Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 082: Future of MindPump, Elevation Masks, Deadlifts & Squats and Quick Bulking

Episode Date: May 20, 2015

Sal, Adam & Justin love answering your questions (Instagram @mindpump). In this episode they answer PumpHead questions about the future of MindPump, training with elevation masks, conventional vs. sum...o deadlifts, high bar vs low bar squats and how to pack on 15 pounds fast.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Welcome back to Mind Pump. It's question time! You guys ready to answer some questions? Some questions! CUNY! Yeah! Love some CUNY. Who here? Who here? This is Salda Stefano. some questions. CUNY! Yeah! Love some CUNY. Here it was.
Starting point is 00:00:25 This is Sal the Stefano. I'm here with the beautiful Adam Schaeffer. Woo-woo! The handsome-ish Justin Andrews. Ish. And the sexy like. Doug Egi. Very nice.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Sexy like. Sexy like. I'm not sure what that is. It's very complimentary. Just take it. Don't be a dick. Take your compliment. Just take it. Don't be a dick. Take your compliment.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Just take it, spinner. Take it, bottom. All right. Oh. You guys ready to answer some questions? Let's kick it off, dude. I'm in the mood. Who's first?
Starting point is 00:00:56 It's crazy. Weird. It's first. The first question is from one of our favorite people, in Dorf and O'Hallic. Like you're off on the bottom. I'm going from bottom to top. We're going to start with that one, because that's a good one. It's from my boy. Dorf and O Holocaust. We're going from bottom to top. We're going to start with that one,
Starting point is 00:01:06 because that's a good one. It's from my boy, Dorf and the Holocaust. He's our buddy. Who, by the way, is getting buffed, bro, following the program. Have you seen his pictures? Yeah, he's awesome. He's getting all yacked out.
Starting point is 00:01:16 He's like the only guy I converse with. We're going through this program, and he's right there with me. Yeah, he's yacking at this. He's trying to get you guys on board with me. Where are you at? Sure, throw this out there, bro. You better be natural. Better not find out you're taking the roids.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Because I can see those delts are growing to roi. Quite big. I'm just kidding. But he is progressing quite rapidly. It's out with the foot tap. I thought it was you, Josh. Oh, it's me. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Yeah, he's the nervous twitch one. I'll stop doing that. I'll see you. All right. So so Mr. and Dorf and a Hollis question is what are expectations are for the future of Mind Pump? Oh, what do we want to do? We think about this every day just saying no. Yeah, every day. So let me just sit here and think about it for a second because I don't know. I've never the number one. One. Number one goal. Platinum teeth is to do well that's that was number two or three how do you clean those things anyway I'm so getting a gold grill
Starting point is 00:02:10 dude you're getting you're gonna get diamond the cross-candle grill just grill down dude you don't have no street cred for that shit yeah grill that I will be if mine pump takes off like that bro okay the number one goal you did hang out with Nelly I'll give you that the number one goal did you give you a with Nelly. I'll give you that. The number one goal. Did he give you a bandaid? No, I know. You should have got a bandaid. No, give us a sweet key. That's even cooler. Okay. Number one goal is to do this full time. Yeah. That's all I want to do. Yes. That's a close goal. That's our short term goal. And you know what? We'll help with that. You listeners. Yeah. More. More of a more of you you guys I think we need fun. We want to like clone you actually
Starting point is 00:02:47 I'm glad you brought that up check this out guys. I we want you to flood Like just go break the system flood our iTunes whatever and with with reviews just leave a shitload of reviews have your friends leave review the more reviews We get the higher we are in the rankings, the more exposure we get. And if you can post a picture of Mind Pump on your social media page to spread us. If you- If everybody has done that, we're very thankful.
Starting point is 00:03:14 If you do that, one of you lucky listeners will receive a full frontal nude picture of Justin. Yeah, now that, you know, I shit some weight. Oh my god. You might be interested in that. Yeah, now that you know, like shit some weight. You might be interested in that. You'll get a full frontal. We've actually got a lot of love. Bald Eagle, a lot of love from our kids. So much that we probably could even all go around and thank everybody personally. So this is us thinking at those that have already been sharing it. We've got quite a few that actually do some pretty cool stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:42 You got a couple of followers that do some pretty cool stuff graphically. I am terrible at that stuff. I do not know how to take pictures and make them cool and graphically neat. Justin's probably the most talented are the three of us. Sal, you are like me, you have one move, one pose. I'm the creative guy.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Yes. Yes. I'm the brainiac. I'm the creative nerd. There are a whole Instagram. I'm mostly the same picture I'm the creative nerd. There are a whole Instagram. I'm like the same picture redone. Like 30 times. I'm the one that invented the healthy.
