Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 021: UFC goes after steroid & marijuana users

Episode Date: February 9, 2015

UFC fighters Anderson Silva and Nick Diaz recently failed drug tests, one for anabolic steroids and one for marijuana. Sal, Adam and Justin dive deeper in the pros, cons and politics of drug testing a...nd also explore the ridiculousness of regarding celebrities as role models.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Alright, welcome back to Mind Pump. This is the show that's so fat, it's your mom. Where'd it go, bro? We just lost 500, 500 fucking listeners. Yo mama. So this is Salda Stefano, I'm here with my co-host Adam Schaefer Who and Justin Andrews. I don't have anything
Starting point is 00:00:32 Good so you guys so you guys I got it we got to talk about this so Some fights just have so we're all big UFC fans. We both we all like mixed martial arts and This just happened we're recording this Today's a Wednesday the fights happen on a Saturday So I'm not sure when we're gonna air the show, but this this happened We just found this out what couple days ago. Let me read first. Let me read the fucking headline because this cracks me up and I'll tell you why this is the headline on ESPN dot com Anderson Silva Nick Diaz failed drug tests.
Starting point is 00:01:05 So they both failed drug tests. Now, before we go into some of these details, I'd like to first bring this part up. Anderson Silva tested positive for anabolic steroids. Nick Diaz tested positive for marijuana. Why are they both included in that title? I mean, yes, they both failed, you know, drugtests. Yeah, like that's like to like get the fuck out. And here's what should happen.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Like the man who's absolutely not like the man who want to help me. He has it all. Maybe that's why you lost. Let me tell you what happened. This is what not an important performance in hand. If you're if you're a fighter and you test positive for marijuana, you should get an extra award. They should give you another like, oh, fuck. If you go, If you go out, you really chilled out that fight. That's right. If you go into a fight and you whoops, someone's ass Stone off of marijuana. You are a badass. You are a badass. You just don't care. You're like, oh, yeah, I'm not good. So so it's still the had some star some Antiblog starlight metabolites found in his blood. You know, it's cool. You know, it's crazy about this too. some anabolic steroid metabolites found in his blood. You know what's cool?
Starting point is 00:02:03 You know what's crazy about this too? People always look at people and say, you know, based upon their appearance, oh that guy's on juice or that guy isn't. Anderson Silva don't look like he's on steroids. No, he doesn't. He looks like a skinny dude. Well, I mean, geez.
Starting point is 00:02:16 No, he can obviously kick the shit out of all of us at the same time, but he's like, he doesn't look like he's on anything. No. But he tested positive for steroids. Right. Yeah, so there's a little myth-busting right there. You can't always tell just by looking at something.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Well, yeah, but I think too, like, I mean, he suffered a horrendous injury. And, you know, maybe that went into the psychology of like, okay, well, you know, through my, my come back story, like, I want to be at my ultimate strength. And maybe, maybe he compromised a bit a lot of dream. I don't know. Well, you could also say too, he could have been using IGF and HGH just to help speed up
Starting point is 00:02:54 his recovery. Yeah, and they can't even test for that. That's true. I would, I'm speculating that a lot of these guys probably use that all the time. Yeah. Right. Well, you've talked about this before that in one of our episodes when we talked about Annabox steroids, what a lot of these athletes do. So people don't realize this,
Starting point is 00:03:09 but they, it's illegal for them to just take flat out Annabox steroids. But if they're on hormone therapy replacement, you can, which is the same fucking thing. Yeah, but didn't they ban that like completely? I think they might have said it's ban on a couple guys captured you after the shell sudden thing because I think he was one of the last ones that got busted that way but was doing his hormone replacement therapy. Well the other thing too is Anderson Silva's getting up there in age in terms of like how old you are to be a fighter. How old is he now? He's almost 40. Is he almost 40? That's ancient for fighting. Yeah, let's say he's 38 or 39. Yeah, you're old. Once you hit like 34,
Starting point is 00:03:46 you're getting pretty old in terms of fighting. You're not old, obviously, in, you know, everyday life. But if you're going to get in the cage and, you know, kick something, you know, try and get, kick someone's ass or get your ass kicked, you're getting pretty old. So, you know, that might put, you know, that might be part of it. He actually turns, he turns 40 in April. Yeah, see. Wow. Yeah, there you go. And I mean, it's, you know, we talked about, you know, athletes and steroids and how we speculate that a good chunk of them use it just because of the amount of money that's involved and what they have, you know, to lose and gain from using them.
