Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 012: IIFYM and Diet Insanity

Episode Date: January 23, 2015

Just how far will people go to lose weight? Pretty damn far... When people divert the effort they put into ridiculous weight loss and diet fads into educating themselves about what REALLY works, losin...g fat becomes far easier. In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin take this topic head-on so be prepared to hear the truth raw and unedited.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Alright, welcome back to Mind Pump Ladies and Gentlemen. This show is about fitness, nutrition, a lot of other random shit. We tell a lot of stories about when we were in the fitness industry, trying to keep a straight face here, sitting next to these guys. Justin's giving the air blow job next to me,
Starting point is 00:00:29 trying to make me laugh. So I wanna talk about something that's interesting, that we've been in the fitness industry for a long time. I've been doing this for, Jesus, how old am I now? 17 years I've been in this industry. And I've seen some funny shit. And I wanna talk about some of the crazy shit people do that they think helps them lose weight Oh, yeah, some of the stupid things that people do that. Yeah, this is such a great topic
Starting point is 00:00:51 I'm in this just happy already. They just persist right yeah, so I'll start off with one this one's one of my favorites People will go into saunas or though where lots of clothes to make themselves sweat Because they say they're you know, I'm gonna sweat. So sweat. So I'm going to burn tons more calories and get leaner. Let's talk about that. That's still a very, very prevalent mentality a lot of people have. And I see that with the big hoodie sweatshirts and the gloves and the whole regalia, the sweats and all that.
Starting point is 00:01:23 And I mean, the only thing I could see from that is like, you know, your wrestlers or your boxers or somebody like trying to make, making weight, but yeah. No, it makes no sense, because as soon as you fucking go over the water fountain and you suck down, bring the half a gallon of water or your throat 13, right back. You just put all that water weight that you just,
Starting point is 00:01:42 yeah, you do lose weight when you sweat your ass off in the sauna, it's called water. Right, here's, lose weight when you when you sweat your ass off in the sauna It's called water. Here's here's not lose you're not sweating fat out out of your skin Absolutely, by the way of fat is oozing out of your skin Well, I mean here's a easy one for you to figure this out put this together Like you ever notice when you go to bed, you know, right before you go to bed If you ever wade yourself and then you wait yourself first in the morning Especially if you're if you do drink a good amount of water every day, you probably fluctuate
Starting point is 00:02:06 anywhere between three as a, as a female all the way to a male. I mean, I fluctuate up to 12, 13 pounds through the night. So, wow. Yeah. Really? Well, that's because you wet the bed. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I mean, I drink a lot of this. Obviously, what I'm in contact. Is that the same when you're on your period or when you're in your period? That's, that's obviously when I'm pushing, you know, two and a half gallons of water through my system and so like that, but, you know, I'll lose up that high. I've gone up to 12 pounds or four. It's consistently like nine though, about nine pounds.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Wow. Wow, that's a great, well, I mean, yeah, I mean, it's water. You have a game that moves body fat in the middle of nine. It's a fluctuation, yeah. No, so sweating, extra sweating. You know what's funny? I love this.
Starting point is 00:02:45 This is my favorite thing about myths and fitness. Half the time I discover when these myths come out and they're just persists, half the time when they do studies on them, the exact opposite is true. Did you guys know that hold actually makes you burn more body fat than hot? Okay, your body has the heat up. Yeah, so they burn more that, what is it, brown fat
Starting point is 00:03:04 about heart fat? It fights harder to stay warm. Yeah, so that makes more logical sense And that was the argument before of putting the sweater on and getting the sweat was thinking that you're getting that thermogenic Effect, no, you're making your Burntmore fat picture, which you're heating everything which is hilarious to think that right? I think you're it's so great that the study comes out That it's completely opposite. It's like you would be better offering naked actually. Then depends what you look at look like. Send us a picture at mine.com. Damn, 100% wrong. Great. More cocks now bro. Way to go. Sorry brother. Sorry. Send them to Adam that we love to eat Adam on.
