Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 034: Bonus Episode: Justin hates this episode

Episode Date: February 26, 2015

Poor Justin... Sal and Adam can be ruthless. They've called him out and have challenged him to get ripped in 12 weeks. Is Justin going to have the last laugh? Go to www.MindPumpRadio.com/Justin to see... if he is on track to shutting them up...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Welcome to Mind Pump. This is our bonus episode. The sexiest show on radio. Period. Boner. So I want to, um, I'm pretty sure the title of this one is gonna be Justin doesn't like this episode
Starting point is 00:00:32 So you know, I'm looking at why I listen bro. I love you. So don't get angry at me And don't punch me because you're me. Oh, that's a big as I'm so I'm looking at us, you know I'm sitting or mention no, I'm physically looking at us, right? And you know, you know some of us are ripped I got so I'm so ripped So I'm so ripped, you know, I get down to my I'm gonna pick up I'm gonna pick on meatball right now Some of us have a lot of potential to be ripped.
Starting point is 00:01:06 So, no, so, you know, so. So are you getting that self? So I think this would be an awesome, and of course you can disagree to it, but there's a lot of pressure now. So if you disagree, you're a pussy. We think, and I'm gonna include you in this. I don't know, I always say we okay, where we going?
Starting point is 00:01:23 We think it would be awesome for Justin to do this Transformation now just The god let me know the god let us been through you think I can't do that shit. No, I I think you can No, I'm not. Here's the thing, dude. Oh shit. Listen, yeah, if Justin put it in, I like strength. I train like that. Honestly, like I just don't have any motivation to do something like that. So if you guys are going to call me out like that, watch out.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Oh shit. Well, you know what? It's just, it's what we should do. We should fucking track this, bro. That's what I'm saying. If you're that gangster, right? If you're that gangster right now, you think you can, you want me to show Nipple? Is that what's going down?
Starting point is 00:02:14 No, I mean, yes, but that has nothing to do with what we're talking about. But yeah, we're all in. Yeah. I better shave. Why do they look like pepperonis? No, you know what? No, you're right. I think we should track it.
Starting point is 00:02:25 So what we're going to do, and of course, again, you can disagree if you want to be a pussy, but you should, we should track your progress. I want you to follow the principles of my workout programs, the principles of the nutrition programs that you guys have. Right. Put it all together. Let's show these people.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Let's show these listeners what time it is. Oh, I'm, dude. Let's show them. I'm so down. I'm so downtown. Julie Brown. Oh, I just throw that out there just for my 90s listeners. So, so here's what we're going to do. That is what we're going to do. After we're done recording this bonus episode, we have taken a before picture. Yes. I'm going to look like as pathetic as I can. Yeah. I would just look horrible. I hate my life. I'm so not ripped. I'm depressed.
Starting point is 00:03:08 You know what, you're the perfect person to do this with and I'm gonna preface this because I know it's gonna happen. I know you're pretty motivated now that we've just put you on the spot. But you're not the average person because you do have a lot of potential. This dude is got, I'm looking at him right now And he's got long muscle bellies. He's built like a fucking horse. That's why we call him Clydesdale
Starting point is 00:03:31 Strong as shit. I mean we dial you in this can be some crazy before and after this can be a great Representing this is you know, and I'm gonna add something everybody everybody always likes to go back to like oh, dude I was ripped, you know, and I was in college and I was you know in high school and you should have seen me You know what I mean and I get it dude those people never have pictures too by the way Exactly because I've never had someone walk over be like look at you that's me. Oh, yeah, yeah, bro You know what I used to do it. I will take it to the girls will take you through will document on social media We'll talk about it in summer of our shows. Then Adam's gonna help.