Starting point is 00:04:10 That's true. All right. Why hasn't that taken off yet? Give me some credit. Are you hashtagging all the people you need? You know, people you do. Helping. I will now.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Yeah, you need to. Bro, you have to do that. I do the busy doing cool shit because you guys gave me hard time about that. So I do something cool. So just because we're the realist people that you'll find to be totally transparent, our goal with buying pump was this.
Starting point is 00:04:31 This is when we first met and we started talking about this, our background is fitness. And this is a fitness show. However, you'll notice that a lot of our episodes have nothing to do with fitness. Especially as if late. Yeah, we do, we talk about all kinds of stuff. And the reason we did this is because really,
Starting point is 00:04:46 we want to become just personalities. We want to be a show that people listen to, that's rooted in fitness, but goes in all kinds of different directions. And we knew going into this that we were never going to be able to compete with the really technical fitness shows, like the Lane Norton shows, and the bulletproof executive type stuff that gets really, really into the needy-gritty
Starting point is 00:05:10 tech stuff. We have that side of us also. But yeah, there's that. Adam loves that stuff. Really, we want to just become personalities. So if you look at us in iTunes, we're actually in three different categories. We're not just in fitness and health We're also in politics and in comedy
Starting point is 00:05:29 so And that's just the narrowest down to three categories, but really we just wanted to become we want to become personalities because we know that that's gonna be able to take us a lot of different directions My dream would be for this show like Adam said to be full-time, but to be a My dream would be for this show, like Adam said, to be full-time, but to be a huge sponsored show where we can interview celebrities and do Howard Stern type interviews where we don't really talk about anything about them. We just talk about some embarrassing shit and they have to talk about it with us. Make them squirm.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah, I just have a lot of fun. And tackle some difficult questions, have some good times, and Adam, have some good times. And, you know, Adam can bring up the really awkward sex stuff. Yeah. Like he always does. And, you know, I also, there's, there's one big piece that I think you're missing there that we've all talked about. I think it's extremely important to us. Yes. Why we did create this. So we created this. Why, how I got the title, mind pump, raw fitness truth was we wanted to expose all the bullshit out there in the fitness industry. And part of exposing that is also giving you guys these tools like, you know, what's coming up next is the fasting guide.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And you know, if you didn't really, if you didn't pick up on it yet, you will soon when we start releasing more and more that the books that we come out with are called guides for a reason. And the maps and a ball because has, has evolutions to it also. that the books that we come out with are called guides for a reason and the Maps Antiballic has has evolutions to it also. It's what we do not believe in is, which let me tell you, it would be much easier for us to create something very cookie cutter that is. Yeah, just follow this. Yeah, that's it. That's new and then then all we did was manipulate the way we market and advertise and just sold the
Starting point is 00:07:04 shit out of it all over the place. That would be very, very successful financially already just from the amount of people that are already listened to this show and the connection that we have through everything through social media. Well, we literally said, literally, when we started the show, we said our goal
Starting point is 00:07:19 was to piss off a lot of people. We literally said that. We're gonna piss off supplement companies. We're gonna piss off some of these quote unquote fitness athletes because nobody's calling anybody out. And you know, like you said, raw, raw fitness strength, the watch dogs and our products that we're coming out with, we're not trying to give you shit that you know already. Look, everybody knows you should eat protein, everybody knows you should know if you reduce your carbs a little, you burn body fat, but who in
Starting point is 00:07:48 the industry in fitness and performance fitness talks about fasting like we have, that looks the way that we do and it represents fitness the way that we do. Who does that? Nobody does because they're afraid to or because they're not familiar with it. And we're looking to go out there. And like I said, I said, ruffle some feathers and go against the grain, present you what Doug likes to call uncommon knowledge. That's really the goal. And we'll even hit, we're going to release stuff that's common knowledge too. I think there's stuff that other fitness professionals talk about, and it's not like everything
Starting point is 00:08:21 that we release is cutting edge and brand new, although that's what we pride ourselves on. But I think it's, but when this is all said and done, I hope that we have this huge volume of information that's digital, that can be downloaded straight to your phones and computers instantaneously, that whatever your goal is, whatever you have questions about, whatever you wanna learn about,
Starting point is 00:08:44 that you guys will have access to for little to nothing. And then the MindPump forum is in its infancy right now. I foresee that down the road being a much more active forum where we'll have videos and tutorial stuff. The webinars. Yes, webinars. Yeah, we've been talking about doing webinars. And I believe a part of that, and know, I probably I'm at a three of a four of us on the
