Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 063: The Sneaky Sal Surprise

Episode Date: April 16, 2015

Sal likes to spring random topics on Adam and Justin. This is one of those episodes. Do women prefer shredded 6-pack or a little belly fat? You may be surprised what they say......

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Alright, welcome back to Mind Pump, the Hansomisch Show on iTunes. Yeah, very Hansomisch. The Hansomisch. No, let's be honest, Hansomisch. It's handsome ish
Starting point is 00:00:31 I'm here with Adam Schaeffer who whoo Justin Andrews. Yeah, and you're hearing Salda Stefano. All right I got a surprise for you guys. Oh The listeners they have no idea what I'm about to talk about actually. This is a good for the listeners How about Justin and Adam? No, no shit. Yeah, you guys don't know what I'm about. Yeah, we do we like to do this every once in a while We like to throw a curve ball and see we call it the South Surprise. This is a surprise the sneaky South Surprise sometimes it stinks Sometimes it doesn't so this one Adam I got bad news for you, bro. Oh, God Well, I do you gotta pick on me. I feel like you always get after me. I do because this is I this is bad for you This is bad news. So
Starting point is 00:01:03 because this is bad for you, this is bad news. So, they like this one already. That's why it's a bad news for me, all of the bad news. Get them. And good news for Justin. Oh, you don't matter. I like this. Good news for Justin. So, there was a big study done in the UK recently.
Starting point is 00:01:17 And, I know it. I know it. And 75, so they took a whole bunch of women. It was a survey. It was like thousands of women in the study. And they found that three out of four women prefer men with belly fat versus men with a visible fat. Oh, you did me dirty right there.
Starting point is 00:01:38 You did me dirty. Not like a big belly, but they said having some like visible body fat on the belly was, they would be more attracted to a guy with that Over a guy with see regionally with a six-pack boss. Well, universally Yeah, so yes think about that. No, you know, here's it. Here's I actually find I find that fascinating But I do I do I My fascinating, you say bullshit. Yeah, no, no, I don't think it's bullshit. I think it's actually true.
Starting point is 00:02:08 It just sucks. Because, and here's how I'll tell you how, this is how I've come to this conclusion. Is that if I look at like my very first photo shoot I did when I was definitely not in the best shape I've ever been in, I was in really good shape. It was a 7% body fat. I just came off of being fat.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Right. And I get more likes and more shares of those pictures. You're still huggable. Yeah, well, I like because I felt like I had a much softer natural look to me. And then now that I'm all in the men's physique role, I've been doing this for like little over two years. Now like, not to say that there's still some people
Starting point is 00:02:44 that don't like the vascular and paper thin skin look and ridiculously gorgeous like. I had to throw that last one. No, you know what? I mean, you know what I mean. But the study, so here's the thing. No, but I get less love on that stuff. So the study, the study didn't look at that. So, oh, it didn't. So okay, so yeah, I've yeah, we've known for a long time
Starting point is 00:03:05 that women are not attracted to the hardcore bodybuilder. I've known that since I was a kid. I show my cousins. Which is why men's physique I felt like became more appealing. Because it's a little more. It's still extreme. If you show average woman, it's still a little extreme. This study showed said that women prefer men with a belly
Starting point is 00:03:22 versus men with a six back. So not 7% versus 2%, like 13% versus 7%. Yeah, dude, you're gonna stack David Beckham versus like some like Chubby dude and they're gonna be like, wow. Chubby dude. Well, so here's the thing. I don't think so, I think that's not.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Maybe, well, I got it, I got it. May there's some correlations to go with Chubby with bellies. Maybe that, yes, maybe 90 per-chubby. Maybe 90% of guys with Chubby bellies, maybe they perform differently in the bedroom and maybe they have larger wallets to go with them. And those guys are very supportive. Maybe those guys with, you know, David Beckham Beckham abs okay I don't know because someone who maybe they're used to maybe they're mischievous well maybe they're not
Starting point is 00:04:10 much of a giver in the bedroom because they're used to girls being all over them and handling their business well so so here's here's my theory and Pudgy makes you work a little more well here's my theory I think literally I think women if they're going to like look at a picture of a celebrity or look at a poster They probably prefer the six-pack dude, but in real life I think it makes them it might make them feel insecure. Oh, okay, you know like oh he looks a certain way And that's gonna make me feel like I need to look a certain way or Be he looks narcissistic and he's always focused on himself. He's not gonna focus on me
Starting point is 00:04:43 That's absolutely what Doug gets that that's it I think. I think it's what Doug gets. That's what, yeah. I think it's the reason why Doug's single right now is I think women just think he's just way too ridiculously good. He's too good looking. He's too good looking for it. Yeah, he's too, we can, he's, yeah, he's pretty fucking ripped and that might be what's going on.
