Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 011: Mind Pump- How It All Began

Episode Date: January 21, 2015

Just exactly who are Sal, Adam & Justin? Where did they come from and what led them to join forces to create MindPump? One was a bovine mammary extraction technician. Can you guess who? In this episod...e all is revealed..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Alright, welcome to Mind Pump. This is an awesome show on fitness, nutrition, random stuff. A lucky listener today will have Justin come to your house and mow your lawn for you. Sure, no, no, no, no, no pants. You're going to have shirts, though. Just keep my shirt on.
Starting point is 00:00:33 All right, so today's episode, we're going to talk. This is an origin story. The origin story. I don't know if you have any of you ever read comic books, but sometimes they have like a comic book that comes out. So you really say that origin story? Origin stories. Yeah, like the origin. Yeah out of the origin stories. So you really say that origin stories? Origin stories, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Like the origin. Like Wolverine origins. Yeah, really? God, we're nerds. We're a massive nerds. Yeah, I didn't even read comic books. No, I was never, you know what? I never was ever really into comic books.
Starting point is 00:00:54 You know what, I was based on the most jock out of all of them. No, I was gonna say, I'm pretty much a nerd too. Yeah, bro, I was baseball cards, football cards, basketball cards, did you not do that? You had, I do, bro. I did. I do. You had micro machines, but then,
Starting point is 00:01:08 the model was at Star Wars. Hey, did you have micro machines? Hell yeah, fucking it. Do you remember the joke, like, business and Legos? I remember this joke, does your Dixay micro machines on it? No. Then it's not the real thing. It's you, but I'm boom.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Boom. So, okay, so you do remember it. I do remember micro machines. All right, let's get into this a little bit. So, I think we should start, I don a pro. Okay, so you do remember? I do remember Michael. Alright, let's get into this a little bit. So I think we should start. I don't know, how long have you guys, now I started in fitness at 18, 18 years old. As soon as I turned 18, I became a personal trainer.
Starting point is 00:01:36 But before that, God, what did I do before that? Oh, I fucking watched dishes early, man. I watched dishes at a pizza rhea. And then I did filing at it like a mortgage company So I really don't have a history really a long history before I got into fitness I've been doing this for quite a while. I don't know how about you guys how old are you guys? I
Starting point is 00:01:53 I got quite a few things. Yeah, I got I got a long string Yeah, see here. I I started Study and to be a personal trainer when I was going to junior college, when I was 17, 18 years old. IFPA was a national surgeon. Honestly, the only way I found that, I just kind of googled it online and found, you know, the most popular certification at that point,
Starting point is 00:02:15 I had no clue what I was doing or what I was getting into. I just knew I wanted to be a personal trainer while I finished my kinesiology degree. So I was all into that. And while I was doing that, I was working, I was working at a dairy. I was a bovine memory extraction technician. Ah, so fancy term that's where you get your memory your memory skills Used to milk cows Before and after school so I did a mile a little town the next spirit with nipples
Starting point is 00:02:42 Don't call them cows. They don't like that expert with nipples. Bro, don't call them cows. I don't like that. Oh, you milked actual cow. Yes, bro. Actually, actually, I actually milked the cow to the later sponsors. All right. So I did, I did that. Okay. So I first explained that because I grew up in California in the Bay Area. So I have no fucking idea how that works. Yeah, what you do. I thought machines did that. They do. They do. It's it's it's it's it's quite a unique process. First of all, the personal touch. Yeah. What a lot of people don't know for you, city folk, right?
Starting point is 00:03:10 That I've never lived out in the country or been in the country, really. There's some cool things that you probably don't know. The cows come up, they're very habitual, right? So I had names for all of them. So I have all these hundreds of names for cows. Best for cows. And they all come in the same order like every day.
Starting point is 00:03:25 So you could call it, you could call them, and they'll all heard together, and they'll come in this perfect line, and like in the same order like every single day. Wow. And it's a trip, you know, and they all have personalities. And you have a favorite?
