Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 072: The Sticky Icky

Episode Date: May 1, 2015

This episode was inspired by a single PumpHead question about Adam's (not so) secret entrepreneurial past....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Welcome back to Mind Pump. This is the fitness show that doesn't even care. We just don't care. We don't care? No, we don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:00:23 I feel like we care a little bit. I care about you people Yeah, no, we care about people not anything else. We don't care about pissing off your fucks We like people. We just don't care if we piss them off. No, I agree I think we're due for that so we were oh by the way, I'm here with Adam Schaefer and Justin Andrews and you're Our senior hall Justin Andrews. And you're, are seeing you all apparently. And you're listening to Salami Stabon in the back.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Okay, so we were looking at questions here to do a Q&A, because you know how we like to do Q&A. And there was a question that came up that I thought would make a great episode. The first part of this question is actually geared towards you, Adam. This is a question.
Starting point is 00:01:05 It's a question for you. All right. I know you. I'm sure it's going to be here. Okay, I never had to. Let's go. On a scale of 1 to 10, how many hands would you do? You guys are going to give me some shoes.
Starting point is 00:01:14 So, if I had to break this down, mathematically. So the question, this is from Yogi to to extreme one of our loyal mind pump listeners Pumphead all right the question is Adam. Why did you give up your cannabis club? Oh? Yeah, so so we should tell the you know let the listeners know what what business you were in Well, we've a view beforehand. Obviously. This is a girl or guy who's this? Yogi to extreme. I don't know Okay, it's not that it matters. I'm like what's the difference? Well, I was gonna dress here. She was so if you know whoever this is Obviously, he's been listening to our episodes in the beginning because we did I did a girl. Okay, so I did mention so she obviously listened to
Starting point is 00:01:59 Whatever episode this was that we talked about this because I did mention it briefly. That's probably the episode we called this episode as dope. No, no, no. I don't think we talked about it. No, I don't want an episode. You know what episode we talked about it? We talked about it when we talked about what we did before, career-wise. Oh, right. This business is we done, I've briefly discussed it.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Yes, yes, yes. Yes, they weren't mine. I didn't own them. I ran them. And I had a client of mine who was that I used to personal training to give me this opportunity to run this, which ironically before I had gotten involved in this, I really wasn't into marijuana at all. In fact, I was kind of the the opposite.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I was kind of the poster boy of like anti marijuana. I was like, you know, everybody I knew that smoked weed was kind of a loser and they didn't get shit done. And like, yeah,, everybody I knew that smoked weed was kind of a loser and they didn't get shit done and like. Yeah, look at all those losers, Michael Phelps. Yeah. Barack Obama. This was before Michael Phelps came out. But couple of losers.
Starting point is 00:02:54 They came out, but so I, you know, I kind of had this, that attitude of, you know, I was not a, not a big time now. Of course, this was my own personal experience because I didn't experience it until I was in my 20s. And the first couple of times I did, I had a really bad experience. You got paranoid? Yeah, well, nobody gave me, like, didn't tell me that you can like smoke too much. You know, I didn't, like, I,
Starting point is 00:03:16 because I remember asking, like, my dumb friends when I was younger, like, hey, so what, we know, can I do overdose? Like, no, you can't overdose on marijuana. You can have as much as you want. So I'm like, okay, well, if I'm gonna do, and then I can I do overdose? Like, no, you can't overdose on marijuana. You can have as much as you want. So I'm like, okay, well, if I'm gonna do it, and then I had buddies telling me, like, well, you might not get high the first time,
Starting point is 00:03:30 so you might not feel it. So I'm like, okay, well, I wanna make sure I feel it. So I'm gonna smoke a lot, right? And if I can't overdose, then what am I worried about? So, you know, my dumbass is sitting around a table with a bunch of buddies that have been smoking their whole life and here I am out smoking all of them the very first time. And yeah, of course, I fucking was hearing things.
Starting point is 00:03:46 It's paranoid as shit. It's my heart beating. Yeah, I know. Heart beating. Yeah, literally my heart felt like I was going to beat out of my chest. So I'm like, okay, this drug is not for me. I'm not doing this ever again. So yeah, I became this anti guy because of that.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Well, fast forward about eight years later, I'm in my late 20s and I got a client who I'm training and he tells me what he's trying to do. Now we're in the Bay Area and yeah that's I was just gonna say we should preface that. Yeah no this is all perfectly legal state legal. Yeah yeah no I'll get there with the story so I promise I won't leave in these important details out you can ask me if I do. So we're in the Bay Area. At this time Los Angeles is cracking with cannabis already. They've already got three, 400 clubs down there and it's making its way up to the Bay Area.
