Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 100: Justin is a chick magnet

Episode Date: June 19, 2015

This is episode 100 and for this momentous occasion, this is no ordinary episode. Sal, Adam & Justin refuse to be restricted to a single topic and take this episode where they damn well please....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Mindpumpradio.com get stronger big faster big biceps. Yes listen click the yellow button mindpumpradio.com If you're serious it makes you hard and big faster leaner stronger hot you get hot and sexy atom sexy and hot That's fasting guide both of them lean you get rip you get energy map Santa Bob program even hotter even sexier Nutrition survival guide the panties will drop no BS six pack abs. It's there. You get abs. You get a six pack You can get even an eight pack. I've even seen people with a 14 pack mind pupper radio dot com click on the yellow button Get it all now if you want to pump your body and expand your mind There's only one place to go Want to pump your body and expand your mind There's only one place to go
Starting point is 00:00:45 Mite, op, mite, pop with your hosts Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews Do it Justin Rate me, rate me my friend Yeah Rate me, rate me again A friend. Rate me. Rate me again. You know what's, I'm not the only one. That's all I get.
Starting point is 00:01:13 You know what's, I feel like that's a depressing song today. You know what's weird? You're normally, normally we're, I'm gonna break it down. This is what's weird right now. You're two weeks out from a show. Adam's two weeks out from a show. You've eaten
Starting point is 00:01:25 probably zero carbohydrates today. I've had 50 grams of carbs total. I've been up since four o'clock this morning. And the fucking starving and the people in the room and all of us are in here and the two crap out people are me and Justin Adam's got a big ass stuff with that. Yeah. Because I'm a motherfucking gangster bro, that's what's up. You know what my problem is? What? You know what my problem is? What's it for? I am a, I'm such a hyper-condrax.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Such a, oh, gets on my nerves. Dude, you guys know how many times I've had cancer in the last two years? What's going on with your body now? Yeah, I know. This guy is so hilarious. So I kind of tweaked my neck like three weeks ago and you guys know that, right?
Starting point is 00:02:04 And it's been bothering me a little bit. And then I've been getting this weird like prickly kind of tweaked my neck like three weeks ago and you guys know that, right? And it's been bothering me a little bit. And then I've been getting this weird, like, prickly kind of sensations on my face, on this right side of my face. So I do, you know, what I always do when I want to know something. I go on Google and I have either a brain tumor or multiple sclerosis.
Starting point is 00:02:20 So I'm a little crafty. I'm a little crafty. And I know I'm fine because I went to the chiro and he's like, oh, it's your neck and he adjusted me and it feels a little bit better, but. Dude, you are so, you're my, I'm the opposite of you, Adam. You are so the opposite. I'm the guy who's like, I'll be in the bathroom with my girl.
Starting point is 00:02:35 And I'll be like, oh shit, my girl's like, what? And I'm like, I've been shit and blood the last couple days, it's kind of weird. She's like, oh my god. We have to go, we have to go to the doctor. We have to go to the doctor. We have to go to the doctor right now. I'm like, no, no, no, let's just see if it'll pass.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Yeah. A week goes by, hey, I'm fine. Oh my god. I need it. See, that's different than me though. Yeah, so what's going on, dude? Well, I had this bloody nose and I was in the bathroom and I was brushing my teeth and also my nose just started
Starting point is 00:03:04 dripping and then just gushing out. And like, just like, Sal, I had this like, oh my God, I think I have like a brain aneurysm or something, like something's going on. I'm gonna die. And then immediately, like I always think that I'm like overstressed when my body starts reacting like in doing weird things.
Starting point is 00:03:23 And so I started started getting all huffy because we had these chickens in my house. I saw that, bro. Let's get. We posted our mind bug the other day. Okay, this was just like two days ago. Yeah, chickens in your house. Yeah, they were in my house.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Well, they were in my house first, right? So we had them in this like a Tupperware container. Wait, can we back up one step, bro? Click here house first, right? So we had them in this like, Tupperware container. Wait, can we wait, can we back up at one step real quick here? How, first of all, how did it come about getting chickens in your house before you tell me about the whole?
