Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 087: Justin's Road to Ripped: Post 90 Day Update

Episode Date: May 28, 2015

Last week Justin finished his 90 day Road to Ripped challenge. His dedication paid off. He looks like a new man. You can see his results at www.mindpumpradio.com/justin. Now that the challenge is over..., what is in store for him? Is he going to return to the pudgy days of yore or is he going to take it to the next level? This episode reveals all!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright guys, so here's what we have. We have the Maps Antibolic Program, which is a full body workout program. It's broken down to three phases. It explains the trigger session concept. You guys have been hearing about it, still available for $117. We also have the NoBS Six Pack formula.
Starting point is 00:00:15 Now this is a workout specifically for your abs. This is gonna get you the Six Pack for summertime. We have the Revised Nutrition Survival Guide. That's basically a guide to help you with nutrition. We revised it, so now it's updated. We have the intermittent fasting survival guide. This talks about fasting, how you can utilize it to burn body fat. All these together, $248. Let me break that down for you. The fasting guide, 27 bucks. The Nutrition Survival Guide, 47 bucks. The No BS 6 pack formula, 57 bucks. The
Starting point is 00:00:46 MAP Santa Brolic Program, 117 bucks. That's $248. Check this out. You can get all of it. Every single one of those, all together, $97. That's it. One payment, 97 bucks. You get access to all of that. Here's the best part. We will include you in our private forum where you can ask us questions and the maps community questions, the BIMP pump community questions about their workouts and nutrition. It's a really good community. Everybody helps each other. It's included for free.
Starting point is 00:01:14 That's not going to be free forever in the future. We'll be charging for that. Oh, oh yeah, and it's a 30-day money back guarantee. Buy the program 97 bucks. Try it out for a month. If it's not the most effective program you've ever done in your life, return it. We'll give you your money back guarantee. Buy the program, 97 bucks, try it out for a month. If it's not the most effective program you've ever done in your life, return it, we'll give you your money back.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Mindpumpradio.com, click on the big yellow button. What are you waiting for? Do it right now. If you wanna pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop, with your hosts. Salta, Stephanie, no, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Trontor, burnin' it in the villages.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Yeah, you're right, I have no idea what the fuck that was. What was that dude? Home star runner. Still, I still love the fuck stuff. Okay, it's like a cartoon off of the internet, like nerdy people know about it. Yeah's like a cartoon off of the internet like nerdy people He's coming on the face got strong bad on there Is it he just dethroned me as the nerd? Yeah, I think you won. Yeah, I got to do something I'm trying to do Justin won
Starting point is 00:02:18 Salzer yes Trouble We hear what's going on? What are we doing? do we do? Hey, this is the Carbapocalypse Debutary I you're here with Justin Andrews, South of Stefano Adam the shaffer and Doug spin-tastic spinner spin Spin, fantastic spinner. Spin, fantastic spinner! This is the post.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Mix master. Post Justin getting shredded. This is the post update update. So we all know that you went to your pizza place. We know you got down there. Could you share with us what else you did? I don't give a shit about all the healthy stuff. I want to know what bad stuff did you indulge in?
Starting point is 00:03:04 And how bad was your bubble guts afterwards? Yeah, oh my god. Tell us. So after I did the pizza adventure, I was only able to put and I kind of posted like four pieces And I was just like oh, I couldn't your stomach shrink. Yeah, I couldn't just fit it in there and Yeah, now in the past would you be able to eat like a whole myself? Justin? What in the, would you be able to eat like a whole pizza yourself, Justin? What? And the past, would you be able to eat like a whole pizza yourself? Oh yeah. Oh wow, that could have been.
Starting point is 00:03:29 So that's good. What else did you do to anything else? How are you right back home? Oh, so after that, well, you know, that was Friday night. So Saturday then, I was like, well, maybe I'll eat a little healthier. And so I ate healthier that whole day pretty much. And then Sunday, I had like a full stack of pancakes and they're like light buttermilk pancakes.
