Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 062: Justin's Road to Ripped: Week 7 Update

Episode Date: April 16, 2015

Now more than half way through his 90 day challenge, Justin is stepping up his game as he enters the final 45 days on his Road to Ripped . In this episode find out the adjustments he is making to acce...lerate his progress!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Would you like to hear my episode? Can we moonbeams hold me in a job? Oh, yeah, that's it. Is it your episode? It's my episode.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Yes. Me, me, me. Yep. You guys can't say a lot. Who cares me to say everything? Who cares who you're with? Don't even say it. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:35 You're here with Justin Andrew, Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, the crew of Mindpump. The crew. Yeah. Yeah. Let's talk about you. Let's talk about you not being so fat anymore Talk about that lovely facts
Starting point is 00:00:52 We got to change his nickname now. Yeah, it's a not so fat. Yeah, that's his thing. You went from fatty That's all fatty What the hell did the dog call me on the commercial pudgy? What the hell did Doug call me on the commercial Pudgy? You know asshole, by the way. No, he's getting dug a little bit. How'd it go from Pudgy to shit? He's like, Pudgy. That's an interesting adjective.
Starting point is 00:01:14 So there's something else there. You know, like Husky. Oh, feedback. It's all good. Doug's vibrator just went off. Hey, he's got to have this fun. Yeah. This is like we shouldn't have this fun.
Starting point is 00:01:28 This is what we shouldn't record late in the evening. Yeah, I know. Yeah, did you put Dug? Could you please put your toys away? We're trying to record. Oh my God. Oh, yeah, yeah. Calm down.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Save that for later. Yeah. Wow. All right, Justin, how much weight have you lost this week? What's going down here? It's probably about two pounds. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so you look leaner. Yeah, again every time we look at him Well, because I don't see you often I see you once a week basically. Yeah, and you look besides the catch up besides the nude photos you texted me I do try and try and do that. Yeah. Thank you. I appreciate that my wife saw that of the one of those. Oh, yeah, wow when your nudes Hope that was acceptable. Is there something we need to talk about?
Starting point is 00:02:11 Like no, it's a pledge totally missing when I'm putting this as a poster and in the basement I think uh, you know, I feel like you're just your shape. It keeps changing like I don't like I don't know if I feel like you're just your shape. It keeps changing. Like I don't know if I feel like you. I mean, obviously you're not like a pear shape, right? Yeah, no, no, like each time I see you, like your arms look more shapely, your shoulders look more rounded, like you're starting to, you're sculpting. Yeah, like less amoeba and more like.
Starting point is 00:02:40 I feel like, you know, I've known you for quite a while, and I've seen you in shape and out of shape and I feel like when I've seen you in really good shape before, you still kind of had like this solid look. Like, you've always kind of had that, kind of like reminds me of like Craig, like that real, real solid. Yeah, that's the training I'm sure. Yeah, I know. I've been... The style that I was like accustomed to for sure.
Starting point is 00:03:01 That's why, that's what I noticed the biggest difference is because I found now that you're training differently. Now I see like this whole new shape to you. So it's kind of unique to see on you. You're ending phase two, right? Yeah, ending phase two. So phase two is the more, I guess it's closer to the traditional bodybuilding type training where you're doing eight to 12 reps.
Starting point is 00:03:24 You're doing sets of certain exercises. Now you're moving into phase three, which is a whole another animal. And this is gonna be the phase that you're gonna hate the most. Oh, excellent. Yeah. Because it's geared towards
Starting point is 00:03:39 circle plasmic hypertrophy, which is just basically a fancy term for increased volume within the muscle, all of the non-muscle-fibers structures within muscle. Increase your ability to get a pump. So, you're going to be doing lots of supersets. Super sets and higher reps. Drop sets and going 15, 20 reps of squats, bro.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I hate you. Yeah, I know. That's okay. It's going to be cool to do what your body changed. Yeah, I totally do it. I'm always excited to change things up. That's just like Yeah, well, it's gonna be cool to do it. I'll totally do it. And I'm excited. I'm always excited to change things up. That's just like, well, it's personality anyway. It's perfect considering that you just
Starting point is 00:04:11 what you're switching up your nutrition right now. Yeah, tell me about that. Yeah, okay. So we had communicated about this a bit over the weekend and Adam left on, he went to some wedding this weekend right beforehand, you know, wanted to kind of, one thing we've been, I've been kind of talking back and forth a bit with Adam just with Trying trying to really dial in
Starting point is 00:04:29 You know my macronutrient balance my calories and all that kind of stuff and just get more specifics And so I showed him kind of what I was doing Anyway, like there was just some things like I had mentioned already on the podcast that I was I was pretty heavy on on the saturated fats and you know counting for that is for my overall calories but he mentioned that now is about the time where we're going to want to kind of switch that up a bit and replace replace some of those fat calories with carbohydrates and so I've already started doing it the last couple days and and it's it's this whole new monster for me now. Now I'm like this hungry raging beast again.
