Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1013: Controlling Hunger When Lifting Heavy, Diet for Peak Physical Shape, the Pros & Cons of Interning for Influencers & MORE

Episode Date: April 19, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (www.mapsfitnessproducts.com), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about controlling massive hunger when going through MAPS Anabol...ic, what each of their diets looked like when they were in their best physical shape, mental health and the fitness industry and the value of interning for "influencers." The benefits of testing if you’re nutrient deficient before supplementation using Everly Well. (3:56) Mind Pump: Getting you to break up with your workout partner + the dogma behind exercise. (15:26) Sal and Jessica getting after it at the new 49ers Fit gym. (22:45) Mind Pump gearing up for their next live event at the Vuori Flagship store. (25:54) Adam losing sleep over the greatest comeback in NBA history + is he getting a little lonely in the bedroom? (29:02) The guys ragging on Sal over his new family pet. (36:06) Notre Dame Cathedral fire donations near $1B. The belief in something that is bigger than yourself. (37:04) Fecal transplants result in a massive long-term reduction in autism symptoms. (41:06) #Quah question #1 – I started MAPS Anabolic as a healthy weight loss journey, but I’m finding myself massively hungry. My intake is probably negating any potential weight loss from the program. Any guidance on what to do or control the hunger? (47:54) #Quah question #2 - What did your diet look like when you were at your best physical shape? (56:13) #Quah question #3 - How do you think mental health affects the fitness industry? Do you think a lot of high-level athletes and fitness driven people are more likely to deal with mental health or the opposite? (1:05:35) #4 Quah question #4 - Do you think interning for influencers or online coaches is a good learning opportunity or is it just free labor? What should an intern expect to gain from an internship? (1:14:49) People Mentioned Jessica Rothenberg (@thetraininghour)  Instagram Hal Elrod (@hal_elrod)  Instagram Enzo Coglitore (@enzocog)  Instagram Related Links/Products Mentioned April Promotion: MAPS Split ½ off!! Use code “SPLIT50” at checkout Everly Well  **Code “mindpump” for 15% any test** Vuori Clothing  **25% off first order** Mind Pump Live registration 49ers Fit Mind Pump Ep. 1010: The Best Cardio To Burn Fat Mind Pump Ep. 1007: Hal Elrod On Cheating Death & Creating The Miracle Morning 'Paris needs Notre Dame': Donations to rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral near $1 billion Fecal transplants result in massive long-term reduction in autism symptoms Mind Pump Ep. 1002: Jim Kwik’s 10 Keys To Getting More Out Of Your Brain Mind Pump Free

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Attention, everybody! Attach your members and guests. It's Mind Pump! Look, in this episode of Mind Pump, we do a lot of awesome fitness talk, but before we do that, we do our introductory fun time conversation. Here's what we talked about for the first 44 minutes of this episode.
Starting point is 00:00:30 We talked about the Everly Well at-home tests that you can do to test things like vitamin deficiencies. You can test for STDs. You hear that, Adam? You can test for your hormones. You can look at hormone levels. All the stuff at home, inexpensive tests, no doctors prescription required. They are one of our sponsors. If you go to EverlyWell.com and use the code MindPump, you'll get 15% off any test. Then Justin talked about how his wife Courtney
Starting point is 00:00:59 is breaking up or potentially breaking up with her workout partner. Sad story. Sad. I talked about my workout at the 49ers fit gym over there in San Jose, San Jose, or Tog Avenue, best gym in the Bay Area, crazy workout. We talk about the next Viori event in Encinitas,
Starting point is 00:01:17 where it's another live event for us to meet our fans and answer questions live. If you want to come attend that, that's on the 10th of May at 6 p.m. but you got to sign up at mindpumplive.com. Come party with us. Adam talked about how he lost sleep because he watched the craziest comeback in I think what NBA playoff history. Yeah, very good. But not in his favor. Yeah. The Warriors lost the game. They should have won. They make fun of me and my new pet guinea pig. She's cute We talk about the Notre Dame Cathedral niblet catching fire a total travesty and I bring up a study on
Starting point is 00:01:54 fecal transplants and people with autism These studies are showing a 45% reduction in autism symptoms that lasted for over two years This is mind blowing. It's insane, no shit. Then we get into the fitness part. Then we get to the fitness part of this episode. The first question, this person is doing maps and a box. It's one of our more popular fitness programs. And they're getting really hungry.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Their appetite is starting to go through the roof. How do they control their hunger? First of all, that's a good sign, and then we give our tips on how you deal with that. Next question, what did our personal diets look like when we were in the best physical shape of our lives? So we talk about what our diets look like when we were in our best aesthetic shape
Starting point is 00:02:38 and our best physical performance shape, and then of course in our best health. What do those diets all look like? Next question, how do we think mental health affects the fitness industry? Is it a big problem in the fitness industry? Does it permeate the whole industry or is it a small issue? And the final question, do we think interning for influencers or health coaches is a good learning opportunity? Great discussion in that part of this episode. Also, Maps Split, our Bodybuilder program,
Starting point is 00:03:10 you're in the gym six days a week, hitting your body parts twice a week, it's an awesome workout, it is advanced, but it is phenomenal. That program, 50% off, half off, Maps Split, half off, here's what you do. Go to mapssplit.com, MAPS, SPLIT. There's two S's in the middle there.
Starting point is 00:03:28 And use the code split50, SPLIT, 50, no space for that discount. Now, if you wanna look at other maps programs, maybe you're not quite as advanced or you're not quite as interested in bodybuilding type training. Maybe you wanna train more like an athlete. Maybe you wanna do correctional exercise.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Maybe you wanna start with maps in a Bolic almost popular program. Maybe you want to do correctional exercise. Maybe you want to start with maps and a ballad that are most popular program. I want to work out from home, Sal. We have that too. You can check out all of our other programs at mapsfitinistproducts.com. Dude, I got my B vitamin test back. Have you guys done that one from Everly Well yet?
Starting point is 00:04:00 No, not that one. So they have different vitamin tests that you can do also. I've done vitamin D and I've done omega, but I haven't done the B1. Oh, yeah, they have B vitamin, full of acid tests. They have a few others. Now what would someone be what's most common with people that are deficient in vitamin B?
Starting point is 00:04:19 Vegan's, vegan's often, this is something that they would need to worry about. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I was wondering about that too, because I know D is one of those I'm always checking. Well, being low, excuse me, like vitamin B12 for example can cause lots of different problems, low energy being the most common symptom. And is that because our greatest source of vitamin B would be in meats? Yes, meat and dairy is where you're going to get a lot of B, oftentimes B vitamins.
Starting point is 00:04:44 A lot of cereals and processed foods will be fortified. With bee, so, but like vegans who eat lots of whole foods, who don't eat processed foods, which is probably good for the most part. One of the things that they'll worry about is the potential lack of certain nutrients because they're hard to get in vegan sources. But what I like about these vitamin tests is we talk about supplementing all the time and supplementing can be amazing when
Starting point is 00:05:12 you're taking something that you need. You know what I'm saying? Like if you're somebody who has low and let's say vitamin B12. Well, this is what a game changer. This is one of the things that I was most excited about partnering with every well is if I'm going to recommend supplements to somebody Like a client of mine like this is how I would do it or I'd want to do it is let's take care of the things that your body needs before we talk about Performance type of supplements because I think they could be arguably just as powerful for somebody's who's got gains or wanting to build muscle or lose body fat if you're Nutrient deficient. Yeah, if you had no idea you're that deficient
Starting point is 00:05:45 and then obviously you introduce this vitamin into the mix, like yeah, it's gonna have an impact. That's gonna be crazy. A huge impact. Like you take vitamin D, for example, people who are chronically low in vitamin D, maybe depressed, you know, vitamin D acts like a hormone of the body losing their ability to build muscle,
Starting point is 00:06:01 burn body fat is greatly hampered, their ability to, you know, have good sleep. greatly hampered. Their ability to have good sleep. And let's say you have this deficiency for a long time. You have enough vitamin D so that you don't get totally sick, but it's so low enough to where you just have a lower quality of life, but you don't know. You have no idea. How would you know?
Starting point is 00:06:19 Because you don't get vitamins tested at the doctor unless you have these glaring symptoms. Like my nails are falling off, or my hair's falling out, then the doctor's gonna be like, let's test you. So you could do these tests, eliminate the, obviously the middle man, do it at home. It's, but look at all these other tests that they have, which I was on here this morning.
Starting point is 00:06:38 They have a postmenopause test for women, a women's fertility test, so if you're trying to get pregnant, paramount menopause test. So this is for women who are in the 30s who think, like what the hell's going on with my hormones, paramount policy if you're going through that, then they have the cholesterol, lipids test, heart health test. But if there's a lot more,
Starting point is 00:06:57 they also have a bunch of STD tests. So you could do all kinds of STD tests. Oh, what I didn't know, what a selling point that is. Oh yeah, they have chlamydia, gonorrhea, All kinds of STD tests out. Oh, what I didn't know. What a selling point that is. Oh, yeah. They have chlamydia gonorrhea, Hep C, HIV, syphilis, diabetes, HPV, is the other one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:13 That they could do at home. Then there's a, Not that I'm asking for. They just released also. Asking for a friend. Yeah. Yeah. They also released the Lyme disease test,
Starting point is 00:07:22 which is huge. Oh, that is. Dude, I know so many more people now that have either had Lyme disease, but they caught it early enough to where they could have antibiotics and not have it reoccur any more. But that's popping up a little bit. Have you trained a client before that has Lyme disease? Oh, yeah. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Lyme disease is a weird one, man. Sometimes they'll get terrible, terrible symptoms, and sometimes is a, that's a weird one man. Yeah. Sometimes they'll get terrible, terrible symptoms and sometimes they feel like there's nothing at all. And we don't know a whole lot about Lyme disease. I have a family member. I have a family member who has it. And she, you know how she found out she had it?
