Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 090: Creatine, Predestiny, Depression & Anxiety Solutions and Caitlyn Jenner

Episode Date: June 3, 2015

Sal, Adam & Justin answer PumpHead questions (@mindpump on Instagram) about creatine loading and cycling, their views about predestiny, how to naturally treat depression/anxiety and advice to Caitlyn ...Jenner. As always tons of great questions came in this week and it is always difficult to choose which ones to answer. If your questions don't get answered please resubmit them again for future episodes.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Adam, you want to hear some crazy testimonials from people who've been doing our program? Dude, I've had some people hit me up too. Like these are fucking mind-blowing testimonials. Yeah, I've heard all kinds of different stuff, so I'm curious to what you're getting. So check this out. This is from John Smith of Orlando, Florida. Okay. This is what he says. Before I started your program, I suffered from premature ejaculation. Do you know what that is?
Starting point is 00:00:25 By the way, that's when you come too fast. Yes, I know. He says, after two weeks on the program, this is crazy. After two weeks on the program, I made love to my wife for four hours and gave her 13 orgasms. 13?
Starting point is 00:00:37 13 orgasms, I'm not done. And then I bang my girlfriend afterwards for another hour and a half. This guy is just loving the program. He's crazy. How effective it is. Well, I have 19 year old Timothy from New Jersey, who is actually on the swim team, high school swim team, and was telling me that
Starting point is 00:00:56 he was able to hold his breath for anywhere between a minute 45 to 230 before he started our program. That's impressive. That's impressive. Now he's up to two 45 to three minutes each time he holds holds his breath so it's so to two hours and 45 minutes no two minutes, bro Two minutes and 40 minutes die if you held your breath for that. Oh, still impressive though to go from that I also had this 63 year old. So this is the first like elder woman that I've actually had in box me She inboxes me. She's from South Carolina She was actually completing between two to three crossword puzzles per day. She's up to four crosswords per day now. What? Yes. This program is crazy. Hey guys, guys, you're just making this crap. Doug, Doug, I need you
Starting point is 00:01:36 to stop interrupting me. I got to read another test. So, so check this, this one right here is going to blow you away, right? So Sean from Wisconsin, he sent us a picture, by the way, which I'll send you. Sean from Wisconsin, so check this out. This is what he says. He says, hey, hey, Sal Adam and Justin, I love your show. I'm gonna fast forward, blah, blah, blah, blah. Before starting the maps program,
Starting point is 00:01:58 my left testicle measured two centimeters in diameter, and my right was two and a half centimeters. They actually doubled in diameter. He has was two and a half centimeters. They actually doubled in diameter. He has now four centimeters sized testicles. And his question is how does he slow down the growth of his balls? So basically just stopped doing the program. But it blows me away at the results people are getting from this program. You are getting all these crazy sexual ones.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I get all these people that it seems like the program is increasing their intelligence. I have Roxanne over here from Louisiana. Roxanne actually when she was first doing our program, because she's 27 years old, it says here that she was at a sixth grade reading level when she first started doing the program. Now that she's been doing it for the last three months, she's up to a ninth grade reading level. So she went up to three guys guys, I mean, no, you didn't buy into this. No, you're just keep interrupting us
Starting point is 00:02:46 when we're reading these testimonials. I don't think the members will, let me just write, I'll read two more, right, Doug? All right, just two more here. We just got a couple more. So, so Suzanne from New York, this is actually a pretty cool one. So she lives in a part of New York.
Starting point is 00:03:03 I'm gonna kind of give you the synopsis because it's a long one. She lives in a part of New York. It's kind of dangerous. She gets scared at night, right? Anyway, this is what she says. I was walking home alone after a late movie. It was midnight, and I was approached by four crypts and seven bloods. So I don't know if you know those familiar with the gang.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Yes, yes, okay. Which is strange considering their California gangs in New York, but I'm not gonna question it. So these Crips and Bloods came up to me and they assaulted me. And I want you guys to know, I defeated all my opponents. That's fucking... I mean, we saved our life with the program.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Which is crazy. I think we're breaking some laws here. What, we don't, you're right, Doug, you're absolutely, listen, we don't condone fighting Crips and bloods, even though you might be able to defeat them all by following the MAP-Sendabolic program and interstitial survival. We don't make any outlandish claims that it will increase your ability to hold your breath or read at a higher education level, that just how it happens to be some byproducts that we're happening to get from some of these people.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Okay, this is all hearsay. Okay, I'll just put it that. All right, hearsay. So you may or may not have the same results. Yeah, I bet. Why you gonna be a hater, Doug? I'm not a hater, I just don't like lawsuits. Well, it's not us, these people are telling us all these spectacular results.
Starting point is 00:04:17 We can see here and read all the people that have lost weight and gained muscle. But we're gonna read the ones that stand out. Let's see. Yeah, I wanna hear about the other southern side effects that are happening. What about the one we read from John? Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:04:27 So check this out. John Who, correct. This is crazy now. Check this out. John Who. No, that is his last name. Who, John Who. Oh, that's who.
Starting point is 00:04:34 No, who, he thinks he's Asian. So, okay. So here's a crazy part, right? So John writes, now he's a 17 year old kid. And he writes here, I've been an ectomorph my whole life. I could never get over 115 pounds in terms of body weight. After doing your program, I won the Mr. Olympia four times in a row now.
