Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 091: Adam's Road to the San Jose Pro: Week 1 Update

Episode Date: June 4, 2015

The MindPump Crew just got done following Justin on his Road to Ripped. Now they are going to follow the already ripped Adam on his Road to Super-Shredded. Adam has four weeks before he competes in th...e San Jose Pro IFBB physique contest on June 27th, 2015. He has agreed to share everything he does in preparation for the contest. These episodes will be especially beneficial to you if you are wanting to learn how to take your body to the next level and shed that last bit of stubborn fat. Go to www.mindpumpradio.com/adam to see before and after photos, stats and details about the steps he is taking to bring his best body yet to the stage.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Adam. Yeah. Do you know what chicks love? Tell me. Six pack abs. And big dogs. Six pack abs and big dogs. Chicks love both of them.
Starting point is 00:00:12 Would you agree? Yeah, actually that's true. That's true. That was like a scientific fact. Do you know what goes along with those two things? What? A ripped muscular body. A good point.
Starting point is 00:00:21 You know how you get a ripped muscular body? How? You get a train correctly. You got a train properly. You have to get anabolic. So the same I'm doing it wrong. You got to get anabolic. How do we do that? Well, first you train properly, but then you're not going to get ripped unless you eat properly.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Tell me more. You got to eat properly, you got a train properly. That's the only way to get a six pack and a big dong. Where do I find this? Mindpumpradio.com. Click on the yellow button. It's all on sale right now If you want to pump your body and expand your mind there's only one place to go Mind up mind up with your hosts Salda Stefano Adam Schaefer and Justin Andrews
Starting point is 00:01:01 Hit it Justin here I am all the road again there I am about on the stage there I go yeah showin' my body off yes there it is dude he's Adam Chaffer bro bro we're on the road
Starting point is 00:01:22 I feel so uncomfortable with him singing that song and the way he's looking at me right now First of all you think that's uncomfortable. He's gonna shorts are bright orange. Yeah, what are we? Who are we right now? What are we and who the fuck are we with? This is mind pump and you're listening to Salda Stefano just in Andrews and Adam Schaeff are wearing the bright orange shorts with green underwear underneath What the, yeah. Bro, you look like a Skittle. Hey bro,
Starting point is 00:01:47 Hey, you too, you're a Skittle. Taste the rainbow. Hey, so we're gonna talk about, cause you know, how many weeks out from the San Jose Pro are you? Oh, this is what we're gonna talk about? Yeah, fuck, bro.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I think people wanna hear about. You wanna know your shit? Trials and tribulations. We're four weeks out now, bro. Four weeks out. Four weeks until you compete. June 27th Santa Clara Convention Center on your calendar ladies. Hey, are we inviting all the pump heads to come watch you pose and
Starting point is 00:02:11 No, absolutely your board shorts. Absolutely man. I told I hear I told you already want my biggest goal There's the two biggest goals I have for this show one I'm gonna bring the sickest version of me hands down no doubt I've put in the last six to eight months of building and I've built the best physique I've built yet, and I will bring the sickest conditioning for sure. And the reason why I know that is because it was a hard work that I put in beforehand
Starting point is 00:02:34 and I started my prep earlier than what I normally do for a show. The second goal that I have is I wanna have the sickest crowd there, dude. I wanna, I wanna, I don't care if I take dead last. If I come out, I know my physique is the best I've ever brought, which that'll make me happy. And then I walk head on stage and it's like, fucking.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Yeah. Yeah. I want bras getting thrown on stage. Like just, dude, standing on people's shoulders. We should go with, just epic, bro. I should, people be like, what is this? This is not a, this is not a mind-to-leash. You see, he's like the Brett Michaels of Fizzy.
Starting point is 00:03:06 You know what we're gonna do? Me and Justin are gonna go to Walmart and buy a box of granny pattings. And just start chucking on this page. Just color him, bro. Just start throwing a whole bunch of them. And we'll color in like little, like, kid marks on the stuff. I immediately, it's so gonna launch me, bro, after that.
Starting point is 00:03:21 But it'd be so worth it. That's how I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go all the bang. We'll make like, like, brosling shots and just shoot at Adam. If he loses, what we'll do is we'll just, we'll start a riot. We'll just start a fucking mat like he lost his, like he lost his Stanley Cup.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Sorry, any people, chairs. Yeah, we'll flip a cop car. Take my shirt off. Yeah, crazy. We'll be all whole kids. So is your training, Adam, is your training, your training is different now.
Starting point is 00:03:43 You've been, you're incorporating a lot of the, some of the stuff that Justin was doing with like the, the programs, like the phasing and the trigger sessions and all. Yeah, yes, your own little twist. Yeah, as I say, yes and no, because yes, I mean, our foundation is always the same. So the map's anabolic and how we phase things is always the foundation of my program. Doesn't matter what I'm doing. Right. And then off of that, I always, depending what my program. It doesn't matter what I'm doing. And then off of that, I always, depending
Starting point is 00:04:07 what my goals are at that time, and since I'm super motivated in the mince, because equal right now, it's a aesthetics and symmetry. So I use our maps program as my foundation, and then I build everything off of that. And so right now, as I'm getting closer to show, I'm, you're starting to see my volume increase on my workout, my intensity increase on my workout. Yeah, all that's happening.
