Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 003: The Problem with Kids Today

Episode Date: January 5, 2015

Every generation looks at the next and sees how things have "gone downhill." In this episode Sal, Adam and Justin (All generation X) examine Generation Y and the effect that political correctness and ...instant gratification has had on the youth today.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Alright guys, welcome to, welcome back to Mind Pump. We talk a lot about fitness, diet, supplements, and a lot of other bullshit. So we're going gonna talk about a subject that's kind of interesting. Oh, by the way, don't forget to subscribe
Starting point is 00:00:28 to our radio show because I told you to. So let's see here. So check out the study guys. This is a study done by the National Institute of Health. And it states that narcissistic personality disorders are three times as prominent in generation Y Is they are in those and people 65 years or older? Is that why they're called the generation me?
Starting point is 00:00:52 Generation me they'll call them generation me. That's right. So narcissistic disorders are so much more prevalent today with the youth That you see that everywhere. I mean look at the social media. It's just like littered with, I think we're generation X, right? Do we follow that category generation X? Yeah, we're X. Yeah, yeah, I don't know. How old are you? I'm 35. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Yeah, we're all 10. I'm 35, but I don't look, I'm a day younger than 45. So this is interesting to me because now I have two kids. Okay, I got a boy and a girl and I find this I don't know I guess I find a disturbing but you you enroll your kid in a sport and Yeah, it's pretty disturbing you put you put your kid in a sport and Everybody gets a fucking trophy. Oh, it's such bullshit, dude So that really happens because I have two kids myself, but they're not really old enough to compete yet, but
Starting point is 00:01:46 Yeah, I was wondering about it because I heard I heard about that like nowadays that They just don't want anybody to feel bad or what I heard anyone's feelings. Yeah, you know I'm about protecting everyone's feelings. Yeah, newsflash life sucks sometimes. I mean fucking learn from it Yes, that being a pussy get back up dude Take your last place trophy and fucking try and win next time. I'm gonna be straight up here. I was not the best athlete. In fact, I was probably one of the worst athletes.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I was incredibly uncoordinated, if you will. I guess that. Yeah, I was very uncoordinated as an athlete. I was much more of an intellectual, if you know, nerd. And, you know, I learned so much more from being, you from being losing at sports than I ever did from winning anything. You learn so much more.
Starting point is 00:02:30 And it's like today, they don't want the kids to be ever lose. Yeah, I think that's a great point is that you learn so much from failure. And we've talked about this before, like just like that. That's why I randomly kick my kids ass who wants to wire. It's just, yeah, like boom, at a nowhere, boom, you lost motherfucker, And we've talked about this before like just that's why I randomly kick my kids ass
Starting point is 00:02:48 Yeah, like boom at a nowhere Yeah, I know my wife like it's mad because I I will wrestle and I'll win you know No, you're not strong enough yet You will be you will be at some point. That's gonna be sad, the day that you're kid. Oh, I don't know if I'm gonna take that. I'm gonna take that and throw you. Yeah, that's a scary thought, but. Yeah, no, like seriously, we need to stop, stop this whole nonsense. I just, it irritates me because people,
Starting point is 00:03:16 people need to really understand that if it's hard and if you have to learn perseverance, you have to learn struggle, you have to learn perseverance you have to learn struggle you have to learn And you're gonna get your ass clean. You're gonna get your ass kicked You're gonna get your ass kicked along the way that doesn't mean that You're you know that's not a bad thing. It's not a bad thing. I'm not look I'm not advocating bullying or you know kids picking on each other. That's fucked up I'm talking about getting your ass kicked in a sport
Starting point is 00:03:42 Getting your ass kicked, you know and are your ass kicked in a, being on a losing team. You learned from that. And did you guys know, check this out. Schools, most schools now outlaw dodgeball. Oh, that's so weak. Yeah, you can't play dodgeball. It's too violent. And you know when you picked, okay,
Starting point is 00:03:56 what did you guys do when you guys were kids? Didn't the teacher pick like two team captains? Oh yeah, and you picked the teams. And then they didn't want that because they went to the kid who's picked, it's feelings to be heard. Right. Right. You know, that's that's part of growing up. I've been throwing in a trash can. I've been teased. I've been all that stuff. You know, and kids are so brutal. I mean, kids are tough. And I think that there's there's a point where, uh, I think that's on the
Starting point is 00:04:20 parents, right, for parenting on which you teach your kids what's okay. And not okay. That's that's just bad parenting by some parent that, you know, allows their kid to be a bully and go to school and pick on other kids. But, you know, what I don't like is when the system gets involved and starts to control things like this. And that's the part that is, is, then you get these kids nowadays that have this sense of entitlement. Yeah, I like, you know, and it's crazy, you know, and you see it a lot now too, you know, they go through school like they're supposed to get their degree and they come out and they just think that they're going to, you're supposed to get handed this, you know, six-figure job right afterwards. You mean, I actually
Starting point is 00:04:53 have to work. You mean, I think you paid really bad stories. I've heard stories. I trained some professors, college professors, and I heard stories where parents call the professor because their kid didn't get a good grade on something. When I was a kid, if I got a bad grade on something, my mom didn't call the teacher, my mom, what my ass. It was my fucking fault, wasn't the teachers fault. Like you study and get your ass together and do your shit. Now of course there's bad teachers out there.