Starting point is 00:03:55 Yeah, this is a, I think like posted like in their little chicks, like, so how long? Maybe it's been like three months, I think. Okay, so did you like incubate them and have them from... Oh, shit. Are you sure? Yeah, so we got four of them. Oh, McDonald had a farm over there. Yeah, he has to meet this guy.
Starting point is 00:04:13 What are you doing in the bathroom? I mean, we're doing it in the bathroom. What's so funny is, so my wife is from Almadin, like, San Jose area, and originally, and so she's not a real not a real like outdoorsy chick. Let's just say, you know, I had to actually convince her somewhat to go live where I grew up and which is where we are now. It's all in the redwoods and it's like all woodsy and, you know, animals and critters and insects and, you know, at first when when.
Starting point is 00:04:43 That's a gross. Yeah, when yeah we went out there it's gross she she was all afraid of all these bugs and everything and now she's just like this mountain woman you know like she just sort of acclimated to it and then it's funny because her friends out here give her shit about it all the time like you're a hippie you have like neighbors or is it, how does it work? Cause I grew up in like, you know, somehow close from that. I have neighbors.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Well, what's cool is like, so there's like a neighbor that's like in front and the houses to the sides of me actually are like summer homes. So, and they're far enough away. I have a pretty decent sized lot. So my dog basically, I just let him out and he just, you know, roams free. And my kids just, they play with, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:32 sticks and look for banana slugs and it's just like full on like. So I grew up like that. So I totally appreciate you. I love that as much as I don't want to be there anymore, I totally appreciate the type of kids that you get that way. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:05:48 I feel like that's the, you know, they're gonna grow up. No man, they fall down hills and straight journey. And like you said, I always play with sticks and slugs and just weird stuff like that. So the woods in the backyard then basically? Yeah, yeah, we're right. Like I have this redwood tree that literally like is penetrating
Starting point is 00:06:06 through my deck just to get through like to the front door and this place is gorgeous. So we got like this. So we got like the problem is though is that I don't know what kind of spider is near this tree. Well, I'm not going over there. Yeah, I don't know. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Every now and then when the weather is like it is right now, we get these huge spiders on the, like, I have a two story house on the bottom floor, like, these spiders have been just going into just my older son's room. And I'm almost every single day, I'm killing at least two of these things. I'm bigger monstrous. Like, one of them was probably the palm of my hand. Holy shit. That.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I'm not even exaggerating like that. That, dude, dude. Bro. It got to, so I wear chucks. I trip out when they're like for size reason. Like a nickel bro, a nickel size spider sea in my house. I don't like that. I'm not usually that scared, but when they get that big,
Starting point is 00:07:03 I'm like, it kind of froze. It took me maybe five minutes before I'm okay. I'm not usually that scared, but when they get that big, I'm like, it kind of froze. It took me maybe five minutes before I'm okay. Okay. Okay. Here I go. I'm gonna get him. I mean, there are always in this weird angle spot on the top of the ceiling where it's, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Okay. If I miss it, it's okay. You jump on me. You try to smash it, it gets away. Oh, shit. And so I practice, I practice with the side of you know, with like the side of my shoe, and then finally I get the courage, and where am I?
Starting point is 00:07:28 It's so hard that like, I kinda got it, but it was enough impact to where at least knocked it out, and then I stopped on it, you know? There were real quick on the ground. Fuck, I'd be the first one, I'd be like, honey, we need to have a meeting. We need to move. Right?
