Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 077: If we were gay...

Episode Date: May 11, 2015

Let's see... Who is squirming during this episode? Sal, Adam & Justin challenge each other to tap into their inner gay. You may be shocked to find out what they reveal......

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Welcome back to Mind Pump, the most fabulous show on iTunes. Hey, did it. Yeah, it was good. I liked that. Yeah, well, it's kind of along the lines of what we're gonna talk about who you're with This is Salda Stefano. I'm here with Adam Schaefer and Justin Andrews. I'm here and
Starting point is 00:00:32 I got a kind of a throw the curve ball here curve ball. Yeah, here's here. Hello. Here he goes He's been throwing too many fastballs. We're gonna we're gonna get hypothetical so this started because there was a conversation in the gym that I train with one of my clients. And I've been training this woman for a long time and we just, she cracks me up, right? And so she was telling me about the Hollywood stars that she has a crush on, like the dudes that she finds the most attractive.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Oh, yes, I know how these conversations go. Yeah, and so she's asking me like, well, what about you? So I'm talking about the women and she goes, no, no, no, what about the men? I'm like, wow, no, no. She goes, well, what if you were gay? Imagine you're gay, what kind of guy would you be? So I thought that would make a great episode.
Starting point is 00:01:13 If you were gay, you know, what are some things you would... What's your fantasy? What's your type? Oh, first of all, yeah, fantasy, that's not the right word. First of all, I know you would be into me. Let's your type. Oh, first of all, first of all, yeah, fantasy. That's not the right way. First of all, I know you would be into me. Let's be honest. You're right. I don't know if you'd be my type.
Starting point is 00:01:30 You know what, no, wait, don't offend me like that. You would be my type, you know, because you look more like, you look too much like me. I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't,
Starting point is 00:01:40 I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't, most comfortable if I was three of us if I probably the most comfortable gay guy I probably so I always relate to the flame boy in I feel like there's three time There's three type of gay buddies like I've had you've had the like he's a shame because he's gay for some reason Then you have the like you know he is but doesn't you can't tell me man
Starting point is 00:01:58 You're the flame boy Right out there. Yeah, you probably would be I would be you got the toenails I think I think my my confidence would be whether I'm straighter gay, I'd be the same way, too. I'd be like the butch one. You know, the flat top one. You would be a bear. A bear, you know.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Nothing called bear, really. A big one. It's a twink. I've heard that term before. I think that's like a small, like a, kind of like a, maybe a feminine. I don't know. You know, I have a lot of gay, I should ask them.
Starting point is 00:02:26 I have a lot of people. I know, I was thinking about that. I'll ask my client. My hairdresser. So the dude that cuts my hair, he's always telling me this kind of stuff. And very uncomfortable detail. It's totally what's, oh, you know, my boyfriend, there's a new guy that I met, he's a bottom, and I'm a top.
Starting point is 00:02:39 And I'm like, what's a bottom? And he's explaining to me like, oh my God. There's a lot of terms. It's all in a bottom. Yeah, sure. And a bear, what's the opposite of the bear? I think a twink is not a bear. So it's a twink. Oh, okay, got you.
Starting point is 00:02:50 I think the twink is like the skinny guy. Yeah, the skinny, the skinny guy. So, I think, I don't know. So Adam, would you be into the bears? Would you? No, I'm like, sorry, bear. For sure. So, you know, I don't know if you guys have this.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I, if, if, you know, we're all, we're all dealt with the hand, right? That we got, right? So I feel like you make the best out of, you know, your genetics, what you look like, whatever like that. But you know, I always wanted to be that, that the blonde hair, blue eye, it's her forgot, you know, because it's not. So, so if I was gay, I'd probably be into like a massive mcconnay or something.
Starting point is 00:03:20 So that's your guy. That's my guy. You guys have a mcconnay? Yeah, if I was gay, You guys met? You're coming? Yeah, if I was gay, I would be saying I'm tall, dark and handsome. So I already have that going for me. So Sal is just not attracted to me. I just involved Justin's closer to my type than you are.
