Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 067: Justin's Road to Ripped: Week 8 Update

Episode Date: April 23, 2015

Justin is sore! He has just completed his 8th week on his Road to Ripped and is now in Phase III of the MAPS Anabolic program. Sal and Adam quiz him on his progress, talk Phase III and using pre-exhau...st super-sets, reveal the TRUTH about before & after photos all while giving him a little sh&t at the same time.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Now, this is a story all about how my... ...facts self-gots can even turn around. Yes! You're right, that was a good one. Yeah, shredded. Yeah, nothing else. I'm not a rapper, dude. I watched fresh praise. So
Starting point is 00:00:30 What's this episode? Are we taught is this yours? This is all about you Yeah, and your body Sexy body I'm not gonna look at it yourself. Oh, excuse me, slow your roll. My roll? Slow your roll. No.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Pro slow your roll. Who you with? Hey, we're here with Justin Andrews, because I'm first on this one. Salah Stavino. Second. Adam Schaefer. Third. Making weird noises and it's mind-pump. Oh and Dougie. Dougie woo, woo, woo. Third. Making weird noises and it's mind pump.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Oh and Dougie, Dougie Fresh, the Doug. The Doug. The Maestro. So let's talk about you, bro, in our new studio. This is your first time. Whoa, you just rhymed right there. I did, huh? Yeah, this is.
Starting point is 00:01:18 I used to be a rapper. I don't know if this, if the room is bigger or you're getting more compact because I feel like he's getting smaller, but we are in a much bigger space than what we were currently. Or befarently, how you feel. Have you noticed how he feels himself more than he used to?
Starting point is 00:01:34 He revs his own arms and shit more? Yeah, that's what you guys do, right? He talks over us on Mind Pump Way more and out, too. You created a monster. I think we did, dude. Maybe you just stopped this place. It's like it's out of hand. Self-survival, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:01:46 It's like you back me into a cage and we're gonna fuck my way out. Yeah. So tell me, I want to know about your face. You got face three workup. Face three. So what are those like? Yeah, it reminds me of back when I used to train
Starting point is 00:02:00 at 24 and goals. And I really did a lot of super setting because I knew a lot of the bodybuilder guys and stuff and they kind of told me, you know, this is how it's gonna get you big, bro. So it reminds me, it's remnant of that, you know. And I remember distinctively going from that to more functional type training.
Starting point is 00:02:18 And so it's funny, it feels like it's like this, I'm deep evolving somewhat with this, but at the same time, it's like a familiar friend. So I'm sore, dude. I was sore doing the supersets and... What about the pumps? Oh, crazy though. They're intense, right?
Starting point is 00:02:38 Yeah, it was a crazy pumps and I was getting real tight. It's funny because so my wife works out with me sometimes She's like, wow, it's nice watching you work out. Oh She's feeling this whole new plan. I think you know what I told her too. I was like I can't wait Yeah, I can't wait to courty. You're welcome. You're welcome. Yeah, it's funny cuz Yeah, I had mentioned I was like, I had mentioned and I was like, I can't wait to start doing some power, power lifts again and like eating a bit more and all that.
Starting point is 00:03:11 She's like, okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I asked you, might wanna keep a little bit of this. You know, in the routine. Number one, number one side effect. The best metabolic program is you get more ultra sexy. Well, yeah, you get that absolutely. Yeah, typically super sexy. So yeah, so the pumps are phenomenal, but they're exhausting.
Starting point is 00:03:32 I know every time I switch to phase three, the first week, I'm like, I want to kill myself socks. Yeah, it's really tiresome. Yeah, and then on top of that too, like just, I mean, I went through the week and then the weekend, I started doing just a tad bit more cardio. It was basically, it ramped up like the 10, 12 minutes sort of hit. Oh, you're doing the hit? Yeah, yeah. Because I kind of go to my professional physique guy over here and tell him what I'm doing. And so he had mentioned that this is probably around that time where we might want to ramp up that way.
