Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 078: Body Fat Testing, One Rep Sets and IIFYM & Fiber

Episode Date: May 13, 2015

Q&A once again! In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions (@mindpump on Instagram) about body fat testing and the accuracy of bioimpedance, warming up to perform a heavy single rep and ...how fiber recommendations affect the If It Fits Your Macros conversation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. MIND, pump, will impregnate your mind. Wow. It could happen with that. If you don't, Schaefer, especially. You, especially. You're special.
Starting point is 00:00:25 How de Stefano. She is in your brain sometimes. Justin Andrews. Well, what in your face? Well, what in your face? What in your face? Don't forget this dog. Buy me a drink spinner.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Yes. What are we talking about right now? It's Q&A time. Oh, I love Q&A. Justin, hit the song. Go. Q&A. It's Q&A time. Oh, I love Q&A. Justin, hit the song, go. Q&A, it's so great. Q&A.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Yes. All right. I like how you just boom, Regent. Yeah, that's good. All right, the first question comes from Special K underscore fit. Oh, I know who that is. Who is it?
Starting point is 00:01:02 Kelly. Hi, Kelly. Kelly. How you doing, Kelly? Kelly, Kelly. Kelly. How you doing, Kelly? K-K-Ka-Ka-Fit. Kelly's question is, Adam, how long is your pe- No, that's not the question she was asking. Let's be serious now.
Starting point is 00:01:12 The question is, how accurate is bio-impedance for body fat testing? I'm gonna let you guys answer that first. Bye, Adam. So there's a few different ways you can get your body fat tested. The few, there's a few. Don't't tank so we're talking about hydrostatic way Right as one you get weight underwater, which is how is what is that like people people have no idea what well
Starting point is 00:01:33 The thing is a lot of people don't understand that as you are immersed into the water you must exhale every last bit of oxygen out of your lungs and it fucking son it sucks I feel like you're you're doing your con yeah your body's fighting it right because it's like You're not supposed to do that. No, I did it once and I was like this sucks Yeah, but yeah, you go underwater you blow every I mean just right now just blow every bit of air at your rock Oh man and they yeah, and they tell oh, you need to blow out more air. Keep pushing. Keep what you're like.
Starting point is 00:02:07 There's nothing left. I'm gonna freaking, what do you want to do? fart like there's nothing inside my body. You guys find it weird and hard. I don't you, didn't you play T-Cups when you were kid in at the bottom of the pool where you let all your air out and you sink to the bottom of the pool and you sit there at the bottom of the pool and you have like a tea party with you in your face. Tea cups?
Starting point is 00:02:22 Yeah. You played T-Cups with your friend. I had fucking little sisters, bro. I had to do some shit. That explains it. You in your face. Tea cups? Yeah. You played tea cups with your friend? I had fucking little sisters, but I had to do some chivalry. That explains it. You guys didn't do that stuff? No. Just me.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Just me. More like Marco Polo and I'm gonna wrestle and tackle you. Yeah. That's right. Brothers. I have a chicken. We play a lot of chicken. I didn't play tea cups.
Starting point is 00:02:39 So we have under water wang and then there's the calipers. That's what they test you with skin fold. Skin fold testing, which is what you're most likely gonna have a trainer do for you because it's easy. It's fast. That's right there. Then there's electric impedance or bio impedance. Well, also there's what's that one called again where you're, oh, the bod pod.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Oh, there's that's also an option, which is pretty similar as far as accuracy goes, right? Well, I'm not quite with the dunk tank. Yeah, I'm, you know, that's what they say, but really here's a deal. When you get your body fat test, that they're all, but underwater weighing apparently is supposed to be the most accurate,
Starting point is 00:03:19 but they're all pretty general. The really the only way to know how much body fat's on your body is to kill you and take your body fat off and bring it off your body. That's really The only way to know how much body fat is on your body is to kill you and take your body fat off your body. Carve it off your body. That's really the only way. What you really want in a body fat test, this is what you want is you want, you don't want necessarily accuracy because it's never going to be totally accurate. Consistency. Consistency. You want to be able to test yourself and if you go up a half percent, you want to be able to show on the test. If you go down a half
Starting point is 00:03:44 percent, you want it to be able to show up on a test. You don't want anything to affect that test other than body fat. Let's talk about the variables in this. This is the reason why bod pod and the dunk tank are two of the most acroes to do this. That's because having the fluctuation of water up and down in water won't make a difference. Right. So that it gets negated because you're in a body of water. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:12 So that, and that's a big part. So why I wanted you guys to touch on this first before I bashed the shit out of the biode impedance. And it's not so much that it's not accurate. It doesn't work. It's the inconsistency. And now, and the leaner you are, the more inconsistent it is. Yeah, exactly. I mean, there's, and so I did it just the other day,
Starting point is 00:04:34 and I was just, and this is the nerdy side of me. I just like to mess with shit like this. I like to see if I can manipulate a test. And in 45 minutes, or no, excuse me, an hour, an hour and 30 minutes, I built four pounds of muscle. Boom, you are. MAP Santa Baller Program. MAP Santa Baller Program.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Yeah. WWDM, I put that in my mouth. Now, how did that happen though? Explain how that happened. So, in and out. Well, no, this is exactly what I did. So the first time, and the reason why I did it was because I was actually really upset from the previous.
