Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast - Ep 545 - Thunder Fish

Episode Date: February 13, 2025

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey No, I like it. It smells like this one smells like six too. Oh, it's fucking guardians He's purifying the mics with tobacco like a Native American shaman duties blow tobacco smoke into them. I'm sorry I'll clean nothing here. I like the smell. It's actually kind of nice. This is the bit. I was waiting for fucking paper straws No more last one no more we No more. We're going to fucking we're going to go back and put all the plastic rings around the dolphins necks on the trumps and be awesome. We're going to get this country. He said when he was signing it, what he's
Starting point is 00:00:36 like and I think the sharks are going to be okay. Is there eating everything in the ocean? All right. All right, man. That is sick to be like sharks can bite anything. He's like sharks can bite anything, we're gonna sign that, what's next? I had LaMare, LaMare went in the ocean for the first time this weekend. We're in Dania Beach, Florida. Yeah, wasn't he at the beach at Skankfest? He's never gone to the ocean. Or did he stay on the, no the Florida Comedy Festival?
Starting point is 00:01:03 Oh yeah, I think he was on the beach but I don't think he went in the ocean. beach for do I don't think water he stays away from the water exactly Oh, yeah, he literally can't swim no we went to the ocean this weekend. They in your beach by the way their beach lot to be desired a Lot to be desired. I went there. I'm like Lamar. They'll have shops everywhere like we show Like yeah, that's tough. There is nothing. I mean I Will say there were a lot of bubble-budded mommies on the beach. Yeah, that was about it There was big rocks in the ocean. So you just stub your toe in the ocean Don't scare me do you even touch a rock? I'm high knees and out of the water, bro
Starting point is 00:01:41 I was telling the mayor I was like dude just come in the ocean, you're fine, man. He's like, I don't know, there's like sharks. I'm like, there's some fucking sharks in here. We were like, we went out pretty far, like into a sandbar. How'd you get him out far? He literally, he cannot swim. It was waist high, and then it went up to your knees.
Starting point is 00:01:57 There's like a really sick, That's really dangerous to bring him out there. Well, here's the thing, I saw, there was a guy, I was telling the mayor, I'm like, there was a dude who went like, for real, like 60 yards out. And I was like, just you don't want to be the furthest guy out. That's the shark. That's the shark guy. You stay just halfway through. And then and we went out to the sandbar. And after we got we got done at the beach, we got an
Starting point is 00:02:17 Uber back. And the guy was like, Oh, Danny Beach, you know, there's a lot of sharks. I looked it up. I was like, Yep, great whites, dude. They migrate down during this time. They come down and chill, like, around there. And I was just telling him, I was like, I was like, oh, my bad, LaMare. Great whites are so spooky. Dude.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I was like, LaMare, there's no shark. I Googled it. I'm like, great whites. So a video of a giant hammerhead? What? It's like a different type of hammerhead. They're fucking massive. Can hammerheads bite you? I feel like that's one type of shark
Starting point is 00:02:42 you could kind of outmaneuver. That lame-ass fucking head. I know. It is a I feel like that's one type of shark you could kind of outmaneuver. That lame-ass fucking head. I know, it is a very dumb head, but it certainly can bite you. Yes. You don't think you could just, like, grip its hammerhead and just...
Starting point is 00:02:55 Pause. True, my bad, my bad. Yo! Just double fist their hammerhead. You got to grip its hammerhead. Oh, man, this is good. We did it today. If we did it yesterday, I would have been asleep.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Dude, I was sleepy too, man. That was an insane weekend. Yeah, I bet, dude. It was probably party. Was it, I'm sure the day before was party time. Yeah, Friday, Saturday. Dude, the one time I went with Bert two years ago, we got there on a Monday. We stayed for a week.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Oh, you did? I remember that. We did shows during the week. Yeah, you guys did? That was a week. Weren't you guys staying in a bop house the day before? We were staying at a full-on bop house with nothing but cameras. Just Burt and his team and cameras.
Starting point is 00:03:43 And every day, it'd be like, Shady, we're gonna go do activities I'll be like I'll fucking kill you. I'll fuck. I'm not doing a fucking thing This trip was It was just the O'Connor man Tommy down there Partying it up It's good to see the boys get loose dude. I I'm telling you, the Super Bowl, the more, I never really thought about it until I went last year
Starting point is 00:04:08 and I was like, dude, this is like the apex of worldly power. It is. And then I was watching it this time, just being like, dude, it was like freaking me. Yeah. It's sick. Trump, NT Swift? Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Fucking. Her getting booed? I know. That was, I'll be be honest I was in the Eagle section for that mm-hmm that was a that was a fun boo that was a she's wearing cheap skier these are Eagles fans yeah cuz you know I mean a lot of people are trying to say that I thought it was very funny while it was happening and then I saw like a quote from Travis Kelsey that was like that sucked I felt terrible
Starting point is 00:04:42 while I was on the sideline everyone was just booing my girlfriend It was like yeah, I guess that's really terrible. That'd be sad. Yeah, that's very sad I mean, yeah, especially like no come on man guard dogs has no mercy Yeah, I don't have any I don't feel any empathy for Travis Kelsey. I mean, bro I knew they're gonna lose and I saw him dressed like fucking 70s porn star. I was like he's not taking this game seriously at all I think he's dressed like a 70s porn star house like he's not taking this game seriously at all I think he's dressed like a 70s porn star every time I could be wrong is he all right? I think he does that yeah, why why what's up with the cool outfits dude?
Starting point is 00:05:13 What happened to sweatsuits every college fucking athlete is wears a gray sweatsuit all the time Oh that changed what a cool outfit sure they got I did forget they were all yeah impoverished Comment I'm sure they're gonna tell a story on Stuff Island, but it was So we we did Burt's show on Saturday night, and that's when the O'Connor man got in and he got in He was a little banged up. I think his flight got delayed. I think he wanted to catch up on the way. I got you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:48 And I think he went a little too far. Mission accomplished. So he shows up, but I didn't know he was hammered. So we're sitting there and then Tyreek Hill walks in and he's standing right next to us and he has his people with him, but Chris was against the wall, Tyreek Hill's right here, we're in the tunnel at the arena,
Starting point is 00:06:07 and I'm standing next to Chris along the wall, and Chris just reaches through Tyreek Hill's people and grabs his arm, and they turn around like, what the fuck? And I was like, no, he's my friend, because I just met him, and I was like, he's good, he's my buddy. And then they walk away,
Starting point is 00:06:24 and I was like, Chris, what the fuck was that? And he was like, I'm sorry. I'm so stupid. And as soon as he did that I was like, oh, you're fucking blacked out, dude. What the fuck are you doing? You know, you had a sleeper cell. He was a full sleeper cell.
Starting point is 00:06:40 I had no idea because I wasn't really talking to him. I was about to go on stage and then I was like, dude, what the fuck are you doing? You don't just grab people's arms Then I go on stage and apparently wise on while I was on stage Julian Edelman walks by and Chris Chris goes Can I give you a hug? and he was like why and
Starting point is 00:07:02 then walked away and Chris was like like, why? And then walked away and Chris was like, oh fuck. So then he's coming back through the tunnel. It's crazy he took it to a why, be like, state your reason. I mean, I get it. He doesn't even know the guy. I know. And some guy standing drunk in the tunnels, like, can I give you a hug, man? And then I realized I've hugged every single person
Starting point is 00:07:19 that's ever asked for a fucking hug. I've been like, yeah. Yeah, sure. And it's funny, he was kind of thinking about it. He was like, well, why? Yeah, he was like, why should I? Why would I hug you? And then Edelman's coming back in the tunnel
Starting point is 00:07:32 and apparently Chris went for a super low five. He was walking by and Chris was like, and he said Edelman just was like, no. The fuck? And I was like, dude, of course he did that. I would have thought someone was, you're like just purely fucking with me.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Like a low five? That's like, are you, I wouldn't have even thought he was giving me a high five. If I was walking by. Also the risk of pulling a low five away is high. If I was walking by and somebody was like, Yeah. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:08:00 What is this, man? Anyway, that was Chris's big. Fucking sliding a low five, I get wanting the hug. The hug is nuts. I was like, what the fuck are you asking for a hug for? And he was like, it's Julian Adelman. I love Julian Adelman.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Oh, he's a New Englander. Yeah. But it's like... Yeah, dude, that's crazy. Going for the low five on the slide, and like, look, I get it, you gotta keep up appearances, you can't be hugging me right now, just give me a low five on the slide.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Give me the lowest five. That was the okay, and then he carried that shame all weekend, and he was just constantly just, oh. That's so funny. Because yeah, he's high awareness enough to really analyze that behavior later. And it probably did, it was a thorn in his side. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:54 The Okan man took that one very personally. I think he punched a wall later. It was quality footage. Somebody just sent me a video of him like outside punching a gate. And I was like, oh man, the Okan man. I spooked Vince Vaughn that one time. Badly in Vegas last year.