Starting point is 00:09:09 least on there and it's just it's difficult for me because of all the different things I have going on and and right now my phone is connected to all my other social media platforms. So in order for me to get on that one, I got to disconnect and reconnect. So you know, I have the hardest time doing that. Now if we were if I was doing this full time and we were doing mind pump, I believe that we would be on that forum a lot more, and that would become like a center hub of all the things that we're trying to communicate and help people with. And basically, my idea always was, or our idea always was, to deliver the most optimal personal training, which in my opinion would be, you talk about these guys in this room right now,
Starting point is 00:09:48 and all the experience and knowledge that we have, and from different perspectives, and bring that all together, and then be able to access us pretty much all the time, and almost like you have this personal trainer, that we would charge you $150 an hour normally, to get service from us for next to nothing practically.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Yeah. The idea is to where we can help millions of people for virtually nothing, for a very, very minimal cost and give them a huge wealth of knowledge. And another thing too, Adam, we had talked about was being able to put things together to teach people in the fitness industry how to teach people in the fitness industry, how to be successful in the fitness industry. Yes, because that's what I was gonna talk about. Because you can make, if you follow what we've done,
Starting point is 00:10:35 because look, the three of us have run some very successful fitness organizations, we've managed some big gyms, we've taught sales classes, we've taught systems, we know how to put things together. If we could just transfer our knowledge to all you aspiring trainers, all you aspiring fitness professionals, and teach you how you can not only make a living
Starting point is 00:10:53 in the fitness industry, but how you can make a great living in the fitness, because there's nothing out there that teaches you. And a lot of fitness people that get in, it's so true, because so many people that get into this industry don't realize that this is definitely one of the industries where the 80-20 rule applies, where 20% of the people are making 80% of the money.
Starting point is 00:11:13 80% of the people are making 20% of the money. So there's a much larger majority of trainers that get into fitness that are not making and are not very successful and have a hard time. And it's normally a part-time job for them or something they can't do full-time or be like you said very successful, make a lot of mine doing you can. You have to see the evolution of where training is going and that's one of the things that I think Justin probably prides himself the most on is staying ahead of that. Yeah, definitely. I see us as evolving with just being able to provide more tools for trainers, but also for people to access to these trainers and have the type of a situation
Starting point is 00:11:55 where they really trust because they know that we're pretty transparent with what we're talking about. And we're definitely going to stay true to that and consistent to that. So I feel like the people that do give us a chance will realize that we do a lot of research personally to make sure that it's quality stuff and it's still, some of it may be fringe, but we're doing our research to make sure that we stay ahead of that. And that will be a valuable source for people to rely on in the future. But meanwhile, just having this is the main source for people to come and collaborate and really make this fitness community tighter
Starting point is 00:12:41 and more educated. I would love to do retreats. I would love to do like retreats. I would love to have events where we invite fitness professionals to listen to, you know, us speak and to have guest speakers teaching them everything from prospecting skills, sales skills, how to put their systems together, how to charge rates, how to put packages together. Have a place where everybody can come, you know, maybe we'll do it in San Francisco or something. We all have different methods too, which is interesting.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And just where people could fly in, show up, learn some valuable information, make some incredible contacts, party like maniacs, to think of home. You know what I'm saying? Beautiful. All right, so next question, this one, I guess we should start,
Starting point is 00:13:24 we'll just keep going up from the bottom, huh? Sure. This one's from Steven 1 2 3 4 His question is about training with elevation masks Adam are you Adam you gonna drink the hater aid and spit it out? Adam, what's up with the elevator the elevation masks? and spit it out. Adam, what's up with the elevation masks? I didn't we touch Batman. I feel like we could have covered someone.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I had a guy two days ago in the gym. Okay. I just, I mean, hopefully, maybe he's an MMA fighter. I don't know. Maybe he's getting ready to... Okay, let's talk about the exceptions. That would be one. Okay, Olympic athlete, maybe.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Okay, maybe he is getting ready to climb Mount Everest. Okay, so that could be a possibility. What else could it be a possibility? Well, I could see how in grappling in particular, having to learn how to breathe with someone over your face. Yeah, that goes back to MMA. Yeah, other than that, it's not going to increase, red blood cell count, like actually training in elevation is,
Starting point is 00:14:29 it doesn't do that. You have to train in elevation in a row, do that. And by the way, that is a very short term thing. If I go train at the top of a mountain for five months and I get back down within a week or two, I'm back to normal. So it's a very short term benefit that you're gonna get from that. And elevation mass doesn't do that. for five months and I get back down within a week or two, I'm back to normal. So it's a very short-term benefit that you're going to get from that. And elevation mass doesn't do that.
