Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 065: Bonus: Welcome to the New MindPump Studio!

Episode Date: April 21, 2015

MindPump's first episode officially went live January 5th of this year. Until yesterday, our studio has been Doug's living room. Now, we have a new studio right next door to a WHAT?... In this episode... Sal, Adam & Justin christen the new studio and reveal a bit of what is in store for PumpHeads around the world.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Mike, check one, two motherfuckers. I just shied on you! I don't know what I did. That was the best intro ever. That was the best one. Can I just went crazy. That was the best intro ever. Do you work, he's doing the intro for now on. That was the best one.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Can I just say something? If you're somebody who's just tuning in and getting around to listening to us, the best part about this, and I hope Justin doesn't mean we put him out here, right? But when we first started this, you remember what Justin was just like, he was not excited.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Sal and I have big mouths, if you haven't seen that already, right? We like to talk. Justin is a complete opposite. And when we first talked about this, we ruined. Right, we like to talk. Justin is a complete opposite. And when we first talked about this, we ruined them now. We like to talk to you. I actually love, I love to listen to him now
Starting point is 00:00:50 because I feel like- I'm turning into this vulgar sailor. And my wife is like, why are you, who are you? You're hanging around with. I think we all get a little bit of shit probably. Well, ladies and gentlemen, you're listening to Mind Pump.
Starting point is 00:01:02 This is the only fitness show that doesn't suck ass. Why do all the other fitness shows suck so bad? You know what? Make me fall asleep. Well, it's because I feel like... I'm like... Well, and it's tough because there's some that I actually like because I feel like there's some good information
Starting point is 00:01:14 in some of them, but they are. I have to be in the right mood. Like, I feel like I have to be in that zone. We're almost like where I just just want to learn. Or I'm like sitting down and someone's reading in a book to me, you know, like they're like that, where I can't get any sort of entertainment. And we're so childish. We're just talking shit about other podcasts.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Yeah. Everybody sucks about us. No, no, stupid. I think somebody asked that. That was a question actually. That was a question that was asked to what podcast or, oh, what books were reading? What books were reading with podcasts?
Starting point is 00:01:42 That was someone asked that's a good question. I know we all, I think we all listen to a couple different podcasts. Yeah, no, there's some good ones out there. We're just kidding. Who is talking right now? Well, this is Salda Stefano. Yeah, this is Justin Andrews. And Adam Schaefer.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Together we make mine. I feel like we're like Voltron. Yeah, I was ready. You know what? Connect with you guys. We harmonize with me. The listeners can't see us, so we need to let them know what's going down. We are make it no we are recording From our new the studio white. Yeah, we're no longer we're no longer recording in the Doug's living room
Starting point is 00:02:16 We're not doing that. That was the name of our old office. Yeah, by the way Doug's name from now on We start with a the it's he's the Doug Yeah, respect respect. Yeah, but we used to record out of his living room and now we have Actual studio we haven't decked it out yet though. It's still still pretty games You know, I feel like right now. I feel like the bare bones feel like when I bought my house about my house right when I was younger Right and when I when I did like I could afford the house But didn't think about all the other stuff those supposed to come after is right so you just like slept on a Yeah, I had a I had a big screen TV, right? Empty.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Bro, it's like that scene in Boiler Room. Oh, remember the movie? It was just like, it was just like that. It's huge TV, right? And then I had like four bean bags. That was it, bro. That was the same. I needed Xbox and you're good.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Exactly, dude, that's exactly what was going on. Well, I can't wait till we get the jacuzzi in here. Oh, that's a must. I want the tanning bed. You are great. TANNING BAD, Jacuzzi. what's going on. I can't wait till we get the jacuzzi in here. Oh, that's a must I want the tanning bed You are great tanning What else we have? We do all that what else we got a massage service next door. Yeah, what else we got? Oh, so so hold on we can't we can't reveal it right away We got a build it. I got a build it. They're very nice. Everybody's very welcoming and open
Starting point is 00:03:24 I want to tell the story what happened, right? So we were, we actually been looking for a spot now for what, like a month. What'd you guys say? So, yeah. Now, originally, originally, a little bit longer than I thought. It's been like, originally our idea was
Starting point is 00:03:36 we wanted a studio slash gym, and it's going to be sick. Like we want to have, like literally, we want to have a bar in there. Go, go, girls. Yeah, we have, no. We want to have, we didn't say that. No. Like we want to have, literally, we want to have a bar in there. Go girls. Yeah, we have, no. We want to have, we didn't say that. No, we want to sit in, we want a bar, we want to lounge area,
Starting point is 00:03:52 we're going to have a smoking area. It was going to be, it's going to be like the sickest of all time. A smoking area. Yeah. This is a little ironic, wouldn't it? Yeah. Unfortunately, a vapor area. How about that?
