Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 080: The Stripper, the Bus Driver & the Bouncer

Episode Date: May 15, 2015

What kind of work would Sal, Adam and Justin do if they weren't in the fitness industry? Find out in this episode as they discuss careers, entrepreneurship, perseverance, developing your strengths and... following your passion. Prepare to be inspired!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Welcome to Mind Pump. This is the sometimes fitness show that your mama likes. All the time, sexy show. Sometimes fitness. All the time, sexy. We need to register that dog. Make sure you go that. Uh, go daddy. Somebody already has it.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Dude, uh, go daddy was, you know what? You remember what go daddy first came out like they're the way they marketed. Of course. Brilliant, right? That's brilliant. Right. There was acts acts with like anybody even cared about getting a domain, but they made it sexy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know what? We need to commercial like us. We need a commercial like that.
Starting point is 00:00:45 We need to commercial like that for our show. I would love to do that. Just a random chick shows up. Just a random, yeah. Get's naked. Roller skating. Mine pump. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:53 On the bottom. I like it. I like roller skating. Hey, so who are you here with? I'm here. Who am I here with? Who are you here? I'm here.
Starting point is 00:01:01 This is Sal the Stefan. I'm here with Adam Schaefer. Who? Justin Andrews. Yeah. and the great Doug Eggy. The Doug. He's got a new miser. Doug, the spinner. I have to admit, we say that the Doug, the spinner.
Starting point is 00:01:11 He's the spinner from now on. Last episode. You know, I like these couches, guys. That was amazing. Yeah, we got this. Let's talk about how awesome this is now. Yeah, we got couches and we have a picture behind me. Well, can we see that we were on fold-out chairs, you know, in a rickety,
Starting point is 00:01:28 rickety table before. Now we got these custom mics that we don't have to use our hands. We can sit back and come. I may fall asleep. I'm making filatio. If Sal doesn't come up with a good top, if Sal doesn't come up with a good topic, I will fall asleep in this chair. I know. You look comfortable. I'm freaking little back support right here. Super comfortable. No, no, so I got a, I got a, I got a fun question for you guys. What would you guys be doing if you weren't in fitness or better? Yeah, let's, let's all guess what the other guy would be doing.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Oh, yes, that's a bad thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because instantly comes on my mind when I, when I, as soon as I said that, the first thing that popped into my head was Adam would be a stripper right away. Just pop right on my mind. As soon as I said that, the first thing that popped into my head was Adam would be a stripper. Right away, just popped right in my head. That is obvious. And that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:10 It's like, totally would be a stripper. Yeah. Like what? Chip and Dale are like the thunder. He'd be the kind of the thunder. Yeah. The biggest guy. The biggest guy.
Starting point is 00:02:20 The thunder from down under. You don't have an accent. But he sucks at dancing though. I forgot about that. Oh, that's right. He was trying to have an accent, but he sucks at dancing though That's right. He was trying to work on that very good point. You still do it though Very good point. What do you think Justin? You think the same thing too, but I mean, yeah, that's a consensus right stripper Jesus, no, I don't know maybe You're not you're not real handy with I can't really carpet you a motivational guy, but like,
Starting point is 00:02:52 a demotivation. What? I feel like you could coach guys on how to like get chicks. I think you got a job falling. No, you know what? You got that wrong, dude. No. No, because Adam, let me tell you some about Adam's skills getting women.