Starting point is 00:07:59 Totally healthy, everything was fine. And she was starting to get this like weird fatigue throughout the day and then this ravenous appetite. Like the way she explains it is starving. Like the only thing she can think about, she has to eat and so she ended up gaining a hundred pounds. And everybody's like, what's going on? Why are you gaining so much weight? Like this doesn't make any sense. And she couldn't figure it out. She's ravenous appetite.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Everybody thinks, oh, it's a disciplined thing. This, that and the other. She finally did a bunch of testing and that was one of the last tests that she did. And they saw, oh shit, you have Lyme disease. My client used to get these crazy bouts of this crazy fatigue. So fatigued.
Starting point is 00:08:40 That she looked like she was gonna pass out, get pale and everything. Like, there'd be times that we'd be working out or we'd have an appointment and she'd come in and I could just see it on her face like, oh, we can't train today. It's apparently way more common than we think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:53 And it's becoming a big problem in certain states. I know where you live, Justin, do they tell you to be careful? Because they do. And we've actually, like, I've pulled three ticks off of my kids like in the last couple of months, just when they go through the brush, there's just, they're hanging around there
Starting point is 00:09:13 to grab onto a deer. And so it's like, you know, we check every time now, like when we go out in the woods. Is that the only way to get out? Through a tick. Yeah. Tick and I believe it can also be sexually transmitted now. Oh, no way. That's what they think now. Oh, I didn't even know tick. Yeah. Tick, and I believe it can also be sexually transmitted now. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I think that that's what they think now. Oh, I didn't even know that. Yeah, and maybe Doug can look this up and correct me if I'm wrong. And I only know this again because that family member that I have posts a lot of things about Lyme, because she's in the whole community. And I think that before they said, no, it's not contagious. But now that some people think you may be able to pass it on like an STD.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Yeah, you want it like so we got one of them and we're able to keep it because it bit my youngest and we took it in and had them test it and it came negative. So it didn't but that's what they say to do is to kind of like make sure you keep it so they can. Yeah, sounds right. Well, it says that it may be sexually transmitted but that's what they say to do is to kind of like make sure you keep it. So they can, they can, they can, yeah, sounds right. Well, it says that it may be sexually transmitted,
Starting point is 00:10:07 but it relies on the detection of beryllia. This is the, what they detected from Lyme disease in semen and vaginal secretions. So it's, it's, they're saying there's no evidence, but there are observations and stuff that are saying that it might be possible. So it's not 100% confirmed. That's why I thought I knew it was kind of controversial, but interesting, right? But the way I'm using the Everly Wells test for me is obviously we're sponsored by them, so I like to try all of them and just see what's going on.
Starting point is 00:10:37 That's why I did the B1, which everything was fine for bees, and I would assume so, so much animal product. But the way I like to do it, as I like to every quarter test, I do the male hormone test. And it's not just to test my hormones to see where I'm at, I'm often changing things with my training and my diet to see if it has a positive negative
Starting point is 00:10:58 or no impact on my hormones. So like recently I've been training my ass off and I've been, I seem to be building muscle and feeling better than I felt a long time. A lot of it has to do with the fact that my overall health is so much better. So I'm going to do another hormone test just to see if testosterone and all the male hormones are, you know, doing better than they were before.
Starting point is 00:11:18 That's the one I consistently use just because I'm still trying to balance that out. You know, I still don't, I'm still kind of hover around that same place. So I'm going to do that one more time. And then if I, I think this is going to be the You know, I still don't, I'm still kind of hover around that same place. So I'm gonna do that one more time. And then if I, I think, because this is gonna be the third test, I think, that I've done now in a row, where we'll see if it's higher or not, but I've been still kind of hanging around
Starting point is 00:11:36 the bottom, the low area. I'm still, I mean, I'm in, I'm in, can switch, they would consider normal range, but I'm on the very bottom of the normal range, and I've been staying kind of like right there the last like three tests. Do they mention which one is their most popular to say? I imagine like the hormone test would be one of the most popular ones
Starting point is 00:11:54 because for me I'm always wanting to do the same thing. Like that's definitely a top of mind thing for me. I'm always like wanting to know how my nutrition, how my sleep, how my training's all kind of going in the right direction. Yeah, probably the most popular ones are the hormone tests. You would assume, right?
Starting point is 00:12:13 Yeah. Because that's the one that is so hard to get. Your doctor to write you a prescription for or whatever to get tested unless you have these crazy symptoms. So people, and I love it, man, this is for me. This is evidence of the work. Yeah, that's convenient.
Starting point is 00:12:24 This is evidence of the market at work. because here's a test you can get. Some of these testers inexpensive is like 60 bucks or 70 bucks, some of them are like 150 bucks. That still is not a very expensive way to just take a test, do it at home, mail it in, and get your results. That's not bad at all. And the only ones that there's any sort of controversy around is the allergy one, right? Food intolerance. Food intolerance. That one is controversial because, which I'm also a skeptic about those.
Starting point is 00:12:52 And the reason why is when you do a food sensitivity test, what they're testing for are IGG antibodies. So when you have an allergy to a food, a food allergy is different than an intolerance. An allergy you know, like it's like if I have a shellfish allergy, you know, reaction. I have a reaction right away, swelling, itching, and a phallactic shock in bad cases. Those are IgE antibodies. IgG antibodies are different. They don't cause allergies, but some health practitioners believe that they are connected to food intolerances. Here's the problem, though. Oftentimes, food intolerances may have to do with your gut microbiome and not the fact that your body developed an immune response. It might be something completely different, and I know people who've tested
Starting point is 00:13:40 negative on things and said, you know, that's not possible that I don't have, this says I don't have an intolerance to this food because I know I feel like shit when I eat that food. And then there's other people I know who they've got IGG antibodies, you know, through the roof on a particular food and they're like, I feel totally fine when I eat it. But way I like to use the food sensitivity test
Starting point is 00:14:00 is just as a starting point. So take the test, you have a starting point, then start an elimination diet based off of that. The gold standard still to this day, there is no test at all that exists in the world that will ever be as accurate as just a good old-fashioned elimination diet. The problem with the elimination diet
Starting point is 00:14:19 is that it's so work intensive. You have to cut all your food out, all the possible intolerances for lots of discipline. You have to be like super, super consistent with it. You can't like, you know, have one day where you're off. No, it throws all, and it tastes just a long, come in. Start all over.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Yeah, it's a long commitment, but it's the gold standards. The only way to, now for me, when I had all my gut issues when I was 30, you know, when I, when I talk about that time when my body really, really turned on me. It was a IgG antibody test that I started with. And when I took that test, it told me that was gluten, egg whites, peanuts, and dairy proteins. So for you, it was pretty damn accurate.
Starting point is 00:14:59 It actually was. It was extremely accurate. And so those are the foods that I started with when I did my elimination diet and it was a great place to start. And that I would have I still would have eliminated most of those things because they're common in tolerances But I don't know if I would have eliminated peanuts or egg whites I'm sure I would have done gluten and dairy But I don't know about those two would have taken me longer. So I'm I was I'm thankful that I did that You know, and again those tests are an expense of 100 bucks, like that. Right. Right. Dude, I tell you guys, so I'm actually really glad that we put that episode that we just put out
Starting point is 00:15:29 recently about cardio, because the other day I was talking with Courtney and she's been working out with one of her good friends for a long time and her friend comes from a background of like group classes and she taught her, she actually first met her at one of her cardio kickboxing classes. And so she was also doing CrossFit and very high intensity cardio based, everything. And that's her go-to. And so Courtney's like, well, yeah, I try and lift weights
Starting point is 00:16:04 and do my thing while we're working out together. But lately it's been like, she just keeps leading the workouts and just will not get rid of this cardio mentality with every single workout, every workout. And I'm like trying to just pound into the head that it's like, what you're trying to do and where you want to be, you're not going to get there with that. You're not going to get there with that mentality. It's not going to work the what you're trying to do and where you want to be, you're not gonna get there with that. You're not gonna get there with that mentality.
Starting point is 00:16:26 It's not gonna work, you know, the way you want it to work. And then I'm trying to actually coach Courtney on how to, you know, present this information because she's like, she's not gonna listen to your podcast. You know, she's just not gonna do it, you know, I don't even do it, you know, I don't listen. We're not gonna listen.
Starting point is 00:16:40 But I trust you guys in your program. I mean, I've gone through maps and a ball, I saw results from that and I was happy with it. I just keep getting sucked back into this like, Cardial world. And so I was like trying to give her like some talking points and everything until the other day. So like, break up tips.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Yes, so she basically just broke up in their workout partner. Yeah. And like, so they're gonna try to go through our program, but already she's given her all kinds of like, well, the last thing we do is so boring. It's so boring. You know, like, maybe things you'd be like, you know, consider boring when you got to rest and actually like work on your strength.
Starting point is 00:17:19 You know, like, you can't cardio everything. So it was just kind of funny because it's like, you know, that's actually a really interesting point that we didn't make on that show that I have actually heard many times and we didn't address that. Like, a lot of people have a hard time just sitting still for 90 seconds.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I forget, like, I enjoy it. I remember that with clients. Yeah, my rest periods, like, I fucking enjoy my rest periods. It's for me to gather myself, get deeper into thought into into what my movement. I, 100%. 100% do you know why?
Starting point is 00:17:49 Do you know what it is? Exercise is a very powerful tool. Distraction. It can be used two different ways. You can either use it to distract the fuck out of yourself. It's very effective at that. Or you can use exercise to become extremely present. It's also very effective at that.