Starting point is 00:04:31 My trigger sessions are way, a lot of it too for me to be real, to be since we're the raw fitness truth here. It's consistency. I mean, you know, to be 100% honest, you know, when it's off season and, you know, I'll take a day off from trigger sessions. I just don't feel like doing them, you know, or my workouts will end at, you know, I'll get a good workout at 40 minutes. I won't, you know, push all the way through
Starting point is 00:04:58 for an hour, hour and a half or whatever. And when it comes game time for me, like there's, to me, like that's where my competitive switch happens. And there's no hiccups, there's no misdays, there's no short workouts, there's no mistrigger sessions, like it's on, it's game on. Now here, I have a question for you because you're obviously pretty lean, you have a long history of training now for aesthetics, right?
Starting point is 00:05:21 Yeah. I always get this, people asking this question, I'm actually commenting on this and I noticed this with myself that obviously consistency is very important for any type of routine when it comes to changing or physique. But with the trigger sessions, consistency makes a huge, like way more, like if you do one trigger session a day, it's so much different than when you do three times a day. It's like, it's not three times better. It's like 10 times better. Have you noticed that?
Starting point is 00:05:48 Oh, you're quite so. Absolutely. And I already know it because I've been here before. I've been here, I've done it before. And that's just, that is the reason why I like to talk about being real with people that follow me. And it drives me crazy. It sucks that when I post pictures like,
Starting point is 00:06:06 from four weeks ago, like how I am, or where I'm at currently, that it gets like mediocre about the likes. But watch the next two weeks. You're gonna watch my likes on my pictures, go from about 400 up to 1,000. Cause as soon as I get shredded, everybody's like, yeah. Bro, you gotta use the filters and lighting.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Like I said, I like to keep it as real as possible. So people can see that I don't walk around at 4% body fat or less a year around. It just, whether you could do it or not, it's not the healthiest thing ever. Nor is it realistic for me. For me, in my 30s and stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:06:42 it's a little more comfortable in the high single digits. 8 to 10% range would be. Plus to for me, it in my 30s and stuff like that, it's, I'm a little more comfortable in the high single digits, you know, 8 to 10% range would be. Plus to be honest, it's not, I don't know about you, but I notice for me when I get down that lean, it's not comfortable. It's like, I feel like my body temperature fluctuates really, you know, fast. Oh, you're ultra sensitive. Yeah, I'm all, you're all just denying everything. You're all just sensitive to food. I mean, okay, so today I'm teaching today, right? So funny you say that so I'm on my second day in a row of low carb and
Starting point is 00:07:09 I'm teaching these TXR so I haven't been in I was gone for a week for jury duty, right? And so I'm teaching class and literally three different times I had to like close my eyes and stop because I was getting up and down from the ground and because I'm low carb right now I'm was light headed and dizzy, you know? And like everybody in the class is kind of looking at me. And we were like, what the fuck is wrong with you? They're all on the structure. Yeah, like they're going to super fist.
Starting point is 00:07:34 And then I tip over. So yeah, no, I mean, yeah, it's not, this is the sport of it. And I always remind people that this is the competitive side of it that it is not the most healthy. Now, mind you, the whole time that I'm going through this, I try and keep it as healthy as I possibly can't away. And I really don't think I get unhealthy till probably the last week.
Starting point is 00:07:55 You know, the last week, maybe 14 days tops, would I consider myself unhealthy. Right now, 100% healthy. In fact, the lowest my carbohydrate intake drops is 150 to 180 grams a day. So typically I start my prep, you know, I'm sure this is a question. I'm going to go ahead and answer questions before you've been asked me because I know what you're going to ask. I told this is going to be a one-sided interview. Yeah. I know what you're going to ask. You're going to Keep going on and on and on.
Starting point is 00:08:27 I love you buddy. I love you. Keep going. Fucking dick. We're selling blinds to be with you. And then now I just take over the interview. Well, I was like trying to think of some cool questions. Well, see. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I know you're gonna ask. Well, here's the reason why I'm just gonna go ahead and talk about it. Because I feel like the two of you You think I got to stop the two of you have and we will we're gonna chance for you guys to ask me stupid questions But I think I think I think I think there's people that listen that are actually Competitors and that actually you are probably curious of I had a really good question. Let's hear it all right Oh, here. Let's hear what color your words See told you.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Stupid question. Red. Red this time. I bought brand new ones that had never been worn before. Oh, good. Red ones. Solid red. All right, iron was gonna be walk out.
