Vegas By Night: Episode 27- Ultio Mea
Episode Date: March 21, 2025The Silver dollar casino has been knocked over but can the kindred of NGen tie off any loose ends before it all for nothing? CAST Amanda as Jackie S...
A TTRPG podcast focused on deep character development and dramatic, thrilling storytelling. Join us for our first arc, Mayday Plays: Doomed to Repeat. Based on the Delta Green system, Doomed to Repeat follows a team of six covert agents who uncover the truth behind a century-old government conspiracy. New episodes release every Friday, beginning Oct. 30, 2020.
212 episodes transcribedThe Silver dollar casino has been knocked over but can the kindred of NGen tie off any loose ends before it all for nothing? CAST Amanda as Jackie S...
The tension rises as the coterie attempts to pull off their big heist at the Silver Dollar. Will Adon get away from Burrows? Can Niles face off the pi...
The New Generation begin their heist on the Silver Dollar Casino #vampirethemasquerade #vegasbynight #worldofdarkness CAST Amanda as Jackie Santana...
Curious about Mayday's 2025 plans? Sergio's got the scoop on what's wrapping up and the exciting new games ahead! God's Teeth returns Feb 3rd Vegas B...
With money and revenge on their minds the NexGen begin moving and shaking to see how they can pull off a casino heist precisely the way they want to....
#deltagreen #horrorgaming The hunt concludes. Agent DAPHNE and her Friendlies complete their grim task, but at what cost? Answers will haunt, and qu...
Cai and Eli say Goodbye to Aodhán Athdar About Cai: Cai is a TTRPG Performer and GM Seen on the Transplanar Podcast, Bag House RPG and more. You ca...
Sadie and Eli say Goodbye to Velia Chany About Sadie: A self described story seeker, Sadie Pasley wears many hats in the TTRPG space, including game...
Join Q and Eli as they say goodbye to Rollins Lodestone About Q: Q is an Actual Play performer, podcaster, and producer regularly found on Tales from...
#deltagreen #horrorgaming Agent DAPHNE and her Friendlies converge on Cornucopia House. The hunt begins. Blood is shed. Lives are taken, and in a co...
Join Ian and Eli as we say goodbye to Eric About Ian: Ian is a Texas based TTRPG player and voice actor. He’s been seen on streams with Folk&Myth,...
Join Rahrah and Eli as we say goodbye to Frolic About RahRah: Rahrah (he/they) runs The Heart is a Dungeon podcast and enjoys playing games with wond...
oin Candace and Eli as we say goodbye to Evony Bellafonte About Candace: Candace the Magnificent (they/she) is an award-winning TTRPG performer, game...
#deltagreen #horrorgaming With murder on their minds, Agent DAPHNE and her Friendlies begin their preparations to raid Cornucopia House. Their disc...
Where does NexGen go after the showdown between Champagne Pudanesca and John Burrows? #vampirethemasquerade #vegasbynight #worldofdarkness CAST...
A collaboration with Dungeons and Drimbus is afoot! Amanda and Lev got to join some of the Drimbus gang at their table for a rousing game of Eat the R...
A duel has been set, but while we await to see Champagne Pudanesca and Burrows throw down the rest of the Coterie gets up to their own business. #v...
Cross, the mastermind behind Orpheus' inception and destruction, may have the resources and leverage, but the ghosts of Crucible-12 are full of spite...
Are you new to Delta Green but have no idea where to begin? The Dead Drop has got you covered. Join Vince and Sergio as they cover the top 10 most fre...
The Lamia is dead and the coterie must flee the scene before they earn themselves another masquerade violation. Some friendly fire leaves Niles in tat...