Starting point is 00:04:07 He's gonna help you shave and tan. Listen, yeah, we have he waxed my Gucci on all of that. You're gonna have a click. Is that another word for taint? Yeah, yeah. So we're gonna get you taint clean. Yeah, oh, it's gonna be awesome. But be careful, you might get a divorce, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Let's show it. Be careful. We'll see you in a lot. We'll see you in a lot. Sure him, bro. No, dude, he's gonna be in a lot at home. He's gonna be in a lot at home. He's gonna be in so much action at home.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Things will increase. Let's just say that. Well, I know we're picking on Justin, but I actually, one of the things I like about how dynamic and different all three of us are, which hopefully that's why the listeners continue to grow is that hopefully one person out, everyone can relate to one of us, someone,
Starting point is 00:04:42 or whatever. And I think that Justin is a perfect. A fluffy demograph. No, I know, not at all. I actually, I think you, I think he represents somebody who, who trains and works his ass off in the gym. So he can be able to enjoy food this here and there whenever he wants to and not have to count his calories all the time and be trying to live in a deficit all of time. So, you know, I think what's important to note
Starting point is 00:05:05 is that it's not like this guy doesn't train all the fucking time. No, no, no, no. But most certainly, I would love to see him run through our Nutrition Survival Guide and Maps Trigger session, you know, together, I think he would be sick. Oh, good. It's gonna be, well, I think it's, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:21 it's one of those things, like if you're gonna, if you're gonna do it and you're gonna promote it, you know, you gotta do it. Well, it's, when I get it, you know, it's one of those things like if you're gonna if you're gonna do it and you're gonna promote it You know you got to do it. Well, so now I get it, you know, I want to I want to be the embodiment of it and Like just just watch dude like oh seriously though. I don't fuck around I of course I believe you cuz you're all he's got a crazy look on it Well, we I mean the part of why we like each other because we all are so different Is that is something that we share in common. We're all a little bit of maniacs
Starting point is 00:05:47 when it comes to work ethic on whatever it may be. You know what, though? You know what, I didn't even think of this. What? He's gonna get us back. Now that we just did this, I feel like he's gonna get shredded and then he's gonna challenge us to a work out. I don't have like a selfie off.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I just want him to remember that it wasn't me who brought this up. If anybody loses, it's going back out. It's like a zero selfie. You know? I just want him to remember that it wasn't me who brought this up. This is if anybody lose it Zero selfie, you know, it's just like it's just not one of those things that I oh no No, you're gonna you're gonna be strength. This is gonna be selfie fucking nation bro. I don't know Don't worry. You don't worry. You have two selfie experts. I'll show you what selfies, you know, she look like well I on a real on a real though Well, on a real, on a real though. I can't care. On a real though.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I know that you and I have been buddies for a long time. We worked together, shit's almost been like six to seven years ago. And when we did, I know we had a couple of trainers. I used to do this with my trainer. So those of you guys that are maybe fitness leaders out there, I think it was always great for team bonding and stuff. I used to run competitions amongst all of us to just getting in shape.