Starting point is 00:05:19 There are, and there's cases where you need to stick up your kids. Definitely, but you know, this whole thing about make, you know, everybody, all the kid, no one can have their feelings hurt, everybody's equal. Let me tell you something about life, ladies and gentlemen, it is not equal. Some of us are tall, listen, it's not fair
Starting point is 00:05:34 that Shaquille O'Neill is a fucking bad ass basketball player, but I don't want, you know, somebody to like, make him suck more so that I feel better. Right. It's just the way it is. He's better, he's good at basketball, he's freaking, you know, seven feet tall, he's a giant. That's just the way it is know, it's just the way it is. He's better at basketball. He's freaking, you know, seven feet tall. He's a giant. That's just the way it is. And it's just the way it works. So, you know, making these, these rules, everybody
Starting point is 00:05:51 gets, you know, a trophy and nobody can ever lose. And we can't play dodgeball and remember Red Rover, remember that game? We still have the bacon. Can't do any of those games anymore. No, Red Rover and Matt, could you imagine kids today playing Red Rover and just running through each other? It was on the asphalt too, we used to play. I think I actually saw a couple of kids get really injured. But we didn't think anything of it.
Starting point is 00:06:13 We just thought, oh, that happens. What about playgrounds? What did playgrounds look like when you guys were kids? Oh, kind of dang hard stuff. Last fault and sand and metal. They were metal. Like, if you got on that shit after it was in the sun, you burned the hell out of yourself.
Starting point is 00:06:28 These things are made out of frickin' styrofoam. These are good out of hell. All the shit though builds character, bro. All this stuff builds character, right? If you haven't scolded your hand on the monkey bars at least once, you know what I mean. Did you wear a helmet? I broke my arm on the monkey bars twice.
Starting point is 00:06:42 And he was 19. Yeah. Yeah. You guys ever wear helmets when you were riding your bikes. You should like that. I know. If you wore your helmet when I was a kid, somebody would beat you up. Oh, yeah, you'd be a pussy. Yeah. You wear a helmet for it. Yeah. You didn't write, you know, we would go off. We go off and play. Nobody knew what we were. Now, I know we're rambling on about this. And I think that is some of it. We're taking it to an extreme. It's a generational thing.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Of course, there's some exceptions to the rule. You know what I'm not saying? That you shouldn't put a helmet on your little kid when he's riding across the bike across the street. Oh, I put helmets on my kids, and all, too. Yeah, of course. It is. It's all hypocrites.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Yeah, right. I mean, well, I mean, let's. My kids are pussy. Put a helmet on. Yeah. Dude, we used to drive, like, sit in the back of my dad's truck, and there was a tank of a- Yeah. Dude, we used to like sit in the back of my dad's truck and there was a tank of gasoline and we're smelling this the entire way,
Starting point is 00:07:31 like miles and miles and miles of gas. And it did not affect you at all. No, not at all. My short-term memory is great. But I mean, we don't wear seat belts. Like, and I mean, even the previous generation before us had it even crazier. Like nobody wore seat belts.