Starting point is 00:04:06 So I just started doing it and it's exhausting. Have you been exhausting? Have you, the other thing that we talked about too was just incorporating more movement and just being aware of your activity levels. Have you noticed yourself? Have you done that? Have you tried parking further away?
Starting point is 00:04:20 Or using steps instead of this? That's all stuff I tell my really, you know, let's say, chubby clients that like don't use the elevator walk the stairs. Yeah, this is all like the day-to-day stuff that. And now you're talking about it. Yeah, now I'm doing it, yeah, exactly. Yeah, it adds up. And it adds up.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And I feel like when I start reaching around peak week, that's like one of the things that I just try and stay active. Like I'll go one of the bad things, and I think I've been opposed about this the last time I competed with is I, one of my favorite things to do is to go shop, because I just, you know, I'm in a store, I'm all I'm looking at things I'm trying to do. Yeah, moving, I'm burning calories and I'm not consuming
Starting point is 00:04:58 calories. Yeah, that's the problem is I'm spending money as the problem is I'm going to buy. I'm getting a guess you're like you're being lining it right to like the shoe store. Oh, of course. Of course I've always had a shoe queen over here. You've got this whole like mantle piece. I've got a few shoes.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Yeah. You've got a healthy habit. That's you've got it. It's healthy. You talked about the supersets, but I think I want to go in a little more detail with those because so what superset literally means is you take two exercises and you do them back to back. That's a superset, okay? Which dumb and extra nice.
Starting point is 00:05:29 That in Compound say. Well, with the supersets that are in the phase three part of the maps program, utilizes something called a pre-exhaust superset. Now I learned about these years ago and Mike Menser was a big fan of these. And so here's how a pre-exhaust works. Let's say you go to fatigue on a bench press.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Many times the muscles that'll fatigue first are the smaller muscle groups like your triceps and your shoulders. But you want to really work the chest because that's why you're doing the bench press. So with the pre-exhaust superset, you do an isolation movement first and then you go to the compound movement So you would pre-exhaust the chest with say dumbbell fly and then you go straight That's exactly what I've been doing. Yeah, and then you go straight to the bench press Yeah, straight bench and the target muscle just gets lit up. Yeah, it gets on fire And you feel it just spread across. Oh you get in a fan one of the craziest supersets ever and listeners
Starting point is 00:06:24 I challenge you to do this Adam you you probably love a fan. One of the craziest super sets ever. And listeners, that challenge you to do this, Adam, you probably love this is do this is the only use for a leg extension machine. By the way, otherwise it's a complete waste of time. Do leg extensions not a complete waste of time. It's a fucking waste. It is not a complete. You use the leg extension. I do use leg extensions every now and then. I do. I do. I'll throw that machine away. Yeah, I think it's not a waste of time. It's there's a lot, there's a quite a few more machines that are more with this.
Starting point is 00:06:49 So you don't say Smith machine. No, no, no, there's quite a few more machines that are more worthless, more worthless than last tensions. I know you love Cicci squads and I'm with you. Yeah. I'm with you on that. I am. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:07:02 And I'm not saying that it's better. Or I mean, it's that the lake sentience are better than that, absolutely not. But to me, there's a place for them. Well, check out the superset, right? So you do lake extensions to fatigue, go right to barbell squats and do squats. Oh, you want to talk about your quads exploding?
Starting point is 00:07:19 It's one of the most insane thing. And I'll do that sometimes with Cicci squats. So go Cicci squats straight to traditional barbell squats. And I want you to do like front, front load is squat. Yeah, or you could do something like that. But yeah, I like the isolation right, the pre-exhaust, isolation movement to compound movement.
Starting point is 00:07:33 And that's really the reason why we included that in the program is it's geared towards the, which is the goal of phase three, which is circle plasma hypertrophy, to increase the amount of non-muscle fiber structures within muscle, make the muscle more pumped and full Yeah, which adds to the way it looks. We'll talk about doing pre-exhaustion Super sets and then on top of that you're increasing repetitions like
Starting point is 00:07:54 If you don't get a pump you're not doing something right Especially if you're coming out of phase two, you know phase one and phase two All right, nothing like that. I'll see you happen that that many reps and the rest periods like that How's the squats just in the high reps. Squat. That makes me want to throw up. It's talking about it. Yeah, what do you hit?