Starting point is 00:09:15 You know what? I'm gonna challenge you guys right here. Let's hear some questions you have from me real quick. All right. How often are you tanning at the moment? None. When do you start tanning? Not till the last 10 days.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Don't look at me with that roll your eyes. I know. Cause you're asking stupid questions. Can you ask it? Come on. No, those are good questions. No one who's a competitor or somebody who's considering competitor is their number one thing on my mind right now is
Starting point is 00:09:38 I wonder what color his board shorts are. And I wonder if he starts tanning six weeks out. You're right, we're horrible. No, we apologize. Okay, I got nothing. Yeah, you're right. All right, I'll continue. So tanning six weeks out. You're right, we're horrible. No, wait, we apologize, continue. Okay, I got nothing. Yeah, you're right. I'll continue, continue. So I'll thank you, something.
Starting point is 00:09:50 But most people would like to know, when do I start cutting for a show? At what point do I start that? I was gonna ask that. I was gonna ask that. Well, dude, I wanna know how many days tell this actual event. So we're four weeks out.
Starting point is 00:09:59 20, 26 days exactly. Exactly, there we go. Okay, so 20, 20 o'clock is on. Wait, the clock's been on for me for almost almost already a month So I start this prep I started eight weeks out eight weeks out Okay, and typically I don't start till about four to six weeks out So I'm I'm about two to four weeks ahead of schedule and I did that on purpose this time because I want to be stage ready Two weeks out before my show so I can practice my peak week.
Starting point is 00:10:26 So you're gonna do like a little mini bulk again and then cut down and you just slow down. You're just slowing your cut. I'm just gonna slow. Once I get down to about two or three percent body fat, obviously there's no reason for me to go any deeper. So I'll stay right there and I'll load my body back up and I'll practice my loading.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Now I got a question for you. Would you be afraid of rebound trying to hold that two, three percent for that long? Because I know getting that lean, it's tough to hold on to. Mentally, but I like to, I pride myself on the mental discipline part. I think a lot of people have struggle because one,
Starting point is 00:11:00 that's a good question actually. Boom, five points for someone. That is a good question because I think a Five points for someone. That is a good question, because I think a lot of athletes do struggle with something like that. And a lot of that is just not understanding their body, not understanding the science behind it and why it responds a certain way. I understand exactly why I would feel a certain way.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I know why. What will the cravings, if I'm cutting and I'm cutting drastically, and then all of a sudden I refeed, you know, you're talking about leptin levels and stuff like that, I'm gonna shoot that up, that's gonna cause my metabolism to fire back up and I'm gonna be hungry as shit. So the next day, I already know that I need to be on my game because I know it's gonna be hard, and but if I fight that,
Starting point is 00:11:37 I know that I'm just, I'm working, I'm working with my metabolism instead of getting, instead of feeding it like a monster and then overfeeding and overspilling and then gaining weight, that's not what I want to do. So how are you shooting your leptin levels up? Because I know, I'm familiar with the hormone leptin. Right. Leptin and growling, that sort of relationship. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:55 So are you going to, like, is this because you're going to feed yourself more on something? Okay. So first of all, leptin is the mother of all mother when it comes to fat loss hormones. And when you become the leaner you become, the more crucial this becomes. As you started getting on in a single-digit body fat, which I'm probably five-ish or so right now, your leptin hormone becomes even more sensitive.
Starting point is 00:12:22 And so let's say I'm carb depleting for two or three days. About the, and as soon as I go like, so today's day two of me carb depleting. And I, yesterday, I started that, and I woke up this morning, I felt leaner. You know, today I woke up, felt leaner again. Tomorrow I'll wake up, probably feel a little bit leaner again, but it'll probably slow down in comparison
Starting point is 00:12:43 to what it felt like on day one day too. And that's your leptin. That's your body telling your body. So leptin is, it tells the fire signals with the brain and says, you have lots of energy to burn. So when you have lots of calories, that's like the whole thing. It responds to all of the storage that you've accumulated. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:12:59 The thermogenic effect that people talk about with food by eating big meals and stuff like that, part of that has a role to play with leptin. When leptin, your body goes, hey, we ate 10,000 calories. We got lots of energy to burn. So the brain says, hey, we got lots of fuel. And therefore your metabolism actually does kick up. Well, when the opposite happens, when you go the opposite direction,
Starting point is 00:13:16 when you restrict and you cut really hard, then the body goes, hey, we don't have very much energy. Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's hold onto this. And so that's the starvation mode. So then the body says, and that becomes way more sensitive and you got to play with that more, the lean't have very much. Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's hold onto this. So that's the starvation mode. So then the body says, and that becomes way more sensitive and you got to play with that more, the leaner that you become. You know what, you know what's cool about that?
Starting point is 00:13:31 It's a little leptin, nerdism. That was only discovered. That's the nerd is a 99. 1996. Yeah, it was, or 94, 96, right? Yeah, it was, or 94, 96. And they thought that it would be like the panacea, like the holy grail. Yeah, we're going to get people to the electenshawks.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Well, the problem with it is that they thought that you would be able to take and just the listeners that are hearing me talk about it right now, don't go run out, go buy some fucking leptin or leptin pills. Because there's a ton of stuff on the market that manipulates that. Yeah, but if you take it orally, it just gets destroyed. It doesn't do anything. It doesn't, it doesn't, we can't take anything to elevate that. We're not supposed to worry.
