the ultimate warrior in the casket and he chilled? You remember they put him in the casket?
They put the Undertaker put the Ultimate Warrior
in a casket and he was never the same.
Oh, fuck him up.
Back in like 94, they put the Ultimate Warrior
in the casket for like a weekend.
He came out and he was, bro, he was fucked up.
That's not good.
I remember being little and just being like,
holy fuck, dude.
They changed the lawyer.
He'll never be the fucking same.
Was it a buried alive match or?
Something like that.
I think they just like, they just snagged his ass. Buried alive match would get you. Maybe it was a buried alive. As a kid, you I think they just like they just snagged a live match to get you.
Maybe it was a very good you know, he's dead.
You saw they just fucking buried him in the arena.
You really think you watched a guy die?
You're like, oh, fuck.
I got to go to school tomorrow.
I was buried.
I was in front of everyone.
The fuck?
Damn, what about the guy who died died didn't a guy for real die
Owen Hart yeah, blue mini fell he died like at the place. Yeah, he landed on a fucking turnbuckle blue blazer blue
Blue laser blue blazer. Yeah blazer. Were you watching that match? Lamar? Or was that like?
You can't you don't see it happen. Okay, they edited it out
Yeah, but people in the arena were like, oh, yeah, did they continue on with it? Yeah, they continue
They thought he was alive cuz he stood up and then fell. Oh, he stood up. Yeah. Well, he fell
Oh shit, yeah
I mean you really can't stop it.
Show must go on.
That would be a vibe crusher.
This is a vibe crusher, dude.
Ultimate vibe crusher.
For real.
Dude, Ray Mysterio killed a guy.
Well, he didn't kill a guy.
He hit him with a, he started, you know, the 619
where it starts with a toe drop to the rope.
He did that to the guy and the guy like flopped dead
onto the rope. What?
How'd he die?
Like contusions or something.
I think he had a heart attack.
I think he's all, I don't know.
But he died there.
Wait, hold on.
He got kicked in the neck and he died?
Well, yeah.
The 619, he does toe hold where it's like he grabbed his foot and you flip him to the
ground and then it's neck. It's like they're laying foot and you flip him to the ground and then his neck.
They're laying like facing out of the ring
like a step mom, they're stuck.
Yeah, yeah.
They could move but they're stuck.
Stuck through the turnbuckle.
They just have their arms like this
and their head, like their neck is on the rope facing out
and then he runs around and grabs it
and kicks him back in.
And then it just right spot, like a pressure point, got him.
Damn. some back end. Yeah. And then it just right spot, like a pressure point, got him. Yeah.
Yeah, Ramsey will finish the move. He didn't know.
Warrior's death.
Was this recently?
Maybe like 2019?
Yeah, damn.
Pretty recent.
Dang, so what happened, what's a mega fan like you do
when a Rassler dies in the ring?
What do you mean?
How do you process that?
He died the way he would, you know?
It's like a good way to, I don't know.
I don't know if it's like a bad way to go,
but like, you know.
I disagree, I think dying in front of people sucks.
That blows, dude.
I know.
I don't want anyone to see me die. Yeah, I don't mean to say fucking out in front of everyone
It's totally embarrassing. I didn't say River City killed that guy. But yeah, yeah, you know you meant
Well, I didn't know yeah, I thought it was just that one guy who died it's a shame
More people died
Then and then no one ever talks about all those pussies Vince McMahon fucking straight-up killed dude after
Damn hell yeah, yeah, it was awesome. That was a fun time
Nice man
Beach breezed by us. He walked behind us real quick. Triple H was there? Yeah. Oh, that would have been cool to see.
Isn't he the president? He's yeah, he's the boss now. That would have been neat to see.
So who's in charge, The Rock or Triple H? Triple H is in charge of wrestling. The Rock is in charge of TKO,
which is a company that owns UFC and WWE. Damn, he owns that? Yeah.
Shareholder, shareholder. I, he owns that? Yeah. That's sick. Shareholder, shareholder.
Part shareholder.
I think he's a storyline owner.
I could be right, I have no idea.
He's got that fucking Moana money.
Yeah, true, and Moana too money, dude.
And Jumanji.
Yeah, he's caked, the rock is.
And fucking Fast and Furious, yeah.
Oh yeah, he's got FF.
He's probably so rich.
FF catch? Yeah. Yeah, the rock is loaded, dude. Fast and Furious money is like. That's whereaked rock is. And fucking Fast and Furious, yeah. Oh yeah, he's got FF. He's probably so rich. FF catch?