Starting point is 00:08:09 What's the weight and what's the weight and the reps that you're doing? The most. I mean, I'll kind of ramp my way up. So I'll start it like 225 and then I'll just, I'll put like 25 pounds up and I'll go up. How many reps? 15 pounds. So I start out with like 15.
Starting point is 00:08:28 So 225 for 15 reps. Yeah. And then I'll move it up. And then I'll do 15. I'll move it up. 275. 275. And then I'll move it up and I'll do 10.
Starting point is 00:08:36 And then I'll do like a fifth set. You know with that. And then I'll get up to like 315. And try and wrap it. I'll do like 10 times and then just. Oh, well, those of us who like to squat heavy, could I squat heavy all the time? Did you see Craig the other day? No, oh, with his, what he did on this,
Starting point is 00:08:51 that's insane. 20 reps with like 420 years like that. I think 405 or 410, some are around there. 400, over four bills, rep in 20 reps dude. Yeah, of course he did. Yeah, he's a freaking horse. Yeah, animal dude. Yeah, I don't, I don't do a lot of rap
Starting point is 00:09:07 dude. Like when I when I was lifting heavy, it was like four reps and I could, you know, I was up in the 400 bills. Yeah, no problem, but I'm not doing 15 to, you know, where's your mark at? For me, it's like seven. I'm cool to seven. Yeah. When I start getting six. Yeah, I love five. Three to five is great. But I feel like I feel like I can still get pretty good weight up about seven times.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Once I hit after that, like if it's tough for me, even lighter weight, I'm just, even two plates, two plates. I start rapping beyond 10. Yeah, just like on fire. I'm winded. That's where my- Yeah, winded. I mean, that's a long ways down for me, man. I'm six three.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Well, I think what a lot of people don't realize is that when you make that switch, when you go from low reps, heavy weight to more reps or to a super set, whatever, every time you switch, you get a new form of adaptation. I grow every single time. Every time I do that, I look in the mirror and I can see a change immediately after like one workout I just happened to me recently. I've been doing really heavy squats for oh I just like heavy squats singles, you know one two three reps and I said, you know what?
Starting point is 00:10:14 I'm gonna put three 15 on here. I'm gonna do three sets of I think I did 12 Which for me is a lot of reps because I don't normally do anything above, you know six right and the next day in my legs Where I sort of got there look bigger just because I changed it like that. And in the vice versa, if you're a high rep squatter, start focusing on those heavy heads. Well, that's it, yeah. I definitely noticed the shift, and that was one of the things the last week or two
Starting point is 00:10:36 that I was getting frustrated because it felt like I was in the stalemate. And just this next phase, and then on top of that, with the introduction of the carbs, it's finally kind of set, I think my body's metabolism has shifted. What do you see, what changes? I just, you know how when you wake up and you feel,
Starting point is 00:10:54 because in the morning is really where you can tell, what your progress you've made. Like it feels like tight. Like I feel like Sran wrapped and I feel like skinnier. I'm looking right now at your veins and your forearms and shit that I've never even seen in your forearms before. And every time I see you, your arms are more and more shapely, your shoulders are more and more.
Starting point is 00:11:16 You know what it's neat though? And I like this because I actually had somebody who had said to me recently that they weren't that impressed with where we're at right now. And I'm like, you know what, this is what's great is it's, it's real. And this is what people need to see. No, that's bullshit. We have some magazine that you, I've talked about this before. Most, most of those things you see these before and after is are the vice versa. They find someone like myself who just came on the stage of drugs.