Starting point is 00:03:35 Of course, yeah, yeah, you're, the one that produced a lot of milk and had no trouble whatsoever. So that was, it was one of the business, as much good milk as possible. And you got to do it, so they come in, right? So you let them in these stalls, and I had like a carousel setting And you had to do it. So they come in, right? So you let them in these stalls.
Starting point is 00:03:46 And I had like a carousel setting. So they're all, they're like around me, right? And I'm, they're about shoulder level. So I'm looking at all these udders like eye level. And you got to prep them with iodine. You dip iodine. You clean them off with, you clean them first. And then you prep them and you prep them by putting
Starting point is 00:04:00 iodine on them. And that basically what it does. Because if you are, if you walked up to a cow and you just grab it's teeth and you started yanking on it, milk's not gonna come out. So it's, they have to like, it's like a hormone gets released and it drops down. And then the milk is ready to get started.
Starting point is 00:04:14 So do you like, do you like talk to them softly? You're kind of, in a sense, the whole cleaning and iodine process is kind of like, you are kind of stimulating. A little for play. Wow. And then they drop down the And you see it happen like you see the wonder you're good at this I was yeah, this I started this I think it was 15 years old when I got the job. Wow. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:04:37 So I did it for quite a few years through high school into junior college and You know, I you know started at four dollars and 50 cents an hour and, I started at $4.50 an hour and worked my way up to $7.75 an hour. But I did that. And when I decided to move the Bay Area was when I fell into personal training, but along the way, I mean, from a top of personal training, I've always been like an entrepreneur art.
Starting point is 00:05:00 So I've started up many businesses. Some were turning to nothing. Some started as just a thought like clothing lines where we went out and got the whole pat and everything like that. Get it all set up like we're gonna do it and then it never went through. And I did vending machines.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I had soda machines. You guys, we talked wash and yeah, I've done a mobile detailing business that I bought and sold. I've done a mobile detailing business that I bought and sold. I've done a lot of random things, that business-wise and stuff along the way. And boot camps, I've done the whole camp thing with. Yeah, and there's a lot of fitness businesses that I've ran too. So off of what I do currently right now.
Starting point is 00:05:37 So yeah, what about you, Mr. J? Well, I mean, for me, I started working really young. I mean, I loaded trucks and my dad's working. Basically, took these huge windows off of trucks and then put them in the warehouse and organized it and everything. And he'd like to abuse my manpower, let's just say. So I was either digging ditches or, you know, torn roofs or, you know, you name it like.
Starting point is 00:06:07 That's why this fucker's so big. Right, you've been doing the shit forever. Dude, like labor all day long, like for years and years and that really is what drove me to go to college and get an education, get out of that shit. I feel for everybody that has a labor intensive job, man. It sucks. Well, see, when I started, I started 18 years old, right? I went to the 24 hour in San Jose over there
Starting point is 00:06:33 that you guys know, which I'm talking about, not the one that opened, the other big one in the Bay Area. So I walk in there and this is kind of the story of my life, right? I wanna do something, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, but I do it, right? So I have no idea what I'm, I love to work out, but I had no idea what the process was
Starting point is 00:06:51 to become a trainer. I walk in, I meet the fitness manager, talk to him, he hires me right then on the spot. My second day there, so the first day I'm there, he's kind of orientating me. The second day there, I sold more training than their top trainer had sold all month in one day. And everybody was freaking out,
Starting point is 00:07:09 they didn't know how I was doing it. And I didn't know how I was doing it. I was just loving what I was doing. Yeah, yeah. It was a great time, but four months later, I was managing the fitness department. So at the time, I was going to junior college, actually. And when the money started rolling in,
Starting point is 00:07:23 and I'm like, this is what? We have such an identical story, it's so hilarious., and I'm like, this is what I'm doing. But we have such an identical story. It's so hilarious. I love this so much. I'm gonna go to school so I can do this. I'm already doing it. So I stopped and I did that.