Starting point is 00:03:35 You know what, shit. You know what, so maybe Doug, because he's still, he'd be what I call a spinner. So Doug would be like, I want you to wait Doug, I want you to wait. I want you to wait. You know, I have it. I thought be like, I would chew away Doug, I'm scared. So it's just Doug like, you know, I have, I would just carry Doug around. Just piggybacking. I just put him on my hip and carry. See, I have like this competing feeling. Like, pardon me, like, oh, you'd be more into Justin, good. And then pardon me, like, wait, that's, that's kind of fucked like, why not? Why not me? Why not me? Why not me? Why not handsome enough? No, no, no. How do you look to, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:07 you get the tall dark hands with the going on. He's got the opposite look. I'd be more attracted to the light, the lighter features. Short white ugly. Yeah, the light, the hazel, the hazel, the crooked nose. He's got gorgeous hazel green eyes over there. He's got the great fair skin. I knew Adam was into me.
Starting point is 00:04:25 I knew. To be quite honest, we hear people say like, oh, I wonder, is gay a choice or is it not a choice? Let me tell you something right now. If it was 100% a choice, there'd be a lot more gay dudes out there. I mean, seriously, dude, think about how much money we'd be balling right now.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Double, double strong. And you're dealing with your bro. You're like, hey. Yeah, we want to do that. That's just from like a no-kid perspective that's all what do you want to do tonight let's have sex and play video games okay yeah done deal always thinking like we did that last night I know so what was just always high five in yeah yeah I think I think I also you know I built in smarter I'd be a hell of a dancer you'd be a hell of a dancer. You'd be a hell of a dancer?
Starting point is 00:05:06 I don't think you're dancing ability changes just because you like newt. Why? You know, you know, it does. Because right now, I look really silly trying to learn how to dance. That's the problem is I don't practice enough. I can be a good dancer right now. Yeah, but you just don't practice. I don't want to get, you know, I've already been walked in a couple times
Starting point is 00:05:21 dancing from the mirror by myself. But you're really? Sure you did, everybody did. And you didn't walk to the mirror. Never in my life. I couple times, dancing from the mirror by myself. But you're doing it. Sure you did, everybody did, didn't you, you didn't walk to the mirror? Never in my life. I must be a dancer from the mirror. You must be a terrible dancer then. Yes, so.
Starting point is 00:05:31 So that's why, at least I got some practice. So who walked in on you dancing? Ah, my grandmother's walked in, my mom, my sister's mother. Who once walked in, you know what I'm saying? What kind of dance moves? Why do you say that? You know how I mean, they probably weren't very good.
Starting point is 00:05:43 You twerking up on the mirror. No, no, these are the long time. I haven't lived with my mother or my grandmother. I've got at least 10, 15 years. So, oh my God. But, you know what? We're thinking about this seriously. If you were gay, I feel like if I was gay,
Starting point is 00:05:56 I could get away with, I could do that shit in the fucking gym. I would go in the group ex room with all the mirrors. Wow. And I would just get my dance on, dude. I would get your dance. Crank, crank, crank, whatever, dudes. You know, and dance. You know what, though, we've been-
Starting point is 00:06:07 And I said to say in the FK, if you're a dancer and you're listening to your straight, I'm not a fan, I'm sorry if that's offensive, I didn't let that right, somebody's like, we're gonna have to do this. I can't say all the time. Oh, dude, let's be real. The straight dude that dances really good in the club gets all the chicks.