Starting point is 00:18:04 And we know how hard it is to be present at anything. Being present means you're not distracted, you're concentrating on what you're doing, you're in the moment, you're not thinking about what's happening tomorrow, what happened this morning, what happened yesterday, I need to do this, I need to do that. And people don't like to think about all the different things. And in order to get away from it,
Starting point is 00:18:22 they'd rather just be distracted by the absolute pain and suffering of their cardio workout. The reality is, you're probably better off practicing presence with a traditional strength training routine because you're gonna benefit not just your body better, but also your state of being because you can be present. Well, it was enlightening to me because she was still presenting the same old objections and myths out there.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Like, oh, well, I'm going to get blocky. And, you know, my body's going to look like a football player. Like, all these things, like, yeah, I know it's a myth, like, even knows it's a myth, but for me, like, yeah, but me, like, I'm going to look like, and it's like, it's so interesting. It's like, you can receive information, but you won't apply it to yourself. Like you're just resistant to it because of this addictive quality. And yes, it might be the distractions.
Starting point is 00:19:14 It's also the soreness, like it's a feeling, you get, it's like a reward for an effort that you put into it. There's all these things tied into that. Exercise gets, just like nutrition, gets really, really dogmatic and religious. Yeah. People are real, once you find something that you like,
Starting point is 00:19:37 and you like it for many different reasons, right? Some people love it for like what's out saying for complete distraction. Like I have a miserable life, I just wanna go to the gym, hammer myself, not think about that, I'm so into the workout that I'm not thinking about my miserable life. Some people treat it like that.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Some people do something for the very first time and they see their body in the best shape that they've ever seen in their life before. And that becomes the answer forever. Right, and so imagine how hard that it, even having somebody like yourself who's got all these years experience, all this knowledge, trying to convince them that when I've already convinced myself, like I don't, and so it's kind of, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's kind of what you do
Starting point is 00:20:17 to people. Yeah, hey, I know, I know it's a myth and it's for not, for most people, but me, I know it's best for my body because I've seen this or I've felt that, right? So it's a, how old is this woman? So she's about my age. Is she really fit? She's fit. I mean, she's fit, but obviously you can tell
Starting point is 00:20:37 she does a lot of cardio. And I'm not trying to talk trash or anything, but she doesn't have a lot of muscle. Yeah, it's just not a lot of muscle. She could build muscle and that was the goal of both of them. And like, I'm trying to convey the fact that, you know, there's a more effective way to approach. Now, it's Courtney not gonna work out with her anymore
Starting point is 00:20:55 or is she working out with her, but now she's, they're gonna follow one of our programs. Yes, that, but like, me personally, I don't think it's gonna last. And so she's already planning on like, well, I guess this is what I'm gonna do by myself. You know, it's only gonna probably be like a week before it's like, well, I gotta get back to the...
Starting point is 00:21:11 At what point are you gonna start working out with her or are you gonna always keep it to where she was gonna work out around? I've done that before in the past with her. And just to be like, there is kind of like, if she has questions or form checks or any of that stuff and she loves that. Like I, you know, I'm there.
Starting point is 00:21:27 I'm just not there when she would work out with, when we're here and the kids are at schools when she likes to do it. You can do it. It's too bad you live where you live because her and Jessica could totally, she even mentioned that. Work out together.
Starting point is 00:21:39 She's like, oh, that'd be a better fit. You know, a better, or a job partner. Oh, and Jessica's an excellent trainer, you know, but we're a little far that's something that I had. Again, this is why I'm not just, I'm just not the fan of the workout partner thing.
Starting point is 00:21:51 It's really tough to find somebody who is, well, it's tough to find somebody that should be training the same as you. I mean, it's just, let's be honest, like you're, most people should be pretty much doing, you know, their own thing. And I, I get it though, it though, it helps to have somebody else as to hold you accountable.
Starting point is 00:22:08 And I get all that piece, for sure. But even all of us, me and Katrina, I mean, we go to the gym a lot. She goes to the gym a lot with me, but we never work out. I guess we'll split up. Yeah, that's how we used to do it. Yeah, it's like, I kind of give her what to do.
Starting point is 00:22:20 And I had to ask. Yeah, it's a very, very rare thing where she comes into the workout with me. She knows what she needs to do for her. And I know what I need to do. And I'm very, very rare thing where she gets, she comes into the workout with me. You know, she knows what she needs to do for her. And I know what I need to do for me. And we don't try and like compromise our workout. Like, you know, like, well, I need to do more of this. Can we do that? And it's like, no, just do your thing. And I'll do my thing. No, I, I work out with Jessica a couple, couple days a week or so. And then we'll do some, you know, stuff on our own. The workouts that we do together are pretty good because we tend to go out.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Actually, we did a workout yesterday at the 49ers fit gym, which that gym is just... Yeah, it's easily the best gym I've seen in the Bay Area easily, with just the equipment alone and the layout phenomenal. But we did a fucking silly workout there yesterday. So I went in there and I'm like, all right, I'm here, they've got all this equipment, I don't normally have access to. So I'm gonna take advantage of it. My body's been feeling really good lately,
Starting point is 00:23:13 so I'm like, let's see what I can do. So I decided to do three exercises per body part, whole body, three sets, to like 54 sets, in a whole workout. And I finished it in 70 minutes. It was a volume of. Yeah, for people who, by the way, message me, they're like, when I do the maps,
Starting point is 00:23:29 it takes me two and I'm like, why is it taking you so long to do these workouts? I did 54 sets in 70 minutes, and I'm not like the craziest, most fit person in the world. I mean, I work out consistently, but anyway, we had an insane, insane intense workout that was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And then on the side there, they have the cryotherapy and the massage chairs or whatever. So I did those water, you ever do those water massage? I haven't tried those chairs I've had. Did you try them? I did. They're legit. They're legit. Yeah, so it uses water to like pulse or whatever and give you a massage on your back and stuff. So I had to stop it halfway through because I worked out so hard that I was slightly nauseous at the end. Oh my god. I was laying back in the chair. Like just it was like a hint of nausea. So I didn't push it that much too hard. But then with the, on my back, I was
Starting point is 00:24:19 shaking it all up, I had to stop it about, but you want to know it's crazy? I'm not even sore today. Yeah, dude. That's interesting. I'm on a tear right now, man. Yeah, you hit some strides on that. Let's see what happened. You know what machine I tried over there that I fucking fell in love with? You guys are gonna laugh when I say it.
Starting point is 00:24:37 What? So, you know, I'm working out with Jessica, so we're doing some exercises that she wants to do also. And this is good because it gets me to do some stuff. I like how you set the table right there. Oh, yeah. So, I normally how you set the table right there. Oh yeah. So, I normally don't do hip thrust. I like hip thrust.
Starting point is 00:24:51 I just don't normally do them. I do a lot of deadlifts. Yeah, I see new videos. But they have a hip thrust machine there. And so I'm like, and so she's like, let's do hip thrust. Is it a belted one? Yeah. And I've never used it before.
Starting point is 00:25:04 So I get in there and I belt up and I'm doing it and I'm like, oh shit, like I could feel this thing was, it was constructed so well. It hit that hip extension so well. So I went all the way up to four plates, did like eight or 10 reps, never felt a pump in my ass like that before, which is kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:25:22 I'm walking around my butts all pumped. What the fuck, weird? It's weird. Weird. I felt a pump in my ass like that before, which is kind of weird. I'm walking around my butts all pumped. What the fuck are you doing? It's weird. Weird. I felt like Justin. I felt like some Justin feels like a... I don't know, and he feels like that. I just flex all the junk cakes.
Starting point is 00:25:33 But after doing that, I could see how doing a proper hip thrust consistently can probably boost my deadlift. So I think I'm gonna start doing hip thrust a little bit more frequently to get that Final extension. I think there's going to be some carryover. Oh, that'll be interesting. Yeah, I'm getting excited for the big Viori event. That's oh an incinitas. Yeah. Yeah, that's not that far away for us, right? What's the date on that? Doug? That's on the 10th next month. I believe. Yes. Is that correct? So May 10th, that's at 6 p.m. So we're less than a month. We're only three weeks away from that.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Do you guys remember the last time we did our event? Well, what was it? What was that a year and a half ago? I'm pumped. It was about a year. Yeah, it was about a year. That was fun. That was a rad.
Starting point is 00:26:18 That was my favorite. I think that was our first or second live event ever that we did with them. I believe that was our first. Well, are you not counting all the orange dairy tours? Well, yeah, I was counting that. Besides that, because we did, then we did it with, uh, with the, those other companies as well. Um, I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, so I think this one was one of the first one was the first day. Yeah, that was the first day before doses and before mirror. This is going to be cool But we I mean because the space is limited. We had to do tickets and so You can get them at mine pump alive.com and I think they're I think we're already halfway sold out So it was their new location like it's a new store. No, no, no, this is the same place Same place that we have a cool. Yeah, they have a new store up in San Francisco or Palo Alto area, that direction that's opening or just opened, but, well, this is down south.
Starting point is 00:27:11 We're gonna go there later. This was the event. This was the event when we were talking everybody, and it was our first time ever doing this. And it was like, whoa, we got this huge response. It was so awesome. And then, remember when we left, we couldn't find Adam, do you remember that?
Starting point is 00:27:23 Yeah, he's snuck around the corner or somewhere around the corner, something to join with some of the What the fuck up in Adam? He comes back. Ah, it's a long day, man tough for me. I turned that down Your eyes, your eyes are so red, brother. That was good stuff. Yeah. Oh my bro. We were fucking looking all over the city For like a kidnap man after we do those event those it is like mandatory I have to smoke after any of those events
Starting point is 00:27:54 We were so charged. Yeah, just being around that the people and the energy It's just it's a great time. I have such a blast when we get a chance to get out with people. Yeah, and I do I I'm wound up, man. I can't sleep after that unless I smoke. So yeah, I get to, I almost get, I feel exhausted in an interesting way. It reminds me of, do you remember after big closeouts?