Starting point is 00:05:09 So I, I was tested, I tested it on it a week before. And I'll, I started to do a lot of these tests as I sort of really started to get my diet dialed in first show. Because I use it like you said, like we talked about before, less of, oh am I at 5%, 10%, 5%, whatever. And more like, okay, where am I at this week and I just changed my program I want to make sure that I'm hanging on to my lean mass. I'm not cutting too hard You know, and I'm cutting just the right amount. I want to see I want to see a nice gradual progress from week to week
Starting point is 00:05:37 And so the first couple weeks I like to see These tests so I can kind of get an idea like make sure that I'm zoned in because, you know, and you have a lot of these athletes, I know a lot of competitors like they have their formulae time, well, you're a moron if you have the same formulae time because your lean body mass is changing your metabolism, your metabolism is a free-flowing thing and it's either getting worse or better all the time. So, you what worked for you last time exactly isn't going to work exactly the same this time. So I'm always having to manipulate my macronutrients and my calorie intake and cardio and whatever it is that I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:06:12 So anyways, I do this test and a week ago, it says that I'm 9% and I'm really, I remember I was pissed. I told you I was fucking so pissed. Because I got a lot of fat. Yeah, I was really upset because I'm really, I remember I was pissed. I told you I was fucking so pissed. Because I guys are getting a bunch of fat. Yeah, I was really upset because I just came off the mini bulk and I did this test and I right before the mini bulk, I was at 6%. So I'm from 6% to 9% in like two weeks. So I put 3% body fat on in two weeks and it wasn't trying to.
Starting point is 00:06:40 And I went, okay, in all honesty, and I've shared this before in the earlier podcast, I had two days that I went off a little bit, like I had some Red Velvet cake, I had some drinks at a birthday party, but they're talking two days out of those two weeks that I went off the rails a little bit. And I still trained hard, I still did everything else. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry, sorry. So I, I gained this 3%. So I'm so, sorry. So I, I gained this 3%. So I'm so pissed off. So I, okay, I switched gears. Now it's time to get shredded, getting ready for their show in six weeks.
Starting point is 00:07:13 So I go back and I test again, and I'm down to 8% and I'm like, okay, realistic. You know, I've dropped the percent and I've been dialed. So, okay, I'm probably on the right pace. Well, then I take, I do the third time. And the third time, I've only dropped like point two. And I'm pissed because I'm even more dialed, even more consistent, I start ramping up my intensity.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Well, it said you lost muscle. Well, yeah, and it said I had dropped muscle. It showed that I had lost, so I lost like five pounds in the scale and it was showing that, you know, 2.5 of it was muscle so nearly half of it. So basically my body fat percentage really isn't going to change because if you've lost five pounds and or lost six pounds and 2.5 it was muscle. So almost half. That's why I lost point two still.
