Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 033: How to live to 100

Episode Date: February 25, 2015

What does it take to live to age 100 and beyond? Is there a best diet or a best exercise program that will help you achieve this goal? To answer this question, Sal, Adam & Justin look to the world's "...Blue Zones" where a disproportionate number of people live to over 100 years of age.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Welcome back to Mind Pump. This is Adam Schaefer, Salda Stefano, and Justin Andrews, the three sexiest voices on radio. Oh, yeah. And if you disagree, you're an idiot. Yeah. I don't think I'm that sensitive. No, you know, I actually heard someone say that about your voice the other day.
Starting point is 00:00:30 I know. No, I feel so bad because I'm sorry. I'm really. I know. I've been calling him Kermit and I've been teasing him about his radio voice and I actually two different people. Maybe that's why they say. There's apios. Men and women I think. No, one of them was actually a very attractive young female. Really? Yeah. And then one was that old dude. I said, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait We do I mean those you that have been with us for a long time may have figured this out by now But a lot of times we'll just one of us will come up with a topic and not tell the other two and Sal just did that earlier It's my turn fuck with me. Yeah, he's being fuck with Justin I'm still sour, so yeah, make sure you guys listen to that listen that we'll probably title What Justin hates this episode is that was sure? Yeah, so some of it so if you listen to this one you haven't heard that one make sure you hear that Justin gets messed with but
Starting point is 00:01:25 So this one's me. I'm gonna ask you question, but I actually have this is not really a funny one. I actually have some stuff that I I mean this is what I love about these two guys is They make me feel like the dumb guy like I don't know anything and I feel like I've got got my stuff together when it comes to fitness No, I feel like I want to rip your shoulders Thank you, you know, it's fun. Adam Adam does care. No, no, he doesn't care He you know, he's gonna you know, I just cut him off You're not to follow up on us. He was about to follow it up with I don't mind just being the handsome way I think I think you're a nerd and I'm a geek. Yeah, I think that's how we should combine our powers like Voltron
Starting point is 00:02:02 We should we conquer the world. All right, so this is actually the question I have. I don't know a lot about this. I know a little bit, and I'll tell you guys what I do know about it. And then you can probably enlighten me a little bit, so hopefully, I'm very intrigued with blue zones. And I know there's only a handful of them out there. The world's blue zones. Yes, the world's blue zones.
Starting point is 00:02:24 And I know there's a handful of them out there. The world's blue zones. Yes, the world's blue zones. And I know there's a handful out there. I know that there's studies around and what the blue zone is from what I know and you can correct me if I'm wrong, is that this is an area of population, right? Where people are living on average, at an abnormal age, like 105, 110, and there's more, a significant amount more of them
Starting point is 00:02:43 than anywhere else in the world. They call them cent centenarians? Centarians. Centarians? The super fascinating to me, and this is just one of those things where, I'm getting fascinated by it, but I end up getting busy doing cool stuff,
Starting point is 00:02:56 which I'm sure you're probably home continuing to read up on it. So that's why I'm asking this right now. That's my job back with the fucker. Well, so I'm glad you brought this up. This is it. Is it in his biceps? This is it.
Starting point is 00:03:08 This is this is a subject I'm very, very passionate about. Stuff like Simbrough. This is it. This is it. This is it. I love this subject. Let me tell you why first off. First, first of foremost.
Starting point is 00:03:18 I like it too. Well, well, we've actually me and you talked about this for a little bit of while. I did. So I need, I need nursing together on this. Well, let me tell you about Blue Zone. So Blue Blue Zone. You're welcome, you guys. You guys about this for a little bit. Wow, yeah. So, I need a nursing together on this. Well, let me tell you about BlueZone. So, BlueZone. You're welcome, you guys. You guys are about getting nerd on right here.
Starting point is 00:03:28 You guys would be liking this one. So, BlueZones are areas in the world where a disproportionate amount of people live to 100. So, for whatever reason, people just live a long time in these areas. And scientists have identified a few of these places. So, to name them off, these are longevity hot spots, they call them.
Starting point is 00:03:48 There's Okinawa, which is part of Japan. There's Sardinia, which is this island off the coast of Italy. It's actually near Sicily, where my family's from. Nukoya, which is in Costa Rica, Icaria, which is in Greece, and then there's the seventh day Adventist, which is a religious group in Loma Linda, California. So why the fuck is the United States so expensive to live in?
Starting point is 00:04:07 What do you mean? It's so expensive. Wouldn't you think those places would be so much, but we didn't got a blue zone. Yeah, oh no. We ain't got a blue zone, dude. I think we'd all be migrating to where everyone's living longer, doesn't that make sense to you?
Starting point is 00:04:17 Well, it's fun. I'm glad you brought that up, because here's the thing. Now, this is why it's so fascinating to me. There's lots of studies on nutrition, lots of studies on what's healthy and what's not healthy. But here's the problem with studies. So either. These along the equator, by the way, like, something, I would think, you know, do you know this, if temperature stress levels, their nutritional habits are these of course, of course, those are all factors. That would be my educated guess without knowing
Starting point is 00:04:47 that they've got to have something. Of course, absolutely. And so here's the thing with some of these, the reason why I enjoy reading about blue zones is because these are population-based, long-term generational studies. They're not controlled. You don't have to have them controlled in a lab.