Starting point is 00:04:33 And now what I am pro is I love to be on the front end of business. I am an entrepreneur by heart. I am always up and up on, I shouldn't say always. I like to be up and up on what's new and hot you know, hot and what's coming up. And that's what appealed to me. So when he talked to me about running these clubs, and the reason why he asked me to run these clubs, he had seen me run the gyms that I was at. He'd been a part of that seen that for a couple of years. And he was impressed with my ability to run staff and
Starting point is 00:05:01 manage and blah, blah, blah. And so he gave me the opportunity to run his facilities. Now, at the time when he offered this to me, you know, they had the idea that they were going to get like 10 or 12 of these things and be the first 10 or 12. And he knew people that were tied in politically into the city that they were going to put, what is the name of the term I'm looking for? Not an ordinance, but a got it for a lack of better words. It basically is what it is is Where up? Monitorium, what am I I can't? Mammatory. Oh, I don't know. More Torium. More Torium. Maybe more Torium mammogram. No, no Whatever I can so basically what it is is that okay the city says it's a limit of how many
Starting point is 00:05:45 It can't all right, right, right and he had inside info that it was gonna be 12 and it was only gonna be 12 And then we were gonna try and monopolize We're gonna try and get a hold of like literally 12 of them and you know, I was gonna run a few of them and Long story short we end up getting two of them and you know, it's two of the first ones that ever hit San Jose So it was quite the experience being one of the first because this is still the gray area too. So yes, it's legal. Yes, cannabis clubs, but anybody that knows much
Starting point is 00:06:13 about this industry and knows when I first got into it, when it was very, very new, it was like, okay, there, it wasn't illegal to do it, but then nobody wanted to lease you any space, nobody wanted to. There's still liability. Yeah, exactly. Nobody wanted to do it, but then nobody wanted to lease you any space nobody wanted to You still liability. Yeah, exactly. Nobody wanted to okay it. It was just it was a real pain in the ass Well, it's still a lot of cops didn't know if it was illegal or not legal. It was crazy It's still it was still and still is today federally illegal
Starting point is 00:06:39 So even though the state legalized it feds let up on No, well, the feds aren't gonna spend money. Yes, they can go in after it. They just came out and said they're not going to do it. They're doing it. But when you were in it, they were rating. Oh, yeah. They were. So here you are, you're following the law.
Starting point is 00:06:55 I mean, there's people in medical marijuana states who not only are following the law to a T, they'll have cameras up everywhere. Recording everything, they will have sheriffs come down look at everything on a regular basis They'll have the cameras available for you know the state Legislators look and see what we're doing and yet the feds will go in there and take these people and throw them in jail for life For doing everything perfectly So this was a lot still scary. This is okay if you talk about Some of the scariest times in my life, this is definitely
Starting point is 00:07:26 rates in the top three for sure. This experience was like for me, just like you said, and we could definitely turn this into four or five episodes if I were to start sharing different stories and situations that happened to me during this whole two-year stint that I was doing this. And when I, also, I mean, just when I went down to City Hall to get my business license for it, there wasn't a thing back then for medical marijuana or cannabis clubs. I mean, it was so fresh and new that they didn't have that. So we'd have to go under something like, I think we were like a herbal, herbal supplementation, something, you know, and then our landlord, we had to sign some things in that we were something completely different
Starting point is 00:08:03 than what we really were, just so we could fly out of the radar and operate. And it was very sketchy. And then like you said, there would be times, I remember seeing, I'll never forget one time across the street was like a SWAT team parked. And they were getting ready to like raid somebody's house or do something totally different than what we were. But we thought they were prepping to come in to us. And it was like frantically getting everybody out of there, grabbing as much product and
Starting point is 00:08:29 cash as you possibly could, like loading it up. No wonder pot heads are always paranoid. Oh, loading it up of vehicles, taking all of that. And then we take it and then it's like at my house and my- That's the- What the fuck am I doing right now? Like I just like took one scenario and just totally escalated. Like I'm like, thinking of myself, they're gonna take my house away, they're gonna do all
Starting point is 00:08:44 this stuff. So, you know, all the time it was sketchy. Now, that's not why I stopped because you know, it got easier and better as time went on. At one point, I stayed with it all the way till there was 100 something club still in there and then it became a little bit more norm. Although when I say a little bit more norm,
Starting point is 00:09:00 it was, you know, I wasn't completely freaking out every single day, it was a little less stressful. Maybe it was only stressful once every two weeks instead of like every fucking day. But this is the type of stuff that we would have to go through. And what I got really tired of is a couple things. One, and I'm sure if you're a cannabis owner and you're listening to this, please don't take offense of this because there's exceptions to the rule. But for the most part, a majority of these guys are idiots.