Starting point is 00:03:52 My mom ate, oh god, it's so good. I could probably eat like 50,000 of them. But so I ate, it was funny. They're tiny and they're really light. So I probably had about, I probably really had like 20 or 30 of them. Jesus, did you get diabetes? Yeah, I felt like I couldn't even have lunch after that, I was like, oh God.
Starting point is 00:04:11 And all those carbs and then after that, I went to another birthday party, which month of May and April are just ridiculous. Everybody has a birthday. Or a wedding. Yeah, so I went to one of those and they had spaghetti with like meat sauce Beer and bread. I was like really I have not even had carbs really like that Now that's all the months and it was just like this overload
Starting point is 00:04:37 So I literally threw up and was like diarrhea and like you put you'd yes. I was Wow, wow, so sick last night, bro. Yeah, I was dying. And that happened to me too. Yeah. We're actually puked. Yeah, actually through, I got sick. Oh, I've gotten sick before, sure.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Yeah, I just, I just, It's amazing. It's amazing because, you know, you've, in the past, you know that, oh, I could easily crush that and be fine. Yeah, you're okay. And even though your, your stomach is kind of rejecting it in a sense, it's kind of telling you, it's funny, you still have this switch that's like,
Starting point is 00:05:09 no, I can keep you DM fine. Yeah, I've done this before, then you do it. You're like, oh, I used to be able to do this. Yeah, not a big deal. I forgot this. So what about rebound weight? How much did you rebound?
Starting point is 00:05:18 How much? I probably got like five in me after this weekend. That's not bad though, because considering I'm willing to bet that at least three of that is good weight, you know, it's probably a lot of those carbs. Like a gym.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Yeah, yeah, like a gym filled up the muscle bellies. And water too. And water now, you're obviously your sodium intake popped up a little bit so you know, you're holding a little bit of water. Yeah, your face doesn't look like it's a that's actually a little sexy. It doesn't look as swollen.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Honestly, it doesn't look like it is swollen. I'm sorry. If I can manage under a 10 pound gain right after my show. I'm happy Yeah, but a show you also going in like Yeah, yeah the point city of course paper so it's relative that he's you know five pounds is not bad at all actually Yeah, I actually don't mind going through that you know I You know going going forward from here. I'm just like happy to keep going healthy. It's just like one of those things.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I kind of needed that and I had some beers. And I didn't really think the beers like put me over the edge. It just, I don't, it's crazy. Like I don't even like drinking beer and I just end up doing it because it's like a social thing. I'm, I'm just all whiskey if I'm gonna drink anything but I just, man, after this weekend,
Starting point is 00:06:23 I'm still not motivated to go back to that. When you eat a certain way, whether it's healthy or unhealthy, your gut flora changes and adapts. And so I think that's what ends up happening. I think you eat healthy for so long that you have this different gut flora. It's probably a healthier gut flora. Then you reintroduce to this shitty food and you overeat it. And it just, it makes you vomit and puke because
Starting point is 00:06:45 gut floor is very, very instrumental in digesting and breaking foods down and if you don't have the, you know, overgrowth of other, you know, types of bacteria like you might have had before you're gonna feel sick. Yeah, and and look, you know, it's funny you said you just said it you're gonna go back to eating healthy because when you do it long enough feeling good is better, feeling good wins over eating, you know, that tasty food. Well, you know, and last night I was sharing with, with my girl, because here I am on my journey towards my show right now, so we've been dieting pretty hard.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And, you know, I tell her every time, like, so it's always the first week or two when I make the transition that I'm like, oh, I miss some of those things. Like I miss this, I miss that. And I'm like, then I break through that. And then all of a sudden, I start to notice my palate change, you know, which is probably a reflection of the gut floor like you're talking about right now.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And I can, like last night I was eating a rice cake with my, I have like just a thin layer of chocolate peanut butter. And then I have like slices of fresh strawberries on a rice cake. And it's like, it's like the richest dessert I've ever had, dude. And I'm like eating it all slow, and I'm looking at my girl, and I'm like, God, see, this is my favorite part
Starting point is 00:07:51 about dieting, this is amazing. It doesn't taste amazing if you've been flooding your body with fake sugar and garbage and all this stuff for a long period of time, then a rice cake in strawberries and some peanut butter sounds boring as hell. But you have that when you've been eating clean, like your body and your body is just it wants those.
