Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 028: Our Buddy Craig Capurso

Episode Date: February 18, 2015

Sal, Adam & Justin interview their friend Craig Capurso who is an IFBB Pro physique competitor, Team Bodybuilding.com spokesmodel, Cellucor Athlete and entrepreneur. In this episode Craig and the Mind...Pump crew reveal a secret history that could have forever changed MindPump as you know it today.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Saldas Defano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Alright, welcome back to Mind Pump. This is a special episode today. We're gonna do an interview with one of our good friends. Our old boy Craig. Craig Kaperso,
Starting point is 00:00:27 which by the way is fucking massive. Yeah, you just keep growing. I think he ever did since last time. Every time I see him, you know, another difference. It's just the beard. It's the beard. His beard game is growing. You know what I like about that?
Starting point is 00:00:36 That he makes Adam look smaller. Usually Adam looks massive. You don't look massive now, but it's true. Oh. So for those of you that don't know, Craig's an IFBB Pro Physique competitor, he won the Bodybuilding.com Body Space Spokes Model contest back in 2012.
Starting point is 00:00:54 This is a cool fact. I like this is actually the thing about you. I like the most Craig. You used to trade on Wall Street. You guys do that, right? Of course, yeah. Used to trade on Wall Street. It's a pretty smart guy.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Co-founder of Firenice Fitness, Macrojack, nutrition company, and he recently started a company called Metron that basically helps online fitness coaches. Yeah, Co-founder, I'll give my CEO his debut. He kind of brought me here. I came from New York City to California to pursue this opportunity, but Metron, it's pretty much bringing power, you know, big data and predictive analysis back to the coaches or giving it to them because they didn't have it before. So it's allowing them to basically take their training methodologies and then put it into a program,
Starting point is 00:01:36 software program that's gonna allow them to basically create a bunch of if statements for their clients, kind of like they would do when they come across those variables when they're training. So, it's basically allowing software to help their online training so they get a chance to reduce their rates by seeing more people. You know, ultimately it's a win-win for all because their time is now reduced having software helping them.
Starting point is 00:01:56 And then the clients that they can use are getting a much personalized experience because now you're using analysis and metrics that software provides when you track. So, it's a win-win. So in other words, if you're a fitness professional and you want to build an online business, this is a place they can go. Like the turnkey system, right? Let me tell you how bad astrosis is because this is coming in my wheelhouse of what I'm doing right now. And I remember the first time that he brought me over and how fascinated I was by this because
Starting point is 00:02:22 we've talked a little bit about this before. The direction that I think fitness and personal training is going, the days of one-on-one private training I think are starting to diminish. There's so much great tools out there and information that is accessible now by the internet, by our smartphones. And so I really feel like coaching and training and teaching people is getting the point where it's going to be more virtual than anything else because we can pretty much almost do everything virtually with that one almost.
Starting point is 00:02:54 And what this business has done has taken someone like me who does that. So I coach people, if you guys don't know that I coach people virtually online and one of the things that where I get handcuffed is I can only take so many people. If I'm going to give good service, I can only realistically between about 15 and 20 clients a month is about all I can help out at a time. And then other than that you can certainly give overwhelming and you kind of give a disservice
Starting point is 00:03:18 so I've learned to keep it kind of small like that. But if I wanted to make a lot of money doing it, I'd have to find a way to really, and this is like, I mean, you could literally do 10, 15 times more the amount of people with as efficient and then you have this company that's backing you up that is, they're vested in your success too. So they're helping out, you know, set up everything for you, set the table for you, like literally, it makes my job like... What was shocking to me is that this, nothing like this really already existed, because you've got this crazy medium called the internet,
Starting point is 00:03:53 right? And fitness seems to be like the last people to really adopt it in a revolutionary way. And I think this is kind of the direction. Well, my biggest fear when I saw it was that it was so smart, it's so bad-ass that it's going to take over a lot of people's heads. Yeah, it's going to go a lot of people really, should take the time to look into it and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:04:13 and be patient with it because it is something that it's the future. Whether they're ready for it right now or it's going to be ready for them in the next year, two, three years when everybody starts to get on board, but right now it's like, you got gotta be patient with it and figure it out because it's the future. It's a lot of planning. I know we talk a lot about how you need to look at your business and what you need to do
Starting point is 00:04:36 and what steps you need to take to be successful. And I think that planning for the future and how trends are changing and everything, you really need to do your research and see, what's out there and what's available as far as tools go. And so, anyway, enough of us talking about, I think Craig should kind of jump in. How do people get more information, Craig?
Starting point is 00:04:53 What would be the site that their people would go to? Or, I think you offer the plugs, it's very kind. We're all seeing it, so we're stoked on it. We're done with the hand jobs. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good job. Well, Yeah. That's what you're saying. Well, I actually was, I thought Sal would give you a really shitty intro to be honest
Starting point is 00:05:08 with you, because those of you that are listening that actually don't know who Craig is, Craig's a little bit cooler than what Sal made himself look. Yeah, he's been a Wall Street guy. He's a very smart guy. Yeah, he's the IFB pro and he's that's cool. This guy's uncovered a fucking magazine. He's been on covers of fucking books. And not only that, he raised represented by a company BodyBillion.com, which is one of the most reputable companies in the fitness industry, been with them for a very
Starting point is 00:05:28 long time. It's got a great story about that, which hopefully we'll hear about later on, but this guy's a fucking badass. And not only that, he's written all kinds of programs that are online that you guys could purchase. And if you guys have ever seen this guy, he's a monster. So we went from hand jobs to blue jobs. Wow.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Wow. You know, I created a band-up escalating question. I mean, he's a buddy of mine. So we're a friendly round. He's a buddy of mine. So I think I'm a little biased. But I also know. We're trying to warm him up.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I know a little more about him. Hey, if you're tuning into us, some of these people are tuning into us because they either know one of us or they've been listening somewhere across the country. Maybe they don't know who he is. And we wouldn't, first of all, we wouldn't bring him on this show
Starting point is 00:06:04 if we didn't think he was about us. Right. I mean, this is our official first guest that we've actually allowed to come on this show with us. I mean, there's no need, we don't need anybody else on this show, but because how much respect we have for this man, that's the reason why I'm here. So now that I'm done giving him his blowjob,
Starting point is 00:06:20 go ahead, Craig. Oh, nice. All right, well, the website you can go to is metronmetrown.io. So just go to there. You'll have more information for you. But pretty much like they said, it's a predictive system for coaches to help their current client load and certainly scale their business
Starting point is 00:06:37 that they want to move forward in that end of it. But from the user perspective, it's not just all about the coaches. There's a hell of a lot of tools that are there. You can track online. There's going to be cues where I'm on the user perspective, it's not just all about the coaches. There's a hell of a lot of tools that are there. You can track online. There's going to be cues where I'm on the user side. I'm part of the engineering effort and obviously, I'm a user on the coach.
Starting point is 00:06:51 So you can obviously know that I'm going to make changes that are going to benefit all of us. So it is the future of fitness. If you don't know, you will soon enough. Awesome. Awesome. Now, I want to get into something that we talked about that already.