Starting point is 00:09:12 What did you do? I was hammered last year in Vegas. I kept doing the whatever that game was and they're like if the like if the beers in your left hand, you have to chug it. Right. Oh, yeah. I kept getting caught with the beer. That was the bills. That was Gabe.
Starting point is 00:09:24 I was passing them. Yeah, I would just be like, you know, I was hitting a vape and I'd like take it you pussies and I'd switch it to my right Hand the big you got a drink of beers you let and I was just chugging vodka and sodas I got hammered and I we were on that like never-ending party bus thing for a while. Yeah Oh, yeah, I got off the party bus and I was like, what the fuck is that Vince Vaughn? I was Hammered knows I looked at him and I was like what the fuck is that Vince Vaughn I was Hammer knows I looked at him and I was like Vince You're our only hope take us to the place and he like turned around to Nate and he was just 45 feet ahead You're only hope dude
Starting point is 00:10:04 Yeah, it is it is wild it's just So many celebs true celebs and your hammer and you're like, holy fuck. There he is. I gotta go say it It's time. This is my one chance I didn't even I just like saw him and reacted to like something that was bubbling like beneath my brain is like dude You're only hope you're the chosen one take bubbling like beneath my brain. It's like dude you're only hope you're the chosen one take us to the promise land. You need to destroy them. No idea what I was talking about. Yeah I mean that's exactly what happened to O'Connor. He saw Julian Edelman and was just like Julian can I get a hug from you right now?
Starting point is 00:10:35 No. Why? Why do you want a hug? It is a very and especially for like the why to hit O'Connor's brain have him like why would I ask for that? Just fully echo in his head. I didn't consider the reasons. That's awesome though. So you guys started off on just like a absolute fever pitch.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I mean, I just, I didn't, he was a full sleeper, so I had no idea. He was among us. That is crazy to find out something, did not know somebody's flight. I was like, what the fuck happened? He was like, my flight got delayed. I had a couple of whiskies. I was like Well, it's a long night. It's fucking
Starting point is 00:11:10 730 No, yeah, what happened where did like you where did his like journeys take him that rest that night? That is really obviously punching the fence or whatever he did. I Don't know. He's good at Irish exiting You're gonna hit a good Irish goodbye like I don't know where you'll just pick where's O'Connor and so he'll be like he's he got A car. Yeah, just stumbled out also walk He's just sprint I forgot about that If he still does it my favorite thing I ever seen him do is when we were, I had a party at my house, like years ago in Philly,
Starting point is 00:11:47 and we were all sitting on the roof deck and he was just wearing headphones. And everyone was like, what are you doing? He was like, just listening to music. Listening to Bob Seeger. Every single time. He went on a Bob Seeger phase for like three years where he would listen to Like A Rock.
Starting point is 00:12:01 He would get hammered and listen to, just, song's so good. I could see you at a party though, kind of as like doing some personal night moves would be decent. Just be like, I'm just charging myself back up for the vibe, yeah. It's pretty sick.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Damn, dude, that's night one. Night one, yeah. And then that night after Bird's show, me and Zach Bryan did a show at a bar, which was very funny, because Zach was like, all right, I'll go first, That night after Bird's show me and Zach Bryan did a show at a bar which was very funny cuz Zach was like alright. I'll go first then you go on do some stand-up, and I was like bro That would be the worst yeah possible show yeah me first of all time You can't comedy cannot follow music ever never and it was like alright, man. He's like it's up to you
Starting point is 00:12:41 Whatever he's like that's fine. That'll work, So we go in, it's just a packed college, like just young kids, packed standing room only. The stage is like a rug on the floor. There's no stage. And it was like, I went on fair to Midland. Very fair to Midland. I was excited to be like, that's it for me, Zach Ryan. Everybody there like, ah.
Starting point is 00:13:04 And then he murdered. And while he was killing, I was excited to be like, that's it for me, Zach Ryan. And then he murdered. And while he was killing, I was like, this is crazy. It's more. You thought I was gonna follow that with like a jacking off story? Yeah. Yeah, that's impossible. At the end, it was a small bar,
Starting point is 00:13:17 and then in the backyard, there was like a construction area, like in a muddy alley, which is where we went after this just hung out back there. But from the exit of the bar to a muddy alley, which is where we went after this just hung out back there. But from the exit of the bar to the back alley, there was like a pretty big drop into this construction area. I literally got to the door. There were people behind me and I was like, watch out, there's a very big drop here. I just stepped out and rolled my ankle. I literally looked at what was going to happen. I was like, watch out guys, you could get hurt on this. Thank God I didn't fall down I was so close to I really fucked my ankle up on that yeah, dude
Starting point is 00:13:49 How deep was you talking like 12 inches? Just trenches everywhere back there. Oh, you guys are in Atlanta No in New Orleans, New Orleans For the national championship, that's what it was. Yeah got you. Got you. So you're in New Orleans. Down in New Orleans. I love New Orleans. Did it bounce back? What's that? They've had a lot of it. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:09 They bounced back. Dude, that was freaking me out too, the day. I wasn't even, I was talking about Katrina, but then they had another track. I thought you were talking about. As soon as I said that, I'm like, oh yeah, I'm thinking. Cause I went there post Katrina a long time ago and it was like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:14:20 So I'm sure they've recovered. Isn't that Juvenile Song? Bounce Back? Bounce Back. I'm about to bounce back. I think. Trust me. Is this a juvenile song or are you thinking of Five-O-Foe Boys and Wobble Wobble?
Starting point is 00:14:31 No, no, no. You might be getting a bounce confused with a wobble. No, that's a juvie classic, Bounce Back. It could be. Was it post-Katrina or post-Katrina? There's a big, yeah, there's a Bounce Back juvenile. Sick. Nice, thank God I got that, yes. a bounce back juvenile. Nice. Thank God I got that.
Starting point is 00:14:48 We have a visitor. That was a weird knock. It's kind of a friendly knock. Who's that rapping? Yeah, we should probably... Who's rapping upon my door? Be careful, Sean. Oh, it's Texas gas service. See how guard dog handles this. You're getting checked on for heavy gas consumption.
Starting point is 00:15:17 All right. You've been using it. Great. Hey, we're back. Just a minor gas leak in my house. No big deal. Nothing new. No big deal.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I'm gonna try to find the gas leak in Sylvia Plath myself. Just put my mouth on it. I'll go find that thing. Call it a day. Actually, dude, I got a, it was really nice. Dana Beach Improv gave me a, like a gift certificate to a used bookstore as like a gift that's nice it's really nice so I went I finally went
Starting point is 00:15:49 it was like I had to get an uber from the hotel and I'm like where's cuz that that area was Broward counties where they film cops yeah so I was like driving around through there and it dude it's like it's kind of sketchy around there yeah like very sketchy I was like whatever so I'm in an uber and I'm like okay anytime you left a little we were at a hub obviously that's all it is outdoor hubs and left the hub and it's just like vice city all around so I put the driver I'm like yeah there's like a bookstore up here somewhere dude it was a shopping center of just at least one if not two massage parlors so I'm
Starting point is 00:16:24 pulling in the guys a gift card for books dude He's like you said there's a bookstore right and I was like yeah, dude. I swear to God. There's a bus Oh, I thought I thought he thought I was like adult bookstore. I'm gonna get some but I'm about to read for the next I'm gonna read for 15 minutes, and then I'm gonna just wait here Wet from a shower I know. So I'm sitting there like... I'm gonna come back wet from a shower. My hair is all wet. Fucking bookstore out of shower. You wouldn't believe it.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I told you my one friend in an absolute, the most depraved move was with visiting with a girlfriend hanging with the family, ducked off hit the fucking wash, reunited back with the family, wet hair and all and was like, what's up guys?