Starting point is 00:07:56 I lost a little bit more fat than I did muscle. That's terrible. Right. That's not what I'm trying to do. You know, I'm saying I pretty much point two is nothing. So that's not, and especially when you see the scale do it down five. So I was really frustrated. Well, we need to explain this because people, I'm gonna explain why, what, why and how and I read this all played out. Well, the part, the one part is that how,
Starting point is 00:08:15 because you're talking about percentage of body fat. If you, if you take 50 pounds and you put it on someone who's 150 pounds, that's, what is that? That's two, that's one third of their body weight. So it's a 33% body fat. If you take it and you put it on someone who's 150 pounds, that's what is that? That's one third of their body weight, so it's a 33% body fat. If you take it and you put it on someone who's 250 pounds, it's the same amount of body fat, but it's a lower percentage of fat.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And that's what Adam means when he says, you know, he lost some muscle, did lose some fat, but the percentage of fat didn't go down that much because it's a percentage of your overall body weight. Which is also why people can be, this can be very deceiving for somebody who gets excited when they lose five pounds in the scale. It's because you lost five pounds in the scale,
Starting point is 00:08:51 did not mean you got a better body composition. Right. You could have lost just as much muscle as you did fat. Right. And this is very common because when people come out the gates, they cut so hard, they incorporate all kinds of cardio and then they get so caught up in the scale, and they're like, oh, they're just trying to get down,
Starting point is 00:09:06 so they're excited, well, for me and what I do, I mean, it's very detailed, and I can't, I mean, I work so hard to add the few pounds of muscle, it would be a waste to cut so hard that I lose all that, you know what I'm saying? That's silly, yeah, I can get shredded right now, if I just restricted my calories in half to cardio every single day,
Starting point is 00:09:25 but that makes no sense if I spent this whole off season trying to build this physique and add all this lean body mass. So anyways, back to my story, I'm frustrated, I'm pissed off. But before I get totally pissed off because I know my body, I know I have this shit down to a science, I'm like, I'm not that far off. Like I expected, you know, I expect myself maybe to be somewhat off
Starting point is 00:09:45 or it have to make some sort of adjustments. That's a lot off to have made that much of a mistake. And I'm like, bullshit, there's no way. So I'm pissed off. Oh, your text was so funny. Yeah. This guy's texting and it's like, Oh, fuck, I love.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Guys, I had one of those moments I did over the weekend. I did. I was gonna say like nine text to you guys without any response. I've been working my ass off. I did it. I did I did I want a different body Yeah, no, no that's exactly what he said is like my fucking hate my fucking body I lost this much Well, too, I loved that cuz like I I was that guy Yeah, but then who's following who was it that tip to you off to the water?
Starting point is 00:10:18 Was it me or one of us was or was I did I did I said you know what I'm out to prove this test wrong That's right. Yeah. Yeah, so I said fuck that watch this car by the way. Yeah, watch this I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna take in some carbs So I took in about 40 grams of carbohydrates some quick some quick carbs and then I pounded a gallon of water And then I went back and took the test and I added four pounds of muscle So it's just to show you how bioelectric impedance can be fucked with simply because of water, hydration, any of that shit.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And the way this works, and this is why I had a feeling that this had worked, your muscle belly, and especially for a guy like me, I'm a big tall guy, I'm 200 plus pounds, so I've got big muscle belly compared to somebody who's 150 pounds. So the slightest bit of hydration or dehydration or carb depleted or carb loaded in my body will make a big difference in my muscle bellies being filled out, being filled out with carbohydrates
Starting point is 00:11:14 and water. And because I was so flat that it made my muscles way less, by filling my muscles up with water. And quite frankly, if I wanted to really have done a good job after I figured it out, like, okay, I should have drank about a half a gallon of water and about 50 grams of carbs, and it would have been the perfect ratio.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Which it was kind of nice because it actually gave me, that gave me some good inside information on how I should load for a show. Because that's what I'm trying to do for a show, for a show. Ooh, interesting. I wonder if bioelectric impedance can be used. I wonder if it can be used to help you figure out,
Starting point is 00:11:49 like you're saying, like, help people figure out. It did, it did, it did, as much as I want to talk shit about it and say that it's worthless, it's not worthless. I learned, I learned something about my body that day, just from that, the simple fact that I could go from 200 and, you know, three pounds of lean mass to 207 pounds of lean mass just by simply adding 30 grams of carbohydrates and a gallon of water.
Starting point is 00:12:12 And it showed it, it showed I actually added fat too, but that's because, like I said, I pounded a gallon plus water. I probably didn't need a gallon plus water about a half gallon or so would have been perfect to have filled out the muscle bellies a little bit, a little bit of carbohydrates in there to fill that out. And then that would have gave me that full look.