Starting point is 00:28:18 Yeah, when you go home, I like that. And you do that buzz in your body. That tired buzzing feeling. There's a lot of energy there that you're just, like everybody's like that. You feel that buzz in your body? That tired buzzing feeling? There's just a lot of energy there that you're just like, you're everybody's on and charged. It's the anticipation, then you're meeting people.
Starting point is 00:28:30 It's very emotional for me, and I don't mean that in a negative sense. I mean, in a sense that, you know, I'm meeting real people who are saying things like, hey, that episode where you talked about this, that really helped my daughter, or, hey, you know, because of you guys, I was able to do this thing
Starting point is 00:28:45 with, you know, I became a trainer because of you and I'm just like, wow, man, and then I feel like huge, like responsibility, like, okay, we had to keep doing this, do it the right way and it's really cool. It's interesting how things like that affect your emotions or you have those huge swings and how that really affects your sleep.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Last night, like, so this was my first morning since the hell episode that I haven't been getting up consistently in my little routine. I slept in this morning and I'm exhausted today. And I know it's because we were at the game last night. And the, so last night I'm at a game that NBA playoff record happens. Greatest comeback ever in NBA playoff history. So what happened? Fucking the Warriors lost. I was on the shitty end of that.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Wait a minute, the Warriors were at, so you're saying come back, so they must have been ahead by a lot. And they were at the end towards the end of the third quarter. It's seven minutes left from the third. Warriors are up 31 points. Oh, it's like game over. Like we're in, I'm in the, I'm talking to,
Starting point is 00:29:40 you're like, can we leave early? Yeah, no, could you now? She asked, can we leave early? I said, yeah, I know, if we're still up 20 in mid-fourth fourth, I said we'll get out. We'll get out early so we can be traffic and From that moment at 31 points, you know, that it was 28 then 25 they were down by then 20 and then fourth quarter comes around We're still up 21 or 23 come fourth quarter So I still feel pretty confident. I can tell we're playing kind of lazy now because we were so far ahead and then as the fourth quarter went on just
Starting point is 00:30:10 They just getting closer and closer. I mean all the way down to the final last five seconds ends up They get in the time the game and then went and I'm like oh my god. It was the most weird And it was such a huge gradual. It was it was a quick spike high because we came out the gates. We get this huge lead celebrating all the shots, talking shit, having a great time, great, great game, and fun, phenomenal game for three and a half quarters. And so I've got this huge emotional high. And then I'm up here and I'm watching
Starting point is 00:30:41 that's just kind of slowly give this game back. But yet I'm still happy and excited. So the high from being happy, because I still feel very confident we're gonna win. It still gets getting closer and closer to the end. And then at the end of it, like Katrina and I are driving home, and I'm like, I can't believe it would just last.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Like we literally just gave, and that was an NBA record. Never has that been had a lead that much in the playoffs. What's going on? Are they breaking down? Oh, it was just, it's one game. And we, we, I'm sure they'll go back. They'll watch the tape and you will, you will see. I mean, Patrick Beverly defended just incredible. Played him in Lou Williams, played it in phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Patrick Beverly, uh, deed up Durant, uh, I think Durant played like a whoos, uh, and then Lou Williams took over the game. Had like 27 points in the second half. Just an incredible game. It was an incredible game. It sucks to be on that side of it. You know what I'm saying? But the point of me sharing that was the emotions that it took my body through. Yeah, I was in this movie. You felt exhausted. Yeah, I'm exhausted, but then I couldn't sleep. And I was telling lay in there with Katrina and we're talking about the game. I'm just like, I can't really just saw that. I couldn't sleep and I was telling lay in there with Katrina and we're talking about the game I'm just like I can't wait we just saw that I can't wait we're so pumped and excited and they're just like
Starting point is 00:31:48 So the life's like oh Right up super slow train wreck dude. It was a little rough one for us. So you slept in yeah I know I was exiled I was really exiled so what happens do you find that you can't go to sleep or that you sleep But then you wake up throughout the night a bunch of times. I can't go to sleep I have a hard time finally falling asleep and then when I do and I had to get up throughout the night a bunch of times. I can't go to sleep. I have a hard time finally falling asleep. And then when I do, and I had to get up in the morning, I feel like I don't get enough sleep. Now, do you find, does this happen?
Starting point is 00:32:10 You know you're having a tough time falling asleep. So you start to stress about the fact that, fuck, I better get to sleep otherwise I'm gonna be tired. Totally. Yeah. You can't help but get in your head. You know what I'm saying? It's such a feedback.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Oh, yeah. It's been rough the last five, six days for that same reason. So I wake up multiple times at night because I've just, ah, like anticipating things and like, I just can't get out of this loop. And I've been trying to like get myself
Starting point is 00:32:37 out of this cycle. So I was having this conversation with Jessica the other day because I was like that. I was finding that I was having time, tough time going to sleep and then I said, you know the old practice of counting sheep. And she said, yeah, I said, I bet I know why that works
Starting point is 00:32:53 because you're so focused on this imaginary thing in your head that you eventually just lose track the fact that you're trying to do it and you fall asleep. And so I started doing that. I literally started counting sheep. The old fucking thing that they make fun of in cartoons or whatever, and it worked. In my mind, I was just,
Starting point is 00:33:09 well, I don't know what number I got to, and I fell asleep. So yeah, I know we haven't released this yet, but the guy, like the Don DePonny. Oh, yeah, he had something he talked about or he had the nervous system. Yeah, the nervous system where you actually, like, you take this ball of energy
Starting point is 00:33:23 and you sort of allocate it up your body and then into your brain, and then you actually, you take this ball of energy and you sort of allocate it up your body and then into your brain and then you allow one of your limbs to feel like it starts to get numb. And then eventually you just sort of drift off and then you're done. I tried that and it actually worked. Did it work? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:38 So my saving grace has been Katrina, but it's been off because ever since the pregnancy. So she's now got like the wall of China between us with pillows, you know, and so she's, she's all barricaded up and she's sleeping. She's a body pillow. She's got the, we get this like, you know, fucking triangle thing, pillow thing for her, like for her, you know, her belly, if she does want to lay on the side, it does that, or props, helps proper backup. And she's got like five new pillows that are inside the, so it's just like pillow central. Right. Pour out of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Well, I mean, like a igloo or a, and the irony is I've been, I like to sleep like that. I actually like to be divided, I don't like to be all cuddled up. She's going to take away clothes. Yeah. But it's, it's starting, I'm, I'm with the benefits I'm missing. One of the things that she's, I mean, she can, she's more the color. She's gonna take away a clue of that. Yeah, but it's, it's starting, I'm, with the benefits I'm missing, one of the things that she's, I mean, she's like in my head sometimes, when we're laying in bed, she can tell when I'm thinking. Like, she's all of a sudden,
Starting point is 00:34:32 it'll be a dead, it'll be a dead time for an hour in the dark and I'm thinking I'm the only one awake and I'll hear her say something to me or like, nudge me, like, stop thinking about it, you know? And I'm like, I was, I was, no, I'm thinking about it. I was thinking of anything, right? But when, if she notices that I'm doing that,
Starting point is 00:34:47 and she'll make comments about, I'm thinking so loud that it's keeping her up. And so she'll box breathe with me, and then we'll box breathe together, and then I normally go out after that. But I haven't had my partner to keep me my box breathing so, I'm over there tossing it to her. Adam's lonely.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Katrina's over there by herself. For Adam. You get a dose of what you wanted, buddy. Sometimes that's how we learn the lesson. It is, no, it's great, isn't it funny how that works? You know, because I am. I'm always like, oh, fuck, I don't want to cut all of that. It's hot.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Leave me alone. This nut, now I'm all there. My fuck, some of the benefits, it's a sure now. I'm all there my fox one of the benefits a shirt She can feel my breathing I just picture you with the corner like fetal position all sad. Yeah Like reaching out with your fingers. That's working like over the wall Did you just touch my fingers? Can you just touch my finger there? It looks like dude. There's like this big wall of pills.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Like, reach you over, you can just barely give my hands in her belly. Dude, I read a meme yesterday. I was so true. It said, nothing is something like this girl that I'm friends with on Facebook posted. And she said, nothing is more adorable or something like that than a dad, a grumpy dad, falling in love
Starting point is 00:36:03 with the pet that he wasn't supposed to take care of. And that's happening right now with me because we bought the guinea pig for my daughter. Right. And- You were in your guinea pig, bro. Oh, let me tell you. You and your guinea pig.
Starting point is 00:36:14 That's not with my dog yet, so. Oh, it'll happen. No, and you know, my daughter takes care of- Please take a selfie and post it on Instagram. I, well, Jessica's already posted a couple. Yeah, you, yeah, you and the guinea pig. You and the Bjorn, yes, right? Oh, you're just saying it Yeah, you and the Gini Pagina. The Bjorn, yes. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:26 So you're just saying the Bjorn's feel. Dude, that little thing's adorable. So I don't know that they were so social. It's so social. Yeah, they're so, she hides when I come in the room. She goes in a little house or whatever. So I kind of coax her out or I take off the house and I hold her.
Starting point is 00:36:39 But now she'll like kind of chill, like wait for me and she squeaks and shit when I hold her. It's adorable. Wow. Yeah, they're great, man I'm looking into the proper you might lose your man card, dude Huh, you might lose your man card dude. I you know, I'm a lover man. I'm a lover You just wait till your boys born you watch how I am around babies. I am the worst. That's a cat's difference You are not gonna get that kid out of out of my hands
Starting point is 00:37:01 You see you'll see that anyway dude terrible news the other day, huh? What? No, Trudein. The cathedral in Paris. I've been in there before. Yes, pretty sad to see that. 900 years old. No, I thought I heard they were gonna be able
Starting point is 00:37:13 to restore a lot of it. Is that true or no? They are, but still, you're talking about a 900 year old structure, and I don't know how many hundreds of years it took to build it. Oh, yeah, just a history. I guess they were able to get out at least some of the really valuable items like I guess the crown, the actual crown of thorns that was in there from Jesus in another tapestry. Did they say that? Doug? I don't know. I didn't know that was in there. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:37:40 That's what they are saying. Look at that. No are saying look at that no to don't cathedral but donations swell past seven hundred million well they've get the world responded they've generated seven hundred million dollars in donations is that what that says well that is insane that's crazy i know there was one uh... celebrity i can't remember his name who donated like
Starting point is 00:38:02 something like fifty million dollars of his own money or something like that. Really? Yeah. Holy shit. I've been there. It's one of the most beautiful. Yeah, I've been in there too.