Starting point is 00:17:04 The craziest fucking move. But yeah, I'm like United back with a family wet hair and all and was like sup guys But yeah, I'm like pulling off and I was struck he was just sitting there with his family and he was like He was with her family. Yeah, just alright. I'm gonna head out for a minute. I got a he got the edge Yeah, he was like ended up being late. Like it was like they were down there like to visit She was just jacked off in the car bro, which would have been crazy That would have been psychotic. I mean, dude, hitting, being like, yo, if you guys will excuse me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:30 With your own family, it's like, OK, it's still nuts. But with someone else's family, that is a wild. I mean, I know, all respect goes to the fucking move. It's a sick move to break out. Break out. Like, her family's going to stress me out. I'm going to go get jacked off by a sex life. All right, and I'm back. And fully bathed in, like, wet hair and showers.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Just coming back in laughing at what they're laughing at. Smell... Ha-ha-ha-ha! Smelling totally different. You just reek of dollar store lotion. Yeah, you reek while you're drenched. Drenched and just fucking totally relieved. Yo, I hugged a guy this weekend that was drenched.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Did you really? Yeah. Why was he drenched? I fucking totally relieved. Yo, I hugged a guy this weekend that was drenched. Did you really? Yeah. Why was he drenched? I don't know, he was, oh, because it was raining. It was raining at the Super Bowl before we got in and the guy just came in from outside on a standing line, he was like, hey, I'm a big fan.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I was like, god damn, dude, you fucking soaked. Dude, that fucking Gatorade they dumped on the coach, I was spying that Gatorade, I'm like, dude, they gotta give that guy a raise. Whoever's concocting that stuff, that was bright yellow Gatorade. That shit the coach. I was spying that Gatorade, I'm like, dude they gotta give that guy a raise. Whoever's concocted that stuff, that was bright yellow Gatorade. That shit's not watered down at all. No.
Starting point is 00:18:30 I was, oh dude, this made me laugh. Okay, so first things first. The bookstore I pull up, I was relieved at the very end of it there was a bookstore. And I was like, I told you there's a bookstore up here, dude, and he's like, yeah, whatever, man. I go into the bookstore, it was the worst layout I've ever seen where, you know, it was like in like like the Hogwarts library or any old library
Starting point is 00:18:48 There's like giant ladders and you get the books are stacked super high Most of the books were like as high as your fucking ceiling and they're like you can't get on the ladders It's like well. I don't know what's up there, so how could I even ask? It was like and then they were like going over these old like antique maps So anytime I try to get to the other end they got there I'd be like excuse me guys and they would be like Okay, and then like move out of the way and I'm like, what the fuck man? Trying to buy some books from your fucking store
Starting point is 00:19:15 Anyways pissing me off. But the thing that made me laugh was I was out there. I forgot my belt this weekend Every single I forgot my belt this dude and I was telling the mayor I had a flashback to when you were in New York and you were just like you show me your closet And there was like 40 belts I'm like damn you have so many belts and like I got to get a new belt like every week cuz I forget them But I remember I told the mayor I confessed I was like bro. That was like the most jealous I've ever gotten being like that's so fucking sick Just getting that many bells out of necessity. I don't even buy the belts. I go to, well sometimes when I'm on the road,
Starting point is 00:19:46 I will have, I have to buy a belt. I usually just go home and steal Phil's belts. Do you really? Every time I'm home, I steal Phil's belts. I forget them. I never take them on the road, so then I'm like, I need a belt. I was just laughing being like,
Starting point is 00:20:01 dude, that's so sick to have so many belts. And then like, because the one time I had to buy a belt on the road, I was like, dude, it's all happening sick to have so many belts and then like cuz the one time I had To buy a bell in the road. I was like dude. It's all happening bro. I have a belt from Milwaukee fit bro. Hmm when I lost my luggage got lost. I had to buy a whole new what I got the vans I'd do that once I went to Dix and I bought like golf pants and like a t-shirt and I was kind of sick But yeah, I didn't buy a belt I was bending over on stage and I'm pretty sure like part of my ass crack came out at one point I was like Paul apologies ma'am
Starting point is 00:20:35 I need a belt on stage because I'm already doing like the fat shirt tug. Yeah toss in adjusting pants top of the fat shirt tug It's a very active Yeah, scene, you know, I mean the guys constantly You toss in adjusting pants on top of the fat shirt tug. It's a very active scene. You know what I mean? The guys constantly. I was hands in pocket all weekend. I was very Fallon. I was hands in pocket, classic.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Classic late night. But I was really kind of just holding up my pants because they were fucking, they kept coming down on me. Because I've lost a couple pounds, bro. I'm out of the 180s. I'm 179.6. That's good. It's pretty sick. I'm 179.6. That's good. It's pretty sick.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I'm doing another fast too. I was hoping. Five day. Yes. Monday through Friday. First 24 hours, dry fast, no water for 24 hours. No food or water 24 hours. And then four day fat water fast with just salt.
Starting point is 00:21:21 I'm gonna petition for some electrolyte. I need an unflavored electrolyte mix. Cause that, if you don't eat for a while, you lose all your electrolytes. With just salt I'm gonna petition for some electoral I need an I get unflavored electrolyte mix cuz that that Jer if you don't eat for a while you don't like you lose all your electrolytes there you go there goes our hero Dude, the gas man. He's gonna come around knock in a second. So yeah, that thing's leaking like crazy Great things leaking like a sieve. How do they test this whole like a fucking lighter up and see if it flames up I have no idea. I think obviously not that but sprays I think they spray soapy mixture and they see where it's bubbling if I had a guess
Starting point is 00:21:48 Looks something like that. Yeah, I mean I've looked I could have you should have told me I wouldn't went out I had no idea I mean, I actually knew all because I'll try to heat it and barely heats. Yeah, nothing like backfires You can hear it like a car dude. I'm telling you man, what builders get away with now, it's criminal. They, the place across from us in Philly, when we lived there, they were like, luxury condominiums and the windows,
Starting point is 00:22:15 dude I'm not lying, separated from the wall that much. No exaggeration, it was ungodly, and they were like, yeah, they just won't return our calls They just throw them up. They just do it as cheap as you possibly can yes get the fuck out of there What book did you get? Boy I ended I got I had like four or five It was a it was like a fucking hundred fifty dollar gift certificate nice So I like got as many as I could possibly bring back without making my luggage too too heavy
Starting point is 00:22:43 yeah, and then just gave there like a $60 credit to an old lady, but the I Started fucking with Finnegans Wake from James Joyce. It's totally indecipherable. It's like yeah, but I'm reading Jane Joseph Campbell wrote it's Finnegans Wake skeleton key. So I've been in absolute fucking heaven You know Joseph Campbell not a hero with a thousand faces he was like the one of the first dudes to get like real into kind of like deciphering myths, kind of like how Peterson started. He was like, I mean, Carl Jung obviously is a goat with it,
Starting point is 00:23:14 but Campbell came up and made like a really approachable kind of understanding to just like myths and all, you know, whatever, and he's like going through with his boy reading Finnegans Wake and just being like, by the way, this is what he means by this, this is And he's like going through with his boy reading Finnegan's Wake and just being like, by the way, this is what he means by this, this is what he means by this. I mean, I've just been absolutely just like dumbstruck by Joyce's genius, dude.