Starting point is 00:08:09 It wants that good sugar. It wants a gassy and bloated. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, like, you're eating shitty food. People are like, walk around and it's like, blah, blah. So I love that. I'm now there. I'm now at that point where, you know, I just had some slices of watermelon and
Starting point is 00:08:24 biting in the watermelon. It's like, oh my God, I would take that over a candy, you know, I just had some slices of watermelon and biting in the watermelon. It's like, oh my God, I would take that over a candy, you know, right now. It sounds so... Candy would probably be too sweet. Yeah, it would. Yeah. Yeah, the switch went off for me last week, because, you know, some of the time I was trying to get a little leaner and I did a little mini-bulk and, you know, Adam's getting shredded
Starting point is 00:08:40 and Justin's starting to get lean, so I'm like, all right, I'm going to, you know, start doing this too. And it usually takes me, usually takes me about a week or two of kind of getting into it before the light switch goes off. And now I'm like zone. Like, you can't fuck with me right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:57 I'm on it. And I don't know, I think I might just get, I might get super shredded along with Adam. Yeah, yeah. I think might be the, I think. Yeah, I say we do it, bro. We got a little about four and a half weeks. We got more veins in your calves though.
Starting point is 00:09:10 I do. Then I do. You know what? They don't grow. They just keep getting vaniard, you know? I don't know, bro. Look at that, look at that vascular calf. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I guess it's better than nothing. I'm going to train them as much as I do. I better get something out of it. I'm like a new vein. Okay, great. Got one of those already. Fuck. Give me an inch. I want an inch or two much as I do. I better get something out of it. I'm like a new vein, okay great. Got one of those already, fuck. Give me an inch.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I want an inch or two, that's what I want. That's what she said. So I keep saying to my cock pump. Come on, come on, give me that inch. Those things work, bro. All veins. They work? Fuck yeah, bro.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Hold on a second. These, the, the, the, Adam brought it to the real. A cock pump actually works. Yeah, absolutely. I mean I know I know that they're prescribed for men with erectile this I love how we go off the topic I think that's good area. So I know they work for a reptile dysfunction because they're actually prescribed I actually I read an article about how they're prescribed a man in like insurance covers it and shit But they actually work at making things permanently Yeah covers it and shit. But they actually work at making things permanently. Yeah. Yeah. If you
Starting point is 00:10:07 it is well, I mean, I can't speak from from not coupling it with like a HGH, but if you couple it with a HGH and wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, this is this is getting great here. Almost like it. So someone, by the way, we don't recommend this to people. Right? Adam? No, we're not doing that. So if someone takes growth hormone and then puts a vacuum's device on their feet, on their, okay, and that gives you permanent size. Yeah, they'll see a difference. Absolutely. Wow.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Yeah. Now, what if I will, I will say that you notice a significant difference if you maintain utilizing it versus not, you know, so difference if you maintain utilizing it versus not. So like if you're just like trying to, right now I'm just picturing out like you're trying to use it and like you get caught. Yeah, like your girl walks in like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:10:55 That's gotta be the worst thing to get caught doing. What's on your, you're like pretend you're like pumping up a raft or something and just, you're like, I'm doing it for you babe. I'm doing it for you, babe. I'm doing it for you. That's crazy right there. Yeah, yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:11:09 So we need to write that down. Can you put that down? Is one of our nice, to verify that. Put that down is one of our potential products. Adam's pump-tastic might be a good game. Well, no, we're not recommending. We're not recommending anyone because I said you had to couple it with HGH.
