Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 071: Justin's Road to Ripped: Week 9 Update

Episode Date: April 30, 2015

Justin has just completed week 9 on his Road to Ripped. To add another level of difficulty he wasn't feeling well. Did this knock him off the rails? In this episode he reveals how he dealt with being ...sick and the affect it had on his progress during that time.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Did you ever know that you're my... Yeah, yeah, yeah. And this is my episode. Yes. Oh, and this is my Bitches, yes Dude can we can we get him some of his guitar and shit in here one time?
Starting point is 00:00:32 We have to do that. You know what guys this is form a band Cuz what are you gonna do with the voice like you know what? I'm the promoter you look at a triangle You know, he looks like to me a flute player. Oh for sure You'll be full and square. Yeah, I did play an instrument back in the day. What was it the trumpet? Okay, that would be my second guess. What did you play any instruments? I tried to play the saxophone It didn't last very long because you thought it was a saxophone. I want to see that you don't want to see that Man I'm gonna see that. You don't wanna see that. You awful. Yeah, man. I'm gonna see that. So what's going on Justin, is this your update?
Starting point is 00:01:08 Is it your update? So what's happening? What's happening in lean machine? Yeah. I had a really frustrating week last week to be honest with you guys. It was sick. Yeah, it all started like Monday.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I was just like feeling like dog shit. And you know, my face. I was just like feeling like dog shit and You know my face. I was some kind of cold or something. It's just nagging me all week and so I Still worked through it. I just basically kept my intensity levels down a bit and so I didn't I didn't really lift as hard as I had the previous weeks but Managed it and and just weeks, but managed it and just tried to recover as much as I could, but I still like, you know, that timeline is there above my head. So I'm just like, ah, well, that's, that's it. Just rest. That's, I'm glad you, yeah, I'm not glad you got sick, but I'm glad you, we brought that up because a lot of people, we've gotten a lot of questions from people asking
Starting point is 00:02:01 about working out when they're starting to feel sick. Is it a good idea? Is it a bad idea? And I think we should clarify that. When you exercise, now if you're fit, you definitely have a stronger immune system. However, when you exercise temporarily, you do depress the immune system because your body has to utilize resources for recovery. So if you're feeling sick, it's a good idea to not exercise with intensity or you'll just push it, you'll go full blown sick if you do that. Like, because I actually, and so I was trying to have a feeler for how intense I could go without feeling like, you know, like I made myself worse. So the first day, of course, I pressed it a bit too hard.
Starting point is 00:02:42 And then the next day it was just like, oh, you know, it was tough. But yeah, so I mean, I had that and I was battling it all week, but I still was soldiering on and trying to really monitor my eating more specifically through all that and hydrate. And, and then the weekend came and I had like two parties to go do and poker night with the boys and what did you do on poker night when you can't do it. I was the captain boring over here. I'll take a spritzer and some salary. No, I'm still sick, dude. You know, I'm sick. I'm freaking out. I'm still sick, dude. You know what, I'm sick.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I'm freaking out. Well, you know, I have terrible allergies. Well, of course you both sick. You were making out last, we're last time we reported. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know. I'm half a super sick.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Well, they said it would be so. I don't have allergies. So if anyone's got allergies right now, they know how I feel right now. Because it's like, they're saying like, this is like the worst it's been in years. Do you know why it's so bad? Why so?
Starting point is 00:03:42 The drought. Oh yeah, it's so like apparently plants, cause you know, pollen is like plant sperm. And when it's dry, they're just like, they're basically gizzing more than normal to try and spread out. So that's what's beautiful. I felt terrible, my face has been gizzed all over.
Starting point is 00:03:58 You got, she's just been inhaling. You got bucacu, a platter of this. I'm a platter of this. You got bucacu by pollen, I'll never forget. I feel like I've done, I'm not kidding, I walk outside Paul and I'll let you do it. I feel like I'm not kidding. I walk outside and I can't figure out. I can't fucking figure out. What is swimming in?