Starting point is 00:04:50 This is crazy shit. This is crazy. This is crazy shit. I didn't heard of a Mr. Olympia named Joe. I knew. Okay, that's the first one I'm gonna have to call bullshit, bro. I don't think I know. All right, well, listen.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I knew somebody was lying in the office. Somebody was lying. I knew somebody was fibbing in the. Somebody was lying. I knew somebody was fiving a little bit. Well, listeners, check this out. You go to mindpumpradio.com, click on the yellow button. We have the MAPSANabolic program, the NOBIAS 6PAC formula. We've got the Nutrition Survival Guide and the Fasting Survival Guide. All of it, you get all of it for $97, or you could break it down into payments,
Starting point is 00:05:24 30-day money back guarantee, try it out yourself. See if you wouldn't miss your limpia. See if your testicles grow. I don't know, maybe I made those up, maybe I didn't. It's crazy, it works real well. Click on the yellow button, check it out. Now that's the fact. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind,
Starting point is 00:05:39 there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Looking for... Hello! He's trying to carry on. Son of a- Walk alone
Starting point is 00:06:11 Here I go again on my own Going down the only road I've ever known Like a trip through I was Voice of an angel bro, no, that was a demon that was a voice of a beautiful Oh Voice of an angel, bro. No, that was a demon. That was a voice of a beautiful Sexy demon I Healed shoes and frickin crazy wings. I love when you bring back songs like that we I love when you bring back Songs like that that we used to listen to his kids bro. You know that song's about right? Snakes no, no, it's about jerking off. Nope, it's about jerking off, bro.
Starting point is 00:06:46 He's going off alone. He's gonna do it on his own. Yes. Here we go. Here I go again on my own. It's like, here I go again. Here I go again. She's not into him, right?
Starting point is 00:06:55 Where did you get this, bro? This is not about masturbation, bro. Yes, she is, bro. Everything is not about masturbation. This is, I mean, it, she doesn't want to hook up with them. So he's like, here I go again on my own. Here I go again in my own Exactly it's a song about
Starting point is 00:07:19 Who is this who are we with what are we doing welcome to mind pump this is Salda Stefano Adam Schaeffer and Justin Andrews doing it Yeah, it's all produced by Doug Dougie fresh this better Doug Doug Doug Doug Doug Doug Doug Now so fresh, you know it is it's my favorite time Which time is it Q&A Q&A Q&A Q&A Bro when when you I like helping the world. Yeah, but you give me the bedroom eyes when you say that bro I know I just I can't hold that back maintain it keep it. It's someone got a Q&A I get excited. Oh my God, I love Q&A.
Starting point is 00:07:46 I, you know why? When we first started, this is why, because when we first started this before, we did Q&As, and we weren't sure how many people are listening. It felt like it was just like us talking to nobody, you know what I'm saying? Maybe there's like, we have like one fan out there,
Starting point is 00:08:01 it's like listening, but now that we have Q&A, hey bro, now that we have Q&A, I know for sure, there is at least like all protein questions. At least 30 or 40 people listening to us. Yeah, I know it. It may be nervous though. I like to pretend like no one's listening. Then I can be myself.
Starting point is 00:08:14 That's true. I could be my weird self. I just sit here and I picture everybody naked. Oh, well, everybody listening right now is sitting on a shitter. That's why you're crossing your legs. It's the best time to live. Either driving in your car or on your shitter. That's why you're crossing your legs. It's the best time. Either driving in your car or on your shitter
Starting point is 00:08:28 are the two best places to listen to a podcast. Yeah, for some, I don't know what it is. And Sally, maybe you know something with your phone. Is it dirty, dirty thing? Do you, do we actually, I mean, I don't know about you guys, but some of my best business ideas have came from when I'm taking a shit. Yeah, like a really long shit.
Starting point is 00:08:43 So is there a science behind the stuff? Yeah, so what happens is the, there's parts of the brain that control shitting and they become occupied with trying to defecate. And once they're occupied doing that, the rest of your brain is allowed to be 15 years. Reincreative in blow. Like a rush of endorphins.
Starting point is 00:09:02 That's right, that's right. That's why when you get really scared, you wanna shit yourself, because your brains, your brains like it needs to be open. Oh my God, I just solved everything. Exactly. So there was zero science. So there's so many other things.
Starting point is 00:09:13 So some of the best advice we could give to people right now is if you're trying to learn, possibly, then is it, are you saying we should like, you know, move this to the bathroom? Should we all just stay in the room? Oh my God, can I tell you something right now? If these chairs without if these chairs We're also toilets. Do you know how awesome this man would be productive?