Starting point is 00:11:24 I can't speak if you were to do it all by itself. I don't know if it's uh, this is crazy to me Yeah, now what if you have you know, I'm just mr. Science guy. Do you not believe in it? Well, well, let me let me here's where mr. Science guy's gonna come in. I'm gonna speak now. This is hypothetical. This is all hypothetical terms, right? But let's just say let's just say for fun. You have the opposite problem. Let's just say you want to shrink Because it's too big. Oh, then what do we do at that point, Adam? I'm listening. You need to lay off of it. Okay, it's just like working out or training.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Think of it like that. Think like when you're training your calves pretty religiously and you're hitting them three to five times a week, I notice they have size and they've gained, whether it's minimal or not. But the moment. So it's trigger sessions. Yeah, kind of like that actually.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Very similar concept that, you know, it's, and then when you lay off of it, and you don't, you know, it regresses. Now does it regress and completely go away? No, it doesn't like shrink because your calves will always be as, like even if you do not train your calves whatsoever, we walk on them, we utilize them, same thing with your dick.
Starting point is 00:12:22 You still use it, it's gonna get utilized. So it's not getting any, it's like walking the dog. Yeah, it's not getting in the house. I think even this way, penis pump is like phase two of maps versus, or phase one of maps. And typically what most people are in phase three of maps
Starting point is 00:12:38 when it comes to their penis, but they don't phase it out. So if you add in some phases, phase one, phase two, it just and trigger sessions. You throw the balls in there and out. That would hurt. Yeah, that would hurt, dude. I don't know why you want to enlarge those.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Yeah, you can't. The tube is pretty big, but you couldn't fit your balls in here. If you could, then you get a long way to go, right? So this is, this is, wow. We give good information on the show. Well, I can't believe of all people as open-minded as you you have not you've not done that Pro no no, that's why I was asking you hypothetically asking you about the opposite problem. Yeah, cuz you know Because of you know my next phase is all about gains
Starting point is 00:13:17 penis gains. Yeah You know everywhere So let's put a big pump on your whole body. Yeah. And just pump you out. And then you'll look like a big penis. What? You didn't go back to disagreeing though. Do you believe that the science behind it,
Starting point is 00:13:34 do you believe that it's, so I'm gonna, okay, so let's get, okay, I'll get serious. The penis is comprised of spongy material that expands with blood. And it shrinks when blood comes out of it. So it contracts or it dilates, the tissue dilates. It's not a muscle, it's kind of a unique type of tissue. Well, and they say some of it's buried within you.
Starting point is 00:14:00 That's for penis enlargement, I believe. But if you, so if you use a pump, the pump creates, changes the pressure outside of the penis so that the blood rushes into the penis easier. Stretching out those, you know, those caverns, those areas that actually fill up a blood, I could definitely see how stretching them out would give you more size,
Starting point is 00:14:20 but I can also see how it could potentially give you issues with the hardness of your erection, because if you stretch it out too much, then only so much blood will go in there and you'll have kind of more of a limper wing. Right, right. Which is maybe the coupling of HCH probably has some extra. I don't understand the whole growth hormone thing, although I know growth hormone makes a lot of things grow. Have you ever read about that when you were emailing or something? No, no.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Actually, the funny story behind it is, like, this was like, geez, dude, this is probably 10, 12 years ago, maybe more. I had a buddy who had a doctor who literally showed him before and after pictures and his doctor was a hormone therapist. So he was, this is where he actually used to get his HGH prescribed from. He was showing his cock to his patients. Yeah, yeah, no. Well, he was he was trying to explain this exact thing to him. So, hey, you know, if this is trying to clarify, this is something that he's a it works, you know, and I've done it myself and come. Yeah, and that's exactly what he did. And you know, it sounds like an excuse to show people
Starting point is 00:15:22 is, you know, hey guys, come take a look at it, it works. Yeah, and he shared this with me and I was like, no way. And I'm so somebody who is not like, I like it first, I'm not gonna, you know what I say, believe half of what you see and nothing that you hear. So, you know, I'm not a believer for you, you gotta close me or I have to, I have to do my own little research.