Starting point is 00:05:09 The appetite stimulating effects of cars. We talked about too when you've been running low carb for a couple of weeks and I wish I remember the exact time. I'm hoping a nerdy sal can save me here because I know that. Save me nerdy South can save me here because I know that I have me nerdy South You're my only hope Look at the Star Wars nail you Can we change my nickname to sexy or something like that sexy nerdy? Yeah, sexy nerdy South Yes, SNS, but don't look in me in my eyes when you say it like that, you know, it's just call me nerdy sound I don't like that one. I'll just call you guys pinky in the brain. All right. Well, so
Starting point is 00:05:41 I don't like that one too. Well, I'll just call you guys pinkie in the brain. All right, well, so. You like that? Well, I don't gotta be pinkie, dude. You're pinkie, bro. Come on. You know you're pinkie. Come on.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Stinky pinky. Oh, that's horrible. Shocker. Sorry guys. All right, so listen. I'm not sorry. You're near not, you're really not. So when you've been eating that way, low carb, I thought,
Starting point is 00:06:03 I believe it's approximately 14 days That it takes your body to get used to that where it starts to switch over and then it now starts to suppress the appetite It starts to kick in and utilize the ketones Clips and that's and it takes about two weeks and then when it does that You should know and the hardest part like I'm saying is they're gonna be the first half coming in. And then once you get used to it, you're kind of like in a zone, which I feel like you were there. You were in the zone,
Starting point is 00:06:29 but then when it happens, you're kind of in that zone. And yeah, you saw great results at the first couple of weeks, and then those results start to diminish. Now, they're still there, you're still seeing change, but not as rapidly as you. We're just like, what's the word for that? Being preemptive or?
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yeah, yeah, yeah, about it. Yeah, basically, premeditated early, premeditated, right? Yeah, so you know, by us switching this up and it's a perfect time because you're about you're transitioning from phase two to phase three. Uh-huh. So you're going to shock the body with a new new training. So you're going to be changing your repetitions, rest periods, things like that are now going to you're going to have this huge curve ball.
Starting point is 00:07:03 So you can see this nice spike in calorie expenditure already in your day, just from that alone. And then in addition to that, Justin and I talked about kicking up his activity level, just a little bit. Cardio? Just a little bit though. And some of it didn't have to be necessarily cardio,
Starting point is 00:07:17 just a start parking your car further in the parking lot. Start taking the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Start being aware of your activity level throughout the day and make an conscious effort just to move more. Balance on one leg when you're pissing. Yeah, things like that. I like that.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I forgot to tell them that one, but that is a good one I should say. Stability training. Yeah, calf raises when you're having sex. Things like this are like, oh, these are essential to ramping up. I use the stability ball. Does that count?
Starting point is 00:07:42 Wow. Hey, listeners, try it out. Wow, that's impressive. How do you do it? It is stability ball. Does that count? Wow. Wow. Hey, listeners, try it out. Wow. How do you do it? It is stability ball sex. Stability ball sex. My wife would totally murder me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:52 No. Boom. So, yeah. So Justin and I, we talked about some pain weightless. This is great ideas for burning more calories. Because right now, we're going to decrease the saturated fat. So we dropped to saturated. Total calories are lower though.
Starting point is 00:08:10 He's got more cars but total calories. Yeah, so listen to what's happening, which is great. So those that have been falling along, Justin's been consuming over 3,000 calories and losing body fat and weight. That's phenomenal. That's amazing. And that's a lot of fuel amazing. And so's, that's, Oh, I feel amazing. And so this is what's great.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Because he's been doing that, now when we do something like this and we change, his body is going to, it's going to respond because he's been eating quite a bit. It's not like he's been starving the body to get it to where it's at right now, which is the biggest mistake that most people make. They come out the gates, they starve hardcore,
Starting point is 00:08:42 then when we hit our first little plateau like this, they don't have a lot of room to go. Yeah, there's nowhere left. We have plenty of room to go. And you explain to you, I mean, there's like, basically six more weeks. I mean, it's a chunk of time. Yeah, plenty of time.