Starting point is 00:07:04 This is something fascinating. A lot of, I don't think most of our listeners, we talked about that already, this is something fascinating. A lot of, I don't think most of our listeners, if not all of them, don't know this. But when we first started, mind pump, we had another host. See right now you guys are listening to me, Adam, and Justin. But when we first recorded,
Starting point is 00:07:21 we actually recorded something like what, four or five shows, the original ones that I saw pictures by the way. Oh, excuse me, 15 shows, we did, we did 15 shows that we've never released and we had another co-host. Mr. Craig Kaperso. And it's still as hard as get a fucking word in just now, anyway. This show, I'll just explain what was going on. So Adam is kind of the ringleader in this.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I think you guys brought it up on a previous show where he kind of, he had the moving parts and I was one of his connections. And you know, by my, our tranches pretty much put us all in line. So we kind of met at his house and we just all kicked it off. It was like we knew each other for years. So it was really good camaraderie when we got on the radio. And then we got to talk and it turned into a locker room for a little bit and being that they give me such a warm intro that you know that comes with some rules. So as a sponsored athlete and spokesmodel for a few very reputable companies as well as the
Starting point is 00:08:13 effort that I'm doing on the metron company and meeting VCs and other business professionals, I felt it was my best interest to pretty much take a back seat or a pause. Anyway, as the show, as if you have been listening is, is the raw and a degree of truth and as much as I'd love to get in there and just spit it with these guys, there's certain times when, you know, my contract will bar me from saying anything. So instead of, you know, running the gray line, I kind of chose the high road. But it's all good because, you know, I'm here today. It's not going to be the last time you'll see me and we'll see what happens with my sponsors after as we progress and where the show goes. Again, these guys are really good information for you guys. I listen all the time and I actually learn
Starting point is 00:08:55 new things from these guys all the time as much as I'm a professional in the industry for years. There are certain little things that you just might pick up. You don't know everything and for the people that think they do you're wrong, man. Well, let me ask you something, Craig. When we first started this, I don't know if any of us had this, but this idea, but did you have any concept or idea that it would grow as fast as it did? Because we're now at six weeks into this.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Maybe six weeks. That's right, six, we're five. We're at five, five and a half, six weeks. And our downloads are blowing up. Approaching 50,000. We're approaching total, 50,000 total. We're hitting on a lot of days, over 3,000 and a half, six weeks. And our downloads are blowing up. Approaching 50,000. We're approaching total, 50,000 total. We're hitting on a lot of days, over 3,000 downloads a day, which apparently is good,
Starting point is 00:09:30 but they keep growing. Did you have, I mean, did you even, did you think like, oh shit, that it would happen like this? Did you have an idea of that or was it? Yes and no, because if I just thought it was gonna be a small show in the corner where no one's listening, I could care less with the sponsors heard. So, I just thought the dynamic of the group was gonna,
Starting point is 00:09:46 gonna go somewhere and obviously it did. So congrats and kudos to you guys. Yeah, I don't think any, I mean, I had no idea what would happen, but I mean, but any spine, yeah, of course you do. I did. So I did for sure. I saw we were going, I mean,
Starting point is 00:10:00 I've had the pleasure of knowing these knuckleheads for quite a while and it's a lot of talent. It's not this often, you get this, this, this type of talent in the same room and very similar. Mindsets, yet different backgrounds. So it makes great, I think, for radio, television, whatever, because none of us are going to, even though we spend a few minutes jerking a Craig off over here, none of us are going to always agree with each other. And I think that's great. I think that's what you don't get a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:10:23 You get a lot of these companies that are sponsored, and they have to kind of say what they're representing for the company, and it's not always, maybe 100% what they think or what they agree with, where with us, you guys, we've promised you since day one that we give you raw. We have burned already. It's been six weeks, and how many bridges?
Starting point is 00:10:39 Part of that, too, I want you guys to know, the fact that we have Craig on here today, I promise you, I will make him squirm in his chair, at least one time today, because he doesn't even talk about something. He's gonna get nervous about so. I mean, it would be no fun if we brought him on here and we don't make him squirm a little stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:52 The problem here is, I think the only problem here is I was supposed to be the one who was in the beginning of this whole thing, the most censor, it was actually Justin, I think was gonna censor us. I was trying to, I couldn't, man. But the problem was I kinda just got a microphone in front of me and I just wouldn't stop.
Starting point is 00:11:09 So, I mean, that's kinda how I'm off the show. I kinda room, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, no, we'll keep them for Blackmail. You never know. Yeah, you never know what we got to release those those Unreleasable episodes. That's true. Yeah, it's we burned a lot of bridges definitely and I think we're so frickin raw I it would be it's gonna be tough for us to find anybody's gonna want to run a commercial Yeah, I think what did you say we're gonna have like Trojan Yeah, like my Yeah, K.Y. Jelly. Yeah, companies like that On this so I guess we could share that with it so we were we're talking today This was the only like two days ago. We were talking to you the other day. This was the only like two days ago we were talking.
Starting point is 00:11:47 And we were all out. We went to a comedy show all of this guys. What was the guys name? Amira Zizi or? Ziz, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Sorry. Last time I bring you, bro. I don't even know who you see and stuff. Yeah, so we're there. And we're these guys we're talking about sponsorships and possible companies that take us on. And we're talking about how we have a lot of respect for their in ASM the National Academy of Sports Medicine and they're like, yeah, that'd be great if we get in a 7-8. You guys fucking retarded dude.
Starting point is 00:12:13 These guys, these guys are not, they're not gonna want to have anything to do with us. We're not gonna get companies like that. We're gonna get companies like Trojan, KY, Jelly, Budweiser, EG, EG company. Kirkland flushable wipes? Yes. EG, EG company. Kirkland, flushable wipes. Yes. Oh, no, there you go. Johnson Johnson. You guys talked about this.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Great idea. Did you hear about that? Yeah. I heard that first episode. I just heard the second one online. Maybe, yeah, maybe one day we will let you guys see. The first one I have to say was the first one with Craig when we talked.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Probably off the rim. That was the most raw thing that we've ever recorded. So maybe one day. That's three of us looked at Adam and go, are you fucking kidding? Maybe when we get to a point where we can afford to. Now we were showing us how you use the wipes. Give you a demonstration here. So I want to ask Craig since we got him here. It's actually been a couple of weeks since I hung out this guy and talked to him. Do you have any plans to compete? You have any plans to compete at all? I will step on stage since we got him here. And it's actually been a couple of weeks since I hung out this guy and talked to him. Do you have any plans to compete? Do you have any plans to compete at all?
Starting point is 00:13:07 I will step on stage at least once this year. Oh shit this year. Just because, just because there's no real reason besides, maybe some marketing and just something I want to do for myself. Yeah, you've been there, you've done it. I took a 2014 off. I did not compete one time. I was a little jaded by competing seven times in 2013 and
Starting point is 00:13:25 just missing the Olympia by a spot. But besides that, I just was super busy, right? I started a few companies last year. I moved across country. Just a lot of priorities in my place. And people don't realize, you know, as competitors, they're really chasing. They're chasing something. They're chasing this myth of this body that they want to attain, or they're chasing the goal of fitness, stardom, et cetera. But I was chasing my life at that point. There was no fitness involved with it. It was just basically, do what my sponsors were asking me to do.
Starting point is 00:13:57 It wasn't I was trying to do the minimal thing. I got married last year. I forgot to say that. So there was a lot going on where life took priority and I was able to actually, you know, live, live comfortably with without the stage. And it's a crazy concept because people are like, well, what are you going to do? Well, I had a lot of things to do. I'm more busy than anyone I think I know. But besides that, it's the stage is there for you to basically, I always say this to people when, you know, we just had the LA FedExpo this weekend and I talked to hundreds of people. And when they come up,
Starting point is 00:14:25 they probably get a different experience they get with me than anyone else because I grill them a little bit. So when someone's coming into the fitness world and they're gonna go, okay, I wanna do this, I wanna be on the cover of this magazine, I wanna do that. Well, fucking why?
Starting point is 00:14:37 What makes you wanna do that? Have you ever asked the question, what are you chasing and why? You know, it's one of those things where you need to kinda dissect what the goal is. Very warm, very warm. Ironically, this one, he and I first met, this was a similar conversation, which is also why we hit it off
Starting point is 00:14:53 and why I liked them so much, because he was the first, I get a lot of straight shooter. Well, yeah, and the first one too, that had a very similar vision with it, I did not get into competing to become a pro, just to become a pro or say that, you know, I'm an IFBB pro or I competed in mince physique blah, blah, blah. Like, honestly, I can give two shits about that. And I don't want to be disrespectful to the NPC or IFBB at all
Starting point is 00:15:14 like that. I have a lot of respect for the industry and everything like that. But what I mean by that is the whole purpose for me to get involved with that was to pretty much just build the credibility because unfortunately until someone sees you do it or take your body to that extreme or that level, a lot of people always think that maybe you can't. So you know, the scene you do that and that was all for business reasons for everything that we do in the fitness industry. So it was that credibility thing for me and a bill this and Craig very similar had that similar vision and for things that he was building he was doing and instantly hit that off
Starting point is 00:15:42 because I haven't found that in common with anybody else that's a competitor. Most competitors do exactly what they want to do. Well yeah, I want to be a competitor because they have this misconception of when all of sudden you become a pro, the money just starts rolling in or you become famous and all this just happens for you. It's like, is there more money and physique now than there was two years ago? Is it grown quite a bit since then? Yeah, there's more money.