Starting point is 00:07:34 And I did that for, let's see, up until I was 21. And then that's, then 21 is when I did my first big business where I bought a portion of a health club down in Palm Desert with a partner of mine. So yeah, unlike you, I actually just kept working like as I was in school. So I was taking on, I was playing football and I was playing college football. I was taking all these classes and at the same time late at night I would either be waiting tables or I was bartending. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:05 And so I mean, it was just an insane load to take on. I started out at Sandy State and then I kind of moved out to Chicago and that was like a life-changing experience for me. What'd you do there? I just went to school out there to get a new perspective. I thought you were back there. Did you say you were a bartender?
Starting point is 00:08:21 Yeah, I was a bartender and a waiter. Awesome. Yeah, so I did a lot of restaurant stuff. So one thing, I have to say, anybody, I always recommend people to be a waiter at some point in their life, just because you understand that you're cream and you're ranch dressing and shit can wait.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Okay, that shit can wait. It's not that important. This guy has a whole dude. If he put me first, all of a sudden, I've did everything. Cause I get impatient as a motherfucker. Oh dude, you guys gotta relax. Cause I'll be honest, like you get so shit on in that job.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Like that's one of those jobs. It's just one of those jobs. You kind of have to deal with a lot of different personalities that come in and are very, a lot of the leadest type personalities coming in that expect things. And you just have to smile and grin and all that. But guess what, we deal with your food and your drinks. And all that.
Starting point is 00:09:18 God, dude. Oh, dude, you guys don't know that. That's like, I think it's fear, dude. It's like everything you think happens happens. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm not with us, we fuck with you. I I'm really really nice. I'm always really nice to people who work in restaurants for that particular reason I don't want like pubes in my soda or anything I've seen that movie waiting. Yeah, it's pretty accurate. I'm not gonna lie I'm sure people can attest to that to that
Starting point is 00:09:39 No way really it's really that bad, huh? Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, but You know, but I've never had an inside perspective of someone who's I've known like some way But I've never even had a chance to even ask him something like that with it's really like that. Yeah, no, it is It's very, you know, it's very under under cover and like people don't really yeah, right? Yeah, we disclose that but like yeah, it's it's just like any other like job when you sit around long enough and if you're there long enough Like you see some crazy stuff or crazy people that coming It's like it's like waterboarding right it happens right There's a lot of interesting stuff. Yeah, so I've had a few people since we've launched this this show come up to me and say man you guys
Starting point is 00:10:19 You guys have such great chemistry on that on the show. How long have you guys known each other? You know and they trip out when I tell them, I mean, how long have we known each other? Like, a couple months? Yeah, I'm not bullshitin' you. Listeners, this is true story now. Now Adam and Justin have known each other for a while,
Starting point is 00:10:35 and I've known the producer, Doug, in the background here. But Sal's just like us, that's why it works. Well, it's weird, right? So this is kind of, I wanna kind of talk about how this whole kind of, I want to kind of talk about how this hall kind of began, because you know, at the time I was own, I own my personal training studio, but before that, I had always heard, I had always heard about Adam in particular. People would come up to me, we knew people in common, we knew actually know quite a few
Starting point is 00:10:59 people in common, and people would come up to me and say, oh, you got to meet this guy Adam, he's, you and him are so similar. You guys got to work together. And then we kind of connected on Facebook, you know, just through because we worked for the same company. And from there, Adam kept telling me, you got to go on Instagram, you got to do this and that. And I, you know, I was dragging my heels. And then we got on the phone and it was like,
Starting point is 00:11:20 dude, let's do a podcast. And I mean, that's literally how this started. Yeah, it's pretty, pretty crazy. Yeah, no, that's literally how this started. Yeah, it's pretty crazy. Yeah, no, that's exactly how it went down. But it's unique, it's neat for me because I get to, I've known you both, right? So I've got, and I've known Justin for a really long time now. So, and we've done him and I have done a business together