Starting point is 00:03:08 When you look like Adam, you don't need fucking skill. This is ridiculous. Yeah, but that's like, he's always giving advice on how to get to. That's like the millionaire saying, hey, here's my formula. I got it, you know, I became a millionaire. It's like, I won the lottery. It's irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:03:20 But the fact that he's already there, right? I've gone out with Adam. He doesn't need skills. No, I have to Hold on let me defend myself Let me tell both you nothing we're gonna do we're gonna make him ugly Let's like like put makeup on him fuck a lot make him wear some shitty ass clothes, right? Give him like a fake fat body. I was so sure I will show you I will show you mad games still when I was a kid bro when I was growing up
Starting point is 00:03:44 I was okay at first when I was growing up I was okay At first of all was in high school. I was a buck 45 at six foot three I had both my front teeth were crooked and turned in and I drove a piece of shit brown toyota Camry that had the busted out tail lights life story. It's melt like it's the with my mom left the windows down over the Winter and they get got all the rain and you were and you were a virgin told what it's a 20 Okay, I guess by choice bro. Yeah, right by choice dude the windows down over the winter and they got all the rain. And you were a virgin till what? It's until 20. It's okay. I messed my case. By choice, bro.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Yeah, right. By choice, dude. I signed a parody card. I was committed. I was committed. So at that point, bro, let me tell you something right now. You know what that does? It builds character, bro.
Starting point is 00:04:19 I had to learn how to talk to girls. I had to learn how to talk to people, period. I did not, I was broke. So I was poor. I didn't have money. I didn't look the part. I was an athlete, but I wasn't like the athlete. I wasn't the quarterback, I wasn't the star quarterback, I wasn't the star point guard.
Starting point is 00:04:31 You know, I busted my ass for any sort of starting minutes that I had at any sport that I played. I wasn't like, I wasn't gifted shit. My mom wasn't, my family wasn't tied into the school and like that. So, and you know, I was a popular kid. So I, that's how you learn. You built your way up.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I built my character and then I built my physique. It took fucking 30 years, but- That's how you became the Poon Whisperer. Hahaha. Is that how you developed those skills? Oh. I feel like we could have a game- The Poon Whisperer.
Starting point is 00:04:58 I feel like we could have a show. Is that how the domain we can- I remember that Australian guy that would go sneak up on animals and shit. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel like Adam could do that. No one there got killed. I feel like Adam could do that, but he'd be like the Poon Whisperer. Like would go sneak up on animals and shit Yeah, I feel like Adam could do that one like I killed but I feel like Adam could do that But he'd be like the Poon whisper like he'd sneak up and oh crocky. Yeah, oh Look at this one right there. Oh look at the glutes on man You guys sucked you guys I can't get like a CEO of like a big company or something cool like yeah
Starting point is 00:05:19 That's to you know you be a stripper He's just taking it down to that. Man. Come on, man, we can give him fair evaluation. Well, it's like, okay, give him something, you know, fair. Something fair. Yeah. Well, why you think you're something fair?
Starting point is 00:05:34 I will, I will, I will take it. Okay, so I am, I do have the personality that, I don't, I don't believe in allowing myself to go broke enough to where I'd have to get on to welfare. So I would strip before that. I guarantee I would do that. I have that I would. There's a lot of things I would do before that. No, it's definitely not in my it's towards the bottom of my list of things that I would ever do. But if I was looking at I got one if I'm looking to pay rent and I'm starving and I'm like, what do I do? This isn't working out for me. I'm not handy, I'm not this, I'm not smart. I'm not this.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Let me figure it out. Well, fuck it. I thought I got to put my physique together. I'll learn how to dance. I'll make a few bucks dripping. I would do that. I would learn wrong with that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Why not? Let's, what about Justin? What do you think Justin would do? We're sticking this together. But no, wait, wait, no, I'll give you something else. Thank you, I think it's fucking dead. Let's not sell. I think he would be like, I can't you something else. Thank you, I think it's fucking dead. No, let's not sell. I think he would be like, I can't wait until I get to tell sales.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Yeah, exactly, that's the reason why you could. You got to give him something decent, right? Cause the idea of my turn's coming around, he could chew. I think he could be like a fashion mogul. Yeah, I think you got this like, I for, I don't know if it's because, I remember you telling me this, like there's this formula that you actually have like an inside,
Starting point is 00:06:45 you know, cousin or somebody that's giving you kind of the latest trends and then, you know, he's rocking the shoes and like, you do a lot of research that's not in business specific towards fashion. And I think that that, you know, could have been a calling for you. You are quite fashionable. I do like fashion. I like that stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Which is also going back to the last episode about being gay. I would have been really good at that, too. Oh being gay. I would have been really good at that too. Yeah. You would have been really good at being gay. Yeah, you would have. It's an excellent. Yeah. Which by the way, so I was thinking for Sal.