Starting point is 00:14:11 You just want to put something in your butt. Yeah, I was like, what is that? You actually stopped me for taking a trip. What is that after this crisis up here? So yeah, so this becomes, so this is also what's called the refeed. So a lot of athletes, I love, and I the refeed. So a lot of athletes, I love talking about this because a lot of athletes, they just do what their coaches told them.
Starting point is 00:14:30 You know, whether it be carb depleting, carb cycling, whatever method they use, but a lot of the times they don't understand the science behind it, which is always what, I shouldn't laugh because I know there's probably people listening that are, you have struggle with this. And if your coach has put you on a low carb diet, you're already like five to nine percent body fat
Starting point is 00:14:48 and you've been at 50 grams of carbohydrates for weeks on in, you're just like putting so many rocks in your backpacks hilarious. It's like there's no reason for you to do that. And in fact, what you've done is you've lowered your level so low that your body thinks it's starting. So it is, you are seeing incremental change. And I mean tiny, just simply refeeding the body, loading it back up and then telling
Starting point is 00:15:11 it like, we got lots of fuel. We'll kick start that metabolism again, shoot those left and levels up again and tell the body like restart. Now, we should be clear that this is advice that you'd give to an athlete. Someone who competes or a fizzy, because if you're or is busy. Because if you're 50 pounds overweight average person, then going low carbohydrate, higher fat moderate protein for longer periods of time, totally fine. But if you're like Adam says an athlete, well yes, no, you want to build up the insulin
Starting point is 00:15:38 since their sensitivity. Well, what happens when somebody's obese is they actually develop before insulin resistance many times to develop leptin resistance. And when you have leptin resistance, that's what leads to, your body's pushing out all this leptin, but your brain isn't getting the signal. And so extended lengths of time on a low carbohydrate diet. And this is again, we're talking about people who need to lose a lot of weight.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Absolutely fine. But if you're an athlete, people ask all the time about ketogenic diets, you know, I eat less carbs than Adam does. Well, first off, I'm, I'm smaller than he is, so I don't need quite as much. But second off, I teeter into ketosis. I might tip into it every once in a while, but it's not something I aim your main operating system.
Starting point is 00:16:20 No, because then you lose athletic performance, and it's a slower operating system. Yeah, and you lose your pumps in the gym, you don't have good pumps. You feel kind of, so, you know, like I did this weekend, actually, this weekend, I ate more carbohydrates, and when I do this, I drop my fat, so my calories aren't necessarily higher. And then I have great workouts, and I feel like you said, like I feel like my body's metabolism kicks into gear. So you're you're right on the fact that this, if you are really 50 pounds overweight or more that it's less important, but it still applies though.
Starting point is 00:16:51 I mean, if you're, let's say you're a client and I get this, and I get this when I coach people who's 100 pounds overweight and I start you on this restrictive diet or maybe you've already been on this restrictive diet and you're only eating 1500 calories. Still, the same rules apply with your left and lows. And because you're, let's say at 1500 calories, you're still going to lose body fat because you're a 300 pound person only eating 1500 calories, your body is going to burn. But it will burn at a slower rate on week 15 is that what it was burning at week one. And simply refeeding your body sometime before that would help with the leptin levels
Starting point is 00:17:28 and would help with the body no matter what, whether you're obese or not. But like Sal said, it's not as important because you've got such a long way to go. You might already have leptin resistance. Exactly, and you could have leptin resistance and then so it's less sensitive. But don't be, still, don't be focused.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I still, I'll still refeed one of my clients who is, where, what, now here is the key. You hear me say the word refeed, and this is also the big mistake that a lot of athletes and a lot of freaking IGP with is cheat meal Sunday, and you go, okay, I wanna eat low, and you get super low, donuts. And then they go fucking bananas on the weekend,
Starting point is 00:18:02 and then they over consumed by, I'm like, this is gonna speed up my metabolism. I'm like five pizzas. So let me give you guys kind of an idea of my numbers. You can get an idea of what that looks like for me. So what I consider. And before you do, how big are you? Like you're weight.
Starting point is 00:18:17 And height, right? So they can get an idea of a scale. Yeah. How wide, yeah. What's this circumference? My girth is like three and a half four inches. It's like a soda can. It's like a soda can.
Starting point is 00:18:28 It's like, it's the same circumference as like a two year old child's arm. Wow. So. Come on. God. So my weight. That's my bad.
Starting point is 00:18:38 My weight is currently right now, first thing in the morning completely sucked out and dry. I'm about 217 pounds. So I'm 217 pounds, lean body mass, I have about 207. I'm only got about 10 to 12 pounds of fat on my body right now. So I'm walking 200 and close to 10 pounds. In other words, if we were on a plane that crashed into Himalayas, you'd be disgusting.
