Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 009: Is Eating Small Meals A Myth?

Episode Date: January 19, 2015

It is a widely held belief that eating five or six meals a day will increase metabolism and help feed muscle growth. Is this fact or is this just bro science? If you are carting around tupperware cont...ainers so that you can eat every 2-3 hours you will definitely want to listen to this episode.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Hey guys, thanks for listening. This is Mind Pump and this is where we talk about all kinds of fun stuff, including fitness, nutrition, and other random facts and BS. But one thing we wanted to kind of cover today is the topic of meal frequency. Ooh, great topic. Frequency.
Starting point is 00:00:33 So that's how I'll frequent you. Yeah, right. Go ahead. Where do we start here? I've never seen people like this. Yeah, this is a tough way to, this is a great, this is a great debate here, and I can't wait to hear everyone because those of you that don't know us, or maybe some of you guys follow all three of us, I'm not sure. I think we're all a little bit different.
Starting point is 00:00:53 We are, but I'll debate this, and I'm just going to warn you guys ahead of time. I'm a sexy, easy. I'm a master debater, so if you guys want to, I will take you guys out. I can say that faster. I can confirm that. I'm a cunning linguist, if you guys. I can say that faster. I can confirm that. I'm a cunning linguist if you will. So, you know, here, with meal frequency, I'm gonna tell you, I'm gonna be straight up.
Starting point is 00:01:11 I'm pretty sure I'm gonna piss off a lot of people, which actually I like, I enjoy doing. So when I see pictures on social media of bodybuilders or not even bodybuilders, well, they quote unquote bodybuilders, these are just dudes that wanna look like bodybuilders or chicks that wanna look like bodybuilders or not even bodybuilders. Well, they quote unquote bodybuilders. These are just dudes that want to look like bodybuilders or chicks that want to look like bodybuilders or look fit. I see them posting pictures of Tupperware containers, like six in a row of the same fucking food
Starting point is 00:01:35 in every container. So it's like, we guess is it broccoli? Yeah, can you guess? It's a lot of white rice. And some, yeah, three ounces of meat. And they are chicken, I'm sorry. Or chicken.
Starting point is 00:01:47 And it's the same meal six times in a row. It's the sequence, yes. And I'm gonna tell you guys something right now. Okay, you guys ready for this? You have a eating disorder. That's literally the definition of an OCD type eating, I mean, who the fuck, let's be real. Okay, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:02:03 So I was like, I don't know, this is all. I don't like know this is all I know you know you know you know how self felt it now I know how self felt it and we were making fun of the five finger shoes and he was all crying He's like fuck I got a pair of those I'm one of my head like like fucking got like two posts on my Instagram of me like Tupperware all out some of that Although it is six back there I have a little more variety than six of the same meals. In fact, I don't think I ever eat more than two of the same things in one day. I would go insane. First of all, plus your body gets all kinds of different micro and macro
Starting point is 00:02:36 nutrients from all different types of foods that are sent in vitamins and minerals that your body needs that do not are not all contained in salmon, white rice and broccoli. Well, Justin, what's the concept behind? why do people eat six, eight times a day? What do they say it does? I mean, because we have the same as raising your metabolism, right? That's one factor. I mean, what do they have? This is what I have.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I'll tell you what I used to teach. I used to. I mean, honestly, before when I used to believe the importance of this, what you would teach, and this is exactly the analogy that I'd give to somebody who wouldn't understand all the science behind it, or what we thought was the science behind it back then was that you know you have this metabolism and it's like a fire. Oh fuck this is exactly what I used to say. Oh bro I know right.
Starting point is 00:03:15 So you're with you from the same background. So you probably you're down the. You're with you. Your towel isn't like a fire and for most people that are struggling with weight loss that that fire is more like a lighter flame and My goal was to build it up to a roaring, you know, force fire and the wet furnace the way we're gonna turn it into a fat furnace Was we were instead of throwing one or two big logs on it and smoldering the fire? It was a lot of kinling. Yes, we wanted to chop up those joke the fire That's right. You wanted to do give it like kinling. Yes, we wanted to chop up those. You want to stoke the fire, yeah? That's right, you want to do give it like
Starting point is 00:03:46 kinling all day long. You want to feed it six times a day periodically every two to three hours to where you're constantly just building that roaring fire up. So this comes from, so here's where that comes from. Now that's what they tell you. They tell you eat small meals throughout the day, speeds up the metabolism.