Yeah, the rock is loaded, dude.
Fast and Furious money is like.
That's where it's at.
Dude, hear me out, dude.
What if you start a new Fast and Furious franchise
but just take a different vehicle?
What are you thinking?
Lime scooters.
Jail broke lime scooters.
That's what I'm saying.
Yeah, you gotta think of something cool
you can pass underneath like a truck. That's all you need saying. Yeah, you gotta think you gotta think of something cool. You can like pass underneath like a truck
That's all you need is one one cool lane switch to set off the whole 10. Yeah, be franchise
That was big
That was I was dying after that I was like yep, so I'm up for 14 more of these things
Yep, they haven't gone in space yet. Have they yeah Fast and Furious in space
They launched a ludicrous and Tyrese into outer space in a car
I'm not fucking joking
They launched ludicrous in a car in outer space did they I got ass did they ride dirty in the outer space they did
I didn't see the movie. I just saw that clip. That's gotta be I mean dude
What it's gotta feel crazy when you're like your 10th movie in and you're just like
You're just you know
It's like a trope and a cliche to like all right we gotta go to space now and it's being like it's gotta be a actually
Kind of a sweet moment. We're like dude. We've made literally so much money. We have to go to space
Yeah, we're taking nothing left on this planet for us
franchise into space and you're like, everyone's clean glasses,
and like, dude, our descendants will never have to work.
We've taken a movie franchise into space.
Now we have a billion dollars.
It's time for my favorite part and yours of the show.
That's a dumbass way to write that.
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You better knock it off, dude
Give us regular fucking scripts. Thank you. Oh
I have to do a
Please come to Dania Beach, Florida. That's a big one. Dania Beach, Florida I'll be there next weekend. I believe the bang bus guy and the bang busser
Oh, yeah, I talked about that.
Big bucket to Bruce Key with the Bang Busser.
Don't come get me.
The Funny Bone, Columbus, Ohio, February 21st,
Comedy Castle, Royal Oaks, The Funny Bone,
Omaha, Nebraska, Laugh Out Loud,
San Antone, Cobbs Comedy,
and Sacramento, California, Seattle, Washington.
There's everywhere I'm gonna do until May.
I'll be in Vancouver and Seattle this weekend,
then Minneapolis and Tampa.
You can play it while I'm doing this.
Jacksonville, Colorado Springs.
Colorado Springs is gonna be a wild one.
Salt Lake City, Manchester United.
I'll be in the United Kingdom March 20th at Manchester
and Dublin and London.
Obviously Dublin's not part of the United Kingdom
but you know what I mean.
But Manchester, please come to that.
That's sick.
Yeah man.
Get in there, Goddard.
Hello, me, LeMare and Nate have our show,
Optimum Noctus at the Creek in the Cave
on Tuesday, February 4th.
It's the first Tuesday of every month,
and then I'll be at Coastal Creative
in St. Petersburg, Florida on February 13th and 14th,
and Las Vegas, Nevada at Wise Guys Comedy Club
on February 28th and March 1st., thank you very much.
God bless you.
God bless.
Leprechaun went to space.
Yeah, I think he went pretty early. Hood, I think he went from the hoodun went to space. Yeah, I think he went pretty early.
Hood, I think he went from the hood and then to space.
He was in the hood first.
It was, they jumped, they went too early to space.
But Leprechaun in space was one of the first pairs
of tits I ever saw.
Dude, it was!
And we paused it on it and my friend's mom and dad came,
my friend's mom came down to the basement
while we were watching it, paused on the
glittery space tits.
Bro, I forgot it.
My parents were coming over later to hang out
and they were like, we're gonna tell them.
And I was like, no, it wasn't my idea.
I didn't even wanna do this.
That might've been the first, that was, I think,
the first set of tits I saw in an actual movie.
Was Leprechaun in space.
Bro, I'd be so mad if I was in space
and there was an evil leprechaun.
Jennifer Anderson in there? She's in one of them. She might be. She's in a fucking leprechaun in space. Yeah. Bro, I'd be so mad if I was in space and there was an evil leprechaun. Jennifer Aniston in there?
She's in one of them.
She might be.
She's in a fucking leprechaun, bro.
Is she really?
It wasn't her tits though.
Leprechaun was a big, it was like a big movie franchise.
Leprechaun ruled.
She was in the first one.
And now she's dating Barack Obama.
I know, I saw that.
