Mick Unplugged - Dr Darnyelle Jervey Harmon | From Bankruptcy to Millions: A Journey to Success

Episode Date: December 9, 2024

Welcome back to Mick Unplugged! In today's enlightening episode,  we sit down with the incredible Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon to unpack profound insights on financial empowerment, overcoming limitin...g beliefs, and leadership excellence. Dr. Harmon opens up about her own journey from bankruptcy to building multimillion-dollar businesses, emphasizing that financial struggles are temporary setbacks, not permanent definitions of one's life. We'll delve into the importance of impeccable leadership, trust-building within teams, and practical strategies for business auditing and scaling. Dr. Harmon also introduces us to her transformative Move to Millions method, a streamlined approach to predictably grow your business by focusing on seven critical pillars, including strategy, sales, and self-care. This episode is packed with powerful advice on embracing an abundance mindset, redefining inherited beliefs about money, and leveraging your unique strengths to achieve financial and personal success. So, get ready to be inspired and informed as we explore the road to millions with Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon. Tune in now! Takeaways: ·       Bankruptcy can be a release and a new beginning. ·       Your current situation does not define your destiny. ·       Money is an energy that responds to your attitude towards it. ·       The Move to Millions method includes strategy, sales, systems, support, Sound Bites: ·       "It's a tool of reorganization." ·       "Abundance is your birthright." ·       "Scared money don't make money." ·       "Money is an energy."  Connect and Discover LinkedIn:           linkedin.com/in/darnyellejerveyharmon Instagram:        Instagram.com/darnyellejerveyharmon Facebook:         facebook.com/darnyellejerveyharmon Website:            drdarnyelle.com                            IncredibleOneEnterprises.com Podcast:            movetomillionspodcast.com Tik Tok:              @move_to_millions_23 Youtube:           @DarnyelleJervey X:                       @DarnyelleJervey Author of:          Move to Millions (https://a.co/d/3LGGKND)  See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 For the listener or viewer right now that's going through something financially, what's the piece of advice you'd give them? Yeah. So you are not what you're going through and your station in life has nothing to do with the success and the purpose of your life. How can we start overcoming limiting beliefs? Because to me, that's what it's all about. You know, first start acknowledging them. So a lot of the things that you do, I do,
Starting point is 00:00:26 people do are based on what they were taught and what they were caught. I read this study recently that one of the very first words a child learns is no, not just because it's an easy. Because to your point, the flow of money stops. And I promise you, you get what you give back every day. So how can we stop that now to change that mindset? The Bible talks about money, wealth, and possessions 2,300 times. And 39% of the parables are about money, wealth, and possession. Well, the reason why is because access to money
Starting point is 00:00:58 is your birthright and it should be normalized for you. It is important that you understand what money is and you don't make it a god or chase it because it's not running for you. It is important that you understand what money is and you don't make it a God or chase it because it's not running from you. The scripture says the love of money, but even that is off. ["The Love of Money"] Welcome to Mick Unplugged,
Starting point is 00:01:20 where we ignite potential and fuel purpose. Get ready for raw insights, bold moves, and game-changing conversations. Buckle up, here's Mick. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another exciting episode of Mick Unplugged. And today's guest is a dynamic speaker, best-selling author, and podcast host
Starting point is 00:01:38 with a proven track record of helping entrepreneurs scale to seven-figure success. Her award-winning moved to millions, has transformed countless lives and businesses. Be prepared to be motivated, challenged, and inspired by the dynamic, the unstoppable, the fearless, and the transformative. Dr. Danielle Jervie-Harman.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Dr. Danielle, how are you doing today, dear? Okay, so first of all, I need you to come with me everywhere I go and introduce me. Let's go. That was great. I am excited. I'm excited to be here. Well, all those accolades are you. All those accolades are true. And I'm just honored to have some time with you today, but more importantly, for the McEmpLUG family and audience, just to have you here means the world to me. So thank you for taking time out of your very busy schedule
Starting point is 00:02:25 to spend time with us today. Thank you so much for having me. I have been looking forward to this all day long. So I'm excited. You know, one of the things that you talk about that you share is your journey from bankruptcy to building multimillion dollar businesses. And you know on Make Im Plug, we talk about your because,
Starting point is 00:02:43 that reason that kind of drives you. And I know a lot of times that reason changes, but at that moment for Danielle, when it's I'm filing bankruptcy, and essentially you're starting over, what was that because for you? Like, what was that moment like for you? You know, I knew that what I was experiencing
Starting point is 00:03:03 wasn't my destiny. I knew that my birth was experiencing wasn't my destiny. I knew that my birthright was access to abundance and in this particular case, millions. And I knew that this one small blip on my timeline was not an indication of my level of success or where I was going. And so it honestly, for me, bankruptcy was, it was a relief. It was permission to forgive myself for the bad money mistakes that I had made previously.