Starting point is 00:38:10 It's awesome. Architectural structures, I've ever seen in my life. The thing about cathedrals, these old cathedrals, that's so spectacular, because I've also been to the Domo in Milan. I've been to Notre Dame and I've been to a few others. Is when you look at them and you go up close, the detail is insane.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Oh, this one has got all the gargoyles and stuff around it and shit, it looks badass. Oh, it's insane the amount of detail that went into constructing these. And Doug, maybe you can look up how, once you put me in that, there you go. Maybe you can look up how long it took to build. How did the fire start?
Starting point is 00:38:43 They're saying it was part of some renovations that they were doing. Yeah, they're doing some construction. And they're doing some investigation. I really hope, and I doubt that this will happen, but I really hope, and I doubt again, that there was any mal, you know, some, you know, some terrorism and all that.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Some bad shit going on, like somebody doing it on purpose. Seriously hope not. Yeah, look at that. It took 250 fucking years to build. Wow. Yeah, it was, the construction started in 1153 and finished in 1345. The Louvre has a story like that too.
Starting point is 00:39:14 That's crazy. Yeah. Took hell, think of that. And it was somebody's like a house originally. Like imagine like starting the building of a house, you'll never end up living in. Well, how crazy is that? Imagine this.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Imagine you building, starting building something, and then the next four generations from you, you're son, your grandson, all of us. Well, what does your dad do? Oh, he started building on this too, and now I'm more going on. He just kept thinking about that. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:39:39 It's insane, right? Your whole life is very, you've spent building a house that you don't ever get to see finished. That's wild. What does that say about humans? Like, we all decided we're going to do something and then we're just like, yeah, I'm never going to see the end of it. Yeah. I'm not going to see the end of this, but we'll just keep going back there. I feel like that, like, people really wanted to be known, you know, in history. Like, that was a big thing, like, back
Starting point is 00:39:59 in the day. I don't really know that that's like your family name. Yeah. Like that, like, you carried on even when you're gone. That's the shafers house over there. It took 400 years to four generations to build that generation after generation. That's a it's a four bedroom. Yeah, it's condo and Sam's is good. They were the they were the brightest group. That looks like the Hobbit's house. John here. No, I think when you see the most insane old architecture that took hundreds of years and sometimes even longer, they're all built because of a faith or belief in something else. Because in order to get a human, if you think about this, in order to get people to do something that is beyond them, like, why would you go and build something you will never see the end of. You'll never
Starting point is 00:40:49 see the completion of, it's because of something you believe is bigger than you. So this is a cathedral, right? For, it's for their belief in God. And the pyramids, again, was for their belief in their, you know, their God, whatever. Yeah, for sure. Exactly. So, title anyway, um, study that someone shared. So, it's had all that in it. Anyway, study that someone shared, I think it might have been Jackie who shared it in our group text, fecal transplants, right? We've talked about these before. Oh, I love this.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Yeah. I thought that could be a donor. Yeah, I feel like something's wrong with you. And no, you should not donate. You're a fucking dude. Did I tell you what happened? I'm in the bathroom, Adam. This is yesterday, right?
Starting point is 00:41:25 Yeah, Justin come and I just get started I sit down I'm about to get going. I look under the stall next to me. Oh, there's Justin walking in I better hurt the fuck up before shit gets a fan. I mean you're getting this one the guy that gets queasy yet like you know anything Yeah, how off looking at some how often do you stop mid shit to leave the room? I've never as a first time in my life. Oh, they didn't have enough water. I Blame the water. It's always something like it like half of it was out. You know that is that's not good It's not good for anybody like I was suffering in there just because I'm like bro What the fuck I had to get up and leave and I'm cracking up as I'm walking out? This is all I hear from Justin. Like a meat pie.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Yeah, this is all I hear from Justin. Oh, you don't want to meet balls last night? Yeah. Hahaha. It's true. You know. Yeah. So I got a carnivore.
Starting point is 00:42:14 I mean, tons of meatballs. Like, fuck you man. It's different. It's different. It's different than like, you know, that waify vegetable. Anyway, back to the, back to the article. So, fecal transplant. So they're doing this with autistic children.
Starting point is 00:42:28 And this is crazy now, okay? So they're doing these with children. They're identifying certain bacteria that they're finding to have a positive effect on these children who have autism. And what they're finding with the study is that 30 to 50% of autism sufferers, who, oh, sorry, that's another statistic. 30 to 50% of autism sufferers, oh, sorry, this is another statistic.
Starting point is 00:42:46 30 to 50% of autism sufferers experience serious gut problems, which is what took them in this direction. But what the kids that they gave this transplant to, two years after, not only were their symptoms markedly better, 45% reduction in symptoms compared to baseline. So half basically cut their symptoms. Some of them even more, obviously.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Two years later after the treatment, they found that not only did the benefits persist, but in many of the patients, they got better, even better than they initially got. Wow, this is insane. So what, okay, I mean, this is obviously, like pharmaceutical companies aren't going collecting people's shit, but like what, like in the future,
Starting point is 00:43:29 I mean, this sounds like it has real promising results. Of course, because name one other thing that has been shown to reduce autism symptoms 45%. And also thing else. And stick and get better for two years. Yeah, like I can't think of anything. And this is not a, this is not a pharmaceutical intervention.
Starting point is 00:43:47 It's not a drug that the kid has to take every single day. Yeah. So what are they doing? Fickle transplant. They're taking healthy poop from somebody else. Yes. In particular, with these type of bacteria that are identifying to have this.
Starting point is 00:44:00 As you say, so what are they, what's the, what are they, what bacteria they put in? Yeah, they singled out to bacteria strainers. It's like, you know, so, no. There's a couple, there's a couple strains that they've identified. I don't have the exact names here of those strains. But there's a couple they've identified,
Starting point is 00:44:14 but it's way more complex than that. It's not just this one bacteria. And they don't even know entirely how it's working. That's what they're trying to learn. But once they break it down, and this is why some scientists are saying that the 20th century was the century of physics. That's where we had just insane breakthroughs
Starting point is 00:44:33 in physics. You had quantum physics and expansions over, Einstein developed his theory of relativity and just blew our minds and completely changed everything. They think the next, you know, 100 years is gonna be the century of biology. Well, we're gonna really figure out the human body massive potential
Starting point is 00:44:53 in the medical world for just like, you know, using this and like testing for all kinds of different things. Oh, I mean, who knows? Yeah, who knows, like what it could potentially provide? Who knows, because they're connecting Parkinson's to gut issues, Alzheimer's to gut issues or connecting lots of different things. And they don't know of what the connection means.
Starting point is 00:45:13 It doesn't mean that if you have this disorder that it throws off your gut microbiome or is it the gut microbiome that causes this disorder? Nonetheless, with autism, again, changing the microbiome is causing a marked improvement in symptoms of autism. I think the future's gonna look quite interesting. I think in the future, you're gonna have a chronic
Starting point is 00:45:35 disease of some sort, you'll go in, and part of your treatment's gonna be like, here's your specific strain of whatever. It's a suppository, or maybe you take it orally who knows and it's going to fix all these problems. What's the, what's the feedback you're getting on the studies? Is it being well received or is there controversy around it? Do they think that there's enough controls in it?
Starting point is 00:45:58 Oh, well, nobody's saying go out and get a fecal transplant to solve your health problems. No one's saying that yet. These are all just studies that are showing studies. But what these studies do is they're point, they keep pointing, like now what scientists are gonna do is they're gonna keep digging even deeper. Okay, what is it about this change in the microbiome? What is it in these bacteria that's causing this? Can we isolate it?
Starting point is 00:46:20 Can we find out why it has any impact at all? What is the impact of the microbiome on autism to begin with? Well, they know that the case, they're gonna always want to isolate and identify. So that way they can produce like just one thing and one strain to then, you know, have people buy that, you know, in a pill family. Which is not a bad thing necessarily because what you want to do in an ideal situation is you want to be able to figure out a treatment, make it mass-producible so that people can buy it
Starting point is 00:46:49 and take it, because fecal transplants is not, I mean, let's say fecal transplants becomes the treatment. That's not a very easy mass-producible treatment. You'd have to go to the hospital, you have to do, and it's a process of over like six or eight weeks where they're constantly cleaning out your bowels and replacing it and doing a bunch of stuff. So ideally they would figure out a way to make this some kind of a pharmaceutical intervention where you just, here you go, mass-produced pill, take this for eight weeks and then it's
Starting point is 00:47:17 going to, you know, you're going to... Repopulate, you're going to... Exactly. NOOOOO Quick call! I'm going for everything. Max, Claw! Today's Claw is brought to you by Max and Obolic! If you're looking to maximize your overall muscle and strength, Max and Obolic is the perfect place to start!