Starting point is 00:05:03 You're not looking at lab results. Like, okay, if you eat more of this, you get more cholesterol, you get less triglycerides. Therefore, it's healthy. You're not healthy because it doesn't always work out that way. Does it? I mean, they talked for a long time about the French paradox, right? Why they ate so much saturated fat and yet they didn't have heart disease. So this these blue zones are the best absolute best things we have to look at in terms of what gives you long-term health.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Because these are actual people who are exemplifying this. Right. Yeah, this is the staple of longevity, which is something that I feel personally is something that people need to keep in their back of their mind, even when they're talking about performance, or, you know, just training to become more healthy. Like if they are living to like 100 plus years old, what are they doing? And what's the commonalities there that they share? That's the big one because all these places look
Starting point is 00:05:54 Okinawa, Sardinia, Nikoya, I mean, Loma Linda, California, they all live far away from each other. So as a scientist, this is like a gold mine because what you would do is you would take these areas and you would look at what they have in common Because I guarantee you people in Okinawa don't eat the same food as people in you know Loma Linda California Some Louisiana right so so there's got to be things that are in common and so at first when scientists went into this They thought that they would find some magic bullets like oh they must they've got to all eat a lot of fish or they've got all that fish oil.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Right. And so that's not true. They weren't those types of things in common. They found other things in common. But for me, this is, that's what makes this absolutely so fascinating. Oh, and by the way, the number one question people always say immediately after learning about blue zones is, it must be their genes. They must have better genetics.
Starting point is 00:06:46 But seems that seems to be like the staple for people to kind of jump towards when anybody's either healthy or, you know, is stronger than you. Right. And genes, of course, play a part. But here's the thing. When they follow these people, generationally, and these people's kids move to somewhere else. Within one generation, they have the same, they follow the same life expectancy patterns of the new place they live in. So it's not genetics. Right. It's not
Starting point is 00:07:15 affected by the environment. It's, but this is all about environment. So in, of course, genes play a part on an individual basis, but as a whole, the reason why people in these areas live so long is not because on a whole, they all have like superior genes. It's because of the environment. They all do the same thing. Yes, it's because of the environment. Well, that can relate to stress levels and stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:35 If you're doing things that are similar, you have this community feeling right here, low stress levels, like, I mean, especially for long periods of time. Yeah. Well, we talk about the importance of, we've talked to discuss this before about stress levels, how important it is, it live in the Silicon Valley when you have these crazy work weeks, and you have all this stress going on in traffic,
Starting point is 00:07:54 and all these things that affect us. People didn't realize that when you just all sit and go from cruising along in your car and come to a screeching hole, and then cars goes, there's stuff that happens on it. Yeah, it happens. The response that you're eating. There's a response you might, now that's extreme analogy.
Starting point is 00:08:08 It's not like you go around slamming your brakes, but all those little subtleties and fluctuations like that. I mean, it's a total different lifestyle. You have someone that lives over there and that. Well, you know, so let me ask you this. To make a huge difference. Well, since you know, I would say the least about this particular subject, Adam,
Starting point is 00:08:22 let me ask you this. Because you are. Let's just point that out again. No. Well, I didn't point it out enough when I fucking started. Well, no, no, this is perfect. This is perfect because let me let you know how much smarter I am than you.
Starting point is 00:08:32 No. Go ahead, Dick. No, you know what, you know what, last time I had made, I don't know. I know, right? No, let me go, let me tell you what, let me tell you what, you get a gun along with it. You get a gun along with it, Adam.
Starting point is 00:08:43 But you're also a fitness professional. So you know a lot about health nutrition. Yes. So let me ask you what, let me tell you what. You can go along with it. Because you're also a fitness professional. So you know a lot about health nutrition. So let me ask you this, what things do you think might contribute to some of these areas? Like off the top of your head, what do you think, you name one thing which is stress? Well, yeah, stress, temperature, I would think temperature outside, I would think,
Starting point is 00:09:01 gosh, nutritionally, obviously, like if they, like you said, like if they made you say, like somebody who eats here versus that with the food they eat over in California, you know, like what types of foods are you eating a lot of organic all natural foods? See, temperature that, God, maybe even... What about activity?
Starting point is 00:09:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe somewhere where there's not a lot of technology, maybe you gotta walk a lot, you gotta hike to places, you gotta move, you know where there's not a lot of technology. Maybe you got to walk a lot You got to hike to places. You got to move, you know things like we talked about before so I would think a lot of these things would be All logical. Yeah, yeah Disapportunes are here basic logical stuff So I would be surprised if it was random different stuff that well So when it would what shocked me what shocked me about this and what shocked I think scientists that looked at this is there wasn't really a silver bullet
Starting point is 00:09:47 when it came to things in nutrition. Like they thought, oh, for sure, we're gonna find that they're all vegetarian. But it did have some basis in the fact that they restricted some calories. Thank you. Exactly. So first of all, most of them were...