Starting point is 00:09:25 And, you know, I came in because I thought we were going to be a part of this movement and we were going to change things and we're going to do it a certain way. Now, unfortunately, a majority of these cannabis owners are in the backdoor hustle, are doing things completely shady. And if you're somebody who wants to operate this business legitimately and try and make a legitimate income off of it, it became really difficult really fast. So the first year was great, it was phenomenal
Starting point is 00:09:50 because it was still fresh, it was new, it was one of the first clubs. And then after time, what started happening was, it turned into like price wars and backdoor shit going on and stuff. And if you wanted to try and keep up with it, you would have to start to do things with that. We just refused to take those chances
Starting point is 00:10:04 because we are, we already felt scared. Well, what's funny is the laws actually promoted some of this backdoor shit because a lot of people don't know this, but the federal government made it illegal for any banks to do business with cannabis clubs. And so now you're a cannabis club, you're trying to do everything legit, you're trying to do everything state law and no bank will take your money. So now you're operating cash. You're out all cash Yes, no one will take your money where you're gonna put it and the reason why they did this is so they could come after you with the IRS And so it's like it's like everything they did made it worse rather than making it making it more legitimate
Starting point is 00:10:40 You know legitimize and that was the game that was the game was always like Yeah, this is illegal But this is illegal. This is legal. But that's illegal right? So it's like, you know You would get you would get two steps forward just have to take three steps back in every part of the business So it was this constant headache, you know, we are constantly pumping up money into PR and GR You know all the time trying to you know Here's it here. I'll tell you this and god, I don't know how much I should talk about this. Yeah, you get deep, I know, right?
Starting point is 00:11:08 I'm starting to ramble and I've got to be careful how I say this, but let's put it this way. It opened up my eyes a lot about the political game when it comes to business and how things are really run in a city. And I can't imagine what it's love, how it is on a much larger scale. So a lot of shadiness and a lot of shady characters. And a lot of people I didn't like doing business within dealing with.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I'm a fitness guy by heart. I love that. That's my passion. I absolutely fell in love with cannabis and its benefits and the things that came from it. But as far as a business, those did, to be honest with you, like if you're somebody who's thinking about doing it, it's not what it's cracked up to be.
Starting point is 00:11:48 And yeah, someone might sell you that dream it is, but don't get it twisted. You know, because here's the thing, if you do your homework on what it costs now to get the permits, what it costs taxation, so you have city tax, you have regular tax, you have your sales tax, so you're getting nailed by like 40 something percent.
Starting point is 00:12:07 And then on top of that, you have price wars with clubs that are around you that are doing illegal backdoor shit. So if someone drops, let's say a price of an eighth, which is something that should go for you know, $50 to $70 based off the quality of it, right? Well take half of that right off the bat is going straight to taxation. And then take which I find extreme I mean can is can you be any more hypocritical than to say this is illegal. We're gonna bust you Oh, give us taxes on it. They want the money. Oh, yeah, like that is some that is some gangster shit
Starting point is 00:12:36 It is that's what I'm saying the you know, and that's where I'm gonna be careful all what I say But let's just say the biggest gangsters are not the people running the clubs You they look like they're the biggest gangsters, but they're not the biggest gangsters. Well, I mean, the cannabis industry now it's becoming more and more legit. You know, the feds are kind of backing off a little bit. There's an act right now in Congress that haven't voted on yet. But when if they do, it will legal-schedule marijuana to schedule two, which means it can be legalized medicinally. So if that passes, then states could legalize it medicinally like they are now with zero
Starting point is 00:13:13 fear of any federal agencies coming in and fucking with them. Because at the moment, we're cool, but if a different president comes in or politics change, everybody's screwed. Because a lot of people don't realize, if you look at all substances that are regulated by the government, there's a scheduling system. Schedule one is most illegal. It means no medicinal value, no value whatsoever. It's very difficult for scientists to study.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Basically, they want this off the face of the earth, there's zero uses for it. Schedule two is more of your medicinal stuff. There's some medical value, and then it goes down the scheduling and so forth, so schedule three is even less illegal and so on. Schedule one, marijuana is in schedule one. It's actually more illegal on a federal level than crystal meth. So they're saying marijuana is more dangerous and more addictive than crystal meth. So we need to make it priority number one.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And so this is what they're aiming to change to reschedule it. And not even to go off on a rant, but if you look at the science right now on the medicinal benefits of cannabinoids that are found in marijuana, they're incredible. As a matter of fact, GW Pharmaceutical, which is a company that makes pharmaceutical drugs from the cannabis plant, they just got, there's stage three trial, I believe, came out with epilepsy drug,