Starting point is 00:04:01 If you eat infrequently, what happens? Your body goes into starvation mode and it wants to store calories because you didn't eat everything else. Immediately, ketosis. Right, so here's where that comes from. First of all, debunk that real quick. Well, I'm gonna debunk that because it comes from studies
Starting point is 00:04:16 and this is what body built, this is what people are good at, especially supplement companies are good at. They'll take a study, they'll extrapolate what they want out of it and then they'll expand upon it and turn it into something that sells more supplements. So here's what a study, they'll extrapolate what they want out of it, and then they'll expand upon it and turn it into something that sells more supplements. So here's what a study shows. Studies show that when you eat, you get a thermic effect.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Okay, so you eat food, your metabolism does increase, and you do increasing amount of calories, extra body burns, it's all about thermic effects. Yeah, thermic effects of food. That is one of the most overlooked factors, as far as like your daily caloric Expanded to small effect. It's tiny, but People don't even know that that's a factor. Yeah, right? Yeah, so the thermic effect when you eat you get a thermic effect
Starting point is 00:04:55 So what supplement companies did is they said oh if we eat little meals throughout the day We're gonna get all these thermic effects. Well, here's the real science. The thermic effect matches the amount of food that you eat. So you eat three bigger meals, you get three bigger thermic effects, you eat eight smaller meals, you get eight smaller thermic effects. The net effect is exactly the same. So you do not speed up your metabolism by eating small meals. That's completely false. It's a hundred percent false, that's bullshit. And now as far as starvation mode is concerned, what about starvation mode? Oh my God, if I don't eat every four, if I don't eat right now, I'm gonna start losing muscle
Starting point is 00:05:32 and I'm gonna start gaining weight. If I eat into your muscle, yeah, yeah. Well, what do we find? I think there's studies out in that show that your body doesn't even start to go catapult like that to like 72 hours or so. Yeah, you cannot eat for two or three days before your body goes into quote unquote starvation mode.
Starting point is 00:05:46 So that's completely false. Yeah, even longer, I think. Yeah, or even longer, right? Yeah. It depends on how much time you go in. It depends on the size and like, yeah, what sort of, you know, body mass you have. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:56 So ultimately small meals does the speed up the metabolism. It doesn't get you out of starvation mode because you're not in it in the first place. But let's take a step back, right? Let's look at how humans evolved eating. Humans did not evolve eating eight square, eight meals of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates all day long. They just did it.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Our bodies didn't evolve doing that. We didn't have refrigerators. We weren't able to carry around these tupperware containers of food. What we did is we hunted, and when we killed something, we ate the fuck out of it. And in between that, if we found a nut, or a berry, or some roots, we would eat a little bit.
Starting point is 00:06:31 So in reality, our bodies are more, they've evolved, and they're more likely to respond better to less frequent meals. Now, this is barring people with blood sugar issues or health concerns. They're already at the point now where they can't eat the way that their bodies evolve because they have those kinds of issues. But if you're a healthy individual, small meals doesn't give you any benefit.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Eating less frequently is no detriment. In fact, really it boils down to this. This is what it boils down to, personal preference. Oh, absolutely. If you want to eat, you know, if you have to eat 3,000 calories today and you eat it in three meals, great. Well, pay attention to personal preference. Oh, absolutely. If you want to eat, you know, if you have to eat 3000 calories today and you eat it in three meals, great. Well, pay attention to, yeah, mood and your energy levels and all these things.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Like monitor that, like your food is gonna affect that. Yeah, and if you like walking around with a container of six of your meals and you have to eat every two hours and you enjoy doing that, you're a freak, but fine. Yeah, that's a good one. There are freaks, so that's where I'm comes in. Yeah, absolutely. And I want to play's why I'm comes in. Yeah, absolutely
Starting point is 00:07:25 I want to play devil's advocate a little bit on this one because I do 100% agree though I believe it is a personal preference Something that I have found and then why this works so well for me So I'll kind of give you a little get you guys a little insight on my my contest diet and how I do things When I'm bulking or I'm putting size on, which that's a whole other great topic, when I'm building mass on the gain, I've got to eat a good six to eight times because I can't sit in one sitting
Starting point is 00:07:57 and actually crush that many calories. Of good clean calories, nutrient rich foods that I need to get for my diet, for not only overall health, but for muscle gain and sustaining, and for how many calories I'm bringing a day. So I've got to at least get a good four to six meals in minimum just to get the macronutrients in too. So something that I found personally in myself is when I would kind of go, smaller, let's say I go two or three meals a day, which I do this and I'm in the intermittent fasting and I believe all
Starting point is 00:08:29 the benefits of that also. So we can get into that also. Yes, let's get into that. No, it's a great one. What happens is I I overindulge and I overindulge on some of the right things wrong thing. So the psychological part that eating every two to three hours does for me is actually really nice. Now it sounds like you would think it was like you said earlier about it like an eating disorder. Well, first of all, I'm not eating all the same foods.