Starting point is 00:12:28 So your presentation on stage might have looked at its optimal then, right, with that balance that ratio. Oh yeah, and when I came into the kid saw me, like, there's a kid that works at front desk where I did this at, and he saw him and he was like, oh my god, you look different already, him like, yeah, it's because I went loaded up,. Loaded my body up with water and carbs real quick. And then came back to see if it would manipulate this test and sure a shit it did. So now, how could I, now those that have a test like this
Starting point is 00:12:54 or do utilize this test and like sourcing, the most important thing is consistency. So if you want it to be consistent and show accuracy, then the most ideal thing for me to have done would have get up at first thing in the morning, no water, no food, no, nothing in me and always test that way, always. Because the moment you get up and you start eating, drinking water, doing things like that, it's going to change it.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And if you went in the middle of the day and you took this test, you know, on one day after you had two or three meals and you've had X amount of glasses water, and then you come revisit, it could make a huge difference. Yeah, so I mean, after ruined your day. Yeah, and that being said, I mean, honestly, you don't need expensive equipment. You body fat calipers work just fine with accuracy. As long as you're consistent. You gotta be consistent with your testing. It's tough.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Yeah, you gotta find somebody who will, you know, be very methodical with that and and keep to the same type of spots which is And pull also really hard to do also why you should always do the same person Yeah, same person do not go to one true do not if you go belong to a gym do not have one trainer body fat test You one time and then the next week have another trainer body body test You know horrible idea every trainer pinches differently, and they all have different techniques. And the leaner you are, the more inaccurate it becomes.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Because if you go off, if your pinch test is one millimeter different and you're 25% body fat, it's not gonna show, it's not gonna matter. Well, if you're a five percent body fat, that one millimeter is like two percent. And this is the different test sites, right? So if you get the more of them,
Starting point is 00:14:24 I feel the better. The more the more side,, right? So if you get the more of them, I feel the better. The more the more sites, not like, yeah, like there's tournament warmsly, like that's what like three or five sites. But yeah, I like to do as many sites as possible, even if it's a very good point, you know, a little uncomfortable because people carry fat in different places. I mean, let's just be.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I have for the entire my entire career of getting body fat tested on myself, I pinch my thighs and my tries. I never have more than I can the same way My arms are three always yeah three to three to five million like your spots And then and my in my stomach area that normally folks weights a little bit my back though boy I mean I use it. Oh carries all the fat. I mean a lot of people are always surprised by the number I'll give them you know for their back. Yeah, Yeah. People carry back, you know, fat in their back. A lot of fat backs out there.
Starting point is 00:15:09 I'm a back. My legs in my back carry most of out of my body. It takes me till, I mean, I'm probably sitting right around 5% right now. And you still won't see the crazy separation in my legs yet. My legs are shredded. That could be 14% by the face. I know. I know. That's why I can't stand you. It's all my stomach, man. That's everywhere. Just want to motorboat. Yeah. Your stomach. All right. Next question. This is from Mitchell D. Cochran. And the question
Starting point is 00:15:36 is this is actually a good question, because especially with people doing the program that we have up on the Mind Pump Radio website, Phase one includes doing really low reps, like single reps sets. So this guy's asking, what's the best way to warm up for a set where you're doing one rep, where it's really, really heavy. How would you warm up with that? Depends. Well, let's say you're doing, right, but is there a general, would you guys say there's a general way to warm up?
Starting point is 00:16:07 For example, if you're gonna do a squat, I would say one of the, if I were to give you kind of a blanket statement for warming up, I kind of have an idea, but go ahead. Well, I would say use, do that exercise and ramp it up slowly. So if you're gonna do a one rep squat,
Starting point is 00:16:23 go through the full range of motion. Yes. I mean, that's the most important thing I could probably voice. But then also, anyway, you can stimulate specific muscles that are going to contribute in the lift is going to be great. So for instance, you mentioned the squat. Like I would do some lateral tube walking to really fire those glutes. And so I know that that's going to, I I'm gonna have that connection going into the lift.
Starting point is 00:16:46 And then also, you know, range of motion is just so crucial that doing the actual exercise itself, you know, and then sort of ramping it up, I get up to maybe like 60, 70%, something like that, and then go for it. Like you don't wanna keep going up to where you're about fatigue and then try and hit your one rep max, right?
