Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 020: Prohormones, Stress & Nutrient Timing

Episode Date: February 6, 2015

This week Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions about prohormones, stress and nutrient timing posted on the MindPump Instagram (@mindpump) page. Now that Q&A is a regular part of MindPump, keep the... questions coming!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Alright, welcome back to Mind Pump. This is the smartest fitness show on iTunes. I just super fucked that smart, I'm really live. Big time live. Alright, so this is Salda Stefano talking. I'm here with my co-host Adam Schaefer
Starting point is 00:00:27 What what and Justin Andrews I'm bringing it back. You know what the guys remember that shit. You know it's funny The listeners don't know we rehearsed that several times and it sounds so much worse now I was really good the last time We didn't rehearse that is the first time they heard it so it was money. We sound like it is all right So let's do a little a little Q&A all right, you know, we answer some people's questions because people They seem to enjoy that when we answer The first people asking this question. I love it. Listen if you if you guys have questions about fitness
Starting point is 00:01:00 Or anything. I don't give shit and any question.? Well, let's be honest, this week is interactive. This part, I feel like we got here a lot faster than what we thought, because we thought we'd only have like two or three people listen to us for a while. Yeah. But this is really why I feel like we started this thing. I mean, I feel like a good portion of this was,
Starting point is 00:01:16 you know, the fact that we've all been doing this for, you know, combined 45 years plus in the fitness industry is, you know, I want to be able to answer questions. In five, we were like one old man? 45, that's all. Full Tron. Hey, so yeah, I did just a fitting gun.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Sorry, where'd he go, dude? Sorry, Doug. Yeah, I, you know, I think either A, we have a lot of listeners now, or the my mom, your, your aunt and your sister are all downloading, you know, 3000 episodes. Yeah, which I online a lot. Yeah, I think that's what's going to happen. Listen, share this episode with your friends, please, or this show with your friends.
Starting point is 00:01:51 So point being, this was all about, eventually, it was Q&As. I'm glad we're doing this. I hope you get more and more of it because this is the idea right here. So I love it. Absolutely love it. And you can ask the questions on either our Facebook page
Starting point is 00:02:03 which is MindPump, or you can go on Instagram, which is at MindPump. And there you go. All right, so the first question, a gentleman had asked, and I can't find who asked this question. So I apologize. I don't remember what your name was, but it was a good one. We didn't get a chance to go over it last time. And his question was about pro hormones. Okay, he want to know what we thought about pro hormones. So I think before we answer that question for the listeners who are unaware of what we're talking about, I think we should give him a little bit of, you know, we should kind of educate them a little bit in terms of what he probably means when he says pro hormones. So pro hormones first kind
Starting point is 00:02:38 of hit the scene. Gosh, like in the early 2000s, late 90s, right? When they had like the Andro Stenodale and you guys remember that Andro 6, but EAS and all that stuff? Mark McGuire, remember he got caught taking the Andro Stenodale and that's why he says he got so big because he said it was that and not the steroids. Right, 81 Androstein. Yeah, Androstein and all those things.
Starting point is 00:03:00 The chewable ones. Yeah, the chewable ones. I think, come on, how many of you tried? I think I must have tried at least every brand that came over the counter, yeah. I have tried every single one, but the last time I've used any type of pro hormone, hormone over the counter was probably about 10 years ago,
Starting point is 00:03:17 and that's because I educated myself on them, which I want to get into a little bit. Well, yeah, well, okay, I was gonna say one of the things, I don't know probably as much as you do, but one of the things I do know about these was what a lot of people don't understand is how the supplement and how they get regulated. And there's really not a lot of regulation for supplements. And if you could take a compound and you just slightly change it a tiny bit, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:43 by one molecule or whatever. You can name it something else and it'd be pretty damn close to the real deal, which is kind of the pro hormone game in the, from a business standpoint, and selling and making money is a lot of these guys. What they do is they make it damn near as anabolic as possible.
Starting point is 00:04:02 That's not, because the way it works, there's a drug list and all these drugs that are up on this list, that they not, because the way it works, there's a drug list and all these drugs that are up on this list, that they have all the compounds that it says, okay, these are all illegal. Well, if you just slightly change, you should have seen it. Oh, it's a game.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Yeah, it's a game. And then you run at it for as long as you can. And when people, when word of mouth gets out, that hey, this new Anderstine one is putting size, literally putting size in this guy, like if he was taking testosterone or something that everybody runs and of course gets it. Well, here's how it started.