Starting point is 00:07:49 It's true. We were pussy's compared to the previous generation. Like my grandfather was smoking cigarettes when he's like 12 years old. You know what, great grandpa. I mean, when you start smoking at 19, you just suppose for start at 19. Yeah, I've been smoking for seven years by that time.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Yeah, I shot four people by a time I was like, I wonder what our grandkids like, you know, what are they gonna be doing? You know, like floating around a little bubbles. How soft we're gonna be in a short amount of time here. Well, it's interesting, but it is interesting. I mean, what does it say about like, because you have instant gratification, right, with social media, kids are posting selfies all the time, like all this reaffirm, you know, they're trying to get reaffirmed at how cute they are, good-looking they are.
Starting point is 00:08:27 They're always needing people to approve of what they're doing, needing to tell everybody, like I just ate a fucking omelet. Let me take a picture of it and post it on Instagram. It's interesting. Well, I can't eat any likes. I think it's an interesting point because both you and I have indulged in that
Starting point is 00:08:43 in the last year or two. For me, it's coming up on two years. You're just getting involved in it and social media, posting pictures and selfies. And I definitely, I think the self, I don't take any selfies in the sound. I could both the test that we have. I'm sure somebody grabbed my phone. They would think I'm the most self-absorbed asshole ever. This guy goes around taking fucking pictures of himself everywhere he goes and every muscle
Starting point is 00:09:06 part on his body. He's so full of himself. But really it's always been for the social media. But where I'm going with this is that I think you and I, we've gotten into it, we utilize it as a tool, as a fun place, as a social place. It's part of my brand. Yeah, I have to build my brand. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be.
Starting point is 00:09:22 So maybe half. And if we don't get a certain amount of Like son a certain picture this night doesn't it doesn't affect my day where there's actually you hear now a lot of these kids like there's been like Stories of like kids like terrorizing each other on the social media stuff by what they yeah Bullying through social media I pick you on them on on there you know, if kids don't get light pictures on their likes, they're all depressed and sad on their pictures, it's like, are you kidding me? You really give them a chance to be shitless. It's interesting kids get jobs later now.
Starting point is 00:09:51 You know, I got my first job at 14, kids now are getting jobs and like the first job is like 20. Yeah. And this is fucking crazy. I've had like five people now telling me about their kids. I train, I have clients and I have kids that are, you know, in the early 20s or late teens. Kids don't get their driver's licenses anymore.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Yeah. Like when we were, like, it seems like a harder, right? Didn't they make it like, they did, but you listen. What, like when we were kids, like as soon as you turned 16. Oh, you had to get it.
Starting point is 00:10:17 You got your license free. The average age now of a driver's license, it's like, it's higher now. And I know kids, like, waited till they were like 1920. Yeah. To get their driver's license. That's higher now. And I know kids, like, waited to their like 1920 to get their driver's license. That's weird, right? Isn't that insane?
Starting point is 00:10:30 It's gonna be even less now too, it's like Uber and Lyft and these things. Yeah, I'll just check. I mean, can you imagine, like, how much easier that is for kids is just, you know, get a lift? I don't know, maybe because they can connect easier now. Through social media, I feel like, and then that's the whole thing where everybody's
Starting point is 00:10:46 talking on their phone to each other and not talking, or anything. Oh, speaking of which, man, could you imagine if we had frickin' FaceTime when you first started dating? Oh my God, that shares the shit out of me, man. I got a lot of, I'm just glad YouTube didn't exist when I was growing up. You imagine all those videos and everything people would put up
Starting point is 00:11:05 and just like, how about porn? How about that? Do you guys remember getting a porn magazine? Yeah, that was a, you like one magazine. That was the one you use. Yeah, or that one DVD, right? You saved all your money up to buy that one. $50 DVD is most of the time.
Starting point is 00:11:19 That DVD would be a cassette back in the day. Yeah, a cassette. I have a funny story for that. So check this out. You guys are gonna like this one. It's a VHS. Here's one that neither one of you heard. So I was, let's see here.