Starting point is 00:07:15 You know, he just, Sal, here we go. He looked a lot like my uncle and my uncle was a bus driver. He looked like you. He looked like you. He looked like you. He looked like you would be the funny bus driver who's just so friendly. Everybody comes in. He opens the door. He has a joke. I'm sorry to tell them. This is purely you purely say that to get back to the building. A bus driver. You know why I get a museum curator.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Oh, that's more realistic. That's what I feel like he would just be describing the shit out of like everything You know you're walking around he's got like insider information about you know the this you know era and this one And well I would say I'm if I definitely I mean he has the the politician side to which I don't I don't believe that's out of his future I think he's just young right now for that I think and the thing the next 10 15 years. That's a very good person. That's obvious. Don't say, I'm out peace. I would get shot. That's 100%. I would get, I would never get elected.
Starting point is 00:08:09 You would not have sat down. He like, Ben, just even sure I was somebody. I would piss away. It's up there and it's like, I'm out. No, I'd piss away too many people off doing that. Museum curators, actually, that sounds kind of fun. Yeah. I can't see you doing that for real.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I can actually see him even being like a college professor at a subject that he likes. I could see you doing that for real. I can actually see him even being like a college professor at a subject that he likes. I could see you teaching a class. I mean, Mr. Flanthropy over here and wants to help and teach and educate. I could see you choosing a subject that you truly are passionate and you love to teach like, you know, and like Paulie Sye,
Starting point is 00:08:38 I could see you being on the college professor and getting into that and doing that. I could definitely see that. Definitely. Yeah. That's actually what I would, that's actually that, I could definitely see that. Definitely. That's actually what I would, that's actually probably what I would want to do if it wasn't for fitness. Some kind of teaching. See, at least I threw out what I thought was real and true and you actually agreed with
Starting point is 00:08:56 it. You guys fucking through shit. Listen, I'm just having fun bro. I'm just having fun with you. Okay, I'll be the butt of this joke. It's all good. No, we're going to go back around. We'll go back around.
Starting point is 00:09:04 I'll say I'm more Accurate more than that, but we gotta start we gotta go to Justin now. We got to say what he would do This will be an answer. Bouncer Bouncer Yeah No, you'd be a bouncer at like a really really high end like the head bouncer really high end Vegas nightclub Wow, you know what I'm saying? I could picture just variations there. I could picture Justin working for like a company like Disney and creating, yeah, like creating like,
Starting point is 00:09:33 see Adam knows me better than you. And creating like characters and like creating stuff. Like he's got a very creative, being a DJ engineer. Yes, he has very, he has very, he's very, very imaginative. So he's he's got a very creative being a Imagineer. Yes, very he's very he's very He's very Imagineer very imaginative. So he's very imaginative. He's very creative and it pays a lot of attention to detail and I think
Starting point is 00:09:53 he has and he has that vision side to him too. So you know, that's something to me that I've I just don't have any bit of that and when I see someone who has that I think that's really fascinating because I don't have that ability to I have a visionary like in business and things like that, I can see that, but not with like the R.C. creative side, like I feel like he can see that with characters and things like that.