Starting point is 00:04:29 It's pro hormone literally means a precursor to some of the main hormones. So like a precursor to testosterone or a precursor to hormones that turn into testosterone. It started with DHA, went to angiostenidale, went to angiostenidale. Those are all hormones that by themselves aren't really anabolic,
Starting point is 00:04:48 but they get converted to hormones that can be anabolic. And so for example, Andrastinidaeon, I believe is like two steps away from testosterone. So your body has to convert it to testosterone. On the flip side, it can also convert it to things like estrogen and or it will only convert so much of it. So you can take a bunch of it and you're not going to get much out of it. So the original pro hormones weren't really effective.
Starting point is 00:05:11 They didn't really do much. You'd actually get much better results from taking creatine. But then these fuckers got smart, like you said. Now you talked about regulation. I do not support regulation. I'm a pretty anti-regulation. Anyway, I believe the free market regulates well enough and I'm always on the side of freedom. So even if that means some people are gonna make stupid decisions fine because I always
Starting point is 00:05:30 support free choice. Because stupid people make stupid decisions. No helmet laws. Right. Helmet laws? No. I you know I think helmet laws are stupid because you're only hurting yourself. So if you want to be an idiot. Now if you get an accident and break your head and then you sue other people for that, then that's what gets on my nerves. That's how I wrote litigation. Yeah, so here's what they did. So this is why I stopped fiddling with these things.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Now, first of all, pro hormones are one thing, but they took it a step further. And the stuff you could buy eventually, and that you can actually buy right now online, they're not pro hormones. They're steroids. They are designer steroids. They are anabolic. They are active all by themselves.
Starting point is 00:06:10 I miss that wagon. They do not need to be converted to anything. And the way a lot of these supplement companies discovered these molecules, first and foremost, mostly supplement companies are these shoddy, shitty, not worth very much money companies. And so you think how can they afford to have scientists design these new designer steroids?
Starting point is 00:06:29 They didn't, they didn't design anything. What they did is they went through old chemistry books or old pharmaceutical company rejects. So pharmaceutical companies submitted potential new androgens or steroids to be approved by the FDA for use by people. The FDA went over these things and discovered too many side effects, too harsh, not good on the liver, not good.
Starting point is 00:06:54 So they didn't get approval. However, these chemicals can be found. You can find these discarded chemicals. These supplement companies said, oh shit, there's a loophole. They're not illegal. Let's use these and call it, you know Superdrawal. That was one of them. That was a big one. Superdrawal was a big one. Halladrawal was another one Then it took you know methyl one whatever and the funny thing and I hate to say this Most of these designer steroids first of all or yes, they are extremely effective
Starting point is 00:07:22 But they're also more dangerous than the black market steroids. You may as well do the real thing, dude. You're better off doing the real thing. There's a lot more material out there too, and like any sort of adverse effects that you might get from because there's not a lot of stuff out there on some of these things. Well, first of all,
Starting point is 00:07:36 first of all, in pill form, right? So you can even process through the liver. Anabolic steroids are far safer when they're injected because they don't get processed through the liver the same way. So, most of these oral designer quote unquote pro hormones, but in reality, their steroids are methaler, what they're called, 17 methylated chemicals. And you have to do that to these chemicals because it has to survive going through the liver so that I can get to your bloodstream.