Starting point is 00:07:43 I saw a spider that says, we got critters, yeah, we definitely have a lot of critters. So yeah Right. I saw a spider that says, we got critters. Yeah, we definitely have a lot of critters. So yeah, so tell me the chickens. How did this come about? Now, was this your idea, your wife's idea? What is the purpose of it? See, no, this is what's crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:53 It was my wife's idea. And like, oh, that's why you were sharing with us about her being city, and now she's totally changed. Exactly. She actually wanted some chicken. Exactly. When you said you had chicks in some tupperware, I was like, fuck, let's do it,
Starting point is 00:08:04 but I didn't realize you were talking about chickens. Yeah, I'm not talking about six pack bags and Sparrow gets in there. Okay, so so are they Hens that lay or they like all hens bro. Yeah, no no males if you get males like I don't know We'd probably have to give them back or you know road out of red road I would read what are the breed? You know, I know two of them are black and the other ones are kind of spotted brown so Yeah, you would know you're mr. Farmboy, huh? Yeah, it's been a long time. Yeah, no, we had chickens We had chickens we had we had wrote on reds what we had and then we had a Kind of forgot with the name of our golden brown hen was.
Starting point is 00:08:45 But yeah, they, I like the black ones are really like people friendly. Like they actually don't shy away when I go to pick them up and stuff. And like they're really good with like my son, you know, and I had through this whole process of them being chicks, I had to kind of teach him to, you know, be gentle. Like they're animals. Like you treat them like, you know, be gentle. Like, they're animals. Like, you treat them like, you know, you would like want to be treated. And because he was like, you'd be like, porn dirt on them. You know, like throwing them up in the air.
Starting point is 00:09:15 And like, I'm like, dude, what are you doing? So, you know, it's been a learning process and it's good for them. So I really feel like it's been good for them. But at the same time, it's, you know how it is when like, you get, it's been a learning process and it's good for them. So I really feel like it's been good for them, but at the same time, you know how it is when you get home and there's a smell and there's a standard. And even if there's anything on the floor, like you just get kind of like, ugh, my house isn't totally tidy.
Starting point is 00:09:40 So I was living for like three months with these things in there and it was just like, it was on my dinner table and then it There's just no room for him. Did you get him to for the eggs? Is that what you have? Yeah, yeah, yeah, so so we're growing them for the eggs Which is like perfect timing because you guys heard about that That flew that went around that killed all these chickens. No, I didn't hear that. Okay. Yeah, so there's been this that killed all these chickens. No, I didn't hear that.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Okay, yeah, so there's been this, flew that wiped out a bunch of chickens. And so I guarantee the price that eggs is gonna go up. The bird flew? Came back in. But my son kind of bird flew, yeah. I don't know exactly. Yeah, but yeah, it's in the news.
Starting point is 00:10:19 So how was it, okay, so I'm so not handy. I can actually call someone over to change a light bulb in my house. So what would, are you, did you actually put the hen house together yourself or? Yeah, so we got this kit. And I got to give my wife credit.
Starting point is 00:10:34 She actually like, you know, started putting it together. And I was just there to kind of do all the finishing work for her and stuff. And so it, you know so it took a day. It was a pretty decent sized project. And if you look on Instagram, I showed kind of like what it looks like in the end.
Starting point is 00:10:52 It's pretty cool. They have like a ton of room now. They have a little upstairs thing. They hang out. And I made sure to reinforce the bottom because I guess like raccoons can dig underneath and snatch them. So it's not just like, yeah, the wire, like they, not only if you don't have the right type of wire,
Starting point is 00:11:13 they can reach their little hand through and pull them out. So you had to get the right kind of wire for that. And then you have to get a different type of wire for the bottom. So that way they can't like, you know, dig through it. So yeah, I was just kind of weird. So you were both the four we can. Yeah, yeah, building that. Dude, you were so funny. Everything we have on our plate and this guy is starting a farm at same time.
Starting point is 00:11:35 I can't find an I can barely find enough time to make it to the damn gym and make sure I stay on top of all that stuff. And this guy's adding a farm to his life. So okay, how many? How many total hands are there? There's four. There's four, and then if I recall, they start popping out when they start popping out eggs, it's almost an egg.