Starting point is 00:10:13 So, you know, and Disney's a very cool company. So I can see him, obviously in a high position. I want that job already, right? See your mansion. Boom! Bam! I'm two for two right now. Right, that's right.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I'm point, you're getting serious. I mean, we could get serious Well, dude, it's okay to be like nice dude. Oh, God Oh, no, okay, so he's nice that give it's be nice. Let's be straight. We'll be nice I could definitely see well as an entrepreneur you're no you would be in some kind of entrepreneur business Which you already are so that's kind of fair to say, but you know, I would say some kind of, even investments, I could even see you doing investments. Okay. There you go. Like a financial advisor. I love money. I could see you being a financial advisor. I'm sure that's not as fun as a support. Yes, not as fun. You're right. I could see
Starting point is 00:10:55 you dressing up like a financial advisor showing up at a party, taking your clothes off, getting paid. Okay. So I see him own in a sports team or something. Yeah. That's definitely one of my, right? He's see that. I don't see that. We'd love to something maybe. Yeah, that's definitely one of my, right, can you see that? I don't see that. We'd love to do that. So, okay, so on the real, if I wasn't doing this, what I would be doing, I'd probably be stripping. I told you, I told you.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I'm not kidding. Out of the park, I'm just kidding. No, if I wasn't doing this, gosh. You know, I don't think I could do anything where, you know, you guys both said something that was for sure. I would not, I don't know if I could go really, truly work for somebody again. You know, I have to screw that. It's tough, man. Once you've tasted the nectar, yeah. You know, and honestly, freedom, an entrepreneurship is by far, not for everybody. And everybody, everybody, everybody in there, everybody says they wanna be their own boss.
Starting point is 00:11:46 You know, everybody says that. Everybody, everybody says that, but nobody wants to fucking do it. What did Ronnie Coleman say about lifting heavyweight? Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, nobody wants to lift no heavy ass weight. It's the same shit when it comes to entrepreneur. That's right. You ask anybody about being your own boss,
Starting point is 00:11:59 and like, oh, it's great, you get more freedom, you get to do more things, you get to, the reality is you gotta bust your ass way more than if you work for someone else. Oh yeah, no's great. You get more freedom. You get to do more things. You get to, the reality is you got to bust your ass way more than if you work for someone else. Oh yeah, no, absolutely. And you got to be, you got to be okay with being a little clock puncher like that. That's, I have a really hard time doing that.
Starting point is 00:12:16 And I feel like we all kind of the same way. We all have a type A personality that it's tough. And I find the older I get, the more challenge it is for me, you know, so it's, it's, it would be, I don't know if I could do anything where I went and worked for somebody, I would have to create some sort of, some sort of job for myself. You know what I did do for a little bit, I actually had a really good time doing this, and I wouldn't mind doing it again, I thought it was really cool. I had, I had vending machines, and I had soda machines that I used to fill.
Starting point is 00:12:46 And you know what? I enjoyed doing it. I thought it was really cool. So you owned vending machines? Yeah, I had vending machines. Really? Yeah, I had a few. I've always wondered, is that a lucrative business?
Starting point is 00:12:57 It can be. The key, the key though. And the reason why I didn't continue to do it is it was something I just invested on the side. I had an opportunity first to buy one. How much do they cost? Well, a brand new one could cost you anywhere from $1,500 to $4,000.
Starting point is 00:13:11 If you got a brand new one, but I actually got a used one for like $500, that's why I did it. It was a really nice Pepsi machine that was for $500, and I thought, okay, this is cool. At that time, I had another business that was seeing a lot of traffic.