Starting point is 00:06:20 That's, and it's quite, it's quite infuriating for those of us who suck at dancing. I'd like to put Justin on a spot, though, Justin, what's your yeah? What would your type be if you were gay? I would have to say the one that looks most like a girl. Oh It's gotta be the feminine hips and you know all that stuff bro. I think he's sorry. I think he's the straight Why the fuck do you look at me? Why you say shit like that, bro? Because because you have a girl. I don't know Cuz Adam has a girl ass Picture that he's talking about this always there's like tension now between us So come on Jesse that's that's a cop out
Starting point is 00:07:01 I to cut out. This is not a cup. I'm not. I'm just a lever. I was a lever. I went Matthew. We're gonna spend me. I already got mine. Did you give yours? No, I didn't give it yet. Okay, I'm hold I'm saving it. I don't know. He's a RuPaul. Yeah. Oh God. Come on, bro. I don't know. I did like I like I couldn't handle a beard. Okay, let's just think it will be not happen. Okay, and when I say Matthew McCunney, it's not like I never shaves the most. Who is the cleanest if you were if you were to be a male celebrity Who's like your man crush? Who's your who's who's a male celebrity? I wanted to be there you go
Starting point is 00:07:36 Harrison Ford That's so I can't put him in this conversation wrong The dude's a badass. He wants to show you the force. Oh yeah. Yeah, who would it be? I like Edward Norton, I guess.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Oh okay, you like Twinkies. So basically if you were gay, that's the dude you would hook up with. Okay, sure. You want to put it in those terms, that's a little awkward for me. Yeah. Wait, wait, wait, hold on. Edward Norton, like, rounders or Edward Norton, like, you want to put it in those terms. That's a little awkward. Yeah, wait, wait, hold on Edward Norton like rounders or Edward Norton like American history X That was such like Ripton well American history. He's like cock D so really got this was to come his chest shaved head He's a powerful stop a rounder. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:08:22 I just thought he doesn't like the extra James my thing. Yeah James Franco James Franco You know why the dude is pretty no forget that cuz he's fucking the dude is smart and weird He's smart is shit and weird is that really smart guy? He's a oh fuck. He's fucking highly intelligent the dudes like one of the smartest Yeah super smart dude. Oh, I, he's fucking highly intelligent. The dude's like one of the smartest, like the most of the really. Yeah, super smart dude. Oh, I like him even more. Cause he plays the idiot in all his movies.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Ain't no, it's funny. Me and my wife have the same taste. She likes him too, which is really awkward. That is maybe like a three something. That's what I'm saying. No, see that. This is all hypothetical. Maybe we get big enough, dude.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Maybe we get big enough. You could eat it. This is all hypothetical. Oh my God. You know, can I change my answer, dude? You know what, you guys could have... I wanna say Johnny Depp Johnny he's a beautiful human being
Starting point is 00:09:08 Okay, see you're slowly getting there. Your gayness is coming out my ass. We just need this we just need this Everybody's got a little game. I think I think South through you and I for curveball a little bit. I probably felt a little more comfortable talking about it since I paint my toes and shit. So it wasn't a deal for me. We got a warm halfway there, but. We got a little halfway there.
Starting point is 00:09:25 We got a warm Justin up a little bit before he gets in touch with his gayness, right? Yeah, it's right. So Johnny did do. I feel like 21 Jump Street Johnny Depp or like Pirates of the Caribbean. Oh, yeah. Pirates of the way a little dress up.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Okay, I could see that. What about other things like that? Do you have a monster in that pirate? Well, you don't want to know something? Is there music that you like to listen to that you don't like anyone tell? Are you that person like, you know, oh, let's talk about this.
Starting point is 00:09:49 There's moments where you're like, what, like I'll be at a stoplight and I'm listening to like Evan Essence or something. And that's the thing. Evan Essence is pretty good. That is good. I listen to Evan. Yeah, but like, you know that one song
Starting point is 00:09:59 where she's just playing on the piano and like, I like to know how it's cranking it because like I secretly like that song. Yeah. And I look over this guy in a like a motorcycle Oh shit, I'm way more turning it now I Got myself listening to like Miley Cyrus like wrecking ball like all hell Bloody hell Taylor Swift
Starting point is 00:10:21 Fucking talented let's be honest. You're singing along to that's a I felt it Katy Perry yeah I had to throw that in there very talented yeah let's get my straight I'll just take us back profession would you go into that if I was gay same same I'd be a trainer I'd be a hair start you'd be a hair start you wouldn't be a trainer really why why does that change that it'll be way too to be straight. If I was full on gay, I don't want to be tempted to be straight. You want to be a hairdresser.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah, I mean way too much astro, and I choose a personal trainer. There's no way I want to be a personal trainer. But I feel like it would be the opposite with you, right? If you're full, if you're gay, you would instead of painting your toenails, like you would try and masculine up, right? So you'd have like a hairy old chest and you'd have like a flannel
Starting point is 00:11:08 You'd still have a list you'd have a scar Well, I face this is the way I the reason why I said no I'll try is this is based off a I'm as straight as they come right now and I have a huge Yeah, you say come no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, This would be so we always have a move up or something. Yeah, this is this we be millionaires at the moment. That's not too late to switch to. No, no, no. It's. You are my feelings. I'm not your type.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Oh, that's right. Thank you. They'll be. I would try. I would try. I would try and make it work. I try. But I look over a dug a dug.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Dugs get great skin. I can carry him like I said. There's just some. This guy. He's got to exfoliate. Yeah. Yeah, you can tell. For sure.