Starting point is 00:10:04 But you already lived in a deficit, huh of all, most of them were already living in the deficit. Yes. None of them over eight. They all ate less than most people. So they were all in this relative deficit for energy. Correct. Yeah. Correct. So you can eat as healthy as you want, but if you're constantly eating too much, it's probably not good for longevity. And I know I said this once before, but I'm gonna fucking drill this down to people because I keep saying it every time I come out of an opportunity. So here you go,
Starting point is 00:10:29 do not be afraid to be hungry. Yes. People are so, and you know what, and the reason why I feel so important to tattoo this is because, as a trainer I used to teach the opposite. I used to teach my clients,
Starting point is 00:10:41 oh, when you feel that feeling that your body's gnashing yourself. Yeah, metabolism telling you it's time to feed again and you need to feed it, just learn about this now. Now totally different bullshit. You know, I'm saying if you were trying to reduce body fat and you want to lean down, it's okay to be hungry every now and then, you know, and there's lots of benefits that we're learning more and more every day that we're learning how how beneficial it is to be hungry every now and then. Well, now with animal
Starting point is 00:11:04 studies and they've repeated this over and over and over again, when they put animals on calorie restricted diets, they, their lifespan increases dramatically. Right. Now, on the flip side as an athlete or someone who's interested in performance, you don't want to always be in a deficit, right? No. However, and this is again, these are preliminary, preliminary studies. They're not, they're no long-term studies, but they've identified in the body that the same thing happens when athletes fast. So you don't have to necessarily be in a deficit, but if you do fast once a week, twice a
Starting point is 00:11:37 week, or if you have long periods, like intermittent fasting, you get you on a chemical level as far as we know, you get the on a bio on a chemical level as far as we know, you get the same response, you get the same kind of things happening in the body that someone would have if they're on a calorie restricted diet. So another, that's another plus side of the fasting thing, the lunge of the aspect. So you don't have to be at a deficit
Starting point is 00:11:57 if you could do the fast, then you're gonna get some of those benefits. Which if you're a regular listener, you would have heard me talk about how this I actually incorporate fasting during my bulk. Which sounds so crazy for someone like, what, that does make sense, your trying to build, you need to be all with none.
Starting point is 00:12:12 It's a contradiction, bro. Yeah, right. And you do it more like once or twice a week, type of deal, right? Oh, at most. Yeah, at most. I sporadically fast, and typically it's more, more once, I can only count on a handful of times
Starting point is 00:12:24 that I've actually done it twice in a more, more once. I can only count on a handful of times that I've actually, that it twice in a week, you know. Although you could, I know guys that do two, three times a week, they actually do it. A little, I think you start pressing more than that and you're flirting with, not getting enough of what your body needs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:40 It's just tough with you. Well, you start to lose athletic performance too. Well, yeah, that too, right? So, yeah, so what are the other commonalities that they've mentioned? This one wasn't shocking to me when I heard it, but it's something I didn't even think about. Like this didn't even cross my mind until I read it. And it's strong social networks.
Starting point is 00:13:00 This was common in all blue zones and in fact- And we're not talking about Facebook. Yeah, no. And it not only is it common with all these blue zones, but when they look at all blue zones, and in fact, we're not talking about Facebook. Yeah, no. And it not only is it common with all these blue zones, but when they look at all over the world where people just live longer, they tend to have healthy social networks. Now humans are social creatures, period end of story.
Starting point is 00:13:19 In fact, it's considered inhumane. Right, we need affirmation. Yeah, it's considered inhumane to put somebody in isolation for long periods of time. I think that's even part of the Geneva Convention that you can't just lock someone up and leave them alone, even if you feed them and give them everything else they need. Humans need to be around other humans
Starting point is 00:13:37 and with other human nature. It's considered torture when you go on that side. It is. And so they find this over and over and over again that those relationships contribute to longevity. And of course it makes sense when you think about it, right? You feel good, the good chemicals come out when you talk to people.
Starting point is 00:13:54 You're stressed levels for sure. Lower your stress levels. This is probably why you're not around a bunch of dicks. Yeah, like you guys. Well, I think this is also why's the way to the old miserable fart all by itself. Take it years off by the life of stuff. Yeah, you hear that all the time. Well, I think this is also why when they find that people have pets, they live longer also.
Starting point is 00:14:10 I think it's connected in that way that they have someone there. It's just extended as far as animal. Of course, here's one that's obvious. Nobody smoked. I think probably the worst thing you can do on a regular basis besides eat absolutely shitty all the time is smoke. Well, of course it is. Those are, that's one and two right there.