Starting point is 00:03:39 But there's so many other ways that people like use this this mentality of sweating it out, right? Like also like with the wraps. If you guys just wanted to explain those. So, I mean, I don't know a whole lot about them other than the fact that they put this heated wrap across like specific areas of your body because they're targeting body fat that's inconvenient for you.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Um. But I mean, that's it, right? You sweat it out and then. Well, these wraps are like, they're like plastic. They're expensive. You know, like some of these tanning slons and it's it. Right. You sweat it out and then well, these wraps are like plastic. They're expensive. You could like some of these tanning slons and it's like 175 bucks. And they will temporarily remove inches off your waist. It's so cold.
Starting point is 00:04:13 It's so hard. It's temporary. There is it is not permanent. If you want to look good for the next six hours or 12 hours, the wrap works. If you have a photo photo shoot or you're going to get married and then you know, you're going to get fat again or whatever, that's fine. Which is that's not cool, the rap works. If you have a photo shoot, or you're gonna get married, and then you're gonna get fat again, or whatever, that's fine. Which is, that's not cool, by the way, that's fucked up. Yeah, but there's nothing permanent about it.
Starting point is 00:04:32 They're wrapping your waist with this material, and it sucks the water out of the room. I think that's what about lasers, dude? Can we get to like, what is it? Blue laser, or cold laser, there's this whole sort of therapy now that's, you know, it's to destroy fat cells. Yeah, yeah. And it's just basically like they run this laser
Starting point is 00:04:51 across your skin and they heat it up. Is that, am I correct in that? Or, you know, I'm not quite too sure, but this is what I do know about science, is that if you destroy a tissue, if you literally destroy a tissue in your body, it's bad, and you're not burning it. You still have to burn the body fat.
Starting point is 00:05:10 You're burning like the, yeah, so you want me to tell you in the air. You want me to tell you, if you want to destroy, if you want to damage fat in your body here, I'm gonna tell you an easy way. You don't have to go pay for someone to shoot. Light yourself on fire.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Shoot for some gasoline in your arm and fight yourself. This is what side effects spontaneous combustion. You may die. This would punch yourself as fucking hard as you gasoline on your arm and fight yourself. Side effects, spontaneous combustion. You may die. This would punch yourself as fucking hard as you can in your arm. You just damaged a bunch of fat in your arm. That's cheaper than I've ever seen. Yeah, and you're not going to make you leaner. That's a great, let's come up with that.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Yeah, come see Justin. I'll punch you in the side and then you get rid of those love handles. You dumbass. He beats the fat off your arm. I think this one. Here's one that's I think this one's hopefully not hopefully this will probably hit home for more people as far as the most one of the most common things that I see is you go from Not working out not doing cardio not really doing shit really, but your job probably or whatever it is you do from 9 to 5 and eating shit food, you know, fast food, sodas, ice creams, all kinds of whatever. Tons of calories, excess calories, your body doesn't need.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And then you decide it's time to get in shape and you go to literally, I mean, a quarter of the caloric intake that you were probably taking you're working out them as many days as you can get to the gym as possible and you're going as hard as you possibly down to like 500 calories stupid stupid and it's like it's so hard for me to see that you know It's so common to I I really feel when I get when I get something like somebody who's really really overweight and they're doing that if you're like 250 300 plus pounds and. If you're like 250, 300 plus pounds, and I see you eating like 800, 900 calories, and doing all, I'm going like, oh my God, you're just destroying that metabolism right now.
Starting point is 00:06:53 I'm making it so much harder than what it needs to be. But we're talking about elongated periods of like, yeah, I'm not, because like, you know, we kind of mentioned before about the intermittent fasting. And so that's a totally different one. No, no, this is someone who goes 800 calories for months. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Your body ends up trying to adapt to 800 calories. Yes. Exactly. So they've done studies. They've done studies on people like POWs, people who have been, you know, prisoners of war for long periods of time and fed very, very low calories. And their bodies slow down, considerably to survive.