Starting point is 00:04:01 That's what I married. Unfortunately, that's expensive. So we started with small studios, so we found a spot, and as soon as we walk in, Adam's like, there's a very familiar smell coming out of this area. We are next door to the Platinum Society, which is a cannabis club. Like we share a wall with them. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Yeah, and we're recording, by the way, to date here. I just feel it's, how crazy is it? The way it all, it's really vibe is, well, just the way it all played out too. I mean, we ended up, we ended up with three times of space for like 40 more bucks a month, right? Right, right.
Starting point is 00:04:38 That's ridiculous. Yeah, because we were looking at a really small space at all. Yeah, and it was gonna be so tight, like we were all worried about being around the arm wrestling each other. Right, like we're at the top. Used it on his lap and you're gonna be so tight like we're all worried about We don't have guests arm wrestling each other Like we're the top used it on his lab and you're gonna cut some This is how we're gonna do this no so it was already gonna be rough But I felt like it was a great situation for us
Starting point is 00:04:54 And then that all falls through last minute, you know And then all of us are pissed and frustrated and then like what not even a week later We fall into this and then to top it off, bro, we're sharing a wall of cannabis club. Like, well, they're the friendlyest people of all time. So today, we, this is our first time recording in here. And today, what's the date today? It's 420. Can you share how we utilize that to make sure we get our lease? Can we talk about it? Can we? So, so the guy comes over and he's like, Hey, guys, you know, welcome to the whatever. And he's like bringing all this stuff, you know, all these gifts, like weed people are friendly.
Starting point is 00:05:27 It doesn't make you a jerk. They come bearing gifts. Yeah, like it's not like alcohol. Like alcohol makes people assholes. These guys are all super nice. Yeah, well today is a success. But we gotta share food with them probably. We have chips, you gotta share the chips.
Starting point is 00:05:40 We gotta do that. We have chips. Yeah, so yeah, we're located in, can we say what we're located? Is that a good idea? We don't want to do that. Let's not do that. Let's be stealthy. Well, yeah, let's not get out of the store right now. Yeah, people come in here. It'll get crazy. Well, now they're going to find this and know exactly where we are. Because they said the day.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Oops. Well, we're in a downtown area. It's a pretty nice area. We've got all kinds of food and stuff around us, so it's pretty sick. But this, hopefully this is a stepping stone because I really want that gym like sick. What was that show that you guys were talking about that you guys were like, we need to have a fantasy factory. Yeah. What's that guy's name?
Starting point is 00:06:19 Rob Derridek. Yeah. He got to set up, man. Fantasy, fantasy factory meets fitness, bro. So it's like built like that. That's what I want to. Ware, he got the set up. Yeah fantasy fantasy factory meets fitness bro So it's like built like that. That's what I want to warehouse like that like that So he has a recording or his cousin as the recording studio and he decked all that out for him It's like my yeah, well I want to do that Well, the reason why we want it such to be such a sick play because we're gonna start doing interviews now
Starting point is 00:06:40 That's really the main man gave it that's that well that's the main thing right? We want to do interviews. We want to interview fitness celebrities and just very interesting people. You know what we should do. This is what we should do. What are we doing? We should actually get the help. Because here's the thing, I feel like every time we start talking about what we're going
Starting point is 00:06:54 to put in there, what we utilize, we should actually get some feedback from the listeners and see if you were to build your gym, the most awesome, sick facility, what are some of the things that it would have to be in there. It's a must-have. Yeah, what should the Mind Pump Studio have in it? That would be great. Go to at Mind Pump on Instagram, let us know, you know, what you think we should have in here.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Yeah, well, just posters, anything, man. Yeah, what kind of posters? Yeah, help us deck this place out. That would be helpful. That would be so awesome. So, but I'm still blown away with the, how fast the shows grown. You know, now we've got our own studio.