Starting point is 00:14:27 For number one causes for death. Number one causes for death or cancer and obesity. You know, I, one and two right there. So I train vascular surgeons. These are, these are surgeons that work on the vascular system. And I asked both of them, I actually trained two of them and asked both of them, what is the number one thing
Starting point is 00:14:44 that all, most all your patients have in common? You know what they said? They smoked smoke. It's not. Yeah. You know, it's crazy to me though. I can't say people like I see people smoking still cigarettes and I just I cringe I'm like what the fuck? Well, I see here. I here's my defense to them or that dude It's not that crazy to me because I feel the same way about obesity and overeating if we Dude, it's not that crazy to me because I feel the same way about obesity and overeating. If we, if it's, if you're talking about one and two right there, being the two, you're looking at the exact cause of it, right? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:15:12 And then it's just being blatantly ignorant, too. Yeah, but food is essential. You have to eat, you don't have to smoke. Yeah, it's not like you, it's like you just don't have to, I think I just, I think you smoke her with disagree with you. I think you smoke her with disagree with you. But I've really though, right? If we had to like, if somebody was like a total like chain smoker and you try to say that,
Starting point is 00:15:28 they'd be like, fuck you, I got to do this, you know? So I, that's why I, just a simple fact and I know they are different. And I'm laughing as an extreme analogy. But in reality, when you think about it, if someone told you that, hey, these are the number one and two things that could possibly kill you or kill you much faster than what you're supposed to die at. What do you think it's a good idea to participate it, but yet still be able to smoke it and still be able to smoke. I don't care. Yeah, right? Well, I do it out well. Well, humans evolved to not look long, long term. Humans evolved to look right now. And this is why we have issues with that. Because right now, I want to eat this food and it feels good. And I don't want to think about five months from it.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Remember, okay, we all went to a show just recently. Remember when a Z's brought up the, how many of you guys know that you're eating GMO food. It could possibly kill you. This and all that. And you don't give a fuck anyways. And more than anybody clapped for that than they did that. Yeah. You did a little test, right?
Starting point is 00:16:20 So we had this huge audience. We're in an arena where there's probably 30,000 people. It was about the way meat was processed with antibiotics. Okay. That's right. Yeah. He said, you know, how many of you out there try to sustain from me because you know, it's how it's processed or you eat all organic and like, you go all vegan because of all. You can just clap. You hear the claps of the audience. You're like, I'm scattered around. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I scattered around. So that the next, the next one is how many people like didn't know what it, what it, what it was and had no idea. I believe
Starting point is 00:16:44 it was continuing. There's more scattered around. And then how many people like didn't know what it was and had no idea. I believe it was Canadian. There's more scattered around handfuls. And then how many people like knew and then still continue to give a fuck. And don't give a fuck. And you like have to place if not all of three quarters of it. Like, what is happening? Oh my god, this is bad, dude. So here's another one.
Starting point is 00:16:57 This one is, again, this is not a shocker. But I dug deeper into it. And all these areas areas the people have constant Moderate physical activity activity. So these okay the hands on the word moderate moderate So these people weren't like crazy exercise fanatics, but every day like moving a lot for every day for example They they highlighted like a fisherman in Sardinia who was was 97 years old, and every single day he woke up, he would climb up the hill, he would gather some berries or fruit or whatever, then he'd go back down,
Starting point is 00:17:31 and he'd walk his ass to the beach, and he'd go fishing, and he did this every single day. And it's not like a, it's not hard workout, he's been doing it forever. But he does it. But he does it. It's every single day. And also, I think a point too that I wanted to bring up
Starting point is 00:17:44 was when you're thinking about like daily habitual things It's every single day. Well, and also, I think a point too that I wanted to bring up was, when you're thinking about daily, habitual things and movement specifically, it gives you purpose. You know what I mean? Right point. I think that a lot of people, once they retire or once something that they've accomplished, that's it. That's the peak of their existence.
Starting point is 00:18:03 That's a great point too. When you talk about purpose and how often do you see this where the husband or wife dies and then shortly after all the spouse dies, right? Because you're 90 years old and you're, I know why people have died. You've been fighting with them for years and years and years but then also they let go and you let go. Did you guys know the statistics on people who retire?
Starting point is 00:18:22 The rate of death increases dramatically and sharply right after people retire. For everybody. And again, it's because they stop moving, they stop having a sense of purpose. Now all of a sudden, what do I do? I'm just going to sit at home. And the death rate goes through the room. Good thing we're all workaholics. Just keep working, but moderately. Right? You know, and I know, uh, move, Doug, our producer gets mad at us when we do this all time and I do it all time anyways I like to break rules and referring to another podcast we said earlier about the oh god I just lost it because I just lost deep thought I was dude I was just a
Starting point is 00:18:59 deep thought about that I wanted to tell and fucking sound kept going dude this is the one bad part you're talking about cardio or no dude. It was on the blue zone. It's gonna come back to me and just admit it. But I'm like I wanted to say it when you said something, I wanted to piggyback off of it and South kept going and I'm like, motherfucker, I'm gonna lose it. I know I do.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I'm sure it's any blames me. I do, I do. That's a bad part about all of it. Big mouth dude, talking over each other. All right, so I'll keep going then. If you remember, you'll keep going. You'll cut me off. No.