Starting point is 00:11:36 for a real somewhere like your relationship with Doug. You know, you guys have done business and been together for a while now. So you guys have that real tight relationship, not just friendship, but then there's also that business side that you guys share where Justin and I had that same relationship and it was really neat when you know because I do I've had the exact same thing as Sal is my entire career at 24-Afinance I've always oh this guy Sal is guy Sal because we have these mutual friends and they would say the same thing to me like oh
Starting point is 00:11:59 you gotta meet him you gotta meet him he just like you dude he's just like you bro you guys think it's exactly the same way so yeah it was pretty funny yeah damn similar yeah that's scary too yeah I thought I thought I was the only one who had a really big mouth and said stupid shit yeah I think I think you know he's a little bit smarter I'm a little bit better looking but other than that was pretty much the other than that's pretty much the same I'd say. You're more handsome. Oh man. Yeah, no, it was pretty dynamic how everything came together, you know, and this podcasting, it's rare too that for me, I've known, and Sal, for sure, all of us the same way, we've
Starting point is 00:12:40 known outside of each other's circle, I mean, hundreds, probably thousands of other personal trainers that I've either worked with us for us or alongside us somewhere, you know, at some club or company or whatever. So we have a lot of relationships. Very few, you know, trainers all see, really truly see eye to eye, not just in their philosophy of training and nutrition,
Starting point is 00:13:00 but also like their vision of where fitness is going. I've never met another two guys that were as like-minded and nutrition, but also like their vision of where fitness is going. I've never met another two guys that were as like-minded and saw the same vision as I see. A lot of great trainers out there, a lot of smart guys, a lot of great relationships. I have a lot of people, but sometimes I feel like we're in each other's head, dude, when we're just and I would do it all the time when we're talking business like, oh, that, that's it, bro.
Starting point is 00:13:23 That's why a lot of things, there's a lot of trust in our relationship. We're so different that we bring different things to the business table. It's just kind of like, you handle your piece and I handle my piece and we just, you know, we respect that side that you're just your far more dominant with. Well, you know, when we met, it's, it was, we were all kind of shocked.
Starting point is 00:13:39 I mean, that shocked, we all talked about this, but it is shocking how little realism there is in our industry. I think that's what really motivated us to do this show. We talked right away, we talked about this. Like nobody's fucking telling the real truth behind the scene. There's like so much bullshit out there. People don't know how gyms are run. People don't know what happens with personal training. There's so many myths out there with exercise and supplements. It's ridiculous to sift through all of it. And then when you listen to fitness professionals,
Starting point is 00:14:10 other fitness professionals in the media, they don't, they skirt around the real issues. They don't go in the realism because they're either selling their product or they're bullshit. And it's just the same old. They don't want to piss off the machine. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:24 And that's really where I feel the freedom in podcasts. I had no idea going into podcasts, like what really, to expect. This is one of those things that, oh, we're going to do podcasts. Okay, let's go listen to other podcasts and see what this is all about. And I assumed it was going to be similar to radio or something like that. But just the freedom of it and seeing what people are doing with these podcasts and like, how real it's getting.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I don't know how long this is gonna last. So we should try to come and insert it. While we can be real, everybody. Yeah. But seriously though, I think that's the sort of paradigm shift I see happening as we've all gotten more information that people want that realism. They want to get through a sift through all the bullshit. I feel that we're on point with that so far. Totally. Just to be honest, this is an industry that we all, point with that so far. Totally. And you know, I mean, just to be honest,