Starting point is 00:16:01 I mean, but there's more companies and there's more competitors. I was going to say it's probably Dispersal harder to yeah, it's there's there's some companies out there obviously paying the bills I wouldn't be working for free just saying But at the same point there's a lot of companies that are just asking you for your time and your promotion because social media is so hot right now So they might be going after some of these guys that have a really big reach And then you know, there's a lot of strategies out there. I'm actually one of them that are strategizing myself, not only on a personal level, but on my business levels because I need to harness the, you know, social media power to, you
Starting point is 00:16:34 know, get, get eyes on your business. And that's really what it's going on right now. So I got some good, I got some questions for you that I've talked to you a little bit about this in the past. We hung out a couple times, but I think this isn't, this is, for me, it's fascinating because when I look at physique competitors and I look at what some of them are doing now, and I don't think a lot of them are doing this, or I hope not, but you see some of them using things
Starting point is 00:16:53 like squins, you know, trying to present a particular type of, you know, particular type of... Did you just hear my newsletter this week? No, did you see that, everyone? Yeah, I got it. You did, you really? Buzzwords and bullshit is my, or BS, we call it, but Buzzwords and BS is a new segment I put in my newsletter and it was waste training.
Starting point is 00:17:09 It was the article. I want to hear your opinion now because we've all talked about this before, but I want to hear what you would use. You know what? Before we do that, I'm going to lead up to that because there's a video on YouTube somewhere of Craig doing jump squats with 315 pounds. So he's literally jumping in the fucking air and landing into a squat and doing this for reps. If you wear a squeam, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:17:30 No, you'll break your ass. There's no way you can do that. But yeah, what's your opinion on waste? I like how they call waste training. That's the problem right there. All right, so look, this show has been notorious for saying, look, we don't care what you do and I agree with all these guys We don't care what you do what you do behind closed doors But the minute you go public with it or you're hurting someone else or Influencing a society by your actions then you know I think we all have a problem with it because you know, so we'll not let you know science pass this table if it's not right So I mean, that's just him but at the same point
Starting point is 00:18:03 Waste training it's not training. You're not training your ways to do anything. So a let's stop calling a waste training. It's just a really gimmick word. Something that's buzz wordy and you know, trying to get some, you know, hashtags out there. So it's something popular that people are getting behind, but waste training is not waste training. If you're training your waste, you're actually physically doing core plans, abs, whatever. That's training. So let's stop with the bullshit. actually physically doing core plans, abs, whatever, that's training. So let's stop with the bullshit. But, you know, don't wear squelms to just make your waist smaller for a show.
Starting point is 00:18:31 If you want to wear a squeam or a corset, you know, you might want to do it like back in the old days. They did it for, you know, just for a moment, but they had no thought that it was ever going to morph their waist for the rest of their life, you know, in my opinion, the way they were trying to do it. I know there's, you know, it's popular in Mexico, I believe, is young girls. I was speaking to someone about it
Starting point is 00:18:48 to wear these corsets and things, but for men to do it, let me just separate the men from the women because women do everything from their hairs to their lips to their tits ass, whatever you wanna call it. I mean, they morph everything, so I'm just gonna leave them out of this one.
Starting point is 00:19:01 So you guys get a pass. Mine pump. But the men guys stop. And if you're gonna do it, just do it behind closed doors. No one wants to see it. And I certainly don't want you influencing the young, you know, sponge minds of the youth to say
Starting point is 00:19:15 that it's an okay thing to do. Because in all reality, I mean, I have a probably sitting right now, like a 35 inch waist, 33 inches when I'm dialed in. And that's it, like 4% body fat. So you know, I just have a core and that's from like Sal said, from doing things of you know, jump squatting 315 or just being an athlete over the years, I think I built up a stronger core in that aspect.
Starting point is 00:19:36 So I'm not moving anything unless I completely atrophy my midsection and that would take years for me to do. So I would have to wear a squeam and not train abs for probably a year before I would even, you know, morph anything inside my abdomen for a long time. And I'm just not willing to do that. And if you're willing to do that for a trophy, shame on you. Right. I agree.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Let's stop calling them squeams. We're just gonna say corset. You're wearing a corset. Yeah, let's just be real. Stop, you know, stop giving it names to make it sound better. Yeah, you're wearing a woman's corset. Yeah, you're wearing a corset, you pussy.
Starting point is 00:20:08 So what about, I know you guys wear board shorts on stage. Do all competitors train their legs as hard as the rest of their body? Or do you guys ever run into guys who just don't do all? Or are there people who don't really train their legs that much? I was told by judges to not train and just do cardio But certainly don't do legs because it was gonna make my waist thicker too. I've been Wow, yeah, wow so the judges I've heard by a judge came up to me actually This is funny at a New York show that I did I believe it was my first pro show and I just thought I was like
Starting point is 00:20:40 You know, I thought I was the shit quite frankly. And it was like my daily. See how you fit right in with all of us. Yeah. I think it was my day view. And I came in like second to last. I think I was 9th of 10. I don't know what it was. They just smoked me.
Starting point is 00:20:53 And they basically came up to me. So it was, you know when you're good when the judge has to chase you down and actually say something. So it was one of those things where they said, you are too big. You have gotten too big for this league, you need to tone it down. And I took that as just, okay, I'm obviously doing something correct in the gym
Starting point is 00:21:11 and where my body is because there are actually, they actually came up to me to make a statement to me. They could have just let me pass and just do my own thing. So it was noticing enough that I did get someone to say something, but obviously I get the placement I want. And the kudos inside the league that I was competing in. And ultimately, the shocker to me at the end of it was, didn't matter how I wanted to look.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Didn't matter who I wanted to be. It matters who's judging you that day and what they think of you. And so in all reality, if you do not conform to the standards of what the judges want, you're going to be asked to... It doesn't matter, yeah. Just because you and your boys can talk about how great you look and your mom can tell you how great you look and just everything else, it does not matter unless the judges tell you, you know, you look great and you win that day.
Starting point is 00:21:55 And for whatever reason, you may not even have to look good that day. That's a case for another story, but at the same point, it matters what happens on that stage when you're competing. And that's why I didn't need a judge or an league or anything else last year to tell me what I'm worth. I live my life and I know what I'm worth at this point. And if I do compete again, it's pretty much just because I want it to, I want to see what I can do with my body again.
Starting point is 00:22:20 And it would be, I wouldn't, the only problem with me competing and something I've never done is never compete to win. And I think next time I step on stage, I won't be competing to win. I'll just be competing for myself. Well, I was just going to say you're talking about competing and I know that you had gone and done a competition for football recently. How did that go for you? I'm curious because this is why I liked you and this is why I like doing this, why I missed having you here is because these two guys are the most aesthetically focused guys on the planet, right?
Starting point is 00:22:53 Well, how's my abs? How's your abs? Oh, look at mine. Look at mine. No, no, it just looks that way. Okay, so that's the kind of shit I'm dealing with every single day. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:23:02 So anyway, Craig, you're like that hybrid You know you got that that that prowess that that body to go along with you know the performance of it and you played football and you had Death let us just recently so what's crazy? Let's yeah, it's a free combo, but anyway describe your your your Yeah, exactly all right. So he's to play college football, played for a second heart University, a double A school. I was a four-year starter as outside backer. From there, I played four years as a captain of a semi-pro team out in Connecticut, and
Starting point is 00:23:34 then I pretty much started trading and getting into fitness. And so it just became too much for me to continue the football career. So I kind of put that one down. I'll tell you when I did, I love football, and I still do. But when it became more of a job, traveling to practices and trying to get to the games is when I had to say, okay, for the love of the game is fading, when it becomes, you know, a job. And so I give a lot of respect to the professional athletes that are actually making this their career because it is becoming a job at that point.
Starting point is 00:24:00 And I, you know, I get it. So it'd be nice to just have that to focus on. It would probably be pretty cool. But at the same point, I do get it. And so k be nice to just have that to focus on. It would probably be pretty cool, but at the same point I do get it. And so kudos to you. But with the game, my coach called me up after I believe six years of me not playing, 33 years old. And- This was like, within six months ago.