Starting point is 00:14:36 drug based on with a cannabidiol, which is a cannabinoid found in marijuana, incredibly successful in treating children with untreatable forms of epilepsy. And it's very difficult for these pharmaceutical companies or for scientists to even study these things in the state. So a lot of these studies are going on overseas because we have this draconian loss here in the states where they won't let you.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Yeah, it's ridiculous. You can't. In England. Yeah, it's an English pharmaceutical company. And I mean, I'm in the belief that look, if, first of all, I think we should get rid of all victimless crimes. If, I think if there's no victim, there should be no crime.
Starting point is 00:15:12 So if you're doing nothing but hurting yourself, why are we gonna throw your ass in jail and ruin everything? We're gonna help you, Mr. drug user, by throwing your ass in jail, make it impossible for you to get a job, so now you have to become a drug dealer when you get out. Does that make any sense?
Starting point is 00:15:25 It makes you really want to change. It makes no sense whatsoever. There used to be this big debate. There has been this big debate as to whether or not it's better if the drug war has been a success or a failure. I don't even know why there's a debate. The drug war has been an absolute failure. We spent over a trillion dollars since the launch of the drug war.
Starting point is 00:15:44 We have one of the highest, if not the highest incarceration rates in the free world. We have more people in jail than certain communist countries, all because of nonviolent drug offenses. Such a crock of shit. It's insane. And then on top of that, we now have real world example of what happens when you change your policy. The country of Portugal, who at the time,
Starting point is 00:16:05 I believe is like 12 years ago, they had one of the highest addiction rates and drug use rates in Europe, they tackled the drug war completely differently. They actually decriminalized all drugs. I'm not just talking about marijuana, like cocaine, meth, everything. Decriminalized, and if you get caught with it, you get a ticket. And if you can choose to go to therapy or take some of the courses, whatever. 12 years later, drug use is down, addiction rates are down, disease rates are lower.
Starting point is 00:16:37 It's been an unequivocal success. And that, in fact, all the people who were against it in Portugal now are saying, man, I made a huge mistake. This is been one of the best things that we've ever done. And in our own country, I mean, you guys have learned about prohibition, alcohol prohibition. Well, yeah, you can compare that to like countries
Starting point is 00:16:53 that were the alcohol age limit is lower and stuff too. Like you meet somebody from a cross-seize where alcohol level is way lower. And you know, by the time they're 21, they don't even care about drinking. But they can, because you've been able to your whole life, it's not a big deal, you know? So when it comes to marijuana, care about drinking. Because they can, because you've been able to your whole life. It's not a big deal, you know? So, so when it comes to, you know, marijuana,
Starting point is 00:17:06 I'm the person that they look, I think it should be slightly regulated, you know, have people, you know, have an age limit. I think it should definitely be legalized for medical use or at least study. Geez, let's study it. This is crazy. Why can't they even study it?
Starting point is 00:17:19 It's the same. Well, here's, here's something, here's some more information for you too. If you're somebody who is asking this question, because you, you possibly would think about getting involved in on yourself because I have had a couple people inbox me when they found out that I did and When it does get like when it will be good to get into or when it will be like normal or you know regulated correctly or like a normal business it'll be too late. The government will already have put their hands on it. They have enough patents right now. They're already growing huge amounts in places
Starting point is 00:17:48 that we don't even know that are getting set up. That when it gets, when it's ready to really rock and roll and like it becomes fair game for anyone and everyone that wants to make business out of it, it's gonna get monopolized right out the gate by guess who. Yeah, well, you know what I think is funny. You're talking about how, you know, who's running the industry now? If you look at the names of the marijuana strains, it's pretty obvious stoners, right? You know, or the ones that kind of start everything
Starting point is 00:18:15 Incidentally, I've been telling, and I know people in the industry, and I've been telling them like stop naming strains of marijuana after freaking cereals and you know, bubble gum cushion. You know, if you want it to be legitimized, like, name it things that sound a little bit more professional. That's always been my opinion because otherwise it sounds kind of stoners. And then the other thing is the edibles. Like, they're making like chocolate crispy cereal and, you know, cookies and cotton candy. And it's like, if you want it to be treated like, you know, medicine and really be legitimate with it, you know, you can't make, you can't make these type of treats and stuff as fun as they may be for some people.