Starting point is 00:08:55 And secondly, it's actually been the best way I've ever been able to control my macronutrient targets. Otherwise, and that's also why I only intermittent fast, occasionally here and there, because what I found even when I did that, like for long-stereotyping times where I restricted food for one time, I get, I'm so hungry, and then when I eat,
Starting point is 00:09:14 I can't stop eating, and then I overeat on things like, no, mind you, that's like I said, that's, this is not like something going on with my body, it's a psychological thing that I'm doing, that's obviously me being weak-minded and not being able to shut myself down. It's not supporting that. That's a better way. That's not a good way to do it because of that.
Starting point is 00:09:32 That's my own issue that I deal with. Well, check this out. This is interesting now. What's funny now is that more science is coming out to show that infrequent eating is actually better for you. Infrequent eating is eating rather than eating you know every three hours you eat every eight or ten hours or maybe even less. Okay. When you eat less frequently you increase something called cell
Starting point is 00:09:54 autofagia. I hope I'm pronouncing it right. It's a uto pH a g y. Now this is the cells waste removal process. So you know all those like you know, you know, crunchy, hippie people who are like, oh, when I fast, I feel so much better and I have so much more energy. Crunchy. Well, you know what's funny? That's probably from the increased cell waste removal. The cells speed up their waste removal and it's actually showing that it's better for them. In animal models, when they restrict calories and they do stuff like this with them,
Starting point is 00:10:23 they live longer, a lot longer. They have less chances, they have less instances of a this with them, they live longer a lot longer They have less chance that they have less instances of a chance with humans as well They're showing with humans neurogenesis and also growth hormone Neurogenesis is a crazy one that was in my mind. Yeah, the neurogenesis is the only thing That is the only thing that we've ever shown that actually re-grows brain cells is by I think it's at the 12 hour Puff is a restriction in calories? Yeah, when you've been fasted for at 12 hours, it's shown the body not only in your argenesis,
Starting point is 00:10:51 but the increase in growth, natural growth more than your body? Wow. Huge. Well, also, you increase inflammatory markers when you eat frequently. No matter fact, there's a study that I'm pulling it up right now because I actually posted this on my public page
Starting point is 00:11:04 on Facebook here. And the study, the title of it is it says hypercaloric diets with increased meal frequency, but not meal size. What do they do? They increase intra hepatic triglycerides. So what they found is that they had a group of men who ate less frequent meals versus a group of men. They ate more frequent meals, but the calories were the same. The more frequent meals actually had higher triglycerides and also had higher body fat levels under the muscle.
Starting point is 00:11:36 And I can't believe that. That's subcontaneous, but where it's around the organs is the type of body fat that you don't want. Vissarol body fat, thank you Doug. I had more visceral body fat. So, wait, the only non-trainer over here, answer that question right now. It's not a bit. We gotta stop drinking and doing this show. I'd like to say that Doug is my friend.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Thank you Doug, he's my client. No, but it's a brain pills. Yeah, so increase, increase meal frequency actually shows a little bit of detriment. But I'm gonna take it back, like, this, this isn't it. Let me just pose this question for you. Let's just say, for example, eating eight meals a day gave you zero extra benefit over eating four meals a day for the average person. We're not talking about, you know, 220 pound shredded Adam or whatever. Average person wants to be fit in the gym, right? If there's no extra benefit then why would you pick eating you know?