Starting point is 00:15:25 this is an industry that we all, all three of us love. I mean, we have, I haven't really, I mean, speaking for myself, I have a deep passion and love for the fitness industry, for the industry of health, for the industry of athletic performance, for the industry of getting, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:41 of bettering yourself, because really at its core, fitness is, it kind of embodies, and I'm gonna get a little hokey here, but it kind of fitness kind of embodies that American dream, right? Where you go in, you have an idea, you have a goal, and the way you get there is hard work, consistency. You put your head down, you go and you do it,
Starting point is 00:15:59 and just trial and error, because a lot of us, especially when we started, there was a lot of trial and error. And so for me, it's just a, you know, that piece of peel so strong to me. And then also the, there's the, not the weakness of it, but the, gosh, what was I going to say? The, you know, the part of the fitness industry that isn't the strong part of it, you know, the insecurities that come along with trying to, you know, better yourself, the people who come in who don't feel good about themselves, and that's why they get into exercise. The skinny kid who wants to lift weights
Starting point is 00:16:29 because he feels insecure because he gets bullied or the overweight person who wants to lose weight and change how they feel about themselves. I truly feel like when you approach this the right way that you make a real change in people's lives. Oh, absolutely. And to me, it's so rewarding to see that, you know, because I was that skinny kid. I was that skinny kid in the backyard, the awkward skinny kid that, you know, I've always
Starting point is 00:16:53 had a big mouth. I was born with that, but I didn't have big biceps. That's something I had to build. And I did it through hard work, through diligence, consistency, and I was able to transform myself. And so I can relate to people who come into this industry, who want information, and then they look, and they go on Google, and they open a magazine, and it's just 99% marketing and bullshit,
Starting point is 00:17:15 and they try everything, and some of them stop. You know, they don't do it. And I feel for them, man, so I want to tell them, listen, it's mostly bullshit. Well, it's just like, I've talked about before with supplements, it's my biggest problem that I've always had. I don't even know anybody that's tuned in and listen to me
Starting point is 00:17:29 and I have this stigma about me now because I said it since day one, when I did my whole transformation and this whole social media thing. And I've told everybody that I hate supplements, but it's not that I hate supplements. We utilize supplements, we've talked about this before. Oh, I take supplements every day. But what I hate is the marketing scams behind
Starting point is 00:17:48 all of it and how it's how it's drawn up. It's just like it doesn't work that way. You know, I'm saying there's not a protein for a woman and a protein for a man. There's not a fat burner for a man and a fat burner for a woman. It doesn't work that way. I'm saying there's certain things that help speed up your metabolism or a fixed your central nervous system where there's things that are going to fixed your central nervous system or there's things that are gonna heat up your core temperature or there's things that are gonna replenish your amino acids. Things like, you know, there's certain things that do something scientific to your body,
Starting point is 00:18:12 but that's all it does. There's no fancy spin on it. It's gonna build some crazy ridiculous, you know, this is muscle for muscle gain, pump 5,000, whatever. Well, we were kids, it was like mega mass, 18,000, and you know, these super high calibers shapes, and it gets rehashed, you know, the whole thing gets rehashed, but, you know, whatever. Well, we were kids. It was like mega mass, 18,000. And you know, these super high caliber shakes. And it gets rehashed, you know. The whole thing gets rehashed.
Starting point is 00:18:28 But you know, I want Adam, something happened in your career that took us here today. It was a moment. And I remember because I didn't know you very well at the time, but me and you every once while we would text each other. And you told me, bro, you gotta get on Instagram, it's blowing up just in that. And there was a picture. It was one picture that went viral.
Starting point is 00:18:50 And you, and it just, you just, all of a sudden it blew up. I don't know if you wanna talk about that, how that happened. Well, yeah, the whole thing for me, like how the whole social media thing happened, or what? Yeah, but there was that one picture that blew up. The one where you're sitting now with it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:03 So that'll be out next month actually. It'll be out on the cover of a romance novel. Oh, really? Yeah, it was purchased. It was purchased. Yeah, I haven't really told you. What's the title of the romance time? I haven't told you about that.