Starting point is 00:03:33 And it was an indication that my next level was present because I was definitely afraid of actually filing bankruptcy. It's probably the thing that I initially, Mick, intended to take to my grave. I never planned to tell anybody. If you didn't happen to see the newspaper when it was discharged so that you had the information, you were never going to hear it from me. But I realized that we actually, not only do we personally overcome by the words of our testimony, but so do other people.
Starting point is 00:04:01 So by keeping it to myself, I was being selfish, and I wasn't giving anyone else who felt like they were at a point of despair where they were starting over and losing it all permission to realize that it's a comma, not a period. And so I decided to start being vocal about it and sharing that, you know, it wasn't the end of my story. It was the beginning.
Starting point is 00:04:21 I love that. And I think you're right. I think a lot of times people, ego and pride get in the way and it's okay, right? Like what you realize and I'm sure you realize is you're probably not the only one. You're not the first. You're not gonna be the last.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And for some people that reset, for some businesses that reset, it's kind of what it's needed for, right? Like that's what bankruptcy is there for. And so for the listener reviewer right now that's going through something financially, what's the piece of advice you'd give them as it relates to that moment
Starting point is 00:04:55 and whether it's okay or not or whatever, what does Dr. Danielle want to tell that person today? Yeah, so you are not what you're going through. And your station in life has nothing to do with the success and the purpose of your life. As you just alluded to, Mick, it is a tool that is used for businesses to reorganize. Now, my bankruptcy was a personal bankruptcy.
Starting point is 00:05:19 It was not a business bankruptcy. And it was as a result of poor money management and poor money decisions. And you know, I don't pretend like that wasn't the case, right? It was definitely a source of shame, guilt and embarrassment for myself. But here's what I realized very quickly thereafter is that it didn't kill me. And if it didn't kill me, that meant I had an opportunity to get up, dust myself off and become a different version of myself. And I made a very, very clear decision in that moment that the next leg of my life was going to be one where I was financially literate,
Starting point is 00:05:51 where I was financially astute. And I was putting myself in a position to help other people who, if they've experienced a similar fate, could get to the other side and see it as exactly what it is, a tool of reorganization to give you an opportunity to shift yourself financially. And so what I would say to anybody listening right now is again, you are not what you are going through. And what you are going through is not an indication of your destiny, your level of success, and what it is that you are to aspire to throughout your life experience. I say see it for what it is, a comma and not a period, and keep moving in the direction of what it is
Starting point is 00:06:27 that you deserve because I believe God will give you more while you're moving than he ever will if you stand still. I love that. I love that. And you started out our conversation today and I've heard you say it countless times on various media outlets and also on your podcast, one of my favorite podcasts, by the way,
Starting point is 00:06:43 we'll get to that in a moment. Thank you, thank you very much. But you say a lot, abundance is your birthright. So for the viewer or listener, whether they're a solo entrepreneur, entrepreneur, big business, or just even in their personal life, how can we start overcoming limiting beliefs? Because to me, that's what it's all about.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Yeah, you know, first start acknowledging them. So a lot of the things that you do, I do, people do are based on what they were taught and what they were caught. So when we were born, we're actually born abundance. We are born vessels of light, and then we meet our families and this is not a diss on your mom and your dad and your auntie and your nana. I believe that they did the best that they could
Starting point is 00:07:23 with what they had. I believe that their best was a limited perspective. It was a vantage point, not a vision point. And so when you have the opportunity to look up and to look at your life from a different perspective, you have the opportunity to make different decisions and to do things differently. And so if you want to start living into abundance,
Starting point is 00:07:41 no first and foremost, it's not gonna happen overnight. No one goes to bed a bl blender and wakes up a wonder. It's going to be a journey, a process. Just like you wash your behind every single day, you are going to have to wash your mind into abundance. It is not gonna be a one and done. And you're gonna get it wrong sometimes because our default by and large is lack.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I read this study recently that one of the very first words a child learns is no. Not just because it's an easy sound to make, but it's because that is the word they hear the most from their parents as they are growing. And so that means that from that moment, they are indoctrinated into lack. And so our default is lack.
