Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 058: Justin's Road to Ripped: Week 6 Update

Episode Date: April 8, 2015

Justin is now halfway through his transformation and he has only 45 more days to go! Is he on track to hitting his targets? Did the Easter Bunny derail his plan? Find out in this episode....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Oops, I did it again. Oh my god, you're so rude. I'm fucking rude. Dude, you did not do that when I'm I got a mouth problem rising I just joked on that piece of chicken. Listen that that's a throwback
Starting point is 00:00:30 It oh my god, you know what? We need to stop make him stop singing because there's some music executives gonna steal him from us Can I share an embarrassing secret real quick about Brady Spears? So until I was like, please sleep with her. No, I wish. I shot a huge crush on it. She's the only, I'm not a person who's in a celebrity shit at all. At all. I did not get wowed. Yeah, a crush on Britney Spears.
Starting point is 00:00:51 But I went through a little phase. And the phase was somewhere I think I want to say between like 19 and like 24-ish, maybe five, maybe push to five. No, no, 24. I'm 34. And I used to have like posters of her still in my room. Oh my God. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:01:06 You had posters. I was a good. This was a video. I was a grown-ass man already owning his home and stuff already posters of pretty spirits Brittany if you're listening All right, god I had to think for when I was a kid really yeah, I like Debbie Gibson, but that's back when I was like 12 Debbie, yeah, man. He's dated yourself. Oh, right, got out of the thing for when I was a kid. Really? Yeah. I like Debbie Gibson, but that's back when I was like 12. Debbie, yeah, man, he just dated yourself. Whoa, yeah, dude. I was like 12, yeah. Debbie Gibson and fuck, what's the other one's name?
Starting point is 00:01:30 The red hair, the girl she's singing the malls. Tiffany. All right, Tiffany. Yeah, yeah, yeah, she was hot back then. That's old school, man. Yeah, by the time Britney Spears was out, I was like, I always liked that Madonna video where she's crawling and then licks the milk.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Madonna did that? Yeah. Did she? Yeah, did she? Yeah, it was cool. I don't know, man. But don't do everything. People know, I'm talking. All right, dude. Justin's episode.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Hi. This is your episode, bro. We got to talk about you. It's what I'm doing. Yeah, everybody. So what's going on, man? You're still doing the program. You're still eating.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I'm still doing it, probably. Yeah, should we talk about what happened off-air earlier when Adam was grilling you a little bit about the macros and you're talking about your, keep in track of your macros and you're feeling shitty. Like this is the part that you feel grabbing. Let's bring that up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yeah, no, I just, it really is like a pain in my ass like to go through that every day. Like and I understand now the relevance of it because when you really get specific, you see specific things that stand out and stuff. It's just tough because you're putting on this effort in and making sure that you're within your range and then you're working out on top of that, and then maybe you're introducing a little more cardio.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Like all this stuff is starting to add up to time links, right? And I'm still going 100% business, 100% family, 100% obligations and whatnot events and all these different things in my life. And this is just another one of those things where I'm like, ah! My head's gonna explode. You were also saying how,
Starting point is 00:03:04 because now this is what week six? Are we in week six yet? No. It's five. It's gonna explode. You were also saying how, cause now this is what week six. Are we in week six yet? No. Is five. It's beginning. It's six. It's beginning in week six. You were talking about how,
Starting point is 00:03:12 this is the part that sucks, because you know, rather than at first you see like fat loss, and now it's like you just feel weaker. Yeah, I just feel kind of weak, even though I'm like, I just feel like I'm there. Like my body is there in the gym lifting, but I don't of weak, even though I'm like, I just feel like I'm there. Like my body is there in the gym lifting,
Starting point is 00:03:27 but I don't really feel, I feel less, you know how you get passionate, like to go to the gym and like, yeah, I'm gonna, you know, knock this one out, it's more like, okay, I'm getting in my car, I'm gonna do this and make it happen. And then you look at the mirror and it's kind of, wow, I look the same.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Yeah. I'm gonna, this is what wow, I looked the same. This is what separates the men from the boy. So you just got it and then get over the mental BS and Trudge on, man. I'm just trying to make it to the end and show these people, what's up? What time it is? Yeah, you say he says it light heart at least, but that's something we talked about that off air because this is something that I struggled big time with.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And when I started getting into the competing and I had to continue on. So in the past, the way you feel right now, this is typically when you kind of have wood normally. This is when you'd stop. You wouldn't necessarily stop completely, but you would just say, I have to fuck it, right? That's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Go out to eat somewhere, miss a workout, whatever, you know, kind of let it off the throttle, maybe a couple of days, like not really pay attention to what you're doing, counting your calories, or anything like that. This is when you do that. And it's crazy because people tend to do that right here because of the little bit of discouragement. You see, come out the gates, you see,