Starting point is 00:08:03 And this is very harsh on the liver so that I can get to your bloodstream. And this is very harsh on the liver. So the adverse effects that have ever, the really dangerous adverse effects that have ever been found with anabolic steroids. And I'm going to scare everybody here, but this is true. Used normally and by prescription, were only ever found by oral 17 or other type of methylated steroids, which over time can cause things like liver failure and even cancers of the liver So to the listeners if you're thinking about using some of these things don't and If you still want to use steroids really bad you're better off using the black market stuff
Starting point is 00:08:37 I don't recommend doing that either but the truth be told those designer ones are and you can buy them on am I can go on Amazon right now or yeah, I keep this shit real, bro. We've been saying since day one, this is rough in this truth, it's real. I mean, I'm not gonna tell him when to go do something with it, but hey, if you're fucking contemplating going out and doing that, you're better off doing anabolic. You are real, real pharmaceutical anabolic,
Starting point is 00:08:57 injectable, it's 10 times better for your system than taking something like that. You know, I have a personal horror story from that shit. That's why I feel so passionate about it. When I was, God, I was 24, 5, what, whenever, do you remember when Trent hit the market? Oh, yeah, Trent alone or whatever. No, no, no, no, no, Trent alone is a real,
Starting point is 00:09:16 that's the black market stuff, but it was Trent. No, no, no, they called it Trent, they called it Trent something. Yeah, they were in three or Trent acts. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't remember. It wasn't the act of the black market steroid. It was the, it was the Trent, the over the counter variety, a version train acts. Yeah, I don't remember. But it wasn't the black market, so it was the over the counter of a version of it.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I know exactly what you're talking about. And my dumbass took two back-to-back bottles of it without taking any sort of anti-estrogen or anything like that because in the back of my head, I have to be honest. Even as a trainer, I didn't believe that. And this was where I was over the counter. Yeah, and exactly. I'm thinking, OK, so I got a mass to you from it.
Starting point is 00:09:47 So, and that's blows my mind because. Explain what that guy to comast the explain what that is. It's basically your body starts to produce so much estrogen, you know, that you start to get what we, the layman's term is bitch tits, or you start to get this buildup of like almost feels like scar tissue built up behind the nipple. Female breast tissue, that's it's breast tissue. Yeah, exactly. It's scar tissue built up behind the nipple. Female breast tissue.
Starting point is 00:10:05 It's breast tissue. It's breast tissue that started to ball up there. Which is not, you don't want that unless you're going to prison and you want to. Yeah, you want a good say, you know, you're into that thing. Yeah, so I think that's a bit, you gotta get some tips. That's, again, just to prove to you how crazy strong and real those things are, something like that to actually elevate my testosterone level so much that my estrogen shot up too. I mean, you know, for sure, or like you said earlier, I don't know if something inside of there
Starting point is 00:10:32 was getting converted over into estrogen in any way. And you're not familiar with that, but that just goes you show how real that shit is. You know, so... Well, I remember when the first one was what... It was either superdraw or was one testosterone. One was called one testosterone. And they were legal again, they're gray market. I had no idea that these things were actual steroids,
Starting point is 00:10:51 I thought they were pro-hormone. So in my mind, I'm like, okay, this is fine. This is by the way one of the reasons why I never claim to be lifetime natural. I'm natural, I'm definitely natural. I haven't touched any of these things for like, like I said, 10 years, but back then when I used them, it blew my mind. I took, I think it was any of these things for like, like I said 10 years, but back then when I used them, it blew my mind.
Starting point is 00:11:05 I took, I think it was one test and I gained like, it must have been like 15 pounds, in like 45 days. I got super, I was tripping out. I was like, this is insane. And then you go off of them and you lose everything just as fast as you gained it. Well, you mentioned the Andrew Stinidine
Starting point is 00:11:22 like a while back. Yeah. Is that the one that was like a chewable? Because there was a chewable one I Remember a political okay cuz because honestly like get like you I mean clean I was I was playing sports everything you know But in the offseason one time we all saw that it was an over the counter one and we're like oh well Let's just mess with this and see if it works and And, you know, nothing from it, nothing at all.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Other than, you know, I'm sure it's pretty good. I think it's me up somehow, but. I think it's shit from that either. I took that for a while. I remember that. I remember that. Yeah. Yeah, he mentioned it.
Starting point is 00:11:56 That was it. Yeah, so that's, I mean, I guess that's the bottom line with the designer stuff over the counter. Just because it's over the counter, doesn't mean it's safe. It's actually probably worse for you than the black market stuff. And I would say stay away from it.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Whatever you gain on those things, you're gonna lose. There is, oh, and I wanna touch on this, post-cycle therapy. So post-cycle therapy is what bodybuilders and athletes will do after going off of a cycle of anabolic steroids. And the goal of post-cycle therapy is to boost the natural testosterone back up to normal and try to keep or hold on to as much of the gains that you made.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Okay. There's nothing really that's over the counter that is going to do anything in terms of contributing to post-cycle therapy. There's nothing over the counter you're going to, that's gonna really work in that sense. So when you take everything over the counter, whatever you gain from these designer steroids, they're gonna go really fucking fast. And let me tell you something, that's depressing.