I mean, saw that I mean
Yeah, I wouldn't I don't know that's one thing I wouldn't really care about if he was having sex with Jennifer Aniston. That's like the best support
It's like the best possible rumor about that guy. Yeah, the other ones are pretty vicious. Yeah killed his gay chef
I'd be leaning into him. I was like, yeah
Why you guys thought I was killing my gay chef and smoking crack and doing all that other stuff I was actually plugging Aniston so
fuck you guys dude for saying that shit about me. I would support him. If you had if you were a
Obama and you had to own up to two rumors which would you own up to? Drone striking all those
civilians way before I admit to killing my gay chef. Say, no, I was the war crime guy, not the gay guy. Yeah.
I was in war crimes.
Yeah, true.
That's a good point.
Yeah, war crimes are pretty sick.
I would, what I would do is if I did do two rumors,
I would do Anderson, obviously, and I would do-
Mm-hmm, and I'd be like, yeah,
I took them both down at the same time.
Mike handled my fucking light work, bro.
I fucking watched.
I watched, Mike.
I just did it out and watched.
I let Mike go to work.
That ain't right.
That ain't right.
That ain't right.
No, I don't like that.
I don't like that type of talk.
You know me, dude.
Don't talk about my politicians.
I know.
My bad, my bad, my bad, my bad.
I was watching RFK Jr. getting sworn in.
I saw clips of it. Well. They were attacking him man
Yeah, they're trying to get the boys. I don't like I don't know why
It's acceptable there's this guy from Denver who like
He's asking questions and the whole thing is supposed to be like alright
Did you say these things in the past and then our case I will like kind of said that but let me clarify
It's like I don't care what you're saying now now I want to know you said then it's like well
Why do you care what he said then if you don't care what he said now?
Yeah, I mean I get it cuz it's like you're just saying that to get into this position
But it was just so lame like a bioengineered. Yeah that part. Yeah, but he was like I was
Like I don't hear that dude what the fuck you can't do that
I saw did you see a Bernie yelling at him for the onesies? Yes, I saw a little bit of that do you support this onesie do you agree with the onesie on the screen?
It was like a baby
onesie that said something about vaccines oh
That's what the onesie said yeah, he was seriously like do you believe in this onesie?
Yeah, and he was like I don't think so
Doesn't have a butt flap?
Yeah, dude, I was like really insane, dude.
I was watching a good amount of it.
I didn't watch. I listened to it.
But my video was playing while I was driving on the way over here.
And I was just like, dude, like, just let the guy talk, man.
Just if you're like, you know, you can hold his feet to the fire on stuff,
but they do that, I hate to say, kind of like girl stuff,
where they'd be like, no, no, no, no, no,
that's what you said, okay, and you're like,
oh, hold on, what the fuck, what are we doing here?
Oh, that's what you said.
No, that's what you said.
And you're like, okay, man.
Yeah, those hearings are all girl stuff.
Yeah, it's also, what I think a lot of it is,
is like, all right, let's just get the clip of us making him seem like he doesn't know what he's talking about bang and there's go
You know what got me. You know what politically got me fired up what?
What's the video game Elon Musk says he plays?
Did you hear he lied about that what?
He's like he doesn't he's not even that good at it. He like had so he was cheating. He had somebody else playing for him
Say what?
He's someone handle his light work bro. He's video game line. That's that's psychotic really weird
Yeah, if that's true, I don't know the story. Yeah, if it's true that Elon Musk is video game line
Fucking weird
Fucking weird. Okay video game
You can't video game like if you find out someone's video game lying you go
Why yeah, I mean I will say there's just there's like an age It's like, you know if you commit a crime on your minor forgiven
Yeah, but there's a threshold into adulthood if your video game lying to grow puberty is where you go
Once you do you can't video game lie. I
It's a puberty is where you guys once you do is you can't video game live. I
Think he video game lied and then tried to play what I heard was then he tried to play on a live stream and
people that played the game were like
You with for him to take this long to figure out these buttons. He's never played this fucking game, dude That's crazy hiring a guy to be like yo get nice in this make sure everyone thinks
I'm the nicest at Diablo see if it's just like for a passion project where you're like damn that level is really hard
I'm a billionaire. Why am I sweating over this? I'll hire someone to like beat this level for me
Just so I can watch the storyline
That would be sick to get briefed your billionaire like so what happened like okay?
Yeah, the brief on the obelisk so sick. I didn't think he was the crystals
Never would have thought that if that's true. That is that is truly insane. He might have he admitted to that's what this
Washington Post article says he said he admitted to paying to get boost his online warriors into global leader leader boards
so he to boost his online warriors into global leader boards.