Starting point is 00:08:23 And so we're looking for the no in every situation. That is the default. So the challenge that you have to become more intentional and you have to catch yourself in the moments when you are feeling, experiencing and desiring to say no and ask yourself, what would abundance do? What would abundance say? How would abundance act right now?
Starting point is 00:08:46 I literally do this all the time, Nick, because again, our default is lack. And I think there's safety in the word no, but I have to question and I have to allow myself to say, no, no, no, no, I wouldn't do that. Here's a very real life example. So this past spring I was preparing for my annual live event, Move to Millions, which we do every May. And I was having a conversation with a vendor that I really wanted to bring to the event.
Starting point is 00:09:08 The vendor's price, let's say it was $10,000. Well, my budget or what I thought I should spend for that was $5,000. So we have a $5,000 gap right now. And my immediate inclination was to talk this person down to get closer to my $5,000. But then I flipped it because I was like, if this were me and I was the vendor
Starting point is 00:09:30 and my price is $10,000, would I want to be nickel and dimed into lowering my price? And the answer was no. So I just asked myself, okay, Darnielle, what would abundance do right now? And what came back for me is that abundance would either hire them at their rate
Starting point is 00:09:47 or release them to their highest good. That's what abundance would do. You know what I did? I hired them at their rate. See? And I bet that ROI was worth it, right? It was worth it. And it reinforced my own belief and the belief of others that I could share with clients that I can share right now with your audience. When you honor someone else's price, you are literally allowing the flow of money to continue to flow. It's called currency for a reason.
Starting point is 00:10:15 And when we nickel and dime, or we ask for a hookup or a discount, we stop the flow of abundance. We stop money from flowing into us because money flows away from those who feel that there is a shortage of it. And you believing from flowing into us because money flows away from those who feel that there is a shortage of it. And you believe in you deserve or need a discount means that you don't believe that you have access to all the money you could ever desire in any particular moment.
Starting point is 00:10:34 And if you are an entrepreneur or small business owner listening to this episode right now, you literally have a printing press out back. And whenever you desire, you could go print money because you solve problems. And as entrepreneurs, we solve problems for profit. So there should never be a point in time in your business in the need to invest that you should ever say, I can't afford it. Or you should ever nickel and dime
Starting point is 00:10:56 or try to get a discount for a service. We are in for a masterclass right now. This is a true masterclass. I feel like passing the collection plate around because there's so much that you talked about. And you know, we've had this conversation offline and even on your podcast, like we have so much in common from our beliefs. I need people that are watching or listening
Starting point is 00:11:14 to understand this right here. What Dr. Donyell was just talking about, the value of self and the value of other businesses is something that we need to stop. And I'm just gonna be honest, in our community, we need to stop. And I'm just gonna be honest, and in our community, we need to stop that right now. We are always looking for that hookup,
Starting point is 00:11:31 except when the shoe's on the other foot. Correct. Right? And I wanna talk through Dr. Danielle, like how do we stop that? How, and it doesn't have to just be our community, because there are other communities that do the same thing. So how do we stop those limiting beliefs right now?