Starting point is 00:17:09 So. Well, I'll give you an example. If I'm gonna do a heavy squat, a foam roll, that's part of my warm up. I'll do light dynamic stretching and then I start with 135. I do 135 for two sets, usually for 10 reps, then I'll go to 25 for 10 reps, then I'll go 315,
Starting point is 00:17:28 usually for 10 reps, and then I start adding weight, and I do like two or three reps, but I add like 20 pounds each time. So even though the two reps is easy, I'm adding 22 reps, 20, two reps, too until I get to the real heavy weight where I'm doing two reps. So there's actually quite a few sets before,
Starting point is 00:17:44 I'll do my heavy set, but none of them are like work sets. You know what I'm doing two reps. So there's actually quite a few sets before, I'll do my heavy set, but none of them were like work sets. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, so. So I, I, I, I mean, that's for squatting, I think it's similar, although I probably would get to my, my max sooner than that. I feel that's kind of, I mean,
Starting point is 00:17:59 that's kind of individual preference on some level. And here, and let me, and this is why I think this is important. One of the last, I don't know if we talked about this on Mind Pump, if not, this is a good topic. Do we talk about pre-exhausting on Mind Pumpers? I just just just, it's pretty. Yeah, we do exhaust super-set. So, I've been doing a lot of that
Starting point is 00:18:18 because it's been a while, so I've done that. That's one of the things I love about all of us getting together talking is, you know, you guys, someone said something that reminds you, God, I haven't done that in a while. That's right. I go incorporated into my work, I you guys, someone said something that reminds you, God, I haven't done that in a while. That's right. I go incorporated into my work, I was like, oh yeah, that feels amazing, right?
Starting point is 00:18:29 So I did the pre-exhaust chest flies before I did bench press, but I'll tell you what, I flowed as strong as an ox when I got to the bench. I was, you know, because I didn't completely exhaust out. What I did, I did it like, so I did 50 pound dumbbells
Starting point is 00:18:44 and I was doing chest flies for 10 reps, which I could do more than that. I wasn't going to failure. And I did four sets, gave myself ample rep time. So I had a nice subtle pump on my chest, but my tries shoulders and everything else in my limbs were completely fresh. And for me, on the chest, the lockouts, the hardest part, I, you know, taking my long ass arms for me to lock out. And it's normally what keeps me from increasing on my bench and getting a great bench workout is not my chest failing. It's me, you know, to get out that last to finish the rep, you know, from halfway to lock out. So it didn't
Starting point is 00:19:21 fatigue my arms, but it got really got my chest warmed up. Right. I went to the test. The tips aren't really involved as much. Not at all. I said, not at all. Not at all. So when I went into, when I went straight to Incline right away, and you know, I started right out the, right out the bat with 225, worked my up to 8 to 275, and then 315 on Incline, and you know, for me, that's, that's really good weight for me to hit that on that. And that was, and I felt amazing. So, I find doing an exercise that whatever the prime mover is in that.
Starting point is 00:19:53 So maybe your glutes. So if you're prime mover. That's kind of what I was, yeah. I mean, you're really describing a lot of why I brought that up as far as the tube walking stuff. Yes, for me. So I find warming up the prime mover in whatever compound movement, whatever you're doing, and just warming it up good, and getting a little, just a slight pump, not exhausting it at all, before you go hit that big movement really helps me.