Starting point is 00:09:30 Disgusting no, what didn't discuss? I do not want to smell your senses It'd be a competition. You're broccoli already Not gonna smell your shit. You know what's to stick it to stick it to the subject brings a broccoli into the house I said already is broccoli already stinks. I'm trying to be right. I'm just trying to be healthy, bro. I'm sorry, that's a great idea. Speaking of shit, dude, I'm guarantee you this is happening
Starting point is 00:09:51 in any other trainer that's listening. I'm listening. But I was training a client the other day, and they farted. Oh, that was a great, good job. Let me tell you some leg press, bro. Leg press that's happening. No, these 10 times.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Crunches for time. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. Let me tell you something. Some leg press bro leg press that's happening these ten time crunches for time Let me tell you something if you train anybody long enough you will eventually hear them fart Yeah, how do you guys handle that? Like if someone if you're client just bust ass right in front of you have to call it out because if you don't You wait awkward for both of you. No, you know, I just I straight up I Mail people to me. I'm like hey nice one right there. Nice one. That's up Otherwise good rap. They're rookie Nice one. Otherwise. Good rap. The rookie, the rookie, the rookie trainer of me
Starting point is 00:10:29 used to not say anything and like, oh, and this was my mentality. Like, I'm not gonna say anything. And maybe if I pretend like I didn't hear it, maybe she, Yeah, but doesn't it depend on the decimal? No, no, like how long. If I hear it, I'm calling it.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Okay. If I, if I'm obviously, like, nice it. Okay. If I, I'm obviously, a nice one, Susie. Yeah, exactly. If it's like a, if it's like a, a noise you're not sure of, of course, I'm gonna say anything. But if I'm sure that was a fart,
Starting point is 00:10:54 what do you mean you're not sure of? Like, did you shit yourself with your heart? Well, you know, like, sometimes your shoes squeak on the outside. So like that, you're like, what was that like? If you hear it and you smell it, immediately from your client,
Starting point is 00:11:03 and you're in track pants and it of it. I'm calling you now. See, here's the deal. This is a big problem for me. It sounds like you can handle it pretty well. I can't because the funniest thing in the world to me. I mean, I swore to God, guys. I'm not making this up. There is nothing funnier for me than somebody accidentally farting. It's when they're embarrassed. Bro, I, oh my God, it's the worst thing. So the fart, it doesn't matter who it is. I don't care who it is. It could be my freaking best friend.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Anyway, it's, and I'll sit there, and I'll be like, you know, you remember when you were in school, and you were like in, you know, fifth grade, and your buddy would try and make you laugh, and the teacher's like, don't laugh, and you're like, that's me as a trainer now, when they fart.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I'm like, yeah, I'll be be right back and I'll go in the bathroom and just laugh my ass off for 10 minutes if you come back. It's the worst thing ever, but anyway, everybody does it. So it's a thing, man. Sometimes I'll be like turbo. Turbo, yeah, I'll just say turbo. Yeah, I'll say turbo. Yeah, boosters.
Starting point is 00:12:00 All right, guys, you ready for the first question? Yeah, can we actually start this podcast? All right, this is coming this is coming from games and Games games I like games. I like that game games. Give me some You know what we do every ease as I I'll take two of those. I feel like I had to some laughing gas. We need to stop him from doing that because they're gonna steal him from us, Adam. Some recording executives,
Starting point is 00:12:29 we need to hire that talent. Yeah, because voice recording. Yeah, albums are doing real well these days. Yeah. So Mr. Games and Gaines is asking us about Crayotein loading, cycling, and the optimum time to take it. Okay, so let's start with the science.
Starting point is 00:12:47 It's not like steroid cycles. Yeah, so let's start with the science. First and foremost, creatine loading is a fantastic example. Can we talk about what it is first and where it's actually, there's stuff it's derived from food too. Yeah, so creatine, your body utilizes it to create adsign triphosphate ATP. It's a type of muscle energy The more ATP you have the stronger you are and the more ATP you have the more water your muscles hold So they become fuller more volumized and they're stronger
Starting point is 00:13:18 But there's more to that creating does a few other things. It also lowers myostatin Myostatin is a very potent regulator of muscle growth. If you block myostatin, you build muscles. Matter of fact, myostatin inhibition is so powerful. If you were to compare it to anabolic steroids, there is no comparison. Myostatin. Let's go way back to like, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:39 one of our first podcasts we're talking about the dog. Oh, if you guys Google it, Google like the myostatin pit bull. Yeah, no, not even dog. Oh, if you guys Google it, Google like the Myos statin pit bull. Yeah, no, not even a pit bull, it's a whip it. Oh, whip it. But it looks like the look. Yoke, yeah. If you just Google Myos statin inhibition,
Starting point is 00:13:55 you'll see pictures of animals and stuff that they've done test on. It makes steroids look like vitamins, right? It's what most people think. So everyone's seen this picture of either the dog or the cow or the bull that has been done to. Most people think it's been shot with a bunch of steroids to look like that.
Starting point is 00:14:10 It's not steroids. No, actually the bull is, animals get shot with steroids all the time. They don't look like that. No, and the bull, the bull for just for the record is not, they didn't do anything to its milestone. It was bred that way. It's called the Belgium Blue bull and their bread to be extremely
Starting point is 00:14:27 muscular and then when scientists discovered Myostatin, they went and studied this bull and they said oh this bull doesn't have much myostatin So that's why it's so frickin muscular. Crateen lowers that so So the whole loading concept when Crateen first came out back in the 90s, I remember it was such a big deal. Cell Tech days. Yeah, it was the first no before that. It was EAS, phosphogen. Yeah, EAS. Phosphogen was the phosphogen HPA, I believe. We're right around the same time as cell tech, bro.
Starting point is 00:14:54 No, cell tech came after, dude. It wasn't much after, then I took them both. I remember fucking EAS, and I remember cell muscle tech. Yeah, it was pretty close. It was, but first it was Phosphogen. There was no carbs added to it. Then they discovered if you spike your insulin levels, you get more creatine in your muscle.
Starting point is 00:15:12 So then they just threw in a shitload of Dextrose. Which was Phosphogen HP, right? Phosphogen HP and... We get just a little less. Cell tech, which had like 70 grams of like ridiculous glucose sugar in it. Yeah, it was awesome. You drink it and it was like, it was like powerful fruit punch and it made you not sure.