Starting point is 00:07:27 So your body will adapt. Cancer of energy is just a natural thing. Yeah, your body's number one goal is to live. So if you're giving it 800 calories, it will figure out a way to live on 800 calories today. Basically, like, you know, protecting the vital organs and things to function properly still. It'll make you really tired, make you really lazy, so you don't move. It'll do a little, it'll make you feel
Starting point is 00:07:46 essential amino acids and all that. That's why that's essential. It'll burn muscle to slow your metabolism down. That'll definitely happen. I remember your body wants to stay alive amongst above all things. And it only keeps muscle if it absolutely thinks it has to. So yeah, those prolonged periods of low calories
Starting point is 00:08:02 are incredibly in effect. Determinal. You know, it's really popular now that really gets on my nerves. I mean to no end and I see this in the fitness world, especially the competitive fitness world. And you'll know it by the acronym. I-I-F-Y-M, which stands for if it fits your macro. This becomes like a heated topic a lot of times. I see it like, you know, if anybody, and now I look into like cultism again here, right?
Starting point is 00:08:30 Like this is one of those like fringing kind of things. Like I do see some benefits to it and I do it. And I'm not like 100% like clean eater. Like I mean quotation marks here, but at the same time like, what are you really doing to benefit your health as well as obtaining that sort of physique that you're trying to achieve? Well, let's explain what this IIFYM is.
Starting point is 00:08:57 If it fits your macros. Before you explain it, let me interrupt real quick. Because what I want to say before, Sal does explain it very well, which I know he will, is you didn't fucking invent anything. Okay, counting macro nutrients is a new science. It's not, you know, so by naming it something fancy and dressing it up a little bit and then posting pictures of fucking quest bars and yeah, it's pretty much just like acronyms that I see riddled across the entire fitness community. And yes, I'm putting you on blast to getting crossfit for this and fucking tired of it. Stop it. Well, so netcons and you know, wads and stuff. So this is what it is. So here's
Starting point is 00:09:38 what it is. Basically, and in that shell, and it isn't in that shell because it's incredibly basic. Eat whatever the fuck you want, as long as it fits your calories, your proteins, your fats, and carbohydrates. So if it fits your macros, it doesn't matter if it's a pop tart, or if it's oatmeal, or if it's a jam. It doesn't matter if you're eating a chicken breast, a fried KFC chicken, or a piece of gristle.
Starting point is 00:10:03 As long as it fits within your macros, then it doesn't matter where it comes from. And here's the problem with that. They are completely 100% disregarding health. It's 100% about, you're gonna get lean. Yeah, you're gonna get lean and you're gonna build muscle because ultimately it's about how many calories we eat. But at the end of the day, do you wanna be lean
Starting point is 00:10:22 and unhealthy or do you wanna to be lean and healthy? Which I think it's, to me, it seems such common sense. So why this gets into these crazy heated debates that just piggybacks off which I said it's so cold like because how can you sit across from me and defend this and try and tell me that a pop tart is as healthy for you as a sweet potato and three ounces of chicken. You know, or whatever the macro nutrient breakdown about there.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Here's the responses that like, you know, in terms of unhealthy like relationships with food, like this would be the approach to take. Oh, exactly, right? They're defense. They're defenses because it's psychological. Exactly. They take that, and I know that's lane-nortencing. That's his direction with, so he and then I know that's where theyorton's thing that's his direction with so he and then I know
Starting point is 00:11:05 That's where they go they go with the you know, you want to make yourself Or you don't want to risk The psychological part of being dependent without that and then over-binging when you get over like no It's not like that. It's not saying you can't ever have a pop tart But you you most ideally would rather get you from whole foods that have got a rich in vitamins and minerals And let me show that we don't even know. Yeah, exactly. A lot of stuff that, and you cannot tell me in a processed pop tart, is it yes, it will keep you at that body weight. If you're trying to maintain your weight and
Starting point is 00:11:36 you eat 70 calories of pop tart and 70 calories of sweet potato, it's exactly the same thing from a caloric standpoint and from maintaining weight, but from like a health standpoint No, you can't know you can't you can't argue that. I don't care. I'm sorry That's well. Well, here's the thing. There's you know, and science is really good And I'm I always back science right and they're gonna say to you will the science shows that this and that you know that the macro nutrients are important in Cal and yes, they are but here's the problem with science Science only knows what to test What it knows to test right so they don't know things like
Starting point is 00:12:11 Right now. It's a fucking huge mystery your your bacterial gut flora and I brought this up in the past Yeah, it's a huge fucking mystery but we do know that it plays a major part in Your and your immune system health, in autoimmune issues, it plays a huge part in how chemicals that your body produces. Did you know that your gut is the second highest concentration of serotonin receptors in the body?