Starting point is 00:47:37 With a full 30-day money back guarantee, there is absolutely zero risk! So what is your waiting for? Go to mindpromidia.com and get started today. It's the motherfucking vlog. An English Landish. Quikwa. First question is from Ms. Adams 224. I started MAP Santa Ballac as part of the healthy weight loss journey, but I am finding myself massively hungry. My intake is probably negating
Starting point is 00:48:05 any potential weight loss from the program, any guidance on what to do or how to control the hunger. This is a really cool question and actually a really positive thing. Yeah. It is also what I think a lot of people struggle with the mental piece, right? Like so whenever I would get a client that wants to lean out or lose mental piece, right? Like so whenever I would get a client
Starting point is 00:48:25 that wants to lean out or lose body fat, right? And I'm trying to convince them the right way for us to do this is to build some muscle and build your metabolism. So ultimately when we lose this weight, you keep it off the rest of your life. The hard part about that is when you start training a program like this, just ramps up the appetite because your body is being told,
Starting point is 00:48:47 let's build some muscle and it wants the calories to support that. And you're feeding it and you're not seeing much weight loss on the scale. But what ends up happening if you're patient of this is also why I actually make all clients take a photo of themselves front side back every Friday. It's just it's a mandatory thing for me and it's one of the reasons why is this is where I end up referencing like photos like this is you know I'll make them stay consistent, trust the process for a few more weeks and just I think because I'll tell them I believe that if you're not seeing much weight
Starting point is 00:49:22 loss but your appetite is going up and worse our our strength in the gym and our programs going well, we're probably having a very nice exchange of adding one pound of muscle and losing one pound of body fat. And over the course of a couple of weeks, I'm going to be able to show you a picture in the same lighting, same time of day, everything and be able to show you your body composition is significantly changing and we're doing just fine. So a lot of times it's okay, it's okay, and it's okay that you're hungry, it's a good thing, it's a metabolism probably ramping up,
Starting point is 00:49:53 that the one thing that I caution, the client that has a situation like this is make good choices, right? Like so, make, you know, pick nutrient dense foods, don't bend your eat garbage, feed your body what it wants, and keep lifting. And I would be willing to bet that your body composition is probably changing for the better.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Yeah, this was always one of my favorite pieces of feedback that I would get from new clients. Like we'd start training. And it would be usually around week three or four of consistent workouts where I, you know, I'd always do a check-in when I'm training a client. Hey, how you feeling today? What's going on, whatever? And they'd say, you know, I'm appetite. It's just, I think I'm just getting a lot hungrier
Starting point is 00:50:36 than a normally am. And that's when I know we're on the right track. Like, you're getting stronger, you're probably building some muscle, your body's just trying to fuel itself. Now here's what happened. Now first off, you need to start tracking your food intake. This will help you determine how much more you're actually eating.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Because it's okay to eat a little bit more if your metabolism is speeding up. You just don't want to go crazy with it. And so what I would do with clients is I have them track, and then they'd say their appetite's real high, and it's okay, let's increase your calories by 100 a day. 100 calories a day, that is gonna more than fuel the potential muscle growth that you're gonna be adding
Starting point is 00:51:12 to your body. I mean, 50 more calories a day is more than enough calories to fuel that muscle. And so when you're tracking it, then you know, like, okay, I'm hungry, but I'm still eating a little bit more. I'm fueling my muscle. Why am I hungry? I'm burning body fat.
Starting point is 00:51:26 That's what's happening right now to your body. And so oftentimes with clients like this, the scale won't move or it'll move a little bit. So they may lose like, I mean, let me think averages, probably three or four pounds would go down within a couple months, maybe three pounds, not much. But then we would do a body fat test,
Starting point is 00:51:43 and we'd end up finding that they actually lost more like seven pounds, but gained two or three pounds of muscle or whatever. And that's what can happen if you track the food intake and try not to overfeed too much, because one of the other problems or pitfalls that people run into with this is to say, I'm hungry, my metabolism's speeding up, cool, I'm just gonna eat like crazy. Okay, you don't need that many more calories to fuel the muscle that you're building. I don't know very many people that can build
Starting point is 00:52:14 more than four pounds a month, and that's a lot of damn muscle. You're probably building less than that, you know, 30, 50 extra calories a day, 100 calories extra a day, more than enough to than that, you know, 30, 50 extra calories a day, 100 calories extra a day, more than enough to fuel that and still potentially keep you at a deficit with the fashion metabolism so that you're getting leaner. And when it ends up happening, you get this kind of like this, this calorie repartitioning
Starting point is 00:52:36 effect where the food that you eat goes to your muscle, your body starts burning body fat for energy, and you're in this Goldilocks zone of where you're burning body fat and Building muscles simultaneously. It's a great place to be. This is magic. This is magic But it's a it's a it's a mind-fuck It's a mind-fuck for a lot of people including myself for many years of weight training is when we have our goals of Build I either want to see the scale going up or if my goal is to lean down or lose I want to see go down. So we get hung up on what the scale is saying again, why I like to you know One when you set a plan out you believe in the plan. So hopefully if you're following like maps
Starting point is 00:53:16 You trust the process that we've created it intelligently you follow it be consistent with it you use things like the photos as another pair of eyes or another way for you to check your progress. And I would normally tell a client, you know, hang if you don't feel good about where you're at right now, stick it out for two more weeks. Let's look at your pictures
Starting point is 00:53:34 and let's see what you notice and I'll point out things that I notice. And more likely if you're not going way up on the scale because you're way over consuming like Salisang, if you're kind of just staying the same on the scale, but you're getting hungry and hungry, that's probably a really good sign. And that's that feeling of hunger is that body normally switching over from getting glucose and sugar, right?
Starting point is 00:53:55 It's used to getting the glucose for fuel. And now, I'll sudden that's tapped out. Now your body's going over into another resource, which would be body fat. And you know, sometimes it kicks up that appetite. Yeah, and so when you go through that too, a lot of times, maybe you do need a few more cows if you're trying to build muscle, I try to get it from more like satiating type of macronutrients, too. And like really focus a little bit more on maybe upping my protein as opposed to just, you know, it's fair game now. I'm hungry. I am putting the work in. So like, you can get into that trap where, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:28 you feel like I've been doing the work. So therefore, like, my body's telling me that I need more calories, but just be more specific. My favorite thing to do, this is where I would take a client who's wherever they're at, calorie wise, and I switch over to like chicken thighs or letting them have tri-tip every once in a while, or get like these fatty, your tight-ear meats.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Yeah, enjoy some like, hey, your appetite is up, we're building, we're doing well. Let's get it a most the source from protein and some healthy fats and I kick it up that way and it's nice or add in half avocado. Right, and also determine if it's real hunger or not, okay? So here's how you do that.
Starting point is 00:55:02 You say to yourself, wow, I'm really hungry. Okay, eat yourself a whole food meal that's healthy. Protein is very satiating, put that in there, put some fats in there, maybe keep the carbs down a little bit because those tend to stimulate appetite for some people. And then if you say to yourself,
Starting point is 00:55:18 I'm not in the mood to eat that. I wanna eat a burrito or I wanna eat slice of pizza or I wanna talk or whatever, realize that you're not really hungry. You're just trying to get that that you know That hyper palatable pleasure from food because you may be stressed tired or because now you think you have Subconsciously you have this kind of you know ticket to eat more this happens sometimes a pregnancy too Where people will get pregnant and they feel like oh shit. I pregnant, I have this permission to go eat more and then they just go nuts because it's more of a rebellion off of what they were doing before. So ask
Starting point is 00:55:53 yourself that. That's what I would do with myself. I'd say, okay, oh, I'm starving. Will I eat some chicken best and some vegetables or will I eat some chicken thighs and some vegetables? If I say yes, I would eat that. I'm like, okay, I'm actually hungry. If I say, nah, I'm not in the mood for that. Okay, I'm not really hungry. I'm just craving things. It's a big difference between cravings and hunger. Next question is from Andrew Beth.
Starting point is 00:56:13 What did your diet look like when you were in your best physical shape? Ooh, this is a really easy one for me because I competed, right? Yeah, yeah, why don't you go first? So I can, so what it look like? Now, how are you defining your best physical shape? That's, we should, so yeah, why don't you go first? So I can, so what it, what it look like. Now how are you defining your best physical shape? That's, we should, so yeah, that's a good point
Starting point is 00:56:29 because this is, I'm gonna go by my best physique as far as the way it looks. So best aesthetic shape. Because I've been in much better physical shape as far as athleticism. So this is not my most athletic shape. This is the best visual shape that I've ever been in my life,
Starting point is 00:56:44 which when I was competing. And so, and that, this all changed best visual shape that I've ever been in my life, which when I was competing. And so, and that this all changed, by the way, because I scaled as I got bigger. And so the calories eventually got as high as, you know, close to 5,000 calories a day. But typically what it looked like is a six to eight ounces of meat every meal. And either my carbohydrate choices were white rice, sweet potato, yam, or quinoa, and of those, I was getting between six to eight ounces of that, and then I would eat as much veggies with that meal as I wanted, normally a little bit of olive oil on it, and I would rotate.
Starting point is 00:57:23 And what I try to do is that's kind's kind of the staple and then I was eating Anywhere between five to seven of those meals a day now I know we talk about on the show that it's there's no difference if I had all those calories and one or two meals versus having it over seven But when I think of my best shape I was breaking it up and I was being consistent and I found that That's where I was probably getting the most calories, the most nutrient dense foods consistently ever in my life was when I was structuring it to where I was eating these portioned out meals that were four to 600 calories in size and every few hours and I was eating those and then I was just rotating the food. So my meats, I used lamb, veal, steak, chicken thighs, occasionally the chicken breast,
Starting point is 00:58:13 but normally thighs, and then all your different cuts of red meat, even ground beef every once in a while, ground turkey, and then fish. I would normally get salmon or I was eating sushi once a week and I would basically follow that same kind of format every meal is about eight ounces of meat every meal is about six to eight ounces of carbohydrates and then as much veggies as I want and then I would try my best to rotate through those those foods as much as possible and that probably breaks down the foods that I was eating very, very consistently for a long time. Now, understanding law of thermodynamics and calories in, calories
Starting point is 00:58:52 out and knowing that in order to get leaner, I have to be in a in a calorie restriction. So I would take those foods and then I would either reduce it or increase it based off of what my goal was. So if I'm in the middle of after a show and I'm trying to put mass and size on, I'm pushing 4,500 to 5,000 calories and so I'm just eating either larger portions of all of what I just said or I'm eating more of it to hit those targets. And then if I'm trying to lean out and cut, I would, and for me it was really easy when I was cutting because I was up to eating almost six, seven meals every day, I just start dropping meals off.