Starting point is 00:11:39 And everybody. And you're natural. You know what I mean? Well, that's what I'm saying. Like the, the, the, the, the pace that you're moving is perfect. You're doing it by feeding yourself still. You're not overtraining like crazy. Like it's a nice, if I wanted to kill myself and show everybody how emaciated I could get, in a short amount of time, I could easily do that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:12:00 But I wanna blast. I wanna get to the end and have something that's like, I still have muscle. Well, you're also following what we are recommending people to follow exactly. That they're going to be being coached as far as I'm also, you know, going through it. He's ladies and gentlemen, he is doing what our program tells you
Starting point is 00:12:18 to do. He's not doing the special 12 week. Let's just make you look crazy for our podcast. It's like, we're gonna show you what realistically, what it does if you just follow our program. And the program is not some crazy workout five times a day type of routine. It's totally doable, totally achievable
Starting point is 00:12:36 for anybody who has access to that. And that's what I'm saying. You're definitely just echoing what I'm talking about is that I think it's just great that it isn't that way. You know, that it's not crazy, you know, this over the top, like, almost seems unrealistic. It's like, it's a realistic, perfect progress. And at the end of it, you should feel great.
Starting point is 00:12:53 You should be feeding your body still. You should feel satiated. You should feel strong. You shouldn't feel super weak. Like, you should feel filled out. Like, and it will. You can tell by the way, the way things are going, you know. And I feel like there's just like,
Starting point is 00:13:05 you just changed something. Last week, I kind of felt like I didn't see that much of a difference. This week, I feel like I see a big difference compared to one week. So as you switched, you just switched your phase, you just switched the hit cardio in, and we just change up your carbs.
Starting point is 00:13:19 It's three big things that we switched up on the body, and I can see your body's responded, and you can tell it's good. And that's the name of this game right now. Now we watch it change for the next week or two, and as it starts, before it slows up completely, we throw the next curve ball at it and keep it moving at that pace.
Starting point is 00:13:35 And I think that's where a lot of people struggle is they buy a plan online, or they buy this thing that is like this, oh, follow this program and just do this, and then they just stick to that all the time. And that's like their one thing that they know how to do. And it's, unfortunately, it's not that easy. You know, our bodies are very, very intelligent. They figure out really, really quick what you're doing to it.
Starting point is 00:13:55 And when we're in the game of aesthetically changing our physique, you know, you gotta keep it adapting. Yeah, you gotta keep it guessing. You gotta keep it adapting. I got a question for you. Last week you had talked, you had brought something up that I found very fascinating.
Starting point is 00:14:08 You had said that you normally suffer from acid reflux. Yeah. And since you changed your diet where you've kind of cleaned it up and removed the sugar and stuff, you said you're not getting acid reflux or you weren't getting it as much. How was that? Is that same?
Starting point is 00:14:22 Yeah. So that was pre, that was when I was running more on ketones. And you know, so yeah, the reintroduction of carbohydrates has irritated it somewhat. So not like totally to the level that it was, but you know, because it's still, I'm still trying to make sure everything that I'm putting in is whole foods.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Well, I got a question. Where are these extra carbs coming from? What are they? So I'll add in some whole grain bread every now and then, and then also add in like some like quinoa and stuff with dinner. I wonder, you know what? I try this. Try eating those carbs, but avoiding gluten. And I know you guys are gonna roll your eyes and talk Community yeah, no, I bet you're right try it and see if the acid reflet goes away. I just don't want to be that guy That's right Adam far from the way Yeah, so yeah, well, oh sal wins if you are brother's that's two versus this I know cuz we were kind of like speculating otherwise, you know, when we were talking about that.
Starting point is 00:15:26 But yeah, I do, I do think that it could be a contributor for sure. I mean, it's, you know, the case is yet to be sort of, you know, unfolded. Well, I mean, I, not that I'm, I mean, you know, I hate to say this, but I'm usually right. So I think that's it. How many, how many times right now are you taking days off?