Starting point is 00:12:34 They call it the second brain. And you're getting all these people with food intolerance issues now, things like, who say I can't eat gluten or I can't eat this or I can't eat that. And it's a much higher age. Where did it come from? So yeah, you might have the same carbohydrates
Starting point is 00:12:48 and the same calories, but it's affecting your bodies in ways that we don't quite know how to test. And what's funny is you're seeing this rise in athletes who are doing this if it fits your macros shit. This rise in athletes now that are having glucose tolerance issues, they're having health issues. Yeah, they're lean, yeah, they can perform, but their health isn't so good. And are they going to look good 20 years from now with these type of health problems?
Starting point is 00:13:14 So, I'm sick and tired of fitness separating health from cosmetic, separating health from performance. Absolutely. I am sick and tired of it. We need to change this mentality. And I hope it starts here. Health means you look good. Health means you can perform. They are one and the same.
Starting point is 00:13:33 As a matter of fact, I'll argue this all day long, especially for a natural athlete. If you're healthy, you will perform better than if you're unhealthy, even if you're lean, both times, even if you're muscular, both ways. Absolutely. And as fitness professionals, I understand nobody's perfect. But if I're lean, both times, even if you're muscular, both ways. So, and as fitness professionals, I understand nobody's perfect, but if I'm gonna preach anything, I'm gonna preach the healthy way to do something.
Starting point is 00:13:52 And so if it fits your macros, can kiss my ass, because yes, it fits your macros, that's wonderful, but there's a lot more to food than just that. And if you call yourself a fitness professional and you're advocating for that, and you're not telling people, hey, listen guys,, I just tell people who go on stage this because they just want to look a certain way and not because they're health and you're not discerning that to your audience.
Starting point is 00:14:12 You're doing a huge disservice to the fitness industry. Well, look at it. Yeah, I look at it as anything else. There's ways to infuse discipline in your life. And it might be a simple things where, you know, like things are hard for a reason and you benefit from them by enduring and getting through things. So it is hard for a lot of people
Starting point is 00:14:36 to follow a specific regiment, like even if it's, especially eating, because eating is such a social thing. There's so many variables, there's so-and-so, I'm over here, and then there's time issues, and there's this and that. But the fundamental issue for me is that they need to understand that what is the most optimal way to approach it. So what are the best things for your body to process at its highest functionality. So, and that's definitely internally. So internally, this is your engine you're running on, right?
Starting point is 00:15:10 So if you're consuming all these inflammatory foods that might give you the energy that's going to produce what you need for your workout and you're going to benefit physically from it, you know, even still internally, you're fighting all this inflammation. And so that's something that's gonna rise up. It's funny, I know all these issues. I know all these trainers, I know all these fitness people
Starting point is 00:15:33 who've been in the industry as long as I have. So now they're in their mid 30s, and they're all coming to me and saying, oh, I can't have dairy anymore, fucks me up. Or I can't have gluten. It's like all of a sudden, or I'm getting psoriasis now, or I have irritable bowel syndrome, or I have my joints feeling flamed and this used to
Starting point is 00:15:49 not be an issue anymore. And these are all issues that are happening now because 10 years ago we were eating our proteins fats and carbohydrates. A lot of it came from protein powders. A lot of it came from meal replacements and bars and processed foods. And we weren't paying attention to those types of things. You know, it's interesting, artificial sweeteners, no calories, right? So I'm gonna have this diet coke. It's got nothing in it in terms of calories. So it should be fine, right?
Starting point is 00:16:13 Yes, from a get-fatter perspective, it's fine. But you know what they find now? Those artificial sweeteners fundamentally alter again, the gut flora. And they're finding now, and long-term studies, that people who consume lots of these, still get issues with glucose, dependent with the way their body processes glucose.
Starting point is 00:16:32 It's a degree diabetes. That's such a great point. Yeah, it's like pre-diabetes. And that fits your macros. There's zero calories in a diet coke, right? But yet we're finding some of these problems happen. So again, Justin was talking about being perfect with your diet and this and that.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Listen, there's also health, also encompasses your social well-being. It also encompasses your mental well-being. And look, I'm a first generation American. My families from Italy, we celebrate food. At times are known for our food. And on Sunday dinners, when mom cooks these huge meals, I'm gonna enjoy myself, because at that moment,
Starting point is 00:17:11 what's healthier for me isn't necessarily that I need to eat perfect, but it's that I'm gonna enjoy my family, right? So we're not advocating to be perfect, but what we are saying is, if you- No, just understand. Yeah, understand, educate yourself. That's all the only point.