Starting point is 00:19:03 I wouldn't even want to eat you. There's no flavor. Super lean and Tough and and honestly most all that body fat tell my cheek so So okay, so now that we know an idea of what where my my body type is now everyone's different So you know someone can be listening to me like oh my god so much or someone's like oh I need way more Okay, well that's good for you the The point is that you figure it out. You figure out what your maintenance is. So what you need to do first, okay,
Starting point is 00:19:30 is you need to be consistent about what you do, whatever you do, and eating wise. So I have done this so many times, I kind of know where my calorie maintenance. Now mind you, it changes every show. Now, isn't on our Nutrition Survival Guide on the revised version, which is coming out soon, it has a way for you to get a good idea
Starting point is 00:19:49 of what your resting metabolic rate is. Right, exactly. Yeah, the form is in there. Right, and you can buy it by itself now. We just, we just change that. So if someone just wants that, they can get that. So here you go. So that's a perfect example.
Starting point is 00:20:00 So that's a perfect example. So that's a perfect example. So that's a perfect example. So that's a perfect example. So that's a perfect example. So that's a perfect example. So that's a perfect example. So that's a perfect example. So that's a perfect example. Simplified everything, you know, is pretty straightforward now. Yeah, I just I took a lot of the feedback You know from previous comments and then applied it so everybody could you know and this is your this is just in strength Just didn't got down and dirty with this thing. I made it really easy to use and I think the revised version is gonna blow people's I get dirty baby. Well, and this is a perfect example
Starting point is 00:20:20 So now you've used you take the nutrition guy you plug your numbers in, now you get your caloric maintenance level. So let's just say for a high bit, what we're gonna use me, since we're talking to me about what I get going on. We love using you. So my calorie maintenance level is approximately 4,000 calories. So for my body to stay where it's at,
Starting point is 00:20:38 not gain any weight, not really losing any weight, I hover right around 3,800 to 4,000 calories. Oh, that's a lot of calories for maintenance. So I'm a big guy and I move a lot. So 3800 to 4000 calories about where my maintenance level is. Now, when I say maintenance level two, there's a difference between basic metabolic rate. My basic metabolic rate is probably about 2,800 calories.
Starting point is 00:21:01 And that's just you sitting there not moving. Exactly. Not moving around all day long, my body needs just by itself 2,800 calories. And that's just you sitting there not moving. Exactly. Right. It's not moving around all day long. My body needs just by itself 2,800 calories. But since I train at least once plus I'm mobile throughout my day, my body's burning an additional 1,000 plus calories. So there's where you get the 3,800. So 3,800 to 4,000 calories is my maintenance.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Now when I'm restricting like on a low carb day, I'm consuming closer to about 180 to 200 grams of carbs. When I'm eating 180 to 200 grams of carbs, my calories now are right around 2,800 or so. So I'm in about a thousand calorie deficit for two days straight. So two days straight, I'm in a thousand calorie deficit. Day three is when I refeed. Sometimes I'll go to day four, but as I get leaner, it becomes more important for me to feed. So the leaner you become, the more important it becomes for you to refeed. Sometimes I'll go to day four, but as I get leaner, it becomes more important for me to feed.
Starting point is 00:21:45 So the leaner you become, the more important it becomes for you to refeed. The higher body fat percentage I have, the further days I can stretch before I have to do that. And the surplus, then, for your refeed. My refeed is just a slight surplus, so that's the key. So you're aiming for maintenance to surplus, type of deal, like right in between those two,
Starting point is 00:22:00 is that what you're doing, or? When I refeed. When you refeed, because, yes. So 3,800, so you're aiming for what, like 38, 39, something like that? No, no, no, closer, actually, closer to about 4,045, so I'm a little over. I'm coming from a complete deficit, right?
Starting point is 00:22:14 Right, so you get that two days of- And I'm stuck down, exactly. So a majority that's going to go back to filling all my glycogen stores and everything like that, and then if I eat a little bit over, what's two to three hundred calories? It's not even, you know, what's two to 300 calories? That's not even, you know, it's not even gonna... Especially since you were at a 2000 deficit
Starting point is 00:22:28 for those two days. Exactly. But we're more out of people making a mistake is this. And this is where the normal person, not on the competitive level, just like he's sounding nerdy right now. I love it. This is great.