Starting point is 00:11:52 It's an egg a day, yes. An egg a day per four, right? That's cool. Yeah, so I'm looking forward to that right there, dude. See, I like the idea, when I think about it, I want chickens too, I do. But I know I wouldn't, once I got them. They're actually for it, right? It's not too bad.
Starting point is 00:12:06 No, they're very easy to make it. Yeah, it's not too bad. Once you get through that whole process of incubating and like, having them like, you know, having to manage them quite a bit, like now it's just a matter of just cleaning out the cage and so if there's no rooster, they still lay even a feet.
Starting point is 00:12:21 They're just not fertilized. A rooster is what will make it turn into a baby. Right, but they still lay them. Yeah. They just don't They're just not fertilized. A rooster is what will make it turn into a baby. Right, but they still lay them. Yeah. They just don't, they're not fertilized. Yeah, right. All right, all right. So that's what those are eggs that we eat have got no rooster hanging out.
Starting point is 00:12:34 They're just hanging out. They turn in a little chicken. What do you feed your chickens? It's the corn hatch. It's the corn hatch. Yeah, and that they get, you know, you buy it from the, that they're actually really easy. And once you get them where he's at now,
Starting point is 00:12:44 it's just store, throw a little bit of little bit seat throw you don't get open the door Gator you actually can feed him a lot of random stuff. Yeah, yeah, we should you should do leftovers all time Leftovers you the worms and stuff that'll make the egg yolks more orange and full of more worms Yeah, I've been given them insects and things to you know eat so now when do you eat the hands? You eat them don you eat the hands? You don't eat the hands. No, you don't eat the hands. What about when they're when they're done making eggs? They're not done.
Starting point is 00:13:10 They're producing, bro. Yeah. Until they die. Yeah. Yeah. I think, are you gonna, are you gonna, uh, are you gonna play with any anabolic? Maybe hype them up a little bit?
Starting point is 00:13:19 Yeah. Get some extra long. Oh, shit. Dude, bro, let's take, let's do this. This is a great idea. Take a get them. Take one of your hands, just one. And what we'll do is we'll do experiments
Starting point is 00:13:27 with different supplements. I give them creatine or whatever. Perfect. Then we could have fine tune the right one to sell our listeners. Yeah, what's that animal cruelty company? They're like, what they're like. PETA?
Starting point is 00:13:38 Yeah, Oble PETA is listening to us. Oh, sure. Doesn't PETA stand for people eating tasty animals? I think it does. I think it does. I think it does. think you're gonna love that joke. We pissed everybody This is cool. Yeah, no, you're also you know, I know you're doing this you're how it where are you at right now? The last time you and I had lunch we were discussing Your latest and greatest project that you got going on. Where are you at with that? Oh, yeah, so your invention
Starting point is 00:14:04 Yeah, so if the listeners don't know. Talk pump 5000. For some, yeah, that's Adam. That's Adam. I wish, actually. Adam would have used it. Absolutely, yeah, there's a market for it. No, no, he said he wouldn't
Starting point is 00:14:15 because he's already gone too far. He said that. It's my memory he said that. He bruised. Yeah, that's the last one. Yeah, so in case you guys didn't know, I tend to be a workaholic. So right after this whole competition that I was trying to just focus on that for a while,
Starting point is 00:14:34 and it's brought me back to what I can fill that space up with now, right? Yeah, let's do that. So I had this idea that I was kicking around for a long time and the thing about ideas for me that I just one day I just decided that if I have an idea and I keep thinking about it over and over again, like I'm going to do something about it. And so a lot of things I've I've gotten myself into, I just learned right away once I immersed myself into it. And so this is definitely one of those projects that I had in my head for a long time.