Starting point is 00:20:18 I noticed a big difference. I'm glad you guys brought that up because when you look at people's workouts, when they're doing a body part, they always end their workout with what they call finishers. But why not begin your workout with finishers? Try that out, watch what happens. That's kind of like with the pre-exhaust idea. You don't even have to do a superset. You don't do a superset, you just did some sets of flies,
Starting point is 00:20:38 and then went to the bench press. If I'm doing my back, I could do straight arm pull-down, or pull-over, and then go to my pull-ups, or my runs. Well, dude, as exactly what I'm doing my back, I could do you know straight arm pull up pull down or pull over And then go to my pull ups or my run. I mean as exactly what I did that also did you had the most amazing back pump Yeah, see and even doing doing like one rep max like if you think about when you when you hit your second set When you're doing your normal workout a lot of times it feels stronger going into my second set Right, so I mean why wouldn't you especially if you're going for a one rep max, why wouldn't you want to feel your strongest by, you know, lightly going through that movement, but like saving just enough of that energy to really expend it all, you know, because that's
Starting point is 00:21:14 what you need to do. And plus it is, it's important to, you know, occasionally test yourself like that, right? Especially with athletics. So that, I think, I think that applies more to athletics unless you're on a very, very specific goal to even do one rep max. That's not really something that needs to be there. Yeah. Very often. Yeah. Absolutely. I was just going to recap on that because you said what's important is this is that everyone's kind of different in this and
Starting point is 00:21:48 You know Justin and I were squatting the other day and I was explaining he was like, Dan Did you go really low when you squat and like yeah, I have very strong glutes? But my quads are weaker, you know, and I have a tendency when we go when I get to really heavy weight I get out of the hole who's fine, but then I was to have a tendency to start to go forward when it gets really hard because my quads I'm finishing me all the way out so for me like You know my my glutes if I want a really, really good glute workout from those squatting, I need to kind of pre-exhaust them a little bit
Starting point is 00:22:11 or get them really pumped up before I go do it. And then vice versa, if I'm trying to get a great quad workout or a pump from that, then I'll go pre-exhaust or I'll warm them up really good and then they'll be massively pumped and I won't be able to do as much weight. You know, speaking of quad, and I have to go to off topic,
Starting point is 00:22:24 we've talked about Sissy Squats, but have you ever done Sissy Squat variation on the leg press or the Hacksquat? Yeah, that's hot. That's actually how I do it. I don't do it the way you teach the way you teach it. Just for standing. Yeah, I feel like it's weird,
Starting point is 00:22:35 like a weirdo doing it like that. It just looks, I don't have my own gym like you do. Yeah. You go, you look pretty funny. I do it at gold. Do you? Yeah. Yeah, you fight, look at it.
Starting point is 00:22:44 And your old wife, Peter too. Oh, yeah. Oh, you fight look at in your old wife Peter to oh, yeah I wish I could I if I get someone could catch that on video when you guys see sell Please it is wife Peter do it. So on that 100% You gave a shit about every selfie I post with my wife Peter come on I will that do it that doing the sissy squad. It's just as funny to me I think yeah, but I do do the variation on there. I do that, or even old school methods of sticking 25 pound plates behind my heels
Starting point is 00:23:11 and then squatting like that to drive off my quad. So yeah, I much just drag a ton of weight backwards and get a crazy pump on my quads that way. That's, well, if you have a sled, if you have a sled, yeah. It's so like accessible for everybody. Yeah, for you, you could do that. I would love to do that because I love I you do them You should God brought on about you. My glutes were fucking sore shit from our work. Yeah. Yeah I'm good. Oh, they got you know what? And they got them deep and inside it just different from you know
Starting point is 00:23:38 Then where I know I'm from my spotting Just and got deep inside your glutes. All right, next question. I think we have what we're looking on time, you're Douglas. 24. Let's do it. This is from McHandler Jones returns. So the question is regarding the, he listened to our, if it fits your macro's episode,
Starting point is 00:24:01 which is an older episode, and that one kind of stirred up a bunch of caught and traversing. And he basically is asking if you're hitting your fiber goals, then it's pretty much impossible to eat junk food. So why are we hating on, if it's my problem? We're not hating, dude. I know, I know we should clarify, because we're not hating on that.
Starting point is 00:24:21 And I think if someone asked me their day, if that's how I kind of, I mean, do I have a cheeseburger every once in a while? Absolutely. Do I do think things that are not, on the straight narrow, 100%. Yeah, you know, and then someone will be like,
Starting point is 00:24:35 oh, so do you do for your macros? I'm like, no, not really. But yeah, I guess I kind of do if you think of it like that. But here's a couple of things that take into consideration. So first of all, the fiber thing. Okay, the RDA for a male is roughly 30, 35 to 40 grams of fiber. So that's your typical, which you can get that in some bowl of fruit or you can take
Starting point is 00:24:57 that like Douglas. Yeah, like metamusel. Yeah, you can get from a supplement. You can get supplement of that and hit that target and you know, you can still eat shit food. So Now if you're getting it purely from that, no, that still doesn't mean you can't I mean that's not it's a mentality So I mean really what we're attacking is well if I can if I can fit a shitty food into my My daily routine and not really consider the health ramifications, but my physique looks awesome with it You know that's that's the mentality where attack. Yes. Yes. We're not attacking people that like strive to be healthy within
Starting point is 00:25:33 Occasionally, you know eat you know some kind of pop tart or some donut or some shit because they're like you know I need a break for for this very well said. Yeah, because it's almost like the mentality with some, not all, because there's those that are, that understand it, but some people with this mentality is all that matters are the macros. That's what the mentality is. It's becoming like, all it matters is my proteins, fats, and carbs.