Starting point is 00:23:35 It's amazing. It's nice. Dude, it's crazy. It's just like- Isn't that the only thing he has to declare? Wasn't that him? What? When he got to America,
Starting point is 00:23:42 they're like, do you have anything to declare? It was like, my genius. Probably. Sounds like him. He didn you have anything to declare it was like my genius probably I think sounds like him He didn't have any money. He was fucked He spent dude. He wrote a book He like yeah, obviously Dubliners short stories classic and he wrote Ulysses and everyone's like okay with you This is kind of a hard read we're fucking with you And then he spent I think like 20 years of his life a third of his life on Finnegan's wake and no one can on it just he's like makes up words. It's nonsense
Starting point is 00:24:06 Yeah, you have to have like it's one of those things where? Every other sentence is an illusion to like it's almost like you have to have like a total understanding of like Greek mythology Is it'll like make an illusion obviously Campbell's fucking goat ass is like oh by the way, and he just expounds on it I've just been in absolute fucking heaven dude really he's like and then the main character turns back It's like dude. It's so no it's so sick. You gotta read a book to read a book You gotta read a book that book no dude. It's so good dude the whole again. I have no understanding I have a pitiful understanding of it, but it's like the book is about Finnegan's Wake is about I didn't know it's about the guy
Starting point is 00:24:50 Who he's like an eternal it's based on like an Irish mythological figure who's like up on a ladder Falls and dies and he's coming back to life. That's like the kind of like ballot or whatever But then they like tie that into like the death and resurrection Jesus myth with these four quadrants now they have like the Cali Yuga kind of thing No, it's like hard times make make soft man, make soft man, make blah, blah, blah. There's a western version of that where it's basically like primal stuff, or it's like a theocracy, then a king, then it goes to democracy, and after every democracy
Starting point is 00:25:18 they rise to the top, and literally every civilization crumbles, break time, time for the gas man. Time out for the game. Hold on guys Okay, yeah for the record that was Oscar Wilde not James you sound like some Oscar Wilde bullshit I'm being honest James Joyce. I mean actually it's funny cuz that He kind of could not he doesn't cover that specifically, but it so in the book It's like it's based on Finnegan's Wake
Starting point is 00:25:42 But also the main character is like that I didn't know the city of Dublin is like shaped on a hill That's kind of like resembles an old job they say like a giant is sleeping in the ground that like Like his heads on one side of the city and his feats on the other side. So he's writing a novel about that guy who's like a giant in the ground, but then he Somebody's really hard to explain but he gives forth two sons that are kind of like the classic canine and it gives forth he gives forth two sons HCE and ALP. Love when you talk about books. It's so sick but he has
Starting point is 00:26:14 there's like these two brother figures so like the Jesus Christ's I have a poor understanding but basically the guy is not Finnegan's wake Finnegan's coming back to life and they go finnigan rest We have a new father and then this it's this guy who's like apparently also a hill but who's also a guy Check does something on a perverted in a park to these to this young girl. He gets fucking he gets me too basically What yeah, he gets me too. There's these fucking hot ladies and it's all about how like Man is always going to fall to the sniz That's like the one theme like it's it's going to happen man always going to fall to the sniz that's like the one
Starting point is 00:26:45 theme like it's it's going to happen man's going to fall to the sniz and then dudes were like getting propelled by these forces that are always going to make us fight each other every civilization is going to collapse and he just kind of just like jumps in and out of like time and it's really cool of like different uh warriors and these two brothers shem and shawn shem is like he's the deep rider type no one will ever love him Yeah, but he's the only one connected to the truth And they're Sean who's just like killing it and they're always fighting and killing each other. It's fucking tight, but sorry That's it's a again. I'm just going off Joseph Campbell's interpretation. Don't I don't want to I don't yeah
Starting point is 00:27:17 I don't want to get confused with Joseph Campbell's interpretation All it is high bows interpretations That's all you can do with Finnegan's Wake. There's nothing else. That's all you can do. But that's when I've been reading that at night and it's been absolutely in heaven. Just going back and forth doing like, oh, that's what that means. Oh, fuck dude, the thunder fish.
Starting point is 00:27:33 I never even thought of the thunder fish. Of course. Fucking awesome. Of course he means the thunder fish. What is the thunder fish doing? It's just like the food of eternal life. It's just like the Ixa something. Yeah. Whatever. The Ixis. Is that what it's called? It's just like the food of eternal life. It's just like the X something. It's yeah, whatever What is the excess? Yeah the excess and then the word for like Latin word for thunder
Starting point is 00:27:49 But it is such a funny move to spend 30 years on a book and everyone was like dude. What the fuck is he doing Sean? Shawn talking about the Thunderfish talking about Thunderfish breath pause nice. I think we all know someone who loves taking photos, but there are hundreds of pictures are just wasting away on their phone. Start putting them to good use with a unique, stylish digital picture frame from Aura frames. It was named number one digital picture frame by Wirecutter. And for a good reason, it's so easy to set up and they have different frame options It takes about two minutes to set up a frame using the aura app Bro, yes, we got them right on the edge of their seats. It's so close. That's such a short amount of time
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Starting point is 00:29:32 True. We're legally bonded. I was a little like, oh this is probably what marriage is like. If, well if you broach the subject, obviously if you're the ultimate romancer, you go, people don't even care about that stuff. But a lot more guys are starting to be like look yeah, let's fucking lay some fucking ground Let's work on a bad faith leaver here what you want to do is yours mine and ours like let's talk about what's yours Let's talk about what's mine. Let's talk about what's ours. That's definitely want to do a pre note
Starting point is 00:29:57 guys Introduction and personal now that's a good one. That's a great It's a good segue the next thing host tell a story of a previous Valentine's Day date night and struggles to find a tailored Fit that leaves a little more room for that steak dinner Yeah, yeah one time I went for a steak dinner and I struggled to find a tailored fit for sure man And then I went to a steak dinner and I found a true classic And I said I'm gonna wear this to the steak dinner and your Valentine's Day goes babe Is that a fucking beautiful t-shirt and the true classic tea was it was good because it accentuated my arms and chest oh Did she my girlfriend was like yo your tits look?
Starting point is 00:30:42 Your tits look crazy here. Yeah, she was dying to cup them, dude. She, yeah. Let me get under that true classic and cup those titties. I'm gonna go up on you. We were at Valentine's Day dinner, she said, is that a curved hem crew? It accentuates your massive melons. I'm gonna go up on you after the steak dinner.
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Starting point is 00:33:52 Thank you Shane. Of course brother. But yeah, so that's it. I'm not going to bore you with fitting in to wake, but that's the only thing I will say. It's been putting me, this is what I like about it. It's been putting me in a very timeless frame of mind. That's the best way to do it. Outside of time. Tillich's very timeless state frame of mind. That's the best outside of time
Starting point is 00:34:06 Till x dimension of depth of course that's how I've been feeling you're in till x's dimension of death That's how I that's how I've been feeling lately. So that's been a nice feeling to kind of leave I had a feeling have you been caught whacking off lately? timeless I Know you've just been an ageless wanderer, but have you been caught jacking off in a bathroom? I mean dude like HCE Yes, I was caught fucking I was tempted By the sirens in my own mind came and got you Yeah, I was caught I was but that was last weekend
Starting point is 00:34:42 Yeah, I was caught. But that was last weekend, bro. That was in the past. I said, what are you doing in there? For real, man. That was so embarrassing. She was like, what are you doing in there? And I'm just in the shower with a boner. Just what?