Starting point is 00:15:46 So you often you take one day off very weak. Do you take no days off or you always doing something trigger sessions or what's your what's your schedule? Typically I'm not taking any days off. This week like today I took off training just because I felt a little under the weather and like I'm fighting something. So I didn't want to like put my body under any stress mark and so I just been hydrating and eating just little bits But yeah, like otherwise typically I'll I'll be doing something every day. I'm doing something
Starting point is 00:16:15 You know, and so if it's something that's low intensity. I'm doing it frequently throughout the day Otherwise if it's something more high intensity, I'm smashing it and then You know now I'm introducing a little bit of that hit at the end. So I'm staying busy, man. Like I feel like I have more stamina when I'm working out and I feel great. It's a different, like I don't feel as athletic just because of the style of training. You know, it's not as conducive to the movements that I normally do, but at the same time, it's producing a different body type for me.
Starting point is 00:16:51 So I like it because it's different. And I'm working hard at it. So that's about, I have to report. What are the guys saying at the gym so far? You're in all the other trainers and stuff, that train where you're at. Yeah, people are noticing like, um, mainly like clients, some clients I've had on vacation that came back are like, they're like, do you, have you been wearing like really big shirts
Starting point is 00:17:15 before or like, yeah, this is what I'm like, so they all, they all notice right away. So I think it's, I think it's at that point where people that see me frequently Probably don't say as much as people that like just saw me or like, whoa, what's going on? You know, so yeah, I'm still getting a lot of that. Well, what's cool is because you're you're this is probably what you're you and week two Phase three is this your second week of working out phase three style. I believe it is Yeah, starting starting the second week guys, I did one week of phase three. Okay, so after the third week, you're going to cycle back to phase one. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:17:50 You're going to fucking love that. Awesome. So when you go through the phases of the maps program, you go through, you know, it starts with pre-phase if you're a beginner, but he wasn't. So he did phase one, phase two, phase three, then you go back to phase one. And it's like, it's almost like perpetual progress. Like you come back at phase one almost where you left phase one. So you're not quite as strong as you were at the end, but you're definitely close and that's where you're where you started.
Starting point is 00:18:15 That's for sure. But then when you go through phase one, you end up better or stronger than you were at the end of the previous phase one. And this happens for each phase. And so far since I've been doing it, for myself and other clients that I've had trade, it's almost like you get these little, you squeeze yourself further and further and further with it. So that's gonna be fun to watch. And of course, you like phase one anyway. For a perpetual lawyer.
Starting point is 00:18:37 I think you're gonna, yeah, he's just gonna love getting back to lifting like that, I think, because I've gone through like you, I've gone through multiple cycles now where I've gone all the way up and then I've come back down to that type of lifting and it is fun to return to that because I've been now, because I started my hypertrophy phase before he did. I remember when I transitioned, that was like, I'm on like the second or third week, I'm getting ready to transition back the other way, I got about another week or so, that I'll run this way before I get to go back to, and I missed that, I missed the three to five reps.
Starting point is 00:19:05 I missed getting this lifted heavy like that. You know, like it's just like you said, it's when you've gotten used to that and you feel good. Let's now wait and then it's the ego check, you know, now having to peel off, you know, significant a weight. So you can, so you can, you know, get through 10 to 12 reps every single round, you know, multiple rounds. You definitely have to be able to do that.
Starting point is 00:19:24 You can't let your ego get in. Well, one of the reasons why we switched the phases so quickly, because people have asked me, since we've been doing this process, they're like, why do you switch them after three weeks? Because I'm still making gains. Why can't I just keep stay on phase one or whatever? I'll tell you why.
Starting point is 00:19:37 If you stay on phase one for too long, you will start to notice connective tissue inflammation, because the strength gains on phase one are very, I mean, they come at you fast and furious. And if you keep pushing it, and I do this to myself, almost I would. I did it, I did it on one of them last time too. Yeah, I do it almost every goddamn time.