Starting point is 00:18:48 So nonetheless, there's actually a second part to this question, though Adam. Oh, before I do that, I want people to, if listeners look this up yourself, patent number 6630507. This is the US government patent on marijuana. So while they say marijuana is no use, no use medicinal is very bad for you. They hold a patent on it for medicinal use themselves.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Yeah, pretty interesting. Yeah, pretty interesting. So the second question that Yogi to Extreme has, she wants to know how often we utilize it and does it affect our athletic performance, so like in the gym? Which I think is this is a good question. does it affect our athletic performance so like in the gym? Which I think is this is a good question. Does it affect athletic performance
Starting point is 00:19:29 and how often should someone use it? So I think I'll jump into that. In terms of how often someone should use it, it can be abused, but so can candy bars. So I think how often you need to use it. It depends on the individual. Now I do. Probably about as much as you should candy bars. Yeah, exactly. Now I use it personally. I use it for medicinal reasons. That's not to say that I don't enjoy it every once in a
Starting point is 00:19:58 while. I don't enjoy the side effects of it, which they'll call the high. But I do use it medicinal. I do use strains that are high in cannabis dial and low in THC. So they're very many times they're not even psychoactive, but they do help me with irritable bowel syndrome, which is something that I have and I can get. And it does help quite a bit. In terms of athletic performance, this is interesting now. There's been a couple articles that have been out with endurance athletes, long, long distance runners and cyclists who say it enhances their performance in long distance sports, which I find kind of fascinating. Now the science will say that it reduces reaction time, reduces explosive power.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I can attest to that. I've lifted weights under the influence. I don't necessarily get great workouts, but I can see doing monotonous cardio on it, like these long distance runners. I could see there being some kind of benefit. That being said, there are pharmaceutical companies right now who are studying the insulin effects of cannabinoids. In other words, increasing insulin sensitivity,
Starting point is 00:21:03 and which should help with fat loss. Believe it or not. Oh, yeah. And they've come out with a couple big surveys and studies on big populations, and of course, they're not controlled. These are just surveys, but they do find that cannabis users are leaner on average than non-cannabis users.
Starting point is 00:21:21 And they think it has to do with some of those insulin blunting effects of the cannabinoids. And so I think we'll see some diabetes drugs even come out that are made off of cannabinoids. So for a fat loss perspective, potentially there could be some fat loss effects. And I'm not saying you should use weed as a fat burner, but I find that kind of stuff fascinating. Oh, I think it's fascinating. Personally, myself, I actually can't smoke that much, just because, and I'll tell you the reason why I do personally, is I like to, it puts me out at night. So, that's my thing right before I go to bed.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Typically, when I come home and I get home late, most of the time it's somewhere between eight to 10 o'clock at night when I'm finally settling down. And typically I'm doing something like I'm doing right now. We're working, it'll be a night where I don't get home till probably 9, 30, 10 o'clock at night. I'm still wound up from talking and laughing with you guys. And I just have this mind, it's a double-edged sword.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I mean, it does not stop. I constantly cannot stop thinking of ideas and business shit. I have this crazy journal next to my bed that I always write, you know, all this stuff in and, you know, gives me a lot of sleepless nights. And the only thing that's ever worked for me is actually smoking before I go to bed. And it totally settles me down and kind of shuts that part of my brain off for me. Just I can relax and, you know, I typically like to, that's when I like to sit down and maybe watch a little TV or read a book
Starting point is 00:22:47 or something right before going to bed. And then I get to just most amazing sleep. Now in the middle of the day, I don't do so well in the middle of the day because I can't articulate very well. I start smoking and it slows me down a bit. And I'm a fast talker and I'm an even faster thinker. And then when I smoke, it slows it all down and then my mouth wants to keep moving
Starting point is 00:23:08 as fast, but my brain's not working as quick. So it's really obvious. So if if I was high, you would know, you would know right away, because I do, I sound, I don't sound very intelligent. I don't think and that bothers me. And I'm around a lot of people and I don't like feeling that way I don't want to smell like marijuana. I don't want to look like marijuana like I've been smoking it so for me It's something that I utilize at nighttime
Starting point is 00:23:32 I've done it before going to the gym just to just to test it and see what it would be like because I have buddies that the swear by it and they love it and It's not for me like I I Working out for me. I'm so mentally focused already, and I like to get into my music, and get into my lifting, and I feel like if I'm high, I'm too relaxed, and I can't get into a tense workout. I will say though, I have done some steady state cardio sessions
Starting point is 00:23:59 that I actually have enjoyed that, where I'm not pushing really intense. I'm just kind of cruising on the bike or on the elliptical for 45 minutes to an hour. Yeah, that's where we're seeing some of these articles from these endurance athletes. It's that kind of activity that they're noticing. Yeah, and I do actually, and for me, what I notice is the time flies. I'm so caught up in my own thoughts and I'm kind of cruising along.