Starting point is 00:15:09 And I was just fortunate enough to run into the right people after a long enough time to where things are starting to kind of line up. And so I had this invention and I'll go into specifics as we kind of progress with this. But right now as it stands, I formed a company with one of my old clients who's a patent attorney, and also this other guy who's just brilliant engineer, and we're basically crafting something that is really interesting, really innovative,
Starting point is 00:15:42 very cool, and trainers will be able to really benefit from it as well. Now you mentioned that, obviously with all the stuff now in your play, it always makes the training and dieting piece harder, you know, and you just came off of being super hardcore. What are you doing now, like as far as, I know you'd never stop working out, but obviously that's changed, your attention,
Starting point is 00:16:03 you know, I know it's like to train for a show and to be on a timeline like you were just on a timeline. And obviously the we all have other things that we do in our life like you do. Um, so what is that what's that pie look like now? Yeah. So, um, I'm trying to actually incorporate everything that I was doing, but I'm spending less time managing specifics. I'm talking about the other day where he was like, okay, I'm just going to focus on protein. I have an idea of carbohydrates and fats. So I'm taking elements of the fasting, like kind of a couple of times a week, to sort of maintain what I got down to.
Starting point is 00:16:52 And then I'm also paying attention to protein and I'm also making sure I'm getting my trigger sessions in, especially when I'm really loaded on a busy day, because I know I have like 10 minutes where I'm just gonna boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, hit it. And then maybe another time in the day, boom, boom, boom, hit it. And then I'll probably get like a more sporadic three days a week of my foundational lifts in. But I still feel like I'm probably like super maintenance
Starting point is 00:17:24 right now. I haven't really advanced. Well, what was interesting was that the other day when we were in here and you were talking about how you're like, ah, I love it. Man, I've been playing basketball. I'm like, I'm moving quick. I'm agile and I mean, some of the terminology used, you know, describing yourself, how you were shocked at how much faster and more agile you are now because you're leaner. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:44 It's that's totally changed. Yeah, I started playing basketball. I kind of backed off a lot of the high intensity movements and things I was doing before. And yesterday or not yesterday, two days before yesterday, I hit the pads again with one of my friends and we're doing like serious like boxing combos. And he was, I love the guy, but he just like was deciding to, okay, I want to kill him. You know, like it wasn't just about like form and technique after a while was like, okay, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Like dude, I'm not used to like pounding like that, like, dude. I'm not used to pounding like that, like conditioning-wise, so, but if the thing is I could hang, my movement was really good, but my conditioning isn't there because I wasn't focusing on that. But when I was playing basketball, dude, skills. I'm just going to say, that I was draining, I was cutting, you know, like it's such a difference when you're able to make that first move and you're not heavy, you know, on your feet, you're a little bit more on the forefoot. You know, that movement is really quick and punchy and I was getting elevation as I was going for my jump. And yeah, it's great. It's great.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. And it's great.
Starting point is 00:19:15 And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. And it's great.
Starting point is 00:19:23 And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. And it's great. I was playing like Power Forward. I went from like taking the ball up, being point guard to Power Forward. I do that all the time because point guard was my position in high school, and then I grew out of that. And so I was underneath the hoop, and this guy's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:36 fouling me and hacking me from behind. And then I just was like, gonna take it up strong, and I get him a head fake, and then he fouled me real hard. And I never really called my fouls, because I'm not that head fake and then he fouled me real hard. I never really called my fouls because I'm not that guy. And so he fouled me again and I just threw my head back and nailed him right in the eye. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:19:55 In the nose. Totally purposely too. Like a jacked and what a jerk. And his nose got all bloody and we had to stop. I think his tooth even got a little loose and See I told you the other day when we were talking about fighting and so I tell you Justin is the Judgment but I have repressed that bro like you talked about that. Maybe you shouldn't maybe you should let it out He's as he repressed and then he's just talking about he just knocked some well that's played some pickup game and some old 40 old guys