Starting point is 00:14:49 You're not elevated, it just reduces oxygen. Okay, so let's talk what does exactly do is for what are the benefits of doing it. You're restricting, it's like you're breathing through a straw. It's like an aerobic cardio. When I look, I used to do, I used to compete in Jiu-Jitsu and Judo and sometimes there's a dude laying on you and his Gees in your face and it might I theoretically teach you how to breathe better You know like that, but I would just say go grapple more
Starting point is 00:15:14 You know have your buddy lay on you and then wrestle because you know putting on this mask while lifting weights is going to reduce What you're getting from the weights which is to build strength? You know build endurance and those are the best things you get out of that and putting on this mask would only reduce your ability to maximize those techniques for what they're best for. Well, and here's, and you know, people have some people that are asking probably someone who's smart enough to even ask this question, probably has even researched or read somewhere and there's always
Starting point is 00:15:42 a spin, you get to remember, and remember if there's marketing and that's probably, and I always want us to try and figure that out. I wish we, you know, sometimes I wish we had access of internet in front of us where we can actually probably pull up what the pitch is on these things. My guess is they probably claim that you burn more calories and more fat too by utilizing this tool. And the, that would be, that would be a funny.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Well, I mean, here's, and here's where I think you can get away with trying to say that is, if, you know, imagine if you're trying to breathe through a straw and you're, and you're exercising, I would imagine that within three minutes or less, my heart rate's probably going to accelerate a lot faster than if I was being able to suck in a lot more oxygen and breathe normally. You know it's funny, more oxygen burns body fat better than less.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Well, but I think that's what the argument would be, or what the pitch would be that, okay, elevates the heart rate, more beats per minute, more beats per minute, it means more calories burn, more calories burn means more fat was get burned. And so if I have asthma, I'm going to burn more body fat. We're working on it. Right. So I think that this is where this pitch comes from and where people think that it has these great benefits, but in reality, unless like I said, you're trying to train and you're training to climb out Everest or like we said, maybe an MMM fighter, it's pretty ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:17:05 And you look really ridiculous too. So even if it was, even if you were training for one of those things, I don't know, that's, I would probably go outside my neighborhood or maybe go somewhere in the hills and climb and run and do that instead. So I think I might have told you guys in the previous, I don't wanna say it again.
Starting point is 00:17:22 A dude did this up and I think it was in. This is Sarah Togor, yeah. I mentioned this story. Yeah, he had one on. And he ran to the post office, dropped off some mail and then kept running and he thought it was a squat team. Yeah, that was like a terrorist. Like the dude with a mask would put a package in there.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Some guys is doing his crossfit workout. There's just no big deal. There's just some things that I think that these, and I don't see it on the board, we didn't put on the compression pants either. Dude, you know what it is? It's just that it's the mentality that CrossFit has is that let's see if we can make your average cardio thing
Starting point is 00:17:59 harder for the sake of being harder. Like, how can we do this? Well, let's block their airway. Therefore, that's of being harder. Like, how can we do this? Well, let's block their airway. Therefore, that's gonna be harder. So it's more effective. And you know, there's more dumbassery. It is dumbassery. That's the scientific term.
Starting point is 00:18:16 That's it. They were the hashtagging that for sure. Dumbassery. In the day, you guys have to know if something gets marketed this big, it's sold by this Somebody some doctor is written an article to support the the the dumb assery of it And so that's where these questions come from that's where these followers come from that's where people So there's so much pseudoscience thrown out to everything and that's the any tool that's out there has some pseudoscience
Starting point is 00:18:43 You know terms that they came up with. They're lexicon that they just create out of the air. It's frustrating. This is why we have this show. This is one of the main reasons. People just get this garbage thrown at them all the time. They don't really know. Is that science?
Starting point is 00:19:02 Is that really science? What is that? This goes back to how we talk about a lot of different things as far as like supplements and different shit like that is, you know, even which none of the sides behind that there is no damn science behind this. It is completely ridiculous to do it. But even if it had any sort of positive benefits for you, they would be so minute in comparison to, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:25 like Salasan being able to do effective cardio. Yeah, whatever happened to that. Doing it, doing, doing five minutes extra of effective cardio where you can actually fucking breathe in your night. I know, like, why would it be more effective than you doing it for you? I could see it like, yeah, so in MMA, if you're constantly getting choked out, right?