Starting point is 00:06:47 And it built good camaraderie amongst each other. And I like to think when that staff was all together back in Justin's days with me that was probably one of the fittest, smartest staffs. Yeah, we had 12 master trainers. I got a story. We had 12 trainers that were all in either single digit body fatter and the low teens and stuff. I mean, story. We had 12 trainers. We're all all in either single-digit body fat or in the low teens and stuff I mean everybody yeah, we're all by far the 10 years that I've been the career by far one of the the baddest team of trainers
Starting point is 00:07:12 I've ever had for sure and that was pretty cool. Justin was a part of that and I know back then obviously you were Hell-ostrict on your nutrition stuff of that for competition That when would you say the last time was though? I don't I't know, you tell me. Well, that and how long was it? How long ago was it and then how long have you been like, dialed, like dialed which you didn't do? I was dialed actually probably maybe like a year and maybe two years ago. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:35 And that was just for like a photo shoot thing where I was, that's when I started really, you know, experimenting with different, and when I talk about nutrition, like I literally experiment with a lot of different options for me because for me, it boils down to movement is a priority but also I found some success with intermittent fasting.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And so that's something that I'm gonna institute on a regular. Awesome. So I will definitely give you one. I think a lot of these questions you and I should be asking right now too. That's important is what some of these listeners might want to know. That's why I'm asking. I want to know when the last time he was consistent like that, I want to know how often
Starting point is 00:08:15 you've been working out right now. So when they see this, they can tell if this is like, oh, okay, well, he's been training for so many years and he has this muscle memory. And he's got this like people are going to want to know, you know, maybe nutritionally too. Maybe people think that you purposely have tried to put on a bunch of weight right now Yeah, no, I'm not sandbagging or anything Yeah, so I think it's important to ask shit like that, you know it honestly like you guys kind of threw me off with this But at the same time like I already had like I already had intentions to go down that again. It's just been like And you know me,
Starting point is 00:08:45 I'm the guy behind the scenes, like the business guy of everything. And so I bury myself with a million things and a million tasks. And also I'm a dad and all these other, whatever. Let's wrap all these excuses in place. I let myself, I still train, and here's the thing. I've trained consistently,
Starting point is 00:09:06 but yeah, I haven't been dialed in. So that's something that literally takes effort. And I know people that are listening, like, here's what it is. If you really want to get to somewhere where you're an impressive, you know, you look impressive, you have to go that extra mile. And so I've been, I haven't really wanted that. And so, you know, being prodded to do that, like, yeah. I wanna show you guys, I'm just, we just awakened the beast.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Well, I love that you pointed out too. And the reason why I'm so glad we're doing this too is I sell a lot of times. And I think this is just part of his nerdiness because how smart he is, is, you know, he likes to explain stuff to people and be like, it's not just that simple. It's just that, it's just that.
Starting point is 00:09:51 You're doing what? He'll tell you some steady, what the voice is, what the, what the, what the, what's up with you guys making up? Well, no, it's, you know, like that. It's just that easy folks, it's just that easy. But it's, it, it, it's that simple. And when he, when he says simple things,
Starting point is 00:10:04 it's fucking hard, right? It's, yeah. yeah, just like Justin said it if you look at somebody I never said it was easy It was simple. Okay, well it's simple getting to the top of fucking Mount St. Everest is simple Fucking climb, but it's not easy when you put those two words the same sentence though They sound like it's priorities. It sounds like you know they mean that climbing that mountain's fucking is simple And it's there's there's nothing Simple about it in the sense. Yeah, the discipline that it takes. No, make make a list at home right now if you're if you're in the same boat as me And maybe you want to do this challenge with me. I challenge you to do this with me. Yeah, maybe maybe you have All right, maybe you've been sort of slacking or, you know, whatever it is, maybe like,
Starting point is 00:10:45 life's interrupted you, the holidays, the winter, whatever the fuck the excuse is, right? Everybody's got an excuse. You know, I'm living proof of that to where, I just seriously just have buried myself with business and trying to get ahead in life. And that was my priority. So my priority list consists of family, business,
Starting point is 00:11:06 moving forward, getting things done, and then training. And then training has benefited me strengthwise, but as far as me taking my shirt off and being like, yeah, I'm stoked. It's not fair. I love that. I think he imagines me because he looks be straight now I go home every day and I think I should go like fuck you
Starting point is 00:11:33 I'm so stupid. I look good today What I'm presenting oh this is the conversation I Conversations Adam's had Adam has with himself like God. Why do we have to work clothes? I just want to be, yeah. I want to contribute to the abs and biceps conversations. It's my own fault. I guess I made myself sound like such a douchebag by always talking about how important aesthetics are. I just like to keep it real dude.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Like I want to look good dude. Like every, I mean, I hope some of you guys are listening to me, they give me a back right now. You see Justin, Justin said some, Justin said he's been trying to get ahead and And Adam just is trying to get some head It's just it's just that simple. Yeah, no, I'm a little different Really different just that simple. It is
Starting point is 00:12:21 Thank you for listening to mine pump for more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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