Starting point is 00:15:43 And so at that time, I was taking HGH. So I thought, okay, this will be a perfect opportunity for me to try this. It's like fucking a hundred and something bucks. And I don't care how big your cock is. Every guy would mind having an extra inch in diameter and inch in length. So there's no no guy has ever never said. Now I've had girls complain, but I've never had a guy go like my dick is ever said now. I've had girls complain, but I've never had a Never had a guy go like my dick is just way too big, right? So I thought okay, this is this is cool Let's let's see if this works. We haven't been hanging out more than like a couple years So yeah, no I I had to I had to put it to its test and I'm a believer
Starting point is 00:16:23 For me though it became something that was just... We don't recommend this. Can we just keep please saying that because some kids gonna blow his dick out. Yeah, yeah, no, I'm not. He's the same. He's the only one on Mind Pump. Well, we always say that, right? This is, I mean, that's part of the show. The idea is I keep it real quick. I keep it real quick. I keep it real quick. Hey, I'd be the first one to admit that like I've tried so much. I've tried a lot of shit. I've tried a lot of different stuff and I'm I'd be the first one to admit that like I've I've tried someone I've tried a lot of shit I've tried a lot of different stuff and I'm not afraid to talk about it or admit it Because I know obviously there's huge companies making millions of dollars with a shit
Starting point is 00:16:51 So I'm not the only one who's fucking thought about it or done it. I just happen to be someone who is Seen seen the proof from somebody else That's a doctor and then and then put it to the test myself and I can say hey, I know it's a difference now What I okay told you it it's like, for me, I thought of it like training a muscle where, I know it's not, but if I was doing it on a regular basis, I'd notice a significant difference. Otherwise, I did notice a huge difference, but we know a couple together with that. Absolutely, I did for sure. That was, I know you guys can't see a picture. I won't show you before I
Starting point is 00:17:25 Don't show you a before that picture. I thought that was the email you were sending Everybody yeah, sorry are either the person who buys the one time I look at him I can't help but like look down like I want to be like Is he drawing the truth drawn to the is he telling the truth top of his bottle? I'm pretty sure I have it somewhere in the storage. I'll let you borrow it if you want You need a fresh one, dude. Yeah. You used cockpunks.
Starting point is 00:17:47 So, uh, there you go. So Justin, have your workouts changed? Yeah, so have your workouts changed at all. Wow. I just, it's too early, right? It's the weekend. I've done sort of the similar, I'm still sort of a phase one look to it, right?
Starting point is 00:18:05 Yeah. But back to some of my a little more athletic moves, but yeah, I'm definitely still you know, pressing, pulling, squatting, deadlifting, all that fun stuff. That's laugh because he's just that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, yeah, hijacked. So hard right there. So I tried to stay serious. And we literally just talked about Adam just told everybody. We could just forget that whole section, which is like, that didn't happen. And that was like, that was in our heads. We didn't really talk about that. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Yeah, I know, right? Good thing. For a minute there, I thought I said that on radio. No, no, no. You were just incriminating. You were just, Justin, do you have any plans on using Adam's technique? Do you have any plans on continuing the Get Lean journey?
Starting point is 00:18:49 Have you got, like, what's the... I don't want to make any... Well, just on your own line. Yeah, I don't want to tell people, like, if people ask me and are, well, let's put it into the listeners. Are you guys still interested in, from where I'm at in this phase into sort of where I want to progress? I want to progress. I want to actually go a little bit further.