Starting point is 00:04:40 you feel like your game muscle and you're leaning out, you know, you're filling, you're seeing strength gains, also that, but now like, I mean, you've been running, you're leaning out, you know, you're filling, you're seeing strength gains, all so that. But now like, I mean, you've been running, you're running low, you bit your body's catabolic right now. Pretty probably a good majority of the day. So, and part of that, what people don't realize is that, you know, especially a big guy, especially a bigger guy like yourself or any of us that are sitting at this table with
Starting point is 00:04:58 a decently sized guy is over 200 pounds, you, you had large muscle bellies. And those muscle bellies, when you're over consuming and you're eating and feeding like we like to do, that's a great point. You are completely, you're filled up. So those, and that's 65% of your bellies are basically carbohydrates inside your muscle. A lot of carbohydrates, all that.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Yes. So when we're eating the average American, which most Americans are eating in a surplus all the time, they're pretty much filled up. They don't ever see this really, until you start doing what you're doing right now, where you've been in a deficit for a long time. So you've slowly drained,
Starting point is 00:05:33 you're pulling all this collagen. Everything's getting pulled out right now, and what's happening is you have this flat look to you. And you get a flat look. I've seen that, I look flat. Well, and what happens is, a cup because it's all sucked out like that, you, you don't tend to see the same change as fast, but yet it's still happening.
Starting point is 00:05:54 And internally it's happening right now. You're still shredding fat. You are getting leaner. You are getting a better shape, but it doesn't look as appealing because your muscle belly's aren't filled out. If you were to go load up right now and eat tomorrow, just right now, if you just ate a massive carbohydrate meal tomorrow, you'd wake up and be like, I'm yacht. Yeah, shit, in a couple hours you would see it
Starting point is 00:06:11 within a couple hours, you'd already start to see yourself to fill out and feeling better. But you would also take a step back in the direction which you're ultimately trying to go, which is to continue to shred out and leaping out right now, which in the whole idea, this whole thing over, the small timeframe is, you know, trying to lean out as much as you can,
Starting point is 00:06:27 as fast as you can in that short, appear time. So, in order for you to do this, which this reminds me of prepping for a show. When I have a date, I have six weeks, I got a show time. You just do it. You just do it. There is no, and you know what? Up until that point, I never had to have that switch.
Starting point is 00:06:43 So when I would start to kind of feel, I don't like the way I'm looking. I'm getting smaller and I would let that fuck with my head and then I would go switch my diet up. And so, you know, what everyone didn't get to get a chance to really hear is I was kind of preaching this to Justin because I feel him. I know he's going through it and it's like,
Starting point is 00:06:59 you just got to power through this. You have to know, believe in your how smart you are. You know what you're doing. You know you're on the right path. You just got to try, believe in your how smart you are, you know what you're doing, you know, you know you're on the right path, you just got to try to have faith, blind faith, and continue to push through. Yeah, absolutely. And that's a great point, I think, and people need to hear that from other people, too, in order to make sure, like, for me, even as much as I know, you know, it's always good to have an outside looking in sort of perspective. Always.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Yeah, that's part of it. I mean, yeah, it's different. I mean, for me, like, going through this, a lot of my challenges and lots of experimentation and things like that, like, I've been noting and this is all stuff that, like, people have been asking a bit about intermittent fasting. And so that's something that I've done a lot more research in. And just running off this secondary metabolism, right? It's such a different process.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Yes, it is. It's like, I guarantee over 90% of people haven't even gone through that, where they're not constantly fed in the fed state. It's like this this fasted state is like oh my god all these like alarms go off and like it's horrible. We should we should we've said this already but we're all we're we're getting ready to release that we're are are fasting guide nutrition survival guide fat on fasting. Yes and I I I I wanted to to to share at least I don't, some people have asked on the thread, just resources and ways to tackle certain methods.
Starting point is 00:08:33 So it's a very sort of a straightforward guide that I wanted to show, like, ways for people to do research and give them proper tools to do their own self experimentation. I mean, that's really the point of like any materials we've given and provided people. We're teaching people how to actually. Exactly. We're trying to, and I love that analogy because it's so true. That's how my training is as well. Like, I don't want to have all the answers for you.