So he paid.
He paid to a.
Mr. Musk, did you use Game Genie?
Answer the question, yes or no.
Did you use Game Genie on Diablo?
Yes or no.
Did you use the Contra code for Infinite Lodge?
I swear to God, that actually does matter though.
That dude, that's fucking terrifying.
Somebody was saying he's doing it
because he's trying to get views
because he wants to do like a streaming thing on X
Like a new show on there just hire pro gamers
Who knows what I like to play video games every now and again you have to be a world-ranked player
That's crazy. That is although he is it's I don't know. Is he the first case of like unchecked autism
Pretty much because we had
billionaires before we had to have had a couple but I'm sure they most of them had something but he's the first one that he seems like he's he wants fame
Yeah, and autism and fame together is
Almost makes me think he's not autistic
True those bros fucking don't care at all about that. Yeah, that's actually a good point typically
That's a good nose. Who knows, this guy's confusing me.
Video game lying is.
Video game lying though, that bothered me.
I feel like you, what an autist video game lie.
That's the fundamental question here.
You know what I'm saying?
I don't think they lie.
I feel like there's a code, those bros.
Especially on the vidges.
That's what I'm saying.
That'd be like being like, I know,
I could quote the whole Sonic movie back and forth
and being like, bro, bro bruh, you're lying.
It's like I hired somebody to fucking read me the Sonic lines
so I could be autistic.
I hope that's not true.
The thing that's been freaking me out
about that kind of stuff is like,
and again, I don't know if this is real or not,
but like people hiring,
like being their own hype men in the comments.
I've seen multiple stories about different people doing this where it's like busted
They like boss of the com
No, I know but exactly I get it you end up going
I'll just wish my friends would say this about me all to count everybody should know about this
That would feel good to like you anonymously be like actually is actually pretty fucking sick. I don't know what he was on laser tech
He's number six
Well, yeah people they like the screenshots again, you know, whether or not it's true
I never know but it's like there's like a screenshot of them busing up their Twitter account
Then you saw the alt underneath it is like that's the and then they'll show the top comment and like yo this person's
They're hyping themselves, which again if you hire somebody
They're hyping themselves, which again, if you hire someone to do social media.
People have burner accounts that hype themselves up
and argue in the comments a lot.
That's crazy.
Professional athletes do it a lot.
That's crazy, bro.
That's crazy, or if you hire someone to do social media,
like, yo, while you're at it, set up that other account.
How about you say a couple nice things about me?
You know, maybe.
I could see that.
I could see that phone call,
and then you don't even think about how lame that is
until you get caught doing it,
and then you go, yeah, fuck, that was lame as fuck.
Oh, it's the worst, bro.
It's like, I'd rather be caught,
I'd rather be caught fappin' accidentally on Zoom
than have somebody catch me.
In your own.
Hyping me, yes.
Hyping myself, dude, that's devastating.
Be like, actually, he's like really fucking cool.
I don't even think he, no, I think he looks good.
He's actually like nasty at Diablo?
He's so good at Diablo.
No, for real guys, he actually plays.
If that's true, I pray that's not true.
I pray that's not true.
I hope there's another, something behind that.
I hope he's trying to promote a show on X.
I hope so too.
Because video game lying is a, that's treason.
In my America, that's treason
That's firing squad
True with like what is it Chipotle no, I'm alright. Thank you. You'd have the firing squad jump like halo players
T back in my trees dead
Do I didn't know that that That's truly devastating, but you know, maybe after. In the White House, I'm on my liberal shit.
The White House came out and lied about,
they said we were giving $50 million worth
of condoms to Gaza.
I don't know.
They're justifying they're cutting federal funding
for a lot of shit,
because we're wasting tons of money on random bullshit.
And one of the examples they used
happens to probably not be true.
Which was, we're giving $50 million worth of condoms
to Hamas.
They're not using them.
They're not using them.
Yeah, that'd be...
That'd be more condoms than...
$50 million worth of condoms is too much.
There's no way.
It turns out that's probably not true.
But then what they're doing, which is very nice,
because that lie was so stupid,
the media can focus on that as the story
instead of the funding that should probably be cut,
which they actually are doing,
to foreign DEI company bullshit cut which they actually are doing yeah you know to like foreign
Di company
Bullshit, you know yeah, the United States is paying like 80 million dollars to promote di and fucking Chad
Shit like that yes, I could imagine that being a gigantic waste of money. Yeah
What gender are you? I am mechanic
Well we can shut this program down.
Program's done.