Starting point is 00:24:18 This was a month ago. A month ago, that's it. Yeah, this was right. This was soon. This was now. I was training hard anyway. I always do and I never Stop training like an athlete. That's something that I've just continued to keep into my routine So as much as I was trying to get ready for a stage and you know, use the aesthetics if you will
Starting point is 00:24:35 I was also just looking for power and explosiveness always and so I thought it was a great challenge and something I was gonna mark it much more. I was gonna actually do a video series of me getting ready for it. And then when the video series just became too daunting and got in the way of my training, I just said, I gotta make priorities. I'm gonna be in a football game. Yeah, I'm gonna jump straight. Push your head down and get your work surviving. It's one thing if you're doing a photo shoot for Bodygum.com or these other companies and it's just a photo shoot and that's the end result. I'm getting my head beaten in. So I was like, I- You gotta build your shell. Yeah. So more of the story is we get down, we played in Florida. I was playing with the Bridgeport, who the hell was I playing with? Bridgeport Ravens.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I was the New England Knights, but we were playing with the Bridgeport Ravens, the team somehow merged and that's what we were doing. And we were playing the North South Challenge Bowl, which is something we started when I played semi pro. We won every year and they keep inviting us back because we just keep crushing it. So the team I think this year went all the way to the playoffs and I think they lost the championship game or something to that nature. We still got invited down and it was a go squad. My coach called me up and said, look, I'm not inviting the whole team. I'm inviting select players and I want you there, me and my buddy John, John O'Tele from San Jose here. So we were both on the team back when I used to play
Starting point is 00:25:46 and we both looked at each other and said, all right, let's do this. Let's do this. One last goal, go at it. And it was a good challenge for me because it's one of those things that I tell everyone when training, you got to find those small goals that are going to push you towards your goals.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Micro goals I do on a daily basis, but those things that you're getting ready for help push you in the gym and make your numbers better and give you the motivation and inspiration to yourself to continue to move forward. So more of the story is basically I get down to Florida, we crushed this team. So you guys, you guys won. Yeah. We smoked them.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Well, let me just hold on. Let me just, let me, there was no more than 20 players on both sides of the team. So a lot of us had to go both ways. Like semi pro. It used to be really good. I think it's gone downhill a little bit now. And these organizations, but we used to have 50 60 people on the team and there was rotations and everything. Now it's just I felt like I was like watching some backyard, you know, TV, you know, in the bad news bears or something like that. But basically, I won the MVP of the game in three quarters. And I was, I was, I was a little, I feel like I didn't deserve it just because it was three quarters, but I only played three quarters because I actually twisted my foot pretty good.
Starting point is 00:26:55 And I actually just sitting on an MRI that I can't get read right now. I just can't find a doctor to read it. So I'm thinking I have some tour and legaments in my foot. But you know, it was a, it was a good victory, but for Herrick, if you will, because obviously I'm banged up right now and I can't do this. Is this game on YouTube or something? Can you watch it? I just heard about this tape that they have. So I'm working on it. Awesome. I'll be checking that out. Yeah, that's brutal. Football's fucking brutal. Yeah. Oh yeah, it is. I remember I remember yeah, too like they're talking about doing an alumni game
Starting point is 00:27:25 And I all I could see is everybody can you know ligaments torn and arms falling off and all kinds of madness happening Just well, I would hope it wasn't because my old age. I think I really think it was me just you know, you're still training Yeah, you're still training though. I mean let's talk about like everybody else yeah 80 90% everybody else coming back Yeah, bad bad idea guys. Don't don't come back and play football unless you're still training like a badass. Okay. So you I'm a circle back over to competing because I don't need a chance to talk to somebody that has to see the digesting is this why I like having you here because we can relate here because these fluckers don't ever want to talk about the men's physique and the IBB stuff that's just like wah wah wah, they're just, you know, fall asleep on me over here on my channel.
Starting point is 00:28:07 So, I'm curious to, if you do compete, do you want, do you have a specific show that you're thinking or targeting? Will you be on the East Coast, the West Coast? Have you thought about these things? Talk to me a little bit. What color will your board shorts be? No, I don't care that much. But I am curious about it. has actually, what's your opinion? What's your opinion, is it really care about placing and it's more going to be for him and so on like that, but have you thought about where you're going to go? In all reality, I've never been on the West Coast.
Starting point is 00:28:32 However, I have been seen by a West Coast judge and got my worst placing. 14th in the Pittsburgh Pro Show, 2013. And then the very next week I get fourth place and the New York Pro So, you know, just goes to show that you know different strokes for different folks if you know to me Yeah, you know Maybe certain people like the look that you're presenting and certain ones don't like to my understanding
Starting point is 00:28:57 You probably wouldn't do so well out here And I'm surprised that you did because you're very tall to my understanding the West Coast guys are just smaller They just come in you know these little compact frames and they do very well out here you did because you're very tall. To my understanding, the West Coast guys are just smaller. They just come in, you know, these little compact frames and they do very well out here. So in all reality, I'm not going to, I'm not gonna guess because I did plenty of that in 2013. I'll just show up in all reality
Starting point is 00:29:18 when I feel like I'm dialed and quite frankly, I'll just walk on. So that's how you'll make your decision. Yes, I'm gonna train and when I do it, I'm gonna see guys. I'll mark it to my fans and try to get them behind me. I like when I have people in my corners. It's good support for me.
Starting point is 00:29:31 It helps me motivate through them too. You guys, when you guys cheer us on it, I agree, 100%. We do appreciate it. Some of the guys feel pompous and that are above that, but I'll tell you right now they're watching and looking as much as they don't wanna tell you, they appreciate it, I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:29:45 So, on the same way too, that's one of my favorite things about the Instagram and tracking progress and announcing, hey, I'm going to do the show is, you know, it's pretty cool. It's pretty cool to have that many people supporting you and behind you. And I feel like, and I don't know if you feel the same way too, when I kind of commit to that on there, you know, you're really motivated. Oh, yeah, like it's, I don't know if it's competitive side of me or just how I, just I've got to shitload of people now Who though? You know, what you said you can't be a bitch, right? I feel like that it really does
Starting point is 00:30:10 Make me make me take it to the next level because I am I I feel like there all these people are watching because I said I'm gonna do this so I do I appreciate I love it too So and I know that's cool that you're the same way, and that's I think we're on the same page right now So because I've been asked also, am I gonna compete this year? And I plan to compete sometime this year, and there's a show coming up possibly in six weeks, but we'll see how I look, you know, that's for me.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I wanna bring, I wanna bring, especially if I'm gonna go to a show which I've done before, over here on the West Coast, you know, I wanna bring the best me, and there's a lot of these judges have ever seen. So I'll decide off that. Well, you're the mind pump athlete now, so now you got a fucking win bro I did apply to you know being the Arnold I did send in my registration for that and didn't happen
Starting point is 00:30:56 I they only picked what 10 guys are nine guys for the Arnold for the physique for the first year So I was gonna get motivated for that. This is the first year. Yeah. Oh, okay. So, you know, I thought that would have been a really good spot. You know, I sent in my registration. Obviously, they picked up the winners, the current winners. And, you know, it was, it was nothing. It was, it was a shot on the dark just because I knew I didn't step on stage last year. So, you know, the people that are in the front, front of their eyes right now, are the people that have been competing and winning and putting in their time in which they should. So I should earn it again because just because I'm a pro and who I am in this industry You still have to earn it and you know, I always just thought you can show up and you know
Starting point is 00:31:30 Look the part and then hopefully that depicts where you are on stage But sometimes it takes doing a show or two just to make sure that they're like, you know, you put your time in But I will not be putting my time and I've done plenty of that. So when I do show up It's either one and done or figured out if that one goes through it well. Me and other. Yeah. I got a question. So Craig, you're a listener of the show. You've been listening to our episodes. And I know you said a couple times that we all just kind of agree with each other all the time. Yeah. I said they need me in this show because I was the one guy that no matter what, there was going to be three of
Starting point is 00:32:02 them. I would not agree with someone in the show. A lot of things. Let's talk about that. Let's talk about that a little bit. So what, like, okay, so, you know, some of the things we've talked about in our episodes, what are some things where you're listening and you're like, mother fuck, I need to get on there and just debate them or argue with them.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Like, good. Let me straight. Here we go. Stop. Listen to this guy. Hold on. Hold on, let me pull my list out. He's got voice memos. We're gonna go one at a time.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Okay, let's focus on one subject. All right, so starting with Adam, he trained, he's breaking us all down. He trains, well, you guys are all the same on this one for the most part. You're probably, but I'm just going to go where he goes. Go ahead, go ahead. He trains for aesthetics and he doesn't,
Starting point is 00:32:40 the least, let me, is this a quote? I will go and do the least amount of work possible to achieve the best physique I can. Oh yeah, absolutely. I got a satin for sure. Oh, okay, so that's his mentality. Sal is just, you know, he feels over the course of the years and science has given him the key to the success here.
Starting point is 00:32:57 So he uses that as complete, you know, an utter Bible to everything that he does. And certainly, you know, I'm referencing the everything that he does, and certainly, you know, I'm referencing the fact the way they train in comparison to the way I train. It's night and day different. Justin, as well, I think he was probably much like me early in his career, which I heard.