Starting point is 00:11:47 How do we stop putting ourselves in the mindset of what's the lowest price I can get for this? Or what's the best value I can get for something? Like we've got to be able to change that because to your point, the flow of money stops. And I promise you, you get what you give back every day. I'm proof of that. You get what you give out and give back every day. So how can we stop that now? What are two or three things that we can be doing right now
Starting point is 00:12:16 to change that mindset? Yeah, so the first one, I'm gonna take us back to the Bible. And I'm gonna take us to the Bible for three reasons. Number one, for many, it is the foundation of everything that they have been taught or that they have learned to believe over time. And there are also lots of inconsistencies in the way that the lessons from the Bible are taught and are passed down to people. And that is what's
Starting point is 00:12:40 creating this discrepancy and misalignment with money and what money is. Now, I think it's important to state right here that the Bible talks about money, wealth and possessions 2,300 times, and 39% of the parables are about money, wealth and possession. And you might be asking why. Well, the reason why is because access to money
Starting point is 00:13:01 is your birthright and it should be normalized for you. It is important that you understand what money is and you don't make it a God or chase it because it's not running from you. But that goes against what most of us would believe. If you grew up in the church like I did, you grew up misquoting for the love of money or for money is the root of all evils,
Starting point is 00:13:22 what most people say, money is the root of all evil, even though the scripture says- There's a word missing. Yeah, the scripture says the love of money or for money is the root of all evils. What most people say, money is the root of all evil, even though the scripture says. There's a word missing. Yeah, the scripture says the love of money, but even that is off because we have to remember that the Bible was written in three languages and English was not one of them. And so when we take the word love of money
Starting point is 00:13:38 as it is translated into English, if we do a little bit of digging, it's gonna bring us to the word avarice, which is Greek, which is actually extreme greed. So what the scripture is actually saying is extreme greed is the root of all evil. I don't disagree with that. Now, what I love about 1 Timothy chapter six,
Starting point is 00:13:59 which is where this happens is not only does the start of the chapter talk about that particular scripture, for the love of money is the root of all evil for they that coveted after have aired from the faith and that has caused them sorrow. That's the scripture that is often misquoted. If we journey down to that same chapter, verse 17, Paul who is teaching Timothy who has been given a territory of people who are wealthy is telling Timothy how to lead the people so that the
Starting point is 00:14:26 people know that it is okay that they have access to money. And there's really only three commands when you have money. Number one, do good deeds. Number two, don't be arrogant or high minded. And number three, remember the source of your wealth. So if you choose not to be arrogant, if you do good with your money and you remember that everything you have comes from the creator of the abundant universe that you get to live in, you can arrogant, if you do good with your money, and you remember that everything you have comes from the creator of the abundant universe that you get to live in, you can be as wealthy as you want to be. And so I think that if people understood that and they didn't, you know, they weren't boxed
Starting point is 00:14:55 into the belief that they were taught by their Nana about money, that would change the way that they looked at money. That would change the way that they interacted at money. That would change the way that they interacted with money. Money is an energy and like any other energy, it is going to vibrate high or vibrate low based on the way you interact with it. And so when you give money fear, you've heard the saying, scared money don't make money. When you present fear to money,
Starting point is 00:15:18 money runs in the opposite direction, right? Versus when you express gratitude and give positive energy and excitement to money, it shows up stronger because it wants to be wherever it is revered and respected and appreciated. And so if people could understand just that, the spirituality of money, it would change the game and they would stop nickel and diming themselves and others. They would stop discounting the value associated with their work. And I think the second thing that people need to do is they need to recognize
Starting point is 00:15:49 that our identity is not rooted in money, because a lot of people, they do that. They say that they're worth. I hear it all the time. And it makes me cringe every time, Nick, when someone says, I need to charge what I'm worth. No one could afford you if you were charging your worth. God created you, individually you. This is not about your identity,
Starting point is 00:16:10 but because we assigned an identity to money, and then if we get it or don't get it, that tells us something about ourselves, it messes with our self-esteem, it's causing a problem. So if we can learn to separate money from our identity and recognize that we were created in the image and likeness of God, which actually makes us gods of the earth with the ability to create
Starting point is 00:16:32 at the same level as the Godfather, then everything would change. God literally said, let there be and there was. So that means at any point in time in your life experience, you can say, let there be money, let there be millions, and there would be millions if you you believed anchored into the identity that you can create it and that it's not hiding from you and it's available to you whenever you want, you could go out and create it. And so if we can get people to understand just these few things,
Starting point is 00:16:58 it could be a game changer for them and their money. That's right. I love it. I love it. I told you this is a masterclass and that's a great segue into your trademarked, highly successful, highly transparent method, the move to millions method. I'd love for you to break that down for those that don't know about it because to me, when I first read about it, I first talked to you about it and got to understand it. I said, it's that simple. Like your methodology is all about simplicity but purpose behind it. So let's talk about it, move to millions. It's so simple.