Starting point is 00:19:42 That would make sense. But then you're already like in a losing battle. Here's the thing, if you want to get better at breathing while grappling, then you should fucking grapple. There you go. You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:19:53 Let me tell you guys, okay here, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna news flash. This is scientific breakthrough, ready? You guys ready? Wates build strength. That's what they do best. They do that the absolute best. So utilize them for what they're best at.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Can I get more flexible from weights? Well, sure, I can do weird like moves within shit, but it's not as good as yoga for getting flexibility, but weights get you strong. It would be like me doing yoga just to get stronger. Like I want to get really strong. I'm doing yoga. Well, that's a fair, some strength from it, but it ain't good.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Great analogies. It's a great analogy because. Some people think that, right? Well, and you know, there's, that's a pitch you hear from yoga too. Like if you're like a hardcore yoga person that never does anything else, but yoga, I have all the strength. And oh, yeah, then someone, someone said, Oh, no, you build lots of same thing with Pilates. Oh, you build all kinds of strength and muscle by doing that.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Because they've been, they've been indoctrined by episode of muscle. Yes. That's straight. Yeah. So, you know, all said and done, the elevation mask is almost as silly as a squeam. So, it's because it looks stupid while you're wearing it. And it doesn't do as much damage. It's probably the squeam does, but it's right up there with ridiculousness. So, if you're gonna wear a mask,
Starting point is 00:21:02 you may as well throw the squeam on with it. There it is, that'd be awesome. All right, next question. This is from Ian Eats, Ian underscore Eats. And again, one of our loyal pumpette listeners, awesome individual. Can I love his page? Dude, he's got all this good food on there.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Good stuff on there. Dude, he's all this good food on there. It's what I have to eat. Dude, did you see he- He was this food. Did you see his deadlift got up to 335? Yeah. He started it like, I mean, I think he added over a hundred pounds to his deadlift. Wow. Yeah, is it you or Justin?
Starting point is 00:21:29 It's me hitting the table no just my feet too. Okay. Well not we'll stop it Adam's getting emotional. He's getting moody again. Well, I can I know a dog is just gonna yell at us afterwards Doug does like mr. Sensitive with the sounds. It's always me so I'm busting you guys all right. All right anyway Let's get into it's getting awkward. Yeah, it's getting awkward. Let's move me, so I'm busting you guys out. All right, all right. Anyway, let's get into it. It's getting awkward. Yeah, let's get awkward. Let's move on. So Ian's asking us about comparing conventional versus
Starting point is 00:21:52 Sumo deadlifts and high bar versus low bar squat. So we'll start with the deadlifts. So your conventional deadlift is where your feet are roughly hips distance apart, your hands on the outside of your shins, and you're squatting down and deadlifting the bar up. Sumo is with a wide stance, and harms are inside your shins. Right. Okay. The difference is muscle activation. You're still getting a lot of posterior chain, which is all the muscles of the back, including glutes and hamstrings
Starting point is 00:22:20 all the way up. But the conventional is going to give you more back activation. The sumo is going to give you more hip activation. Although there's a lot of carryover, if you get stronger one, you typically get stronger in the other one also. The sticking points are different. A sumo squat is hardest to get it off the floor. Once you get it off the floor, it tends to pop up pretty quickly. With a conventional deadlift, the sticking point is about six inches off the floor. So once you get it off the floor, it tends to pop up pretty quickly. With a conventional deadlift, the sticking point is about six inches off the floor. So once you get it off the floor, there's that kind of grinding point to pull it up. And it means it's fair to say that the sumo, it's less, I mean, it's not as long of a... It's a shorter range of motion.
Starting point is 00:23:00 It's a shorter range. Shorter people tend to do better with sumo. Right, that's what I was thinking. And taller people tend to do better with Sumo. Right. That's what I was thinking. And taller people tend to do better with conventional, although that's not always so true. I say, you know, pick one that you like and do it and do the other one also. I throw. Both are effective.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Yeah, I throw, I do, I tend to deadlift conventional, but I throw in Sumo a lot to kind of break it up a little bit. And it definitely gives me carry over to my conventional. If you're a body builder, I don't know, I guess conventional might be better because you're gonna get more back. What would you say professional physique? I'm 100% conventional.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I don't even mess around with Sumo. Maybe just for shits and giggles, one time to warm up, I'll do real light Sumo like with the plate on each side. That's it, just to warm up. And I'm not even doing any other dead list, but if on a regular dead lifting day for me, 100% conventional.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And I can actually pull a significant amount more conventional than sumo. Yeah, well, you're tall, you've got long arms and legs, that's usually how it works for people. So I'm a conventional guy. What about high bar versus low bar squats? Also very cool. High bar is when you carry the bar higher on your traps.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Right. Low bar you carry it lower on your traps as power lifters will carry really low. Really low. Also that's wrong, boys. That's where I tend to hold it. I'll hold it pretty low. A low bar squat at the bottom of the squat,
Starting point is 00:24:17 you tend to be bent forward more. And you're going to get more hip activation. Definitely more glutes in your squat. Well, the high bar you tend to stay a little more up right, it's more quad. It's more of your Olympic squat, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Yeah, I tend to go low as well. So yeah, I like that to activate my glutes more on the left if I'm squatting. That's really the point that I feel like I'm trying to achieve with the back squat. Yeah, I teach low bar squat, and that's super low bar, but if I, my clients, I have nobody doing high bar mainly because the positioning of the bar tends to hurt people's
Starting point is 00:24:52 traps. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I like the low distribution, I feel is, I don't know, it just feels better when it's lower. Yeah, what about you, Adam? I kind of feel like I'm in the middle. You do a bodybuilder squat. Yeah, I, I, I don't know, I saw, I've seen you squat. It's, it's bodybuilder squat. Yeah, I don't know. I've seen you squat. I don't know if you could classify it as a power lift or a low,
Starting point is 00:25:10 but it's definitely a lower bar squat. I would think I'm closer to high than I am low. Really? Yeah, yeah. I'm going to put my traps. But I would say I'm between. I don't think I definitely don't think I'm... If I would consider myself a low bar, I'd say I'm on the higher end of a low bar and if I consider myself a high bar I'd say I look I squat with what's comfortable on my back
Starting point is 00:25:31 Like a traditional low bar which I which I've done both right I've messed around with both a traditional low bar Where you're really low? I feel it's really tough for my shoulders. Oh, okay to retract really all the pull all the way back So I feel it feels a lot uncomfortable to hold the bar like that for me. And then high bar, if it's a really high bar, I feel like it's up. I'm going to I also because I have a very long torso. I feel like that's why I kind of have in the middle. A high bar, I have I fold my chest over a lot when I when I squat. I'm not a upright squatter.