Starting point is 00:04:58 I think it is. I think he's too intimidating, dude. You need, we need a soft and dug up a little bit. Maybe that's our next deal. Yeah, maybe our next plan is. Doug, what's your Instagram? What is your Instagram? Is it just Doug Egi? I Think so I don't pay much attention this fucking guy doesn't even know his own Instagram. You know what late mind to blow him up
Starting point is 00:05:14 Listen, Doug is a 49 year old fit ripped. Yeah, gentlemen very nice man. You can find him at Doug Egi He looks like he's third he looks like he's 35. Yeah, yeah, he looks like it's 30 you can't him at Doug Egi. He looks like he's 35. Yeah. He looks like he's 35. You can't edit this out, Doug. So if you're, if you, yeah. He looks 35. So if you're 45, you're all soft woman, he's probably a little intimidating.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Yeah. Probably better if you're 25, 28ish range. Yeah. He would probably do better with that. Then you won't be so intimidated. Yeah, that's a good point. Hot, 25, 28. No, no, 18s a million. Yeah. Yeah, 18s a million. He's a daughter that's not too better with that. Then you won't be so intimidated. But yeah, that's a good point. 25, 20, no.
Starting point is 00:05:45 No, 18's a little young. Yeah, 18's a little young. He's a daughter that's not too far off that. No, it's T. I'm so. So, whoa. So, so, so, so this, this study about, you know, women not being attracted to dudes with, you know, with, what are, what are body parts that, we think we got no women in the room that
Starting point is 00:06:04 we think women are attracted to. And guys, yeah, I don't know, what have you heard? You know, I think girls are, I love it. See, we're ex, I love it when we pretend we're experts on a subject, we have no fucking idea. I don't think we, I have an idea. I've had women, I've had women, different women say different things.
Starting point is 00:06:17 So I think it's, do you, where are they touching, right? I think guy, I think as a, I think for women, there's actually more diverse, guys, it's either tits are ass, right? Let's see their tits are ass. We We're the two homedinger. It is right there. It's I like how he's like he says it like in long Yeah, he says it like it's one plus one equals pretty much is it pretty much is one plus one equals
Starting point is 00:06:37 That's pretty much what it is for guys, but with girls I think a lot of different girls some girls are like I just a guy with a great big strong back. Or a guy that has great arms. If he has great arms, he'll love his arms or a big chest or some girls love you. I'm gonna run my fingers through the beat. Yeah, girls are weird. You know that's like all kinds of different stuff. Which actually, I mean, is probably to our benefit as men that we can get away with, you know, lacking in all kinds of other different departments.