Starting point is 00:17:34 So for me, what I wanted to do is, and I used it first, right? I'm not only the president, I'm also a client. And so for me, I needed to find a streamlined and simplified way to be able to grow my business to create predictability. So a lot of people say, I want to scale, I want to scale, I want to scale. And they get scaling wrong. Scaling is not about speed. It's about replication, multiplication, and duplication. And most people don't have something
Starting point is 00:17:58 that they could replicate, duplicate, or multiply. And so that's why they're not able to scale. And so for me, I wanted to find a way to be able to take what I do and to leverage it, to put it in a format where I could serve one to many, and it would produce a predictable result for me every single time. And so today, the Move to Millions method, we're at version 2.0. I wrote a book that came out in 2023, Move to Millions, the Proven Framework to Become a Million Dollar CEO with grace and ease instead of hustle and grind.
Starting point is 00:18:26 And that book highlights five pillars, but we've expanded it to seven. So I'm gonna go over the seven. So it's seven S's, strategy, sales, systems, support, success mindset, spirituality, and self-care. And what I love about these seven S's is that it doesn't matter whether you are a corporation, a nonprofit, a governmental entity, or a little old micropreneur in your spare bedroom trying
Starting point is 00:18:51 to figure out how to make your first whatever, you need all seven of these things interacting consistently inside of your business. So when I say strategy, we break that down further into a lot of P words, the problem that you solve, the person you solve that problem with, the promised solution that you provide, the way that you package it and price it, how you position it, how you promote it, and how you profit from it.
Starting point is 00:19:14 So all of that is the strategy. And that is gonna cover marketing, it's gonna cover messaging, it's gonna cover a lot of the general operationalizing of your business of figuring out the who, what, when, where, how, and why. Then in sales specifically, we're not just talking about the sell itself, but we want you to understand that in business, sales is the start of how we begin to keep score,
Starting point is 00:19:36 right? A sale is what leads us to profit. And most importantly, you want to learn how to sell in a leveraged format. Going over the days of knocking on one door at a time, trying to sell your vacuum cleaner. We need to find a way to be able to sell in a leveraged format so we can bring on 10 to a thousand clients all at one time without breaking our business.
Starting point is 00:19:55 And so we get into the leveraged sales infrastructure and what that needs to look like. Systems are exactly what they are. I'm talking about the standard operating procedures and the standard automation procedures. What you're actually putting in place to reduce the need to start from scratch anytime you wanna do anything to move your business forward.
Starting point is 00:20:13 And there are seven areas that you wanna set up systems. You wanna have general operations, legal management, financial management, marketing management, sales management, client management, and talent management systems. That's every area of your business. From systems we move into support. Those are the people who are working on your behalf.
Starting point is 00:20:30 When you first start your business, more than likely they're hiring you, but the goal is that they begin to hire your company because you build a team of talent that can do the work so that you are free to strategically preside over your business, with the goal being that 80% of your time you're working on the business,
Starting point is 00:20:46 and 20% of your time or less, you are actually in the business. And then from there, we move into success mindset. Success mindset is gonna cover your money consciousness and your money beliefs and your limiting beliefs and your growth mindset and neuroscience and your nervous system and how all of those things integrate and work together
Starting point is 00:21:04 to create you to be a being that can actually bring forth what it is that you desire to have in your life experience. Spirituality are actually, it's not about religion at all. It's things like alignment and embodiment and confidence and forgiveness and surrender and leveraging those principles in the work that it is that you do. And then self-care is mental health and wellbeing. It's setting boundaries and adhering to those boundaries for yourself and for your team.
Starting point is 00:21:29 And it's about setting up those psychological, spiritual and emotional barriers and systems and infrastructure that's gonna allow you to make sure that you are always taking care of yourself first. I believe that these seven, strategy, sales, system support, success mindset, spirituality, and self-care are the key to having a seven-figure business
Starting point is 00:21:48 that you can scale to and sustain for as long as you desire to sustain it. Masterclass moment, I'm telling you. So I wanna talk to two different people. The first one, I wanna talk to the micropreneur, right? So the person that they have a full-time job or a couple of part-time jobs, and they're thinking about starting that business. They've got the idea and it's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:22:13 where do I go? How do I use this method to get started? Because we have a lot of those people that are watching and listening right now. And I want everyone, I believe just like Dr. Darnielle believes, that you should be a business owner, right? Like you should own a business and your idea, your intent should be to make that the most successful business that you can. So for that person that's like, okay, Dr. Donyale, all that sounds great, those seven methods, got it.