Starting point is 00:12:28 Why would you want to walk around with eight? You know containers of food? Yeah, not knowing that how about the one you know how would a pain in the ice to do it I said these guys that eat you know that's it these and this is really big in the competitive world If you guys don't know this the three grams to one fucking body fat for protein. Guys consuming 300 ratio, 400 grams of protein, like 600, I've heard astronomical numbers going like. Like you're gonna synthesize. Dude, what are you doing, right?
Starting point is 00:12:55 Well, you know what's funny. The RDA is like 0.7, okay? And that's like, and then if you're an athlete. Above that, it goes like burn victim in like, they say bipedals are pretty happy. And you know what, for, you had to take an account, okay, labels 20% off and maybe you over measurement, okay, so maybe you target like one, maybe 1.5,
Starting point is 00:13:12 if you're, if you'd want to little, shitting out a bunch of things or stuff, but really one, you're probably, so you're, you're over, you're already over reading at one. And somewhere along the lines that was like, the norm was one and then I'll sit in one to one five, then with the two then It's like three. It's like well. What's funny is I talked to people who eat these abnormal these ridiculous amounts of protein
Starting point is 00:13:30 Now first of all studies done on athletes hard training athletes show that the upper limit for Protein or in other words the amount of protein that you're gonna benefit from so any more than this You're just not gonna get any extra benefit from, was 0.7 grams per pound of body weight. So a 200 pound guy is not even eat 200 pounds of protein, he'll eat something like 170. And that's, he's not gonna get any extra benefit from anything more than that. And that's done with hard training athletes.
Starting point is 00:13:59 But you know what's funny, you know who he needs more protein? It's not the advanced person. Studies done on athletes show the beginner requires more protein. Oh yeah, it's advanced. Well, because he can probably build muscle a much faster rate, because his body has so much more to the downpour.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And bringing down that excess of protein and everything consumption, is that gonna create a more acidic environment within your body? Well, it's funny, what about your heart? So I've had people talk to me who are like, oh, when I go low carb, I don't dramatically increase my protein.
Starting point is 00:14:26 I lose all the strength in the gym. Well, you know why? Because they're going low carb and their fat isn't high enough. So your body will either, let me break it down for the listeners here. Your body will either run on glycogen, which it gets from carbohydrates, or it will run on ketones, which it gets from fat. If you are on a low or no carbohydrate diet and you're not eating adequate fat, you're not giving it ketones and you're not giving
Starting point is 00:14:50 it glycogen. So you do know what your body does. It takes proteins and through this nasty process, it turns proteins into glycogen and it creates all this byproduct and you get stinky breath and you smell like ammonia because you have a high protein, low carbohydrate and not enough fat in your diet. And that's why you end up feeling stronger is because you're giving yourself more glycogen. So that's why your breast stinks, bro. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:13 You can't brush your teeth anymore. Yeah, so lay off the protein, yo. Thanks. So if you go low carb, increase your fat intake, not your protein intake, and you'll get those ketones that you want, if that's your desired method of fat loss. I'm gonna enjoy yourself a little bit more too. Jesus, go have a cupcake instead of smashing
Starting point is 00:15:30 in four more chicken breasts that you don't need. Oh my God. Well, speaking from experience, guys, I'll tell you guys a personal story. I used to eat light cl- and I'm gonna look at you guys know me. I'm a dedicated son of a bitch. If I put my mind to something,
Starting point is 00:15:42 I will follow it to the tee. I used to annoy the shit out of my family. I'd bring food with me everywhere. We'd be at the mall You know, and I'd be like I gotta eat, you know Where are we going, so yeah exactly? I work in between clients, you know one client would leave I'd have someone warm up for 10 minutes. I'd be in the back I had this thing called a rocket grill I put tilapia in their grill it boom it's a oatmeal. There's my meal for you know that my third meal a fourth meal or whatever and I did this religiously This supplement company loved you and of course you buy protein more protein powder
Starting point is 00:16:14 Yeah, I think bars and make it all these meals so they're the ones that push this by the way Yeah, that's what I was kind of alluding to is like where's the mindset of this? Where did it? Where's the origin of it? And also, keep in mind, when you look at these anabolicly enhanced athletes, these pro bodybuilders that take these enormous amounts of anabolic steroids, they have a much higher rate of protein turnover. They actually utilize more protein. Well, that's it, yeah, they can use it with their
Starting point is 00:16:37 on anabolic. Yeah, and we did it. Well, it's funny, I read this book called the Warrior Diet, and it's kind of like intermittent fasting. Love that book, yeah. Did you like it? Yeah, and'd like to have a good eat. So, the...