Starting point is 00:20:21 I'm just I'm just trying to I got I got to, like I've calmed down a lot over the last decade. That was a long time ago. Like I was before I even was Mary that you brought that up. Yeah, that's true. I didn't really go to the bus on that one. I know. I was just a parent. I'm not a violent guy.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Let's just put it out there. But if you fuck with me, if you if. If you play too rough basketball against him, he's gonna fuck your shit up. Otherwise, he's cool. I'll mess with you. Exactly. You know what, when I used to manage gyms, I sort of got, if you had a basketball court
Starting point is 00:20:54 in your club, you're gonna break up fights at least, I don't know, one time. Isn't that where they always happen? And you know what, it's not the kids, dude. It's not the frickin' teenage kids that are playing the game of fights. Oh, no, it's always a dog. It's the old dudes so it's the dudes in their fifties and just getting They throw down and fight feel like they have to prove something. Yeah, so So if you would say Justin and you know, when you get in a situation like this too
Starting point is 00:21:17 Where you kind of switch gears like your mentality? What what tends to suffer the most? Your training or your nutrition and you know, how do you handle that? What what? What or both, you know, do you feel like a little bit equally and then you're just kind of like Yeah, I would say my eating just because like I had a poker night over the weekend and you know This is one of those. I don't have to have confessional anymore, right? Here's the thing the limelight isn't on me in my my progress in training, which is, you know, it's nice, but at the same time like that, that isn't in my head. That accountability,
Starting point is 00:21:51 that accountability is sort of not there. And so, and this is I'm sure where all the listeners are at, right? They don't really have that intensity because maybe they don't have like a network of people watching them and and sort of keeping them accountable with that. So I highly recommend that. If you guys can start something like generate some sort of, you know, just friendly competition, or maybe it's just like a little group you start on Facebook or something. Like that's always beneficial when you can get other people to watch you and see progress and keep you accountable. So for me, if it's not there, it's less intense. I mean, I'll kind of manage by just looking at myself,
Starting point is 00:22:34 but, or if I know, like, okay, I'd drink. I had alcohol over the weekend, whatever. And so then I kind of, I make sure to really adjust. Yeah, just and intensify and then really like make, not make up for it because, but just basically try, try to keep it all together. See, I'm the opposite. If I'm bored and I don't have a lot of stuff going on,
Starting point is 00:22:57 that's when my diet tends to go bad. When I'm stressed or focused on a lot of things at once, I tend to use nutrition and exercise as my like I feel under I feel like yourself you and I are so similar when it comes to that the more I have on my plate the better I do than always I'm more organized it's like it's gives me a sense of like control Like okay, I know I'm gonna work out at this time and and my diet's gonna be well I find the reason why I'm so successful that way is because there is no room for air because there's everything is so I mean even like today like getting over here, you know Just just needed to be a little bit earlier today and stuff. And
Starting point is 00:23:27 so it's like, it was, it's already a challenge for me to get here when we normally get here. And I'm like, shit, you know, and I and all my meals all scheduled out, I my workout scheduled out, my workout scheduled. And so I don't have room for like, okay, I'll get to that later or whatever. So, but it makes me more successful because I have to plan where otherwise, I'm a procrastinator. I'm a procrastinator. I'm the guy who waits the last minute to knock things out. I was always the guy in school who, you know, the night before, you know, a paper's due. I was riding it at midnight or whatever like that before I had turned it in the next
Starting point is 00:23:58 morning. Like, that's just my personality. But when I have something that's a deadline or I have that pressure or whatever I have a lot of my plate and I have The schedule or else I will just completely fail it forces me to do the same thing too So I feel yeah, I understand where you guys are coming from with that for sure I think that for me that I compartmentalize more of my load so I feel like I have one too many things now or yeah It's interrupted my nutrition and training again.