Starting point is 00:22:40 How do I start? Where do I begin? Yeah, so you wanna start with the strategy, right? And in there again, there were some P's. So what is the problem you want to solve and for whom? Because the universal law of business says, find a group of people who have the problem that you solved that are ready right now to make an investment to access it.
Starting point is 00:22:57 The end. If you have a problem and I have a solution, we can transact for me to help you solve your problem. I.e. we just made a sale. I just got paid, I'm in business. Right, so what is the problem you wanna solve and for whom? And you wanna get as granular as you can with the whom, especially when you're starting. I think that it is easier to hone in,
Starting point is 00:23:20 or as they say, niche, when you're first starting because it stops the distractions of trying to be all things to all people. I mean, when you are a jack of all trades, that means you're a master of nothing, right? And you're not going to be chosen. Because if I have to go to the doctor, right, if I have a problem with my foot, I'm not going to see my general practitioner. I'm going to the podiatrist.
Starting point is 00:23:41 So I'm going to seek out a specialist. And when you specialize, you actually drill down and you become known as an expert in whatever industry for whatever problem it is that you desire to solve. So we're going to start there. Who do I want to serve? What is the problem that they have? And then how am I going to solve their problem? That's your offer. That's your package. That's what you're going to sell them when you go and tell them, Hey, I see you have this problem.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Can I offer you this as a solution? Once you know those three things, then the next thing that you wanna do is you wanna start to get known in the marketplace. And the way we get known in the marketplace is through messaging or positioning yourself. You gotta start, you gotta pull out your megaphone and go out there and say, hey, calling all, the name of whoever it is you want to work with that has insert the
Starting point is 00:24:29 problem that they have. You who I'm over here. I've got a solution for you. That's messaging. You want to say it early. You want to say it often. You want to be a broken record. You want to say that thing on repeat over and over and over again.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Don't ever get tired of saying it because every time you say it, you interact with a segment of your market differently. And the statistics keep changing, but I believe right around now at the time of this recording, it is taking on average a minimum of seven hours of seeing you talk about the problem you solve for me to consider you as the person who could potentially solve that problem for me So that's why you can't talk about it once you got to go everywhere Like if you've seen me on any other podcast, you probably have seen me saying the same things I'm saying to you
Starting point is 00:25:17 You know why because this is what I'm known for and this is what I want to anchor in To the people who might become my clients one day So broken record over and over and over again play it on repeat if you don't like broken record, but saying it over and over and over and one more time after that. And then once you keep saying it over and over and over, you want to have a call to action so that they can take the next step to connect with you in order to be in to get access to the solution. If you focus just on that, who do I solve?
Starting point is 00:25:47 What is their problem? What am I offering them? How am I going to price it? And what am I going to say to get their attention in the marketplace so that I can sell it to them? Then you can begin the process of generating income and start to actually become a viable business because you don't actually have a business until someone is willing to pay you for the solution that you offer.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Love it. And I'm gonna double down on something because I teach this to solopreneurs all the time. If you can solve a problem, make someone an offer. And that's gonna tell you if you really have it dialed in. Because every great idea doesn't mean it's a business. It's the strategy, it's the game planning, it's the problem solving that makes it a business.
Starting point is 00:26:33 So I tell people all the time, I go speak to entrepreneurs a lot, and I say the first thing you really have to do is make sure you actually have an offer. And the only way to do that is to make an offer. And you're going to learn really quickly the truth about what the problem is that you think you're solving. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:53 And all you need is one, as soon as you get one person who says yes and buys, then you can double click on that thing. You can power down and you can get more people. Because you know at that point, you know that you are solving a problem that someone is willing to invest in a solution that point, you know that you are solving a problem that someone is willing to invest in a solution to, and you know that people are willing to pay you what you've priced it at.