Starting point is 00:16:46 Yeah, and the science made sense. And then I read people on the forums and they were talking about how well it worked for them. And this was a huge paradigm for me. And I took this big leap of faith because I was so, I so bought into this theory of eating every two or three hours. I did it and I said, okay, I'm gonna eat.
Starting point is 00:17:01 In the morning, I'm gonna eat one egg and I'm gonna fast all day until dinner. Now I thought for sure, I was gonna have a shitty workout. I'm like, I'm gonna crash, this is gonna suck. You know, I'm gonna feel horrible. It's gonna take me weeks to get used to. The first workout I had fast, and I felt amazing. For I felt like I'm in a ball, I felt, I felt fantastic
Starting point is 00:17:18 all day, my senses felt sharp, and I've never gone back since. Now, the way I eat now is I eat between one. If I'm trying to get really lean, I'll eat one main meal a day. Maybe two meals a day, like I do now. I'll have something in the morning, something at night. And then I have a post workout shake.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And that's how I eat all day. And I build more muscle and I'm leaner now than I ever wanted. So yeah. And I'm older. And I haven't eaten breakfast, and I can't even tell you how long. You just brought, you know, you don't eat breakfast? No, I know tell you how long you just brought you know me breakfast
Starting point is 00:17:45 No, I know it's important meal today. I'm most essential meal. You can possibly have do you know most Americans in cereal cereal cereal Compose that well you that's where it goes back to you cereal companies. It goes back to what you say where it's It's all it's all a personal preference right and I think that what and that's why you know If you've ever trained with me, one of the things that I teach is I like to teach all facets of dieting. Like if you, if you train with me, you're going to learn back loading, front loading, carb cycling, intermittent fasting, balanced diets.
Starting point is 00:18:15 You name it like, well, you told me you told me, you, I was, I think it was last week where you said how some of your athletes freak out because you'll tell them to fast. Yeah. They'll tell me like right before peak week, like we're not going to eat that. That's awesome. No food. You're probably the only because you'll tell them to fast. Yeah, right. I'll tell them right before peak week, like we're not gonna eat it. That's awesome. No food.
Starting point is 00:18:28 You're probably the only coach that will tell me the example one, like what happened? Like what did they, what they, what they noticed? Well, I mean, they, what they noticed was they definitely didn't get worse. They felt great, you know, saying they were surprised by their energy levels. They were surprised that they felt great
Starting point is 00:18:39 in their workout, like, you know, and they didn't lose about five pounds of muscle that didn't fall off of us, you know? Right. Felt leaner, tighter, you know, and when didn't lose about five pounds of muscle that didn't fall off of us, you know? Right. Felt leaner, tighter, you know, when they refed, they felt great. Like, so, you know, it's great. You know, it's one of my favorite things they do, actually, is to throw that curve ball in there.
Starting point is 00:18:54 And, you know, sometimes it's like, to be honest, there's no real reason for me to do it right then. You know, it's just to, like, I like to mess with them because it's like, it actually is going to do great benefits for us. And it's not going to hurt us whatsoever, you know, saying, and even if there was something fractional that could possibly hinder or sacrifice even the slightest bit of muscle, it's so meniscule that the plus side that we get from doing that is far more beneficial.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Well, you know what's funny is they find now that frequent protein feedings actually desensitize. They say they call it desensitize the body to protein. So it decreases the amount. it doesn't utilize protein. Yeah, you can't synthesize it after a while is officially. Yeah. Yeah. So you wait five, six, seven hours, eight hours a protein. When you do eat it, your body utilizes more of it in an anabolic way.