Starting point is 00:09:02 And you just follow like my only pathway. Like, I can steer you in the direction, have all the answers for you. And you just follow my only pathway. I can steer you in the direction, but then again, you need to take cold of the wheel. You need to like take that to accelerate. You don't want someone, you don't want to be a robot, you want, and this is for the listeners. You don't want to be a robot following exactly what someone tells you to do, especially if you're looking for long-term success.
Starting point is 00:09:23 You want a guide. You want someone to teach you how to learn, to show you're looking for long-term success, you want a guide. You want someone to teach you how to learn, to show you where the pitfalls are, what to avoid, and the directions you should look. Because ultimately, everybody is, every person's body is a little different. Yeah, we all have so many variables. There's general truths that are out there, absolutely. But on an individual basis, the variance between individuals can be so dramatic. It's incredible. How about your workouts? What if they look like this week?
Starting point is 00:09:50 What's been different or, you know, challenges? You see any strength losing strength yet? Are you? I'm kind of like plateaued, I would say, like strength wise. That's, you know what? That is, that's actually, which is normal. That's impressive. That's impressive. I'm normally That is, that's actually, which is normal. That's impressive. That's how you should be happy, bro. I'm normally by this time, I'm already starting to like,
Starting point is 00:10:09 I mean, it's like, I'm riding towards down, I'm grabbing wider weight. And that's depressing, dude. It's depressing to have to go grab lighter weight. Part of that, because I've lost weight. So, over, you know, I bet pound for pound,
Starting point is 00:10:19 you're probably, you're strength is probably, is it, would you say pound for pound? So probably pound for pound, yeah. But, like again, we mentioned on like the first update. That was one of those things like, you know, when I start, you don't give a shit. I'm just like looking at the weights. That actually demonstrates,
Starting point is 00:10:32 but yeah, you're actually demonstrating the effectiveness of the workout because when you can maintain strength, or lose very little strength, especially at a massive deficit, because I don't care how much muscle you have, when you're at a deficit, it just doesn't have as much fuel. So you should and you will tend to, unless you're total beginner and you've never lifted weights and you get lots of central nervous system adaptation, you're going to notice some weakness, but the fact that you haven't seen a lot of that is a testament to how effective
Starting point is 00:10:57 the program is. Yeah, and I think to like changing that from phase one to phase two and like, you know, increasing my reps, it allowed me to stay within a different, just changing that up helped me to keep focused on a different type of stimulus and strength-wise. That's helped me as far as keeping my strength and size and all that. You work out alone, or do you work out with anyone? Yeah, that kind of stuff. You work out alone, or do you work out with anyone? Yeah, that's the thing. So it kind of both, I'll work out by myself,
Starting point is 00:11:28 most of the compound lifts, and then I'll work, I actually work out with my wife quite a bit, because, Oh, wow. Yeah, because that's just, for me to make that work, I have to bring everybody else up around me. And so that was one, I remember a question on the thread, was like, well, how do you keep from everybody
Starting point is 00:11:49 like pulling you away from your programmer? You bring them in. You bring them into it. You take them in and you say, hey, I'm gonna get you looking good as well. And let's do this. And so she kind of bought in. And then I mean, she'll do some heavy squats.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I mean, she'll do some deadlifts and she'll do some. So she's already seen improvements and likes it. And but yeah, I mean, obviously it's a quite a lower intensity when I'm training with her. But we have yet to all we have yet to all the three of us work out or even four of us. Well, you know, I tell him like fed. We need to have. Well, yeah, see the fuck.
Starting point is 00:12:26 There's an ego. There's an ego getting ready. You know what though? You know what though? Because I know you're gonna like watch this guy. He'll start throwing plates on on for his deadlift. Well, this guy I'm kidding. That's right.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Don't talk to me about you. I told this guy. Oh, it's all due. Oh, we're going like, right? No, no, no, no. We're going like today. We're going to add a lot of shit. All the hot chicks walk by.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Oh, yeah, I'm going through a couple more fortifies on the real. Bro, bro, bro, that, we're gonna like today. We had a hot chick, all the hot chicks walk by. I had them go and throw a couple more 45s on the real hand. Oh, bro, that we're gonna like. Listen, everybody has a different light. That's my light. That's my light. We're gonna be doing it. Dude, we're ribbing five plates.