Starting point is 00:34:52 Nothing. She's like, I saw what you were doing. I was like, ah, damn it. Now I got caught lying and jerking off, huh? I'm just the biggest piece of shit in the world, aren't I? I wish I could tell you I didn't almost get caught yesterday. I wish I could tell you I almost didn't get caught. I had to scamper.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Did you really? But you didn't hear the scamper, I survived. Oh, you got. I scampered to the lav. I heard the door open, scampered. So you got the entrance. I got to ski-dattle, I heard the door open and I ski-daddled on back to the lavatory.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Bro, it's not like we've been training for that our whole fucking life. I know, but I haven't had to ski daddlin Things yet, so you didn't get there you didn't get that and get the full release Damn, you probably charged up and I was like she's taking a nap a nap, I'm fucking set. Oh yeah, of course. Second we started. Brother, welcome to my world. Thunderfish.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Thunderfish flocks in the room and I had to ski on, dattle down to the left. With my pants and my knees, ski, dattle down. Expert shuffle. Here's the potato the sack race What you scared me
Starting point is 00:36:14 Why do I have my phone in my shower I was answering an email Phone in the shower is the most Sinister delight but also so fuck it's just too risky phone in the shower so risky unless you got a big shampoo bottle you can fucking pop in front of it but yeah man I've I've I don't bring my phone to shy you so there's a period where I was big phone in shower guy and it's just like I think it's literally taking a couple years off my life the anxiety yeah just having just the lowest volume just going oh shit what the fuck is that? His phone's soaking wet on the fucking sink
Starting point is 00:36:47 outside the shower. The garage door at my parents' house, that was a godsend. That's what you need, man. We need to bring back garage doors. Get this rigged up with an alarm, dude. Yeah. Beep, beep, beep.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Nah, I got it, I got it, yeah. You got a ring camera now. Oh, perfect, there you go. Let's see who's coming and going. There you go. Yep. Why don't you say it? Yeah man, get in here.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Say it into the microphone, bud. You got a cough happen recently? Not recently, but you know how every college dorm is like, yeah, the drains are all clogged because all the kids are, have you ever heard that old tale? No, but it makes perfect sense. My dorm showers, drains,
Starting point is 00:37:20 everyone always has that story. Especially you with your fucking hairy ass. Well they say it's because of the cum. say it's given the boys and shower drains always clog with common ass hair and I was Contributing to that clog in my university my freshman year in the common shower area in the common shower area That's where I would have to Hurt myself because I had two roommates in my dormitory. I don't think I caught a beat in the shower,
Starting point is 00:37:48 Kyle, I really don't. It's really bad, it's like a hospital shower too. You know, there's like the shitty curtains and it's just like a closet, so it's a sad beat in there and my classmates hollered at me while I was hurting myself in the college shower. So you call me, what do you do to the college? I think we caught someone one time
Starting point is 00:38:09 where we used to like, while people were showering, we would fuck with them in my freshman dorm and we like one time yanked the curtain open and the dude was just standing there with a full on rager. We're like, oh! Yeah, that's what would've happened to me if they were to breach it, that would've happened to me. Yeah, you can't, I mean, I've tried to come up with a million arguments for why I'm having a boner in the shower
Starting point is 00:38:27 And there's no it's just your boss Also, there's a there's a like a kind of like a noise pattern if you're beating off in the shower the water falls in a very Specific way yeah, you got to try to like he's turning that you got to turn your back to it But then you're like why want the warmth yeah so I can simulate fellatio so it's tricky you gotta watch it because it's like the water falls and like little potential drops yeah you know all our brothers do stay strong out there dude on the ground keep it on the ground dude It's the revolution, dude. It will not be televised. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Yeah. Like, occasionally it almost gets televised. Yeah, true. You have to scamper. I told you, I spun the last time I got caught into some Sexo. Yes. I just fully owned it and was like, bro,
Starting point is 00:39:19 I'm getting erotic in here, excuse me. I'm all worked up, man. Help me out, help a brother out here. Help a brother out here. I should've done the Uncle Sam yell. What are you doing in there? Don't do it in there, young man. You must be out your damn mind. Your wife will be awake any minute.
Starting point is 00:39:35 You love the Super Bowl performance. I thought it was underwhelming, I really did. Yeah, it was. I had, you know, did I kinda wanna see it go poorly? I think there was part of me genuinely, I was hatin', I was hatin'. Not as much as they were hatin'. They were hatin' hard, bro.
Starting point is 00:39:54 That was the most hate. That was, that was fuckin'. That was the most hate possible. It was some really, see I didn't understand all the symbology under it, dude. I didn't know. It was so deep. I didn't know whose exes were there. The exes were there because it was like a PlayStation
Starting point is 00:40:07 and this is a game. Oh shit. You ever think about that? Oh shit. Bro, his chain was an A minor. I was trying to figure out, I thought it was his middle initial. A minor.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Oh, also actually kind of, technically it was a lowercase A. A minor is, there's like an actual notation for a minor you can do that really yeah I thought the lowercase a would be the a minor no there'd be a tiny little M. That's technically a minor That's just a lowercase a that's just a little a But maybe that's even deeper. There's probably some shit. I'm not even saying I Don't know anything about Keys at all yeah, we're like secret fucking pedophile hieroglyphs.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Well then, the A minor doesn't, maybe I got that symbology wrong. You could be right though, man. I mean, why else would there be a tiny little A? You know, checks out, it makes sense to me. But yeah, I thought that, I don't know, you know what, I was just, it lacked kind of the showmanship. I was like, dude, Ercher last year, say what you want about Ercher, you know what I was just it lacked kind of the showmanship I was like dude Ershire last year say what you want about Ershire. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:41:08 Look the guys got skeletons. I don't know what happened. I know you know he got in some legal hot water. Hopefully it's not true About potentially giving a man herpes which you know hope he didn't do that. Yeah, but his performance was great You know yeah, of course. First your performance was crazy. That was just like, okay. I don't know, it just seemed all built around smiting another man and it was just kinda like, bro, it's cool, winning's great, I'm glad you won,
Starting point is 00:41:36 but I don't know, man, it wasn't for me. For sure. I mean, yeah, you wanna a you want to play your hits Yeah, not I don't know cuz one of the knocks on him is the only time he gets attention is when he's talking about Drake Eyes of late for sure and there it is again He did it again. Yeah, you got the most attention of his career because but here's what you gotta think about It's like I think about and I do appreciate Jim Jones for opening my eyes to thinking like this was he but like what about the bag?
Starting point is 00:42:06 What kind of bag was he getting because they were coming at Drake for a Super Bowl. Yeah, he got the free what yeah You get you perform for free. Yeah What is zero dollars the fuck? Yeah, just I guess is like good publicity. Yeah What who pays for all those fucking million dancers? I mean, I'm sure they cover that you don't pay for that But okay, it's heavy crazy, bro I was like yeah, let me surround myself with eight under why am I doing the fact-checking come on, man? As I fight a fit the bill for 800 male dancers. That's crazy He had a lot of bros. It was just the bros dude. That was a lot of guys dancing
Starting point is 00:42:43 I'm gonna need 800 male dancers. I like tough dancing. Me too. I like when people are mad dancing. I got a little scared. I was like I was spooked out. I was scared of that. I was very scared during the performance. It's classic that was a Philip Ross one book he got it there the old professor does that like accidentally he's like saying a ghost Yeah, I feel like there's a spook in here students like hey, and they fire him off the canvas But the professor's secretly half black and he's been hiding in his whole life. We could talk lit dude all you want I would love to talk lit, but yeah, dude. That was uh yeah, we just kind of boring. It was just like all right this is a
Starting point is 00:43:20 You know it did take him to new heights him like like besting Drake in a, you know, an exchange of words. Did take him to new heights, but it's like... What's going on Sean? Did you find out the information? He got a bag, but he got a baby bag. He gets the standard union rate, which is a thousand dollars per day for rehearsal and performance.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Baby bag? He got a baby bag. He got a little bag. Yeah, he got a little, he got a fanny pack. Well dude, Jim Jones might have had the best take on the Drake lawsuit. His whole thing is so funny, him and Cameron Biefen. But he went on a podcast with, I swear to God it was the best take of the Drake lawsuit stuff, how he's suing like UMG or whatever. United, yeah. Yeah, you know, yeah. And Universal. Universal, yeah, that's what it is, Universal music group. And this guy was like, yeah dude,
Starting point is 00:44:08 it's like against the code though, like he's going against the code of hip hop. And Jim Jones was like, dude, Drake's going after a bag, you cannot comprehend. I was like, what are you saying? Basically, you know, he was basically saying that he's going after the, you know, it's slightly Kanye-esque, he's going after the You know it's it is slightly Kanye ask you he's going after the dudes who have given us all these raw deals the labels
Starting point is 00:44:30 Who have been lured in over us the culture? And he's going at like the eye of the fucking hornets nest and getting he was like I mean, he's probably going to get a billion dollars in this lawsuit. It's like no, it's not It's gonna get a lot. Really. Yeah, I think he'll get a lot Yeah, I mean if I'm from what I've been told, it's like they were trying to lower his stock, so his next deal wasn't as big as the last couple have been. He's with them, he's with Universal.
Starting point is 00:44:56 That's, well, and there are things like, why would we wanna undermine our own artists? Because I think the last deal was like 400 million. Yeah, true. So. Well, that's what Jim Jones is it was the funniest take He's like bro He's going after a bag and he's like you can't say anything about Drake if you want to still hang with your bros
Starting point is 00:45:12 In the hood or like falling off of buses and getting lawsuits He's like all he's like you can't say that Drake's taking it to the next workman comps bros. Yes That's what you're saying he was like bro like, bro, there's nothing more gully than like pretending to hurt your neck on a bus. That was his whole thing. And like Drake's hurting his neck on the biggest bus imaginable. And it's actually sick as fuck.