Starting point is 00:12:05 No, so this is the way I look at it. As a personal trainer, I have got at least, I have to say 60 to 80% of my circle, whether it be social media or personal with that, are gay guys, gay guys that are into me. And I'm straight, so I figure if I was gay, I'd have that same problem with women if I was a personal trainer. So you just flip it. Yeah, I think if I had all these, yeah, I
Starting point is 00:12:29 think they all the way. Oh my god. You know what though? Yeah, they don't try and yeah, yeah, they change me. They change. You know what though? Gay dudes do have a certain allure to women. It's true. Like my like my wife. She goes. Yeah. My wife. She goes. They're into a lot of similar things. Well, dude, my wife will she'll say say, yeah, my wife, she goes, there's a lot of similar things. Well dude, my wife, she'll say like, oh, that guy's so hot, like he's totally, totally gay. He's got he's so hot, and I'm like, it's interesting. It's like there's some kind of a lure, you know, going on there.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Well, let's be honest, there's something, there's, and not, oh, it's just, it take care of themselves. That's it, that's it, they've got more prepping, yeah. A lot of prepping going on, hair done, you know, even somewhere, some makeup their style no their styles on point dude But I think that's why you know as far as me coming in from like a real hetero
Starting point is 00:13:12 Perspective did I say that right hetero? Yeah, yeah, you know Keeping that little bit of dirtyness and ruggedness and all that like I want to keep that because that that like helps the define So this is a team. This is the reason why you wear a flat. This is why you wear a flat on you don't match your clothes most of the time. That's what I mean. I hate all the confusion. Yeah, let me make this straight.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Okay, let me get this straight. I've been hit on by gay dudes and it's not that big a deal. I'm just saying that like I don't, if there's like a clear shirt that you can wear, that's like, look, you know, this is my team. Like your team's cool, my team's cool. I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, I like, of us, I think we can all agree that I would probably get hit on the most. Why are we going to do that? I mean, I'm just, you know, like, I mean, you know, fuck, look at me.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Dude, can we get a pole going for this? I think we should. We would get more attractive to the same sex yeah between the three of us god This is a ego this can be a big ego challenge. I don't know if I can handle this. I hate it. You're gonna lose bro Yeah, I think you think you need to get more days in I can I think right now I think right now at least 1015,000 my followers are disappointed because they thought no, I'm the unattainable They thought I was gay up into this point right now. They're like what the fuck he's straight They thought I was gay up into this point right now. They're like, what the fuck he's straight?
Starting point is 00:14:47 This whole time we never see pictures of his growth So I'm communicating like something's gonna happen. Yeah, right. So I think you're a tease, bro I feel like if we went into a gay bar, I'd get more phone numbers I think we should throw this one the fucking mind pump I think it's been thrown bro. All right, all right. I would for sure get more dict numbers. I think we should throw this on the fucking mind pump. I think so too. The outlet has been thrown, bro. All right, all right. I would for sure get more dick than you, for sure. I don't know. I just know down in my mind, bro.
Starting point is 00:15:12 There's got to be a trophy at the end. It would be a dick avalanche. Bring out the cock trophy, bro. Oh, we got, yeah. You got to post a picture of that cock trophy that I found online. And the first place, the guy who gets the most, I don't know, votes from men from the same sex, of course,
Starting point is 00:15:28 wins the Cocktrophy. Well, I just wanted to know, I want to get like a breakdown of each one of us from like our characteristics how like, you know, we're viewed. Well, I think, I think too, there needs to be, to make this fair, okay. Cause if you're scientific now, No, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:15:44 So if we're gonna do this, they're the straight people that vote on this. So if a straight person tells you that Salah, you would be more likely to be appealed to the gay guy, you get one point. But if a gay guy says it, it's five points. Boom. Okay. So one point if a straight person says it, what if a girl says it? If she's gay, then it counts as five.