Starting point is 00:07:02 But I think for girls, it's very diverse. Guys, not so much. I mean, you pretty much, you got one or the other or both. And we got both. You're a winner, right? I mean, we're winning all the way around there. I don't know. I think if you're a guy and you want to attract women,
Starting point is 00:07:15 you just got to be confident. I've had way too many friends, man, that just physically you would think never in a million years would women be attracted to them. And then, then you know they walk into a room and it's like chicks all over Well, and that's where we're we're we're we're funny. This is where we're different We're stimulant women are stimulated different than men are bottom line. We're very visual right very very visual I mean women are more emotional right so I think how a man stimulates a woman on that level on an an intellectual level, on an emotional level,
Starting point is 00:07:47 versus us, which were so visual, which is why makeup and all that shit works on us. Depends if they're ovulating or not, right? Yeah, that was it. That's the same thing. Well, yeah, let's be honest though, because if you really think about it, if the visual thing was that important to the women,
Starting point is 00:08:01 why wouldn't men wear makeup too? Why wouldn't we get it? Why wouldn't we make makeup too? Why wouldn't we get it? Why wouldn't we make our skin look cleaner and glow better and have eyeliner and something? I don't know, maybe we should, maybe we're tapping into something. This sounds like a business we can do in a third. You know we should do.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Men's makeup. This is what we should do. We should test the sun Justin. He gets done with this program. Yeah, that's a great idea. This will be a perfect time. We'll put a GoPro on him. Having go into a club with different shades of eyeshadow. Mascara. Whatever. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:08:29 lipstick. Yep. Yep. Yeah. Doing different hairstyles. And let's see how this goes. I think it's a great idea. This is genius. This is brilliant. You know what though? I don't think we should do it unless the mind pump listeners want us to do it. So if we get a lot of support for the body pump, hey, you guys, I'm coming after you. You're Ryan about this. He's ridiculousness. He's actually got a pissed off. Let's try to get the big at this order. I know. I'm not a, I'm not. Okay, I have one for you since we're
Starting point is 00:09:02 talking about this since and hopefully we can talk this. I hope you guys don't get care about this stuff This is so have you this means they will When you prep us anything. Yeah, exactly. Well, I was gonna ask you guys What is the weirdest thing that a girl has ever told you that she's that she likes on your physique or fetish that she has If you're what's the weirdest fetish or weird things to be a content you know like toe sucking and whoa You know or or even just just weird fetishes all together, like things that they like.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Well, I can tell you my frostbite, too. I can tell you what my wife said about me. Go ahead, because it's so exciting. My jaw, she likes my jaw. So when I clench my teeth and you can see the jaw muscles on the side, she finds out really, she says sexy. Yeah, see, that's different. That's very unique.
Starting point is 00:09:43 So that's kind of weird. That is weird. That's good. That's a good one. And then my mom says I'm handsome. I have handsome hair. So I have I have a I have a girl that's a trainer up to the mind. What? What happened? All mom say that. Say what? She's lying then. I don't know. I mean, she is. I need to meet you. You know, do you remember? Okay, we all went out to dinner like I don't know a month ago. And going out to dinner with Adam in public is pretty interesting. We were walking. Oh, we were talking about that
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yeah, we were we talking about right bro. We were walking down the street cat coals. Yeah, I think hey you What's your name come over here? And Adam's just walking around like yeah. Stupid, you don't walk around like that. Shit, shit. I'm gonna do a little physique spin right here. Shit. And then the day I did my quarter turns on the street of what? The best experience right now.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yeah, the best that he's looking at us like, what, it's Wednesday. Yeah. This happens. I don't know, I feel kind of off guys, I only have three girls. It's I rotate show my good side cross the street Plant rotate again show my other good side. Stop right where that street light was and like the light went on I get it now I walked across the street. I was like I don't like this I get it now. I want to go planned out.
Starting point is 00:11:22 I walked across the street. I was like, I don't like this. Yeah. He's a center of attention. Oh, cool. Why don't you get fatter, Adam, and see if you get more attention? Just because the study said that that would happen. See, and this is where I have to kind of...
Starting point is 00:11:36 Oh, now you don't want to do it. No, no, no, no. If you want to get, if you want, like, be anecdotal here, right? So let me tell you, I've been, I've been from all the way to 19% body fat all the way down to 2% body fat. And, you know, maybe the average girl who's married or wants to marry a guy,
Starting point is 00:11:55 maybe that's what your study is more towards, but I have been to Las Vegas. I've been to places where there are large populations of the opposite sex. And I've been there at 19% body fat And I've been there at 19% body fat, and I've been there at 2% body fat. And let me tell you, there is a significant difference in the attention that I got at 2% versus 19%.