Starting point is 00:22:39 It's so smart. So attractive to you. I'm proud of him. Yeah, let's get out of here. This interview is over. Keep're proud of him. Continue. Get out of here. This off-camera view is over. Keep going. I want to hear more. So, uh, so get to do this enough.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yeah. We don't ever do this, actually. You guys never, you guys never talk about men's physique. You guys have just been going. You guys have a guy here. You love it. Yeah, whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:57 So, uh, yes, I refeed. So when I refeed, I'm hitting that anywhere between, you know, 3,800 on the low end to more likely about 4,500 calories. Now here's the tricky part where I think not only athletes, but even more so the common people make this mistake when they're cutting is I'm now going to have refired up that metabolism. So when I go back, guess what? That's low-carb low calorie day again. That's a hard day. The first day back is hard because I've re- responded again. If fired, if fired, if you're hungry,
Starting point is 00:23:27 it comes. Yeah. If you fired it back and that end, that's brutal. The discipline to fight through that is what really shreds that fat. If you have that ability to know, and for me, because I know the science,
Starting point is 00:23:39 I know what's happening in my body, I got the discipline to do it. But most people don't know. They're just listening to the how their body feels, and they feel that sensation. They're like, oh, shit, I need to eat. I'm supposed to eat. I'm starving today or what that.
Starting point is 00:23:49 And then what they end up doing is the next day when it should be low again, they're eating that high calorie because your body says it wants 4,000 calories again. And then if you continue to refeed at that 4,000 calorie mark again, you're gonna plateau and you're not gonna lose any more weight. And if anything, you're probably gonna start to over consume and start to store.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Now, will you, do you, how do you, well, how do you utilize, that was weird, I had like five questions. Will you do you, how you, when we, I said, I had like, I sound like I knew Kung Fu there for a second. How do you, how do you utilize fasting during your pre-conquest? Great question. See, there's two good questions in a row.
Starting point is 00:24:23 You are. So, still working on See? There's two good questions in a row. You are. So, they're working on this. They're real for you. Yeah. So, I wore your fast when I fast. So, and just like I do. Just like you do. And what I, I like to do it, honestly, just to throw a curve ball in there.
Starting point is 00:24:38 And I do it during my bulk and on my cut. And I like to do it after I've been, you know, you like, let's say I'm carb cycling like I am right now, I've been doing that know, you like let's say I'm carb cycling like I am right now, I've been doing that, let's say for three or four weeks, you know, or sometimes before that, sometimes I'll do it every two weeks or so, and I'll throw in at least one day of intermittent fasting. I bet you're the only physique competitor.
Starting point is 00:24:56 I am, I bet you are. And I shocked the shit out of the clients, and he's having so much fun, so I love them to do they freak out. You know what, part of the problem with us sharing this is that more people are gonna start doing it. And you're gonna have to compete. You have to have all the secrets.
Starting point is 00:25:10 And you're gonna have to compete against them. Because how many people have we seen now who tried this, we're like, oh my god, it's gonna be horrible to find, and they come back at us and they're like, this felt great, fasting feels great. I'm getting leaner. You know, I'd be that guy's like,
Starting point is 00:25:23 nah dude, tilapia broccoli all day. I feel too fasting works so well for me because I am so regimen and I do do a lot of meal timing and consistency. So nothing is better than to break that consistency by doing it fast. When my body's so used to eating every two to three hours, four to six plus meals a day,
Starting point is 00:25:42 and then all of a sudden I say, no, you're gonna have two likes out today. It goes, oh, shit. And it burns right. And you can feel I can feel I can feel myself getting leaner. Well, so we were talking about leptin, but when it comes to fasting, fasting increases catacoleumine production. Catacoleumines are, you know, epineph, nor epinephrine epinephrine. Oh my god. You came up with something else. I didn't know. Yeah. So in these are the, these are the chemicals that are the go chemical, so the hype, you know, the hyperchemicals,
Starting point is 00:26:10 so like if you take, for example, a fedra, if fedra mimics epinephrine, so when you take a fedra, you get all hyper. This is why people, when they fast, notice they get more energy. And you know what those cataclysmines do? They amp your metabolism. They speed up your metabolism. And you know what those catacole amines do? They amp your metabolism. They speed up your metabolism.
Starting point is 00:26:27 So you're utilizing this and that's some of the benefit that you're getting. I can't believe I didn't add that in there. That's like another one to add to the list. Catacole amine. Awesome. Yeah, so you know, fasting is in there 100%. And really up until, so I just really started
Starting point is 00:26:45 carb cycling two weeks ago, but I've been going for almost a month. So when I first start prep for show, the first is learning, re, relearning my maintenance level. So I told you guys right now, it's like 4,000 calories. Well, it wasn't 4,000 calories eight months ago on my last show. Oh, what? What was it before? It was more like 3700. Dude, so you've clearly built, I'm looking at you
Starting point is 00:27:07 and I can see you've built more muscle and I can tell you right now, right? I can see you've built more muscle. But it shows up on your calorie, so we know it's true. Oh, it's also another thing that always makes me chuckle when I see these competitors that do show after show or show and like they have the same formula every time. And like, how do you expect to get gains if your formula is the same?