Starting point is 00:17:25 The only part I was making with that is like there needs to be a spectrum for you to be able to refer to, right? That's it. And me personally, I'm not that strict. I do not, I cannot do that and sustain it. So what I can do that's sustainable in my life that lowers my stress levels and optimizes my energy
Starting point is 00:17:47 and helps me perform better in my lifts. That's what I'm gonna lean towards. And if I can optimize that by adding more dense, nutrient-filled foods, I'm gonna do that. And so that's really what I'm advocating. It's not that, not this mentality of restriction. It's this mentality of optimizing. It's optimizing your patterns.
Starting point is 00:18:10 It's understanding your body and understanding what you're doing to your body. And then you make decisions accordingly. And as you create your own patterns, that's what you continue to do. And so that's, you know, it's a hard concept because people immediately revert to that. They'll say like, well, you know, it's a hard concept because people immediately revert to that. They'll say, well, you know, I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:18:29 I can't be like that restrictive and I can't clean all the time. And you have to be, and you know, looking at body fat percentages, you know, because people think lean is healthy or super lean, I have a six pack, I'm healthy. There's a huge range of health when it comes to body fat percentages. So you could be a guy with 8% body fat or 17% body fat and have excellent health, both ways.
Starting point is 00:18:58 It doesn't mean you're healthy if you're lean necessarily or if you have a little bit of fat around the middle that you're unhealthy. The unhealthy effects from body fat start to happen much later as a matter of fact. So again, getting lean doesn't mean you're necessarily getting healthy and gaining, if you're a little fatter or you have a little bit of weight around the middle, that doesn't mean you're unhealthy. There's a big range with women, the range is even bigger. Women can go much higher on body fat percentage and have an excellent long-term health and longevity.
Starting point is 00:19:27 And actually, that's more avatations for them anyway. Yeah, for an extra level of things like that too, right? Yeah, after. It's all related to that. So I'd say right now that in the industry that I see that really irritates me the most, it's that, man. When I see them advocating that if it fits your backros, and then what they're doing,
Starting point is 00:19:42 they're using excuse to eat shitty food. Oh, that's what drives me. And then the big picture of pizza, it'll be on Instagram, there'll be a picture of pizza, and then the doodle post-enter it, it fits my macros so I can eat it, you know, and it's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:54 That's the part, okay. Why don't you just say you're eating pizza and you're enjoying it, stop being an asshole and tell everybody you're awesome because you're eating pizza. That's the part that annoys me is that it's, you know, exactly, you're advocating something that, first of all, it's, you know, you're exactly, you're advocating something that, first of all, let's be honest,
Starting point is 00:20:07 if you're someone doing that, and that's all the food, all you're eating, and most of the time you're somebody who's fat down a shape and you're not really truly following your macros, and or the flip side, you got somebody who's in really great shape, he's phenomenal shape, and then he's promoting that, but he's never showing all the clean things that he's eating and the other right stuff that he's eating in order to
Starting point is 00:20:26 look the way he's looking, he's just posting all the cheat meals, all the bad shit there eating. So people get this impression that like, oh, fit your macros, and if I can, that means I can eat pop tarts every single day. Yeah. Now I see pop tarts and donuts. Oh, yeah, that's like the big thing is like immediately, and I see this more from a marketing perspective, like this is like something where if they can write a nutrition plan that allows
Starting point is 00:20:50 them to have donuts and pop parts and shit in it. Like, like they're like, oh, I'm going to tag this person. Oh, check this out so and so. You know, we can have donuts. Yay. And it's like this mentality that like, you know, it's just an unhealthy mentality overall is that you know I have this association with food that's so it's like I'm horny for food. Yeah, that's what I ask which is funny Because like you said earlier what they yeah
Starting point is 00:21:17 Argument would be their argument back to would be the the psychological side how positive it is because you allow that it because so and that's where if somebody would ask me I've had a pop tart in the last month. I had a pop tart three or four days ago Before that. I don't know quite a while before that. I don't last time I wanted one You know if I want something really bad and I haven't had it for a really long time like and it's the right time I feel like and I'm gonna I'm gonna treat myself to it and I gotta continue to have that every single day hell no because I know the adverse effects and something and I don't know all the adverse effects of what could cause if I continue to do that and I know what my body needs so I think what
Starting point is 00:21:57 we're saying too is that it's it's not you can't have those things it's not that you can we're not gonna tell you that it's good for you because of fits or man yeah exactly it's not like I'm writing this into your plan. So, check this out. This is where this is where... This is where... One of the most common questions I get when I take somebody on from online, that's found me and I'm starting coaching them from a social media platform. The very first thing they ask me is like, so how do you do cheat meals?