I am mechanic.
You're the DEI instructor, you come back with like hard PTSD.
Like, good job, you're a fucking good bitch.
Yeah, I've been watching those videos.
They've been firing me up.
Africa Corps.
What's Africa Corps?
It's the funniest.
It's just dudes getting interviewed
Oh, dude. They're the best would you ever marry a woman that makes more money than you?
Always people why are you gay?
What gender are you? I am mechanic. Yeah, those dudes fucking rule.
They're the best.
It's a shame you can't get along better, man.
It'd be so cool to just like.
We can get along with Africa.
We do, for sure.
Yeah, we can chill with those.
I'm saying we gotta stop fighting.
Every other country, so all we're like, think about our enemies, dude, abroad.
China's, you know, like it or hate it.
China's hilarious.
They're funny as hell, dude.
They're funny as hell.
They're funny as hell.
They're funny as hell.
They're funny as hell. They're funny as hell. They're funny as hell. They're funny as hell. They're funny as hell. We do, for sure. Yeah, we can chill with those. I'm saying we gotta stop fighting. Every other country, so all of our, like, think about our enemies, dude, abroad.
China's, you know, like it or hate it.
China's hilarious.
They're funny as hell, dude.
Yeah, they're funny as fuck.
They're funny as hell.
North Korea.
I know.
Dude, they all got addicted to porn
when they got sent to Ukraine.
There's dudes in like Russian hospitals posting videos,
like Russian soldiers, like, these are my roommates.
It's two North Koreans. There's a TV in the room. They're like
That's their like p number how the soldiers got like peanut butter German soldiers
Yeah peanut butter for the first time in World War two. They're just watching fucking fail army like
Holy shit, everything I've ever been told is a fucking lie
This shit is awesome. This is CGI? They see like the Geico
fucking gecko they're just
Yeah, that's gotta be crazy man, especially getting tossed into Russia and having Russians being like, oh you didn't know about this shit
Yeah, check this shit out blue jeans
Check this shit out. Although Tucker. Yeah, check this shit out.
Although Tucker was saying Russia's chill as hell.
I watched that one video where he went to a supermarket.
Looked like an Aldi's where he was just like,
this is amazing.
They have everything here.
Fresh produce.
Yeah, they have stuff there.
Although apparently, I don't.
You're never going to believe it, Russia has stuff.
Russia has stuff.
Apparently, Putin called. I think Putin is trying to rile up
The right-wing bros. He's like, you know actually send Fauci over here. I'll deal with his ass
And I was like you will fuck on Twitter like I'll send him over here right now
Be surprised. He's uh, it is pretty massive. I also said the Biden administration tried to kill him
Really Russians came out I think today and said they tried to kill Biden and Trump or Putin and Trump what yeah they could just be horse-feeding
true but it is but it does seem like somebody tried to kill Trump yeah for
sure you get shot in the fucking head someone did try to get his ass Putin
too I mean it is if Putin's over there that is the other guy that tried to shoot him was what living in ukraine
Yeah, I mean hell's breaking loose dude, I'm just watching fucking RFK get in there and they're like
All the kids are gonna die it is crazy he's like like look. It's not working health-wise. We're not doing well they're like we understand that but
You didn't you say that?
Let it go you guys had it you guys held down the fort they held down the fort you had fucking
Fort sucked you had the Fouch man in there got you guys got your how long was he in there for?
Fucking forever. He's in there for fucking ever dude. Yeah, it's like let's fucking roll the dice man. We're all fat as hell
Let's roll the fucking dice. I got type 2 motherfucking diabetes almost I wouldn't mind switching things up a little bit dude switch it up
Yeah, I was over here like dude. I'm probably one of the healthiest guys. I know
a bunch of fucking slobs
Damn it I got the fittest guy at a comedy club is
I know.
Fucking not that impressive.
I go there, I'm like, hey, shit's all right.
This is truth.
But yeah, hopefully we come out of it.
I think after two more years we might come out.
All right, they do gotta stop fucking lying
and doing Nazi salutes.
I just wish, I just wish they stop.
Video game lying is way worse.
No Nazi saluting.
My heart goes out to you,
it has nothing compared to lying on Diablo.
That's true.
Heart goes out to you, you know,
that's a gray area up for interpretation.
Video game lying is, it's cutting black,
it's cutting, it's black and white, man.
It's cutting dry, like, oh man, I pray that's not true.