Starting point is 00:16:03 If she's lesbian? Yes. Yeah. You know, then it counts as five. If she's lesbian, yes. Yeah, well, you know, she is not. Yeah, she has a different perspective than the straight person. The straight person. So any gay person, five points, yes. Any straight person, one point, yes. To see who gets the most, who would be the most attractive? Yes. Same sex. Bro, let me tell you something right now. I hate losing. What are you gonna bring out your gayness for? I'm Play happy losing
Starting point is 00:16:27 In just as good as both If he beats us both, but I'm not gonna be spreading it away. Bears are popular in the gay community Bear on the loose Oh We're still gone What's our time Oh, bro, here we go. Yeah, look at that. Oh, no. Are we? Oh, we're still going. No, what a deal. What's your time?
Starting point is 00:16:48 What's your time? 16. No, we're going to keep talking about the gays. We are just warming you up right now. You're just warming your gaitness up right now. All right. You know, we'll do. We'll post a picture.
Starting point is 00:16:59 We'll get Justin to pose like chopping a piece of wood. To head to shirt off. Look at us. Yes. And then we'll have to have our own sort of like image that people can know. No, no, I'm not doing shit. I'm not doing shit.
Starting point is 00:17:10 I'm not doing shit. I'm not doing nothing. It's not a bad idea. No, you're gonna wear your little like, man-kini with the grapes and. Well, nobody's attracted to that. No, no, no. That's what you're claiming, bro.
Starting point is 00:17:23 If you pull that out. You're claiming it, You got a rocket. Rom, you're cock out. Come on. Rock out. Jam out with your glam out. That's the first time I heard that was. You never heard that about you.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I'm using it though. You got a jam out with some time this week. I'm going to throw it in a sentence somewhere. Have you guys ever been to a gay bar with like your friend, like with like girlfriend's ears and like that? I have. Neither of us. I have out of both of you guys you have.
Starting point is 00:17:46 What? That's funny, the straightest one over here, huh? What the, actually, it was, it was, it was the last three. It was the last being bar, but still. You went to a lesbian bar? Yeah. I don't think that counts, does it? Dude, why not?
Starting point is 00:17:58 That's something a lot of fun. No, it was just, it was cool, it was a cool vibe, no big deal. You know, I was gonna go, I have been planning on going, the woman I sold my gym to, she's gay, and she wanted me to bring me to a gay club, and I thought that would be interesting. So I think what we're gonna do is me and Adam are gonna go.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Yeah, I think that's a definite field trip for you guys. I don't wanna experience it. Is your wife gonna get jealous? She's gonna get with that. No, she'll think it's the funniest thing of all time. Isn't it so unfair? Right. We go to some club, some nightclub in Vegas or something like that. YV Girlfriend ain't so happy or excited about it. Send us right into the gay gaugotland. They're all
Starting point is 00:18:34 excited. I think it's funny. If it gets too crazy, bro, we'll just act like we're together. We'll start hugging. Get off my boyfriend. just fight him off. I've been to the Castro a few times. My first experience that I was only like 22 years old and I didn't even know what the Castro was. So those are their listeners that are not part of California or San Francisco. Like a gay part of San Francisco? Yeah, the gayest part of San Francisco in general
Starting point is 00:19:01 is like the gay capital of the United States. Right, right. The Castro is pretty much, if you're straight, you look, you look probably at a place. Yeah, for sure. To the point where I'll tell you this would happen, we went out to the nightclub. Some of the best restaurants I've heard. Well, you said, yeah. So we go out to this nightclub and it's like two, three in the morning. And I'm, you know, I'm 22, 23 years old, young and I'm drunk and starving. And my buddy and I are like, Hey, let's go down to find somebody to eat and I