Starting point is 00:04:17 But again, I want to commend the UFC again, another organization that catches another athlete because let me tell you something something the guys that fight in the UFC Don't use more steroids than other sports. It's not like they're using all this juice and Pro football players and baseball players aren't using any right no, but the UFC is just more hardcore about it Like if they catch you one. It's one guy to test. It's not a whole team. Yeah, yeah, it's less people That's part of it and I don't know I It do really I don't know and it's like it you know, yeah, he got caught But I mean I really don't take anything away from like his
Starting point is 00:04:51 He's record absolutely like please dude like you know, he is the legend that he is You know, I would even I don't know it goes back to the bed. I don't look at that It's like a very bouncing black I said on there. Yeah, we talked about the berry bonsting. Like, you know, steroids do not make you, you may hit make you hit the ball further because a little bit of strength, that's, it makes you a stronger version of yourself.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Yeah, but the hand-eye still amounts to the skill. Yeah, is what the point is trying to make it. Yeah, exactly. The Anderson Silva thing is the exact same way. 90, I'm willing to speculate that 90% of the athletes he fought were on some sort of performance enhancement. Of course. And they're younger and stronger and they're coming in fresh.
Starting point is 00:05:37 For him, he's almost turning 40 and I didn't even know that, but that's pretty ridiculous. For that sport, that is old. Well, you know, and Sal commends the UFC for doing this, but this is the, to me, I don't know, dude, I'm not a fan of this. I'm not a, I don't like it because I feel like it, what you just said is so true. It's no matter what we say,
Starting point is 00:05:57 it's gonna take away from some of his, you know, it's like a movie. Just like, I'm like, I'm just saying some of his, like, record, I just don't feel any of of that and that's the part that I don't like I don't think that's fair to him yeah I don't think it's fair because he got caught or because he's a stupid ever yeah and one of them and and that's the one thing I don't like I mean here's the thing if you know you know you know and I know Sal was committing the UFC for making a better attempt as far as professional sports. But hey, my opinion is this, if you're going to fucking test that everybody has to get
Starting point is 00:06:28 tested, it has to be fair, it has to be every single person and that you can't. No, the cost is just insane. I know, that's what I mean, you can't, you can't feasibly do it. So then to have it in there at all is ridiculous to me. I mean, if you're going to, if you're going to randomly do it to some people, you know, and not get every single person equally when they should be tested, then I don't believe you should do it at all
Starting point is 00:06:49 because just to make an example, so that's awesome. You're gonna make an example of Anderson Silva. You're gonna tarnish his fucking record and defame him, or maybe not defame him. He's probably gonna be just as famous because of it, but he will, he'll forever be thought of it. Oh, he took so long. Well, there's two things I wanna forever be thought of it. Oh, well, you know, he took still. Well, there's two things I want to say about that.
Starting point is 00:07:07 First and foremost is the more people that get caught, the less it becomes a big deal. If it's one guy in 10 years, then that dude's like, oh, that's the big juicer. But if these guys are getting caught every fucking year, the more this, and people are starting to give a shit less and less. Have you noticed this?
Starting point is 00:07:22 Like people are like, oh, okay, got caught for starvation. Big deal. It's not becoming that big of a deal. So the more they do this, I don't think it's gonna tarnish the image like it used to back in, like 10 years ago, which I think is a good thing. Well, because people like us are talking about it. Yeah, it wasn't like that before.
Starting point is 00:07:36 So, but it's the Nevada State Commission that's really like in. Our core. Yeah, I mean, they're the ones that are doing the testing and they sort of deferred it to them. So these results and everything, it's not like the UFC is releasing this. It's the, no, but the UFC, the UFC has, they have to be careful because you guys got to remember it was not that long ago, but well, that mixed martial arts was considered
Starting point is 00:08:01 a blood spore. It was considered human clock fighting. And so they have to take this very seriously because it just states like New York. Well, right, because to the untrained eye, this looks like this far more violent and dangerous sport than let's say boxing, which is one of America's favorite sports, when in reality mixed martial arts is safer, the boxing.
Starting point is 00:08:22 So that's one of the reasons. But you know, here's, you know, the other part with this, when you're looking at sports and endabolic steroids, they do benefit you, definitely performance wise, but in some sports, they help you more than they do in others. In mixed martial arts, you aren't a weight class. Okay, let's not forget that.