You guys looked at, I need to know. Yeah, he did.'s not true. You guys look that I need to know
Yeah, he did. It is true. He admitted Sean's
Yeah, Sean said he admitted to it in the post the post says he admitted to it paying players to help him rank up And get his guys. I don't know how Diablo works, but
Apparently he paid to get that rank have guys play under his avatar
I think a mix of like a few of those sorts of things like Tom Fuller. Yeah
There's like money in those open-world games that like becomes almost like real money
It becomes like you could you know, it's like a tradeable commodity
Trade accounts like room scape, you know, you'd like give it a level 100 RuneScape account and then you'd sell it to like another guy
That's probably what he did. He just probably bought a bunch of level 80 accounts really a little little inside rim job
Yeah, I think they they looked at his rank and they're like if you can never do this in the amount of time you said
By yourself, but dude his minds are stormed dude. He's a genius
I guess my storm did it is sick to have a storm being like I gotta get a higher fucking
Diablo right?
I don't know Diablo, but whatever at least he owned up to it. You know at least he's fucking
You know, that's that's that's good
Holding it down like that'd be crazy. He held it down like Watergate style. I was like, I'll never fucking admit
Till I die should have
Yeah, I should have hidden that I said no. I did not video game lie
Yeah, true. I would have I would have been like we got invade Vietnam again actually just attracted the whole fucking bomb Vietnam
That fucked me up. I watched that I got 20 minutes left to that Ken Burns
It was good finish a Ken Burns you feel like you did something I do that's like reading a fucking book Yeah, that was dense man. It was a Burns. It was good finish a Ken Burns. You feel like he did something Dude, that's like reading a fucking book. Yeah, that was a lot. That was dense man. That was a lot
It was easy because my girlfriend's friends were visiting. Mmm, so I was just in my room jacked up with some Ken Burns
watching Vietnam
It's a sick move actually that does create like a little sanctuary blast zone
So you know, I'm like mom's watching this thing about a horrible once in Vietnam. You guys are not gonna watch it. Yeah
It is like one of those frequencies here, bro. Yeah
Yeah, it was a bummer Nixon
Now I was getting reports that Nixon was kind of man
He was according to Ken Burns documentary that guy sucked. Yeah, there's a people say he's bad
Use the man
Louie likes him. Yeah, I think Louie likes him, but he's recognizes his flaws and then
What's his name? Nick Brian was in the car. I you were saying like he got people that were like he's kind of and I've defended
I've been like he ended Vietnam. That's pretty good. It's like he
He didn't want to
He wanted to do it for political purposes they had peace talks
lined up before the election and
he as a candidate went in and was like
He talked directly to the South Vietnamese and he was like don't do these
peace talks wait till I'm elected we'll get you a better deal
damn he shut down peace talks for his election yeah it's fucked up that's
crazy the book I read the born-again book with the guy Chuck Olson who was
like his dude who went to jail for Watergate or one of the guys who went to
jail I remember him claiming like the day we had these peace talks going they
got like sabotage but if that was before he even got in there.
That was, yeah, he was a candidate.
Oh, yeah, they don't talk about that.
That's pretty dead.
And then they tried to have peace talks,
and they waited, the peace talks took 10 weeks
because South Vietnam and North Vietnam
couldn't agree on what table to use.
They were like, if we're on this side,
you guys have to be on that side,
and they fought about it for 10 weeks.
And the war just kept going.
They didn't want to break bread together?
No, they wanted the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese
to sit on the same side,
because they were like, you guys are the same fucking team.
Stop pretending you're not.
And then the Soviet Union came in with a big plan
10 weeks later, what about a round table,
so no one's really on a side. And everyone was I that works kind of a good idea now. Let's talk
There's the dumbest Vietnam was the dumbest piece of shit war
And the whole time people were like even in America every single person that went over there was like we shouldn't do that
Yeah, don't do that. Well the idea was visor was like don't do it. Yeah, this is not a good idea
Yeah, the idea was there they were under the threat of becoming communist. Yeah, we were supposed to go in there to be like hey guys
Come on, man. This is yes. That was it started shooting people
Or they're gonna send over we sent over advisors under Kennedy and then he was like we're not gonna ever send troops
Yeah, so they shot him in the head and then LBJ sent troops in
Yeah, that's why they shot him in the head and then LBJ sent troops in. Yeah, that's why they shot him in the head and then
upside for America though, like I don't know we got stuck in this war that we were gonna try to make
South Vietnam the government there like a Democratic right like we elected their guys and everybody we elected kept being a corrupt fucking
Just sucked. And then we just had to get in there.
The one thing that bothers me, especially on the internet, there's nice memes where Vietnam
fucked us up.