Starting point is 00:12:54 That sucks. When you go to the gym and you just get weaker and weaker and weaker and you lose your motivation and you get a press-appoint. And I've heard, and look, you can get erectile dysfunction from some of these things, because your testosterone levels are shot. Any time you take exogenous testosterone or derivatives like some of these designers are always, your body shuts down its own testosterone.
Starting point is 00:13:11 So you'll get things like testicular shrinkage. And I mean, it's just, it's just not worth it. It's just not worth it. I don't think it's worth it. And you know, you get paid millions of dollars to play professional sport. You got a doctor giving you the real deal. I mean, whatever. But if you're some dude that likes to work out in your own And you know, I mean, I guess it's your body do what you want, but for me it's kind of idiotic Yeah, if you if you want to the truth, so all right, so I don't know if you guys have anything else you want to say on that No next question. Yeah, so the next question Just and we were talking about this a little bit before we started You said you had a cool yeah a client that asked the brought up stress. Yeah, so that affects the body.
Starting point is 00:13:45 I mean, so we live in the Silicon Valley. This is like something I come across almost with every single one of my clients. And stress is very much a part of everybody's everyday lifestyle here. And it's really the race. Like, there's this push to produce. And there's this sort of demand that is unreasonable and it goes through the weekend
Starting point is 00:14:07 It's almost like a seven-day work week and it's also a regular hours and so there's lack of sleep There's if you think about like the stress how it accumulates it just it keeps accumulating and you don't if you don't take care But if you don't address it if, if you're not planning for ways to approach, your level's a stress, then it's just gonna consume you. And it affects your body, it affects your energy, it affects your wellbeing. And so this is a real issue. And so there's a lot of companies now
Starting point is 00:14:41 that are understanding that, okay, my employees are only going to produce X amount. Everybody's looking for the most efficient way to get the most out of their employees, get the most out of their managers and people that are overseeing everything. So anyway, this is a big issue as far as, okay, well, what steps should we take while still producing all these crazy numbers and getting on track? It's so true. It's like this is like stress land. I don't know. Do you guys know anybody around here that works 40 hours a week? No, 40 is like a half week for somebody. I don't know. I don't know. Anybody. All my clients work like trades or maybe those that that are listening. The Silicon Valley is just, I mean,
Starting point is 00:15:26 it's pretty damn expensive to the fans. Oh, does it have the land of Apple and Google and the biggest tech companies in these guys? Yeah, we're totally in the bubble. Yeah, no, I remember when as a kid, I was on the old stuff five. No mind you, I grew up pretty poor and stuff like that, but I remember thinking to myself,
Starting point is 00:15:40 like when I understood money and what's a lot or not a lot of money, you're all that to make. I was, I always told myself, like, well, you know,'s a lot or not a lot of money you're with that to make I was I always told myself like well you know I saw what my family survived off of with five children's not I mean if I made 40 50 grand a year I'm gonna be freaking super wealthy I'm fucking dead I remember what I ran here I remember the first year that I made that you know when I when I first started to get into and I thought, why am I broke, still? It was so crazy around here.
Starting point is 00:16:09 It was crazy. It was crazy. It is. Well, with stress, you have, you know, the human body evolved to be, to have stress. This, now stress is definitely a natural part of life. However, the type of stress that humans evolved having is not what we experienced today.
Starting point is 00:16:23 So what we have now are these constant, low to moderate levels of stress that humans evolve having is not what we experience today. So what we have now are these constant, low to moderate levels of stress all the time. Are bodies evolved to experience the short bursts of extreme stress like, oh, fuck a lion. And then you're safe. Survival mechanism. Yeah, and then you're safe. And I can breathe now.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Yeah. Instead of this kind of this medium level of all the time stress. And so what happens when you're in this stress situation, your body, it goes into this fight or flight, you know, kind of semi-fighter flight stage. Otherwise notice a sympathetic response in the body. It comes with cortisol. Yeah, so you get cortisol, you breathe, you breathe very shallow,
Starting point is 00:17:00 you don't get full diaphragmatic breath. Your body is, you'll notice things like clammy hands, lack of sleep. Does it affect exercise performance? Does it affect muscle and fat loss? Absolutely. Yeah, for sure. Absolutely. It affects the way you eat and definitely exercise performance and sleep.