Starting point is 00:08:53 You know, which is a mental thing for me. I'm like, wow, I still, you know, how am I gonna keep? Yeah, because I always wanna progress, progress, progress and keep going, you know, ahead. And so this is one of those things. Well, yeah, I guess I could, to progress, progress, progress, and keep going ahead. And so this is one of those things. Well, yeah, I guess I could, you know, feel like fed a little bit more and train a little bit differently. And that's what we're about to see right now is, okay, now we're going to reintroduce carbohydrates
Starting point is 00:09:18 in the diet, more carbohydrates than what we're before. But we're bumping them by about 50 grams of carbs. And by bumping them 50 grams of carbs, now his body is going to have, is going to have more glucose, more sugar, more fuel going on. So we want to kind of cancel that with a little bit of activity. It doesn't need to be much. It's not a lot more. It's 50 grams plus with him changing the program up now.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Her body's going to see your body's going to have more demand. So you're going to see it from there too. So hopefully what we see is not much of a change on the scale. If we go anywhere, maybe we still continue to lean, but even if we don't lose weight in the next week, it's still a huge success. If we can say that we made it a week by introducing 50 more grams of carbohydrates
Starting point is 00:09:54 without putting any excess weight on, and then we didn't turn one and ramp it up a little bit more after that. And really all we're doing is we're trying to fire that metabolism back up, really get your body used to consuming more carbohydrates. So then when we go back to restricting, or maybe we get closer to the that metabolism back up, really get your body used to consuming more carbohydrates. So then when we go back to restricting, or maybe we get closer to the last couple of weeks, we have room to play and deplete and take away.
Starting point is 00:10:12 So, you know, this right now, it's kind of like in a sense, the similar to the mini bulk which I'm doing right now. It's kind of the same kind of concept. I mean, the guy's gained like 15 pounds of lean mass. He's what don't so do. You know what? He gained a mini knee. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:27 I don't even want to talk about that. You guys are selling me out right now. I just did a post about how I wasn't trying to gain a bunch of weight. And you know, I guess we're playing the honest game here. Fuckers. Who was it going to? Oh, yeah. We were going to mention that.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I love throwing in Justin in the box. I know. Let's go ahead and roll me in the box here. Bro, when your delts get bigger than basketballs, we need to talk about it. Well, dude, I just, so here's okay. Since we're playing the come me on the bus here. Well, when your delts get bigger than basketballs, we need to talk about it. Well, dude, I just, so here's okay, since we're playing the Come to Jesus game right here. So I'll go ahead and admit my fault here.
Starting point is 00:10:52 So I just made the mini bulk switch, and here's what you don't do. What you don't do when you do a mini bulk is use that as a good excuse to eat it. Where the fuck you want? And I kind of did that over the weekend. I decided, hey, you know what? What did you eat?
Starting point is 00:11:10 A better question to be what I did not eat. Do I need to talk about this? Yeah. Let's just say like a sitting. So I had a sitting where I had these, and the mall has these like great. There's so many to eat in pizza. They're all priced. Jump over and strain.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Well, I won't say anything. I won't mention the four pizzas I had last night then. So yeah, so what I've done is I still am dieting. I'm still eating my balanced clean meal. So I'm getting everything my body needs. And then I'm allowing the surplus, which I normally would not do. Normally, I would just keep leaning out. I would maintain myself about 350 grams of carbohydrates,
Starting point is 00:11:49 keep it lean, keep my calories right around three to 3,500. Well, now I'm like, 6,000 calories, which was way more than what I should be doing. So me telling you as this is me admitting that I would be on what I should have done. And the reason why I did it was because I was like, I'm eating all this like food, I'm like, hey, I still look really good.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yeah, I still feel really good. I don't say so, I just don't. Yeah. You know, we need, we should talk about the concept of mini-bulks because a mini-bulk is a short period of time where you eat excess calories. You maximize, you take advantage of the anabolic effect, but you stop it before you get the fat building effect.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Exactly. Not these long, you know, because if you ate 6,000 calories for the next nine weeks. No, I did for two days. And I shouldn't be honest with you. Right. I shouldn't even have done it that long, or that hard.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I didn't need to go to 6,000. Yeah, I made it like 4,500. Yes, I could have went to 4,500, got the same benefits and probably not put on hardly any fat, but I most certainly put some fat on. But I kind of justified it by like, hey, it's okay, what's a pound or two of fat? If I could build some muscle
Starting point is 00:12:50 and I can enjoy some serious calories over this weekend. And I was in a wedding, so I was in a wedding and in addition to that, I had a 65th birthday of the party that I was at, that was huge, that was catered in the most amazing cake and nothing but cake, red velvet cake. Oh, that's my death crypt. That is my crypt tonight.