Starting point is 00:19:26 So, so here's something out that's, here's what I found out. Oh, yeah, I got it. Oh, you got it. No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You asked, oh. So here's, here this part fascinates me.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Each one of these blue zones, each culture of these consumes a particular type of food that is extremely high in antioxidants on a regular basis. Now it's not the same food for each culture. But each one of them have the staple of some sort in their diet that's very high in antioxidants. So for what are the benefits of that? Well, antioxidants, free radicals, and we're talking about combating and boosting your immune system. Absolutely. Now, now I going to say this real quick before we go into that.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Buying antioxidant supplements and taking shit loads of antioxidants is not the same thing. You can actually overdo it. However, through food and through natural sources, it's hard to overdo it. So if you're going to get your antioxidants, it's ideal to get them from a natural source. This is a pattern, right? It's a pattern in that this is why the whole GMO thing like people fight us on that Nature has figured it out. Yeah, right? There's there's there's a way that it's naturally balanced things for your body to process it at a speed and a rate that you know You're gonna actually absorb it Right at the right timing you don't have to worry about the timing of dropping this bill and all that.
Starting point is 00:20:45 I just find that such a good. Concentrated shit. Dude, it's just like, and it's hard to overdose on. Science, yeah. Science has concentrated all these great things it's found in nature, but you take it and then you overdo it. God, that's such a great, great point. That I feel like we're still learning about that
Starting point is 00:21:03 and people haven't completely figured that out, but it seems so obvious, you know, or a salad say simple. Yeah, it's easy. Yeah, exactly. Keep it simple, man. It is that simple that when you do, I mean, too much of anything is always bad for you. It doesn't matter what the hell we're talking about. And to take something and to super concentrate it, like you said, because, oh, this one thing's supposed to be good for you. So let's give you a whole shit ton of it at one time or whatever. Well you know it's not how it was found in nature it's not how it's ideally for you. Well you know what I've just started doing I've been starting to eat a lot of organ meats like liver for example and kidneys and that kind of stuff and they're very very
Starting point is 00:21:37 high in fat soluble vitamins and I eat lots of vegetables and I eat fruits and I thought to myself like why am I taking a multivitamin I bet you I'm overdoing it with some of these like, why am I taking a multivitamin? I bet you I'm overdoing it. Yeah. Some of these nutrients. Right. So I stopped taking a multivitamin, but that's because my diet is so concentrated with these very nutrient dense foods. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:53 So you can overdo it. And I'll give you an example. If you take, if you have adequate levels of zinc, then you'll have a long term prostate health. Good prostate. If you overdo zinc, you'll actually increase your risk of prostate cancer. So, and trying to overdo zinc with food
Starting point is 00:22:11 is very difficult versus overdoing zinc with a zinc supplement, which is easy. Well, something I always explain to clients too when people don't understand this either with like magnesium, zinc. What else can become acidic as far as that you find? You can have basic iron. All the metals you're talking about, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yeah, that are found in multivitamins and stuff. And most of your multivitamins have your daily RDA that you need. And one. And one, yeah, one multivitamins. And then also, you don't realize that you take food on top of that. Off food on top of that.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Then you also, in addition to that, you pick up this other protein bar that also gives you the adequate amount of iron in the day. Then you have this shake that does the same thing to you. And you have all these artificial things that, you know, their whole pitch is, oh, if you eat this protein bar, it's got your RDA for this, this, this, this, this. Well, you're also having that, that bar, that shake and that other protein shake all in the same day. Your levels are like ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:23:00 You don't even need all that stuff. And not only do you not need it, but you can actually have adverse effects from that stuff. And for another example, the vitamin A that you get in like liver and stuff like that, it's much harder to overdose on that than to take in vitamin A supplement, which is much easier to overdose and it can cause some problems. So Adam, just remember. Yeah, you did. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's sort of come to me now. It was saying that we got to be off again. I'm like, bam, I'm off again right here. No, it was related of come to me now. It was saying the fuck we got to be off again. I'm like, bam, I'm all forgetting to get right here. No, it was related to the moving.
Starting point is 00:23:27 And I was referencing one of the last podcasts we had where I talked about how I move around on days where I'm just not mobile. And I find that such a simple way of coaching and helping people is being more active. And it sounds like, oh, okay, yeah, of course, we all need to be more active, but also just being aware of your normal habits.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Like, doesn't mean just like every single day, you should always go, you need to always go on this jog now or be like this guy who got up and climbed this mountain every single day. Not so much that is just simply being aware of, hey, do I have a fucking desk job all day long where I'm sedentary and I sit down and, man, I should get up and go walk during my breaks and lunch,
Starting point is 00:24:04 you know, even if it is on your phone, texting your email, and you multitask, walk, that's what I do. Get on the treadmill and I just move. I make my body move and take it through full range of motion. I'll do weird stuff, I don't know if you guys do this, sometimes I'll do like a kid of a shower, to like full squats, you know, I'll be down, just to work with my flexibility.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Wait, in the shower? I do cafes in the shower. I do welcome. It's so interesting. The video will be available to me. It's also, but it's also, you guys laugh, but it's also why when I read sales, maps and a ball is in our run sessions. When I got in and I was like, well, dude,
Starting point is 00:24:37 this makes so much sense, not only that, but I kind of do the concept in a sense without really knowing it, just because it makes sense to me, it makes sense to be sending that signal and any chance I can get, I'm trying to kind of fire it. And even if it's just simple, just 20 squats, you know, that's it, or 15, 20 pushups, just that mobility and movement.