Starting point is 00:11:30 This is gonna get good. Let me just tell the listeners, when Adam gets calm and you hear his voice, he's about to tell an awesome, buff your story. So when I'm trying to think how old I was to be exact on this for you guys, I don't wanna guess,
Starting point is 00:11:44 because I'm trying to remember what house I was to be exact on this for you guys. I want to guess because I'm trying to remember what house I was in. It's probably about 13 years old or so, 13, 14 years old, probably 14 years old. And I had got my first porn, you know, out of cassette. And it was, I saved up a bunch of money. It was 50 bucks for it. I went and went down and went. And those things were like, it was like gold. Oh yeah, absolutely. So I had it, you know, I had had it all I put it in like this other DVD case of a movie or he's saying DVD It was not a DVD was a cassette cassette and another a video cassette
Starting point is 00:12:12 Case and hit it in my room and underneath and hidden behind the TV thing right I had it all stored away well I come home from school one day and I Walk in my room and the cassette is completely fucking strung all the way out. Oh shit. You got caught. My mom had found my cassette and she had pulled all the tape out. So the whole. It's like a so my it's you know, it's a $50. It was a $50. I porn. So it's like a good four hour one. You know, it has a lot of good footage. And that oh my god. That's so like that's so invaluable. Oh, it is. It's 50 bucks. A lot of money. Do that? Forget the money. That's like the most invaluable. Oh, it is. It's 50 bucks is a lot of money, do that.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Forget the money, that's like the most invaluable. When you're 14 years old, in our day, when we were kids, porn was like, well, you had an intervention when you're 14 and stuff, you couldn't just walk in a store and go buy that. So you had to, I can't even remember how I got it. You got some homeless guy in my brain. Somebody older than you, or probably had to pay somebody else
Starting point is 00:13:01 certain amount of money to get it, right? So it's not easy. It was all struck out. So your mom found it just ripped it apart. Okay, so then she she finds it and and I'm all I'm upset inside I'm just I'm so but you can't show it to your mom right you rip my porn up Mom, right? What's that right? So my my mom's in her in her room and my sister says, you know Mom wants to talk told me when you get home because she wants to talk. Now was it a really nasty porn?
Starting point is 00:13:28 Because that makes a big difference. If it's like just naked chicks, like, okay, but if it's like, no, it was a gonzo film on a scale of really bad porn shots. No, this is my first porn that I ever purchased as a kid. So this was definitely, you know, it was, it was, it was, probably what we see on cinematics now. Nowadays, what you could watch at 10 o'clock, you could probably catch it on cinematics. It was right. So it wasn't really, really bad, right? If you could define what really, really bad of a porn is, right? So anyways, I go into my mom in the room and she's
Starting point is 00:14:02 sitting on the bed and she's, her faces in her hands and she's crying. She's just like, yeah, she's just so distraught, right? And my mom was wrong, she was wrong, and she tells me to sit down next to her and talk about a being a 14 year old boy, the most awkward. So if those of you that don't know, my father took his life when I was seven years old. So I grew up without my real father. And so my mother had to have these type of conversations
Starting point is 00:14:28 with me. So imagine how you're a 14 year old boy, you're just learning about boners and finding your thing and everything like that and finding out what it can actually do and stuff. What it can do in practicing with videos like this, right? So it's a fascinating great time in my life right now. And then I'm gonna have to have this conversation
Starting point is 00:14:47 with my mother, you know, my mom, and just crying to make it even more awkward. So it's already awkward. Because girls, I mean, especially moms, they didn't understand. Oh, my mom thought I had a problem. My mom asked me to complete the novel. Oh, this was not like a discipline thing.
Starting point is 00:15:01 This was like, my mom was completely heartbroken. It was just like, oh my God son, why do you feel like you need to do this? And I was like, I felt so guilty and so bad for like, just like having this born and then trying to explain to my mom that like, mom, it's normal. Boys do this, you know? And my mom be like, no, it's not normal.
Starting point is 00:15:20 And like me thinking they're like, mom, why do you think the conditioners always out of the the conditioner bottle? So it was such an awkward conversation that I'll never forget, man. I'll never forget that conversation with my mom. And you know, she was so, she was angry and hurt and sad. And I was fucking pissed and uncomfortable. And just, and not knowing how to handle this.