Starting point is 00:04:09 What am I? Is it my allergies or am I sick? Which one is so I don't know whether I should take night cool or fucking claritan? I can't make my mind up. Like which one is brown? Yeah, that's what I'm doing right now. I'm just taking everything.
Starting point is 00:04:20 And then on top of that, STD flares up the same week. It's all three days. That's a trifecta right there. That's just stay home. I know that week, man. That's the style. I feel your pain.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Right. I only miss two workouts. Where you at? I didn't miss any. So It looks like Justin won. Nutrition wise, you made some changes or you're going to make them this week. No, this week, yeah, I pretty much stayed the course, but so what, 3,000 calories?
Starting point is 00:04:50 Yeah, I was a little, I was a little bit less than 3,000 just because I didn't want, I wasn't as high-intensity. I don't think I was burning as many calories. All right. I tried to manage that a little more on days where I wasn't moving as much, but yeah, I stuck pretty close to 3000. And then this week is the onset of the dropping of another 500. Boom, 2500 calories. Oh, that's the plan.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Yeah, I know. This, honestly, out of all the weeks, and I know I say this, you know, I notice this, I notice this, this is the, the, the leanest I've noticed him for sure. Well, you've known Justin a lot longer than I have. And you know, I notice this, I notice, this is the, the, the, the leanest I've noticed for sure. Well, you've known Justin a lot longer than I have. Yeah. And you made a comment when he, when we were in here
Starting point is 00:05:29 and he pulled up a shirt to, uh, to flash you. I've never seen him. So it looks like I get my confirmation that way. You said he looks leaner than he's ever looked. Oh, yeah. For sure. For sure. No, no, no, he, and not only leaner than he's ever looked,
Starting point is 00:05:42 but I mean, I can even sign it, because I would say that last week he was probably in some of the best you've ever seen, but this week, you know, and I feel like that's kind of how it works, right? And this is, I mean, I go through this when I'm competing, you kind of have these ups and downs. And a lot of that has to do with,
Starting point is 00:05:55 and this is kind of a good topic, is sodium and water intake, and things that are going on with that. And you know, your body retaining water, because you maybe be heard or sick, or whatever it may be going on, so you might have taken antibiotics, and so you hold on to stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:09 So there's a lot of things that really mess with people's heads. Like, let's say you're on your weight loss journey, like Justin is, and he knows he's following the plan, right? He's doing everything he's supposed to be doing. And then sometimes you do your kind of weak check-in, whether you're using photos or you're using the scale, and it's like, you see minimal to change, you know? And you're like, ah shit, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:28 people start to freak out and that's where they start to get all crazy and switch to stuff. That's what always helps to have a coach or a second person kind of your second pair of eyes until you're like, no, no, no, you're doing fine. And I feel like, and then I'll send you have another week where you kind of push through and you stay consistent like Justin still did.
Starting point is 00:06:42 And it's like, oh shit, now I really know it's a difference. Like, you know, now if you look at you it's like, oh shit, now I really know it's a difference. Now if you look at you right now, compared to you two weeks ago, I know it's a huge difference between that, where maybe the last week, I saw a little bit of a difference from the previous. So you know, you have weasered that.
Starting point is 00:06:54 And then maybe this week, you see kind of a, it's just a little bit of a change. It's not. And then the next week after that, and it's all part of that. And the water game could be a big part of that. People don't realize that, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:06 water can sit in you like that for like 72 hours after you've been taken, let's say you had, in just an additional amount of sodium. Or like I said, you had antibiotics. All you have to do is drink three, four more glasses of water that you, you know, that you normally wouldn't drink. And you into more sodium on that day or something like antibiotics.