Starting point is 00:33:13 He made someone cry the other day. Yeah, yeah. One day. We heard that episode, huh? So, you know, he trained probably like me, and then over the course of time, he was like, look, I gotta get paid. I can't brush everyone. So, at the same point, but I think Deep Downey he trained probably like me, and then over the course of time, he was like, look, I gotta get paid, I can't brush everyone.
Starting point is 00:33:25 So, at the same point, but I think Deep Downie actually likes training like me, which is just kind of... I do, I like the intensity, I do. He just push it, I mean, that was one of the episodes where I'm kind of the oddball in this group where, you know, the training for me trumps just about everything. That's ultimately what I'm after,
Starting point is 00:33:41 it's the juice that gets me going, and then, you know, everything else is a trickle effect. And so, you know, other than these guys, you know, they kind of had their own ideas of it. Let me see what else is out there. Well, yeah, I definitely, I definitely stand by a my thing because I, when I think when I was probably, you know, 23 years old or whatever that in personal trainer, I was training like that too.
Starting point is 00:34:01 I was, I mean, blasted and sweat when I left the gym. I mean, crazy, dying, falling on the floor like, you know, red face, dizzy, and shit like that too. I was I mean blasted and sweat when I left the gym. I mean crazy, dying fall on the floor like you know red face dizzy and shit like that training. But uh man, you know now all I want to do is I want to be able to stand next to Craig on the beach, take my shirt off and look faster than him. That's it. And if some girl walks by and asks you know who bench presses I'm just gonna lie and say I do more so it doesn't really fucking matter. And if I look the part then that's all it matters to me Well, I think you shall notice first is your toenails Craig do you paint your toenails like Adam does no and I didn't even hear that episode This guy this guy doesn't just paint his toenails. He's got French tips. He's got manicure like French manicure
Starting point is 00:34:37 You know the white yeah On his defense they're beautiful. Yeah, they are there. It a West Coast thing, bro. We'll get you. Go. We're about to take you. I'll take you. I won't be saying hello either But I'm gonna say anymore This was something that I was gonna debate with you guys not to debate just bring up might it might be a topic I don't know if you guys want to cut and go to another episode or just How about I mean from talking about training. I've noticed as I'm getting older I'm not I'm just being more aware of the aches and pains in the constant, you know, problems that I'm having, right?
Starting point is 00:35:10 So as you get older, you don't, the joints and everything else are to, you know, not be as elastic and not bounce back as fast as they probably once had. So I'm taking more precautions. I'm not really wearing a belt anymore. Still, I just don't really believe too much in that unless I'm like really, really heavy with the weight, but I'm using wrist wraps and knee wraps right now. So I wanna kinda see where you guys feel on those
Starting point is 00:35:33 because do they help, hinder, or you know, age your performance to live longer? Well, here's a thing with wraps. Now I'll start with knee wraps because knee wraps are, it's a little more clear with knee wraps, with what they do. So they do help in the fact that they do increase compression around the joint. So the joint feels more secure. They're going to give you a little bit of a elastic effect at the bottom of a lift like a squat. So you're going to be a little
Starting point is 00:35:56 stronger. However, the wrapped in order to do a wrap properly, you have to wrap it around the entire knee. So the wrap goes over the knee knee cap also I'm sure you guys are familiar right now You've got this pressure on the knee cap pushing down on it while you're lifting with heavy weight And so what ends up happening over time is you end up with an increased risk of what's called Condromylacia and this is where the bottom of the knee cap starts to get frayed Well, I would think to use it be grinding on the cartilage. Well, that's what it is Right, so yeah, so the knee cap right so if you take off your knee cap to get frayed. Well, I would think too, you'd be grinding on the cartilage. Well, that's what it is, right? Yeah, yeah. So the kneecap, right?
Starting point is 00:36:26 So if you take off your kneecap, it kind of floats. The kneecap kind of floats on the femur, if you will. And underneath it is this little fin, almost like a little, it kind of comes down on a little peak. And that fits in a groove. And when you bend your knee, it slides in that groove. And this is in the lubrication of that is the cartilage and the sonovial fluid and all that stuff. You're putting lots of pressure on that
Starting point is 00:36:47 and then you're squatting. If you do it occasionally, you're probably okay, but there's a lot of anecdote over time from athletes who've used lots of knee wraps to developing contra-malacia, which is that wearing down of that cartilage. Well, and this goes back to what we were just previously talking about, and I know I kind of,
Starting point is 00:37:03 I guess, make fun of myself too with the whole, you know, I just want to look pretty. And I would not, you know, at the end of the day too, I do care about functionality and performance to a point. But that, to me, I always jammed or just in that. Yeah, in life in general always. So I just feel like I always take that in consideration when program designing for myself is as much as I would like to be able to say that I could do three hundred fifteen pound jump squats, the risk for myself is as much as I would like to be able to say that I could do 350 pound jump squats the risk for reward for me for what I what I'm gonna get from it It's like you know, it's just to me. It's not worth it because of those adverse facts Same thing goes with like knee wraps and wearing a weight belt
Starting point is 00:37:36 It's to say that I would totally not do it or never do it sure Maybe if I would decide hey that one workout. I'm gonna do max load and I want to go to see you see what I can squat today You know, I just say for the fans and I would decide, hey, that one workout I'm gonna do, Max load and I wanna go to see what I can squat today. You know, I just say for the fans and viewers, because there was a camera here, you guys have seen that yet. I'm not a nobody that broke. We don't have hands.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Don't jump squat 315. Just don't do it. Put a caution on that. Don't jump squat 115 for most of you. Yeah, forget the 315. Don't do any jump squat. Adam had a nail that there's way more risk than reward for that exercise. I was very careful. It was a good day in the gym. I crushed 225 and I was like, well, let's
Starting point is 00:38:11 just see what I could do. It was kind of a personal bet against myself, just what I was able to achieve doing this exercise. I hit the mark that I wanted. I did it pretty well. However, after doing it, you know, in retro spec looking back, I said, a lot of things could have went wrong and it wouldn't have been worth it. And it would have been really silly if I got hurt doing that exercise for no good reason. Jump squats do have their place. They there are really good rate exercise. I actually do them jumping up and up straight up in vertical and forward as you guys see me do the frog leaps before the football show. You know, and I think they're a great exercise.
Starting point is 00:38:44 However, it does be smart. Work your way up with the weights and do it that way. Well, not all eight, not all aids are the same, though, right? Yeah. I mean, a belt is, it's going to increase course stability. It just changes course ability. First of all, it increases it. wrist wraps will help support your wrist. I want to ask you, I was going to bring this up also.
Starting point is 00:39:02 There's really two types of pain that you can kind of break down with exercise. You have your acute pain, which is an injury. So like I hurt myself, therefore I have to wrap my ankle. And then there's chronic pain, which happens over time. And this, many times, muscle-related. is muscle imbalance related.
Starting point is 00:39:19 So if your wrists are bothering you, perhaps a really effective soft tissue work might help, you know, myel fascial least. Now I was looking to bring up that point just, I mean, as far as like, you know, as you agent, and I'm gone 35, you know, Sal 35, and Adam's right around there. But at 36, 40, right?
Starting point is 00:39:40 Are you serious? I just had a birthday, at 36. Oh, dude, that's 40. I know, thank you. I'm going to throw the gray hairs too. Yeah, what's up with that? I color mine a birthday at 32 old old man. I know. Thank you. I'm going to fall the gray hairs, too Yeah, what's up with that? I color mine. Oh, yeah, good thinking. Have you found a great pub yet? Great pub. Yeah, that's fucked up. I plucked it right away. That is fucked up, bro That's a little fun. That's gonna mess me up
Starting point is 00:39:58 That's what you know you know you don't get them first of all Adam don't lie, bro You have no pew you're into you wax the shit Before he ever like sees it You know you get them. First of all, Adam don't lie, bro. You have no pew. You're into you wax the shit. You know what? He's not in the case. Yeah, exactly. He waxes before he ever like sees it. Let's be honest. You don't, you get waxed. It's like, it's like an astroturf size. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:40:12 It's still, it's there. It's just a little more functional than you could put on it. Yeah, exactly. It's like a putty, very good. It makes it a bit fast. That's probably a better, not a huge thing. It's like a patty. It makes it, anyway, what I was talking about, right?
Starting point is 00:40:24 So we're talking about like aging. And so the mentality of their shifts completely. And so for me, you know, I definitely like you mentioned before, I I'm with you on the high intensity workouts. Like it I've played sports since I can't even tell you when and I've played multiple sports rugby basketball, baseball, you know, soccer even. And I just I just love to work my ass off. And for me, I'd notice around like maybe say 30
Starting point is 00:40:52 where things started to change. And I don't know if this is just over time all the trauma and all these little things that accumulated to where my body wasn't performing the same. And I had the little aches and pains. And so I really started creating a ritual for myself. And so this is something that I spent a lot more time on and was not as bashful about.