Starting point is 00:17:18 And it all has to do with your central nervous system. Let me give you an example. I could take the most highly trained Olympic athlete, okay? Getting ready for a competition. He's totally, he or she is totally peaked, ready to do their, their, their competition. Five minutes before the competition, they get a phone call that their mother just passed away. How much do you think that would affect the performance? Like 100% huge, right? So it's definitely has nothing really didn't have much to do with the your muscle. It's a central nervous system
Starting point is 00:17:50 reaction that stress had or a response that stress has on the body, which eventually turns into lots of muscle and increased body fat. So what are some ways that you got? Because you guys are both I mean I think that I would consider three of us type A. We're all pretty go go go. mean, what do you guys do for stress? How do you guys handle? Well, I think one of the things that, to keep it real simple on how, how we think of it, or I think of it at least, is it's, working out is stress on the body. So it is, it's just like you said before, it's a short burst though, that gives us this benefit. So imagine if stress is just like, you know, you're stressing the body, right?
Starting point is 00:18:27 If you're doing, if you're feeling that way and you're doing that to yourself for long periods, hours, days, weeks, strong together because of your high stressful job and every day. Yeah, I recover. You exactly, you never recover, you never get to, and you're just beating the body up. So the same, and just like overtraining,
Starting point is 00:18:44 there's your overtraining on your body and just a different mentality. It's mentality, yeah, it's your mental state that you're never letting fully recover and you're overstimulating. So really for me, it's an overstimulation. And it's an external sort of demand that you're putting on yourself,
Starting point is 00:19:02 but also from work, from all these other different sources that are contributing to this. And if you're not addressing it, it's the problem is not gonna get resolved, right? So for me to address it, it has to take action. So I either have to plan that day out for the following day. I'm gonna just address my stress levels. And I'm going to attack this either with blocking people out.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I'm going to focus on flexibility. Or I'm going to be mindful of just trying to eliminate a lot of distractions in my day. Or things like that. People attribute it to meditation. They'll go to the extreme lot of distractions in my day. Or things like that, people attribute it to meditation. They'll go to the extreme level of like, you've heard of the float tank. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Okay, and so this is something I kind of brought up with some of my clients. The sensory, these are the sensory deprivation. Yeah. And the only reason why I think that, it may be an extreme measure, but I think it makes perfect sense for people here in the value that have already an extreme level of stress, you need to address it
Starting point is 00:20:09 almost on that same level that it's that big of a problem. So just totally eliminating all stimulus is a great tool to have. Well, one thing that I once interesting actually as a few studies on this now that I've read, they compared the effects on people if they bought things with money or if they paid for experiences. So in other words, let's say you save up $1,000. What's a better use of that money
Starting point is 00:20:38 to buy something with it, like a new computer or new, you know, some rims or whatever, or is it better to go on a vacation? Mm-hmm, right? And the studies show conclusively that experiences are a far better use of your money. And so something that I don't,
Starting point is 00:20:54 I'm not a big things person. Like I don't necessarily buy things. I could really care less about them. But I do like experiences. I do like, you know, I'll spend money on going somewhere with my family or going somewhere with my friends or taking a class, and I recommend that. I think even if you don't have much money, go camping, do a day away, you know, if you have Saturday
Starting point is 00:21:13 off, go somewhere where there's no distractions, like you said, and you can kind of relax. That does a lot, man. That really does a lot for the stress. Oh, I mean, you guys know that, and I know know you're glaring at me over here while you're talking about things like. Like, is that like sparkly things? I like, I like, you know, I was me bringing that up, but I don't know. Sparkly thing.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Like, yeah, I was talking about it here and now. Did you just say sparkly? Everything. Sparkly, I like, I'm, do you just just a sparkly being, everything about him. It's sparkly taste. Sparkly watches.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Sparkly every. No, on the watch. It's sparkly everything. No, on the real though, I mean, you guys know that I just, I just got back from Mexico and, you know, so funny, you say what we're talking about this topic right now is I, I remember telling Katrina to book the trip, right? And so I was like book this trip, what, you know, when, whatever the date was, we just got back, right? Uh-huh. And, uh, you got this going on.