Starting point is 00:27:10 So it's not a, oh, I'm charging too much or I'm charging too little, not at that point, as soon as someone pays you. So once you have that information, then you can just keep deepening, you can keep tweaking, you can keep refining and amplifying until you get to where it is you wanna be. And I would say also, focus on selling one thing, like don't try to create.
Starting point is 00:27:29 A Walmart the day you start your business, just get really good at doing one thing and get well known for doing that one thing. And then eventually if you desire, you can branch out and create more offerings. But you, I tell our clients all the time, you can get to seven figures with one offer, you do not need a whole bunch. You don't need a whole catalog of things to sell in order to be able to make it. Like I know a lot of people have been taught you need seven income streams to be a millionaire. That's a lie from the pit of hell. You do not. Seven streams are great. Don't get me wrong. Get your seven streams if you want them, but make a million in every stream, not try to
Starting point is 00:28:04 add them all up to make a million, right? If you're going to do it, it's just so much easier if you focus in. Yeah. So we just talked to the micropreneur. Now I want to talk to the established business, the established entrepreneur, the established CEO, that they think it's impossible to scale where they are. So they could have been stuck at half a million dollars for a couple of years, stuck at 1.5 million, stuck at three, five, six, seven million for a few years. What's the advice for that person? Because here's what I'm going to tell you, and I'll let you run with it. You can't do the same thing and expect different results.
Starting point is 00:28:38 So you can't be at seven 50 and say, Oh, I just need to do X to get to a million. I just need to change this one thing to a million. I just need to change this one thing. It doesn't work that way. So I love for Dr. Darnielle, the expert, to talk to that business owner, that business leader now. Absolutely. We'll got you to wherever you are. We'll not get you to where you desire to be. And here's the interesting thing. You need to look at the same things. You still need to look at strategy, sales, systems, support, success, mindset, spirituality, and self-care. But the way that you are integrating them has to elevate.
Starting point is 00:29:07 You're going to need a different strategy because more often than not, if you have already reached capacity in your current market and you've sold everybody that you know to sell, whatever it is that your solution is to their problem, you can't come back at a different price point or try to like they already bought it. So you're going to have to change your market, which means you need a new message, which means you might need a new strategy. You might need to look at where maybe before
Starting point is 00:29:31 you weren't running Facebook ads as an example. Maybe you were doing organic social media and you got to seven figures. Well, to get to eight figures, you might need to implement advertising as a mechanism so that you can control that lead flow a little bit more seamlessly. So still need all seven,
Starting point is 00:29:47 but the way that you are working with them are going to be different. And so what I would tell you, if you are stuck, regardless of the point at which you are stuck, you're gonna need to change your vantage point by looking at it from your vision point. And more often than not, you cannot do it.
Starting point is 00:30:03 It is hard to read your label if you are the jar. So that means you're gonna have to get someone else to read your label. Get a consultant, get a coach, look at mentorships, someone else that has already walked a mile in the shoes that you are walking that can quickly audit what you have been doing inside of your business and find the gap that can then be turned into a gateway.
Starting point is 00:30:26 One of the very first things we do when we bring on a client is we give them this detailed assessment and our whole purpose is to evaluate everything that they have been doing. And we always find the gaps that when they start plugging those gaps, they get massive results, which is why we have the success that we have amongst the clients that we serve. And so that's what I would tell you if you are more established, it's the same things, meaning each of the pillars are the same, but the way that you integrate them is gonna be different
Starting point is 00:30:51 and you need someone who's operating at a higher vision point to be able to help you to shift your vantage point. Can't read the label when you're the jar. You can't, I've tried. Wow, wow, I need to borrow that. We're about to go deep on that. Yeah, you can borrow it. All right. So I know one of your passions, just like mine is leadership.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Success Magazine gave you the highest praise, one of the top 100, 125 leaders to watch. So for the business leader, for the community leader, for the household leader, what are some things that we need to be doing from a leadership perspective going into this new year that's going to be different for all of us because employees have changed, our kids have changed, the people in our communities are changing, right? Life is always evolving, things are always improving, technology is getting better. For that leader, what are some tips that Dr. Donyale has? Yes. So first, I say to thine own self be true.