Starting point is 00:24:28 So I'm gonna have to readjust so that becomes more, you know, of my priority. But yeah, I tend to do that. Like I'll make sure that like, I just, I look at everything and I make sure like which one I'm gonna kind of put up as my main intensity. And then I just focus the shit out of that one. So, I don't know, I get kind of in a zone.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Did you, were you a procrastinator in school? Did you do your homework when you were supposed to? Um, I was a procrastinator for sure. And then later on, I've learned to tinker more and take chunks and pieces from things and then that has helped me a lot more to Accomplish things surprisingly. I know for some people they just have to lock everybody out and You know really grind on that one thing and finish it well For me like kind of spreading it a bit more, but coming back to it, I tend to look at it totally differently the next day, and then I'll hammer out a bunch
Starting point is 00:25:30 of progress, and then I'll leave it. I'm like, okay, I'll come back to it. Mainly because I have to, because like my kids will pull on me, and I, you know, they want daddy time, and, you know, and I got to make time for my wife. And it's just like, this is the only way I can survive is to do it that way anymore. So it's just how I've evolved. That's what scares me about having kids. And I actually use what you just said all the time because I'm the guy who has to sit down and knock it out.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Like, and I won't even sit down unless I know I have an allotted amount of time to accomplish whatever it is. I have to accomplish. And Katrina is like the one who holds me accountable to everything. Like she's my calendar, she's the bills, she's the everything, she like keeps everything together without her everything falls apart.
Starting point is 00:26:12 So she will always be like, I'll tell her all the things I need to accomplish, things I need to get done and deadlines for that. And so she'll always be like reminding me, like hey, how did you take care of this? Did you do that yet? You told me you need this done by this. Did you do that yet?
Starting point is 00:26:23 And like, you know, sometimes I get frustrated. You know, I'll be like, no, I have not had a time. I haven't had two hours where I could sit down and knock that out. And you're like, don't get mad at me. You're the one to remind you. But I've just, that's a skill set that I have not had to do yet. And it scares me because I know
Starting point is 00:26:40 that's what will happen with kids. You're probably going to be a lot like, like I'm so passion driven that I, if I'm passionate about something, I'm obsessed about it. And so I'm always working on it. If I'm not passionate about something, it's like, it's fucking impossible.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Yeah. You know, it is absolutely, I have a blog site that I would write articles on. And then I do them and then Doug will kind of edit them. And he'd be like, when did you write this? I was doing cardio for 10 minutes and I wrote this article.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Because I'm passionate about a subject, I'll spit it out. But if I'm not, I'll forget it. I cannot. Very much so on that one. And my saving grace in high school was that, whenever I have a written report, I'd ask the teacher if I could do an oral report. And a lot of them were shocked.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Like, oh, you want to stand in front of the class and give an oral report instead and be like, yeah, absolutely. And so a lot of them would say, yes, because they'd think, oh, he's trying to do something that's more difficult. And reality, I'm like, I could stand up here and bullshit all day. Wow. You know, and it's going to be so easy. And I would get a's because I just go.
Starting point is 00:27:35 That's funny because I, okay, so how funny is this that I'm where we're like each other here. Yeah, sometimes I swear we're twins. I was the only class that I was in all advanced English classes. I was in honors English through high schools. Everything else, I was pretty much, I would say an average student. It was a 3.0 GPA and took normal classes. But in English, I was always advanced
Starting point is 00:27:55 from my sophomore year up. And the reason why was because my sophomore teacher told me I should, which I thought was really crazy because I couldn't spell of my life depending on it, and I'm grammatically retarded. So I thought there's just no way that I should, which I thought was really crazy because I couldn't spell my life depending on it and I'm grammatically retarded. So I thought there's just, there's no way that I should be in an advanced class, but what I could do really well is I could bullshit, I could write papers. If it's in English, you know, when you write essays, there is no write or wrong answer.
Starting point is 00:28:18 You know, there's no, it's not two plus two equals four always, you know, it's, hey, if you can put together a good argument and defend your argument well and you could put that on paper, you would do well. So I actually excelled really well because of that exact reason. And I would, same thing, I would wait till the last minute the night before I'd rip out this paper because I could just bullshit, I could do it, you know, and I, you know, it definitely advanced my skills to do that later in life. But I still, now what I have to do is like when I write a very important email, just like we just did the other day, you know know we're writing to someone really important I
Starting point is 00:28:45 can rip something out but then I need I need somebody else to edit it and rewrite it back to you. That's why we're a team. Team level up. Mind pump. Done. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.minepumpradio.com.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Until next time, this is MindPump.

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