Starting point is 00:22:04 You got that going on. We always got shit going on. I mean, yeah, those in the, like all of us, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, we, was, we just got back, right? And, uh, you got this going on, you got that going on, we always got shit going on. I mean, yeah, those in the same- Those in the same- I would like all of us, we look- Does she keep track of all the planning instead? Oh yeah, absolutely. That's my life, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:14 I don't know how to book the book. Yeah, I have no idea. And that's why too, I have to say, like, if you don't, when it comes up, and when it comes closer that week, if I said, like, oh, let's just go somewhere, I can't do that. I need to financially commit,
Starting point is 00:22:23 like, I need to book the room, book the flights, get it all done, because I know when the week before comes just like this week came up, I'm like, oh shit, we need to record, we need to do this, we need to do that. And I'm like, this is not a good weekend for me to get out. But then when I get out and I shut everything down, you know, I turn down my electronics,
Starting point is 00:22:37 which reminds me of the episode we talked about with the electronics and stuff like that. This is one of the things that I do, not because of the bad thing, but it's because it's tight. It's tight. It's tight in my work. So it's email alerts and text messages and social media shit
Starting point is 00:22:50 is good. I don't like it because then you don't respond to my text. I'm like, good morning Adam. Nothing. Hey, what are you thinking right now? Nothing. So I'm like, does he still like me? It sounds sickly connected.
Starting point is 00:23:00 We all are now, right? Are we still friends? Nope. Not for me. No. It was like God for like four or five days. connected we are right are we still friends joke not funny It was like god for like four or five days guy having our attack over so yeah, but I feel you got yourself in a relationship with two other ones So if this is a work we could totally film that and make a shit load of money Oh, yeah, what the fuck what I go I so I book I book a trip like that that's a must for me I make sure that I get I get out of town to it can't be like you know
Starting point is 00:23:29 It's got to be far away right and then on top of that I'm deep tissue massage massage guys. I gotta get a massage like once a week where I get massage Cuz that's just amazing like do you get the full release of a favor and go do it? Yeah, that I mean a deep tissue massage Yeah, I think talk about like opening it up releasing stress it. Yeah, that I mean a deep tissue massage. Yeah, I think. Talk about like opening it up, releasing stress. And it's crazy because I mean I get them so regularly and often that you can tell when I've had stress for least my body, your body.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Well, your girl, your girl is a masseuse. I was going to ask you to like, song those lines. Never want to call a masseuse. No, massage therapist. The shoes of the girl. Whoa, the shoes of the girls have the happy ending after. Sorry. I wasn't the girls. Whoa. The suits are the girls have the happy ending after the surgery. Sorry. I wasn't aware of these terms.
Starting point is 00:24:07 She did, I do it all the time. With the old bro and I still can plug it all the time. Oh snap. Yeah, I'm bad. If I did, if I didn't save you right there, I would get in trouble. Okay, okay, okay. Anyway, yeah, no, because of,
Starting point is 00:24:19 as far as like deep tissue work, like how often do you think, what's the maximal amount of deep tissue work you would say somebody should be a part of per week. Oh, if you could get an hour to two hours of deep tissue per week, I don't at least get that. Yeah, more than that, you can do that. No, but I mean, like, like, how, like,
Starting point is 00:24:38 where would you cap it at? Oh, depends on the person, right? That's everything. Well, that's what I was thinking. I'm just, because deep tissue can break, I mean, that can, that can, that can, I mean, it's this person, right? That's anything. Well, that's what I was thinking. I'm just because deep tissue can break. I mean, that can, that can be. It's pretty invasive. Well, and here's, okay, and that goes,
Starting point is 00:24:49 but that's like good personal trainer, Bapper. You can find a good massage therapist who knows how to, you know, if you're still sore, and from a deep tissue, right, that she's gonna lay off that. Right, you don't want to go too free. Exactly, is what I have. But if you've amended, yeah,
Starting point is 00:25:03 it has everything to do with you, how you feel and correlation with your your massage therapist knowing, knowing your body and knowing where you need what, you know, I'm like, man, my girl, she can be massage me and just know where all the stress is in my body and be able to find points that's crazy, the trigger point. So, I can show you. No, no, no, no, no, I'm no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:25:27 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no or e-culture hydrates. Okay, so studies will show conclusively that consuming, now if you're looking for exercise performance, there's a difference here between exercise performance
Starting point is 00:25:50 and a goal like fat loss. Okay, so if you're looking for exercise performance, then some carbohydrates before your workouts, they're gonna benefit your workout sessions. They're gonna benefit your workouts. Even the day before. Loading. Definitely that. Definitely that.