We literally committed a genocide there.
They did not fuck us up.
We murdered, look at this, it was like literally million, we killed a million.
You're saying we won.
By America's standard of body count at the time,
that was what they were going with.
America was like, we're winning the war.
We killed so many.
But they didn't say mercy.
They were like, they never said mercy.
Kind of, that sucks.
They never said uncle.
That is a giant psychological victory to be like,
yeah, I don't give a fuck.
Yeah, kill a million of us.
I don't give a fuck.
You're like, well.
They mad dogged us.
They did.
And then we got a little soft. That was the other thing, because I'm watching this, you know, it's a historical documentary. I mad-dogged us. They did. And then we got a little soft.
That was the other thing.
Because I'm watching this, you know,
it's a historical documentary.
I'm watching it like it's a movie.
I'm thinking like, oh man, we should have won this war.
We could have fucked them up.
Not even thinking about like human lives.
But the people back home were real like anti-war.
Our journalists were really taking it upon themselves
to try to get peace by showing how awful the war was.
Yeah. Yeah.
And of course, North Vietnam didn't have freedom of press.
So they were just telling everybody, we're fucking winning.
Meanwhile, America's like, this is a disaster.
Yeah, it was a disaster.
It was a disaster.
That's the hard part. But they should have been a little.
It's also a war.
Yeah, true.
There's, I understand doing the right thing by reporting on terrible things
Yeah, but I just don't understand
I never I can never understand how it started like World War one was R. Shook Ferdinand. They're like, oh fuck
Like I get the beginnings of that. I've never there was was there like in like the Civil War
There was like Fort Sumter was the first battle. I never understood like the first battle where they're like hey
Oh shit, well Vietnam didn't have like it did have battles, but it was another it was like it was a weird war there wasn't like
Like there'd be a battle for like a hill yeah, and we would take it and then the next day
We would just abandon it like it nothing makes a crazy
it started with like France leaving mmm, and then
The communists kind of taking hold and starting to take
over. And then South Vietnam being like can you help us out? Yeah. We're like we'll
send advisors and we're like we should just dump a bunch of money into this and
our people. And then we ended up sending troops. So you have to just like
just take out the communist leaders that's like the military objective. Yeah.
We didn't want China to expand into Vietnam yeah the way they were exciting stuff that is
pretty exciting I mean dude I never really knew I knew it was like yeah I
never knew anything about Vietnam hey I watched the whole fucking thing I still
don't know what happened I mean that's pretty good recounting yeah but nothing
nothing makes sense yeah I mean as to why anything happened yeah it's fucking
weird I mean it does you know I don't know yeah, I still I guess I got a I did
Marty Benz podcasts on Bitcoin nice yesterday, so I the same experience
I never understood a thing about my I'm a little bit. I don't know what it is
It's a techno. It's like one of the greatest technologies man's ever done. I can do that
I can do that
So dude he was explaining it yesterday.
How do they mine it?
What is being mined?
What is happening?
So this is my understanding of it.
Somebody tell me.
This is my hard earned,
and I don't know if this is even correct,
but so there's like a computer network
that is somehow securing Bitcoin
by solving this like mathematical equation
that founders set out to where like,
it increases in difficulty
So if like a lot of bitcoins are being mined
You're mining a Bitcoin you're being rewarded for
Dedicating computing power that then like secures the network itself, which is just this like weird
Mathematical function that can be like solved and then for solving it you get a little Bitcoin as a reward
But then it then it like the network knows the problems being solved so it ups the difficulty and then you kind of like it
Like tethers back and forth. That's like it was weird as fuck. You know that doesn't make any sense
Yeah, not really. I don't understand it either. I've been hit with a lot of speeches on it. Yeah, it was Sam Hyde Nick Mullen
I've been hit with
serious rants on
Bitcoin yeah, never I've been hit with serious rants on Bitcoin. And I've never, I've just, just stare at them.
They talk to me about money and I go,
all I know is college football.
It can't be, the big thing's the fiat currencies.
I should've focused on money.
The fiat currency's the big port of,
where it's like any currency is,
like the policy dictating the worth of the currency
is dictated by a centralized, governed body.
But Bitcoin, the network through which it's exchanged that is somehow bolstered by like
voluntary computer power that is given Bitcoin as a result as a reward allows for it to never
be centralized and dictated in a way where like you know if you own if you have all your
money in USD and they're printing out tons of US dollars it fucks up your money like
your money in a bank is literally dissipating.