Starting point is 00:31:51 If I can borrow from our boy Shakespeare. And what I mean by that is I define leadership. I love your definition of leadership, by the way. But I define leadership as being someone that others are willing to follow. So you got to be someone someone willing to follow. So to nine own self be true, check on yourself, or I forget who wrote this on, but you know, check yourself before you wreck yourself. So be honest and evaluate how you were showing up as a leader. Self leadership is going to be an indication of your ability to lead others and to be honest
Starting point is 00:32:25 and transparent with yourself, even when what you are seeing and how you are being is not the answer that your team most needs to get to their next level. That means that you might, it might require you to get someone else to support you in your leadership style so that you can support your team. It might mean that you need to bring in a coach for your entire team. It could mean a myriad of different things, but it starts with yourself. Beyond yourself, I think that to go with your definition, you have to care, right? We are human beings and human to human requires a sense of connection, a sense of affinity, because just like your customers will only buy
Starting point is 00:33:05 when they know, like, and trust you, your team will only perform when they know, like, and trust you. And so if your team is questioning whether or not they're going to have a job in a month, then they are probably not gonna be showing up fully for you because they're out there looking for a job. So make sure that you are actually opening up
Starting point is 00:33:24 a conduit of care. And I believe you can care without establishing personal relationships and impacting boundaries that need to remain professional. I think that there is a way to do that. And I know Mick can absolutely help you with that. And then the third thing that I would say is that's important as we go into the new year is make sure that you are checking in. Make sure that you schedule regular one-on-one meetings with the members of your team, not just to see how they're doing in their role, but how are they doing period. We are in a volatile time in our country at the time of this recording. And as a result of that, some people are going to be going
Starting point is 00:34:04 through a time that might not mirror your own personal experience. And as a result of that, some people are gonna be going through a time that might not mirror your own personal experience. And so we don't wanna be insensitive to where someone else is. And I think, again, there is a way to navigate that without crossing boundaries, without creating an environment that is anything other than empowering for your employees,
Starting point is 00:34:24 but also demonstrating how much you care and how much you care about their well-being. It might be a great time as a leader to implement some new policies around self-care, right? Maybe you start to implement a quarterly self-care day, for no reason at all. At whichever point in time, once a quarter, you can just call in and say, I'm taking a self-care day. It's not counted against your vacation bank. You're not going on corrective action for it.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Like, it's just a way to help to navigate everything that's going on in the world. Those are just some examples of it. I think that are things that we should all be doing when we lead and manage the efforts of others, because as you stated, and I agree with this 100 percent, Mick, it's about being inspiration because when you are inspirational, they will take the actions that they need to take in order to support what it is that you are building collectively.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I remember when I was in Mary Kay Cosmetics, I never met Mary Kay, she had passed away by the time I became a beauty consultant and eventually a sales director, but I used to remember listening to her tapes and her saying, people support what they help to create. So create an environment for your people to support what you are creating by inviting them in,
Starting point is 00:35:32 having a democratic approach to how things are run within reason, right? But doing these things so that people feel apart. Because again, when they know you, like you and trust you, they're gonna show up fully for you to help you to get the results that you most need. That's right. You've been so gracious with your time.
Starting point is 00:35:48 I love to, you know, how can people connect and follow all this wisdom that you're providing and giving a strategy for today? Yeah, so super easy. You can go to movetomillions.com. Again, that's movetomillions.com. Anything you'd wanna know about us, how you can connect with our podcast, get a copy of my book, all of those types of things
Starting point is 00:36:08 are right there waiting for you at movetomillions.com. Love it. We're going to have to do part two, because there's so much that I want to go into with a lot of the things that you were discussing, right? I want to talk about more in-depth on some of these strategies. I want to get your perspective on leadership for 2020. a lot of the things that you were discussing, right? I wanna talk about more in depth on some of these strategies.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I wanna get your perspective on leadership for 2025 and some of the things that the leaders must be doing. If you're open to it, Dr. Darnielle, I want you back. Yeah, absolutely, I'd love to come back. That's what I'm talking about. So for all the listeners and viewers, remember your because is your superpower. Go unleash it.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Thank you for tuning in to Mick Unplugged. Keep pushing your limits, embracing your purpose, and chasing greatness. Until next time, stay unstoppable.

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