Starting point is 00:26:07 But definitely if you want better performance about an hour to 30 minutes before you want to have some carbohydrates, maybe some carbohydrates during your workout in liquid form. This is for your endurance athletes. And then post workout, some carbohydrates and protein. The theory behind it is it replenishes glycogen stores and muscle and it shuttles amino acids, which are the proteins to muscle to help them recover. The science behind that goes down to something
Starting point is 00:26:33 that's activated within muscle called the glute four, or otherwise known as the glucose transport of four protein within muscle. And when this thing is activated, and they call it a window of opportunity, because apparently the protein synthesis that they always you know recommend like The window. Yes, in second hour the anabolic window the anabolic window. It's a question a lot. Yeah, and so what glucose Glucose transport of four does is it moves to the surface of the muscle cell and it increases its permeability and basically it's trying to suck in
Starting point is 00:27:02 glycogen You know sugars from the bloodstream and amino acids from the bloodstream to repair and build. Now, if you don't consume anything post-workout, this will still happen. However, there's this supercompensation effect that happens post-workout, where if you have a lot of this stuff in your bloodstream afterwards, your muscles will actually utilize more than they normally would. So that's why they call it the anabolic window.
Starting point is 00:27:25 And so they've done studies where they show people will take 50 grams of protein at breakfast or lunch or dinner versus people who take 50 grams of protein, right, post workout, and the post workout group. And by the way, I'm using 50 grams, that's an arbitrary number. It's probably less than that. They gain more muscle and lose more body fat. So that's one of the more established, I'd say nutritional sciences is nutrient timing. So I would recommend that.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Now what about getting leaner? So here's my two cents on it. Here's absolutely it's there. I'm actually somebody who tries my best to actually do this. I try and feed my body about an hour and a half to two hours before I get into a workout. As soon as I hit my workout, if I'm gaining, I might have some sort of sugar during my workout to keep my glycogen levels up, keep the insulin going. And then when I get out of my workout, that 30 minute window, I'm trying
Starting point is 00:28:21 to get a balance. And typically I do one of your shakes You know that I get immediately afterwards now that being said If I miss it or it doesn't happen. I really don't give a shit and the reason why the reason why I don't give a shankster Well, no, let's let's let's break it down a little bit We've we've talked a little bit before about in reality. How much muscle do we build in a year broken down by how much muscle do we build in a year, broken down by how much muscle do we build in a month, broken down by a week by a day? So we're talking about something and nothing- Pretty minuscule, as far as like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Nothing is going to help you build muscle or burn fat at a faster, more efficient rate than hitting your macronutrient targets on a consistent basis. I don't give a shit if it's all in one meal like so, or it's spread out over 15 meals like me, or you're fasting between whatever the air macronutrients you're not talking about popdarts. Let's be fun, clear.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Let's not do the whole IIS. Yeah, no. No, when I say macronutrients, I mean, what your body needs protein-wise, carbohydrates, and fats, and you consistently getting what it needs is going to build more muscle at a faster rate than any timing on a window. Now that being said, does it help? Absolutely, it helps. If it's going to give you a little bit of edge, it's just one more thing. But I mean, you're talking about...
Starting point is 00:29:39 You're splitting hair as if you are driving fast to get home home to get to your 30 minute window or your car as well Also, worry about the thermodynamic Effective food exactly. Well, this is what I've noticed training clients for as long as I have and I'm sure you guys have done this as well I don't really recommend a post workout shake to most my clients only because it ends up being extra calories And like you said, it's splitting hairs Here's where I have found the post workout, you know, nutrient timing, we'll call it. This is here's where I found that to make the biggest difference with hard training athletes, because then you're talking about when you're training your ass off, you're
Starting point is 00:30:17 dancing that fine line between overtraining and training properly. And those branching amino acids, that glutamine, that post workout carbohydrate, that could push you over the edge to keep you away from overtraining. So when I, for example, the hardest I've ever trained in my entire life was when I would train for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tournaments. Because I would do two and a half hours of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Starting point is 00:30:38 four or five days a week, plus weights, isn't that? That nutrient timing kept me from overtraining. And when I missed it, I would, I would notice my body would start to burn out. When I'm training less intensely, does it make a huge difference? You know, maybe not, not really for the average person, is it going to make a huge difference? Probably not. I think that's the biggest distinction really. I mean, to be honest, like, and I, I'm right there with you when I was playing football and I was actually working out. I was doing
Starting point is 00:31:02 the morning workouts. We were doing double day, double days. We were doing, you know, like, and then I was working out late and I was playing basketball. It's like, you know, I couldn't, I had to keep up this regiment of constant nutrients, you know, and I had to make sure it was on point. Otherwise, you know, you felt that. And it was, it was an immediate drop.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Otherwise, you know, yeah. Like you said, it's pretty minute to do. It's funny though, supplement companies will make you believe that it's like, if you missed that protein check after, you just wasted your whole workout. Oh, no, and it's so hard my whole thing when I tell you about all fucking supplements, okay?