Starting point is 00:12:14 So, and everywhere in between, the leaner and the more aesthetic I've been, the more attention from the opposite sex have I gotten from it. Yeah, well, I think the, you're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor.
Starting point is 00:12:28 You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor.
Starting point is 00:12:36 You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor.
Starting point is 00:12:44 You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. You're also a big factor. They said that to you. Oh, yeah, absolutely. Their mouth just opens immediately. My girls are right or though. She's been around to see all this stuff. She doesn't even think they get paid. Yeah, yeah, no, because she knows I don't trip on it. So I don't trip on it. So she don't trip. I think, you know, I think if you're a guy and you're trying to work out to impress women, it's probably not the best. It's probably not the best reason to work out. I don't think you're going to stay consistent to a routine. It's a good place to start though. It's probably not the best reason to work out. I don't think you're gonna stay consistent to a routine. That's a good place to start though.
Starting point is 00:13:07 It's probably the place they all start. I think every dude, I call that attention, you know, go for it. That's all I can say. See, this is what's unique about all three of us say this. And Justin, what's how you now like that? No, I say, it's pretty fucking cool. It's pretty cool, actually actually It's pretty neat You know, I think your best attribute isn't how is how humble you are It's probably the most you know, you know, uh, humble or not humble or whatever, you know I I tell you right now that you know, make teach their own Maybe somebody doesn't like the attention and this and that and like some people don't like don't like that
Starting point is 00:13:42 I'm not saying that I'm an attention whore at all But I'll tell you right now, when you get that attention from the opposites, especially when it's attractive, it feels good. And a lot of it feels good because you know the hard work that you put in to build that physique. You built, you busted your ass day and day on the gym
Starting point is 00:13:57 and it's like, they're not telling you, hey, you have a beautiful physique just because of the compliments that you're getting and the attention that you're getting is a sense of compliment itself. And I believe all how you handle it is key too because I like to think that, you know, I know I talk this way and I'm very blunt and straightforward on this show, but I don't think that I'm an arrogant prick. I don't think that I come off that way. As much as we joke around and stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:14:22 I like to think that I'm pretty humble down. No, I just have a punch. Which, yeah, I like to think that I'm pretty humble down to. We're just having a good time. No, we're just having fun. Which, yeah, I think I'm a pretty downer as a justify. No, no, not at all. You see the politics. I, I 100% will tell you that I enjoy the attention. I would be lying if I said I didn't.
Starting point is 00:14:38 But I also like watching it. You like watching it. You're selling my best friends are like, I just like to be around, dude. It's like, it's like to pick the scraps up, dude. You know, I just like to see you to carry me on your phone. Yeah, it's like no, we're going to be a good time. Where we go? No, I just, how you handle it and how you deal with it?
Starting point is 00:14:57 That's what, that's what matters most, you know, I think, you know, being, being real, being real with yourself and real with others. But yeah, no, it feels good, especially when you put the hard work in. Well, the two, I'd say probably for body parts, abs, if you're at the beach, I've seen dudes that had no muscle but had abs. Yeah, that's really. And abs and then arms, right?
Starting point is 00:15:16 It can't. Abs arms, you know what's fun? I've gotten the most comments and stuff on pictures of my quads, of all things, my legs. Yes, from girls, and they'll say, they'll post like hearts or whatever, of my quads of all things my legs. Yes, from girls and they'll say, you know, they'll post like hearts or whatever from my quads of all things. I thought I would never think that in a million years. I think that they would think that they would think they would.
Starting point is 00:15:33 No, no, there's a lot of girls that I think a lot of girls are think it's unattractive to see a guy that's in balance that see a guy that's super top heavy and then he has no legs. What's so ever. I know it's like shit. Yeah, no, it's a that's why when I do go and wear shorts, I gotta wear them really, really short ones to show that I have good quads because my calves fucking suck. Yeah, just wear the speedo.
Starting point is 00:15:52 No, I'm like, look, look, I got quads. I swear to God, I train legs more than anything else. Yeah. Did you even work your calves, Justin? Are they just naturally that big? Just boom. He's like, I did one time in 2000, 2007. Did it?