Starting point is 00:12:56 So I got eight side road deadlifts, bro. That's my light weight, dude. See, that's what I'm afraid of, because then I'll get, I'll get totally geared into that. I'm like, yeah, I'll,, yeah, that'll fuel my competitive button. I got a big one, so. Yeah, man. We gotta be careful.
Starting point is 00:13:10 So, this reminds me, too. This is also why we talked about this before, right? How I constantly am changing my routine up, right? And I know this is very different than Sal. I know Sal and you, too, because you're very performance-based and he likes to see strength gains where I don this is different. This is very different than Sal. I know Sal is, does it, and you too, because you guys, you're very performance-based and he likes to see strength gains where I don't, I don't experience that as much. I mean, and I've experienced that more
Starting point is 00:13:32 since I've been hanging out with you guys and ever because I like, I went on a mission. Just to increase my squad and deadlift. Just so, by the way, you're back. Which you have. You're on. Hold on, I gotta say this dude on air because I'm not, this, I showed your back picture from before. Did his back to you. Your back looks way
Starting point is 00:13:49 fucking different. Even right now in your shirt you have a turtle shell right now. Yeah, no, my back is a well it's it's mission accomplished. It accomplished. It was my crazy. The two focus points on my the last this whole this last maps phase where I you know, I changed I changed it right and I switch up and now this was legs and it was my back. So those were my two primary focuses and I definitely saw some major gains and part of that, you know, I contribute to being more strength and performance focused. And obviously, of course, I increased a ton of more volume and I thought that's all obvious to me. But, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:23 the reason why I don't like training like that is because it can be very, because you're like, okay, I did lift on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and I'm squawking some. You're exactly up. So, I crease your load. I just freaking hurt myself again, okay? Yeah, just a minor, another major,
Starting point is 00:14:40 just enough though for me to rack it and call it a day. And it's because, both times I got under the squat, this last two times that I'm my squatting, I was, I was, those like way less than I was. I was up to like 350, right? And I was at 315 on the day, and I was like, I could feel like something like popping in my food.
Starting point is 00:14:58 And it freaked me out and I was like, push, try to push through it, it happened again, I'm like, you know what, like here we go again, this is why I don't train this way. And part of the reason why I don't like to train that way is because of that. And then when I get where you're at right now,
Starting point is 00:15:09 you talk about noticing that. Well, when you're always changing it, when you're cutting, you don't really notice it. Because- I'm changing so much, you know. Yeah, I'm changing so much. It's rare that I ever returned back to a bench press, lifting, heavy, this, you know, this,
Starting point is 00:15:22 in the same order, the same, whatever, like, I don't know. It was like, oh, months ago, right? So, well, here's a, here's a secret with heavy lifting. But yes, heavy lifting, if done properly and cycled improperly, you're going to build a shitload of dance, it makes muscles look really dense. Yeah, mine looked different. I looked at, we talked about this too. They look hard, like granite, you know, but here's, here's, here's the secret. The secret is to not stop when you, when your strength gains stop. The secret is to stop before that. So if I'm squawting and I'm making all these strength gains,
Starting point is 00:15:48 I'm telling myself, I'm gonna have two more heavy workouts and then I'm gonna cycle myself out. Even if that last work, even if the second workout, I'm like, holy shit, I'm fucking going, I'm getting so strong and I still cycle out of it because if you don't and you keep pushing yourself, you will encounter that where you can feel that, where you can start to get it.
Starting point is 00:16:06 And it's one of those things to it. Like just experience it now, like more focused on just, you know, getting away from my strengths too, is been real eye opening for me, like to go back and then do maybe some strength focus, like I do have improvements in the lift that are noticeable. So it's so important to make sure that you don't follow us the same regiment and not periodically change it up.