Starting point is 00:45:36 I was like, dude, Jim Jones, that was absolutely. I could be wrong, but I think Kendrick went through the Tupac estate to sue Drake first. Did he really? But no one cares. Wait, what Tupac estate? Drake had like a diss track with AI Tupac. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:54 And that got taken down because of a lawsuit. For sure. Oh, he was like, you can't use the ghost of Tupac to beef. He's like, that's outside of the rules. So Kendrick did it. He did a lawsuit first. No one cares. Hold on, so they were in court,
Starting point is 00:46:09 there was like guys in court battling over Ghost Tupac? Yes. And like Ghost Tupac called my defendant, Ghost Tupac wouldn't have said that. Your Honor, Tupac might still be alive actually. Oh. An all black Jerry going. actually But yeah, he basically broke down the thing of being like stop trying to act like he's
Starting point is 00:46:34 He's offending some code of the streets He's like bro like this is he's getting the biggest bag and he was like your problem is you can't see the bag like the bag He was saying like the bag exists out of this guy's entire frame You can't To hit him with the bed be like bro your bags you could only imagine such a bag is like a bag is on the bag Just getting deep on the bag is so sad in this But yeah, that was my whole that was my personal take on the Super Bowl should have been away
Starting point is 00:47:07 It should have been little Wayne and then also the whole craze of like the you know this this whole like battle thing I feel like it really the sunset on it on that almost been a year Now has no way fucking forever. It's been like eight months That was a year ago when he sued him It's been fucking forever. It's been like eight months. That was a year ago when he sued him? Jesus Christ. April what, 2024? Damn. But that was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:36 So it probably started last April. I was just hoping you'd say 420. Yeah. But yeah, dude, that's been a fucking year. God damn, I felt like that was like three months ago. No, this has lasted longer than the Will Smith slap. He needs to do it again. He's going back, I think, to it.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Rone needs a slap. He needs a slap again. He needs to slap somebody. He needs to slap that Indian guy. How could he slap? How could he slap? How could he slap? Yeah, man, people were trying to make
Starting point is 00:48:06 the Taylor Swift boo into like this whole like sea change of like, the people are waking up, dude. They know they don't like this. So you're telling me this was a change, she was wearing chief shit and people were like boo. Yeah, she was a chiefs fan and it was all eagles fans. It's so funny. At the beginning of the game, of course everyone's
Starting point is 00:48:19 gonna be like, ah, fuck yeah, badger, ah. Yeah, and there was also like, she was, people were like, she's ruining football. Before she was on, they were literally showing a Chiefs fan, showing an Eagles fan. Boo. Boo, anytime it was a Chiefs fan. Was there that many Philly people?
Starting point is 00:48:33 She was an Eagles fan. So many Eagles people there? It felt like there was more Eagles fans. And there's one thing I noticed, the Chiefs fans are like all old, fat white guys. Yeah. They're all just chubby white guys from fucking Kansas and Missouri
Starting point is 00:48:45 Yeah, that if this is the third one in a row they've been to yes, they didn't like they didn't They didn't care as we didn't have the fire in their bellies Eagles fans are all fucking trash Gremlins that were there like needed it. Yeah Like everyone was yeah everywhere you looked it was Eagles fans That's also a weird pressure if you've won two Super Bowls in a row I'd be fucked up being like because then it's like there's no way you're not lax in and kind of like chill and that's just there's No way I'm in house. No doubt. They lamps. Yeah, exactly. They're lamp. Why though? I mean I get make sense or two time. I mean, I guess they made it to the Super Bowl
Starting point is 00:49:19 So I guess they weren't relaxing too hard. Yeah, pretty hard to do. That's true. They just got there and Couldn't protect the quarterback. Dude, you know they didn't blitz either. The Eagles, four man rush, bro. Four man rush. That blew my mind. When I found out they didn't blitz, I was like, wait, what?
Starting point is 00:49:33 Yeah, I mean, the Chiefs also throw the ball every fucking down. So your defensive line knows they can pass rush every play. And then when you get, when they're down 17, it's like, they're gonna be throwing the ball. Yeah, fuck. Yeah, fuck just send Just send for is there offensive line that bad? I mean, I'm not trying to smite their offensive line, but like bro. They got like
Starting point is 00:49:53 What happened I don't know cuz they're so good that's the whole time I was like dude my homes is good if you put him down. He's nasty as fuck, but they were just like melting right through Was wonderful. It was truly a sight. Yeah. Poor Reed, though. I went to the after party. Did you really? I got to hold the trophy.
Starting point is 00:50:11 It was crazy. Did you raise it? No, I was just like, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Blah, blah, blah, blah. I felt like a real imposter. Why? I don't know, what the fuck am I doing holding those Super Bowl trophies? And everywhere I go, I feel like a fucking imposter, and that was crazy. Yeah, that is fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Holding it, I mean, that is sick. It was awesome. That's fully the aggro crag, dude. You held the aggro crag. What was it, I guess the party must have been sick though party was awesome champagne But the champagne bottles actually shooting the arrows that was I think that's the locker room, but they probably did I left Before I think things got real crazy Dude and that that coach where did he coach before the guy for the Eagles?
Starting point is 00:51:00 Serian I think it was with the Colts. I think it was like an offensive quarter I think and how long has he been there for the Eagles? This is year three. Dude, two Super Bowl appearances, one win. Yeah. Stop talking shit. Yeah, dude. Reed. Yeah, he was an IUP guy. He coached it. Yeah. Really? He could. Yeah, I think there's like three guys on the staff that were from IUP. That's crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Dude, good for him, man. That's gotta be crazy. I liked watching when the Gatorade got poured on him and you could tell he was like, he was soaking wet with Gatorade. At one point he did like a little like kind of prayer thing. It was just like, oh, bro, that's all they want, bro. Because, bro, week fucking, after the end, last season ended in complete disaster. They were 10 and 1 and then lost every game Yeah
Starting point is 00:51:48 And then this year they started out 2 and 2 with some bad fucking losses and people were starting to really get on them Be like we're gonna have to fire him. So like for the next like four weeks, maybe five Everyone's just waiting for him to lose one game and he would probably have been close You get fired that fucking fast Yeah, I guess if you have like yeah, I guess there's a world of fucking coaches and you can just beg All right, buddy get out especially cuz he inherited That's a very good team. Yeah went straight to the Super Bowl his first year and when coaches do that They usually don't get credit for that. I got you that makes sense
Starting point is 00:52:23 So he had had a somewhat of a building year the year after that. And then the year after was like, all right, let's see what he does. And they fucking exploded. They were terrible. So then, yeah, he was on the hot seat a little. He's good.
Starting point is 00:52:38 He's the bro. Do you think there's a chance they'll go, they're the new chiefs, that they'll go back and try to get it again? I do. Yeah. I think there's a strong chance. They there the new chiefs that they'll go back and try to get it again I Do yeah, I think there's a strong chance To get a lot of guys back as well to say they're not losing anybody are they they're gonna lose Some some key defensive pieces. Okay, but I hope maybe they won't lose them. They're just up for free agency. Okay contracts, I think
Starting point is 00:53:01 Should be all right. They might be the most hateable dynasty though. Philly becomes like a chiefs era, chief type dynasty. Be the funniest dynasty of all time. Oh my god dude. Be the funniest. Philadelphia's gonna look like fucking Aleppo. Philadelphia's gonna be bad dude. They gotta stop destroying the city. I was jealous, I was jealous.
Starting point is 00:53:20 I mean even being at the Super Bowl was obviously where you wanna be but Philly would've was obviously where you want to be but Philly would have been fun so fun to be there although dude I'm telling you last time when I was there when they I was like right on Broad Street My house was like two blocks away. Yeah, it was too much man. I'm like just watching people to start wrecking shit I was just like this is fucking annoying. It was pissing me off. They got to stop fucking breaking the city Sometimes you go dude. They were like flipping fucking cars. It's crazy. You just.