Starting point is 00:19:07 However, I'm going to take it at my own pace. I'm going to sort of experiment with more things that we can bring up on the show. But yeah, I want to sort of relax as far as being under the spotlight somewhat and get back to just lifting and doing my thing. You know what I would love to see you include and that I feel like Sal and I have done it more and it would be great now that you're kind of going through this in your new phase.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Maybe maybe getting some BFR, bro. Maybe start dab one in some blood occlusion a little bit and adding that into your routine. I'd love to see you incorporate that and see what you know what that would be. Excellent because we've been talking about wanting to release a blood occlusion guide. You know, we kind of break it down for people so they can understand because occlusion is one of those things. Don't try it unless you really know what you're doing, right? Because you could you can mess yourself up. Which is why I hope that we can, you know, I think doing, right? Because you could, you can mess yourself up. Which is why I hope that we can, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:07 I think after Justin does it, you know, maybe we'll do, maybe we will, like the guy, the fasting guide and another guide will release a guide for it. Well, I feel like the mind pump guinea pig, is that? I mean, I'm definitely taking on the, you know, that persona and I'm cool with it. Like you guys, you know, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:20:24 I just feel like I'll step in and we're like, yeah, I'm cool with it like you guys you know, I don't know I Just feel like I'll step in and we're talking and then oh you know what you should do bro Well, I feel like I already incorporate a lot. I know Sal does too. I mean, I'm a huge advocate. I'm a huge advocate of it Just throw the peer pressure at you And it's I think you just we all train so different and that's just something that you know I don't I don't think we should like document what you're doing with it, but I think we should just... We're gonna really have to assess another.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Yeah, we're gonna read it. And because you haven't done it yet, I want to see what you say. For myself speaking personally, I could say with confidence, full confidence that I've probably added, I don't know, close to a quarter inch on my arms. So less than quarter inch, but definitely something visible on the tape measure. And this is coming from someone who's been working out for a long time.
Starting point is 00:21:16 That's a visible change with one technique. That's a big deal. Right. It's not gonna be as big a deal as like someone not lifting weights and then all of a sudden lifting weights. But it is gonna give you, you know, it's not gonna be as big a deal as like someone not lifting weights and then all of the lifting weights But it is gonna give you You're definitely gonna get some gains from it But you got to do it right. So I think we should put together like a guide in terms of leanness. What's the most shredded? You've ever been
Starting point is 00:21:37 Like what what body fat percentage would you say good question because that depends you said you had a six pack in college I had a six pack in college. maybe my first two years and I started drinking but High school was definitely the most visible like I was like 185 those tiny But yeah college I had a lot more size so I would say I, I was definitely still like 10 to 12. Which I've never been like, you know, below 10. Well, you know what? So I'm a big fan of, you know, the physics sports bodybuilding. And now I'm getting into physics. And I'm looking at you at now that you've gotten
Starting point is 00:22:17 leaner. And Adams, he's a pro. He's literally an IFBB pro. So maybe he can attest to this or correct me. But when I look at the shape of your muscles and your muscle That the length of your muscles you have long muscle bellies. I think you would look physique like competitor-ish lean like not everybody's got the jeans to do that But you've got the width and the shoulders. You've got long muscle bellies. I mean I don't Like so, and this is that's a good question for me because I actually get asked this a lot and then we don't really talk about this.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And I'm very, I'm no different when I talk to somebody real outside of here. I'm just as real as I am on this show if you haven't figured that out yet. And when somebody comes to me and I don't think they have, you know, because every athlete that comes and they want coaching for men's physique or whatever, they all want to be a pro eventually. You mean, they don't get it interested. Oh, I shouldn't say nobody.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I mean, a very small percentage gets an instance. I just want to say that I can compete and do it one time and I don't care where I play. Most of, you know, they're competitive and they want to win and they want to work their way out to be an pro. And a lot of times, I'll look at a guy their way out to be in a pro and a lot of times I'll look at a guy's physique and be like you got a lot of work to do before you should even think about getting on stage You know like you got to build a physique And Justin has so I'll tell someone that you know if I see if I look at you and I go like you just don't have enough muscle maturity
Starting point is 00:23:42 Yet to to do to win, you know, I'm saying you can get up there. Anybody can get hella lean and get on stage and do decent. You know, I'm saying, but if you don't have the muscle maturity and the muscle belly size and that Justin has that, you know, he has a solid foundation. You can tell that even though the guy doesn't, he never carried himself at 5% body fat, he's been building muscle for fucking 20 years almost,
Starting point is 00:24:06 you know, so. And that was kind of like my situation when I got into it. I never competed or trained to compete, but I've been training for 15 plus years. So I- That's why as soon as you decided, it was like boom, pro-part.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Yeah, exactly, that's why. And I think a lot of people see that. And because honestly, I think I'm a terrible poser, I think I'm one of the worst posing pros, and that's an element to winning and doing well, but I think I made up with my aesthetics and my physique, and obviously my knowledge and the ability to get that condition, because conditioning's a huge part,
Starting point is 00:24:38 for sure, you have to be able to get down to that crazy low single digit to show all the hard work you've put in for years. But there's a big portion of people that just don't have the muscle size and don't have the foundation. Justin has a very solid foundation. It's amazing how big of a roll when you get, so anybody can get lean and look good. Okay, so we're not saying, we're not trying to say if you don't have the right genes, you're not going to, anybody can look good or impressive, almost anybody.