Starting point is 00:07:24 And that could make your scale weight fluctuate anywhere from one to three pounds. You know, and people don't realize that, that's just water, I mean, shit, you know, you're not getting fat or you could actually technically be getting leaner but see the scale go up. And this is a big issue I deal with clients, which is also why when I coach people,
Starting point is 00:07:39 I make them measure their water so I could teach them that and show them like, hey, you know, and sometimes they'll tell me they'll be like, Adam, I understand, I went up, you know, I went up and wait and then this is this, this is that, and show them like, hey, you know, and then sometimes they'll tell me they'll be like, Adam, I understand. I went up, you know, I went up and wait and then this is this, this, that's okay. Well, look at this. We had, you know, point two more gallons of water and you ate out your, you know, turkey sandwich, you ate it out somewhere where, you know, if you go somewhere like subway or somewhere that, it just, it's much higher. Yeah, much higher.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Significantly higher in sodium. So that sodium is pairing with that water, holding it in your body. And it'll do that for a couple of days before it actually higher in sodium. So that sodium is pairing with that water, holding it in your body, and it'll do that for a couple of days before it actually lets go completely. So, that can make a big difference and a lot of people don't realize that. That's why I always like to remind people, if you're eating clean, you're eating balanced,
Starting point is 00:08:17 you're eating what you're supposed to for your body, and you're training, good things are happening. That's a good point. And you gotta think about the scale. The scale tells you one thing, it tells you weight. Yeah. That's a good point. You got to think about the scale. The scale tells you one thing. It tells you weight. That's it. So you could lose an arm and lose 10 pounds.
Starting point is 00:08:33 That's not necessarily the weight you want to lose. Scale doesn't tell you everything. Body fat tests don't necessarily tell you everything. You got to look at the whole picture, performance, how you look in the mirror, body fat testing, scale, the whole thing. There's a couple other changes. Now you got, you're gonna reduce your calories by 500. Yeah. Are you ending phase three? Did you finish that? I, so this is my second week of phase three. Okay, so we're gonna, we're gonna go into two, three weeks and then you're gonna go back to phase one. Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:59 How fun that's gonna be. That's gonna be real fun. I'm not gonna afford to that. For sure. Yeah, because that change, because then you go back to lifting heavy to doing more of those power function movements that you enjoy so much. And then you see a straight go. Yeah, just the point for the phase three,
Starting point is 00:09:17 like I wasn't really able to be as aggressive with that. This last week, so I feel like I wanna kind of, you know, make sure that I get that in this week and do it when I'm feeling up for it, because it was totally exhausting me. And- Oh, last week? Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:09:34 It's exhausting. It was an awful time to get sick, right? That's what I mean, like, sick right when I was sick. Well, the bit you were at the Super Sets, and you got it cold. Yeah, yeah. My face was just running and It was bad, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:46 I think we should touch upon this. And you know, a lot of people are getting sick around us right now. I've got a few clients. There are a few things that have been proven to help you fight viruses. One of them is elderberry. I don't know if you guys are familiar with elderberry or elderberry extract. It's actually been proven in a few studies to help with, especially influenza. And it's important to catch it at the beginning of you getting sick.
Starting point is 00:10:13 The next one is zinc lozenges. You don't want to take zinc as a pill, but you want to actually let it dissolve inside your mouth. And apparently the zinc prevents the rhino virus, which is a cold virus from adhering to the back of your throat. So when you start to feel sick, zinc lozenges, elderberry, and you have a better chance of getting well soon. I'm sure about echinacea. Echinacea's mixed, and I'm talking about in the science,
Starting point is 00:10:38 echinacea, it's mixed. Some studies say it helps, others says it doesn't help. Vitamin C's another one. Vitamin C, high doses of vitamin C, have shown to help people who are under stress, not get sick, but if you're not under stress, it doesn't make a difference. So like, if you're working out hard, it might be a good idea to take vitamin C, pre-workout, thousand milligrams, to prevent that post-workout dip in immune system or to help bolster at the very least So what about the schnauz berries?
Starting point is 00:11:07 Schnauz berries instead of from Willy Wonka Yeah, no, that's that's that's pretty much it I don't there's a lot of herbs and stuff out there that are purported to help But no, unfortunately, there's not a lot of science Yeah, I'm taking I'm taking Echinasia mushrooms and vitamin C right now. So I'm drinking mushrooms. Yeah, beautiful. No wonder.