Starting point is 00:15:30 It was like slamming some creativity with a bag of skittles at the same time. Exactly. That's sand. Exactly. So anyhow, loading back in the day, they would tell you, you have to take 20 grams of creatine a day for seven days to load it into your muscles and then afterwards take a maintenance dose of five grams a day. That's a crock. Yeah. It is 100% marketing bullshit. It was a way for them to have you use more supplements. Yeah. Buy some more. No need to load. You could
Starting point is 00:15:57 just start taking it and you don't need five grams a day. Some people just need maybe one or two grams. Five grams is just this arbitrary number. If you're a bigger guy, like me or Justin or Adam, five grams per unit. I'm very good at me. Yeah, primarily like Justin. Do you need to cycle creatine? I guess theoretically, if you take creatine, your body will synthesize less of its own creatine, although I have yet to see any studies on this. I personally have been taking creat, pretty much nonstop.
Starting point is 00:16:25 That pretty much nonstop, I was like 16. Well, when you think about it, you take doses of like five to 10 milligrams, five to 10 grams, right? Is what you take? I take between, I take between two to five grams and I take it five days a week.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Okay, so two to five grams, they say what, you can find up to what three grams found in a stake, right? In a big piece of study, I think a pound of study. Yeah, so I mean, if you, so just, I mean, so taking five grams like that is probably not a big deal or so ever. I imagine if you were taking 20 to 40 grams a crazy today,
Starting point is 00:16:54 you probably should probably cycle up that. Well, here's what, that was evil. Well, here's what happens too with creating, by the way, for you listeners, if you take Craya team five five grams a day and then you go get a physical, you may find elevated creatinine levels in your blood. Creatinine is a byproduct of muscle damage and organ, certain organ damage and it shows you if your kidneys are not functioning properly. Don't freak out.
Starting point is 00:17:23 It doesn't mean your kidneys are not functioning properly. Don't freak out. It doesn't mean your kidneys are not functioning properly. It means that you're taking creatine and some of it is going to get converted to creatinine. So taking creatine does elevate creatinine levels in the blood and then alongside the fact that if you have more muscle to begin with, you're gonna have higher levels of creatinine. So when I get mine tested, I'm always at the upper,
Starting point is 00:17:44 you know, the upper limit of the high range. Sometimes even slightly outside of it, but I'm always there. I've been there every physical I've ever gotten, and I've done further testing, and you'll find that in a lot of athletes with a lot of muscle. Anywhere, anyhow, loading waste of time to take five grams a day, cycling, you can cycle on and off if you want. There's no signs supporting either way. I personally don't take it every day. I take it about five days a week. Optimum time to take it. Studies don't really show a huge difference,
Starting point is 00:18:12 but it does lower myostatin within an hour so I've taken it. So I like to take it pre-workout. Well, yeah, it will also, if it's re-plenishing your ATP and your ATP at ADP molecules are paired together to create energy in your body, I would imagine that taking a pre-workout to help that process speed up,
Starting point is 00:18:33 wouldn't that be, or is it not matter? If it's prevalent in your body at an increase rate, it's going to increase. Yeah, I can say that word. Yeah, because I think you reach a certain saturation rate and muscles, and then every time you take it, you're just kind of maintaining that. So it's not like caffeine where you take it
Starting point is 00:18:46 and you get the instant effects. However, taking it does lower myelostatin within an hour or two. So that's why I would say take it before. But I don't think it really makes a big difference. You probably just take it in the morning and you be fine. Here's an interesting thing on Cratee and I learned the other day. Cratee is considered a newtropic.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Oh really? It is being studied right now because it should, if you take creatine, you do get improved cognitive function, especially if you're fatigued, if you're calorie deficit or if you're older. So they're now studying giving the elderly creatine. Well, it does it also volumeize your cells? Yes, it does volumeize cells that run off of ATP,
Starting point is 00:19:26 but in particular muscle cells. So I used to use utilized creatine like this, and I still do when I'm cutting. So right now, when I'm completely flat and depleted, like part of it is the mental game. So I'm carb depleted. So when I go into some of these workouts, I don't feel good.
Starting point is 00:19:41 And by what I mean by I don't feel good, is not like, I don't feel like, I'm sick. I just, I't feel good, it's not like I don't feel like I'm sick. I just, I feel flat. So it's hard, my pump isn't as great when I'm loaded with carbs. So I actually will take creatine and in hopes that it's gonna volumeize my cells and then I'm gonna load those cells up
Starting point is 00:19:56 with a ton of water. Now it's all temporary and it doesn't necessarily build any muscle, but that temporary pump that I get from that is. Oh, that's it. Yeah. Yeah. So it's a nice little mental game that I play with myself when I lift. So I don't know if that's a strategy. Well, there's also, there's also some science that shows that creatine accelerates fat loss.
Starting point is 00:20:16 And it could be through some indirect action, but it does. And it's got antioxidant properties in particular for the heart. So. In other words, we're all pro it. and it's got antioxidant properties in particular for the heart. So- In other words, we're all prolet. Well, I'd say if you look at the science, because there's some people that will argue against creatine still to the state, but it's been around for a long time, and it's probably the most studied, ergo genic supplement out there. I mean, there's for sure hundreds and hundreds of studies on it, and they're almost, I think
Starting point is 00:20:43 they're all positive. There's really no negatives. There is this rare situation that you could get something called compartment syndrome and muscle, where the muscle expands, but it's being inhibited by its fascia. So you get this really tight, painful feeling and the only way to alleviate it is to cut the fascia. It's extremely rare, but they have tied that to create a team. Yeah, that sounds painful. But yeah, loading, cycling. You can cycle it if you want or not.