Starting point is 00:13:22 I had a business that where I was seeing a hundred to 300 people a day walking in in my my door and I thought, okay, this is perfect. I can buy this machine, I can set it up, it's only four, five hundred bucks investment, and then I'll see what this can turn around. And you know, once I had it all set up and going, you know, it was, and I was actually, I wasn't even doing it the, the ideal way, right? I was buying my, my, my cans from Costco and I was turning around flipping them for a little bit. Oh, so you were doing a gangster style. Yeah, totally. So it
Starting point is 00:13:48 was not it wasn't even fully legitimate when I first started doing it out doing it. It was pretty much as to see if this is something that could be lucrative that I could do. And I was like, wow, this could if you had, you know, 20, 30 of these things running and, you know, a little route that where you pick up pick up and refill refill. You need to refill about once a week. And every time you refill, you probably picked up about $300 or so from that machine, which was about a profit of 150 bucks. So huge money, but you got 10, 20, 30 of those suckers
Starting point is 00:14:16 running around in a high traffic area could be really looking. Interesting. Yeah, so I just, it was such an easy job. It was, there's no overhead really the machines are like they run Themselves like I never really had a mate no maintenance issues with them I'm sure obviously if I had 50 machines and I and I'd have some sort of maintenance to deal with it But very low maintenance very low overhead very very little to deal with it and I just love county money
Starting point is 00:14:40 I love getting stacks of ones. I used to keep all these ones. I literally had like thousands and thousands of dollars in one dollar bills, dude. Yeah, I think for like, when the stripper habit came, you know, sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But maybe that's like, kicked it off, actually. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:56 So here he comes, makes it rain. Yeah, that was one of my favorite little ventures that I did. I could get into that. I think people don't realize, like being entrepreneur, I mean, I left, you know, when I was in the fitness industry, I left a position making six figures
Starting point is 00:15:09 and made shit for like three years. Oh yeah. You know, it's, it's, you're, entrepreneurs, we tend to be a little crazy because if you analyze it, if you really look at it from a numbers perspective, number one, the odds are you're gonna fail. Those are the odds. Number two, the odds are you're gonna fail. Those are the odds
Starting point is 00:15:28 Number two the odds are you're gonna work twice as much You've got way more stress and you know shit riding on you because of maybe the money you've invested the time and besides the money and time People don't realize you invest your heart into something and when it doesn't succeed or if it doesn't succeed or even the thought of it not succeeding It's far more devastating than working for someone else and Being like I don't like this job. So It's a tough. It's a tough gig, but I think you're I don't know. Do you guys think you're born? You think entrepreneurs are born or do you think that you can turn anyone into an entrepreneur? No, yeah, yeah, definitely. I think it's something that you
Starting point is 00:16:02 Understand about yourself later after you get out of the school system because I feel like there really is no structure there for somebody that has the ability to start thinking and crafting these. They're out their own ideas and a way they're going to produce it. And I think that though that's sort of a way that it filters people, right? So there is no real manual. Like, there's nothing that you can just plop into and be like, I'm an entrepreneur. Like you 100% dictate how everything is gonna go, especially from the very beginning. So who are you gonna meet?
Starting point is 00:16:40 Are you gonna get a partnership? You know, what your company name is, what does this mean financially? Is it gonna put you in a bind? What kind of forms are you gonna need? Are you gonna do legal right away? You're not gonna be, worry about that later.
Starting point is 00:16:59 There's just so many things to consider that there's no easy way to be like, hey, this is gonna work out 100% know, 100% right away for you. No, that's a good point because I've met a lot of people who've wanted to start businesses and they've paralyzed themselves with preparation. Oh yeah, yeah. Like they just by now.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yeah, they just they plan everything out and we gotta make sure every risk is analyzed and how do we do this? And every bit, I hate to say it because it's, I sound kind of like an asshole, but every business I've ever started, I kind of just jumped in and knew very little about what I was going to do.
Starting point is 00:17:33 I mean, I know a lot about fitness, but that doesn't mean I know a lot about starting. Well, that's what we all have in common. I mean, I could guarantee that. Each one of us has that. Well, I think that's what determines an entrepreneur. Well, you said, I think Justin shared this quote before, was the, you know, the entrepreneur is the one who jumps out of the airplane and figures out
Starting point is 00:17:51 how to put his, or build a parachute on the way down. Correct. The other way around is someone who has to have it already and prepare before they even go, they never jump, you know. So that's kind of the mentality I think all of us have. And I think you've got to have that many, many times if I met all of us have and I think you got to have that many many times if I met Master degrees and business and highly highly educated men and women that When it comes to breaking down a P&L riding a business plan understanding all that or just in very intelligent
Starting point is 00:18:18 But then applying that is the piece that most people really have a hard time with because it's it's that the work ethic It takes it takes the fear that you have really have a hard time with because it's that the work ethic it takes, it takes the fear that you have to break through. There's that fear of failure. There's that recognizing too that you're probably not going. Like you said, how often do you make money right out the gates? I don't know a business, I don't know a business one that I started
Starting point is 00:18:40 where I was making tons of money right out the gates. Most all of them, I was struggling, not paying myself, watching myself go backwards of anything for the first, right? And you know, it got Layne Norton said at one time, it's one of my favorite things I've heard him say, which is, you know, success is the battle of attrition. You know, I know I like that a lot too. I just feel like that's part of it is, can you weather the storm? Can you fail then get back up again? Can you fail, then get back up again?