Starting point is 00:11:29 It's like you're on the shroom. Not that, dude. It's like, it's like a, Yeah, that's seven miles thing. I gotta bring it over into you. My girls got me on it right now. She's just, Cordiceps.
Starting point is 00:11:37 I don't remember what it is. I can't remember what it is. So she swears by it right now. I mean, you know, I just, She loves like the homeopathic. Oh, totally. Yeah, no, that's the massage therapist. And like everything in our house is like that.
Starting point is 00:11:47 I'm just like, give me the drugs. Like you, give me whatever works the real shit that I'm, you know, I'm saying, I'll deal with the consequences later. And she's just like, no, this is so much healthier better for you. I'm like, all right, give it to me. They actually did a- I'm gonna rub based on your forehead. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Okay. Yeah. They actually did a study on pseudo-affedron, which is in pseudo-affed, because when is in pseudophad, because when you take that, it reduces the, it dries you out. That's when you take pseudophad, it clears out your nose.
Starting point is 00:12:10 They found that when people take pseudophad, especially in the beginning of a cold, it prevents the cold from spreading and or turning into sinus infection, just because it keeps everything clear and nose. That's the go-to for me always. Sudeffad. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Does it gack you out though? Dot, no. Does it make you hyper? No, not really. everything clear and that's the go to for me always. Suitifed. Yes. And it's all in it doesn't it doesn't gack you out though. Dot no. Does it doesn't make you hyper? No, not really. Yeah. You're not you're not like you like you sensitive stuff like that. You know I can't back in the day back in the day when I used to live off of you know
Starting point is 00:12:37 speed stats. I just I think I drink so many speed stacks of my life that I actually have you killed the receptors. I think so. I can't now now if I take suit if that I get a little I get a little squirrely. That's the word I like have. You killed the receptors. I think so. I can't now. Now if I take suit of that, I get a little, I get a little squirrely. That's the word I like to use squirrely. Where people are like,
Starting point is 00:12:50 Sal, you need to calm the fuck down because you've had too much suit of that. I'm gonna get a hyper trying to party and change. Well, that's what they used to, the meth heads use, right? That's what you break down. Oh, that's what I mean. It's what I take.
Starting point is 00:13:01 It's what I take meth. Oh, yeah, yeah, that's it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's cute and you get a little crazy. Fat burning.'s when I take that fat. Oh yeah, yeah, that's easy. It's getting a little crazy. Fat burning. Fat burning. Yeah. Is your cardio gonna change coming up now?
Starting point is 00:13:12 So I'm still doing the 10 to 12. The hit. Yeah, hit at the end of the workout. Yeah. No, this shit really, I'm probably staying the same. This week you just dropped his calories right now. And this is gonna be the first probably really because you had There last week was kind of well
Starting point is 00:13:27 I mean yeah, like I said this this is almost I mean, it's not like I'm I'm back tracking with it But I want to make sure that I get that established this week should should wouldn't so you're gonna have a next week Add maybe some steady stages right now like he said he just had a week where I mean I think him getting back to his third face and maps and doing his 12, 12, 15 minute hit post workout consistently and hard this week because he hasn't been able to hit it hard because being sick with the reduction in the calories. He's going to see plenty of change from that.
Starting point is 00:13:59 And then the following week, you know, depending on what kind of change we'll see, we'll depend on how much steady state we do, whether it be three days of just 30 to 45 minutes or we actually push, you know, 45 minutes to an hour. And really, you know, that'll be off of him and I talking about how he feels and what kind of change we see over this next week. I mean, the 500 calorie deficit with increase intensity and hit this possible week.