Starting point is 00:19:38 So that said, is there still some, you know, science as far as nutrient timing? Yeah, actually, you know, there's pre-workout, nutrient timing, during workout, especially if you're having a long, grueling workout, having some carbohydrates before or during your workout, definitely will increase performance. The post workout, protein, and carbohydrates. Protein, yeah, carbohydrates. That's definitely backed by science. Yeah. You know, so I'd say, if you're going to really time your food, time it around your workouts, the most anabolic thing you do all day is workout, right? And then also be conscious of when you're not active.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Right, I know Adam's really good about this as far as like mapping and scheduling, like meals and frequency and seeing patterns as far as like people when they're not as active and you really don't need to consume the same amount of food. It's okay for you to not be eating your normal schedule of three meals a day. Maybe you get one, maybe get two meals or something like that.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Well, today's a perfect example of that exact thing. You guys see what I just pounded right on. You're like, oh my god, food is in like shit. That ain't nothing. I've been up since 3.45 this morning. Plus, like I said, it puts a hard workout. I was on my feet for good four to five hours. Like, oh, man, like that was, I don't know, maybe 1800 to 2000 calories right there. I'm easily burning today, 4,000 plus. You know, and the rest of my meals were all really clean and balanced meals. How about this myth? I've had people ask this question. I've had like five
Starting point is 00:21:04 people ask me this exact question. I thought you could only utilize so many grams of protein at one time. I used to believe that, I used to believe that, because I read it somewhere a long time ago that the body digested 10 grams per hour. I mean, I don't understand. I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:21:19 You would suck as I can't tell you where I read it. Obviously it wasn't like in a magazine. This was actually in a book somewhere. I don't remember what one of my nutrition books or whatever, but I read somewhere, obviously it wasn't like an magazine. This was actually in a bookstown. I don't remember what one of my nutrition books or whatever, but I read somewhere that the body, it only get digest 10 grams of protein. Well, aside from the fact that it's gonna,
Starting point is 00:21:32 there's gonna be huge variation from person to person. If this were true, where you only absorb so many proteins, fats, and carbohydrates at one sitting, then we could just fucking pick out real fast and we're not gonna get fat because we're not gonna absorb any of those extra calories, right? It's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Now, the digestive system works a lot. It takes a lot longer than you think. Your body utilizes the protein. You would have to eat so much food to throw up from the amount of food that you would have to eat to override your digestive system. Well, this is full, basically. Well, this is where too, like, as far as a thermogenic
Starting point is 00:22:00 effective food, like, so say you have different properties for, like, a slower digestive food that you just ate, right? So it's like a protein, and then you have a different value for fat and different value for carbohydrates. So as far as that being a factor, not a huge factor, but it's still something that... Well, what's interesting is...
Starting point is 00:22:18 To consider. Well, what's funny when you look at that, you're splitting hairs in a lot of cases. But one instance, I'll use an example, medium chain triglycerides, which are, these are fats that are found in coconut milk, or coconut cream, is high in MCTs. And what they find is that when you consume,
Starting point is 00:22:36 let's say you exchange your normal fats, and you replace them for MCTs, so the same amount of calories that you had throughout the day except you're eating many more medium-chain triglycerides instead of long-chain triglycerides or short-chain clikers triglycerides. You'll actually be leaner because of the way that medium-chain triglycerides are utilized.