Starting point is 00:07:30 We've got what, like we're approaching what 200,000 downloads or something crazy like that. It's pretty exciting. I think people like, I think, shenanigans. I think it has something to do with Justin getting a lot sexier. Getting what?
Starting point is 00:07:42 A lot sexier. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What. Yeah. Yeah. What was his nickname again that you called the food thing? That's so fanny. That was fucked up here.
Starting point is 00:07:51 From Pudgey. I'm just used to that from Adam. Yeah. That's so easy. Yeah. It's such an asshole. It treats me like dirt. That's the love.
Starting point is 00:07:59 That's the love. Well, let's talk about some of the interviews that we want to do. I mean, what do we want to bring fitness celebrities on here? But we don't want to do the typical boring interview. You know what I mean? Where you hear some of these fitness podcasts and they're like, uh, what does your workout look like? How was that competition?
Starting point is 00:08:12 Blah, blah, blah, blah. Like, we want to have fun with these people. Well, that's what we're going to do. I don't, I don't, I think we're going to do some of that. Yeah, I think, I think we bring some people on, you know, we'll bring, we'll bring some athletes on here. We'll get some competitors on here. We'll get some people like that in here.
Starting point is 00:08:24 And I'd like to ask non-traditional questions. I mean, of course, we'll ask some athletes on here. We'll get some competitors on here. We'll get some people like that in here. But I'd like to ask non-traditional questions. I mean, of course, we'll ask some basic stuff. Because people want to know something about it. Yeah, I'm sure everybody wants to hear about how you do your peak week and all these questions like that. Which we'll get through that stuff. But I like to get into the character of the people and see what kind of people are actually doing this.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Because it takes a different breed, a person to do any of that. So whether you're talking about a professional sport, or they'd be bodybuilding, women's bikini figure, stuff like that, like, you know, that's just, you're like 1% of the 1%. So your minds are normally different. So it's kind of, I think it's kind of fun to get in the heads of all the athletes and like on all levels, you know, well, we, there's, I mean, there's some profile football players that you that we know
Starting point is 00:09:05 that want to get on the show. But, you know, I mean, really, I would like for our listeners to hear the real personality of these people, which I think would only be good for them. You know, if you're an athlete, you're a fitness professional or a pro athlete or whatever, and you've got a cool personality,
Starting point is 00:09:21 that would only help to be able to, you know, bring it up. I'm pretty sure we'll be able to pull some of that out of people. Oh, yeah. I think that's the difference. But here, there you go. That's the difference that I feel like in a lot of podcasts is you've got a lot of like either really talented, like maybe they were famous doing something else and they've created
Starting point is 00:09:36 a podcast and therefore they have a lot of people listening to them for whatever reason, whether they're really intelligent or they were really talented. Yeah, I want to know who your favorite like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle is. Yeah, I mean, like that your favorite like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle is That's the shit I'm talking about Raphael don't it tell oh really yeah, yeah Raphael that's the explains a lot My gland you guys are crazy You know my Raphael bro with the size or whatever he's dick. He thinks a dick. Yeah That's you know what's I you know what though to be know? But you know what? You know what to be honest with.
Starting point is 00:10:06 That's pretty funny. That kind of fits like all of us. What do you think? I think so. I think yeah, I'm not that you're a dick cell. But no, it has that sort of vibe. You are definitely Michelangelo, though. I think yeah, you.