Starting point is 00:26:05 So if I'm high, high bar and I'm, oh, and I'm squatting over like that, then the bar tends to go really close to my quads and almost over my knees and I want to almost, trying to keep it as close as I can to mid thighs I possibly can. So the mid bar kind of range is probably the best for me. Now, you guys just posted some pictures of,
Starting point is 00:26:24 you guys had a squat workout, you know the one that you guys didn't bite me too. And it was, you guys used the, what is that a safety bar? Is that what it's called? No, no, it's like a yoke bar. Yoke bar, that's right. Yoke bar, that I've never used one. Was fun.
Starting point is 00:26:39 But what is it? Super. Super. Very different. Super. Very loaded. Yeah, I mean, you get more quad activation. So you're more upright. Yeah, I mean you get more quad activation So you're more upright. Yeah, a little more upright. You get like core quads
Starting point is 00:26:49 I mean I was still getting some posterior chain activation too, which was very you know interesting Can you is it are you stronger or weaker weaker? Yeah, way weaker. I noticed it's a new stimulus It was yeah, it was new for me so was so I guess maybe I should squat more but I mean two plates felt like three plates for sure it was funny we both are like whoa yeah well I was sort of stack the Justin started Justin's known with the one moving the weight up on me and and you know he put like one plate on first to warm up and then I went right away to two plates and he kind of looked at me like you sure I'm like yeah this will be fine he's like all right you know I whoa, whoa. I'm definitely felt like a lot more in 225 right there.
Starting point is 00:27:30 What I loved about it though was the, my favorite part was that it definitely felt different. I definitely felt less quad or less glued more quad, which for me, I'm trying to develop more of that. I'm trying to, I'm trying to get more of my quad into my squat than my glutes. I have, I come out the whole really well. So my glutes have a lot of power in my glutes. And then if anything, I fall forward and I have a hard time finishing. So my quads are inferior to my glutes.
Starting point is 00:27:57 So this definitely targeted that. But at the same time too, I didn't have to fuck with the bar. I don't like front squats. I'm not a front squat. It's just uncomfortable for me to rest of it. Yeah, I'm just never I do them every week, man. Yeah, that's great. So I don't like it That's pretty good for you. Yeah, good for you. I don't I don't I don't like them Doesn't mean I don't ever do on my just it's not one of the ones I like to do
Starting point is 00:28:18 I like I tend to lean towards some of the movements like that are comfortable for me. Yes What a more functional so you can start incorporating the yolk bar Yes, the yolk bar more? Yes, the yolk bar was so comfortable. As far as how it rested on me, I mean, those big cushiony things around your shoulders and you have handles to hold onto, major core activation.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Major core activation. I mean, my abs were sore from doing that. Really? Yes, it was a trip, my back and my core, yeah. I'm gonna try it. Yeah, just having to stabilize your your torso differently went with Balancing the bar on I thought I actually I definitely noticed more quad for sure But I actually that was the first thing I noticed I was just like damn my core
Starting point is 00:28:57 I can my cores getting worked right now. I could tell by the third set It was gonna be sore just from how much I was having to tighten up to stabilize that weight. I'm gonna try that. Yeah, very cool. I got one. We got time for another question, Doug. Alright, so this next one is from Fabulously Fat 98, that's with a pH. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:17 And the question is, her 19 year old son is in college playing college football and he needs to bulk up, he needs to gain about 10 to 15 pounds. Um over, is it over the summer dog? Is that what you're saying? Yeah, preseason. It's a preseason. So he needs to gain about 10 to 15 pounds. And the question is what vitamins and protein shakes etc should you take? You were saying offline we've already looked at you said, Sessonon 250 and look at that. Yeah, that's the big ball. Yeah, get him some decking up. Yeah, so touch it. Please erase those are steroids.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Don't do that. That was a joke. OK, so the only supplement that I would recommend that I'll put a little weight on him is creative team. Yeah, other than that, he needs to eat more and lift heavy. That's it. I mean, it's, it's so unfortunate that it's, we don't have like a real articulate, like, answer to the wrecky towards it. There's nothing a real articulate answer to the director.