Starting point is 00:19:56 You start to get issues with connective tissue where it starts to, you know, you're, my, my, my, those nagging pains. Yeah, you know, my, my, my, right where my peck inserts at the, the humerus will start to hurt or, you know, my bicep insertions will start to hurt. Yeah, I know, my right where my peck inserts at the the humerus will start to hurt or you know, my bicep insertions will start to. Yeah, I was starting to feel that a little bit in my shoulder
Starting point is 00:20:09 and then we switched. And then you switch. Yeah, that's it. And if you stay in phase three for too long, for example, you'll notice the pump will start to get weaker and you'll start to actually lose size. So you want that those cycles really make a freaking huge difference.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Oh, yeah. Make a huge difference. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Make a huge difference. So like today, for example, I wanted to, I was working out and I don't know, I just felt like I needed to shock myself. I needed to do something a little different. So I lightened the weight, I did a little higher reps, I had faster pace and I did full body and I did about nine sets.
Starting point is 00:20:39 So I did three exercises per body part. I was in the gym for almost two hours and I was just doing lighter weight. 20, 27 total sets. No, because I did legs. I did, you know, back chest, shoulders, bicep, triceps, I did my forearms. I think I did 47 sets total. Holy shit. Yeah, so I was in there for a long time. That's a lot of work you one day. A lot, man. I didn't do any cardio because I burned so many calories. I'm like, I do like 20 to 22 sets, I'm out. Yeah. Well, that's usually what I'll be around that.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I'll be like 40 something sets, but I'll do that every once in a while. Just kind of shock my body, where I'll drop the weight and just do a longer workouts. So yeah. Your trigger sessions, have they changed at all? Have you done anything different with them? Are you still using the clubs?
Starting point is 00:21:21 Yeah, I'm still using the clubs. And I'm using the, well, they haven't really changed a whole lot to be completely fair. So yeah, just been using them for like one, I'll use specifically to utilize flexibility and movement. One, I'll utilize for rubber bands to get that stimulation. And then one, I'll use clubs and macebell for circular movement
Starting point is 00:21:46 and just using my whole core and everything to stabilize. And then sometimes I'll use it for auxiliary muscles and abs and stuff and to just kind of focus more on that. So, so you said you're working it around. You said you're working out with your wife a little bit. Is she following some of these concepts? Is she doing some of the stuff herself? Yeah, yeah, I'm kind of, well, that's just how it is. I just tend to lead, it doesn't matter. If you're at the gym with me, I'll lead, to work out at this point, it's breathing for me.
Starting point is 00:22:13 So yeah, she ends up doing pretty much what I tell her to do. And it's paying off because with her, she's always had back issues. And so already, it's like being stronger, you know, that has dissipated. Better. Right. Yeah. So ladies, you know, if you're having these achy things from, you know, leaning over and
Starting point is 00:22:34 picking kids up or whatever it is, get stronger. Mm-hmm. Did you see what that one, one of our members did on the, on the private forum? Did you see what she said? Oh, dead left? Well, no, no, besides that. So she was another, I can't remember her name. I could look it up. I don't know if said? Dead left? No, no, besides that. So she was another. I can't remember her name. I could look it up. I don't know if she'd want me to
Starting point is 00:22:47 want us to call her out, but she went on there and she goes, you know, Sally, I'm done with phase one. She says, my strength went through the roof. I feel great. I see changes. I didn't lose any weight on the scale. What should I, what am I doing wrong? And so, so I told her, so well, you're stronger and you see changes. What do you mean? She's like, I'm tighter. I look leaner about what you're still hung up on the weight. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:23:10 So I'm like, you lost body fat and you gain muscle. The beautiful part is how she leads into it too. I feel great. I look great. I can't have stronger. Everything's at the same time. What am I doing wrong? No, you're actually hitting it out the park right now.
Starting point is 00:23:21 You know, a lot of women don't realize. When you look at female athletes, there's like certain female athletes that women will say, oh, they look so amazing. I wanna look like that. They're good though. How much do they weigh? Those women are easily 15, 20 pounds heavier than you think. Well, always.
Starting point is 00:23:33 We don't bother that. 15, 20 pounds heavier every single time. You'll look at them be like, oh, she looks like she's 110, 140 pounds. Yeah. You know, it's just muscle and she's very dense. She's very dense and tight and shapely, but they're, you know, they're way something that muscle density.