Starting point is 00:22:19 What do you... What do you cheat? I said, you know what? Let me talk to you a little bit about what I will how I feel about Cheat meals before we before we before we get into that and I say you know What I used to call a cheat meal when I'm dieting or focusing on whatever it is I'm doing as far as trying to change my body composition. I called that fucking up and so my goal was to always eat You know everything from clean raw whole foods as much as possible.
Starting point is 00:22:45 If I did that, then I did it, but I wasn't trying to do it. I most certainly wasn't fucking scheduling it every single week. I think that actually creates worse patterns. One of the things I've noticed with myself when I am dieting and I'm eating, it's amazing. When I've been eating real clean raw whole foods for extended periods of time, I don't know the science, but I know this maybe Sal does. But when we, when I go for extended periods of time and I bite into an apple or like a spoonful of peon.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Oh my god. It's amazing. Well, how about when you do have the cheat meal? Don't aren't you fucked up for the next two days? Yes, it's an appetite. I create that shit. Your body chemistry almost changed. I feel like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:24 It just feels like that. Like, it's repulsive almost on some level. If you're creating so clean, yeah. But yeah, like you said, and then you just taste it. And what I notice if I allowed, like, let's say, because don't get me wrong, I don't think I haven't tried to schedule a cheap, okay, let's do this all about. Let's see if this works for me.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And no, what it does is make me want more. I eat one bad thing and it makes me go like, oh, okay. The first one's upsetting. The second one makes me, well, it becomes this restrictive game for you. Exactly. And then I can't wait till next,
Starting point is 00:23:53 to wait till Saturday, cheat day, Saturday. That's the big thing on Instagram right now. I can't wait. Saturday, cheat day. So you get all these people that are following that are cheating on Saturday, that's like, you know, in their head, because they're like, oh, we worked out all week long and can't wait until Saturday
Starting point is 00:24:07 Yeah, we're gonna just go to town Dude never goes down and then just wonder why they said that's all the pictures come out with like you know the three pizza boxes empty and You know though it'll it'll so crazy It'll say something like this happened and the on top and then like the picture will be like you know five you know in and out burgers or something like that Yeah, you know It's actually it's it's funny because it's actually, when you break it down, it's much simpler than they, than they try to make it sound, right?
Starting point is 00:24:31 It's much, much simpler than they make it sound. You know, all these different things that are coming out, all, you know, that are rehashed old diets. If it fits your macros, it's not new science, like you said. Um, these are things people have been doing for a long time. Ultimately, you eat less calories in your burn. You'll start losing weight. If you feed your body what it needs, then it's going to do okay.
Starting point is 00:24:49 And if you eat whole natural foods, then you're going to have better health. Another one for me is the fat burning supplements that people will take. And they'll be like, oh, I took this supplement and I lost weight on it. Well, here's how fat burners work. It's pretty simple. A fat burner is a central nervous system stimulant. And it's an appetite suppressant. That's it. Well, here's how fat burners work. It's pretty simple. A fat burner is a central nervous system stimulant and it's an appetite suppressant. That's it. So it's going to make you feel wired and it's going to make you not want to eat. And that's how some fat burners end up working. The effect is temporary. The effect is stress and doose. And it only works on some people. Some people, most people lose muscle on them because that stress effect actually burns everything.