Starting point is 00:08:37 So if you're juiced up, right, built a bunch of muscle, you're up in the next weight class. Right, if you're juiced up and you weigh 190 pounds, juiced up and you find, you fight a guy who's natural at 190, he's bunch of muscle. You're up in the next weight class. Right. If you're juiced up and you weigh 190 pounds, juiced up, and you find, you fight a guy who's natural at 190, he's bigger than you. He's a bigger, stronger dude than you.
Starting point is 00:08:51 It's just the way it is. You can juice, you can be juice to the gills, and you go and you lift with someone who's naturally as big as you are, or naturally in that weight class, he's gonna have an advantage, because he's naturally that way. His body's gonna perform better.
Starting point is 00:09:05 So it does give you some benefit. I think on recovery, it does give you some benefit and strength and speed, but there is kind of that limit. And then here's the other part that I wanted to touch on. Did you guys ever watch Pride Fighting Championships? Do you guys ever remember that? Yeah, yeah. So Pride was this mixed martial arts organization
Starting point is 00:09:21 in Japan that laughingly, you know, they didn't steroid test at all, they didn't test for anything. And there were rumors that they actually gave athletes advice on what to use and whatnot. I used to love, I loved it when fighters from pride would go from pride to fight in the UFC and all of a sudden they look like shit. Like you get their ass kicked for US. Well, not I mean, besides that, they just look like shit. Like here's, you know, like, what's his name? Who is the axiomer to revander? They still have a, this dude was fucking yacked in pride.
Starting point is 00:09:50 I mean, he was just huge, right? And then all of a sudden he goes, you have seen he loses like 20 pounds. I mean, the guy's still a bad ass, but it's like, whoa, what happened to you? You know, so like, all these fighters moved over to USC. So, I don't think UFC fighters are necessarily natural,
Starting point is 00:10:03 but I do think the testing does help regulate how crazy they get With some of their with some of their shit because they don't look like the pride guys those guys look I look like fucking amateur bodybuilders fighting in there and they're in the ring. It was insane. So yeah I mean, obviously it makes them have to be more cautious You know they have to cycle on and off exactly they're not going into the fight like full blown Yeah, you know, they have to cycle on and off. Exactly. They're not going into the fight like full blown. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. They can't because they can possibly just like silver
Starting point is 00:10:28 get tested, you know, a couple of weeks before. So you're going to cycle off and do a lot of shit. But that's just it. I really believe that in professional sports, the game no longer becomes whether you do or you don't. It's who's better at disguising and how much can you get away with without it popping up on a test. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Do not get a twist if this is a multi-billion dollar industry. There is people that are underground that are all a step ahead of every. Every test that came out, there's already someone figured out how to break it. You know, how to disguise it and how to do something, create something else that we can't find. Just like we talked about in the last episode about pro hormones and how they manipulate one single compound and do things like that, these guys are up and up.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Well, how do you guys feel about like John Jones tested positive for cocaine? And then, and then, you know, it's funny, they like, they making a bigger deal about Anderson Silva and Nick Diaz, then John Jones. Yeah, and I think cocaine's worse, that once again, I mean, forget the drug. I think it's just because John Jones
Starting point is 00:11:22 is like, they're really right. Marijuana and cocaine both, like are those really performance enhancing drugs? I think cocaine probably makes you think you're a pro. It's a crazy ride. Well, I don't need to test if that happens, right? It was during a right before a fight or a fight.
Starting point is 00:11:38 No, it was beforehand. It was beforehand. I mean, he's what? In Las Vegas doing a line of coke, who gives a fuck? What is he? I mean, he makes a couple million dollars and he, or maybe he doesn't make that much, but he probably makes a million dollars a year,
Starting point is 00:11:49 somewhere around there between average and now. More than that now, he's actually pretty happy. Yeah, okay, so he's a multi-millionaire and he's what, 20 something years old. I think he's doing line of coke, bro. Fuck you, dude. They don't make even near as much as they should be making and comparison to like boxers and you know that sport like
Starting point is 00:12:07 You have see fighters are just now sort of like getting up and pay but yeah Yeah, I mean yeah, they should be getting paid a lot more. I mean look at the No matter what the still training it takes to get to that level It's still a lot of money you have that you know what if yeah It is money if you want to do something like that to your body, then fuck and do it. Who are we to tell you? And I know there's people listening, right now going like,
Starting point is 00:12:31 oh my god, well, he's a role model for our kids and this and that. But you know what, fucking parent then. Tom, he's not a role model. See, son, see this kid, how he fucks up, he does cocaine. Don't be that kid. You know who should be a role model to your kids? You, you, you, you, you, mom and dad. But who worried about who's the thing is?