Starting point is 00:19:18 It is, oh, God, she's at the gate mad at me for not even knowing. Yeah, that one does tell us. Dude, I'm not thinking back to you. I'll have to get the name. That's how bad I am. She brought the rides. 80 Justice is the author. And it's a sequel to a previous romance novel, which I
Starting point is 00:19:37 haven't in the car. I'll show you. So I can't think of every name right now. I'll talk in my head. But anyways, it's going to be, yeah, it's going to be on the front. Before that, though, what's the story about? What do you know? It's the story. I don't know what the real ass novel. Oh, I don't know who I've never read it, bro. I've read, I gave it to a couple of my clients and
Starting point is 00:19:52 told them to read like, read it and they read the original one the first. You know what's happening when you give that to your clients with your picture on the cover. When they're reading it, they're like, well, they are a picture get up. After I had them. So I gave it to a few I gave it to a few of my my clients that I have you know quite a few ladies that I trained and You know some of them read that so and they got back to me and they were like that's female porn by the And I asked how was it and they're like oh, yeah, it was good It was good. You know you mean that like it was good I'm just like so what about the main character tell me know what's it like oh, yeah No, it could portray you for sure. I could portray you. Oh great
Starting point is 00:20:24 So you need to fucking give the title right now. You're not selling these books the main character tell me, you know, let's say, like, oh, yeah, no, it could portray you for sure. I could portray you. Oh, great. So you need to fucking give the title right now. You're not selling these books. You forgot the title. Well, it has to, it's not released yet. Oh, okay. I'll have it.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Well, before we, I'll tell you what, I'll, you know what? We'll do it in a minute. Why don't we put it on the mind pump radio? Oh, guys, dude, get out of here, bro. Listeners, listeners. Listen to me. Okay. If you comment enough on our Instagram page, at mind nobody's gonna comment and you guys demand to see this
Starting point is 00:20:46 Romance novel with Adam on the cover male or female we will put male or female We will put it on our site for sale and you guys can buy it Not to get off subject, but I got to say this this is this this part cracks me up here's a here's this if you ever want to see the difference between men and women there's no there's nothing more stark that nothing is more a clear division than porn like women read these romance novels and if that's their porn and you open the book up and a guy's like where's the pictures it's all words what the fuck are you doing we don't want words
Starting point is 00:21:23 they want to lead up to everything. They got it. It's like funny. The fan is like, example that is. Bro, my wife was reading, what was that one book that was? The Grey World. It's a 50 shades of Grey. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:21:35 It was like, first of all, for me, it was the greatest two weeks of the last five years. I was like, fuck, right more of those books. Whoever that lady is, please write more books. But, you know, I look inside of it and I'm like, this isn't. What's hot about this? I don't see any pictures. All I see are words on the page. It's so a man, right? Yeah. It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:21:57 When do we get to the good stuff? Yeah. Yeah. The fast forward button exists because of us. So, you took that picture. Now it's on a romance novel. But when you. So, so you took that picture. Now it's on a romance novel, but when you hit that, when you posted that picture on Instagram, it like spread. Like wildfire. Well, I mean, at the, at the, because, you know, before that, there's, I'm not,
Starting point is 00:22:15 I mean, I'm not anybody famous. I didn't do anything, I didn't invent anything cool, you know, I'm nothing fucking special, right? I mean, so when the picture gets out there, it hit like a thousand people. I didn't even have that many friends who were following me. Like, I just started the thing. And when that went out, it went like crazy everywhere. And I had so many weird random stuff. Explain the picture because I'm sure the listeners have seen it,
Starting point is 00:22:38 but I want you to explain it just a little bit. Yeah. It's me like straddling a chair. Yeah, but you're looking down or you know, you're not making an out. Dude, be more like descriptive. Bro, listen, we got female listeners, but we just talked about kind of porn
Starting point is 00:22:52 to find out. Yeah, exactly, like you get a word of that. I'm sure they're listening. They probably see it, bro. I was sure they've, if they're listening to my, if they're listening to me talk in mind, but they probably saw the show. Listen, one thing about Adam is he's extremely modest.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Right. So, you got to explain the picture, bro. So you're straddling a chair. I'm straddling a chair and I've got a hat on and it's tilted down and it's like I have like a bicep flex pose while I'm straddling a chair. I mean, it's a pretty cool shot. Yeah, that's pretty mental.