Starting point is 00:25:26 You feel like shit and then you go off of them and you get this rebound effect where your body now has been used to this heavy stimulant and now you feel like you're dead because you're not taking your zenitor in 5,000 like you were before. So I mean, it's really pretty simple, ladies and gentlemen, I promise you, it's really, really if you want to look into some like good detailed science and you want to learn
Starting point is 00:25:47 some new stuff, look into the science of how your body utilizes enzymes to break foods down, look into the science of fasting, look into the science of your internal flora, your gut flora, look into how chemicals of your brain in moods, reactive foods, those are new sciences that we haven't talked about. They're pioneering, but they're pioneering. They have very promising. Exactly. And then you'll learn more, you'll learn much more from those types of things.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Right. You know, we're actually in the process, you know, I think I can reveal to these guys that we're in the process of talking about some of these things are, you know, or actually how putting some of this together for some of our listeners. Well, yeah, no, it's got to, what we're going on now, I'm like on month five or six of our training program that we've been designing and putting together and working all our nutrition stuff. So, yeah, no, I mean, I, I mean, I, I mean, I, I mean, I, I can say that I've never felt so great in my life from from all perspectives, to think that, you know, I'm not old, okay? 33 years old.
Starting point is 00:26:48 I'm 33 years old, so I like to think I still got some spunk at me, but I definitely feel the best of it. I feel the best, aesthetically the best I've ever been in my life, and you know the crazy part about it is like. You're the handsomest in your ever been. I'm not working out the hardest I've worked out of my life. You're working out the smartest. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I mean, the way I train now is it's so crazy. It's so crazy in comparison to my mentality before. It's much easier
Starting point is 00:27:18 than what people make it. That's one of the things I actually preach to a lot of these athletes that I take on. They always talk to me about their previous coach and oh, it was so tough. And it's almost like these athletes, they all, it's like a bragging rights on who went through the more miserable prep. We need to eradicate that. Oh, dude. It's like it is. It's like this like, oh, dude, I didn't eat for this, I this and I this all I've had.
Starting point is 00:27:38 And I did, I had to get up and do cardio for one hour in the morning and I did it again for this. And then I came out this and it's like this, oh, I can barely fucking walk. What's the right passage? I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I can barely like I had to call and seek to work It's like dude. What the fuck bro? You might got to be that miserable, dude It's and you have no idea how counterproductive that is like It's it's only gonna wipe in yourself out and then yeah, how productive you gonna be? You know, it's so awesome because when we were getting into this, there was nobody doing what we're doing right now.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Like, ladies and gentlemen, listeners, this is the first time you're hearing people tell you the straight truth about nutrition, about fitness. Man, I wish I had this one. I wish I had one. I mean, we're giving it to you. There's no script here. For free to.
Starting point is 00:28:25 We're telling you the absolute 100% truth of how things work. This is not us making shit up. This is legit. And God, I wish I had this information. It would have been, I mean, years of wasted time. Yeah, pain and struggle going through that.
Starting point is 00:28:40 And years of trial and error. Well, so much is, it's not like it's our fault. Like we were stupid back then, and we're just so much more intelligent now than we were there. I mean, we're just relying on the information that was in front of us. This is the other thing too, why I like to teach all different facets of training,
Starting point is 00:28:54 all different facets of dieting is because it's science. It's always evolving. You know, where we're at today versus where we were at 10 years. Do you, I mean, I'm sure you both remember this evolution of I remember I was training before a fucking foam rolling and stability balls. We're at today versus where we were at 10 years. I mean, I'm sure you both remember this evolution of, I remember I was training before a fucking foam rolling and stability balls. Oh, right now.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Like the foam rolling balls, it got a little out of hand. Yeah, it went well out of hand. It's still kind of out of hand. That's what's so fun about how long we've been in this industry is we've watched Pendulum swing from one side to the other. We went from like no stability balls, no foam rolls to every fucking trainer making his kids crying standard balance on a stability
Starting point is 00:29:27 ball every single I just can't just say a short can I just say a short rant about wait we should say we can talk about this let me just give you a short rant why don't we talk about that now I'll do I mean here's a short rant if you want to get it if you do you know if you're doing barbell squats on a a that was gonna say that you're a you're a complete douchebag by a flea douchebag, by the way.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. This is MindPump.

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