Starting point is 00:25:03 But to get on stage and compete, you kind of have to, you know, you kind of have to be born into the right genes and have the hard work behind it. But one of them is a long muscle belly. Justin's got really long biceps, long forearms, his calves go down to his ankles. He's got really big long muscle belly. So as they build, they look bigger. Yeah. You know, and genes play, look, look, when I get I don't I can get down to if I get down to nine or eight percent body fat I get cross-strations in my in my arms and in my delts and in my quad Most guys got to get down to four percent. Yeah, that's for you see my cross-strations I have to get down to super low and that's just that's just my jeans for whatever reason I get these cross-strations
Starting point is 00:25:41 On my body now what I don't have is I don't have wide body. I don't have wide bone structure. So when I get really lean, standing by myself, I look kind of muscular, but you put me next to someone with wide shoulders like Adam, or you, Justin, and I look small. And that's just, like I said, I can't change my bone structure.
Starting point is 00:26:00 So to get on stage, you gotta have those jeans. But I think Justin's got, I think you've got crazy, I mean, I don't know, if you ever decide to do that, it's kind of a pain in the ass to get on stage you got ahead, you know, you kind of have those jeans But I think Justin's got I think you've got crazy. I mean, I don't know if you ever decide to do that It's it's kind of a pain the ass to get that lean because then it becomes an obsession Well, but you've got like ridiculous Yeah, I think I don't know and this is something I've already been Thinking in my head because I you know I was You get through the process and you're happy with progress that you've achieved. I definitely saw a big dramatic change in my body, but I'm still sitting here with the
Starting point is 00:26:33 two dudes that are freaking shredded. I'm just curious, A, two, yeah, a little tricurious. I might try to go a little further. Yeah, yeah. Awesome. Yeah, and just, the thing is, like, I'm competitive, just like anybody else, like, I don't, I'm not, I'm not looking at my pictures, like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:26:55 I did it done, boom, you know. Sure. I feel like there's more progress I could even make if I wanted to and be disciplined about it. And the thing was, the real thing why I took on the challenges because not only to show the audience that like when I say something I fucking do it. And that was really the first thing that I wanted to make sure it came across from the show.