Starting point is 00:23:20 I mean, it's been, like I said, I had somebody, I've had quite a few things trying to pick it up and buy it stuff like that. Really? Yeah, yeah, it's been, like I said, I had somebody, I've had quite a few things trying to pick it up and buy it and stuff like that. Really? Yeah, yeah. So it's cool. It's a cool picture. Now, once, once, I, this is a good question. Once someone buys that picture, like the novel buys it, does that mean you can't sell it to someone else?
Starting point is 00:23:36 You can't use it to market. So I couldn't use it to sell the right to everything. Well, to, for, like, a, another romance novel, it can be used on other sites or like if I wanted to promote myself I can stick because that was one of the things I asked was and that's just that's between this that's between the photographer and the and the seller I mean you can negotiate that and some photographers are are some for some photographers Can't speak right now some of the photographer Some of the photographers are
Starting point is 00:24:04 Really anal about their there. I mean because it's theirs. They have they own the rights They take your shot. That's not your picture. All right You pay for it or not. That's technically theirs. So do they pay you to take the picture and then they have the rights to it? No, you could you could pay them and they take it and they still have the right That sounds like a shitty deal. It is kind of a shitty deal That's fucked up. Yeah, it is shit But most most photographers are cool though So I mean just they just want the credit for the picture if it goes on like like she has to I mean That sounds like a shitty deal. It is kind of a shitty deal. That's fucked up. Yeah, it is shit. But most photographers are cool, though.
Starting point is 00:24:25 So I mean, they just want the credit for the picture if it goes on like, she has to, I mean, she'll have to, which is my best friend was Jair Lawson, who's the one who shot it. Oh, okay. So, what funny story, okay? This is my childhood best friend.
Starting point is 00:24:37 We go back to like four years old, right? And he's like, he's a principal, but he's a badass photographer. Like really, but he's in the landscape. So he shoots like, he's a he's a principal, but he's a badass photographer like really like but he's into landscape So he shoots like his big thing is getting up But you know crack a dawn and climbing some crazy mountain and find the perfect angle of lighting and shooting some crazy Lake or whatever that and he's fucking really good at it and so you know Here I'm getting into this hole getting you know with the whole men's physique and getting to be you know that whole journey and stuff I you know get taking all these professional shots all the time
Starting point is 00:25:06 and I'm like, paying these people. And I'm like, bro, why don't you shoot me, dude? And it'll be perfect because you can grow, it's like a side business from him. He's a principal full time and he's, he does it on the side and he makes money to shoot his wedding, things like that every once in a while. And I'm always trying to push him to do that
Starting point is 00:25:18 because he's fucking talented, dude. And we did that shoot. And I remember when we did that shoot, he was just like, he was so, it was first time like shooting somebody like me because he does, like I said, mostly landscape and other things and it was like, we were so lost. It was crazy doing that, but some of the best pictures
Starting point is 00:25:35 I've ever done, and that was, I know we're near the best condition ever, but that was when I just got in shape. And, well, I think, you know, it's funny. It seems that pictures that were you're super shredded, probably are not as marketable. I would assume, right? Or you'd want to be a little bit more shredded. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, because I took some photos for my, my program and I got ripped for it. But I don't look, I kind of look, it look kind of scary. I have people commenting on it. Like, I don't want to look like that. You know, and for guys like us, that's a huge compliment. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:26:02 exactly. That's like the biggest couple of you could ever give me. You look like a freak, like, thank you. Yeah, I appreciate that. Well, I think too, we all have that, because you also know how fast that goes, too. You know what I'm saying? Oh, yeah. It's not a long live thing. You don't get to be that crazy diced.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Oh, dude. Because it's not healthy. Let's be honest. No, it's not healthy to keep yourself. It was specifically for pictures. It was zero, not for health whatsoever. Not at all, not at all. So 100% it's all for the look and it's like it's not reality,
Starting point is 00:26:29 which is unfortunate too, because we sell that. You know what I'm saying? We sell that dream to people that, you know, we get in all of us trainers, get in the baddest fucking shape of our lives, which takes serious discipline and serious knowledge, Suez Hardworking our part. And it's like, that's not something that we sustained.