Starting point is 00:27:26 Yeah, your body, your body, if you have new lean body mass on there, if you've added five pounds of muscle, you should have a new caloric maintenance level. Well, I can see the difference. I can see the difference in your back and in your legs, for sure, but your back. And then as a result, because you've been doing your back, differently, your delts look a little bit, Especially your rear delts look bigger. Those were my legs and my back were my two primary. So I pick, which is right now I'm working on trying to develop
Starting point is 00:27:54 with you guys another book for a good question. Yeah. He just thought of something. Yeah, no, have you ever considered even getting into more power lifts as far as like, you know, taking it to a different level? Well, you were doing that right when you were phase oneing it? Well, yeah, give me an example by what kind of power lifts are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:28:15 Cause I do do some power lifts. I like a power clean, like a hang clean. Oh, wait a minute. Yeah, wait a second power. I do incorporate hanging cleans and power cleans. Power cleans not as much. I do a lot of hanging cleans to oppress. I like to throw those in, but I don't do them all the time. I do them to throw a curveball on my workout. And in fact, I do a lot of deads in the off season, but as I get
Starting point is 00:28:40 closer to show time, I cut deads out completely. So I haven't done a deadlift in now four weeks. But you are doing, heavy, you are doing phase one style stuff where you're phasing in like a T bar row. I've seen you do lots of T bar rows, lots of barbell rows. Yes, yeah. So it sounds like the difference between now and before because you got more muscle now, but the difference is a, phasing of your workouts, the trigger sessions,
Starting point is 00:29:05 which by the way, the way Justin was using trigger sessions was definitely more of a functional, you were using Indian clubs, he was using Mace. The opposite of me. Adam is doing what trigger session, now you're doing them kind of pumping motions, kind of bodybuilding, isolation type motions,
Starting point is 00:29:21 and you're focusing on your weaknesses. Yeah, you're working on those. Like physical, like what you see in terms of aesthetic weaknesses. And this is why I want to write a book on this because I feel like although the maps program is the foundation, there are still a lot of things I do different. And you know, you set it yourself. You can see a difference in my legs in my back. Well, that's not just by chance.
Starting point is 00:29:41 It's not just because I followed the same old maps program. It's because I chose to take those two muscle groups and say, okay, I'm going to build on that. And that I'm the way I'm going to do that is I'm going to take our our program and I'm going to now plug this in and utilize, but focus on these two things. Well, I will say this so far what you've showed us is brilliant. You know, the concepts and the philosophies of the maps program are so moldable and malleable towards a particular goal. For example, Justin's talked about, and you've started, I think you've already started working on a maps program for athletes,
Starting point is 00:30:16 for athletic performance, and now Adam's doing one for competitors. And I mean, the really the sky's the limit where we can take this and apply some of these concepts You know, I could even see it in mixed martial arts You know being a jujitsu guy myself. I could see people utilizing trigger sessions to give them muscle memory in terms of you know Different positions and moves and whatnot. So it's pretty exciting stuff, bro Yeah, well, you know the nutrition guide the the fact that Justin created it to where you can do the The Clark maintenance level is is so. And once you have that, you know, getting back to that guide, because I was talking about how I first start off the first beginning of my program before I start carbcycling, before I start intermittent fasting, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:53 before I start adding all this stuff, I first am hitting the drawing board. And because let's be honest, in the off season, I'll be the first one to meet you. I'm not logging on my food. I'm not eyeballing everything. I've done this so many times. I know what 200 grams of protein looks like. I know what, three to five hundred. You know what I'm saying? I have an idea, but I'm not precise.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I don't need to be precise. I'm not competing. Once I get into competing, I need to be precise. I need to know exactly how much I'm cutting and adding and what I'm with that. So the first two weeks of show prep for me is really relearning my metabolism saying, okay, where is it at now?
Starting point is 00:31:29 And you know, obviously I have somewhat of an idea that it's somewhere in the 3500 to 4500 calorie range is gonna be and I pick a number. I say that's what it's gonna be. I figure out my carbs, my fats protein, just like with our nutrition guides, I say, okay, this is where it's gonna be and then I follow that. And then based off of how my body responds to that, now mindutto, just like with our nutrition guides, say, okay, this is where it's gonna be, and then I follow that.
Starting point is 00:31:45 And then based off of how my body responds to that, now mind you, there's no cardio involved yet, my weight training intensity program, nothing's being switched up, I'm falling, whatever phase I'm in and maps, I'm staying with that, no cardio whatsoever, all I'm doing right now is, okay, where does my body maintain? Where does it stay at?