Starting point is 00:14:21 I mean, he could drop down a couple pounds. And if he does, I don't want to push any harder than that. I'll just keep that pace until it starts to slow up a little bit. So maybe even hold for another week and then introduce the additional cardio. Well, because again, we're trying to keep it as realistic as possible. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Yeah, because he could do cardio twice a day right now. Oh, yeah. And drop his calories down to 1500. We see 10 pound weight loss. And this is something that, I know we've talked about a little bit, but it's something I think we should continue to reiterate is that, and it's the most common thing I see with clients, with the average gym goer is, they decide they have,
Starting point is 00:14:53 Vegas is coming around, they got this, and it's like balls to the wall, to get in the best shape, and it's like cardio, double days, training intensity, double day, workout, working out, everything is starving their body. Yeah, fasting. And yeah, they might drop 10, training intensity, double day, hard working out, like everything starving their body. Yeah, fasting. And yeah, they might drop 10, 15 pounds
Starting point is 00:15:08 or get in the great, great shape before Vegas, but it's like as soon as they hit Vegas and they come back, it's like, whoa, it all comes back and it comes back even harder because they've now got their body adapted to all that activity and that low of calories. And so it just slams their bodies. But also promotes muscle loss.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Well, yeah, that too. So, you know, finding the ideas for us to, we want to see this nice steady pace. And, you know, I was just talking to a client today who, you know, is like, yeah, man, I was freaking out because the scale's been the same. But he's like, man, I'm down two belt loops on my belt. But yet my scale, the scale, I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:15:41 I don't understand how the scale is going to go. Oh, that's beautiful. I said, that's perfect. I'm actually at the perfect ratio right now. Right now, whatever you're doing nutrition, I'm like understand how the scale is going to know. Oh, that's beautiful. I said, that's perfect. I mean, you have the perfect ratio right now, right now, that whatever you're doing nutrition, and I'm like, you should hang tight right around there and continue working out the way you are right now because you've got a nice ratio of your drop in fat and you're probably building a little bit of muscle and your body is pretty much holding the same on the scale, which is completely fine, especially if you notice a difference in inches like that.
Starting point is 00:16:02 I mean, that's already happened to me. I had my swim trunks on this weekend, and I went in the hot tub, and they're the same size they've been, and they're all nice and snug. Now, they're falling off. So, I know, I definitely know I lost some inches. You lost some junk in the trunk. When I know I get crazy,
Starting point is 00:16:21 I'm not in the trunk, but in the end. When I get crazy, and this is coming for you in the next couple weeks, is when you start seeing the like your underwear, the elastic on your underwear, isn't even like it's like all loose. Yeah, like your underwear is loose, dude, like because your waist has came in so much, like you don't, you don't get down to that point where it's like, and that's when you know, unless you were the really snug ones, like I do. I like to stay, I like to stay aerodynamic. Yeah, you're, yeah like to stay aerodynamic.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Yeah, you might not know, if you were a banana hammock, like this guy might not make a difference that much if you were grapes on him. It keeps everything nice and compact. So trigger sessions, let's talk about that now. You were sick, were you able to do them, or did you cut back on them because you were sick? You know, I actually did more of them
Starting point is 00:17:01 than I probably did. God, this is perfect. That's exactly what I would tell clients to do because it's low intensity. That's what I figured. Trigger sessions are meant to be low intensity. Yeah, I just kind of, I adapted with that, so I just decided to keep them,
Starting point is 00:17:14 and I probably didn't, maybe four or five sometimes on a day because I knew that I was just like, dude, I don't have the energy, I'm just gonna hit it, hit it, and then stop, and then hit it a little bit later, and then I just kind of spread it out throughout the day. I got a question for you. Do you notice the number one comment that I see that we get and I'm sure you see them too because you're on the forum with the trigger sessions is you get like a like a little immediate boost of energy. Do you notice that? Do you notice that? Yeah because there'll be times that
Starting point is 00:17:41 I'm just I'll forget to do my third trigger session. It's eight, nine o'clock at night and I'm like, oh, fuck, I gotta do it. And then I'll do it. And I'm like, I got energy again and I'll stay up for another couple hours. Yeah, it just stimulates everything. Yeah. That's fantastic. Yeah. What about any other changes since you've been doing the program?