Starting point is 00:23:47 And your metabolism's faster. So the same member that we're talking about, she's her metabolism's faster now. And what they end up finding after going through the whole program is they'll say stuff like, I'm eating a lot more than I used to, and I thought I'd get fatter, but I'm not. It's like your metabolism got faster.
Starting point is 00:24:02 That's the thing we don't talk a lot about. And I touched a little bit with Justin and how the most important part about what he is doing is he's keeping his metabolism healthy. I mean, when he's consuming like 3000 plus calories, like that's a good amount of calories for somebody. And you know, if you're just like he said, he could drop down to 1500 for the next five days
Starting point is 00:24:23 and we could shred some weight fast. You know, you totally would. Yeah, I could cut it at any time at this point. And you know, that's how a lot of people diet right now. A lot of people have this extreme way of dieting. That's how their mentality is is when they're off the diet, they eat whatever they want, they kind of eat shitty food. They put on this, they're 10 to 15 pounds or whatever your number is that you allow yourself
Starting point is 00:24:42 to go to before you pull back the reins and then pull back the reins means going and starving your body of all these crazy things. And like, you know, and it's just this vicious cycle that people do on each time you do that, your fat cells are growing. So that's getting worse for you. And then on top of that, you're slowing that metabolism down. You're just making it more difficult for yourself. So a lot of people don't realize, and it's probably one of the hardest things I have to coach when I take someone on the very first time and I say listen Honestly, I know you come to me and you want to lose 30 pounds or whatever But the first month we will have had more success if at the end of the month you've lost zero pounds
Starting point is 00:25:16 Then if you were to lost 15 pounds All right, because if I if I can hang your keep your weight where it's at and you follow everything I'm telling you to do Which I'm gonna change your eating habits for sure. And my goal is to give you what your body needs and start feeding it more and more nutrient-rich and dense foods and balanced, and then teaching you how to move correctly and exercise correctly, to build muscle and strength,
Starting point is 00:25:39 and to guarantee if we're the same weight, and you do that for 30 days, shit's different. Your body composition is significantly different, and hopefully the ratio is exactly what we want it to be where you've exchanged X amount of pounds of fat, and you've got now X amount of, X amount of muscle so the scale stays exactly the same. But people are so impatient, they get so caught up.
Starting point is 00:25:58 With that, they want to see the quick results. So it's like, it's such a hard part for a trainer because you want to be like, okay, well, if that's all you care about, you know, drop your calories your calories down a thousand I get it. You know, I get it I'm the one that's being you know under the fish ball here, you know I'm the one that everybody's looking at and and there is that sort of Temptation of like damn, you know, I just want to get cut and I just want to show everybody boom It you know this this is how shredded I can get in the quickest amount of time.
Starting point is 00:26:25 But it's just not what we're promoting, it's not what we're about. It's just, this is the process, and I want everybody to understand that it's a process, and I'm not trying to yo-yo my way back out of this, right? This is something that's sticking to me, and it's not something that's just gonna come and go like the wind. No, people need to realize those before and afters
Starting point is 00:26:47 that look crazy and ridiculous. First of all, by now, if you're smart, you should realize that they're full of shit. How many before and afters have you seen on TV or on the internet that just look ridiculous, it look amazing and sell a shitty product, okay? The shake weight. I bet I can go online right now
Starting point is 00:27:04 and show a bunch of before and afters where someone looks like they just got super shredded using the freaking jerk off of the shake. This is a great topic alone. I mean, we had discussed like some, I mean, have you even been approached Adam? I think you might have mentioned this about somebody like wanting you to put weight on, correct?