Starting point is 00:24:19 I'm just kind of listening to music and because I'm high from smoking, I do not notice that, like, oh shit, look, it's already been 30 minutes. I've been on this thing, you know, it makes cardio a lot more fun. So I have done that, although I don't do it all the time, just because, like I said, it's not always convenient. For me, it's in the middle, sometimes I'm doing cardio a middle of the day, first of the morning,
Starting point is 00:24:37 I just can't, I can't wake and bake or smell the day. I'm not, I'm not a problem. The question is related to being a functional stoner. I am not that whatsoever. I am somebody who, like Sal, I would say I'm not a problem. The question is related to being a functional stoner. I am not that whatsoever. I am somebody who Like Sal, I you know, I would say I use it more for medicinal reasons because it's just not It's not my thing to do it all throughout the day You know, which I know people to have I know people that like they swear by it and they swear they're productive and they function way better on it Well being in Silicon Valley, California's always been known
Starting point is 00:25:05 for marijuana. I mean, I know executives, I know some top level people that use it all the time. And they're a complete opposite of that stoner stereotype. The loser that sits on the couch and does the new things. I know people too, they seem more productive on their right, you would never guess. So, and like I said, teach the room.
Starting point is 00:25:24 You know, you're gonna do what you're gonna do. So Justin, do you have any experiences with the sticky, sticky, you didn't climb? What did I do? He's like, I don't know. I don't really have a whole lot to add to this conversation. I mean, every now and then, you know, I might for party reasons or something, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:40 somebody, I mean, I've smoked in just the chill. And so you're not pro, you're not anti-Ivership. I really don't have know, somebody, I mean, I've smoked in just just the chill and so you're not pro, you're not anti. I really don't have any, yeah, I don't have any swing opinion on it one way or the other other than I look at, I look at alcohol pretty much the same. Okay. So yeah, it's, I think it's ridiculous as far as, you know, the, what the government wants as far as like how they're scheduling it,
Starting point is 00:26:06 especially if it has medicinal properties to it, where alcohol, yeah, where's the medicinal qualities for that? Yeah, right. You know, like, I don't know, it's a big, I don't know, I'm really not that political about it, to be honest, it's something that if it's there, you know, think about it, sometimes, you know, I may partake sometimes most of the time I won't. Just because it doesn't really,
Starting point is 00:26:29 I don't know, it's not really something that resonates with me. What kind of mood do you have to be in it? So obviously you added the three of us, you utilize the edibles or smoking or what? Yeah, edibles probably more. Just because it's, I don't know, it's a healthier version of it. Yeah, it's just nice because I would have to plan my whole day where I'm like doing absolutely nothing and I just want to be silly. Okay, so that's how that's the only time I would do it.
Starting point is 00:26:55 You're sitting goofy mood, you want to watch a funny movie, you and your wife, you're not. Yeah, it's something in your responsibilities. I don't know, I just don't, for what it does to me, like I don't feel productive with it, and therefore, I think certain people react differently or have different strains, or CBD, or whatever it is, but I just haven't really been interested in pursuing that, so.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Well, you can overdo edibles easy. You gotta be very careful that you can, and I did. Well, for the listeners you when you smoke it you're inhaling the THC is really the main psychoactive cannabinoid But it's delta. I believe delta seven THC when you eat it your liver converts it to delta nine Okay, does it say delta nine is worth yeah, and in delta is, if I'm not mistaken, I should look that up. But it's a longer acting more potent version.