Starting point is 00:10:20 So is Doug Leonardo? Is that? I thought you think he's a winner. No, he's the first winner of that's a winner Narda. Oh, shit. I thought you think that's what you splintered in. No, he's splintering in that splinter, dude. Totally. Linter. Spainter. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Bro, so, perfect. So this, here's a little side effect of the show. I think we should tell him what just happened, about 15 minutes ago, of the show growing. So I get this, I don't even know what is it called, a K-I-K. Oh, is that message or whatever. And it's this chick. And she gets on there, and she's like, hi. And I'm like, OK, you know, what is it called? K-I-K, message or whatever. And it's this chick and she gets on there, she's like, hi, and I'm like, okay, you know, hi.
Starting point is 00:10:49 And meanwhile, the guys are around me, so I'm like, hey, check this out, this chick's trying to talk to me. So I'm like, hi, and I do listen to my pump. She's like, oh no, I'll check it out. I'm like, great, next thing out of her mouth is your hot. I'm like, okay, thank you, I'm married. And then she starts sending like nude pictures
Starting point is 00:11:02 and crazy shit, so I'm like, you need to, so I'm, we're to so I'm we're so I'm stupid so Salch has a dump in my lab Deal with this Adam. I can't deal with this I'm like talking like you know what to do. Don't give this to me. Yeah, what is your Adam powers and Adam destroys my ego. He's like, oh, that's catfish Oh, yeah, you got so right away. He was like what do you mean? No? No, no, no, this no, I have you see this did you see this? What the hell is that catfish thing?
Starting point is 00:11:25 We're so, like, I know that you guys are about my age. I know Sal's a little older. He's the older gentleman. That's why he was so lost. But yeah, we just, we're out of the loop, man. Well, it's become a... Bro, I'm literally like a year older than you guys. You just stop saying that.
Starting point is 00:11:39 It's like one, it's like one. I gotta put you up a little bit up here. Yeah, that's all. I got more gray hairs than you, bro. Don't worry. It's really the generation below us that I think it blew up or exploded. And I don't know if it was pre or post the show. Have you guys seen the show?
Starting point is 00:11:56 I've actually watched an episode of Catfish on MTV. No. Maybe like a second of it. This guy did a whole documentary and turned it into a series that I think is pretty popular on MTV. Now, I don't know if it was growing and getting already popular before that. It must have already existed, it had.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Yeah, but it definitely has existed. So what's the whole concept? The idea is that somebody is trying to catch you, like a fish, they're messing with you. But for what? For the fun of it. That's fun. I guess, dude, I guess it's for some,
Starting point is 00:12:26 if you're some young punk kid who's got nothing else to fucking do all day long, but try and drag people along and punch you like that. That's F with people's emotions. Yeah, but you know what's crazy is I've heard a story of people talking to these people for like years, you know, months on to years. And I've had these like online relationships
Starting point is 00:12:43 because we know that's popular. That's been popular for like 20 years. Soon as the internet came out, the ability to have relationship long distance and meet people a lot of people. And you can meet on, we'll say one out of three, or one out of four people meet on the internet right now.