Starting point is 00:41:15 So that's something that a warm up for most people, if you're gonna ask them if you're gonna go work out, like how often would you say you do it like a full 10, 15 minute warm up? With self-mile fashion release? Yeah, dynamic stretch. Exactly. I probably need to do much more. Oh, shit, bro. Well, I'm not, I'm not like trying to call you. I'm just saying that like my mentality towards that completely shifted. Yeah. And it had to. I bought a good massage package when
Starting point is 00:41:41 I came out here just because I was going to say, you know, let me see if I can change my shape a little bit or just the rehab that I'm getting by just getting constant massages. I think you guys mentioned this in a recent episode. But, you know, I bought like a package of 50 just because I was saying, I want to see if I can, you know, get someone to do some deep tissue in there, you know, release some muscle fibers that, and maybe activate that and that would be actually a way to build muscle, to build muscle while I'm, you know, because it's so many years you've been training a bit, training more than 20 years, you have to get a little bit creative and you've got
Starting point is 00:42:12 to find different things that are going to work. You cannot continue to just build muscle the same way for the forever. So your body has to basically be introduced to new things. Well bro, I'm telling you right now, 15 to 20 minutes of proper foam rolling will change your life. Oh yeah. I swear to God, before you work out, I spend 20 minutes on a foam roller and then I stretch for another 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:42:34 before all of my major workouts. So let's just say, he just brought something up, which I know that he touched on, but he foam rolls and he stretches, which for me, that would be a sin in a way because I'm going for maximum weight and performance. And so by me stretching, you know, it's what it's supposed to not make you strong. Different stretches. We talked about this in one of our episodes. I don't know if we
Starting point is 00:42:56 released this or not, but there's, you know, when you hold like a corrective stretch, where you hold for 15 plus seconds, then the Golgi Tune is released, and then your body does relax like that, and that would be the opposite of what you want to do before you go right into a lift. But you can do like an active stretch or a dynamic, so I do dynamic warm ups. I was doing that, that's what I would do.
Starting point is 00:43:17 So foam roll, do something like that. Now, correctional stretching, however, let's say you're doing a lift, and you have a really tight muscle, that's the opposing one. Yeah, that is messing up your form. Yes. Then you would do a correctional stretch for that particular. Now for me, I'm just tight and so it's actually hard for me to get depth on squats unless I do correctional stretching.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Oh, that's, I have to before squatting. And if I don't forget about being stronger because I can't get proper depth and if I try to push that depth my form breaks down I get hurt. So that's that's that's on an individual basis definitely, but yeah, I foam rolling will change your life I do you do right it will change it. It's so that's I'm gonna piggyback off of that because I have a personal story of you know I played basketball for most of my life I played other sports but I stuck with basketball all the way up until almost 30 years old I played on a regular basis. And by regular, I mean, at least several times a week.
Starting point is 00:44:07 I played in like, inter-mural league shit like that. And as I started to get older, I started to notice my knees. My knees extremely achy, and I even noticed a little bit of fluid and swelling going on with them. And I'm like, oh, man, I'm just, I'm losing it. And I was always thinking to myself, like, God, I always attributed to like, maybe I'm just not in a good enough shape. And so I train harder and I'd be going that right.
Starting point is 00:44:26 And of course I used to preach because I know how important stretching is, but I had never, it had not hit me yet. It hadn't hit to a point where I needed to until this point and I thought, you know what, maybe I should foam roll before I play ball. Let me see what happens when I really open up everything and see if I can notice difference, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Like the first time, the very, very first time I did it, I noticed like a, literally I would say 60 to 70% increase in my performance. The first, the very, just by the very first time because of how fucked up my IT was, my hamstrings, everything was knotted up in tights and adhesions all built up for years and years and years of banging, you know, contracting, contracting and banging it up and never addressing, addressing it. And it finally caught up to me to a point where it started to stress all, a sort of stressing all my ligaments joints and stuff. So once I did that, I mean, it, it did make me a hundred percent better, but boarded it make a huge difference. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:20 I'd probably have to go hire a personal trainer just to make me do it quite frankly. It's one of those things having someone hold you accountable. Person trainers is great for your shit, right? I doubt it. It's boring, it hurts. I don't know. It doesn't feel good. Watch your mentality with it though.
Starting point is 00:45:35 If you treat it like it's part of the workout, it becomes ritual. That's what happened with me because I'm the same entire. Honestly, if I had a trainer tell me to do that, I'd be like, fuck you. I also think that- me to do that, I'd be like, fuck you. I also think that- I can go to hell. I also think that- No, I would just have him just for the 15 second sessions.
Starting point is 00:45:50 I wouldn't, you know, or have had some training. I think I would need him to stretch me, that's all. I think it's a really good point. What Justin says, I actually think for that reason, knowing you, I think you would really dig it because I think you would get into Steve into that game. Well, because I think you would also see what your performance
Starting point is 00:46:04 started to go up. Your performance was going up. And I think you would also see what your performance would go up. Your performance would go up. And I think that would encourage you more and do you get more excited about it? Do you want to know who inspires me today? Like when I look around on social media and these are the things, it's these guys that are doing something other than lifting all the time.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Like there's a calisthenics channel. There's, for me, it's something I cannot do. So I'm not, I'm not, why would buy something I can do? I think it's me not wowed by something I can do I think it's neat I can't do a muscle up how embarrassing is that These come but the point the point of the story is I can do these things so these Athletic mentality again, I mean to me like you could do a thousand one-armed bounce swingy fucking monkey things And I give you two shits, but the fact that you could jump squat through 15. That's way more pressing me You could do a thousand one-arm bounce, swinging, fucking monkey things,
Starting point is 00:46:45 and I give you two shits, but the fact that you could jump squat three, 15, that's way more pressing me. I just think that's way cooler. I'm over it. So, you might be seeing some new crazy things out of me. Do not please, do not, okay. Do you, can we talk about social media? Let's get it. All right, whatever.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Okay, here. Okay, so this was on Yahoo news a couple of months back, actually. And they say that in 2015, that is one, that'll be one of those. It's gonna be like the most popular thing. That's gonna be the one in calisthenics. Calisthenics is gonna be the number one drink of me. So, and you know what I mean? I am, I'm like, anytime something gets over different.
Starting point is 00:47:23 I'm hyped. Yeah, I want to smash you. I want to smash you in the face because it's fucking cool. It's great. There's a lot of great things about it. Taking the body through full range of motion and the flexibility and being able to control your own body weight and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
Starting point is 00:47:35 and all that other cool stuff. And it's really cool. It was locked, popped in. It's even cooler if you can do it in Vegas while you're drunk and walk on your hands and do push-up handstands before you fall on the pool in front of a bunch of girls because it's guaranteed you smash So those reasons I think it's really really cool. He's tried this out already Seriously, he's all that's why it's cool. He's like and with painted toenails
Starting point is 00:47:57 I tell you what you know, I've always got stories like this. This is another true story in Vegas. I watch this happen We're all we're all down by the pool and this dude comes along down and he literally maybe, I don't know, is probably 20 yards away from the pool. Just right from just walking casually in normal and stuff like that, he sets his drink down on this little bar thing and he's going by and he just goes right into a handstand
Starting point is 00:48:18 and walking on his hands. So he's peacocking. Totally. Torrent's the pool, he gets to the edge of the pool. You should have pulled it like a short stop. he and then he starts wrapping out shoulder presses dude Oh man, and then he falls into the pool all the chicks, bro I was like damn dude. I went to the gym after that. I was practicing that for like maybe like to Fuck this is hard dude. I'm not flexible enough. I got the pros bro, bro. That's it for nothing bro
Starting point is 00:48:43 I said you know I said I forget, I'll just pay my toast. Listen, bro. That's it. I can do that. That's where it's, man. Yeah, but can you do a handstand upside down, like I can? No. Handstand upside down.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Yeah, exactly. I can do that pretty good. I can do that right now. So yeah, I think it's got its place. I think it's neat. I think incorporating it into a strength training and weightlifting routine would be cool to do. I'm not for it for, you just can't,
Starting point is 00:49:11 you can't be completely balanced, you know, because there's certain things that you can do pooling wise as far as resistance and doing that versus... Well, I mean, it's not that you say needo, right? You just say needo, that looks neato. Needo, yeah, it's neat. Well, I mean, it's not as versatile. Like, there's a, most people working out
Starting point is 00:49:28 can't do most body weight exercises. So then they can't fucking work out. Like, there's a lot of clients I get that can't even do a push up off their knees. But they can lay on a bench and I can hand them two five pound dumbbells and they could do presses, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Most people can do a pull-up. So what are they gonna do? You know, even a body row, they can't do. So calisthenics, there's definitely some, some presses, but for most people, because you're limited to what you can and can do, you end up with like four exercises, and that's all you do.