If you're not investing, your money's
disappearing under inflation.
Like part of it is just disintegrating.
And Bitcoin's argument is that it won't do that
because they're only gonna ever put out 21 million Bitcoins.
That's like the whole thing, but I'm like,
yeah, but you can just save it, I guess you can just
save it and just use it as a savings account.
That was the whole, let me just talk about other stuff, but it was cool to hear about like hash points. I guess you can just save it and just put it, use it as like a savings account. That was the whole, let me talk about other stuff,
but it was cool to hear about like HashPoint.
I still don't understand that.
He's like, well then it reaches the HashPoint.
The HashPoint dictates the difficulty level.
And it was just like, bro, let me know.
I hope it goes up to 200, man.
That's all I know.
Yeah, I don't know anything.
But they claim that they-
I do know your money managers get mad when you say,
put that into Bitcoin.
They don't like it, dude. No. They don't like it. No, they don't like it
Well, it's incomplete. Apparently just totally undermines like the way Wall Street functions. I
Don't know that again. I'm out of my depth on that too
But I did get a little bit now I understand what mining Bitcoin is is like dedicating computers
Like you're just like you have a computer and it just does math problems really hard math problems all day
Then every now and again you're like damn. You just got a fraction of a Bitcoin. Yes
It's math castle. It's stupid. It's literally math castle. I don't like that you have math castle
You have a you have like a huge rack of computer servers doing math castle every now and again it yeah
Yoshi or whatever his name is so she is cuz like
The thing you get a Mario coin you yes, I am kind of mystified by stupid
Works that's dumb
You just do math problems a computer does things
Yeah, who's benefiting from the computer doing something the network the network having its dates the network just gets bigger
Yeah, bigger and more secure
So it's like with the more computing power you have dedicated for some reason to doing these math problems
That way like when an exchange happens, it's somehow validated within the thing is like. Yep. This definitely happened
It's like a kind of a worry-free way to exchange money. Like they're saying you you can't scam it from what I've heard
I don't know if you can or not. So it's pretty cool. I got I got Bitcoin pill yesterday
I was like damn, it's kind of sick
I always wanted just to know what was I don't know literally anything about it
And these dudes are like you seem to have an idea of what Bitcoin is. I just know them the I know about mining
Yeah, yeah, I tried to build a rig. I can do it the programming part was too hard for me
You try to yeah, you try to build a rig to mine. Yeah
How far did you get?
2015 I had like two GPUs ready to go
How far did you get? It was like 2015.
I had like two GPUs ready to go.
Damn, you could have done it.
You could have stuck with it.
What was the coding thing that, what was the,
what's getting in the way of this?
You gotta like put a program on there.
I couldn't do it.
What, the math problem?
What's the math problem, dude?
I don't know.
That's what I was trying to figure out.
I'm like, dude, how hard is this math problem
and how the fuck did it 13 times 7?
No one can do it 13 times 7 no one on earth can do that
Your computer just blows up like fuck
second tower 91
Yeah, we got into quantum computing. I was like
That makes no sense quantum computing
No sense at all
Mechanics has to deal with like the teeniest tiniest
Specs of like matter possible. I'm like, okay. I understand that but how the fuck does you have a computer?
Dealing in that I can't do it. I guess instead of megabytes, it's mini bytes. And you go, oh shit.
It's mini bytes.
It's just unparalleled computing power.
What do you have?
They're called qubits.
They're called what?
What's a qubit do?
That qubit is a measure of quantum power.
Yeah, but like, okay.
It seems like we all know the vocabulary around it.
That's what I'm saying.
I don't have a tough time explaining what it is.
Okay, so I watched a video,
it was explaining, I was five. The guy was like, quantum computing is Okay, so I watched a video explaining, I was five,
the guy was like, quantum computing is like,
so you know how a coin has two sides?
There's an endpoint, both parts are entry and endpoint,
but quantum computing is like spinning a coin
because there's an infinite amount of entries and exits.
So it's not zero one, the program's not 0101.
It's 123456789.
Yeah, but infinite, because it's an infinite amount of points. That's all that made no sense
Points of what are you talking about entry and exit points of what of data points of computing points of processing
Not binary general fucking words. It's not binary
Your computers brought a series of oh one one one one one
Oh one female male. No by non-binary bullshit computing is gender fluid. It's quite
Codeful it's fluid. It's just like a one two three four two five six nine nine nine. Oh shit. I didn't think about there's a
What if instead oh, yeah, that's definitely taking over yeah I understand
it now thank you just a little bit more well thank you