Starting point is 00:19:05 Can you fail again, then get back up again? Can you get punched in the face and keep going forward? Do you have endurance? Yeah, exactly. Do you have that ability to not be detoured because of all these things that are going to happen? And if you, you know, most people don't, they get discouraged, really easy.
Starting point is 00:19:20 And then it's so much easier to go back and punch a clock and work for somebody else. So, I had a text conversation with one of my cousins because he was talking about wanting to venture out and do his own thing and he was asking me, Sal, how do you, I have so much to lose he was telling me. Meanwhile, he's a single kid, has no, it doesn't have a family to support,
Starting point is 00:19:38 it doesn't really have major obligations. So I'm telling him, I listen, you actually have nothing to lose. And I told him, I said, basically the pain for someone like myself or an entrepreneur, the pain of not trying is more than the fear. It's stronger than the fear of failing if I take a chance. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:19:56 So believe me, and you guys feel this too. Look, it's scary as fuck. It's scary to go off and take a big chance to abandon what you've been doing to try something new. That fear of failure is there, you're human. But the fear of never trying, the pain of never trying is far stronger because I'd rather sit back and say, damn, I tried and it didn't work. Well, watch versus thinking about like, what if I, what if, what if I ever, that year?
Starting point is 00:20:22 Watching your idea unfold through someone else's business? Oh, I hate that. Well, success resides on their status. You know, well, and the thing about ideas, you know, I always just get frustrated talking to people who hold onto those ideas like it's ownership. You don't own any of your ideas. You didn't do shit about it, right?
Starting point is 00:20:42 That idea becomes a collective really fast. Unless you you move on it you dedicate your life to it You you put all your blood sweat and tears into it. You make moves on it Maybe that's not your idea, but it leads to a better idea You know whatever the case you put your balls on the table and you say hey, this is my idea It takes it takes a certain level of confidence to know that no matter what happens, no matter how bad you fail, that you're gonna be okay. That's part of it also.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Like I know no matter what, if I swing the bat as hard as I can and I strike out, that I'm gonna be able to do something else, I'm gonna get on my feet and I'm gonna be okay. It's not gonna crush me to the point where I'm dead. Nothing will kill me unless I decide I'm dead. So let me ask you guys this, because I used to say this when I first started working
Starting point is 00:21:28 in the fitness industry, and I was the 22 years old at that range, and people used to ask me, where do you see yourself in the next 10, 15 years? Like what would you like to do? What's your ideal job, what you'd be doing, and stuff like that? And I said, I'd like to be working for somewhere
Starting point is 00:21:41 around minimum wage, like at a coffee shop. And they're like, what? Like yeah, I'd like to be so financially successful that minimum wage, like at a coffee shop, and they're like, what? I'm like, yeah, I like to be so financially successful, that money is no longer an issue for me, you know what I would do. And then I like to do a job that is kind of mindless that I'm around people, and I get to talk, and do things like that. And I can totally be like a barista at a coffee shop,
Starting point is 00:21:58 like a little hipster coffee shop. What is that? You know, or own a bar, like a local pub, and stuff like that. But you know, bartend manage it, kind of be around, you know, or own a bar, like a local pub and stuff like that. But, you know, bartend manage it, kind of be around, you know, but with, with no, and this is it, I'm saying down the road, completely successful, money is not an issue. You're not working this job for money. What would you be doing? If it was, if it has to, it cannot be an entrepreneurship type of job.