Starting point is 00:12:48 You want your kids to come. That's why I can't stand when that's, that's when people want to be like, they should be held to a different standard because they're, they're, they're, they're, they're, no, it's just going back to that. Yeah, it goes back to the same thing that we brought up. It's like your heroes, they fail you.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Yeah. Because it's unrealistic. Yeah. Like the portrayal of what you see is not what it is. And it's just like, I mean, even if you look at like comic books, like you see the portrayal of like a human being, like being the superhuman and having these
Starting point is 00:13:17 like ridiculous features, you try and aspire to that, but it's so unrealistic to sustain that. And but at the same time, you want that. You know, and it's just this longing to really like project yourself onto that image. Well, what I want to say to our parents for allowing to empower these superheroes and these people that are just,
Starting point is 00:13:39 that are celebrities and things like that. Well, it's an interesting part of human nature, isn't it? We take celebrities, you know, you go to the frickin' grocery store, you're in line, you see Kim Kardashian, every goddamn magazine. We take celebrities and we take people who have no talent. That asses in your face. Yeah, who are famous for just being famous, right? And then we put them on a pedestal and then we worship them and then when they do something
Starting point is 00:14:01 stupid, it's like this big deal. And it's like, really why? Like, why are logically you know that there's something else there? Well, I don't see why aren't we, why aren't we putting scientists up there? Why aren't we putting people with really, really inspiring stories? That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:14:17 That goes back to your parents, shame on you, shame on us for empowering fucking celebrity. That's why when you guys ask me their day, I don't even know I don't follow that shit. I don't give a shit, because you know what, somebody who is a multi-millionaire because they are an incredible actor,
Starting point is 00:14:31 a singer, nothing, I mean, that's awesome. Awesome for them or the athlete, what are that? But that's what they're great at. I personally, we've everybody sitting at this table, has something that they're fucking really good at. That's a great point. And that is far more important than we know the throw a football.
Starting point is 00:14:46 And it's one aspect that you see that and it's admirable. And you're like, wow, you are the pinnacle of that aspect of life. Like sporting wise, I look at you as a role model, right? But now I'm not going to tie myself up into that. Right. Because you probably do drugs, you probably beat chicks, you probably, there's all the lines for me. You probably do a lot of stupid shit
Starting point is 00:15:10 that's my kid shit. You know what, I'm being fucking. On that same, on that same, no, I cannot stand this. For sure. When you'll get a football player caught on steroids and everybody blasts him. And then you'll get another football player who, frickin, will have dog fighting rings in his backyard
Starting point is 00:15:24 and dogs are killing each other or he'll go and beat his girlfriend. And then he comes back another football player who, frickin' will have dog fighting rings in his backyard and dogs are killing each other or he'll go and beat his girlfriend. And then he comes back and plays and like, oh, he paid his dues, he's so, but the guy who took steroids is like, this fucking cheating asshole. And Tarnish Forever. Like, what?
Starting point is 00:15:38 Where have we put our values? Listen, if you hit a defenseless woman or anybody or just a violent asshole or an animal, you're from, in me, in my book, you're an asshole. If you take drugs and you go- Like common law. Yeah, if you take drugs, I don't care if you're a heroin addict,
Starting point is 00:15:54 if you hurt just yourself and you hurt no one else, you're not as big of an asshole as the dude that hits some shit most of the time. You're not even an asshole, you just need some work. Yeah, it needs some work. You need some therapy. Yeah, you need some a little bit of therapy of someone that you're most certainly not as bad need some a little bit of therapy. It's a little bit of therapy.