Starting point is 00:25:57 No, that's not all that matters, especially, even if you're just talking about athletic performance, and sure, there's a lot of athletes that get away with it and they look super ripped, but I to see them eat shitty and hit their macros and I want to see what they look and feel like 20 years from now Yeah, you know, I'm saying see what kind of problems they have or health problems or digestive issues or whatever and I know it's anecdotal But I don't give a shit man. I've ran I've ran a show where I've allowed bars You're significant amount of bars in my diet and, you know, Coke zeroes and, and she like that all the way.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Because it's all labeled. Everything's very straightforward. And I've allowed that. And the way I look is not the same as when I go all natural whole foods. And something you need to take into consideration, if you're doing it, if it fits your macros and you're following something like a bunch of fucking bars and a bunch of things that are packaged and labeled like that, FDA allows labels to be up to 20% off. Okay, so you got to take that into consideration. And you think when you go to in and out burger and you read on there, it says it's, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:56 430 calories for the cheeseburger. So you think that every in and out person in all across the entire United States measures the amount of table spoons of mayonnaise and how big the slice of cheese is and the portion size of the actual amount. No, it's all, and that's the reason why the FDA allows it to have 20% off is because they can't possibly do that. No one's going to possibly do that. So if you're truly dialed in, like I am, when I'm ready for a show, I'm getting dialed in. I know when I'm consuming, I'm doing things
Starting point is 00:27:27 that I can count on. When I take a cup of rice, I can guarantee in that cup of rice, how many grams of carbohydrates in that? When I take in, you know, when I weigh eight ounces of a chicken breast, I know exactly how much protein is that. When you go, have a cheeseburger from someplace, even if the macros supposedly line up on the label, it is not necessarily exactly the same. Sorry, not to mention when you do a lot of these label
Starting point is 00:27:52 foods that are wrapped in plastic, you got a bunch of artificial preservatives and artificial flavoring and shit that's inside of it. We now have science that shows that your gut flora affects how much fat you gain, how much muscle you have, and that's... There's lots of things you can eat with no calories that affect gut flora. Artificial sweeteners are one of them. There's zenoestrogens which are found as chemicals in certain foods and in plastics that you might even handle. So, I think as fitness professionals, it's important that we tell people the whole truth, not just
Starting point is 00:28:23 part of it. We don't just say to them, just worry about your macros and that's the most important thing We say listen, yes macros are very important However, it's also important to look at these other things however We're gonna start you here because you're a beginner but as you progress You know, we want to move you away from those processed foods and as a fitness professional I'm gonna promote that I'm gonna talk about that exactly. I'm not gonna say eat whatever you want so long as it fits your macros because that's false. It's a reason why none of us are sponsored
Starting point is 00:28:49 by fucking bars and shakes because damn. It's just at the end of the day it said that does it mean none of us have had a protein bar or protein shake? Absolutely not. Does it mean we never had a donut before or we don't do that? Absolutely all of us do that stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:00 But it is not something that we put in our diet regularly and it's not something I would just justify and say, okay, because I'm following it, fits for your macros and cause it falls in line with it. Sorry, I'm always striving to eat as clean as possible. Does it mean that sometimes I'm gonna go grabbing in an out burger? Of course.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Of course. And when I go do it, am I gonna be conscious? So yes, I'll give you an example. When I go to in an out burger, I choose to have two double doubles instead of having one double double in french fries because the shit that's in the french fries is so much higher on carbohydrates. In fact, I can actually enjoy another cheeseburger and it be lower
Starting point is 00:29:32 in calories and lower in carbohydrates. And so in a sense, I'm playing with it trying to fit into my macros and not go overboard at the same time too. I'm eating something that isn't ideal for my body, but you know, it doesn it mean that's how I eat every day? No, it's not in my diet on a regular basis. Perfect. We nailed it. How are we doing on time, Douglas? We're at 30 minutes. 30 minutes. Alright, we're going to end there. Thanks for asking those questions, guys. Go to Mind Pump on Instagram and ask more questions, and we'll be sure to answer them for you. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get you sure to answer them for you.

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