Starting point is 00:22:19 You're a clock puncher. You're working possibly for somebody else. What would you do? So, oh, that's a great question. Oh, I'd be like a fishing guide or something like that. Something cooler, I'm outdoors and, you know. That'd be kind of cool, you know, like a, that you know, my uncle does did this in Hawaii
Starting point is 00:22:38 or he just rented out the scuba gear. You know, on the beach in Hawaii, you like rent the scuba gear all day, set people up all day. That sounds awesome, right? Like a job like that. I think I would probably be a teacher. I would be a teacher.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Oh, that's way too much stress. No, you know, I enjoy talking and I enjoy telling people, you know, I enjoy spreading ideas. I really enjoy motivating people and I feel like, and I love working with kids, and I don't mean young kids, I mean like teenagers. I like motivating and teenagers and helping them
Starting point is 00:23:11 become more motivated themselves and inspired. And there's certain subjects I'm very passionate about, so I would enjoy sharing that passion with kids. So I probably would, I've actually volunteered and taught junior high kids and it was definitely exhausting, but it was an absolute blast. Okay, well, I loved it. Well, what about, what about like, I mean, we never really answered for ourselves what our actual career would have been. We kind of tried to answer for each other.
Starting point is 00:23:37 So yeah, what would you, what would you do? For me, I was thinking anything to do with the creation of video game or movie, right? Movie script writing that and I'm just super like, I just have all these stories in my head. So Disney would be the perfect job. Yeah, yeah, you nailed it with that. But just to have that freedom to keep expressing myself, creatively and also music. So it is kind of like, I could go in multiple directions,
Starting point is 00:24:12 but I could end up in a sense sort of coming up with my own movie, with my own soundtrack, all that kind of stuff in-house. I got a good question. What would be the job you would be worst at? Like what would be the absolute last type you know, type of job that you could that you could do knowing yourself a server I'd probably be a pretty bad server. I'd tax accountant
Starting point is 00:24:33 I'd murder myself. Yeah, I'm probably you're that's a good one a accountant would be up there too because I just I don't do like Spreadsheets and especially other people's numbers. Oh oh yeah, I don't like doing my own much less. No, I'm the guy, I'm the guy who keeps a certain, a certain amount in his bank account and doesn't pay attention. Dude, I keep it high enough to where I could go up or down quite a bit. But literally this happened to me today. My girl, my girl runs all my bills and so that, right?
Starting point is 00:24:59 And she, so I would just pay the insurance for the, the Camaro for the year. And she goes, she goes, hey, I'm doing all the file. This and that, and it's a pain in the ass. Because he had to have pictures of everything, and because the praise will value and all his shit, right? So it's a headache to deal. And I had shut it off when it was getting worked on.