Starting point is 00:22:54 And what ends up happening is they get turned in energy very quickly, they get turned into ketones very quickly. In fact, they've equated it to glucose. They'll say that this will get utilized as energy very quickly. Now, you know Bringing this up. I bring this up because every morning If I do have something in the morning, I will have a full can of full fat coconut milk
Starting point is 00:23:14 That's 800 calories of coconut milk and this can and it's about 70 grams of fat And I'll put it in a blender. I'll put a little bit of protein in there and a little bit of a pacylium husk, which is a fiber. I put a little bit of some other type of protein called the collagen. Where's the white bark, dude? Yeah, no, no. And I blended up and I drink it and about an hour later, I'm sweating my ass off. Because the MCTs start to get turned into energy and they have a thermo-ject proper. So certain things do, in fact, cause these types of things, but it's trivial when you count. No. How much you burn when you move and how much muscle you have. Agreed.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I guess I just wanted to bring up the fact that there are like these little minuscule variables to consider. Yeah, but they're not going to make it. And there they are there. And so I think that's the number one takeaway is it's a personal preference, but there's not a single thing. And of all these things we're talking about, right, that we can debate the benefits of intermittent fasting,
Starting point is 00:24:07 the benefits of two meals, four meals, six meals, the drawbacks, the myths. At the end of the day, there is nothing that will change your physique more than consistently hitting your macronutrient targets, consistently feeding the body what it needs. If you inconsistently do not feed it what it needs, you're not going to grow.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Yeah, just be consistent, eat right and exercise, and then those are the big things. That's the only real way you're going to learn about yourself, like, is to really pay attention to your pattern and keep it consistent. Once you can establish a consistent pattern, that's when you can explore, you know, other ways to find a fine, new avenues to make it more efficient or optimal. Now, I know some people, I work with someone like this and she needs, she eats every, she's lost 60 pounds and she eats every three hours and she says to me, I have to eat that way, otherwise. And I think because she has an attachment to food or whatever and some people
Starting point is 00:25:03 are like this. And again, it's personal preference. For me, if I eat, when I eat too frequently, I notice I'm more tired. I was actually, I used to rely much more on stimulants like caffeine in the past. Now when I don't eat, I have much more energy throughout the day because my body's in that parasympathetic mode versus the parasympathetic way.
Starting point is 00:25:19 See, I don't feel that way. You know what it does to? It keeps me from wanting to gorge Because when you eat small meals. Yes, when I keep when I can and small my meals aren't that small You know like I'm well what I mean is frequently yeah, yeah, yeah, frequent when I'm eating frequent meals I'm not letting myself go long periods of time now Like I said I do like the inner mask I am all about shocking the body and throwing curve balls of the diet I do the same like I said I switch up from carb loading, back loadings, all that stuff, cycling, you name it,
Starting point is 00:25:46 like I do it. And I like to do it because I also think there's a good good thing that happens to your metabolism because it has to figure out what you're doing. You're like, we talked before, our bodies are adaptation machines. Now, they adapt to everything, whether we're talking about weight training nutritionally too.
Starting point is 00:26:00 If you've been eating a certain way, if you always get breakfast at an IM, hey, what happens when you don't get breakfast or lunch for two or three days? The body is going to trip out a certain way, if you always get breakfast at IAM, hey, what happens when you don't get breakfast or lunch for two or three days? The body is gonna trip out a little bit, you know? And there's a lot of good, there's a lot of studies out that show all the benefits of what happens.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Yeah, it puts the body through short-term stress, but it's just like working out. If you were to break down what working out is, we're stressing the body. Yeah, I know, yeah, I'm stressed. And you're talking about eating the same foods every day. We didn't even touch on this. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:26 When you eat the same thing all the time, first of all, foods require certain enzymes. I have to break them down. They promote growth of some bacteria in the gut and they kill other bacteria in the gut. If you're eating the same thing, if it's always tilapia, rice, and broccoli, tilapia, rice, broccoli, which a lot of physique
Starting point is 00:26:41 and homolograte. It's like fiber you're really getting with that. Well, what happens is you promote the growth of certain bacteria because you're eating the same types of foods, other types that you need go away, and you deplete certain enzymes that are always used for those types of foods. So you're not cycling your foods
Starting point is 00:26:55 and you end up developing food and tolerances. Where all the sudden guys like, oh, I used to be able to eat chicken all the time. Now when I eat chicken, I kind of don't feel right or my body doesn't respond the way it used to. Cycle your food, sometimes have red meat, sometimes have chicken, I kind of don't feel right, or my body doesn't respond the way it used to. Cycle your food. Sometimes I've read meat, sometimes I've chicken, sometimes I've fish, sometimes he vegetarian.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I go vegetarian at least twice a month. Two days out of the month, I know meat whatsoever, because I know replenishes certain enzymes, and it promotes the growth of certain beneficial bacteria, and I feel fantastic when I do it. That's great. I've actually never done that. That's actually a great idea.
Starting point is 00:27:23 It is, and there'll be a lot coming up. I like my meat, so. You like your what? I like my meat. I've actually never done that, it's actually a great idea. It is, and there'll be a lot coming up. I like my meat, so. You like your what? I like my meat. Let's end it on that. He's trying. He needs a new sound bike. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
Starting point is 00:27:34 For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. Visit us at www.mimepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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