Starting point is 00:27:48 So when you smoke it, you're high for maybe an hour or two. When you eat it, you're high for four to six hours. Well, that's part of it. That is because too, when you take it in through your lungs, you can actually only take in about 20% of it. And then when you actually ingest it, you're getting every bit of it. So if something is rated at, let's say, like your average medicinal strain marijuana is between 15 and 21% give or take.
Starting point is 00:28:13 And when you smoke that, your body is only getting about 25% of that when you inhale it through your lungs. When you actually ingest it, you're getting all of that shit. So it definitely is a big difference. And then like you said, it tends to intensify. I am definitely not an edible guy. I rarely ever eat edibles just for that reason. I feel like because I use it medicinal in, I know how many puffs it takes for me to just
Starting point is 00:28:37 settle me down, put me to sleep, and I don't want more than that, and I don't want less than that. And I feel like with edibles, that's the problem with cannabis clubs right now is there isn't like one place we'll say this is a four dozer, and the four dozer I barely feel anything from it. Then another place I'll have a two dozer, and it puts me down for 12. Yeah, it's not consistent. It's not consistent, how they measured it, a lot of them are mom paused.
Starting point is 00:29:05 It's not like GW who's absolutely measuring it out. And that's what's great about a company like that that's doing that is there, you know, they're trying to make it to where, that's how it should be. You should be able to say, I know that when I ingest five milligrams, 10 milligrams of this, that it feels the same way every single time
Starting point is 00:29:20 because it's consistent. Well, I want to correct, by the way, Delta 9's, when you smoke it, it turns into 11 hydroxy THC, which happens when it goes to the liver. So it does change a little bit, but it's still tetrahydrokinabinat dial, I think it's called. Yeah, edibles are, I'm real sensitive to them, so I don't really do them very often. The side effects, we should go over the side effects of just, just to be responsible on the show.
Starting point is 00:29:44 You will get you, some, most people do experience some short-term memory loss. However, they're finding CBD counteracts that. So people who use strains that are higher in CBD counteracts them, that short-term memory loss that you might get from THC. So there's definitely some side effects. That's like anything. No, guys. Short-term memory loss while you're loss while you're high or in general.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Like, so like, I- So, whatever, so if you're reading something while you're under the influence, you're not going to, it's going to be harder to remember when you're not under the influence. OK, exactly. That's what I'm saying. So, like, if you're high all day, then you're going to have
Starting point is 00:30:18 a bad memory in trying to what happened yesterday. Yeah, the day that you were all hot. So. But that's just, OK, that's, but that's not OK. So I haven't smoked since like three days ago because I've been sick and so I'm not my short-term memory is not affected today from three days ago. Right. It shouldn't be. It shouldn't be. But there's more science that's going into it. And nonetheless, the side effects are pretty small in comparison to other things that people do. But just to be clear, it's just like anything else, you can overdo it, overuse it.
Starting point is 00:30:45 And if you want to be a loser and smoke pot all day long, then you're a loser. It's not the pie, you're a loser. Well, the advice to get, you know, talk about being, you know, this was a tough thing that I had to go through. I'm the oldest of five. And I got all these younger siblings. So this was a really tough situation for me is to answer these type of questions to your younger brother and sister who are 17, 18, 19,
Starting point is 00:31:09 19, 20, or 20s now coming up. And like, how do I explain this to them? Because they're going through, they're going, they're handing from the kids and they're just getting high to get high. And they have the older brother who has a cannabis club. And oh, that's so cool. And it's like, man, that was a hard one for me to explain.
Starting point is 00:31:25 I remember having a couple long talks with my brother because he was the first one in expressing his sort of interest in it when he was around 19. And I was like, man, bro, one of the things, I know I'm Mr. Pro for it and I'm all about the whole cannabis club and you hear me talk about all this stuff and I'm obviously in the business. But here's the thing, you take care of your priorities first
Starting point is 00:31:46 and you do that and make sure you handle that. And this is something that you choose to do or make sure you take that a consideration and you pay attention to how it affects you because it affects everybody differently. And just like Salah saying, like anything else, it can take control of you, just like a damn stickers bar can. It starts with one stickers bar,
Starting point is 00:32:05 and it's not because it's an addictive thing, you know, it's not like there's any problem. Well, you like it, anything you like can be a dicker's bar. Exactly, you addicted to sex, addicted to gambling, addicted to gambling, you know. Exactly, it's not like there's something in the marijuana that has addictive properties.