Starting point is 00:21:12 There's no science supporting you the way. Loading, waste of time, optimum time to take it. Probably pre-work out, but maybe not. Next question. This is a good one. This is a good question. I like good one. This is a good question. So this is from jujj triple O-S-H dot atoms. His question is how do we think of the
Starting point is 00:21:35 philosophy of you know determination or basically you know predestiny. Well I have saw this for a good question. Yeah, so what he's asking is, you know, how do we feel about the philosophy that, you know, what's gonna happen in your life, your success, everything that happens to you is predetermined. That it's gonna happen, no matter, you know, everything all of your action, fate. Yeah, fate. So that's the determiner versus like,
Starting point is 00:22:01 so then the question is, do we really have free will? Right. Okay, so like so then the question is do we really have free will right okay so like based off of what parameters do all the the factors of variables that make me up as a human being you know on top of that my environment on top of that my decisions that I make all these things like everything is fake everything is fake yeah how do fake. Yeah. How do you guys feel about that? It has a timeline. I don't know about that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yeah. I'll try and answer this without getting to religious sounding. So what's neat is we all have kind of different views religiously or non-religiously in South's case. And I happen to be a believer. So I believe that there is a greater being. There's a greater power.
Starting point is 00:22:49 So there is a part of me that believes that there is a little bit of fate destiny. But I also do believe that we have free will. So I believe that there are certain things that we are just destined to do. And I'll just use an example. Like since I was a kid, I have felt, I have just always felt this calling to lead, to lead what? I don't know to what, what will that end up being?
Starting point is 00:23:16 What will it be for a short period of my life? Is it just for one moment? Who knows? But I've always had that calling or that feeling for that. Now, I also believe that I have the decision to actively pursue that or sit on my ass like a shit button, do nothing. So, and I said I don't want to get too religious, but this is kind of a sensitive subject for me because growing up in a home where we were very religious
Starting point is 00:23:47 and I was taught that to have faith and I do have faith, I have faith that things are going to happen a certain way and I believe that. But I also believe that I control a lot of my destiny. So it was really conflicting for me growing up because you know a lot of times I would sit and my parents would tell me oh you know well it's going to work itself out. It'll work out. Just have faith, have faith. And you know things didn't always work out the way I thought they were going to work out. And that really was hard for me as a kid to handle that. And it actually drove me away from religion, from Christianity, from things
Starting point is 00:24:26 like that as a kid because I thought, well, I can't imagine why a God would want us to just wait for everything to happen or just believe it's going to happen or whatever is going to happen is going to happen. The more I started to read and dive in and stuff like that, I learned that this isn't necessarily the case. It's because my parents or my family, they took it this way. It doesn't necessarily mean that that's exactly
Starting point is 00:24:50 how he intended or whoever intended this to be. And in fact, there's passages in the Bible and things like that that talk about that, we have free will and work without, or faith without work is dead. So the fact that we don't do anything about it, to me means that, you know, that doesn't mean that you were just,
Starting point is 00:25:12 doesn't mean that we're not predestined. I think we're predestined for certain things, but I also think that we have to actively make those decisions to pursue those. And so that's kind of my take on it without like I said I tried try not to get too Too religious on everybody and so that but I definitely think that there is a part that's predetermined But I also think at a certain time we can't you you have to do something about that Well, as for for me there's a few things first and foremost you just reminded me of a joke
Starting point is 00:25:42 So this guy's praying to God and he's like, please God, I need to win the lottery. And nothing happens and he keeps praying. I need to win the lottery. I need to please God, help me win the lottery. Finally, God talks to him. He's like, listen, you need to buy a lottery ticket first. So you just reminded me of that, right?
Starting point is 00:25:59 By what you were saying. Okay, so here's what science. It's beautiful. Great job, though. So this question about our things predetermined or are we creating them ourselves is one of the most fundamental questions in science it is absolutely It's one of those things you know, what is time? Science will tell us that time does not work
Starting point is 00:26:22 Linearly like we experience it, right? We experience past, present, future. Science actually. We'll continue as Luke. Well, science actually shows that it's all happening at the same time. Like past, present, and future is all happening now. And we're just experiencing it in a way that perceives it to happen as past, present, future.
Starting point is 00:26:40 So in that sense, everything has already happened and so it is kind of like fate. It's already happened. Here's my take on it. I'm not, you're right. I'm not religious. I'm not atheist either, but I'm not religious. But I think saying that nothing exists as as ridiculous as saying, definitely I know what
Starting point is 00:26:58 exists because nobody knows, right? But I definitely think what we see and what's around us is just based off for perception and there's much more to meet the eye. We know this already through scientific study. As far as whether or not things are predetermined or not, the way I approach it is this. It doesn't fucking matter. I don't care if it's predetermined or if I determine it. Because here's the bottom line. Let's just, for arguments, say, say,
Starting point is 00:27:27 everything's predetermined, okay? No matter what you do, you have a fate. If your fate is to be a leader, your fate is to be president, United States, your fate is to be whatever, no matter what, that's where you're gonna end up. Or your fate is to be in prison or whatever, your attitude along the way is gonna make you either
Starting point is 00:27:46 enjoy it or not. Oh, great point. So I don't give a shit if my fate is to do something, I'm gonna choose to believe that I control it. Whether I really do or not doesn't matter because if I feel like I'm in control, then I'm gonna be happier, I'm gonna live better, and I'm gonna enjoy the process more than sitting down