Starting point is 00:16:30 You know who's tripping out the most over training that way is our female members. They're the ones that are being, I mean, there's guys that we have on the forum that are telling us about how I actually wanted to do this for this episode. I wanted to actually count up and see how many females we have to males and I think we have more female. We do. We do. We have
Starting point is 00:16:49 more. I get way more like so. I get the most text messages and inboxes coming from females. Tell me that they're breaking PRs. They absolutely love the program. I was just talking. I've got got. We have women on there that are posting pictures of themselves or videos of themselves squatting 225 deadlifting 225 I saw a couple of those front squatting, you know 135 these are chicks that are like 130 pounds. So awesome This is so awesome. Yeah, I'm gonna hell of a bunch. You go to any gym in America You're not gonna find a chick squatting two plates a full squat You don't see that very often. These are women that weren't squat that were squatting less than one plate Yeah, and they're hitting these numbers in a very short period of time
Starting point is 00:17:24 There's that one guy that was on there, I can't remember his name, but he's like, oh, my dream was to be able to deadlift three, 15 and by the end of phase one, I was deadlifting three, 65. So right. I'm easy. Yeah, ridiculous type of stuff,
Starting point is 00:17:35 but the girls are the ones that are tripping out the most and they're not getting big and bulky. They're all getting really tight is what they're saying. And that's it, man. That's it. I mean, even just like I was saying that I was training my wife like she only had like a 10 on each side Mm-hmm, a doing a back squat and now she's up to like past one like one fifty five. Wow. Yeah And like wrapping it out and you just like I told you you get to rep reap the benefits. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:18:02 She's wearing tighter pants that reap the benefits. Oh yeah. Yeah. And now she's wearing tighter pants. Boo yeah. Boo. And then yeah, it's like when your wife comes to train, because my wife will do stuff like,
Starting point is 00:18:09 I wanna work on this, this, this, and this. I'm like, oh yeah, of course, and in my mind, I'm like, no. We're gonna work ass. So I know we post this, because we always do it on your picture, but do you know your weight difference from this week, from last week? Are you down any pounds at all? Yeah, I'm down.
Starting point is 00:18:25 So I'm down. The last time was 2.23 I believe. And so now I'm at 2.20. Oh wow, that's perfect. That's perfect. Yeah. So you can see in your, every time I see you, your face looks different. Good, because that's what, and that's, you remember last time I think it was, you mentioned You mentioned somebody at the gym like I've had people the gym starting to say that
Starting point is 00:18:48 Like yeah, yeah, I see your jaw and blah. I'm okay great. I'm still at my ass No, I'm like it's all life. It's right now, and I'm at I got a still a fat face I still got some body fat. I'm telling you right now Five six percent body fat three of it's right Right here, bro. I'm gonna start this trend. I'm gonna start this trend. I can pinch your cheeks and you can pinch my love handles. We're not gonna, we're gonna start this trend. We're no one's gonna say fat ass anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:12 We're gonna say fat face. Hey fat face. Hey, hey, fucking fat face. It's a new trend. It's a new trend. It's cruel. We got in there. What'd you got in your cheeks, Adam?
Starting point is 00:19:21 It's true. So we just had a holiday, bro. Yeah, oh, good point. Easter, how did you do with that? I don't know how to hear about that. Because Easter is fucking, it's like diabetes, everyone's like, how do you deal with that? Why do we do this to all the holidays, right?
Starting point is 00:19:36 And then you're a Nazi if you don't give your kids any candy and all that kind of stuff. So yeah, it was another one of those things like, okay, here we go, let me battle this out. I was at my parents for the majority of the weekend, my brother came down and everything. And so it was like, okay, this meal, let's see what I can eat out of this meal.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Oh, waffles this morning, not having them. I'm drinking my coffee. Thank you very much. Oh, and then like, just eating some ham and veggies while everybody's macking on the whatever rolls with like frosting orange stuff on it, you know, the chocolate what for dessert. I can't see the house. I was at it. So I had a deep fried chicken and macaroni and cheese. Oh snap. That was the main dish with green beans and bacon wrapped around it. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I love it when people do that. I just eat all the green beans and bacon. Like how can we take this low calorie food and make it high calorie? I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:20:40 That is the most, like the jello, the jello is like the vegetable with like marshmallows It is the most ridiculous I see it I see that when you and that's it's common or you drown it in oil and you like what fried vegetables Think that makes you think that's a dude. There's but let's be honest Let's really be honest as far as the value you get out of some green beans as it is very minimal as it is But you want to yeah, green. You know say so then by dipped it in a bunch of shit like that, it just counters pretty much.
Starting point is 00:21:06 You know what though, nothing is worse than sugar. I'll say that right. I'll say that. If I overeat protein or I overeat fat, it doesn't make that big a difference. Very true, very true. Even if I eat a lot of carbs that are like decent carbs, right, like from like, you know, rice or something like that.