Starting point is 00:16:04 It's, it's all the explosive sprinting and everything I did Happen, yeah, it's really I get more comments about you know my ass What do you mean like huge? Yeah, yeah, that's like my center of gravity is that your wife says you have a is that what she says? I don't know she isn't saying Yeah, yeah, that's like my center of gravity. Is that your wife says you have a, is that what she says? I don't know, she doesn't say nothing about that. She's like, she's a compliment, but never ever. You don't have like my chest. You're pecs, you're pecticals?
Starting point is 00:16:33 My pecticals. Yeah, that's good, all right. I'm gonna have to ask my girl what she thinks they're favorite, I don't know whatever. That's one of the weird ones. Like if a girl compliments you're asked or something, you're just like, what? Really?
Starting point is 00:16:43 Yeah, that's weird. It's because we used to wear those. It's all based off of pants. Okay, so if you played baseball, science, or played football, you have to wear these tight pants and it shows everything. So we don't have yoga pants. Well, actually they do now.
Starting point is 00:16:57 That's like the new stuff. Yeah, so that's the only time that happened. But yeah, I used to get that all the time. What do you think I could do that? What? Would you guys make fun of me if I were those? Yes, yoga pants. It's like the new trend for would we make fun of you? Yes. Should you do it? Yes, okay? Okay, you'll do that while I no, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna let people put makeup on me
Starting point is 00:17:18 Fuck you guys know the new trip. I mean the guys so many get you see guys now We're in this bandic, you know fitted under our pants You know why I would never do that? Because it shows the front, like your package. Yeah, you get your ran wrap, man. It hugs it to tight. It's different. Like a woman can wear tight spandex stuff. Well, I can, I can wear some, and at the worst case scenario, have protruding objects. Yeah, I should have a camel toe at the worst, right? But a dude's going to have, you know, his stuff right there. And you know how it is, he's most nubby. I just not feel like if I wear those really tight pants
Starting point is 00:17:49 and then you'll see how good my quads look and it will make my calves look a little bit bigger. I think, because I got the extra layer with the spandex on there. And then you'll get to see the shape. Because right now, like, you know what you should do? We're really short shorts with spandex underneath.
Starting point is 00:18:01 So that way it just, it covers just the top but you can see like the leg. that's not a bad idea. Yeah So I have like days he do saw with some spandex spandex shorts Spandex pants. They're good for that. We should have the listeners pick our outfits for when we go to planet fitness eat all the pizza You know what I mean like what should we wear? I want to wear wrestling singlet. Yeah Dude if you did that it would be so awesome. Yeah, I want to have it. Dude, if you did that, that would be so awesome. Just rip off my jersey. We need to stop talking about that and do that.
Starting point is 00:18:30 I think we're due for good trim. Mine pump needs to hit the road. Yeah. It's time. Mine pump to hit the road and then we're going to get some wear sunglasses and a fanny pack. For sure. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Can I tell you today? No, not today. This was, let's see here. It just got back. It was Friday. Friday, I'm in the gym working out before I left. And, uh, uh, floral, floral shorts, they look like swim trunks. This is you? No, no, no, next to floral shorts. Okay. Floral shorts. They were like, I don't know, thigh high, like mid thigh.
Starting point is 00:18:59 And, uh, and then a brown fanny pack. And then, uh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. No, it gets better and a tank top and a dis man inside the Dis man. Yes 1990 just punched me in the head. I wanted to take a picture only this person knows who I am And I know I know who they are to I know I know that I happen to know his wife and I was like It goes viral. I'll never forget it So I could tell the story like I hit it like the middle of his workouts with skip skipping I did
Starting point is 00:19:27 Oh I hate what happens Is it a death leopard isn't it crazy that just eight I have a death leopard every now Death lever rocket. Yeah, do you pour some sugar? I mean the middle of a said it is like Get some it's on right now in every strip club I think we should end this episode on basically 75% of women prefer little belly fat. Um, there's the cocktail. Thank you for listening
Starting point is 00:19:51 to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. www.minepumpradio.com Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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