Starting point is 00:28:04 saying, oh shit, I'm not in control of anything that's happening right now. Of course, there's a voice inside of me that tells me that I meant for certain things, and that drives me. Is that a trick that my mind plays on me? Is that my own way of, you know, making sense of things? Is this something I tell myself, and then I try to convince myself that it's my fate I don't give a shit The bottom line is I'm gonna I'm gonna choose to believe that I control my destiny and that it's not predetermined And whether it is or not doesn't matter to me. That's that's where I'm at with it. So were you out there? well I
Starting point is 00:28:40 Well, I'm kind of like in between both you guys All the bases so great here. That's the way we like it I'm the penis between us Yeah, yeah, you did say that. I tried to lighten this up a little Yeah, no for me I I I kind of grew up with with a little bit more of a structured Ideology, I guess I would say of like
Starting point is 00:29:07 how I perceive the world and my role in it. But then again, I was always a very, very deep thinker and I always wondered the why, the what, the how, the win, and what, and what, you know, and so for me it's all always been about purpose. And so for me, like a lot of pre-destiny, like, I feel like maybe there's, maybe there is something that's implanted within, say, say it's DNA, say it's something that's like a genetic code that is passed on, you know, from previous family members or, you know, you're sort of building off of experiences but for me it's always going to amount to purpose. So you know what my purpose is while I'm living and the story that I'm creating and you know the people I run into and the choices I make and so my
Starting point is 00:30:01 view towards that is that yes I do feel that there's greater purpose from a greater being or there's something there. It's not as clearly defined as it used to be for me, but at the same time, I don't feel like, I don't know, this is pretty heavy, but it's okay, bro. Yeah, it's just that's why that would be a great topic, man. I thought it's it's hard to do it and not get to, you know, as a terror. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Well, I mean, it's, I just feel, I feel like there's, there's a lot of, there's a lot of meaning in life that people take for granted. And I feel like people don't think about it. People just think about their jobs and people just think about what's right in front of them. And I've run into like different types of minds, you know, in my experience. And one of them is, it's like me, where they're like, wow, you know, what the hell am I doing? Let me just stop here for a second and think about, you know, the universe. Let me think about how these things connect.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And, you know, like that's how my brain is constantly moving. And then there's the other type of mind that is like, I have this, you know, set of things in front of me. And I need to conquer this. And I need to, you know, be very practical about how I plan my daily activities and everything else. And I don't identify with that at all.
Starting point is 00:31:31 So for me, it's like, you know, my purpose, it's not predetermined because I'm changing it constantly. And I feel like free will is really is the definition of that. Like if you're gonna say I have free will, then that means that my decisions, it's cause and effect. And so, yeah, so I mean, I guess that's where I stand. Well, that makes any sense.
Starting point is 00:31:58 No, it makes total sense. And it also makes sense why the three of us or the four of us are all together here, because although we all kind of have different maybe views, you know, or ideologies or beliefs on a higher being or not or whatever, or how we were raised, which we all can agree that that has some sort of influence on who we are today, 100%. One thing I think we all do agree is that I do do believe that in one way or another, we all agree that we have some control but otherwise we all would be sitting in this fucking room together right now because this most certainly wasn't planned you know this wasn't something that I felt was predetermined or was something that we actively had to make the decision to do and a lot of that involved risk and stopping other things that we are doing and making that happen. And it could easily not happen too.
Starting point is 00:32:46 And it's also about being receptive, right? So if you're receptive to change and things come across your pathway and you're able to adapt to that change, that new stimulus, then you're going to have a whole new experience. Some people, they just can't deal with that. And they want to stay within this confinement, you know, of what defines them. And I feel like once you kind of cross that barrier, it becomes like, it's less black and white, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:20 like I don't live in a black and white box. You know, things keep coming in that I'm like, well, what about this? You know, why, why, why, why do things do this? And, you know, answers, answers vary. Well, you know, if you take, if you take people and who are faced with a challenge, you know, let's say someone tries to start a business and it fails, but they're the kind of person that believes that they are in control of their destiny. That person is more likely to look at what they did that maybe was the cause of their failure and is looking and say, okay, I'm in control of this, I'm going to try again.
Starting point is 00:33:59 And so that's why I choose to accept that philosophy. And you have to believe it. And like I said, it doesn't matter because there's, look, I don't care who you are, sure, you can be religious and believe whatever you want. Nobody can prove if something's supposed to happen or if you made it happen. There is no way to prove that.
Starting point is 00:34:15 So I personally believe if you choose to believe that you're the one in control, you're more likely to keep swinging the bat every time you miss, because life is about missing. It's actually life is much more about missing and trying again than it is about hitting a home run because you don't hit very many home runs in your life. But you're going to miss a whole shitload of pitches coming your way. Well, I think it's a great analogy because I mean,
Starting point is 00:34:39 and going back to what we do right now is how many times have you heard, and I've heard people in my life that are like this where like you said, you know, they attempt something whether it be a new career path, whether it be an entrepreneur, it doesn't even have to be an entrepreneur, I think it can be working for another company, a new job, a new relationship, whatever it is,
Starting point is 00:34:56 and then they fail at it, and then their answer to that after they fail at it is like, oh, that wasn't meant to be. Oh, it wasn't meant to be here, it wasn't. Right, which, that's never my attitude. It doesn't matter what, it could be a relationship. It could be a job. It could be something that I'm building.
Starting point is 00:35:10 It could be anything. But if something fails or something doesn't work out, I never say, oh, it wasn't meant to be, or I say, fuck, what did I do wrong? What could have I done better to have made this have worked? Regardless, if that's the path I wanted to choose, like so if we were taking the analogy of a relationship, so maybe, you know, at the other, that relationship, I said, like, okay, that wasn't, maybe it wasn't the right person for me, but what could I have done to have made that relationship work better?