Starting point is 00:30:06 There's nothing else. There's nothing else. Because here's the thing, and he's a kid and he's moving a lot and expending a lot of energy. He's having a hard time gaining weight. Obviously, he can't stop his movement patterns because this is all part of the sport. You got to get better. You got to get more condition. However, you got to get more calories, man.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Yeah, he needs a lit. I would have him lift three days a week. Have him focus on the foundation lifts. Haven't get stronger at the deadlift. Haven't get stronger at the squat, the bench press, the overhead press, barbell rows, you know, pull-ups. Don't have him waste time doing isolation movements. Well, he's doing power cleans. Power cleans is another one. It's a huge lift. All these isolation movements. Just get strong. He should be doing power cleans. Power cleans is another one.
Starting point is 00:30:45 It's a huge lift. All these big movements. His workout should last 45 minutes. He should be focusing on getting stronger. Have him eat a big ass breakfast, a big ass lunch, and a big ass dinner, and in between, have him eat high calorie snack. Well, on here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:31:04 He has to look at that as training too. I know a lot of kids like, well, high calorie snack. Well, on here's the thing, he has to look at that as training too. I know a lot of kids like, well, I'm full. Well, guess what? If you're trying to really get to that level, you're gonna have to press yourself. And unfortunately, that's one of the things with football. And I know that going through this personally,
Starting point is 00:31:21 I had that even going into the collegiate level, moving from outside linebacker to inside, I had to gain like, you know, 20 pounds, and it was work, man, I had to eat. You gotta eat a lot. You gotta eat. And I would say, I actually posted this on my Instagram page, it's a homemade weight gainer that I did.
Starting point is 00:31:39 And I don't, you know, I don't believe in buying weight gainer shakes, because most of them are full of shit. I wasn't gonna recommend that. No, but because most of them are full shit. I wasn't going to recommend that. No, but make your own. He can use either whole milk. I like to use coconut milk. It's very high calorie, high in fat, and I'm talking about the one in the can. The full fat can coconut milk.
Starting point is 00:31:57 One can is 700 calories. Throw that into a blend. Get it in the fridge so it's cold because it tastes better. Throw in a blender. Throw in a bunch of raw eggs. You know, six, seven, eight raw eggs. These are great. Throw in maybe a scoop of protein powder or not or just extra eggs. Throw in a little cinnamon, little vanilla extract, some stevia, a banana.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Blend that shit up. It's gonna be thick. It's gonna be very creamy and he's gonna have a thousand calories right there and it's all, you know, real food calories. That's it. Real food calories right there. And it's all, you know, real food calories. That's it, real food calories. Yeah, so. Yeah, I, I, uh, this has been a struggle for my entire life.
Starting point is 00:32:31 I was always the skinny kid who couldn't put weight on. And Justin made a good point about, obviously, if he's training for a sport, he can't really shut that down. But he also made another good point about that, you know, he has to, he has to approach the nutritional side the same way that he approaches his sport. Like that, you know, he has to he has to approach the nutritional side the same way that he approaches his sport like that. You know, if you're, if you're truly trying to bulk and gain weight and you really, really struggle with putting the weight on, well, the eating piece becomes just like training. And also that one of the
Starting point is 00:32:57 problems I had was like, let's say even when I was playing basketball, well, you know, I was also recreational playing too that I probably didn't need to be doing and I was doing other shit like Wakeboarding and snowboarding and I was just an active fanatic and you know sometimes Settling down a bit and what will help him put some weight on too if he's somebody who is stick with the fast twitch movements Yeah, if you if you were constantly on the go go go go go go go go go running running running all time that I mean he's gonna need a ton more calories. If you can just slow down the movement on the
Starting point is 00:33:31 in the possibility that those days that you can and those will be great days for you to hang on to some of that weight that he's having to consume as far as calorie wise. The other thing you saw mentioned a really big breakfast when you start off. If he can do that, that would be awesome. I had a hard time with that. I struggled with, I didn't have an appetite for breakfast. I didn't, I was a breakfast skipper and I didn't want to eat till like noon or one. And then I felt like from noon all the way to I went to bed. I was always behind on calories and it could never catch up.