Starting point is 00:24:54 And it doesn't mean you replace your foundation, you know, intense workouts, it just means to. In addition to, so to piggyback all that, to piggyback all that, Adam, let me give you an example. I thought it was piggybacking, that's going on. Get on my back. I was like, I wanted to, so to piggyback off that, to piggyback off that, Adam, let me give you an example. I thought it was piggyback even. I don't know what's going on. Get on my bat.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I wanted to get on this train here. Well, so check this out, right? So let's say every day you take the stairs instead of the elevator, you park a little further, you do these little things. Let's say every day you burn an extra 100 calories, which is nothing. Yeah, that's nothing.
Starting point is 00:25:23 That's 100 calories. If you added this, let's, I know. 35 days, you, over 35 days, that's a pound of body fat. Yeah. So that's 10 pounds a year. A lot. So now people who are like, I don't know what happened over the last five years, I've gained 30 pounds.
Starting point is 00:25:36 It was that extra cookie. I can't tell what happened. It was that soda. It was that one soda every day. So the little, when people laugh and they say, well, what's it gonna do if I just take the stairs every day? That's nothing. That's only an extra one minute.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Every single day. Every single day. You do this for years and you have longevity and you'll be leaner and you'll have more muscle. I promise you. Can I say something right now that it's you can say that reminds me of something that we haven't really talked a lot about.
Starting point is 00:26:02 That drives me nuts is scheduling cheat meals. And this is why I don't do that. And it's one of the number one questions I get asked is, you know, when do you do your cheat meals or how, and how much this, and how many times a week do you do it? It's like, dude, I do not want to get caught up doing that if I don't need to. Now, I'm a firm believer in it.
Starting point is 00:26:21 There's something I really want, you know, and it's something I haven't had in my diet in a while and I feel like enjoying myself. I'm going to, but I'm a firm believer in it. There's something I really want, and it's something I haven't had in my diet in a while, and I feel like enjoying myself. I'm going to, but I'm not gonna schedule it every single week, because I'm just working against myself. That's just shit I gotta work off later on. Like, why would I set myself up for that?
Starting point is 00:26:35 And not only that, but just remember, like Sal said, it starts off with one cookie, and then you do that for a year, and then it's two cookies, then you do that for another year. Before you know, you could sit down, and eat the whole fucking box every time you decide you're going to sit down and do it and so you know you're just you're just setting yourself up that way. We should always be striving to help your in your big smiles. Yeah you always want to be and I
Starting point is 00:26:56 mean I'm so passionate about this because I feel like when we talked about the cigarette thing in comparison like it was right back to that. If I'm not saying that, you know, if you smoke maybe like once a week, that's probably not that bad for you, right? Right? Not that you do. What are you doing? Like who's to say like if you're in a week moment
Starting point is 00:27:14 and you're gonna smoke a whole pack? Right. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, it's just because that's the stimulus that like it suits some part of your psyche. So we're talking about psychological issues more in the air. And you don't have to be perfect, but just be aware of these things and own it.
Starting point is 00:27:27 And I think the answer, no, I think the answer is, you know, it's okay, though, to be striving for that, you know, because none of us, I don't, I know you just don't actively plan for it is what you're saying. Yes. Okay, so back on the antioxidant thing, because I want to talk about this is crazy cool. So each region consumes something of super high in antioxidants. So for example, in Sardinia, they have a type of wine called Candonau. And this type of, it's called Candonau. Say it again. Is that turned you on?
Starting point is 00:28:00 So this particular wine has got four times as many antioxidants as regular red wine. Now it's a very dark red wine I'm not a wine drinker. I've had people try it some people say they like it some people say tastes like shit But it's like almost pulp or no, no, it's just a dark wine with these particular grapes that they grow that they use and when they test The antioxidant level it's much higher in antioxidants. Sometimes four times or five times as high as a regular amount of wine. Now I have a question for you that I don't. So it's like Mona V. Yeah. I was just going to say, this is no, which you know what though? Here's a perfect example. Okay, this is, wow, great point, Justin. Damn. I don't want to give this like off track. It's not, it's not that far off track track the fact that I think that this is some science
Starting point is 00:28:45 So I love that Sal gives us all this this random knowledge like this But this is the this is us calling out all the bullshit that's out there is a company will take that bit of science and Information and then they'll go to store it and then they will market a bottle of and it's Super antioxidants that has this special goji bean that's from this blue zone area. And it's and you now have this super on its juice that's going to marketing. Oh, it is. It's mark and there your best bet if you see these foods that are high antioxidant if you learn about the Kenanell wine or the sand pin tea from Okinawa or you know the foods that they eat in the carrier.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Find that exact, find it like with how they eat it and do it like that. Don't buy any have to do all the, like, how they live day to day. Of course, of course. And that's all, that'll get tributes. Exactly. And that's all added up. And let's be honest, that's what I'm trying to point out is it's not that super antioxidant news.