Starting point is 00:59:30 So I go from seven meals to six meals and from six meals to five meals to four meals, and that was kind of how I reduced heading into a show, just like that. Awesome. Oh, go ahead. Yeah. Like, when I remember when I was in college,
Starting point is 00:59:45 I had to get a little more creative with how I was to kind of go more healthy, because I had a scholarship where I was able to go into the cafeteria and basically had access to the food, but it was like shit, but it was like, I can get whatever calories I wanted. Was it garbage food? I mean, it was like some of it was good
Starting point is 01:00:04 and some of it was like pretty quality source, but like most of it was like all carbase. Like everything, like anything protein or fats was like terrible. And I was always like trying to go elsewhere and like, you know, I would end up for lunch and dinner. Sometimes I would just leave and get my own groceries. So I ended up getting one of those George Foreman's.
Starting point is 01:00:25 And that saved me. So I ended up getting all of my proteins and fats, and I would grill the rest when I was in the dorm. And so I would go down, I would actually scoop out a bunch of rice and potatoes and bring that back with me. And then I would slap on chicken breasts and steak and whenever else I was cooking at the time. And that's really how I handle it.
Starting point is 01:00:50 I actually did. What it was nice about is I was consistently because I was in that environment where I was distracted at all. Every morning I had a huge breakfast. Every meal was around 1500 calories, something like that. And so I was eating all this eggs and potatoes and bacon in the morning. And then my next meal was after practice
Starting point is 01:01:14 and everything was heavy on the rice and potatoes. And then I would get all my chicken breasts and then at dinner I'd usually have steak. So, and veggies and so I would just grill up like a spare gas and broccoli and everything else. What kind of workouts were you doing football at that time? I mean, I was doing a workout in the morning with the team and then I would usually do my own workout at night.
Starting point is 01:01:38 So I was doing like a double routine. Well. Yeah. So I would do like, I would do the morning was usually more of the, you know, plyo slash at the end. We did like the sprints. And then at night, I would do all my heavy lifting. What was your body weight then?
Starting point is 01:01:56 My body weight was two thirty five. Oh, so you were a big boy too. Yeah, I was, I was jacked. I wonder you're feeding the crap. Hell is your problem. Yeah, I had to. I boy too. Yeah, I was I was jacked. I wonder you're feeding the crap hell. Yeah, I had to I had to yeah I was like really Really like you know like in need of energy out there, so yeah When I'm at my strongest physically strongest. I'm consuming a lot of rice white rice just does well with me a lot of ground
Starting point is 01:02:23 Beef ground bison ground lamb and a lot of ground beef, ground bison, ground lamb, and a lot of vegetables. And I keep things relatively simple. And that's really for physical strength type performance. Now when I'm trying to get lean, it starts to change a little bit. My carbohydrates start to reduce, and I don't eat as frequently.
Starting point is 01:02:41 And I have more of a fasting approach. Not because fasting necessarily is this great fat loss approach, but just because I'm eating less, so I don't have as many meals. And so I may go 10 hours during the day without food. And that's for aesthetic in terms of just getting lean. But in terms of feeling my best, when I feel my best, I have fish once a week. I'm incorporating organ meats of some sort, so liver, or kidneys,
Starting point is 01:03:09 or heart, bone marrow, lots of egg yolks. I just feel the nutrients and the health from those, I start to feel like vitality. And for me, the two things that, there's a few things that I look at when I know my health is really good. Besides gut health, because that's always an issue for me, or always something that I need to pay attention to, it's how good is my sleep. When my diet is really, really good, and I'm taking care of other things really well, I get really, really good sleep.
Starting point is 01:03:40 How is my mood? My mood will usually reflect my health. And when I'm really, really good in terms of my food intake for health, forget, strength and performance and all that stuff, because sometimes I can push that so hard to where I'm pushing my strength to high levels, but I'm not necessarily my healthiest or I feel my best. But when I feel my best, my mood is very creative and sharp. I can focus and I have lots of ideas that I can follow through on.
Starting point is 01:04:05 When my health is bad, I feel much more sporadic with my thoughts and it's harder for me to concentrate. And at times, I'll feel drowsy throughout the day. The other thing is my libido. When I'm feeling healthy, my libido is very, very high. When I'm not feeling as healthy, my libido will definitely drop. That's a very easy indicator for me and the organ meats play a big role And if I'm eating a lot of organ meats and I'm eating those egg yolks
Starting point is 01:04:31 I feel my libido start to boost up and it just feel much more Vue rile as a result and Also having days where I consume very little animal products I used to do this back in the day where I would have a vegan day every once in a while. And so my calories would be real low on that day and I'd consume lots and lots of vegetables.
Starting point is 01:04:51 And I would really try to make it a wide variety of vegetables, including legumes. And I would do some cooked, some raw. And it was always the day after, or the two days after that I would notice the benefit from that where I would just start to feel really good and healthy. And then the last thing I pay attention to is my skin. My skin when it feels supple and it kind of glows and I don't have any acne or whatever and it just I just it feels well, oiled almost on its own. I know my nutrition's doing pretty good. When I'm dieting too hard and starting to get lean, I started to notice my skin might get a little bit dry.
Starting point is 01:05:31 And so that's again, one of my other signs and signals. Next question is from Phoebs Cray K. How do you think mental health affects the fitness industry? Do you think a lot of high level athletes and fitness driven people are more likely to deal with mental health or the opposite? Oh, geez. More. The worst eating disorders and body image issues you'll ever find are going to be people that work. Maybe aside from modeling is the fitness industry. I would I'm more surprised when I meet someone who's a fitness professional
Starting point is 01:06:06 or who does it as a, as like that's their passion they're living. I am more surprised when I find someone who's super, super secure with their body, has a great relationship to food and is just comfortable in their skin. When I find someone like that who also is a professional in fitness, I'm shocked. I'm like, wow, this is weird. Well, it's usually the opposite. I would think like certain types of mental disorders. So, right, like if you're unhealthy
Starting point is 01:06:31 and you're not working out in, you know, you're obese and you're sedentary and, you know, I would think that, you know, there's a higher likelihood that depression and, you know, these types of other mental disorders that, you know, maybe like through epigenetics, that depression and these types of other mental disorders that maybe through epigenetics, you're prone to from your family,
Starting point is 01:06:52 any kind of psychosis, any kinds of these types of things. I don't know, I would assume that a healthier lifestyle would help to prevent those things. I'm talking about the extreme fitness people, the high level fitness driven people in the industry. That's where you'll see, but people who kind of make it a part of their life and exercise regularly and lead a healthy life, they're healthy people generally.
Starting point is 01:07:16 I'm talking about like the hardcore trainers, the bodybuilders, the competitors. Yeah, it's an interesting thought to Justin's point like, you know, maybe for the most part, the fitness industry, the fitness space in general is healthier in this aspect, just because it's a much smaller pool that we're pulling from, right? So if it's a numbers thing that we're matching, like, is there people with more mental health disorders
Starting point is 01:07:38 that are unhealthy, unfit out there in the world versus those that are within the fitness space? Obviously that number grossly trumps because the fitness space is a tiny little space. And sometimes I think we're in our little bubble when we talk about the disorders that we see. I mean, I was blown away by it. I mean, I know getting into the bodybuilding world and seeing that it was maybe I had, maybe I had some thoughts on it a little bit before I did, but I guess
Starting point is 01:08:05 I don't, I didn't ever really paid attention that much to, you know, who's on the cover of the magazine and who is, you know, the latest body builder guy or girl. Like I just didn't watch that stuff until I got involved. And then when I got involved, I really saw all of the issues. And really, all I see, what I see is a younger version of myself, I think that most of us, and we talk about this on the show, most of us got into fitness because of insecurities.
Starting point is 01:08:34 I mean, there was something about us that we didn't like. We are too fat, we are too skinny, we're too short, we're too tall, we're too whatever. And so we tend to gravitate towards this idea that we can go in a gym, we can eat a certain way, and we can change that. We can change it. We can look better. We can look better than what we do right now. And so most of the professionals even in this space, that was their motivation was somewhere along the lines too, just like us. They're rarely different. And typically what I see is the more extreme they are, the deeper the inner security is rooted, the more they identify with a way of training, a way they look, a way.
Starting point is 01:09:16 So the more they're strongly connected to it and defend it, the more I see deeper issues. And so I think that's very prevalent in our space and especially in the ones that are getting the most amount of tension, the ones that are on magazines, the ones that have millions of followers. So I definitely think that mental health is an issue in the athletes and the fitness space. Yeah, I think that's what we bring it up to
Starting point is 01:09:41 is because when you look at a magazine cover or you look at a high level athlete, you think that they have it completely figured out where what we have found is a lot of the eating disorders and a lot of the body dysmorphias and things like that that pop up are actually pretty prevalent in a lot of these like high level people that like epitomize what it looks like to be like at your ultimate health. The level of dedication that it takes to be that person. I think that we all admire it right there's some there's some admiration that comes from all of us when we look at somebody who can sacrifice much of their life to focus on a single things to be great at it. But I think that for me, it's very, or at least it's obvious to me now where I'm out of
Starting point is 01:10:34 my life that when I see that and it doesn't, it can be an athlete, it can be a bodybuilder, it can be a high performing CEO, you know, when you are so fucking bad ass at one aspect of your life, you know, there's a very, very good chance that a lot of other aspects of your life is very at a balance. And so you had to, you had to, it's true a lot of stuff in order to focus on this one thing and become so great at it, right? Right. I think the more extreme performance you find, I don't care what category we're talking about.