Starting point is 00:27:24 If I say something I I'm gonna do it. And you're gonna watch me do it. And, you know, I don't care if it erupts like everything I'm doing. So I'm very careful about what I say, like as far as like being committed to something because that's the facts. The facts is that, you know.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Once you say it, that's it. It was left my mouth, like I am committed to that, and that's all I think about. He's like the mailman, so. He delivers. Yeah. So I'm very cautious is to say like, hey guys, yeah, I'm gonna get to 4% and watch me,
Starting point is 00:27:55 you know, because in that, I would do, I would, I would just be like, I'm gonna tell you right now. And I'll say this to the audience, you can, you know, you can get down to 9% and it's hard work and you'll get lean. Getting down to 5%, six or 5% for the average person is an entirely different animal.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Oh, it's totally different. You're the exponential. Your body fights you. You can tell there's a certain point where you're like, this is not cool anymore, it's not cool. Well, here's a good point for me to go on one of my little rants where I talk shit that you guys like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Yeah. This is one of those things that I don't like about, which is also why I love Johnny. Johnny was one of the people who I have a lot of respect. Nice to be asked. Yeah, who post, he posts a lot of pictures, even when he's in the off season and he's put on a much a bad weight and everything like that,
Starting point is 00:28:44 is keeping it real like that. Craig's notorious for this too, he shows good photos. I like to think I'm the same way too. Like some of these guys they put, they post all their 4% body fat pictures and so people really think that these these fucking pros walk around at like 3 to 4% body fat. You just can't do it and the reason why you can do it, other than the fact that it's actually unhealthy, is that when you're the lower you get the most subtle change in your diet and food, like instantly, like could make a difference of a percent of body fat.
Starting point is 00:29:15 It's crazy because the percent is so low. It's such a low percentage that consuming an additional, you know, 1500 to 3000 calories over the course of just one or two days can also enshoot you up, you know, 1,500 to 3,000 calories with a course of just one or two days can also shoot you up, you know, a pound of body fat. So, which could manipulate your body fat percentage. So, you know, I do not, I'm not a fan of watching some of these guys post that.
Starting point is 00:29:36 And it's unfortunate too, because I feel like I get knocked in a sense where like I post pictures now and, you know, I'm in good shape. I'm not in yet competing shape. And I get like 200, 300 likes, maybe like 400, 500 for a picture. And then when I get ready for a show and I'm fucking diced, it's like thousand likes. You know, all of a sudden, everybody's liking it, which, you know, that's cool. I know everybody wants to see that.
Starting point is 00:29:59 And I'm like, I love to do that myself too. But, you know, in reality, to walk around it four or five percent, it's not what people think as easy as people think. There's another level to four to five percent, then there is to seven and nine percent, and then there is to nine percent. I think a good goal for the average male listener, if you want to get really lean and really kind of stand out on the beach, but not kill yourself, I would say nine or ten percent. Nine or ten percent.
Starting point is 00:30:23 I was going to say eight to 12 is a as a very Good range. Yeah, yeah, I say 9 because for me at 9 I get a six back above that I don't but some guys like Adam has a six back at 12. Yeah, so but yeah 8 to 12 and for women I don't know what would you say like high teens would be like 19 20? Yeah, 7 17 it well You know it depends on the girl also there. So like a 15 to 19% range for a girl. Even in the low 20s, you've got female athletes that are fit lean and they're like 22% and they look great. They feel
Starting point is 00:30:55 great. They've got the curve with them. You know, the other thing too, it's, it fits dangerous for a guy to get shredded. It's exponentially more dangerous for a woman to get shredded. Is there a period once you get to a certain point too? You know, a lot of people don't realize to shredded, it's exponentially more dangerous for a woman to get shredded. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. or where you hold all your fat, maybe aesthetically, which I've always told people that that's where what we call like skinny fat people. They have to be very careful because to the eye, they look all skinny and lean and they're a model and they eat hardly anything with that, but their body fat percentages are really high because their organs are fat because their diets are really poor. And, you know, just because the eye sees a certain thing doesn't necessarily mean somebody is super healthy, you know. So understanding the difference between somebody who thing doesn't necessarily mean somebody is super healthy, you know, so understanding the difference between somebody who is ripped and healthy versus somebody who is just, you know, skinny. Well, I think God, what a great, what a great post update update because I feel like we either
Starting point is 00:31:57 did two things. We either a motivated people to kind of test themselves, get shredded, they motivated by senior progress, or people are gonna go out and buy penis pumps and take real trouble. I know, it's two benefits in one. Well, I mean, we're making the world a better place. You're gonna get leaner people walking around or bigger penises.
Starting point is 00:32:18 So who doesn't want that? Mind pump changes the world every episode. And your beautiful cocks and beautiful bodies. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. is Mind Pump.

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