Starting point is 00:12:53 So that's a very popular thing to have when you think of those type of numbers. So these people, there's a good portion of these people that are getting messed with. I mean, and it's, I didn't really notice it. It never came across until I got into the whole Instagram thing. Once my thing exploded, I had thousands
Starting point is 00:13:10 and thousands of people falling. I started getting my inbox flooded. And of course, for business reasons and choirs, I'm answering almost everybody at the beginning. But then you start to realize literally 25% of them are bullshit people just trying to. Well, when she's sending naked pictures after I'm like I'm married listen to my pump. Here's a picture of my ass, you know, I'm like, okay
Starting point is 00:13:29 This can't be real like who does that Adam's like welcome to my world except it's real back to that all golden ratio well, you so you know I just right away I can tell when they call that the Fibisnatchis one So, you know, I just right away I can tell what do they call that the Fibisnatchies one one vagina. Yeah, the Fibisnatchies. Well, here's maybe not she sequence. I have snatchy sequence. I think it's I think it's important maybe to, you know, so this doesn't happen to you again. Okay. So I care about you, bro. Oh, thank you. Alright. And this is for the
Starting point is 00:13:56 listeners that may may have never had this happen or may think they've never had this happen to them and it's happening. So here's a couple like red flags. And this is how I knew right away when I looked at the looked at when South showed us to me. Okay. Yes, if she sends her vagina, the third picture, third, third time she's talked to you or he sends his dick after the third time, there's a good chance that they could be somebody who's not really them, right? Or they could be that slutty. You never know. So it could be that way. But more than likely, that's your first red flag. The next red flag
Starting point is 00:14:24 is when you click on their Facebook or their Instagram or whatever they're connected to and they are super hot and they have all these sexy ass pictures and they have like 500 followers. Like every bet, if you were like a dime piece, if you're a hot chick or you got like 5,000 followers. Super hot and sexy and super ripped. Like either one male or female, you've got more than a couple hundred followers I guarantee it you know especially that you got all these modeling picks up so that's your that's
Starting point is 00:14:50 your other one so this what these people do is that herb life has more followers than you I'm not taking you seriously Well Adam was gonna cap fish him right back what we're gonna do then we started recording out you could tell style got really burnt so. So I want to get my voice back, right? I'm gonna get burnt. Well, you could tell. I was like, why would it be so? His ego was definitely.
Starting point is 00:15:10 He was doing this to me. He's not picking on me. His ego was defeated a little bit. So, you know, and like a brought true brother, like I came to his defense and I wanted to punk this chick. So, you know, or whoever it is. Yeah, whoever it is, right? So he sends her, my information,
Starting point is 00:15:24 you should talk to my boy. And so she sends me the exact same thing. She's sending him the order, same pictures. And so I get on and I Google a big black cock. I'm sitting back over to her. She's like, the skin tone doesn't match. She's like, she's like, she's like. She's like, the skin tone doesn't, this doesn't look like you.
Starting point is 00:15:47 We were literally doing this right before we went on radio, so I actually don't even know where the comments are. You're all this craziness came from. Well, you know, that's what happens. Yeah, well, well guys, congratulations, we got a new studio, we'll be bringing some interviews on. Listeners, if you have anybody that you think we should interview, that's in the Bay Area, or somebody in California
Starting point is 00:16:06 who will come visit us. Sure, they're interesting. Let them know. We're gonna say, get on their pages and tell them, get on Mind Pump, get on Mind Pump. And we'll interview them. That's a great point. Yeah, hammer them.
Starting point is 00:16:15 We'll get some stuff out of them. Yeah, hammer them. You need to be on this show. Well, if we do have, if we, if everyone gets our backs like that, we can't get some people get stir up some good controversy. Yeah, start berating, man. Yeah, we were looking for something.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Man, it's been a while, right? Yeah, we haven't like stirred any hornets in that scene lately. Lately, haven't I think we have we've been really nice. Maybe we should have a kind of team. You know what's kind of weird. We should have a planet fitness spokesperson. Fuck planet. You're a pro.
Starting point is 00:16:36 I'm over it. I'm over it. I'm so over it. Yeah, I'm so over planet fitness. Everybody knows they suck. If you're listening to us, I'm sure they think they suck too. I'm so. So, and we've already gone over CrossFit. We've already said the things that we like,
Starting point is 00:16:49 are very popular, we like people, we don't. Instagram, and we will just leave it at that. Yeah, yeah, okay. I know. I'm gonna attack them. Yeah, somebody that likes to wear and sell squins. We'll invite them on the show. That too, and just rip right up.
Starting point is 00:17:02 We've done squins. Yeah, we have picked on the squins already, but we can do that again. Because that's a growing one. It's crazy. It's much it's growing. They're getting them for all kinds of stuff. Yeah, we need something though.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Help us out, guys. So be ready for the interviews. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mindpump.

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