Starting point is 00:13:09 If you've got, and then heaven forbid, you bring that in front of me right when I just said, I'm gonna go on a little mini bulk. Cause then I go like, okay, that's part of it right there. That's part of my mini bulk right there. So, yeah, I had probably, I had two large sizes of the strawberry, strawberry vanilla, liqueur cake that were pretty healthy sizes.
Starting point is 00:13:31 I had, keep your hands above the table, just like that. I had six, what they call little butlet cakes, like the little mini red velvet cakes, I had six of those. And then, and these are all on top of my normal meals, right? And then I had two, two, I think you need to stop that. That's about to. Two baking guacamole, that was sitting right next to us.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Oh, guacamole burger. And then we had some pizza, did so. Well, that was kind of like the, oh. That's it, you put them over your pitch. Yeah, yeah. So I did enjoy myself. I did over do it Since we're since we're talking about it. I do not recommend doing that. Um, I should have I should have like South said Oh, yeah, it's yeah, that's impressive
Starting point is 00:14:14 That's a lot of what I will say is so today here. I'm it's much should have an eating contest one day I know you don't want to play that with me listen There's only one there's only one Italian sitting. No, I thought we were gonna do that at, I wanna do a plant fitness, I wanna eat everybody's pizza. That's right. They can't even have one. I will seriously eat all those boxes, watch me. Watch Justin on the chair.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Eating boxes. How fast can you get fat again? Home, time, time. You just said you fat again. Kid fat again? Oh my god. You just said you fat again. Chip fat again. Oh, fuck you. It's pudgy. It's pudgy.
Starting point is 00:14:50 So back to the change in your diet, the extra carbs. You were talking about how your appetite has gone up. That's what carbs do, man. I know, I don't like it. They stimulate appetite. They make you hungry. This is why when you go to a restaurant, I like the diet.
Starting point is 00:15:01 What do they bring out when you go to a restaurant? First thing they bring out. Friendships. Yeah, here's your bread, here's your tortilla chips. Get a good appetite going, because you're about to order shitload of food. And then after you're done, you're stuffed, you just ate a massive steak or whatever, you're full.
Starting point is 00:15:13 You're like, oh, I can't eat anymore, dessert. You can always squeeze in some dessert. It's the brain, it's the brain, does little tricks on you, with the sugar. So, I'm gonna give a little suggestion here, talking about, since we're talking about order of food, I'd like to give a little helpful here talking about since we're talking about order food I'd like to give a little help helpful helpful tips
Starting point is 00:15:26 Something that I've switched so here here. I am. It's called these help ease help ease I like that little help ease help ease to go with self. It's not actually It's kind of like what you're got some help ease from from my house. Hey, Sal. Sal's entire Instagram is helping. It's selfies with a little bit of help. There it is. There it is.
Starting point is 00:15:51 It's entire Instagram is helping. You should change the name for that. Out of Santa Bologna help ease. Out of you just gave me help ease. Let me give you a helpy real quick. So this is the rash I have on. This is stop it bro. Sorry. I can't give any good
Starting point is 00:16:06 information. So this is how I feel I've changed a lot when it comes to like let's say this bulk right. So what I'm going to choose to do I'm going to eat I'm going to and take a lot of my extra calories through saturated fats and protein opposed of taking it in through carbohydrates. So a meal literally lot of my extra calories through saturated fats and protein opposed of taking it in through carbohydrates. So a meal, literally one of my cheat meals are bad. I sat down and had two big old California guacamole burgers and then I had a chicken breast
Starting point is 00:16:35 by itself. So that was probably in itself a good 1600. The each burger was probably 800 calories, big old monster burgers and stuff. So huge, huge meal right there to consume that, but at least when I broke down the carbohydrates, I get a little bit of carbohydrates from the avocado that's in there, a little bit of carbohydrates that's coming from the cheese,
Starting point is 00:16:54 and then I'm getting it from the bread that the meat's in, right? So probably right there, that's a good healthy, it's probably about 75 to 90 grams of carbohydrates, which for me is on the higher end of a meal. I try and keep my carbohydrates per meal, like 50 to 60.