Starting point is 00:35:36 Or, or what could you have done to choose somebody different? Oh, exactly. And it's, it's an important, taking that, that philosophy requires a lot of responsibility. It is not easy for someone to sit there and say all the shitty things in my life are because of me. And I don't mean like shit that happens to you that you have no control over, but the way you react over what happens to you, You do have control over. So, you know, it takes a lot of responsibility. Look, you know, we work in the fitness industry. I mean, how many times do we have clients or people that come in that are overweight, that blame everything but themselves, right?
Starting point is 00:36:13 It's everybody else's fault. It's my genetics fault. It's a fast food company's fault. It's big work, my work, my kids, my wife, my time. Right, and so- Everybody but myself. It takes a lot of responsibility. It takes a lot of responsibility.
Starting point is 00:36:25 It takes a lot of empowerment to sit down and look in the mirror and say, you are 60 pounds overweight because you choose to be 60 pounds overweight. Yep. And it's hard to say that to yourself. But once you do, I'm telling you right now, once you accept that responsibility, you are now empowered to make that change. If you do not accept that responsibility, you can't change shit because you never gave yourself the power to change it to begin with.
Starting point is 00:36:48 So you have to accept it yourself. You have to look in the mirror and say, the reason why I'm not successful is because I choose to not be successful. You cannot say the reason I'm not successful is because so-and-so got rid of me or the economy didn't work or whatever, because then you don't have the power.
Starting point is 00:37:02 The only way to empower yourself is to accept that responsibility. And so in a nutshell, I would say that's my philosophy on that. So, should we move on to the next question? Yeah, it's getting way too heavy. All right. Woo!
Starting point is 00:37:13 Heavy man, oh! Woo! Damn. It's a great question, no, I mean. What do you mean? Why I liked that? I thought that, I mean, I love to see Justin pucker up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:37:23 And so, Sal, be careful about what he said. I think it's great to challenge challenges. It is a challenge very much so I mean that there and I think it's it's it's extra challenging for guys like us because you know we're being broadcasted to you know for contends of thousands of people that are listening and it's like you know it's important that you I don't't wanna come off the wrong way on this either like where you don't understand how I truly feel. So that's a tough one to make sure you fully get me in five minutes.
Starting point is 00:37:53 I know. It's a lot longer conversation. It is. That's a deep, have you wanna talk to me more about it? You know, we'll talk. Yeah, but it is. I thought you guys did great. I thought everyone answered that pretty well.
Starting point is 00:38:04 And I do wanna say, you you know we brought up the religious thing I do want to be clear that I respect anybody and everybody's beliefs so long as they treat other people Well, I don't care if you're atheist Christian Jewish Muslim if you treat people like shit. I don't like you. Don't be an asshole Yeah, but if you you can believe I don't care You can believe in the whatever you want you can believe in the, whatever you want. You can believe the cookie monster is, is God, as long as you treat people nicely, then you're cool.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I'm cool with you and you're cool with me. It's all good. So let's see, next question. This is from, this is actually my sister. My youngest sister's asking this question, Halloween cat, that's her Instagram name, her actual, her real name is Katarina.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And her question is, what are some natural solutions for depression and anxiety? And my sister's asking this because anxiety in particular runs in my family, especially my mom's side of the family, you know, heart palpitations and anxiety, you know, attacks and stuff like that tend to run in our family. So would you say like cardio would be a good answer to that exercise in general? Yeah, exercise in general. Yeah, exercise in general has been shown to be quite potent for both depression and anxiety. As a matter of fact, in just speaking in depression terms, and by the way,
Starting point is 00:39:17 depression and anxiety a lot of times go hand in hand. One might cause the other and vice versa. No. You know, if you have lots of anxiety, you tend to get oppressed, and if you're really depressed, you tend to be anxious about it. But they tested exercise, head-to-head with some of the most popular SSRI drugs, serotonin reuptake inhibitor drugs like Prozac and whatnot. And they found that in a head-to-head comparison, the SSRIs are more effective in the short term,
Starting point is 00:39:48 in the medium term, exercise is as effective in the long term, exercise is more effective. So, whereas taking an SSRI might- It'll lose its potent sea after it's initial. You'll hear people have to change the pressure and drugs and whatnot. I think it has something to do with receptors getting down-regulated in the brain and whatnot. To be honest with you, we really don't know 100% of how these drugs really work, but exercise,
Starting point is 00:40:17 for sure, statistically speaking, is as effective in the medium term and in the long term, is more effective. And I would say this, I'm not a doctor, but if you have really bad depression, I'm not saying don't take meds. If your doctor recommends you take them, do it. I also, however, recommend you start exercise and moderate.