Starting point is 00:21:20 But if I eat sugar, I'm fucked. And you know what I know? You know where you notice a big time and for those listeners who are parents, when your kids eat sugar, I'm fucked. And you know what I know, you know where you notice a big time and for those listeners who are parents, when your kids eat sugar, because you don't miss, you know, as an adult, you can kind of control, you know, how much of an asshole
Starting point is 00:21:32 you become after you eat sugar. But your kids can't. So like my kids will have their Easter candy, you know, 8 a.m. for breakfast, you know, because the Easter Bunny left it there. Yeah, and I know. Let's have a really fun day, parents. And I look at my wife and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:21:44 they're gonna be assholes about, in about in about four hours. Yeah, our kids are gonna be shit Some days going to bed early tonight. Oh, dude sure sure enough my daughter cry. She'll cry for everything Just run around my my son's like it's real wine and then I'm like I just gave them like crack It's totally I might as well get I might as well be like kids. Here's some crack. Yeah, just do some crack real quick It's absolutely what it's the same thing. Well, it's not found in nature. No sure is not kids. Here's some crack, just do some crack real quick. It's absolutely what it is. It's the same thing. Well, it's not found in nature. No. Sugar is not found, that's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:22:09 It's always paired to some kind of a fiber or vitamins or, and it's rare, it's actually rare in nature. It's very rare, like, even around the woods and find some food. You know how much sugar cane you would have to eat to be able to get a concentrated spoonful of sugar. What did I just say on a TED talk? Yeah, I just said, I don't know. I was cane you would have to eat to be able to get a concentrated spoonful of sugar. I just thought of a TED Talk. Yeah, I just thought of it.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I don't know, I was hoping you'd know. Oh, I do know, I do know. But it's a lot. No, so the equivalent amount, let's say a Coke, right? Yeah. If you were to actually eat real raw sugar cane or what that, you would have to eat eight feet of sugar cane. Eight feet.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Eight feet of sugar cane. I can't eat too much sugar cane. Eight feet of sugar cane. Eight feet of sugar cane. I can't eat too much sugar cane. Eight feet of sugar cane. Eight feet of sugar cane. I can't eat too much sugar cane. Eight feet. Eight feet of sugar cane. D equate to one fucking soda, dude. Yeah. One soda. You know, that's just, that's just crazy. What you, and you talked about this before in an episode about how we've just, you know, got what was the term you used? Well, we, we, we, well, we standardize something like one ingredient.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Yes. From nature and concentration. Yeah. We just concentrate the shit out of it. And, and then you put like, I mean, it's crazy. I mean, back in the days, you would never be able to, you couldn't even physically eat eight because it was a great deal. It does steer taste buds. I mean, oh my God, the concentrated form of sugar
Starting point is 00:23:11 is like, boom, instant pleasure. Well, so this is what I did. So yesterday we had Easter at my house. And it was, you know, it was a modest size of time party. So we had about 50 people at my house. And I grilled up a bunch of lamb meat. We had pasta. We had a bunch of just a whole bunch of food.
Starting point is 00:23:26 But and so I said to myself, I'm not gonna touch sugar because that shit is addicting. Of course I had, you know, towards the end of the evening, I'm like, you know, I'm gonna have one, my aunt made like these little frosting type cookies. And they're literally the size of like a silver dollar, they're not even that big. And I ate one of them, the rest of the night.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Oh, you thought about was that? Bro, the rest of the night I was fighting myself. I did the same thing as a jelly bean. I had one jelly bean. And then all night long, I'm like, I told my girl, get me out of here. We have to leave right now. And she's like, it's so easy to just call my guy.
Starting point is 00:23:58 She's like, I'm so, I'm so, I know I'm like, it's too late. Like, man. It's huge. Isn't that amazing amazing how that happens. It kicks that up and then also. That's why I've said, I mean, we talked about this on our IIFYM thing because it, think about like what
Starting point is 00:24:14 that's doing like physiologically to you. Bro, they've done brain scans and the scans, the brain activity after you eat sugar almost matches identically to what happens to your brain when you do drugs. Yeah, no, I absolutely, yeah. Like you get that same reward, you know, flashing in the brain. It makes you, you know, the dopamine release that drives you to have more.
Starting point is 00:24:33 That's why you get, that's why you want more jelly beans. Yeah. Well, I mean, in the withdrawals, right? I mean, like for people that get to a point where they're so, I want jelly beans right now because of yesterday. Fuck. It's just all bad anyway that yeah sugar Yeah, if you can just like focus on one thing to like like totally not eat sugar alcohol that would be great
Starting point is 00:24:53 Yeah, well we should tell the listeners they can get the programs mind pump radio.com and I think that's pretty I think we should finish on this one. I have this very I just came to me now This this quote or not said it's not a quote, it's actually going to be my quote. Fuck jelly beans. Oh. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Until next time, this is Mind Pump. pumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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