Starting point is 00:29:42 No, it's not the magic pill. It's not the one part that's, because if they do that, and then they overeat, and they don't move around, guarantee their life expectancy, it just turns into sugar. So that's the point I'm making right now, is that, and then why I think it's important thing to talk about how many companies you see do this
Starting point is 00:29:56 with some of these. They overemphasize like one benefit that is obvious. Which is, you know, the cause they're all looking for that one, like, you know, commonality, which we were trying to kind of deduce it to. Absolutely. I think we should go ahead.
Starting point is 00:30:10 And there are studies behind all of this. There are studies behind all of this that prove that, hey, all these benefits to what that are true, but you distort it and you exaggerate it for the benefit of trying to push and market something that, let's's be honest if you neglect exercise Eating clean on a regular basis under you know living in a deficit versus a surplus not moving around very much that's so stupid to think that that Think I'm gonna have the same outfits. No, you're gonna all the other stuff is gonna counter that little thing So that lastly I want to end on this aspect of it
Starting point is 00:30:42 So they looked at all the diets and they found that most of them were somewhat vegetarianism where they would eat a majority of their food from plants. However, not all of them were. Some of them, for example, the Sardinian diet was high in dairy from like sheep, like sheep milk. And they would eat, sheep, like, you know, they would eat the stew made with like lamb meat
Starting point is 00:31:03 and stuff like that. And so their diet was higher in meat. Some diets had more fish. And this highlights something. And I want to be, I want to make this a point. Okay. Um, there's more than one way to eat very healthy. The human body is, because you hear all about this paleo diet, this and all no vegetarians
Starting point is 00:31:20 are the healthiest. I know you've got to eat, you know, a primal diet with, you know, this and that. Here's the thing, the human body evolved to be very flexible, to eat many different things. And there's many, there's benefits to eating healthy in a variety of different ways. Yes. So somebody who's a smart vegan is gonna eat, is gonna have a very healthy diet.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Someone who's a smart, quote unquote, primal eater or paleo is gonna have a very healthy diet They all they there's more than one way and there's benefits to all of them Ultimately, I would love for someone to come out and be able to combine all these things in a way to find the benefits of each and and for myself For example, I'll give you guys an example on on average I'd say between two to four times a month. I eat vegan. Well, I completely vegan I really feel like you and I definitely do this a lot. That's why we, I just don't have it written down. I don't have it written down.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I haven't materialized it, but this is how I live my life. That's why I can tell you that I've tried so many different things because I incorporate, there's so everything that you hear about. If it made it, if it made it to Barnes and Noble, if it's in there, it's always a book. More than likely, there is something behind it that has some benefit, but that's just the key is being aware enough to understand that,
Starting point is 00:32:30 yeah, it does have some benefit, but a lot of times, it doesn't make it better than something else. Or the only way. Yeah, well, it's like he was so stressed that it's something else. It's like you've always stressed out of my think. A lot of times like, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:44 what was I gonna say? Oh my God. Yeah, it's okay. No, you know, what was I going to say? Oh, my God. Yeah. No, you're, it's because we talk to each other. No, it's because it's contagious. I'm sure you had a, no, I was going to say that your body's an adaptation machine and you've stressed this before, right? So, I just, I honestly think that variety in a certain aspect like if you can rotate things intermittently. Okay, let's just say, whether it's training, whether it's with your nutrition, you know, there's a balance,
Starting point is 00:33:11 there's a certain balance that your body is gonna respond to, but at a point your body wants to adapt to that. Okay, now you're gonna hit a certain place where maybe that becomes your wall, that becomes your plateau. This is where we introduce variety. Well, let's also, let's also, let's not dismiss individual differences. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:33 I'll give you an example. I have a very good friend of mine. I have a very good friend of mine who's an athlete. And this guy feels better when he eats, when he doesn't eat meat. This guy doesn't eat meat. He's a vegetarian. He feels so much healthier, better when he eats, when he doesn't eat meat. This guy doesn't eat meat, he's a vegetarian. He feels so much healthier, better when he's up. Now me, I feel better when I eat a diet that's got the fats and the cholesterol and my carbohydrates
Starting point is 00:33:55 are relatively low, it's not super low. And I feel better eating like that most of the time, although I do, like I said, occasionally I'll throw in a full vegan day or a day where I have very low protein because I know it replenishes certain enzymes. I know that my gut flora changes as a result. I'm sort of doing that since you've brought that up. And what have you noticed? I felt great.
Starting point is 00:34:15 And I typically, I actually just kind of paired a lot of times with what I'm going to do, like a fast also. I figure, like, okay, if I'm going to be reducing so many calories and reducing, but that's why, yeah, that's why I think that's, you need to experience different stimulus. Because like you guys both have really done a lot of self experimentation to get to a point where you know your body and how it responds.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Like I don't think the average listener here has done that to that point. So I think that variety is something that you're able to find in sort of the key that inlocks like your response. But I will say this to it. I will say this, it's always with whole natural foods. It is not based on the common- It is not based on shit.