Starting point is 00:40:39 No go crazy with it because extreme exercise overtraining can actually cause depression. So moderate activity, and over time, you may find that you need less and less of that depression drug. So as far as, you know, diet, do not eat sugar, sugar can trigger anxiety and depression and people, the ups and downs. Carp. So many things about sugar
Starting point is 00:41:03 that are just not good for your body. Well, I mean, look, how many times if you guys ate a shitload of sugar and then felt all of a sudden kind of down afterwards? Yeah, there's a big crash. Yeah. Well, I think you've talked about this before about how we concentrate sugar.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Like, you know, if you were to eat sugar in the way it was from sugar cane. Yeah, sugar cane, the way it was grown in nature, you know, and like, you know, if you were to eat sugar in the way the way it was from sugar cane, sugar cane, the way it was grown in nature, you know, and like, you know, it looks, you guys don't know it. It's like a whole tree. It looks like bamboo, you know, I'm saying, and it's like, you'd have to eat like eight feet of sugar cane to be equivalent to one soda can. So it's like, where we're killing ourselves with sugar is that, and seeing it goes with fruit, you could probably eat a ton of fruit and be okay with the sugar that you're getting from there,
Starting point is 00:41:46 that's getting canceled out by all the great fiber, but it's all the shit, all the food, and all the stuff that we eat in packaged wrappers that's got all this ridiculous amount of concentrated sugar that's like. So carbohydrates in general, cause, or responsible for some development of serotonin. So some people go on a lower carbohydrate diet
Starting point is 00:42:06 and it kind of stabilizes some other people that'll actually cause depression. So it depends on the individual. However, sugar definitely can cause depletion of serotonin. So I would say stay away from sugar and processed foods. You want to eat foods that are high in healthy fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids in particular have been shown to alleviate depression, so like fish. Fish, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Grass fed beef will have higher levels of healthy fatty acids than grain fed beef. And then natural solutions, you can do magnesium. Sometimes your magnesium deficient that'll cause anxiety. Camel-mil. Camel-mil is so underrated as something that'll cause anxiety. Camel, Camel is so underrated as something that helps with anxiety. It's so mild and it's so mild that in Europe,
Starting point is 00:42:51 the parents will give it to their infants to help them with call it. And this is typically a tea, right? Tea, Camel, tea. You can drink it every single night and it's actually good for you. And over time, it has really potent all day long anti-anxiety properties.
Starting point is 00:43:07 This is like an antioxidant as well. It's an antioxidant, it's got immune boosting properties. It's just good for you. Unless you're allergic to the Camelmill flower, I'd say drink Camelmill every night. I tend to get, if I get a lot of stress, I don't acknowledge stress. So if I'm stressed out, I hardly can tell.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Usually it makes me focus. And if I get really stressed out, I get kind of manic, I get let's energy, and I get hyper. Then you blow up. No, no, what happens? That's just me. That's funny, because you get like that. I get kind of more quiet and more like focused.
Starting point is 00:43:40 I get super focused, super hyper. I get super focused, but I'm quiet. My girlfriend always says, because I'm just like, I'm not talking. I'm quiet my girl can always tell because I'm just like I'm not talking I'm in like you know trying it what it to me when I'm I'm stressed out or whatever Make a case just like you I don't I don't accept it in my life I don't allow myself to get yeah, I never I never Stress exactly. I don't never acknowledge it is saying I'm stressed
Starting point is 00:43:58 But then what I notice is I'll get heart palpitations and I've learned now over time that heart palpitations for me are my body's sign of stress. And chamomile is like a cure for me. If I drink that like two, three, four nights in a row, I don't get them anymore. Nice. So it's really effective for me. There's also, so there's some other herbs
Starting point is 00:44:20 you can take them at night that'll help you sleep with, but they are anti-anx anxiety valerian root is one of them. Kava, Kava tea will give you kind of this. What about marijuana? Marijuana is a double edged sword with anxiety statistically speaking for some people because it could it could enhance the anxiety if you're prone to anxiety. Well, depends. That's super relaxed with it.
Starting point is 00:44:43 I thought that's the THC the CBD. Yeah, the THC version. The CVs were. I thought that's the THC the CBD. Yeah, the TV's where I thought the CBD is you know what's funny. They're doing they need more studies on this because you'll hear people you know this Adam someone will say oh I can't have that strain it gives me anxiety and someone else will say oh I love that strain it makes me relaxed and it's the same strain. Yeah, okay. So this is where our biochemical you know diversity. Well, we've identified I don't know how many cannabinoids in them, but we only know like 20 really well.
Starting point is 00:45:07 There's hundreds something. Then there's terpenes and other things in the cannabis plant that we don't quite know how they react, you know, they act within the body. So some strains you'll use and you'll get energized, some you'll use and you'll get sleepy, some will give you psychedelic, make you feel kind of psychedelic and creative, others will make you feel kind of numb and dumb, almost or stone. And then from one person to another, look, there's a string called White Widow that I cannot touch anything with the name White. Anything crossed with White Widow, I can't have.
Starting point is 00:45:36 It's like instant paranoia and anxiety for me. It's the most racist. It's all, no. It's the worst thing in the world for me. I cannot handle White Widow. Actually for me. I cannot handle white widow. Actually, actually I got a little story. I had some white widow. I was up in Tahoe with my cousins, and I had some white widow strain, and we were in like a townhouse kind of up in Tahoe,
Starting point is 00:45:58 so we're sharing a wall with some of the people, and they must have got up early. It was like 5 a.m., I think, and they're walking around. And it sounded to me like there were people of the roof And I'm like oh fuck cuz you know Nevada's got different marijuana laws or whatever I'm like oh fuck they're coming to the feds, bro. Yeah, so I'm like we got a flush all the weed right So that look out the window and there's so I'm like we got a flush it right but I'm so paranoid So I look through that peer through the blinds like a freaking frickin crack at, right? I'm peering through the blinds.
Starting point is 00:46:26 And there's this like sewer company or whatever working on the sewer system. I'm like, oh, fuck it's the FBI, they trap the sewers. We can't flush it. They're tapping the lines. Bro, can you believe that shit off of frickin' cannabis? That's hilarious. So I will never touch that strain again.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Yeah. So double edged sword. How would you on time, Doug? We're at 42, a time for never touch that strain again. Yeah double edge sword. Uh, how would you on time Doug? Oh, yeah, I think this is from our boy our boy cap. Yeah, caplin. Nostrick, Nostrick, Nostrick, Nostrick, Coppillon. So this is a question about Caitlin Jenner, formerly known as Bruce Jenner. Oh, so if Caitlin Jenner was our new client, what is the first exercise we would do with her? Just kegels.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Kegels. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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