Starting point is 01:11:06 The more likely you're gonna see somebody who's out of balance and obsessive about that thing. Which we need, society needs those people to upset. We need the Elon Musk of the world. We need those people to really be extreme to figure the problems out and to do things that the rest of us aren't willing to do. But they are far from balanced
Starting point is 01:11:25 and they are far from free of any potential, mental illness type issues. I think they're just hard working as fuck and oftentimes those issues drive them to be amazing at what they do. There's people that you'll find who have some of the most terrible challenges and those challenges are what drive them to become as great as they do. There's people that you'll find who have some of the most terrible challenges and those challenges are what drive them
Starting point is 01:11:46 to become as great as they are. Absolutely. But now here's a thing now, can fitness improve mental health? Absolutely. It's not gonna cure everything, but are you better equipped to handle any mental health issue if you're healthy?
Starting point is 01:12:05 If you're just physically healthy, well physiologically speaking, the brain works better, so that might actually solve or at least contribute to more positive outcomes with certain mental health issues, because you're just healthier physiologically. But then think about the energy and stuff that goes into taking care of yourself. It's empowering. I'm doing something for myself. That bleeds over into other things, the attitude that comes along with it, that tends to make you...
Starting point is 01:12:32 Right, the general positive outlook, which we've kind of talked to a bunch of guests have brought that up, you know, and like how powerful that is to have that, you know, the self-belief aspect and the positive outlook on things how powerful that is to have that, you know, the self-belief aspect and, you know, the positive outlook on things really does affect your mental state and your physiology.
Starting point is 01:12:52 In my opinion, the most simple and clear self-improvement things that you can do, anybody can do, is eat better and exercise. It's of all the self-improvement you can do in your life. And there's a lot of things you can do to make yourself a better person and some of them are extremely powerful. The simplest one and the clearest one is just exercise and eat right.
Starting point is 01:13:15 It's clear and simple because we know what to do. It's very easy. Like if I say, oh, self-improvement, let's improve your mental state of being with your family or improve your relations, your mental state of being with your family, or improve your relationship, a real complex shit. Okay, I need better relationships, but that's very difficult.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Exercise more and e better, that is simple, that carries over to a lot of things. It's self-improvement, it's the first thing you should do with self-improvement, and it bleeds over and everything else. So I wanna make sure people don't misinterpret what I'm saying that fitness makes mental health worse or contribute to poor mental health. The exact opposite. All I was saying is when
Starting point is 01:13:52 you go to the high level extremes of fitness, right? Oftentimes you're going to find people with poor body image issues and poor relationships. And I think we're going to see more. We just, you know, Justin alluded to the Don DePonney episode that we have coming up and, you know, he trains one of the best soccer players in the world. And you're seeing more high, high level athletes starting to piece this together. And we saw, we talked to Jim Quick and a lot of the famous people that he deals with. I think, I think more people are becoming aware of the importance of mental health and
Starting point is 01:14:24 and performing at their highest level. And we're going into this time of the most distracted we've ever been as humans. And so I think that you're going to see more and more conversation around this for sure. I mean, the NBA, I think I forget the hashtag they're doing right now, but they're doing one that's towards mental health. So I see a lot of the big organizations in sports moving this direction also. Next question is from Moore Jojo.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Do you think interning for influencers or online health coaches is a good learning opportunity or is it just free labor? What should an intern expect to gain from an internship? This is actually a really interesting. I wanna intern for summer. Well, this is, yeah, me too. What do you do?
Starting point is 01:15:11 What was you take me seriously? Let's take pictures. Can you take this picture for me? Sure. Yeah, I didn't like that angle. You know, this is becoming really popular. And what I see is this. I see I have a lot to say about this because I think there's two sides of this coin, right?
Starting point is 01:15:30 I mean, Enzo at work as an intern over last summer for us. He is now an employee and a part of the family. And I think he's contributed greatly to our business. And I think he's also had the opportunity business, and I think he's also had the opportunity to grow and learn a lot himself within this business. So I think if you were to talk to someone like him, he would say that was an incredible opportunity. Now, I also don't think of us as influencers.
Starting point is 01:15:59 I don't like... Not the way it's being used now, no. No, no. I think we are great business operators. And that I like to be called. I'd rather be known as somebody who's great at building a successful business. I think we have a lot of value to add to our space. We do a good job of delivering that to a consumer.
Starting point is 01:16:21 And because of that, we have a successful business model. Because of that, we have opportunities to give internships to people that later can turn into a business and possibly a career for them. So I see that as great. Now, I think there's a lot of this responsibility falls on your shoulders to really be able to evaluate who you're doing this work for.
Starting point is 01:16:43 And just because somebody is popular on fucking Instagram, does not make them a great business operator at all. And just because they make decent money, flipping and selling t-shirts, or taking on sponsors on their Instagram, does not make them a good person to technically learn a lot from. So you have to evaluate that. Yeah, I think internships are incredibly,
Starting point is 01:17:10 incredible opportunities for learning, incredible opportunities for gaining experience in areas that you might not have access to or might not have gained had you tried to expect pay. So I think it's important that you go into it, having a clear understanding of what you wanna get out of it. Like, what do you wanna get out of it? Do you wanna get good connections in contacts?
Starting point is 01:17:35 Cause you might get that, right? Cause you're working for this influencer with lots of followers, maybe you're meeting other people. So now you're making all these contacts. Do you want experience? Do you want something to put on a resume? So that later on when you get a job, you could say, I interned for, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:49 mind pump or whoever for a year, and here's the following things that I did. Do you want to learn skills? Maybe part of what you want is I want to intern for free, but I also want you guys to teach me, I want to work under your editors. I want to learn how to edit, and because I don't know how to edit yet, don't pay me. I'll be their apprentice, but I want to learn how
Starting point is 01:18:08 to edit. You want to go into it with an idea of what you want to get out of it, because it is a, this is a voluntary trade, okay? There is no, I hate this whole like, is it just free labor like here? First of all, there's no slaves here. Nobody's being forced. It is a voluntary trade. You are giving them your work. And in return, there's no slaves here. Nobody's being forced. It is a voluntary trade. You are giving them your work and in return, you're getting something back that you value, which is why you need to be clear to yourself what you want out of it because what you don't want is you don't want to be in a situation where you're like, I'm getting nothing out of this. All I'm doing is getting this guy's you know, laundry done and I'm, you know, or carrying around.
Starting point is 01:18:45 Most likely it's you carrying around a camera or writing videos for them or doing some photos of those. Right. So I think it really amounts to like what you alluded to in the beginning of it being an established business, like a company. Like it's not like just one person that's like kind of popular. And then they're, you know, obviously they making my a successful, but like how is that going to translate to you having acquired skill towards a specific trade? And I do, I
Starting point is 01:19:14 tend to lean a little heavier on the apprenticeship approach, being that now it's like a really focused experience. Like this is something that like I'm shadowing and like if say I'm a trainer and they're coming behind me and they're learning exactly how to interact with the clients, how my day looks, how to set things up properly, why I'm doing the things I'm doing, you can explain that whole process. Lots of value in that. The internship thing is it just depends on how the company structured, whether or not it's going to be valuable.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Don't go into it with this attitude. Don't go in with your internship like, well I'm giving them free work, so... blah, blah, blah, blah. No, no. No, you want to get out of it? Be humble. Go in there and do a fucking kick-ass job, because you may intern for someone like me, which if I have an intern, and they're kicking ass for me, I'm looking at the person I'm thinking to myself, how can I pay this kid back 10 times? Like how can I take care of this person? What opportunities can I present to them?
Starting point is 01:20:12 What contacts can I make for this person? Maybe they don't work directly for me at one point, but they're gonna work for someone that I know, and I'm gonna pay them back. Not everybody's like that, but so be smart with where you intern, but at the same time, when you're there, bust your ass because it is an even trade. So I do think it's a potential opportunity now that being said We're in a social media
Starting point is 01:20:33 Error with a lot of people who call themselves influencers and I'm gonna tell you something right now Just because someone has hundreds of thousands of followers. Doesn't mean they have anything of value to teach you Yeah, doesn't mean that at all. It doesn't even mean they really have that much influence either. And it doesn't exactly, it doesn't mean they even have a business. They just have hundreds of thousands of followers. You may just be following around some chick who is having
Starting point is 01:20:55 you take pictures of her looking hot and that's all you get to do and then you post it up and you get nothing out of it, you get no value out of it. So they're not all created equal. Pay attention again, right down what you want from your internship. What are the skills I want to learn? Maybe it's not skills at all.
Starting point is 01:21:11 Maybe you just want contacts. This is perfectly fine. Maybe you don't mind holding the phone, taking pictures of someone, but you know that this person rubs elbows with these people and this person's got this many contacts. And if I'm just around long enough, then I'm going to, you know, wasn't Kim Kardashian,
Starting point is 01:21:27 wasn't she, what's her name's assistant for a while? Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Who, Parasilton's assistant for a while. And she obviously turned that into her own, you know, whatever. So, you know, the opportunities are there. I have nothing against free work. It's never free. It's always a voluntary exchange.
Starting point is 01:21:44 You're getting something out of it, just be clear with yourself with what you want to get out of it so that you're not putting it, you're not in this situation where you start to resent the work that you're doing because then you're going to become an idiot intern, intern and it's not going to do anybody any good, no value. Look, if you go to mindpumpfree.com, you can download some of our guides for free. They cost nothing. We got a lot of guides on there that will help you build parts of your body, burn body
Starting point is 01:22:09 fat, get more fit, and become a better personal trainer. It's all at MindPumpFree.com. You can also find us all on Instagram. Justin can be found at MindPump Justin. My page is MindPump Sal and Adam is MindPump Adam. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 01:22:29 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pumped Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance, and maps aesthetic, nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs.
Starting point is 01:22:53 With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love
Starting point is 01:23:17 by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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