Starting point is 00:34:02 So I had to train myself to have that appetite. Now, I mean, I can eat. And I've noticed a lot of these kids that's what they fuck up on as breakfast. They just don't need breakfast. So he's not gonna be able to go from not eating anything to all of a sudden stuffing his face with this huge, huge caloric breakfast.
Starting point is 00:34:19 And if he does, he's gonna be so stuffed. He's not gonna wanna eat for, you know, down the road. So starting him off on probably the shake that Sal was talking about. It would probably be a great day starter, even because it's a liquid drink that he could drink and suck on working on. It's a thousand calories.
Starting point is 00:34:33 His body will digest that fast and break it down and utilize it quick. So he'll be ready to have another meal in the next two to three hours or so and get something into him. And maybe that's the next thing too, is I know my partners over here, they're not big, you know, multiple meals per day, they like to utilize. Well, I think in his case. Yeah, well, this is different. This is for performance and sports. Yeah, gaining, like for us, like for even for me, it was all about cutting down and getting more definition. So you know, fasting makes more sense for that.
Starting point is 00:35:06 So I've had a lot of, this is also why I eat this way. The reason why I eat six to eight meals a day is I have more success with smaller, lean, clean meals throughout the day. I can eat more of those and I'm constantly hungry because I'm not overstuffing myself. If I overstuff myself with a very high fat, high saturated fat meal, then I'm satiated, and then I don't want to eat for another four to five to six hours. And then once again, I have a really hard time keeping him with calories. So, you know, keeping him with lean, clean calories as much as you possibly can.
Starting point is 00:35:41 And then, you know, when the body is really craving or needing those high, high calorie drinks, like with sour, say, maybe pre or post workout. So how high do I seem in fruits in there? There you go. Fruit, sugars, getting sugar before workouts. So before he goes to his workouts, making sure he's getting, I would blend up a homemade. Like a jamba juice.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Yeah, basically like a homemade jamba juice. Strawberries, bananas, blueberries, throwing some kale. That's right, throw all that stuff in and pound that before work or before workout or before football practice or whatever, so he's definitely utilizing that as it's main source of fuel. And you know what, I would even say this,
Starting point is 00:36:22 he should probably have a calorie goal every day and know what he needs to eat to hit that calorie goal. That's it. So he's like, okay, I need you to pound him me, I need you, this much rice, I need you, this much, you know, this many nuts, this much fruit, so that he knows where he's at. Because I've known, when I've trained kids, that is tracking. First step is tracking. Yeah, because I know when I've trained a lot of kids like this, they'll say, oh, I'm meeting
Starting point is 00:36:43 so much, they have no idea. They just have, they just know that I ate a burger for lunch and, oh, that was a very good point. Good. Here's two good apps. My fitness pal or fat secret. They're both free apps. You can download. Or lose it. You download those apps. You can enter in the foods. It breaks down on the macronutrients and calories for you. 19 or all boys.
Starting point is 00:36:53 You can get a lot of calories. You can get a lot of calories. You can get a lot of calories. You can get a lot of calories. You can get a lot of calories. You can get a lot of calories. You can get a lot of calories. You can get a lot of calories.
Starting point is 00:37:01 You can get a lot of calories. You can get a lot of calories. You can get a lot of calories. You can get a lot of calories. You can get a lot of calories. You can get a lot of calories. You can get a lot of calories. You can get a lot of calories. are both free apps you can download or lose it. It's another good one. Download those apps, you can enter in the foods, it breaks down on the Mac and nutrients and calories for you. 19 year old boy who's playing football, I'm just gonna go ahead and throw a guesstimation out there. I don't know, his height or his weight,
Starting point is 00:37:16 but he's probably needing somewhere between at least 3500 to 4500 calories. Yeah, I was gonna say 4000. Yeah, he's probably needing at least that. So a good number to probably start with is that 35 to 4,500 calorie range breaking up his foods. And you know, and because he's so active, he would be high carb. I would say high fat because he gets you those extra calories and that would be something
Starting point is 00:37:40 I know Sal would be pro four to, but the only thing I'd be worried about if you're eating a lot of fat. Super satiating. Yeah, it's the satiating at first. So I would try to get them as most of it. So what I always did, you know, in these cases, I would keep the first 80% of my meals really clean and lean. So I was ready for the next one, hungry, hungry, hungry.
Starting point is 00:37:58 And then my final meal, that would be my heaviest and fat would be at night. You know, that's when I'd have my rib eye steak or have something like that with a you know my other carbs and and stuff throughout the night But that would be my last meal that I had I wouldn't have my my high fat meal until towards the end of the night Mm-hmm. All right awesome. I think that's it all right If you have any questions go to our Instagram page mind pump ask them there and we would love to answer them for you Thank you for listening to mind pump for more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time,
Starting point is 00:38:38 this is Mind Pump. Yeah!

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