Starting point is 00:17:56 How's your libido? No, this is a good question because we get comments on this. Oh, yeah, no. People tell me that their libido goes up, especially in phase one. I mean, yeah, but. Are you horny? Am I my active on it? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Yeah. It's a Courtney come on. Yeah, all that. Oh, yeah. This guy's looking sexy as fuck over here. Oh, god. I thought they're all being under the bus. Yeah, he's like fuck.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Edit that out, guys. I'm gonna get in trouble. So on that, on that same subject, I notice your right forearm has increased dramatically. Boom. Games. Hey, I'm not running into anybody. You haven't seen it a long time.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Have you read it? Anybody haven't seen it in like a couple of months? Or any of that? Has anyone seen you? No, really. If you haven't, bro, that's one of the best things you can. You should go out of your way. I haven't.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Yeah. To go see that at that lives 30 minutes away. Or go see your buddy who haven't seen it in like two months. It the ego when you're when you're cutting like you are right now starving yourself feel like you're killing yourself You know let someone you would see you be like hey bro, bro. You're good. Oh That's good. I needed to hear that because I felt like I have a chance Yeah, I could use that for sure. Yeah, that feels great But it's be honest when you're at those parties. What do you tell people when they're all, cause do they, do they rad you, cause I used to hate that. Yeah, well, come on, you can just have one
Starting point is 00:19:08 with the big deal. Mostly, like, it's the family parties that'll do that or like, you know, my family, like, they get upset because everybody's eating breakfast and I'm just like, I'm cool with coffee. Yeah. Like, like, I'm some kind of alien, you know. And yeah, at the parties, I don't
Starting point is 00:19:27 know, I just, I'm, it used to be like that. Everybody would give me a lot of shit. And then, how they getting used to you now? They're kind of getting used to it. And I just end up, I just end up walking over like I'm eating whatever I can and like I always have something in my hand. So it's like, so it's like, I'm always doing something. So leave me alone. That's really why I'm doing that. You know, I have some of my hands so they're, you know, they're talking and all that. If I was just sitting there and like, my arms folded, like, yeah, you know, they probably would would rouse me up, you know, for sure.
Starting point is 00:19:55 You're gonna, you know, it's crazy is, and I remember this, I dealt with this with a Katrina's family. Man, the first year was like, probably the first eight months, I'd say eight months of dieting was such a pain, dude, like, because they're family, they have a big, big family that gets together for every reason, like an Italian family. So I know what you know, this is like three times a week.
Starting point is 00:20:14 There's like something, there's always a kid who's moving from fourth to fifth grade. There's always somebody's birthday, it's always an anniversary, somebody's moving in somewhere, or something like, we say celebrate everything, right? And it's always great food and alcohol, you know, that's like the thing and here I am on this crazy goal and journey to compete You have to bring your food. Oh, yeah, top where every work and oh man, just giving me shit, bro Just giving me shit and get rub. Oh my god Rarararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararararar I just end bark and to the point where they're like getting onto her and she's like talking to me afterwards
Starting point is 00:20:45 And I'm like see my cup guy just like going I don't like long as I don't like getting on shit But then the funny part is once that eight months was over and I got down to that where I was really shredded It turned into this whole like the whole family wanting to know like Can you sit down with me try that yeah, and then like people now now they call me up before I'm coming over I'm like hey, could we you know, what do you need to make? Do you want us to make this? Or should we have that for you? We'll bring this dish ready for you. Like, and then everybody trying to follow it.
Starting point is 00:21:09 I'm doing it. It's pretty funny. You know, it's funny that you took a while to do that. You know? Like I hate talking about nutrition anymore with anybody. I'm just, I'm so over it. Like, because that's always on the forefront now. Because like, oh, you're, oh, look at you.
Starting point is 00:21:23 What you do? Oh, yeah. You know, what exactly are you doing? Oh, I heard about that. And then they go off on this thing. I heard about that. And I'm just like, oh, you're eating right? I heard that before. I'm like, dude, you don't even want to listen.