Starting point is 00:31:37 It's the difference between you putting 87 octane and fucking 90 octane in your car, okay? If you're gonna drag race me one week with 87 octane and then drag race me the next week and 90 octane, you're not gonna fucking smoke me the next week because you have 90 octane in there. The difference between the two of them and the way the body burns and utilizes it
Starting point is 00:31:54 is so minuscule, you ain't gonna see it. The way you shift gears is 10 times more important. The way you rest, we talked about rest earlier on Q&A, like the way you let your body rest, you'll see way more difference in your body composition by getting adequate rest and taking care of your body than you ever will by making sure you hit that 30 minute window.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Well, the old timer, the old timies, bodybuilders, we'll say the 70s, 60s, 70s, Arnold, and those guys, they didn't take a protein shake post workout. They would go to the, how was it, the firehouse coffee shop or whatever next door to like steaks and eggs. They'd have like a tuna omelette or you know, you know, eight eight, so they would just eat food afterwards. They didn't really have shakes. And obviously Arnold got pretty fucking awesome, you know, massive looking, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:39 take away the steroids. It's still pretty awesome looking so. There's something to be said too about stuff that we don't know and I know you love talking about pushing the science on what's new and we're still learning. Like, I mean, I don't know for sure, you know, if you were to compare, you know, 40 grams of way protein versus 40 grams coming from a steak, but there's no doubt I can see the difference when I'm on 100% natural food versus using supplementation as and those are different structure there, molecularly. Yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:33:07 let's be honest with you. We know enough science to know that there's difference. Yeah, you got powder form versus something that's like, you know, structurally. To play devil's advocate, what they'll say is that the protein powders are quick digesting, quick assimilating
Starting point is 00:33:20 and this is why you want those right posts. But how does that help your intestine, you know, your internal health? Like, I don't know. The reason why I do protein powder post-workouts, because it's convenient. It's easy for me to just to pour my powder in my cup and rather than pull out my steak and eat it at, you know, right? Yeah, I don't know how much science, I just think like, you know, the slower you process food, I just feel like your body has that chance to utilize those nutrients.
Starting point is 00:33:46 But, I mean, that's totally, you know. Like I said, I don't have anything other than like, I've been so detailed before on my diet because of competing and stuff like that, that I've ran a diet where I've allowed protein bars and shakes, and then I've done one and purposely taking all of that out. You know it's a big difference.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Oh yeah, I can aesthetically see a difference. Okay, once again, we're splitting here. It's not such a big difference that you would be like, oh my God, he was in the first place. Well, for someone like you on stage. Yeah, exactly. Someone like me who is picking apart every bit of my physique and looking at every little flaw.
Starting point is 00:34:15 When you see changes, almost immediately, because you're already at that level, right? So a lot of people don't get to that level where they can experiment like that and actually see it right away. I mean, even myself, I could never until I got to this point. I mean, even myself, I could never until I got to this point. I mean, even before it is intelligent
Starting point is 00:34:28 and experienced trainers as we are, I've never taken my body to this limit to where I could put something in it and like feel the difference immediately. And immediately, I mean, I've got to a point where I've been in deficits for so long, so hard that instantly you give a surge that it hadn't seen in two months or whatever like that, you know, whoa, you can really see.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Oh yeah, that's why you guys are backstage eating a bunch of sugar and shit. It makes your veins pop out and, you know, within, you know, that's what they, at least what they say. Yeah, that's what some of these novelads do. I'm not that one. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin. Visit us at www.minepompradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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