Starting point is 00:53:49 How else are you gonna make an omelet? That's true. You're gonna have to break a couple eggs here. That's true. Although I mean, that is just part and parcel, man. Otherwise, yeah, you are just Chiefs fans, just like, oh, we'll get them next year. Yeah, true, you gotta bleed.
Starting point is 00:54:02 If you bleed green, you bleed green. It is what it is. There's nothing we can do about it. Well, the, you gotta bleed. If you bleed green, you bleed green. It is what it is. It's not what we can do about it. But, well, the worst part is now they're like, now it's like, it's something that gets attention online. So now people are like, yes, we gotta ramp this up even more. I'm gonna break a window.
Starting point is 00:54:16 It's like, dude, don't do it, dude. I'm gonna go viral committing a crime. Yeah. It's gonna be my face. I'm gonna share it. But yeah, that was, you know, I think that was I'll be excited to see what a Kendrick Lamar does is he seems like he'll be pretty content to just kind of fade out And be like I won he goes away for a while. Yeah, I beat you the time. That's gonna be it, man
Starting point is 00:54:40 It better not be that's kind of a fucking lame ass. No, that's beating the video game. I'm done. Bye. Sorry No rematch Yeah, I don't know that's kind of like if you want to be the best ever if you're fucking yeah if your one thing is Beating a guy in a rap battle and then gun I'm done. That's to be fair He did have he did have have a lot of people liked him I was always kind of like. I loved Kendrick Lamar. I was always like meh you know I didn't it just wasn't for me. He's so good I mean. He's great of course he's a super successful talented guy but it was just I was always like whatever and then uh but then I didn't
Starting point is 00:55:17 realize he'd been away for so long and then I guess he came back he was summoned back and then for him that is sweet to be kind of chilling like I don summoned back and then it's cut for him. That is sweet to be kind of chillin like I don't know Then just like up. Yep. Yeah top of the game, but it all happened dude. It was funny cuz like Little Wayne was like remember when he hit him and Nicki Minaj were like yeah They were like the biggest and Drake and well then Drake was like yeah launched out of that But yeah Maybe there's room for there's gonna be a new the newest rappers to become the biggest or it's you'd rap so bad I get my chance. I like an old guy
Starting point is 00:55:47 It's literally like it's a minute and a half songs of just nonsense. They can't understand I was I was watching videos of I never got to see the halftime performance. Okay I was I was making my way up to Trump dog suite. I so say But I didn't get to see the performance. We just watched it right now. And I was like, I was only seeing videos online of like old guys that were watching the Super Bowl getting filmed by their like grandkids that were like, what the hell is he saying? What the hell is going on? Like, and I'm, I watched that thing.
Starting point is 00:56:18 I was like, I haven't understood one word. Yeah. And I know the songs. Yeah. Yeah, dude, I don't know. It wasn't a... This is something I've been thinking about for a long time as like, again, it's like,
Starting point is 00:56:35 sounds like a very uncomfortable thing to even talk about, but as like the country gets better in terms of race relations, will black guys lose cool points? And I think it could just be me trying to fulfill my own theory, but I think it's happening that was like this theory for yeah since the old This has been my working theory and now I'm just sitting back and watching it play as your theory of relativity Did you can't be? And it's like I'm watching it. I'm like yeah, dude. It's losing like it's not it's a
Starting point is 00:57:06 It's not like the stuff of like a charged counterculture hit it's been fever pitch and then since then it's been kind of like Yeah, we're still doing this yeah No, that's that was that was a sense. I got off that I'm like oh, this is like You know like the revolution sponsored by Pepsi Yeah, you're kind of like oh this has been so fucking watered down and extorted by politicians that now it's just kind of like all right You just has literally zero effect you watch you're like oh cool, man So and then you know again we had our first taste of Indian guys wilding out It's like there's more of that to come yeah, it's almost Rama Swami Anakin's hard, dude. He fell into the lava
Starting point is 00:57:45 There's more Ramoswami Anakin's hard, dude. He fell into the lava There's more Ramoswami's bro Dude was the but he just first made it on the land and swung his He went first No sure I kind of like a lot of it though the Indian Bros Indian Bros, bro been a fan Oh, yeah, you got some day ones. Been a fan. When you were gone, I interviewed Sagar from Breaking Points, and I tried to just get into Hindu.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Dude, they are not having it. There's an iron wall. They are keeping white stoners out of Hinduism talk, dude. I was like, what about, he's like, I fucking hate when fucking white guys talk to me about Hinduism. Really? I'm like, that's a pretty cool religion, dude.
Starting point is 00:58:24 It's not just all about you guys. How come we're the only ones that get fucking crushed for like, that's a pretty cool religion, dude. I mean, it's not just all about you guys. How come we're the only ones that get fucking crushed for shit like that? I don't know, dude. Like, if an Indian guy came up and was like, tell me about Jesus Christ, I'd be like, bro. I'd be more than happy. What do you want to know? Well, that's because we have a universal, you know, Catholic land. We are built for everybody. Yeah. Hinduism is, it's like an ethnic religion. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, it's not like, and he made a fair point. He's like, dude, it's so, he's like, depending on like what ethnic religion. Yeah, like it's not like and he was he made a fair point. He's like dude. It's so He's like depending on like what? Area you live in there's like a patron fucking you know they have their patron blue guy They have their genie and then like you know it's all based on like he's like it's so
Starting point is 00:58:58 Hyperspecific to like the area and where you're living. It's you got to be born into it It's like it's like Judaism in a way where you kind of have to be born into it. Otherwise people will be like, they just take you as kind of a poser. He kind of poser-posed me and I was like, I just think it's cool, like theoretically, I think it's cool. Yeah, why not?
Starting point is 00:59:14 You should be allowed to learn. I mean, he had taught me from learning. But I was trying to, I just wanted to like, I'm just interested in it as like a, you know, like growing up with that as like your backdrop And he just shut it down. He was just like I think when you grow up with it. It's just like every Eight or nine weeks you and all your bros have to get sticks and swords And fight the Muslim guys with sticks and swords in the street, and then you call today, and they go
Starting point is 00:59:46 Have you ever seen their fucking stick and sword fights they all have ninja turtle weapons and they just fucking its truly lord of the flies its fucking crazy bro its lord of the flies nuts thats the same thing with the uh
Starting point is 01:00:02 the cino indian border dispute they have the same thing they have another stick there is a whole other stick battlefront yeah they like they've been disputing the Chinese-Indian border for like decades and every now and again the Chinese dudes will mago me like five feet ours they'll be good back get back they have to stick fight god that's the funniest thing in the world suck and hitting the fucking face with a stick during the fight and you got to give up like four feet of mother India. Okay Coming back would be sick though. You get the bros. You're all horny as hell
Starting point is 01:00:33 Fucking I'll know that's a horny be horny But yeah, rest assured the Indian Indian dudes will be back, dude. Yep. I mean, Rama Swami, I still, people spazzed and piled on him for that. And it's like, I get it. Like getting dressed down, just being like, no more fun, white guys, it's time to do math. It's like, I get it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:58 But people were like deeply shocked and offended. And it's like, that's the one, that does make me laugh when you have all these people who are like, you have like white Americans who are like, it's a meritocracy's the one that does make me laugh when you have all these people who are like you have like white Americans who are like some meritocracy. Sorry everybody else We got to the top and as soon as you talk about Indian guys coming in you're like We need some fucking legislation to keep what let's look at this here. It is that is kind of also It's kind of wimpy on some white people have been dying to be allowed to be racist White people have been dying to be allowed to be racist. True, true.
Starting point is 01:01:26 That is like a diet coke kind of for racism. Yeah, they go, what about Indian people? And everyone goes, are we allowed? Are we allowed to do this? That was bottled up. Yeah, true. Because yeah, you really, the Indian guys, Ramaswamy did, you're actually right on that. He caught like a suppressed tidal wave of just kind of like just you know, yeah ethnocentric thoughts being like we're in a fucking people fucking spaz on him he did here's the thing
Starting point is 01:01:52 though he did court that he did court those guys he did so he he basically had his own little thing going and you know they just got him bro one one slip up and they were like, fuck you. It's a dangerous world. It is. If you get into that fucking political click bait shit. Oh yeah. They're gonna get you. Left or right. It's true.