Starting point is 00:27:21 Yeah, so we'll look at picture. Yeah, and they poached a lot of athletes or competitors after they get done with a show, you look like your 2% body fat super shredded, and so the company says they pay you somewhere between 500 to 5000 depending on how big a company is, and says, hey, here's the deal. You know, we want, can we do this? We like to, and you sign a contract of confidentiality. You can't say these things, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:27:43 That's part of why you get the money and then they shoot They shoot the before or the afters right right now and then they tell you to put on go put on 15 pounds or what I thought and then you put on 15 pounds and then instead of the picture Yeah, there's first of all for them to say that this took nine weeks or this only happened in six weeks Nobody's checking They could totally lie. Number one, number two, before and after, total lie. Number three, how many of these before and afters are and anabolically enhanced? You know, when you look at some of these, you know, these supplement
Starting point is 00:28:14 companies and you're like, that dude looks, you know, God, you know, he looks crazy now. He's the creative team, that's what I bought it back then. He was a kid like, damn, I'm afraid. And that's me now. I back then. It was a kid like, damn, that fight. And that's why I'm taking all kinds of that cell tech down, sucking down that cell tech, hoping that I'm gonna look like that guy. And you know, veins coming out of the neck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:33 And it works. This is the reason why it's because it works. It works for advertising. But what we're doing is we're showing you, right as we go along, realistically, he's following what you guys are gonna follow. And his results are real. And I'm gonna take you guys are gonna follow and his results are real And I'm gonna tell you something as a personal trainer his results are dramatic because the way he's progressing and you guys can
Starting point is 00:28:51 Attest this is trainers. Yeah, that's still this is still dramatic And especially for considering he is a veteran Lifter right now like we're taking I mean, let's be honest if Justin was a 35 year old man who had never really lifted weights before, I would have had a lot even more changed. Oh god, you gotta be kidding me. Yeah, exactly. I mean, it's not like all these movements are new to you.
Starting point is 00:29:15 It's never. Yeah, I mean, it's so to be able to confuse it, to show the same change, same thing with eating, it's not like your eating was like, hey, I was this all said, I was a McDonald's eater and fast food eater and also, also I made this huge switch. Right. You know, so that's what makes this even more challenging. So if you're somebody who's just beginning, I mean, you're going to see even more dramatic results than that.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I mean, for sure. We've already got some people giving us showing us pictures of their own before and afters. And there's two things that are, I guess, testament to the effectiveness. Number one is we have women commenting on how tight tone and strong they're getting, which is for a program that kind of looks like it's geared towards men. That's huge.
Starting point is 00:29:55 And number two, we've got some high level athletes that are commenting on it. Some people that already look freaking shredded and buffed and how they're progressing. So yeah. And can I say too? I have to apologize because I haven't been on our forum as much as these other three guys have been. And I make a promise to you guys that I'll be on there more. One of the things I was on there the other morning
Starting point is 00:30:16 that I just, and part of the reason why, so you guys know this is I have like, I think I have six Facebook pages and you know what I said I said you were too busy being handsome. Yeah, Sal was giving me shit to her day. He's like brother's people on here asking you specific questions you need to get on hearing it. I'm like dude, I'm so sorry. It's like I have my cell phone is connected to all these. So in order for me to get on there, I have to log out, log into this other other Facebook page just so I can gain access to my own forum and talk with you guys.
Starting point is 00:30:45 And so this is kind of a, you know, pain in the ass for me. But once now that we have the studio and I plan to set up my laptop in here, it'll become part of my ritual or my routine that I'll get on there and check things out. So while I'm telling you this, I was on there the other day. And I just love seeing the updates for everybody else. So if you're listening, going through it, like I love it. It's not annoying if you're listening, going through it, like I love it, it's not annoying. If you guys post pictures, if you get hit in your dad's
Starting point is 00:31:08 or doing hit and gains or see in progress, I love that. Absolutely. That stuff fires me up. And I definitely will get on there and be calm anymore and getting involved with all you guys. So I totally appreciate that. Love that.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I hope you guys continue to post like that. Awesome. Before we sign off, I'll remind the new listeners you guys continue to post, do posts like that. Awesome. Before we sign off, I'll remind the new listeners. You can go to mindpumpradio.com, you can enroll in the program. It includes access to the private forum that Adam was just talking about where you get access to us, and we answered your questions directly. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam,
Starting point is 00:31:44 and Justin, visit us at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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