Starting point is 00:49:55 I think, and you get em balance. Maybe I miss label calisthenics. I'm not talking about just amateur moves like that. Right, no, I'm just gonna bring that up to you. Yeah, so many of these guys doing some very impressive things on. Oh, yeah, crazy. I don't even have a handle to give you. I wish I did.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I'll give you one on here. Look up, Tory fitness. Tory, Tory does a cool ass, like a muscle up version, but he shoots up on a pull up and actually claps his hands behind his back and catches back up and then goes into muscle ups and does some cool, I mean, that's cool. The problem is, I'm 510, 228 today, usually sit around 230 when I'm kind of just maintaining.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Yeah, you're not meant to do muscle. Yeah, you're not meant to do muscle. I learn that. I would have to be ridiculously upper body strong to just throw that around like that. Some of these guys are really strong upper body, but they just don't weigh a whole lot. They're like, hello.
Starting point is 00:50:40 And there's plenty of guys that are my height, they're 30 pounds, 20 pounds lighter than me. They probably look the same as me, but I swear to God, they just don't have any organs or something inside. I don't know what's going on, but I don't know where it went. At the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:50:51 it's gotta be what you enjoy, you know, what you enjoy. Well let them have that as all I gotta say. You know what I mean? Like if they're body type, everything, yeah. You can have everything dude. But you can try. Good at that, you know, you just clap for them.
Starting point is 00:51:02 You say, hey, awesome, you know. And then you do what you're fucking awesome at and you make yourself even more awesome. Yeah, but run through some walls. That's something you just clap for him. You say, hey, awesome, you know, and then you do what you're fucking awesome at and you make yourself even more awesome. Yeah, but run through some walls. That's something you would be good at. Run through some walls. And that would be impressive. Put that on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:51:12 I can just run through some fucking plaster and two by fours, bro. A lot of guys can do that. I'm not doing it for the, to impress anyone. I'm trying to impress myself. Well, let me pretty impress you for these things. As you travel through life, you just look for your own motivations
Starting point is 00:51:24 and what you're now into You know, I've sort of read well. I used to read now I've got just to damn busy to read but at the same point I'm listening either mind pump on the radio on the way in a work Or I'm listening some kind of an audio book so higher learning is definitely something that's on my agenda is I become more of a business Professional awesome pick up be career yoga and there's something bro Actually, no, it's good for if you're tight as fuck. Yin yoga. Yin yoga. So you guys from have you guys done yoga before? Yes. Okay. So you know the vinyasa flow where you go from like warrior pose
Starting point is 00:51:54 on salutation to the whole thing. Okay. Yin yoga you're on the floor. You're getting these poses and you hold these stretches for like two minutes. Oh hell. Oh hell. No, no, no, no, listen. If you're tight as hell, it is the best thing you've ever done. It is the best thing. So I took like four classes. The problem is, is that the place that I went to, and I'm not going to name names, was so pretentious, it was incredible.
Starting point is 00:52:16 So here I am, I walk in, and I'm not a massive dude, but for a person taking yoga, I'm fucking door in yates. So I walk in there, and everybody's looking at me like, who's this guy? You don't belong there. Yeah, so the pretentiousness. That's how I felt that way in a class too. It was so stupid. Like, I'll accept anybody into my jam, come work out whatever,
Starting point is 00:52:32 but I went to this yoga studio and the pretentiousness was just, it was so thick, man. It was like going to Whole Foods, but times a trillion. You know, the guy at Whole Foods helps you and he's got the frickin big hoop ears and he's got a hemp background., you know, hoop ears and you know He's got a hemp background. He looks like he needs to eat some protein And then he looks at you funny because you didn't take the shit out of your basket. Yeah, listen
Starting point is 00:52:52 I'll put you in my pocket right now and walk outside Why is that not that actually happening? What is that about? Yeah, this is all the The age hearing demographic area. Yeah, yeah, I listen I'm I dig people like that right but when you're like a pretentious jerk, like you're a total guerrilla. Yeah, because you drive a Prius, but your mom and dad bought it for you and you know, come on.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Yeah, I guess I'm okay. My carbon footprint is lower than your ribble. My footprint on your ass is huge, so. So awesome. Anything else about any of our other episodes? So basically you're different in terms of your training mentality because you're so intense. That was, there's plenty, man.
Starting point is 00:53:27 I mean, you guys, what about food intake? Because we talked about fasting. And we were all different on that. You guys were all the boys. I actually really, so. You know what though? You tried fasting for the, was it the first time? Not that long ago?
Starting point is 00:53:38 What did you think? The first 24, 48 were the hardest and then it got better. I think I didn't make it past three days though. I was just so off guard from a shoot. Basically, Cellucor had asked me to shoot and they gave me like a week. It was one of those things where I just, it was middle of me posting a picture on social media
Starting point is 00:53:58 be like, let's bulk, who's with me kind of thing. So I'm just beastin' it up in the gym and just crush it. I'm just gonna be like, take a swipe, you're taking those off these shots. And so they call me up and they go, we're gonna do the G4 trailer in Tulsa. Let's go. Next week. Say what? Next week. Okay. Reverse the spiket. Let's figure out how to do this.
Starting point is 00:54:19 So I took fast thing up for like two or three days just to see if it would kickstart anything and it didn't for me. I mean, it wasn't crazy bad. I thought that I would be completely miserable because I'm kind of like, you know, one of these guys that, you know, used, I don't have counter macros in a while, but I would be very, you know, much more like Adam where I'm going to counter everything up, probably portion out my meals and different things because that's what worked the best for me.
Starting point is 00:54:46 And certainly the amount of intake that I need to have, I can't just do it in two to three meals. So, you know, certainly six plus is something, you know, that I would be doing. So, fast thing was like a complete enigma to me and I was like, man, I'm going to lose all this this. I'm going to lose all my muscle. I'm going to lose all this. So, all these psychological things were going on on my head and none of it happened.
Starting point is 00:55:05 I mean, I lost a few pounds just straight from not eating and obviously I was drinking water and everything, but. Where are you taking any amino acids? I did. I did. Okay. I did. You know, I was taking alpha amino,
Starting point is 00:55:16 so of course those things are pretty good. But it wasn't as bad as I ever imagined and I wouldn't be opposed to doing it again. Just, you know, I know Adam and Justin and Sal, you know, you guys all have extensive background You know in the industry. I'm not sure how many guys have tried different diets. I know Adam's done a lot I know you study a lot. I don't know specifically how many tried just enough. I'm not really sure where you're at But I have been more Not an if if it's your macros, but I would be more flexible dieting
Starting point is 00:55:44 I would say that's much more where I would be more flexible dieting. I would say that's much more where I'm at. In flexible meaning that, you know, I'll eat probably 80 to 90% really clean, and there's 10% that I just, just whatever. It is what it is. It's gonna help me stay satiated and basically allow me to, you know, be good on my diet
Starting point is 00:55:59 with the main part of what I'm eating. See, that's the way that if you fit your mac, if it fits your macros should be. Yeah, absolutely. I think that's where him and I are very similar. Yeah, but see, that's the way that if you fit your mac, if it fits your macros should be. Yeah, absolutely. It's like that. I think that's where him and I are very similar. Yeah, but see, that's legit. That's legit.
Starting point is 00:56:09 I think our problem is with these dudes that are like, that's all, they don't give a shit, what they eat all the time. Right. And they post pictures of shitty food all the time and saying it fits my macros. You know what's funny? You guys ever look at their pictures on Instagram
Starting point is 00:56:21 what these guys look like? Yeah, they're never, never. Nine at a ten of them look like shit. Did they go on your post recently and be like, thanks for mentioning us or something like IAAFYM on some like, did it? And I almost wanted to retort, you didn't fucking start that concept like A,
Starting point is 00:56:36 you know, it was one of those things like, you're just a social media handle. Like I kind of took a fan's like that they were giving, hey, thanks for using our hashtag, you didn't start that, it's just a concept. No, you know what it is? I think it was a Robo response. I think there's like, they have programs
Starting point is 00:56:50 that will sense a hashtag, because we got, We've got some funny ones with that actually. We have, because we had CrossFit involved. We had our CrossFit episodes, which was, they weren't, they weren't, they weren't very nice to CrossFit. Let's just say that.