Starting point is 00:15:42 And you went and you jerked off the next day. Yeah, it's, kids are fucking spoiled with porn nowadays. Like you can go online. I had, let me tell you what I had, okay. My cousin, I don't know how he got his hands on this shit. I'm sorry, bro, for writing you out. Everyone's gonna know who it is. But he got his hands on one magazine, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:02 And so me and him shared this magazine. We would fucking pass it back forward. So finally what he did is dad, his dad had a copy machine. So he photocopied pages of this fucking porn. So this is what I use. This is what I used for years. We're photocopies of pictures. That's what I fucking use. You spoiled fucking kids. Actually, I'm glad. You're like coloring in the... Oh, I can still, I can picture it on my mind right now
Starting point is 00:16:31 with those damn pictures. So, you know what, I tell you something, they're so fucking spoiled. It's probably a good thing that we didn't have internet back then, because I don't think I think I would have broke myself. To transition this back, like, thank you, thank you, Justin. I think this is really it. It's like an over stimulation.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Right. So, yeah, information. We would have overstimulated ourselves. Yeah, over overstimulation is a bad thing. I mean, it's pre-workout. You got to work for it. You got to work for it. You got to, like you said, even to like you said even if it's that you got to walk in what yeah Like you said finish what you're saying right? Oh, yeah, you got to go to the store. You got to be awkward It's in the back, you know builds fucking character. Right exactly that's it builds characters
Starting point is 00:17:14 You guys remember to go through the the process you push a button there These kids now push a button on their cell phone. They go. I mean let's be honest And this is whatever example, but you're gonna enjoy that more because of that process because it's hard to get to that point. So you know what's interesting now? Doctors are now saying, I swear to God, you guys can look this up. They're now seeing teens and men in their 20s,
Starting point is 00:17:36 what they rectal dysfunction. What? Because of pornography. They're becoming so desensitized, because they're so available, that then when they go and bang a regular chick, they have issues getting it up. No, that's been, they've had studies on that a long time for someone who avidly watches porn, it's about that they... From someone who avidly watches
Starting point is 00:17:55 that that can show. Who does that? Have avidly watches porn. What happens to somebody who avidly watches porn? No, absolutely. You can't, because what happens is you start this false sense of what sex is really like. You start watching, because, you know, unless you're really lucky. And let me tell you, if you catch that unicorn, okay? If you capture that unicorn, what's the unicorn, right?
Starting point is 00:18:19 The really, I mean, what's the unicorn? The really good girl that's really good in bed, but not crazy. Well, no, no. No, the girl who is, you can bring her home to mom, to dad, and she lives the most innocent, sweet, brilliant, smart woman, but in the bedroom, she is a porn star.
Starting point is 00:18:35 An animal. Yeah, so. Why is that a unicorn? That's it. It doesn't exist. Yeah. And if you find one, you catch it, and you keep it, and then call me, so we can study it. So I remember watching, I don't know if you find one you catch it and you keep it and then call me so we can study it
Starting point is 00:18:45 So I remember watching I don't know if you guys remember this but the we would you would you would have the cable channels And you'd go up to the porn channel, but it was all disgrambled So my buddy we lived in country and he had the big you know the old school big satellite dishes, right? my buddy, we lived in country. He had the old school big satellite dishes, right? He had the real slow. He was like the channels like D619. You literally had to connect to the satellite. So I didn't like wait for the Nikonak. So we used to do that. And his parents obviously didn't pay for porn. But if you move the satellite between like D619 and E and 420. You could get this fuzzy blurry. Everyone's gonna get it. Yeah, every night.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You could see, you could make out like, make your bodies, right? We would sit there as kids in like 11 o'clock and I'd sit here all night long watching that dude. Dude, my first porn magazine, my fad I hate admitting this. God, this is horrible. I hope my mom never listens to this.