Starting point is 00:21:34 I don't want to sit here and pretend to coach you on it. So here's, I plead ignorant from no one. I'm just saying. No, I have the trick, bro, because I totally fill you on this. And once again, there was a conversation that Katrina and I had because she thought I was just being a dick. And I'm like, listen, everybody, every family,
Starting point is 00:21:52 remember every friend, everybody comes up to me, they want to know, what are you doing? This and that, they want to talk about it. And just like you said, you get so tired of talking about it. So this is what I do. As I'm like, yeah, I hope you are. For sure, we should talk about this. This is what I want you to do first. I want you to track
Starting point is 00:22:06 three day. I want you to know for seven days, you need to write down everything that you consume and measure your water I'll bring it back to me and then we will talk about it. We'll break everything down. I'll teach you everything you need to know. Okay, okay, okay, nobody I know it is. No, nobody that really cares. If unless and then every once in a once every 10 15 people Somebody who really wants to learn is really willing to put that work in to do that. They do it. And then I will spend that time with them. But I other than that, like you said, be at a point, being in a party with 30 people, everybody wants, you know, tell me what I need to do. Oh, tell me what I need. Oh, this night, and it's like you tell everybody nobody does anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:40 It's like, I'm so tired of telling people to do something about CrossFit. Oh my God. Don't ask me that. I don't even want to get started. My family is a fun party. We are ruining it. Track your food for seven days and here's my mic. I need those on me. Oh bro, I do.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Listen to this show. Listen to this show. Listen to episode 15. No, my family, they're just used to me now. They don't bother many more when we go to parties. They're like, okay, well, Sal's just gonna eat whatever he's gonna eat. And when it comes to like, if there's like a communion
Starting point is 00:23:08 or a wedding and I have to work out on the day, my wife knows I'm gonna wake up at 5 a.m. or 4 a.m. and go do my workout. Nobody used to be like a big issue, but now everybody's just like, Oh, no, that's how we are. They're just giving. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:19 The family is now like, they ask like, hey, you know, what time are you guys gonna work out? What meals, but like when they're scheduling stuff, they'll schedule it now around us, which, but it took a year of training. Yeah, watching us and seeing you actually get to that point. No, you're right. Otherwise they would have naysaid you right after that. Yeah, because even that's just how human nature is.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Even when I was kind of seeing some change, it was like, yeah, whatever, you know what I'm saying, I needed to get to a point where it was like impressive where they were like, oh shit, like whoa. Exactly. You're the most shredded I've ever met. Like when I got that ripped, it was like now. It was like all of a sudden the gates opened dude. Like you, I get this car blanched.
Starting point is 00:23:52 I see why you did this. Yeah, right. I get it down, right? But it's cool because now everybody is really, really sensitive to it and they're totally, you know, hey, whatever you want, whatever you do, you let us know, we'll bring that food, we'll do that. Or if you guys gotta go to the gym first, or if we like, that's the other thing too, like there'd be times where, you know, hey, whatever you want, whatever you're gonna do, you let us know, we'll bring that food, we'll do that, or if you guys gotta go to the gym first,
Starting point is 00:24:06 or if we like, that's the other thing too, like there'd be times where, you know, we'd be at these events all day long, and I'm looking over at Katrina, I'm like, hey, we're gonna go, you know, we can- Bring your good workout. Yeah, we can go workout, I've only had, I've only brought two meals, we've been here for eight hours,
Starting point is 00:24:17 you know, like I gotta eat again, I gotta eat some, you know what I'm saying, and then, you know, and when we first would leave, it would be this big old deal, like, oh, there goes Adam again, leaving, you know, leaving the family party, you know, I'm like, oh,, you know, when we first would leave, it would be this big, all deal. Like, oh, there goes Adam again, leaving, they're leaving the family party. You know, I'm like, oh, yeah. But then now it's totally different now.
Starting point is 00:24:30 It's pretty cool, but it took a year putting up with it, so. Well, you've got, how many more weeks you got left now, four? About four. Four, it's crunch time now. So four weeks, follow Justin's progress on MindPump on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:24:44 And are the program he's following still available? It's on mindpumpradio.com click on the yellow button Check it out follow long. It's the maps and a ballad program with the Nutrition Survival Guide all laid out for it That's on our what mindpump radio dot com mind pump radio dot com. All right. Still there. Thank you for listening to mind pump For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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