Starting point is 00:26:45 We don't walk around it for person. No, that's why you take a picture. Yeah. I wanna remember that shit because it's gone. It can be gone next week. But I feel like when people buying into stuff like that, they're buying into that, like, okay, you know, like if I just do this or I take this supplement
Starting point is 00:26:59 or I do this thing, I'm gonna be shredded like this person and maintain it, it's like do this. So. Well, again, that's part of the bullshit. I mean, just to bring it back, I mean, you know, although we all have similar goals, the three of us are pretty, kind of different, right? I mean, in some of our approaches, our training,
Starting point is 00:27:12 is how we train ourselves, is pretty different. So I think we make a pretty good, a pretty good team on the show. And, you know, I'd like to invite the listeners, listen, if you have ideas, you want, if you have, if you just, anything you want us to cover or talk about, or you want us to hammer a company or a supplement, we have no fear.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Oh, yeah, that's what I really want, what I want to get into. And listen, just this shitting his pants, here's the thing, me and Adam have, we don't, we are loose cannons. Actually, I think that's what Doug called us. Who would that call us? What's it you Doug that called us loose cannons?
Starting point is 00:27:41 Me and Doug called you that, I'm sure. Yeah, yeah, so, so we're like loose, can't, we're like, I'm okay yeah yeah so so we're like loose can't I'm okay let's sell sales if we had to go and order sales the worst then me and so it goes he's the one extra I don't know did you guys really have a fuck similar leash you know the problem is gonna be off each other because then he said some shit this is the problem yeah it's like you guys you guys get speed and then I'm like I'm like I'm gonna feed you our ego like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:28:08 I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:28:16 I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like give I completely ran out I ran out of There's no more so this where I honestly when we first started this I had no idea what what we're gonna do Where was gonna go but what I envision be honest? I don't think we ever really have an idea Yeah, no, we sit down and we just go. Yeah, I know But some we you know what fucking this is how it works
Starting point is 00:28:36 We wanted this was something that we really wanted to do so we did it bottom one That's it something we want to do we have you know what hopefully down the road we get to make some money That'd be awesome. It'd be awesome to make some money. That's the definition of an entrepreneur, right? And in the sense that we just step into it and we go. Yeah, you know, that's how we do it. I read some, it was a quote, and I know I'm fucking it up,
Starting point is 00:28:57 but it was something like an entrepreneur jumps out of the plane and figures out, jumps out of a plane and figures out how to make a parachute on the way down. Yeah, it sounds like that. It sounds about right. Yeah, so I believe that though. So boom, that's us. We're a mess.
Starting point is 00:29:11 We got big mouths. Yeah. We're going to talk a lot of shit. We're going to uncover the truth. Yeah. I'm going to try and put the pieces back together. Yeah. Justin's going to rain us in a little bit.
Starting point is 00:29:20 You know, bear with us everybody. I'm doing my best with these two. Well, I want to answer questions. That's what I want to get into I really want to get into answering because then I feel like we're As we all know we have ideas of what we think are gonna help people or what people are maybe thinking about because we've all been there before But there's some things I'm sure that we're not even you know In tune with because we're not on that side of the fence So I want to hear people ask anything, you know, say anything related to fitness, anything, not related to who cares.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Ask anything, that's like it, whatever. Listen, ask us anything, it can be with, it can have to do this. I would love to expand this, you know, more out of our fitness range, because we got that, I mean, definitely ask us fitness first. Well, our show has got like a fitness, you know, kind of back, right?
Starting point is 00:30:03 This is kind of where our origin lies, right? This is where the show kind of begins. But we have episodes where we talk about stuff that's completely unrelated. Yeah, we all have opinions and that's the bottom line. And you know, and I like to pride myself in saying that I know a lot about nothing. So, and that's kind of how I approach. I like to, I like to, I like to let people know how much I know about nothing. Basically, so there you go. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam
Starting point is 00:30:32 and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. This is Mind Pump.

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