Starting point is 00:19:43 My first porn magazine was like a Sears catalog, the fucking bra section. This is how not even Victoria's seeking it. No, this is how in the best part was when they had the bras for like women who were like breastfeeding. So they had the part that were the opening panties. They had the part that would open where the nipple would show. And I'd be like, Oh my God, it's a nipple. We were, we were, we were, we had to work hard for that shit. It's hard like national geographic.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Hey, that's a geographic. Hey, that Justin Brinnell. Justin Brinnell, Justin Brinnell brings up such a great point, though, that it's all, it sounds so stupid, I know we're going to an extreme. How the fuck did we get in this subject? Well, it's an extreme, it's an extreme analogy of what we're talking about, that instant gratification and that sense of entitlement That they get everything comes with them so not entitled to porn motherfucker
Starting point is 00:20:32 You're not supposed to be looking at it yet. You know this is too early for you. What are you doing? You're imagination right the fact that you get to just put it on your phone It's not who uses their imagination nowadays. It you got a draw. Maybe okay Did you guys ever sit in class and then just start drawing like naked bodies and things No, no the only one that was just you wrote You're fucking weird Can I see those please I had to use my imagination is what I'm trying to
Starting point is 00:21:00 You know and it's it's they have like these new like trends, they like no fat, they call no fat, like I'm no fat for 30 days, fat means FAP means masturbate. I guess it's the sound that it makes when you jerk off, fat, fat, fat. Where did you hear this? We were all on the internet, look it up, no fat. And so guys will go on these like, no masturbation, like they won't jerk off for a month,
Starting point is 00:21:23 or they'll go on these contests and to resensitize themselves because they're finding that they're becoming desensitized because of all the available porn. That is hilarious. It's true, you know, it's funny. When you find yourself watching porn, got again. I hope my wife and mom are everywhere.
Starting point is 00:21:37 But you end up looking at more and more extreme shit to get the same kind of effect, right? I have to admit, I've been lucky to not ever be one of my, all my buddies are hardcore like porn guys for sure. I've, I've been lucky enough to not get that. I went through my phase as a kid and I went through my strip club face for sure. But the fact that we do have porn really, and maybe it's a time thing now, maybe it's a time thing now, maybe a molder, you know, maybe we're set up actually working.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Yeah, you know, maybe we don't find the same time, but maybe rewind 10 years ago, and maybe if I had an iPhone that was capable of YouTube videos, like it is now, and Googling the internet that fast, like maybe it would be a different story, but I've never, I've never got sucked in, like I've seen people get sucked in,
Starting point is 00:22:23 and you do see that, they just get more and more extreme. Like he was just, they become desensitized and then all of a sudden regular things don't do anything for him. So a lot of guys are, they're choosing to abstain from this types of things so they can rebuild sensitivity. It's a problem that did not exist when we were kids because like, you know, I mean, think about it.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Like, you would see a girl with a short sleeve shirt on in junior high and she might bend over to do something and you could kind of see down her shirt just a little bit and it was like, ah, you know, but if you got porn available all the time, you'd be like, eh, no big deal. Yeah, right. Go and go pull up my phone up and see way more than that, right? Yeah, unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Yeah, so I think what we're basically trying to say is that that is the best example of how this generation is entitled to. It's ruining you. It's ruining you. Fucking ruining you. You know what, I'm afraid of a morpher. That generation before you know it
Starting point is 00:23:20 is going to be the bosses and the CEOs and running this country, man. And you know, how about all these pictures and shit that they post online that they think, oh, it's not a big deal. I'm fucking hammered. I'm gonna post a picture of myself, I'm smashed or I'm smoking a joint.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Let me post the picture. I've seen kids post pictures of themselves doing the craziest shit. And I'm like, that doesn't go away at all. And like kids really, I mean, and this is another parenting thing where you really have to address all these things. And that's what scares me more than anything, I think,
Starting point is 00:23:51 is just like this, that availability for them to like, you know, go through these processes. We went through where the technology wasn't there to capture it. Cause it's there forever. Yeah, stuff like that happened. We were kids, we just didn't have a picture of it forever. I cannot wait.
Starting point is 00:24:08 So we could deny it for a moment. I cannot wait for presidential elections like 30 years from now. Like they're gonna have so much shit on each other. Like let's flip your Facebook from, you know, 2010 campaigns. Yeah, there you are making out with four girls, you know. It's gonna be hilarious. Or is it just gonna change
Starting point is 00:24:28 or people not gonna give a shit at that point? Right, that's it, that's yourself too. I don't know. It will evolve to that point where it's social media will be a part of the presidency. You know, I'm gonna be a part of all that. So it'll be crazy. There he is doing lines off of hookers ass.
Starting point is 00:24:40 No big deal. That's how you get voted by it. Is it the most popular Instagram guy will become the president? Adam. That's a scary thought. by the most popular Instagram guy will become the president. Adam. That's a scary thought. President Adam Schaefer. He's already making his campaign.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. visit us at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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