Starting point is 00:57:02 And we had people coming on, hey, thanks for, you know, whatever. You know, it's nice to see more CrossFit athletes, like you obviously didn't listen nice to CrossFit. Let's just say that and we have people coming on. Hey, thanks for you know Whatever, you know, it's nice to see more CrossFit athletes like you obviously didn't listen to our episode. Oh, yeah I will try your program. Thanks. Yeah, please take our detox tea. You know, I get one of those and like oh, let me just tag Adam and Yeah, we just I think Craig and I are pretty similar how we died. I mean, maybe I have done a few I have I've experimented with a lot a lot of different things And that's why too I like to keep these guys honest because I especially sell because I know Sal has his is once the twice a day he eats and 100% back him up on the science behind it
Starting point is 00:57:38 But like Craig I would say that it just doesn't work as well for me because I battle with the overeating, the cravings, and this and that, and I find it easier to actually be that neurotic person. To abstain. Yeah, to carry a majority of his meals around. And I won't have to lug my six pack bag everywhere I go on somebody else. You did today? No, it's in a duffel bag over there. Yeah, here's one you guys.
Starting point is 00:58:00 There's a couple of wears full of pants. Two meals, yeah, I got two meals in there. One thing you guys brought up was the RDA for protein. There's something that's a very good one. I actually had kind of a, not a debate, but some article that was out there that was talking about, how you can only ingest around 35 grams of protein or something like that.
Starting point is 00:58:16 That's stupid. I know, but this is what I heard. That's what I heard. That's what I heard you, Richard. That's what I heard. I heard you saying that. I heard you saying that. I heard you saying that.
Starting point is 00:58:23 I heard you saying that. I heard you saying that. I heard you saying that. I heard you saying that. I heard you saying that. I had to die there. And these other people are preaching. This was actually on BodyGone.com, which obviously everything in there is coming from the author, so it could be skewed to whatever knowledge that they currently have. But at the same point, I was just curious to see what you had to say about it in Justin and Adam, as well with just that fact. I know you guys, you like your protein, close to like what, .75 per of a body weight or something to that. I run it a little higher, it's just the way I have and it's not anything particularly that I research from science, it's just the way my body breaks it down and what I've been used
Starting point is 00:58:53 to over the course of the years and maybe call me a creature or a habit, that's kind of the way I've done it. I've actually had diets where I've been up to one and a half to two grams at point and maybe I could have done it better. I'm never opposed to saying that I didn't know everything I was talking about. But I do have that applied, you know, science from going through the whole motions of dieting.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Well, what would you say you average now? Like, because you said you've tried one and a half to two grams. You've tried one and a half now. So, so here's the thing. But closer to one and a quarter. So here's the thing, that is not extreme. Not at all.
Starting point is 00:59:24 No, because there's guys that are preaching. It's over pretty over but it's not this is what supplement companies will say We're in minimum like we said burn victims and bodybuilders. Yeah, what were in genuine? What will they say? What would the supplement companies say minimum one gram per pound as if that's like the like this is this is if you just don't want a Fucking lose muscle, you know in other words more is much better, which is not that's not true I mean, you know, you just think of it this way. Where did it? Why did it become so clean? Why wouldn't Grimper Palm? There's obviously got to be some kind of calculation because the real true RDS was was yeah, well it was point it was point 75 per lean body mass. Okay. All right. Yeah, so it's a track fat. Yes. So again, it's just too clean Give me like a point six six seven five eight nine three five seven
Starting point is 01:00:06 Oh, I see what you're saying. No, it's it's a number out there. It is not quarter. It's not 50 You know, but the point if that would make me feel better just I'm not quarter stuff 50 is not a hundred No, and I believe I'm around it. Well, it also it every that that the reason you could never give it a point seven, three, six, five, four, two because Every human being is a little bit different. So they can't we all we all are gonna convert and and utilize it Definitely, and that was the argument. I was gonna try to bring up to you know saying you can adjust 35 grams of protein per sitting But how do you how do you gauge that person is that a a hundred foot pound woman or excuse me a hundred and a hundred pound woman Who's five feet versus a six foot,
Starting point is 01:00:47 300-pound man, how are they gonna be related on the same thing? Totally different. Totally different. I mean, that blows that argument right out of the water. You're right, and here's how you know it's bullshit. Okay. If it was the case where you could eat over that
Starting point is 01:00:58 and your body's not gonna absorb it, then why don't we all just fucking pig out and then we'll just stay lean because we're only gonna absorb 35 grams of protein This minigramps a fat and this minigramps carbs. We know it's bullshit. That's bologna when you eat it Listen, if you're gonna eat too much to where your body can't absorb it. Guess what happens? You throw up Yeah, you puke or you shit yourself So the reality is that that number is some arbitrary strange number that they came up with and what's funny is when they they come up with these numbers
Starting point is 01:01:23 And I don't think this was an RDA. I don't think the RDA said 35 per sitting. I think that was supplement companies again. And if you look at supplements, supplements like protein powders and bars and whatever, how many grams of protein does the average one have? The high protein ones. The high ones?
Starting point is 01:01:38 Around 30, 35. Yeah, yeah. So isn't it convenient? Yeah. You see how that works? So no, it's baloney. It's not true at all. You can absorb way more protein than that. Less protein is fine too if it's working with you.
Starting point is 01:01:52 We can't call out companies right for the most part. We can. Finally, here comes the storming a little bit. It's written down somewhere else. It has no supplement company. It's more or less I was in a coffee shop that has a protein pack or protein snack pack. There's no protein that thing.
Starting point is 01:02:12 It's like the smallest macro of the bunch. Just as a star bar. Star bar, like that. Oh, dude, I just said it. That's what I refer to. Yeah, bro. It's because you had an idea. I was like, it is start like mining it.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Oh no. I was just in this, I did this. I've seen it before and I remember one time. Oh No, no, it's like one it's like one egg five almonds and a piece of cheese So it's like oh shit eight grams of protein That's how I was getting. All my five please. Yeah, a lot of there's a lot of information. I've salsent over. So I remember that he just sent a message.
Starting point is 01:02:51 God, it was just yesterday, a day before with the protein and all the studies that are coming on. There's a lot of really good information there on, because there's a lot of things that factor in male, female, height, weight, activity level. Are you an endurance athlete? And that's so hard to gauge. Like how, you know, the way you train, I mean, I would argue that you could, you know, you would be like
Starting point is 01:03:12 an endurance athlete as hard as you push the body and stuff like that. You mean, in comparison to what maybe they categorize as just a, you know, your average person who works out. So like that, you know, well, you're, I think you're in a, you know, and I guess an easy way to answer it. I think if you're anywhere at my, this is my opinion, okay? So I'll let everyone else either debate this or agree is if you're anywhere between 0.7 to 0.75-ish,
Starting point is 01:03:36 per lean body mass to one, you're, you're plenty good. And one to quarter one and five is you're definitely overdoing it, but I mean, you're doing it overdoing it by such a minimal amount that I would I want to diet under just to just to see the effects. Yeah, I think you should. It's one of those things where you know again, I don't know everything in this industry and I before I preach it I'm gonna try it. So you know, I would like to see having more I am for the most part. It's gonna be beneficial. Yeah, for the most part, I mean, like most people I know are probably over-consuming protein. Like, would you guys agree with that? Yeah, most people in the industry.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Most fitness people. Yes, I'm talking about fitness people. Yeah, you're right. Because if you travel anywhere, any continental breakfast is all carbs. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Average person is extremely under-eating, which is ironic, right?
Starting point is 01:04:22 The average person is extremely under-eating protein. The average athlete is over-certain. Did you know for countries, Americans consume more protein than almost any other country? Yeah, 1.5 eggs per person. Yeah, that's a lot. So, yeah, I heard that this morning. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:04:35 5 eggs this morning. Yeah, oh, this is the same show. So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, here, you know, I gave that to disagree. So, with protein, oh, is that you guys? Yeah. Oh, sorry, my first stop. I was like, damn, I was listening to that Oh, is that you guys? Yeah I was like, damn, I was listening on radio. I'm that narcissistic bro. I listen to myself in my car
Starting point is 01:04:53 Didn't you just came away? I Listen to myself. Fuck you. Okay. You have radio sure Your own information Cool yourselves That's bad. I quote myself all the time. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Until next time, this is Mind Pump. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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