Starting point is 00:16:05 You're more certainly not as bad as somebody who's killed in dogs or a single women, dude. No, so you have these athletes that are doing some of that stuff. And I mean, more but they tribute, I mean, let's be honest with you, a lot of people attribute a lot of this roe rage, sort of mentality with alongside that domestic violence and alongside,
Starting point is 00:16:27 you know. But let's talk about that because, you know, let's talk about how many times you hit your head in practice and how many times you've had brain damage and how many times, like, the physical contact that you take in every single day, where your brain, yeah. It just accumulates and that's what you're responding to. Now you're responding to constant violence. And so violence is throughout your day, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:57 what's to say that? And they blame the steroids. But it's the steroids. There's no studies, by the way, there is really no science there is no road rage. There is none and it's a crockish. Here's the thing. If you were an asshole before steroids, you're just a bigger asshole. You're, you know what I'm saying? That's all it is. It's bottom line. You were an asshole before you got on steroids. Your ass wholeness like increases. Yeah, exactly. That's it. Just like you're weight lifting your
Starting point is 00:17:20 strength and everything else. It comes up in the adablogues. It just, it just multiplies. It doesn't change. It doesn't change. It doesn't take somebody who's this cutly, sweet, nice person and turns them into this monster. It's a monster. No, you were a monster before, dude. You just were a smaller version of it. That's it.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Yeah, no, you're not gonna get the cycle. And that's a fucking great point you made, Justin, about that. These guys playing football or training for Mix Martial Artre boxing. The constant blows to the head are gonna cause cause, and they, this is a fact, they will cause psychological changes, though cause, they're increased out, violent outbursts, increased depression. Of course, things like dementia and Alzheimer's later on in life,
Starting point is 00:17:58 it's not the steroids that are making these dudes snap. It's the repeated blows. Physiologically, altars, you say, but they don't want people to know that, of course. They want to say, oh, it's the repeated blows illogically altars. But they don't want people to know that, of course. They want to say, oh, it's the steroids. And it's a smotherer a lot of those studies, too. Well, let's, and you could take this with boxing, MMA, any sort of martial art, even football with the aggression that's played that football is played with. Let's be honest, how many times have you guys had your wives tell you or someone else tell you before
Starting point is 00:18:21 like, don't bring work home because, you know, sometimes you can still be in that work mentality. I mean, how many times did you come home from the gym still close it, closing, you know, and talking that way. It's like, okay, well, these guys, 90% of their time has been beating somebody up or being aggressive and angry like that towards their opponent, you know, sometimes they bring fucking work home, you know, and that's just it. It has nothing to do with what they're injecting or snorring up their nose or anything that shit like that. Well, certain, some drugs, I'm sure make it go crazy, but steroids are probably not one of them. I don't think there's any science to support them, but you know, you do a bunch of.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Well, I mean, I was going back to what we talked about what John Jones doing cocaine. I mean, to me, it's, you know, I'm not a cocaine person. I think that someone who's going to do who's going to do that, like you said, I think it's on them. And it's and the way I look at it too, I don't know what it's like to be a millionaire at 23 years old, you know? I know what it's like to be a pretty successful kid at 23 years old and I know how crazy and wild out I was.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I can't imagine if I had millions of dollars, and all that celebrity attention. So like that, like, and then really that's gonna change your perspective on everything, like, yeah. Yeah, I remember too, like, so, and why I brought that up is because it was interesting. I've been watching this lead singer of this band that I followed forever as a way dying. And he's the, he was the lead singer and he got in a lot of heat because he's actually
Starting point is 00:19:39 in jail now because they caught him trying to hire somebody to kill his wife. And so his sort of case in like he brought in like somebody to attribute that to his steroid use. That was just his defense. That was what I'm trying to do. No, but that's why I'm trying to bring up is that, you know, there was a lot of, you know, issues and things he was dealing with as far as,
Starting point is 00:20:05 prior to that, I'm sure. And like I can't speak for him, obviously, I didn't go through what he went through. And like, there was things with his wife and adopted kids and things and that all led to that point. But that was something that the defense, they utilized that as something that they could sort of
Starting point is 00:20:24 crutch their you know, their defense on. And that's, so I thought that was interesting is because that's the perception. Oh, just the fact that they could make a case out of it that way, which is silly. Yeah. Like that's what led him into the decision-making process. What was the outcome? He didn't work, right?
Starting point is 00:20:39 Yeah, obviously. So he, he actually, he, I mean, he was working out at this gym and and like ran across his trainer He was talking about this like and so he he actually ended up trying to hire this guy to the trainer It wasn't the trainer was it it was like the trainer knew some guy Right, so he ended up talking to like some sort of detective and the detective like you know Pretended that he was that guy. And then he recorded it, the whole conversation. And then he got chast.
Starting point is 00:21:10 That's not what I've been asked yet. I haven't been asked that one. I've been asked a lot of things in all the years I've trained but that's not what I've been asked to kill the wife. Yeah, the Camerick, could I talk to you? Yeah, listen, I need you to kill my wife. So yeah, I was thinking, I was thinking about killing my wife, but I don't want to do it.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Do you know anybody that would actually be like, do you know somebody like, like, Sirsick, where do you say back that up? Like, how do you reply that? Are you serious, bro? Because if you are actually, I actually know a guy. Yeah. And like him trusting him, the guy, like, come on, dude.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Yeah, anyway, so that was, I was going for a short break. I'm so stupid. Google that shit, you'll find it something. Somebody will handle it. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Until next time, this is MindPump.

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