Starting point is 00:32:01 Now that I have that number, now that I can start messing with my carbohydrates and things like that. And the first thing I actually do, I change. Yes, you can revisit it. Exactly. So when I first start off, I actually don't even
Starting point is 00:32:13 really start a cycle. I just kind of drop the carbs. So I'll drop down to like 350 grams of carbs, which for me is just under what my maintenance was. 400 is about where my maintenance is. 350, it keeps me super satisfied. I'm still eating a ton of carbohydrates. I feel great in my workouts,
Starting point is 00:32:29 but I am in a little bit of a deficit. So I see this nice little gradual drop. And then after about two weeks, then I start to cycle, then I start to change the intensity, the trigger sessions and the workouts, like then all that stuff. And that's how I do it is I'm always, every week something as new has happened in my body,
Starting point is 00:32:47 whether it's picking up the intensity in the workouts, whether it's changing something with my nutrition adding in and fasting or cycling, or if it's doing something with my workouts, I'm always manipulating that as I'm going, but I try never, like I think another big mistake I see people do is they can wrap everything out the gates. Yeah, you know, all at once.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Yeah, all at it's eight weeks out from a show or 12 weeks, whatever they, when they start their prep and they go, okay, our cardio boom, I'm carb cycling, boom, I'm doing this, boom, I'm doing that. It's like, dude, you're gonna burn out. Yeah. I'll tell you what, man, watching you do this is motivating me to get myself. I'm gonna get super shredded along with you I'm definitely not going on any stage
Starting point is 00:33:28 But I motivated to get I'm motivated to get pretty shredded here Yeah, I got another question Adam. I mean you've been going through this process. You've been getting shredded. Are you happy dude? Look at a smile in his face actually you know, it's funny. That's a great question Are you yeah? Are you gonna get moody because you've been getting moody lately? Oh yeah, no, I'm just gonna get worse. How long it's happened to your sensitive side? So, you got moody the other day. What made you?
Starting point is 00:33:52 Why I'm still competing? Okay, when this whole thing started, it was all about going from the worst shape of my life and just proving I can get in the best shape of my life. And back then it was 19 plus percent body fat was the worst I ever been in. And then the best shape I'd ever been in my life was And back then it was 19 plus percent body fat was the worst I ever been in. And then the best shape I'd ever been in my life was when I finished and I was at 7%.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Then it just became this like, okay, well I'm already at seven. Why don't I see if I can get on stage and do that? Then I did that. Then when I did that, two big things happened. One, I kind of fell in love with the challenge of doing that. I'm very competitive. And before, I never had a reason to get that crazy shredded, you know, photo
Starting point is 00:34:32 shoots, things like that. But that's still not enough for me. Just, you know, as long as I, photo shoots as long as I look pretty good or better than what I looked before, I'm not competing. Right. When I'm standing next to another man, and my job is to look better than him, you better, and I have something to say or do about it, you better fuck it. And not just like in a bar. Exactly, not a bar. On stage with judges that are gonna be looking at me.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Close. You bet your ass, I'm gonna bring everything I got to that. And so I fell in love with that because it gave me something to push me to that level, to get to my physique that level. So I actually, this part, it's crazy. A new switch hits right when I get here. When I start to get to a new link, like when I start getting around 5% like I am right about now, you start seeing new muscles on your body.
Starting point is 00:35:17 You've never seen, like, right now I'm seeing striations that I've never seen before, even since my last show, like that's how I know I've made gains. I'm like, oh, I didn't have that before. Oh, I didn't know. I get really into that shit. And I get very, the nerdy side of me that we don't talk very much about. This is where I get nerdy, because I get so fascinated by manipulating different foods
Starting point is 00:35:36 and how different things my body responds to it. Everything from the workouts, how my body responds to how much leaner I look in the morning in the daytime in the afternoon, how much water I should add to this, how much sodium of this, like dude, I get crazy, bro. Dude, you know what we need to do? What?
Starting point is 00:35:49 We should record, like we did with Justin during his 90 day challenge. We should record an episode every week following you along now. We got four weeks to show. Would you mind doing that? I know you have a lot of, you know, I mean, I love a private thing.
Starting point is 00:36:02 No, no, no, I, you know what? I log all my stuff anyways. I'm very detailed about that when I'm getting ready for show so I heard so people we can people can follow you along Yes, to the day of your show, bro. Let's do it man. I love it. Oh you computers Real word. Yeah, computers computers. I got a computer right here. Hashtag. Hey Doug. How are we looking on time? We're What's that? Is that what do people get there? Looks like it's a link to follow Adam's road to show.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Yeah, I'm going to throw up a page. Yeah. www.mimepumpradio.com. forward slash Adam. Adam. And you can go over there, see pictures. You're going to post pictures, Adam. Sure.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Sure. All right. You can put some stats up there. What you've eaten, your measurements, whatever else you want to throw in there so people can follow along with you so that's a mind pump radio dot com forward slash Adam and then of course if you just go to mind pump radio dot com and click that was weird that was a weird sound that was kind of cool I was like God for a second like the devil right there you could go to mind pump radio dot com click on the yellow
Starting point is 00:37:02 button and then you'll see all the programs that we have available. And since we're following you along, Adam, I think it's only fair to say Doug that we keep the programs on sale at least until you like that, huh? You like high-close Doug right there? Tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, longer. Don't get mad, Doug. We got to keep him on sale, bro, till Adam competes. Keep it spinning, keep it spinning.
Starting point is 00:37:22 At least, right? Yeah, we'll do that. You've kind of entraped me. Yeah, what can I say? We'll keep him live as far as the discounts are concerned until then. All right, cool. Well, listeners tune in every week to follow Adam along on his road to San Jose. And cheer him along. Let's do this.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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