Starting point is 00:25:17 So I'm firing it back up. And like a month and a half ago, when I went and picked it up, I got, you know, the temporary insurance put on right away. I paid for the whole year up front, put it, you know, gave them my card number and they ran it and I was like, all right, cool. So I hadn't done anything on it in a while and I said, hey, did you happen to look in on it
Starting point is 00:25:32 and make sure my insurance thing is going, I've gotten the email lately. So she followed up, she did all the stuff and then she hits me up today and she's like, they didn't run your card. I mean, no, no, they did. I gave them, I give them, and you know, you're talking about like a couple grand.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I don't even know this. I was like, oh, that did. I gave them a minute. And you know, you're talking about like a couple grand. I don't even know this. I was like, oh, that sucks. There's nothing worse than thinking that someone already charged with a couple thousand dollars. I hate paperwork stuff. I hate paperwork stuff. It was the point, man, when I would manage gyms, it was like, I didn't even know how the hell
Starting point is 00:25:59 I managed to have with these gyms. It was like pure energy, enthusiasm, and leadership. I had zero like planner, my paper. I was like, oh, I, and leadership. I had zero like planner, my paper. I was like, I needed like an assistant just to do that all for me because I wanted to go out and just make it happen. Let me. Let me share a story that I think is one of the most powerful moments I ever had in my career and fitness. I had the exact same way. And I was just like you very young. I was
Starting point is 00:26:21 managing already in my early young 20ss and I had a buddy of mine. And you know, I had my boss that came in. We just came off having a great month. You know, we had a hundred and something percent of goal, whatever. And my boss comes in and I'm excited that my boss comes in because I think he's gonna come over and tell me what a great job I did. And he comes in to just tear me apart on all my fucking paperwork, dude. Just it's a mess. I'm unorganized. I'm not running the three tier thing I'm supposed to, I'm not auditing these papers, I'm not doing this, I'm not doing that. And I'm just like totally discouraged.
Starting point is 00:26:52 And then I hear it is in the middle, it's like five o'clock, prime time at night, and I'm sitting on my desk and I'm like getting all organized and just like spinning hours in my desk. My buddy, clapping yourself out. Just getting crapped out. Yeah, right? My buddy walks over to, and he stops, he goes, well, he goes walking
Starting point is 00:27:06 by and he stops and his tracks, and he goes, what the fuck are you doing on your desk right now? So, ah, man, Nagoya came in and he got me on top of me for this and that, and he's telling me I need to work on this, I didn't do that. And he sits down for a second and he goes, you don't listen to him, you listen to me. And I go, bro, that's my boss, he's like, listen, you're in this position at this young of an age for a reason. You're very good at what you do. He said, I don't want you spending time focusing on the things that you're not good at. I want you to focus on the things you're already good at and be great.
Starting point is 00:27:33 He goes, you'll be so much more successful if you do that. And I was like this light bulb went off. It was like the best advice I ever got my life. And it's like the first thing I ever teach. It's freeing too, man. It's very freeing because it's like wow Really you mean I got it? I don't have to do it. We like listen if you continue to get better and better what you're already good at People are gonna pay attention shit like that. Oh, you can hire someone to do you? Well, exactly where the whole outsourcing is such a beautiful thing and it you know what? It's it was the some of the best advice I ever got at a young age and I continue to teach that and I can't, I can't stress that enough to somebody right now If you got a boss hanging over your head telling you to work on all the shit that you're terrible at and you know you have strengths and things like that
Starting point is 00:28:11 Work on your strengths be great at them. You know, it's funny That is the advice that people are giving now to To reform education because the whole education model is based upon teaching kids this well-rounded You know everybody needs to learn everything, shit. Whereas in reality, what you should do is look at the child's strength and develop the hell out of that, because let's look at all the jobs in the world. Let's look at all the big careers in the world. You're specialized in something.
Starting point is 00:28:36 You know, whatever you do, you're not well-rounded and know everything. Yeah, and of course, these days. Absolutely, so that's actually the future of how people are going to be taught and trained. Yeah. Is get focused on your strength, become great at those, and the things that you fucking hate, which you'll probably never be good at anyway. Somebody will be good at those. That's right.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Yeah. Let's them do that. Because then you end up spending all this time on this, and at best, you're going to be mediocratic. Right. If you're shitty at it already, and you hate doing it, even if you just plug away, you can plug away, yeah, you can make improvements. Absolutely. You can make improvements. But you'll shitty at it already and you hate doing it, even if you just plug away and plug away, yeah, you can make improvements.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Absolutely, you can make improvements. But you'll just go from shitty to less shitty. You're never gonna be great at, it's not your strength, it's not what you're good at. Focus on what you're good at, be fucking great. Wow, great, great advice to our listeners coming from. Yes. We got it from the stripper, the bus driver,
Starting point is 00:29:18 the stiffer. Yes, sir. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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