Starting point is 00:32:16 And there's something in the Snickers bar that has the addictive properties. It's a simple fact that these are things you enjoy, like you said, and, you know, one Snickers bar leads to two, then three, if the next thing you know, you're having five Snickers bars a day, every day. We need to ban those. You're gonna be a fat ass.
Starting point is 00:32:30 This makes Snickers get more. You said Reese's, I'd be like, all on your team, I'm just one. I know why I'm a Reese's guy too. I'm not a Snickers guy, I don't know why I use Snickers. I don't know, I think I must have seen it. Because you don't wanna demonize Reese's. Yeah, that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:32:41 You're probably right. Yeah, what a, Reese's is perfect. We're either one that told me about that that one pound Reese's cup told you I bought it. Oh, I bought it. It made myself sick dude Around Chris it was around Christmas time. I did a post on Instagram. Do you ever see that? Yeah, I do Yeah, there's one like a bucket. It was like like like a mini bucket of pizza butter. It was a one pound It was a one pound Reese's peanut butter. How many bites did you even get through? Oh, no, I had to I had to it was two of them and they were they were literally the size
Starting point is 00:33:09 I remember I put them up next to my watch my Bentley It was like literally three times the size those like the size each one was like the size of these microphone things and I Boom yeah, I had to break it up in a couple settings But it still made me pretty sick. It was and it was it honestly having them What okay? it still made me pretty sick. And it was, honestly, having them, okay, is it her shoes that makes Reese's? Hershey's, right? Who makes her the same?
Starting point is 00:33:29 I don't know if it's the same company. I think Hershey's does make Reese's. Yeah, probably. I think so. I don't know, whoever makes them, they have broken the science down to the perfect ratio of chocolate to peanut butter and the size, everything.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Because at that size, it's not perfect. There's too much, it's overkill. Cause there's less surface area. You get less chocolate mostly peanut butter. Just overkill, dude. It was like, there's a lot. Like you smack and all. If there's somebody who gets down that rock,
Starting point is 00:33:53 that's when you know you do like pull back and like reflect a little bit. You need to hold down a milk to get that shit down. Yeah, it did. It made me, you know what I ended up doing? I remember I ended up freezing it and then like breaking it all up and like little slivers. And then I throw it in my protein chase. So I was like, I could, the first one like made me, you know what I ended up doing? I remember I ended up freezing it and then like breaking it all up and like little slivers and then I throw it in my protein chase. So I was like, I could, the first one like made me sick and you know what I'm like,
Starting point is 00:34:10 but then it was like in my freezer and just like anything else that's in my house. It's like it's gonna get you. You know what I find it ironic that we start with talking about catapas and we end up talking about it. Yeah, like we're, dude, that's what I'm trying to say. Like, so if you smoke and you go through all that,
Starting point is 00:34:24 like she's talking about performance, how can you stick with your deficit and being on a meal plan and smoking? Very, very good point. So that is a good point that Justin's bringing up right now because I couldn't do that. I bet that's part of another reason why I don't smoke in the middle of the day
Starting point is 00:34:41 because I get crazy cravings. I start to, now flip that though. I have utilized it for bulking reasons. Well, I was... I had a very hard time putting weight on and I couldn't... I didn't want to eat anymore. I get full really fast and easy and something I started to do was after my last meal, I would wait... I wouldn't smoke all day. I'd eat my last meal and then I would smoke and then I'd be hungry again. And then I would go eat, I'd eat another meal. I'd go pound another meal or make myself a big heavy
Starting point is 00:35:09 weight gainer shake and I'd be able to get it down and that would help me put weight on. So I'd use it for that, but if you're in the lean, if you're trying to cut, you're trying to lean down. Yeah, bullking's never been an issue for me. Yeah, it's exactly so I have for performance. This guy can bulk. I have use it for that.
Starting point is 00:35:24 So, but as far as for leaning down properties, that's why I say that when I'm in the bed, I really am in the bed. I have my stuff right on the side of my bed, and it's like, take my two or three puffs, and then I'm out. I don't want to lay it right. I don't want to be down the refrigerator
Starting point is 00:35:37 by the refrigerator all around that time. Eat Reese's. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show, and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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