Starting point is 00:17:11 So at one sitting, that's a decent slim, but it's not overdoing it. Which is crazy in the past, what I would do is have a burger fries and a coke. And a burger fries and a coke totally different than what I just consumed. Yeah, huge difference. The amount of carbohydrates and sugar and shit that I consume with the French fries and the soda. Let's talk about sugar for a second. Yeah, let's talk about that.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Yeah, I was going to actually mention to you guys one thing that I noticed which was a pretty amazing thing as far as like somebody who, now you had mentioned you had irritable bowel. Yeah. Syndrome, for me, I've had chronic acid reflex like my entire life. Okay. And I've actually, I've had to be on Prylasek and you know, you name it, all these other brand, even a prescription one, it was like next to you or something. And they've all just sort of suppressed it. Like you always have to take it. You can't stop taking it once you're on it. So just going through this whole process of
Starting point is 00:18:14 being restrictive with my diet for a longer period of time, which I've gone to about this point beforehand where I've kind of stopped around here. I'm like, I'm good, you know, but I kind of have taken it sort of further than I've gone before. And notice that. So I ran out. I ran out of play the second night. This was like maybe four nights ago. And so I tried to compensate for that by eating more thumbs, you know, right before bed. Because it hits me really hard when I go to sleep and
Starting point is 00:18:46 And so then the following day I was like, oh, I'm gonna go buy some whatever I forgot about it And I went to sleep then the next day happened forgot about it went to sleep No acid reflux. Boom. Y'all on beautiful. Yeah, see that's been the healing power of food So that's the healing power of diet And I would like to attribute that to the map's animal I don't think to work out anything for that but the but the diet right you know, I've had clients Cure issues like that but simply by changing their their diet by removing things like sugar Some people to gluten some people dairy and I've been meaning to do that
Starting point is 00:19:21 You know to be honest with you guys, I've had issues before. I even had a tumor in my adrenal gland and my blood pressure was crazy and I wasn't getting enough potassium. So they finally figured out what was going on. They found the tumor and removed it. But I was doing all this elimination diet stuff. But I never really got to the point where sugar wasn't involved at all.
Starting point is 00:19:47 I really attribute the reflux from that. My body was reacting to that. So it was just really an eye opening thing for me. That's a great side effect of what you're doing right now. That's great, that's so cool. Because for people who don't know, when you have an issue like that, when you have a chronic issue like acid reflux
Starting point is 00:20:04 or gastroissues, I'll tend to have if I'm not careful, it's de-abilitating. Because for people who don't know, when you have an issue like that, when you have a chronic issue, like acid reflux or, you know, gastroissues, like I'll tend to have if I'm not careful, it's de-abilitating. It's like every day you've got to worry about this bullshit that you have to deal with. That just becomes normal. It's like, okay, if I had to, and I'm doing. And acid reflux, for those of you who've never had it, it sucks. Man, you go to sleep and it hits you and you can't sleep anymore.
Starting point is 00:20:21 You're done. And so fantastic, man. That's exciting here. Yeah, so that was cool. Now trigger sessions, what are you doing with your trigger sessions right now? I haven't asked you that yet. Are you still doing stuff with the clubs and the kelp
Starting point is 00:20:33 else? Yeah, I've been doing more mace bells. Oh, the mace. That video you posted was awesome. Yeah, so I've been doing more of that and different techniques with it. And also, the clubs to some degree, but yeah, I love the circular motion
Starting point is 00:20:49 and I'm diving into that a bit more and also just adding more flexibility into my routine on the trigger session days. So I've been doing a little bit of stick yoga and some good poses and stuff that have really helped me to just get in a better mental state too with all this. So it's just like it helps me kind of escape having to always be on and doing things.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Are we halfway through? Are we getting to six, how many weeks have we gone now? It's seven to week, right? Seven. Yeah, so we finished the halfway point. We just finished that halfway point. So now it gets fun. So now it gets fun.
Starting point is 00:21:27 It gets fun now. Yeah. We get to post another picture right of your progress. Yeah. Awesome. All right. I'm excited. This next coming week, the reintroduction of carbohydrates
Starting point is 00:21:36 and the new phase, I think is going to be a cool little shock of a system. And like I said, we may not even see a big difference on the scale. That's OK. That's like, that's something that we have to accept right now that, you know, our ultimate goal is to get you, you know, to consume more of these carbohydrates without seeing any sort of adverse effect.
Starting point is 00:21:53 And then you're going to have this new program. You're automatically going to see change because of the phase three in maps already by itself. And then on top of that, you're going to switch some things up nutritionally. So we're going to see a nice little change right here. So I'm excited to see how you respond, how you feel, what happens with the next week or two. So it's pretty cool. Very cool.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Before we sign off, a program is available. MindPumpRadio.com, click on the yellow button. That's right. Thank you for listening to MindPump. For more information about this show, and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.minepompradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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