Starting point is 00:19:26 Never stop. This this this this story is starting off pretty good. Yeah, so we're heading we're heading down to like local cafe that serves serves food all night all day long and as we're walking like it's probably about four blocks away and literally on On the corner of each block is is a different couple, you know, and it's a it's a gay couple blocks away. And literally on the corner of each block is a different couple. And it's a gay couple. And they're like, full on, making out. And I'm like, whoa. And so this happens.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Well, let me explain here. At this point in my life, it's 27 years old. It's not the first time I'd seen a gay couple make out. But it's most certainly the first time I've seen three within two minutes, making out all on the same street. So I'm kind of tripping out. And I've never heard of Castro. I don seen three within two minutes. Yeah. Making out all on the same street. So I'm kind of tripping out and I've never heard of Casho. I don't know anything about this. So I have no idea what I'm going to ask you.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Have you seen a guy walking another guy with a leash and then the other guy was like, Aslis Chaps? No, I saw that. You, bro, I can't unsee that. Bro, you went to level 85. Yes, you did. I'm just saying that Adam went from, you just, you just't unsee that bro. You went to level 85. Yes, you just saying that out of
Starting point is 00:20:25 one for just you just going for a new one right now. Making out. Yeah, but that really happened. So I'm just telling you from experience. There's nothing wrong with aslice chaps anyway, continue. This is true. So I we go down and we get to the restaurant and of course, once again, being young, our paying attention really all the rainbow flags and that aren't sending any signals to myself yet at all And we're now we just came from the nightclub, right? So I have like half dress clothes on half pajamas on because I just took off like my sweaty shirt and some of that through Something else on but I still got my nice pants on and my nice shoes
Starting point is 00:20:56 So we look like we're kind of costumed out a little bit and we get into this place and like everyone's in costumes Everyone's in these weird costumes. You fit right in. Yeah, right? So we do we sit at the bar, we order and we're sitting there eating the party. And I'm looking around and just like and all of a sudden I catch the all the waitresses are all in these crazy costumes. And the the the waiters are like leaning over the guests and like kissing on the guests. Like you know, they serve their food and they start kissing on them, making out. Oh, yeah, like this is happening all of it. I'm like, where the fuck are we right now? This is so crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:25 And then I kind of take a step back and look. And I'm like, there's nobody even straight in here. There's everybody's a gay couple in here. We are the only straight couple. And we look gay in here right now. Yeah. It was a definitely an awkward situation for me. I had never been in that situation.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I had never been surrounded by that. And at Castro Valley, I didn't even know it was like that until I had been there. So for me, that was my first unique experience of being my full on gainus happen right there. There you go. Yeah. That's the most I had been subjected to a merster. So at one time, for sure.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Well, I had my wife's uncle, you know, he was gay and we had this conversation once. I must have been, I don't know, 20. I was pretty young. And we were watching spring break MTV spring break member spring break MTV with all the chicks and freaking you know wait T-shirt You like trying to relate to like oh yeah, check that out. So we're watching it and I'm like bro I'm like look at those chicks. I'm like you don't like you don't nothing at all like nothing's happening Like nothing bro
Starting point is 00:22:19 like look at those and he's like he goes bro. He goes let me ask you a question He goes let's pretend you're in a bar, and you see a hot chick across the bar, and she's smiling at you, and you walk right up to her. You don't say a single word, and you grab her crotch. What do you think happens? I'm like, she'll smack me in the face. He goes, exactly, that doesn't happen in the gay club.
Starting point is 00:22:37 And at that moment, it's not fair. At that moment, I realized, fuck. Yeah. These guys, fuck. There's no games, dude. It's fuck there's no there's no games do some big there's no games cut and dry There's no games like with girls There's all kinds of mind games and shit and all this all these rules. There's no rules on your guy I want something you take it. There's still guys. Yeah, you really don't want it you get punched in the face
Starting point is 00:22:59 Which is exactly why if you can choose to be gay trust me more dudes would choose to gay we be like I fucked that I'm not doing it with this, you know, anymore. I'm gonna go play video games and have sex right now without him. Fuck it, gay it is. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Radio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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