Starting point is 01:02:14 It's coming. It's coming and it's so funny cause it was like, I could see him being like, this is a deeply inspiring. And dude, he could also be right. Like that's because you're like, fuck you dude doesn't mean that's not just going to happen anyway Wasn't he like no more sleepovers? Yeah time to study no more sleepovers no more He said less of one movie like think of like
Starting point is 01:02:35 Some like a rollerblading silly movie and like more. I don't know what fucking movie. He would propose for us to get our act together White guys got to pull their pants up white, white guys' pants are up to here. Indie guys' pants are up to like their nipples. So we might have to pull our pants all the way. On the pants meters? Yeah. Indians are top of the pants. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Where would you rank the Chinese? They're close second? They're close second or they can probably, they probably go like every inch or every year, they probably like, it depends on how they're doing. How many of them are doctors? Like if they lose doctors and their pants drop a little bit. But no, you're not wrong about that.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Indian waistline is the ribs. We've been top of the pops in terms of pants height. Now like, you know, we're getting told to pull our pants off and we're like, hey buddy, don't worry about our culture, dude. We got some shit going on. This is family business, dude. don't worry about our pants. I know. It was so fucking funny.
Starting point is 01:03:30 But the question remains, do white people need to pull their pants up? Because they compete in a global marketplace, which just seems like we're in. You have to have the highest pants. We've got to fucking yank our pants up. We might have to pull our pants up. We thought we were getting by with our pants
Starting point is 01:03:40 to our fucking waist. Sometimes when the whites pull their pants up too high, though. True. Because those boys had some pretty high pants over in Deutschland. getting by with our pants to our fucking waist sometimes you when the whites pull the pants up too high though true Because those boys had some pretty high pants over in Deutschland In the fucking strategy You gotta fuckin' pull your pants down a little. Bro, I didn't know he did a Super Bowl commercial, first of all. I didn't either. And then I, did you see it?
Starting point is 01:04:13 And then I checked his website, it was literally just the Swastika T-shirt. Swastika T-shirt. HH3 or something. Bro, he went fuckin' nuts. It's been a good read. Twitter page is a good read. Twitter page, it's a great read. The Twitter rants were pretty great. All caps, sometimes you need to slap a bitch.
Starting point is 01:04:31 You know, he says, for the record, I have hit women. And then the one of them was in all caps. You guys think I'm freaking out, I'm actually over here chilling. It's like, bro, you're tweeting all caps. You're not chilling. Unless he's on some like, this is the new marketing wave. I could see him going like genius mode in his head
Starting point is 01:04:49 being like, this is just a new millennia dude. He's like, you know, being like I'm puppeting people through their nervous systems. Oh, he does see, he has came out on the record been like, dude, I really don't like Jews. So he was, he really clarified his yeah, he's feelings pretty hard So and he like you seem to chill a little bit He just like children fired the engine back for nearly a year. Yeah, then he was like, you know what man? Sometimes you gotta pop out show
Starting point is 01:05:17 That's what a funny bop bing boom boom that's been a funny then there was a guy who he's like I'm burning $25,000 worth of Yeezy shoes and and it's like first of all dude. That's the Most laughable if you zoom out of that from another country like okay this guy said he loves Hitler So now this guy's gonna burn $25,000 worth of sneakers is like stop pretending you guys have problems dude. Yeah, that's like the dumb That's like for real. It's like embarrassing to watch that like let's all unite and burn these $700 sneakers like dude what battle are you guys even seems like you're trying to make it about you at that point
Starting point is 01:05:49 Yeah, hey everyone. There's a blowtorch. I'm about to go viral right now with a blowtorch in a fire safe and I need to go viral now and Then after the comments are says like you already you already gave him your money dumbass He's paid, bro. I know. I know. How could he be securing a bag that no one on earth can see?
Starting point is 01:06:10 That's what I'm saying. Once, dude, now that Jim Jones opened my eyes at the meta bag. I wonder how his Swastika T-shirt sold. That's the day to get even. I've been told good. Really? I'll check it out.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Did you guys see the actual commercial though? No pretty funny It's him just on his iPhone again, and he's going I blew all the money I was supposed to spend on the commercial on these new grills So this is the commercial and then just cuz easy It is just having like a dentist like doing a front-facing selfie video. Oh, yeah Apparently there's a connection with this nice girl in the nitfacing selfie video. Oh, yeah. Well, apparently there's a connection with the night dress and shit Oh, yes Often he might be gone off the galaxy
Starting point is 01:06:56 I mean dude if you but then like if you zoom all the way out on it, and it's obviously again He's like I get it if he's if he's like full-on swastika's I get why people are Bristled by this either way he's prickling people for sure if you zoom out He might be on just some other shit of like we should really not worry about what anyone says, but then it's like I don't know Could be a giant performance art piece. That's my whole thing. It seems like they took his site down 24 hours ago Yeah, I checked I tried to check it the other day, it was gone. I had my shopping cart there like, you have a notification.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Dude, shit, I still have seven in my shopping cart. I was getting one for everyone I know. Gifts for the fam. Of course. My mom's birthday's coming up, I figured I'd give her a Yeezy Swastika shirt. Yeah, I wanna get my mom a Swastika t-shirt. It is funny, because at any point, he can just be like, guys, I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, everybodyika t-shirt. It is funny because at any point he can just be like,
Starting point is 01:07:46 guys, I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. Everybody, that's fine, you're all right. You're a good man. You're the man. You're the man. He needs to drop an album, the album has to be good. It's gonna be tough to make music with that lingering. I mean, has anyone ever made Nazi rap?
Starting point is 01:08:06 No, I don't know. It's crazy crazy he made a gospel album two years ago now he's selling Hitler shirts, it's fucking crazy dude But then how did he become a billionaire again is that even didn't he get put out like Forbes list of like he's now has Like three billion dollars again or something. Maybe they unfroze all his fucking accounts True gotcha. That's a cool dude. Here's what here's what look I don't give anyone business advice, but if you know Your accounts get unfrozen last thing you want to do is do He did all that got everything frozen there's like I'm good, I'm good, sorry about that. They go, all right, here's all your money back, and he's like, ah!
Starting point is 01:08:48 I'm not, fuck you guys, I'm fucking, ah! It's crazy. It is a- Is he still a goat? Yeah, I mean, dude, it's- Still a goat, dude, I'm sorry. He's, his Twitter's funny as shit. And he hasn't got kicked off of Twitter yet, right?
Starting point is 01:09:05 I don't- right? I don't Actually, I mean well dude it does I mean again it is like I get totally get what people are upset but it does beg the question like Might we have to be all become big boys and girls about words and just be like, okay This guy's fucking popping off on some crazy shit You know what I mean? because it but then, it's like, there are people so dumb that if you start doing that,
Starting point is 01:09:28 people will go up and just be like, yeah, we are Nazis. Yeah, there's that. There's that. People are pretty fucking dumb, so. People could see the green light and be like, okay. For sure. But they can also do that.
Starting point is 01:09:42 But that's also the green light to just also pop off on the internet, for the most part. Yeah, true. I don't know. It's wild. It is a wild dude It's a tough one to comprehend. How did he even get that far? Well, I guess you they were maybe it's the most simple thing ever to comprehend. Yes guys. He loves Hitler you go shut up Exactly Hitler was gay. Yeah true. No one's taking that angle Yeah, just wait that one's taking that angle. Yeah, that's the thing I'm kinda, yeah, I guess that's kinda what I'm saying. When I was listening to that Hitler book every fucking day,
Starting point is 01:10:13 you listen to it, you go, this guy sucked dick. Yeah. Like there's this whole thing online where they're like, he was actually cool as fuck. I don't know if you really look into it. It's like, he sucked. Yeah, he was a baby. Really look into it. He was truly a baby. Yeah, he was really look into it He's truly a baby. He was yeah big-time baby. The Nazi swastika is backwards from the original Hindu one
Starting point is 01:10:31 Yeah, and they say when you turn the swastika backwards from the original Hindu one. It's a sign of bad luck Certainly was he hexed himself. Certainly was bad. That's what happens. You harness the power. It was just too great completely completely destroyed the man. Actually I have to whiz. Yeah whiz. Let's take our 90th break. All right, well, let's go straight to the Patreon. Bye. Goodbye.

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