Starting point is 00:34:59 It's not a bunch of processed food. Process food is not good for you. I don't care if you're vegan or if you're, you know, mostly meat or whatever. Whole natural nutrient dense food is that's like the key right there. That's the absolute key. And then you can move. Then you can move it around how you. It's exactly how I coach clients now versus how I used to
Starting point is 00:35:21 as a trainer when I was a trainer in the past, when I was in my early to mid 20s, you know, I used to figure out mathematically what your body needed, you know, based off of all our, okay, this is your RDA for based off of your sex, your age, your movement through the day, approximately. Obviously I can. You're through a math and route. Right. Yeah. Right. But I mean, approximately, I can kind of figure that out. Right. As a trainer, we could all sit down here and kind of guesstimate where somebody should be nutritionally as far as carbs, fats, proteins. So now, my level of coaching is completely different
Starting point is 00:35:49 that I want to take from you. I want you to tell me how you eat right now, so I can already, can I learn about already how you put your habits and what works and what doesn't work for you. And then I'm slowly gonna change things to get you what you need in your diet. And then the next step after that is now I'm gonna teach you all the different facets of and I say dieting. I hate saying dieting because people think it's eating lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Yeah, different eating lifestyles where I'm gonna teach you fast. I'm gonna show you back loading, front letting carbohydrates, cycling if you want, just straight balanced diets, you can do low carb, low protein high fat, all these ways. And I'm getting feedback. I'm asking you, after I put you on it, and I tell you how to do it, how to utilize it, then I'm asking, how did you like that? How was your energy levels? Did you notice a difference?
Starting point is 00:36:34 Did you feel good? Did you not feel good? And is this something that you could see that you could incorporate in your lifestyle? And I'm trying to teach you this so you can kind of utilize all of them. And that's why it's so hard for me to ask, or answer that question when someone asked me like, well, do you do this or do you do that or what's your diet that you follow?
Starting point is 00:36:51 It's like, you know, maybe one time, maybe when we actually, the human body is not that simple. No, not at all. Well, I think it would be great to do this one day is, maybe if we actually make some money doing this, we can actually afford to pay someone to do this because I sure shouldn't get us to down,
Starting point is 00:37:04 take the time to do this because it would take a while, but I would love to have somebody track. If all I had to do was literally just log it, but put present it to you guys, you know, what a year. Who's done that? Who's sold it? This is what a year of my eating habits and my working out looks like it.
Starting point is 00:37:19 And then you can just, you can at a snapshot, be able to see like how inconsistent it really is as far as. I'll say before we cut off here, I'll say this for the last probably two years, I've been studying in depth and you guys know how fanatic I can get in depth about how the benefits of each type of eating, what it does for gut floor, what it does for enzyme depletion, what it does for performance, what it does for longevity. And I'm trying to find ways to incorporate them into an eating system that works, that's going to maximize the benefits of each of them and reduce the negatives of each of them.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Because if you look at, for example, vegetarianism, there's some drawbacks to it, right? There's certain nutrients that you might not get. There's certain, maybe proteins are a little more difficult. Or if you look at the plus sides, there's gut flora that, maybe proteins are a little more difficult. Or if you look at the plus sides, you know, there's, there's, there's, there's discut floor that you build from eating certain types of foods. There's these proteins, you get these fats from certain types of eating. And so I've been really in depth studying this kind of stuff. And I think I'm coming upon a breakthrough with it.
Starting point is 00:38:17 And when I do, you know, we'll, we'll, we'll talk about that. Excellent. Sounds like more money for us. This fit. We need to start getting it, you know what? Once we need to start like a fun for different thing projects that we want to work with, our listeners have no idea how much goes into all this stuff
Starting point is 00:38:33 as far as trying to create something. We all have these crazy dynamic visions for what we want to be able to provide. Well, we're working constantly. Yeah, constantly. Whether or not. And it looks like something that feels like it. Yeah, we're just both shooting all day in here
Starting point is 00:38:46 But did we are all individually like working on something I just want to say like my Ultimate goal in this whole thing when it's all said and done is I want to be able to provide like the Baddest not only program but like consistent help and Ability for people to to change millions of people for like nothing for like reason It was so low of a cost that it's like everybody should be able to do it like that's how free for me That's the performance. That's what pains me the most is that there's so many people out there that just don't know and it's expensive It's expensive to get good knowledge Even like it's it's well hard to say that but even going to you know
Starting point is 00:39:23 I hate to pick on like a newer trainer or someone that's just maybe basic knowledge or experience in the industry. You can even hire them and end up spending a lot of money and still get really surface knowledge. Well, I think the best part about, I think the best thing is that we don't mind pissing people off. We already pissed off a lot of people, and we're just going to keep doing it. So, unless, I think the listeners like that,
Starting point is 00:39:44 I think our pump heads like that. I wish I made us money. Maybe it will, but until then, we'll just do it for the two of you. Yeah, help us. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal,
Starting point is 00:40:00 Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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